
Monetary considerations for Legon and Dungeons and Dragons

In the World of Legon, money is based off the simple structure of coins. It is not some fantastical way of doing things, in fact it is pretty basic. This page is to inform you of the more technical means and values, as well as give you examples of products, services and their cost.

What is the value of the coins?

Below is the basic value of the coins. We relate it to real life currency so that you can get a better idea. We would not want you to be giving a stable hand a platinum piece when it only truly costed a copper.

  • COPPER: ($1.00 USD)
  • SILVER: 10 Copper ($10.00 USD)
  • GOLD: 10 Silver ($100.00 USD)
  • PLATINUM: 10 Gold ($1,000.00 USD)

Examples of product, service and cost

This is just a general idea. You may want to adjust the costs in your campaign or world.

  • Board a horse at a stable: 1 Copper a day ($1.00)
  • Candle: 1 Copper ($1.00)
  • Loaf of bread: 2 Copper ($2.00)
  • Mug of ale: 4 Copper ($4.00)
  • Plate of spiced taters: 6 Copper ($6.00)
  • Simple meal at Inn: 2 Silver ($20.00)
  • Uncooked meat for (4): 3 Silver ($30.00)
  • Bottle of Redberry wine: 3 Silver ($30.00)
  • Common clothes (top & bottom or dress): 5 Silver ($50.00)
  • Common traveling boots: 7 Silver ($70.00)
  • Rent room at Inn: 5-7 Silver a night ($50 – $70.00)
  • Fancy meal at Restaurant: 1 Gold ($100.00)
  • Bottle of Augustian wine: 1 Gold, 2 Silver ($120.00)
  • Fancy room at an upper class Inn: 1 Gold, 3 Silver ($130.00)
  • Fancy boots: 2 Gold ($200.00)
  • Fancy merchant clothes (top & bottom or dress): 2 Gold ($200.00)
  • Draft Horse: 2 Platinum ($2,000.00)
  • Small house with little to no land: 4 Platinum ($4,000.00)
  • Common house with small parcel of land: 30 Platinum ($30,000.00)

The cost of bread in Dungeons and Dragons

Resources on World of Legon website

For prices to the common Dungeons & Dragons items like Weapons and Armor, I have an expanded listings below. Click on the name to take you to the page.

  • STARTING EQUIPMENT – You can find all the costs and weight of the list of basic starting equipment
  • WEAPONS – Ranging from daggers, to maces, to bows, to spears, blades, etc.
  • ARMOR – including leather, plate, scale and shields
  • POISONS – A comprehensive list of poisons and the cost

So you are getting the idea of how it works. For the most part you can find this anywhere and it will almost be the same throughout. But currency is an endgame for adventures that drives them to explore, fight and advance. There should be a page dedicated to beautiful shiny coins.

NOTE: The use of Electrum, in the world of Legon never existed. There was a short time when Bluesteel pieces were used, but that time has past. They were worth 2 Silver in comparison. Much like the $2.00 dollar bill, it was a fad then went away. The majority of them have been melted down and used for weapons and armor.