Welcome to Legon
Main characters for this adventure segment

WARNING!!! This text will contain language not suitable for some people. It is mearly an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. There will be many misspelled words, and fragmented sentences and sometimes things that just don't make sense. Just read, enjoy and have fun!

 DMaster:   You have been walking north for about 10 hours, you are all exhausted and hungry, 

Vulcuran: I think we will hunt, Ill get Krinus so we can get going.

DMaster:   Krinus is sitting down nibbling on some cold fish... he has a soured look on his face

DMaster:   Ok

Vulcuran: Why the sour puss face?

DMaster:   KRINUS: This fish is horrible!!!!

Vulcuran: LOL

Vulcuran: ok lets go hunt...

DMaster:   KR: think we'll find much around here?

Vulcuran: Its worth a shot.

DMaster:   KR: Ok lets go!

DMaster:   PLUGER: I will watch over our group while your gone mighty leader

Vulcuran: Get bent Plug.

DMaster:   you two set off into the scarse wooded area... a tree every 6-7 feet. there is barely any cover and the night is closing in quick.

Vulcuran: Ok well we will search for food.

DMaster:   Yeah you pass by a mcdonalds...

Vulcuran: HA HA real funny. Ill stop for the 2 for $2 dollar burger.

DMaster:   No really... KRINUS: M'lord I think we are making to much noise for any animals to


DMaster:   KR: Do you want to find a spot to squat?

Vulcuran: Squat???

Vulcuran: What???

DMaster:   KR: Hide and wait.

Vulcuran: Its gonna get dark quick, but ok, I guess we dont have much of a choice.

DMaster:   KR: I saw a spot farther back.

Vulcuran: lets go!

DMaster:   You two squat behind decent brush and wait....

Vulcuran: Ill wait.

DMaster:   Ya think?

Vulcuran: grrrr

DMaster:   Ok you wait for one hour... nothing.

Vulcuran: ok

DMaster:   Ok another hour and nothing... 

Vulcuran: Whisper to Krinus - Maybe we should move on.

DMaster:   KR: Patience is a virtue... if we move it would of been all for naught

Vulcuran: Ok..... zzzzzz

DMaster:   Ok its dark now, and thankfully both moons are almost full. There is plenty of light.

Vulcuran: Ill wait.... lalalalalala

DMaster:   After another Hour, movement is heard in the distance to the west of you.

Vulcuran: which way did we come in?

DMaster:   You were moving east to west... the noise is coming from the West north west.

Vulcuran: Ok get my arrow ready.

DMaster:   Krinus is already pulled his bow back and ready to fire. KRINUS: Fire at will sir?

Vulcuran: let it get close enough, but yes if you have a good shot at it then fire.

DMaster:   KR: Ok M'lord.

DMaster:   After a few minutes the noise gets into the light. Its a pretty big black bear.

Vulcuran: should we shoot this?

DMaster:   KR: Its food, bear meat is meat.

Vulcuran: Good point on 3 1 2 3!!!

DMaster:   you both send the arrows flying, Krinus's hits the bear square in the skull through his 

          left eyeball. Yours is off a bit pinning the poor bears paw to the tree.

Vulcuran: DAmn!

DMaster:   The bear starts thrashing around... its a good 70 feet away...

Vulcuran: keep real quiet and string up another arrow

DMaster:   Krinus: launches another one whizzing over the bears head KR: Rrrrrrrrrr

Vulcuran: Ill launch another one

DMaster:   Ok... rolling... thud you hit his shoulder.

DMaster:   The bear flops on the ground and is writhing in pain.

DMaster:   Krinus launches another one.

DMaster:   thud right on the top of the bears head. The bear suddenly stops moving...

Vulcuran: creep out of the brush and watch the bear for breathing or movements.

DMaster:   Krinus rolled a 20. There is no breathing.

Vulcuran: walk over there keep an eye on his stomach for any rises and falls...

DMaster:   Nope. none. 

DMaster:   KRINUS: Hes dead.

Vulcuran: and you havent been promoted more? Clever deduction.

DMaster:   KR: (speachless)

Vulcuran: Ill go over to the bear and see how heavy it is...

DMaster:   the bear is the size of two husky men, so thats pretty much the weight.

Vulcuran: Maybe we can carry the bear, or drag it.

DMaster:   KR: Ok, it will be a long haul with this on our back!

Vulcuran: got any better ideas?

DMaster:   KR: nope.

Vulcuran: get pulling!

DMaster:   You and krinus after a good half hour of dragging it to the party, just outside the

          scarse forest area.

Vulcuran: were back

DMaster:   PLUGER: SHHHH (in whisper) there is people up ahead, Im not sure who or what they are.

          They have torches and are slowly walking along.

Vulcuran: how long have you seen them...

DMaster:   Just happened about 5 minutes ago. They dont look hostile from this distance.

Vulcuran: then we stay put, get the men in front of the women and have them on guard.

DMaster:   Ok the slow moving line of people or whoever gets closer and closer, do you do anything

          else before they get closer?

Vulcuran: Yes I will draw my sword, in case of a quick melee attack, but keep it down not to be

          in a threatening manner. Stand in the front and wait.

DMaster:   Ok, you stand infront of your men and women. The "caravan" ill call it, gets into view.

          There are two skinny men leading the group.

DMaster:   The two men look extremely frightened. They seem to be frozen with fear.

Vulcuran: Hello, we mean no harm!

DMaster:   The two men continue to be frozen except the exchange of looks between them.

Vulcuran: I will sheath my sword.

Vulcuran: then I will approach them, slowly.

DMaster:   Ok, the seem taken back by you and your royal -tattered- outfit. Pluger is right behind 

          you and he is in his armor and Knight stuff. Your men are all geared up, so you are a 

          bit intimidating.

Vulcuran: I will keep my hands were they can see them then say. Greetings, we are lost wanderers 

          looking for a place to stay the night, I dont mean to impede your caravan of sorts but 


Vulcuran: need to find shelter for my party here.

DMaster:   the one man speaks: Please dont hurt us take what you want we will not resist.

DMaster:   He offers the bag he carries.

Vulcuran: NO NO NO I do not want to hurt you, I only mean to find shelter for my party.

DMaster:   PLUGER: (whispers) I dont think these are the sharpest swords in the Armory.

Vulcuran: shut it Pluger

Vulcuran: WE mean you NO HARM! NO HARM! We dont want your stuff or you, or anything BUT shelter.

DMaster:   The two men exchange glances. MAN: Alright then, we just want to pass without incident, 

          I dont think we will be able to help you.

Vulcuran: Come on you have to know a place where my party can stay. Where do you live?

DMaster:   MAN: It is not the greatest idea to go with us. Let us pass, and you can be on your 


DMaster:   PLuger looks at you. and shrugs his shoulders.

Vulcuran: Very well... be on your way. We will continue North then. You must of come from some 


DMaster:   MAN: yes a town up north about a 5 hour walk from here. G'Night M'Lord.

Vulcuran: Oh vey.... good night

DMaster:   PLUGER: That was interesting, wonder what they were carrying?

Vulcuran: I think we should follow them anyways.

DMaster:   Pluger gets a shit eating grin on his face, PLUGER: YES SIR!

Vulcuran: we will wait for them to get out of site, enough to watch the torches to be seen.

DMaster:   Ok... you wait for 10 minutes and you head out following the dotted red marks of 

          torches lit in the distance. you follow that South for another half and they take a 

          sharp turn to the west.

Vulcuran: follow

DMaster:   after another hour of walking, everyone is tired, the Bear is getting heavy... 2 men 

          are carrying it, and everyone is hungry.

Vulcuran: Man where they live?

DMaster:   PLUGER: I think there sire.

Vulcuran: Look

DMaster:   The are heading for a village of sorts, some lights are apparent, but its hard to tell 

          the size or anything, except its a dwelling at least.

Vulcuran: I hope we find somewhere to stay.

DMaster:   As you close in on the village, it appears to be a smaller village, a couple dozen huts 

          scatter the outskirts while maybe 100 surround alarge hill. On that hill a spooky 


DMaster:   Looking castle or stronghold if you will ontop. It seems to overlook the village.

Vulcuran: Oh man, I hope we can get shelter some where.

DMaster:   PLUGER: Man I need to eat, my stomach is getting so small Im going to poop it out.

Vulcuran: Nice Pluger.

DMaster:   You close in to the village, the outter Huts and houses seem abondened while only a few 

          have lights on.

Vulcuran: keep on the path.

DMaster:   Ok, the closer you get in the more concentrated the Huts are, a few people poke there 

          head out, its about 830pm in now time compared to your time.

DMaster:   a few people stroll along the roads, a few stop and watch you pass.

Vulcuran: Ok

DMaster:   PLUGER: Man kind of creepy huh, all these people are pretty skinny and down right ugly.

Vulcuran: I guess, where the hell should we go?

DMaster:   PLUGER: Maybe we should leave the party on the outskirts with Krinus

Vulcuran: Ok but lets hurry it up, let them eat the remaining food... we will cook up the bear 

          soon. That should last for a couple days.

DMaster:   PLUGER: Ok, lets do it.

Vulcuran: Ok send the party to the outskirts, tell them the first sign of trouble run away.

DMaster:   PLUGER: M'Lord, I suggest we go to the Castle.

Vulcuran: Yeah I agree.

DMaster:   You two stride through the village, alot of people look at you as you walk by, thay all 

          get out of your way. Its like they never saw someone before.

Vulcuran: Oh well... we will go directly towards the castle.

Vulcuran: lalalalalala

Vulcuran: walking lalalala skipping, you there?

DMaster:   yeah check your e-mail

Vulcuran: ok be right back.

Vulcuran: eeeehhh thats a spooky looking place (the first pic, upper right hand of page)

DMaster:   yeah your walking to it.

Vulcuran: gret.

Vulcuran: Great.

DMaster:   you are about 50 yards from it when the gate starts to lift...

Vulcuran: ahh we are expected.

DMaster:   PLUGER; Well now thats hospitality!

Vulcuran: lets not get to comfy.

Vulcuran: keep walking...

DMaster:   The double doors open behind the gate. a figure appears, your about 25 yards.

DMaster:   What do you do?

DMaster:   Quit spanking it dupe, where are ya>?

Vulcuran: no demonspawn got loose.

DMaster:   Ok... what do you do?

Vulcuran: I continue walking a bit slower keeping my hand on my sword.

DMaster:   PLUGER; Im not liking this too much I sense something is not right, we are being 

          watched. Never thought this Knight training would pay off. I feel eyes from all sides.

Vulcuran: slow down considerably, keeping an eye out for anything suspicous.

DMaster:   Ok... the figure appears to be a old man with a nice outfit on... a typical butler if 

          you will.

Vulcuran: ok slowly walk up to him. Greetings.

DMaster:   The old man smiles OLD MAN: Please, Please come in. he nods and opens his arms to show 

          you can go in.

Vulcuran: I guess we go in huh Pluger?

DMaster:   PLUGER: (perplexed) Yeah.

Vulcuran: ok go in.

DMaster:   You too go in and stand in what seems to be an entrance to this castle. In front of you 

          are giant stone stairs leading up to a 

DMaster:   2nd level, that second level has a balcony. below to the left is a double door as well 

          as a double door to the right. there is a passage way leading to the left and that is 

          where the old man went.

Vulcuran: I guess wait, but be on my towes.

DMaster:   ok, you are real hungry and tired, so is Pluger.

DMaster:   A figure appears at the top of the stairs...

Vulcuran: keep a close eye on it, be prepared.

DMaster:   PLUGER: Jeez its a girl.

Vulcuran: It is? look

DMaster:   yes...

Vulcuran: dude what happens...

Vulcuran: hello???

Vulcuran: lalalalalalalal HEY

Vulcuran: oh for christ sake, what are you doing?

DMaster:   Sorry computer crashed 

Vulcuran: That's all right 

DMaster:	  Check your E-Mail; 

Vulcuran: okay 

Vulcuran: which one 

DMaster:	  Main one penn.com 

Vulcuran: okay be back 

Vulcuran: wow hello nurse 

DMaster:	  She walks down the stairs... Click Pic to right-> 

Vulcuran: wow 

Vulcuran: duh 

DMaster:	  I see your looking for shelter, for say... 30 people? 

DMaster:	  SHE said that 

Vulcuran: Yes M'lady we are 

DMaster:	  SHE: Oh, very Polite too 

Vulcuran: Well M'lady I am a Duke after all 

DMaster:	  LADY: Duke of Camerondale I presume, and this spark plug is a Knight, of the 1st 


Vulcuran: pardon me for asking M'lady but how would you know that 

DMaster:	  She smiles softly, swaggering sexily over to you two 

Vulcuran: stay where I am 

DMaster:	  LADY: I know alot of things.... 

DMaster:	  She approaches you two 

Vulcuran: okay 

Vulcuran: Well how far are we from Camerondale if I might ask M'lady 

DMaster:	  LADY: Surprised you survived the wreck... I sense a healer among you. One of the best 


Vulcuran: how do you know all this 

DMaster:	  LADY: M'lord i know many things.... I see you are in distress, let my Frethions take 

          you to a nice place in town, but I do not recommend you stay to long after tonight, 

          never know what may happen 

Vulcuran: Thank You M'lady  

Vulcuran: might I ask what your name is M'lady before we leave 

DMaster:	  LADY: Your quite welcome DUke. I can only... well, HOPE you journey will be a safe one 


Vulcuran: for town 

Vulcuran: LaLaLaLa 

DMaster:	  @ figures appear in the doorway leading farther into the castle... 

DMaster:	  2 

Vulcuran: okay 

DMaster:	  check your mail 

Vulcuran: be back 

Vulcuran: wow again 

DMaster:	  The two figures stride past you in chain male outfits and a a silver staff in each of 

          there hand 

Vulcuran: keep my mind focused on my party 

DMaster:	  PLUGER: Wow... We must be missing something here Duke 

Vulcuran: Yeah I know 

DMaster:	  A whisper on your ear as you leave the Stronghold: 

Vulcuran: Whisper to Pluger something just doesn't feel right about this 

DMaster:	  "come to me tonight Vulcuran" 

Vulcuran: whisper to Pluger what just happened 

DMaster:	  PLUGER: (looks at you funny) dude there are too many chicks around your getting 


Vulcuran: Shut up I know what I heard 

DMaster:	  PLUGER: Ok. 

Vulcuran: Well let's get our people 

DMaster:	  Ok the two women are walking in front of you, and they seem to know the way to your 


Vulcuran: This really isn't cool 

DMaster:	  PLUGER; Quite eerie if you ask me! 

Vulcuran: I wonder if our mysterious lady is a soceress

DMaster:	  One of the guards look back at Pluger and gives him a smile... 

DMaster:	  Another whisper on your ear.... "hahahhaa, no my dear, not a sorceress." 

DMaster:	  PLUGER: (leans over) the one in the front is giving me the eye... 

Vulcuran: yeah I seen that 

DMaster:	  You end up in front of the party. 

Vulcuran: look at my group 

DMaster:	  they are tired and dirty and spent 

Vulcuran: and say we have shelter for the night 

DMaster:	  they all express thanks to the strangely clad warrioresses 

DMaster:	  They smile... the one gives Pluger the eye again... 

Vulcuran: follow them to wherever they lead us 

DMaster:	  PLUGER: (leans over to you) That girl cant get enough of me, What girl cant? 

Vulcuran: Burst out Laughing 

DMaster:	  they lead you to a large deserted hut... they enter it and turn on some lanterns and 

          open up a closet of blankets and stuff 

DMaster:	  Pluger chuckles 

DMaster:	  One girl walks up to Pluger

Vulcuran: I Thank them 

DMaster:	  the warrioresses 

Vulcuran: keep wathcing 

DMaster:	  "I will return with more... blankets for you. " 

Vulcuran: watching 

DMaster:	  they turn and walk off into the darkness 

Vulcuran: well I say we eat and get cleaned up 

DMaster:	  Pluger shrugs his shoulders... 

Vulcuran: what 

DMaster:	  A girl yells out 

DMaster:	  one of yours 

Vulcuran: okay 

DMaster:	  that women she is totally liking me 

DMaster:	  there is a room with a tub 

DMaster:	  we can all bath, thank god 

Vulcuran: I say we let the ladies go first 

DMaster:	  Krinus: Conserve water, we should all try to fit.... 

DMaster:	  hee hee 

Vulcuran: Krinus 

DMaster:	  a bunch of women go in and close the door 

Vulcuran: I will go stand outside  

DMaster:	  PLUGER: Man we wont get cleaned up til next tuesday with women in there 

Vulcuran: Pluger they have been put through hell the least we can do is let them get cleaned up 

DMaster:	  Yeah I guess 

Vulcuran: now I will go stand outside and look at the sky 

DMaster:	  A little later the two women show back up.... 

Vulcuran: okay 

DMaster:	  they stand outside the hut... one is looking you over 

DMaster:	  the other one is looking inside... 

Vulcuran: I look inside and holler for Pluger 

DMaster:	  PLuger comes out 

Vulcuran: we have visitors 

DMaster:	  PLUGER: M'ladies, back so soon, I almost started missing you. Ill take them (Takes the 


DMaster:	  He comically raises his eyebrow to the one girl and walks back into the hut 

Vulcuran: Thank You again M'ladies for your hospitality 

DMaster:	  ONE LADY: Its our pleasureeee...... 

DMaster:	  Pluger walks back out 

Vulcuran: Well my friend what do you think 

DMaster:	  PLUGER: I dont have a clue as what the hell is going on here 

Vulcuran: Pluger are the ladies done yet 

DMaster:	  The two women are still standing in front of you 

Vulcuran: Sorry to be rude M'ladies but I haven't bathed in days and would like to get cleaned up 

DMaster:   They nod and walk away 

DMaster:	  PLUGER: Yeah the second batch of women are in there now... 

DMaster:	  KRINUS walks up from around the corner of the hut 

Vulcuran: Hi Krinus what were you doing 

DMaster:	  KRINUS: Nothing to much M'Lord.... (he seems all flustered...) 

Vulcuran: Krinus were you spying on the women  

DMaster:	  PLUGER gets this big ol grin on his face 

Vulcuran: I crack a grin myself 

DMaster:	  Krinus; ahhh well, ummmmm I just happened to have to go the bathroom and I seen they 

          were there getting well undressed, whats a man supposed to do 

Vulcuran: No need to explain  

Vulcuran: I will stay outside until the women are done  

DMaster:	  KRINUS: THey were WOW.... they were just mmmmmmm animax bless them all 

Vulcuran: Start chuckling  

DMaster:	  after a while  

Vulcuran: yes 

DMaster:	  another whisper on your ear... 

Vulcuran: okay 

DMaster:	  "Vulcuran come to me tonight." 

Vulcuran: look around 

DMaster:	  Pluger is kicking rocks about 10 feet away, Krinus went inside... no one else around 


Vulcuran: wait for the ladies to get done 

DMaster:	  they get done... 

DMaster:	  Everyone is settling in.... 

Vulcuran: My turn to get cleaned up 

DMaster:	  ok you and pluger go in and get cleaned up... 

Vulcuran: I will shave etc,etc,etc 

DMaster:	  you have nothing to shave with 

DMaster:	  all you can do is water yourself thouroughly 

Vulcuran: okay 

DMaster:	  Pluger: Man I wish I had the ability to just shed my inabitions and go screw one of 

          those chicks 

Vulcuran: I will get dressed and tell Pluger that he is in charge 

DMaster:	  PLUGER: Were you going? 

Vulcuran: To pay our host a visit 

DMaster:	  PLUGER: raises his eyebrow.... 

Vulcuran: If I don't comeback within an hour come look for me 

DMaster:	  Pluger: your quick... hee hee


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VERSION 2.1 UPDATED 09.19.09