
Poison of Legon for Assassins

Poisons, a Work In Progress

A more complete list of poisons. This list will include the following (work in progress):

  • The name of the poison.
  • How it is administered. Ranging from ingestion, inhalation, injury or contact.
  • The Origin. Meaning where and how this is created.
  • Cost. How many gold it cost to purchase.
  • General effect. A basic glance at what it does.
AjidaMixture500 gpingested
ArsenicToxin300 gpingested
Ascomoid sporesPlant250 gpinhaled
Aspic toxinToxin400 gpinjury
Assassin's bloodToxin125 gpingested
Basilisk eyeMixture400 gpinjury
BelladonnaPlant200 gpingested
Black adder venomVenom100 gpinjury
Black lotus dustPlant550 gpingested
Black lotus extractPlant2500 gpingested
Black oilMixture375 gpingested
BloodrootPlant200 gpinjury
Blue whinnisPlant135 gpinjury
BlulukaPlant170 gpcontact
BraliaMixture190 gpingested
Breath of the desertMixture500 gpinhaled
Burnt othur fumesMixture350 gpinhaled
Carrion crawler mucusVenom125 gpcontact
CaustarPlant115 gpinjury
CoulabineToxin800 gpinhaled
CurarePlant150 gpinjury
CyanideToxin600 gpingested
Cybella pollenPlant300 gpinhaled
Dark reaver powderPlant400 gpingested
Dark snakeToxin500 gpcontact
DeathbladeToxin1600 gpinjury
Desert desirePlant200 gpingested
Devil's herbPlant300 gpingested
DiffenbachMixture400 gpingested
DoshenkanaToxin500 gpingested
Dream of YaMixture600 gpingested
Dream syrupMixture800 gpingested
Drider tearsToxin400 gpinjury
DroonToxin1600 gpinjury
Drow poisonToxin200 gpinjury
EmlocToxin600 gpingested
ErwurgPlant150 gpingested
Essence of etherToxin300 gpinhaled
Ettercap poisonVenom200 gpinjury
FlunaVenom200 gpinjury
GarabanToxin300 gpinjury
Ghoul salivaToxin600 gpcontact
Giant centipede venomVenom300 gpinjury
Giant scorpion venomVenom1000 gpinjury
Giant spider venomVenom300 gpinjury
Giant Toad poisonVenom200 gpinjury
Giant wasp venomVenom300 gpinjury
Giant wolf spider venomVenom250 gpinjury
Green dragon bileToxin2500 gpinhaled
Greenblood oilPlant150 gpingested
Id mossPlant400 gpingested
Illumination of the harvesterMixture400 gpinjury
Insanity mistMixture2000 gpinhaled
Jalwun jiwinVenom400 gpinjury
Jaraba rubberMixture800 gpingested
Jatropha curcasPlant200 gpingested
Killing eye toxinToxin2500 gpinhaled
Last drinkToxin300 gpingested
Lich dustMixture400 gpingested
Lomat's IllusionMixture500 gpingested
Mage's kintalMixture700 gpinjury
MaliceToxin250 gpinhaled
Malyss root pastePlant300 gpcontact
MandrakePlant300 gpingested
Midnight tearsMixture1500 gpingested
MurfaToxin400 gpingested
NibonToxin400 gpingested
NitharitPlant600 gpcontact
Oil of taggitToxin400 gpcontact
OpiaToxin400 gpingested
Pale tinctureMixture250 gpingested
Poison treePlant200 gpinjury
Purple worm poisonVenom2000 gpinjury
QuariganToxin400 gpinjury
RhododendronPlant400 gpingested
Royal scorpion tailVenom1000 gpcontact
Sand sellerMixture600 gpinjury
Sassone leaf residuePlant200 gpcontact
Serpent venomVenom200 gpinjury
Shadow essenceMixture800 gpinjury
Silvered wineToxin400 gpingested
SlowfootPlant150 gpingested
Striped toadstoolPlant300 gpingested
Swamp gasToxin600 gpinhaled
Terinav rootPlant500 gpcontact
ThrumToxin700 gpingested
TorporMixture600 gpingested
Triple-flower enzymePlant200 gpcontact
Troll bloodToxin300 gpingested
Truth serumMixture150 gpingested
UbonToxin800 gpingested
Ungol dustMixture600 gpinhaled
UropygusToxin600 gpinhaled
Veiled flowerPlant150 gpingested
Venoms bloodVenom1200 gpinjury
Witch caressToxin200 gpcontact
Witch kissToxin500 gpcontact
Wolves herbPlant250 gpingested
Wyvern poisonVenom1200 gpinjury
Yellow lotus dustPlant800 gpingested

Reference this for the original list: Poisons from aidedd.org. Thank you for the great list!