The Convergence

Previously In The Last Adventure:

The owner of this town called Grimble Thorn meets with the group after they killed the undead "guardians." He quickly realizes there is no stopping the high point of Finsters people and the next day they head down. Chance gets creative with a few things and they make it through. After a stint with some Mummies, they make their way through a portal.

NSFW Warning / Bad Grammar

This text will contain language not suitable for some people. It is merely an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. We are not trying to be the next J.R.R. Tolkien, so there will be misspelled words, fragmented sentences and things that just don’t make sense. Once in a while there will be some nudity and sexual themes, you will be warned ahead of time. Just read, enjoy and have fun!

Main Characters

EP#95 The Convergence

Episode 95 the convergence

First Five Starts Now!

Velencia lets out a small growl watching Rafferty race for one of these snake-like men. The two creatures stop for a moment taken back a bit by this display. Luckily they were a good 120 feet away. Both put a hand on their khopesh swords giving a quick glance to one another.

The Priestess grabs her necklace, fumbles for something in her pouch, finds it quickly and yells, “be quiet and still, Rafferty Hedgeweed!” She pulsates a bit of purple arcane energy.

With a full sprint, spit flying, eyes wide, the welf instantly stops, frozen and skitters to a halt. He tumbles a few times to a small cloud of dust about 50 feet from the creatures. Still, the welf posed in a frozen position.

Hamza sprints out, looks to these creatures who have stopped and nods his head in respect, then mumbles, “sorry about old stinky here..” Grabs the welf with both hands and walks back to the group.

Velencia staring a hole right through the Tempest as he tries to avoid her gaze when he gets back.

Tiger with snakesMovement on the temple seems to be a feline-like creature. The tiger with some snake heads lands between the two creatures after jumping off the third step, about 60 feet in front. It head-bonks one of the wrapped creatures and they give it a pet on the head.

The Priestess glances back to everyone, “well? Do we head back or do we talk?”

Khamyra shakes her head a bit, “I think we should talk even for a short time after that little display,” thumbing in the direction of Raffy, who is coming out of his paralyzed state.

Then suddenly, “AHHHHH!” the Welf snaps out of it, continues to yell thinking he still was attacking, then coughs and looks around realizing he wasn’t running towards anything any longer, he snorts, “What the fuck?”

The High Priestess smirks, steps aside and waves her hand forward, “have at it, Brown eyes, you are the best looking out of all of us, so you should be able to avoid getting your head cut off or something.”

Giving the Priestess a wild look Khamyra shrugs her shoulders thinking, “If I can talk to that bone headed Dean at college, then these guys will be a breeze.”

Chance goes to walk with her and Velencia grabs his arm. He pulls away instantly and gives her a fierce look.

“Listen dummy, one person, a lot less confrontational. Especially with a guy wearing demon armor, you know,” Velencia retorts giving him an annoyed look up and down.

Looking down at his armor, frowns and nods his head, “I guess so, huh?”

Nyoka GuardiansThe Onyx elf approaches the creatures, both tilt their head and squint their eyes. A soft smile on one of their faces, from what they can see.

Velencia smirks, “she charmed one with her looks, not sure about the other..” she mumbles seeing that smile.

“Hello, we are just exploring and we stumbled across this,” the Onyx elf says slowly, moving her hand around, “we come in peace and are looking for nothing more than knowledge.”

The Priestess stifled a snort and a giggle watching on. An amused look on her face, “I hope they don’t speak common because she just spoke to them like they were 5 years old.”

The two snake-like beings glance at each other, shrug their shoulders. They say something unintelligible to her, now waiting for a response.

“Dammit. I am positive that is under-common, wish I knew it better,” Chance says, shaking his head, keeping a close eye on both of them.

“Speak. Common?” Khamyra retorts, giving them another long look.

They glance at each other, say some gibbly-gook that included the word “common” and one of them nods. The other turns and slithers towards the doors on the pyramid of sorts, only to have them open up before he reaches them. He stops suddenly and almost bows.

Out walks a woman roughly 5’5″ tall, good build, some curves that fill out the dress and a bit of cleavage. She is in what appears to be a silken peach colored dress, lower neckline with two long slits up her thighs. One leg you can clearly see a dagger strapped to it. Long strawberry blonde hair, snake like eyes that are almost glowing, odd shiny skin and symbols tattooed on her face. She says a few things to the snake man in under-common, they seem to have a chuckle and they are now heading towards you.

“Damn, she might give Khamyra a run for her money, she is smoking hot,” Velencia says, then instinctively grabs Chances arm.

A loud sigh erupts from the tall man, he breaks free of her grasp and stands there with his arms crossed, “she can take care of herself really, just don’t want to miss out on the fun if this shit goes sideways.”

The Priestess has an amused look on her face and gives him a sarcastic nod of her head.

Flora gives Velencia a quick look with Vel’s comment about the woman being hot. Her face flushes.

They approach Khamyra and the woman has a surprised look on her face seeing this beautiful dark elf standing before her.

Guardian of the Temples“Greetings, I hear you only speak Common?” The elegant woman says, posting up about 10 feet from the Warlock, with a big smile and a soft nod of her head. Just a hint of sarcasm.

Khamyra nods her head in return, looks to the woman and the three creatures, “We did not mean to disturb your day, we just happened to wander into this location and we were curious.”

Chuckling the woman smiles, even blushes a little, “my dear, we do not have day or night,” she responds pointing up and then continues, “and, no one just wanders into this location like it is a town on the coast of the Othellian Sea,” finishing with a bit of sarcasm again.

The Warlock looks around, wanting to barb back, but calms down, then back to her, “well, hate to break it to you, but we did just wander in here, and where is “here” might I ask?”

Suddenly the mysterious woman’s pupils and iris’s split into two in each eye, she tilts her head and then smiles, “damn, you are right,” she says matter of fact, allowing her eyes to return to normal.

Khamyra instinctively backed up, put her hand in her pouch and gave this woman a long look. “What. Was that? With your eyes?”

The group unsure what is going on they make movements to get ready to rush. The snake men also get a bit more ready as well.

A bit confused at first, the woman then lets out a chuckle, “Oh, my eyes? A way for my kind to read you, make sure you are not here with violent or evil agendas. That spell you want to cast, probably not a good idea.”

She glances back and snaps her finger.

Jabbar Woks landingOut of the darkness, far beyond the temple, two very large creatures fly down and land on the edges of the pyramid. They are about 25 feet in length, an odd greenish blue color that seems washed out. Their head seems almost too small, but their sides have an odd shield like projection. The long powerful neck and their eyes are pulsating deep red. Their wings almost work as a 5th and 6th arm in some way, but after they land, they just glare down to the group.

By now Khamyra is back peddling, “uh, well, a little more than we bargained for, wouldn’t you say, guys?” she says to all of the group, glancing back.

Chance’s head tilts down, the helm is put on and he goes for Khamyra protecting her, walking her back to the group.

With all the commotion, no one paid attention to Velencia who just strolled out to them, with curiosity.

“Hmmm, not Dragons per say, but close…” tapping her chin walking straight for them, “could these be Jabbar Wocks? Please say they are Jabbar Wocks?” Finishing with a bit wider eyes and a big smile.

“Yes, they are, surprised you know their kind,” The woman responds, making her eyes double to read her, and then back to normal, gasps, her face flushes and looks worried.

She backs up now realizing it is Finsters Priestess and warns the others to do the same who put their hands on the hilt of their swords, “we are not looking for trouble Priestess, but this is our home and we…” this woman tries to continue, with some fear in her eyes.

Velencia muses with the watcherIs all she got out when Velencia laughs, “nice eyes there, boobs,” she says looking at her cleavage. Then continues, “but I am hoping you have magical ears as well that I don’t know, that you might listen with?” She finishes off with a bit of sarcasm but more of jest. A large smile washes over the Snake Priestess face and she tilts her head in response.

“You mean you guys are just wandering? May I ask from where, Priestess?” the semi-snake woman responds, then something hits her, “wait, wait…”

She glances back to the group, again her eyes go wonk-a-do, then back to the Priestess, nodding her head in respect, “it is an honor to meet you all, High Disciples of Finster, the bringer of magic.”

The dark tattooed woman smiles and nods, “Thank you, and if I may?” she finishes giving the woman a look as to say, what is your name little hotty?

“Calonia Iligeiros, Nyoka Watcher and Priestess for this temple,” she responds, tilting her head and smiling a bit, but you can call me, Cally.”

Glances back to the group then back to this Cally, “So where are we exactly, I know the under-earth, but… oh hell, I wouldn’t know it if you told me anyways,” the Priestess finished with a chuckle.

Nodding her head, the half snake woman smiles, “then may I ask where you guys wandered in from?” finishing with a bit of whip.

Still staring at the Jabbar Wocks who are now looking bored, then snap at each other in what seems to be a playful banter, Velencia responds, “A place called Grimble Thorn.”

“Oh! Oh! Grimble Thorn? This is my first from that location!” she says with a surprise and a big smile, “I would have had to venture a guess that is where you are from considering what direction you came from but this is good!” she says, then stops and her face crinkles a bit.

Raff, who has snapped back into his intelligent self, sees this and spews, “oh no, she has fart face.”

“How did you manage to get through the barrier?” Cally asks, with a curious look on her face, then to almost reassure herself nodding again, “yes, there is a barrier there, is there not?”

Velencia with a half evil grin, “we have our secrets Watcher, you know, until we get to know each other, well… better.” The beautiful, sultry Priestess says giving the woman a look.

Flora getting a bit jealousThat line hits Flora, her head snaps back a bit and a scoff comes out of her mouth. Khamyra suppresses a smirk already feeling bad for this Grimble Thorn woman.

Cally blushes, gives her a fleeting glance, then waves everyone forward, “come come, we all need to be introduced!”

The group walks forward, and Hamza lets Raff down, “behave will you?” he snaps to the welf.

“Eat a dick, will you?” Raff responds and gets out of the swipe of Hamza skillfully.

By the time the group makes it to the woman, her eyes are all doubled up and are looking the group over, mostly with a smile. Then she hits Chance who was standing behind Khamyra with his hands on her shoulders.

“You there, tall one with the helm on,” this Cally says waving you more forward.

“Oh hell, just great,” Velencia mumbles, shaking her head only to get a nudge from the Warlock.

Almost breaking a blood vessel in her temple, the half snake woman’s head snaps back, her eyes go back to normal, “I can’t read you at all, like you are not even there, and…” she stops talking and her eyes bulge seeing the armor.

Chance stands there, unlatches his helm and clips it to his belt. “You can’t read me, I know. It is one of my many gifts.”

A loud snort erupts from Velencia giving the tall man a look, then shakes her head.

This Watcher walks close to him, he doesn’t budge and looks down to her. After tracing her hand on parts of the Armor, kind of putting Khamyra a little off seeing how beautiful she is, “my goodness, this armor, this is, Fire-Eater, is it not? How in the hell did you…”

Chance popped his 3 1/2 inch pup tent“Yes,” Chance says surprised, “A gift from a… well, a friend I suppose.”

Cally glances up with a worried and confused look, she shakes her head, “um, Zeramed does not have friends, at least not that I ever recalled.”

That name hit Chance and made him wince slightly, then he recovers, “well, let’s just say we have plans for ale and knuckle bones soon,” finishing it off with a chuckle.

After fawning over the armor, she finished touching it, much to Khamyra’s displeasure, “you are his Champion, Champion of Finster.”

“Among other things,” chance starts then goes to say something else but gets interrupted.

“Yes Yes, all super fucking fascinating, but I would rather not have the Champ here drone on and on,” Velencia says stepping forward, thumbing in the quarter elfs direction.

Jabbar Wocks fly offGlancing back, Cally, snaps her fingers again and the two playful Jabbar Wocks leap off, flap flap flap and head to what seems to be a ridge along the far walls that they have nested in. Some sand and dust makes it to the group and everyone coughs a little. Waving everyone on, the Watcher guides them towards the doors of the temple pyramid.

Khamyra leans to Velencia, “is this the best Idea? I mean where is she leading us?”

Velencia still looking up to the Jabbar Wocks, shrugs her shoulders, “just go with it, I mean what is the worst that can… well, errr.” She stops suddenly, turns and looks at the group.

“We good following her?” the Priestess says, and she gets a smattering of nods and “yups.”

She then starts to walk again, “alrighty then, lets get moving,” Vel spits out, “if we fall in an endless pit and die horrible deaths, we all agreed to it.”

“Nyoka, any relation to the Realm of Athoz and their people?” Rafferty says non-chalant walking with them.

Everyone was surprised by that, no one has really heard of that name or place except Velencia who is just shaking her head.

This Cally stops and turns to the welf, smile and surprised, “why, yes. That is our people.”

Nodding his head, “Did not know your people still spawned the cursed snake like men,” the Welf finishes.

Hamza talking to the watcherHamza grabs him and starts to apologize but the woman, her eyes doubled, nods her head, “no, no, he is correct. Much like your God has cursed births, so do our people. We don’t look at it like a curse, but I can understand why people would think so.”

She turns and continues walking to the doors, everyone breathes a sigh of relief.

“You are referring to the Odius, Finsters little curse upon the land that did not want him at the time,” Velencia says with a slight chuckle, “some of the best people I know are Odius.”

Continuing to walk forward, “for an evil God, that makes sense, but a Nyoka Guardian, that is what they are called by the way, are not evil, nor are they good.”

“Great, neutral…” Velencia says in a sarcastic tone that made Chance give her a look as to say, “no way this has anything to do with Immryllion.”

An odd time with Vel and Chance getting alongThey both instinctively put their noses up in the air and sniff. Glancing at each other they both smirk, chuckle and continue walking.

Trailing behind a little, wide eyes and in amazement, Khamyra has a weird tingly feeling just witnessing the Champion and Priestess get along and actually laugh at something together. Shaking her head she forms a little smile, knowing that is never going to happen again any time soon.

She is walking at a good clip, “And thank you Welf for referring to our home land as a Realm and not Kingdom,” the Watcher says starting to open the doors.

Rafferty snorts, “’tis ok to call me a welf, but calling them cursed snake-like creatures, and…” Hamza’s hand clasps over the mans mouth much to his disapproval.

“Our apologies Cally, he is not well,” Velencia said and continued, “he is not well in the head. But has his values.”

The Nyoka Watcher giggles, “Thank you, but I kind of got that idea when I read him, or I think I did, not sure what is going on in that head…” she finishes rubbing her temples.

Everyone in the group chuckles, except Raff who rips Hamza’s hand off his mouth.

They walk down a modest hallway where there is as much dirt and sand on the floor as there is flat stone. Ahead they see an entrance and they pass by two doors on either side. Eventually they are led into an enormous room, which has to be the bulk of this temple. Estimating a good 120 feet wide and 120 feet deep, the ceiling goes up at least 80-90 feet. In the middle there is an altar up on a few stairs about 10 feet in the air. The walls are massive and they go up to a point where at the top is a glowing object that seems to light the room. To the left are some tables, which look to be tools and brushes of sorts. To the right is an island countertop, a pitcher, a few candles and some pillows surrounding it. The room has an odd natural light that is easy on the eyes and makes everything almost crystal clear.

“Whoa” Chance eeks out and is looking about, Cally smirks and waves them on.

The group gets to the stairs leading up to what seems to be a large altar. She points to her right, then leads her finger to about 100 degrees behind her. The walls seem to have carvings on them, a massive art piece for each ‘section’, for lack of better terms. Their are four sections from the left that seem to have work done on them or they are finished. The farthest section to the right seems to have work on it too. The rest are blank. Across from the raised altar are two smaller doors.

“This is what we call the Annal Walls and it is the history of Legon. There are 8 separate areas, they represent the era’s of Legon’s time,” this half snake-like woman says, smiling a bit to end her thought.

Khamyra asking questionKhamyra glances at both Velencia and Chance, thinks for a moment, then says, “well, I’ll be the one who asks, we are currently in the third Era. I see,” she is counting and then looks back to Cally, “five that seem to be done or worked on…”

The Snake-like woman nods her head and she waves off the two guardians. They venture out of the temple.

“Well, have you ever considered the time before recorded history? Many people don’t realize just how old Legon is…” she says trailing off a bit, glancing about, “it might not be exciting, filled with war and battles, but there was a time before and it was… peaceful, for the most part,” Cally finishes with a bit of muse and a smile.

By then Chance has zeroed in on the symbol that is on the Altar (which was Ikons) and his head dips a bit, a snarl erupts and he starts to slowly walk the stairs to the Altar.

“Oh no, no, Champion, that is only for Priests and Priestesses,” she says, turning with a bit of excitement, “please come back down.”

The Champion did not hear or chose not too. He stops at the side of the altar, not a lot of space on this diaz, and places his hand on it. The symbol on the Altar glows and Cally stops her yelling instantly making her eyes bulge and her jaw drop.

The Little Chat

The eldest god IkonChances visions blurred as he touched the altar. He shakes his head for a moment and the fog and bokeh suddenly comes into focus and he is standing by a well in the most stunning field of flowers he has ever seen. Perfect blue skies, puffy white clouds, animals about eating grass, butterflies fluttering about and a rotund man with somewhat curly blonde hair, symbols on his face picking flowers by what seems to be a small quaint hut.

Ikon glances over and smiles wide, “Chance, my boy, why are you here visiting me?” The man says standing upwards, reaching for his back with a small grunt.

“I am not your boy,” the large Champion retorts and his eyes flutter with power.

Chance shakes and hits his head softly realizing he can’t go Champion in this mode, or this way of communication.

Ikon looks down, snorts and walks towards him, “I guess you are finally figuring out where you truly came from…” he twirls around with his arms out staring out across this unbelievable beautiful landscape, “welcome home!”

The smiling glowing blonde man turns and his chipper demeanor stops instantly seeing the Champion of Finster, eyes slit, guttural growl and a slow shake of his head.

A large sigh erupts from Ikon and he slowly shakes his head. He claps his hands and the door to the hut opens and out frolics three of the most beautiful naked women. One was blonde human, curvy, her boobs bouncing all about. A elven redhead that was athletic, firm and the rug matched the drapes. Finally a brunette half elf that was a perfect mix of the other two.

One of Ikons girlsChance’s eyes bulge for a second as they come over to him and hug and caress him.

“Please, like you could ever create something better than my wife,” the tall quarter elf says with a snort, “that is almost insulting.”

Ikon went to disagree with a finger in the air, slowly brings down his hand and nods his head with a small sigh, “well, you are right, Khamyra is a once in a generation beauty I believe.”

A smirk washes across Chances face as he glances over to the god, “I never thought we would agree upon anything, but here we are…”

The girls back away from the Champion slowly giving him a disgusted look and they stomp back into the hut slamming the door.

“We need to talk I suppose,” Ikon says meandering towards Chance trying to look him in the eyes.

Nodding his head, Chance avoids the eye contact and replies, “Sure like last time, lots to talk about and snap of the finger, I am in some Dwarven village with no memory of what we said.”

Chance insulting the god IkonGiving the man he created a look, scoffs a bit, “you will remember it, in due time… unfortunately I think Cescatia showed you a quick flash of what was said,” the man says finishing with a small chuckle.

The Champion furries his brow trying to remember what transpired with the first Angel, but between the latest events, the damn crazy dreams and what is happening now he just can’t recall. “I can’t recall at this moment, great another thing you’ve done to me, mind if you stop with that shit for a while… mom?”

He stops suddenly with a disappointed look on his face and shrugs his shoulders. “Listen, we can talk when you are in a better mood eh?”

Glaring at the god for a moment, not wanting to be in his presence any longer, the tall quarter elf shakes his head one last time, “whatever you fat fuck…” Then takes his hand off the altar.


It is quiet in the temple except for Velencia with a very loud deliberate sigh that echoed.

The symbol started to glow more and more and what was a minute that seemed like an hour, Chance shakes his head and mumbles, “whatever, you fat fuck,” turning and heading back down the stairs.

Absolutely confused and even offended wondering if he just called her Lord a fat fuck, Cally goes for the Champion, “excuse you, that is a sacred place that only the religious heads can go to, how did you…” she finishes pointing up to the Altar with a scowl on her face.

Velencia starts in, “oh no, we are not going to…” but gets interrupted soundly.

“Not now Priestess!” Cally says with a scowl, a swipe of her hand and a flash of her eyes that makes Velencia stop in her tracks and smirk.

The snake woman turns back to Chance, “I have to know who you truly are, and… and… did you just insult Ikon!?”

Chance towers over the woman, smirks, “well, I think Ikon is my true mother,” he says trying to keep a straight face.

The guardian who confronts chanceNow even more confused, she shrugs off the soft giggles of Velencia and Khamyra, “No, no, I mean, I will disagree with you, though being a God, I am sure gender can be fluid, Ikon is most definitely…” She went to continue but gets interrupted by Chance.

“A huge pain in my ass,” he retorts, moving past her making her head snap to him with even more anger.

She quickly gets in front of this huge man again, almost hitting Khamyra who skirts her quick movements. “That is blasphemy, You do not talk about Ikon like that in his own temple, you…”

Chance dips his head a bit, eyebrow raised, intimidation hitting Cally..

“Wait, wait…did you see Ikon? When you touched the altar?” She says slowly looking up to the quarter elves haunting eyes and scarred face, “did you just really speak with him?”

Nodding his head with a smirk, “yes, I just saw him and unfortunately talked to him as well,” Chance finishes with a sigh.

Cally is stunned, looking a bit around and to the ground, her face fully flushed and now seems to be in a little panic; she was not expecting this today, or any day for that matter.

Shaking his head a bit, “listen, I am here because Ikon had a wild hair up his ass and decided to well, create me I suppose,” Chance says, gritting his teeth, remembering the craziness of the past few months, “my birth mother was barren, yet I was born and all signs from that point to your pesky little deity giving her an egg or whatever, so I could be born…”

The Watcher beside herself with confusion and a hint of anger, “wait wait, stop. That is impossible and I would have known you were a child of Ikon the second you walked in and…” she stops in the middle of her rant, then her eyes get big, snaps her head to the large man who was looking down at her. She just remembered he is shielded from her thoughts.

Reaching out her hand, Chance gives her an odd look then takes it with a smirk on his face. A soft amber glow flashes and Cally backs up, almost falling over.

“Yeah yeah, like I said, Ikon is my mother and really needs to go on a diet,” the Champion finishes with a bit of whip.

This woman who was so calm, collected and stoic before is now almost ready to explode with questions and demands for apologies. The five of them just look around, not really surprised. if it isn’t Chance it is Velencia causing a stir, and it seems to be par for the course with this group.

Stammering and stuttering, the snake-like woman glances back up to the Champion, ready to say something.

“Listen, I get it, if someone called Finster a fat fuck, I would be offended, well… amused, but still offended,” Chance says thinking for a second in-between knowing how painful it would be for that person, “but you have to realize that your “god” has played house with me and my life for far too long and I am none to happy with it.”

Shaking her head, “so you did call him a ‘fat fuck?'” the snake woman says looking offended but also confused.

The Champion shakes off the chuckles from his group and nods his head.

Cally glances over to the far wall with the smaller doors. They open and in walks three men, similar to Cally, with tools and some bags walking nonchalant. Looks like they were ready to work on the wall. They stutter to a halt seeing the other people in the temple, confusion on their faces.

“We need to talk, Child of Ikon,” the woman says almost forced but is taken back immediately.

Chance gets his face inches from hers, bending down, tilts his head “you will never address me as that ever again, understand?” The voice deep guttural and drenched in evil, then finishing off with a little flash of Atticus, who was brewing deep within him. His eyes turned to an endless black, black veins quickly ripped across his face and a frown that chilled Cally to the bone.

This time she could not stop and stumbled backwards, falling on her butt, wide eyes and shaking her head. Dust flies a bit and the three people who came in look a bit alarmed. They yell for her. The two guardians are making their way back in hearing some of the commotion.

As soon as Atticus formed on his face, it was gone. It snaps back to Chance’s normal face.

“What was that?! You are no child of Ikon,” she exclaims after witnessing pure fear for the first time in her life, pointing at the Champion “What the hell are you?!”

Velencia lets out a chuckle, “not sure, we haven’t figured that one out just yet…”

Turn based begins here

DMaster: Cally is still just staring at you slowly shaking her head. Velencia lets out a chuckle and starts to walk a bit a ways.
VEL: Sometimes there is a price to pay for being a mind reader, eh?

Chance: a small smile goes to my face and I hold out my hand.
Chan: I apologize for my manners. As of late his name can set me off. Like Vel said, the price you have to pay for your gift I suppose.

Priestess of FinsterDMaster: She gingerly takes your hand and you bring her up.

Chance: After helping her up I will step back a bit to alleviate her fear of me.

DMaster: The two guardians slither in and have their weapons half drawn. The other people on the opposite side have backed up some, wide eyes ready to run. Meanwhile your group looks all but uninterested, like.. par for the course. The Ikon Priestess is looking at you, glances back to the guardians and she shakes her head. The creatures sheath their swords fully. Just then the tiger comes frolicking in looking to be playful with one of them.

Chance: Back up a bit more and glance back to the group.
Chan: I didn’t mean to startle you Cally as I said, it just happens to me from time to time. Velencia can explain more to you on the matter.
Keeping my hands behind my back as a sign of good faith.

DMaster: Velencia is looking at you shaking her head.
VEL: I ain’t explaining anything, chump.
She starts to wander to the walls to look at the artistry. Hamza snorts knowing he has to take care of Raff. Khamyra sighs and slowly approaches the Cat like creature. It seems to be interested in her.

Chance: Bend down a bit so that I am face level with Cally.

DMaster: She is wiping the front of her outfit off, then backs up a bit.

Chance: Chan: What you just experienced was part of the deal I made when I was… (interrupted)
Look to see who interrupted me.

DMaster: HAM: (AHEM Clears throat loudly) Chance?
Hamza is looking at you with wide eyes slowly shaking his head. Cally looks to Hamza a bit annoyed, then back to you.

Hamza telling chance to zip itChance: Sigh very loudly.
Chan: let’s just leave it at that for now shall we?
Before straightening back up.

DMaster: Looks like she wanted to know more, but she is not pushing it. She nods her head and looks about the room. Khamyra has made it to the cat, it head bonks her and she giggles, trying to pet it as the snake portions wrap around her arms playfully. Vel is looking at the first sections of the wall, Flora has made her way to Velencia, looking with her trying to be a bit lovey dovey. Hamza is dragging stinky to a table as he seems to be a bit out of it.

Chance: I will slowly make my way towards Khamyra just looking on.
Chan: You seem quite taken with it, love.
Smirking as I say that.

DMaster: She is smiling wide,
KHA: It is very friendly, not sure what to think of the snakes, but the kitty is nice.
Meanwhile it is about 3 1/2 feet high, 8 feet long and made of pure muscle it seems. Each snake is a good 10 feet in length, large fangs. But they are not opening their mouth much.

Chance: Chan: Sounds like our sex life… (ahem) I’ll leave the petting to you, who knows what will happen if I try it.
Saying it rather quietly, snicker.

DMaster: Rolls her eyes to your joke.
KHA: Yes, thank you. With the snakes wrapped around my arm, I’d rather not piss them off.
She smiles and continues to pet them. The Nyok snake men move farther back, and to the entrance and stand pat there.
VEL: Uhhh… Chump, Khamyra?

Chance: Turn my head and give Velencia a “really” look.

DMaster: She is at the fourth circle of art staring, waving you two over.

Chance: Chan: Guess we better indulge her.
I will make my way over to where Velencia is, and see what she is looking at.

DMaster: You are looking this tapestry of carvings and artistry over. It is exquisite, events that have happened, some you recognize at first, others you do not. Your eyes are drawn to a cracked temple, then what looks like a cloud, then the symbol of Finster, half through a door. This weird feeling, almost like a “ping” echoes through your body. Weird sensation, like you can feel Finster with you, almost.

Chance: Clench my jaw, I just stare at it.

DMaster: Velencia holds out both her hands, one to you and one to Khamyra. The Warlock grabs her hand. You are looking at the art-work. You can see the events that were directly related to you, an unrecognizable feeling is sinking into you. Velencia’s hand is holding out for yours.

Chance: Chan: It’s like I can feel Finster right now.
I get a bit closer to the wall, lean in.

DMaster: Velencia moves her hand for you to take it.

Chance: Give her a look and just smile.

DMaster: She slaps your arm, and gives you a death stare.
VEL: You would fuck up a wet dream wouldn’t you?!

Chance: Chan: This is one time we are not having words, Priestess.
I back up a bit and just look at her.

DMaster: Khamyra shakes her head out of a trance and looks over, her shoulders sink.
KHA: Chance, can you just grab her hand?
Velencia leans over to the Warlock.
VEL: Your husband is an idiot.

Chance: Sigh and grumble before grabbing Velencia’s hand.

DMaster: Once you touch, she lights up, a purplish glow, gasps. It travels to you and to Khamyra, the symbol on the wall glows. Velencia is whispering a prayer in an ancient language. You are with him, you cant say or do anything, you don’t hear either, but it is an awesome sensation. He smiles at all three of you, with a raised eyebrow like “what are you guys doing here?” The place he is in and has a blue-ish tone, and in the background you see Animax waddling in and he stutters to a halt.

Chance: Marvel at what is going on as a small smile goes to my face, just see if anything else happens.

Their Lord God FinsterDMaster: You guys are in a deep meditation like trance. Velencia is praying as this is going on and after about 2-3 minutes, you stop and all back away. The vision disappears with what looks like Animax starting to scold Finster. Velencia dips to one knee, and with a shaky voice.
VEL: My Lord.
Khamyra follows suit. The symbol on the wall is still glowing.

Chance: Eyes still big as I back away with a few tears welling up.
Chan: That. That was amazing.
Give him a little nod of respect.

DMaster: Then Khamyra gets up and runs to you, buries herself into you crying softly. Velencia is stunned as she stands up, big smile on her face.
VEL: I don’t know how or why, but… wow.
Cally is wide eyed, even flushed.
CAL: That was incredible, what were you doing?

Chance: Nod my head.
Chan: Visiting someone we miss dearly.
Wrap my arms around Khamyra and just hold her as one tear falls, and then kiss her on top of her head.

DMaster: VEL: Our Lord was right there in front of us. That damn Animax can eat a dick, he is…
Hamza clears his throat loudly to interrupt as he approaches.
HAM: My Priestess.
He says with a smirk and a giggle.
CAL: Interesting, this temple has unique traits. I have heard of people seeing Animax from time to time and I have come to realize this can be a conduit to the godplane… in some way.
She looks stunned, still a bit off from you guys. The people or workers have put there things on a table and they are wide eyed looking at you too, pointing and whispering to each other.

Hating on the ChampChance: Eventually I unwrap my arms from around Khamyra and look over at Velencia, giving her a small smile.
Chan: Sorry Vel, I wasn’t sure what you were planning to do.

DMaster: The Priestess grumbles a bit, shakes her head and starts to walk off. Stops abruptly, turns with a bit of purple glowing in her eyes.
VEL: Don’t. Call Me. Vel, Chump.

Chance: Smirk, chuckle and shrug my shoulders.

DMaster: Cally looks back to the first area and waves you guys over. Looking at the first circle panel, it is beautiful, but lots of things going on that you are not sure of. At the end of the second panel there is what you believe is the great battle with Immrylion and Animax. Then a long thin line of what seems to be a desert with no sun, it has an odd shade of red to it.

Chance: Looking over all the panels more intently now.

DMaster: You see Atticus’s symbol in there before the big battle, his demise, so to speak. A rumble deep inside you, but it stops quickly. The montage is pretty amazing and the craftsmanship is unmatched. It almost moves on its own, and the subtle colors just make everything more sharp and vibrant.

Chance: My eyes get big seeing the symbol of Atticus and I take a step back, swallow a bit hard. Wait for the rumble to go away. Looking over to Khamyra and Velencia.

DMaster: After about an hour of looking around, Cally has made preparations for a meal.
CALL: Please sit, you must be hungry.

Chance: Nod my head and smile. I will wait for the rest of the group to sit before I sit as well. Looking at the food suspiciously.
Chan: Thank you for being such a gracious host, but umm…

Example of the foodDMaster: She smiles and even a slight giggle. One of the workers comes over with pitchers. Khamyra is looking at you, then to Ally. Whispers to you.
KHA: Hun, didn’t you say the food in the under earth wasn’t safe for us to eat?

Chance: Give her a look, smile and shrug shoulders.
Chan: Most of it from what I remember, but some stuff is fine.

DMaster: KHA: Pardon me, but is this safe to eat?
The Ikon Priestess smirks and nods.
CALL: This has been prepared for us. A delicacy you will enjoy.

Chance: Smirking and look to see just what this delicacy could be.

DMaster: Not sure but it smells good. DM: Rolled to see if it will agree with them and if it was good. Rolled a 9, so it was decent and no one got sick. It was not bad, a bit gamey but you liked it. Some light wine that went with it and was unfamiliar to you. Khamyra took an interest in the bottle and label, it is not a wine that was made anywhere they lived. It seemed everyone enjoyed the meal.

Chance: Thinking to myself I am sure questions are going to be going around from both sides.

Behind The Scenes

Cally walks to her table, sits and starts in our the lunch that was prepared for them.

She goes into deep thought:

Glancing over to the group that just came in she is intrigued to say the least, but has a feeling in the pit of her stomach that these disciples of Finster are trouble. I mean he is the evil god right?

Taking a sip of water she sees Velencia who seems disinterested in the food, but always seems to be in deep thought about something. She will smirk for no reason and that just gives me the creeps.

That little guy who smells bad is truly a mystery. Chocked full of information but does not have manners or he seems to go into catatonic states and frenzies. She shakes her head and takes another bite thinking about Hamza and feeling sorry for him having to deal with that welf.

The Onyx Elf is an exquisite beauty and she knows it. But the power she must have to be Finsters Warlock is almost unfathomable. But she seems very level headed, maybe the most of the bunch so I do not think she would be a threat unless the chips are down.

Then. She scoffs quietly. Then there is that half breed elf in the Demonic Armor. How in blazes did he get that and why was he talking so freely about hanging out with Demons. She scoffs. A child of Ikon who isn’t a child or at least not in its intentional state or… She gets a bit frustrated throws the crust of the food on her plate and wipes her mouth.

He scares me. I have never felt fear like that before in my life. There is just something…

She goes on to think about it further but sees the group is all but done with there meal.

DMaster: DM: Rolled for talk and got a 7. Not really, just some mentions of the food, that it was from an animal down in the under-earth and they soaked and cure it for a time to make it palatable. They sometimes get food from above-ground as well. But then Raff starts to talk…

Chance: Eyes bulge looking to Hamza.

DMaster: Hamza is attentive, and is ready to swat the little bugger if he acts up.
RAFF: This makes little sense to have a temple here, where only the underearth can really get to it? The time and effort it takes to make and maintain this (he waves his hand about) seems to be pretty intense and for who, a handful of people?
Everyone looks genuinely surprised by this question, it was a damn good one.

Chance: Lean back and wait to see how Cally responds to the question. Thinking, it does seem a bit odd in a way.

DMaster: She smiles and nods to Rafferty.
CALL: There are many people who come here, they travel from the Convergence. Albeit it is not a well known place, but to the followers of Ikon, they make their way, like a pilgrimage.
She snickers.
CALL: You wouldn’t know what that is I guess.
Everyone nods with wider eyes.

Chance: Raising an eyebrow and look over at Cally.
Chan: Care to explain this convergence to us?

DMaster: She nods then pauses a moment, taps her finger to her chin.
CALL: It would probably be better to just show you.

Chance: Nod my head to her and look at the rest of the group.

DMaster: They are finishing up dinner and a little tart for dessert, and they also nod their head. Eventually they all stand up, ready to go.
CALL: Come follow me.
You guys walk past the others who have not worked at all, but are finishing up their meal too. Walking through the double doors on the opposite side of the temple.

Example of the door they go throughChance: Letting Velencia again take the lead as we follow Cally.

DMaster: Cally leads you down a hallway, then at a crossroads, two very large entrances to either side. She turns to the right, and the hallway is much bigger and taller than the others. You get into a chamber and it has a vibrating blue aura about it, almost blinding. Looks to have at least 10 portals.
CALL: It takes a bit of getting used to, your eyes will adjust.

Chance: My eyes get big seeing all the portals, my stomach sinks.

DMaster: CALL: Long before us humanoids came to be, who we, well, are… and made a mess of things, Legon was run by, let’s say higher beings. They had a system of travel that we know as “portals.”
She presents the group with all the portals.
CALL: We benefit from them here, and Ikon keeps them running.
She beckons for a worker and she comes over to her. There are a few workers in here looking over things on a table, and discussing in a language you do not understand. The woman hands her a few vials of foggy liquid.

Chance: Put my head down and keep myself in check hearing Ikon’s name. Then looking back up and keep listening to what is being said.

DMaster: CALL: You might have to share these, we haven’t made a batch in a while.
Hands Velencia, Khamyra and Hamza a vial.
CALL: It makes the trip through the portal much more… palatable.
Raf snorts.
RAF: Yeah, if I have to see Khamyra blow chunks again, I won’t be far behind.
The Warlock smirks and shakes her head.
CALL: Each major area has a convergence, there are 24 to my knowledge.
Raf is counting than glances over to Cally.
RAF: About 240 portals?
She nods her head as she walks over to one. The room is about 25 feet deep, and about 60 feet long. 8 Portals sit on the long wall, then one on each end.

Chance: Chan: Just grand, more portals.
Letting out a deep sigh.

DMaster: She glances at you and shrugs her shoulders.
CALL: Feel free to stay here then.
VEL: Yeah. Stay here.
Khamyra gives the Priestess a nudge.

Chance: Shake head and frown.
Chan: not gonna happen, where the group goes I go.

DMaster: CALL: Take a sip and we will be on our way.
Everyone takes a sip

Chance: Grab one and take a sip.

DMaster: Tastes like, dwarven spirit’s almost. She beckons you on.
CALL: Follow me. Now don’t go running full force into it. That would end quite poorly, even with the potion. Just stand by this line and take a small step and lean. Once it knows you are there, it will grab you.
She walks by the portal, stands and leans a little in. On the ground you can see what looks like a line and that is where she was standing. Cally gets sucked in. Velencia stops everyone and glances at them.
VEL: Did anyone else notice she spoke about it like it was alive? Also where the hell is she taking us?
Khamyra pats her on the cheek.
KHA: Oh Vel, what could be on the other side? More Dragons maybe?
The Priestesses eyes light up, small smirk.

Chance: Shake head, walk to the line, then lean. Follow suit as well.

DMaster: You get sucked through. You land pretty well. You feel fine. Once everyone gets there, they are smiling and nodding their head.
KHA: Oh much better.
You are sitting in a cave, half man made, half natural. Cally stands there in front of you all.
CALL: You are now at what we call the Taankanick site.
You can see about 30 feet from you, a large cave opening and you can just see the skyline, it seems to be either sunrise or sunset here. She waves you on.

Chance: Follow her and the rest of the group, keeping my wits about me. Looking about the cave, and anything that might seem suspicious.

DMaster: Everything seems legit. Walking out, it is almost a balcony with railing. The floor is a scaffolding of sorts. You look out to see the biggest dig site you have ever witnessed. It is massive. You can’t really see the end of it straight away, left and right it just goes on and on. There are smaller humanoids walking around with wheelbarrows, tools, some working. A few talking looking over parchments.

Chance: Eyes bulge.
Chan: this is just… wow. So if I may ask, what exactly are you digging up here?

DMaster: Everyone is looking out over the railings. She looks to you, then glances back. Puts her finger up to say “in a minute.” Two figures come over. They are only about 3 1/2 – 4 feet tall and very muscular. Humanoid features, dressed in work attire. One has a small axe on its belt the other has a hammer strapped to his back. Both are covered in dust and grime, but smiling and looking on to your group after they chat. Then it hits you; they remind you of the people who were in those caves with Imryllion’s goons, they were the one digging in that one tunnel back at Breakwater Wharf.

Chance: Kind of give Khamyra a nudge seeing the figures.

DMaster: It seems she already noticed. Big smile on her face.
KHA: I think I have already met your kind…
The two gnomes and the Ikon Priestess glances over.
KHA: You are Gnomes correct?
She politely points to one of the smaller humanoids. Cally seems genuinely surprised as does the two figures.
CALL: Oh, you know of them? I thought that they only reside on this side of Legon.
They speak to her in under-common. She nods her head and smiles back at them. Khamyra slowly approaches and extends her hand out.
KHA: Not sure you understand, but it is nice to meet you.
After a bit they realize what they have to do and they shake her hand back. You can tell they are under her little spell, staring at her and almost drooling.

Chance: Smirk a bit and keep my eyes peeled.

DMaster: After some talking, they seem to get a little frantic.
VEL: Great, what do the little walking turds want…
The Grimblethorn woman gives the Priestess a nudge.

Chance: Give her a look and cover my mouth.

DMaster: CALL: I will see if we can’t make this happen, they have been missing for years!
It was a nice scene, Khamyra told them about the gnomes they met and they apparently have been missing for some time. She nods and smiles, points to you all and they wave and bow a bit.
CALL: This is the foreman and lead digger. They are done for the night. Don’t like to dig during the day it gets too hot.
They say a few more things and they depart, waving goodbye.

Chance: Wave and nod.
Chan: So just exactly what is being dug up here, if I may ask?

DMaster: CALL: An old city, that was ruled by the Synod of Ikon. One of many actually. Most of them existing long before the start of your recorded time. Unfortunately, some are too North and the heat is an issue, or they are buried deep in the Red Death. Velencia stops her.
VEL: You have to be kidding?
Velencia looks up and all around, suddenly coming to a realization.
VEL: We are across the Ever-shimmer!
Cally looks at her weird, squints her eyes. Everyone is also now wide eyes.
CALL: Ever-Shimmer?

Chance: Look over and nod my head, put my hands behind my back waiting to see if Velencia has to explain it.

DMaster: CALL: Oh, wait. yes. I think I have heard someone call that vast parcel of ocean that is way north of here, I heard it once.
She smiles.
CALL: Yes very much so. You are on the opposite side of Legon. I couldn’t even estimate how far away. This area is usually pretty warm, but for a month or two it gets chilly and we have even seen a few snow flakes.
RAFF: Hmmm, that would be like Breakwater, or Augustia to the ones who live on the other side of the Ever-shimmer.
Everyone is a little stunned, but nod their head.
CALL: Roughly half or more is habitable, probably similar to your “side,” but there is a good portion that is called the Red-Death. It is some place you never want to visit.

Chance: Laugh and nod my head.

DMaster: CALL: Umm, that is funny?
Velencia smiles softly thinking of that time.

Chance: Chan: Been there, done that. It sucked. Could barely breathe there.

The uncovered City of IkonDMaster: Cally looks stunned, tilts her head.
VEL: It was a while ago, but yeah Chump over there jumped through with… that was Ever-bitch right? Man, between the smell and the people there, I would say it was a shit vacation spot.
The Ikon Priestess nods her head, confused a bit and put off by Vel.

Chance: Chan: Anyways, so what exactly is a Synod?
Giving Cally a small eyebrow raise.

DMaster: Raff buts in as he walks closer to the edge and looks into the uncovered city.
RAF: It is a group of upper class snoots that rule over a parcel of land for a higher being, or a even snootier snoot.
Frowning a bit, but a small smile forming on Callies face.
CALL: He is correct.
HAM: You are pretty smart when you are not being a dumbass.
Velencia scolds the welf immediately seeing him ready to respond. Hamza has a shit eating grin on his face.

Chance: Shaking my head and just keep looking around, backing off from asking more questions for now.

DMaster: She waves you on and you go up some scaffolding like stairs that teeter a bit but they seem to hold as you climb. You go up about 5 flights
and end on the top of a large hill or a small mountain. Once you are all on the platform:
Looking North all you see is Hills, mountains, some flat lands and some fog rolling in. Even a village or two you think.
Looking South is about the same. Less mountains, a few hills and more rolling plains. Definitely a village and possibly a town.
Looking West is the dig site and it is huge, it looks like they are digging up an entire city.
Looking East though, is the most concerning.

The horizon of red deathChance: Glancing all around then towards the east. I look off into the distance and see what I see.

DMaster: Like the deepest sunset you will ever see, except it is not necessarily of beauty but of desolation. It is a deep red that looks forbidding, hard to see the horizon, and it fades eventually to the light blue sky about mid way up. Everyone ends up looking east and Cally notices.
CALL: Oh, yes. The Red Death. Unfortunately we are fairly close to it.
She leans over a bit and points to the horizon.
CALL: It’s hard to see really, but an Era ago they, well, hmmm, how do I say this, built a moat? That is 1,000 “clicks” long with only a few bridges to pass. This protects them from whatever might try to cross. I have only seen a few things from a distance, but they do not look… real.
She shudders a bit and shakes her head.

Chance: My thoughts go back to that time I dealt with this.

DMaster: VEL: Like they were… golems or something. Kind of look like a creature but not quite…?
Cally’s head snaps to Velencia and she nods.
CALL: Yes, yes. The few I saw, yeah. Though I thought it was just the mist that tricked my eyes.
Velencia shakes her head.
VEL: Oh no. You saw correct. They create these…
She stops looks about the group.
VEL: I will take my own advice and shut up, no one wants to hear me drone on and on.

Chance: Chan: Praise Finster.

DMaster: Hamza snorts as does Raff. Velencia’s eye glows while Khamyra places her hand on the Finsters’ Priestess softly with a chuckle, shaking her head.
KHA: Fair game my dear Priestess, fair game.
Flora is floored just staring across to the east and looking all around.
FLO: The underearth, across the ever-shimmer. I was expecting riches and gold and I found something more valuable than any coin…
They all kind of look at her a bit confused.

Chance: Nod to Flora and look back into the excavated city.

DMaster: Cally points down.
CALL: Well, let’s take a quick walk around and we can head back.
Everyone nods, then she leads everyone down the staircase.

Chance: Give one look back before I follow the group, wondering what is inside that red death, wonder if it could give us an idea of what she is up to right now. Shake head and follow the group.

DMaster: You get to the bottom it was like 12-13 flights. The Ikon Priestess is a bit winded, everyone from your party seems to be doing fine except Flora who is sucking wind. Once recovered you head in:

Walking into this ancient city brings chills to you. The ground is half sand and dust, half stoned. To the right it seems they have not gotten as far as the left, and most of the buildings are still half buried. But you can see old doors, windows, some tables among other things sitting half in the debris. To the left it is much more cleared out. Buildings that you imagine were two floors are now halved, inside most of them seems to be well preserved organization of items whether it be tables, items like flasks, ink wells, books are placed on other tables with signs on them. Looking forward you can not see the end of the road you are on, it is that far away, this was most definitely a City of great size.

CALL: We are now walking on streets that are estimated to be 4,000 years old. Buildings where people lived and worked.
She says this swiping her hand around all excited to tell you guys.

Chance: Chan: wow, if this city could talk the stories I am sure it would have.

DMaster: She nods her head to you.
CALL: But it has been talking, in a way; the things we uncover, the mysteries we stumble across, the mysteries we solve. It is quite a treasure trove of scrolls and archives. We are deciphering them daily. Every day we find out something new.
She is almost skipping along smile on her face, as you look over Flora is almost doing the same. Velencia is smiling at Flora seeing her like this, Khamyra is in wonder taking wide births to peek into the windows or open doorway.
KHA: Books huh? Spell books?
Cally lets out a laugh.
CALL: I do not think so Warlock, this was about the time that Magic was more a nuisance than anything. In addition, the common man did not know it even existed yet.
KHA: Nuisance?
CALL: Oh my, that is quite the story to tell how Magic was really discovered, and why it even exists.
RAFF: The Gods fucked up. That’s how.
The Ikon Priestess whirls around a bit of flair in her eyes.
CALL: You little man, you just speak without thinking?

Chance: Give Hamza and Raff a look and sigh.

DMaster: Rafferty stops, looks at her bleary eyed like he usually does and smirks. Hamza ready to pounce.
RAFF: Am I wrong?
Cally stares at the little bugger for a few seconds, looks down and sighs.
CALL: No. You are… not wrong. But it is much more grey than such a black and white statement.

Chance: Nod my head.
Chan: Many things are. The more complex, the more grey.

DMaster: She snorts softly, turns and continues. You stop in some what appears to be shops, nothing in them but older bookshelves and such. The sun is starting to get higher, the temperature is rising. Cally looks up and frowns.
CALL: We have about a half hour or so before the sun gets too high and this place starts to get uncomfortable.
She leads you down into what looks to be something similar to what was back in the underearth with Ally. Large, pyramid of sorts, flat top. It kind of just appears as you are walking.

Chance: Shaking head wondering what would this world be if Cities like this survived…
Chan: So have you found more of these Temples in other sites Cally?

DMaster: She nods.
CALL: Yes. But very few of these places are above ground. This is just one of two we know of. But we have some intel on a good 10 or more.
You walk in and It’s vast, on the far wall is an area that angles up, and what looks to be an indent of a sword shape. To the left and right are symbols and the biggest is that of Ikon.
KHA: Vel, you ok?
Velencia is wide eyes and in shock.
VEL: I’ve… I’ve been here before, I know I have.
She dips her head rubbing her temple.
VEL: Not sure we should be… here? (quietly) It wasn’t pleasant…

Chance: Look over at Velencia, suppress a giggle. I was waiting for the shit to start, and I think this is probably it.
Chan: So… How could you have been here before?

Velencia thinking and workingDMaster: The Half lizard Priestess shakes her head.
CALL: I don’t think so, I…
Vel interrupts her suddenly as her head snaps up.
VEL: In my dreams, that Finster force feeds me. There is supposed to be a golden sword, hallowed hilt and one of great power there.
She is pointing at the slanted surface. Surprised a bit, Cally walks over to that area and is looking around.

Chance: While she is saying that I will be looking at the symbols on the wall. Keep glancing around making sure nothing else comes about.

DMaster: After a few minutes of thought, Cally turns.
CALL: I believe you speak of the Sword of Chance. But… I barely know anything about it, I have no idea how you would.
The room grows dead quiet, even Raff. Almost like it was practiced, they slowly start looking at you.

Chance: My head snaps when she says that.
Chan: Say what now?
And kind of give a chuckle.

DMaster: Cally looks at everyone odd, shrugs her shoulders. Velencia snorts.
VEL: Chance, really? It’s not the sword of “Chump?”
A few giggles and chuckles. Cally still looks confused.

Chance: Sigh loudly and shake head.
Chan: The sword of Chance? Why am I not surprised. Cally, my given name is actually “Chance.”

DMaster: She looks at you baffled. Even a little surprised.
CALL: Well, from our lore, the Sword of Chance is not a sword of a person named Chance, it is a sword of destiny. Meaning, the wielder is… (chuckle) in for one hell of a ride. Anything can happen, it is all a matter of Chance. Thus the name.

Chance: Eyes get big, smirk.
Chan: (mumble) well sounds about the way my life has been, one hell of a ride.
Then thinking back to the book, looking at Velencia and Khamyra.

DMaster: It kind of feels like both Vel and Khamyra are thinking the same thing. You guys walk to the slanted surface and it was partially uncovered. Some dust is starting to come out and some scraping and crumbling sounds. Cally’s eyes bulge and she jumps back.
CALL: What in hell?

Chance: Waiting to see just what is opening up, hand wrapped tightly around Silent Fate… in the back of my head, screaming “This better not be a goddamn angel coffin!!”

DMaster: Velencia has one of her daggers drawn, tilting her head and squinting looking on.
VEL: Great here we go!
It appears to be, a coffin of sorts. Vel’s eyes bulge, turns to you and pushes you hard.
VEL: FUCK! GO! GO! Get away from it!
Khamyra is frantic, and Cally and Flora are now scared not sure what to do. Raff made quick work of getting to it, and Hamza is looking around for him.

Chance is about to changeChance: Step back a few.
Chan: To late now, it is already opened.
Clench fist, dip head, then go as full champion as I can wanting to protect everyone. Trying to make sure they back up.
Chan: Everyone, back up. I will deal with this!
Walk forward.

DMaster: Velencia realizes it was too late, steps back and slaps her leg hard in disgust.
VEL: Fuck, Nooo… we can’t have an angel coffin open up now. Dam dam dam!
She is waiting for you to have a look. Everyone else is in different levels of preparedness. What you see, it looks just like Cescatia’s. Plain, but most definitely a coffin.

Chance: Drawing my sword and make sure everyone is backing up, my shield goes up as well.
Chan: Not sure which one you are but don’t think I’ll take it easy on you.
Growling that.

DMaster: Cally is wide eyed, hearing this she turns to the group; while backing up.
CALL: An angel coffin? What?

Chance: Chan: Everyone, step away from it. Now.
Peer inside the open area as the dust settles.

DMaster: Velencia makes a decision and heads in, she is already at the edge looking in with you.

Chance: Growl, turn to her with beaming eyes.
Chan: Do you not understand common woman?
Growl again.

DMaster: Growling back with eyes beaming purple, she snap’s back.
VEL: Get bent, chump!
Khamyra a good 20 feet away thinking, she responds.
KHA: Which one would this be, the second one?
Velencia is shaking her head, looking about then glances back.
VEL: Not sure, but there is nothing in here.

Chance: Taking a breath, I move a bit closer. After I look it over, poke my sword in. I change back to normal. Still keeping shield ready as I look around and closer.

DMaster: You look in and there is nothing there, though the lid continues to open; pushing dirt and debris aside and still causing a small dust cloud.
Then two lines of text appear, in a orange flash of light. Then softly it shines, In another language.

Chance: Eyes get big, glance back.
Chan: Can anyone understand what this says?

DMaster: Cally is squinting and then her eyes bulge she stumbles backwards. Her hand slowly covers her mouth and she tilts her head a bit.
CALL: The angel of… Death? Why is that here? Why is this opening?
She says frantically looking around.

Chance: Keep looking to see if anything else happens, stomach sinks.

DMaster: The lid stops moving, a few symbols pop up, then a name, you can’t read it but still your body had this sinking feeling. Things turn a bit foggy and you don’t remember much; just disbelief and questions, lots and lots of questions.

Chance: Wait till I come out of whatever just happened to me.

DMaster: You finally come too, head down, on your knees and your body feels very stiff. You are in the middle of the temple. As you look around, there is no one around you, it is empty. Continuing to look, you see Khamyra is peering in from the outside.

Chance: Looking around shaking my head try to get my bearing.

DMaster: KHA: Hun, is that you?
She gets on her tippy toes, eyes bigger looking in.

Chance: Smirk.
Chan: who else would it be, love.

DMaster: She steps in gingerly,
KHA: Uhh, Atticus perhaps?

Chance: Snap my head to her.
Chan: what?! What in blazes happened?

DMaster: She walks in, you think she has been crying.
KHA: You just transformed, the temple went pitch black and silent except the guttural whispers. I never felt so uncomfortable.
She shudders and continues to walk. Cally peers in too.
CALL: I never knew.
Walking in closer

Chance: Chan: I saw the symbols and a name and then I blacked out.

DMaster: Velencia leans against the door of the half buried temple.
VEL: If I didn’t know you were such a fuck up, I would of been pretty impressed with you right there.

DMaster: Chan: Thanks, skank.
Sigh, look to Cally.
Chan: Never knew what.

DMaster: CALL: That Atticus was betrayed by Immryllion, to get him out of the way so she can take on Animax and…
Velencia walks to the Ikon Priestess.
VEL: Thats right, you understood that language. So that Iron Wench betrayed the betrayer. Ouch, thats gotta hurt.
You get a slight surge of power and it makes you cough. Khamyra finally gets to you and is helping you stand.

DMaster: After coughing.
Chan: Easy on the lore Priestess, my companion here is a bit sensitive to it right now.
Give Khamyra a hug as I stand.

DMaster: Cally is standing apprehensive about everything, staring straight, kind of zoned out. Velencia nudges her making her yelp and jump a bit. The Finster Priestess giggles.
VEL: Want me to tell him?
She shakes her head, Velencia shrugs her shoulders and looks to the Warlock.
KHA: Hun, Cally said… the name that appeared, and probably why your stow-away lost his shit… It was Imryllion, she is, or was, the Angel of Death.
Things stir in you, but you know that you will not lose it again, for now.

Chance: Mouth open wide, eyes wide, butt-hole wide. Look down to Khamyra.
Chan: How? How is that possible?

DMaster: Khamyra is shaking a little, leaning her head on your chest. Your skin is crawling, you are exhausted… but you seem ok otherwise.
VEL: Your body just turned this dark black, and there were like shadowy tentacles bursting from you and…
KHA: VEL! Stop, please…
She shakes her head and her eyes start to well up.

Chance: Shake head, pull Khamyra tighter.
Chan: Damn it, shit just keeps getting deeper. Kind of makes sense though, that Wench didn’t want Atticus to be at his strongest, behind her, in the shadows… she would of had no chance of that happened.
Shaking head at this new information.

DMaster: You get a surge of energy, your “ick” feeling disappears, you feel better and almost confident. Everyone jumps a little when they hear Velencia.
VEL: Ahhh! Yes I did bring it!
Velencia is with Hamza and Raf looking at a piece of paper. Khamyra looks up.
KHA: Hun, are you ok?
Actually right now you feel fantastic. Like you had the perfect nights sleep.

Chance: Chan: okay, is a relative term right now, but I don’t feel all that bad.
Wondering what the hell is going on and how I still don’t fully understand my destined life.
Chan: I wonder if I just sat at home all day, never left the house… if Legon would just crumble or explode.

DMaster: Khamyra pulls back a bit and looks up.
KHA: What?
She says with a little giggle.

Chance: Chan: everywhere I go. This shit happens in some form or another. I just wonder how much the fate of Legon is tied in to me getting into these situations.

DMaster: Velencia glances over.
VEL: Oh, barf. Really? Get over yourself.
Raff stopped looking at the paper and walks slowly to you.
RAFF: That is something I spoke with Rawek about a while back.

Chance: Eyes get big look at the WELF.
Chan: Oh?

DMaster: He nods, contorts his mouth.
RAFF: That there are actors in this world that are so tied into it, that if something drastic would occur… Legon would be doomed.
He snorts and turns back to Hamza and Velencia.
RAFF: Like you could just sit on a couch eating raspberry truffles and scratching your nuts, anyways.

Chance: Shake head.
Chan: No one said anything about scratching my genitalia!

DMaster: The group all lets out a collective laugh or giggle except Cally and Flora for that matter.
CALL: How can you be so… insensitive about this? How…
Rafferty, taps the Ikon Priestesses arm as he passes.
RAFF: They have to be. If they took everything full on, they would all be clinically insane.
The room grows quiet, and the first to nod her head and smile was Velencia.
VEL: There is a ton of truth to that. The things we have seen, the things we have done.

Chance: Nod head as well.
Chan: So you’re telling me that Imryllion is the Angel of Death. That this wretched excuse for a so called goddess is the Final, Legon dooming, Angel of Death.

DMaster: Velencia nods her head. She still looks shocked and scattered. A small shrug of her shoulders as she uncharacteristically doesn’t say a word.
RAFF: Apparently. Didn’t see that coming.
Khamyra grabs your hand and you walk out of the temple. Cally is visibly upset, Flora is still semi wandering around not really worried about Angels, just in awe. Hamza and Raff are splitting a jerky.

Chance: Holding Khamyra’s hand still shaking everything off that just happened.

DMaster: The temperature is rising pretty good. But no one seems to notice too much, everyone in their own level of disbelief. The Finster Priestess mumbling to herself.
VEL: That was the symbol on the angel charts, I am sure of it.
She is looking at the paper she pulled from her pack.
VEL: Yeah, now I know why the name seems to be redacted everywhere. Let’s not announce that the Angel of Death has been free for centuries and oh yeah, its some wack-ass entity that has daddy issues.
Glancing to you.
VEL: The wench has been released for Era’s!

Chance: Chan: I already heard her name a few times since, I am not going full on crazy, but let’s not tempt fate.
Shaking head.

DMaster: RAF: So she just found her way out, found her way to the god plane and almost found her way to ruling this world on her own?
You feel a rumble, but controllable.
RAF: Could not of done that on her own…
VEL: Exactly, wonder how much Ikon is involved.

Chance: Looking at Cally, subside when I feel the rumble.

DMaster: She yells, a little spark in her eyes.
CALL: We are heading back now. We have had enough for today!?
HAM: Just a typical day in the lives of the, what did you call us, Finster Disciples.
He says chuckling a bit.

Chance: Nod my head and chuckle too.
Chan: that is so true, especially when I am involved. But I couldn’t agree more we need to get out of here before anything else happens.

DMaster: Hamza nods his head emphatically. You guys are heading towards the scaffolding, walk up the ramps and stairs. The sun is getting pretty high. It gets hot and stagnant. It is nothing dangerous but seems harder to breath, no air and the heat kicking in.

Chance: Keep following the group as we get closer to the portal.

DMaster: You go up the flights of stairs, Cally is moving with quite a head of steam everyone is trying to keep up. You can tell she is a bit overwhelmed and somewhat angry.

Chance: Thinking to myself I am sure this is gonna lead to a shit show when we go back through, trying to make sure everyone keeps up. I will hold up the rear.

DMaster: You get to the portal, everyone takes a sip of the stuff and goes through. Cally waves you on, she is pretty upset and shell shocked.

Chance: Take my sip and go through as well. Keep moving with the group, processing everything in my head as we are moving.

DMaster: You make it back to the temple, people are working on the wall and the tiger creature is chasing what looks like a rodent up and down the far hallway.

Chance: Still going over everything in my head, not knowing what to say at the moment.

DMaster: CALL: I am sorry I am just out of sorts right now, and I am unsure what to do. Not to be rude but, please… leave.
She points the way you came, then glances to you.
CALL: But before you go can I talk with you Champion.
Everyone wide eyes and shrugs their shoulders starts to move off towards the exit. Velencia mumbling something about her being a bitch.

Chance: Sigh and give her a look.
Chan: I suppose we should talk Cally.
Look to the group.
Chan: I will catch up with you all shortly.

DMaster: They nod and move off, the snake creatures opening the doors.
CALL: I was pretty thrown with the idea that an angel of all things has been released into the world. I know that does not bod well, it is where it starts. But the angel of death and it being… well, you know who.
She says shaking her head slowly and letting out a sigh.

Chance: Chan: Considering this is the 2nd one, we are even that much closer…

DMaster: You get interrupted with a gasp and wide eyes from the Ikon Priestess.
CALL: Two? There are TWO out there now?

Chance: Nod head and shrug my shoulders.
Chan: Yes, Cescatia, the Angel of Blood.

DMaster: Her eyes bulging now and a visible shake. She is shaking her head.
CALL: This can’t be, I would of known about it surely?

Chance: Snort.
Chan: Don’t bank on it…

DMaster: Her annoyance of everything takes over from her disbelief and she grunts, clenches her fist.
CALL: Cescatia has been released? You are sure it was an angel and it was Cescatia?

Chance: Chan: Yes. Priestess. Yes. I am more sure of it as I was the one who found her. Edwin was the one who sent me looking for her, found her and released her not realizing who she truly was.
Looking down and sighing.

DMaster: She glances up with an odd look, taps her chin.
CALL: Edwin… really?
Trying to shake herself out of this craziness she was plunged into.
CALL: You have to be a child of Ikon…
She stops and looks, backs up.
CALL: Sorry, sorry I know you don’t like to be called that.

Chance: Nod head.
Chan: The whirlwind of my life the past 2 years, I try to protect myself from crazy people and situations. As you can see it doesn’t really work. But, Ikon is one of them… but I am trying to come to terms with it.

DMaster: CALL: I believe you are what our lore calls the Aspirant. The waker of Angels. But we did not know you were also the champion of Finster. I am not sure how you have The Night Assassin in you, a much darker part that I am unsure about, but you have a lot going on.

Chance: Smile and nod.
Chan: It is just a certain stowaway I have, that doesn’t really like certain people.
Glancing back to the party then back to her.

DMaster: She nods.
CALL: I am sure it will be revealed to me when the time comes.

Chance: Chan: I have so many questions to ask, but don’t even know where to begin. Plus I fear my time has ran out for now.

DMaster: She nods her head and softly smiles.
CALL: Go now, I am sure Ikon will find a way to speak with you again. Maybe explain a few things.
She finishes off with a raised eyebrow.

Chance: Chan: I am not sure after our last conversation if he is in a rush to speak with me again.
Sigh and give her a chuckle.
Chan: But now, maybe I can get more of a control over my fate or destiny now that I do have a few answers to who I am.

DMaster: She is in deep thought nodding her head. Velencia opens her loud mouth.
VEL: Come on Chump! Are you reciting a Dwarven Limerick of some shit? Time to go!
Her voice echoes through the chamber. DM: A Dwarven limerick is known for its 96 stanza’s and unoriginal content. It takes a long time to finish and people usually fall asleep listening.

Chance: Sigh and shake my head.
Chan: Thank you for everything. I hope we can speak again under better circumstances.
Reach out my hand.

DMaster: She looks at it, smiles and shakes her head at your hand.
CALL: I appreciate the thought, but I’d rather not – not after a day like today.

Chance: Chuckle and nod.
Chan: Understandable.

DMaster: You walk over to the group that was a good 300-400 feet away. They have one of the bottles to help with the portal. Its a little meeting, they are all grouped together. You get to them in the middle of the conversation.
VEL: …You realize that this is an easy way for the followers of the ol’ wench to make their way around Legon. We will have to find a way to secure it before the Eve.
Khamyra realizing that, her eyes pop open.
KHA: I think we will have to figure out a way to find all of them, so we know some of the locations.

Chance: Chan: yes, but what about sigils?

DMaster: Everyone sighs.
VEL: They are limited, but can be manipulated. The ones we were dealing with with the Dragons and such, were called skip-portals. It would automatically jump us to one portal and then to another. It is something I have yet to figure out, but it is the only answer to why we traveled so far with a simple sigil.
KHA: Not to mention blood magic always has an extra kick.
After a minute, Velencia lets out a laugh, that chills everyone.
VEL: Oh, that Cally is so naive, living in a temple for how long? This is Immryllion we are talking about, probably killed hundreds if not thousands of people just to keep a water funnel going for a short time. She would wipe the floor with her and not think twice. Now that we know the old Angel of Death is linked with, what did you call him Chump, the fat fuck?
Everyone is nodding their head, smirking and chuckling.

Chance: Shake head. Mumble.
Chan: Being a god you would think they would want to be in better shape…

DMaster: RAFF: This will take a considerable work force to secure these areas.
VEL: Yes, but unfortunately something we will have to do. As I see it they will need a way to transport hundreds, thousands of their stinky troops to our side, and I don’t see anything that would work better than this. It is a real concern for Finster and that douche Animax. We, WILL, be back to learn more and or to secure it.

Chance: Look a little stunned.
Chan: well. She is right. This would be the best way for them to travel.

DMaster: KHA: Yeah, the Snake people or whatever they are called would be nothing more than collateral damage. Maybe we should go back and let her know that we have been dealing with this bitch for a while, and to take our help. They will lose a lot less lives that way, and possibly help with the amount of people needed for this. Vel sighs and looks at all of you.
VEL: Let me get a plan in order first, get an idea of how massive this is going to be. Rawek can help with that. Plus I have a few things to attend to.

DMaster: They are standing at that entrance. You head back, everyone takes a sip of that concoction and on through the portal. Once everyone is through they head back down the hallway and up the stairs. Everyone seems to be able to walk through the barrier on their own. A weird dizziness hits most but they make it up the stairs. Raff stops mid way up the stairs, walks back down much to Hamza’s displeasure.
HAM: Come on Raff, I’m really tired man, just want too…
RAF: Shut your hole, I just want to see something.
Hamza getting red faced turns and heads down after him. As the group emerges from the little mausoleum, they can hear Hamza and Raff talking.
RAFF: I kind of figured, that is one major spell or incantation.
Everyone glances back.
HAM: Can’t get through the barrier. Its a one-way apparently.
RAF: Unlike Velencia’s ass.
The group grows quiet, Raff looks around and then steps behind Hamza who is doing everything in his power not to laugh. As everyone glances to Velencia, she looks tired, shakes her head.

Chance: Chuckle a bit, but not saying much as we get back outside the mausoleum.

DMaster: Flora and the Priestess grab hands and heads back to the Inn. Velencia is quiet and seems to be in deep thought. Khamyra snuggles up to you a bit, everyone seems to be a bit tired and shell shocked. The horizon is just spawning a touch of pink, you guess it is about 5am.

Chance: Look up to the horizon and just wrap an arm around Khamyra, smirk and go full champion.

DMaster: VEL: Well let’s get back to the Inn, I have to wake Rawek up. He is going to shit pellets when he hears about this.
Khamyra and Raff start to giggle, Hamza snorts.

Chance: Just shake my head.
Chan: well to say this wasn’t interesting would be an outright lie.

DMaster: They all nod their head. Khamyra takes your hand you guys walk back to the Inn.
VEL: Really? Dumbass. Let’s not advertise ok?

Chance: Look around shrug shoulder.

DMaster: VEL: Why are you in full chump mode? Tone it down.

Chance: Oh yeah, was feeling tired.

DMaster: VEL: Well, I feel horny but you don’t see me ripping off Flora’s panties now do you.
Hamza takes a quick glance at Flora’s backside only to get a glare from the Priestess. Everyone through the Inn and piles into the room giggles and snorts.

Chance: Chan: Fine fine.
Turn of Champ mode. Wishing I could just go to sleep.

Mondalay (Monday) 4:00 AM

DMaster: Flora says goodbye and the group makes their way back to Velencia’s place. Once out of the sigil, she looks and Rawek was already at a table sifting through things. You guys look on.
VEL: You’ll never guess what we found!
RAW: (squawk) uh-oh.

Chance: Chan: well as much as I hate to say this I don’t want to listen to you drone on and on Priestess.
Giving her a small smirk.

DMaster: She waves you off.
VEL: Fucking Imryllion is the Angel of Death!
A look from Rawek almost makes you laugh out loud, an absolutely confused baffled look. Looks at you guys to see if this was a practical joke or something.

Chance: Chan: well, that isn’t all now is it?
Chuckle to myself. Giving her a look before grabbing Khamyra’s hand.
Chan: Unless you still have need of me…

DMaster: She waves you off as she is walking for Rawek.
KHA: Let’s get home hun.

Chance: Chan: yes. I miss the kiddos.
As we are walking out I am telling Khamyra what Ally told me about myself.

DMaster: KHA: An aspirant, well in a few days you should tell Velencia or Rawek, so they can look it up. I will have a quick peak at the colleges library as well to see too.
She yawns as you guys are walking.
KHA: What a friggen night…

Chance: Chan: yes let’s get you home sleepy-head. I am sure I will need to have a talk with Finster soon, unless Velencia gets the message first.
Shake off the sleep a little.

DMaster: It is a gorgeous day, it is absolutely clear, the horizon is a bit pink, but the rest is blue sky. Unseasonably warm around 60 degrees with light winds. It was a pleasant ride home. The time is around 6 AM when you get to the stables. Then head in and for home.

Chance: Walk hand and hand with Khamyra back to the house.

DMaster: The city is bustling for a Mondalay morning. Make it to your mansion, walk in, It’s quiet. A knock on the door makes both of you jump.

Chance: See who is at the door.

DMaster: A runner stands there, tilts his head and sighs.
RUN: There you are.

Chance: Put my hand up.
Chan: Let them know I will be in first thing tomorrow morning. Things came up and…

DMaster: The runner is shaking his head as to say no.

Chance: Chan: I will repeat myself but only once.
Growl, let my eyes flair a little.
Chan: I will be in tomorrow morning, that is all they need to know.

DMaster: He backs a second and nods his head. You shut the door, drop off my gear and stay quiet.

Chance: Whisper
Chan: Why don’t you try to get some sleep, love, I am not quite tired yet.

DMaster: She gives you an odd look, takes your hand and walks you up the stairs to your room. DM: Todd rolls a quiet test and gets a 10. Then rolls for sleep and gets a 15.Not bad you both make it to the room without waking anyone up, climb into bed.

Chance: Quit thinking about everything for now and just cuddle up to Khamyra.

DMaster: You sleep pretty good, end up waking up around 1:30 PM to a pan dropping and a kid crying downstairs. Khamyra is already on the side of the bed laughing,

Chance: Big smile goes to my face.
Chan: well I am up now… well not that way. (snort)

DMaster: KHA: Back at it. One day after finding out about the world being that much more dangerous and in peril… we are heading down to change diapers and snuzzle lil’ ones.

Chance: Smile wide.
Chan: mmmm, snuzzle my babies. I for one welcome it over any of that stressful garbage. Let’s go see the kiddos before anything else gets thrown at us.

DMaster: She smiles, leans over gives you a kiss and heads for the door. She heads down stairs.
What do you do today?

Chance: I make a point to make some notes about our latest exploit’s, go visit mine and Finster’s spot for making some notes. I will head to the Dahlia and then spend as much time with the family as possible. Make it a point to tell Khamyra where I am going after helping with the kids for awhile.

DMaster: It is still clear very warm almost 70. she looks at you weird but nods. You are at the dahlia. The guards recognize you and let you in. It’s quiet and empty.

Chance: Make my way inside and head to where my office is. Making sure to light a candle or a lamp so I can see to sit down and write down all the thoughts and information in my head.

DMaster: It is a bit messy but you seem to get all your thoughts on a parchment. Your office is in front of a large window and you watch people walk by on this nice day. You head out, grab Toby and ride to the stump. You sit and then remember what a hard time he had before. I don’t even need to roll, nothing happens, but you get a wood sliver up your ass.

Chance: Chan: Ouch, dammit.
Make my way back home and put Toby inside the stables and head back to the mansion, take my notes upstairs before spending time with the family.

DMaster: You have a wonderful dinner, spend time with the kids, Khamyra and Novie. The night gets dark, and you feel sleepy.

Chance: Try to get a poke in before sleep.

DMaster: I rolled for Khamyra’s willingness to spread her love petals, and she got a 13. So he had to beat 13 or else just beat himself instead. He rolls a 10. Wahhh wahhh wahhh. Time for lotion. But he rolls a 16 for sleep, so he slept well at least.

Tuskalay (Tuesday) 7:00 AM

DMaster: You wake hearing the crier. He has a nice voice, is polite unlike Greyshale.
CRY: Clouds moving in, wind picking up, rain and storms on it’s way, still unseasonably warm… get up It’s 7am!

Chance: Sit up hearing the crier and shrug shoulders, rise and shine and go clean myself, shave, shit, etc. and get dressed.
Chan: Should be interesting to see if I get spanked for yesterday with the Black Ward.

DMaster: Khamyra fitting her shirt in her pants chuckles.
KHA: You? I have asshat Dean I will contend with. If it wasn’t for Cassie, he would be nothing but a scorch mark on a wall by now.

Chance: Stare at her, blink a few times.
Chan: Damn.
Get ready and before heading to the Dahlia. Making it a point to grab my notes too.

DMaster: You get ready, give the kiddos a kiss, Novie a hug, Khamyra a kiss and off you go.

Chance: Not like it takes me long to get there anyways, make my way inside the Dahlia.

DMaster: It is a few minutes before 8am. Everyone is there, they are standing about the table, coffee in their hands, food is on the table. Everyone looks up and smiles.
CAR: Mornin’ part timer! Err… Chance!

Chance: Smile & nod. Even chuckle.
Chan: Good morning Carver.

DMaster: Emeric glances over after taking a bite of a breakfast sandwich.
EME: Ahh there he is. Morning. Took an extra day off eh?

Chance: Chan: Morning all, hope I didn’t miss anything. Sorry about Monday, got back too late.
Giving my patent smirk, make my way over to the table.

DMaster: Points to the food, then the chair and Emeric looks about the room.
EME: Now that we are all here, sit, let’s start this.

Chance: Nod my head, grab a sandwich and sit down. Make it a point to put the notes in my belt for now.

DMaster: Bastian gets to the table, he is all smiles, flushed and giddy.

Chance: Look over and give a big smirk. Poor dude just had the night of his life most likely.

DMaster: EME: The tunnels are being scouted, and some of the areas that have been caved in our getting dug out, by now if there was anything there. I doubt it is now.
He is looking through some notes.
EME: You getting this Sakine?
SAK: Oh… every word boss.
Everyone giggles a little, Emeric rolls his eyes.
SAK: But shouldn’t we fill in the Champ here? Since he wasn’t here Saturday?
EME: Ahhh yes, something new is coming about and it appears we seem to be the division that goes after missing people, we have now a 4th one confirmed, possibly 5th that has gone missing from a pub.

Chance: Nod, look over and keep listening.

DMaster: BAST: The latest reports we are getting is that the victims are with friends, then they “meet” someone away from them, at the bar, bathroom, where ever and then they vanish.
Carver nods his head, and looks about.
CAR: Most likely they figured they hooked up, get a little strange…
Bastian smiles, still blushing a little and nods.
BAST: A day later they are still missing, then they come to us with a missing person’s account and… it is not easy to track right now. By the time they realize this, report it, that sends us back a day or two. We have a report of a fifth one but we are unsure, but it is in the pit and a week or so ago.

Chance: Look over to Bastian.
Chan: These new cases aren’t like the one previous, are they?

DMaster: Shakes his head.
EME: No, the others were random, general missing, the only thing that is the same it is in or around the Pit. Every account is focused around pubs.
VER: Not the same Pub? Different ones?
EME: Yes different, Bast?
BAST: Well, 4 are missing between 2 pubs and the 5th is also from one of those two, so at least we have a little bit of a lead.

Chance: Chan: a little bit but not much help, I for one would like a much better lead than just two pubs. Maybe some witnesses would be a plus.

DMaster: BAS: Oh sure we can ask Khamyra to swing over and magic us some evidence perhaps?
Everyone giggles and looks over to you.

Chance: Shake head.
Chan: No, no… or, wait.
Cock my head a bit, smile.
Chan: I wonder if she could do that?

DMaster: Everyone chuckles, and is in a state of wonder. Emeric interrupts.
EME: We have a few associates, friends or family. Everyone gear up, we are heading over to the Castle where the latest POI is being held.

Chance: Nod my head and gear up. Make it a point to stash my notes on my desk for now before getting back to the group.

DMaster: You make it a point, like your mini wiener sausage, to keep the notes safe. You guys all meet back up to the room, head out to the castle.
EME: We will make a quick visit to the castle to get any info from the POI’s, then head to the pubs, we have the owners waiting.

Chance: Nod my head and let Emeric take the lead

DMaster: Nice, letting Emeric take the lead. Like there was a choice in the matter. You stop in at the castle, people walking through. Cassie is in the entrance now talking with Emeric. Everyone has wide eyes looking over the group dressed in black standing in the entrance way. You get a tug on your arm.

Chance: Turn and see who is tugging at my arm.

DMaster: It’s Birgetta.
BIR: Hey stud what’s going on…
She looks about, then to your symbol on your armor and then back to you.
BIR: Uh oh, why you guys here?
She says with a little stammer and she is looking nervous.

Chance: Look around then give her a soft smile.
Chan: Well, you know I can’t discuss that; being Dahlia business and all.

DMaster: She nods, everyone glances over to you two. A few surprised that you know each other so well.
BIR: Well, if we are all about to die, you would tell me right?

Chance: Smirk and shrug my shoulders.
Chan: I am pretty sure we wouldn’t be having this conversation if there was that kind of danger silly.

DMaster: Everyone giggles. She blushes a little gives you a hip bump.

Chance: Chan: It’s nothing like that, just checking on some information is all.
Shaking head and chuckle, give the hip bump back and straighten back up; look more work like.

DMaster: She gives you a small hug and heads out. Cassie explained that the two “witnesses” were friends of the missing, they were told they met someone, they disappeared. Both thought they hooked up but It’s been days now. Nothing else, no visuals or descriptions. Cassie gives you a quick hug and a hello.

Chance: Give her a hug back as well, and then follow the group to wherever our next destination is.

DMaster: You guys head into the pit and…