Vulcuran Arqulone is the Duke of Camerondale. Hero of many battles and quests. He lived through many attacks on his home. At one point took up the mantle of King for the newly formed Camerondale, but stepped down and allowed Jeramiah to become King. More will be added as more adventures are re-written. Vulcuran was honorable, dedicated, susceptible and many times a little obsessed with being clean.
(Lost 3 levels from Witch Kiss)
Plugr Stotz. First Knight of Camerondale. When Sir Jeramiah was elevated to King, Plugr took over the First Knight role, leading the 6 knights of Camerondale. He is known realm wide for his valor in battle, some say he is the greatest warrior in the eastern realms. His rise in power and level is unprecedented (He is maxed in Knight level for AD&D) at the age of 36. Plugr is loyal, intense, fierce and sometimes be a wiseacre.
NPC Introduced in Adventure #1, Unintentional Slaughter
Krinus Bennington is a phenom for Camerondale, the son of Arly Bennington. The once great archer, some known him as the best shot in Camerondale. His son looks to be taking after him. Krinus is loyal, scatter brained, impulsive and many times dedicated.
NPC Introduced in Adventure #1, Unintentional Slaughter
Victoria, daughter of Pirates. Pure healer. Her home was destroyed by Camerondale and Vulcuran. She has a vendetta with the Duke, that may or may not come to pass. Over the course of the journey home she fell in love with Plugr, and Plugr fell in love with her. She is stubborn, passionate, empathetic and sometimes rash.
NPC Introduced in Adventure #1, Unintentional Slaughter
Trynia is a Master Witch that resides in the area called the Coven Corner. It is a land riddled with evil creatures, witches and patrons. Though she is not “evil” per say, her actions are to protect herself and her people. At least that is what she tells herself. Think of her as Chaotic Neutral. She is sexual, trickster, charismatic and sometimes vengeful.
NPC Introduced in Adventure #3, Beginning of a Strange Journey Home
Rex Stubbs is one of the Pits Information Monger. He tried to mug the Duke, and it failed miserably. He weaseled out of it because no one would confess to his involvement.
NPC Introduced in Adventure #9, Info Mongers
Thorin Wexler is the Captain of the Guards for Camerondale. He is close friends with King Jeramiah, Duke Vulcuran, Thames and Carol. Married to Britney, a blonde spitfire who is also friends with everyone. Thorin and Vulcuran work closely together on alot of the issue of the City. He is jovial, ambitious, loyal and sometimes too relaxed.
NPC Introduced in Adventure #10, Dead bodies and Very Live Ones
Meadow Tullivale, a waitress from Fycon Brothers. She has caught the eye of the Duke. Meadow has been patient with Vulcuran because she knows he is busy. Spear headed the term “sprinter” for the name of the latest ball celebration.She is quick witted, unsure, acceptable and sometimes indecisive.
NPC Introduced in Adventure #11, City Declarations and Friendly Faces
Cayson Woodstriker, a three star guard for Camerondale. He is an acquaintance of Meadow, but to what degree we do not know. Is very good at his job and is moving up the ladder. Not much else is known.
NPC Introduced in Adventure #12, Rooftop Dancing
Joshua Hemmings is an old friend of Vulcuran. He is a master blacksmith, used to own a construction company as well. He is retired.
Cassie. Xaviers Sister and half of the Operative Duo.