Magic In Legon

Finster has ascended, magic is returning to the World of Legon

Magic has returned to LegonIf you have been keeping up with the adventures, Finster has ascended into the godplane. This levels the magic, and allows it to return to the world in a safe manner. Things that were stunted because of this, will now flourish. People performing magic can do so without the fear of catastrophic events. It will take some time to completely manifest, but the deed is done. Magic has returned!

Read about when Magic was Banned

This is one of the few times we are over-riding the Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. I don’t agree with the way it works. We will use the list of spells (with the ridiculous ones banned), but how it works on the World of Legon is somewhat unique in comparison to DnD 5e.

Work in Progress. Below is information that is still pertinent to Legon.

Rough outline in the differences between Legon and 5e

  • To even understand magic, how it works, a character must possess a minimum intelligence of 13
  • No spell slots, everything is “MANA” based
  • The ability to learn spells is closely tied into 5e. Certain level, the caster has access and can acquire the intelligence to learn the new level of spells.
  • No “learning” spells during rest, the caster just knows the spells
  • Every single spell requires a physical component, an identifying symbol and a spoken word
  • The mana returns, no matter you fight, travel or rest. It works on a 24 hour cycle, see below for more information.
  • There is a listing of banned spells from D&D 5e, ranging from the ludicrous to just flat out too dumb for our world

Let’s talk about “mana” and components

In Legon there is no restrictions for known and prepared spells or spell slots apart from the level you are. Their only limitations is the amount of mana they have. The caster can cast any spell they have access to, providing they have the mana to cast it.

Every spell that is cast, requires mana, a physical component, an identification symbol and a spoken word. The physical component grounds the spell, gives the incantation the worldly ability to manifest. The symbol signifies the “category” of spell whether it be destruction, illusion, etc. The spoken word zero’s in on the specific spell that is being cast, almost like you accessed it in a database. With enough mana and the 3 steps complete, the spell will finalize and manifest.

PHYSICAL COMPONENT: Grounds the spell to the physical realm, helps identify the type of spell.
SYMBOL: Puts the spell into a certain category whether it be destruction, illusion, etc.
SPOKEN WORD: Identifies the particular spell in that category to manifest.
MANA: Is the amount of magic someone has. (Explained a little further down)

If these are not spoken in the right order, or if they are done too slow the spell will fail. The current state of Legon, with Finster ascended, a failure means 99% of the time nothing will happen. There is a 1% chance of consequences, but nothing like they used to be. Chart to be created at a later date.

The caster can only cast spells they know. Meaning a 1st level wizard, can’t cast a 9th level gates of hell spell (plus they would not have the mana). Refer to the Dungeons and Dragons charts to find what level spells they know according to their class level.

The power of the spell depends on the level it is cast at, much like Dungeons and Dragons 5e. You can refer to Players manual for the power. If someone casts a 3rd level spell, it takes 3 mana.

Many things have to be taken in account, in a windy field, throwing dust in the air could severely change the spell or its trajectory. Tracing the wrong symbol or doing it sloppy could make the spell fail. A word spoken poorly, unintelligent could also make the spell fail.

MANA, It’s what is inside everyone

Mana is what everyone has on Legon, most people can’t access it, even more people have no idea it exists. But it is what allows an individual to cast a spell.

Everyone starts with 3 mana, child, teen, adult, elder, everyone will have at least 3 mana. Like explained before, 13 is the minimum intelligence it takes to even attempt magic. As a mage advances, they will receive more mana. Much like if you work out a muscle all the time, it will grow stronger. How much depends on INT, WIS and levels. The following is a chart you can follow.

  • Level 1 = 3 Mana
  • Level 2 & 3 = +2 per level
  • Level 4 = +1 Mana
  • Level 5-7 = +2 per level
  • Level 8 = +1 Mana
  • Level 9-11 = +2 per level
  • So on, so forth, you see the pattern…

Intelligent OR Wisdom scores of 16-18 can get an extra mana with a 1d20 roll of 17-20. If they have a 16,17,18 score or higher on BOTH INT and WIS then 15-20 on the 1d20 will result in a +1.

EXAMPLE: Khamyra is a 12th level Warlock. The base mana is 22 according to the charts. Let’s say 3 times she rolls bonuses, so 3 additional mana has been added: she has 25. At 12th level she has access to 6th level spells, meaning she can cast (4) 6th level spells and a 1st level spell before maxing out her mana (see below for more info on regeneration). She could cast 25 1st level spells, or one of each level and still have 4 mana left. As always cantrips do not cost mana, the only requisite for it is you must have at least 1 mana available. Someone who has cast enough magic to drop them to zero mana, can not cast a cantrip, it will fail.

To regain their mana, it works in 24 hour increments. To find the regeneration of mana, you will divide amount of mana by 24 hours.

EXAMPLE: 24 hours / 15 mana = 1.6 (rounding down per half hour). So every hour and a half they will get 1 mana returned to them. Whether they sleep, run a marathon, battle or dine, the mana returns at the same speed no matter what. EXAMPLE: If Khamyra used 8 mana, it will take her 12 1/2 hours to max out her mana again. (8) Mana X (1.6) hours to regenerate = 12.8 (round down to the nearest half hour).

Over use, distortions and there ramifications

Abusing magic can be dangerous and life threateningThere are ways to boost magic and its power but it comes at a great price. It is called “the retaliation” and it is a way to protect the integrity of the magic element. Each time the distortion of magic is used, it takes away from the life force of the individual. 1d4 permanent damage. PERMANENT. After (3) times, 1 point of constitution will be removed, permanently.

Much like the abuse of elemental, the over use of mana comes at a cost to the player. It varies depending on how far they over-use.

  • 1 point – The player can’t use magic for 24 hours, no mana will return during that time. All bonus’s of any kind are disabled.
  • 2-4 points – The player is incapacitated. Bad headaches, no energy and no ability to do anything. They lose the ability to perform magic for 3 days, and no mana will return to them during that time. They also take a 1d4 damage permanently.
  • 5+ points – The player goes into a coma for 1 week. No mana will return to them for 2 weeks time, no magic can be performed in that time frame. They will also take 2d4 damage permanently. They will lose either 1 point of intelligence or 1 point of wisdom.

Stand alone Psionic and Healing Abilities

There are special abilities that certain people can perform. It is rare and it is not known where it came from. The abilities can range from Far Vision (like Whitlock Ashford), basic healing (like Talia Stotz) or a compilation of Psionic abilities (like Cassie and Affinity). These abilities do not have any element, alignment of god attached to them. They just exist within the individual.

  • Healing – Base healing that mimic’s a Clerics ability. 2D6 healing. It usually drains the player and they need 1-2 hours to recover
  • Far Vision – Is as much a deformity as it is magical ability. They can focus an eye and use it like a 10×50 binoculars. Usually split eye colors merge as a symptom.
  • Move objects – One of the more simple things they can do, but it takes practice.
  • Telepathy – Is tied in with the Psionic abilities. Many times the accuracy of the mind read depends on the person getting read. If they are thinking strongly of one thing, it is easy to decipher. If they are not thinking of anything, they do not get much.
  • Pain transfer – Very rare but they player can give another person a headache dealing 1d4 of damage.
  • Future Sight – Very rare but it allows the player to get a glimpse of the future, usually only one or two bits of important information

Let’s suck that soul!

Very few people have ever had the power to suck on the tit of a soul. The following is a guideline to how it works against opponents and the benefits.

  • Can only suck the soul of humanoids, no other creatures
  • Victim must make a wisdom savings throw DC18
    Victims from Challenge 0 to 2 roll at a disadvantage.
    3 to 8 roll straight
    9 to 12 roll with advantage
    13 and up roll with advantage +4
  • Only has one attempt per long rest.
  • Soul sucker will get a +1 bonus to the victims highest stat, if there is a tie with the stats, they can get up to two, max. This will last until a long rest.
  • Temporary hit point boost of 3 hp per challenge level.
  • She takes over the memories of the victim, generalized in visions. Only about powerful moments in their life. Not if they took a dump yesterday after eating dirty beats.
  • The victim then no longer exists. Their souls get cast out into the void.
  • Attempting and failing results in temporary loss of hp, 3hp per level, up to 20.