The Story of Chance

20 years ago, Chance Axion was born to Legon

The World of Legon - ChanceThe Short Story
A woman from Rockdale forced on vacation due to health concerns meets a mysterious half-elf man and they become intimate. After their torrid affair the man disappears leaving the woman alone and pregnant. Enter in our protagonist’s mother, who was married to a hard working fisherman. They could not have kids, so they struck a deal to take this bastard child and raise it as their own.

The Long Story
Please note the story needs to be rewritten, it was hastily put together and I have not had time to fix it.
Our main character Chance was born to a very well to do woman who lives in Rockdale. Her name is Catalina and is 100% human. Catalina is the wife of a large estate owner that raises and trains horses. She is always busy everyday with taking care of young or old horses alike.

About 20 years ago she had a nervous breakdown and was ordered to relax by physicians. She attempted to relax at home but it always resulted in her working hard and breaking down again. She was a mental and emotional mess.

Much to her dismay (and her husbands) she was shipped off to Summer Isles for a years worth of relaxation. As expected she was not accompanied by her husband, he was twice as busy now with her on holiday. The first few weeks on Summer Isles were entertaining and relaxing but quickly became boring. Despite her plea’s for her husband to visit and/or for her to go back to work, she was left alone for a good 2 months and the boredom grew intense.

One day Catalina met up with a half elf named Narilhald. His heritage included being an Augustian Elves that have mixed blood and have been banned from their realm. He then joined a sect of Augustian Elves that do not abide by the rules of the Augustian traditions. They are called “the disbanded” by the Augustian Elves but everyone else calls them the “woven.”

Catalina was there for 2 months when she met the Woven elf Narilhald. Narilhald traveled a lot and looked for work all over. He was on the Isle helping with construction. He pursued Catalina for 2 weeks as he extended his stay indefinitely. Eventually they became romantic as Catalina gave into his advances. Her boredom was relieved and a romance started, and she was unsure whether she was in love, or loved the fact she had something (or someone) to do. Their romance lasted for less than a month and one day it came to an abrupt end… Catalina found out she is pregnant, and Narilhald disappeared once he got word. The woman was devastated that she was pregnant with a baby (she had no kids prior to this) that wasn’t her husbands, Narilhald disappeared without a farewell and what was she going to do with this child?

Because her husband was far to busy to visit, this once negative situation turned positive for her. This allowed her to hide the pregnancy from her husband. She hid the baby the best she could and than requested more isolation as her stomach grew. She hatched a plan that will allow her to give birth safely and have someone to take the child. There was a woman she took into confidence in her place of isolation. This womans name was Josaphine and she was looking for a child because her and her husband could not have children. She thanked Animax and realized that this was a divine work. A couple in love that could not have children met up with a woman who accidentally got pregnant and needed to find a home for her child.

Josephine Mother of ChanceCatalina had her child, a healthy baby boy. She did not name the child, she left it up to the adoptive parents. The maid and her husband decided on the name Chance. A few months after the birth, Catalina left Summer Isle and went back to work. Within a few months of returning home she was found dead in a horse stall from an apparent heart attack. Chance’s true mother is dead. Word got back to Josaphine, and she decided to wait to tell her child about the adoption.

Josaphine and Enos raised the child as their own for 12-13 years with little to no issues.

The Summer Isles rarely has storms, and has a steady temperature pattern (much like Hawaii). Almost everyday it is blue skies with the highes around 80 degrees and a low of 65 at night. 3-4 times a month can have a passing rain shower, or the rainy season which is around January of every year and it lasts for 2-3 weeks. When a storm comes, it is extremely fierce and violent… it is also very unpredictable. Enos was the Isles main fisherman who supplied the many Inn’s with fish for their customers. A storm suddenly came up out of no where over the tall peaks of the Isles and capsized his boat. Despite a month of searching, he was never heard from again.

The maid sold her late husbands business, which was almost worthless at the time but it was enough to get them through a few years. They started to have financial issues, she was unable to make enough to pay her rent. Once Chance turned 16, Britney of Camerondale, who owns a beautiful Inn on Summer Isles took them in. The Maid will work for Britney and she will offer room and food. Chance also worked as a maintenance man / janitor to help out. Britney became fairly close to the Maid and her son.

Britney, Owner of the Sunset Inn on Summer IslesWhen the campaign began, Chance was 18 years old and has been training with a retired Captain of the guard in sword combat. They trained almost everyday and each day he trained with the ex-captain named Morty he gained from 5 xp to 25 XP. He has trained roughly 250 days. Chance was the head of maintenance and Janitorial for the Sunset Inn (Britney’s Inn). He did very well and was very dedicated to Britney for many reasons included the fact she allowed them to work and live there… and they were “involved.”

Britney who is 42 years old and a widow of Thorin, Captain of the Camerondale guard. She took a liking to Chance when he started to blossom. Eventually her flirtatious intentions grew into a “lust” affair. She was not looking for any serious relationships so this worked out well for her. Britney bought Chance a very expensive long sword for his birthday. It is a Blue-Steel Long Sword that has an ornate handle and a soft glowing blue blade. Josaphine had an idea that they were banging boots but did not say anything because she can’t afford to live anywhere else.

Chance was there when the King and the Royal party arrived for vacation. On a warm tropical night, He came upon a situation and saved the Princesses (and her ladies in waiting) life. This spawned a new track for his life as he began to work with Camerondale and their guards more and more. Eventually Chance and his Mom left Summer Isles and moved to the great city of Camerondale.