Velencia’s Followers

  • Velencia

    Height: 5'11"   Weight: 140 lbs   Age: 25*   Race: Human
    Hair: Black   Eyes: Bright Blue   Class: Cleric (Dark Priestess)   Level: 18
    Weapon: Dual Pro Kukris w/ Poison. Boot Dagger   Armor: Gambit, leather outfit (AC12)
    DnD Beyond: Yes
    Other: A:17 B:16 L:17 S:15
    Occupation: High Priestess of Finster (Spiritual Leader)
    History: Velencia's history up to the point of joining Finster's cults is not known to many, if anyone at all. She lead a cult on the Summer Isles that worships Finster, but her hasty exit thanks to Chance has led her down an even more powerful and evil path. Currently now the High Priestess is teamed up with Rawek, the master invoker. She is a tall woman with Tattoos and a half shaved head. * In her encounter with Finster, he granted her 15 years to her life. She was 40, now she is 25.
    Residence: A massive compound 20-25 minutes north of the City of Camerondale
    Abilities & Talent: Master spell caster (casts with advantage), ability to suck souls (see magic page on this site for more info).
    Family & Relationships: None.
    Weapon of Choice: Dual Poison Kukri's.
    Appearance: Velencia is flambouyant. Almost always in dark, black outfits with her breasts pushed up. Skin tight attire with matching Jewelry and such. She has her head half shaved all the time, tattoos on her body and one on her face of the Symbol of Finster.
    Mannerisms: Velencia is anticipative, sarcastic, loyal and overly ambitious.
  • Rawek

    Height: 4'8"   Weight: 60 lbs   Age: Unknown   Race: Kenku
    Hair: Dark Feathers   Eyes: Midnight Black   Class: Warlock*   Level: 18
    Weapon: Quarter Staff (Magical) - Small Pro Dagger   Armor: Bluesteel armor including beak
    DnD Beyond: No
    Other: Quarter Staff is tied into the Underearth.
    Occupation: Invoker of the First Ring
    History: Rawek, once a small humble man that Finster granted the invoking power. Velencia took him under her wing, pun intended, and groomed him for great things. About a decade ago he was learning his traits when a summoning went horribly wrong, merging Rawek with an underearth bird-like creature. The man / bird lost his mind and disappeared. Recently he met up with the Champion (Chance Axion) and in the encounter, Finster was channeled and set his mind back straight. Velencia and Rawek have again teamed up and she is in the process of getting his memory back.
    Residence: The High Priestesses Compound
    Abilities & Talent: Is a very powerful Invoker and one of the few that are respected from the underearth.
    Family & Relationships: Has recently "gave birth" to a "murder" of Kenku's. His off spring.
    Weapon of Choice: His magical staff, though an actual strike would do less than 2HP of damage.
    Appearance: Rawek always wears a very modest, raggedy old robe with a hood covering his head. His beak has symbols tattooed on it, and in times they glow now and again. He has beady little eyes and a knack for chirping and squawking at people. If he does go into battle, Velencia has a full plate armor her can wear.
    Mannerisms: He is Forthright, calculating, cold and sometimes thoughtful.
  • Hamza Dankworth

    Height: 5'10"   Weight: 165 lbs   Age: 40   Race: Human
    Hair: Shaded Black   Eyes: Dark Brown   Class: Tempest*   Level: 13
    Weapon: Pro Longsword (+1) & Pro Short Sword (Necrotic Poison) - Light Crossbow, Poison Bolts   Armor: Hard Leather
    DnD Beyond: Yes
    Other: DnD Sheet not finished yet
    Occupation: Tempest for Finster
    History: Hamza is a Tempest for Finster and the High Priestess Velencia. A Tempest is a combination of Assassin and Cleric. Not much else is known other than it's rumored that he beheaded his own mother.
    Residence: Velencia's Compound
    Abilities & Talent: Has an uncanny necrotic ability and is immune to necrotic damage.
    Family & Relationships: None known.
    Weapon of Choice: Thin long sword
    Appearance: Shaggy medium brown hair, and always has a 5 oclock shadow it seems. Wears outfits that Velencia gives him, and carries himself nonchalant like.
    Mannerisms: He is perceptive, bold, intense and sometimes shows great leadership skills.
  • Shemrata

    Height: 6'3"   Weight: 190 lbs   Age: 45   Race: Odius (Legion)
    Hair: Red   Eyes: Orange   Class: Fighter   Level: 11
    Weapon: Pro Double Bladed Scimitar, Metal thorned legion whip, Light Crossbow   Armor: Bluesteele Breast Plate
    DnD Beyond: Yes
    Other: A:12 B:15 S:8 L:20
    Occupation: Protector (Finster)
    History: A Legion Odius (Tiefling) named Shemrata. These creatures are bigger, taller and stronger. They almost always have larger horns, switch feet (like goats) and long tails with an edge to them like a blade. They are the most fierce of their race. Read more… Finster granted her normal legs, so her switch foot is gone.
    Residence: Velencia's Compound
    Abilities & Talent: Her tail is almost an individual opponent on its own. It has attacks and reactionary actions.
    Family & Relationships: Odius's do not have family.
    Weapon of Choice: Most powerful Odius's have what they call a legion whip. It is a metal whip that has spike on it. When grappled this whip can cause continual damage as the spikes bite into it's opponent. She also uses a double bladed scimitar.
    Appearance: Very large creature. 6'3", somewhat thin, but has muscle on muscle and is in amazing shape. Her horns are larger than most. She wears alot of jewelry, horns included and had a tattoo of Finster on her neck. Downtime she wears leather pants, simple shirts and some bracers. In battle she wears full Bluesteel Platemail.
    Mannerisms: quiet, intense, loyal and sometimes mischievous.
  • Nicola

    Height: 5'10"   Weight: 140 lbs   Age: 56   Race: Onyx Elf
    Hair: Black   Eyes: Medium Brown   Class: Barbarian   Level: 11
    Weapon: Pro Specialized Cleaver, Heavy Crossbow   Armor: Breast Plate
    DnD Beyond: Yes
    Other: A:15 B:13 L:17 S:20
    Occupation: Mercenary
    History: Nicola is a barbarian that is a devout follower of Finster. She is not in direct command of the High Priestess, more so a blade for hire. Her father was the lead captain for the Onyx Realm regime. Then it was overthrown by Celia, and she had the loyalists hunted down and killed. Her father did not survive, and her family escaped the city. They were struggling with money, until Nicola met up with Velencia, they are now able to make ends meet and put food on the table. She has many siblings.
    Residence: Lives with her Family a few hours from Little Bridge
    Abilities & Talent: Works very well with her Cleaver
    Family & Relationships: Father was killed, her family lives close to Little Bridge
    Weapon of Choice: Specialized Pro Cleaver that Clay created for her.
    Appearance: Longer black hair, stunning eyes and skin. She has a scar on her face that she is proud of. Most of the time she is in rangy armor of sorts, but when she is not she usually dresses in simple leather pants and shirts.
    Mannerisms: Self Critical, Tough, Hot Headed & sometimes insightful.
  • Clay Boone

    Height: 5'11"   Weight: 165 lbs   Age: 38   Race: Human
    Hair: Dusty Blonde   Eyes: Slate Blue   Class: Rogue (Mastermind) / Artificer   Level: 12 / 5
    Weapon: Pro Daggers   Armor: Light Leather Armor
    DnD Beyond: Yes
    Occupation: Artificer / Mercenary
    History: Clay is one of the first Artificers on Legon. He is extremely attractive (CHR 19), cunning, master of the disguise and invents things. He hides his thief background, he is a bit ashamed of it, but has been one since the age of 14. Always looking for the big pay day. Not much else is know of him as of now.
    Residence: Unknown
    Abilities & Talent: Has always had the knack to pick pocket, he rolls with advantage to add with his +14 and with his luck trait. So it is almost impossible for him to fail on a pick pocket attempt. With his charism a
    Family & Relationships: Not known.
    Weapon of Choice: White boar spear
    Appearance: He is very precise on how he looks, and half of the look is to make people think, he doesn't care how he looks. Has a boyish charm that the ladies love. Wears nice shirts and pants, maybe not high class, but still nice.
    Mannerisms: lively, observant, mischievous and Unpredictable.