Time Marches On

Previously In The Last Adventure:

Rawek shows his ugly bird face, and Chance channels the Dark Cleric. They make their way through the plains but on the 2nd night they are ambushed by Owl Bears and Chance once again dies. Finster kicks him back to life again. They finally reach home, the Champion gears up and then a celebration with a mind blowing announcement.

NSFW Warning / Bad Grammar

This text will contain language not suitable for some people. It is merely an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. We are not trying to be the next J.R.R. Tolkien, so there will be misspelled words, fragmented sentences and things that just don’t make sense. Once in a while there will be some nudity and sexual themes, you will be warned ahead of time. Just read, enjoy and have fun!

Main Characters

Time Marches On

Time Marches On

Start of Time Marches On

Chance was leaning back in his chair waiting for Novalee’s belch, but the words that were uttered by Khamyra stopped him dead, and he lost his balance. The chair teeters one way and there goes Chance, ass over teakettle.

Khamyra with tears in her eyesThe room grows silent, everyone was staring at Khamyra, but now looks over to Chance as he is scrambling to his feet after a loud crash echoes through the room.

Cullen instinctively reaches to help the Champion up.

Dash’s eyes are wide, “so where is the lucky man? Whitlock should be here right?” he looks around.

Cullen shakes his head, “Dash, my dear boy, an elf can only be impregnated by an elf.” Giving him a look, then glancing over to Chance with a bit of surprise who is staring at Khamyra with eyes wide, his mouth wide open.

Dash looked around the room and the only male person who was any kind of elf was… the Champion. The wheels turn in his young head and his eyes grow big.

Tears start to fall down Khamyra’s cheek as she is staring back at the big man. Not sure what he is going to do. Her heart is beating out of her chest.

It was an awkward long moment. Novalee put her hand on Griffin’s shoulder waiting to see what happened. Griffin just looks down at the table, not sure what to do about this.

Chance thrilled to be a dad, he thinksChance walks to Khamyra, puts both of his hands on her cheeks and looked into her now tear filled eyes. “Just when I thought I couldn’t love you anymore…” He wraps his one arm around her, lifting her off the ground bringing her up to his level. For a second their eyes meet and it is overwhelming. They lean in and kiss creating a light show for the room.

The room erupts in cheers and applause. A soft smile crosses Griffin and he pats Novalee’s hand. The blonde Lazzier elf just watches, tears starting to fall with a huge smile.

“This is no order or society,” Novalee says, almost to herself not really meant to be heard.

Griffin glances up to her, gives her an odd look.

“This is like family,” she says as tears start to fall.

Griffin stands up and gives the elf a big hug and she welcomes it.

Dash has huge eyes, “I didn’t see that coming, holy shit.” Luella laughs a bit and also can’t contain a few tears. Trinity follows suit watching the two kiss.

Chance puts her down, Khamyra looks up to the Champion and sees he is starting to cry as well. She wipes a tear away. “I love you so much,” she whispers with complete certainty.

Those words, the moment is too much and Chance closes his eyes, tears streaming down his face. He embraces Khamyra tightly and sobs. ‘How did I get so lucky’ he thinks to himself over and over again.

There wasn’t a dry eye in the house. Everyone congratulates the couple, some are amazed they kept it a secret so long.

More toasts were given and then Khamyra breaks out the Raspberry truffles and the room suddenly sounds like an orgy was taking place as they enjoy the delicatessen.

“So when did you know?” Trinity asks the dark elf shortly after the dessert.

She smiles, “After I recovered from overdoing my magic, I realized I haven’t, you know.” Most of the guys cringe a little and the girls laugh.

Cheers to Chance and KhamyraShe continues to talk about it. She tells them it must have been in the hidden grotto on the Summer Isles, when they realized that they were in love… the girls all sigh and look over to Chance with puppy dog eyes.

He just smiles and shrugs his shoulders. “Yeah, I’m kind of irresistible like that,” Chance muses with a playful smile.

“You are also kind of a pain in the ass!” she retorts with a smile on her face. The room all raise their glass playfully, “AYE!” resounds throughout.

Chance slams his mug down after draining it, stands up and everyone’s eyes get big. He looks around the room, smiles and gives an awkward curtsy in reply. Everyone laughs and giggles.

The wonderful night comes to a close and the two lovers find their way up to the loft. They pull a blanket over them and make love. The lights were muffled but they were there.

“You kids,” Novalee muses as she walks down the hallway to her room.

Time Marches On – Next morning

The couple is woken by Dash.

Dash, Dark Societies Ranger“M’Lord, I am sorry to wake you but… Velencia is gone, escaped!” he says, panting a little.

Chance wakes up, jumps up and grabs his sword from where he leaned it on the wall.

Khamyra is bleary eyed looking around “What?” she says groggily.

Dash looks at the Champion and adverts his eyes, “M’Lord, ummm, you might want to…” he points. “Novalee was right” he laughs a little.

Chance looks down, “oops” he mutters, turns and grabs his pants that were on the floor, puts them on.

Khamyra gets up, she has her shirt still on.

“We will meet you downstairs Dash,” she says pointing to the stairs. He nods and runs down to the bottom level. “Hun, think she would still be around here?” she asks thinking he might know the answer better than anyone else.

“Who knows with that bitch,” he growls, throwing a shirt over his head. “I’ll be down stairs,” he says coldly.

She gives him a worried look and scrambles for her pants.

One of the underlings is sitting at the table with some ice on the back of his head. Griffin talking with him.

Griffin, Head of the Order“You didn’t see anything? Hear anything?” Griffin asks.

“Like I said I heard a noise, and went to look, next thing I know I am face down on the staircase with this throbbing headache,” he replies, wincing a bit.

Griffin sees you coming, “M’Lord,” he walks over to you.

“Our guard was jumped and Velencia escaped, that is about all we got right now,” he says looking perplexed. “Should have known this would have happened” Griffin says with a little bit of disgust.

“You expect she is long gone or laying in wait to exact revenge?” Chance asks, walking over to the guard.

Griffin shrugs his shoulders, “I imagine she got out of dodge as quickly as possible.”

“Nothing else to report?” The Champion says to the guard who tries to get up to kneel and Chance pushes him back down, “I appreciate it, but you do not need to kneel.”

The quarter elf glances over on the table and there sits a toothbrush, with the letter “s” carved into it. His heart leaps into his throat. He just stands there staring at it.

The tooth brush with the letter s on itThe guard glances over, “yeah that was on the chair, I thought maybe they used it somehow…” he goes to reach for it, but Chance stops him.

The Champion picks it up, runs his finger across the “s” and his eyes start to fill up.

Khamyra walks over and sees her lover in shock, “Chance?” she says looking worried again.

Griffin, confused, walks over. “M’Lord? What is this?”

The memories flood into Chances mind, all the times he and Ferellus had while growing up. He had pushed them to the back of his mind, but now that his life is moving forward, he is hit with just how much he misses his best friend. It is overwhelming, tears start to fall, knowing he is not here and he can’t be part of anything anymore.

“It was Shanna,” the Champion says as he turns and walks out the back door, tears falling.

He realizes just how ironic this is; Velencia, the one who essentially killed Ferellus getting saved by his sister.

Griffin’s eyes get big and looks confused. Dash gets antsy knowing that crazy bitch is capable of anything.

Khamyra runs after him, catching up with him at the well.

The day is just starting, muggy, if not a bit nippy. She walks up to him and stops for a moment.

She does not grab his hand, the shock between them can sometimes be jarring.

“Ferellus will never be able to share this with me, he will never know,” Chance says through a few gasps of sobs, “I didn’t realize how much I missed him until I saw this,” holding up the toothbrush.

She takes it from him and looks at it. A typical one, with “S” carved into it. “S standing for Shanna,” she says plainly, looking worried and confused.

Chance puts his head in his hands and cries for a moment, “It was the last thing she said to Ferellus,” he says, then takes a few breaths. “If you use my toothbrush one more time I swear…” he says trying to regain his composure.

After a few minutes, Chance looks at Khamyra. “No one, can know about…” looking at her belly. “I mean NO ONE,” he says with a tone that makes the Warlock get chills.

She nods and hands Chance the toothbrush. “Agreed, lets just go and drive home that point to everyone.” She takes his hand and the two walk back into the house.

Time marches on – 3 weeks

The days start to blur together. The summer days were filled with good times.

The new HQ gets upgraded, double-banded doors with small peep windows, reinforced windows with bars and more lanterns and torches.

Chance trains with Griffin for swordsmanship, dash for archery and Trinity for some make shift battle options. He sits with Cullun a few nights a week talking about everything he knows. He learns a lot about monsters, creatures and his Lord Finster.

Dash walks out the back and strides for Griffin and the Champion. They are dueling and it is impressive. “M’Lord, you have company,” he yells across the backyard.

Chance nods, grabs his towel and wipes his brow. Heads past the well through the back door and into his main room.

Affinity, Almost Queen of Camerondale“You never visit anymore…” Affinity muses with a big smile on her face, “It’s been like what a month at least?”

Two guards stand at the front door.

“My Grace” Chance says with a smile and a slight bow.

She walks over to the Champion and gives him a smirk. “Please” she retorts and gives him a hug, then backing up with a playful disgusting look.

“You are all sweaty,” she says looking up to the quarter elf.

He smiles real big, “too bad,” he says as he gives her a big warm embrace.

“Would you like anything M’Lady?” Chance asks and instantly he gets a swat on his arm.

She looks up at him with a scowl.

“I mean, Affinity” he says musing a bit, remembering when they used to flirt, “would you like anything?”

Khamyra, who was taking a nap, steps to the railing to see who was at the door, looks over and watches the exchange. She shakes her head, looks to get into something nicer to head down.

“No thank you, I am only here on behalf of the Kingdom of Camerondale,” she says standing a bit more straight, giving Chance a snooty look. She then breaks into a smile and chuckles.

He laughs and raises his eyebrow.

“What is said here can’t be repeated,” she says looking around and finding the place empty, we are keeping everyone out for a few minutes.”

Khamyra is walking down the stairsKhamyra makes her way down the steps only to be intercepted by the guards. The Princess glances over “Oh it’s ok, she can be here, she is one of the heroes of the battle of the isle.”

They nod, bow a bit in respect and back off to the front door again.

Khamyra seems amused by this, she walks over to the two at the center of the room.

“Our forces are going to invade Thorn Gates capital city in a week.” She says looking at the two, “They will be throwing everything at us, and I was hoping to recruit you and your special abilities.” She looks at Chance, eyes big.

Chance looks confused, “You want me to crack some skulls and gut some villains?” he says rubbing his hands together.

Khamyra smiles at the Princess and looks at her lover, “No, I think she means your ability to extract poison,” she then looks back at the stunning woman with big green eyes “I am assuming that is what you meant.”

Affinity smiles and nods then stops, her eyes grow wide and jaw hits the ground.

Chance glances at the Princess, “and, here we go,” he says, shaking his head.

Khamyra looking confused glances at the both of them. “Here we go… what?” she says with a bit of perplexity.

Chance looks over and then back to the Princess who’s face starts to flush.

“Congratulations, you two!” Affinity blurts out and leans in to hug the dark elf.

Khamyra was taken back for a moment, then hugs the Princess back, worried and confused.

“How did you…” Khamyra starts only to have Chance and Affinity hug.

“She is like her mother, she can read things,” he says while the two embrace. “I don’t think I have to tell you that this goes no further than here, we can’t have anyone knowing this,” he says as they finish their hug.

Affinity nods emphatically “Oh course, I understand.”

“I don’t mean to pry, but you know me Chance,” the Princess starts out, “But weren’t you with that dancer girl?” she says, a bit confused.

The Champion snorts a little, “No she was just my protection for the night,” he says glancing over to Khamyra who seemed amused by the thought.

“Sorry, anyways back to the question, could you accompany Cassie to the front lines and be part of the medical unit?” she says giving him puppy dog eyes. “I am sure there are going to be a few vampires and who knows what else, the last battle had some giants, cyclops and gnolls,” she says widening her eyes.

“Of course, anyway I can help,” he says smiling.

Affinity smiles back, then it dims a bit as she reads Khamyra. She glances over to the dark elf. “He is not going into battle, we have plenty of men to fight, but we do not have anyone with the skills like the Champion has.”

Khamyra sighs, with a bit of worry, but nods.

“Thank you,” she nods over at one of the guards, they bring over a pouch. “This is for your travel expenses,” she smiles.

They chit chat a bit more and eventually the Princess leaves.

Griffin walks in afterwards with his eyes real big, “wow, a visit from the Princess of Camerondale,” he says jokingly “What did she want?”

Khamyra sighed again, and looks at the head of the order. “Chance is going to be a cleric for a few days!” she says with some sarcasm.

Chance glances in the pouch and his eyes bulge. “Whoa, some travel expenses, there is like 30 platinum in here!”

Time Marches On – 2 days at home & 3 days travel

Trinity accompanying Chance to Harlow HillThe 3 day journey was long and mostly uneventful for the Champion. Trinity volunteered to go with him, thinking she might be some help with her Gypsy skills. Khamyra put up one hell of a fight, but her motherly instincts finally kicked in and agreed to let him go with out her.

He rides with Cassie and the Gypsy. It was pleasant as it could be, having some fun with the Baroness who at times lets her guard down and he can see her for the amazing person she is.

It was surreal, as they stop at the edge of the battle grounds. Hundreds of thousands of troops and guards all gearing up for battle. Huge trebuchet’s and towers sit waiting to go through or get over the walls of the city that are high wood walls with some brick.

Xavier greets the Champion and his sister. They lead him and Trinity to a tent that is out of the way. They have a simple dinner and wait for the following morning when the attack will start.

Time Marches On – next morning

The sunrise comes, and the camp is loud. Xavier is running around gearing up the troops, this will be the biggest battle they will ever be in.

Cassie is going over the final preparations with some captains. She looks up and smiles real big. “There he is, couldn’t stay away could you?” She states.

Plugr, Camerondales most decorated warriorPlugr, in full plate, shield, sword with a horse that looks like it was created by Animax himself. “Victoria will have your ass if I have a drop of blood on this armor” he says with an amused tone.

“Just need you as a mouthpiece, that shouldn’t be too hard for you right?” Cassie replies with a shit eating grin. She walks up and they give each other a warm handshake.

Ignoring the comment, but still getting a smile across his face he trots out into the front lines. The army erupts in cheers and yells. Camerondales most decorated warrior on the front lines with them is a huge inspiration.

You hear his booming voice telling them of glory, and the greater good. The army starts to bang the ground, making the ground shake. Goosebumps pop up on both Trinity and Chance as they look at each other, intimidated a little at the overwhelming sound.

Chance is looking out of the tent as Trinity is putting the cots to the side. “Looks like they are moving in,” he says not only seeing them, but hearing the massive army move forward

He goes to close the tent drapes and he notices movement in the distance, as though people were moving crouched down.

The Champion walks out and sees there has to be 20-30 people now starting to stand up knowing they have been made, and are moving fast towards them. “We have incoming from the North!” Chance yells.

Without hesitation the quarter elf grabs his sword in the tent, puts it in his belt, grabs his dagger too.

The majority of the people in the triage area are not battle ready or they can barely swing a weapon.

One of the captains ran back to you, eyes bulging, “SHIT! How did they get around?!?” she yells skidding to a halt. The female captain turns heel running back yelling for a small brigade of troops to head back.

Looking around to see who is there, Chance realizes this is going to be a slaughter if he doesn’t do something. He grabs Trinity by the arm who was trying to whip up some kind of smoke potion and looks her in the eyes.

“You told me you could make people see things, things that were not there. I need you to do that for me when this is done” he says frantically.

Trinity looks at him confused and shakes her head. “What do you mean?”

“Make me think you are Khamyra, It’s very important,” Chance says, and glances over to the incoming mass. “Then kiss me.” He nods his head and smiles quickly.

“Uhh, kiss you?” she stutters a bit, knowing time is of great importance, the gypsy just nods her head.

Remembering his last battle with the Owl Bears he did not give them the opportunity to get any closer. He unsheathes his sword, grabs his dagger with poison on it a bit tighter.

He takes the necklace off, and he starts to change. Lights, symbols radiating off him.

Trinity hears a deep guttural growl like she has never heard before. He looks at the Gypsy, “Remember you are Khamyra!”

The Gypsy jumps back, blinding light next to her. “M’Lord!” She yells looking out at the incoming enemies. She drops to her knee in respect.

The Champion turns and sprints directly into the 30 or so enemies. He was so fast, she thinks to herself as she scrambles for her daggers.

The mass is trying to overwhelm the Champion but he was having nothing to do with it.

The sound of clashing weapons, yells and screams echo out. There is blood spurting everywhere, a few men go flying and others fall over each other surprised at the speed of this creature that is lit up like a christmas tree.

Chance is getting stabbed but it doesn’t seem to affect him too much at first. This is confounding the attacking thugs and discouraging them.

As the battle continued, the stabs he was shrugging off are now starting to take his toll. He was slowing down.

Trinity could see this and she started to get a little angry, so she grabbed both her daggers, her smoke potion and was ready to head into the fray to save her Champion, but as she did a huge group of guards rushed past the Gypsy.
The guards make short work of what was left by the Champion, who fell backwards on his butt in a puddle of blood, guts and now mud.

Trinity sprints over to the quarter elf once the area was secured, with a salve in hand.

A few guards by the quarter elf’s side, keeping their distance from the growling man. Chance is getting on one knee, blood covering his body matting his hair surrounded by bodies, body parts and blood.

She can hear him growling almost. Trinity quickly rubs a salve under his nose, he swipes at her and she avoids it.

The Champion starts to wobble. He has cuts and stabs marks all over, a dagger sticking into his shoulder. He coughs a bit after taking a whiff of the powerful smell.

“Chance this is Khamyra, Chance!” Trinity says not knowing what else to do, thinking she should make some witty smart ass comment or call him a dumbass, I mean what does Khamyra do around him?

The champion looks up a little, blood drips off his nose.

Trinity walks over, puts her shaking hand on his chin, lifts his face up hoping he doesn’t hit her or something. “It’s me Khamyra” she says, using the power of suggestion and the overwhelming smell the salve has that is under his nose.

He looks right through her, eyes just flashing and vibrating blue light. He slightly tilts his head, squints his eyes.

Then Chance sees Khamyra and his heart sores. He can smell her perfume, see her big dark eyes.

Trinity leans in hesitantly seeing his demeanor changed to a soft warm look. She puts her lips on his and starts to kiss him. He grabs her and brings her close and kisses her deep. Trinity was taken back, but indulged a little, it was an amazing kiss.

Chance snaps out of his frenzy, and much to his surprise he was kissing Trinity who was now half covered in blood herself from the big mans embrace.

The Champion gets taken back to the tent, he is spent and needs to sleep for a bit. Cassie helps with some healing for him, even though it affects her poorly. That was enough to get him asleep and ready to heal the rest of himself when he wakes up.

Trinity and Cassie talk about a potion to halt any poisons in a body, it’s not a fix but it could buy them enough time for Chance to regain his strength. Between the help of an alchemist and the gypsy they come up with something that helped.

Only a few ended up needing the extraction and Chance was able to perform it after the potion was used.

The sound of battle in the distance rages on. Looking over the slight decline leading to the city, plumes of smoke rise in the distance, a large mass of guards and troops storming the city gates. They also see 10 or more trebuchet’s launching flaming boulders into the city, aiming for the citadel in the center.

Chance shutters a bit knowing there are people fighting for their lives down there, killing people and trying to focus during the chaos. A few flashes come back to him about the compound, and the carnage.

By the next sunrise, the sounds of cheering and horns of victory sounded for Camerondale.

Thorn Gate has fallen, the war is over and this is now Camerondale lands.

Cassie, Baroness thanking ChanceChance and Trinity were finishing up some of the final healings, the stream of wounded piling into the triage has all but stopped. The two of them exchange a quick hug and smile.

Cassie walks back to the triage. “There were casualties, too many,” she thinks to herself, “but not as bad as we thought.”

Chance is leaning against a cart, wiping his hands and trying to fix a part of his new armor he had on. He glances up just in time for Cassie to give him a fierce hug.

“Thank you, without you, I don’t know what would have happened,” she steps back with a big smile on her face, “If you two were not here.”

Trinity shrugs her shoulders “I didn’t do anything your grace, it was all our Champion,” she says.

Cassie shakes her head, “You pulled him out of his crazy eyes, whipped up a potion that saved many lives,” she replies, eyes wide.

Trinity gives her a curtsy and smiles “You are very welcome then” she says, then pauses “Hell, it was a great kiss too.”

Chance and Trinity were on the first wave leaving the battle ground.

Time Marches On – 3 days travel

Three days later they returned home.

They recount the tale of what happened and Khamyra hugs Chance a little tighter. “I knew that was going to happen, I just knew it…” she says with a little bit of shake in her voice.

Trinity lightens the mood between the two of them by confessing how awesome that kiss was.

Time Marches On – 1 week

The back end of the days of summer are upon Legon. Long days of training, good food by Novalee and time spent with Khamyra. Cullun is teaching Chance about creatures and other things he thinks he should know. The group continues to grow closer and closer.

Erikka, Lady in waiting for the PrincessLuella walks to the balcony and over to Chance who has Khamyra on his lap. She is reading a book, Chance is half awake, tired from the training he was put through by Griffin and Dash.

“There are girls at the door and some guards” she says, smiling looking at the two love birds. The Warlock and Champion glance at each other confused, but get up and head towards the door.

Erikka and Birgetta stand there all smiles as they both descend down the stairs.

“Hey stud!” Birgetta yells and walks over and gives the tall quarter elf a big hug.

“Birgetta!” he says, giving her a big return hug.

Erikka follows suit and they exchange hugs.

“Nice place Chance,” Erikka says looking around after they embrace.

He nods, looks at the two of them inquisitively. “Just popping by to say Hi? Miss me that much?” he says with his patented smirk.

He turns and looks at Khamyra, and he introduces them to her.

“No, we are here to deliver your bounty,” Erikka says.

The two guards put a smaller chest on the table, “the more you do, the more you get and there is a ton in there.” The blonde girl says handing Chance a paper outlining what he got. “Spoils of war are to be distributed to the army who risked their lives, and those who have gone above and beyond,” she continues to say, as though she had to memorize it.

Birgetta, from Vermeer, Lady in waitingOne of the guards hands Birgetta a bigger thin item wrapped in a sack.

“Oh Chancie-poo, this is from your buddies at Black Ward,” she takes it and hands it to the Champion.

He takes the special shield out of the sack, the one that fit his arm like an item of clothing and has a dagger that popped out.

The Champions eyes light up, puts it on, and swings it around a bit keeping his distance, “Oh man, I missed this thing in my battles.”

Khamyra puts her hand up and walks over.

Chance stops and shows his lover the shield.

The Warlock smiles and looks at a symbol on the bottom of it. She smiles real big. It was a symbol of Finster, subtly put but enough to not notice.

The group chit chats for a while and then they leave.

A few of the order is inside and they are looking at the treasure Chance is pulling out. Lots of gold, some platinum, a ton of silver and some copper. A few gems, a necklace, some ear rings and a golden dagger. There is also an elegant note.

Chance opens it. “Invited to the Victory and Succession celebration” he reads, “Oh good, more royal dancing, eating and drinking.”

Luella who was growing bored, turns to walk away and stops suddenly, turns to you. “Oh really?” her beautiful eyebrow raises.

Khamyra stands up from the chair and looks down, she is already starting to show now 2-3 months in.

“Damn” she says looking at Luella, “Looks like you are up again, you better bring me a Raspberry truffle” she says with some force and a soft smile.

Time Marches On – 3 days – night of the party

“Quit squirming around,” Khamyra scolds the large quarter elf, “they took the time to make this for you, you should wear it correctly,” she says fixing his collar of this over glorified outfit.

“Wow, I can hear the Mom in you,” Chance says kidding only to get a playful push that makes him off balance, falling on the bed.

Khamyra, straddles him and looks at him “You look amazing, just wish I could go with you.” she says leaning down and kissing her love.

“I wish you could too,” he says in between kisses, “or we could stay here and you know…” he muses looking into the dark elves eyes who has a smirk on her face.

“But I am sure it will be interesting with Luella,” the Champion says quickly.

Just then a knock on the door. Khamyra jumps off and finishes packing his bag for the overnight stay.

Chance makes his way down to see two royal guards standing at the door, “Chance Axion?” one of them says as the other points to the beautiful carriage.

He nods and looks back and much like the rest of the room, all jaws hit the floor.

Luella walks out in a purple leather dress that left little to the imagination. She has an elegant necklace and a stylish purse that goes along with it. Top it off she was helped by every other girl with makeup and such.

She looks around and shrugs her shoulders, “what?” she then smiles knowing she is giving Dash the biggest pup tent right now.

Chance glances up to Khamyra who has a playful smile on her face. He winks at her. She mouths “dick barrel fulls olive juice” to Chance who seems confused, odd thing for her to say… then he realized it was probably “Be careful, love you.”

“Couldn’t find anything tighter?” Chance says playfully, putting his arm out letting Luella take it. He then picks up both their bags for the overnight stay.

“Yeah I know, I couldn’t even wear underwear,” she says with a giggle.

The two walk out as one of the guards stumbles, the other coughs after hearing that.

It is around 5:00PM and the sky is mostly cloudy with a bit of mugginess. The two walk down the path and enter the carriage.

The both of them pop the bottle of champagne and have a glass on the way to the City. It’s a comfortable ride with the invoker, she can make any tense moments less with her sense of humor and quick wit.

The city gates are now open with the war over. Chance and Luella exit the elaborate carriage, to some decent amount of fan fare. Both of them looking around wondering why, but looking farther into the city… A huge festival and celebration is happening. The streets are lined with streamers, decorations, merchants, food, etc. The streets are packed.

Champion of the court, Chance Axion, a dopeA few guards take notice of the quarter elf as he slowly make your way through with an escort.

“The Champion of the court, hero of the isles!” He yells. Everyone stops and looks around and then back at him.

Chance stops and looks over to the streets where everyone is looking at him and they all start to clap, applaud and cheer. He smiles and nods to them in respect.

Luella nudges him, “wave to them,” she says quietly.

Chance gets embarrassed by the attention, he waves and everyone cheers more. More and more people walk over, practically blocking the stairway to the Black Ward compound.

Mina was walking out of the compound into this frey with Ara. Mina glances over to the short armorer who was trying to see what was going on, but too short to see over the crowd.

“These people need to get out of my way,” she says annoyed and pushing some people to the side.

Mina giggles, “Can’t see, huh short stuff?”

Ara a little annoyed, jumps up on the pillar of the compound and looks to see who they are cheering. It hits her like a ton of bricks. Chance stood there, looking like a deer in headlights waving like a dope.

Yet another girl on his arm, she thinks.

Ara fed up with Chance, the hornballThe little elf jumps down and starts heading back to their work, face flushing.

Mina tries to catch up with her, “well he is consistent,” she says musing a bit. “He must have been tired of the dark elf, and needed a new flavor.”

Chance and Luella finally make it into the castle and they are greeted by everyone and their brother.

The place is decorated top to bottom, everyone in elegant, fantastic outfits.

Urneeva walks up to him and smiles, “Chance! How nice it is to see you again.” Chance nods to her trying to take everything in. She waves the Champion on to the throne room and leads him in, but not before getting hand shakes and a few cheers from people in the room.

Upon entering the throne room, Cassie runs over to you and smiles giving you a big hug. Chance gives her a hug back, and even a little kiss on the top of the head.

The Champion has noticed the Baroness seems different. It must be the stress and worry of the war is over, she is now one big smile. That makes him smile too.

“I have to admit, Affinity was right, you are very huggable,” the Baroness says chuckling a bit.

The entire royal court is in the throne room awaiting the start of the festivities.

Cassie, dressed to to the nineCassie glances at Luella, “Hi Luella, nice to see you again,” she says looking her over.

“Nice to see you too Baroness, and no I am not wearing underwear,” Luella replies while slightly bowing, making Cassie burst out laughing.

The entire throne room looks over to Cassie who is now hugging the invoker still giggling.

They get escorted to the entrance that the Champion remembers taking for the balls and wedding. They head up an elegant staircase and to a large double doors.

Chance stands at the top, just inside the door. Luella is looking over the huge royal dining room, packed with the upper class and royalty among other Kingdoms as well as Camerondales.

“Wow… this is crazy,” she mumbles a bit looking over everything, “everyone who is anyone is here.”

The two wait as people are getting announced, mostly individual heroes of the 11 week war with Thorn Gate.

The King, Prince and Princess are already down at the bottom, they have been announced.

The royal dining room packed with everyoneThey step up and the cryer looks at you, smiles wide and looks out across the floor. All eyes look up.

“Champion of the Court, Chance Axion, Hero of the Isle and Harlow Hill, with guest Luella Springer,” he yells across the room.

The room erupts with cheers and applause.

Luella is shell shocked, eyes wide looking around. “Shit Chance, I think everyone is getting a look at my cooch right now,” she says walking gingerly down the stairs.

A huge smile washes over his face taking his mind off of being nervous, he lets out a laugh and puts his arm around Luella as they go down the steps. He realizes that is what she does so well, diffuses situations that make me nervous or uncomfortable.

They hit the floor and he is greeted by everyone who is still clapping and cheering.

Chance glances back up the stairs, as the cryer then announces Cassie.

She starts to walk down the stairs alone.

“Oh, that won’t do, that won’t do at all,” Chance mumbles to himself.

A large man races up the stairs and puts out his arm. Another huge smile washes over Cassies face as she takes Chance’s arm and walks down the rest of the way.

She leans into him and whispers, “Thank you Champion.”

“Anytime Baroness,” Chance says musing.

He sees the King beaming with Pride watching his Baroness and his Champion walk down the stairs together.

At the bottom Luella jokes with Cassie “Should I be getting jealous?”

As you wait for the last one down, you hear about Xavier and his contribution to the war. He was the lead, devised most of the plans and he was very successful.

The crier announces Xavier and the room is deafening with cheers and applause. He looks embarrassed a bit, but his wife is soaking it in.

Talia musing about LuellaThe dinner starts and of course the food is amazing, no expense spared.

Plugr, Victoria and Talia sitting by them as well as Cassie and a few upper class.

Talia starts to giggle, and then continues to eat.

“What is so funny?” Cassie says as she takes a bite.

“Oh nothing, I was just wondering if Luella will be able to stand straight in that dress or will she be falling over.” Talia says.

The Invoker glances up, blushing a little “I can stand perfectly straight but then everyone will know that beaver is in season for me,” she says in a quick quip.

Everyone in ear shot starts to laugh, though a few didn’t understand or they were appalled. Chance just closes his eyes and chuckles, blushing a little.

The dinner ends and the award ceremony begins.

A good 12 men and women are marched up to the stage, awarded medals and presents for their valor. It was nice to see new people stepping forward, a new generation of heroes to depend upon.

The King brings up Cassie and awards her. They hug and she glances at the card the King is working off.

“I would like to stay up for the next one please,” she says with a smile. He nods and looks at the Champion.

“Chance Axion, please come forward,” he says.

The entire room stands and starts to applaud and cheer. It was all very overwhelming as he made his way to the stage.

The champion turns, raises an eyebrow as he watches Xavier making his way to the stage too.

A tall covered item gets pushed to the center.

King Jeramiah for only another day“Chance my boy, you started this war off without a casualty. Then you helped end it by saving the lives of everyone in the triage.” the King says.

Then he stumbles over the next words, tears starting to form “I think… it is perfect, that it is you.”

He grabs the covered item and pulls the sheet away. Chance is standing there, dopey smile on his face. He glances over and he sees a huge bust of Morty. His face drains of color, eyes big, can’t believe what he is seeing. They even got his little smirk perfect.

It hit him so hard. “Morty…” Chance says softly, still just staring, eyes welling up.

Cassie walks to the large man and hugs him, tears flowing down her face.

The King joins in and surprisingly Xavier does too. They all stand hugging for a minute sobbing. The room grows very quiet, just some sniffles and cries could be heard. This was a memorial for a great man, and the room is paying respect.

The King pulls back, “I am sorry, it is just very symbolic,” the king says “Chance was willing to sacrifice his life to save the ones around him and that is what Morty taught him. Morty practiced what he preached, he gave his life to save the lives of so many on the island.”

Jeramiah unravels a medal, puts it around the quarter elf’s neck, still a few tears running down the ruler’s cheek.

Then he walked to the bust, looking at it through his tears, “Morty my old friend, you will be missed.. You are missed dearly,” he pats the marble face.

The King turns to the crowd, “It will be in our entryway for as long as Camerondale exists. The courage of Mortimer…”

Chance is getting himself under control a bit and the King looks at him “I want you to give out when it is awarded, Champion,” he says to the quarter elf, “he would have wanted that, and you are the truest example of his ideals, his skills and his life.”

All Chance could do is nod and smile, knowing if he saw that bust again he was going to lose it.

The King ends with the biggest award, to Xavier who spearheaded the entire war. The place was so loud in applause and cheers for him.

After the room calms down a bit, they have silence.

“This war was not without its pain, sorrow and loss. We take this moment of silence in memory of the 2,803 men and women who lost their lives over the last 11 weeks during this Witch War.”

Once the silence is over and there is a crying Chance can hear and he looks to see Nixxy sobbing at a far table.

He does not hesitate and walks over to her. She looks up to see the large quarter elf and gets up and they embrace. Nixxy had a lot of flaws but she did genuinely care for the old Captain. “I miss him so much Chance,” she sputters out in between sobs.

The room was quiet and the tone of this celebration had turned dark. Jeramiah could feel it.

Luella, not wearing underwearThe King spots Luella and he gets a big grin on his face. “I was wrong, for the last honor, Luella is it?” he looks at her, and then looks at the bar.

A huge smile runs across the invokers face and she immediately stands up. “Time for shots!” she says, then bends a little smoothing out her dress, blushing making sure her vagina didn’t pop out.

The night goes on with some drinking, some laughing and some dancing.

Chance finally has a moment, walks over to the bust of Morty.

“I am so sorry you couldn’t be here Morty,” he says, feeling himself lose it. “You would have enjoyed the rum…”

Not to bring too much attention to himself, he sobs as quietly as he could, just staring at the bust through bleary eyes.

An arm goes around Chance and he is startled a bit. “It is only me,” Affinity says leaning into the big man.

“I have a lot to be thankful for, and you and Morty are a big part of it,” she says, hugging the Champion a little tighter.

Chance smiles, “yeah, the move I did on that odius in your room was something he just taught me,” he remembers, “the look on that creature’s face” he chuckles a bit, sniffling and wiping a tear away remembering that terrible night.

Affinity, Princess almost a queen“You know I think for me, my succession, and this war truly started that day,” she says a matter of fact like “it changed my life, it changed how I looked at things… hell it gave me a swift boot in the ass. Made me realize life is not going to be a bed of roses or a box of raspberry truffles.”

They turn and look at each other. Her gorgeous green eyes meet the Champions dark haunting eyes. He warmly smiles and tilts his head, touches her cheek that has tears starting to fall.

Memories rush back for the both of them, they get overwhelmed and tears fall. They embrace, both softly crying and letting each other know that they love each other without saying a word.

It was a magical moment, connecting Chance’s past to who he is now. Holding her tight rocking back and forth softly.

After a minute, they sniffle and back up looking at each other.

They turned to see the entire ballroom was looking at them, tears flowing, sniffles and smiles.

Cassie is just standing there, she has her mouth covered, tears flowing just staring at the two with pride. Prince Bozutto has a smile on his face, and even he had his eyes well up a bit.

Chance and Affinity glance at each other and chuckle a little.

But, in a surprising move Chance starts to talk.

“You know, at the beginning of this year, I was…” he glances over to the Princess and then to Birgetta and Erikka and playfully smiles, “just a cabana boy apparently.”

The two “ladies in waiting” smile and giggle a little. They have tears and they take each others hand, leaning into each other. The Princess looks at them with a huge smile.

Chance glances over to the bust of Morty. “During that time, I had the greatest opportunity to work with one of the best people that Legon has ever seen.” He pauses a moment puts his hand on the stone shoulder.

“It afforded me so many opportunities, experiences and friendships. I just couldn’t imagine my life without anyone of you” he continues, almost in a trance talking.

“If this Kingdom ever needs me to fight for… ” he pauses, “or I should say, fight with them, I will never hesitate to do so.”

Everyone starts to cheer and clap.

As it quiets down you hear from the bar “If you are done running that pretty little mouth of yours, we need to get back to drinking!”

Chance did not need to look, he smiled real big and laughed. “Yes Luella, my apologies for interrupting that.”

The night goes on with more hugs, speeches, cheers and drinking. Both Luella and Chance over indulge a little.

Cassie walks up to them. “For old times sake, I gave you your old room,” she says looking at Luella who is now drinking water. “It only has one bed though, plus it’s the only room left,” she says kind of softly.

“It’s ok, he is real quick anyways, then rolls over and goes to sleep,” Luella says in a matter of fact tone and then an evil smirk.

Chance chokes on his drink and Cassie bursts out laughing.

Luella and her sweet naked assThe night comes to a close and the two head to the room.

Memories rush in and it was hard to make that walk. With the emotional night, he is trying not to cry again when he remembers all the memories of this place, this corridor and the room he is about to enter.

Upon entering the room, it is well decorated and lit. The two of them get ready, Luella just drops her dress to the floor.

“Uhhh Luella, ummm” the Champion turns, stumbles a little feeling buzzed, “full moon tonight?”

Luella turns around, smile on her face starting to giggle, “Chance, babe, it’s nothing you haven’t seen.”

She walks over to their bags and is looking through them. He looks back around and just stares at her perfect ass. He then starts to get undressed, but keeps his pants on.

Luella puts on a simple nightgown. She glances over to Chance and looks down. “OK, we won’t talk to Khamyra about that,” pointing at his flopper that was in no way flopping.

“Let’s just get to sleep,” Chance says, a little frustrated.

They both climb in bed, they chit chat and Luella makes the man laugh a few times. They eventually fall asleep.

For Chance it was not a great sleep, he tossed and turned and everywhere he looked it just reminded him of his past, and like most minds will do; he dwells on the mistakes and pain.

Time Marches On – Next Morning

The two of them got ready, as awkward as it was, they dressed in front of each other. They were a bit late with slight hangovers.

Luella was in a wonderful dress that was much more suitable for a royal event and Chance was in his Champion of the Court outfit.

Royal ceremony, the successionThe ceremony was intense, people everywhere and all in their best outfits. Chance had some duties to perform and he did it very well. He was able to spend most of the ceremony with his mother, and he loved it.

By the end of morning, Jeramiah is no longer the Solidarity King, he has retired.

Bozutto and Affinity are now King and Queen of the most powerful Kingdom on Legon.

There were other official businesses handing lands over to upper class people as Land Barons.

Afterwards there was an elaborate lunch which Chance and Luella took part.

The two exchange pleasantries with everyone before leaving including Affinity and Bozutto. “We may have to call on you one day,” the newly anointed King muses “will you be ready?”

Chance smiles, and respectfully bows. “Absolutely my King” he says with certainty. The new King and Champion exchange a warriors handshake, Affinity gives the big man a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

The two dark society members head on back home. But not before Luella sneaks a few raspberry truffles out for Khamyra.

Time Marches On – 6 weeks

Home Improvement with the Dark SocietyThe leaves are starting to turn as the days become shorter.

Chance’s training continues with Dash, Griffin and occasionally Rohlia when she swings by. Khamyra is getting bigger and she complains about it all the time.

Novalee is training as well making herself a better witch with the help of Trinity, Cullun, Luella and occasionally Bastian who has stopped by a few times.

The homestead gets retrofitted with small fireplaces for some off-rooms to keep people warm when the cold weather hits.

A brisk fall night, Chance wakes up after thinking he heard a sound. Taking a deep breath, its probably the wind.

He then stops and thinks, what if it isn’t…

Chance slowly gets out of bed and looks to Khamyra who is tucked in nice and tight, he can hear her adorable snoring.

He smiles as he walks over to his sword, quietly pulls it out of his scabbard. Just a precaution he tells himself.

Slides his boots on and puts his favorite dagger in his belt.

The well at nightAs he quietly walks for the balcony door he hears more noises, almost like muffled movement.

His eyes turn to slits and slowly opens the balcony door. The quarter elf looks across the backyard to find 3 figures on the outskirts of his property that were not the Dark Society. He sees Dash face down by the well and his anger grows.

There is one figure walking towards the house, in a hooded robe.

The Champion does not take any chances, removes his necklace and jumps over the balcony landing in front of the figure.

Shanna instinctively swings her dagger at the “thing” that fell in front of her and it is stopped by the glowing person’s hand.

After a short moment of realization her eyes grow as big as saucers and mouth opens “You got to be fucking kidding me,” she says recognizing Ferellus’s best friend. “What the hell are you?”

“Your worst nightmare” chance says with such a tone to it,Shanna could not stop herself from shuttering a little.

“What are you doing here you crazy bitch” the Champion asks, eyes growing to slits and growling a little, still holding her wrist up with her dagger in her hand.

The Summer Isle woman is still taken aback a bit, but she slowly gains her confidence back. “I was just here to offer my congratulations to the couple,” she says with an evil smirk.

I will make him squirm like never before she thinks.

Shanna getting her wrist broken, moments before her death.Pain shoots through her arm and she lets out a yell, “ow!”

Chance twists her hand so far as to break it, the dagger falls to the ground.

She could hear it snap and she started to scramble. But she could not, a bluesteel longsword is pinned up against her throat.

“You fucking broke my wrist…” she says in obvious pain.

Chance slowly smiles, eyes narrow, his breath like a growl from a lion.

By now the homestead is alerted and some of the members are heading out.

“Three in the back,” Chance yells to warn them. He glances back and sees the group she brought are not standing, they are kneeling.

The Champion gets this wide grin on his face knowing she made the mistake of bringing the followers of Finster. He wheels the blonde girl around to show her.

Shaking a little, tears running down her face because of the pain and realizing she is in deep shit she sees the three men she brought kneeling. “What… what is going on?” she says.

Chance then forcefully walks her forward and drives her into the well making her gasp, she is looking straight down the dark hole. “What are you congratulating us for?” he says with a guttural growl.

After a few moments of her catching her breath she says “you’re going to be a daddy” she says and even then lets out a little evil laugh.

Chance turns her back around, still pinned against the well. Some tears still running down her cheek due to the pain.

With all her strength she pushes the sword out of the way making the Champion lose grip, the sword clanks on the ground. She tries and reach for something on the back of her belt but her hand does not make it there.

Chance kills Shanna in cold bloodThe moonlight unveils the Champion with a poisoned dagger deep in Shanna’s chest, right in the heart.

His nose practically touching hers, eye to eye. Her eyes are bulging, feeling the dagger ripping her heart in two, a trickle of blood starts down her mouth she starts to shake. Shanna has never felt anything like this before, she smiles inside thinking; this is it, my pain is now over.

“I am truly sorry for Ferellus,” the monstrous glowing man says, “I can only pray that Animax can forgive you and allow you to be with your brother again…”

Chance pulls back, taking the dagger out. Blood spurts a bit as she slowly slides down the edge of the well and eventually into a motionless body leaning forward a little, head down.

The Champion just stands there, dagger still in hand, blood and poison dripping off the blade. He is staring at her, almost not believing what just happened.

He just killed Ferellus’s sister.

Chance turns towards the house to see Khamyra standing there, mouth wide open eyes as wide as they could get with a look he has never seen from her before.

Their eyes meet, and then the Champion looks down.

“What did you do…” is all that comes out of her mouth.

He fumbles for his necklace and puts it on.

Griffin rounds up the people who were with Shanna and he brings them to the well.

Chance transforms back into his normal state only to see Khamyra running back into the house.

By now Trinity and Luella were checking on Dash who seemed to be fine.

Chance looks over to the Dwarf, “leave her be.” pointing at Shanna’s dead body, “I will deal with it later” he says.

Griffin walks over to the body and nods. “She knew, didn’t she?” Griffin says, knowing the Champion understood the question.

Chance stands there, guilt and pain washing over him. He nods and glances over to the head of the order. Griffin looks at the dead woman, grits his teeth and nods in agreement to the situation.

Chance walks into the house, up the stairs to the loft where Khamyra is sitting on the edge of the bed, moonlight shining through the now open window. She is looking down, hand inbetween her thighs rocking back and forth a bit.

The two of them don’t say a word for a long moment. Just calming down to the night’s events.

“I did what I had to do,” Chance says finally, in a quiet simple tone.

He grabs a towel he used for his last bath and wipes his dagger down.

“That justifies you killing her in cold blood?” Khamyra says, still not looking at him and in a hushed voice.

After a short moment, Chance replies “Yes,” quickly and to the point.

Her head snaps up in disbelief. Chance did not see it, he already turned and walked down the stairs, much to the shock of Khamyra.

The conflicted Champion, with pain overwhelming him, walks out the front door, then jumps on Toby and rides off down the road.

A crisp fall night, moons highHe doesn’t ride far, just to a clearing of some trees and a big tree stump.

He jumps off Toby, walks to the stump and sits. The moons are high in the sky both, one almost full the other a sliver. The wind lightly caresses his skin, giving him goosebumps from the chill. Leaves blow around and the trees wave.

Deep in thought about the night’s events, the Champion has never been so conflicted. He is numb and on the edge of a breakdown, the only thing holding him together right now is the onslaught of visuals hitting him.

Suddenly the quarter elf looks around, he gets a tingly feeling. Khamyra must be looking for me, he thinks to himself.

Much to his surprise an old man is walking along the half dirt, half stone road, leaning heavily on a staff. Chance eyes him suspiciously and as he gets closer the tingly gets more intense.

The Champion stands up and the old man walks over. His eyes are glossed over and the power is intense radiating from this man.

Instinctively Chance goes to one knee.

“Dammit boy, how many times” the old man blurts out, “guess there is no hiding from you…” he walks over and grabs Chance by the shoulders lifting him up.

The old man leaned on his staff, “tonight, you showed me something” he said with the old mans voice, Finster did not want to waste any power on aesthetics. “You did what you had to do,” he says coldly and matter of fact.

Chance plops back down on the stump and sighs. “Then why does it feel like I just betrayed Khamyra, my best friend… betrayed myself?” he says in a return question.

He shakes his head, fidgeting with his dagger.

Finster channeling through an old manThe old man scoffs, “if you didn’t feel bad, I would be worried I did not choose the right man for the job,” he says, clears his throat and tries to straighten his back “this is part of the job that is the hardest. It is why people look at us as evil. Making decisions that are to the point, to get something accomplished.”

The old man is fidgeting a bit, “bottom line, you are part of me now. I don’t expect nor do I want a bloodthirsty warlord. I expect someone to make these hard decisions, right or wrong and know that fate sometimes guides us in a direction we did not want to go.”

Chance is nodding his head, starting to understand. He looks up at Finster masquerading as an old man. “M’lord, could you not have taken over the body of someone younger or stronger,” he muses a bit.

The old man lets out a small fart and is still leaning one way, “Oh my god, what did this guy eat and my back is killing me… or him” he says with some frustration. He stops a moment and looks back at his champion who has an eyebrow raised looking at him.

“I think you know what I mean Chance” he says, “there was a threat, a threat to Khamyra, a threat to your unborn child and you dealt with it.”

Chance nods again and stands up.

“Guess what? Now there is no more threat, and your love and your baby is safe.” he says, getting absolutely frustrated with the old man’s body.

“M’lord I appreciate the visit but, you look so uncomfortable,” Chance says going to try and help the man.

“No no, it’s all good, I am done. I’ll just walk on over to where I found him.” he says starting to walk away “Keep true to yourself and you will keep true to me,” he says as he walks farther away down the path.

Chance stands watching the old man walk out of sight.

He looks up to the sky and takes a deep breath. So much going through his head right now. He decides it’s time to face the corpse sitting in his back yard. Chance’s face flushes and his heart starts to beat harder.

He jumps on Toby and rides back into town.

By now the moons are on their way down, it’s an hour or two before dawn.

He puts the horse away and walks through the front door. The room is still dark, except for a large candle in the middle of the table with most of the order sitting around drinking tea.

Griffin stands and goes to say something but looks at the Champions face and thinks twice. The pain on his face is all he needed to know. He just nods as the big man walks past, through the back door and out into the backyard.

Everyone was dead quiet, still reeling from the night’s events. They also know there is a dead body in the backyard and it is way more complicated for their Champion than they realize.

Chance walks over to Shanna, slumped over, leaning against the well. He just stares at her, the hood over her head and face.

He remembers she was going for something when he stabbed her. The quarter elf kneels down and searches her. He pulls out a potion, with red liquid in it. Fire Potion, or the Fire Bomb, he tells himself, she was ready to torch us both.

With a sigh, Chance mumbles “I think this was a suicide mission,” realizing the dire situation he was in.

He continues to search Shanna and finds little else. The Champion then sees she is wearing a necklace. He pulls it out of her shirt and the blood drains from his face.

The necklace, half of the heartThe heart symbol that is purposefully in half, the other half would be given to someone else.

Memories of his best friend rush back, looking at him before he was buried. He saw the other matching necklace around his neck. Chance gasps a bit, trying to hold back a little.

He pulls her hood, props her head back and looks at her. Still a beautiful face, light blonde hair, long lashes… it just looked like she was sleeping.

Remembering the times they had, remembering her, and their weird relationship. Being the sister of his best friend, the times she was part of things like dinner, walks or just hanging out.

Chance knew that if Ferellus was alive he would never forgive him.

He glances up to this girl again, who he grew up with. Knowing what she went through, knowing she was in so much pain for so long.

This was her fate. To lay dead against a well in Chance’s backyard, with no one to really mourn her, maybe no one to even remember her.

His face flushes, his chest begins to hurt.

He stares at her, the moon reflecting off her light skin, the end of a life of someone who he loved, even still.

Tears started, and it was almost blinding for the Champion, it hit him so hard. “What have I done?” he says before he starts to cry.

The night was quiet, except for the sounds of Chance sobbing uncontrollably.

Khamyra heads down the stairs and sees everyone up. “Where is Chance?” she says, looking around.

“He is out back with… Shanna,” Griffin says, glancing up to the dark elf.

Hearing the Champion son breaks her heart a million timesShe starts for the door and Griffin stops her. “No, Khamyra, this is something he has to deal with by himself.”

She looked annoyed at first but then she could hear someone crying, sobbing.

The Onyx Elf walks to the window to the backyard and sees Chance squatting down next to the dead woman, head in his hands and sobbing.

Her heart just breaks.

Everyone in the room can hear his sobs and most are having a hard time not crying themselves.

Khamyra turns around not being able to handle the scene. She looks at everyone with her eyes welling up. “What just happened?” she says quietly, not quite believing the events that just took place.

“She knew,” Griffin said, “she threatened you and the baby,” he continued.

The Warlock’s shoulders slumped and she looked down, “I figured as much.”

Novalee walks over and the two embrace. No words needed to be said, they all felt it. The two women cried a little just holding each other.

Chance digs a grave for Shanna, his friendChance was having a hard time controlling his overwhelming emotions. A couple times he tried to get it under control, but it was to damn much.

He picks up Shanna and walks her back to the edge of the sparse forest. The quarter elf finds a nice tree and lays her down next to it.

The Champion goes to the shed, grabs a shovel and heads back. He starts to dig, and dig, with a ferocity even he was surprised by. Something to keep him occupied and the fact the sun will be up soon. Burying dead bodies in broad daylight is not something on his to do list.

Once the hole was deep enough, he placed her in it.

He lifts her hood up and looks at her for the last time. She looks so peaceful, Chance says to himself.

Looking up to the clear sky, tears still falling, he decides on something he felt he had to do.

Chance starts to quietly talk and pray, “Animax, I know I am not someone you should listen too, but just know that Shanna has been through hell and back, suffered so much. Please, let her be with her brother, please… she deserves to be with him again.”

Looking down, her blonde hair moves in the light breeze that passes by. His stare was intent, the last time I will look upon her, last time I will have a moment to be alone with her.

“I am so sorry” he says, choking a bit knowing he will never forgive himself, “I am sorry for everything. You deserved to be back on the Isle, making your potions, flirting with the cute visitors… laughing with your…”

The Champion could not say anything more, thinking of her with his best friend Ferellus. It will never happen again, I will never see them again, and I am to blame, he thinks to himself. The emotions overwhelmed him once again.

He falls to his knees and reaches down, opens Shanna’s hand, puts the half heart necklace in her palm and closes it.

“May this be united with the other half,” he says quietly, tears rolling down his face, “please.”

He puts his head in his hands and just starts to sob uncontrollably again. Everything he has pushed back in his mind about Ferellus and that situation was slamming into him now. The lack of sleep and the finality of this has him just paralyzed with pain, guilt and regret.

The sunrise breaks through the treesWith will power he didn’t know he had, he stands and takes a few breaths. Chance shovels the dirt back into the hole covering her up.

After a few minutes the deed was done, and not a minute too soon. The first signs of a sunrise break over the land.

Chance sits and leans back against the tree he found. With dirt and tear streaks on his face, he sits there, staring at the grave. His body was numb, his head was throbbing and his heart was forever broken.

The sun rises and Chance loses track of time.

Soon Novalee walks out to him, carrying a mug of tea. Chance sits there, still staring, not really wanting to talk with anyone. She walks over and sits next to the big man, hands him the mug.

“Thank you Novie,” He says taking the drink, “I’m sorry I don’t think I’ll be much company right now.”

She shrugs her shoulders and puts her head on his shoulder. “We don’t have to say a word” she says looking to settle in. The two of them sit for some time.

Eventually Novalee gets up and walks back into the fields. Comes back and starts to put some autumn flowers on the grave. Chance, still struggling with everything, smiles, “Thank you, that is really nice.”

Novalee with her Champion and friendThe blonde elf smiles and turns to meet his gaze. She rifles around in her pocket and pulls out the toothbrush. “I think this will finish out the grave” she says.

The Champions face fills with sorrow and he starts to cry again.

He grabs the toothbrush and places it at the head of the grave. Pushes dirt around it so it won’t get blown away.

Novalee is trying not to cry as well, but it wasn’t working too well. They embrace for a while and then head back into the house.

Chance walks into the bathroom to get cleaned up. He is doing everything in his power to get himself under control.

Novalee fires up the stove, and he gets some hot water. Takes a bath, shaves and then heads up stairs after putting his pants on. The house was quiet, most of them went back to bed for a bit or were doing their usual duties.

He drops his clothes on the ground and looks over to the bed. His heart aches for the Onyx Elf right now.

“I wonder where Khamyra is?” he thinks. Chance’s head was throbbing, his body was spent and he just wanted to curl up into a ball and sleep; and that is what he does. The big man plops on the bed and almost instantly falls asleep.

Khamyra couldn't beleive she could love Chance any moreChance wakes up to one of his favorite sounds, that adorable snoring, Khamyra nestled into him, is fast asleep.

He looks out the windows the best he could, still sees its day out, but not sure the time. He listens for other noises but gets none. The big man just listens to his love sleep.

After an hour she starts to move a bit, yawn. She turns to see Chance staring at her with loving eyes.

She puts her hand to his face, it zaps, and she sees all the pain and anguish her lover has been through. All she can do is quietly say “I love you.”

Chances eyes start to well up, he leans down and gives her a deep kiss. “I love you so much,” he says.

The two of them embrace, both crying softly.

No words needed to be said, it was understood what needed to be done and Chance did it. Khamyra might have had some disagreements about it, but she felt much safer knowing Shanna was dead and that Chance will do what it takes to keep them safe.

“But what will this do to him?” she keeps thinking in the back of her mind.

Time Marches On – 4 weeks

Chance becomes withdrawn and melancholy after the death of Shanna. He has distanced himself from everyone, including Khamyra. Anytime anyone interacted with him, he was short and cold. His appetite was next to nothing and if he got 2 hours sleep a night, it was a lot.

The couple was snuggled on the couch, the Onyx elf reading through a potion book she just got, and Chance just staring across the room, almost lifeless.

“It is because of me, ” the Quarter Elf says, almost talking to himself in deep thought.

Khamyra glances over to the quiet man, with concern, “because of you… what?”

“Ferellus is dead. Shanna is dead.” he says stumbling over a word or two, “might as well sail to the Isles and slit the throat of their parents, why stop with just the kids..”

Khamyra looks down, trying to figure out what else to say. She has already talked about this with him, and it is hard because she understands what he is going through. Trying to make positives in all of this, “the situations were out of your control hun, they really…”

Interrupting, “no. It wasn’t. If I would of just did my job at the Inn, kept my nose clean, he would still be alive; coincidentally, Shanna would be too. They would be happy, arguing about the bathroom and having dinner with their family.” He finishes with a tear starting down his cheek.

“I took that away from them, from them all…” he says clenching his jaw, tightening his fist, “I am worthless.”

He gets up out of the couch and walks upstairs.

The Onyx Elf, emotions flying all over from the event with Shanna, Chance struggling with it and being pregnant, just sighs heavily and tries to come up with anything that might help.

Chance walks out to the Balcony, a cold rain coming down and he just stands there, defeated, empty and wishing he never left the Isle.

Time Marches On – 3 weeks

Khamyra on the balconyThe pregnant woman felt it was time. Chance has been distant long enough, it’s time to spearhead this situation, resolve what has to be resolved. His health is declining and everyone is starting to worry.

The dark elf walks out on the balcony and gets hit with a nice cool crisp breeze. She smiles, this is her kind of weather. She has a steaming mug of apple cider brewed up by Novalee and she hands it to Chance.

He glances over, takes the mug, and thanks her.

Khamyra turns and leans her butt on the railing, taking a deep breath of her apple cider she got from the town store, labeled Orchard Run, the best in Legon, and she smiles. “I didn’t hear you get up last night,” she says softly while glancing over to the big man.

“Couldn’t sleep,” he says softly, taking a sip and giving a small smile at the amazing taste. He continues to look out over the back yard, mainly focused on the well.

She puts her hand on Chances back and rubs it. “You can talk to me you know” she says, then muses a bit “it’s what you always tell me.”

This depression he is in has gone far enough, he doesn’t sleep and hasn’t eaten well in weeks, she tells herself.

His thoughts go to the necklace he found, the prayer he whispered to Animax, wondering if Shanna is in darkness or if she is with Ferellus.

“I keep wondering if Ferellus knows, or watched it, or hates my guts now,” Chance says looking down. “Stay true to yourself and you stay true to me,” he whispers, deep in thought.

Khamyra furries her brow and tries to look into the man’s eyes, “what does that mean?” she asks, continuing to rub his back.

“It is what Finster told me,” he says after a moment, “Does that mean I am evil? That I am doomed to be in the “void” when I die?” he says taking a deep breath. “I just don’t get it Khamyra, I don’t get any of this.”

The dark elf puts her mug down and leans over putting her arm around him. Chance feels it and he smiles again. Takes a sip of his cider.

“That’s the first time you have smiled more than once in weeks,” she teases him putting her head on his shoulder.

She pauses a moment thinking of the right thing to say “I honestly do not believe that evil has to be diabolical or overbearing. Well, anything like Velencia for the best example.”

She looks across the backyard, almost zoning out thinking, while talking. “You are looking at this at the wrong end of the horse pen, Finster gave you the answer right in the anguish you are giving yourself, over that sentence.”

Chance glances over to the beautiful rotund woman, eye brow raised, “he did?” he says inquisitively.

“Be true to yourself, Chance, no matter if you think Finster is evil, or me or Dash or…anyone,” she says pausing a moment and hugging him tighter, “he was telling you to just be… you.”

A look of realization washes over the quarter elf’s face. “You know, you are right. You are absolutely right” he says, swinging his arm around her and burying her in a big hug.

Khamyra was in heaven, all warm in the big man’s embrace

She turns to lean against the railing again and accidentally hits her mug. It goes sailing off the railing right on top of Dash’s head who was getting water to the bathroom for a bath.

Dash getting drenched with apple Cider“WHAT THE HELL?!?!” He says backing up, slipping on the cider falling on his butt.

Chance glances down, and lets out one of his adorable loud laughs.

Khamyra looks down with wide eyes and a big smile. “oops sorry Dash!” she says trying to look innocent. She looks over to her lover as he is still giggling, thinking that is my Chance, I think he is coming back to me.

The order continues to fortify the house, making improvements in windows, doors, lighting and other defensive things. Heavier curtains, thick wooden shutters and many other improvements that will help with heat and keeping the snow out. The basement of the shed is now a place where Cullun spends most of his time when it is not freezing out. The room is warmed slightly by a fireplace above. Books line the walls and his research is on the large table in the middle of the room.

The Champion’s mother, Josephine, visits for an evening before the winter hits. She was intimidated at first with the house being more of a fortress, the rugged band of people staying at her sons house and the fact he is outside the walls of Camerondale. But after a few short minutes she was at ease, giggling, drinking and having an absolutely wonderful time.

The Champion starts to hunt with Dash and sometimes Rohlia.

They bag themselves a few deer, cut them up and store them in a small room off the basement. Khamyra uses her cold spells to keep the room extra chilly and the meat fresh.

Novalee, Luella and Trinity harvest as much spice, plants, fruits and vegetables as they can. What they can’t buy, they purchase extra each time at the market. With the boon that Chance got, no need to starve over the long winter.

Khamyra is moody, as typical for a pregnant woman, but Chance is starting to understand that and gives her some leeway when needed.

For the most part they have a wonderful 6 weeks of quiet, good times and for Chance, training.

Time Marches On – Winter – 8 weeks

The snow falls, and to Chance it seemed like it fell for a week straight. 2-3 feet of snow lay on the ground.

Thanks to Griffin and the order, the homestead was ready for it. A path to the well, the shed and to the road is all they really needed. They had plenty of food, drink and warmth. For weeks he marveled at the snow, the lack of color and the temperature; this being his first winter away from the Isle.

Gypsy, Trinity, playing nursemaidIt was cozy, the Champion thinks to himself buttoning up his shirt.

He can hear the laughter down in the main hall.

Trinity was going to check on the health of the baby and he took too long getting his weekly bath. He races downstairs to see Khamyra on a chair in the middle of the room.

The huge fireplace is going full bore, lanterns lit and everyone smiling wide.

The gypsy rubbed her hands with a salve. She looks up to you “took your sweet time my Champion” she says playfully.

Khamyra looks at Trinity nervously. She knows there is nothing wrong, she would have felt it, but still, it was a bit nerve racking.

The Onyx Elf glances back to the Champion and smiles “Come on lover, let’s find out if our baby is healthy,” she says with a bit of impatience.

Chance walks to the back of her, kneels down and lightly massages her shoulders watching the Gypsy do her thing.

Khamyra’s belly is out in the open as she is leaning back.

The entire order is standing, drinks in hand watching this happen.

Trinity rubs the salve on the belly and she swirls her hands around. Suddenly the gypsy stops, and slowly looks up to the dark elf.

Khamyra’s heart leaps into her throat. “What?Tr inity if you are…” she starts to scold, saying this softly for only the gypsy to hear.

Trinity then gives her a puzzled look, keeps swirling her hands around the big stomach. She looks at Chance then back at Khamyra, smiles softly.

“What is it?” Chance says getting excited, “You know the sex don’t you?” he blurts out.

The gypsy nods her head looking at them both with a concerned smile. “I do,” is all she can say.

Chance puts his chin on Khamyra’s shoulder and whispers “let’s find out,” he says smiling.

Khamyra is hesitant, “don’t you want to wait, be a surprise?” she says having a bad feeling about something, about something Trinity is not telling them.

He shakes his head “you will be in a ton of pain and it’s going to be chaotic I imagine,” the champion says stating that fact, “why not find out now and enjoy it?”

He makes a good point, Khamyra thinks. She looks to Trinity and nods her head.

“It’s a boy,” she says matter of fact like, with no expression on her face.

Chance jumps up, startling Khamyra a bit, and starts to dance around. “A boy, a boy, a boy, we are going to have a boy!”

The room erupts, hugs, cheers for everyone, except Khamyra and Trinity who are just looking at each other. They are locked into each other, both looking serious.

“Everyone be quiet!” Khamyra yells to all of them, struggling to sit upright, getting frustrated.

The entire order stops and looks back at the dark elf. She has finally got herself back into a sitting position and does not look happy, in fact she looks very worried.

“What is it Gypsy?” she says, her voice shaking a bit, “What else is there to know.”

She looks at the Dark elf, a smile slowly forming. “You are going to have a boy…” she repeats, “but..”

“You are also going to have a girl,” She says with a wide smile and a bit of a chuckle.

Novalee yells in disbeliefThe room grows dead silent.

Khamyra’s eyes bulge when the words sink in. She opens her mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.

Chance stopped his dancing and is just staring at Trinity. Everyone’s eyes on the gypsy, and Khamyra. It’s quiet for a bit…

“TWINS?!?!” Novalee belts out practically scaring everyone to a point of greasing their drawers.

Trinity looks at the couple with warmth, “yes, twins.”

The gypsy walks over leans in and gives Khamyra the biggest hug as the Onyx Elf returns the warmth.

Time Marches On – 5 weeks to the birth

The winter time turned into a blur, the days were short, and no one rarely left the homestead.

Time flew by, and they were together. The order is getting closer and closer as they get to know each other, argue with each other, get on each other’s nerves. But the little tiff’s always end up in hugs, laughs and sometimes a few tears.

The Order celebrates Chance’s 20th birthday. The first of the year and ironically the most holy day for Animax.

Winter breaks somewhat as some of the first days of spring are upon them. The snow begins to melt and it’s a big muddy mess.

Yells can be heard throughout the house. Chance’s eyes are huge and he is shaking a little as he is sitting next to Khamyra watching her in pain. She has refused any pain relief offered by Trinity, Cullun and Novalee.

This scene goes on for hours it seems.

The first to be born, Krishana Axion a beautiful medium skinned girl, big light brown eyes and has a good set of lungs on her.

Trinity and Novalee grab the baby and get her cleaned up, clips the cord and make sure she is doing good. The little tyke is then handed to her father, and he is staring at her, eyes welling up.

“My baby girl,” Chance says softly, holding her tight.

Khamyra still in pain, glances over and sees Chance with their child and for a long moment the pain disappears. She gets a renewed effort to get this other kid out of her.

Not long after Cralen Axion is born, a handsome medium skinned boy, darker brown eyes and already hair on his head. He is also prepared. Both babies are healthy as an ox.

Chance gets to hold him, tears streaming, “my lil’ warrior” he says softly.

Khamyra has finally recovered enough to hold the babies. Tears just running down her face hugging them both.

Everyone leaves the loft except Chance to give them privacy. The Champion is just staring at Khamyra, eyes welling up.

She glances over to him. “You ok?” she asks.

He gets a surprised look on his face, “am I ok?” he says with a little laugh. “I just sat there watching you struggle, fight and persevere without anyone’s help,” he starts as he walks over to her, “and out comes the two most amazing creatures Legon has ever known,” he finishes, kneeling next to the Dark elf.

He leans over and kisses her deeply. “You were amazing, my love, I am so proud of you,” he says.

Her eyes well up even more, and looks at the kids and back at you. “Thank Finster they look more like me than you,” she says in a playful tone.

Chance just leans his head back and laughs, “I agree hun, I agree.”

They cuddle together on the big bed. Khamyra falls fast asleep, the two babies follow suit.

Chance stops a moment, hands around his family, and starts to whisper a prayer. “My Lord, I know there are times I have disappointed you. But I am begging you to protect these three Precious beings in my arms, they mean everything to me. I will do everything I can to be the best Champion for you. This I promise to you.”

A small tear trickles down his cheek. He lays his head softly on the pillow and falls asleep.

A few weeks after the birth the Champion takes a ride to clear his head from the chaos two babies create in one house. He chuckles to himself, they are going to be amazing.

Half hour later he ends up at a stump that looks familiar. He stops Toby, jumps off and walks over remembering that night he sat on this. He looks around, trees are still a little bare but some have buds growing on them. The smell of spring and mud on the air, a bit chilly.

The Champion sits down and goes into deep thought. Thinking of his family and the order but mostly of Finster.

Finster channeling through a woman named EleliaHe takes a deep breath and feels better about things. Better get back to those two terrors he muses to himself.

Two people ride by on horses, looking to be middle class. He nods at them and they nod back. Chance walks over to Toby and pats him a few times. Grabs a carrot he stole out of Novalee’s cabinet and feeds it to him. The beautiful black horse gives him a nudge in thanks.

Chance is getting a funny feeling.

“Excuse me,” someone says right behind the Champion.

It startles him a little and he turns and sees a beautiful woman, the one who just rode past. A man on a horse is looking on, just 100 feet down the road. He looks completely confused.

“Uhhh yes, how can I help?” Chance starts and then realizes, “ohhhhh.”

The woman looks at him sternly, “If you kneel I swear to myself, I’ll punch you into next spring,” she says with a playful yet hushed tone. She looks down and grabs her boobs for a second. “Interesting, these are actually kind of heavy,” she says, chuckling a bit.

“M’Lord, I am very glad to see… well, be here with you” he says with a smirk, “I was just thinking about you.”

She nods and smiles.

“You have two gorgeous children Champion, they are going to be…” she stops abruptly and smiles “amazing,” she finishes with a sigh.

“Just wanted to say congratulations” the mysterious channeled woman says with a smile that quickly fades.

Chance cringes a bit, “oh crap.”

For a moment she doesn’t say anything then looks back to Chance.

“There is a new power rising Chance, I am unsure of its true origins. I wish I could tell you more, but I don’t. I can feel it and I know Animax can feel it too,” she says with a bit of concern. “But nothing to worry about right now, go home and enjoy your babies. But I might be calling on you shortly.”

Chance nods “whatever you need of me, m’lord” he says somewhat quietly.

The man who was accompanying this woman, still on his horse rides closer, “Emelia? Do we know him? Is everything ok?” he says looking to get off his horse.

Finster leaves her and she is confused.Emelia is looking at the big man, confused, eyes wide.

“Oh I’m sorry, where am I? What am I doing here?” she says looking around.

Chance thinks for a moment, then chuckles. “There is a plant that grows in the spring that can make you hallucinate. Sometimes when it is in full bloom, you may have hit a patch of it,” Chance says with a proud smirk.

She eyes the Champion up and down, smiles and walks back to her horse.

“Rising power huh?” he mumbles to himself.

Time Marches On – 6 weeks

The homestead is getting cleaned up.

Novalee is planting herbs, spices and flowers around. Griffin, Dash and Chance work on fortifying the place even more, hunting for food and training. The girls are taking care of the babies, who are a handful at times. But they are healthy, active and beautiful. Despite being different sexes, they look to be identical. The men and the women trade off taking care of the twins from time to time.

It was like one big happy, loud, crazy, loving family.

Life is good for the Champion, when…

EP#48 – Turbulent Alliance

The World of Legon