
Here is a quick guide for weather for your campaign. This is based off weather that would be from Maine to the Virginia’s, Washington State to northern California or England and Scotland. If you are in warmer climate, make note to add 5 or 10 degrees to what ever you roll. Obviously if you are in a desert or deep in a jungle, these charts may not work for you. See below each chart for more information.

Roll a 1D100 or 2D10

1Hurricane / Tornado100% Rain, 100% Storm, +30 Wind0H:50% T:100%
2Squals 100% Rain, 100% Storm, +12 Wind-5100
03-04Cloudy, Windy Hail Squals90% Rain, +10 Wind-575
05-08Heavy Dark Clouds100% Rain, 75% Storm, +7 Wind-585
09-12Dark Clouds95% Rain, 50% Storm, +5 Wind-570
13-16Heavy Clouds75% Rain, 35% Storm-550
17-21Cloudy50% Rain, 15% Storm-545
22-25Cloudy25% Rain, 5% Storm-535
26-30Heavy Clouds10% Rain-525
31-35Cloudy10% Rain015
36-45Mostly Cloudy025
46-55Partly Cloudy010
55-60Mixed Clouds and Sun025
61-64Few Clouds, WindyAdd +10 Wind-530
65-76Mostly Sunny510
77-83Sun - Clouds on horizon040
84-90Completely Clear015
91-95Sunny, Humid, Fog in morning1075
96-00Clear, 50% Humid, Warmer1035


– The percentage to change is purely optional. If you want to be more immersive / realistic, you can use this. After rolling the weather, if you roll again (1d100) and it tells you the weather changes, just like in real life, the weather can change frequent. You will reroll the weather chart and at mid-day the weather will switch over to the new roll. After one change, though, that is it. It can be a much rolling for weather all the time.

With that being said, you will have to be smart about this too. A tornado is not going to last all day, unless it’s magic. Bad storms, minus maybe a hurricane, won’t last all day either. Know that they will change, and have the roll ready to go when you feel the storm has run it’s course.

– Temperature is below this for the roll. Take note of season. Make your own adjustments for what area of land they are in (desert, forest, coastal, etc). This also means, if you roll heavy rains and it is 30 degrees, it is not going to be rain, it will be snow.

– I do very well, right before I start my session, I roll out 3-4 days of weather and jot them down. That way I don’t have to do it during the session, plus if the weather is going to be an issue, you can plan for it ahead of time.

Rolled a 21 on a 1d100 (cloudy, possible rain (50% chance), slight chance of storm (15% chance)). Then knowing I have to find out if it is raining, rolled again and got a 10 on a 1d100 (Means it is raining). To see if it is storming out, I then rolled a 72 on a 1d100 (no storm, it was only 15% chance).

If you use the percentage to change, you will roll a 1d100 again. The Cloudy, rain, possible storm, has a 45% chance to change during the day. I roll a 22, meaning it will change (I use midday as the timeline). I roll again, 1d100, and get a 88. The weather is now completely clear.

THAT DAYS WEATHER:Heavy clouds, raining pretty good, but a storm does not look like it is in the cards. By mid-day the clouds start to taper off, and the sun breaks through. Early afternoon the clouds are all but gone and a bright sunny day is upon you.


Temperate is based off; Maine to Virginia / Washington State to Northern California / England / etc. E = Early, L + Late



– Make adjustments for what climate you are in. Figure if the average temperature of the area would be roughly 10 degrees warmer than say an area from Maine to Virginia, then add 10 to every roll. If it’s colder, to the same.
– If it doesn’t make sense, re-roll. i.e. if its a blizzard and you roll for 50 degrees, use common sense and have it below zero.
– Spring and fall split into Early and late signified by (L) or (E). The heat and cold are dictated by Winter and Summer, so the temperature charts reflect that. The closer to Summer, the more change it will be warmer, the closer to winter the colder it will be.


Weather for RPG's Dungeons and Dragons and Legon

01-15	None
16-35	1-5 mph
36-50	5-10 mph
51-65	10-15 mph
66-75	15-20 mph
76-85	20-30 mph
86-92	30-40 mph
93-98	50-65 mph
99-00	65 +


This should be used for the generic weather, cloudy, sunny, partly cloudy. If there is a hurricane, storm, you can better estimate yourself than hope you roll what it should be.