First Five Starts Now!
The wind was starting to pick up and the sounds of wheat waving in the breeze was all the group could really hear. A wince or two and some heavy breathing followed shortly after.
Then the Dahlia collectively looks around and about, then back to Chance after he mentioned they were in the Blackened Fields of Rarensari.
“Blackened what now?” Emeric says, shaking his head a little. It is a name he heard before but it was a long time ago.
Verrona is nodding her head with a worried look upon her face, glances at Chance, “yes, beyond the Teeters, well west of the Clovendale River…”
Emeric takes a deep breath, clenches his fist and mumbles one word, “…fuck.”
The leader looks across the fields, in the distance he can see a building or two or what was left of the houses. For the most part just a flat horizon of fields for as far as the eye can see.
“Chance, you are with me. We are going to go along this wall to scout it out to see if we are safe for the short term,” Emeric says then looks to Carver and Veronna, “you two head the opposite way have a good look around and then head back.”
Marzio looks around then to Emeric, “I’ll just… stay here then,” he finishes sliding his butt to the ground leaning up against the wall. Hissing a bit from his wounds.
The sky is clear and there is a nip in the air. The moons were behind them which Emeric was thankful for, they were essentially sitting in shadows. But he did not know for how long.
The two of them stop, and the leader glances back to Marzio who was a good distance away.
“We are pretty far from him and I don’t see anything else here…” Chance says softly but was interrupted by Emeric grabbing the large man and pinning him against the wall hard with a thud. The big man exhales hard and gives the leader a wild look.
Emeric’s eyes like slits, his breathing a bit heavy and if Chance didn’t know any better he was shaking.
“I don’t know what the fuck you were doing in that battle back there. I…” the Corporal of Black Ward spits out in frustration, “I don’t remember a time when I witnessed someone run and hide in the middle of a fight like that before.”
Shocked a bit by the comment, Chance can’t really argue because he knows he did. But he did not think he was going to get called out on it like this.
Emeric relents a bit on pinning him up against the wall, takes a deep breath and looks down, “what happened back there…” is all he could eek out as he shakes his head a little.
“The plate mail guy took me by surprise, I did not realize how strong he was. He hit me hard and…” the Champion started to say but stopped seeing Emeric clench his jaw and his fist.
“We!” Emeric says somewhat loudly, stops, looks about, “we, were all getting hit hard Chance. That is no excuse. I was on my way over and…”
Stopping, he just sighs and shakes his head. Stops himself from pinning him again.
The brunette man with a now growing beard is staring out across the fields. Takes another deep breath glances at the tall quarter elf. “You have been exemplary up to that point. Extracted the information from the Changeling, found the trail, even reminded me of protocol. But I am just baffled.”
The Champion grits his teeth and slowly nods his head a bit, his stomach twists knowing that the mention of Valentine is on it’s way and he deserves it.
“You faced enemies that would set fear into hundreds, you went face to face with Demons… not to mention your skill set, fighting prowess, and arsenal is unrivaled,” Emeric says, continues with a lower tone, “your inexperience with decision making, proper etiquette and the lack of knowing your surroundings… It’s infuriating. Not to mention you are the Champion of Camerondale and Finster… hell, even have a god brewing around in you.”
Chance sighs knowing that is essentially what Valentine has said, others as well.
“I don’t think anyone noticed you did that, so that will be a relief not hearing Marzio’s mouth. But, once again I don’t think I will put it into any report,” Emeric says glancing back to Marzio, seeing that Carver and Veronna have made it back to him, “with everything you have been through, I just can’t wrap my mind around how and why you did that. But enough of this for now.”
Then pins him again to the wall, much nicer this time, “but, if I see you do anything like that again, I will take you to the front doors of the compound and personally take that ring off your finger, understood?”
Chance nods, now shaking a bit with frustration and realization.
The big man glanced up and his eyes bulged looking over his shoulder and Emeric noticed.
Leader of the Dahlia grabs a dagger and swings it behind him within a seconds time, only to have it caught by a beautiful Onyx Elf dressed in black leather armor. Her eyes ablaze.
“Are you fucking nuts?!” She hisses, whipping his arm around giving him slitted eyes, talking with a heavy accent.
Marzio stands and is squinting towards Emeric and Chance glances back to Carver and Veronna. “I think something is going down there…” pointing at the two now that they seem to be animated more than they should.
Chance is staring the Onyx Elf down and that does not go unnoticed by the stealthy elf.
Within a few moments Marzio, Carver and Veronna show up weapons drawn ready for battle.
The Onyx Elf turns and shakes her head, “what do you think is happening here, by Ikons dirty robe slippers you guys need to keep quiet, get down and follow me.”
A deep growl emanates from Chance that makes the Elf jump back and look. Eyes flickering, skin ripping with colored veins. Without much reaction to the group, Emeric puts his hand on the Champions arm, “it’s ok, it is just an expression Chance.”
The elf dressed in black, hair up in a ponytail, beautiful face and well toned body has wide eyes staring at the Champion. Then she glances at everyone and shakes her head, “I didn’t sign up for this freak show… so let’s get a move on before I change my mind. Follow me if you want to live.”
Thinking to herself, they did not react to him doing that so I guess it’s a normal occurrence? Shaking her head she leads the group into the Blackened Wheat.
Emeric looks to the group and each one of his subordinates all nod their head except Chance, who was in turmoil trying to get Atticus to calm down.
Wedmak (wednesday) High Moon
Everyone is very quiet, Emeric being the loudest (rolled a 16). They head into the weeds, staying low and moving at a pretty good pace. For what seemed like hours they finally stopped and rested.
“You guys are pretty damn disciplined, at least that is going for you. Not one word, trip up or complaint for the past 2 hours. Usually it’s a non-stop shit fest,” she says glancing back taking a quick slug of her water skin.
Emeric snorts a little and smirks, “do this often do you?”
Shrugs her shoulders, eyebrow raised, “I guess.”
Veronna was antsy, and keeps looking back. Then to the Onyx Elf who smirks and makes it a point to nod to her.
“You can hear it, can’t you Wild Elf,” she says deadpan, “they are sending out Harpies to look for us. But in the dark it will be near impossible to find you…”
This new found friend is looking at each one of the members, almost a surprised look, “you are all in matte black armors, what are you rogues, thieves or something?”
Without hesitation, Carver puts his hand up a little, “I am..” says softly.
“We are Black Ward, the Dahlia division. This is our uniform,” Emeric says softly, looking across the wheat that is about 2 1/2 – 3 feet in height, “Everything black, nothing reflective.”
She is shaking her head, “I think I have heard of them, wait…” she pulls back shakes her head, “from that place called Camerondale? Like a week plus ride from here?”
Again the Leader of Dahlia sighs, shakes his head, “yes, don’t remind us…”
After a minute longer she waves you on. As the trek continues in the far distance the party can hear a few wails of the Harpies, some closer, some farther away. It is about a click past high moon and she has stopped again.
“Look for a trap door, it is around here somewhere,” the mysterious elf says, starting to canvas the place, still keeping low.
Veronna picks up on it immediately, and waves everyone over.
“Damn girl, nice eyes,” the Onyx Elf says, using a weird contraption to unlock the door, opening it and pointing down.
Emeric glances back and shrugs his shoulders, “in for a copper, in for a gold as they say,” making his way down the makeshift ladder.
The group piles down into a surprisingly personable basement type. It is about 20 feet wide and about 35 feet long. At first glance, the ladder comes down in the middle. Straight ahead is a door, a painting and a small table butted up against the wall. To the right is a larger table with some dirty dishes, a place mat or two, chairs and a small lantern. There are Rugs on the floor, a hanging candelabra, that Chance almost cranked his head on. Behind them it looks to be some sort of living room with seats, couches and a fireplace that is not lit.
The woman throws her belt out over a chair and turns to the group. “Close that door, tall one, it will lock on its own.”
Chance stops, grabs the handle and slowly shuts it, making sure it does not slam. It clicks and locks once it is down.
Emeric steps forward and in front of the Onyx Elf, “Thank you for helping us. I am Emeric, this is my group,” waving his hand backwards for her to see. Everyone gets introduced.
“Enoko,” The elf says, taking a deep breath looking at the large room.
The Champion nods his head slowly and gives a “hmph.”
Everyone in the room looks over as he didn’t realize how loud he was. He is looking to the ground, everything fresh in his mind and in deep thought. Well as deep as it can be for the young Champion.
“Something wrong with my name, tall one?” the Onyx Elf says with a bit of disdain, “apparently you do not like Onyx Elves?”
Carver cups his mouth from laughing while the others give her a smirk.
The large Quarter Elf smirks as well and shrugs his shoulders.
“Chance here is quite possibly, married to the most beautiful woman on Legon,” Carver said, was about to get interrupted by this elf but shakes his head, “and she is an Onyx Elf.”
Surprised, she looks over to this tall man, who is struggling with something internally and gives him a warm smile and a nod.
Acknowledging that, nodding back, Chance then looks about the room and finds a chair to sit.
“Yes, yes, make yourself at home. We will be here for a while. Bathroom back there, food in that chest and no one goes through that door,” pointing to the one on the far wall in front of them, “thats my room,” she finishes with a chuckle.
The Onyx Elf finds her way to Chance, “So tall one, what is your wife’s name?”
“Khamyra, Khamyra Axion,” he says, glancing up to this beautiful woman, “you can call me
Scrunching her brow, “I have never heard that family name? Where are they from?”
Chance, really not wanting to make small conversation, slowly looks up and smiles, “Camerondale.”
A scoff and a laugh comes from the Dark Elf, “there is no high born or upper class in Camerondale for…”
Shaking his head interrupting the dark one, the quarter elf sighs, “she is married to me, so she is practically royalty and a decorated hero of the Witch War…”
Surprised by that statement Enoko has a hundred questions; why would marrying him be almost royalty? She has heard of the Witch War and him being part of it made sense but why is his wife a decorated hero? Wait, is this tall one royalty? She shakes her head in confusion.
Seeing the man is annoyed with her she turns and walks to a table with a pitcher on it, pours herself a drink. “Well like I said, make yourself at home, find a place to sit, sleep, whatever…” she says waving her hand around, “we have to wait until sunken sun to get moving again, doing so before that would be far too dangerous.”
Everyone finds a place to stay for the short term in the underground bunker of sorts.
“I am going to get a few winks,” the Onyx Elf says looking back to the group, “so I’ll be in here if you need me for anything.”
She meanders over to the door, opens it, walks in and closes it.
After five minutes Emeric waves everyone over to the opposite side of the bunker that the door is on.
“So this is a dog’s breakfast if I ever saw one,” The leader starts, glances at Chance, “how quick do you think Khamyra will start scrying for us?”
Chance thinks for a moment and shrugs his shoulders, “probably the moment she finds out we went through that fucking portal,” finishing with a growl and a tightening of the fist.
Behind The Scenes
Khamyra looking across the table to Luella in the colleges tower, still organizing the lesson plans she sighs wondering what to have for dinner tonight. Also thinking if her husband will make it.
Cassie walks in the large room and gives the Onyx Elf a look.
“Fuck,” Khamyra says quietly, then shakes her head, “Sorry Cassie, but I know that look.”
The Baroness nods and sighs, “the Dahlia is missing, followed a few leads on a case and they have not returned. A guard said they were around some well in the Pit. We have people looking but…”
Looking to Luella, “finish those up and you can go home,” the Warlock gets up and walks to Cassie. They both turn and leave.
The two make it to Khamyra’s mansion practically next to the Castle. The Baroness goes to walk in but hits an invisible barrier making her stumble back. oddly it did not hurt.
“Uh, Mrs. Warlock Ma’am. I seem to be stuck outside…” the blonde woman muses putting her hand on the invisible ward protecting the doorway.
Khamyra glancing back, stops and smirks a bit. “Sorry about that.” She walks to the door presses her hand on a crystal and says, “come on in, welcome to our little fortress.”
Cassie, floored at such magic, walks in and looks around impressed, nodding her head.
Suddenly the Baroness heads straight into the living room and there was the two bundles of joy, Chances & Khamyra’s babies, semi-walking around looking adorable with Sissy and Novalee helping.
The Onyx elf headed to her home office and grabs a map of the city, and the surrounding areas, a small crystal and what looks like some dust. Eventually makes it out to the center table plops the ingredients on the table. A small smile forms hearing the kids with Cassie.
After casting the spell she is looking about the map, and the crystal is not moving. Knowing she cast the spell correct she stands straight and rubs her chin in thought.
Cassie makes her way back out and looks to Khamyra’s odd reaction. “Oh crap, what is that look?”
“They are not in the city or the surrounding areas,” the dark one responds glancing up to the Baroness who is looking more confused by the second.
After grabbing a bigger map of almost the entire eastern side of Legon, the Warlock casts the spell again, only to have the crystal sit dormant still. A worried look washing over her face.
“Hate to ask this, but are you casting this correctly?” She asks with the utmost of sincerely only to get a quick flash of annoyance and a grunt back to her.
Storming back into her office, a few things thrown about making a clickity clack and a bonk sound. Eventually makes her way out, slaps a crude map of the known world on the table, “I swear if he jumped in a portal again I’ll teleport his wank to the underearth…”
Cassie suppressed a giggle hoping that is not the case, I am sure that is the Champions favorite part of his body.
This time, when the spell finishes the crystal glows softly, spins past Camerondale, past Tullus Prax, past Clovendale River and to a point somewhere in the fields beyond. It slowly spins and both the women look up to each other, “where the hell is that and why are they there?”
“I know it’s not ideal by any means Chance, but…” is all he could get out before Chance turned and walked a bit a ways. The leader stands up a bit more straight, fidgets with his armor.
Shaking his head, the Champion speaks, “this is the 3rd time this has happened to me, not to mention all the other sigils, portals and convergences… it’s getting really old.”
Everyone nods in agreement in some sort of way, including the leader.
“I don’t see any other option other than following this woman,” Emeric says and continues, “I am not sure where she is leading us too, but from what I gathered, for now, her enemies are our enemies.”
The group nods their heads a bit, looking about the room and glancing at Chance who is standing the other direction, fists clenched.
“Chance, what do we know about Varow? What are we to expect?” The leader of Dahlia says, hoping to get him more engaged in the conversation.
Turning around with a deep sigh, “the unexpected. We could be seeing anything ranging from undead to harpies obviously; but they could be teamed up with Earth Sirens, or Split Jaws who knows. The guy is a necromancer that rivals the skills of old Skello himself,” The Champion finishes off with a raise of his eye brows.
“Sounds like a party animal,” Carver jokes a bit while a few people chuckle.
Emeric in deep thought starts to think out loud, “so they have this system set up that takes people, things from Camerondale all the way to his place called what cardboard cutout?”
A few more chuckles from the group and Chance says “Corroleon, the great city of the bone-razor.”
For the first time in a while Marzio scoffed, “bone razor? that sounds more like a nickname for a hooker.”
And for the third time, chuckles all around, even Chance who shakes his head a bit too.
“Probably one in every City we have to assume,” Veronna chimes in with a sad smirk across her face, “not sure how or why they have these Portals or maybe he can create them?”
Chance shakes his head, “the Gods made the portals so I am going to say no to that.”
Everyone glances at Chance with a raised eyebrow, “the Gods made them,” a few people said over talking over each other.
Nodding his head, turns back to the group, “it’s how they used to travel about Legon apparently, until they realized… well… that is a story for another day I suppose.”
“Story? Until what?” Carver says now totally invested in the conversation.
Emeric nods his head, “yeah for now, it’s not important, just how we can get back in the quickest way possible. let’s just try and get some rest, I fear the next few days are going to be… well, eventful.”
Everyone breaks off. Carver looks through a chest and grabs some jerky, Emeric goes to a barrel, dips a cup in and drinks water, Marzio is looking for wrappings for his wounds and Veronna grabs Chance by the wrist and leads him away from everyone else.
“I don’t know you that well, but well enough,” she hisses quietly, “something is eating you up inside.”
Shaking his head he gives the wild elf a warm smile, “just the normal stuff I suppose.”
She gives him a bullshit look, and thinks for a moment, the Ranger continues, “I didn’t catch what was said but Emeric had you pinned against the wall back at the stronghold, I did not think you were exchanging recipes for meatloaf.”
Quietly the quarter elf sighs, looks down but does not answer.
“It wouldn’t be because you disengaged with the Fire Fist I think they are called, and came back to the group was it?” She says with way too much accuracy.
Tensing up, fist clenched Veronna starts to regret now asking him, seeing just a hint of smoke wafting off this man of power.
“I don’t know… I just don’t know why I did that,” he says now letting go of the tense awkwardness and turning to her, “it is like I have this subconscious that just wants to fuck up, wants to run when I should stand and fight… and maybe shut my mouth rather than talk.”
Placing a hand on his arm Veronna smiles, “it can’t be easy for you being so young, and learning on the job,” she says but stops a moment to think, “I am also pretty damn sure you are tired of hearing that too.”
Patting her hand, Chance chuckles, “yes, but it doesn’t make it any less true.”
“I will not say anything to anyone anyways, especially Marzio, no one wants to hear his antics anymore than we have too,” she says with a bit of whip.
A big smile from Chance nodding his head, “thank you. Thank you for having my back.”
Nodding her head she moves on to a place where she curls up in a ball and tries to sleep.
The day drags on with little to no conversation, an unusually tasty ration like meal and a few discussions on how to get home faster.
Enoko walks out in full gear from her room, glances to everyone and forces a smile. “Time to move out, it is sunken sun.”
After a triple check that everyone has everything, they all head up the make shift ladder of sorts into the Blacken Fields of Reransari. The stars are twinkling, one of the moons on the horizon, and a cool breeze hits them.
“At least it is not raining,” the Dark Elf says, making sure everyone is out, closing and locking the hatch.
The group moves almost undetected until Enoko stops them, starts to talk to herself, “they moved last week, they shouldn’t be here right now,” rubbing her chin, then glances back to the group.
“Have to move back, we stumbled across…” is all she got out when…
Battle Synopsis
The Dahlia group without hesitation gets into their formation facing off against these unknown dark creatures that are somewhat hard to see in this lighting.
Enoko looks about wide eyes thinking they are all dead. “Well, it was a good run I guess. Probably should of had that last sweet roll the other day, dammit…” she finishes her thought process with a smirk.
The dark elf assassin, looks to the Dahlia and they beckon her in to the group and she is floored that they were so damn organized and prepared for something that literally jumped out at them.
With the surprise these creatures called Terror Stings get the jump on them.
Carver gets a slice from a claw but avoids the sting. Emeric also got a good slash but fended off the tail with his shield. The rest of the group somehow made it out of this round without much of a scratch.
Meanwhile Chance covers himself with bark, blocking the fact he is in his Champion form, for extra protection.
The first round has the Dahlia just blistering the creatures much to the surprise of Enoko.
Also much to her surprise is the speed and accuracy of this tall one that was glowing for a short time and now is almost as dark as the night is black covered in something. He ripped through a terror sting all three of his attacks.
Everyone else is pelting them pretty good.
The retaliation from the creatures did not go great only landing a few hits. But the queen really goes after Emeric who planned on taking the brunt of the attack from her.
1,350 xp
Carver 43
Verrona: 55
Emeric: 31
Enoko: 71
Turn Based Starts Here
DMaster: You guys are all licking your wounds. Checking on each other and the like.
Chance: I will heal up as much as I can before going to heal the others. Try to leave some of healing in the tank just in case we need it for later. I will head over to Emeric since he took the brunt of the big bad. I will of course make my way to Emeric seeing as he took a lot of the brunt, after making sure I am back up to full health. Make my way over to Emeric and put my hand on his shoulder, still in champion form giving him a small smile.
DMaster: DM: Chance can heal up to 72 points per day with his Champion side. During combat he has to roll like everyone else, but outside combat he can freely give out his healing. He heals 20 on himself and evidently goes to Emeric and heals him for 32, leaving him with 20. You heal Emeric and yourself.
Chance: Hopefully that is it with encounters, I don’t have much left.
DMaster: He smiles and nods to you.
Chance: Chan: I suggest we not sit around here as we are sitting ducks out in the open after that Battle. Perhaps some of us more stealthy people scout ahead and report back.
As I am saying this I change back to normal.
DMaster: Emeric nods his head, asks you to go north, Carver heads south. The Onyx elf is looking at everyone with a bit of an open mouth, smirk like look on her face.
ENO: Actually we have no worries right now, this is a family of Terror Stings, anything around this area would have been killed. Since the hive is dead… we have some time to regain our breath.
Chance: Nod my head and head off to the north. I will keep moving along until I am out of sight of the group, see if I hear or see anything besides the fields.
DMaster: You make your way North and you don’t see or hear anything except some wrestling of the wheat and Enoko with the group. Not that she is yelling or anything.
Chance: I will then make my way back to the group.
DMaster: They are standing about, wrapping wounds, sipping a bit of that nasty Naustrum liquid.
Chance: Walk to Emeric.
Chan: nothing to report to the North, just more fields and for the most part pretty quiet.
DMaster: He nods. Then some what loudly making everyone jump a little.
ENO: You guys were… awesome!
She says exasperated.
ENO: Most people could not survive a hive attack, but here we are. Alive with just a few scrapes and bumps.
She says with a big smile, wide eyes.
Chance: Just smirk and shake my head, gather with the group and wait to see what Emeric decides to do next.
DMaster: Everyone smiles, nods and the like. Emeric steps a bit forward, looking around then back to the guide Enoka.
EME: So how far are we to… well wherever we are going?
Enoko looks about then shrugs.
ENO: My best guess is 6-7 more hours of walking, I don’t think we will have to sneak any longer. I haven’t heard a Harpie in a while.
Chance: Chan: well doesn’t mean they aren’t out there or we don’t encounter something else, we are in bone razor’s territory. Nothing should surprise us at this point.
Thuralay (Thursday) High Moon
DMaster: They nod, the Onyx elf glances at you curiously but points and she starts out walking. DM: has to roll for encounters, rolls a 6 then a 12. No encounter. Nothing, you guys take a drink, she has some half rations for you to eat, then head back out. You made good time, and you can now see lights in the distance, the wheat seems to be trampled and people walking, talking and a few coughs. The fields seem to have color to them now. You get to a half wall and to the left and right you see it extends out. Not sure it would protect much, but it’s there.
ENO: Wait here.
Chance: Follow the actions of the rest of the group and take a position behind the wall.
DMaster: After a few minutes Enoko is walking back to you guys, gets your attention and waves you over.
ENO: Vulane has some pull here but I do not want to tempt fate. Hurry before the guards make their rounds.
Chance: Follow the rest of the group as we follow her, holding up the rear.
DMaster: She stops at the edge of the wall, puts her foot under a stone and pulls it out. A door pops open, a pretty large one. Stairs leading down. You all head down the stairs, into a hallway then into a dark round room with a fairly low ceiling. It’s pretty big, not as cozy as the last one. A table in the middle and an odd looking woman standing there.
Chance: being the last one coming into the room my hand is instantly at silent fate.
DMaster: The Onyx Elf glances back to you.
ENO: Tall one close that door please, there is a handle at the top, it should lock.
Chance: Nod my head still not sure what to think of the situation.
DMaster: The door closes and you head back. The woman is looking you all over, one by one quietly. It is somewhat awkward. Then she sees you. Your eyes lock.
WOM: You. I need to speak to you!
Pointing at you.
Chance: Sigh, roll my eyes a bit.
Chan: Of course you do.
DMaster: Emeric steps in between but not after an exaggerated sigh from Marzio.
EME: No. As of right now you speak to me. Up to now we have been cooperative and patient and even saved Enoko’s ass back there. I want some information, I need answers.
Chance: I take a step back letting Emeric take charge of the situation.
Chan: I might also add, anything you need to say to me you can say to my companions. I trust them with my life.
DMaster: The woman looks at him, eyes a bit big.
EME: I am the leader of this group, and I need you to answer a few questions before we do anything else.
She sighs, steps back and nods her head.
Chance: I continue to let Emeric handle the situation as I glance around the room, seeing if I pick up on anything.
DMaster: There was nothing unusual in the room, but I had him roll anyways. snicker. He rolls a 6. You do not see anything off, though you are in a hidden basement somewhere that you’ve never been. Emeric turns to Enoka.
EME: First off, thank you Enoko for getting us out of there quickly, not sure our group could have taken another battle.
She smiles and nods.
ENO: I don’t know, you guys kicked some serious Sting ass, I think you guys could of handled anything (hiss).
She starts to unwrap a wound, the lighter skinned woman looks at her surprised.
WOM: Eno, are you ok?
She says walking over to her, she then looks at all of you and then back to the Onyx elf.
ENO: We were jumped by a hive of Terror stings.
Her eyes get big again.
WOM: A HIVE?!? But… how? You are so good at tracking them.
Chance: Nod my head and smile.
DMaster: After a little bit of back and forth, the woman’s tattoos glow and she seemed to heal the woman a bit.
ENO: Oh, that’s nice, thanks. Yeah I had those black little fuckers projected a good click south of that area, it was all but void of food, but for some reason they were still there. They jumped us and these fine people here took them out.
CAR: With your help mind you.
Smiling at the Onyx Elf. Enoka blushes a bit and nods.
ENO: We don’t want to fark around with these guys so let’s not make them angry.
She finishes with a bit of whip, pointing at you all.
Chance: That healing peaked my interest a bit but I try to keep myself in check, as I continue to let Emeric handle the situation.
DMaster: EME: I am Emeric, and this is the Black Ward, Dahlia division.
Her head snaps to him.
WOM: I have heard of you, not sure the Dahlia part, but Black Ward.
He introduces everyone.
EME: And who are you?
Chance: Ease my hand away just a bit away from silent fate as I keep listening.
DMaster: VUL: My name is Vulane. And yes, I am the last Moon Elf on Legon.
She finishes with a bit of frustration. The room gets silent. Everyone looks at each other in curiosity.
Chance: Looking over at her even more intrigued.
DMaster: VUL: I had visions the past month, of… this tall one.
Nodding her head towards you.
Chance: Chan: by the tall one, you are referring to me, gotcha.
Nod back.
DMaster: VUL: Realizing the vision took place in Varow’s stronghold, I had Enoko stake out the place the last few days.
She nods to the Onyx Elf who is leaning against the wall, arms folded. Emeric seems like he is in deep thought.
EME: Visions, of what?
She shakes her head a bit.
VUL: Hard to describe, I just knew it was in his keep, and that he is tied to my lady somehow.
Chance: Lady… Lady.
Chan: and just who is this Lady you speak of. The only Lady I know that is linked with Varow is Lady Charota.
Thinking in the back of my head remembering my wedding party prior to the wedding.
DMaster: Her head snaps to you, So does Enoko. Both eyes as wide as saucers. Vulane steps forward, smile starting to form.
VUL: Yes, My… that is my lady… so you do know her and where she is. I knew those visions had to do with this!
Emeric nods to you and chuckles.
Chance: Chan: Yes, I know her pretty well actually. In a matter of fact, she is doing very well.
giving a small smile.
DMaster: She smiles, wide bows her head a bit, almost getting emotional. This news made her go from this intense woman, to half way relaxed and smiling wide.
VUL: Praise Ikon, she is alright.
Everyone looks around and grows stiff. They slowly look to you.
Chance: Chan: Let’s not praise someone who is not worthy, shall we?
Put my head down and try to suppress a growl hoping my little stowaway doesn’t stir.
DMaster: A deep growl emanates from you, making everyone uneasy. But you think you put a stop to it. DM: Todd rolled a straight 1d20, and got 13. So it was only briefly. Vulane looks up sharply and around the room and senses the tension. She then glances to Enoko and the Onyx Elf just shrugs her shoulders. Veronna grabs your arm gently and looks up to you, smiles meekly.
Chance: Smile and nod to her.
Chan: Let’s just keep religion out of this for the time being, shall we?
Giving Varonna a small smile to let her know I am still me, and keeping my voice light and not angry.
DMaster: VUL: Oh? I would be surprised if you even knew who that was, he was…
Emeric waves his hand forcefully giving this Moon Elf a sharp look.
EME: Nope. Not going there. Let’s put that to bed now.
She looks shocked seeing the reactions. Probably wondering how they know who he is and why the tension, but she quiets down and nods her head.
Chance: Nod my head and let them keep talking, then add in.
Chan: Finishing that off, she is safe and sound with my Priestess.
DMaster: EME: And we will put that to bed quickly too.
He finishes with a bit of fun. Veronna lets go of your arm and everyone chuckles a bit with the mention of Velencia.
Chance: Almost vomiting thinking of what I just said.
DMaster: VUL: So with that in mind, I want you to take me to her.
Emeric with an over exaggerated reaction glances to her.
EME: oh, really?
Chance: Shaking my head and letting Emeric continue handling this as I hang back again.
DMaster: Glancing around she looks a bit flustered. After some awkward silence.
ENO: Vulane here is used to being in charge, so you have to cut her a little slack.
She turns and sighs loudly.
VUL: It has been a long year…
Chance: Scoff a little.
Chan: truer words have never been spoken.
Giving her a small nod as to say I understand.
DMaster: VUL: It can’t be helped, some dolts brought Magic back and we are all paying for it now.
She rubs her temples, everyone in the room freezes.
EME: Maybe we need to talk in private to get Vulane and Enoko up to speed as to what is really happening.
Enoko again can feel the tension grow and everyone glancing to you.
ENO: We can… uhh… What is wrong?
Chance: Interrupting.
Chan: I’m sorry, what did you just say?
Step a bit forward shaking my head a little, clench my jaw scowl forming.
DMaster: EME: Easy Chance. They don’t know.
Emeric looks to you as to say, do we tell them or no? Like giving you the option.
Chance: Nod my head. As she says the word dolts I change over to my champion form.
DMaster: She stumbles back, Enoko glances over and smiles remembering the battle.
VUL: What… what is happening?
Carver giving her a look.
CAR: You should probably stop talking while you’re ahead… if you were ahead in the first place, mind you.
Chance: Chan: Those “dolts” are my family, my friends and my life. You might wanna refrain from insulting them in the future.
DMaster: Wide eyes, you can see your power reflecting in her eyes. She is slowly shaking her head confused. Emeric pats your shoulder as to say, have at it.
Chance: Nod to Emeric.
Chan: I was the one. I was there and helped Finster enter the God Plane. My Priestess, my friends and my wife were there to assist me.
Glaring at her.
Chan: So when you say “dolts…”
DMaster: She is shaking her head still, flustered. Interrupts you.
VUL: This is probably why I was getting visions of you… you must be his Champion, that new God.
Chance: Chan: yes, Finster. He is the new God and yes, I am his Champion.
Just glare at her one last time before going back to normal form.
DMaster: Its awkwardly quiet, then Enoko jumps in.
ENO: Listen, a lot to unpack, I want to go check on Helissa and I will get these guys set up with rooms at the Inn.
She turns, shaking her head a bit.
EME: An Inn. Is that wise? Is it safe?
She nods and chuckles.
ENO: Oh yeah, the owner is in love with me.
Vulane scoffs and walks out of the room through a door.
Chance: Glance at everyone.
Chan: I guess I was supposed to meet these people, and hey you came along for the ride this time. Well, like I said being with me always brings a shit show, or a vision, or lots of blood and what not.
Smile and glance one more time.
Chan: I keep telling you, but you keep hanging out with me.
DMaster: They chuckle, nod their head and follow Enoko through another open doorway, up just a few stairs, through a door and into a cellar. It is very dark.
Chance: I lead up the rear as I follow the group.
DMaster: ENO: I Forgot how late it was, it’s got to be 3-4am. I’ll go wake Gatusso up.
You guys hit the main floor, the bar is dark except for a few flickers of the lanterns shine through from outside into the bar. It is a fairly large room, 30 x 40, bar on one side, windows on the other, stools and chairs on the tables. She makes her way across the floor and through a door.
Chance: Chan: well at least for a change we ended somewhere where we can get some rest and recoop. And not in the middle of a cave, field or dungeons.
Trying to make light of the situation.
DMaster: They nod, a few yawns now that things are calm. After a few moments, she comes back, goes behind the bar. Grabs some keys. We got three rooms for you all. Emeric nods looks to the group.
EME: Carver and Chance, me and Marzio. Veronna, you are alone.
She blushes a little and smiles.
Chance: Nod my head, let Carver take the key to our room.
DMaster: Gathering the group.
EME: Let’s get a few hours of sleep, meet down here an hour after cry time. They have cry time right?
Looking to Enoko. She nods.
Chance: Chan: see everyone then.
Giving Carver a look.
DMaster: He nods and you too walk up to the room, go in. It’s smaller, but surprisingly has two beds. A table, a water barrel, sink of sorts but only about 12 x 15. Carver just drops his armor to the floor and falls into a bed.
Chance: Make sure the door locks before ungearing myself and then lay down on the bed.
Freya (Friday) 7:00 am
DMaster: The second your head hit the pillow you fell fast asleep. You wake up and Carver is sitting at a table, looking over one of his boots that was damaged during the last battle. There is a pamphlet on the table too. He glances over, nods his head and chuckles.
CAR: Bet you didn’t know that this town is called Honeywick.
He is looking at a parchment reading as he is fitting his boot back on.
Chance: Chan: I have been to worse sounding names for sure, it’s kind of endearing.
DMaster: Smiles nodding his head, you hear his stomach growl. He blushes, gets up and is looking to gear up. Outside you hear.
CRY: Mix of sun and clouds, but the wind will bite your nose. It is 7 AM people, time to get up.
CAR: Named after the honey colored wheat… yeah. Honey colored.
He glances out and chuckles again.
CAR: Hey! Guess we are far enough away.
Chance: Look out the window, and while we get ready tell him about shadow run and how bad it was.
Chan: now that my friend, is a town you wouldn’t want to end up at.
DMaster: He nods, seems to be thinking about what you said and the fighting, etc. Looking out you see darker golden wheat fields all around, some look harvested but no black that you can see.
CAR: I can’t even imagine the places you have been, things you have done.
Chance: Chan: and… you don’t want to. Well I suppose we better prepare for the day ahead.
Finish getting ready.
Chan: I for one hope they already realize we are gone and that wife of mine is scrying for us as we speak
DMaster: He nods.
CAR: It’s Khamyra… I am sure she knows exactly where you are.
Behind The Scenes
Bozutto pacing a bit with a parchment in hand, raises and eyebrow and glances over to Khamyra who was standing in front of the Diaz to the Throne. Cassie and Xavier to the side talking.
“So where is the Dahlia now?” The young King asks.
Khamyra pauses a moment, then shrugs her shoulders, “not sure right at this moment, a couple days west of the Clovendale river is all we know…” finishing off with a bit of trepidation. Then glancing over to Cassie.
The King looks to his wife who gives him a “there is more” look since she can read minds to a level.
Turning back to the Onyx Elf he gives her a look as though to continue with a nod.
Khamyra sighs, mumbles, “now I know why Chance got that tattoo…” realizing her mind was just probed.
Then she continues “I believe they were at or around the ancient city of Corellon where Varow once lived, or is living or rose up from his sleep… whatever he did,” she finishes off with a mumble.
Cassie and Xavier step forward after a short conversation, “after investigating the well in the pit, the guard then informed us that they “might” of went down the well, which he previously did not tell us. After a short investigation we found…”
Interrupting with a slight growl, “a portal, they found a fucking portal didn’t they?” Khamyra finishes with her eyes lighting up purple and a tightening of her fists.
The King and Queens eyes light up seeing the anger in this Warlock of great power, glance at each other probably thankful she is on their side.
The Baroness is nodding her head, “yes. One guard went through, came back and said it went into some odd dungeon or prison and there were bodies strewn everywhere. Some things that didn’t make sense, like human corpses molded together. He did not look for long but he made sure there were not any Black Ward bodies or corpses.”
Shaking her head a little, Khamyra’s eyes fade back to her beautiful lighter brown color, “they are all safe, so to speak. I scryed for all of them to make sure.”
Xavier adds in, “we have sealed that portal shut and have a mass of guards in and out of there to assure us there will be no more activity.”
Baroness purses her lips looking at her and the Warlock notices with a raise of an eyebrow.
“Safe to say, poor Chances winky is going to get teleported down to the underearth then huh?” Cassie finishes with some whip.
Everyone chuckles realizing it is an inside joke between Cassie and Khamyra, with the Warlock dipping her head with a good laugh.
Chance: Chan: well, true I am sure she knows exactly where I am. Probably not to happy about it either.
look at Carver and chuckle.
Chan: welcome to my world…
DMaster: With a big smile.
CAR: I’ve told you before it’s why I rejoined Black Ward, to get into the Dahlia and work with you.
You two split the time to take baths, there were two of them. Everyone is trying to take one. Then head down after you get ready.
Chance: Gear back up and meet up with the rest of the group.
DMaster: They are down on the bottom floor, it looks like Enoko is working her magic on the owner who is all flustered, running around with breakfast. The place is not open yet really, just to Inn patrons who slept over.
Chance: Make my way over to the group and chuckle a bit.
Chan: good morning everyone.
DMaster: They all say good morning or nod. You sit and have a good meal. DM: Rolling for breakfast (12) and that how everyone liked it 1d20+5 = 18The group sits and eats Cinnamon porridge and scones. Everyone really seemed to enjoy it. Everyone double checks their equipment after the meal and heads out. Vulane meets up with you then in a deep hood at the town’s entrance. The stables are right there too.
VUL: I would love for all of us to ride, it would shave days off our journey. But this town does not have many horses and none are for sale.
Chance: Let Emeric take the lead again as Vulane is talking to us all.
DMaster: VUL: I want to introduce you to our other party member. Please… do not stare, and be polite.
Giving you a sharper glance, probably because of the ordeal in the underground room. You can’t believe your eyes when a female Centaur walks out.
Chance: Try to keep my eyes from going big and straighten up and give a nod.
DMaster: VUL: This is Hellissa.
She is looking very uncomfortable, shy and fidgety. Enoko is by her side, petting her back.
Chance: Keep glancing around and hand close by Silent Fate waiting to see what actions we take next.
DMaster: Vulane walks to her and pats the side of her arm.
VUL: Another one that is the last of her kind.
She seems to have saddle bags and such, carrying most of the three companions stuff. She looks around and stammers a bit.
HEL: Umm, well, there was only really one of my kind. So I am not sure I can be the last if I was the, well, only?
She is very muscular, and very unsure of herself. Very self conscious.Everyone nods there head. A vision hits you of the past, you seen centaurs in the underearth, almost positive.
Chance: Remembering, I try not to be to obvious but occasionally look over at Helissa. Shake head slowly.
DMaster: Vulane has been hawking you and she walks up to you immediately.
VUL: Is there going to be a problem today, tall one?
Emeric goes to step in.
Chance: Give Emeric a small nod, and smile to the Moon Elf.
Chan: not unless you want one. But…
Think about saying about the underearth, fuck it.
Chan: I am not sure Helissa is the last of her kind.
DMaster: Everyone glances over and Helissa went from this shy fumbling woman to confused and almost angry.
VUL: What, you don’t believe her?
Chance: Shake head.
Chan: When I was traveling the under earth I seen a few creatures similar to Helissa roaming about. My group also…
DMaster: Interrupting. With wide eyes.
VUL: Creature? Did you just say creature?
Emeric is walking over having the idea to put this to rest and seeing this Vulane have a chip on her shoulder for some reason.
Chance: Chan: yes. Creatures because if you have ever been down there, nothing is what it seems.
Giving her a look, then looking over to Helissa.
DMaster: The Centaur is now more curious that anything, eyes a bit big looking at you.
VUL: Rubbish. No one can survive the underearth for more than a day or so.
Chance: Laugh.
Chan: Surviving the Underearth was a breeze compared to the Fires of Ardor.
DMaster: Her head snaps to you. A chuckle starting.
VUL: Fires of Ardor, oh you have stories coming out your arse don’t you?
She looks to everyone standing there, no expression, as though to say… he is telling the truth.
Chance: Walk to Vulane, show her my knuckles, my scars across my head and let Atticus pop out for only a second.
Chan: Didn’t say it was easy, or I came out unscathed. I don’t wish that upon anyone… not even you.
Give her a sidewards snide. Continue walking towards Helissa, trying to put this Vulane in her place..
DMaster: Vulane stumbles back wide eyes and looks to everyone who had little to no reaction except Emeric who turned and followed Chance.
Chance: Walk to Helissa, hold out my hand.
Chan: I apologize if I offended you, there was no…
DMaster: Interrupting, the once somewhat angry horse woman had a bashful soft smile. Shakes your hand softly.
HEL: No worries, nice to meet you.
Leans down and whispers.
HEL: Vulane can be a bit over protective.
Chance: Give her a warm smile back and nod my head.
DMaster: HEL: We must talk later about what you saw in the Underearth!
Chance: Nod my head.
Chan: absolutely.
DMaster: Emeric getting turned around, frustrated.
EME: Well, I guess we have only one way to go.
The group looks things over and Vulane approaches you.
VUL: May I speak with you before we get going?
Every ones shoulders sag.
Chance: Chan: you do realize anything you say to me you can say in front of them, I hide nothing from them as much as possible.
Looking at the rest of the group, see if they are even paying attention right now.
DMaster: She shakes her head. They all smile at some level.
VUL: Fine. I need to know how well do you REALLY know Our Lady?
Chance: Chan: Pretty well, was at one of my Wedding Rehearsals, gave my wife a wonderful necklace for a gift that turned out to be Luna her familiar.
Then continuing into when I first met in enough detail to get the point across. Waiting to see what Vulane has to say next.
DMaster: Her eyes wide.
VUL: She… was at your wedding party? That is awesome that she is doing so well.
Looking down she is trying to calm her smile down. Mumbles.
VUL: Thank you.
Chance: Smirk a bit and nod.
DMaster: The group heads out on foot. Emeric and Vulane meet up, fall back a bit and have a spirited conversation. It peaked every ones interest, but did not seem hostile. They make it back to the group.
EME: Spoke with Vulane and we decided I will lead the group for now. We been on trek for about an hour, three more hours up, then rest. Lets go!
Chance: Keep walking with the rest.
DMaster: DM: Rolled for encounter and he rolls a 20! So nothing and make great time. it’s chilly out, about 40 degrees, but the sun helps. You stop, they hand out rations, you have a water skin, take a wizz, etc. Then head back out.
HEL: Breezerun is about 2 hours from here.
Vulane nods. Everyone stops looks around as an odd sound is coming from over head.
DMaster: You get a sudden flash of hell. A demon in your face makes you cringe.
Chance: Chan: Argg.
Wince my eyes and shake my head.
DMaster: Veronna notices, walks to you.
VER: Are you ok Chance?
Everyone notices, looks to you with a bit of concern.
Chance: Seeing if I can shake off what I just saw.
Chan: not feeling so well, something is… off. Something is lurking.
Saying it quietly, seeing if I can put it back under the lock.
DMaster: You do pretty quickly. The group all slowly unsheathes weapons and looks around still hearing this light screech sound.
HEL: OK. what is that sound, it is nothing I have heard before.
She went from a quiet meek woman to forceful, bow with arrow notched and she gallops a bit out looking around. Veronna glances over to Enoko they lock eyes and nod their head.
VER: What an odd sound. I’m guessing this is what is messing you up Chance?
DM: Todd crits the roll and knows exactly what it is. A Demon Crow Messenger
Chance: Chan: Yes. A Demon Crow. Most likely a messenger, but it is from the… fires.
Wince a bit grab my head slowly.
DMaster: Everyone stops and looks to you.
EME: Is it dangerous?
Chance: Turn over to my Champion form to combat the over powering feeling and the assault on my lock.
Chan: No. Not really.
Letting a deep growl out.
Chan: Someone is sending us a message.
DMaster: Looking around then up as Veronna is pointing to a bird in the sky that is trailing what seems to be smoke and a bit of fire.
VER: Holy shit!
EME: Well, I’ll be…
Chance: Glance up, wince, then sigh. Put out my arm and back away from everyone. make sure I am in full champion mode.
Chan: Step back everyone.
DMaster: Everyone backs up watching as the Demon Crow plunges towards you. Everyone backs up even more, has their weapons ready even a gasp is heard as it skillfully slows up, stops; flapping its wings and lands on your arm. Smoke floating off it.
Chance: Chan: Why are you here little one.
Giving it a look with my eyes bursting.
DMaster: It lifts its leg, almost comically and there is a message paper on each leg. DM: He rolls 18 and his lock is pretty tight and safe since he realizes it is just a bird flying around the above ground. You take off the message parchments and try to get it to fly away but it’s clinging to you, like it wants something.
Chance: Chan: Bird, I have the utmost respect for Rawek, but I’m getting hungry and you… are looking TASTY.
Say loud, growl a little.
DMaster: The bird jumps and flys off, but is circling you now. Carver burst out laughing while your group (who is used to this kind of thing) smirks and giggles. Your other friends are looking shell shocked.
VUL: It is never a dull moment with this Champion around I guess.
She glances to everyone and seeing they are not reacting surprised or shocked by something from the underearth, hell, the Fires of Ardor in front of their eyes.
Chance: Chan: Be careful, anything from the fires is dangerous.
DMaster: A flash of hell hits you, your body glows, veins rip through your body.
Chance: Chan: No. I am not there, it’s… I just can’t.
Handing the papers to Emeric, walk a way a bit taking deep breaths.
DMaster: Everyone looks worried now, and glance to Vulane who walks to you. You feel a cooling hand on your shoulders.
VUL: I am sorry I did not believe you. I see how much you are struggling, you must have something helping you deal with… the trama of the fires.
The hand really helps, gives you an extra boost DM: Had a roll and got 18. She blesses him in a certain way and since he is the son of Ikon, he gets the bonus
Chance: Chan: I… I don’t wish that upon anyone.
Stand up and turn to her. Take her hand, almost shake it in respect. Nod deep.
Chan: Thank you Vulane.
Look her in the eyes.
DMaster: Her worried look turned into a soft smile.
VUL: Now I know why I had visions of you, why these people here are fiercely loyal and…
She puts her other hand on top of yours.
VUL: I now know why you are his Champion.
Chance: Smile and nod to her again. Walk back to the group.
DMaster: Emeric hands you one.
EME: This one doesn’t smell like Crow balls, it is from Khamyra.
Everyone giggles.
“Love, I see you got yourself in a pickle again. Been scrying for you. Vel is sending Hamza to Clovendale with a sigil, to meet up with him at the Royal Cats Inn. Miss you. See You Soon.”
Chance: Chan: well looks like Khamyra is already on top of things.
Giving a big smile, feel a bit better.
DMaster: Emeric holds the message at arms length and it does have a brimstone smell to it.
EME: Yes, meeting up with an operative in Clovendale? That is vague, even for a messenger message.
Chance: Scoff and chuckle.
Chan: Yes, Hamza.
DMaster: Gives you a look.
EME: Do we know who Hamza is?
Chance: Nod head to him.
Chan: Yes, Velencia’s Tempest.
DMaster: Emeric sighs loudly, Veronna and Carver glance over with a raised eyebrow.
EME: Great. A tempest.
MAR: Really? We are going to meet the dagger hand of Finster? Oh that’s fucking promising.
Waving his hand around.
Chance: Mumbles something.
Chan: Dagger hand?
Give him a glance.
DMaster: He is shaking his head and also letting out a large sigh.
ENO: I am sorry, what is a Tempest?
Marco interrupts everyone.
MAR: A wonderful mix of Priest and Assassin. Does things for Finster that is not exactly “nice.” They have no conscious and are particularly vicious.
For some reason gives you a snarl and turns away.
Chance: Why would Marco even give a shit. He barely says a word and now he is a fucking Finster dictionary? Whatever, I have bigger fish to fry.
Chan: Well, Marco is not wrong. He took off his mothers head and apparently has no problem removing other heads either.
DMaster: EME: Can we trust him?
With a bit of a worried look.
Chance: Without hesitation.
Chan: With my life.
DMaster: Marco scoffs and Emeric nods.
EME: How far are we from Clovendale?
ENO: Probably a day, a day and a half maybe?
Hellissa nods.
EME: Well they said 3 days from now. So we have a little bit of cushion getting there.
Everyone agrees and moves out.
EME: I would rather be staying in a town than laying in the weeds. So if we can find a place to stay for the night it will most likely work out for us best.
Chance: Letting Emeric make the decision for the group since he is the leader. Nod my head in agreement.
DMaster: Helissa and Enoko are looking over a map. Vulane is looking to the sky, seeing that the bird has not left, giving you some side eye.
Chance: Glance over at Vulane before looking to the sky.
DMaster: She seems a bit perturbed that this thing is still there. Emeric glances up.
EME: Chance, think it is waiting for us to write a note back maybe?
Chance: Realize that. Slap my forehead.
Chan: Of course.
DMaster: He nods.
ENO: It would be nice if we had something to… write… with.
She glances as every single one of you pulls out a small quill, paper. Eno smiles and even chuckles.
ENO: Of course you guys have it with you.
Chance: Chan: we always come prepared, part of the job.
chuckling a bit.
DMaster: HEL: (chuckles) Guess we are good with that.
EME: Write your wife back Chance, I’m writing a note back to Bastian.
After a minute he is done, What do you write?
Chance: nod my head.
K, got message love and we shall be in Clovendale as fast as we can. also give Velencia heads up, we found some Lady Chorota friends. Give the kids xtra hug kiss for me. love you, C
DMaster: You roll it up, Emeric hands one to you. The Crow is just circling over head.
EME: Sorry Chance, I don’t think any of us can do this but you.
Chance: Nod. Walk a bit a ways. Hold my arm out for the bird.
DMaster: It doesn’t seem to notice.
Chance: Turn over to Champion immediately.
Chan: I’m not standing here to air out my underwear, get down here shitbird! NOW!
DMaster: It seems to shutter, and it instantly dips down and lands on your arm. You put the messages on the legs and it flies off. DM: Todd rolls a 16 so he is well intact. But you get a little stab or two. It flaps and takes off, makes a horrible screeching noise and off it goes.
ENO: Well that’s a first.
Everyone looks to you. A bit of concern.
Chance: Dip head.
Chan: What now?
DMaster: CAR: You look like you haven’t slept in days.
Everyone nods their head.
Chance: Sigh, got an idea.
Chan: Enoko, can you come over here for a minute?
DMaster: Carver instantly smirks, Veronna blushes. Enoka makes her way over, giving those two a suspicious glance.
Chance: Take her hand softly. look into her eyes.
DMaster: She is gorgeous but it has enough similarities to Khamyra and for a brief moment you are alone with your wife in the waterfalls of Summer Isles. You snap out of it when you here a “whoa” and “what the…” Enoka looks very uncomfortable, but has a curious smile. You feel tons better.
Chance: Let go of her hand and nod to her.
Chan: Thank you. Shall we get going?
DMaster: After a minute of everyone looking around, baffled at the fact a man went from looking like death to a perky warrior in a few seconds, they all start to move out.
HEL: Lets keep going we can get to Breeze-run and see where to go from there.
Chance: shake my head and remain a bit quiet the rest of the way, as I lead up the rear.
DMaster: The group piles into the smaller town of Breeze-run. Apropos since it is on the edges of Teeter Winds and the wind is a bit brisk now. This town is nestled in a sprawling prairie, surrounded by rolling golden fields, a far cry from the black ones miles back. There is a small bridge over a small creek that is meandering through the outskirts of town. Looks like there is a main road split off to secondary roads that seem pretty defined between merchants, work and where people live. The architecture is almost all worn and make shift but stable. In the center of the town there is a large warehouse looking place that deals with beer and ale creation as well as Inn’s and restaurants all about.
Chance: Well I know where we are going to be going. Smiling.
DMaster: After walking a few minutes of walking about you made it to a Ye Olde Drunken Ox. DM: They rolled and got Meat strips and tators for dinner. It was unedible. Beef stew and bread was next and that was delicious. The food was terrible. Emeric went into the Kitchen and things started hopping once someone realized the Black Ward was here. That made Vulane and Enoko look everyone over a little impressed that there agency can wield so much influence and power.
Chance: Being quiet. Eating and listening to any conversation.
DMaster: Eno took out some for Helissa. She comes back to everyone now relaxing a bit.
ENO: Well, there are a few towns but they are a bit north and south. I think we can make Clovendale by tomorrow night if we want to stay here for the night.
Chance: Nod to her.
Chan: well I for one wouldn’t mind another night in a bed instead of weeds having to keep watch.
DMaster: Everyone agrees. You all get individual rooms. Emeric springs for it, he will get reimbursed. You are at the Inn Ye Olde Drunken Ox, just dropped off stuff in your room.
Chance: I will head down to the bar area and see if I can get a drink. After that messenger crow, I need one. Go see what the Inn has in the way of drinks, nothing too potent just more to calm the nerves.
DMaster: You mosey up to the bar and see Carver and Veronna there.
Chance: walk up to the bar with a smile on my face as I see them.
Chan: I see I am not the only one with the same idea.
DMaster: They laugh.
CAR: Yeah, might as well.
You order a dwarven spirits in mist water. Good for sipping.
Chance: Chan: So… whats new?
DMaster: CAR: Oh nothing really, got teleported, fought off some bad ass creatures, rolling with unique one of a kind people. Same ol same ol.
Veronna giggles a little, Carver smirks. You have some chit chatter.
Chance: Sip on my dwarven spirit and mist water.
DMaster: It is getting later, Emeric joined as did Enoko. Good conversations and you all retold a few tales of your adventures to Enoko who ate it up. Vulane did not show and well, Hellissa was hiding around the stables.
Chance: When it gets late enough eventually head back to my room to call it a night.
Sagalay (Saturday) 7:00 am
DMaster: CRY: Yeah no kidding, it’s snowing. Bundle up it’s going to be cold. In the top news of the day, Todd has a micro penis some sources say and…
Chance: Shake my head and prepare for the day, feel sorry for this Todd guy.
DMaster: Everyone is lively as you hit the floor.
EME: Of course, its going to be a long day and its freezing. But we will be alert I guess.
Chance: Think to myself well at least I don’t get cold. Smirk a little.
DMaster: CAR: Why you smirking over there Champ?
Chance: Shrug shoulders.
Chan: I don’t get cold nor do I get hot. So it doesn’t matter much to me.
DMaster: Everyone slowly looks over to you while breakfast is being served. Vulane is sitting down and is looking at you inquisitively as the rest are.
Chance: Sigh a little.
Chan: Long story. But after the fires of Ardor thing, well, things happened. It transformed me to a point now that I don’t feel cold or I don’t feel heat.
DMaster: The Dahlia pretty much know, but Enoko and Vulane are looking on curious.
ENO: But say its 30 below zero, you don’t feel that.
Chance: Nod head.
Chan: Correct. I don’t feel that. But, that is also not great because at certain temps I have been told I can still get frostbite and I can still get burned. Being burned? Yeah, I can feel that, but it’s usually too late by then. Anyways… just the typical Champion bullshit.
DMaster: EME: Yeah. typical stuff really.
He says with some whip and everyone chuckles.
Chance: Give him a small smile and dig into the food.
DMaster: EME: We are stopping by a sundries shop to pick up gloves and such, lets go.
Everyone gets up from the meal and heads to their rooms, picks up everything and off they go.
Chance: Make sure I have everything and then head out.
DMaster: You guys head out, stop by a sundries shop. It looked like it’s been picked over already and the merchant owner said they haven’t got a supply drop in weeks.
EME: Shit, let’s try a clothing shop?
After asking a few citizens you get aimed to a shop. There you find everything you needed. DM: I rolled to see how stocked they were. The first one was a roll of 2, the second it was 18.
The group trudges forward and luckily the winds were not bad. Everyone as a bit cold being around 20-25 degrees. Some snow flurries but nothing to bad or much that accumulated. You stop grab some food, drink, pee and head out. This happens two more times, nothing happens and the group makes it to Clovendale after walking the river for a bit to find it.
Chance: Keep going, and keeping an eye out, last thing we need is an ambush.
DMaster: Entering into the town after a slight stoppage at the gates. The Black Ward symbol gets you in no problem. Over the bridge and into the large city. It is close to 9PM. Everyone is exhausted.
Chance: guide the group to the Royal Cats Inn. Unless Emeric knows where it is.
DMaster: He lets you lead on. You guide them, it wasn’t far.
EME: I think they said they would be here tomorrow. Chance you know what this Hamza looks like?
Chance: Chan: Unfortunately yes. I do.
Chuckle, knowing to just leave it at that.
Chan: let’s see to getting some rooms for the night.
DMaster: Of course the place is packed. The moment you walk in you see their bar and dining area slammed, and patrons, waitresses walking around.
EME: Well, this can’t be good. Looks packed.
Walking up to the Inn Owner. He tells you there are only 2 rooms left. DM: Rolls a “2” for availability, so of course they don’t have the room.
EME: Well we don’t all have to stay here, there are other Inns. Chance, Carver you got a room, Veronna and Enoka mind going across the way to that other Inn to get 2 more rooms? Me and Marzio will get the last room here.
They nod and head out the door. Vulane has her hood over her head, to not cause issues. You grab some cold Tators for only 1SP, drink down an ale. The group all gets together at a larger table, discuss next to nothing and then you gulp down an ale and head up to bed.
Chance: As we are heading upstairs make talk with Carver.
Chan: well at least I didn’t have to bunk with Marzio.
Letting out a small laugh.
DMaster: Carver chuckles.
CAR: He has been oddly quiet. I know he was hurting after those battles, I am wondering if our companions have him freaked or something.
Chance: Chan: hmmm, yeah he hasn’t said too much, so I been meaning to ask you how are things going with you and Talia?
DMaster: As you two unlock the door and head in. He smiles wide.
CAR: After our little misunderstanding, it has actually been pretty amazing.
He seems to blush a little.
Chance: Chuckle a bit.
Chan: Hope I wasn’t to presumptuous. But, I knew I had to do something to fix things.
Raise my eyebrow as I see him blush.
DMaster: Shaking his head.
CAR: nope. You done did good. I thank you for that, by the way.
Chance: Chan: If I didn’t know any better, I just seen your face get red.
Give him a side wards glance.
Chan: Hey you are welcome just treat her right and me and you will never have an issue. Sorry, just a bit overprotective of her even if she can take care of herself.
DMaster: His eyes get a bit big and finds his way to his bed.
CAR: I kind of got that when you almost sent me through the wall in the auditorium.
Chuckles as he finishes getting ready for bed.
Starlay (Sunday) 7:00 am
DMaster: The crier is walking by.
CRY: It’s slushy out here, winds a blowing, snows a flying! Keep a good hold on your hat too!
Chance: I will get ready. Prepare myself for Hamza. Then head down and wait for the rest of the group.
DMaster: At the bottom sitting at a table you see Hamza. He looks exhausted, has some blood on him. Emeric and Marzio are already down there and the rest of the group is starting to pile in too.
Chance: Chan: There’s my contact.
Nodding to the guy at the table to Carver.
DMaster: Carver looks, nods and heads over to hand off the key. Then you spot a giant of a person in the farther corner guzzling what you hope is water. Emeric and Marzio have already made account of this person and is keeping a close eye on them.
Chance: Chan: you look like death warmed over Hamza, an improvement I might add.
Saying it just loud enough for him to hear it.
DMaster: He glances back with a smirk.
HAM: oh hey… yeah feel like it too, weather fucked us hard man.
He stands warriors handshake.
Chance: Shake his hand back.
Chan: well, I for one am glad you made it.
DMaster: Everyone takes notice and starts to gather around.
HAM: No rooms anywhere, so we may have to… uh make room.
He glances around and see’s everyone then smiles, looks back and winks.
Chance: Give him a look, sigh.
Chan: let’s just leave it at that and not go into too many details, since the Dahlia is with me.
DMaster: He nods. Emeric, Veronna, Enoko, Marzio, Carver, Hamza and Vulane all standing around or close. Hamza nudges you and points to the corner.
HAM: Probably should say hi before she gets cranky. She hasn’t killed anything in over a day.
Chance: Snort laugh, make my way through the gathering crowd.
DMaster: Under the hood you see Shemmy, smile forming.
SHEM: Champion.
she stands, bows a bit.
Chance: A huge smile goes to my face. Nod back to her.
DMaster: SHEM: You know I don’t like the snow…
You two laugh and have a hearty warriors hand shake.
Chance: Chan: Good to see you Shem.
Say that quietly and pull her in for a small hug.
DMaster: She hugs back, and if you didn’t know any better she blushed a little.
SHEM: You get no reach around, champ.
Chance: Chan: understood. I will save that for my wife.
before letting out a big laugh.
DMaster: The group gathers.
EME: Chance over here. Let’s get the introductions out of the way.
You introduce everyone, and thankfully Shem keeps her hood up. But Vulane is eyeing her down like no ones business.
Chance: Chan:So who do I have to thank for that lovely messenger shitbird?
DMaster: HAM: Rawek. He did some mojo on the bird, though he had Luella summon it from the underearth.
SHEM: Yeah, she is still a bit gun shy with that.
Vulanes eyes bulge a little and looks about under her hood.
VUL: Summon from the… wait what?!
Her eyes glowing a bit.
Chance: Give Vulane a look.
Chan: Not now, and it’s a long long story.
DMaster: She ignores and continues.
VUL: An invoker?! They still exist?
Emeric cringes a bit, but knows this is not the time.
Chance: Walk to her, stand in front, stare at her.
Chan: Yes, they do. But we will save it until we get back home, alright?
Feeling anxiety and a bit of frustration setting in all at once.
DMaster: Hamza looks to you and nods in approval of you taking the reins and shutting this down. They figure out that Veronna’s room is still available, everyone heads up there.
VUL: We have to figure out about Helly. We can’t go without her.
HAM: Helly?
Chance: Chan: you would need to meet her for us to explain it. Just Helly is hard to miss.
DMaster: You guys discuss and Hamza explains that the sigil will go to the Old farm house. Then to Culluns. Once he hears about the centaur he is really curious now.
HAM: I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.
Rubbing his chin.
HAM: The sigil is not small, so she just has to have all, well, four hooves on it. But we might want to move the other sigils outside first.
Chance: Chan: well it better work.
DMaster: HAM: Give me a minute, I’ll be back.
He grabs a crystal of some sort, it glows and then jumps in. Poof. He is gone.
Chance: Shake head and growl a little.
Chan: I am so over portals and sigils.
DMaster: After five minutes of explaining to Enoko and Vulane about the sigils and avoiding the invoker talk, Hamza pops in. A bit dizzy, rubs his temples.
HAM: OK, we have the sigils outside now for this helly thing, Lets do this!
Chance: Nod my head.
Chan: yeah the sooner this is done the sooner I get home.
DMaster: You guys go one by one, You get to the farm house. You are just outside the front door, a few Finster disciples are there. They kneel then point to another sigil.
Chance: Nod my head and go to the other sigil.
DMaster: Poof! You are now behind Culluns potion shop. Khamyra runs to you and you embrace after you step off the sigil.
Chance: Hug her tightly feeling her warmth and thanking Finster I made it home.
DMaster: Then a weird noise and you turn around and you see Helissa wide eyes shell shocked and she jumps off the sigil, almost bucks a bit. Everyone is just staring. Its cold, but there is no snow in Greyshale.
KHA: Oh my god…
Eyes huge and no one is saying a word.
Chance: Get people away from the sigil as I am sure more are coming.
Chan: People, this is Helissa, an expert ranger from West of the Clovendale River.
DMaster: She looks shell shocked and a bit frantic, but calms a bit down after you talk. Khamyra has a big smile on her face and that instantly calms the Centaur down.
KHA: It’s ok friend, my name is Khamyra.
They shake hands.
Chance: Chan: Helissa I promise, you are safe with us.
DMaster: She nods a bit. A commotion behind you as two Camerondale guards, royal in nature are making their way through.
Chance: Turn to them.
Chan: Easy, Emeric and them are on their way now…
DMaster: They interrupt you.
GUARD: Chance Axion?
Chance: Nod to them, giving them a curious look.
DMaster: GUARD: Your presence is requested immediately to the Castle.
Chance: Sigh loudly.
Chan: why does that not surprise me at all.
DMaster: KHA: Can’t this wait?
GUARD: No, it is most urgent. We were told to usher the Champion to the Castle immediately.
Chance: Sigh a little, look to my beautiful wife.
Chan: love, just make sure everyone makes it back through.
Giving her a kiss on the cheek.
DMaster: She nods. The guard takes you to the stables and he has a horse for you. You two book towards Camerondale, once you get to the gates, unmount and head to the castle.
Chance: Make a beeline for the castle as quick as possible.
DMaster: Guards everywhere, doors and windows shuttered, etc. Xavier is at the doors and the Castle is on lock down. He takes you in.
Chance: Chan: what is going on Xavier?
DMaster: XAV: Thank Animax you are back, we need you to head back to the Royal area. I just hope it is in time.
He takes a deep breath, looks you in the eyes.
XAV: Affinity has been poisoned and I am not sure she is even alive at this point.