WARNING!!! This text and some images will contain language or visuals not suitable for some people. It is mearly an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. There will be many misspelled words, and fragmented sentences and sometimes things that just don't make sense. Just read, enjoy and have fun!
Vulcuran: walk up to the guy
DMaster: he is laughing still
Vulcuran: Vulc: What is so funny?
DMaster: GUY: You don't know! I love it! That fatass gnome didn’t tell you? *laughes*\
Vulcuran: smack him
Vulcuran: Vulc: get him out of my sight
DMaster: spit flies from his mouth
DMaster: GUY: I’m going to see the king? *laughes*
DMaster: GUY: In what a casket?!
Vulcuran: Vulc: Someone gag him
Vulcuran: Someone
DMaster: PYRON: *looks at you* What is he talking about M'Lord?
Vulcuran: Vulc: Just get him to the throne room and get the King
DMaster: PYRON: starts to wrap a bandana around his hand and gets ready to gag him
Vulcuran: Vulc: I will follow you back to the castle
DMaster: GUY: Your too late, he is DEAD... so is the rest of your precious Royal ring... *Pyron gags him*
Vulcuran: Vulc: Now let’s get back to the castle at once
DMaster: The guards escort him up the pathway
DMaster: you following close behind
Vulcuran: I follow keeping sword drawn
Vulcuran: just in case something should happen
DMaster: A few people stop and are watching you go by
Vulcuran: keep moving
DMaster: you go through the inner gates
DMaster: head towards the castle
Vulcuran: yeah
Vulcuran: Vulc: to the throne room with this scum
DMaster: upon entering the castle, Thames has a guy pinned against the wall by his throat, Thames is obviously hurt
DMaster: The remaining guards rush over
Vulcuran: Vulc: Thames are you okay?
Vulcuran: I rush over as well
DMaster: Carol comes running out, she has a dagger in her belly...
DMaster: CAROL: Where is that son of a bitch!
DMaster: blood trailing behind her
Vulcuran: Vulc: Guards help Carol
DMaster: GUY: *laughes* TOO LATE!!!! AHHHH HAHAHAHA
Vulcuran: Guards
DMaster: PYRON has already rang the overall alarm and most of the guards will be here soon
Vulcuran: I run into the castle
DMaster: THAMES: VULC! Get all the monks you can, Damon... his wife.... I think are dead... FIND THE KING!
DMaster: Thames throws the guy down and kicks him in the head, knocking him out
DMaster: Carol collapses
Vulcuran: Vulc: What the hell happened Thames
DMaster: PYRON: I have already sent for the priests and clerics of animax m'lord
DMaster: Thames is frantic...
DMaster: THAMES: Where is Jeramiah!??
Vulcuran: Vul: Pyron you are with me we have to find the king
Vulcuran: Vul: Thames we will find the king you stay here with carol
DMaster: Carol falls limp in the Guards grasp
DMaster: THAMES: CAROL!!!!
DMaster: You hear more guards rushing in
Vulcuran: Vulc: Pyron with me now to the king's chamber
DMaster: PYRON: yes m'lord
DMaster: you two run down the hallway and get to his chamber doors
DMaster: They are locked
Vulcuran: try bashing the doors in
DMaster: You slam into them...
DMaster: Dice hate you
DMaster: you rolled a 1
Vulcuran: go figure
DMaster: you slipped and fell and hit your head on the door *bonk*
Vulcuran: just my luck
DMaster: PYRON: M'lord... let’s do it together
DMaster: DM: if it wasn’t such an emergency I would be laughing my ass off
Vulcuran: Vulc: Let me try something first
Vulcuran: Vulc: What you are about to see you must never tell a soul Pyron
DMaster: PYRON: Yes M'Lord
Vulcuran: I get my lock picks out
Vulcuran: and try and pick the lock
DMaster: ok you pick the lock with ease
Vulcuran: put picks away and enter with sword drawn
DMaster: the door seems to be barred from the inside
Vulcuran: dayum it
Vulcuran: Vulc: Let’s try it your way Pyron
Vulcuran: Vulc: together
DMaster: you both hammer away at the door with your shoulder
DMaster: after a few hits the doors fly open
Vulcuran: Vulc: Cautiously Pyron lets enter
DMaster: Jeramiah sits on the edge of his bed, head in hands
DMaster: He glances up to see you
DMaster: looks back down
Vulcuran: Vulc: M'lord are you okay
Vulcuran: I approach his side
DMaster: There lays a woman, brown hair, half naked, lifeless next to him in the bed
DMaster: JER: Animax has punished me
DMaster: JER: I deserved to die
DMaster: Pyron is searching the room, sword drawn
Vulcuran: Vul: M'lord snap out of it you are not being punished by Animax
DMaster: he looks up at you, tears welling...
DMaster: JER: She was going to poison me... I caught her putting something in my drink, she didn't know I saw
Vulcuran: Vul: It is an assassination attempt on the royal court
DMaster: JER: I switched the drinks... and here she lies
DMaster: he stops, looks at you with a raised eyebrow... scuse me?
DMaster: All of a sudden you here Pyron
Vulcuran: Vulc: from what I could get from Rexx before we were attacked as well
DMaster: PYRON: Intruders!!!!!
DMaster: he is in the secondary room of the kings chamber
Vulcuran: turn
DMaster: you here swords clanging and scuffling
Vulcuran: Vulc: M'lord stay here I am going to go help Pyron
DMaster: behind you - you hear guards coming down the hallway
Vulcuran: Vulc: Guards come protect the king
DMaster: Jeramiah leaps to his chest grabs his large bastard sword, rips off the scabbard and runs towards Pyron
Vulcuran: oh gheez
DMaster: you are already in the room with Pyron
DMaster: 3 of the same kind of dark looking characters
DMaster: Pyron looks like he hit one already and one has hit him
Vulcuran: well guess it’s a fight they want
DMaster: you get to attack the closest
Vulcuran: fight they shall get
DMaster: how and where
Vulcuran: I am going to aim for his sword or dagger arm in a swinging motion
DMaster: SLAM
DMaster: you rip through the arm armor and hit him good,
DMaster: DARK: *ahhhh*
DMaster: You see Jeramiah with a wicked like fashion rip through the air at the same guy...
DMaster: rolling
DMaster: DAYUM
DMaster: Lops the guys head off
Vulcuran: kind of like what I did before he he
DMaster: you see Pyron with his sword deep into the 3rd thief’s gut
DMaster: the 2nd thief attacks you
Vulcuran: try to parry attack
DMaster: you parry the slash
DMaster: return?
Vulcuran: oh yes
DMaster: ooohhh
DMaster: Right into his chest, deep
DMaster: and you turn it
DMaster: you hear him gurgle
Vulcuran: okay that works too
DMaster: Jeramiah comes up behind and sends his sword through his back
DMaster: he slumps to teh floor
DMaster: all 3 intruders are dead
Vulcuran: Vul: M'lord may I suggest you get your armor on
DMaster: You see Jeramiah's eye light up... and walks past the guards
DMaster: Thames stands in the chamber
DMaster: tears flowing
Vulcuran: Vulc: Thames what is it?
DMaster: holding his abdomen with blood trickling down
DMaster: THAMES: She's dead
Vulcuran: Vulc: Carol?
DMaster: he nods slowly
DMaster: Jeramiah's eyes grow big
Vulcuran: as do mine
DMaster: JER: Whaa Whaa? What what is happening?!
Vulcuran: Vulc: We just had an assassination attempt
DMaster: You can here guards running up and down hallways... searching
DMaster: the room is very quiet
DMaster: Thames falls to his knees
Vulcuran: Vulc: Thames you need to see a monk or cleric yourself
DMaster: buries his head in his hands
DMaster: You see Alyndri come running in
DMaster: ALY: Thames dammit, I need to heal you
DMaster: ALYNDRI looks VERY flustered
Vulcuran: Vulc: Let alyndri heal you now Thames
DMaster: She looks at you, tears flowing down her face
DMaster: She heals him as everyone stands around
DMaster: Alyndri stands up
Vulcuran: I scream outloud
DMaster: ALYNDRI: Damon and his new wife Tianna... they have fallen m'lords
Vulcuran: Vulcuran: Damn It I was too late to stop this
DMaster: She looks at you
DMaster: ALY: I am sorry, I could not save her....
DMaster: She burst out in tears and runs out of the room
Vulcuran: Vulc: M'lord I am sorry I failed you
Vulcuran: tears flowing down my eyes
DMaster: JER: Guards, get things in ORDER NOW, I want a where about of everyone...
DMaster: You hear a voice down the hallway
DMaster: "Thames??? Thames?
DMaster: Thames jumps up...
DMaster: THAMES: Carol?
Vulcuran: I follow Thames
DMaster: he sprints for the door and there stands Carol
DMaster: She doesn't look good... but alive
DMaster: ALyndri lies motionless on the floor
Vulcuran: go to Alyndri
DMaster: CAROL: *looking back* it is like she put her in me... I was pulled away from the dinner table of Animax... I saw him I SAW HIM!
DMaster: CAROL: I came too and and...
DMaster: Thames wraps his arms around her crying uncontrollably
DMaster: THAMES: I love you I love you....
DMaster: Alyndri has passed out, she is very sweaty
Vulcuran: Vulc: I want everyone here at the king’s side now
DMaster: two other clerics are there chanting above her and healing her
Vulcuran: Vulc: Carol and Thames to the kings side now
DMaster: Jeramiah drops his sword
Vulcuran: to the clerics
Vulcuran: Vulc: when you are done healing her bring alyndri here as well
Vulcuran: I look over
DMaster: The guards stand around in a state of high alert
DMaster: they are still chanting
Vulcuran: I will go the king’s side
DMaster: JER: I have failed
DMaster: JER: I have failed you all
Vulcuran: Vulc: no it is I that have failed you M'lord
DMaster: JER: I took my personal pleasure, over the safety of this kingdom
Vulcuran: Vulc: I was in the middle of getting information when we were attacked
DMaster: JER: Vulc, there is no way you could of got the info in time... this was way too quick
DMaster: Jeramiah looks over to the bed... JER: Guards... take her to the morgue.
Vulcuran: Vulc: Still I have failed if I could have all this wouldn’t have happened
DMaster: 2 guards walk over and grab her from the bed
Vulcuran: tears in my eyes
DMaster: Carol puts her arm around you....
DMaster: CAROL: No one could of known... NO ONE.
Vulcuran: Vulc: If I had gotten the information sooner
DMaster: CAROL: And if I pulled monkeys out my
ass Id be rich, it’s not like you had 2 months... you had less then a day to JUST get info
Vulcuran: Vulc: It’s like Cobra all over again I am just as helpless
DMaster: Thames spits... and starts laughing
DMaster: everyone laughs a little
Vulcuran: smirk a little
DMaster: JER: Damon... Tianna
DMaster: he bows his head
Vulcuran: with tears still flowing
DMaster: everyone grows silent
DMaster: heads down, gasps of crying... tears
DMaster: PYRON walks into the room not knowing what’s going on there
DMaster: PYRON: M'LOrd a few more suspects apprehended but everyone else is accounted for. Safe.
Vulcuran: Vulc: Pyron come here
DMaster: he is taken aback
DMaster: PYRON: My apologies...
Vulcuran: I pull pyron aside
DMaster: PYRON: Yes M'Lord
Vulcuran: Vulc: I want to get you up to speed this was an assassination attempt on the royal court
by who or what I still don’t know
DMaster: Brittany comes racing into the room...
DMaster: BRIT: CAROL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DMaster: Carol looks over and starts to cry
DMaster: they hug
Vulcuran: Vulc: I want you to make sure the guards are on watch and let no one enter or leave the
castle unless I or the king says they can
DMaster: crying
DMaster: PYRON; Absolutely M'Lord
Vulcuran: Vulc: Thank You pyron
DMaster: Britney hugs thames then too
DMaster: and then hugs you as well
Vulcuran: tears still rolling down my face
Vulcuran: Vulc: What shall we do M'lord
DMaster: JER: I want all of you, to get some rest... go to your room make sure
it is safe and get some sleep, we will all talk in the morning at breakfast... Digest the night’s events
Vulcuran: Vulc: I know Rexx was so scared out of his mind that he is leaving town
DMaster: JER: To bed all of you, clean up as you will... just I want to have a fresh head for the morning
Vulcuran: Vulc: I think a guard or two should accompany everyone to their room
DMaster: JER: Agreed until they know it is safe
Vulcuran: Vulc: Yes that would be best M'lord
Vulcuran: Vulc: post guards too
DMaster: everyone exits with guards by their side
Vulcuran: am I still in the king's room
DMaster: CAROL: Brit, you are with us tonight ok?
DMaster: BRIT: Yes, good I was hoping you would ask
DMaster: The king stands with one hand propping him up from the wall
DMaster: sword laying on the ground by his side, blood splatters across his white night clothes
Vulcuran: Vulc: M'lord I am sorry for all that has happened and would give you what information I gained
DMaster: JER: Tomorrow my friend
Vulcuran: Vulc: Will understand if you want to wait till tomorrow
DMaster: JER: Tomorrow
DMaster: Rangskull and Wansor McBain are with the King now
Vulcuran: I will bow to the king and take my leave
DMaster: You walk out of the room, and Pluger walks up and hugs you
DMaster: PLUGER: Good to see you still alive my brother
Vulcuran: hug him back
Vulcuran: Vulc: They couldn’t get rid of me that easily Pluger my sword brother
DMaster: the guards aim you towards your room
Vulcuran: head to my room
DMaster: two of the dark characters are being dragged through the hallway from your room
DMaster: They were waiting for you there
DMaster: Another one lays in the middle of your floor
Vulcuran: Vulc: get that scum out of my room
DMaster: one of the guards grabs the lifeless body and wings it out in the hall
making a big THUD as it hits the wall and crumples to the ground.
DMaster: the guards look over your room
DMaster: GUARD: No one sire, do you need us for anything else?
Vulcuran: Vulc: There will be nothing else but post a guard
DMaster: GUARD: Yes M'Lord
DMaster: they walk out the door, close it
DMaster: now what?
Vulcuran: go to my closet
Vulcuran: carefully
DMaster: ok
DMaster: Your secret one?
Vulcuran: yeah
DMaster: ok
Vulcuran: carefully check it out
DMaster: ok... the lock does not appear to be tampered with
DMaster: open it?
Vulcuran: draw my sword and then open it
DMaster: ok suddenly
DMaster: the door opens, no one is there, its empty except for your stuff
Vulcuran: check the trap door I have
DMaster: it is locked solid
Vulcuran: okay
Vulcuran: walk back out and lock the secret closet back up
DMaster: you notice that your window is now open, shutters open
Vulcuran: carefully go over
Vulcuran: sword still drawn
DMaster: XAVIER: Good to see you alive
DMaster: He walks out from the shadows
Vulcuran: Vulc: Damn you Xavier
DMaster: XAV: Maybe not the best time to be creeping around but I caught wind of what
was going down and I felt it necessary to see how you are doing
Vulcuran: Vulc: Oh I am just great I failed again to save people
DMaster: XAV: Do not trouble yourself with that, even I didn't know about this
plot until tonight.... so how could you of found out?
Vulcuran: Vulc: Well it is my job to know things.
Vulcuran: Vulc: and just what do you know of this Xavier
Vulcuran: Vulc: Do you know who is responsible for this?
DMaster: XAV: I might *he strolls along the wall*
Vulcuran: Vulc: Why do you have to play games with me Xavier all the time?
DMaster: XAV: Now that I think of it, ol' fat fingers didn't know about this until this afternoon
DMaster: XAV: no games Duke... no games...
DMaster: XAV: But a deal
Vulcuran: Vulc: Just what kind of deal
DMaster: XAV: I am tired of hiding Duke, I want to be in the open, the public... get one rubbed out if I need it
DMaster: XAV: I know who and where you can find the culprits to this dastardly deed
Vulcuran: Vulc: so how or what do you want me to do for you Xavier?
Vulcuran: so
DMaster: XAV: Erase all my charges... give me a clean slate
DMaster: XAV: Oh and Cassie too
Vulcuran: Vulc: I figured that much
DMaster: XAV: What a drab little room you have
Vulcuran: Vulc: Do you think the king is going to go for that xavier?
Vulcuran: Vulc: It suits me just fine (the room)
DMaster: XAV: I don’t know, that is for you to sell him on, if you want that info you’ll have to
DMaster: XAV: Ol' fat fingers is long gone
Vulcuran: Vulc: so when will I get this info?
Vulcuran: Vulc: If I convince the King
DMaster: XAV: As soon as you have a declaration of innocence for me signed by Mr. King himself
Vulcuran: Vulc: don’t forget your sister
DMaster: You see him smirk in the shadows...
Vulcuran: smirking back
DMaster: XAV: Ahh yes my sister too, even though she doesn't want any help...
Vulcuran: Vulc: Well I guess I will have to try and sell this to the King then wont I
DMaster: XAV: I believe so. I am not one to oversell something but this info is good, juicy and
let’s just say time sensitive.
Vulcuran: Vul: I will try and sell this to the king in the morning
DMaster: XAV: Good Duke of Camerondale, good.
Vulcuran: Vulc: after all it has been a long night and I am tired
DMaster: XAV: I will take my leave, sleep well, sleep fast, you have a busy day tomorrow
Vulcuran: Vulc: be safe Xavier
DMaster: he walks over to the window, hops up on the sill... he chants a few words waves
his hand and he disappears
Vulcuran: go and lock my windows
DMaster: ok they are locked tight
Vulcuran: think before I go to bed I am going to take a bath
Vulcuran: get out of armor and stuff
Vulcuran: and clean up
DMaster: no bath in your room
Vulcuran: oh gheez
Vulcuran: okay guess I will just lay on my bed
DMaster: your thinking and something comes to you...
DMaster: you hugged Britney...
Vulcuran: yeah that I did
DMaster: it hits you
DMaster: she
DMaster: is
DMaster: pregnant
DMaster: with Thorins child
Vulcuran: I am sure she knows right
Vulcuran: lol
DMaster: she?
DMaster: Yes Thorin told you 3 months ago
DMaster: you just recall hugging her and she felt like she had this belly
Vulcuran: and I completely forgot about it
DMaster: yes
Vulcuran: until now
DMaster: its why Carol was so careful with her
Vulcuran: that explains it
Vulcuran: well I am going to lay head on pillow
Vulcuran: and try to close my eyes
DMaster: ok thoughts swirl through your head... remembering Damon
DMaster: hearing Alyndri's voice in your head... "They have fallen M'Lord"
Vulcuran: try to fall asleep
DMaster: there is a soft knock on your door
Vulcuran: go answer it
DMaster: it is Alyndri
DMaster: ALY: M'Lord, I am sorry for the intrusion, do you have a second?
DMaster: You can see the guard outside looking at you
DMaster: GUARD: Is it ok Sire?
Vulcuran: Vulc: for you Alyrndri anything come in
Vulcuran: Vulc: Yes it is
DMaster: she walks in, shuts the door
DMaster: She wraps her arms around you
DMaster: hugs you fiercely
Vulcuran: give her a hug back
DMaster: she steps back, tears falling...
DMaster: ALY: I did not heal Carol
DMaster: stares blankly at you
Vulcuran: Vulc: well then who did?
DMaster: A man... dark hair... kind of short took me by the tip of a sword away into the shadows...
told me to be quiet
DMaster: I saw this woman working on Carol, I went to say something and he hit me... knocking me out
DMaster: When I came too
DMaster: Carol was alive
DMaster: no one I know can resurrect people
Vulcuran: Vulc: nor I
DMaster: ALY: It has been attempted but with tragic horrible results
Vulcuran: Vulc: well alyndri at least carol is alive don’t trouble yourself
Vulcuran: I give her another hug
DMaster: CAROL: But why the secrecy? Why keep it in the shadows?
Vulcuran: Vulc: Alyndri sit please
DMaster: she walks over to the edge of the bed... sits
DMaster: she is staring blankly
DMaster: obviously exhausted with the nights events
Vulcuran: Vulc: Alyndri you know that there are those that choose to stay hidden in the shadows for reason
Vulcuran: Vulc: You may even remember one of them being a founder of what became Camerondale
DMaster: her eyes flutter... and she slowly falls into the bed and falls asleep
Vulcuran: oh gheez
Vulcuran: I will pull a cover over her
DMaster: yeah...according to you... the hottest girl in Legon laying in your bed
Vulcuran: lol
Vulcuran: I pull the covers up around her
DMaster: she is fast asleep
Vulcuran: grab one for myself
DMaster: you fall fast asleep as well
Vulcuran: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
DMaster: you wake up
Vulcuran: look around
DMaster: to this beautiful radiant blonde woman looking at you
DMaster: she smiles
Vulcuran: smile back
DMaster: she gives you a kiss on the forehead
DMaster: and gets out of bed
Vulcuran: get up as well
DMaster: ALYNDRI: I pray no one will know of this? *winks*
DMaster: you are up... morning wood!
Vulcuran: Vulc: Well my lips are sealed M'lady
DMaster: she walks to the door, creeps it open and slinks out
Vulcuran: stretch and open the door
DMaster: closing it softly behind her
DMaster: ok there is a guard there nodding off
Vulcuran: watch Alyndri sneak off
DMaster: she is a beautiful woman, too bad she is celibate...
Vulcuran: well I can still look lol
DMaster: ok what now?
Vulcuran: wait till she is gone
DMaster: she has left the building
Vulcuran: wake the guard up
DMaster: he stands up
DMaster: eyes wide
Vulcuran: Vulc: take me downstairs
DMaster: GUARD: to the dungeons?
Vulcuran: Vulc:no I want to go get something to eat silly
DMaster: GUARD: Ok m'lord
DMaster: he guides you down the hallway and to the kitchen area
DMaster: it has about 7 guards in it with Jeremiah and Thames eating breakfast at separate tables
Vulcuran: go sit with Thames
DMaster: HE looks at you
DMaster: THAMES; Good morning my friend
DMaster: THAMES: How are you?
Vulcuran: Vulc: Good morning to you as well Thames
Vulcuran: Vulc: I guess I have been better
Vulcuran: Vulc: I slept well when I finally fell asleep
DMaster: THAMES: Yeah me too...
DMaster: THAMES: Jeramiah wants us in the throne room in an hour
Vulcuran: Vulc: how are carol and Britney doing?
DMaster: THAMES: Good... I got sandwiched between them for the night, under different circumstance
I would of been a happy man, but since it wasn’t that way, I struggled sleeping
Vulcuran: laughing out loud
Vulcuran: Vulc: Only you would say that Thames lol
Vulcuran: still laughing
Vulcuran: Vulc: Suppose I should get something to eat since the King wants to see us in an hour
DMaster: A servant walks up and gives you some sweet bread and fruit juice...
DMaster: SERVANT: Your usual m'lord
Vulcuran: Vulc: Yes please
Vulcuran: Vulc: Thames what would you say if Xavier paid me a visit last night
DMaster: he stops eating.... crumbs fall from his mouth
Vulcuran: Vulc: well he did
Vulcuran: Vulc: he has information for me
Vulcuran: Vulc: But it comes with a price
DMaster: THAMES: did he have anything to do with this?
Vulcuran: Vulc: Not that I know of
Vulcuran: Vulc: He told me he found out yesterday himself
DMaster: Thames is listening
Vulcuran: Vulc: I just don’t know if the king is going to like the price that Xavier wants
DMaster: THAMES: What’s that?
Vulcuran: Vulc: Well he wants an official decree clearing him and his sister of all charges and signed by the king
Vulcuran: Vulc: In exchange he will give me the information
DMaster: TH: hmmmm
Vulcuran: Vulc: the information has to deal with who do it and where they are
Vulcuran: Vulc: and he knows both
Vulcuran: do=did
Vulcuran: Vulc: he says he is sick and tired of hiding he wants to be out in the open free to do as he please
DMaster: TH: I don’t know
Vulcuran: Vulc: and in all honesty I think he was being sincere
DMaster: THAMES: Sincere? Is that in his vocabulary?
Vulcuran: Vulc: well I have learned to read people
Vulcuran: Vulc: and I do think yes
Vulcuran: Vulc:I just hate everything that happened last night
DMaster: THAMES: Well go for it, if he does know the place they are at and who, then it is invaluable info
Vulcuran: Vulc: yeah now I got to convince jerry to go along with it which won’t be easy
DMaster: he nods
Vulcuran: Vulc: Do you think I should wait until we meet in an hour or approach him now
DMaster: THAMES: Definitely wait
DMaster: THAMES: Maybe bring it up to everyone, why be secretively
Vulcuran: Vulc: okay I will bring something else out at the meeting too
Vulcuran: Vulc: something someone else told me last night too
DMaster: THAMES: Ok... *munch munch*
DMaster: Carol walks in...
Vulcuran: eat my food as well
DMaster: she sits down and puts her head on Thames shoulder
DMaster: Thames waves a servant over to get her some fruit juice and sweetbread
Vulcuran: keep eating
Vulcuran: Vulc: Good to see you Carol
DMaster: She smiles at you and starts eating
Vulcuran: keep eating
DMaster: you finish eating, Thames and Carol do as well and they walk to the throne room
Vulcuran: walk to the throne room as well
Vulcuran: back by the way
DMaster: ok
DMaster: Jeramiah is there looking over some stuff
Vulcuran: Vulc: We are here M'lord
DMaster: He Nods
DMaster: The Knights walk in
DMaster: a few minutes later
DMaster: all of them
DMaster: Pyron a short time later
Vulcuran: wait for the king to start
DMaster: KING: Well...
DMaster: KING: we are all here... well...
DMaster: he pauses, gulps,
DMaster: KING: Except Damon and his lovely wife
Vulcuran: bow my head for a silent prayer
DMaster: just then Alyndri comes in
DMaster: Jeramiah nods to her
DMaster: she nods back
Vulcuran: smile at her
DMaster: JER: I don't know how to start this off
Vulcuran: Vulc: Maybe I should M'lord
DMaster: JER: So I am just going to say I would like to rip the heads off these
motherfuckers and piss down there worthless necks
DMaster: everyones eyes bulge
Vulcuran: Vulc: M'lord I have something I need to say in front of everyone
DMaster: JER: Vulvuran, you have the floor
Vulcuran: Vulc: okay after we were all sent to our rooms last night I was paid a visit
Vulcuran: Vulcuran: By Xavier
Vulcuran: Vulc: He has some information for us M'lord
Vulcuran: Vulc: But there is a price
Vulcuran: Vulc: the information he has is who the culprits are and where they are located
Vulcuran: Vulc: But his information comes with a price M'lord and you might not like the price
DMaster: Everyone is taken back a bit
Vulcuran: Vulc: But I leave that decision in your hands the price is he wants him and his sister cleared of all
charges in a royal decree and signed by you M'lord
Vulcuran: Vulc: for previous transgressions
DMaster: JER: Hmmmmmm
DMaster: everyone kind of looks at each other
DMaster: JER: And what if this is a trap?
Vulcuran: Vulc: well M'lord I dont know about you I guess that is a chance we are going to have to be willing to take
Vulcuran: Vulc: he said it is very time sensitive information
Vulcuran: Vulc: and since we don’t have Rexx in the town anymore
DMaster: JER: I don’t know, this sounds much to fishy to me
Vulcuran: Vulc: he has helped me before M'lord
DMaster: JER: He has helped you?
Vulcuran: Vulc: don’t you remember me telling you about that on my last diplomatic mission you sent me on to thorax
Vulcuran: Vulc: Oh well never mind that right now the main point is he has info and we need it
DMaster: JER: What does everyone else think?
Vulcuran: Vulc: but if you choose not to get the info M'lord I understand
Vulcuran: I will look around
DMaster: CAR: I don’t know, I don’t think so
DMaster: THA: Yeah what do we have to lose?
DMaster: ALY: Yes we need info
DMaster: KNI: 5 out of 7 say yes
DMaster: JER: Very well Vulcuran, you and your shady character will get his declaration of innocence
Vulcuran: Vulc: don’t forget his sister as well
Vulcuran: Vulc: Thank You M'lord
DMaster: JER: Yes his sister as well
Vulcuran: I sit back down
Vulcuran: and see what else is said
DMaster: They talk about the nights events
DMaster: JER: I want to have a memorial for Damon and Tianna. Tomorrow outside the gates
at the edge of the water where Damon proposed to Tianna
Vulcuran: Vulc: I think that is a very good idea M'lord
DMaster: JER: If you look out, the festival is in full swing
DMaster: JER: The joust is going on right now
Vulcuran: Vulc: I promise you M'lord we will make the ppl responsible for this pay
DMaster: JER: Well if your info is right then we can exact our revenge
Vulcuran: Vulc: I hope for Xavier's sake it is
DMaster: a few other things are said
Vulcuran: wait for it too end and just keep listening
DMaster: JER: Go out and enjoy the festival, it’s a beautiful day, let’s just forget about
last night for a day and we can revisit this tomorrow
DMaster: everyone starts to pile out
Vulcuran: Vulc: Let me know when you will get that decrees done M'lord I am sure Xavier will pay me a visit
DMaster: JER: Wait here I will get you the Decree
Vulcuran: I will wait
Vulcuran: watching everyone as they all leave
DMaster: Jeramiah writes up a thing on a scroll, signs and hands it to you.
DMaster: JER: I want this info as soon as possible
Vulcuran: Bow to him
Vulcuran: Vulc: It shall be done M'lord
DMaster: JER: We are going to kick someone’s ass... I don’t care who it is *he turns and walks away towards the kitchen*
Vulcuran: I will head toward my room
Vulcuran: I so need to get a bath and get out of my armor
Vulcuran: since I never took it off
DMaster: Ok you get to the Bath room and take a bath
Vulcuran: get cleaned up and relax for a bit
DMaster: ok you get all cleaned up, shave and relax a bit
Vulcuran: head to my room for some fresh clothes
DMaster: ok you get geared up
DMaster: you are in base Duke gear
Vulcuran: lock up my armor
DMaster: ok you are ready to go for the day
Vulcuran: think I will go to the festival
DMaster: Marcus walks up to your room as you are leaving
DMaster: MARCUS: Vulc....
Vulcuran: Vulc: Hello Marcus
DMaster: he looks down
DMaster: MARCUS: Damon was my best friend
Vulcuran: Vulc: Marcus I promise you we will get them
Vulcuran: Vulc: Damon will be avenged
DMaster: He shakes your hand and walks away
Vulcuran: oh before I leave lock up the decree in my wall safe
DMaster: ok you head out
DMaster: in the throne room, Pluger is waiting around
Vulcuran: Vulc: Hello Pluger
DMaster: PLUGER: M'Lord... are you leaving the castle?
Vulcuran: Vulc: Yes I am Pluger
Vulcuran: Vulc: Thought I would go enjoy the festival a little
DMaster: PLUGER: I will accompany you
Vulcuran: Vulc: That is fine Pluger I would actual enjoy the company
DMaster: PLUGER: Then let’s go
Vulcuran: Vulc: Yes lets
Vulcuran: head out
DMaster: you walk through the inner gates
Vulcuran: Vulc: So how have you been Pluger
DMaster: PLUGER: Ok I guess, busy getting all the pirates left over sublimated into society here in Camerondale
DMaster: PLUGER: You? Busy I suppose?
Vulcuran: Vulc: Yes I must apologize that we kind of drifted apart dear friend
DMaster: PLUGER: We both have busy lives
Vulcuran: Vulc: Yes but I value my friends
Vulcuran: Vulc: and I count you as one of my close friends
DMaster: He smiles as you guys walk into the festival... it is very busy but not nearly as busy as the other day
Vulcuran: keep looking around
DMaster: You see Xaviers Sister standing by a merchant... she sees you, smiles and waves you over
Vulcuran: Vulc: Come on Pluger
Vulcuran: go over to Cassie
DMaster: CAS: *looking at Pluger* ummmm alone... uh duh
DMaster: PLUGER: *looks at you*
Vulcuran: Vulc: I will catch up with you in a minute or two Pluger I promise
DMaster: He nods walks over to another merchant tent and looks at some goblets
Vulcuran: Vulc: M'lady
DMaster: CASSIE: Well, did you and your merry band of goofballs decide?
Vulcuran: Vulc: Yes M'lady we did you have your pardon
Vulcuran: Vulc: So does Xavier
DMaster: CASSIE: Excellent, now follow me, I will take you to Xavier...
Vulcuran: Vulc: One sec M'lady
Vulcuran: Vulc: Pluger I holler
Vulcuran: wave him over
DMaster: He walks over to you
Vulcuran: Vulc: stay here I will be back in a little bit okay
DMaster: Pluger looks at you...
DMaster: PLUG: Vulc...
Vulcuran: Vulc: or go enjoy yourself
Vulcuran: Vulc: you know this is something I need to do
DMaster: He shakes his head
DMaster: PLUG: I know... I would do the same... be safe my brother
Vulcuran: Vulc: I promise my sword brother I will be safe and come back to you in one piece
Vulcuran: follow Cassie
DMaster: she walks through the streets, She is very easy to follow being a beautiful
woman… she then perks up a little and decides to walk beside you
DMaster: CASSIE: *looks over to you* so Duke, what’s your take on all this crap?
Vulcuran: Vulc: I want to avenge Damon and his wife as well as Thorin
DMaster: CASSIE: hmmmm well Xavier has some real head slapping news for ya
Vulcuran: Vulc: I am sure of it
DMaster: so you guys reach the gates of the city
DMaster: walk through
DMaster: the Guards bow
Vulcuran: keep going
DMaster: you walk a little bit longer and you reach a nice little simple house
Vulcuran: staying sharp
Vulcuran: keep following Cassie
DMaster: walk into a house
DMaster: Xavier is sitting in a chair looking over papers on a table
DMaster: He looks up
Vulcuran: Vulc: Hello Xavier
DMaster: XAV: My dear Duke of Camerondale, you have accepted the offer!
Vulcuran: Vulc: Yes it better be worth it I stuck my neck out for you on this one
DMaster: XAV: Ahhh have a seat Vulcuran, if I may call you that
Vulcuran: Vulc: You may
DMaster: Cassie goes into another room
DMaster: XAV: So do you remember my visit to you on your way to Thorax?
Vulcuran: Vulc: Yes I do Xavier if I may call you that
DMaster: XAV: Of course...
DMaster: XAV: Well that Warlord was overthrown... as you well know
Vulcuran: Vulc: Yes I do
DMaster: XAV: The person who took over is less a barbarian and more of a...
DMaster: XAV: well evil genius.
Vulcuran: Vulc: So is he the one that put out the assassination attempt
DMaster: XAV: yup. From what I gathered it’s been planned since he took over
Vulcuran: Vulc: Hmmm that would make sense
DMaster: but since he backed off and pretty much disappeared no one suspected him to try anything.
DMaster: XAV: Some say he is unfortunately the same class as myself... though I think I pull it off better
DMaster: Cassie comes out of the room,
DMaster: CASSIE: Oy Vey Xav... you’re not going to fit your head out of this room
Vulcuran: smirking a little
Vulcuran: Vulc: So where can we find him
Vulcuran: Vulc: Is he in the same stronghold as the defeated warlord
DMaster: XAV: nope
DMaster: XAV: Took up residence in a little place I like to call
DMaster: Tullux Prax
DMaster: XAV: He is down in the dungeons
Vulcuran: Vulc: I see
Vulcuran: Vulc: trying to make it hard for us to get him
DMaster: xav: yes
DMaster: CASSIE: Here is a drink for ya Vulc
Vulcuran: Vulc: So what would you recommend Xavier
DMaster: CASSIE: Is it ok I call you Vulc there Dukie?
Vulcuran: Vulc: Hmmm I guess
Vulcuran: I will sniff the drink a little got to be cautious
DMaster: She is wearing a thin white low cut shirt with some tights on
DMaster: no socks
DMaster: She bends over to put the drink on the table and you can see right down her shirt
Vulcuran: smirk a little
Vulcuran: knowing all well she is doing this on purpose
DMaster: XAV: *laughes* we would of not dragged you all the way here to drug you Duke
DMaster: XAV: *rolls his eyes at Cassie*
Vulcuran: Vulc: I am sorry Xavier I am on guard I hope you understand after everything that has happened
DMaster: XAV: Understood.
Vulcuran: Vulc: and Cassie if you are going to do that on purpose don’t be so obvious
Vulcuran: I am smirking
DMaster: she lifts her shirt up, revealing her fantastic sweater mittens and smirks...
DMaster: XAV: Jebus Cass... I don’t need to see my sisters cans ok?
Vulcuran: laughing
Vulcuran: Vulc: is there anything else you want in exchange for this info or do you have
any input on how we can get to this guy
DMaster: She pulls her shirt down and gives Xavier a dirty looks and heads
over to the couch grabbing a book
Vulcuran: I am trying to remain business like
DMaster: XAV: Vulcuran. I can't tell you what do to do when you get there,
I just can tell you how to get there
Vulcuran: Vulc: Well that works for me
DMaster: XAV: There is something you should know
Vulcuran: Vulc: Yes Xavier and that is?
DMaster: CASS: *looks at Xavier* Shut it shortboy ill knock you for a loop
DMaster: XAV: Why? Why be secretive NOW?
Vulcuran: Vulc: was it you and Cassie that healed carol
DMaster: Cassies eyes bulge and Xavier smiles...
DMaster: XAV: Told you sis, he isn’t as dumb as he looks... no offense
Vulcuran: Vulc: well I had a little help from alyndri
DMaster: XAV: Yes I got there to late to warn you of the attack, and Carol was DOWN
DMaster: XAV: Cass got to her and healed her insides... but she was still bleeding bad
Vulcuran: Vulc: But when alyndri said a male came out of the shadows
Vulcuran: Vulc: I only knew of one person that good
DMaster: XAV: *winks*
DMaster: CASS: Oh brother..........
DMaster: CASS: Why don’t you two just make out
Vulcuran: I laugh again
Vulcuran: Vulc: Well I appreciate what you both did for carol
Vulcuran: Vulc: I know Thames would be lost without her
DMaster: CAS: *stands up* My BROTHER thinks we have been down the wrong path too long
DMaster: CAS: I say, hell its making a ton of money!
Vulcuran: Vulc: Does he?
DMaster: xavier sits there silent head kind of down
Vulcuran: Vulc: No secrets between us now Xavier
Vulcuran: Vulc: You know more about me than most people in Camerondale do
DMaster: XAV: ok let’s not get too far... *shakes his head with a smile*
Vulcuran: Vulc: Okay so can you tell me how to get there
Vulcuran: Vulc: Maybe a map or something
DMaster: XAV: I can arrange that... I’ll have it sent to the castle tomorrow morn
Vulcuran: Vulc: Xavier come by the castle tonight and I will give you the decree
Vulcuran: Vulc: do you have this info on paper so I can show the king
DMaster: XAV: will do
DMaster: XAV: No... I am hoping you can tell him
Vulcuran: Vulc: I can remember all that has been said
Vulcuran: Vulc: I hope you both enjoy a clean slate
DMaster: CASSIE: whatever... I was doing fine with or without it
DMaster: Xavier rolls his eyes
Vulcuran: look over her and smirk
DMaster: She smiles back
Vulcuran: Vulc: well I suppose I should get this info too the king
DMaster: XAV: Yes, be careful Duke... I will be around tonight with the map
Vulcuran: Vulc: I appreciate all you have done Xavier and Cassie
Vulcuran: walk over to Cassie
Vulcuran: whisper in her ear
Vulcuran: Vulc: very nice by the way Cassie
DMaster: She rubs them up on you...
DMaster: CASS: I know... gives you a little kiss on the cheek
Vulcuran: smirking
DMaster: XAV: Cass. for the love of Animax can you keep your knickers from not catching fire!
Vulcuran: kiss her hand
DMaster: XAV: Your making me sick *makes puking motions*
Vulcuran: Vulc: I must be going now
Vulcuran: laughing alittle
DMaster: XAV: Get out before you make me hurl!
DMaster: XAV: One last thing… he reaches in his pocket…