Items of Interest

Items, Objects, Fauna and Oddities of Interest on Legon

Items that are of interest. Could be plants, a certain rock, a sword or club or maybe just a robe that makes someones wee wee grow, who knows. Anything inside parenthesis, lets you know the EP it was introduced. If there is no parenthesis, then it has not been in the main story line, yet. The Work in progress:

The underearth
The Evershimmer
Over the evershimmer
Hall of Whispers
Fycon Brothers

Onyx Elves
Augustian Elves
Thoraxian Dwarfs
Tiefling is called Odius in Legon, not a playable race and they are evil. Very evil.
Only human females can give birth to mixed race babies

Apple Wine
Raspberry Truffles
Duke’s Den Ale
Apple Pork served around Hibernal as to celebrate Life’s Celebration
Saumagen- poor man’s food consisting of leftovers(sow’s stomach,potatoes,carrots,onions and pork seasoned in a thick casing)
Red berry pudding can be served during any months of the year but more common during the colder months as it can be heated up as a traditional dessert
Black Barley Whiskey (Banned in the western realm)
Artifanomicon – A unique book of information on relics, rare information and lore. (EP#48)

(3) moons 1 – large (150-175% bigger) 2- smaller, about 75% the size of ours.
Way magic is used – 4 elements, good and evil
28 hours (though stories reflect 24 because of the confusion)
7:00 am Cry Time – Baseline for time.
Only human females can give birth to mixed race babies
The great feast for Animax, where dead suckers go
“Ivies” are investigators for the Black Ward.

  • Artifanomicon

    Description & Information:

    A unique book of information on relics, rare information and lore. (EP#48)

  • Ivies

    Description & Information:

    “Ivies” are investigators for the Black Ward.