A lot has changed and so did the lore. This is a rough outline of the hero’s of the realm, but it is far from perfect.
Legon’s Heroes From Creation To Current Day
- Animax (i.e. Animax) · God of Victor
- Skello (i.e. Skelloicia) · Evil Cleric
- Zdrok (i.e. Zdrokanlyndin Caberstill) · Augustian Legend
- Thoran (i.e. Thoran Hammerfall) · Dwarven Fighter
- Finster (i.e. The Dark Cleric) · Evil Cleric
- King Vermeer (i.e. Vermeer Lanquist) · King of Vermeer
- Voram (i.e. Voram Guilden) · Great explorer / Ranger
- Xiranarden (i.e. (Xira pronounced Zee-ra) ) · Retired leader of the Onyx Elves
- Cobra (i.e. Cobrian) · Great Leader of the now named City of Camerondale
- Vulcuran (i.e. Vulcuran) · One of the most decorated war heros of the east
- King Jeremiah (i.e. Sir Jeremiah) · King of Camerondale for over 20 years
Animax – This is the only known God of Legon. He is better known as the God of Victory. A great community of people live in the NE part of the known world and dedicate their life to this God. The Temple of Animax is the largest known man made building in the known world; spanning 25 miles wide and 5 miles high. No one knows how or who erected this huge temple but it is the biggest attraction in Legon.
Skello – Was one of the original founding characters of the known world. A cleric, neutral in nature was separated from the rest of the group when he descended into an evil nature. He now is a Liche that lives in the Tower of Skello, overseeing his Kingdom of the Undead. Legend has it that in the first hundred years of Legon, people buried the dead in a certain area of the known world (which is now Land of the dead). They buried hundreds of thousands of people with or without grave stones, until most of the area/people separated into different regions of the known world. Now Skullo rules over this land, using the dead as he sees fit.
Zdrok – The only elf to break off and start a new land. He traveled by a rickety boat through angry waters, surviving only by his skill; as legend has it. He formed a community of elves that are very powerful and very stuck-up. They frown on most civilization unless it is beautiful and clean. Augusto is the most beautiful place in the known land. Unless you are an Augustian Elf, you will never be able to visit because you will be guided right back out of their city.
Thoran – This Dwarf discovered the super strong steel of Eversteel Mountains. This steel (titanium actually) is practically unbreakable and when crafted right razor sharp. Thoran is now the “mayor” of the city called Thoraxe, it is the biggest, richest and most succesful city in the history of Legon’s Known world. Thoran is still alive and well, living on the northern outskirts of Thoraxe.
Finster – One of the original adventurers, Finster out grew the party and set off on his own. With his high ambitions, he took site of the god-plane.
King Vermeer – This is a complicated story. King Vermeer is a Human King ruling over about 100-150 little towns inside a very secure area in Legon. Vermeer by all rights should of died 300 years ago, but was caught in a blackpatch (spell gone bad) that sent him into suspension. His great Grand daughter Kathleen now runs the land very successfully. King Vermeer was known as the gentle Ruler as his people are very loyal. He brought prosperity and protection to a land that desperately needed it. He gathered his people and moved them to a fertile, safe land. Vermeer was great allies with Thoran of Eversteel Mountains, and still are allies and trades with them frequently.
Voram – The greatest adventurer to live. He discovered almost all of the known world, and was the only one brave enough to do it. He was a seasoned Ranger, and had a very capable party with him as he mapped and discovered land. His final discovery was the Voram Isles, which he settled down and lived out the remaining years of his life. Voram City dedicated a large building to the artifacts and trinkets found by Voram, it is one of many attractions at the Voram Isles.
Xiranarden (Xira pronounced Zee-ra) – has retired, to allow his son Lokizrah (loki pronounced Low Key) to take over the realm. The Onyx Elf realm Rixeran located in the western realm, successfully defended itself from Skello for over a decade. Xira lead the kingdom and defended it during its darkest time. When Skello started to span out he went out after King Xira and the land of Rixeran first since it was neighbors. The Onyx elves defended themselves and built a system to ward off anymore attacks. Once the Skello fell, Xira ordered a full out assault through Skellos home land, and destroyed all of the undead. He is known as the greatest leader in Rixeran history.
Cobrian – A great leader of towns of many names. Now known as Camerondale, he lead a town against many attacks of Gordonia. His death is still shrouded in Mystery and his brother Vulcuran is still recovering from it. Cobra had many followers and his legend still lives on in Camerondale.
Vulcuran – Led many armies of Camerondale into battle having a lot of success. War hero of the Great Orc Wars, and The Finder of Thorsin; Prince of Gordonia, destroyer of Splitjaws and died while slaying Skello. Vulcuran sacrificed his life for Legon as he struck Skello down with his own blade. Vulcuran died for Legon and is known as the “Savior of Legon.” A great monument sits in the middle of Camerondale of this man, and every year in the Summer there is a “Festival of the Savior.”
King Jeremiah – Helped found the great Realm of Camerondale and was elected to rule the realm. He has silenced many opponents, and led many armies into battle. “Jerry,” as friends call him, ruled for the most point in peace. He led battles against a great Orc army, Devon the Dark and as recent as last year, the Thorn Gate Witches. This man created by himself and his royal court one of the strongest kingdoms on Legon. He has since retired handing over the reign to now King Bozutto and Queen Affinity.