Welcome to Legon
Main characters for this adventure segment

WARNING!!! This text will contain language not suitable for some people. It is mearly an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. There will be many misspelled words, and fragmented sentences and sometimes things that just don't make sense. Just read, enjoy and have fun!

  Vulcuran:	 finally 
 DMaster:	 You krinus and Pluger are outside the hut while the people inside settle down from the event 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

 DMaster:	 KRINUS: I guess we just witnessed what the witches can do huh? 

 Vulcuran:	 we go back inside 

 DMaster:	 PLUGER; Im not liking it, we need to get a map. 

 Vulcuran:	 Yeah I guess so 

 Vulcuran:	 well where do you suggest we look Pluger 

 DMaster:	 Maybe we can inquire in the morning about a map.... we need to find the easiest way out of the witches corner 

 Vulcuran:	 I agree there I don't want to spend anymore time here 

 DMaster:	 KRINUS: I beleive we are east of the Island with the pirate cove, which if my memory serves me 
           well, we are in a pinnisula of sorts 

 DMaster:	 KRINUS:The whole pinnisula is inhabited by witches??? 

 DMaster:	 PLUGER: Thats what they say 

 Vulcuran:	 well that still doesn't tell us how far away from camerondale we are 

 Vulcuran:	 well I wouldn't trust anybody but the people in our group 

 DMaster:	 PLUGER:True, but at least we know that North is not our best option eh? 

 Vulcuran:	 yeah 

 DMaster:	 I guess a direct West trek would best serve us....  

 DMaster:	 Krinus: Man that shipwreck... lost everything... the maps, the food and my good arrows 

 Vulcuran:	 well we should wait till morning and then get the hell out of here 

 DMaster:	 PLUGER: Well its the land of no sleep. We might as well get going now... 

 Vulcuran:	 okay  

 DMaster:	 PLUGER: Im heading in getting everyone organized... 

 Vulcuran:	 but be on your guard can never tell when we might run into more witches 

 DMaster:	 KRINUS: Ill help 

 DMaster:	 the two go inside 

 Vulcuran:	 okay I will stay out here to guard 

 Vulcuran:	 look around the araea 

 Vulcuran:	 area 

 DMaster:	 A wispy foggy formation appears in front of you. 

 Vulcuran:	 back up alittle bit and yell for Pluger 

 Vulcuran:	 draw my sword then 

 DMaster:	 swurling.... and turning into .... (hold on looking for something) 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

 DMaster:	 Trynius appers in front of you, do you still call Pluger? 

 DMaster:	 Trynia I mean 

 Vulcuran:	 I will hold off for a minute 

 Vulcuran:	 What do you want Tyrnia 

 DMaster:	 TRY: Good Morning Vulcuran.... 

 Vulcuran:	 Well good for you maybe 

 DMaster:	 TRY: I come to see how you like the show witches put on at night if you are not under a Coven. 

 Vulcuran:	 well I didn't like it that much and the little bit you did to me  

 DMaster:	 TRY: That last debacle you went through was a witch who has been after me for years 

 DMaster:	 TRY: My apologies for any inconvenience with that, I have to keep my stregnth 

 DMaster:	 TRY: And you had such a strong aura, it was impossible to resist

 Vulcuran:	 How am I suppose to lead my people home when I am weakened like this 

 DMaster:	 TRY: Oh please Vulcarian, you lead your people back in the days when you were a pip squeek against 
             every foe in the realm 

 DMaster:	 TRY: Remember Ruffian and Daggerdone? 

 DMaster:	 TRY: I shant not forget you  

 DMaster:	 TRY: And in good faith, I present you with this 

 Vulcuran:	 I look to see what I get 

 DMaster:	 She hands you a golden scroll.... 

 DMaster:	 Pluger walks out... 

 Vulcuran:	 what is this 

 DMaster:	 Trynia jumps back and her eyes grow deep red.... 

 Vulcuran:	 Pluger back inside 

 DMaster:	 Pluger unsheathes his sword. 

 Vulcuran:	 now 

 Vulcuran:	 I mean it 

 DMaster:	 PLUGER: M'lord, this is the head witch.. I feel it, We must rid Legon of such vermin,  

 DMaster:	 Pluger has this wicked scowl on his face 

 Vulcuran:	 Pluger go back inside now 

 DMaster:	 TRYNIA: You Knight! Begone! I do not like your kind 

 DMaster:	 You notice Trynia is actually floating 

 Vulcuran:	 Do as I say I am still your Duke now get back inside and let me handle this 

 DMaster:	 Pluger : M'Lord I can not trust you alone with this thing 

 DMaster:	 PLuger: As you wish 

 Vulcuran:	 Trust my judgement  

 DMaster:	 Pluger rolls his eyes and walks back in... 

 Vulcuran:	 was he right Trynia are you the head witch  

 DMaster:	 TRYNIA: I hate knights, always have always will... if he was not such a close friend of yours I 
           would of destroyed him right where he stood 

 Vulcuran:	 well I'm glad you didn't 

 Vulcuran:	 why did you choose to me for your fun last night 

 DMaster:	 TRYNIA: I lead my Coven.... this Village is under my protection, these people do my bidding.  

 DMaster:	 TRYNIA: I told you, your aura of power, your life essence. It drew me to you. 

 Vulcuran:	 well that's great always knew it would come in handy for something after all 

 Vulcuran:	 HaHa 

 DMaster:	 TRYNIA: I must be getting back... Be safe vulcarian... Your people look up to you, they rely on your word, 

           especially that hideous Knight. 

 Vulcuran:	 Why I don't know 

 Vulcuran:	 take care Trynia 

 DMaster:	 She leans over and kisses you on your cheek. Whispers: "you will journey through this land with no incident with witches,

           but you must make haste, my spell can only last so long. Good luck m'love...." 

 DMaster:	 SHe dissappears 

 Vulcuran:	 M'lady  

 DMaster:	 a small trail of smoke goes wizzing up the pathway towards the castle 

 Vulcuran:	 I will head back inside and say let's go everyone we are leaving now 

 DMaster:	 Everyone is just standing waiting... everyone looks pretty shaken still 

 DMaster:	 Pluger comes up to you.... 

 Vulcuran:	 relax we will be alright 

 DMaster:	 PLUGER: I have vowed to rid evil of the land no matter what the cost, Trynia is the essence of evil. 

 Vulcuran:	 Yes Pluger 

 DMaster:	 PLUGER: I feel like I should go after her 

 DMaster:	 There is a knock on the door 

 Vulcuran:	 well right now that evil has seen to it that we will get out of here without incident so you will

           not go after her  

 Vulcuran:	 I will carefully check it 

 Vulcuran:	 not 

 Vulcuran:	 go after her 

 DMaster:	 Its two of Trynia's Wimmin 

 Vulcuran:	 Hello M'ladies 

 Vulcuran:	 Stay calm Pluger 

 DMaster:	 WOMAN: Trynia requests you leave at once, the Knight is not welcome here, and it displeases Trynia much. 

 DMaster:	 PLUGER; I dont feel anything with these goon-ettes? 

 Vulcuran:	 well we were just about to leave 

 DMaster:	 THey nod and walk up the path back to the Castle 

 Vulcuran:	 Pluger show a little respect you are a Knight after all 

 DMaster:	 Pluger : Ill take on every last one of them..... 

 Vulcuran:	 Pluger I said you won't and that is an order 

 DMaster:	 PLUGER: Respect!!!! What are you high on drugs???? THis is a WITCH and Witches in waiting I suppose!!!!

            Has she cast a spell on you or are you nutz? 

 Vulcuran:	 no she has not  

 DMaster:	 The two women stop and walk back towards the hut 

 Vulcuran:	 we will get out of here in one piece if you just shut up and listen to me 

 DMaster:	 WOMEN: PLEASE LEAVE! They stare at pluger as their eyes turn red 

 DMaster:	 THe people start filing out 

 DMaster:	 Pluger draws his sword 

 Vulcuran:	 M'ladies we are right now 

 DMaster:	 your party is heading out of town 

 Vulcuran:	 Pluger I said no and that is an order or else your gonna have to go through me 

 DMaster:	 Pluger stays close to your side as does Krinus 

 DMaster:	 PLUGER: Can never be sure with a witch, there word means as much as a horses ass 

 DMaster:	 The women stare at Pluger.... 

 Vulcuran:	 I never did look at the golden scroll Tyrnia gave me I will take a look at it

            when we are out of the town 

 Vulcuran:	 Pluger just shut up already about this subject 

 DMaster:	 ok, you guys walk down the path, 6 more women show up to meet up with the other 2 

 Vulcuran:	 Pluger don't say one word please

 DMaster:	 PLUGER: Yes m'lord 

 Vulcuran:	 good that's more like it 

 DMaster:	 The women dont move but you can see their red eyes a good half mile away 

 Vulcuran:	 keep going  

 DMaster:	 The sun is rising lets see how the weather is 

 DMaster:	 Hardly a cloud in the sky... 

 DMaster:	 its a bit chilly in the morning, but bearable 

 Vulcuran:	 Well it will have to do 

 DMaster:	 a slight wind 

 DMaster:	 PLUGER: What is that in your hand there? 

 Vulcuran:	 I should take a look at this scroll 

 DMaster:	 are you going to open the scroll 

 Vulcuran:	 Tyrnia gave it to me in good faith she said 

 Vulcuran:	 I will ask Pluger and Krinus what they think 

 DMaster:	 Pluger gives you a weird look 

 Vulcuran:	 what 

 DMaster:	 He just shakes his head and walks to the front of the group 

 Vulcuran:	 well Krinus what do you think 

 DMaster:	 He shrugs his shoulders 

 Vulcuran:	 I will carefully open it 

 DMaster:	 ok... its a scroll 

 Vulcuran:	 well I open it 

 Vulcuran:	 look at it  

 DMaster:	 ok... its a map of the witches corner 

 Vulcuran:	 Hey we have a map 

 DMaster:	 Krinus: Cool... now we can get the hell out of here 

 Vulcuran:	 yeah let's take a quick look and see which way we should go 

 DMaster:	 Ok do you stop the whole party? 

 Vulcuran:	 yes for a minute 

 DMaster:	 Ok you see the map, and you are in the NE corner of the Pinnisula... 

 Vulcuran:	 so which way is it to get headed back toward camerondale 

 DMaster:	 well it looks like you will have to go SW for a while, and then West for a bit and follow the coast up North 

 Vulcuran:	 well let's do it 

 DMaster:	 Ok the path your on leads North & South. 

 DMaster:	 Your only about 15 minutes outside of Ridgecrest Coven Village 

 Vulcuran:	 south would take us back the way we came right 

 DMaster:	 right 

 Vulcuran:	 well North we go then 

 DMaster:	 So West is your best bet, except it will be off trail.. through brush and sparce trees and grass 

 DMaster:	 North will get you no where 

 DMaster:	 it will get you back to your crash site 

 Vulcuran:	 okay we go west then  

 Vulcuran:	 but we will go carefully 

 DMaster:	 ok you go through some brush... 

 Vulcuran:	 looking for traps etc as we go along 

 DMaster:	 and over a few small hills... 

 Vulcuran:	 keep going 

 DMaster:	 and you get to some flat lands... with very little brush and a few trees 

 Vulcuran:	 okay we keep going 

 DMaster:	 then Pluger waves you over to him. 

 Vulcuran:	 yes Pluger 

 DMaster:	 Krinus has his Composite already strung with an arrow 

 Vulcuran:	 I draw my sword 

 DMaster:	 PLUGER: We have company... straight ahead, looks like a band of things, not sure yet 

 DMaster:	 PLUGER: Im still not sure if they saw us yet 

 Vulcuran:	 well we will just have to wait and see I will try to look and see what they are 

 DMaster:	 let me roll 1-5 on d20 and you know otherwise your just to far away to tell 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

 DMaster:	 Your to far to tell 

 DMaster:	 KRINUS's eyes grow... 

 DMaster:	 KRINUS: M'Lord we are upwind!!!!!! 

 DMaster:	 You notice the "encountered" group starting to get a little rowdy 

 Vulcuran:	 well they smell us so they must be monsters so I say get ready to fight 

 DMaster:	 What do you do? 

 DMaster:	 Ok you have 12 men, Pluger and you... 

 DMaster:	 then 18 wimmin 

 Vulcuran:	 well Pluger and Krinus you and 5 men are with me we will go take on the monsters and the rest stay with the woman 

 DMaster:	 PLUGER; Yes m'lord 

 Vulcuran:	 Men you protect these women no matter what okay 

 DMaster:	 Pluger gets five of the best and gets back to you. So its you, Pluger, Krinus and 5 3 stars 

 Vulcuran:	 okay let's go  

 DMaster:	 The rest get the woman and they surround them. 

 DMaster:	 ok you start forward, your about 30 yards away.... 

 DMaster:	 You can see them now 

 Vulcuran:	 what are they 

 DMaster:	 its a group of Orcs... 

 DMaster:	 they are Teeter Orcs... 

 Vulcuran:	 good I speak orc 

 DMaster:	 Uhh wait... 

 DMaster:	 Ok you still speak all your languages 

 DMaster:	 Whats your THACO? 

 Vulcuran:	 12 

 Vulcuran:	 base 

 DMaster:	 gotcha well its 14 now 

 Vulcuran:	 +1 sword 

 DMaster:	 Remember you lost levels 

 Vulcuran:	 well it makes it 13 

 DMaster:	 ok 

 DMaster:	 Ok you areabout 15 feet away from the Orcs,  

 DMaster:	 PLUGER: 15 of them 

 Vulcuran:	 I will tell the men to get ready to attack 

 DMaster:	 He has his hand on his Sword... 

 DMaster:	 One orc steps out and looks over you guys... 

 Vulcuran:	 I will speak to them in their language  

 Vulcuran:	 Let us pass 

 DMaster:	 ORC; (in orc) Who goes theree? 

 Vulcuran:	 Vulcuran of Camerondale 

 Vulcuran:	 in orc of course 

 DMaster:	 They look at each other shaking their heads.... 

 DMaster:	 ORC: Means nothing to me 

 DMaster:	 ORC: WE patrol land for vermin, we demand tax paid before you continue. 

 Vulcuran:	 Well we have no money (in orc)  

 DMaster:	 ORC: He looks back at his group... 

 DMaster:	 ORC: Then what DO YOU have? 

 Vulcuran:	 Guys I say to the men looks like we are in for a fight 

 DMaster:	 One orc leans forward to the what seems to be the head orc: psst pssssst psst 

 Vulcuran:	 Well everything we have is ours and you cannot have it so 

 DMaster:	 ORC: Give us 2 of your women and you will live and continue 

 Vulcuran:	 Ha you think I would give you our women your more stupid than I thought 

 Vulcuran:	 guys draw your weapons now I just insulted them 

 DMaster:	 The Orc glares at you.... ORC: We run you through with out breaking sweat    why resist? 

 DMaster:	 All the orcs are in full gear. Not like normal orcs.... 

 Vulcuran:	 Because I am not going to be bullied by some orc if you know what I had been through to get this far you would understand 

 DMaster:	 All have a banded mail of sorts, a mace with large spikes and large gawdy shields 

 DMaster:	 ORC: Suit yourself 

 Vulcuran:	 I have been to hell and back all I want to do is go home 

 DMaster:	 The group of orcs begin to spread out 

 Vulcuran:	 men you know the drill the leader is mine 

 DMaster:	 The leader pulls out a DOuble sided battle axe... 

 DMaster:	 The orcs rush in! 

 Vulcuran:	 charge 

 DMaster:	 Rolling initiative with the leader 

 Vulcuran:	 sword drawn I attack the leader 

 DMaster:	 ok you get first dibs... so do you take a swing? 

 Vulcuran:	 yes  

 DMaster:	 ok....man you have no luck 

 Vulcuran:	 shit 

 DMaster:	 you rolled a 1 

 Vulcuran:	 let me guess I miss 

 DMaster:	 YOu drop your sword 

 Vulcuran:	 shit again 

 Vulcuran:	 you need new dice 

 Vulcuran:	 dice don't like me 

 DMaster:	 The orc has this wicked grin on his face as he shakes his head.... he raises his Axe 

 DMaster:	 WHAM! 

 DMaster:	 he rolls a 19, actually its electronic dice thrower 

 Vulcuran:	 it still sucks 

 Vulcuran:	 shit 

 DMaster:	 it digs deep into your shoulder, luckily its your left shoulder 

 DMaster:	 how many HP do you have? 

 Vulcuran:	 you tell me 

 Vulcuran:	 I had 80 

 DMaster:	 what do you have now? 

 DMaster:	 before the loss of Life 

 DMaster:	 ok... let me see you have 62 total now 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

 Vulcuran:	 pick up sword for another swing 

 DMaster:	 Well you waste a turn getting the sword 

 DMaster:	 He takes another swipe at you 

 Vulcuran:	 let me guess hit 

 DMaster:	 He misses completely, you just jump out of the way 

 DMaster:	 now you have the sword 

 Vulcuran:	 I will try again 

 DMaster:	 You pick up the sword and bring it up with a great force, its slices his belly.... 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

 DMaster:	 ORC: Arggghhhhhh DIE!!!!!!!!! 

 DMaster:	 He brings up the Axe and swings 

 Vulcuran:	 I will try to dodge it 

 DMaster:	 He knicks your same shoulder giving you nothing more then a flesh wound 

 Vulcuran:	 I will swing in return 

 DMaster:	 Your bleeding pretty bad 

 Vulcuran:	 ignore it right now 

 Vulcuran:	 swing like I said 

 DMaster:	 Ok you swing across and he dodges it easily 

 Vulcuran:	 shit 

 DMaster:	 He brings his axe round house style 

 Vulcuran:	 parry 

 DMaster:	 he cuts open... 

 DMaster:	 that same arm again!!!!!!!! your left side is getting a beating 

 Vulcuran:	 I will swing again 

 DMaster:	 WHAM right into his swinging arm! 

 Vulcuran:	 good 

 DMaster:	 ORC:Umph! 

 DMaster:	 he swings again 

 Vulcuran:	 parry it 

 DMaster:	 Damn, another flesh wound, this time a little below your neck 

 Vulcuran:	 swing again 

 DMaster:	 no real damage though 

 DMaster:	 good 

 DMaster:	 he is good 

 Vulcuran:	 well he will go down 

 Vulcuran:	 I swing again in a conan like slashing fashion 

 DMaster:	 Well the dice are likin ya know 

 DMaster:	 you hit him gashing his arm up even more 

 DMaster:	 and slices into his open side of his armor.... 

 Vulcuran:	 I won't get cocky yet 

 DMaster:	 He stumbles forwarrd and sppends his turn gurgeling... and looking not to good 

 Vulcuran:	 swing again 

 Vulcuran:	 again in that Conan like fashion 

 DMaster:	 Right into his neck and probably down to his stomach.... he falls to the ground gurgeling and spitting blood, his body goes limp. 

 DMaster:	 Ok your 5 men are down to 3 and Pluger is fighting 2 orcs at the same time 

 Vulcuran:	 I yell your leader is dead now flee before you all die 

 DMaster:	 they seem to have 7 orcs left all which are injured somewhere 

 Vulcuran:	 If they don't flee I will attack the nearest orc 

 DMaster:	 Krinus isnt fairing to well, hes the farthest away and getting beat down by two orcs 

 Vulcuran:	 I will try to get to him 

 DMaster:	 Ok, you go after an orc... and unfortunately you get 3 in return... 

 DMaster:	 finding the initiate 

 DMaster:	 Ok you get first swing 

 Vulcuran:	 I will swing at hte closest one 

 Vulcuran:	 the 

 DMaster:	 You miss 

 DMaster:	 swoosh 

 Vulcuran:	 shit again 

 DMaster:	 They all take swings at you 

 Vulcuran:	 shit here we go 

 DMaster:	 orc 1 : Misses completely 

 Vulcuran:	 good 

 DMaster:	 orc 2: slices open your 

 DMaster:	 pant leg, but didnt hit you 

 Vulcuran:	 good 

 DMaster:	 orc 3 : missed 

 Vulcuran:	 whem 

 Vulcuran:	 I swing again 

 DMaster:	 Misses him 

 Vulcuran:	 shit 

 DMaster:	 orc 1:miss 

 Vulcuran:	 good 

 DMaster:	 orc 2: Hits your head slightly, doing maybe 1 point of damage 

 DMaster:	 orc 3: misses 

 Vulcuran:	 now I'm pissed swing again in Conan fashion 

 DMaster:	 Miss 

 Vulcuran:	 shit 

 DMaster:	 Orc 1: miss 

 DMaster:	 orc 2: miss 

 Vulcuran:	 good 

 DMaster:	 orc 3: miss 

 Vulcuran:	 good 

 Vulcuran:	 I swing again 

 DMaster:	 Miss 

 Vulcuran:	 **** 

 DMaster:	 Orc 1: miss 

 DMaster:	 Orc 2: WHAM! hits you in the the side... past your armor... OH 

 DMaster:	 it was a direct hit 

 Vulcuran:	 damn it 

 DMaster:	 orc 3: miss 

 Vulcuran:	 swing at orc that hit 

 Vulcuran:	 me 

 DMaster:	 THUD! 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

 DMaster:	 SLice the throat of the orc, he falls to the ground with his head barely on his body 

 DMaster:	 Orc #2 is dead 

 Vulcuran:	 okay what do the other two do 

 DMaster:	 One looks around and starts to run... rolling for the 3rd orc 

 DMaster:	 he jets too 

 Vulcuran:	 I will head for Krinus 

 DMaster:	 Krinus is lying in a pool of his own blood, he has ripped parts of his shirt off and is trying

           to stop the bleeding of his arm.... 

 DMaster:	 He is conscious at least 

 Vulcuran:	 any orcs still around 

 DMaster:	 you are left with a very injured Krinus, Pluger who seemed to take on the whole squadron himself,

          and 2 three star guards 

 DMaster:	 No out of 15, 12 are dead, 3 fleed 

 Vulcuran:	 I will try to bandage myself up too 

 Vulcuran:	 get Krinus to Vicky 

 DMaster:	 You are bleeding pretty bad, Pluger is over at the Fallen guards 

 Vulcuran:	 let's get back to the group 

 DMaster:	 The group is almost were your at aleready... blood is every where... bodies laying all over and body
         pieces... its quite the gruesome scene 

 Vulcuran:	 okay 

 DMaster:	 All the girls are like (gag) half of them go and throw up, others stare in disbeleif 

 Vulcuran:	  Pluger take Krinus over to Victoria for healing 

 DMaster:	 Victoria is feeling quesy... Krinus refuses 

 Vulcuran:	 why Krinus 

 DMaster:	 KRINUS: No you are bleeding pretty bad, you must lead us 

 DMaster:	 KRINUS: I will get her second healing tommorrow 

 Vulcuran:	 okay but we will get you bandaged up better when I am done 

 DMaster:	 Victoria is over with a couple of girls 

 DMaster:	 they are looking away from the scene 

 Vulcuran:	 I will go over to Victoria 

 DMaster:	 She looks up at you 

 Vulcuran:	 Victoria I know you don't like me but I am asking to be healed 

 DMaster:	 VICKY: If I heal I cant walk... if your not healed you still can walk.... 

 DMaster:	 VICKY: I heard all about this Witches Corner, and I want out asap 

 Vulcuran:	 well if I am not healed I will die now 

 DMaster:	 VIC: as does the entire party 

 DMaster:	 Vicky looks you over, no you will be in pain, but you will live 

 Vulcuran:	 well heal me so I can lead them out of here I will personally carry you my self if I have to 

 DMaster:	 VICKY: Am I always going to be bailing you out? What happens If

     I didnt make the Ship Wreck? HUH? 

 Vulcuran:	 well sorry 

 Vulcuran:	 I asked I start to walk away 

 DMaster:	 VICKY: Sorry for what? No dont you walk away from me!!!!

     How dare you walk away!!!!

 Vulcuran:	 Look it's obvious your to good to heal me so just don't bother 

 DMaster:	 VICKY: Sorry for what? 

 Vulcuran:	 Sorry that I hurt you from the start when we meet I never meant to  

 DMaster:	 VICKY: WEll I think I am, I dont go in to others peoples home and kill

     their family do I??? HUH? And then you expect me to keep healing you. What is this going to do for me?

     Bring back my father and brother 

 DMaster:	 VICKY: are drifting somewhere in the ocean! 

 DMaster:	 Pluger is walking over... 

 Vulcuran:	 Look I said I was sorry about that I was following orders from my King and I was doing my job 

 Vulcuran:	 Pluger I need bandages I can't deal with this  

 DMaster:	 VICKY: Your Job? Your job was to kill my family members? Wow nice realm you live in! You guys are a joke!

          I would be home right now with my brother playing dragon dice right now 

 DMaster:	 sipping wine and enjoying life! 

 Vulcuran:	 Yeah A life that you got from your father and brother killing innocent people 

 DMaster:	 But no I am here getting shipwrecked, attacked by witches and asked to heal the person I hate the most in the world!!! 

 Vulcuran:	 well the person you hate most in life cares about you more than you can imagine 

 DMaster:	 She gives you a weird look 

 Vulcuran:	 so like I said just forget it I will go get some bandages  

 DMaster:	 VICKY: DO not patronize me 

 Vulcuran:	 I wasn't I was being truthful 

 DMaster:	 VICKY: No you dont go no where...  

 Vulcuran:	 why are you going to stop me Miss high and mighty 

 DMaster:	 VICKY: I CAn heal there loser, I can also NOT heal! I could take you down quicker then a blink of my eye!!!!!!! 

 DMaster:	 SHe shoves you... 

 DMaster:	 VICKY: I could KILL you right here and now!!!!!! 

 DMaster:	 Pluger stands inbetween you two, as the whole party stares... mouths agape

 Vulcuran:	 well it's what you have wanted since the begining so here you go 

 Vulcuran:	 I put my sword away  

 DMaster:	 PLUGER: Liten you too, we are ALL in a situation we dont want to be in, so lets just make the most of it.... 

 Vulcuran:	 kill me if you want I could never hurt someone I have feelings for 

 DMaster:	 Listen 

 Vulcuran:	 Pluger I need bandages 

 DMaster:	 VICKY: Shut up Duke, quit fooling yourself 

 DMaster:	 PLUGER; I have a guard getting you some now 

 Vulcuran:	 I ain't fooling myself 

 DMaster:	 Pluger turns to you 

 Vulcuran:	 what 

 DMaster:	 PLUGER: (in a whisper) Stop talking and this ends, let it die, we will get nowhere arguing 

 DMaster:	 PLUGER: we need to get going... we need to move it.... remember where we are at! 

 Vulcuran:	 okay I say and walk away 

 DMaster:	 VIKCY; Where you going sensitive feeling man!!! Can you make things all better now!!!! want to...  

 Vulcuran:	 I don't say a word 

 DMaster:	 PLUGER:(to victoria grabbing her arms) Listen you, Its time to grow up and grow up quick.

            Survivors deal with things, and the way your going you wont last the day. Vulcuran has been

            through more then you could ever imagine. 

 DMaster:	 PLUGER; Now shut your hole and lets move on.... 

 DMaster:	 PLUGER: Oh and heal Krinus for gods sake the kid is ready to croak... I will carry you... 

 Vulcuran:	 I will bandage myself up 

 DMaster:	 A guard is helping you 

 Vulcuran:	 Thank You for the help 

 DMaster:	 Victoria walks over to Krinus and heals him much to his dismay 

 Vulcuran:	 good at least Krinus won't die 

 DMaster:	 Pluger picks up victoria and slings her over his shoulder.... PLUGER: Are you ready m'lord??? 

 Vulcuran:	 Yes be careful with her please 

 DMaster:	 Pluger just shakes his head... PL: You have issues.

 Vulcuran:	 let's get out of here 

 Vulcuran:	 I want the orc's axe as a momento 

 DMaster:	 ok the party moves on 2 men less then before.... Pluger had the other men dig quick graves and bury them 

 DMaster:	 its a very large one and bulky and you are all carrying bear meat.... 

 Vulcuran:	 okay forget it 

 DMaster:	 ok dont type anything 


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VERSION 2.1 UPDATED 09.19.09