Welcome to Legon
Main characters for this adventure segment

WARNING!!! This text will contain language not suitable for some people. It is mearly an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. There will be many misspelled words, and fragmented sentences and sometimes things that just don't make sense. Just read, enjoy and have fun!

    DMaster:         PLUGER: I convinced her to heal you... I knew you would of been a pain if you were a wake so I slipped

          you some sleep leaves
  DMaster:	 PLUGER; Will do. 
 Vulcuran:	 Thanks Pluger 

  DMaster:	 the sound is still there, it doesn't appear to be getting closer, 

 Vulcuran:	 I will relieve one of the guards for a while 

  DMaster:	 ok the guard at the front door goes inside to sleep 

  DMaster:	 its about 4 am 

 Vulcuran:	 I want to be out here if something happens 

  DMaster:	 Pluger stands on the other side of the door 

 Vulcuran:	 I will just keep looking around 

  DMaster:	 the same noise for the remainder of the night,  

  DMaster:	 then when the sun appears to be coming up, it dissappeared 

 Vulcuran:	 make breakfast for the group 

  DMaster:	 Ok you and Krinus make some bear meat breakfast 

  DMaster:	 The group gets up, eats and gears up for another day of walking 

 Vulcuran:	 okay  let's move out 

  DMaster:	 The party moves out 

 Vulcuran:	 keep hand near my sword 

  DMaster:	 ok checkin weather 

  DMaster:	 ok the wind is still pretty strong, and a few clouds roll in but nothing to eventful its pretty warm none the less 

 Vulcuran:	 good we need something to keep our spirits up 

  DMaster:	 ok for 6 hours you walk 

  DMaster:	 nothing happens... 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

  DMaster:	 boring actually... 

 Vulcuran:	 we will take a break for lunch 

  DMaster:	 its noon 

 Vulcuran:	 okay let's eat 

  DMaster:	 you guys cook bear meat again, it still tastes good, but its getting old 

  DMaster:	 you are running low on rations too 

 Vulcuran:	 we need to get to the coast and get some fish 

  DMaster:	 Pluger says it shouldnt be long now 

 Vulcuran:	 good 

  DMaster:	 the group regears up and heads for the coast 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

  DMaster:	 after about 4 hours of walking you hit the coast.... 

 Vulcuran:	 finally we can fish  

  DMaster:	 about 10 miles up the coast appears to be 2 boats anchored  

 Vulcuran:	 hey let's go check it out 

 Vulcuran:	 carefully 

 Vulcuran:	 well smacker 

  DMaster:	 ok the party heads down the coast line 

  DMaster:	 it takes a good hour to get close enough, the coast line is filled with brush and trees, so keeping concealed will be alot easier. 

 Vulcuran:	 keep trying to see if the ship has a flag or any identifying markings 

  DMaster:	 not to mention there is a small 10 foot cliff surrounding the coastline dividing brush from sand and water 

  DMaster:	 As you approach, you notice a very large flag on the boat 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

  DMaster:	 it has the sign of 

 Vulcuran:	 I will look to see if I can tell who's it is 

  DMaster:	 Animax... it seems to be a Ship for Animax 

 Vulcuran:	 Pluger look 

  DMaster:	 Pluger comes from theback of the group,  

  DMaster:	 PLUGER; M'Lord I think we have just found a way home! 

 Vulcuran:	 me too 

  DMaster:	 what do you do? 

 Vulcuran:	 I say we approach carefully 

  DMaster:	 PLUGER: Ok, m'lord 

  DMaster:	 your party approaches them, about being 1/4th of a mile away they notice you and begin scrambling around... 

 Vulcuran:	 we approach 

 Vulcuran:	 keep moving closer keep your hands near your weapons just in case 

  DMaster:	 THey form a few lines of people with sheilds and what appears to be maces, with some other people behind them with white robes 

  DMaster:	 PLUGER: I beleive the last person on the left is  

 Vulcuran:	 I will find something white to make a peace flag 

 Vulcuran:	 with 

  DMaster:	 Alyndri! 

  DMaster:	 Pluger yells... 



 Vulcuran:	 Finally we are going to go home 

  DMaster:	 DM: Alyndri is one of the more promenent Clerics of Camerondales Animax temple 

  DMaster:	 brb 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

  DMaster:	 your party heads down to the shoreline where they are unloading stuff 

  DMaster:	 she runs up to you guys and hugs you both 

  DMaster:	 ALYNDRI; Thank animax! 

 Vulcuran:	 hug back we are happy to see you  

 Vulcuran:	 if you had only known where we had just come from 

 Vulcuran:	 we need to eat and clean up  

 Vulcuran:	 sleep too 

  DMaster:	 We are on a pilgramage to rid the land of these witches, we just got here 

 Vulcuran:	 well can we stay on the boat for awhile  

 Vulcuran:	 we lost our ship 

 Vulcuran:	 well do me a favor  

  DMaster:	 whats that she says? 

 Vulcuran:	 If you meet a witch named Tyrnia give her my regards 

  DMaster:	 Alyndri looks at you funny 

 Vulcuran:	 she's the reason we are here know 

 Vulcuran:	 don't ask it's a long story and I don't feel like telling it right now just want to go home 

 Vulcuran:	 Hello 

 Vulcuran:	 dude you still there 

  DMaster:	 yeah 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

  DMaster:	 sorry Mel got up 

 Vulcuran:	 oh okay 

 Vulcuran:	 hope you can continue 

 Vulcuran:	 because I am way to ingrossed to quit now 

  DMaster:	 ok no im good 

  DMaster:	 the good mornings are all done 

 Vulcuran:	 okay  

 Vulcuran:	 let's continue then say'll we 

  DMaster:	 ok Alyndri:  

 Vulcuran:	 Alyndri do you have spare rations you could spare us 

  DMaster:	 We can get you guys out of the witches corner, but we cant go any farther then a half day away... 

            the boat has to be back by tommorrow night and if the volcano acts up again, we dont want the boat to sink on us 

  DMaster:	 ALyndri: Yes here is enough for you people for 2 days, thats about all we can spare... 

 Vulcuran:	 just get us to a town or village nearby we will do the rest 

  DMaster:	 ALYNDRI: here is some gold, there is a village about 4 days north of here that hugs the coastline, it is fairly big and you can stay 

            there for a while and get more rations 

 Vulcuran:	 thanks Alyndri  

  DMaster:	 ALYNDRI: Please stay with us a for a meal, then we will get you out of the Corner... 

  DMaster:	 you know what alyndri looks like? 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

 Vulcuran:	 do I  

 Vulcuran:	 tell me again what she looks like 

 Vulcuran:	 Hold on for a second gotta drain the vein 

  DMaster:	 well Im trying to find the pic now goddamit I can find it with no problem just goofing around but when I need it its gone, 

            every single goddam time 

  DMaster:	 sorry 

  DMaster:	 http://www.angelfire.com/nc/legon/images/alyndri.jpg 

 Vulcuran:	 okay I'm back 

 Vulcuran:	 will take look 

 Vulcuran:	 okay took a look wow 

  DMaster:	 yeah she is very beautiful, and she is very powerful for her age... 

 Vulcuran:	 Alyndri is there a place where we can get cleaned up 

  DMaster:	 she started in the religion 

  DMaster:	 Not really, you can take a bath in the cove, over in the farthest tent is bathing stuff 

 Vulcuran:	 okay thanks 

  DMaster:	 she started in the religion very early, she is easily a 10th level cleric and she isnt even 30 yet 

 Vulcuran:	 wow 

 Vulcuran:	 well I'm gonna let the ladies go first if they want to clean up 

  DMaster:	 Pluger is already there getting some towels and some soap stuff 

  DMaster:	 The women are eating right now as well as the other guards 

  DMaster:	 you and Pluger are the only ones who are getting cleaned up 

 Vulcuran:	 well the hell with it I am gonna go clean up 

  DMaster:	 ok, you and pluger take a bath in the cove, the water is a bit nippy, but bareable 

 Vulcuran:	 I am gonna enjoy for a while 

  DMaster:	 you get all cleaned up, no razor though so you cant shave 

 Vulcuran:	 it's been a while since we could relax 

 Vulcuran:	 oh well 

  DMaster:	 Pluger seems preoccupied 

 Vulcuran:	 what's the matter Pluger 

  DMaster:	 he looks up 

  DMaster:	 PLUGER: Nothing M'Lord, not a thing, finally something good has come about... 

  DMaster:	 PL: I was getting sick of problem after problem 

 Vulcuran:	 is that all that is on your mind 

 Vulcuran:	 come on Pluger this is Vulcuran your talking to you can tell me anything remember 

  DMaster:	 He shakes his head, PL: I just would like to get home, after seeing the boat I thought a few days,

            but now its still a couple weeks journey... 

  DMaster:	 You two get all cleaned up 

 Vulcuran:	 me too 

  DMaster:	 you guys get dressed, and head over to the meal tent 

 Vulcuran:	 well at least we had some contact with home 

  DMaster:	 PLUGER: Yeah it was nice to see Alyndri, well, its always nice to see her. She could lift a dead snakes spirit 

 Vulcuran:	 well for once I am gonna let my hair hang down for awhile 

  DMaster:	 the girls are heading for the cove... 

  DMaster:	 to get cleaned up 

 Vulcuran:	 know what you mean there  

  DMaster:	 you and Pluger sit down to bread, cheese and soem delicous soup 

  DMaster:	 with some juices 

 Vulcuran:	 finally real food 

  DMaster:	 very good meal 

 Vulcuran:	 great meal  

  DMaster:	 you two scarf it all up 

 Vulcuran:	 I look out over the water 

  DMaster:	 the sun is setting on yet another day 

 Vulcuran:	 Finally a sunset worth watching 

  DMaster:	 You notice clerics & monks setting up these 10 foot poles, with large symbols of Animax and what seems to be large candles on them too 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

  DMaster:	 THey light them, they give off a incredible white glow, its very striking 

 Vulcuran:	 very beautiful 

  DMaster:	 the entire camp is brightly lit, like it was daylight 

  DMaster:	 The women come back from the cove all cleaned up, and the guards head down there to get cleaned up. 

  DMaster:	 Pluger walks over to a few monks and sits down with them. 

  DMaster:	 HE appers to be worshipping 

 Vulcuran:	 I am gonna sit by the water and just stare out into the distance for a while 

  DMaster:	 ok the sun sets behind you, but the water still shimmers a reddish - orangish glow 

 Vulcuran:	 keep looking 

  DMaster:	 the night falls on the camp and the coastline 

  DMaster:	 the weather... 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

  DMaster:	 A few clouds like before, the winds subsided a bit and pleasent temp 

  DMaster:	 Krinus comes up behind you... 

 Vulcuran:	 good I just want to enjoy the peace and quiet for a little bit 

 Vulcuran:	 Krinus 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS: They are asking you to get inside the Camps protection 

 Vulcuran:	 okay I will 

  DMaster:	 you two head back into camp. Everyone is in very high spirits. 

  DMaster:	 They are all mingeling and talking... 

  DMaster:	 drinking, and nibbling on food. Even the monks are talking and enjoying the company. 

  DMaster:	 They are all around the meal tent 

 Vulcuran:	 I will let everyone have a good time just want to be alone for awhile 

 Vulcuran:	 find a place in camp protection where I can just relax 

  DMaster:	 Not really much place to go, you dont have much of a choice but to stay in the crowd, otherwise you

           will be outside the protection  

 Vulcuran:	 okay well I won't do much talking just listen and look up at the sky 

  DMaster:	 There is not much room. All tents surrounding the tents and the meal tent, everything else is outside the

           protection,. I guess they wanted concentrated protection 

  DMaster:	 Krinus is telling his tale of the bear hunt between you and him... 

  DMaster:	 to 3 clerics and 2 monks and some girls 

 Vulcuran:	 okay well I will just listen 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS: THen the bear roared so loud I thought my ear drums would burst, Vulcuran Strung his bow and

           fired with out a flinch 

  DMaster:	 WHAM! Hit him right in the chest, I flung an arrow hitting his paw to the tree so he couldnt move, Vulcuran
           then plugged one in his head, as I did too 

 Vulcuran:	 man here we go making me out to be something that I'm not I think to myself 

  DMaster:	 THe bear crumpled to the ground 

  DMaster:	 We walked up to it, but it was still alive! 

  DMaster:	 --everyone: ooohh! 

 Vulcuran:	 eat some more food 

  DMaster:	 Vulcuran wrestled the injured bear to the ground as I finished him off. 

  DMaster:	 KR: We made a great team eh M'Lord? 

 Vulcuran:	 Yes we do 

  DMaster:	 HE has this big smile 

  DMaster:	 They all clap to the story just told 

  DMaster:	 You see pluger across the tent 

 Vulcuran:	 Look and see what he is doing 

  DMaster:	 He is sitting with Victoria 

  DMaster:	 they are laughing and drinking... 

  DMaster:	 they are with about 3 or 4 other people 

 Vulcuran:	 well I am glad he is happy 

  DMaster:	 You are drinking this very refreshing herbal cold tea 

  DMaster:	 Then Krinus starts talking about the journey 

 Vulcuran:	 man that is what I need to relax me 

 Vulcuran:	 I will go eat some more food 

  DMaster:	 ok there is some cheese, vegatables, fruits, and bread on a table 

 Vulcuran:	 fruit and bread 

  DMaster:	 ok you eat a bit... 

  DMaster:	 Alyndri walks over to you 

 Vulcuran:	 Hi Alyndri 

  DMaster:	 ALYNDRI: Hello vulcarian, I need to ask you some questions if you dont mind 

 Vulcuran:	 yes 

  DMaster:	 You two sit down 

 Vulcuran:	 what do you want to know M'lady 

  DMaster:	 ALYNDRI: Can you tell me a little about what happened on your journey. 

 Vulcuran:	 well what part the part about the pirates or the witches 

  DMaster:	 ALYNDRI: I have contacted a head Monk in Camerondale, he will give them the mesasage your safe 

 Vulcuran:	 Thank You 

  DMaster:	 ALyndri: I have heard disturbing stories about you mercilessly killing men... 

 Vulcuran:	 never 

  DMaster:	 ALYNDRI: I do not beleive them all but I wanted to know your side 

 Vulcuran:	 we did not do that we were given no option but to fight 

 Vulcuran:	 so we did 

 Vulcuran:	 they attacked us  

  DMaster:	 ALYNDRI: THats what i figured, but you know how refugees can be... It will be all ok Vulcarian,

            she touches your head, and you feel alot better.... 

 Vulcuran:	 I understand we had their women as hostages but 

 Vulcuran:	 what did you just do 

  DMaster:	 ALYNDRI; I blessed you. (she smiles) you did exactly what you should of done. 

  DMaster:	 ALYNDRI: You have saved hundreds of lives these pirates would of killed.  

  DMaster:	 She gets up and smiles, then walks away towards her tent 

 Vulcuran:	 watch her walk away 

  DMaster:	 She has such an innocent beauty about her, so pure...  

 Vulcuran:	 to bad I am a Duke 

  DMaster:	 TO bad she is a dedicated Cleric 

 Vulcuran:	 yeah 

  DMaster:	 she has a perfect ass, and the pants she is wearing really shows it off 

 Vulcuran:	 damn 

  DMaster:	 but anyways 

 Vulcuran:	 I will get up and see where we will be resting for awhile 

  DMaster:	 She goes into her tent to meditate or sleep 

  DMaster:	 the night is winding down, around 10 pm 

  DMaster:	 everyone is tired... 

 Vulcuran:	 I will watch everyone else turn in 

  DMaster:	 There are bedrolls all around the meal tent for you guys 

  DMaster:	 Pluger and victoria are at a far table talking with each other 

 Vulcuran:	 just sit up in my bed roll for awhile 

  DMaster:	 they all start filling in the empty bed rolls 

  DMaster:	 You feel pretty sleepy 

 Vulcuran:	 roll over and go to sleep 

  DMaster:	 ok, you doze off 

  DMaster:	 you get woken up by noises 

 Vulcuran:	 I will get up 

  DMaster:	 Pluger is two bedrolls down from you 

 Vulcuran:	 look around 

  DMaster:	 he is in a crouched position 

  DMaster:	 he sees you get up... he waves you over to an open spot 

 Vulcuran:	 I will go over 

  DMaster:	 PLUGER: There on the edge of that cliff look! 

 Vulcuran:	 I will look 

  DMaster:	 There is movement, dark figures, about 3 or 4 of them, just stalking the edge of the cliff about 100 yards away 

 Vulcuran:	 don't like the looks of this 

  DMaster:	 PLUGER; I hope these safe sticks or whatever they have are good 

  DMaster:	 Pluger unsheathes his sword 

  DMaster:	 Out of no where 

 Vulcuran:	 yes 

  DMaster:	 Alyndri appears behind you... ALYNDRI: Yes they are witches of the Raven High Towers 

  DMaster:	 They are checking us out, but I sense their fear... they will be gone by morning 

 Vulcuran:	 damn it don't do that Alyndri 

 Vulcuran:	 scared me half to death 

  DMaster:	 Alyndri Smiles AL: Sorry M'lord,  

  DMaster:	 Suddenyl they start floating and they begin to scoot across the sky away from the tents 

 Vulcuran:	 well they had better be because I am getting sick of  witches 

  DMaster:	 ALYNDRI: Well now they know we are here 

 Vulcuran:	 sorry if we caused you any problems 

  DMaster:	 She walks back into her tent 

 Vulcuran:	 Well I am awake now 

  DMaster:	 Alyndri looks back to you... AL: No m'lord, sleep soundly, for you have a long journey ahead of you. 

  DMaster:	 She waves her hand and you feel sleepy once again 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

 Vulcuran:	 at this point I wouldn't fight magic 

  DMaster:	 you roll back into your bed 

  DMaster:	 you wake up on your own this time... 

 Vulcuran:	 go back to sleep 

  DMaster:	 for once 

 Vulcuran:	 good sleep look around 

  DMaster:	 some people are up and about 

  DMaster:	 the western horizon is getting real dark 

 Vulcuran:	 I will get up and stretch 

 Vulcuran:	 what is going on volcano again or is it something else 

  DMaster:	  The monks are starting to wake people up.... 

  DMaster:	 MONK: We must get going clouds billowing to the west, we must set sail and get where were going NOW! 

            Now those demons know we are here they have summoned spells upon us!

 Vulcuran:	 okay let's do it 

  DMaster:	 everyone gets up and starts scrambling, there si a bag of say 5 meals of ration for each of you  

  DMaster:	 they all grab them and you guys start getting on board 

  DMaster:	 Alyndri bids you farewell as well as the rest of the group 

 Vulcuran:	 okay get on board and let's get out of here 

  DMaster:	 They start getting ready themselves 

  DMaster:	 they all board the boat and paddle out to the large boat 

  DMaster:	 you guys then board the large boat 

  DMaster:	 and set sail...... 

 Vulcuran:	 finally  we will be one step closer to getting home 

  DMaster:	 you guys sail along the coastline 

 Vulcuran:	 okay I will look around 

  DMaster:	 the clouds are closing in... 

 Vulcuran:	 I don't like this 

  DMaster:	 Lightning flashes in the distance... 

  DMaster:	 The winds begin to pick up... 

 Vulcuran:	 This can't be good 

  DMaster:	 the boat begins to rock a bit 

 Vulcuran:	 here we go again 

  DMaster:	 PLUGER is a little ways away from you... you here him say: Why cant we just do something simple for once

            nothing is ever easy!!!!!! 

 Vulcuran:	 your telling me 

  DMaster:	 The boat is moving at a pretty good speed 

  DMaster:	 with the wind and all 

 Vulcuran:	 keep hold of something 

  DMaster:	 the clouds are very close now, lightning flashes and the thunder roars 

  DMaster:	 Suddenly the boat drops its sails gets closer to the coastline... 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

  DMaster:	 You hear the captain: get to shore! Get to shore! Now!!!! 

 Vulcuran:	 run to shore 

  DMaster:	 dude, you have to get in a small boat, then paddle your way to the shore 

  DMaster:	 unless you want to swim there 

 Vulcuran:	 paddle  

 Vulcuran:	 no not that stupid 

  DMaster:	 ok you guys all cram into a boat 

 Vulcuran:	 paddle fast 

  DMaster:	 drop to the water and begin to paddle 

  DMaster:	 the rain starts, and the wind begins to pick up even more, when you look back, the big boat has already set sail back to there spot 

  DMaster:	 Lightning flashes 

 Vulcuran:	 keep paddling 

  DMaster:	 real close 

  DMaster:	 BOOM! 

  DMaster:	 the sky darkens 

 Vulcuran:	 until we get to shore 

  DMaster:	 it begins to pour, as you close in on the shore, lightning flashes again 

 Vulcuran:	 keep going 

  DMaster:	 BOOOOM!

 DMaster:	 your about 10 yards from being able to jump in and drag the boat ashore 

  DMaster:	 hello? 

 Vulcuran:	 okay when we get close jump out and drag it to shore 

  DMaster:	 Lightning hits the water giving everyone in the water / boat a shock... your hair is on end, and loud thunderous crash  

  DMaster:	 hurts your ear drums 

 Vulcuran:	 keep moving 

  DMaster:	 you drag the boat up to shore 

  DMaster:	 You seem to be in swamp land... a marsh of sorts 

 Vulcuran:	 okay let's get moving 

  DMaster:	 some scattered trees, lots of wet land and brush here and there 

 Vulcuran:	 keep on your toes guys 

  DMaster:	 your group gets on the shore.... 

  DMaster:	 thunder and lightning are occuring ever 5 seconds at least 

  DMaster:	 the rain is torrential 

 Vulcuran:	 let's get moving  

  DMaster:	 you guys move in land some the rain almost hurts hitting your body, its very large drops... 

 Vulcuran:	 keep going 

  DMaster:	 everyone is in a half run, half trudge, there is large puddles of mud and marsh like stuff... 

 Vulcuran:	 keep going 

  DMaster:	 The rain lets up a bit and the thunder is definately behind you, and so is the lightning 

 Vulcuran:	 keep going 

  DMaster:	 the wind picks up though, its getting tough to fight the wind now 

 Vulcuran:	 gotta keep going 

  DMaster:	 You see a few trees blown over  

  DMaster:	 Ok, you are going, and you notice that no one else is following you any longer 

 Vulcuran:	 what the hell 

 Vulcuran:	 go back 

  DMaster:	 They are all huddled under this little band of trees 

  DMaster:	 Shivering and trying to dry off a bit  

 Vulcuran:	 okay I wait 

 Vulcuran:	 with them 

  DMaster:	 the storm passes, the wind ceases and  

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

  DMaster:	 the rain stops... or at least its just a drizzle 

 Vulcuran:	 can we get going again 

  DMaster:	 They all gear back up and begin walking to the west 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS: I remember them saying there is a town up ahead 

  DMaster:	 about 2-3 days north of here 

 Vulcuran:	 okay that is where we are gonna head then 

  DMaster:	 you walk for 5-6 hours, you encounter alot of large birds, smaller snakes, and a few weird looking deer 

 Vulcuran:	 cool 

  DMaster:	 but nothing harmful 

 Vulcuran:	 keep going 

  DMaster:	 ok... you happen upon more huts on the shoreline and what looks like docks and some stone buildings 

  DMaster:	 Pluger and krinus coem up to the front of the line with you 

 Vulcuran:	 we will enter this place carefully 

  DMaster:	 Ok, it looks deserted from a distance... 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

  DMaster:	 as you approach, there is no movement apparent, or activity of any kind 

 Vulcuran:	 well we will enter it carefully 

  DMaster:	 ok its a small sized village with 2 docks out to water 

 Vulcuran:	 keep my sense sharp for any sign of movement 

  DMaster:	 the huts and buildings look fairly eroded,,, most of the huts are roofless and severely wind blown 

 Vulcuran:	 well I think we should keep going 

  DMaster:	 the docks are crickety and also eroded 

 Vulcuran:	 yes 

  DMaster:	 looks like its been deserted for some time now 

 Vulcuran:	 look around 

  DMaster:	 Pluger and Krinus search about for anything, but find nothing 

  DMaster:	 PLUGER: Yeah its deserted, for quite a while... 

  DMaster:	 PLUGER : Should we set up camp or no? 

 Vulcuran:	 see if I can figure out where we are 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS: Id rather stay somewhere were its half covered then no cover at all 

  DMaster:	 well your in the bay NW of the Witches Corner, well out of their land 

  DMaster:	 but from there your not exactly sure were your at 

 Vulcuran:	 okay yeah we will set up camp here 

  DMaster:	 Ok, you cant tell the exact time, but it has to be around 3 pm or soo, the cloud cover is pretty thick... 

  DMaster:	 They look like rain, but not to threatening with lightning/thunder 

 Vulcuran:	 settle in everyone 

  DMaster:	 they pick out the best 2 huts they can find 

  DMaster:	 Women in one men in the other 

  DMaster:	 they all settle in... 

 Vulcuran:	 I will stay outside for a while 

  DMaster:	 ok.. the wind is nice, but it is very cloudy and dark... it drizzles here and there but no real rain... 

  DMaster:	 Krinus stands next to  you. 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS: Where is Pluger? 

 Vulcuran:	 probably with Vicky 

  DMaster:	 KR: With vicky? What for? 

 Vulcuran:	 talking who knows 

  DMaster:	 Krinus: (looks confused) well at least we can dry out a bit and hope for better weather... 

 Vulcuran:	 well I just want to stay out here for a little bit if you want to go in I will understand 

  DMaster:	 Naw, and do what pull the peewee?  

  DMaster:	 KRINUS: Well there is a girl in the group that has been giving me the eye I think 

  DMaster:	 KR: Sorry for the embelishing of the bear story 

 Vulcuran:	 That's okay 

  DMaster:	 KR: I got all carried away 

 Vulcuran:	 sorry I'm not better company just have alot on my mind 

  DMaster:	 KR: Its ok,  

 Vulcuran:	 like I said it's okay 

  DMaster:	 Just then Victoria and pluger walk out of the hut giggling 

 Vulcuran:	 like I said 

 Vulcuran:	 Look at Krinus 

  DMaster:	 They didnt know you were there, and they go there seperate ways, she heads for the girls hut and Pluger joins you 

  DMaster:	 Krinus has this "uh oh"  look on his face 

  DMaster:	 PLUGER; SO whats the plan... er for tonight. 

 Vulcuran:	 I just keep looking around  

 Vulcuran:	 well I 

 Vulcuran:	 was planning on taking the first watch 

  DMaster:	 PLUGER: Ok, Sounds good m'lord, what time would you say it was? 5 6? 

 Vulcuran:	 5 

  DMaster:	 he shakes his head in agreement, PL: Crappy weather eh? 

 Vulcuran:	 make sure everyone get's dinner 

 Vulcuran:	 yeah 

  DMaster:	 the women are in there hut giggling and talking, eating there rations... the men are in their hut eating also 

  DMaster:	 the sun is beginning to set 

 Vulcuran:	 I will eat and then go back outside to watch the sunset 

  DMaster:	 You eat with Krinus and Pluger. 

 Vulcuran:	 okay I eat my food 

  DMaster:	 Pluger continues to chatter about anything... Krinus is looking at him like hes crazy and just shaking his head in agreement 

 Vulcuran:	 I don't say much 

  DMaster:	 Ok you finish 

 Vulcuran:	 like I said will eat and then go back outside 

  DMaster:	 Ok, Pluger keeps on chattering 

 Vulcuran:	 let him 

  DMaster:	 the sky is beginning to clear... 

  DMaster:	 in legon there is 3 moons, 2 that are quite small while one is large 

 Vulcuran:	 I will look to the sky 

  DMaster:	 the large one is almost full, while one small one is half the other one is not in this sky 

 Vulcuran:	 Brb gotta drain vein 

  DMaster:	 the clouds are clearing we

  DMaster:	 the large moon is getting visible 

  DMaster:	 the clouds are clearing out to a star filled sky 

 Vulcuran:	 keep looking around 

 Vulcuran:	 cool 

  DMaster:	 the temp is beginning to dip, right now its a real nice temp 

  DMaster:	 its around 630 

 Vulcuran:	 well I will keep looking around 

  DMaster:	 and your people are about walking around talking sitting watching the moon,etc 

  DMaster:	 One of the guards comes to you in a hurry 

 Vulcuran:	 what is it 

  DMaster:	 THere is lights to the NW of here 

  DMaster:	 !! 

 Vulcuran:	 Krinus 

  DMaster:	 The guards points to the NW 

  DMaster:	 Krinus is not around 

 Vulcuran:	 Pluger come here 

  DMaster:	 Pluger is not around 

 Vulcuran:	 I will go get them 

  DMaster:	 They are most likely in one of those huts 

 Vulcuran:	 well that is what I do 

  DMaster:	 the women hut is filled with a warm yellowish orange glow from the fire, Pluger is leaning against the

           wall with Victoria snuggled in between 

  DMaster:	 He sees you and gentle pushes Victoria away whispering in her ear 

  DMaster:	 he walks over to you, grabing his equipment belt 

 Vulcuran:	 Pluger we got lights in the distance 

  DMaster:	 PLUGER: Sky is clearing up M'Lord, good Moon viewing tonight" 

  DMaster:	 His eyes light up... 

 Vulcuran:	 yes it is Pluger 

 Vulcuran:	 I get Krinus to 

 Vulcuran:	 too 

  DMaster:	 PLUGER: If it aint one thing its another 

  DMaster:	 Krinus is already outside looking NW, he sees the lights too 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS: M'Lord Lights, looks like lanterns! 

 Vulcuran:	 Okay I think we outta check it out 

  DMaster:	 PLUGER : I will have the men guard the women, just me you and Krinus right? 

 Vulcuran:	 Pluger this is one time I want you to stay here 

 Vulcuran:	 Me and Krinus will go check it out 

  DMaster:	 Pluger looks at you in disbeleif. 

 Vulcuran:	 I need someone in charge 

  DMaster:	 PL: What? 

 Vulcuran:	 just listen to me 

  DMaster:	 He looks down to the ground obviously hurt.

 Vulcuran:	 we need stealth Pluger 

  DMaster:	 PL: Ok whatever you want M'Lord 

 Vulcuran:	 sorry I need someone here to protect the women 

  DMaster:	 He stands there looking blankly at you 

  DMaster:	 PL; Yes M'Lord  

 Vulcuran:	 Besides if something were to ever happen to me I would want someone to take charge and get these

             people back to Camerondale and you are the right person for the job 

  DMaster:	 He gathers the men and gets them all into the hut 

  DMaster:	 He walks into the hut 

 Vulcuran:	 come on Krinus let's go 

  DMaster:	 you two set off towards the lights 

  DMaster:	 they are about 100 yards away now... 

 Vulcuran:	 got that trusty bow of yours just in  

  DMaster:	 KRINUS nods his head...

  DMaster:         KRINUS: M'lord, what is happening between you and Pluger? I mean I have watched your

            relationship deteriorate this whole trip.

 Vulcuran:       Let's just keep our eye on the prize Krinus. 

  DMaster:         KRINUS: Very well my lord (he squints to see better) 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS: Looks like 3 people.... 

 Vulcuran:	 I will look 

  DMaster:	 3 people walk the coastline with 2 lanterns lit, one has a cape, the others look to be in some kind of armor 

 Vulcuran:	 I whisper to Krinus that we should get closer to get a better look 	

 Vulcuran:	 let's go 

  DMaster:	 you guys creep to the edge of the "cliff" that leads farther into the Marsh land... 

  DMaster:	 they are now about 20 yards... 

  DMaster:	 Krinus stops you and tests the wind 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS: its blowing NE, so we are pretty safe, smell wise (he whispers) 

  DMaster:	 you two get closer 

  DMaster:	 you hear some noise 

  DMaster:	 some 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

 Vulcuran:	 look around 

  DMaster:	 its coming from them... 

 Vulcuran:	 look to see what they look like 

  DMaster:	 " Oh those juicey Berries, those luscious Ferries, they take me to a place Ill never be!" 

             -singing... not to well I might add 

 Vulcuran:	 keep looking 

  DMaster:	 There is one larger man, who is belting out the tune as his smaller companion. The cloaked person is hard to see 

 Vulcuran:	 what do you think Krinus  

  DMaster:	 They appear to have swords on there belts, some wine skins, a back pack, and light armor of some sort 

 Vulcuran:	 I whisper 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS: (whisper) he needs voice lessons... (his lips pucker) 

 Vulcuran:	 do you  think we should reveal ourselves I mean 

 Vulcuran:	 whispering of course 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS: I dont know (whispering) 

  DMaster:	 they are now very close to you, you can hear them walking... 

  DMaster:	 The cloaked one stops walking and looks around 

 Vulcuran:	 Shit senses us  

 Vulcuran:	 well it looks like we will have to reveal ourselves soon 

  DMaster:	 The other waddle along and then stop, looking behind them 

 Vulcuran:	 I will not move 

 Vulcuran:	 keep looking 

  DMaster:	 The bigger man: Mayred, what now? Do you see a cricket? (spits out a laugh)  

 Vulcuran:	 I will wait 

  DMaster:	 the smaller one: hee hee ehe heeh  (takes a slug of his skin) 

  DMaster:	 the Cloaked one shakes his head CLOAK: We are being watched. 

 Vulcuran:	 stay still 

 Vulcuran:	 wait 

  DMaster:	 The larger man, pulls down his pants and sticks out his ass 

  DMaster:	 "Hey you whoever is watching take look at this split ham!!!!!!!!!!"  

  DMaster:	 Krinus: (bites his tongue) 

 Vulcuran:	 hold back my laughter 

  DMaster:	 The cloak person just shakes his head,  

  DMaster:	 the small man is on the ground Laughing his head off 

  DMaster:	 "HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA Oh my god put that away your blinding me!" 

 Vulcuran:	 I am waiting for a chance to sneak up behind the cloaked person 

  DMaster:	 they are standing about 10 yards in front of you. 

  DMaster:	 Krinus is having a hard time not laughing 

 Vulcuran:	 so we are behind them 

  DMaster:	 well they were heading south, and you came up on them from the east... so your a bit there side of them 

 Vulcuran:	 well I will start moving closer 

  DMaster:	 the instant you moved the cloaked person looks your way 

 Vulcuran:	 shit stop 

  DMaster:	 He draws what seems to be a basterd sword 

 Vulcuran:	 oh here we go 

  DMaster:	 he points in your direction: There fools, get up and see your voyuers 

  DMaster:	 Krinus: Lets introduce ourselves while we still have time to manuver 

 Vulcuran:	 Krinus he knows we are here 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

  DMaster:	 you two stand up 

 Vulcuran:	 carefully I keep my hand near my sword 

 Vulcuran:	 We mean you no harm 

  DMaster:	 the two guys are alarmed at seeing you, the big man stumbles and falls backward while the other

             one is fumbling for his sword 

 Vulcuran:	 I say 

 Vulcuran:	 look we don't want to fight 

  DMaster:	 The cloak man puts one hand on his head and shakes it looking at his companionas 

  DMaster:	 The big man gets up and looks all over crazily:"what what! Whats going on!!" 

  DMaster:	 the small man is looking over you 

 Vulcuran:	 we are just trying to get home My name is Vulcuran Duke of Camerondale and this is my companion Krinus 

  DMaster:	 the cloaked man, squints at you, as far as you can tell 

  DMaster:	 he then sheathes his sword 

 Vulcuran:	 I will approach 

 Vulcuran:	 closer 

  DMaster:	 CLOAKED: I am Mayred, these are my, well, um two traveling companions. 

 Vulcuran:	 with my hands away from my sword 

  DMaster:	 FAT MAN: Hey greetings (buuuuurrrrpp!) oohh excuse me, that just kind of popped out. 

 Vulcuran:	 we are at a village just a walk away from here can you tell us where we are 

  DMaster:	 FATMAN: yuck that smelled terrible 

  DMaster:	 the small man: hahahahahahaaa 

  DMaster:	 Krinus is giggling 

  DMaster:	 Mayred: (rolls his eyes) excuse my friends... please 

 Vulcuran:	 Well Mayred it is a pleasure to meet you how did you know I was there 

  DMaster:	 The Moon is full tonight, I could see the glimmer of your sword 

  DMaster:	 he smiles... 

 Vulcuran:	 damn 

 Vulcuran:	 so much for sneaking up on you 

  DMaster:	 The FATMAN: I have to piss like a war horse, Ill be right back... he stumbles into the brush 

 Vulcuran:	 where were you headed 

  DMaster:	 MAYRED; That man, urinating is boblin 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

  DMaster:	 and the smaller drunk one is Carter 

  DMaster:	 He waves CARTER; Hello! 

  DMaster:	 he has a rosey cheeked smile 

 Vulcuran:	 Hello 

 Vulcuran:	 you are welcome to join us at our camp if you want 

  DMaster:	 Boblin comes from the brush: do you have any wine where your at?  

 Vulcuran:	 no sorry 

 Vulcuran:	 we lost most of our supplies a while ago 

  DMaster:	 BOBLIN: Camerondale, what the hell, I thought we were heading south, we must of went the wrong way.... shit the duke, M'Lord hody doo! 

  DMaster:	 he stumbles forward almost falling over 

 Vulcuran:	 well I don't even know where we are right now 

  DMaster:	 Mayred: Lets get going you two, we could use a rest and company 

 Vulcuran:	 follow us then 

  DMaster:	 you walk back to the deserted village 

 Vulcuran:	 I hope this will do for the night 

  DMaster:	 you see one of the guards head poke out! "Everything OK?" 

 Vulcuran:	 yes 

  DMaster:	 Mayred: looks around the village as he enters it 

 Vulcuran:	 don't be alarmed we have company 

  DMaster:	 people come out to see the others 

 Vulcuran:	 we found the village in this condition 

  DMaster:	 BOBLIN: Looky here! Howdy hoo hoo everyone! 

  DMaster:	 your group looks all weird at them, but greets them none the less 

  DMaster:	 they all start chattering 

  DMaster:	 Mayred approaches you 

 Vulcuran:	 so Mayred where are you headed 

  DMaster:	 MAYRED: We are heading south of here, actually I beleive SW now that i look 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

  DMaster:	 A place called RidgeCrest. 

 Vulcuran:	 why do you want to go there 

  DMaster:	 Mayred: Me and My companions have opted to join the Pilmgrimage of the Animax Army to defeat the 

            Witches of the Coven Corner. I am a High Monk of Animax Temple, A man of the earth and sky....  

 Vulcuran:	 well I was in Ridgecrest wouldn't go back there again 

  DMaster:	 MAYRED: Really... they say that the Corner is the the 2nd most evil spot in Legon 

 Vulcuran:	 I wish you all the luck when you get there we survived but just barely and that was only do to someone's help 

 Vulcuran:	 what is the first 

 Vulcuran:	 The Land of the Dead right 

  DMaster:	 MAYRED: Yes the entire western realm, mostly led by Skello. We will not even attempt to try and

             convert that. I heard they were gearing for an assault on the midlands, I hope its just talk 

 Vulcuran:	 well since we are out of the that land I will look to see if I still have my map 

 Vulcuran:	 come with me 

  DMaster:	 Ok you go to your stuff and find the map 

 Vulcuran:	 here Mayred take this map 

 Vulcuran:	 it will get you where you gotta go be careful 

  DMaster:	 he takes it and looks at it... 

  DMaster:	 He slowly looks to you... 

 Vulcuran:	 what 

  DMaster:	 he is staring at you 

 Vulcuran:	 what 

  DMaster:	 MAYRED: You have met the head witch of Ridgecrest. I sense it... she gave you this map 

  DMaster:	 MAYRED: only for YOU.... 

 Vulcuran:	 yes I have let's say it was not a pleasant experience 

 Vulcuran:	 well memorize the map then 

  DMaster:	 MAYRED: I would if I could but I can't. He shows you the map... the scroll is empty, nothing written on it 

 Vulcuran:	 I look at it 

  DMaster:	 nothign is on it now, its been cleared 

 Vulcuran:	 shit it was here 

 Vulcuran:	 be careful if you run into her 

  DMaster:	 MAYRED: I know when I touched it it disappeared 

 Vulcuran:	 she is a tricky one 

  DMaster:	 MAYRED: Thank you (he turns to walk away) I will try and not get into bed with her....

            (he walks out the door, somewhat disgusted)  

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

  DMaster:	 you start to smell something, kind of fruity smell 

 Vulcuran:	 look around 

  DMaster:	 its coming from the womens hut 

 Vulcuran:	 I will go look 

  DMaster:	 They are cooking this fruit. Boblin and Carter are jabbering away and everyone is listening

            and laughing, the two new guys are quite a pair, living it up and dancing around, telling stories 

 Vulcuran:	 well I will go do my rounds  

  DMaster:	 rounds? everyone is in here except two guards posted on each side of the hut 

 Vulcuran:	 I said I was gonna take the first watch 

 Vulcuran:	 so that is what I am gonna do 

  DMaster:	 Ok... you relieve the one guard who quickly goes into the hut that is alive with laughter and talking 

 Vulcuran:	 I will lean up against a wall and look out into the distance 

  DMaster:	 nothing going on... you can her Boblin spew out a few songs, and everyone starts singing too,

            the group seems to be having a good time 

 Vulcuran:	 Let them they deserve it 

 Vulcuran:	 I will just stay on watch 

 Vulcuran:	 I will enjoy nature at it's best 

  DMaster:	 ok.. the party winds down some 

 Vulcuran:	 keep on watch 

  DMaster:	 some guys walk into there hut and go to sleep. 

 Vulcuran:	 just enjoying being by myself 

  DMaster:	 playing with? 

 Vulcuran:	 for a change 

 Vulcuran:	 no 

  DMaster:	 hee hee 

 Vulcuran:	 HaHa 

  DMaster:	 ok... the party stops Boblin and Carter go to an empty hut with Mayred. 

  DMaster:	 most of the men go into there hut 

 Vulcuran:	 I will keep on watch 

  DMaster:	 Pluger walks out with Victoria they are talking a bit, they dont notice you 

 Vulcuran:	 stay hidden from view 

 Vulcuran:	 just listen 

  DMaster:	 ok they talk a while outside the hut quietly, you cant really hear what they say 

 Vulcuran:	 stay where I am

  DMaster:	 then you see Victoria lean in and kiss Pluger 

  DMaster:	 He kisses her back 

  DMaster:	 she goes into her hut and he walks into the mens hut 

 Vulcuran:	 Well I knew it 

  DMaster:	 That would finalize it 

 Vulcuran:	 I will stay where I am 

 Vulcuran:	 good for Pluger 

  DMaster:	 ok, about an hour later a guard comes out and relieves you... 

 Vulcuran:	 I will go in and find my spot and go to sleep 

  DMaster:	 ok you roll into bed and fall asleep pretty quickly 

  DMaster:	 you wake up on your own 

 Vulcuran:	 look around 

 Vulcuran:	 get up 

  DMaster:	 ok the sun is on the horizon, you guess its around 830 or 9 am 

  DMaster:	 Pluger is out building a fire for breakfast 

  DMaster:	 some other people are out and about getting breakfast ready or just chatting   

 Vulcuran:	 I will go get something to eat 

  DMaster:	 ok, Pluger looks up at you, PL: here you go M'Lord 

 Vulcuran:	 Thank You Pluger 

  DMaster:	 he hands you some cooked fruits and bread 

  DMaster:	 he just continues making food 

 Vulcuran:	 if you need me I am going for a walk 

  DMaster:	 he doesnt pay much attention to you 

  DMaster:	 he is handing out the food 

 Vulcuran:	 go for a walk down by where the docks would be 

 Vulcuran:	 or are 

  DMaster:	 ok the docks are rickety to say the least, the sky is clouding up, and the temp is a tad chilly 

  DMaster:	 but its ok 

 Vulcuran:	 I will sit down near them 

  DMaster:	 there is a building, stone, that is by the docks... 

  DMaster:	 right next to the docks 

 Vulcuran:	 go check it out 

  DMaster:	 ok, the door to this building is slightly ajar 

 Vulcuran:	 carefully approach it 

  DMaster:	 ok... the building appears to be empty 

 Vulcuran:	 look around 

 Vulcuran:	 carefully 

  DMaster:	 nothing, its empty and dank... alot of moss is growing and mold is all over, the smell is not the best 

 Vulcuran:	 go back outside 

  DMaster:	 ok... Mayred is walking up to you. 

  DMaster:	 MAYRED: We must be going 

 Vulcuran:	 sit near the docks and eat 

 Vulcuran:	 well you take care 

  DMaster:	 MAYRED; Thank you for your hospitality, and your protection for the night. 

 Vulcuran:	 and safe journey to you 

 Vulcuran:	 anytime 

  DMaster:	 MAYRED: Animax will look over you on your journey home, (he waves his hand... smiles and walks away) 

  DMaster:	 you feel better now 

 Vulcuran:	 got Blessed again right 

  DMaster:	 yup  

  DMaster:	 ok 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

  DMaster:	 you finish eating and then what 

 Vulcuran:	 I will wait for everyone to get done and then will say it is time to move out again 

  DMaster:	 Everyone is all ready.. they were actually waiting for you... 

 Vulcuran:	 well let's go 

  DMaster:	 ok you guys set off... everyone is talking about last nights encounter with the funny men 

 Vulcuran:	 I will just keep moving 

  DMaster:	 ok you guys keep walking 

  DMaster:	 Uneventful except you are starting to turn more north, as you hug the coast 

  DMaster:	 That is promising 

 Vulcuran:	 keep going 

  DMaster:	 you walk until around 4pm, everyone is hungry 

 Vulcuran:	 okay dinner time 

  DMaster:	 ok everyone stops and gets there cold dry rations out and begins to eat 

  DMaster:	 everyone is pretty quiet at this point... 

  DMaster:	 Colder air is ushered in, as the clouds move on out for clear weather 

 Vulcuran:	 I will look out into the distance  

  DMaster:	 ok 

  DMaster:	 the ocean is calm.... 

  DMaster:	 the wind is nice 

  DMaster:	 its a bit chilly though 

 Vulcuran:	 I will wait for everyone to get done 

  DMaster:	 everyone eats and you head on back out 

 Vulcuran:	 keep going 

  DMaster:	 ok you walk for about another 5 hours, and everyoen is exhausted, KRINUS: well there is no encounters,

            no danger and were one day closer to that village 

  DMaster:	 its 9pm, its dark, cold, and the Moon is full 

 Vulcuran:	 well we should setup camp for the night 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS: Ok....  

 Vulcuran:	 I will again take first watch 

  DMaster:	 everyone stops drops and rolls out there bed 

 Vulcuran:	 setup a fire to stay warm 

  DMaster:	 Ok, you stand on the northern side of the camp, while the other guard stands on the south end. 

  DMaster:	 everyone scarfs down some rations. 

  DMaster:	 everyone now have 2 meals left... 

 Vulcuran:	 well it's more like sit 

  DMaster:	 its more like sit? 

 Vulcuran:	 sit down to guard for awhile 

  DMaster:	 ok 

  DMaster:	 you are sitting on a stump 

 Vulcuran:	 keep looking around 

  DMaster:	 The stump looks like someone chopped down, not any time recently  

  DMaster:	 but it was chopped 

 Vulcuran:	 cool 

 Vulcuran:	 keep looking around 

  DMaster:	 there is a slight wind and you can see your breath... your watch was uneventful... then around midnight another guard comes out to releive 

 Vulcuran:	 Thank you I go to sleep 

  DMaster:	 ok you fall quickly to sleep as you were tired 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

  DMaster:	 you wake up to 

 Vulcuran:	 yes 

  DMaster:	 a fairly cloudy early morning... 

 Vulcuran:	 okay I get up 

  DMaster:	 ok not many people are up yet 

  DMaster:	 Pluger is up though, he is stoking a dying fire... 

 Vulcuran:	 I will get up and take a look around 

 Vulcuran:	 morning 

 Vulcuran:	 I say to Pluger 

  DMaster:	 He looks over PLUGER; G'Morning 

  DMaster:	 He goes back to stoking the fire 

 Vulcuran:	 Pluger I want to get started as early as possible so in a little bit wake everyone up 

  DMaster:	 He nods in agreement 

 Vulcuran:	 I will eat a small portion of food 

  DMaster:	 after  awhile, he starts waking people up 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS: M'Lord I would suggest fishing sometime today... 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS: Just so we have some extra food 

 Vulcuran:	 we will do that at lunch time 

  DMaster:	 Krinus nods, OK 

  DMaster:	 everyone is nibbling on some food, and getting geared up 

 Vulcuran:	 I will wait for everyone to get ready and say let's move out 

  DMaster:	 you head on out... 

 Vulcuran:	 keep moving until lunch time 

  DMaster:	 You are now traveling straight north 

  DMaster:	 which is a good thing 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

 Vulcuran:	 keep going 

  DMaster:	 ok... you walk for about 4 hours... its noon 

 Vulcuran:	 stop to fish and eat 

 Vulcuran:	 I will help fish 

  DMaster:	 ok, almost everyone gets some bow string and ties it to a stick with a sharp object on the end and begin to fish 

 Vulcuran:	 I will sit near Krinus 

  DMaster:	 Pluger and Victoria have been almost inseperatable 

 Vulcuran:	 I will fish as well hope I catch some fish 

  DMaster:	 Krinus, looks over at them and then looks at you...  

 Vulcuran:	 what is it Krinus 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS: So what is the deal M'Lord... you and Pluger seem to be at odds here 

 Vulcuran:	 no I know my place in this matter Krinus 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS: What about Pluger? Does he know his place? (raising one eyebrow)

 Vulcuran:	 I don't know 

 Vulcuran:	 my place is to make sure my people get home  

  DMaster:	 Krinus nods 

 Vulcuran:	 He has Victoria so I am staying out of the way 

 Vulcuran:	 If he wants to talk to me he knows where I am 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS: THink she is just doing this to spite you? 

 Vulcuran:	 don't care anymore 

 Vulcuran:	 I just want to get home 

 Vulcuran:	 and a real bed 

  DMaster:	 He nods... some people are catching fish 

 Vulcuran:	 good 

  DMaster:	 you get a bit 

  DMaster:	 bite 

 Vulcuran:	 try and pull it in 

  DMaster:	 its a huge rainbow trout 

  DMaster:	 you struggle but you reel it in with the help of Krinus 

  DMaster:	 it took you an hour to fish 

 Vulcuran:	 alright good eating there Thank You Krinus 

  DMaster:	 the fish you caught is close to 20lbs good enough for a couple meals fo a few people 

  DMaster:	 Krinus: No prob M'Lord 

 Vulcuran:	 well  we are getting close to that town we will buy rations when we get there 

 Vulcuran:	 when I mean 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS: I hope they are right about the town.... 

 Vulcuran:	 me too 

 Vulcuran:	 just pray to Animax that they are right 

  DMaster:	 you guys eat and move on.... you walk for a good 7 hours with no encounters... 

 Vulcuran:	 keep moving 

  DMaster:	 you are out of the marsh land now 

  DMaster:	 for the most apart anyways 

 Vulcuran:	 okay keep moving 

  DMaster:	 its dark and everyone is tired... still no town 

 Vulcuran:	 okay setup camp 

 Vulcuran:	 everyone eat 

 Vulcuran:	 pull Krinus aside 

  DMaster:	 everyone stops drops and rolls out the beds... everyone starts to eat... a couple fires are lit

             and everyone is pretty quiet 

 Vulcuran:	 tell him I am gonna scout ahead a bit 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS: I will come with you then 

 Vulcuran:	 okay if you wish 

  DMaster:	 Krinus tells Pluger they are going... he looks away and walks away 

 Vulcuran:	 Krinus tell Pluger our plan first 

 Vulcuran:	 well let's go Krinus 

  DMaster:	 you and krinus then walk on ahead... 

  DMaster:	 Krinus: how far ahead do you want to go? 

 Vulcuran:	 I don't know until we can just barely see camp 

  DMaster:	 Krinus... ok... 

  DMaster:	 you travel far until the fires of the camp are barely visible 

 Vulcuran:	 look around and see what we see 

  DMaster:	 nothing much, the same crap youve seen for three days now 

 Vulcuran:	 do you want to keep going or do you want to go back to camp Krinus 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS: ahh lets go back then 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

  DMaster:	 get a good sleep... 

  DMaster:	 and hopefully find that town tomorrow 

 Vulcuran:	 go ahead I am gonna keep watch 

  DMaster:	 Krinus looks at you, you dont watch tonight, the other guards rotate, its your day off 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

 Vulcuran:	 I guess I have no choice but to sleep  

 Vulcuran:	 go to sleep after I have a bite to eat 

  DMaster:	 you wake up early in the morning, the sun is just on the horizon 

  DMaster:	 no one is up yet they are all out 

 Vulcuran:	 get up and look around 

 Vulcuran:	 well I will get up and make breakfast 

 Vulcuran:	 for everyone 

  DMaster:	 ok.. people slowly get up, one by one 

  DMaster:	 until the camp is abuzz with activity 

 Vulcuran:	 I will hand them breakfast when they approach 

  DMaster:	 ok they all thank oyu 

  DMaster:	 and they eat. 

  DMaster:	 they gather there stuff and head out 

 Vulcuran:	 I will eat mine then 

 Vulcuran:	 and then go too 

  DMaster:	 you travel along the coastline for another 2 hours until in the distance you can see ships out at sea 

 Vulcuran:	 maybe we are close to that town 

 Vulcuran:	 I will look to see if the ship have any flags or symbols 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS; I hope soo 

  DMaster:	 they are way to far away, you can just see the silohoutte of the ships on the seas 

 Vulcuran:	 well we should keep moving 

 Vulcuran:	 let's move 

  DMaster:	 ok, you go for about 15 more minutes, and the ships are sailing in and sailing out 

 Vulcuran:	 keep moving 

  DMaster:	 you can vaguely see docks and part of what seems to be a town 

 Vulcuran:	 looks like we are there finally 

 Vulcuran:	 keep moving 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS; Yes I think so too 

 Vulcuran:	 good 

 Vulcuran:	 keep moving 

  DMaster:	 Ok the closer you get the more you know this is the town that Alyndri was talking about 

  DMaster:	 BTW she gave you 30 GP. 

 Vulcuran:	 good we are gonna need it 

 Vulcuran:	 keep moving 

  DMaster:	 ok... you get on the outskirts of the town, but its a friggin pretty big town 

  DMaster:	 very close to a city 

 Vulcuran:	 keep going 

  DMaster:	 KRINUS: Hey we can pay a ship to get us back to Camerondale 

 Vulcuran:	 well keep moving I want to find a Inn  

 Vulcuran:	 so that we can find out where we are 

 Vulcuran:	 maybe get in touch with the local authorities and see who is in charge here 

 Vulcuran:	 maybe they will help us get home 

  DMaster:	 Ok 

  DMaster:	 you get into the main town its around 3 pm 

 Vulcuran:	 find an Inn 

  DMaster:	 ok, the road you are on... looking


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VERSION 2.1 UPDATED 09.19.09