Lazy Days

Previously In The Last Adventure:

Chance journey’s to Wishbone Way and ends up killing Arlo to open the Door to the Hall of Whispers. The Champion witnesses the World begin its transformation filled with Magic. The group all receives gifts from Finster. They return back home, only to get dragged into a long meeting with Camerondale Royalty. It is unveiled that the Dark Cleric Ascended and the realm is stunned.

NSFW Warning / Bad Grammar

This text will contain language not suitable for some people. It is merely an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. We are not trying to be the next J.R.R. Tolkien, so there will be misspelled words, fragmented sentences and things that just don’t make sense. Once in a while there will be some nudity and sexual themes, you will be warned ahead of time. Just read, enjoy and have fun!

Main Characters

EP#67 Lazy Days

Lazy Days Banner
Chance: As the front door opens and the henchman says that, I will look over

Truett, leader of the Info BureauDMaster: A fancy dressed man walks in, slicked back hair, nose a bit in the air. An elegant bag slung across his shoulders. He pauses a moment looks back to the two Camerondale guards following him. He waves them off.
MAN: Honestly, I can handle myself
He says in a somewhat uppity voice. The underling keeps the guards outside, much to their argument.

Chance: I get up from where I was sitting and give this man a look

DMaster: Currently Khamyra, Sisse, Griffin and Novalee are in the main area, along with Crayon and Krusty.
MAN: Looking for a one…
Looks down at his papers
MAN: Chance Axion?

Chance: Chan: well, you would be speaking with him then
Still not sure what to think of this man, with my eyebrow a bit raised.

DMaster: He walks up shakes your hand.
TRU: The name is Truett, I am here to introduce myself, I will be heading up a new division of Camerondale
He says with a puffed out chest
TRU: It is called the information bureau for now. It will be a place where all information can be collected, investigated and distributed.

Chance: Chan: please sit, sit, tell me more. You have peaked my curiosity
Sit in a chair myself.

Sisse Governess for Chances childrenDMaster: Griffin was already sitting at the far end of the table, Novalee is washing some pots, Khamyra is leaning against the staircase looking down on the Kids. Sisse is on the floor, playing with them… but really teaching them better motor skills and such. As he goes to sit he glances over to the floor with the two kiddos and he smiles. Then he sees Sisse there.
TRU: Sisse? I was wondering where you gotten off too!
Sisse stands up, wiping her front down and smiling, they shake hands
SIS: Yes, the Baroness got me a job right quick.

Chance: Giving a small smile and then look at Truett
Chan: if we can now dispense with the pleasantries, what brings you here?

DMaster: He sits down
TRU: Again, just an introduction for myself, your liaison and the idea behind the bureau. There are certain people and places that we need to be better connected with, and you happen to be one of them.

Chance: Furry my brow.
Chan: OK. This is merely an introduction then…?
Giving the man a look

DMaster: He nods his head.
TRU: Yes. The Baroness only wanted me to introduce myself, and well, Catalina as well… she will be along shortly. This way, you know who we are, and what to expect in the upcoming weeks.
Khamyra leaning against the staircase
KHA: So we just fork over information to you, and we will get the same level of respect in return, correct? Any big news, you will report to us?
Griffin smirks already knowing the answer, looks back down to his mug. Novalee is already shaking her head, wiping down some silverware.

Chance: Chan: That is a good point. If we are to be feeding you with information, we expect the same in return.

Griffin having a little fun at the expense of TruettDMaster: He looks a bit flustered, and doesn’t seem to know how to answer that
TRU: I will inquire about that.
He says trying to recover
TRU: Recently we had a few, events, that took place that the Kingdom was not informed about in a timely fashion. It is probably why King Bozutto rushed this division into existence so quickly.
GRI: Events? What might that be?
Griffin says testing the water, half serious, half playing.
TRU: Well, I am not authorized to tell anyone, at least not yet.

Chance: Look over at Griffin and smile a bit

DMaster: The dwarf waits for this Truett guy to look at him.
GRI: You mean that Finster Ascended, or that Imryllion almost destroyed half this land with a drought?
His eyes bulge, looks around at who is here.
TRU: Well, there has been some talk. But one should not speculate.
His face flushing a bit

Chance: Chan: Speculate? I watched as Finster, Animax and Edwin walk through a big door beaming out light… essentially taking the Dark Cleric to the godplane. Griffin, is that speculation?

DMaster: Griffin chuckles,
GRI: Quite possibly young man, quite possibly.

Chance: Chan: didn’t they inform you of where you were coming when you came to talk to me?
Chuckling a bit, raising an eyebrow at him

DMaster: Now even more flustered, he is going through his bag, grabbing for some papers.
TRU: I apologize, this was just meant to be a impromptu meeting. We have 6 places to visit today, and it was a bit rushed.
Then the door opens again.
UNDER: Another visitor

Chance: Chan: Just grand, here I thought it was going to be a quiet day

Behind The Scenes

Catalina was packing her bags, trying to remember everything she had to bring. It was going to be a long day going from business to business, manor to manor and, well, I guess promote this new Information Bureau King Bozutto wants, she thinks.

She takes a quick look in the mirror and fixes a wild hair that always seems to fly on her.

Her heart starts to feel heavy, just the other day hearing of her Sisters demise. The news was rumored to come from Animax himself. There is no body, and her best friend Everlee… gone too. Something crazy happened down past Weston Gate and she was going to get to the bottom of it.

Vantax. One of the most prominent names in Camerondale, in all of Legon and they were dropping like flies. Rosalinda, killed by some crazy Finster monster and now Simone, dead, from a zealot from some fallen goddess. Ugg! She screams in her head, knowing there is nothing she can do about it now.

Out the door she flies, heading down her road in the great city of Camerondale.

Truett wanted me too take off the next few days, but I just can’t, she says to herself. I have to keep my mind of of this until I can focus on the funeral plans and… and…

She stops and catches her breath. The vision of her sister, a exact opposite, yet replica of each other. Simone was huge to Catalina’s small, her roughness to Catalina’s grace. She looks around and some people glance over to her seeing her put her head in her hand, tears coming and they were not stopping.

The strawberry blonde girl found an alleyway and got herself under control. I have to be strong… strong like Simone would of been.

She straightens her back up, wipes down the front of her outfit and heads back out.

“Axion, Axion, way out in Grayshale, son of a bitch,” she mumbles to herself, putting the paper she was looking at back in her pocket. The young woman was now heading for the stable hoping there is a horse she can rent for day.

Catalina riding toward Greyshale the name Axion keeps going over and over in her head and she does not know why. “I have to see what this mans first name is when I get off the horse” she murmurs to herself heading into the Town of Greyshale.

Catalina, Spitting image of her family the Vantax'sDMaster: You all look and in walks a shorter, smaller woman with strawberry blonde hair, beaming blueish green eyes. She is in a very nice blouse, a bag also slung across her shoulders, leather pants, fancy belt and a very nice sword dangling off it. Griffins eyes bulge a little, Khamyra scoffs a bit, shakes her head.
KHA: Oh great…

Chance: My eyes even bulge a little as I see her. Great, just great, another Vantax?

DMaster: Truett stands up, eyes big, relieved that she is here, probably because he wants to get the hell out of here.
TRU: This is Catalina, she will be your direct liaison between you and the Kingdom.
CAT: Hello, nice to meet…
Looking over to everyone, she smiles, surprised by how many people are here
Just then Dash walks in the back and his jaw drops
DASH: Whoa, who’s the hottie?
She gives him a look and blushes a little.

Chance: I get up and walk over to Catalina and hold out my hand
Chan: welcome to our home, Catalina

DMaster: She smiles real big, and shakes your hand. She is short, petite, smells incredible and had very soft hands.

Chance: Chan: please sit, sit, Truett was just telling us about this Information bureau

DMaster: She sits down. Truett does as well, hesitantly.

Chance: Chan: as I told him and I mean no disrespect in anyway, its a two ways street with information, as well as respect

DMaster: Khamyra glances over to a cupboard, walks to it, opens it, grabs a little pouch and then walks back over to leaning on the stairs, eyeing her kiddos up

Chance: then turn my head towards Khamyra and give a small smile and nod, knowing she just grabbed a component if this shit goes sideways.

Truett getting some shit from the OrderDMaster: Catalina pushes something to Truett, he nods and puts the paper in his folder. He pulls out another parchment
TRU: We would like you to sign this. Just a little courtesy to the Kingdom, acknowledging your willingness to work with them in this capacity.

Chance: Chan: Interesting. I wonder if the King was behind this, or possibly Affinity.

DMaster: Truett snaps his head to you once you said “affinity”
Griffin buts in suddenly.
GRI: We are not signing anything. That’s ridiculous, we don’t even know what this truly is.
KHA: If Cass wants something from us she can just come talk with us
Truett then snaps his head to the Onyx Elf.
TRU: Excuse me. You will call her the Baroness, thank you.

Chance: Stand up.
Chan: Her name is Cassie, not only is she my Baroness but she is one of my best friends. That, there, who you just spoke too, is a hero of the Witch War, rubbed elbows with “the Baroness” fighting side by side on the Summer Isle…

DMaster: Khamyra puts out her hands to calm you down. Truett looks around a bit, face flushed. Griffin lets out a big laugh.
GRI: For being an “information” bureau, you sure don’t know shit, do you?

Chance: Stand up straight, giving this man a look over.
Chan: Do you know anything about us? Anything at all?

DMaster: Griffin then stands up himself.
GRI: Well, Newsflash, we are the reason Finster Ascended. You see the big guy here, and the onyx elf, they are the ones that saved the land from the drought… oh, and that same big guy,is the Champion of the Court of Camerondale.
Truett’s face is 1000 shades of red, in embarrassment and a little bit of Anger. Catalina is looking around a bit confused, but something triggers in her brain.

Chance: looking at Truett, chuckling a bit

DMaster: TRU: Ummm, oh
You can now see Catalina looking at the paper then slowly looks to you. A look of bewilderment, anger and confusion on her face

Catalina finally figured out who Chance was, a dorkChance: Raise an eyebrow to the small woman.
Chan: okay out with it, Catalina, I see the look on your face. If you have something to say, now is the time to do it.

DMaster: She is just shaking her head, face flushing. She stands up suddenly, the chair slides back and tips over. Khamyra slowly reaches in her pouch, not taking her eyes off the girl, so close to the children. But the little girl, turns and walks away, out the front door, slamming it shut. Truett, completely confused, or more confused than before.
TRU: Catalina, I, uh… ok, well
He stands up, still red faced and flustered
TRU: The King shall hear of this, good day.

Chance: Chan: OK. Say hello for us. Say hi to Affinity as well.

DMaster: He gives you a scowl, grabs his papers and walks out the door
GRI: I thought that went well
He lets out another laugh

Chance: bust out laughing as well
Chan: yeah about as well as Dash there, not keeping his mouth closed, looking at Catalina

Dash, Ranger for the Order and a hornballDMaster: He wiggles his eye brows.
DASH: She was smoking hot
GRI: Dash, that is probably a niece or relative of Rosalinda
DASH: Who? Oh… OH… well, she still was hot
KHA: (mumbling) you’d find a dog in silk panties hot…
DASH: Heard that!
Chuckles through out the room.

Chance: Chan: I am sure we can expect another visit from Camerondale before the end of the day, after what just happened
shaking my head. Then I walk over to Khamyra, give her a hug, a kiss and tell her I am taking a little trip into the city. Time to quit looking like a big homeless man.

DMaster: She laughs, shrugs her shoulders and returns the affection.
GRI: I need to get some supplies, mind if I tag along?

Chance: Chan: Not at all Griffin, I am not only the champion of Finster but of the court, it’s time I look the part

One of the many outfitsDMaster: DM: Condensing this a lot. Chance heads into Camerondale with Griffin. We can actually use the weather chart. It is really windy, a few clouds and clear skies, around 75 degrees. Chance shops for some new outfits.
* The Gallery of Clothing (Store) *
After a while, he picks 3 outfits. 2 of them are in his size, the real expensive one was not. He buys the two, gets changed into it. Then he goes and gets a trim on his hair, and work on his beard. On his way back to the stables, he stops at Fycons and grabs some Raspberry Truffles to take home. He meets back up with Griffin, who was stunned at his transformation and heads back home.

Chance: Still a big smile on my face as we get back to the shale go down the road to my house, dismount Toby once we are close to the house. Head inside.

DMaster: Dash is out front, staring at you. Looks at Griffin who just smiles and nods.
DASH: Is there a ball I missed or something?
GRI: Just your own if you keep after Luella like you have been
He snickers, Dash gives him a playful look.

Chance: Laugh a little.
Chan: I was just thinking that as well
Smirking at Dash
Chan: oh and Dash come inside please
Make my way inside the house

DMaster: He grabs a guard to replace him at the front, then he comes in. Griffin walks to the cupboard puts things he bought in there.

Raspberry Truffles, the best on LegonChance: I will set the box of truffles on the table and look around the room

DMaster: Khamyra looks down from the loft, eyes bulge a little, Novalee from the couch stands up and tilts her head. Luella and Trinity at the table raise their eyebrows and smile
LUE: Look out… Khamyra, you better watch out. You might have some competition.

Chance: Smirk a little as Luella says that and look up towards the loft waving my hand to Khamyra
Chan: come come, all of you just my little way of saying thank you. For believing in me and for what we have accomplished

DMaster: They all gather around, Khamyra is walking down slowly, she is in a shirt with a stain on it, half pants and flip flops, hairs a mess. The Onyx Elf is just looking at you
KHA: Uh, hun? Whats going on?

Chance: Chan: well I decided its time. I am not only the champion of the court but the champion of Finster. Time to look the part.
Hold my hand to her.

DMaster: She is walking slowly over to you, small smile, has a little suspicion in her eye. She wipes her hands off on her pants and takes yours.

Chance: Chan: I know this isn’t much. I want to give you all so much more, but for now this is my small way of saying thank you.
I slowly open the box up

The Gypsy, TrinityDMaster: All their eyes get big
TRI: Well, this certainly doesn’t suck.

Chance: I slowly reach into the box and hand a truffle to Khamyra with the biggest smile on my face

DMaster: Her eyes big, you see her drool a little.

Chance: Chan: for you my love. Who have kept me strong through everything. I fall more and more in love with you, every day
Saying it quietly directly to her.

DMaster: She leans in and gives you a mini hug not wanting to get you dirty.

Chance: Chan: Help yourself!

DMaster: They all dive in and start eating; grunts, groans, moans

Chance: I smile big just watching everyone, not taking one for myself, wait till everyone is done. Save one for Cullun.

Chances mom, loving her grandchildrenDMaster: DM: Condensing again. They decide to go visit his mom in Camerondale. They get ready and head to the Castle and meet up with her. His Mom falls in love with the twins all over again. During this Jeremiah came out and met the twins, and talked briefly with Chance. They go into the kitchen / dining area and have some early dinner with the kiddo’s.

Chance: Chan: Khamyra, Mom, perhaps you two would like to spend some time talking. I have something I need to deal with

DMaster: They nod, continue feeding the kids, and playing with them.

Chance: I will see if I can get one of the guards attention and ask to see Cassie or Affinity

DMaster: They nod and leave. After a few minutes, Cassie comes in the entryway looking around.

Chance: smiling as I see Cassie. Try to hold in the morning events with this new division being formed.

DMaster: She sees you and smiles.
CASS: Chance, saved me a trip!

Cassie asking Chance to cooperateChance: Smirking at her
Chan: oh let me guess, you heard the events of this morning
Still looking at her smiling.

DMaster: She gives you a look back, a small hug and then nods her head
CAS: You sure got Truett’s underwear in a knot

Chance: Scoff a little.
Chan: Well when you walk into the home of the Champion of the Court, Champion of you-know-who and a war hero. You maybe should know these things, maybe?
Scoff turns to a chuckle.

DMaster: She frowns a bit, looks back up to you.
CAS: It was just supposed to be an informal meeting to let you know we are going to start this division, this brain child of your King.

Chance: Chan: Oh, uh oh. He is my King now?

DMaster: She giggles a little.
CAS: Everyone had to drop everything to form this, bureau, division, or whatever. You were not the only one with a little kick back from this, too. Poor Truett, and poor Catalina. She walked right into your house without knowing who you really are.
She sighs, shakes her head

Chance: Chan: that was what I wanted to address, figured I would just solve it before it became a problem.

DMaster: CAS: Thank you Chance.
Looks you over and smiles.
CAS: Look at you, all spiffy and mature now. I almost don’t recognize you.

Everyone loving the Twins, the twins loving everyone backChance: Roll my eyes
Chan: Time to start dressing the part my Baroness.

DMaster: CAS: anyways, please just give this bureau a chance? Not asking for the world, just try and comply. But, anyways, what can I do for…
Her eyes get big hearing a giggle
CAS: OH! The Kiddo’s are here?!
She jets past you and for the kids.
DM: Condensing again. The kids are in their glory, getting the full attention of everyone, now including Cassie. Eventually Affinity made her way out hearing Chance was in the Castle. She hugs him and hands him an invitation…

Chance: I hug her back and take the card

DMaster: She goes to the kids and is handed Crayon who starts telling her his life story, yapping away. Affinity bursts out laughing and gives him a big hug.

The invitation sent by Faelyn, to Chance and KhamyraChance: I will look down at the card in my hand and see what it says

DMaster: To: Chance and Khamyra. You are cordially invited to a celebration in the Augustia Realm’s State Capital as hero’s and honored guests. Signed by; Faelyn.

Chance: My eyes get really big not knowing what to say. I will make my way to Khamyra, with the card still in my hand. I will lean down, hug her and whisper in her ear
Chan: take a look at this.
and I will put the card in her hand and keep hugging her

DMaster: Khamyra grabs the invite, opens and looks at it. You hear her snort, covering her mouth. She looks at you with wide eyes, goofy look on her face
KHA: That would go over like a roach in an apple pie.

Chance: Chan: I mean he did say go on Vacation?

DMaster: KHA: Yeah that’s a hard no, the queen would string you up and gut you on site.
She says that a bit too loud and some people look over. Affinity too, eyes wide.
KHA: Oh, not you my queen, a different queen, a much more evil queen
She says embarrassed, looking at you handing the invite back.

Chance: shaking my head and chuckle
Chan: only you my love, never change

DMaster: DM: Condensing. The visit goes on and eventually you finish up. The kids are getting cranky and tired, since they didn’t get an afternoon nap. Everyone says goodbye and heads for home. Khamyra and Chance put the kids to bed, they zonk out right away. Khamyra and Chance have some nice moments out on his balcony, drink some nice mulled wine. Eventually they make it to their bed, make love, and fall asleep.

Starlay (saturday) 7:00 AM

DMaster: CRY: I once mistaken my dink for a toothpick, it happened all the time with my wife, get up slags!
7AM rolls around and the kids slept all night. Khamyra is up and at-them.

Chance: sit up, stretch and then walk over. Wrap my arms around her from behind and kiss her neck.

DMaster: She smiles leans into it, then giggles a little. She smiles and then looks at you, waiting, then it hits you. BOMBS AWAY!

Chance: chuckle a bit, help her change the kids.

DMaster: After you two head down. You have some breakfast and decide that you and Griffin should get in some training. The both of them hold their own dueling. A bit warm out, around 80-85 degrees, puffy white clouds, slight breeze. After an hour or so Dash comes out and tells them, they have visitors. The two of them towel off a bit.

Chance: after I grab my towel I look at Dash
Chan: what is it Dash? it looks like someone bit you in the ass
chuckling a little.

DMaster: DAS: You have to see the ones here.
He giggles a little
GRI: Dash?
DAS: Oh, I will just let you guys see for yourself.

Chance: wipe myself off and make my way to the back door. More curious as to who is here

Rayven, a Velencia Mini-me wanna beDMaster: You see two women standing at the head of the table. One is like a mini-me of Velencia, black hair, beaming eyes, shaved head, tattoo’s and even the same wardrobe. It takes you by surprise. The other is a stunning girl, light brown hair, beautiful blue eyes, dressed in a semi-armored outfit. Khamyra glances your way and she has this look, like she wants to laugh. Luella smiles, and looks your way too
LUE: Chance babe, you have guests, from your bestie Velencia

Chance: Chan: Bestie, really?
shaking my head

DMaster: DASH: Yeah, she is Rayven
Pointing at the wanna-be Velencia.
DASH: This is River
He says with a dreamy tone, giving her eyes.

Chance: Chan: Welcome to our home, to what do we owe the pleasure?

DMaster: Griffin and Reneta looking them over, a little confused.

DMaster: They see you, both back up and kneel

Chance: Smile, thinking if Velencia ever saw this, she would lose her shit.
Chan: come, come, please none of that, I don’t stand on that tradition
Feeling my face flush a bit

Rivier, another follower of Finster and Velencia.DMaster: They stand, both go to talk at the same time, they look at each other annoyed.
RAY: Our High Priestess wants to invite you to her headquarters for a meeting
RIV: Yeah, she is not sure she should be seen here, doesn’t want to get anyone in trouble, again.
Rayven nudges her, squints at her
RAY: I was talking here
RIV: So was I!
They shove each other. Dash’s eyes light up.
DASH: Chick fight?!?!

Chance: can’t help but chuckle a bit watching them, but then clear my throat

DMaster: Khamyra, with all the will power she has from not laughing, steps forward and looks at them.
KHA: Ladies, can you focus please
They stop and look over to her, a bit embarrassed. Then realize its the Warlock, their eyes bulge.
Together they both say, “Our apologies, Master mage”
KHA: Warlock, I am a Warlock, but nonetheless. What does Velencia want with us?
They shrug their shoulder, glance to each other.

Chance: Chan: did she say when she wanted us there? I was quite getting use to some time away from her.
Looking over at Khamyra

DMaster: They glance at each other again
RIV: Just that you should come tomorrow around dinner time?

Chance: Chan: Oh, we should huh?
Give Khamyra a look, frown a bit

DMaster: She smiles at them.
KHA: Yes, we will be there

Chance: Chan: We will? I mean, yes… fine.
Still frowning

Luella not happy with the two girls from VelenciaDMaster: They nod, you noticed River and dash making eyes. River smiles and pushes her hair behind her ear. Luella sees this, as Rayven turns to leave but River did not.
LUE: That means, leave, head back to the cave or rock you came from
River’s eyes bulge a little, Rayven looks behind her seeing River not following. They both head for the door, but not before the River girl turns to give Dash another look. They leave. Dash is beaming.
DAS: See that? I think she wanted me.
LUE: Yeah, wanted you to take a bath, I mean really, how can someone smell that bad.
He lifts his arm and smells, then winces.

Chance: not saying much I will look at everyone and head for the back door, go back out.

DMaster: As you walk out, you see two hooded figures, hands on their swords

Chance: my eyes instantly turn to slits

DMaster: Griffin pushes you forward, throws you a sword, its wooden.
GRI: Have at it, lets see what you have.
They come at you.
DM: Condensing. The three battle it out with Chance getting the upper hand. A few bruises for all but a good session for training. The order behind you claps, hoots and hollars.

Chance: I am sure my back is pretty red though, smirking as I look back at the order. Turn and shake their hands.

DMaster: They shake your hand back. You get cleaned up.

Chance: after I get cleaned up spend some time with the kids and Khamyra and just enjoy my time with them, prepare for tomorrow and having to go see Velencia.

DMaster: You have a nice evening and fall asleep fairly well, only having to get up once in the night to change the kids. It’s Starday, so no cryer

Starday (Sunday) 6:30 AM

Chance: I wake up to see if Khamyra and the kiddos are still sleeping, and they are. I will quietly get up and grab some clothes. Try to be as quiet as I can and go downstairs letting them sleep

Novalee starting off the morning with TeaDMaster: Novalee is down, starting tea. The morning starts out quiet, but picks up fairly quick with the order coming in. A good breakfast served by Griffin, some chit chatting here and there. Griffin takes the day off from training and it is Dash who trains you on the bow.

Chance: after training on the bow I will go heat up water and get cleaned up. Go change into the other outfit I bought, making sure to grab Silent Fate and a few daggers with me.

DMaster: As you and her were dressing, resisting the need to jump on each other, you realize you have no idea where she lives. As you finish dressing, the door opens.
UND: Two visitors, the River and Rayven girls
They walk in looking around, Dash at the ready, fresh out of a bath, walks up quick
DASH: Hi, hello, ladies, how are, do you want anything, hows the weather?
Cullun is looking at dash in disbelief, chuckling.

Chance: shaking my head look to see if Luella is around

DMaster: She is not, she is out with Renata

Chance: Chan: Dash, might I suggest you finish a sentence before starting a new one.
Walking down the stairs.
Chan: Here to escort us to Velencia? Since we don’t know where she lives.

DMaster: They nod, after some eye flirting with Dash, the girls take you out. They get on their horses as you two do as well, and ride north. After about 30 minutes, they unhorse, there are trees and some tall grass. About a 3 minute walk gets you at the edge of a hill, they pull a hidden chain that is inside a tree and what looked like a hillside, opens into a large passageway.

Chance: Look over at Khamyra and smirk as they lead us on

DMaster: The entrance is large, dull grey and functional. As you turn down a hallway or two, the place starts to get more ornate. You get led out to this area that has open sky. It is very luxurious and it leads out into this round area, a big tree in the middle, flowers about. To the far area is a table where you can see Velencia and Rawek at.

Chance: a small smile goes to my face as I see Rawek. I look around a bit and wait for the two to lead us over to the table

Velencia welcoming them to her homeDMaster: They walk you over. They both try to talk over each other again. Rayven pushes River and starts.
RAY: The Champion and his Warlock, M’Lady.
Then the dark haired woman gets shoved back by River, making her stumble. Velencia, wide eyes, half annoyed half amused.
VEL: Ok, I can see that, and I don’t think she is “his” Warlock.
Khamyra leans into you, tightens her grip with his hand
KHA: I am. I am his, forever.

Chance: Lean over and kiss her on the cheek.

DMaster: The Priestess looks like she is going to gag, then stands
VEL: Ahhh welcome to my home, well our home
Looking over to Rawek.

Chance: I will just give her a small nod

DMaster: VEL: Sit sit
Rawek exchanges pleasantries with you and Khamyra. Some servants come and deliver an amazing meal of roast boar, vegetables, spiced tators and dessert that was heavenly. She calls for another servant, that looked more fit to be a sage, and he places a large scroll on the table.

Chance: looking over towards this large scroll
Chan: okay, so I am guessing you called us here for a reason

DMaster: She unrolls the scroll. It has ancient writings, some graphs and such, a small map and a sketch of this wild looking dagger

Chance: Chan: okay, so just what are we looking at?

DMaster: Smiling wide, Velencia all but drools on the scroll.
VEL: The Moon dagger, another weapon created by the red witches. I’ve had this information for a while, but while we were gone saving Legon, information came in on its whereabouts.
She looks up, excitement in her eyes.
VEL: Just a 2 day trip north!

Chance: shaking my head I look over to Khamyra
Chan: What happened to taking a Holiday?

DMaster: She smiles eyes wide
VEL: No this is not work, this is what I call fun!