Britney Wexler is the widow of Thorin. Thorin, 20 years ago, was the Captain of the guard for Camerondale and was murdered by an assassination plot put forth by Devon the Dark. She up and left; moved to Summer Isle. Bought a raggedy old building that she turned into a beautiful Inn named “Sunset Inn.” She was Chances lover for a time. She helped with the Witch War making her Inn the headquarters for Camerondale and such. She has since turned it back to a Inn for rest and relaxation. Britney is passionate, ambitious, sarcastic and sometimes dark.
Helynne Lipmann is the daughter of a great captain of the Camerondale guard. She has worked her whole life to get from out of her father’s shadow. She felt like she would never break free so she transferred to the Summers Isles to start her own legacy. Her ambitions will take her to the head of Summerset Guards as Captain. After the Isles were over-run with Thorn Gate, she escaped to warn Camerondale. She currently lives in the under-halls of the Castle, and no one really hears from her anymore. She used to be very focused, polite, diplomatic and sometimes will be irritable; but now she is reserved, quiet, depressed and sometimes suicidal.
Ursula moved recently to the Isles with her family and befriended Shanna. She has only been in the area for about a year. She can be very shy, and does not say much. Her father is a fisherman who is taking up the business in the Isles for a new start. He had some bad dealings in Camerondale. Ursula was hired at the Sunset Inn by Britney to replace Chance. She is shy, quiet, smart and many times witty.