Grimble Thorn

Previously In The Last Adventure:

The Kingdom is on pins and needles with a surprise rightful heir to the throne. Some typical work for Black Ward and the Dahlia. Talia has a surprise visit and gets reacquainted with Carver. But Chance has a nightmare that converts over in the real world and scares everyone. The EP ends with Chance and Khamyra talking with Velencia and the possible revelation that Chance is Ikons child.

NSFW Warning / Bad Grammar

This text will contain language not suitable for some people. It is merely an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. We are not trying to be the next J.R.R. Tolkien, so there will be misspelled words, fragmented sentences and things that just don’t make sense. Once in a while there will be some nudity and sexual themes, you will be warned ahead of time. Just read, enjoy and have fun!

Main Characters

EP#93 Grimble Thorn

EP#93 Grimble Thorn

Part One: An Origin Story Of Sorts

Chance with the possibilitiesChance looking straight out, “So does that mean, I… am an angel?” He stumbles a little on the words, realizing this makes the most sense. That he was born from something not of this plane.

The group looks around, and an odd quiet is upon them as no one really knows what to say to that.

Khamyra is rubbing her husbands arm, when Chance shakes his head slowly, still staring.

“Angel?” Rawek says, pausing a moment, “well…”

“You got to be fucking kidding me,” The Champion says with a head shake, then turns and walks out of the room.

“Uh, chump, we ain’t done talking…” Velencia started but couldn’t finish by the look in Khamyra’s angry face.

Velencia leaning into Chance, againThe Warlock jabs back, “Velencia, come on!”

Blindly he makes his way out into the open air section of the Priestesses lair. His eyes misting up a little, trying to keep himself under control. Everything about his birth mother seems to effect Chance in ways he did not think it would, and many times it becomes overwhelming.

The quarter elf stands in the middle, looks up to the half cloudy sky; a few twinkles of stars here and there. Not sure what to think, not sure what to do, if anything.

Meanwhile back in the War-room, Velencia shifts a bit getting impatient. “He didn’t have any idea? Like none?” The Priestess asks the Warlock, raising an eyebrow.

Shaking her head, the Onyx Elf replies, “what idea? His whole life he knew that this Catalina woman gave birth to him in the isles, and was handed over to his real mother shortly after. He just recently found out, his birth mother died, then all that extra information like their birth date matching, flowers and now…”

Khamyra laying into VelTilting her head back, letting out a sigh. Khamyra continues, “She was barren, but still gave birth. Even then, why would he even think anything other than she just was not barren? (pause) Ikon does seem like the best explanation as of now, but…”

Velencia glances over to Rawek to find him not there and double takes, “Dammit, where did that stealthy bird waddle off too now?”

Back in the open air area of the compound.

“Champion,” a voice comes from behind the Quarter Elf, it makes him jump a little. A small head shake, knowing it is the invoker.

Taking a deep sigh, Chance walks to a bench by a quickly changing tree that has leaves bright red, orange and half of them are on the ground.

Rawek walks over, stands in front of him leaning heavily on his staff.

Rawek talking with the Champion“Thoughts?” the half bird, half man asks, giving a quick look around to make sure no one else is there.

A long silence as Chance has his hands clasped in front, leaning forward off his knees. “About what? That I have a god as a.. father? Well, he wouldn’t be a father, he would be my mother I suppose, arg, what the hell am I even saying,” he finishes with frustration, leaning back and scoffing.

Nodding his head, the bird continues, “there are a few things I found or have questions about, that I left out of the conversation with my Priestess. You know how she can go off running with things without thinking.”

A slight smile and a chuckle escapes from Chance, glancing to the bird realizing that his guidance since his re-emergence has been point on. Getting his bearings about him, responds to Rawek, “you don’t say? (pause) and what things? I am afraid to ask.”

“How you found this Cescatia, that’s her name, for one. I know this Edwin contacted you but…” he continues but gets interrupted.

Nodding his head, “yup. He is an angel too, given to Animax by his big brother.” The large man finishes out.

The out door facilityA small scoff, the Invoker continues, impressed that the quarter elf already knows this, “correct. But some how he knew you could find this angel, bring her out of her, well for lack of better terms, slumber. But to what end?”

Nodding his head, leaning forward again, arms on his legs. The Champion deep in thought.

“Another one is your name ‘Chance,’ not going to lie, was a bit of a curiosity for me since the day we met,” Rawek continues, trying to gauge the Champions mannerisms, “but it might be more significant than we think. I don’t mean to lay out things that are vague, but…”

Chances head snaps up, eyes big, “anything Rawek, any info. I appreciate you telling me. I just need as much information as I can get.”

The Invoker nods his head and watches as Chance stands up in frustration.

“I am tired of being one step behind, or finding out on a whim some crazy revelation about me, my birth or my… destiny. This ‘destined’ thing is pure bullshit, it is like I don’t have my own life,” Chance says ranting away, flailing his arms around.

Rawek walks to the Champ, touches his arm and that makes the big man stop and look down.

“My Champion, destiny is a two way road. It is true there are times you are pushed in a direction you never wanted to go, but destiny does not hold any true sway over you,” the bird says glancing way up to the man with haunting eyes, scars on his face and a tired look about him, “it is you, that has control over destiny and it has to catch up. As the Champion you have more control over that than anyone else on Legon, even if it doesn’t feel like it.”

The Quarter Elf scrunches his forehead, looks across the landscape, “really?”

Nodding his head the Kenku continues, “yeah, I know it might feel like Fate has you by the short hairs, figuratively speaking, but you are blazing your own path… and fate be damned, it has to work around you, around your life and around your decisions.”

Chance more confused than ever“What should I do about this Ikon thing then,” the tall man says, taking a deep breath and glancing down.

Shrugging his shoulders, Rawek replies, “my suggestion is, nothing right now. It is not 100% confirmed and we just don’t know enough about it.”

Chance squats down next to the bird, and smiles. Puts his hand on his shoulder, “I never had a chance to thank you for what you did for me down in the fires…”

Rawek gives him an inquisitive look.

“You bugged the shit out of them, and that made them take notice. Otherwise…” clenching jaw, looking down, “I would be nothing more than a pile of skin and bones in some chamber in their halls.”

A long moment and they look at each other, “of course. You are our Champion, you are my Champion. It is my duty,” the Kenku responds.

“Even so, thank you for that and your guidance over the past year or so, it has been invaluable.” Chuckles a bit, Chance went to continue but Velencia’s harsh voice can be heard down the entrance.

The small bird-man just nods, for a moment he is stunned and a smile comes across his bird beak. A proud feeling and look on his face. Leans a bit more on his staff, glances over to the entrance.

“There you are! Come on, we don’t have all day!” Velencia says storming out into the open area looking around. Khamyra following close behind looking somewhat angry.

Velencia giving Chance some hellChance sighs, nods his head and the group heads back in to the war room.

“Do I need to lock the door up, or are you going to stay and talk this time?” Velencia barbs as they are getting back into it, standing around the table.

Shaking his head, “if I had ear plugs for you, then there will be no worry about me leaving again,” the quarter elf finishes with a bit of whip.

Resting bitch face, tilted head and a scoff is all he gets in return from the tattooed woman.

“Rawek, care to continue now?” the Priestess says watching him get on the stool, “maybe we do need to lock the door, not for Chance but for you…” she finishes with a bit of playfulness.

The War Room and ResearchHe smiles and nods. Looks about the room.

“Before my little, well, transformation,” Rawek starts, shifts a bit, “I found out about Ikon, and that fascinated me to no end. Most of my free time was to explore and research what gods there were. Growing up you only heard of Animax, so finding out about Ikon… with all that reading, that actually led me to Finster and when we finally met he explained these weird powers I had.”

Rawek stops a moment remembering fondly that time of his life, then continues, “from my research Ikon creates his angels with that terrascre. Molds them, then he… programs them for lack of better terms to what he needs.”

Khamyra glances to her husband to gauge how he is doing and surprisingly she finds him calm and alert, listening to the conversation.

The Warlock happy to see her husbandWith a pause in the action, Chance gets their attention.

“Last night,” he starts, clenching his jaw and looking down.

Khamyra rubs his arm, “it’s ok hun…”

Velencia gets a shit eating grin on her face, “hey, it happens to the best of them, am-i-right?” She blurts out starting to laugh.

Shaking his head, flushing a bit, the Champion starts in, “I had a dream… well, not really a dream. Something that dealt with Cescatia and Ikon, and…” then he proceeds to tell the room what happened in this vision & dream.

Afterwards, Velencia and Rawek exchange glances, and the Priestess nods, “that about puts the nail in that coffin, wouldn’t you say?”

A Chance Encounter book“It kind of does,” the hooded bird says, leafing through a book, “you are connected to Ikon.”

“We know how he makes his angels, so our theory is that you had to share everything with your mother because Ikon did not have the raw tools to work with. He had to make due to what was available, and that was your birth mother,” the bird says, looking everyone over, then back to Chance, “the only thing you got from your fathers contributions is looks, from what we gathered.”

Khamyra giving the bird an odd look, “so, that explains why he shares so much with his mother, Ikon just used her body as…”

Scoffing a bit Velencia adds in, “the blueprint. Surprised you ended up a man, though that is still in question…”

The room grows quiet, and Velencia gives an odd and confused look, even blushes a bit, expecting something to be said back, or hell, even a chuckle.

She glances to Chance who was the only one reacting and he is looking a bit down, smile on his face and suppressing a chuckle.

“I see that everyone is in such a great mood, but, anyways!” She blurts out, “I think we know enough about Chumps origin story, let’s talk Grimble Thorn shall we?”

Part Two: Grimble Thorn

Chance is staring at the Priestess shaking his head.

“Wat? Wat now chump?” the woman in a push up top, comfortable wear and a scowl on her face barbs to the Champ who has an eyebrow raised.

“Uh, you are the one yelling and ranting, I think it might be you, who is not in a good mood…” Chance says leaning a bit forward, putting a playful smirk on his face, “or it’s that time of month, you know.”

Khamyra scoffs and nudges the large man, and Velencia shakes it off.

The Priestess rolls out a fairly large map. There is a circle inside a circle inside a circle drawn on it. She points at the center.

“That there, is our goal, and it is no bigger than,” she pauses a moment and looks around, “this room. It is literally a solid stone concrete shed.”

Rawek nods, “reminds me of a mausoleum, but it seems too small for that.”

Just then the Champions head sags, “a mausoleum? Meaning… ghost, ghouls and skeletons then?”

All three nod to him, “Most likely, it is one of the main reasons why Grimble Thorn has dwindled from a decent size town, down to a make-shift village. Most of the houses and businesses near this has boarded up and is vacant.”

Leaning back giving the map another look, “So this graveyard was just in the middle of their town? Odd place to put it really,” Chance says.

Chance pondering on why he has a stinky butt hole width=Raising an eyebrow and a chuckle, “Chump, know your beloved Camerondale much? They have a huge graveyard in the middle of their city,” Velencia finishes off with a bit of whip.

“You’re right,” rubbing his chin, scrunching his forehead, “not exactly a great idea…”

Khamyra laughs a little, “listen not every graveyard is haunted or filled with undead, in fact most of them are not. It has to have some sort of power that allows ‘things’ to come alive. So it just leads more credence to what could possibly be in, or under, that mausoleum shed. It has to be powerful enough to set these undead alive. Well, if there are undead of course.”

Rawek nodding his head, “exactly Warlock. Not to mention we picked this weekend for just such an occasion…”

“Yup. The moons are in place,” the Priestess glances over to Rawek who is looking in a book.

“When Oriash blocks Zadkeil’s path completely, only then will the lock appear,” the bird says with a flourish and a smirk.

Chance looking a little confused, glances to his wife who looks up to him.

“Oh, Zadkeil is the largest moon, Oriash is the smaller moon,” she says shrugging her shoulders, “not sure how they were named but it must of happened centuries ago.”

Wrinkling his mouth, “what about the odd one, the one that looks like it was hit with a hammer,” the Champion asks looking the three over.

Poor representation of RawekRawek shrugs his shoulders, “that, is unknown. To be honest it is very hard to see and it always seems to be cloaked by Legon in some way. So they might not of even known it existed at the time.”

“It does look beat up and disabled, maybe we can call it ‘Chance?'” Velencia says quickly, grabs a book and mock starts to flip pages.

The Invoker and Khamyra both get a little red faced trying not to laugh, but Chance just smirks and shakes his head.

“The bigger problem, is getting to the center,” the Priestess says with a sigh and a shake of her head, “Hamza just scouted the area and told me that it is heavily guarded and patrolled. So strolling in the front gate might not be an option.”

Velencia looks up to a large man with beaming eyes, scowl on his face, “and I am guessing Hamza did not ride all the way there and ride all the way back…” he finishes with a growl.

The Warlock confused, “hun, what are you talking about?”

Rawek chirps, glances to Velencia who is oddly in an indecision with what to say, so he chimes in, “we are using sigils again. I am guessing our Champion is not exactly lining up to jump in one.”

“So we haven’t learned our lesson yet I see,” the Quarter Elf scowls, “I can’t afford to be zapped all over Legon Velencia, let’s just take a horse ride to this Grimble Thorn, eh?”

The Priestess’s shoulders sag, glances to Khamyra for some support.

Testing out the sigils“It’s easily a 10-12 hour ride, so that would not leave us with a lot of time. It is directly west of Del Rosa, just south of Nezzondale,” Khamyra says, leaning in a little, “I’d rather not be riding for a full day if we do not have too.”

Chance steps back and turns, walks to another table shaking his head. Remembering how it went so bad the last time.

“Listen, I still don’t have an answer for why or how that Saggy bitch knew to draw the sigil,” Velencia started,her face getting flush, “but I have designed a new one that no one but myself, Rawek and Khamyra know about. We have tested it a hundred times, ask Hamza on how much he hates me right now and…”

Shaking his head still looking the other way, Chance just lets out a sigh.

“I know we haven’t talked about that, well, mishap. But… I… am sorry. I fucked up alright?” She finally professes with a loud scoff. Rawek, Khamyra and even Chance: wide eyes and mouth open, in shock.

A smirk grows across the Champions face, shielded to everyone and he realizes, this is not the time for back and forths. He just turns his head a bit and says, “thank you for apologizing. Rawek is right I am in no hurry to go sigil jumping, but if we are taking the correct precautions and…”

He goes to finish but Velencia, trying to get her higher ground back, interrupts, “yes, yes, of course I did. Can we just get on with it now. Everything has to be so over dramatic.”

Shaking his head, he wanted to barb back but decided against it. Chance turns and walks back to the table where they start to go over some of the mundane things like equipment, weapons, and a rough plan to get in.

After some discussion; Khamyra is looking down at her breasts and back to Velencia, “uh, I am not sure I will need my breasts this time.”

A slap to the forehead, Chance could not contain a giggle, “with your beauty and those bangers, we could probably get into Grim-eyes treasure vault in minutes,” he finishes off blushing a bit.

Velencia is nodding her head, wide eyes staring at the Warlocks chest that has a nice showing of cleavage. Rawek is just shaking his head.

Khamyra looks down at her breasts again, with a smirk and gives both of them a honk. Chance and Velencia both break out in giggles.

“So we prepare for undead, at least for getting in,” Chance starts, then stops and sighs, “that is why you wanted to use the sigils, this is a two part dive isn’t it? Riding back and forth would not give us enough time.”

Giving the tall quarter elf a look, the Priestess nods her head. “Unless they let us stroll right in, or the graveyard is dormant, yes. I wouldn’t want to head into that mausoleum without all my spells and I am sure Khamyra would want all her mana.”

Pulling out some square parchments, the tattooed woman flips them on the table, “your little buddy gave me a great idea.”

“My little buddy?” Chance says raising an eyebrow.

“Yes, Immryllion, she…” is all she got out when a burst of light hits her and she backs up, snaps her head to the Champion.

Chance turning on a whimHalf dark, half light, veins ripping through him and making Khamyra wince and back up a bit, “she… is not my buddy,” Chance says in a growl that echoes across the room, almost doing things out of his control.

Velencia, jumps forward, puts both hands on the table and leans in staring at the man, then yells “get your powers in check chump! You’re going to hurt someone with you going all crazy eyes unabridged!”

Snapping back, he shakes his head and takes a deep breath.

Khamyra is standing a few feet away looking down and shaking her head, “it’s getting worse, isn’t it?”

Chance stands there defeated a bit, hanging his head, “I hear that name and something triggers in me…”

“Something, or… some one?” Rawek says softly, looking at the Champion from under his hood.

Invoker and Champion just stare at each other for a moment only to get interrupted by Velencia.

“Finsters morning star!” the Priestess yells, “enough about Chump and his bad decisions, we need to wrap this up. I am tired and cranky and…”

Chance scoffs, and smiles, “I knew it, that time of the month.”

Then he turns to his wife who slowly looks up to her husband. “I am sorry my love, it’s a knee jerk reaction and…”

“Jerk being the key word in all that,” Velencia interrupts, standing straight up and starting to look at her nails.

Mid sentence Chance stops, Khamyra braces for the retaliation but gets her husbands hand to her chin instead. It is lifted and she gets a soft powerful amazing kiss.

Afterwards she buries herself into the large man in a long hug, enjoying his company, his warmth and his love.

“I’m going to be sick,” the Priestess says getting impatient.

Rawek chirps a little at the Priestess and has a big smile under his hood as he continues to read and research.

Eventually the group gets back to it, Velencia slides four pieces of square parchment, and lines them up to unveil a mini sigil. She says a word or two, waves her hand, drops an empty ink well on it and “poof” it disappears. Everyone wheels around and sees the item on a table across the room.

“It works, and I figure it would be good for things we don’t want to carry. I made about 5 of them. They can be used a few times but then they get too worn,” Velencia says kind of rambling, grabbing the papers and looking at them; they appear to be slightly singed.

She glances up to see Chance looking somewhat impressed, and she smirks. “By the way, not sure they work on anything… living,” she says with a wide eyed odd response.

Rawek scoffs and chirps, and the Warlock and Champion glance at each other.

“So these sigils would not work on children?” Chance says, giving her a look.

Giving him a scowl, “did I stutter? Jebus. The sigil is not stable enough. For simple things like metal, stone, glass, it works fine. But anything that is living, well… it doesn’t end well most of the time.”

Another glance about the room, and Rawek just gives everyone a look as to say, “just don’t ask how we know.”

Leaning heavily on the table, the tattooed woman continues with her boobs practically falling out, “we will get to the room at the Inn mid morning. Then make our way around the entire place to get a lay of the land, then to the main gates,” she says pointing at the map of Grimble Thorn.

“Then Khamyra or myself can approach whoever or whatever is guarding them and try to parlay our way through,” Velencia says, curling her lip in deep thought, “if not we will have to take another trip around the place and figure out patrols and the like and a way in.”

Everyone nods their head in agreement.

Rawek leans back with wide eyes and looks at everyone. They all glance to him, almost in unison and say “what?”

“Wait, did you all just agree on something?” he says with a bit of jest.

Turn Based Begins Now

Chance: Nod my head and smile, looking a bit shocked we actually all agreed on something for a change.
Chan: Alright. There is one big question I still have and it’s…

Velencia talking with chumpDMaster: VEL: Yes, yes, the reason we are going? A grimoire of legendary content. Rumored to be from before the first era.

Chance: Chan: Rumored? And that is going to help us how? Doubt we could even read it.

DMaster: Khamyra chuckles, rubs your arm a bit a little proud of that question.
KHA: Hun.
You glance at each other with a smile.
KHA: That was the same question and concern I had, or still have for that matter.

Chance: Raising an eyebrow, rub her cheek then back to Velencia before she loses her shit.

DMaster: Velencia shaking her head with a frown.
RAW: I know of many languages, might not be able to speak them fluently, but I know of many. Plus your historian isn’t to shabby with that either.
VEL: My necklace might help to, plus, now you know why I invited the ol’ master witch over Sunday, to fuck him and then see if he can help read the grimoire.

Chance: Cough a little, smirk.
Chan: I am sure that will be more than enough payment for him.

DMaster: Velencia smirks and even blushes just a little bit. Khamyra nodding her head she continues.
KHA: We’ve known about this for some time, but it didn’t matter much before the ascension, I did not have enough mana to make this worth while. But since Finster gave me some extra juice, I should be able to handle any new spell.
A pause and the Priestess wiggles her mouth a little, Rawek chirps.
VEL: Well, it could be a book of how to make a tasty stew for all we know.

Chance: Chan:mmmm Stew.

DMaster: Everyone looks at you, smirks a bit.
RAW: It would be great that it was just sitting inside that stone shed. Open this door, grab it and go.

Chance: Chan: When would anything ever be that easy? Especially when I am involved!
Chuckling a bit

DMaster: RAW: True. But there are tons of other rumored things, legendary weapons, lost information from before the first era. An ancient hidden city. I can go on and on, but none of it is confirmed.
VEL: Another reason why it is guarded… too many jamokes trying to break in and find their fortune, probably all dying in the graveyard.

Chance: Chan: now the thoughts of another legendary weapon or weapons I can get behind, even if it hasn’t been confirmed

DMaster: A few other things are said, then things get wrapped up.
VEL: Meet here between 8 and 9? Then we can jump over there and start working

Chance: Sigh a bit thinking about the sigils last time, but give a nod of my head to Velencia

DMaster: You head out, walk the long corridor, get your horses and ride for Camerondale. Both of you head in to your home, kids are asleep, Novie is reading a book in the living room. Pleasantries.

Chance: I will get all my gear ready for tomorrow, better prepare just in case so as not to be late. I will take my demonic armor, give it a good shine if I can.

DMaster: The armor rarely needs it, somehow after a short time it turns back into its metallic surface, free from dirt, blood and the like.

Chance: Damn, wish I could get that on all my clothes, chuckle a little. Rundown:

  • Silent Fate
  • Ice Dagger that Inasatra gave me
  • 2 other BW daggers
  • Necklace of invisibility and Bracelet of Valor
  • Mournhould Shield
  • Light Crossbow & Bolts
  • A hug from Jimmy for both Todd and Momma

Better stick with the demon armor, in case I have to rage. I will at least have some armor afterwards. Not sure the Mournhold armor would hold up to it.

DMaster: Good point, The Mournhould would kind of last, at least the metal parts, but you are correct. Most of it would get torched. Khamyra has a few bags and packs by the door, she has a large shelf and Chest there now for just such an occasion.

Chance: Put my stuff in and around the shelf and chest. Make it a point to grab a small amount of money to take with us, then finish packing up. Head to bed.

DMaster: DM: Rolling for sleep. Todd rolls a “19” . You get a great sleep

Saturlay 7:00 AM

Khamyra just waking up, glad to not be a fritterChance: Wake up and quickly look over to Khamyra.

DMaster: She is still in and out of sleep, snorts once and yawns. You slept great, like a rock. No dreams that you remember.

Chance: Good, she is not burnt to a crisp. I will make sure I give extra cuddles to the kiddos, get my stuff ready to go, and pack extra clothes as well just in case

DMaster: You have some extra time in the morning since you don’t have to be there until 9-ish. So a nice breakfast by Novalee, good conversations. Sisse had to take the day off so it is Novalee for most of the day and she invited your mother over to spend time with the kids.

Chance: Chan: That’s awesome, perfect!
Then get dressed and ready to head out.

Novalee talking to the coupleDMaster: The Warlock is wrapping things up, you get to the horses and head out. Get to the Priestess’s entrance, stable horses, walk 10-12 minutes to the war room. It is as full as you have ever seen it. Packs and bags all about, 3-4 servants of some kind, a dark war cleric, a few minor priests and clerics, running around trying to do Velencia’s bidding.

Chance: Looking around the war room as we walk in, then make our way over to Velencia

DMaster: You see some stuff put on a sigil and poof it goes. Velencia is barking out orders, showing people what has to go. Then you glance over and Shemrata is there talking with a few people. She looks over,
SHEM: Champ!
She heads over big smile.

Chance: A big smile goes to my face seeing the Odius
Chan: good to see you Shemrata!
Extending my hand to warrior handshake

Shemrata talking with the ChampionDMaster: You get a Warriors handshake
SHEM: Good to see you too and Khamyra
Khamyra smiles and waves.

Chance: Chan: Still hate the whole sigil idea but you know what, fuck it, I guess we go with it
Giving her a shit eating grin

DMaster: She smiles
SHEM: You know how many bad things happen right after someone says, ‘fuck it?’ Right?
She laughs.

Chance: Nod head and chuckle.
Chan: Well, you are right. But fate be damned… fuck it!

DMaster: She glances over to it, smirking
SHEM: I don’t have to worry about it. Someone has to stay here and run the place

Chance: Chan: oh lucky you I am sure you got things handled

Velencia making sure Chump has everythingDMaster: Khamyra and Velencia hug
VEL: You got everything Chump? If so jump in.
Pointing, serious look on her face, staring you down.

Chance: grumble a bit and give her a look
Chan: I swear if I end up somewhere I shouldn’t I will come hunt you down
Stare her down as well.

DMaster: She is real busy so she waves you off, Khamyra nudges you.
KHA: I’ll be right behind you

Chance: Before walking over to where I need to jump in, make sure I have everything one last time, take a breath and jump in

Hamza coordinating everythingDMaster: “Poof.” You step off the tablet, into a large room at an Inn. Hamza in the middle organizing things, looking very busy with a cleric or two walking around. He is pointing at a pile of things in a corner.
HAM: Yes, yes over there, why the fuck do we need this?
He has something in his hands and tosses it across the room into a bag of junk, shaking his head.

Chance: Quickly move off the tablet so Khamyra can appear
Chan: Good to see you too, Hamza

DMaster: He glances up a little surprised.
HAM: Ahhh! made it this time!
Saying with a bit of whip.

Chance: Nod my head and give him a small smile
Chan: yes still not a fan of these sigils, but at least this time I showed up where I was suppose to.

DMaster: POOF! Khamyra steps off the tablet, she instantly put her hand up to her nose stepping off.
KHA: What is… that smell?
You can smell some body odor of sorts, it’s like a manly sweaty smell. Not nearly as bad as the Immryllion smell.

Chance: Giving the air a smell as well, shrugging shoulders.
Chan: I don’t even wanna know what that smell is

DMaster: HAM: It’s your other companion, so to speak
Khamyra’s eyes get big,
KHA: I only know of one person, thing… No. Not him?!

Chance: Chan: okay, did I miss a memo on this?
looking over towards Khamyra

Chance wonders about this RaffertyDMaster: Hamza nods
HAM: Since Shemmy couldn’t go she wanted one more… well, unpredictable element, to throw off any enemies.
KHA: You are not talking about…
HAM: Rafferty? Yes
The Warlock leans her head back and sighs loudly.
KHA: Great. Why would she bring in that kind of element.
HAM: He does have some unique talents.

Chance: Chan: care to tell me about Rafferty? Judging by your reactions it’s not good?

DMaster: Hamza shakes his head with a smile. A cleric is standing close to you and you realize it is to get anything off the tablet that needs to. Another satchel pops on the sigil and the cleric grabs it and places it next to Hamza who glances and sighs loudly. Then turns back to you.
HAM: Skinny Welf, that has a marble loose but is oddly talented in Druidic means. (chuckles) He has almost died, a dozen times if not more.

Chance: Chan: oh great, a Welf of all things to deal with.
Just shaking head

DMaster: Khamyra force chuckles,
KHA: The last time he took a run at a band of Gnolls and almost got us killed, that was before we knew of his special talent.

Chance: Chan: Special… talent?
Raising an eyebrow.

DMaster: They look at you funny and go to say something but Velencia finally shows up
VEL: She looks about.
VEL: Good, no saggy bitch doing anything today? Alright let’s get to the bottom, grab some lunch and head to this graveyard

Chance: Nod my head and make sure to leave my gear here for the moment, don’t need to scare anyone off with the look of my armor

Stew, bread and bad gas probablyDMaster: DM: Rolling for food – rolls a 20. Lunch chart says… and was it good? Rolled a 9. Beef stew with hardy bread. Nothing you would write home about, not that you would but you know. Filled you up. Wash it down with water. Then everyone heads back up to the room. Gears up and heads out, by now it is high sun. Velencia has a hood that seems a bit magical, very hard to see her face under the hood.

Chance: Letting Velencia take the lead on this, as we head out towards the graveyard.

DMaster: You guys leave the Inn, and it is a pretty nice day albeit cool. Puffy clouds, bright sunshine and a brisk wind. Can’t be more than 40 degrees. Velencia barks something to Hamza and he heads upstairs with a bit of protest. One other thing you realize is your group is very noticeable. Most people here are lower middle class or less. Your fantastical armor, Khamyra’s impeccable cloak and under armor, Velencia with her boobs… Rafferty walking funny with a crooked smile on his face. Not exactly incognito.

Chance: Sigh and shake my head, keep moving.

DMaster: You start down a road that seems to be no different than 100 other towns, but as you move from intersection to intersection, alley way to path, the houses seem to be more vacant. Some obviously broken into, some charred from fire. A few beggars and down on their luck people eyeing the group up as they move towards the graveyard. Hamza finally caught up with you, with some skinny odd looking elf. There is also a well dressed man, even more so a boy, walking 10 feet behind you. Seeing a faint symbol of Finster on him, you know he is with you.

An old worn down townChance: Chan: It is becoming more and more obvious that we are becoming more and more obvious.
Glancing to this Welf and shaking my head.

DMaster: VEL: Wat? Oh, well… yeah. It does seem like that huh? Hamza scoped it out for us, so I am sure it’s not the only surprise we have in store.

Chance: Glance over to the Tempest with a raised eyebrow, playful look.

DMaster: He isn’t looking back and is shaking his head. More and more garbage in what used to be streets that are barely even a pathway now. Less and less of places to hide as houses are torn down, fell over or the building is stripped of half its structure. You stop at what used to be a larger opening, maybe a town square of sorts, and the gate to the graveyard is about 200 feet off. The gates themselves are not small, a good 15-17 feet in height, rounded at the top and about 25-30 feet wide, each door being about 15 feet wide. Two guards on either side of the gate, you watch a patrol stroll by as well.

Chance: I am looking around as we get closer to the graveyard, keeping hand close to Silent Fate. Sigh, seeing the presence here.

DMaster: Velencia looks over to Rafferty then to Hamza.
VEL: Is he ready?
HAM: Yep, I will send Kristopher here to retrieve him if we need to.
Points to the young man behind them looking frightened and shell shocked being thrown into this. Velencia sighs, shakes her head.
VEL: If he doesn’t shit himself first.

Chance: In the meantime. I will look to see if they have any symbols or anything to identify who the guards belong to

DMaster: DM: Todd rolls a 11. Nope. Not a clue, the hap hazard way they dress, hell half of them are just in comfy old jackets and clothing. Just the helms on their head seem to identify them as guards. Sounds from behind you start to become more prominent as you turn to see a 3-pack of Grimble Thorn guards.
VEL: Great.
Three guards, one seems to be wearing a somewhat nice leather armor, mostly matching except for his bracer that appear to be half stone jugs strapped to his arm. The other two are in clothing of sort, with a few belts and some sad looking daggers. But all three have a decent helm on, I guess a way for people to know they are with the town, or village or whatever. They seem off put seeing you, with the armor and the size of you. You get this feeling, and glance to the one to the right.

Chance: Smile and look at him, flash my eyes just for a second.

DMaster: VEL: We seem to have come to the…
She goes to continue but then her eyes bulge seeing a guard on one knee. The other two glance over,
GUARD: Knee you on, use feet straight tall, will ya?
KHA: Oh great, broken common (saying quietly)

Chance: I will walk to him, grab his shoulders and get him to stand.

DMaster: The guards go to take out weapons and it was comical. Almost falling over themselves. It is obvious they don’t see much action here.
HAM: It’s alright, we mean no harm
He says with a chuckle.

Chance: Lean to this man, whisper.
Chan: Finster recognizes you, and he is very appreciative of your love and loyalty, just know in your darkest time he will be there for you. Keep talking to him, Finster is listening to you.
Lean back and look into his eyes.

DMaster: He is practically in tears, huge smile on his face.
GUARD: Uh, yes, yes!

Chance: Chan: Then go with his blessing.
Glance to the other two guards.
Chan: Sorry we will be heading back, curiosity just got the best of us.

DMaster: DM: Rolled a 24 on persuasion. They nod their head giving the one guard an odd look. The main guard, turns.
GUARD: Road you be not here, turn race for town
Rafferty gives him a goofy wave and a smile. They continue down the road and back to their patrol. Velencia wheels Chance around before Khamyra can get to her. She is as red faced as you have ever seen her. Finger jabbing your chest.
VEL: What the fuck was that?!?
Pointing at where the man was kneeling.

Chance: Glance at her and smile.
Chan: I can sense Finsters followers and I give them a little blessing.

DMaster: You can’t remember when she looked this shocked.
VEL: Wha… wha…
She looks to the ground rubbing her temples.
VEL: You are fucking blessing people now?
Khamyra goes to her and pulls her a bit away from the group.

Chance: Glance around and back to the gate. Make sure no more guards.

DMaster: None that you can see, the ones at the gate look very bored. You can hear Velencia ranting and raving.
HAM: She keeps that mouth moving we are going to get more than just a small guard patrol…

Chance: Nod head and sigh.

DMaster: She storms over, still flustered, looks to Hamza.
VEL: Is he ready?
She is pointing at the Welf, Hamza snorts looks to Rafferty who was in another world. He nudges him.
VEL: Raffy, babe. You have to focus this is important
He glances at her wide eyes
VEL: See that gate, that fencing, find a way around, see if there is a way in…
He looks around confused
HAM: In your wild form stinky… Just what we talked about earlier. Time to go see if there is any way in the walled area. The one I showed you on a map.
He points at the gated graveyard. At first this Welf seems confused, but then like something snaps his eyes bulge and he is getting undressed.

Chance: Chan: Oh yeah. Strapped for war, yelling and ranting, and now some smelly elf undressing? We are like shadows here, no one will ever notice us…
Finish off with thick sarcasm.

DMaster: By the end of your little rant, the Welf grimaces and bones snap, a little blood flies and he almost disappears into his clothes.

Chance: Eyes big, backing up a bit.
Chan: Did he just disappear?

DMaster: Out shoots a very large ferret streaking towards the gate. Velencia nods her head.
HAM: Yeah? OK. He started to explain a ton of things to me, but I was getting bored and he can be a bit long winded.
KHA: That looked painful, heard he could do that but never saw it before now.

Chance: Looking around, back to Hamza.
Chan: He talks? Bet you need a decoder ring for his broken common.

DMaster: Hamza chuckles.
HAM: When he snaps out of his Welf state, and when he talks you would think he was a scholar from the highest towers of knowledge.
Khamyra nods her head.
KHA: It is the weirdest thing. He is a crazy little elf, and if he calms down and focuses, he speaks very well. Too well actually.
Rubbing her chin. Velencia nods,
VEL: Yep, getting him to keep focused is near impossible. Even if he doesn’t find anything we will have to wait for sunken sun anyways.

Chance: Shaking my head thinking to myself this is who we have to rely on to find a way in?

DMaster: Khamyra giggles a little, smiles knowing they don’t have to smell him now.
KHA: I think it’s called Wild Shape is it not?
The young man with you walks up, grabs the clothes gingerly and his face winces. Hamza snorts a little slaps the guy on the back.
HAM: We all have to earn our stripes, as they say. You are waiting here for the time being, stay out of sight the best you can.

Chance: Give the poor kid a look and sigh.

DMaster: For some reason he finally realized who you were. His eyes bulge and is staring at you, starts to bend to a knee.

Chance: Take him by the shoulders and slowly shake my head, before he kneels or something. I don’t want to hear Velencia’s voice all day long.
Chan: I know. Good luck with that.
Point at the clothes and start to walk off.

DMaster: Velencia getting red faced again, starts in on you.
VEL: When did this start happening. The worship of shit-for-brains here!
Khamyra nudges her as you walk along.
KHA: They aren’t worshipping him…

Chance: Scoff and chuckle.
Chan: Not sure. I really took notice on our trip to Magus Orion.

DMaster: KHA: Yeah, had quite a few there.
Velencia is huffing. Wanting to say something but nothing is coming out.

Chance: Chan: I told them all about a Priestess they need to see and also give respect…
Glancing over to her

DMaster: Her eyes light up with a confused look, half smile and half smirk.
VEL: Really?

Chance: Stop dead in my tracks. Look at her.
Chan: Fuck no. I want them to “stay” in the religion.
Then keep walking.

DMaster: KHA: Chance!
Your wife says angrily. Hamza is as red faced as he could be, trying not to laugh. He just picks up the pace to keep with the Champion. Velencia is just standing on a half abandoned road, taking deep breaths and trying to get herself under control. Shaking a bit, looking ready to explode.
KHA: Vel, I am sorry, he…
She waves her off, a slight smile on her face.
VEL: I don’t know why Finster gave him yet a new ability. Maybe because I am in my war room for days on end and not out and about. But that was a good burn. Maybe the best he’s done. Little fucker.
The two of them start walking back, with the Warlock surprised and relieved.
KHA: I don’t know, he had a good zinger when he said about being mentally ill… errr.
The Warlock says, then stops wide eyes. The Priestess glaring at her as they walk.
KHA: Never mind.

Chance: Chan: well let’s not give the guards a reason to come after us, so we might be able to gather more intel another way
Feeling face flush a bit
Chan: Because if we don’t have to use bangers, I say we don’t

DMaster: They laugh and wander a bit a ways
VEL: We can head to their library…
Looking around, she sighs.
VEL: That is probably not an option, so lets go have a drink shall we. Kristopher will come get us when Raff shows back up.
Hamza stops walking as you approach a pub that seems to be open. He turns to go tell Kristopher where they are at. Walking in the place is a little tight on space. A bunch of tables with chairs, so are butted up against each other. A bar to the right, fireplace straight ahead with a large table there. To the left is two short staircases down where it looks like music can play there, a dancing place and some tall tables and chairs. Not a lot of people in right now, and it looks like they just opened.

Chance: Find a place to sit and plop down.

DMaster: Khamyra comes over with a pitcher of what appears to be fruit juice of sorts. A huge bowl of spiced tators. A bit of tension, but the waiting is getting unbearable. Velencia is ready to jump out of her skin. Just then Kristopher shows up.
KRIS: Nothing yet. But I saw the guards all start to run for something.
He shrugs his shoulders.
KRIS: Could be nothing, but since Rafferty is not back yet I thought…

Chance: Sigh and shake my head.
Chan: Hope he isn’t coherent enough to talk and give our plans away, if he knows them.

DMaster: The Priestess waves you off, looks to Khamyra. They nod.
VEL: Lets head back there, a different way that maybe has more cover. Brown eyes can go invisible and check it out.
She nods and everyone gets up. Velencia flips a few gold on the table and you leave.

Chance: Head out with them, make sure I didn’t leave anything. Follow them.

DMaster: It is now about high sun, weather is still really nice. You guys head in a different direction take a few turns and Hamza guides you to a place that has a bit more cover but looking around, you do not think there are many options otherwise.
VEL: Oh, this is so much better. thanks…
She finishes off to Hamza with a bit of angry sarcasm.

Chance: Shake head, I understand what Hamza is going through.

DMaster: KHA: I’m going invisible, I should get the mana back by tonight.
She rubs some goop and says “Nvidien” and pop she is gone

Chance: Chan: Be careful love

DMaster: She slaps your ass and off she goes. “OW!” You can hear some grunts and mumbles from her.

Chance: Smirk as she slaps my ass and keep watching, knowing she just hurt her hand on the armor.
Chan: This is one of those times I wish I had those eyes like Finster gave to Rohlia

DMaster: After a few minutes she returns, you can hear a bit of commotion right in front of you. Then out of nowhere drops a large smelly ferret. Then Khamyra pops into visual range, wince on her face and looks like she just smelled a wet fart.

His wild shapeChance: Watching this scene unfold to see if any guards are around.

DMaster: You can see some guards a few streets away, they have not noticed you yet. Still a beautiful but cold day, wind is picking up a bit. The sun is heading down.

Chance: keeping my eyes on the guards I quietly watch and wait to see what happens, pulling out and loading my crossbow just in case.

DMaster: The ferret distorts and turns back into this Rafferty guy, butt naked, some blood dripping off him
RAF: There is a plethora of locations to get into, but there is one in particular that seems a bit easier for you all to enter through
He says in an elegant voice that reminds you of someone like Esmershard, but it is coming out of this weird Welf standing naked in the middle of the street. Velencia smiles a bit, hoping what he said is true.
VEL: Well, I did not think the area would be this well patrolled, and for fucks sake get dressed
She glances to you seeing the crossbow out and loaded.
VEL: Chump, are you going to shoot the guards?

Chance: Chan: If I have to Velencia, I will.
Giving her a look

DMaster: Khamyra’s eyes are big, shaking head.
KHA: Uh, No you won’t, put that away
Giving you a wild look like “what got into you.” Velencia has a look of approval.
VEL: No, I like it. Shoot at will
She points down the road where a 3 pack of guards luckily turned the other way. Hamza giggles and nods his head.

Chance: Shaking head and lower the crossbow

DMaster: HAM: Plethora? Meaning, lots?
The Welf gives him a look as his clothes are being handed to him from Kristopher.
RAF: That is what I said Tempest, Plethora. Need I get a dictionary for you?
Hamza’s eyes flash.
HAM: Excuse you?
Velencia scoffs and chuckles, grabs Hamza’s arm. Shaking her head at him. Rafferty is now clothed, looks to be a bit dizzy from the wild change and apparently focusing enough to speak.
RAF: I am quite hungry now.

Chance: Shaking head, not sure what to think of this Rafferty

DMaster: Looking up to the Sky, knowing it’s a bit until sunken sun Velencia waves everyone back to the Inn.
VEL: We will try again at sunken sun
They nod their head and you head back
VEL: Do we try to get through the front gates or find a way in, the possibility that Raffy is correct?

Chance: Chan: I would say if we can avoid any direct contact with the guards, let’s see if there is another way in, just my thought anyways. Heading in undetected would save us from some hassle, but if we engage with anything in there…
Raise an eyebrow.

DMaster: Khamyra is nodding her head.
KHA: We will be like dragons breath on a cold winters night.
You guys get back, Hamza takes Raffy up to his room with some food.
KHA: Are you sure we need Raff, I got a bad feeling about him
VEL: Thats just his stink. We don’t have Shemmy, I know he aint no where close to her, but he is the wild factor to throw the enemy off

Chance: Chan: Wild being the key word, still don’t like how much of a skitzo he is. maybe if he was a bit more stable and didn’t smell

DMaster: Velencia surprisingly laughs and Hamza giggles coming down the stairs.
VEL: Now you know how we feel when we bring you into battle.

Chance: Sink shoulders, shake head slowly.

DMaster: Hamza is back down and hearing that jab his eyes get big, looks away before laughing. Khamyra just sighs loudly. You guys play knucklebones, DM: Rolls a 9 for the game You hold your own, you don’t lose or gain any coin.

Chance: Shrug shoulders. Better than I usually do.

The delicious foodDMaster: Everyone is getting hungry so they grab dinner. DM: For middle class or lower Inns, use the lunch menu for dinner. Todd rolls a 2. How’d it taste? 19. Cormarye (PorkLoin), Gravy, Tater’s. it was outstanding, everyone was pleasantly surprised.

Chance: Just keep thinking about the other ways that we can get in. If one of the guards are a follower of Finster we can get in there quite easily I say, but the chances, hehe, chance of that is slim – thinking to myself.

DMaster: After some chatter, you decide to take a different route in hopes to have a little more cover, though the closer you get to the graveyard, the more and more houses are collapsed or torn down. Making you think, it is a make shift way to keep prowlers at bay, with all the open area.

Chance: Following the group as we move along, keeping my elf eyes focused

DMaster: DM: Rolling for a possible encounter. Todd rolls a 12. You guys avoid the guards, then when you start to approach Raffy points in a direction. It was in the opposite direction practically and everyone sighs. DM: Roll again for encounter, Todd rolls a 19. You surprisingly avoid all the guards and make your way to the North Eastern part of the graveyard and walled area. Everyone is a little stunned, there is a section where the stone and rod iron is just separated enough to fit through.DM: Rolled a 8 for investigation for Raff, but, also allowed perception and he nailed it with a 20. Giving them a way in.

Chance: Point.
Chan: Well that looks like our way in
Look over at Rafferty and smile, plug my nose.

DMaster: Velencia glances to you.
VEL: Wow. Glad we brought Chump over here…
A few giggles and snorts. Everyone makes their way through even you, though it was a tight fit. You are at the back end of the graveyard.
KHA: This seems a bit too easy.
Then as if it hits everyone, you start getting a bad vibe.

Chance: Chan: I don’t like this, something feels wrong
Saying quieter, pulling out Silent Fate and getting the shield on my arm as well

The Creepy GraveyardDMaster: VEL: yeah for once I agree with chump, this place is sour.
You guys move forward about 15 feet when you can hear “thump… thump…. thump, thump thump.” Then you can also feel it in the ground.
KHA: Shit, everyone is hearing and feeling that right? What the hell is it?
You were not sure but you think there is staircases built next to the small mausoleum and mostly under the ground. Then they appear, what looks like Skeletal Minotaurs; running full speed. They look heartier than most skeleton beings and move a hell of a lot faster. Both seem to have a matching set of old armor, and huge battle axes.

Chance: I instantly turn over to champ form and start looking around

DMaster: Raffy screams in delight, a far cry from his elegant speaking voice. Velencia chuckles.
VEL: Well, skeleton Minotaurs, not exactly on my bucket list but it’s different.
Khamyra shakes her head, chuckles and gets some components ready. Hamza gets out his weapon looks around.
HAM: Guess this is happening.

Chance: Chan: Oh, it’s on!
Dip my head and letting my eyes beam out some light.

Battle Begins Here!

The battle is:

Chance with Silent Fate (+2 in champ form) and a shield, Velencia with dual Kukri’s (+2 each w/poison) & spells, Khamyra with Spells, Mystic flame sword, Hamza with a horsemans spiked axe (add 1d6 necrotic dmg) and a main Gauche and Rafferty with two Kama’s (both +1).


Two Large Minotaurs with half plate and large battle axes.

There are two Minotaurs 60 feet away

Everyone is eyeing the graveyard up, its pretty big. Typical landscape, gravestones and the like, very flat. It is 150ft wide and you can see the small mausoleum about 120 feet away. These Minotaur came from either side, looked to have stairs leading down, they came up. They are running full sprint, in some sort of armor and they both have huge axes.

Undead Minotaur racing for them.Hamza being the first to react, mumbles a few words, places his hand on the symbol of Finster and out shoots two lightning style bolts, green and bright (16hp of damage to #1, #2 makes save and takes 8hp). They barely make an acknowledgement of the attack and keep coming.

Velencia holds her necklace and a flash of light simultaneously from her to the second creature, (22 hp of damage). “They do not seem to resistant to anything other than the usual undead!” she yells out letting everyone know they seem to be the stereotypical undead, just in Minotaur form. No one can cast more than one spell per round so she is done, the Priestess gets her kukris out, ready for the onslaught.

Raffy has two wildly angry looking what you think are called Kama’s. They almost look like rock climbing gear, but these have a certain glow and are somewhat ornate. He goes racing towards them at 40ft per round, clip.

Velencia glances over and grunts, “Hey Raff, no, wait, oh hell… Stinky is going to die again isn’t he?”

Hamza getting his weapons set, smirks and replies “yup.”

He hates crossbows reallyChance fumbles with his crossbow, loads a bolt and fires. Even though he has been trained on this many times he still is very clumsy with it. The first one hits, but it is a skeleton of sorts so the bolts hits a few bones hard (lol) and rattle inside of it (4hp of damage). He quickly loads again, fires almost without aiming and the bolt goes sailing wide. Then he tries to grab for one last bolt, fumbles everything and fails the attack completely (Critical failure). Frustrated he just whips the crossbow, still loaded, around him where it once was, and prepares for the attack. Not before Velencia lets out a long loud sigh. “Fuck it, goddamn crossbows” the large man mumbles to himself.

Dust tracing from her hand in a magical state of flux, she raises her hand and Khamyra’s eyes pulsate purple. “Eldritch,” she says in a growl and three bolts of purple light erupt from her hand. All three of them slam into the 2nd Minotaur making it stumble a bit (3 x 8hp of damage)

There are two Minotaurs 30 feet away, now 3 ghouls and 3 zombies on either side of the party.

Hamza feeling it and then hearing it glances to his left and right. “Knew this looked too easy, watch your flanks! More undead!” The Tempest slams his mace like axe down on a zombie, and then guts him on the spot, all the innards pouring out on the ground as deteriorated as it looked (14hp of bludgeoning, 6hp of piercing damage and 6hp of necrotic damage). It falls to the ground dead, or more dead than before.

Ghouls and zombies attackA ghoul with more speed than it should have made it’s way to Chance slamming into him, but doing no damage except making the undead lose its balance a little.

As Hamza was pulling out his dagger he turns only to get a claw across his shoulder and arm making him yelp (6hp of damage, misses savings throw). He goes to back up only to stiffen up and more swear words were uttered than anyone possibly could of imagined. He falls to the ground like a freshly cut log.

Velencia double takes and rolls her eyes, “you have got to be fucking kidding me right now, really?!?” Seeing her Tempest paralyzed. With her loud mouth that drew the other ghoul to attack and she avoids it with a jump to one side.

The Priestess then grabs her necklace, raises her hand and says “by Finsters Fire,” and flames erupt for maybe a second of time, engulfing a ghoul making it all but turn to ash (27hp of damage).

Within striking distance, the first Minotaur races past Rafferty who was eying up the first one anyways. He stops at Hamza and slams his axe down on him making him flip over and land hard on the ground blood squirting out (13hp of damage, doubled for parallelization making it 26hp). Making Velencia smirk a bit and mumble, “deserved that, you dumbass.”

Raff changing overThe first Minotaur eyeing up this odd little guy running at him goes to swing at him, thinking the Welf was a softball and he had the bat, made a huge miscalculation. This humanoid suddenly shudders, blood spurts a bit (3hp to raff) and is now a larger cat like creature. It was such a change, the undead stopped in it’s track allowing the transformed Welf to smack the horned creature across the face (5hp of damage – Minotaur rolled a 1). This allowed the now cat creature to bite (10hp of damage) and swipe again (7hp of damage).

Just then, the ground shakes and erupts. Not 20 feet from them, about 15 feet to Rafferties left, a large undead creature comes out of the ground with unnatural speed. A bulbous head, what looks like elf ears of some kind. There are blank white balls for eyes, with just a hint of light in them. A skeleton creature with what appears to be a zombie sitting in the middle of it among other dead creatures like a fox and a few large rodents. It is now fully out of the ground, standing almost 11 feet tall and even has some “meat” to it.

Chance turns and his shoulders slump. “Of course, why not?” he says shaking his head.

“Didn’t see that coming!” Velencia says with almost a happy undertone.

The Devourer, coming in hotAgain with her mouth, it alerts the creature and it grabs for the Priestess. Then it was like a will of souls, it tries to take her soul from her. It did not stand a chance as Velencia reflects it making the creature wince and stutter a bit. “Fuck off!” she yells while stabbing its hand making it drop her to the ground where she easily recovers (4hp of damage to creature).

With anger from being thwarted and seeing someone just laying on the ground, this Devourer slams its huge hand down on Hamza (15hp of damage, Hamza is immune to necrotic damage.) Hamza replies “hmph hmph hmmpphhhh!”

By now there are 10-12 heads peering over the stone part of the walled area watching this unfold and some of the guards are cheering them on. DM: I roll for Chance and Velencia to do a History check and both roll terrible, they are unsure what this thing is

Khamyra looking around preparing, “this seems to be more prepared than normal undead would be, right? Am I wrong to think this?” She yells a bit.

Chance taking on the big badHoping he can keep his little stowaways in order, Chance sprints for the large creature. Leaps and takes a hard slash DM: He rolls a 23 and I tell him, that doesn’t hit. It took 3 minutes for him to respond “oh…” LOL. I was kidding, he hit. Todd: ASS! The creature barely notices, and because it does have “some” meat on it, the half damage does not apply (12hp of damage), then landing and slashing again, ripping through it (9hp of damage). Chance then backs up a bit, and gets in his defensive stance. Seeing the ever growing threat, he thinks of Bark and his skin almost instantly turns.

Khamyra turns and again casts a spell. Cinder ash is thrown, a symbol drawn in it and the words “Enguego Walltrid” and she almost did not get in her stance fast enough as the spell pours out of her hand. A straight line attack of fire but unfortunately only hits one Zombie (35hp of damage) and it is nothing but an ash pile now. But the intended effect happened as at the end of the fire lane, so to speak it hits the large devourer (35hp, halfed due to resistance 18hp). “Shit, looks like he has some resistance to fire!” she yells a bit frustrated.

You can hear “whoa they are casting magic?!” and some kind of panic starts on the outside worried about magic backfiring. I mean they can barely speak common, how would they know the bringer of Magic returned.

Poor Hamza has a Zombie land on him, making him wince the best he could paralyzed (4hp of damage).

There are two Minotaurs, one in melee range another engaged with Rafferty 30 feet away. 1 ghoul and 2 zombies on either side of the party. Giant devourer in front of them. Chance now has bark skin for 2 rounds. Hamza is paralyzed.

Hamza breaks free of the paralyzation, takes half his turn to stand, the other to put his hand on a zombie, using his Necrotic Death Touch, green light erupts from him and the Zombie all but explodes into bits and pieces (41hp of damage)

Velencia wide and angry eyes yells, “Did you just use a high level spell on a zombie you dolt?! You are giving Chump a run for his money as the village idiot!”

A few attacks by the undead go fruitless on Hamza and Chance.

Chance stops, eyes wide as a tingle in his body forms, the hair on the back of his neck rises. “Great, what now?” he mumbles but glances over and Velencia is hovering, radiating dark energy and mumbling some words. The guards behind the wall are all gasping and pointing, some yells too. Khamyra glances over, “oh shit, it’s on,” she says and steps to the side.

Velencia unleashing a powerful spellThe Priestess ends her mumbles with “Finster deliver the pain…” then a screech sound as this force of blackish-purple energy strikes the Devourer making it back peddle and howl (71hp of damage, finger of god spell 9th level). She drops hard to her knee making her yelp a bit, still an afterglow of that spell. She recovers from it, using her second attack up.

“Holy shit Vel, I am jealous!” the Warlock exclaims, “It would take me a day to recover my mana!”

Velencia smirks as she gets herself back up, the closest Minotaur turns and attacks the floating glowing lady. (Rolls a “1”) It was too quick, and was not in position. Velencia put both Kukris up and somehow stopped the blade from going down further. The Priestess screams again, making a pushing movement sending the Axe back onto the Creature, cleaving it in the middle of the skull (11hp of damage). Everyone a little slack jawed with that action and impressed.

30 feet away the Minotaur goes after Raff, and clobbers him one with the flat blade of his axe sending the cat sprawling across the grass and tumbling to a dead halt (16hp of damage). The Undead turns and starts to head towards the group.

Figuring the cat was dead, the Minotaur did not notice Rafferty get up, glow for a quick second, run past his clothes where his daggers are and lunges at him with reckless abandoned. It was a sneak attack flanked, but did only minor damage. It did stop the creature from moving forward towards the party, to turn to this wack ass Welf (9hp of damage, halfed)

THe devourer trying its best to fightThe Devourer seeing a flurry of activity, regaining it’s balance goes after the biggest thing it can see and that was Chance. A round house swing has the Champion duck and stumbling out of the way but the second one, coming in at an odd angle nails him making him twirl, tumble and land on his butt, pain shooting through his body (28hp of damage 21 slash, 7 nacrotic) – even through the bark. It did not remove its claw, and it’s eye pulsate and glow and he rips his hand away furious (trying to suck the soul but, can’t suck what you don’t have… thats what she said). Lost his extra turn with that.

The Champion was furious, it’s time to show this giant skeleton with a zombie stuck in it, what he can do. Lunging forward with a hard slash at the most “meaty” part of the creature it hit, slicing through making the Devourer jump a bit (12hp of damage). Then bringing the sword back around it slashes but goes inbetween the rib cages doing no damage. Cursing under his breath he lunges forward, skewers the creature in it’s shoulder and he turns it, making it stutter and snap it’s head to him (Crit hit 24hp of damage). Silent fate allows an immediate attack after a critical hit and the sword guided itself along the arm of the creature peeling off what they think was skin (9hp of damage).

“Well at least the Chump came here to fight today!” Vel says glancing over to Hamza.

Chance glances over, “plenty of time for puns later Velencia let’s just make it out of this alive first,” he replies making everyone pause a moment and shake their head.

“Pun, where was the pun? Why I… oh never mind…” Velencia starts to say but waves him off not understanding.

Eldritch castingKhamyra traces dust with a symbol and yells “Eldritch!” putting her hand straight out, energy bursts from her hand. The Warlock mumbles, “hope he ain’t resistant to Eldritch.” All three slam into the Devourer surprisingly making it stumble back a bit, still realing from Velencia’s hit too (Crit hit, 29 hp of damage). With her bonus action, her Sword erupts almost before the spell ended, turned and slashed at a ghoul creeping behind her. The creature is literally split in half, slumps to the ground in a half smouldering mess (it only had 1 hp left, killing blow).

Hamza heals himself a little and tries to land the mace on a ghoul, but jumped awkwardly and landed even more so. The hit sails on by, and that just made Velencia growl and sigh.

Unfortunately, that opened him up and the ghoul with a quick motion clobbers the Tempest, making him stumble and allowing the undead creature to slash him real good (6hp of damage, Hamza makes Paralyze save).

Velencia glances to the Minotaur but realizes her daggers will only do about half the damage she wants. Plus she is pretty sure its resistant to Poison. Now the meaty big bulbous headed shit, she thinks to herself, he might not like it very much. She races for the creature, finds a part of its leg that had some meat to it and drives both daggers down hard (6hp +7hp+12hp – halved it made it’s save). Seeing the creature start to waver, she smirks grabs its flailing hand and transfers in Dark Pain (35hp of damage, killing blow). It lets out an odd whistle sound, its extremities go limp and collapses to the ground in dust and making the ground shake.

Turning around, proud of herself she puffs out her chest. Khamyra’s eyes bulge, points and went to say something. But Chance already saw it. The Zombie leaped out of the chest of the creature straight for an unsuspecting Priestess. It only got intercepted by the champion as he sprinted by the unsuspecting woman. A wide angle slash and the zombie was tore in 2 (flank attack, crit attack 31 hp of damage, it ded). Chance jumps off the smelly creature to the ground and gets ready for any attack.

By now you can hear hoots and hollers of people behind the walls, it is getting louder and even hear someone taking bets.

“I hear them betting, I want a piece of that action!” Hamza yells in muse.

Completely turned around Velencia smiles a bit seeing the Champion protect her, but only had a second to smile as the Minotaur rushed for the Champion, but the Priestess essentially got in the way. A horn rips through her side making her scream a little, she twirls and tumbles to the ground on her butt (15 hp of damage). She goes to get up but gets a blade through her, (22 hp of damage) making her yell yet again. More for surprise than pain.

Chance knowing he has a shot, grabs the crossbow and was still loaded from his debacle earlier. Fires at the farther Minotaur making it lodge in its spine of sorts, (12hp of damage, halfed to 6hp). “Fuck me, not a bad shot” he says impressed with himself.

Minotaur attacksWith that, the Minotaur reaches back, grabs the bolt and throws it. That allowed Raff to attack. He starts to do this weird humping motion that made Khamyra spit and giggle. Even the undead Minotaur raised an eyebrow, if it could. Then out of no where this burst of energy blasts from the Welfs crotch nailing the unsuspecting Minotaur (missed save, does 27hp of damage, killing blow). The head goes sailing 15 feet, tumbling all the way to the protective wall as other bone parts go flying. “Ahhhhh hehhehhhhhehhe” the crazy little naked druid, thing yells.

“Look even the wack job is doing better than Hamza” she says smirking, thumbing to the Tempest.

Angry, he blurts back, “fuck Vel, we got it OK? Obsess much?”

With a ghoul close by Khamyra slashes at it with her sword, ripping through it making it fall to a mess on the ground (13hp of damage).

One Minotaur, one Ghoul, one Zombie left. Chance has bark skin one more round.

Hamza makes short work of a Ghoul, but fell short of finishing off the Zombie.

Velencia getting tired, she shakes her head a bit; thinks of what she can do. She grabs her necklace, bows her head, her body fluctuates some greenish purple energy. “Finsters Bell Tolls” she growls and a weird loud sound of, well, a bell hammers the area making everyone wince (12 hp of damage, she is weakened now, so her spells are lacking the extra pizazz). “Fuck” I am running out of juice!” she yells.

Chance takes a wild slice and rips the remaining Zombie in two, blood and guts flying everywhere (12 hp of damage). He turns and takes a stab at the Minotaur only to have the attack sail through its bones.

During that time the Minotaur retaliates to a now slower, weakened Velencia and slices through her again, she avoided heavy damage by jumping (14 hp of damage). Then takes a tumble to the side as the Axe sails by and then everyone jumps out of the way of that painful arc.

Rafferty finally makes it back and flings his entire body at the undead creature. It digs it’s Kama’s into it, as best it could, (5hp of damage), but not doing well afterwards as the little guy gets grabbed by the undead creature and slammed to the ground to a loud audible “ouch,” from Rafferty.

Chance jumps over the now dazed and more confused Rafferty, making two hard, but somewhat half hearted attacks knowing he can get full damage still connects on both making the creature stutter a little, its head cracks a little (7hp and 6hp of damage).

Khamyra smirks realizing, this is it. He does not have much left. She pulls some dust, symbol written and she points, almost laxidasical, “Eldritch?” Power rips from her hand, strikes the creature hard and it falls quickly… flat on its back dead.

The crowd behind the walls erupts in hoots and hollers again.

Back To Turn Based

Chance: Looking around at what is left, giving my wife a smirk.

DMaster: There doesn’t seem like anything left. Just the hoots and hollers of the guards. Velencia looks around and to the group as Rafferty makes it back, a bit dizzy.
VEL: Lets go see if this damn key fits, then we can get back to the rooms and rest.
Khamyra pulls the key out, looks up and the small moon is inside the big one.
KHA: When Oriash blocks Zadkeil’s path completely, only then will the lock appear…

Chance: Chan: First things first, Priestess
Walking over to Velencia still in Champ form. Put my hand on her shoulder and give her some healing

DMaster: She gasps and moans.
KHA: Oh brother
The Warlock rolls her eyes, leans on a gravestone, untouched. Hamza heals himself a bit

Chance: Then I will heal myself as well
Chan: Can’t have you all scarred up now can we, Velencia?

DMaster: She actually smiles a little, then waves everyone on

Chance: Move forward with the group
Chan: let’s hope this is all we encounter for now

DMaster: Nothing else seems to be here, but an over-all feeling of dread. Some light fog starting to roll in, filtering in between headstones. The moons giving out plenty of light to see the graveyard. You get close and then you can see two staircases leading down to two pedestals, probably where the minotaurs came from. But there does not seem to be any doors or any entrances, just ends with the pedestals. In the middle about 25 feet back from those staircases sits the marble building.
KHA: It is almost as though they were ready for this.
Everyone nodding their head.
HAM: A coordinating attack, Since when do undead coordinate their attack?
Velencia shakes her head, sighs and rounds about the small marble building.

Chance: Something still doesn’t seem right
Chan: I’ll keep an eye out.

DMaster: Going around the shed sized marble building.
VEL: What… the fuck?
There are four solid walls, a roof and that is it. No doors, entrance or anything. About 25′ x 35′ no bigger than that.

Chance: I keep silent fate drawn, glancing over to the building.
Chan: are the moons in the right spot?
Looking up for a short time.

DMaster: Khamyra nods, backs up and is looking it over. Smacking the key in her palm.
KHA: Yup.
Hamza is grabbing for notes he had.
HAM: Did Rawek get it right?

Chance: Chan: maybe I have to be the one? Can I have the key Khamyra?

DMaster: She hands it to you. Velencia, sighing and rolling her eyes.

Chance: Walk to the walls, and around the building. Come back to the group, shrug my shoulders.

DMaster: Velencia has a shit eating grin.
VEL: Oh? Something “you” can’t do.
DM: I was rolling passive perception for all. VEL: 7, KHA: 8, HAM: 11, RAF: 22. Yup the dumbass Welf
Khamyra is digging around her components.
KHA: Has to be a spell right? A warding? An illusion?
Startling everyone the Welf speaks.
RAF: This is deep magic. It has the feel of a patron. But…
The Welf walks up and tilting his head, squints a bit. Slides his hands on the wall and then half his hand falls into the wall. He dips his head, says a word. He glows for a half second and slowly a door comes into view.
RAF: Interesting. I believe this is from before the first era.
Everyone’s eyes wide as he shudders a bit. Velencia, puts her arm around the Welf, winces from the smell.
VEL: I knew I brought you for a reason.
She is looking at the pretty large door and an oversized lock. Puts her hand out for the key.

Chance: Hand her the key.
Chan: well it’s now or never

DMaster: VEL: We are just seeing if it fits and works. I do not want to head inside without us being full throttle.

Chance: Chan: Agreed.
Nod my head

DMaster: She puts it in, it is a perfect fit, the mechanical sound was amazing. The door slowly creeks open, as she puts the key back in her pocket.

Chance: Back up, keep an eye out for anything.

DMaster: There doesn’t seem like anything is inside the graveyard with you. But, you can hear some slight commotion outside the walls.

Chance: Sigh.
Chan: Great.

DMaster: Everyone is looking eagerly at it.
KHA: Want to take a quick peek? Keep Raff up here just in case

Chance: Chan: well, maybe just a quick peek couldn’t hurt, but we don’t go too far in.

Khamyra trying to stop vel from flipping outDMaster: Velencia shakes her head in disgust.
VEL: What did I just say, mother fucker…
Khamyra interrupting.
KHA: Alrighty then.
It is a 10×10 landing and a large staircase leading down and down and down. Even with your dark vision you can’t see the bottom, though there is some soft odd glow, almost a shimmer. Like it lands in water.

Chance: Chan: as far down as that staircase goes I suggest we rest up and then go back in.

DMaster: Velencia turns to you, red faced.
KHA: Hun, yes we have established that. We need to end this quick, my husband needs his sleep and I don’t want Velencia exploding here.
The Priestess shaking her head.
VEL: You don’t say?

Chance: Sigh and give my wife a rough look.

DMaster: Velencia then turns to you two.
VEL: For those without elf eyes? Please?
RAFF: Stairs that lead to a barrier.

Chance: Eyes bulge, look at him.
Chan: Oh, is that the shimmer?

DMaster: He nods. Khamyra looks disappointed but nods her head
RAFF: We should still loot the bodies.
The group looks around and there are bodies of people who have not been so lucky to live past their visit.
HAM: I noticed some dead bodies of old adventurers too, maybe take a look see what they have.

Chance: Chan: That couldn’t hurt but we make it quick I want us all at full power, when we actually explore

DMaster: You can hear some talking beyond the walls, sounds like guards, confused that you lived and killed the undead creatures somewhat easily.
You find 5 bodies on a quick sweep.

  • Three of them look to be no better than a thief or beggar. They are in different levels of death , and they did not have much in the form of items. Old rusty daggers, a rough map that was ridiculous and no armor, just dirty clothes.
  • One of them seemed some what ready, in a leather style outfit that is now rotting and torn, but had a silver short sword, but little else.
  • Another also seemed more organized, looked to be druidic. He was the closest to the shed. Had a rustic staff, some rations, but nothing of interest except a paper promoting the “treasure of Grimble Thorn!” Rafferty grabbed the staff.
  • A lot of silver for some reason: 5pp, 32gp, 198sp

Chance: Will search over them carefully.
Chan: This one is some type of spell caster, maybe
Looking at the one with the robes. see if anything about the robe looks familiar

DMaster: DM: Passive Perception: Todd gets an 11 Not that you can tell really. The robe is of decent quality but it isn’t particularly valuable. Velencia picks out this crumpled up paper out of one of them, and her eyes bulge
VEL: Looks like… floor plans of something?
Khamyra walks over to her and looks
KHA: Maybe inside, at the bottom of the stairs?
DM: Party rolls and WTF they roll bad for History. I did not jot down what I rolled, but the best was Khamyra with a 13. Not enough.

Chance: Chan: well we can only hope that is the floor plan at the bottom
bag up the coins and gems for now, looking over the silver sword as well. See if it came with a scabbard

DMaster: Its basic but it is pretty sharp. there is a scabbard and you sheath it. Hamza looking at you points to the sword.
HAM: That could be good for undead…
VEL: Probably why they had it genius
Hamza lets out a noticeable sigh much to the look of the Priestess.

DMaster: KHA: Vel, man. You gotta chill
The Priestess shakes her head. There are probably more but the night is getting old and it is much too quiet outside

Chance: Well if the silver sword didn’t come with a scabbard I will just take it with us. I will throw it around my waist.
Chan: might I suggest we get out of here since it is getting late and some of us are low on juice

DMaster: They nod and walk to the opening, go through it.

Chance: Chan: and hope the guards leave us alone

DMaster: As you say that, you stand straight from ducking through and there is 6 guards. One seems better armed and speaks.
GUARD: Good job on the creatures!
He says excitedly. Then gets himself more proper.
GUARD: But… you five need to come with me.
Then glancing at you.
GUARD: I realize you could wipe the floor with us, I am hoping you will come peacefully.
Khamyra smiles to him and he gets a little flustered.
KHA: Well, you don’t speak broken common so that is enough for me.

Chance: Chan: well we could, but we don’t want trouble
I sheath Silent Fate as a sign of good faith

DMaster: Velencia lifts her hood over her head. They guide you to the front gates where there is a figure, in a hooded cloak

Chance: My hand inches close to Silent Fate, looking to this figure

Old Man Named Grimble THornDMaster: It turns, it is an older man, thin, looks tired
MAN: You.
Pointing at the party, has a commanding albeit a bit shaky voice.
MAN: You can’t just waltz in there, you will awaken the Devourer
He walks aggressively towards you, scolding like, Guards rush around him

Chance: Step forward a bit. Give a small chuckle.
Chan: Hmm. Devourer, that’s what you called it.

DMaster: VEL: I don’t think it would of devoured much really…
She says rubbing her chin under her drawn hood.

Chance: Glance to the man, thumb back.
Chan: you mean that sad excuse for a giant undead?

DMaster: He chuckles.
MAN: No, you must of took out one of the Minotaurs young man, you would know…
A guard taps his arm making him look back.
GUARD: Uh, Mr. Grimble-Thorn. They did, in fact defeat the Devourer.
His eyes widen, looks back to you from the corner of his eye.
GRIM: Oh… that. Is not good.
Turning with worry washing over his face.

Chance: Chan: Why is there always an “oh no.”
Shaking head, giving him and the guards a look.

DMaster: The guards seem to be alright with everyone but you. One of them, not sure which is definitely a disciple of Finster. You can feel it. They are keeping a closer eye on you.
GRIM: I did not think it possible. Our legends speak of the creatures power and invincibility…

Chance: Looking at Velencia and Khamyra for some type of guidance

Vel telling them it was easyDMaster: VEL: (chuckle) No. Honestly, it really wasn’t all that hard to take out. It was all the other pesky undead jabbing at us that made it take so long, (laughs) Try taking on a 30 foot golem spider…
She says from under her hood.

Chance: Look at her, nod my head, look back.

DMaster: After a few moments of silence.
GRIM: Luckily that door in the mausoleum can’t be opened otherwise we could really be in some trouble
He says, finger to lip in deep thought

Chance: Looking over eyes getting big
Chan: and just what else would it be guarding if I may ask?

DMaster: GRIM: Our legends tell about the gateway to hell. This Devourer sits at the cusp, protecting us from…
Looks to all of you, trying to make it dramatic.
GRIM: Well, protect us from the creatures of hell, of course.