First Five Part One
Chance’s heart sinks, his body goes numb and his head swiveled around to meet Xaviers. “She is what? Dead?” He blurts out much to loud and that made Xavier grab his arm and lead him into the throne room.
The double doors close and it is eerily quiet in there. The only person is Bozutto sitting in his throne head down and looking dejected. Glancing up his eyes pop, jumps out of his throne and he rushes for the Champion, “Chance!”
Turning the Champion and King’s eyes meet, and the only thing Chance does is nod his head. Both understanding the seriousness of the situation.
He beckons you on and you follow. Both of you race for the royal doors, rips through them, up the stairs into the royal area and finds a door that has monks, clerics, priests hovering around, all looking exhausted. A few towels laying about, bowls of water and what looks like some religious and medical components on make shift side tables and bags.
Everyone’s attention turns to the King and they bow, only to get interrupted by a large man racing after him in dark Black Ward armor and even the Dahlia sleeve on his arm. Most frown and snarl a bit seeing what they still think is their enemy in Chance Axion.
As he passes they can see a man who’s eyes are in a semi glowing state (without him even realizing it) and watching him open the door and go into the room the Queen is in.
It seems to be a spare bedroom of sorts, with a few tables around the bed with ointments, potions and the like strewn about. It’s dimly lit, with only a few candles lighting the room. Saundra sitting forward on a chair, head in her hands.
Chances entrance spooked the High Priestess and she almost falls out of her chair. Glancing up her eyes bulge and races for Chance engulfing him in a hug.
Returning the hug, Chance then looks down, “what the hell is going on?”
Shaking her head Saundra starts in, “she was… poisoned. She was complaining about feeling sick when the King noticed the spidering in her hand and wrist.” The blonde headed woman walks to the Princess and shows him the marks.
Giving the Champion a side wards glance, “there is a Finsters curse tied into this, that is why I have not been able to cure it. Plus, other things mixed in. This is not a normal poison, it is very elaborate.”
Nodding his head, he takes the Priestesses head and kisses her forehead. “Thank you, you can leave now.”
“No Chance I want to…” is all she got out when a low growl and a burst of energy emerges from the large man.
Quite offended, but not wanting to anger him, she turns and walks out the door closing it tight.
Chance turns and see’s the Queen, his first love of his life. Walking to her, he tries to keep his emotions in check but it is not working. It has been a long journey and he was over whlemed seeing Affinity so pale and lifeless. He leans over and kisses her on the cheek.
Blast From The Past
Chances mind goes all directions.
But he can’t stop it from going to the isles.
He remembers the moment their eyes connected in the lobby of the Sunset Inn. How he fumbled his words and repeated his name three times.
The Champion looking down on his “Princess” chuckles a bit, the butterflies stirring in him.
Remembering the flirting they did many times, the bet the girls had about his heritage, bringing them water and showing off to them with ol’ Morty.
“Thank you for the time of my life, Remember me like we were swimming in shimmer bay again…”
He shakes his head, memories pouring into him, almost feeling guilty knowing he is madly deeply in love with Khamyra. But The Queen, no… the Princess. His Affinity will always have a special place in his heart.
Starting to remember some of the ramifications of his “love” for the Queen, rolls in and it snaps him out of his day dream. Knowing he put this Kingdom at risk and hurt a lot of people.
Looking about the room he takes a deep breath, and rolls up his sleeves.
“I think I am still as dumb as I was back then,” he mumbles to himself, “but I wouldn’t trade that time for the world.”
Leans down and in her ear, “I will always be your cabana boy…”
“Still breathing, good,” he says, seeing that she is still breathing.
But he double takes and it hits him like a ton of bricks. Once where there was a baby bump, there is no more. It is flat. The baby is gone. His stomach turns and he feels sick.
He looks to her again knowing he should hurry this along in case she is closer to death than he thinks.
Hovering over the Princess, he then puts his hands on her, extracting the poison, he can feel the warmth of his Lord tied into the poison but he is hit with an unexpected ingredient; Split jaw poison.
Eyes bulging, tears forming seeing her slowly cough and gain color back. He rips his bracelet off, and puts his hands on it, allowing the Split Jaw poison to seep into it. It didn’t entirely destroy the jewelry because there was not a lot of it to put into the magic item.
As he turns back he sees Affinities striking green eyes staring back at him.
“Wait, are we in the Summer Isle’s?” she has with a raspy voice, glancing about and back to the Champion.
“No my Princess, you are in the Castle and gaining color in cheeks once again,” he finishes off, trying to hold back the tears. Memories flood into him again from the time they met, to the Shimmer Bay, to that amazing good bye kiss and the fateful day in a 3rd floor Inn.
Seeing this, feeling this, she starts to tear up as well, and cough once, “I guess I will always be your Princess huh?” She finishes with a tear rolling down her cheek.
Bowing his head down to hide a few tears, “yes, and I your Champion.”
She squints and smiles, “Or… my Cabana Boy?” saying this giving you a curious look.
He smiles wondering if in some way she heard him before. Then he leans over farther, kisses her cheek again and whispers, “I love you.”
Stands up, turns and walks for the door. Memories just assaulting him, the knowledge of what is to come next and that he couldn’t take what her reaction is going to be. He had to keep it out of his mind, so not to read him.
Walking out the door, Saundra looks up to this large man, tears falling down his cheek, and it makes her eyes bulge from her head, “Chance! What, what happened? I mean is she…”
He walks to the High Priestess, kisses her hand and says, “Affinity is fine, the baby on the other hand…” finishing softly for no one else to hear.
That hit Saundra hard and she nods her head trying to keep her emotions under control.
As Chance starts to walk away, a blood curdling scream can be heard from the room, and that made everyone stop and look that way in shock.
But not the Champion, he continued to walk knowing exactly why that happened and he could not bare to see his Princess, his Queen suffer. It has been a long week and he just wanted to get back to his wife and kids.
First Five Part Two
Khamyra jumps off her horse walks it to the Camerondale stables, mumbling about Chance always being busy and never getting to spend time with him.
She walks past the Castle to their home and see’s it is still on lock down. It is not totally unusual for this to happen, mostly for concern for safety when something goes down.
The Onyx elf walks in the house, hears a laugh and a giggle from the kitchen and an instant smile goes over her face knowing it is her best friend Novie, the Governess Sisse and her two precious children.