Impressing The Masses

Previously In The Last Adventure:

Leanen is found and blows the trio’s story about finding Ferellus. Britney convinces Helynne to suspend the investigation because the arrival of the Royals is much too close. Britney, Chance, Josephine work all night to get the Inn ready. Chances life changes when the Princess arrives,

NSFW Warning / Bad Grammar

This text will contain language not suitable for some people. It is merely an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. We are not trying to be the next J.R.R. Tolkien, so there will be misspelled words, fragmented sentences and things that just don’t make sense. Once in a while there will be some nudity and sexual themes, you will be warned ahead of time. Just read, enjoy and have fun!

Main Characters

EP#6 Impressing The Masses

Impressing the Masses Banner

DMaster: You grab the bags and head to the 2nd floor where they are staying. The King’s room is to the right and Princess’s is to the left

Chance: go to the king’s room first and take the bags to his room and then go to the princess’s

DMaster: They were just some shopping bags, a guard stands at the door of each door.
GUARD#1: Excuse me, you are not authorized to enter here

Calisara One of the Knights of CamerondaleChance: Chan: I am here to drop off the King’s bags for him, feel free to look inside

DMaster: The female Knight is at the top of the stairs and nods to let you in.

Chance: Chan: I am just doing as I was asked to do if you want to put them inside feel free to.

DMaster: The guard nods back at the Knight.
GUA: You can enter
You head inside, drop off the bag and then head over to The Princess’s room. The guard allows you to enter.

Chance: deposit her bags and then head back downstairs.

DMaster: You pass The Princess and her ladies down the hall as both parties go to each respective side.
Affinity stops and looks at you. For a long moment your eyes are locked. Birgetta gives her a nudge.
AFF: Oh, Thank you, Chance is it?

Chance: Chan: (smiling) Yes, Your Grace, my name is Chance.

Princess Affinity of CamerondaleDMaster: She smiles back and all three girls walk into her room, giggling

Chance: I will walk back downstairs.

DMaster: The bottom floor is unusually quiet, since no guests can be at the Inn or even at the island when the Princess and King are here.

Chance: well never know when my services will be needed. I will go stand by the front desk.

DMaster: Valario is downstairs conversing with Corine, Britney is at the front desk going through papers and your mom is tidying up the lounge area

Chance: Chan: is there anything I can do Britney?

DMaster: BRIT: (looks up and smiles) No Chance, we just need to be on call. Corine is going to get some sleep and then take over for you later today. You can go sit in the lounge area for now. Your Mom smiles as she sweeps up the very little dirt left.

Chance: Chan: okay, sounds good to me.
go take a seat in the lounge area for the moment, smiling at Mom.

DMaster: For two hours very little happens, you hear laughing and talking from upstairs but little else. it is mid afternoon, sun still beating down outside

Chance: just stay seated and relax.

DMaster: You hear noises coming from the second floor, sounds like they are walking down the hall.

Chance: Thinking to myself: right about now Morty is Drunk.

DMaster: DM: lol yes he is.

Chance: Look to the staircase where the sounds are coming from.

King of Camerondale, Sir JeramiahDMaster: You see the Princess and her ladies heading down the stairs. They are talking, chatting and laughing. the King is following and looks like he is trying to tuck in his shirt

DMaster: BRIT: Chance! Stand up you lazy sod!

Chance: Stand up.
Chan: Yes, uhhhh yeah, sorry was daydreaming.

DMaster: You notice they are all in robes, they are carrying bags and towels. The King gets to the bottom of the stairs, looks around to find Britney.
KING: Brit ,my good girl, we are going to lounge down at the bay, care to join us?
BRIT: No Jer, I have too much work to do here, but enjoy, it looks to be a great day! Just don’t stay too long in the sun!

Chance: keeping standing, just in case they need me to carry their stuff.

DMaster: The King looks a little disappointed, but gathers the girls up and heads out. Valario follows behind with a few guards trailing. After they exit the building and you see them head down the path. Britney looks over to you and shrugs her shoulders.

Chance: good sit back down.

DMaster: BRIT: (pointing up) Chance go up in the rooms make sure everything is tidy enough.

Chance: Chan: Ok, will do.
I will head upstairs

DMaster: The two guards look and nod, like they already know you, so you are good.

Chance: I will enter the Kings room first and see if it needs any tidying up.

DMaster: It is a 20 x 30 room with two doors on the east side, a huge bed in the middle, a dresser or two. a table with fruits and flowers on them and a trunk with his stuff. He just has a few things laying about.

Chance: well make sure the bed is still neatly made.

DMaster: After 10 minutes the room is very tidy.

Chance: from there will go to the princess’s room and see if it needs any tidying up.

DMaster: the room is a complete mess, it is also a 20×30 room, two doors on the west wall. There are three beds that look like a wild lion was sleeping in them already. Clothes thrown about the floor, the table has half eaten fruit, some jars and a shoe sits there with sand all about.

Affinity, Erikka and Birgetta's room, messy!Chance: well, guess I will get to work straightening it up

DMaster: one of the rugs is all balled up, looks like a wrestling match went on in here. It takes you a good 30 minutes but you got it nice and neat

Chance: clean the room thoroughly and then I will go back downstairs.

DMaster: The place is empty. Only Brit is at the front desk talking to the female Knight and of course two guards at the entrance (outside).

Chance: take a seat in the lounge area keep my eyes turned toward the entrance.

DMaster: BRIT: Chance, come here please.

Chance: Chan: Yes Britney.
Walk over to her

A knight of Camerondale named CalisaraDMaster: Britney looks at you then at the Knight
BRIT: This is Calisara, a Knight of Camerondale

Chance: Chan: (smiling) pleasure to meet you Calisara.

DMaster: She nods and smiles.

Chance: Chan: Oh Britney the rooms are cleaned as you asked.

DMaster: Britney hands you a plate of food; some bread, cheese and fruit.
BRIT: Thank you, and your reward; Food!
She smirks.
BRIT: You can eat right in the lounge

Chance: Nod my head, grab the plate. Walk back over to the lounge area and begin to eat my food.

DMaster: You eat the food, it was real good, it was definitely a “royal” grade of food. Afterwards you get rid of the plate and by then you can see the entourage heading back. Valario enters the Inn first and confirms nothing happened here with Calasara.

Chance: I will stand up and wait to see if I am needed.

DMaster: The King comes in first, sweating profusely, dabbing at his forehead with a towel. The Princess and her ladies also look just as hot.

Chance: I am sure they are dying, thinking to myself.

DMaster: The King is wiping his brow heading again for the stairs.
KING: Brit some water for us in our rooms if you don’t mind. The King goes up the stairs and the Princess and her ladies follow suit.

Chance: Chan: I will bring the water to them, Britney.

DMaster: the two guards stop and stand by the staircase, they also look soaked in sweat.
CAL: Looks like a warm one out there.
The Princess and her ladies giggling and chit chatting all the way up the stairs.

Chance: Chan: It’s always a warm one out there.
get some water for the guards as well

DMaster: You get two ornate buckets that Brit hands you. Then you go to the back and fill it with water from barrels. You grab 6 cups and put them in your belt.

Chance: take care of the guards first, I don’t need them passing out from dehydration. Then I will head upstairs go to the kings room first.

DMaster: they smile real big.
GUARD #1: Thank you…
GUARD #2: (looks exhausted but smiles and nods).

Chance: Chan: You’re welcome.

DMaster: You hear lots of noises, to the left chatting, laughing and to the right you hear the king whistling a tune.

Chance: I head upstairs and I will go to the Kings room first, wait at the king’s door.

DMaster: The Guard nods and knocks on the door for you.
KING: Yes, yes, come in

Chance: Chan: Water, your Majesty.

DMaster: The King puts his towel around his neck, looks at you.
KING: Ahhh excellent,

Chance: I take out a cup and fill it with water.

Princess AffinityDMaster: KING: Thank you, Chance
You leave the bucket.

Chance: Chan: you’re welcome, your majesty.
and then go to the princess’s room.

DMaster: The guard knocks on the door to the princesses room.
AFF: Hold on!
You hear rustling around. The guard smirks a little wondering what the hell they are doing. After about a minute…
AFF: Ok, come in!

Chance: enter the room after the guard opens the door.

DMaster: Affinity is standing by her bed checking her hair with a small mirror.
AFF: Oh Chance! Thank you! I feel like I swallowed a bag of sand!
The two ladies, who are sitting on their beds, laugh and nod in agreement. They are still in their robes, red faced from the heat.

Chance: Put down the bucket grab the cups.
Chance: The water, your grace, as requested.

Birgetta, Lady in waiting for CamerondaleDMaster: You look around and there is sand EVERYWHERE.

Chance: kind of shake head a little.

DMaster: Affinity stands looking at you, smiles then walks towards you.
AFF: Oh Chance, I wanted to introduce you to my ladies.

DMaster: She points at the red head.
AFF: This is Birgetta (pronounced bur-shetta).

Chance: look her way, nod and smile at her.

DMaster: She then points at the blonde.
AFF: This is Erikka.

Chance: nod and smile to her. Bowing slightly showing respect.
Chan: a pleasure to meet you both

DMaster: BIR: (blurting out) You’re not fully human are you?
Affinities eyes bulge a little, her head snapping to the red head.
AFF: Birgetta!!!
The Princess gives her a sharp look.

Chance: Chan: what do you mean, not fully human?

DMaster: They look at each other and giggle.
ERIK: Are you Half Elven?

Chance: Chan: In a manner of speaking, (smirking)

Erikka, Lady in Waiting in CamerondaleDMaster: ERI: Half… Augustian elf?

Chance: Repeat myself.
Chan: In a manner of speaking, (smirking again).

DMaster: BRIT: I told you!
Affinity is shaking her head smiling.
AFF: well, duh.

Chance: I will smile softly, raise an eyebrow.
Chan: Am I missing something here ladies? Were we taking bets on me? On my heritage?
wait for their response.

DMaster: Erikka smiles innocent like, glances at the red head.
ERI: BIRGETTA! You cheated, you asked him didn’t you!
Affinity is shaking her head.
AFF: No Erikka, you lost the bet!
She looks at you.
BIRG: I am sorry, we meant no disrespect, Chance

Chance: Chan: not disrespected at all. But may I ask what the bet was?

DMaster: They look at each other smiling and giggling.
BIRG: That you were half Augustian elf

Chance: Chan: is it really that obvious?

DMaster: They all look at you.
ERIK: Not to me(shrugs).
they all burst out laughing.

Chance: Stand there and jokingly shake my head.
Chance: Well… (look around) You are all wrong.

DMaster: They stop and look at you, raised eyebrows.
AFF: Oh?

Chance: Chan: Yeah, I am pretty sure I am 1/4 Augustian elf. Not sure if that fits into half elf or not.

DMaster: They look at each other and giggle. shrugging their shoulders. They are gulping the water and eating fruits, walking in and out of the bath area. There is like 5 trunks all in the corner with all their stuff in it, all open, clothes are all over again.

Chance: Chan: well ladies, if you need me for anything else don’t be afraid to ask.

DMaster: They all smile at you. As you walk out and look back, the Princess is staring, she tucks some hair behind her ear and smiles.
AFF: We will, thank you again Chance.
Close the door after you leave.

Chance: head back downstairs.

Behind The Scenes

Affinity turns around and smiles. Erikka and Birgetta exchange glances and start to laugh.

“I haven’t seen that look from you since, what was his name from Brightondale?” Erikka says as she dips for more water.

Birgetta is taking off her clothes, sand flies everywhere. “Get it while you can Affinity, in a month you’ll be married to Prince bozolutto? Brozillion…Botoxafiliate” looks perplexed trying to say his name.

She shakes her bottoms out. Erikka gives her a look, for both her shaking shit all over the room and the horrible pronunciation of the prince’s name.

Affinity raises her eyebrows and walks over to the chest, also taking off her clothes. “It’s Prince Bozutto Roche, of the regent’s hold of Vermeer” she says as a matter of fact.

Erikka is trying to kick sand away from her bed “Dammit you red headed bitch, you got sand everywhere” she sighs. Birgetta gives her a look, “Sands everywhere, in my hair, in my toes and even in my…”

“Birgetta!” Affinity interrupts her with a laugh. The Red Headed girl shrugs her shoulders “well, we all know it’s there too” she giggles.

The red head smiles ponders a bit, “the way his eyes go all goo-goo for you, I think he might be in love…”

Affinity turns to her and scoffs a bit. A sly smile across her face.

“I think Chance is my ticket to the bay” She says while tapping her finger to her chin.

The two girls exchange glances, not just for what she just said, but what could happen.

DMaster: Much more activity on the bottom floor. A few patrons well dressed in the lounge area, Winston is back talking with Britney. Looks like a few assistants and servants are here as well.

Chance: go back to the lounge area, try to find a place where I wont bother anyone and relax a little bit.

DMaster: Valario and Calisaro are looking over what seems to be a map, it is about 4PM
BRIT: Chance!

Chance: Get up and walk to Britney
Chance: Yes Britney

DMaster: BRIT: This is our Mayor I am not sure you ever met him, Winston
WIN: Nice to meet you young man.
shakes your hand all wildly

Chance: Chan: a pleasure to meet you Winston
shake his hand back just as wildly.

DMaster: Britney looks at you a bit annoyed with a smirk, but Winston did not notice it. The Inn Owner takes your arm and pulls you aside
BRIT: can you go to Dexters and grab some more food, get the good stuff. I want to make sure if they want a snack they have it
She hands you a bag of gold.

Chance: Chan: as you wish, it was a pleasure to meet you Winston Shake his hand wildly again.

DMaster: Winston looks back with a smile and shakes… wildly
WIN: You too Chance!

Chance: smirking as I head out the door.

DMaster: You hear him say to Britney “what a good kid you have there!” Its about 85 degrees, very few clouds, sun is just beating down, you are in that nice outfit, but it is not too heavy. The island is really quite empty, very few guests, and they are probably on their way out, because of the royalty. The usual sounds of people at the beach or walking the boardwalk is not there.

Chance: keep my hands wrapped tight around the bag of gold and head to Dexter’s.

DMaster: It’s not far, it’s down the boardwalk and down an alleyway, its more for restaurants and merchants than the public.

Chance: well then I will enter Dexter’s and see what they have good. keep going in, looking at all the food.

Dexter owner of the bulk food storeDMaster: Walking in, it’s a fairly narrow place, 20 feet wide, it’s cold and you walk through a door that has this very thick curtain but the room is about 100 feet deep filled with food on both sides of the room. You see a stocky fellow, robust and has a low booming voice. A dwarf most likely.
DEX: Can I help you sir?

Chance: Chan: are you Dexter? Britney sent me to get some food for our guests at the Inn and told me to get the good stuff.

DMaster: He looks and his eyebrows raise, as though to remember the Royalty. You two go over hats available and he helps pick out some things that will work.

Chance: Chan: Thank you. I would have not known what to get.

DMaster: DEX: Hands you a smaller pouch this is for the King… his favorite.
The dwarf snorts a bit and smiles.

Chance: Chan: just for the King then.

DMaster: he hands you three sacks of food, heavy but you can handle it.

Chance: Chan: how much does Britney owe you.

DMaster: Dexter grabs a small piece of parchment, squinting his eyes, mumbling numbers to himself, writes a number down.
DEX: We are going with 15 gold, because it’s for the King

Chance: reach in the pouch and take out the amount needed.

DMaster: He hands you the paper (receipt) and you do and head back to the Inn.

Chance: Chan: I am back Britney.

DMaster: Britney looks up from the desk.
BRIT: Oh ok, go to the storage closet and there is an ice chest put what needs to be in there.
the Inn does not have a kitchen. Alchemist and/or witches can produce cold liquid, even ice.

Chance: Chan: will do.
go put the stuff in the ice chest in the storage closet and make sure the kings is separate in the there as well

DMaster: Some of the fruit you leave out, knowing it would be bad to keep them cold, other things you put in the chest

Britney, Owner of Sunset InnChance: and then give Britney back whatever is left in the pouch of gold.

DMaster: BRIT: Thanks Chance… Corine should be back in an hour or two so sit tight.

Chance: Chan: I can do that, not a problem.

Chance: go take a seat in the lounge, just relax until Corine comes back or I am needed.

DMaster: pretty quiet, Valario is leaning against the post to the stairs drinking water. Brit behind the counter working on some papers. Its now 6PM-ish. You hear noises from the second floor. doors closing, people talking.

Chance: turn my head toward the stairs and stand up ready.

King Jeramiah of CamerondaleDMaster: The King heads down first in some light royal garb, crest of Camerondale on it. Two guards come in from outside and wait for the party to congregate. The King rolls his eyes.
KING: I’ve given them two hours to get ready…
He is glancing over to Brit.

Chance: trying not to smile too much.

DMaster: BRIT: (smiles) You know us women, (winks).

Chance: chuckle a little.

DMaster: The King is shaking his head slowly.
KING: I hope she can make faster decisions when she is Queen!
BRIT: Patience is a virtue my lord…
The King glances over to her.
KING: M’Lord?
BRIT: Sure, M’Lord, or Your Majesty, or you big pain in the butt!
She is laughing a little, looking at him out of the corner of her eye. The King gives her a playful smile, then shakes his head.

Chance: put head down and chuckle a little more.

DMaster: After a few minutes the King is getting impatient and leans up the stairs.
KING: (yelling) Sometime this week, while I am still alive! I might have to start looking for clothes for the Mid Summers Day festival!

Chance: and put head back up and try to keep a straight face.

Princess Affinity of Camerondale Walking down stairsDMaster: You finally hear their door close and the Princess and her two ladies come down. Each one looking more beautiful then the next

Chance: give them all a smile if they look in my direction.

DMaster: Valario walks up to them.
VAL: My Lord, My Grace… shall we proceed?
Calisaro walks down and stands by the bottom of the stairs.

Chance: keep watching the procession.

DMaster: Birgetta is looking around, and sees you as she is walking out.
BIR: Goodbye Chance!
The girls all giggle and hurry out the door. Britney smiles at the King who looks at her in bewilderment, and then to you with a perplexed look. Eye raising and shoulder shrugging.

Chance: just shaking head, shrug shoulders.
Chan: What Britney?

DMaster: Britney is shaking her head, pauses and looks at you.
BRIT: Corine should be here soon

Chance: Chan: Sorry, they just had a bet going on me, whether or not I had elf blood in me or not.
Shaking my head

Corine, Inn ManagerDMaster: Britney stops, looks back at you and shakes her head, continues walking. After an uneventful hour or so, Corine walks in.
COR: So how was today?
BRIT: (Looks up) Everything went according to plan.

Chance: Chan: it was certainly interesting to say the least.

DMaster: BRIT: Any chance you have seen Ferra?
COR: Nope, but then again boss, I just got here.
DM: Ferra is the night manager.
Britney is looking at you, motioning that you can leave.
BRIT: Ok chance you’re done for the day. I’m giving you off the morning but be back early afternoon tomorrow.

Chance: Chan: Thank You, is it okay if I go down to the beach for a little bit.

DMaster: Britney looks at you confused.
BRIT: I don’t care what you do off duty, you goof, but just not in that outfit, go get changed.

Chance: Chan: Alrighty then.
I will head up to my apartment and change into something more comfortable, leaving my hair as mom left it, see if mom is there.

DMaster: she is sitting in her chair reading a book, the window is wide open a nice breeze is flowing in, the sky is a deep purple and pink.

Chance: Chan: Mom, I am going down to the beach for a little bit after I get changed or Britney will kill me.

DMaster: MOM: OK be careful, no caves or anything please.
She looks up and smiles then looks back down reading her book.

Chance: I change into some stuff I wear to exercise with on the beach.

DMaster: DM Note: Guards don’t like you training at night.

Chance: shorts tight fitting t-shirt to show off muscles. Just going for a walk on the beach to unwind a little. See if Ferellus is up to anything.

DMaster: You head out, its upper 70’s winds picking up a little and both moons are visible. The place is pretty empty except you do see Ferellus and Shanna at the edge of a pathway, kneeling down.

Chance: Walk over to them.
Chan: Hey guys, what’s going on?

Shanna and Ferellus digging for slugsDMaster: Ferellus looks up to you and smiles
FER: Hey bud! We are digging up slugs. Yeah, digging up slugs.
SHA: Shut it Ferellus, They are for my experiments.
FER: Yeah, experiments, with slugs. Yeah, slugs.
She glances back at him, then you.
SHA: Hey Chance.
She is digging around, cleavage showing like a billboard on a sunny day.

Chance: In respect for Ferellus I will only stare at Shanna’s tits for a few moments.

DMaster: After chit chatting with them, you head down the boardwalk, no sign of extra guards so the royal party must of went another way, heading on the beach you see one couple (visitors?), a guard or two but it is actually pretty damn empty. There is no real rocks to speak of, but lots of chairs.

Chance: well find a comfy chair and sit back and relax for a bit, look out at the water and just take in the air.

DMaster: The sun sets on the horizon, the water turns purple, the sky darkens as the stars start to come out to the east. You see the second moon becoming more visible as it rises higher. Without knowing it, you fell asleep. You wake up wondering where the hell are you. The moon is higher in the sky, it’s dark, it’s pretty quiet except for waves crashing.

Chance: oh crap, head back to the Inn, looking to see if I can see anyone.

DMaster: No one really, in the distance is a guard patrolling you think. You estimate you fell asleep for 2 hours.

Chance: well better get my butt back to the apartment.

DMaster: You head back to the Inn. you see two guards out front so the royal entourage is back. You head up to your apartment. A guard looks at you then to the Knight on duty and they nod.
GUARD: Ok, just making sure, you can pass.

Chance: Chan: thank you.
I will head up the stairs.

DMaster: you hit the 2nd floor, you can hear soft talking to the left and snoring to the right, its midnight or High Moon. Guards along the halls.

Chance: I will try not to let my curiosity get the better of me and keep going.

DMaster: You head up past the 3rd floor and to your private area. You unlock the door and go in, locking it behind you. There is a small candle burning on the table.

Chance: go to the ice box see what we got in there.

DMaster: You see some sandwiches, you grab one and eat, chug some water from the bucket, blow out the candle and head to bed. On your way to your room you hear soft tapping on your door

Chance: go to the door and slowly open it, carefully peek my head out.

DMaster: You don’t see anyone, the hallway is lit by two lanterns, so it’s fairly bright, you can hear some soft noise on the stairs.

Chance: hmmmm, will make sure I have my key with me and lock my door and quietly go check the noise out.

DMaster: You sneak down the hallway to the stairs, you don’t hear the noise anymore and the staircase is empty.

Chance: quietly walk back to my apartment and unlock door and go in and shut the door quietly, lock it. Go to my room shut door, strip down and crawl in bed.

DMaster: It takes you a bit to get to sleep but you fall asleep.


DMaster: you wake up and you can hear your mom getting ready for work, its dim outside, you figure almost 7 o’clock considering you slept on the beach you feel pretty rested.

Chance: lookout my windows to see the weather. Pretty good timing maybe Morty will be down at the beach.

DMaster: Looks like another perfect day. He always is, you missed like the last 3 days. you rarely miss more than a day or two.

Chance: well get up and get my workout clothes back on, hopefully Morty isn’t mad.

DMaster: You go out into the living room, your Mom is just about to leave.

Chance: Chan: Morning Mom.

DMaster: Your Mom wheels around quickly.
MOM: Oh you’re up early.

DMaster: MOM: I’m heading down now…

Chance: Chan: I need to go down to the beach and see Morty.

DMaster: MOM: Oh yes, don’t forget your sword.
She is pointing to the corner of the living room where it is leaning.

Chance: Chan: glad you remember for me, I would forget everything if it wasn’t for you.
grab my sword and scabbard and put it in my belt loop.
Chan: I will see you after I get done with Morty.

DMaster: she smiles and heads out the door.

Chance: I will grab some breakfast, something to drink. Then make sure I am all dressed to train with Morty. Grab my key to the apartment and lock it up. Head down the stairs, listening as I head down the stairs.

DMaster: The staircase, floors are quiet. You hit the bottom floor and it is Dead, just Corine, your Mom and Calisara at the stairway, two guards out front as usual. It’s about 8:30 now.

Chance: Chan: I will be back soon to relieve you Corine, I am going to see Morty first.

DMaster: Corine: Ok, no hurry.
She looks back down to her papers. You head out towards Morty’s usual spot, another beautiful day about 70 degrees sun is rising to your back, few wispy clouds.

Chance: head down to the beach to where I usually train with Morty.

DMaster: You see Morty standing by his crate and he has drinks out all ready. He is looking out to the ocean, in a daydream most likely.

Chance: Chan: Morty, I am sorry I haven’t been here for a couple days it has been crazy at the Inn, I hope you aren’t mad.

DMaster: Morty wheels around.
MORT: Chance my boy!
He has a big smile and patting your shoulder.
MORT: I would not be mad for that, now if you drank all my rum…
He gives you a look.

Chance: smiling at Morty.

DMaster: Morty starts stretching a bit.
MOR: Let’s get warmed up.
You two start your regiment.

Chance: Do as Morty instructs me to do.

DMaster: You always go through the same thing to start, stretches, lunges, typical sword work. Morty grabs a pitcher of what you hope is water and guzzles it.
MORT: here my boy, keep hydrated.

Chance: take a drink.

DMaster: MORT: So we are going to do the disarming move again today, you’ll get it eventually.
You thank Animax it was water Morty handed you, you are drenched in sweat

Chance: Chan: I hope so.

DMaster: the sun is heating everything up, temperature is hitting 80 already.

Chance: take another swig of water.

King of Camerondale on Vacation in the Summer IslesDMaster: After you put the pitcher down Morty throws you a wooden sword. You two work for a while, he teaches you different ways to disarm opponents, it takes you a bit but you are catching on.

Chance: Chan: maybe someday I will be good enough to disarm you.

DMaster: You hear a commotion in the distance but you are trying to focus on training when suddenly. From a distance you hear a booming voice.
KING: MORTIMER! I thought that was you!
The king is striding for you and the old captain. He walks over to him giving him a big hug.

Chance: Chan: Your Majesty.
I bow a little.

Affinity, Princess of Camerondale, on vacation in the Summer IslesDMaster: MORT: M’lord! I heard you were in town
He is hugging back and smiling. The King nods your way
KING: Chance, good to see you out and about training, ahhh brings me back to the day
The three girls are standing a bit away looking on while holding bags, books and in robes. Mort and the King chit chat, reminiscing and joking. You remember Mort was captain of the guard for quite a few years, so I am sure he knows the King well

Chance: drink some more water while I wait, smile and wave at the girls.

DMaster: They smile, wave, giggle and whisper to each other, they talk a bit, one playfully shoves the other. Of course it’s Erikka and Birgetta.

Chance: Turn my attention back to Morty and the King.

DMaster: KING: You will have to join us later, we are just going to be a little ways down there on the bay.
the King points roughly 50 feet away, the old man’s eyes light up.
MORT: We can have a drink together!

Chance: shake head a little.

DMaster: KING: AYE! (looks your way) easy on Morty, he is an ol’ timer like me.

Chance: Chan: more like he should be easy on “me” (smile and nod) Your Majesty.

DMaster: He smiles at you and nods. He beckons the girls to follow and they trudge a ways along and set up a little spot on the beach, 4 guards, 3 ladies, the king, a beach server and Valasario. All set up about 50-60 feet away.

Chance: Chan: are we ready to get back to training Morty?

DMaster: Morty swings around with his sword smacking your shoulder.
MOR: Yes my boy, now let’s get back to it
the girls are in bathing suits, ones that fit the time so to speak, so don’t think its thongs and Brazilian cuts.

Chance: Chan: oh and the King wanted me to go easy on you, you are not helping getting in cheap shots like that!

DMaster: You two talk for a few moments going over the technique again. He shows you how it works, you try it, and more talk. You try not to notice but they keep looking over to you giggling and talking.

Chance: will try not to let them distract me.

DMaster: You two do some slow motion walk throughs, he explains when to wait for it. You are used to his style of teaching so you catch on.

Chance: I will try everything in my power to do it right.

DMaster: after about a half hour, you finally figure it out, you try again and again and you continue to disarm Morty.
MORT: All right, Chance!
He is smiling ear to ear.

Chance: Chan: I finally did it!

DMaster: he grabs your wooden sword and throws it to the side walks over grabs your real sword throws you hilt first. He then pulls out his sword, “shing!”
MORT: Alright, I see those girls eyeing you up, I was once young and strapping once too. It’s time to show off to the Princess over there.
He is giving you a silly smile, raising one eyebrow, moves closer to the group of girls and gets in a stance.
MORT: You are welcome, (giggles)

Affinity lounging about, but taking notice of that goofy cabana boyChance: Chan: as you wish Morty.
I will smile and nod, lipping “Thank You.”

DMaster: you start slow, circling each other. He lunges, you side step, he swings, you parry. In the corner of your eye, you see everyone by the king start to take notice, they are either leaning forward watching or standing up looking over. You two clink and clank, slash and parry. Sand flies all about, you hold your own. You two duel faster and more fierce than you ever had before. The sounds of the swords almost echo across the area.

Chance: Dodge, slash, parry.

DMaster: Just like Morty taught, you waited for the right time, in a flurry of slash and parries there was an opening. You do the “morty move” and his sword pops up in the air… and like you planned it… you catch it with your other hand. Sweat just pouring out of your body as Morty looks down to his hand and then back up to you.
MOR: I Yield! (laughs)

Chance: Chan: (quietly) Whoa, that really works…

DMaster: MOR: It might save your life one day (smiles)
Morty is breathing heavy sweating, wiping his brow he grabs the pitcher and drinks. You are drenched in sweat, it has to be 85 now and humid.
MORT: Good work out today (panting) That felt great!
He walks over to his crate, throws you a towel.
MORT: Nothing like using steel, sometimes the wood just doesn’t cut it.

Chance: Chan: that it was, I needed that.
Wipe my forehead, drink a mug of water.

DMaster: Morty looks you over and furries his brow.
MORT: Go hit the water, that will cool you off some. Come back to see me before you go.

Chance: Chan: Aye Morty.
I will leave my sword with Morty and go hit the water.

DMaster: You take off your shirt and walk close to the girls to get to the water.
ERI & BIR: Hi Chance!
They are smiling and giving you a small wave. Affinity smacks Erikka’s arm.

Chance: smile and wave at them as well.

DMaster: AFF: Hi Chance! (smiling)
ERI: OW! What the…
She glances at the princess, giggling a little.

Chance: Chan: (smiling) Good Morning Your Grace.
Run into the water.

DMaster: Birgetta and Erikka smile and wave at the same time. You swim for a bit, the water is warm but refreshing.

Chance: I get out of the water and head back to Morty smile as I walk by them again.

DMaster: The girls are looking and whispering and giggling. The King is in a chair, reading a scroll, looks over to them and then you and then rolls his eyes. Morty has his brandy out, fumbling around for some glasses.

Chance: Chan: I definitely needed that swim.

DMaster: MOR: Yeah you did, you stank (laughs) Ok next time we are going to work on a defensive move I learned when the attacker comes from behind.

Chance: Chan: that sounds real good, there is so much I need to learn.

DMaster: MOR: I don’t know Chance, I’m running out things I can think of to teach you.

Chance: Chan: surely I haven’t learned everything you have to teach.

DMaster: DM: You have been doing this for at least a year and a half now, 4-5 times a week.

Chance: Chan: well I suppose I should dry off Morty and head back to the Inn I have to relieve Corine today.

DMaster: MORT: (he nods) Hey, good job today, don’t worry about making it every day while the King is in town ok?

Chance: Chan: okay but I will try especially if we are going to have an audience (smirk a bit).

DMaster: Morty looks up at you and laughs a little, he then grabs the bottle and two glasses and heads over to the King and the girls.

Chance: finish drying off and grab my sword and head back to the Inn.

DMaster: You hear Morty “best Brandy on the Island!”
KING: AYE! Pour me a glass!
AFF: M’Lord, it’s not even High sun yet…

Chance: looking back as I get ready to leave.

DMaster: they are laughing at Morty and the King, they are joking around but you see Affinity glance over, pushes some hair behind her ear, smiles softly and waves.

Chan: smile back, wave and start back toward the Inn

DMaster: You get to the Inn, two guards outside, Guard at the staircase looking uncomfortable. Corina is fixing a painting on the wall. The bottom of the Inn is empty as usual. Your Mom is heading out of the storage closet

Chance: head toward the stairs and to my apartment.

DMaster: You get there, unlock, go in, lock. its light in there, blinds open, window open fresh air blowing in but it is hot air.

Chance: Close window, pull blinds and put my sword in my room. Then to the bathroom to go get cleaned up.

DMaster: You get ready for your day, clean up, make yourself smell good. you see some clothes sitting on the couch

Chance: once cleaned up I will dry off still naked, put on the fresh clothes that I am sure are royal like and try to do my hair like my mom did the other day

DMaster: Success (rolled a 17)

Chance: grab a bit of fruit and my key to the apartment and lock it up and head downstairs

Corine, the Inn ManagerDMaster: You head down, your mom is sweeping the third floor, and the usual two guards on the second floor. Look and see where Corine is. The bottom floor there is a guard at the stairs. Corine is sitting at the counter, staring out into space… she looks tired

Chance: Chan: I am here to relieve you Corine.

DMaster: Corine a little startled.
COR: OH! Oh damn you scared me, ok good. Britney should be here within the hour.

Chance: Chan: I am sure I can handle it for an hour.

DMaster: COR: Everything is good, if you need anything in the meantime, Ferra is in the back room.

Chance: Nod and smile, I will take over the desk.

DMaster: Corine is piling papers on the desk and putting things away.
COR: Thanks Chance, see you later tonight.

Chances Mom JosephineChance: Chan: You’re Welcome, see you then.

Chance: take a seat behind the desk but keep eyes toward the door.

DMaster: The desk is clean and organized, your mom comes down.
MOM: So how was your work out with Morty?

Chance: Chan: It was great, what a workout… but I am a little concerned that he doesn’t have much left to teach me.

DMaster: MOM: Well you have been doing it for a year and a half? two years?

Chance: Chan: and besides him and me showing off a little for the King and the Princess it was a good training day, we actually used our real swords for that.

DMaster: MOM: (looks concerned) Real swords? Oh my.
She looks around and back at you.
MOM: Good hon, I have to go walk the Inn and get the trash.

Chance: Chan: okay I will be right here till Britney gets here.

DMaster: You see three men walk into the Inn, you think they are Onyx Elves. They have very regal outfits on and they have an aura about them.

Chance: Chan: Welcome to the Sunset Inn, How may I help?
smiling and being polite

DMaster: The one looks up and over to you
OTA: My name is Otaax, son of Senetban. I am here to secure the dinner meeting tonight with the King and the Princess for Prince Tihadak of the Western Realm

Chance: Chan: Yes, give me a minute I will…

DMaster: You see Britney walking in looking surprised when she sees the Onyx elves.
BRIT: OH! You must be Otaax.

Chance: Smile and nod and give Animax a little fist bump for Britney coming back.

DMaster: Britney greets them and she guides them over to the lounge to sit.

Chance: I will stay at the desk and do my thing. just keep looking at the door wait till I am needed or Britney tells me to move.

DMaster: You hear Britney say goodbye and the three elves leave. Otaax glances your way and nods, purposefully.

Chance: nod back at him, wondering.

DMaster: Britney is swiping her hair out of her face.
BRIT: Wow, you have made quite the impression.

Chance: Chan: oh did I? (looking puzzled) now is that a good thing or a bad thing?

DMaster: Britney is leaning on the counter, purposefully letting her blouse sag a little to give you a peek. She has a smirk, looking at you.
BRIT: They were watching you train this morning, from afar. They were impressed with your skill and the old man’s skills too. I guess they could hear the clash of swords from half mile away (giggles)