Black Dahlia

Previously In The Last Adventure:

Chance finds himself at the Roundel in Hillside finishing up a deal with the devil, little did he know the consequences. Afterwards he teams up with his wife and they head back to Camerondale to a new home that Khamyra bought. Trying to come to terms with what happened, Chance ends up at Velencia's and gets unbelievable news.

NSFW Warning / Bad Grammar

This text will contain language not suitable for some people. It is merely an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. We are not trying to be the next J.R.R. Tolkien, so there will be misspelled words, fragmented sentences and things that just don’t make sense. Once in a while there will be some nudity and sexual themes, you will be warned ahead of time. Just read, enjoy and have fun!

Main Characters

EP#85 Black Dahlia

Black Dahlia Banner

First Five Starts Here

Chance stands there, staff in hand. His body turning numb. Remembering Zonnonoz talking, and the events that transpired. He glances down to the staff lighting up like a bonfire.

Chance stunned and shocked“What will Finster think, what will he do? What about Animax?” he thinks to himself, slowly backing up. Something flashes in his head, not of his mind, but of Finster’s. It was not pleasant and shocking.

Rawek is looking on thoughtfully, “well, it probably means your immortal now too, but I am not 100% sure.”

Velencia whips her head to the bird, wide eyes and angry, “he is… what?!?”

After a few moments, he drops the staff, backs up and is looking at the floor. Can’t believe what he got himself into. The staff slowly fades as it rolls a bit towards the High Priestess. Taking a deep breath, he turns to the door.

Rawek sighs as much as a Kenku can, dipping his head. Velencia, now even more disturbed, her arms crossed, shaking her head.

Rawek beginning to get worriedThe Champion does not remember leaving the compound, it was a blur. But he made it to his horse, and rode off not to Camerondale, but to his old home. The one he once owned, where he asked Khamyra to marry him, where his children were born and where his wedding was. Unhorsing he wanders around back, goes to the well, leans against it and slides his butt to the ground.

The world flashing around him, not sure what to think, what to do. He was just so lost knowing there was no turning back. Is he going to get the wrath of his Patron? What is everyone going to say about it? Do I tell people this?

Deep in thought Chance sat there for the majority of the morning and afternoon. This was a crazy turn of events, but this is affecting him poorly, and depression is kicking in. With no other concerns, he sits there just trying to wrap his mind around what happened and what Finster sent to him briefly.

Khamyra was at her desk at work. Finishing up one of her lesson guidelines. She turns to a knock on her open doorway.

Novalee getting with KhamyraNovalee is standing there, hastily dressed, worry on her face.

Instinctively the Warlock jumps up, “what’s wrong?!” walking to the blonde elf.

Shrugging her shoulders, “I just got a ‘runner’ at our door, they said Chance never showed back up for work when he was supposed to. The Queen also said he has not been there,” Novie responds giving the Onyx Elf a look.

“What time is it?” Khamyra responds turning back to her desk grabbing her coat that was draped over the chair.

“Mid afternoon, I believe,” she responds with raised eyebrows, “what is going on? Is he ok?”

Shaking her head, the Warlock is putting on her coat, gives Novalee a look, “no, I do not think he is ok. Dammit. I left him with Velencia, what was I thinking.”

The Onyx elf strides across the empty entrance way only to meet the Dean who was coming in.

“Khamyra we need to talk about…” he starts to say, only to see her fly by him, a scowl forming on his face.

Shaking her head, “not now,” she retorts with the blonde elf following close behind.

Khamyra heading out of the collegeKhamyra rides to their old home, with worry and trepidation in her heart. Knowing he did not take the news of the move very well, and something happened from morning until now that made him disappear. “And that… is not good,” she thinks to herself, knowing how reliable her husband is, “if Velencia did anything to him, I swear to Finster…”

Walking to the house, Cullun opens the front door with a smirk, “hey Warlock,” he says giving her a small hug, “he is out back against the well, been there most of the day.”

A deep sigh and a smile, she nods her head, “going to be there tonight?”

The Alchemist Historian nods his head with a smile.

The afternoon is waning, most of the trees in the sparse forest have changed and lost their leaves. He snaps out of his funk, when he hears soft footsteps.

“Hun, thought I’d find you here,” Khamyra says standing next to the quarter elf, looking down, “what’s going on? Everyone is looking for you.”

Quiet, almost unheard, “let them keep looking then,” he says shaking his head.

lots going on, lots wrongThe Onyx Elf squats down, “talk to me, what is wrong?” she says putting a hand on his shoulder making him jump a little.

Took a minute, as the quarter elf is going through things in his mind but finally responds, “Velencia and Rawek must of picked up the empty vial of blood I drank. They found out what blood I consumed.”

A wave of anxiety washes over the dark elf, wider eyes, “ok, and…?”

“Demons, of course, but Rawek thought there was something else,” Chance says, stumbling over the words, “and he was right. I drank the blood of Atticus.”

A scowl forms on Khamyra’s face, “what? How is that even possible?”

Shrugging his shoulder he throws some weeds he was pulling at, “don’t know, but when I grabbed that staff they found in the Temple of Atticus, it lit up like a bon-fire.”

The Onyx Elf’s mind is racing, shaking her head, “what the fuck did they do to you?”

She buried herself into the Quarter elf and for a brief moment, the anxiety he had faded, and he embraced his wife, his mother of his children, his love. Warm and comfortable, wishing he could just sit here for the rest of his lifetime.

A half hour goes by and the couple just sits against the well, pondering and both of them now, lost.

“I keep dragging everyone into my shit,” Chance says, “that has to stop. I refuse to have them worried all the time or hell, to put other people in danger. Damn them…”

Khamyra looks up, takes her husbands face in her hand and kisses him. It was warm, with just a hint of power surging.

“I will follow you into the depths of the fires if I have too, you will never be alone,” she says pulling her head back giving him a look that Chance drinks in.

He smiles a bit, kisses her forehead, “my love, you have to know I feel the same for you.”

She stands and reaches down her hand, “come on let’s go. My butt was falling asleep anyways.”

With a smirk he takes her hand and stands up. Looking around his eyes well up a bit, memories rush back, all amazing. He tries to control it, knowing Khamyra seems to be sensitive on the subject of where home is.

“You want to move back here, don’t you, “Khamyra says with sincerity, glancing to him.

He shakes his head, “no, much like I have to make due with my new changes, and who knows maybe for the better. I can’t find a reason to move back, albeit for only nostalgic reasons.”

She snuggles up to him as the cooler breeze hits them both, some leaves float by. “But, this…”

Grabbing his wife, lifting her off the ground with ease, they both stare into each others eyes, “we will just have to make new memories there, right?” He responds with a smile that makes Khamyra melt.

Nodding her head, she lets out a giggle and is let down.

Chance riding her horse like a little bitchThe duo heads out, grabs their horses and start to ride for Camerondale. Chance thinks, “where the hell was Dash or Cullun?”

It was a nippy day, but a pleasant one. The ride was nice. They stall their horses and head into the City.

“I am going to go let the BW know I will be back in tomorrow,” the tall man says glancing at his wife.

She squeezes his hand, nods and heads towards the inner gates. He double takes at her beauty and he smiles. She notices and blushes.

Chance walks into the Compound and almost immediately, “Chance! Cap wants to see you, now!” Cybil shouts across the busy floor.

Rolling his eyes, he nods his head and makes his way through the crowded floor and to the Captains office.

Knocking on the door, it is slightly ajar. Glancing in he sees the Captain and Bastian talking.

“Come on in!” Harlow says waving the quarter elf in.

Chance walks in, hands behind his back looking the two over, nodding to them. “I will have the report done for you tomorrow. There is information that I don’t have access to, so to speak, so I am waiting on Khamyra to write it up for me.”

Captain HArlow talking with ChanceThe two exchange glances, then back to Chance, Captain says, “the delay is not a problem, it was a long trip. But what does Khamyra have to do with this?”

Taking a deep breath, letting out a sigh, looking down, “I ask that you wait for the report. It will be much easier for you to read than for me to try and explain the very complicated reasons behind… well, everything.”

Bastian is nodding his head, seeing the stress he is under, knowing him better than the Captain. He responds, “well, alright, but we have a meeting first thing tomorrow. You will be heading up top 8:00 AM, and be careful of the construction. Its a half day, Saturlay and all, so we have to fit in as much as we can.”

The Quarter Elf gives the Witch a curious look and nods his head.

“Saturlay or not, that meeting is pretty important, so afterwards; Report. Without fail, on my desk, right Chance?” the Captain says with a bit of authority.

Nodding his head, he looks to her, “yes. Tomorrow. Thank you for understanding.”

“Oh and Chance, might want to swing by the Castle and let the Royals know there is a delay,” she says looking to start back in with the meeting with Bastian.

The big man nods his head and leaves the room.

The day was fading away, a cooler brisk wind hit and people around Chance shiver as he walked on. He shrugged his shoulders and made his way to the Castle.

Into the entrance way, he can see the Throne Room open, but he suddenly stopped. The Champion slowly looks to Morty’s bust and it hits him like a ton of bricks. He walks to the bust, almost knocking someone over. People unnerved by the Armor he is wearing.

Staring at the bust, a wave of guilt overwhelming him. He puts his head to the bust, and he could not stop the tears falling. “I couldn’t even imagine what you think of me right now,” he says inbetween long breaths.

Cassie was at the back of the throne room, talking with her daughter and she caught a glimpse of Chance, then saw his look. She excused herself and went to the entrance to the room. Peered out.

Her heart broke a little seeing the big man, crying at the bust of his long time mentor, his friend, practically his father. Allowing him to have a minute to himself, she then headed over.

He wiped a few tears away, and glanced over to Cassie, who had a worried look on her face.

“Just need some time Cassie, I am…” he says, but gets interrupted by a hug from the Baroness.

Embracing him, the beautiful blonde woman just says, “take all the time you need.”

He turns and they hug for a while, Chance doing everything in his power to not cry. It was a long damn journey.

Cassie backs up suddenly and knocks on your armor, “is it just me or is this armor radiating heat? And holy hell, this is some amazing Armor!”

He chuckles, smirks, “yeah and so do I,” he finishes holding out his hand to her.

Grabbing it she can feel he is warmer than usual. Her eyes get big, looks up to Chance and realizes, this is not the time for questions.

“Let us know when you are ready to give us the report, ok?” the Baroness responds with another quick hug.

Smiling, Chance hugs back, “I will, thank you my Baroness.”

With a playful swat of Chance she heads back into the Throne room, and Chance makes his way out of the Castle.

Walking to his Manor, it hits him. He looks ahead to his new home, then to the Castle. I started out in the Castle, now I am practically in there again he muses to himself.

Opening the door, he could smell food and he realized just how hungry he was, not eating all day. Puts his sword leaning against the wall, looking forward the kitchen doors are closed. He can hear movement and talking.

Chance walks up to the doors, and they slide open. Upon opening he has a wonderful site.

Khamyra with a big smile, Novalee looks up from the stove, Griffin, Dash, Luella, Trinity & Cullun all turn to you with a big smile. Standing around the large table in the kitchen, laughing and helping with dinner.

If a Champion could melt, he would of. The contrast of being tortured in the fires, to walking into a warm house, into a kitchen with his loved ones and friends, to what will be an amazing meal… He gives everyone a smile, and stops the tears from falling; because they were coming. The stress on his face slowly faded, as the smile on his face grew.

Everyone comes over and handshakes, hugs and little anecdotes. It was heaven for the Champ, and it was heaven for Khamyra to see him like this once again. Smiling, laughing and being his adorable, cute self.

The evening goes on and it is wonderful. The food amazing, the people amazing and the love he felt from everyone in the room was, well… amazing.

People taking turns feeding the kids, Sisse joining in, eating and laughing. Novalee catching up with Luella and Trinity. Dash and Griffin pick up where they left off with their ball busting. Khamyra spooning food to the kids with a big smile on her face. An onslaught of familiar sights, familiar sounds that fills the Champions heart.

Chance stops a moment, and drinks it all in. This. This is why he made the deal.

He made the deal for love.

The night goes on and it is filled with laughter, good food, drinks and a whole lot of love.

Chance and Khamyra finish out the wonderful night, after everyone left by making love and falling asleep in each others arms

Saturlay 7:00 AM

Turn Based Starts Here

Chance: I wake up with Khamyra still in my arms, unless the crier woke her up.

DMaster: After an hour of snuggling, she quickly moved to her side of the bed, you are radiating heat. She is not good with heat.

Chance: Sit up and stretch remembering I have a meeting with the Ward this morning. Gently touch Khamyra as I get out of bed.

DMaster: She turns and gives you a quick good morning kiss. Khamyra is rummaging around her closet.
KHA: Morning breath, (chuckles) The good thing about the college, before it opens, I don’t work Saturlays, or at least I don’t have to go in.

Chance: Chan: I know you are busy but did you manage to get the papers finished we talked about?

DMaster: She points at the dresser
KHA: They are right there hun, you can give it to the Ward, they can make copies

Chance: Give her a smile and stretch again
Chan: I see you were on the other side of the bed again, I am sorry I am radiating heat so much.

DMaster: She glances back, nodding her head while pulling on some simple burlap pants.
KHA: It’s ok. On the cold winter nights it could come in handy.

Chance: I get up and go to my dresser and rummage through clothes, as well as the closet. Somehow my clothes fit better now that I grew.
Chan: not sure when I will get back love, I have to deal with the Ward and I am sure the royals as well

DMaster: She nods, gives you a kiss on the cheek and heads for the kids. You get ready, grab a sweet roll, give Khamyra a kiss, Novalee a hug, and the kids a snuggle before heading out.

Chance: Remember to grab the scroll and make my way to the compound, flash the ring when I get there.

DMaster: It takes you 45 seconds (a record for Todd). The streets are half full being a Saturlay. It was cold out, about 30-35 degrees light winds and heavy overcast.

Chance: Head inside the compound and head up top being careful of the construction that Bastian mentioned

DMaster: Captain watches you pass by and jumps up, yells to intercepts you
CAP: Chance! Come in here first.

Chance: Nod my head at her and head in, holding the papers in my hand

DMaster: You walk in, she is in her usual all black half leather outfit, a bit of cleavage showing, her hair pulled back. Bastian is there in his semi raggedy brown and green outfit that looks comfy.
CAP: I will be leaving early today, so I just wanted to make sure you will have the report by the end of work.

Chance: Nod head.
Chan: I have everything wrote down here with Khamyra’s help, but I will need copies made so I can give one to the Royals when I meet them.

DMaster: She gives you a look, Bastian smirks.
BAS: Well ok. Just let us know why Khamyra is involved in it, maybe start off the report with that so there are no questions?
CAP: Yes, when you are done you can just hand it into Emeric, or my box.
She is rifling through her desk, Bastian starts to giggle

Chance: Raise an eyebrow
Chan: Emeric? Who?

DMaster: Realizing she said that she shakes her head, and Bastian just gives you a look.

Chance: Chan: well, some things could get sketchy. I need to keep somethings locked down with what I went through in the fires. Perhaps you both would like to read the report and that will explain it all.
Looking down and sigh a bit. Setting the scroll down on the Captain’s desk.

DMaster: They glance at each other again. Captain shrugs her shoulders and Bastian looks at you thoughtfully, as to say, “that makes sense.”
CAP: Chance. Just do the report, I am not sure what the hell you are talking about otherwise.
Bastian glances at the scroll.
BAS: Just add it to the report.
Twitches, mumbles something and smiles.

Chance: Nod my head.

DMaster: BAS: Head up top, watch the construction.

Chance: Giving Bastian a more curious look and nod my head. Grabbing the scroll to give to Emeric to copy.
Chan: And where will I find Emeric when I am done?

DMaster: BAS: You will see.
He points up, and leans against a cabinet in her office. By now the Cap was looking through other reports and such.

Chance: Nod my head, make my way out of the office and head up top.

DMaster: You go towards the stairs, you notice wood piled on each side, tools hanging, dust and the like. You rarely go down this far so you didn’t notice yesterday. Heading up the stairs, the door at the top has been taken off and you can see frame work, wood beams, 2 by 4’s all around as you walk in. It is wide open and half the “botanical garden” is in pots across the room.

Chance: Taking all this in as I look around.

Emeric New Leader of the Dahlia Division

DMaster: A man, roughly 5’11” walks over to you. Dressed in a grey and black outfit, very professional. His hair all done, and has a strong persona.
MAN: Chance?
He puts his hand out to shake it.

Chance: Put my hand out and shake his.
Chan: You must be Emeric.

DMaster: Nods his head, smile.
EME: Guilty as Charged.
There is a make shift table, with some boxes as chairs in the middle. A little less dirt and dust there.
EME: The others will be here shortly, I wanted to meet with you first. Please sit.
Points at a box on the ground as a makeshift chair.

Chance: Walk over to the box and sit down.
Chan: oh?

DMaster: EME: The Black Ward is in transition, trying to make adjustments and keep up with the times. We never want to be caught off guard or scrambling to address a situation. So we are creating a new division. But, we do not want to assume you would just join. So…

Chance: Raise an eyebrow.

DMaster: He has one hand in his pocket, the other he is looking at his hand, nails.
EME: I would appreciate an honest answer to this question. I know this is a bit unofficial but can I ask you if you like working under Valentine?

Chance: Chan: Honestly in the beginning I really did, but as of late I won’t lie, no. She made it clear she did not want me back in the Ward. So it’s safe to say, the tension is a bit high between us.

DMaster: EME: Then… I want to welcome you the opportunity to join our ranks. Once you have met the team, and heard what we are all about you can make the official decision. Plus it will get you away from Valentine.
Again turning and looking at the frames and beams, construction. Small smile on his face.
EME: Probably not the most comfortable right now, but in a week or so this place will be magnificent
He says this with a dramatic wave of his hands

Chance: Chan: oh, before I forget with everything going on, Captain wants copies of this made to include in my report

DMaster: He smiles, has a playful look
EME: Yes. Captain sure is insistent, is she not?
He grabs them, puts them by his bag and coat

Chance: Nod my head and smile
Chan: hey, it’s what she does best, I think she has to otherwise things will fall in between the cracks,

DMaster: EME: That, is very true.
He smiles, nods.

Chance: Chan: You would be my boss then, so to speak?

DMaster: He nods his head
EME: Yes. I would be your direct boss for what we are calling it right now; the Black Dahlia Division. Or Dahlia for short.
You hear voices behind you, walking up the stairs
EME: Ahhh, excellent here is the rest of the team. More importantly, the food.

Chance: Turn my head hearing the voices

Veronna Wild Elf Ranger

DMaster: A shorter female elf, dark hair, medium length, big copper eyes, in some rangy leather outfit. A bigger man, 5’10 built well, medium curly hair, baby face with piercing blue eyes. Has a common outfit on.

Chance: Looking at them and then look back at Emeric
Chan: So what exactly is the Dahlia Division?

DMaster: He smiles. They are carrying a bag and what seems to be mugs.
MAN: So our first assignment for this new division is fetch food and bean water… I can barely contain my excitement for the next assignment!
The girl is shaking her head smiling. They walk up putting things on the makeshift table.

Chance: Can’t help but smirk a little

Carver, Master Rogue

DMaster: EME: Yes. sweeping and cleaning the latrines are next, if you keep that attitude up
He has a playful smile on his face. They put out a basket of sweetbread, some hash-brown things, a few plates and 5 mugs of bean water. They glance at you, raised eyebrow but they seem more hungry than curious who you are. They start eating
EME: Help yourself… Chance
Saying it deliberate.

Chance: Nod my head and smile
Chan: now this, I could get use to

DMaster: They both stop eating and slowly look up to you, wide eyes – staring.

Chance: look at them making my eyes go a bit bigger.

DMaster: They exchange glances, then back to you. Emeric has a hash-brown, eating and taking a slug of beanwater, waiting for it.

Chance: Chan: by both your reactions, I guess you have heard of me.
Waiting for the; too young, not talented enough, he is a detriment, bullshit that will soon follow. Giving them a smirk, as I take a bite of the hash-brown

DMaster: They nod their head
MAN: Uh yeah, youngest BW member in history, can turn into the champion of Finster, whatever that entails, Champion of the Court of Camerondale, and most recently reports say you can now turn into something even more ferocious? I would kill to be able to work with you, it was kind of the reason I rejoined.
Emeric gives him a “come on” look. The Elf chimes in.
WOM: Don’t forget the Hero of Summer Isle and Harlow Hill.
The curly haired man nods his head chomping on more food.
EME: Luck would have it, he is strongly considering joining us.
MAN: Fuck yeah! Err I mean, yeah great.
Changing his tone a bit seeing Emeric giving him the eye. He has a big smile on his face as he downs some bean water

Chance: Smile… then frown.
Chan: well, don’t get to excited as trouble seems to follow me where ever I go.
grabbing some beanwater and take a glug

DMaster: A big smile washes over his face…
MAN: So… we heard.
The girl nudges him and shakes her head. He shrugs his shoulders and jams some sweet bread in his mouth. You hear more noise, and up comes Bastian.
BAS: Dammit Carver, you better of left a sweet bread for me you little shit
CAR: HA! If you be late, I ain’t gonna wait

Chance: A smile goes to my face and I shake my head
Chan: snooze, you lose, Bastian

DMaster: Carver points to you and nods at Bastian. The Master Witch sits, grabs some bread, eats, drinks some beanwater
EME: So welcome to our first unofficial meeting for the Black Dahlia Division… or Dahlia division for short, of course.

Chance: Grab another hash-brown thingy and down it as I am listening

DMaster: EME: I was going to introduce everyone, and I will, but it appears our youngest member has been well, dual intro-ed by Carver and Veronna here. Speaking of Carver, he is an expert infiltrator. Never seen a lock he couldn’t pick, never saw him get caught, except by… our Lieutenant here.
CAR: No, we can’t count that really.
BAS: I gotcha slick, fair and square.
He chomps into his food, Carver sighs.
EME: He was with the ward for a time, then moved on to… where?
Carver shrugs his shoulders.
EME: Ok, but we contacted him about returning to join this new division. He accepted and I for one am glad he is here.

Chance: Smile, nod and take another sip of beanwater as Emeric continues talking

Emeric talking about the peopleDMaster: EME: This fine woman is Veronna, the finest Ranger this side of… well Rohlia.
Carver scoffs, smirks and laughs. Veronna nudges him, playful frown.
EME: Can track a slight breeze on the top of a mountain. She has been a satellite agent as well, at the edge of the Swamps. With the war ending, and things, hopefully rebuilding, she decided to head home and we figured she would be a great fit for this division.

Chance: Looking at both Veronna and Carver, nod my head more curious now

DMaster: EME: Carver and Veronna have been working together now for a few days, they have their new armor coming in hopefully Monday.
Emeric gives Bastian a look who is eating and drinking.
EME: Bastian is… well, Bastian. He will be our over-boss. More for requisitions and approvals for the more important things, Cap will be the final say, but…
He gets interrupted as some one strides into the room.
XAV: Captain? No, I will be the final say, got it M?
Xavier says playfully. A big smile washes over his face the two warrior handshake. Xavier is in his royal outfit, perfect outfit, perfect hair and looks like he is a statue in a museum.

Chance: A big smile goes to my face seeing Xavier.

DMaster: Carver and Veronna get up and bow, Bastian does as well.

Chance: Get up and walk to Xavier, warrior hand shake.

DMaster: He smiles big, shakes back, gives you a “good to see you” type look. Everyone kind of gets wide eyes, you not bowing, and just handshaking royalty.

Chance: Go sit back down, grab the mug, sip a few more.

Duke Xavier and his plansDMaster: XAV: Sit sit, finish your food. Just wanted to check in on our newest project.
He looks around.
XAV: I have Bozzuto, err the King, putting in double time and money for this to be finished.
pointing about the room.
XAV: Should be done in a week. Things are moving fast and you might have your first assignment Monday already.

Chance: finish off my beanwater as Xavier is talking, raise an eyebrow to that.

DMaster: EME: Oh, really?
Xavier nods, then unrolls a blueprint of sorts. Looks about the room and starts to point things out.
XAV: The conference room here, your office Emeric, there. The stairs down to the mini offices for you guys, it is the locker room of sorts, where everyone can have there armor and gear.
then points to the one wall, all glass,
XAV: All your desks looking out over the city, where you will do your reports and…
He glances to Emeric.
EME: You got it approved?
He nods his head.
XAV: Your own entrance.
The now leader of the Dahlia Division smiles wide, and nods. The two talk & walk a bit away for a moment as the rest of you finish up. Xavier waves to everyone and takes off. Emeric comes back over.
EME: Now to finish out the introductions. I am Emeric. Not fond of talking about myself, but I will tell you I am an accomplished Cavalier and Guardian. Been with the ward for a decade, I was a satellite out in my home town of Gordonia, until it was over run with the insurgents.
Takes a breath, sighs. You can tell something with that is odd.
EME: Moved to Rockdale with the 2 other agents, and because of its instability now…
He pauses, clenches his jaw, takes a deep breath,
EME: It has been temporarily disbanded. Captain called me back to the City. Bastian brought me in and pitched this wild idea of a new division…
BAS: And a nice promotion to boot, Corporal Emeric Rockefeller, has a nice ring to it.

Chance: look at Emeric and nod. Think to myself, Rockefeller?

Bastian speaking to everyoneDMaster: Bastian gets up walks to Emeric, he nods and the new leader sits down finishing off the hash brown things.
BAS: Black Ward is always called in for the important, intense, nasty and weird things that happen in this realm. But we felt it can be a bit clumsy from time to time. Especially for the really important things, like the reeallly reeallly important things.
He smiles, twitches and continues.

Chance: Chan: You mean, like some of the things I have to deal with?
looking over at Bastian and smirk

DMaster: BAS: Exactly!
With a wink, he points at you.
BAS: Any issues that are Royal priorities, or based around something very unique, Black Dahlia will be one of the first on the scene.
Then glances at Emeric who softly nods.
BAS: Well Chance, you are the main reason we are forming this new division. You cause too much shit I tell you!
He chuckles

Chance: Chan: why is it I always hear that for some reason?
Laugh as well.

Why Carver came backDMaster: Carver chimes in.
CAR: It’s the main reason I came back.
Smiling at you.
BAS: We need a task force that can jump into action. No more going in alone, no more teaming up with a rando. It’s you four, always, unless there is more agents added. If the royals want some dog shit picked up at the docks, all four of you go and grab the stinky pile. On very important, higher end missions I will be joining in, and if not me, Mckenna. (pauses), You will have a full time scribe, and a morning servant that will keep the place somewhat tidy, and will be able to do some errands, within reason of course.
He murmurs something, twitches and continues
BAS: You get the idea. Where Chance goes, shit seems to follow, (smirks), we are here to deal with it. Emeric anything to add?
He shakes his head.
EME: not right now. Lots to digest, this is coming together pretty quick. I guess we can talk about the day to day stuff.

Chance: Chan: I do have one question about Armor.
Giving Bastian a look

DMaster: BAS: Sure Chance, no problem interrupting me, I mean…
Everyone chuckles

Chance: Shake head and smirk

DMaster: BAS: I’ll answer anything when I am done babbling. Each morning you will meet in this conference room and go over the days events. You will have your own entrance, so you will not be bothered much with the other agents on the ground floor.
He points to the stairs leading down.
BAS: So the cons of the job. Besides the 8am meeting, not sure you will have a “time clock” to go on. Projects will be worked on, and because of the nature of most of these, are time sensitive. Could be working until 3 in the morning, maybe Emeric will let you off at 2pm because nothing is urgent. It will be as the assignments come in. Do not expect a 9-5. Sunday your off unless you are in the middle of a mission, and time off will be something you will have to ask for well in advance.
He frowns looking around, twitches.
BAS: Pros? You all will get 6 platinum a week to start for your pay, gracious compensation for extra time spent and the admiration of yours truly.

Chance: cover my mouth so as not to chuckle at that comment, then raised eyebrow.
Chan: Gracious compensation?

DMaster: BAS: Yes, usually a few Platinum when you work overtime. Its no secret this Kingdom has a few extra copper in the coffers and they are not afraid to show their appreciation. Hell Chance, didn’t you just buy a mansion practically next to the Castle?

Chance: Wide eyes, looking around.
Chan: uhh, yeah. Wife did, she is the paragon for the new college too… err…

DMaster: They are all looking at you, wide eyes.

Chance: Give Bastian a look like, “thanks buddy, thanks a bunch.”

DMaster: He smirks, shrugs his shoulders. DM: It’s like getting 6,000 dollars a week, 24,000 dollars a month, almost a quarter of a million dollars a year. It is a really good salary.
BAS: Questions? Chance?

Chance: Chan: well I do have a few Bastian, I was going to ask is my new armor going to be okay.
Giving Bastian a look

DMaster: He gives you a perplexed look.
BAS: That is something you and Emeric can work out.
Emeric smiles and nods
EME: We can have a look at it. Carvers and Veronna have already got theirs on the way.

Chance: nod my head
Chan: well perhaps my next question I should address to you and Emeric both then. speaking of putting in for time off in advance, Queen Azatina has requested I be at her coronation

DMaster: Carver smiles and chuckles, Veronna wide smile nods her head. Smiles, shakes his head.
BAS: You and Emeric can work something out, you lunatic.

Chance: Smile, chuckle a little.

DMaster: BAS: That about covers it any further questions? That “I” can answer Chance?

Chance: shake my head for the moment, and look and sit quietly for now

DMaster: BAS: Emeric they are all yours. I will see you guys on Monday, looks to be a busy start to this division!
He waves and heads out.
EME: Apparently…
Sighs and stands up, looks at all three of you.
EME: We start Monday at 8am. We will have a morning meeting and go over any events or things that are happening. Dismissed for the day, except you Chance, stick around a moment.

Verrona looking up to the ChampionDMaster: Carver and Veronna come over to you, looking a little intimidated

Chance: Give them a small smile, stand up and extend my hand to Carver and Veronna.

DMaster: He takes and shakes it, as does the elf.

Chance: Chan: be warned, you two. Things get pretty crazy when I am around. We are talking violence, crazy events and lots and lots of blood…
chuckling a bit, giving them a full warning.

DMaster: Carver is smiling wide.
CAR: Counting on it!
They head out. Emeric gives you a look.
EME: So… are you in?

Chance: Nod head.
Chan: As Carver would say, fuck yeah… er I mean yes sounds great.

DMaster: Emeric has a big smile on his face, you two shake hands.
EME: Sounds great. By the way this came for you.
He is reading from a paper.
EME: “To Chance. Defer the meeting to Monday per Baroness Cassandra.” Finish the report and head home.
He says with a smirk. Gives you a pat on the shoulder.
EME: I’ll get to making copies of this.
grabbing onto the Scroll.

Emeric speaking with ChanceChance: Smile and nod, relieved. Thinking that Cassie probably did that because of yesterday.
Chan: Will do, Emeric.
Head to my office work on the report.

DMaster: DM: Todd rolled a 5 for the report.
You struggle a bit, writing the timeline, back track add something, start over in a section. A few things jog your memory and you get a bit light headed and have to stop. You finish the report with two things attached. The Khamyra report and a note explaining why. Then a separate form to give a stellar review of Demi.

Chance: Finish it up quick. Don’t want anything popping out of my head.

DMaster: You get it done around 1:00 PM. During that time you get a delivery of 2 more copies of the report, plus Khamyra’s original.

Chance: I will put one of the copies in with my report and take it to the captain’s office.

DMaster: The door is closed, you put it in the box.

Chance: Once done, I will make my way out of the compound, head back to my house and go find Khamyra.

Behind The Scenes

Khamyra finishes her day at the college early, being Sagelay. Heads for home with a heavy heart. She did not sleep well, Chance was having some nightmares and he was giving off heat. She usually liked that but it was too much last night.

Khamyra talking with ChanceWalking into her new home, this giant manor, she frowns a bit thinking about how her husband reacted to moving.

“Should of shut my mouth and waited to tell him,” she tells herself grinding her teeth a little, “it was not the time or place…”

She can hear Novalee in the kitchen in a hiss like voice, “kiddo’s are sleeping…”

Khamyra walks into the kitchen, glances over to Novalee who is working on a large pot of tea.

“Sisse went out for some groceries and…” the blonde elf says glancing over to her best friend, double takes and stops what she is doing.

Their eyes meet for a minute and Khamyra’s starts to well up and tears fall and fall. Novalee runs to her and they embrace.

“What is wrong?” Novalee says kind of knowing, but wanted to be sure of it.

The Onyx elf sits on one of the stools, looking down wringing her hands. “Chance told me what happened to him down in the underearth,” she starts out, takes a deep breath and continues, “I would of never believed it if it wasn’t coming from him. It’s amazing and grotesque all at the same time.”

Novalee is rubbing her back, worried about what she is about to say. She knew that he went into the underearth, but nothing more.

Khamyra tells her of the tale: The main underearth is like a slummy uptop, and there is a huge sub section called the Fires of Ardor. The battles he had and almost losing Talia.

The short elf grabs a stool and sits next to the Onyx elf. Hanging on her every word.

Tears start to well up, “Novie, he went into the fires…” she says with a shaky breath, “because he didn’t want any one else to get hurt, knowing he had to in order to stop that bitch.”

“He went… alone, Novie, Alone!” she says with a bit of anger, “Champion of Camerondale (scoff) more like the Champion of Legon!”

By now Novalee has wide eyes not sure what that entails, going into the fires alone.

Khamyra continues with the story about torture, the deals he had to make and what happened in Hillside. Both girls were wiping tears away knowing that this could change this man, this hero forever.

A slight smirk and raised eyebrow washes over the Warlocks face. Scoffs a bit and that threw Novalee.

“I might be falling in love with you Champion… that winged bitch,” Khamyra says with some whip, “he was vague with that part, but says nothing happened.”

Novalee looks at her, “you mean that boobie demon woman you mentioned?”

She nods her head, “so much went on down there that I will never know… hell, no one but Chance will know and maybe in some ways he is still protecting us. Hearing some tales may really upset us…”

They look at each other and nod, knowing he is most definitely doing that right now. It is something he will most likely burden himself to bear alone.

A knock on the door alerted the two women and head for the door knowing they were waiting on a delivery.

DMaster: You walk up past the castle, you see a larger pull wagon leaving your place with a few workers, lugging it by you.

Chance: Making my way inside to see what is going on before finding Khamyra to sit down and talk with her

DMaster: A large table is now in the entrance way. Khamyra and Novalee are looking it over, talking about what to put on it and the like.

Chance: Chan: Nice table.
Giving a little chuckle.

DMaster: They smile and nod.
NOV: Hey M’Lord… eer Chance. Yeah, loving the new table.
KHA: All done today? Did you meet with the Royals yet?

Novalee watching Chance be a wackadooChance: Chan: They postponed it. Just a lot from the Ward today. Come love, let’s talk
Holding out my hand

DMaster: She glances up and nods. Novalee is bringing in doilies and vases, etc to see what will look good on the table

Chance: lead Khamyra into the living room and sit down.

DMaster: The kids are there and you end up playing with them for a while. Sisse takes a short break.

Chance: Play with the kiddos for a few minutes smiling more and more
Chan: Let’s go talk in our, or I mean, your office
and hold her hand as we go into the office, hoping I am not giving off too much heat

DMaster: DM: Condensing. Khamyra and Chance talk about the new division and what it entails. She is a bit surprised but seems to really like it. A dedicated group, protecting each other, etc. Glad you are away from Valentine now. She didn’t like the “not a 9-5” and she loved the 6 platinum a week.

Chance: Chan: I think we should celebrate a bit love to the new job. Perhaps go to Fycon’s? Then maybe go clothes shopping as well for the both of us.

DMaster: She chuckles.
KHA: My dear, Fycons on a Sagalay (saturday)? You would have had to made a reservation weeks ago.

Chance: sigh and chuckle.
Chan: of course I forgot as always, I know a little place that doesn’t require a reservation.

DMaster: She gives you a scrunchy face.
KHA: How about we have a meal, all together, at home with just you, me, Novalee and the Kids? That. Is something we have not done in weeks.

Chance: Chan: well let’s go find a little something for the kids, since da-da hasn’t been home for awhile. Then we can have a nice quiet evening with no interruptions.

DMaster: DM: Moving this along. You guys spend time with the kids,and Novalee. Novie cooks a great meal, and you and Khamyra are both feeding the kids, though they do most of it on their own now, It was a really nice night.

Chance: I keep forgetting the kids are getting older not babies anymore!

DMaster: The DM needs to make sure he keeps up with that.

Chance: at the end of the night I will put the kids to bed, look down at them both and get a small smile on my face. Head to mine and Khamyra’s room and go stand out on the balcony.

DMaster: Well… opening the door you get hit with a breeze of about 20-25 degrees.

Chance: yeah, but the cold doesn’t bother me. If and when Khamyra comes out, I wrap my arms around her before leading her back into the bedroom and take her in my arms. Just hold her in my arms for a bit before backing off since I know how her and heat work.

DMaster: The fireplace is going good but she welcomes it.
KHA: Your heat is fine for these things, but when I want to sleep, no. So bring it on my little campfire.

Chance: chuckle a bit.
Chan: so I go from overgrown lantern to your little campfire?

DMaster: She smirks brings you into the bed and you two, “fornicate like wild Owlbears in heat”, as Velencia likes to call it.

Chance: LOL and then I roll over and sleep.

Starday (Sunday) 6:30AM

DMaster: You get a good sleep, wake up around 6:30AM. Khamyra is snoring a bit, butt in the air.

Chance: giggle a little seeing her butt in the air. Get up and go get cleaned up, grabbing some fresh clothes.

DMaster: DM: Condensing. You hear the kids, and you go get them. The morning goes on good. You get the kids going, Novalee helps because you don’t know where anything is yet. Khamyra gets up, loves the scene, tears up a little seeing you with them. You guys have some cinnamon porridge, tea and chat. Then you swing over to the castle, get with your mum. Invite her over, and she is floored that you live there.

Chance: I will invite her for dinner, since I know the next day is going to be crazy busy for both me and Khamyra.

DMaster: Your mom comes over, and is blown away by the manor you live in. She plays with the kids and mentions how close she is now to them. She can visit more. A great meal by Novalee, and a good time was had by all. It was a relaxing day. Calmed your soul and really helped out. Your mom leaves with hugs and kisses, then you and Khamyra act like a camel and hump.

Mondalay 7:00 am

DMaster: CRY: Decent day but hold on to the hats its a bit breezy! Get up, its 7 AM!
He wasn’t wrong. there are a few clouds, around 40-45 degrees and 15-20 mph winds

Chance: getting up grab clothes making sure Khamyra is awake as well, before I grab the copy of the paper Khamyra wrote up for me.

DMaster: She is on the edge of the bed.
KHA: Wat? The weekend is over already? Dammit.
She gets up and shakes her head. You can hear Sisse getting the kids.

Chance: Chan: yes it is love, back to regular life.
Give her a kiss on the cheek.
Chan: I don’t know what time I will get home.

DMaster: She yawns, stretches again and nods her head.

Chance: Give her a kiss on the forehead.
Chan: I love you so much.

DMaster: KHA: Love you too, have a good day, babe.

Chance: Make my way towards the compound and the new entrance where I go, and head in and go to the meeting room.

DMaster: You are walking along dirt , it is not even a path yet. A few workers outside looking like they are scarfing down breakfast give you an odd look.
WORK: Sorry, this entrance here? Yeah going to be a while before its functional.
A few guys working look at you shake their head.

Chance: Smirk and head back to the regular way, forgetting its not quite done yet.

DMaster: Heading through the compound, going to your room Killian stops you. Shakes your hand, warriors shake.
KIL: Congrats kid, a promotion.

Chance: Chan: still calling me kid even though I will eventually catch up to you in height you big lug.
smirking and shake his hand

DMaster: He gives you a look.
KIL: Size has nothing to do with it, until you get older than me, you will always be kid to me.
He looks around and back to you. Says quietly, leaning down.
KIL: Valentine put up a little bit of a stink when she heard, but I could tell she was relieved. It was an act.
He chuckles.
KIL: Good luck!
Slaps you on the back.

Chance: Chan: oof!
Cough a bit and laugh and make my way to where we are to have our meeting.

DMaster: DM: Condensing. The construction is in full effect up-top, so Emeric requisitions the Captains office for the first meeting. Chance barely makes it up there when he sees everyone heading down. Emeric points to the Captains office. A bunch of agents, workers looking at you as you pass by, probably wondering what is going on. You make it to the captain’s office, it is bit cramped but not bad.
EME: OK, our first real official meeting. So as predicted we have our first assignment already
Everyone nods their head, drinking and eating.

Chance: nodding and listening to what the first assignment will be, having a drink of bean water and a chomp of food.

DMaster: Carvers eyes light up and nods his head.
CAR: I know what it probably is…
Emeric smirks, looking over a document, mug in hand.
EME: Oh, do tell.
CAR: The missing people. Papers say 3 so far. I am guessing more.
Emeric nods his head.
EME: You are correct.
VER: Missing people? Do we do that kind of thing?

Chance: Chan: I am sure there is more to it than just three missing people, if we are getting involved.

Sakine the Dahlia's new scribeDMaster: They nod their head, a knock on the door. Emeric opens and lets in someone you have not seen in a long time.
EME: Ahhh our scribe, welcome.
She smiles and walks in. It is Sakine. She is not in her usual drab outfit for Esmershard, she must of quit there and started here. Her makeup is really good, jewelry, a scarf of sorts around her neck. Of course a plunging shirt, boobs propped up, a nice longer skirt and what you can tell some boots underneath.

Chance: Look down and shake my head.

DMaster: Looking your way, she beelines it to you. Tilting her head a bit, letting out a little growl.
SAK: Ohh, Chance. Nice.
She wriggles her eyebrows.
EME: I guess introductions…? Well Chance knows her already.

Chance: Trying not to look down her shirt.
Chan: nice to ummm, see you again Sakine.

DMaster: She whirls around, almost hitting Veronna in the face with her scarf.
SAK: I am Sakine, I worked under Esmershard for years and years. And, well, not under him, mind you, that would take a barrel of wine and a pouch of platinum, am I right?
She looks around, scoffs and continues.
SAK: I have a ton of experience and needed to move on from the dank, hole in the ground, under the library. I also…
She stops to see Carver, her eyes light up.
SAK: Oh, Hi. Nice to meet you.
Avoids Veronna and walks to the Rogue. He is smiling and blushing.

Chance: Chan: Sakine. You haven’t changed much have you.

DMaster: She waves you off, then looks to Emeric. He just shakes his head.
EME: Find a place Sakine, we are just now going over the Mission. Do you have the information I requested?
SAK: Will do. And, yes I do.
She hands the Cavalier a stack of papers, and sits down on the cabinet in back. Emeric is looking through it and nods his head to her, somewhat surprised.
EME: Looks very good, thank you. Let’s start.

Chance: Fold my arms as I am listening to Emeric.

DMaster: EME: As of this morning 8 people are missing.
CAR: Eight?!?
He nods his head.
EME: That we know of, 5 adults and 3 kids.
Everyone shakes their head a bit.
VER: Thus the reason we are getting involved then huh?

Chance: grumble a bit when I hear kids are missing as well.

DMaster: He nods, then Emeric is looking over the documents quickly.
EME: Good job Sakine. Cross references, not a lot to match up, doesn’t seem like a certain type or race or age… but one thing is for certain.
SAK: All that have been verified missing are from the Pit, roughly the Tanglewood street area.
Carver scoffs. Emeric gives him a look, raises an eyebrow.
EME: Carver?
CAR: I know a lot of people from the pit, some are my best friends, I have known some to sleep the drink away for days. I am not saying that is the case, but we have to take that into account that this area is more prone to go “missing” than others. Mind you that doesn’t explain the children.

Chance: Look over the both of them.

DMaster: Emeric nods, looks to the Wild Elf.
EME: Veronna?
VER: I’d rather go with 8 missing. Never want to assume someone is drunk, or sleeping in or hell, ran away. Eight missing we look to find 8.
EME: Chance?

Chance: Chan: Agreed. But why the uptick, and why in that area? just getting a vibe is all.

DMaster: EME: Vibes are good Chance, elaborate.
Nodding to you.

Chance: Chan: I will say this, my last experience in the pit was none too pleasant.
looking at the group and just shaking my head.

DMaster: EME: Continue please.

Chance: Chan: I was not in the Ward, me and my wife were asked to help out with a case involving symbols and the like, that had to do with dead bodies…
Continue the tail, make it somewhat short.

DMaster: Afterwards, everyone looking with wide eyes.
EME: I do remember reading about that, in a report from Valentine. Though some of it was redacted by the Royals.
They look a little stunned.
VER: Wait, you went down into some old access tunnels, with your Warlock wife. Got trapped by a symbol of Animax. Then kidnapped by some old thief, sailed across the Othellian sea, exchanged to the old Three Witches, one that is now a lich, taken to a hut. Get rescued by Valentine and your Warlock, they burned the boat so you were stuck, then stayed at a bar that got turned into fire zombies, the Baroness finally catches up, rescues all of you and you head back to Camerondale. Holy shit…

Chance: Chan: I keep warning you, so I will warn you again. I am fated to be where I am to be. So if you are in the wake of the chaos I apologize.

DMaster: EME: Thank you Chance. Valentine has been on this for the last 2 days, she is going to fill us in.
The door opens and in she walks.

Chance: Frown. As she comes in I let out a little sigh.

DMaster: She looks around.
VAL: A bit crowded I see.
Sakine shifts in her seat, scoffs.
SAK: Great, if anyone farts we all die.
She mumbles about how cramped it is. Veronna starts to giggle and giggle, as does Carver.
EME: Ok, I know, not ideal, but for now, its all we have. Valentine?

Chance: keep arms folded waiting for Valentine to go over the details of what she knows. But can’t help smirk looking at Veronna and Carver

DMaster: VAL: Lots of missing people, most of them seem to be in the Pit and the Tanglewood area. As per usual in the pit, no one sees anything. But we did shake out a few things from our contacts. Been a lot of activity around the Tanglewood Long drive. Not far from where we had that ordeal with Wilder, Chance.
Her eyes get a bit bigger.

Chance: Giving Valentine a look.
Chan: So could there be a possibility he is back at things again? Just saying?

DMaster: VAL: We cleared out that place and regularly patrol it, so if there is anything going on there, it is not in those corridors.
She shrugs her shoulders.
VAL: I doubt it, but hey I never thought he would of been there in the first place.
EME: Who is he?
VAL: Wilder that little shit-bag. A rogue that we have been after forever. Into some real shady things.

Chance: Chan: more than just a little shit-bag.
Letting a little light come out my eyes reliving my ordeal a bit in my head.

DMaster: VAL: Well, we should mention you and Velencia were buddy buddy with him back in Breakwater. So who knows?
She shrugs her shoulders giving you a sharp eye. Everyone glances over to you, looking confused.

Chance: Chan: Yeah. Buddy buddy.
Shake head just glad I am done with that hot mess called Valentine.

DMaster: VAL: Anyways, we have scouted the area, and been on watch for a few days. Nothing too unusual so far. We have a few people you can interview, and a decent mapped out area you can start looking. I think that is underway already.

Chance: Nodding my head and just dip head a bit knowing there is still tension between me and Valentine.

DMaster: VAL: We are pulling out from there until further notice. Some guards will be double, triple patrolling. Emeric, let us know if you need bodies for stake outs or anything, in the meantime I will be in my office most of the day if you have questions.
He nods.
EME: Thank you Valentine.
She closes the door.
EME: Ok, now we know Valentine and Chance are not exactly best buds, but what is she talking about with Velencia? I never read a report on that.

Chance: Chan: I wasn’t with the Ward. Only Bastian and at the end the Baroness were in on it. It is a long story, drought, blood magic, Immryllion, you know, the usual.
grumble a bit
Chan: let’s just say unfortunately I have to deal with Velencia on some occasions, even though she is a sour nasty slut.

DMaster: They all exchange glances.
Carver mouths, “sour nasty slut” to Veronna who just smirks and shrugs her shoulders.

Chance: Chan: sorry, perhaps when we have time, I should give you all the details since we are going to be working together. I would like this to be a fresh start for me.

DMaster: He nods.
EME: When we have a bit more time.

Chance: Nod my head and fold arms again listening on.

DMaster: EME: Between me and Valentine, we have a few agents interviewing already. I want us to head out to Tanglewood and have a good look, Veronna, we need your tracking skills.

Chance: Chan: When do you want me to get in contact with the Royals? I am sure the King will want a report of what happened, since it has been delayed.

DMaster: He nods.
EME: Do it now. We are going to get ourselves geared, these two have their new armor. I am guessing you have armor you can use for the short term, an old BW armor perhaps?

Chance: Chan: No that is in an ash-pile in the middle of the Fires of Ardor. But I have armor that will make due for the time being.
just smirking a bit

DMaster: EME: Just for the time being, get to the Royals, meet us down in the pit, in full gear, as soon as you can.

Chance: Chan: I will make it so, and get with you as soon as I can.

DMaster: EME: Lets go, head back up, get our armors, then we get ready and head out.
they all get up and start for the door.

Chance: I will get up as well and make sure I have the copy Khamyra wrote up and head to the castle

DMaster: Grabbing the scroll you head out of the compound, and to the castle.

Chance: make sure to flash my ring when I get to the castle.

DMaster: They let you in and you get a big hug out of no where.
BIRG: Chance!

Chance: Smile wide.
Chan: Birgetta, good to see you again.
giving her a hug back.

DMaster: She is in a simple dress out fit, looks to have heavy stocking underneath, a bit of cleavage and nice jewelry on. The redhead starts in chattering as usual. You find out that Erikka doesn’t live in the castle anymore, the Queen really has no need for ladies. So poor Birgetta is the odd woman out. You two chat for a minute more and head to the throne room. The doors are open. You see Affinity and Cassie looking at things on the table.

Chance: Clear my throat a little as I come into the throne room.

DMaster: They look up and both smile.
AFF: Chance!

Chance: Give them a small smile.

DMaster: Affinity heads over, gives you an odd look and then gives you a hug.

Chance: Give her a small smile then give her a hug in return.
Chan: always good to see you both

DMaster: Cassie comes over, soft smile a bit of worry on her face.
AFF: I’ll get Boz, have a seat Chance.
The Queen points to the table.

Chance: Nod my head and sit at the table.

DMaster: Once Affinity is out.
CAS: So you doing a bit better today?
She says smiling giving you a hug before you sit.

Chance: Hug her back.
Chan: I am, thank you for the other day my Baroness. That meant more to me than you could have ever known.
Giving her a smile.

DMaster: Smirking, she shakes her head.
CAS: I feel like I’ve been there too. Long grueling trip with lots to digest, and some things that never sit well.
Affinity and Bozutto come out, head over.
BOZ: Morning Chance!
Giving you a hand shake.

Chance: Chan: good morning M’Lord
shaking his hand
Chan: I am sorry about the delay in reporting to you.

DMaster: He nods his head.
BOZ: Well, we were quite busy Saturday anyways. But from what I read, it was one hell of an adventure.
Stops before sitting, eyes a bit wide.
BOZ: How is Azatina?
Affinity rolls her eyes, Cassie smirks.

Chance: chuckle a bit.
Chan: She is doing well. I have to make plans to attend her coronation.

DMaster: He gives you a nod of his head.
BOZ: Yeah we all do, you will be our escort.

Chance: internally roll my eyes and sigh loud, but not in real life.
Chan: It would be my honor.
Giving him a smile, put the scroll on the table.
Chan: So you want to know what happened?
Slide the scroll over.
Chan: Let me give you the context before you read that scroll.

DMaster: DM: Condensing. Chance tells them of the journey to Hillside. Then finding out what is in the Roundel. Trip to Thoraxe, including the Free Lands and King Grim-Eye. Then to the Infernal Caverns. Down into the under-earth. The trip to the Gates to the Fire.

Chance: Take a deep swallow, nod to the scroll with the notes. Wait for them to read it.

DMaster: Bozutto and Affinity are reading together. Cassie is fidgeting with things, probably reading her Daughter and the King. Bozutto looks very disturbed, slowly looks up to you.
BOZ: This. Really happened? So your memories are locked down to keep your sanity?

Chance: Nod my head.

DMaster: Affinity is reading it again with her mom, and tearing up.
AFF: This is unbelievable. I never knew this even existed. I don’t know what to say…

Chance: Nod in appreciation.
Chan: You do not have tos ay anything. I did what I had to do. There really was no choice, I had to protect the ones that were with me and the people of Hillside.
Giving her a small smile.

DMaster: Cassie is also really distressed.
CASS: No one should have had to go through anything like this. In some way I am glad you have your thoughts blocked from us, god knows what we would see…

Chance: Nod my head in agreement. Looking down at my knuckles for a moment and let out a small sigh. Then continue the story to now.

DMaster: BOZ: So the deal you made included your release from imprisonment, a legendary suit of armor, and the Immryllion entourage taken care of by Demons. They get this “lord” or whatever it was called. Not exactly a great deal for them, it seems.

Chance: Chan: Well. They do not like Immryllion, in fact they hate her. So taking this Lord and Forgotten out was a no brainer. Letting me leave is no skin off their hide.
Leaving the blood drinking out for now.

DMaster: BOZ: I can’t imagine this cast off goddess is going to be too happy about all this.
Giving you an eyebrow raise.

Chance: Chan: I imagine not. A problem for another day, M’Lord and a problem I will deal with on my own.

DMaster: BOZ: I got word they are filling the Roundel in now, working overtime to do so. Said something went down out there, and you were at the heart of it.

Chance: scoff, Look down.
Chan: Just making sure everything was taken care of, that the Lord was gone.

DMaster: He nods his head, looks to Cassie and Affinity who both have puppy dog eyes looking at you.

Chance: Smile softly.
Chan: I just wanted to make sure this got to you before I have to head home, grab my gear and head to the pit.

DMaster: They are standing up nodding their head.
CASS: Oh, the Dahlia is on the missing people, must be the first assignment.
Affinity looks around a bit confused.
AFF: Dahlia, wat?
Bozutto smiles wide, almost has a proud look on his face.
BOZ: Figured you would be part of the Elite group.
Cassie smiles at you.
CASS: 9 missing since Thuralay last week, we don’t have more than 15-16 missing all year in the city, and to have 9 in such a short time

Chance: Chan: Nine? We heard eight.
Sigh even louder.

DMaster: She shakes her head.
CASS: Another just came in. I am sure it has filtered down to Emeric already.

Chance: Chan: well Cassie, we will get to the bottom of this I promise.
giving her a small smirk.

DMaster: Affinity looks at you, then as if something snaps.
AFF: Oh wait! That new division!
Bozutto smirks, rubs Affinity’s arm.
BOZ: Yup. Black Dahlia.

Chance: Chan: That is the one.
Smirking even more.

DMaster: Cassie and Boz exchange glances smile.
BOZ: Thanks for stopping by letting us know how it went, now get, find those people for us.
You get hugs and handshakes

Chance: Chan: Aye, as you say
Return the hugs and handshakes. Quickly head to the house grab my gear. Making sure to leave my helm for now latched to the side, grabbing silent fate and the dagger Inasatra gave me and head to the Pit to catch up with the group.

DMaster: You get lost for a second, then find your way in. Most people wide eyes, giving you a wide birth. Finally find it and head in, carrying a small map that Emeric gave you.

Chance: Head in and look the map over and go find Emeric and the group.

DMaster: Its cloudy around 50 degrees breezy, almost high sun. Making your way in, pass Cobalt square. Noticing a heavier guard presence already. To say you are drawing attention is a vast understatement. Stopped by a few guards but show the ring and move on. You make your way down a few alleyways, somewhat complex, but finally make it to Tanglewood. You can see Emeric, looking at a map. Veronna is pointing a few things out, Carver is perched on the second floor of a condemned building looking around. A few of the investigating agents working on a make shift table.

Chance: Making my way over to Emeric.
Chan: sorry, dealing with the royals took me longer than expected Emeric.

An armor called Fire FeastDMaster: He looks to you, goes to smile then double, triple takes. His eyes wide looking at your armor. From the second floor,
CAR: Holy shit Chance.
Pointing at you, big smile on his face. Veronna turns and look, eyes bulge.

Chance: Chan: I know, quite a sight isn’t it.

DMaster: EME: Well, we need to get you Black Ward armor that will suit you better. A Duskblade walking around in heavy armor does not… make… much sense.
Emeric walks over looking, then hovers his hand over it.
EME: Is the armor radiating heat?
Veronna is knocking it a little.
VER: What metal is this?

Chance: Smile and nod.
Chan: well if you haven’t noticed, I do as well.
Glancing at the both of them.
Chan: a story for another day. Let’s just put it this way, this wasn’t forged anywhere in the above ground…
Chuckle a little.

DMaster: She looks at you wide eyes.
EME: OK, well we canvassed the area, decided the following cluster of condemned buildings were the best bet to start off with. Carver jumps down, looks to Veronna, playful smile.
CAR: Verr can’t you track or something, I mean…
She rolls her eyes, shakes her head.
VER: Hundreds of people walk here, if you haven’t noticed, what am I tracking? A heard of elephants?

Chance: cover my mouth a bit so not to laugh

DMaster: DM: Condensing. The new division Dahlia goes through 2 condemned buildings. Nothing much found, dirt, some debris but nothing unusual. Veronna gets to the third building, if you want to call it that and she seems to be getting a vibe from it. Chance, (rolls a 24) finds just a few spots of blood on the wall far into the last building they went into.

Chance: Chan: Might have something.
Careful head towards the corner making sure to alert the group

DMaster: They stop and head over. there appears to be blood on the wall, not a lot of it, and some drips on the dust covered floor. Veronna goes over, scrapes a little, feels it, smells and even licks it once. Carver gags a little.
CAR: (quietly) oh, gross.

Chance: Chan: I am sure this will help us, Carver
chuckling a bit watching him gag

DMaster: Veronna gets close to the ground and is jumping from area to area, smelling, looking. She sees something else, gets over, it’s about 15 feet away. Rubs her hands on something. She glances back to Emeric who is keeping up with her.
EME: Go. Follow the lead!

Chance: I am following closely behind her

DMaster: She is moving along, almost unreal and reminds you of Rohlia.
VER: Hard to see, but more blood here… the blood has something else with it. Could just be contaminated though.
She spits once, smells and licks it again.
CAR: Maybe there was another wild elf that came along and, I don’t know, licked it?
She smiles wide, shakes her head
EME: We will take that under advisement Carve, Veronna, can you track this with that sample?
She nods her head

Chance: Snicker, Keep on them, looking back to see if we have back up.

DMaster: VER: I am feeling it is this way.
She is pointing to a broken window, no one is behind you from BW.

Chance: Follow the group over towards the window

DMaster: Emeric is hanging back a bit watching and looking around. A few people of the pit is stopping looking in, seeing the other agents now peering in as well trying to keep an eye on you. Emeric is motioning the agents to shoo off any by standers. Carver is jumping to the edge of the wall that is all but crumbling. For a stocky man he can really jump and maneuver.
VER: Carve, can you see the other side?
He peers over some old wall and debris.
CAR: Outside. Looks like more blood.
VER: Thought so, but the smell is really throwing me off.

Chance: Chan: If “Valentine” canvassed the area before hand, how did she not see this? Man, this is just like last time.
Shake my head.
Chan: Making up for our Lieutenants mis-steps. (quietly)

DMaster: Emeric gives you a small shake of the head and a frown. DM Condensing: Veronna is looking over the blood, but it gets real sketchy here. Lots of debris and you are a stones throw from the dump. The smell is starting to effect the Wild Elf a little. Carver is climbing around the perimeter, looking for anything else. Chance is staring at the debris outside the window (rolls a 23). Emeric walks over to him.
EME: Chance?

Chance: Keep looking.
Chan: There is a pattern in the debris, like someone walked through it, then tried to cover it.

DMaster: Veronna’s head snaps and her eyes bulge.
VER: How did I not see that, great eye chance!
Everyone is looking.
EME: I think you are right, looks like someone was dragged through here, covered up a bit.
CAR: Ahhh, the lovely aroma of the city dump
VER: I am hoping this… doesn’t
She climbs over and through some more debris, fallen wall, broken table.
VER: Dammit, it goes into the dump
It leads right into the City dump, to a doorway that is now closed. You can hear noises coming from there, but there are workers there. so it could be them

Chance: Chan: well….shit, why doesn’t that surprise me, the dump.

DMaster: You guys head in, through the door and there are two people shoveling, who knows what. They stop and look back to you.
EME: Take a break.
DM Condensing: Emeric shows his ring, they nod and head out. Todd rolled a 1 so the smell overtook him and he almost gags a little. But Veronna rolled a 20. She spots everything now, trails it a bit to the east, moves a box, then walks farther and there is a crate on the ground in an oddly open area. She points.
VER: I am guessing what we are looking for is under that crate.

Chance: Shake head hoping it isn’t a child, because that is about all it can fit under.

DMaster: Emeric walks, and slides it. It took a bit to move it.
EME: It’s weighted.
Once moved it reveals a make shift hole. A decent size. Taking the usual precautions, Emeric has Veronna check it out.
VER: Its only a 6 foot drop. looks to be sludge down there, and definite tracks of some kind.

Chance: Nodding my head

DMaster: The two companions are all geared up in their new BW armor.Emeric is in this half plate armor, but it seems real tight on him, hard leather. All black. He has a bastard sword strapped to his back, the BW kit everywhere else.

Chance: Keeping an eye out, looking around to make sure no one else is around.

DMaster: CAR: So do we go down or what?
EME: Well that is why we are here. Time to find out where this leads us. If it is a toilet for squatters, you are paying my dry cleaning bill Veronna. I’ll head down, secure it. I will let you know when to come down
He climbs down, hangs from the edge. It crumbles a bit, but he drops down to a splat.

Chance: Chan: as you say Emeric

DMaster: You hear his movement, then some rustling.
EME: (Muffled) All good, head down. Veronna, you owe me a cleaning bill it’s disgusting down here
She snorts
EME: Veronna first, Carver next and Chance you got our back

Chance: Chan: understood.
Glance behind me and all around.

DMaster: The dumps smell is pretty bad, but you do not see much other than, well, garbage.

Chance: Keeping my eyes perked for any movement.

DMaster: You don’t notice anything. They head down and you follow suit. Getting to the bottom, it has a thin layer of water, well… water is being nice, it is probably a mix of sewage and trash juice; it reeks.

Chance: Wave my free hand in front of my nose
Chan: With magic back, maybe there is a spell to make this place smell like fresh laundry or something.

DMaster: Emeric chuckles, then shushs everyone. Veronna is scouting a bit ahead, Quietly. It is a low ceiling Chamber that you have to duck a bit without clunking your head. There is an entrance way to a corridor, but it looks like it was dug out, and ripped open.
VER: Traffic this way, just looks like boots
EME: Access tunnels. Couldn’t find a connecting one I guess and made their own
pointing at the hole to the cave like hallway. The other corridors, do not look like they have any traffic at all.

Chance: I am letting my dark vision kick in unless we have a steady light source

DMaster: Emeric knows enough about dark vision, but has a hand lantern for him and Carver. About at half light. You head down the cave like tunnel and it turns into the smother bricked access tunnels. Veronna checking everything moving forward

Chance: Keeping my focus behind me, looking all around but sounds and such, keep the focus behind me.

DMaster: Carver stops everyone as Veronna’s head pulls up
VER: Traffic stopped
CAR: seam in the wall, bricks are to uniform and looks too new.
She is Pointing

Chance: Taking a look at the wall

DMaster: You can see the seam, scrape marks on the ground that are hastily covered. Veronna puts her ear up to the wall. Carver is quiet, but scrunches his nose knowing the wall is mossy and moldy
VER: I think I can hear something but who knows it could be anyone above us… (quietly)

Chance: Nod my head. Feeling the wall just in case we are missing something on or around the wall

DMaster: Nothing other than the brick, you are guessing it’s where you can push it in and grab the door.
VER: Clear on this side (quietly) Chance?

Chance: Chan: I found where I can push it in and grab the door (quietly)

DMaster: EME: Draw weapons, then do it, I will go in first
He grabs his shield, a new prototype, gets into this protective stance

Chance: Unsheathe Silent Fate, then push it in and grab the door as I finish.

DMaster: you glance to see Carvers eyes light up. The sword is glowing a bit of orange. It shutters open, not real noisy, but not quiet either. A wave of cooler air, less trash, more possible incense

Chance: Let Emeric go in first maintaining my position, I will let everyone go first and be the last to go in

DMaster: He goes in slowly and as quietly as he can. Carver is completely silent as is Veronna. DM: Todd rolls at a disadvantage with the Armor and still gets a 27. Emeric is the most noisy. A long corridor, just barely lit by the hand lantern of Emeric. you can smell incense. It is very strong now.

Chance: Stop the group.
Chan: Hold up. Hold up (quietly) something about this smells familiar to me.

DMaster: They stop look back
EME: Chance? (quiet)

Chance: quietly pulling out the dagger as well
Chan: If their is incense, there is most likely dead bodies. Like my last adventure down in the underbelly of Camerondale. (quiet)
Giving them a look.
Chan: just being cautious is all (quietly)

DMaster: They all nod to you, and grimace a little thinking of the reason the smell exists. You continue, when Emeric gets you all to stop
EME: Gaping hole in floor, goes into darkness, Veronna, Chance?
The Guardian, shields his lantern from filtering light down into the hole. They move back for you to look

Chance: I will let my eyes adjust before looking into the hole

DMaster: Both you and Veronna are squatting looking down. It is a pretty big hole, the width of the corridor, about 15 feet wide, and about 10-12 feet across. The hallways continues on from there, but it would be difficult to traverse if they did. Down in the hole, it seems to go down 10 feet, into a mix of dirt and what looks like a corridor floor. Totally different then the corridors you are in. The walls are less complete, looks a bit more make shift, and older.

Chance: describe what I am seeing(quietly)

DMaster: VER: Confirmed. Me and Chance can get down there without the light and check it out

Chance: Chan: well let’s check it out, then give us the word Emeric (quietly)

DMaster: Emeric thinks for a minute, you are getting the idea he likes to lead, i.e. take on anything coming at them first. What a good leader should do.
EME: Go, don’t go far, just a quick scan.

Chance: Chan: not without the rest of us as a group
nodding head

DMaster: DM: Todd rolls a “1” for acrobatics. He jumps down, its about 10 feet and lands awkward, stumbles and rolls through the dirt causing the armor to clank and clink. Took 4 points of ankle damage. It hurts and it is throbbing.

Chance: There it is, the “1” that always gets me. I will have to get Veronna in front of me.

DMaster: Veronna looks back, wide eyes
VER: Did you just break your ankle? (quietly)

Chance: shake head
Chan: I will be okay, just stay in front of me for a moment (quietly)

DMaster: She nods

Chance: go to half champ and heal myself up. Taking care of the ankle

DMaster: The new corridor lights up a little but you change back. Todd rolls a 18 for stealth, Veronna 21. The corridor is completely different looking, much like you saw from the level up. much more crude, stones not as set, older construction.

Chance: See if anything seems familiar about the construction at all

DMaster: Familiar no, but you can guess its decades older than what you were just in. You too creep ahead and with the decent stealth you don’t seem to be too loud. She stops you and your eyes pick it up too. The corridor is haphazard, some sections look like it could cave in. Dirt coming in on some of the sides, but ahead you can hear possible movement, and definitely a faint light.

Chance: Chan: we should get back to Emeric (quietly)

DMaster: She nods her head and heads back. Carver and Emeric are squatting talking softly.
EME: I bet this is the original Camerondale that was built before that final battle.
CAR: It could be, imagine we can get a good look when this is all said and done…
The two are squatting down looking at you both.

Chance: I let her go first covering the rear

DMaster: EME: Well?
CAR: Chance, that was graceful by the way.

Chance: Give him a look and a smirk
Chan: landing could have been better. Corridor that way but some sections look like the could cave in at any given notice. We did hear possible movement and saw a faint light(quietly)

DMaster: Veronna is looking over the walls and floor, nodding her head.
VER: Good amount of traffic still.
EME: OK, Lets go
He jumps to the side, hangs off the edge and falls nicely. He gets himself all ready. Carver with ease jumps down, has some nice glowing daggers in hand.
EME: We are in full gear now.
Not exactly sure you know what that means, but you are guessing all weapons out, etc.

Chance: I will head up the rear as we move forward

DMaster: Everyone is pretty quiet and you approach the light and some light noise. The party moves along. The air is muggy, cooler and thin, the corridor seems to have collapsed but someone dug it out, leading into a large room. The smell of incense overwhelming. The room is roughly 20 feet in height, some torches on the floor, a lantern or two as well among the debris. A table on the left wall, a few old rickety chairs. It is 30 feet wide and about 30 feet deep. Two doors on the opposite wall, and an open entrance almost in the corner to your far right. Crates in the middle of the room, with what appears to be a body of a child laying on it.

Chance: hanging back seeing the child my eyes get big

DMaster: A man turns suddenly and looks at the four of you. He doesn’t look familiar. Except his eyes.
MAN: Who the hell are you?
Emeric clenches his jaw.
EME: Goddammit, a Split-Jaw.