Surprise Visit

Previously In The Last Adventure:

Chance continues to work and be on his best behavior. The Princess and her ladies exchange glances with our protagonist. Morty and Chance finally meet up after a few days absence, and train while the Royal party watches on. Someone really takes notice of Chance too.

NSFW Warning / Bad Grammar

This text will contain language not suitable for some people. It is merely an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. We are not trying to be the next J.R.R. Tolkien, so there will be misspelled words, fragmented sentences and things that just don’t make sense. Once in a while there will be some nudity and sexual themes, you will be warned ahead of time. Just read, enjoy and have fun!

Main Characters

EP#7 Surprise Visit

Surprise Visit Banner

Previously on the Last Adventure

Chance is still a little overwhelmed with the royal party and the change of pace he was accustomed too.

But he eventually got back to some normalcy with a good training session with Mortimer.

They had an audience, the King, Princess and the ladies. Not to mention some seasoned Dark Elves as well.


DMaster: Britney laughs a little
BRIT: Poor Morty, Old man

Chance: Chan: well Morty decided he wanted to show off. I am sure Morty and the King aren’t feeling any pain by now
laughing thinking of what Affinity said about it not even being High Sun.
Chance: I am glad I made a good impression. Better than, well, bad ones I suppose

DMaster: Britney frowning a bit, raises her eyebrow at that dumbass comment.
BRIT: Yes, I just spotted Nixxy… so it could be a rough couple of days for ol’ Mort
Looks at you and smiles
BRIT: You guys have been doing a great job, thank you Chance.
She leans back a bit stretching her back

Chance: Chan: would you like your desk back? I can move if you want me to

DMaster: BRIT: Yes, get the hell out of my chair.
She waits for you to leave, chuckles and sits down

Chance: I will go take a seat in the lounge
Chance: Brittany I think I am going to go tidy the king and princess’s room

DMaster: BRIT: Good Idea.
She rustles things around.

Chance: head up the stairs, go to the Princess’s room first

DMaster: ok, it’s spotless. looks like somebody already cleaned the room, most likely your mom

Chance: OK, No way they were this clean, think of my mom, yeah, that’s makes much more sense. well then I will head back downstairs and take a seat in the lounge and keep eyes posted to the door

DMaster: after about an hour, you see and hear the group heading in. Two guards come in and Valario checks with the guards to make sure everything is good. Shortly after the King, the Princess and her ladies come in. The King walks over to Brit.

Chance: I will stand up when they come in

DMaster: The King leans on the counter.
KING: Was Otaax here?
Britney smiles and nods
BRIT: Yes he was, the dinner meeting is all set

DMaster: Affinities shoulder sag a bit and she fidgets with her belt. She glances over to the King, eavesdropping the conversation. She sighs.
AFF: My king, do I have to attend this?

Chance: look over at the princess and her two ladies in waiting

DMaster:The King glances over to her with a scolding look.
KING: yes, you must. This will just secure our ties to the western realm. You are the Princess, soon to be the Queen.
They all look tired, hot and ready for a bath. Your mom comes down the stairs and grabs a broom and starts to sweep the floor where they were, sand everywhere. Affinity looks to Britney then to Valario.
AFF: Any word on my mother? Xavier?
The King starts heading for the staircase.

Chance: keep focused and see if I am needed

DMaster: The Knight frowning and shaking his head
VAL: I am sorry My Grace, no word
The princess frowns and heads up the stairs as the rest of the party does
BRIT: Chance go get them water will you?

Chance: Chan: I am already on it
I will go grab two Buckets of water and six cups

DMaster: You grab the water and six cups, hand off two cups downstairs and head up the stairs.

Chance: then take the buckets of water upstairs, go to the King’s room first
Chance: I am here to Deliver water to the King

DMaster: the Guard knocks
KING: Yes yes

Chance: wait until told to enter

DMaster: KING: Yes come in

Chance: Chan: Your Water your Majesty
setting bucket down as well as a cup

DMaster: The King is reading over a scroll as he walks across the room
KING: (glances up) Oh Chance! Hey Morty speaks very highly of you say you are a good kid… and man, that guy can drink (chuckles)

Chance: Chan: Thank You your Majesty I try, and yes… yes he can

DMaster: KING: Thank you for the water
He smiles nods and continues walking with scroll in hand and glass of water

Affinity in her room with her ladies in waitingChance: walk out head over to the princess’s room

DMaster: the guard knocks on the door
AFF: Come in!
You hear some rustling around.

Chance: I will enter the room
Chan: I bring you water your grace
setting the bucket on the table with three cups

DMaster: Erikka is sprawled on the bed. You can almost see her cookies, but you resist your instinct to look too long.
ERR: so hot, so tired, I can’t move…
Affinity looks over to Erikka
AFF: You wimp!
The Princess looks back at you with a soft smile
AFF: Thank you Chance

Chance: smiling back

DMaster: Birgetta comes out of the Bath area with a towel around her
BIR: Chance! Oh thank Animax, WATER!
She walks over gets a cup for Affinity

Chance: Chan: you would think I was saving the world by bringing you water

DMaster: Erikka reaches her hand up, not moving any other muscle.
ERI: Birgetta get me a cup

Chance: Look over at Errika

DMaster: BIR: Get it yourself, you lazy slut!
She wheels around to look at you, cupping her mouth
BIR: Oh I mean (blushes) I meant, you lazy… butt? Oh hell…
Affinity bursts out laughing, almost choking on the water

Chance: start laughing a little

DMaster: ERI: Oh, my, God.
She is laughing.
ERI: Does that mean you’ll get me a glass then?
The Princess is looking a little embarrassed, looks at you and smiles, blushing little. Birgetta finally does get Erikka a glance.

Chance: Chan: Your Grace, if anything else is needed don’t be afraid to call on me
I will bow slightly

DMaster: She looks at you with a seriousness you did not expect.
AFF: Oh, I will
She closes the door behind you as you leave, you hear a muffled voice say “oh you will… will you?”

Behind The Scenes

The door closes and Affinity avoids the gazes of the other to girls in the room. Erikka and Birgetta exchange glances, and almost as they practiced it, they both say “Affinity…”

She turns around blushing a little and a look on her face. “What?” She tries to look innocent.

Erikka stands up and walks over to her, “even if this is your plan, how are you going to get to his room? How about getting out of this Inn without anyone seeing you, and what if there are people there at the bay? And what about…” She gives Affinity a long winded rant.

Affinity walks over to the secret passage. She pulls a handle on the lantern on the wall and opens the door. She points up and smiles. Both girls look up and shrug their shoulders. “The secret passage down, like we were told, well there is a hatch, that… goes UP!” The Princess looks up. “Already tried it.”

The girls looked surprised, and again like they practiced it, “You did?” They exchange glances.

“Yup, I knocked on his door” she says getting embarrassed, “but I realized I did not know what I would say to him.” She shakes it off a bit, “This leads to the far room on the 3rd floor and there are no guards there. I just have to sneak up a flight of stairs to his apartment.”

Birgetta takes off her towel. Erikka’s eyes get big and she gets anger in her eyes. “Bitch you better not get sand all over again” as… sand goes flying all over.. Erikka yells at Birgetta. “Stop it will you! It’s like sleeping in a bed made of sand paper!”

The red head ignores the blonde, big mouth. She turns to the Princess. “So are you just going to look at the bay when you get there?”

Affinity sits on the edge of her bed, “I have to swim in it, I mean that would be dumb to go there and not swim… maybe I’ll skinny dip.” She says with a big grin going across her face.

Both girls stop arguing and slowly look at her, “uhhh your grace” Erikka says sarcastically, “That would not be ladylike…”

Chance: head back down the stairs

DMaster: The guards are changing out and Britney is talking to some patrons who were cleared to stay on the island, but not to stay at the Inn. Ferra is at the desk talking with a dark elf.

Chance: go to my seat in the lounge and take a seat and just keep eyes turned toward the stairs

DMaster: People head out and it’s just you, Brit and Ferra who are going to be leaving in a few. it’s about 1:00 PM, Ferra gets her stuff and heads out

Chance: I am sitting down in my chair watching the stairs. Never know when I will be needed so I stay sharp, watching the stairs.

DMaster: Apparently you are going to watch the stairs, dude did you hit your head or something? A female dark elf comes walking in, some guards go to intercept but Britney stops them.

Chance: turn and see who or what she looks like

DMaster: Dark skin, dark complexion, beautiful eyes, Britney standing up and walking her way
BRIT: Fya! So glad you could make it!
The Onyx Elf, apparently named Fya, walks over to Britney and they hug.

Chance: gheez, glad Britney knows everyone

DMaster: FYA: Well I live here remember (laughes)
BRIT: I know, but I appreciate it. Tomorrow will be an important day, I hope.
FYA: Yes
She kind of sighs.

Chance: stand up just in case Britney asks me for anything

DMaster: BRIT: I know you don’t exactly like Otaax, but he is the Princes Thane
FYA: So I can set up over here?
She turns around pointing. FYA and Brittany walk over to the lounge area
BRIT: Chance this is Fyallyru… (FI-ULL-A-ROO)
FYA: Fya, please (sounds like FI-UH)

Chance: Chan: a pleasure to meet you Fyallyru, I mean Fya (smiling) if I can be of assistance, just let me know

DMaster: She smiles and nods and they walk past and are looking in the corner of the lounge area
BRIT: Yup right here, and we can have your strings and drums there (pointing all around)

Chance: just kinda watch them and the stairs at the same time

DMaster: Really, you going to watch the stairs? Fyu says goodbye and heads out the door. Brit heads back over to the desk. The afternoon passes pretty uneventful, Britney is upstairs for a while and then walks back down. She is quietly walking down the steps, whispering loud
BRIT: Looks like everyone is asleep
She goes to the storage area and then comes out with a plate of food for you and her. She sits down next to you and places it down on the coffee table

Chance: Chan: Thank You Brit

Britney feet flirting, or rather feet assaulting chanceDMaster: You feel a foot ride up your leg, almost into your crotch area. Damn, she is flexible.
BRIT: I wish we could, you know but I can’t risk it. But you better be ready after they leave, you are going to get it
She is giving you that look as she pops a piece of cheese in her mouth.

Chance: Chan: promises, promises
I will glance at her giving her an evil grin
Chance: I never have asked, tell me more about Camerondale

DMaster: BRIT: (munch munch) Oh boy, there is much to tell. I visited there a few years ago, and it has grown three fold. Its a great city, its the Capitol of the Kingdom.
She goes on and talks about it for a few minutes.

Chance: Chan: I would love to go there. I mean don’t get me wrong I love it here for oh so many reasons
Grab her foot, massage it and give her a warm smile
Chan: but would so love to see some of this big world, guess I am being silly
Take a bite of my food while letting her foot go.

DMaster: BRIT: No. not at all. Maybe I can work something out with Jerry, or I mean the King.

Chance: Chan: really?

DMaster: BRIT: Yeah why not? You should go during the fall its a great time

Chance: Chan: I don’t know I guess maybe its me being young, dumb and full of…

DMaster: BRIT: (interrupting) Bad ideas! Chance, bad ideas.
She chuckles and gives you a smirk. You guys finish up the food and chat a bit more. Then she grabs the plate and walks it back to the storage room. it’s about 4:00 PM, and Britney comes out from the back. Britney walks up the stairs
BRIT: better wake the sleeping beauties

Chance: Chan: Yeah you Better
stay in my chair but keep eyes turned toward the stairs

DMaster: DM: No way, the stairs?!?


Birgetta, hungry and sassy tonightDMaster: You can hear her talking and then she walks back down the stairs
BRIT: They are already up, Jer and Affinity are getting ready
You see the two ladies come down the stairs, they appear to be in fairly common clothes

Chance: I will stand up just in case they need anything

DMaster: They walk over to Britney
BRIT: Chance!

Chance: Chan: Coming
Head over to the three girls.

DMaster: BRIT: Birgetta and Erikka would like some steaks from Fycon Brothers, can you go fetch it for them and some side salads too

Chance: Chan: as you wish ladies
smiling at them

DMaster: BRIT: Grab a bottle of wine too (looking innocent as she says that)

Erikka hearing her stomach growlChance: Chan: Yes, how would you like the steak?
Look at them, waiting for their response.

DMaster: BRIT: Just make sure it’s dead.
ERIK: And the wine is wet.
they giggle and walk over to the lounge and sit at a bar table, Brit hands you that bag of gold again

Chance: Chan: on my way
I will head outside and go to Fycon Brothers

DMaster: You make a left and walk up the path, you head up a hill and on the side of one of the swankiest hotels is Fycon Brothers

Chance: go inside Fycon Brothers

DMaster: it is dead, very few people on the island.
WAITER: Do you have a reservation?

Chance: Chan: (looking at him) No I don’t, but I am here on behalf of the princess’s ladies in waiting

DMaster: The first waiter looks at you confused
WAIT#1: Princess’s what? What ladies?
The second waitress walks by, somewhat eavesdropping.
WAIT#2: I think he means he needs food for the Princess or the royal party
WAIT#1: (understanding) Oh, ok, the kitchen there
He points to the back. You head back to the door, saying thank you. You knock on it. A chef answers while wiping his hand on a towel
CHEF: yes?

Chance: Chan: I am here on behalf of the princess’s ladies in waiting

DMaster: The Chef squints at you confused
CHEF: Who are you?
The 2nd waitress walks by, gives you an annoyed look.
WAIT#2: Really? Uggg. It’s for the Princess, the Royal party. He is here for them.
Sighs annoyingly. The Chef gives her a look and nods at the Waitress
CHEF: Might want to lead with that next time buddy, this is for Britney and the royal party, OK.

Chance: Chan: they wanted a couple of steaks, several side salads and a bottle of wine

DMaster: CHEF: Give me a half hour, wait here
He ducks back into the kitchen. The one waiter comes from the back
WAIT#1: Here is a nice bottle of red wine
it’s a pretty big bottle

Chance: Chan: thank you, this will do nicely

DMaster: The Chef walks out from the back.
CHEF: Here are the side salads
Handing you a basket, then after a few more minutes and finally the Chef pops out the door
CHEF: There ya go… I’ll catch up with Brit next week
He winks and heads back into the kitchen.

Calisara, Knight of CamerondaleChance: Chan: Ok, thanks! I will head back to the Inn

DMaster: You make your way back noticing that the waitress #2 is looking at you annoyed before you left

Chance: She can eat a bag of dicks. When I arrive back, hand Britney the Coin sack

DMaster: the two girls are still at the bar table, Britney is talking to Calisara by the front desk

Chance: Chan: the Chef said he will catch up with you next week

DMaster: BRIT: Oh ok. Thanks, Chance.
Sniffs and smiles
BRIT: damn that smells good

Chance: Chan: and your welcome, so where would you like this set up?

DMaster: BRIT: On the roof
She gives you a playful annoyed look and rolls her eyes
BRIT:over there at their table where they are sitting you goof.
Pointing at the girls

Chance: Walk over to the table, set the plates and bowls up with the food. Open the bottle of wine for them as well as pour it for them

DMaster: BIR: Thank you
Smiling and tucking her hair behind her ear
ERI: Yes, Thank you
Rubbing her hands together

King Jeramiah of Camerondale Ready for the MeetingChance: Chan: you’re very welcome, anytime
and go stand over by the front desk until I am needed

DMaster: The two girls eat, chit chat and laugh while sipping on their wine. The Princess heads down the stairs in this beautiful gown, almost silver with silver sequins, flowing. It is almost dream like. She just glides.

Chance: impressed, shake my head.

DMaster: The King heads down too with Valario. He is in full garb, the lighter version, royal cape, clothing and even his crown. Two guards walk in on the command of Valario

Chance: smiling as they come down the stairs

Affinities gorgeous dress and ensemble for the big meetingDMaster: The King looks over to Britney
KING: We are heading out now Brit, keep an eye on these two
He is thumbing in the direction of the two ladies. Britney gets up and walking over to give the King a small hug
BRIT: Oh, I will
She looks at the girls jokingly
BRIT: Will do, good luck Jerry…
Britney looks at the Princess and her eyes widen
BRIT: Wow… You look gorgeous.
Affinity shyly smiles and looks down a bit
AFF: Thank you, Britney
Birgetta and Erikka both wave and smile
ERI: Yeah, you look amazing
BIR: Smoking hot!
Affinity rolls her eyes
AFF: Thanks (blushing)

Chance: Glance at the Princess Shyly trying not to smile too much
Chan: Yes, your grace, you look… like the best dream I have ever had.

DMaster: The room grows silent. A smile washes over her face and she blushes.
AFF: That was one of the nicest things anyone ever said to me.
Britney slowly turns to you, eyes wide giving you a “what?’ look. The King smiles at you as well. She looks your way again and smiles. The King takes her arm and they head out, Valario following with two guards.
BIR: Wow, I think Chance has a tent right now for Affinity (whispering)
ERI: Birgetta! (quiet / laugh)

Chance: stand by the front desk until needed again, make sure I don’t have a “tent”

DMaster: After an hour or so, you see that the girls are done. You hear a long, loud burp! BUUURRRPPPPPP! Britney looks almost startled, then smiles and laughs.

Chance: look over and chuckle a little

DMaster: BIR: Erikka, that was disgusting!
The Blonde pounds the table once with her fist
ERI: If you blame me for anymore of your bodily noises, I’m gonna punch you in the nose!
They are both laughing, they lean back, full and happy, most likely buzzed too on the wine. Britney is pointing at them to you.
BRIT: Why don’t you get their plates and things out of the way

Chance: Chan: On it Brit

DMaster: They are chit chatting sipping wine

Chance: I will get rid of their stuff for them, put it in the sink and go back, wipe the table down, etc.

DMaster: Birgetta sips the wine, putting down her wine glass
BIR: So Chance, where did you learn to use your sword like that?
She frowns.
BIR: That sounded dirty.
Erikka slowly shakes her head.

Chance: Giggle a little.
Chan: I have been training with Morty for over a year in between his drunken states

DMaster: Erikka looks over to you.
ERI: You two looked like professionals. You should join the guard or something

Chance: Chan: I’d like to explore but maybe it’s just the elf in me
I will smirk while laughing a little

DMaster: BIR: Erikka you said you had an elf in you once right?
ERI: Birg, you know… I am… wait what!?
Her eyes bulge, a skittery laugh.
ERI: Birgetta! My fist – your nose!
She looks down on her while Birgetta starts laughing

Chance: just shaking head and laughing

DMaster: Erikka pulls out a stool
ERI: Sit for a while, chit chat?
She pats the stool top

Chance: Chan: Sure. Only if I don’t get blamed for bodily noises, I make enough of them myself…
take a seat with the ladies

DMaster: Both girls laugh.
BIR: Morty really likes you, he couldn’t stop talking about you

Chance: Chan: well Morty is a great man, I have learned a lot from him, since I never knew my real father, he has taken that place.

DMaster: ERI: Is that where you got your Elf? Your father? Because your mom looks all human

Chance: Chan: Well my maternal mother is all human and lives somewhere way up north, my real mom is the one you met. I really haven’t asked about my father, I just know he was half elf. I am sure in time my mom will tell me about him

Birgetta enjoying her wine and companyDMaster: Birgetta sips some wine, Erikka looking over to Birgetta
ERI: Better slow down you lush
Birgetta without hesitation
BIR: Eat me…
Her eyes go wide and looks at you
BIR: I meant, meet me… somewhere… over… the rainbow… ahh hell.
Erikka shakes her head slowly
ERI: Birgy, Birgy, Birgy
Birgetta, trying to regain her composure is looking back at you
BIR: Maybe you should join the guard on the island, I am sure that, Helynne, woman would love to have a swordsman of your skill.

Chance: Shake my head and laugh at that comment, fully well knowing how that would turn out.
Chan: I don’t know if I am geared for that and I doubt Helynne wants anything to do with me, but then again I have never thought about that as an option (rub my chin)

DMaster: Britney is walking over to the table
BRIT: Hate to break up the party but can I get my dear Chance to do some work? I need him to go clean the rooms before the King gets back.

Chance: Stand up, push in the stool.
Chance: Sure thing Brit. Thank you for letting me sit in for a few.

Erikka getting tired of getting blamed for farts and burpsDMaster: They smile and nod.
ERI: Ohhh don’t bother with ours, we are fine
Birgetta nods, Britney nods in agreement then looks at you
BRIT: Ok, just the Kings room then

Chance: Chan: as you wish
Nodding to the ladies as I start for the stairs

DMaster: They smile and continue drinking and chatting. You cleaned the king’s room which was not bad except for a lot of sand, which took about 10-15 minutes.

Chance: Maybe should take a peek at the princess’s room to double check. head over to the princess room to double check it

DMaster: As you approach the guard looks at you, then back to the wall. You can hear Birgetta and Erikka talking in the room

Chance: well I will stop, make it look like I am looking for something in my belt, see what I can hear

DMaster: ERI: I bet Affinity is dying right now
BIR: She dreaded this, that Onyx Elf Prince has been eying her up for a few years, telling that thane about Prince Bozooloo or bozackafrack won’t be easy
ERI: It’s pronounced BO-ZOO-TOE Birg, oh my god. Yeah she isn’t a slut like you either

Chance: shaking head, the guard gives you a suspicious glance

DMaster: BIR: Kiss my ass blondie! Let’s scope that area for the Princess shall we? We can go for a walk, they will let us right?

Chance: start heading for the stairs and take place by the front desk when I get down. just keep eyes toward the stairs

DMaster: DM: I am FLOORED, you are looking to the stairs, wow.
Britney is receiving a scroll from a courier, she puts the scroll behind the desk. You see Birgetta and Erikka walk down and talk to a guard at the front door. Britney peers around the corner of the stairs.
BRIT: Where are you two going??
ERIK: We want to go for a walk, the sun is setting and it looks beautiful
GUARD: I can watch over them
Looking over at Britney, she frowns a little then nods.
BRIT: Ok, but be careful
They leave the Inn and head out towards the northern shore.

Chance: go take a seat instead of standing

King Jeramiah after dinner happinessDMaster: after an hour or so it’s 8:00 PM You hear a commotion behind you and two guards come in, the Princess comes in followed by the King. Britney jumps up from the desk
BRIT: Jer! How’d it go?
The King looks over to Britney smiling.
KIN: Excellent, He didn’t like the news about Affinity, but we are signing a trade agreement tomorrow anyways
He pauses a moment and looks around the room. He then looks at her a bit more concerned
KIN: Are we set for tomorrow now that it is all in place?
Britney gives him a big smile and nods
BRIT:Yes, M’Lord, finalized everything, good to go
He smirks at her jab of ‘M’Lord.’

Chance: Stand back up just in case I am needed

DMaster: AFF: M’Lord I would like to get out of this dress if I may
Looking at him with puppy dog eyes. The King glances at her and smirks.
KING: Of course, go on
Nodding to the staircase, the King heads up the stairs as well

Chance: Chan: Britney, is it okay if I get a breath of fresh air?

DMaster: Britney looks back as she is headed back to the desk
BRIT: Yes go ahead, don’t wander off

Chance: go stand outside for a little bit look off in the direction of the beach. Smell the air for a little bit and then go back inside. but always listening for noises at the stairs

Dress that the Princess changed intoDMaster: DM: Wait there are stairs in this place, really?
As you are walking back in the Princess is walking down the stairs in a nice sundress

Chance: smile as she comes walking down

DMaster: Affinity makes it to the bottom step, sees you, smiles and tucks her hair behind her ear. She is looking around the bottom floor then back at you.
AFF: Chance? Where are my ladies?

Chance: Chan: Your Grace, they took one of the guards and went for an evening stroll.

DMaster: AFF: (looks away) ahhh ok
Affinity looks around and heads over to Britney, they start chatting

Chance: kind of listening to see if I can hear what they are talking about

DMaster: Britney hands her a scroll
AFF: When did this come?
BRIT: Just an hour ago
Affinity walks over to the lounge area with some haste, reading the scroll, a big sigh of relief and a huge smile on her face. The King is walking down the stairs, looks over to the Princess, seeing her with a scroll. A little worry washes over his face.
KING: Affinity?

Chance: go back and stand by the front desk

DMaster: AFF: They are safe M’Lord, went home and now are heading here!
The King and the Princess hug
KING: Thank Animax (he says softly)
She looks much happier now, her eyes welled up a bit, she runs up the stairs. The King walks over to Britney, they exchange a look and both smile.

Chance: just kinda watching and listening. Then go to the lounge area and make sure everything is neat and organized

DMaster: She walks over to the storage area, gets that pouch given to you by Dexter and hands it to the King.
KING: Is this…?
He has a big grin on his face as Britney nods, puts a finger to her lips. He heads up the stairs, a very VERY happy man. The Inn is quiet for an hour or so more. The ladies come in and head right up the stairs. The guard reports to Britney and nothing unusual seems to have happened. Corine walks in, her big boobs bouncing a bit. Chance is a teenager, what else is he going to look at? Corine walks over to the counter
COR: Good evening Brit
BRIT: Hey Core, have you seen Ferra?
Corine puts her bag down by the desk, looks at her odd like
COR: umm, no do you think I live with her or something? (giggles)
BRIT: Sorry, I do that a lot huh?
She laughs and looks over at you
BRIT: Chance you’re good to go. ‘I’ll stick around until Ferra gets here

Chance: Chan: what time do I need to be back tomorrow and do I wear the other outfit I was given to wear?

DMaster: She smiles at you, she seems a bit more relaxed now.
BRIT: Yes, wear the other, tomorrow is going to be a big day here, so about high sun?

Chance: Chan: okay, I will be on time then, good night to the both of you.

DMaster: Just then Ferra comes ripping in.
FER: Sorry I am late!
It is around 10:00 PM

Chance: I will quietly walk up the stairs toward my apartment, go in see if mom is still up

DMaster: You walk in, its dim, just a candle burning, and your mom is doing the dishes

Chance: Chan: I am glad this day is over mom I am beat, love you mom, but I think I am going straight to bed

DMaster: MOM: Ok hon, love you too, sleep well
Your mom was done with the dishes and it appears she is also going to bed too. You find a clean mug, fill it with water and head to bed.

Chance: go grab a drink of water, back to my room and lay down

DMaster: You get to your room, trip over some clothes and spill some water.

Chance: Grrrr. Go grab a towel.

DMaster: as you are heading out, you hear soft tapping on the door

Chance: quietly approach the door and put my ear to the door

DMaster: you hear tapping again and a soft whisper “Chance, please be up”

Chance: slowly open the door

Princess making a surprise visit with ChanceDMaster: You see the Princess looking at you with puppy dog eyes, leaning in towards the door. Cloak over her head in a dark outfit.

Chance: Chan: (whispering) your Grace
Looking confused

DMaster: AFF: Can I come in?

Chance: Chan: (whispering) one second your Grace I need to put on something nicer.

DMaster: She gives you a look and tilts her head.
AFF: Really?

Chance: Shrug shoulders and let the princess in

Affinity, The Princess who is enchanting ChanceDMaster: she is in a dark cloak and robe , she pulls her hood off to reveal her beauty. Her flowing blonde hair that wraps around her neck, her big green eyes that can look into your soul, her perfect pouty lips that… uh, you shake your head to regain focus. Affinity looks at you again with puppy dog eyes.
AFF: I have a favor to ask you

Chance: Chan: anything for you, your Grace (quietly)

DMaster: AFF: Well you might not mean that after I ask. (quietly)
She fidgets a bit and looks around innocently
AFF: I want to visit Glimmer Bay during the high moon. (quietly)
She is looking at you, gauging your reaction.
AFF: No way anyone lets me go at night and that is the only time those magical rocks glow (quietly)

Chance: Eyes grow bigger, take a deep breath
Chan: ummmm your grace I don’t know about this (quietly)

DMaster: AFF: I know, it would be a risk for you (quietly)
Brings out the puppy dog eyes again.
AFF:This is something I dreamed about since I was a child and my mother told me

Chance: Chan: I will do as you ask, your Grace, I feel that an argument would be futile (quietly)

DMaster: AFF: good, because I didn’t want to go alone (quietly)
She turns around looking for a window
AFF: I’ll wait here go get dressed

Chance: Chan: Give me a minute to get something more appropriate on.(quietly)
Run into my room, grab better clothes and just in case put my armor on. Grab my sword, dagger and a cloak as well. Walk back to the Princess

DMaster: She is looking at a painting on the wall, glances over to you and looks at you perplexed.
AFF: By Animax is Glimmer Bay filled with Orcs and Goblins (giggles) get that armor off. Can’t argue with the sword though. (quietly)
The Princess turns to your moms door, and you can hear your mom snoring in the other room

Chance: Chan: as you wish your grace and just how are we gonna get out of here? (whispering)
taking off my armor and just leaving my tunic and shorts on

DMaster: She pulls her cloak to the side, and there is a backpack. She pulls a rope out and gives you this devilish grin. She walks to the window in your kitchen.

Chance: Chan: very sneaky (whispering)

DMaster: AFF: Here I think
She opens the window slowly, and peers down.
AFF: Damn (she hisses) guard hut right below, Can we see your window in your room?

Chance: Chan: let’s take a look
Beckon her to my room, climb on my bed and open my window and look down

DMaster: She glances around the room with clothes on the ground, water across the floor.
AFF: You are worse than Birgetta
Giggles and climbs on the bed. It is the side of the extinct volcano, no guards and it is fairly dark. She is rubbing shoulders with you, the breeze catches some of her hair and you can see it flinging around in the wind. She has this scent, perfume or something and it’s intoxicating. Affinity looks at you in the corner of her eye
AFF: Good. Where can we tie the rope?

Chance: Chan: tie it to a leg on the bed it is made of pure oak, it weighs a lot (whispering)
go quietly shut my door

DMaster: She slowly walks out of bed, ties the knot, walks back on the bed. She carefully drops the rope out the window, feeding it down to not make much noise.

Chance: Watch her do this, give her a look.

DMaster: She stops a moment and looks at you.
AFF: What?

Chance: Chan: Done this before M’Lady?
Smirking as I say this. look out to make sure it is clear

DMaster: She playfully smiles and makes sure the rope is secure. yes, its the backside of the inn, it’s dark too facing the volcano

Chance: Chan: do you want me to go first? (whispering)

DMaster: AFF: Yes, make sure its safe and clear (quietly)
She has this big smile and is giddy like a kid

Chance: I will grab the rope and slowly climb down, keeping senses sharp as I go down the rope

DMaster: The wind is light, it is warm out. You can hear some talking from the other side of the Inn, most likely guards. But other than that, you can’t really hear anything, and you get to the bottom with little to no trouble. you see her stick her head out. Her flowing hair wafting in the breeze.

Chance: when I get to the bottom will signal the princess to climb down

Affinity sneaking to Shimmer bay with ChanceDMaster: She climbs down, she is a bit clumsy but not bad for a Princess. She gets to the bottom, and she looks at you.
AFF: My heart is beating out of my chest, this is so exciting. (quietly)
She is grinning from ear to ear, her green eyes just owning you right now. Her heart is not the only one beating out of their chest.

Chance: Chan: You realize if we are caught how much trouble we will be in
Looking at her in a scolding manner, whispering

DMaster: AFF: I know.
Affinity stops a second looks around
AFF: I guess it makes it even more exciting and worth it.
She slowly walks towards the path and peers out, then comes back to you. The Princess is pointing along the side of the volcano
AFF: We can sneak through the brush alongside the volcano.
Affinity walks into the brush and to the other side, there is enough clearing to make it without much noise it seems

Chance: I quietly follow her

DMaster: after about 5 minutes of sneaking, with no one catching you, you make it to the entrance to Glimmer Bay

Chance: staying sharp as we go, keep my hands near my sword at all times

DMaster: She is pointing to the entrance
AFF: It is through that brushy entrance, there is a path that goes 20 feet and it opens on the beach to Glimmer Bay
She giggles a little and glances over to you.
AFF: Erikka and Birgetta scouted it out for me tonight.