The First Five Written Out
It is a beautiful night, if not a bit chilly. Clear skies and a slight breeze off the water. A fire rages 100 or so yards behind the six people, now in a tense standoff.
“Let’s just have the broken Champion, we can have a civilized exit, and no one needs to get hurt or die,” Nerine says looking over the two women and the man on the ground.
Chance is catching his breath, beyond tired, vision blurred and is losing focus. Valentine has made her way in between the Lich, her sisters, and the people of this small town, hoping to protect them, just in case. Khamyra is standing over her fiance, sword drawn, hand in her pouch and her eyes turned to slits, but with power flickering in them.
Matsimela can be recognized but there are flashes of some sort of skeleton form inside her, like she is phasing in and out of existence. She seems to be floating, yet her feet are on the ground.
Vesta has her palms out, oil dripping from her arms. Nerine has her eyes darting around, water skin in her hand, not sure what to do next.
Chance grabs for Khamyra and tries to get up, “just give me a shot of power, mage,” he says, grabbing for her hand.
Getting distracted she looks down to the Champion who is standing and now starting to flicker with power. Once their hands connect, Khamyra can feel the surge between the two of them. It was beyond overwhelming, a huge spark snapped and electricity between the two was bright, making everyone squint their eyes a bit. The Onyx Warlock gets flashes in her head; an open room, blue mist, a flash of some bald man, he smiles at her and winks.
She stumbles back, hand out of her pouch and now on her head. She looks up to see Chance, in full form and walking with purpose to the Lich whose eyes are bulging, even backing up a bit, unsure what to do.
The Champion grabs Matsimela by her neck and lifts her up holding her high. Both her sisters step back suddenly, not sure what to do. With that distraction, Valentine, in a flash had Nerine grappled, dagger at her throat.
Khamyra was staring down Vesta, walking slowly to her “Fire Witch, I don’t think you want anything I have in store for you, keep those balls to yourself,” she growls, still a bit dizzy from the power exchange, but her flickering eyes has Vesta unsure and a bit scared.
Meanwhile the people of the town, trying to keep the pail chain system going to douse the fire, are getting frantic at the events unfolding. There are glowing men, flickering eyes, lots of weapons, and a woman that you can see a skeleton inside. Yells and fingers pointing at the event, and by the sounds of it, growing in fear.
In a deep guttural growl, “you pathetic pretender, to think you could take this body and use it for your own advancement,” the now beaming Champion says, “I know you have waned in your faith in me, but you will NOT betray me, understand you backstabbing undead waste pile?”
The Lich is trying to grasp for the giant man who has what seems unlimited power. Matsimela, the best she could, nods her head. Arms flailing around.
Chance drops the witch to the ground in a small cloud of dust. The glowing man towers over her, and his eyes grow to slits. The Lich goes to one knee, and continues to be in submission, much to the surprise of her sisters.
Then, in an odd turn of events, Khamyra starts to giggle and then starts to laugh.
Behind The Scenes
Cassie is woken up, and with her Psionic abilities, she is disorientated. So many emotions and flashes of other people’s thoughts rush into her. She gasps a bit, sits up to see a guard at her open door, “Baroness, I hate to disturb you, but we have a fire!” they say to her.
She jumps out of bed, throws on her cloak and heads for the top of the battleship. At first she was frantic, thinking the fire was on the ship, but then realizing the guard meant the fire was in visual range from the boat. Sure as shit, there is a huge fire blazing off the shoreline. “Guess it’s the best sign we are going to get,” she says to herself.
Her eyes light up, “Gear up now! 8 boats down, 4 double teams per boat!” she yells, turning for her quarters.
The deck of the ship automatically starts to flurry, guards racing around doing what she commands. Cassie is a Hero of the realm, no one questions her, and her commands are the final say.
She races down the stairs thinking; We have been floating for almost a goddamn day since Chance was taken and Khamyra and Valentine went after him, this better be what we are looking for! Well, it is Chance, it seems wherever he goes, mayhem seems to follow, the blonde Psi warrior thinks and chuckles.
The Baroness meets this massive man in the hallway, “get up top, make sure everything is in order, 4 double teams are going. Get another boat, we will go on our own. We head for the fire!”
“Aye aye, Cassie!” The big man yells dressed all in black, a huge battle sword on his back, “about time we get some action,” he mumbles, heading top side.
The big guy named Killian, has a boat on the ready with 2 high level guards, 2 boat swains. The other 8 boats are in the water heading for the shore. Cassie runs for the boat, jumps in, Killian follows suit. Their boat eventually speeds past the others and leads the rest to the shore line, which has a building engulfed in flames.
Valentine’s eyes grow big, looking over to Khamyra, ready to scold her for laughing. But the Onyx Elf was looking out over the water. The assassin turns and sees 7-8 lanterns scattered across the shore line. There are on the boats hitting the shoreline, Camerondale guards jumping out with swords drawn, crossbows at the ready.
Two figures are racing for the confrontation, a blonde woman dressed in a dark red hard leather outfit and two Sai’s twirling. The other figure, a big dark foreboding man wielding a giant battle sword.
“Cassie! Killian! What are you two…” is all Valentine got out, the look on Cassies face made her stop. It was so unexpected it made her catch her breath.
The Baroness skitters to a halt, eyes huge, face turning flush.
Matsimela slowly stands and turns her head, skull fading in and out from the meat sack she is in, looks at Cassie with eyes as slits. The hero of the realm, the Baroness, has a look on her face no one has seen for decades, it is of pure fear.
The Lich smiles slightly, growls, then snaps her head back. While the undead was kneeling, at first, no one noticed she grabbed dirt, except Khamyra seeing the grains fall out of her hand when she stood up. With the Onyx Elf’s vast arcane knowledge she realized what the dead earth witch was about to do. Khamyra drops her sword and sprints for Valentine, who still had a dagger to her sister’s throat.
Vesta knew too, “son of a bitch, I’ll have dirt up my ass for a week!” she yells in frustration.
The female Lich throws dirt down in front of her and waves her hand quickly. Then, like something exploded underneath the three witches, dirt, grass, sand, and stones fly up. The three witches fall into the ground in the midst of this chaos.
Everyone stumbles back, covering their face as the dust and debris float back down. The only thing people could see is an Onyx Elf diving through the debris stream, tackling Valentine and sending both of them tumbling out of the affected area.
Khamyra and Valentine were on top of each other, wide eyes, staring at each other, breathing heavy. For a few long moments, everyone was getting their bearings, but the two women were still, embracing each other, for lack of better terms.
“Why am I getting aroused,” mumbles the big Black Ward Man glancing over at them.
“Thank you,” is all Valentine could say, as the two of them help each other stand up.
Everyone turns to see Chance crumpled to the ground, motionless. Khamyra races over and is tending to him. “Chance!” she yells checking for breath and she breathes a huge sigh of relief that he is. He seems to be fine, just at a point of pure exhaustion.
Valentine is wiping her armor and clothes off, walking over to Cassie and Killian.
The huge Barbarian has a hand on the Baronesses shoulder, “You OK Cass?” he says looking worried.
She nods her head, turns to the guards who are still all stunned at the events. “Help these people now, grab buckets or pails, let’s get this fire out!” she yells with somewhat of a shaky voice.
The Assassin walks over and gives Killian a soft hug in thanks. He pats her shoulder, “glad you are OK, Val” he says with a soft smile.
“How did you guys know? How did you guys find us?” Valentine starts, not sure how to ask, “I mean we left so fast.”
“Well, when you flash your ring around the royal docks, talk about kidnapping, the wheels start to turn. They came to us and we put two and two together and grabbed a small battalion and headed east,” Killian explains, talking fast. He is hyped up ready to fight, adrenaline still running, “Once we hit the shoreline, we did not know what to do, we fully expected to see the schooner docked somewhere, and when we didn’t we just decided to hang on the shore line hoping for something, and low and behold, a raging fire!”
Cassie nods in agreement, her eyes still wide, shaking almost uncontrollably. She then excuses herself, turns and walks off towards the shore where no one else is. Emotions overwhelm her, the visions of Skello, Tullus Prax and her long lost love, Vulcuran. She sheathes her weapons, squats by the waters edge, puts her head in hands and starts to ball.
Both Killian and Valentine glance over to the Baroness and sigh, knowing that the vision of the Lich must have triggered some nightmare she has long buried in her Psyche.
The guards are pitching in with the buckets and pails and the fire is starting to subside. With their help it looks like the damage will only be to the pub and a few walls of the adjacent buildings.
Khamyra is on the ground, holding Chance, who is out cold. Killian and a larger guard take the quarter elf, get him on a boat and head for the anchored ship.
Afterwards, the Onyx elf is grabbing weapons and such, making sure they don’t leave anything behind. She looks up and sees Cassie, now standing on the water line.
Khamyra walks over to her, “I will be back there in a moment,” Cassie says, hearing someone approaching, in deep thought, still looking for a few minutes alone.
“Sorry, I just wanted to thank you,” Khamyra says, and it kind of startles Cassie, “I fear what might have happened if you did not show up when you did. I will leave you be, though.” she continues, then starts to turn back.
Cassie turns her head a little, “Is Chance ok?” she asks before the Onyx elf left.
“Yes, I think, I mean OK for Chance is a relative term, you know?” She says musing, hoping it would lighten the mood.
A smile starts to form on Cassies face, and she laughs a little. She takes a deep breath, turns fully to face Khamyra.
Then without warning, the Onyx Elf walks to Cassie and hugs her fiercely, and the Baroness’ reddened eyes, still half with tears, are wide. A big smile goes over her face again and she returns the embrace. They stand there, both exhausted, starting to cry a little. “Thank you, thank you,” Khamyra says, trying to hold back the tears.
As the sun was just thinking about rising, a pink color washes over the horizon coloring the water wonderfully. Cassie smooths things over with the town, giving them a lot of coin and telling them if they need any help rebuilding the pub, Camerondale can send over supplies and carpenters.
A few guards along with Cassie jump in the last boat and paddle out to the anchored warship.
Chance was out of commission, in a bed below deck, until the boat started to move. His face turned green and Khamyra, who was next to him, could see it. She scrambled for anything and found an empty sack. The Champion threw up in it, and needless to say it was not waterproof. Khamyra goes racing out of the room holding the bag, “gross gross gross!” she yells.
She walks back in after a few minutes, shaking her head expecting to see him out again but he was awake.
“I feel horrible, goddamn boats,” he mumbles.
She smiles, rubs a bit of goop on her wrist and his. She sits on the side of the bed, “give me your hands, my love, we will make it stop together. Like we did that one time a year or so ago. Think of peace, serenity, the perfect spot.”
After a symbol drawn in the air, the two grasp right hands. The onyx elves one hand to Chance’s chest, The Champions to the chest of the Warlock. She utters a word; “Unelma.”
Both of them start searching in his mind, and Khamyra was looking for that grotto on the island he thought of before. After a minute, things started to turn clear for her.
A vision of the backyard back home, their kids on a blanket giggling and yapping away. Butterflies, bright sunshine, a basket of food, some wine and Khamyra sitting on the ground next to the Kids.
The scene hits the mother of two so hard, tears instantly fall down her cheeks. She thinks; Chance’s most sacred spot, his vision of perfection is of her, the kids on a summer day in the backyard. They hold the vision for a minute, Khamyra starting to shake from crying.
She opens her eyes, looks at Chance, who also had tears flowing and looking lovingly upon his fiance.
Khymara leans down and the two kiss. It was a sloppy salty kiss but it was powerful and, well, pretty fucking amazing. She buried herself into the Champion, holding tight to the vision she just received and more tears of joy roll down her cheeks.
They snuggle and fall fast asleep.
Turn Based Starts Here
Chance: I look around as I wake up to see if Khamyra is still sleeping
DMaster: You were woke up by Killian
KILL: Awww, you two look sweet. Now get up! We are docking in a few
He smirks and walks back out, closing the door. Khamyra is yawning a bit
Chance: Chan: well, not the way I wanted to wake up, a big smelly man jawing at us.
DMaster: KHA: Oh, is that what I smell then?
she chuckles
Chance: Chan: We better get up, we will be docking soon and none too soon for me. (grumble) damn boats. Just glad we didn’t have to sleep in hammocks.
Musing, looking over to her.
DMaster: She stretches a bit, snaps her head to you after you use the word “hammocks”
KHA: Miss the kiddo’s so much, can’t wait to get home
Chance: Nod my head
Chan: I missed them as well. It wasn’t in my plans to be gone for so long or hell even get kidnapped
DMaster: you two get ready, make it to the deck. You have pants, ripped shirt that is blood stained, and that’s it
Chance: grumbling a bit as I look myself over and shake my head. Then look to see who is all on the deck as we come up
DMaster: It is about dinner time, roughly 5:00pm. There are guards, Killian, Cassie, Valentine. The ship is now docked, the board goes down and after a few more minutes of finagling, everyone starts to walk off the boat.
Chance: making a bee line off the boat and kiss the dock
Chan: Sweet land, how you make me so happy.
DMaster: Killian chuckles, but as you all disembark, your entourage is met by a royal looking man
MAN: Your presence is demanded in the throne room
Cassie sighs, looks over to Killian. He fake smiles and shakes his head. Valentine’s hood is over her head.
Chance: Chan: does that surprise any of us? I mean with what happened…
shrugging my shoulders and sigh, holding Khamyra’s hand as we are led off
DMaster: A nice day, puffy clouds, light breeze and a nice temperature. As you are led to the Castle everyone is looking your way seeing the Baroness, Killian and even you in a group. You are led to the Castle, and into the throne room. The evening has grabbed hold, some soft colorful light shines through the windows making for some beautiful shapes on the floor of this room. King Bozutto dressed in his usual formal attire and Queen Affinity in a beautiful long white dress are walking into the room, wiping their mouths etc. Must have interrupted their dinner. The King just looks at you, Khamyra, Cassie, Valentine and Killian with a bit of disappointment.
Chance: glance over at the rest of the group before turning my gaze back to the King. Thinking to myself; I feel he is gonna blow or something with that look.
DMaster: You notice they avoid eye contact with him and their shoulders slump a little.
BOZ: Sit, please
Everyone grabs a seat, except Cassie who is just standing a bit off. Affinity looks you over and smirks.
AFF: Why am I not surprised that Chance has blood and guts on him and is half undressed.
she snickers a bit, the King just shakes his head.
Chance: shaking my head as well. Trying not to smirk in light of the situation. Fidgeting with my hands a bit as we are waiting for the King to speak
DMaster: Before the King and Queen sit, the royal looking man beckons them farther away. Speaks with them for a minute. Eventually they sit as does Xavier who came in a bit after them.
XAV: Harlow is outside demanding to come in.
The King shakes his head.
KING: I will speak with her later.
A guard hears that, sees the King nodding at him and he leaves to tell the Captain, who is going to be very unhappy with that. The king looks everyone over again, then speaks.
KING: I am going to reserve my… opinion until I hear everything.
He sees Cassie, standing a bit away.
KING: Cass, can you sit?
She shakes her head. She stands looking down by the table and a worried look washes over Affinity.
Chance: it hits me that she saw Matsimela as a lich and a worried look goes to my face
DMaster: KING: Who wants to start?
Chance: I look over to the King and make a coughing sound
DMaster: He sighs.
KING: I’m going to regret this, but Chance?
Affinity nudges him a bit annoyed.
Chance: Chan: I will start. I guess the theories about drawing me out were right, *go on and tell the tale up to the stand off*
DMaster: Much like her mother, Affinity helps guide your tale, you ventured off a few times rambling on.
– Taking watch for someone dropping a dead body.
– Walking the area.
– Getting caught in an Animax’s trap.
– Chasing a guy named Wilder down corridors under the Slums.
Xaviers eyes bulge a little, stopping your story.
XAV: Wilder? Older douchebag who is a wiseacre?
Chance: Give a crooked smile, shake my head.
Chan: Knows how to chain people up right good, I tell you.
DMaster: XAV: Been after that scoundrel for years and he was right in the city, under our noses.
The King shrugs his shoulders, shakes his head a bit.
KING: Do we even have security anymore, I mean really?
He says with a thick layer of sarcasm, Affinity again gives him a nudge. You continue.
– Getting trapped in the dead body room.
– Waking up on a boat.
– Docking and getting exchanged with Vesta and Nevine.
– Getting to the hovel.
– They unveil they want to kill Chance, resurrect him as their undead Champion.
– Khamyra and Valentine come in and rescue.
– Flee, and head back only to find the boat on fire
King stops you there. I am guessing that boat, aka the drenched pile of camp fire, is at the bottom of the Othellian sea?
Chance: Nod my head, looking down.
DMaster: Xavier starts to realize.
XAV: Wait, they took the prototype, you mean…
Valentine looks up with puppy dog eyes and nods her head
VAL: Sorry, M’Lord.
He leans back and sighs real loud, puts his hands on his forehead.
XAV: That cost hundreds of Platinum to design, that was our only working prototype, I mean…
He shakes his head, looks down. The King nods to you again.
– The town guard wanted us to stick around, due to the boat fire.
– We stayed but found the bar room crawling with undead.
– Yes, Matsimela killed and turned them to get to us. Also fed them Fire poison.
I don’t remember much after that, I kind of lost it.
KING: Fire poison?
Valentine nods.
VAL: It is a poison that eats its way inside out, once the poison hits air it can ignite…
The King nods, raises his eyebrows and sighs, for what seems to be the hundredth time.
KING: That explains the pub on fire.
Chance: after I finish speaking I will sit back down. Turn my gaze to Cassie with worry still in my eyes
DMaster: The King looks at Valentine, then Khamyra, then Valentine
KING: Valentine, Khamyra? Your story?
They tell their story, ending right before the stand off like you did.
– Chance gets kidnapped.
– They track them to the south shore of the City.
– Talked to guards figure out they are heading East.
– Bully their way to the Prototype boat.
– Give Chase over the Othellian Sea.
– Dock and make haste to the Hovel
– Rescue Chance.
– Flee, find out the boat was on fire.
– Stay in town.
– Bar, killed, turned and attacked.
They finish their tale much like Chance did, at the standoff. Bozutto looks over to his wife, raises an eyebrow. She gives him an agreed upon look, then back to the group.
AFF: I feel like someone ripped out the last chapter of a book, if you guys are trying to…
Then Cassie interrupts, giving a start to most.
CASS: A Lich, a fucking lich (shivers) There is another one of those, things.
Xavier, and the King’s eyes bulge. Affinity gasps a bit covering her mouth. They seem a bit shocked and confused.
Chance: looking towards Affinity for a moment and then back to the king.
DMaster: The King puts his head down. Xavier’s face is turning red, Affinity is just in shock. The Duke stands up, slams his hand on the table.
XAV: We do not wait this time, we do not “see what he does” we go after him, we kill it and kill it quick.
Chance: Chan: M’Lord, it is not a “he” it is a “she.” You might want to sit down for the next bit of news.
DMaster: KING: Ok, a she, does it matter the sex?
Looks at all of you. You all have a pensive look, including you.
KING: Wait, what else is there?
KHA: It’s the three witches, their old leader; Matsimila, she is the Lich in question.
Cassie turns and stands a bit away, Affinity gets up and goes to her quickly putting her arm around her. Xavier sits, looks at the King. You can hear the Baroness say, quietly:
CASS: I knew something was in that basement in that Tower in the forest, apart from the Viel Fiend. (shudders)
XAV: We always knew they were still out there, after the jaunt to Wishbone Way, but wow… did not see this coming. We did not know the fate of this Matsimela.
Chance: Chan: As I was saying before, they wanted to make me their undead, Champion, of sorts… with a Lich they thought they could.
DMaster: KING: Like the queen mentioned, can you now finish the story please?
Valentine recants it, her quiet voice
– Standoff with the three witches.
– Cassie, Killian showing up.
– Them escaping with a powerful Earth Spell.
– Khamyra saving Valentine from getting sucked in.
– Help get the fire out.
– Pay off the town.
– Head for home.
KING: So they escaped, (pauses) of course they did.
He is getting angry, red faced.
Chance: Chan: They did M’Lord, once they knew they were outnumbered, and with all due respect, she is a Lich.
DMaster: The King stands and glower’s over the group.
KING: So let me get this straight, Chance gets kidnapped helping us figure out about dead bodies in the pit, as everyone likes to call it. Khamyra and Valentine follow, grab a boat without authorization and make chase for Chance. Oddly enough it is after one of the biggest public enemies. They make it to some shit town north of Augustia, he exchanges Chance with the Witches, takes off, then Khamyra and Valentine close in on the pursuit. (takes another breath) You rescue the Champ here, head out only to find the boat in flames, you get corralled into staying in the town where the Lich killed the entire bar room, just to get to you, with zombies filled with fire poison. (shakes his head a bit) Then you have this stand off with the three witches where Cassie and Killian arrive just in time, with an unauthorized platoon of men. The witches escape, you head back and now we are out hundreds & hundreds of Platinum, our enemies still on the loose and now we might have to do some more political bullshit with that small town, who is most likely inside Augustian realm.
Affinity has made her way back to the King sensing his growing anger. He slams his fist on the table.
Chance: my shoulders slump and I nod my head.
DMaster: The queen gets her Husband to sit. She stands instead, looking over everyone.
AFF: I am very thankful for Chance’s safe arrival back. Apart from that fact, I can’t speak for my husband, but I am a little disappointed with the actions taken and obviously even more so with the results. But, there is a lot to take in and digest.
She looks out the window to see the sky darkening even more. Then turns back to look at individual people. You can then see her power as a queen, her subtle guiding understanding, that compliments the King’s sometimes harshness.
AFF: Valentine, we will meet with you and Harlow tomorrow. Be here at 9:00 AM, in the throne room. Chance, Khamyra, glad you two are ok. Go home. Spend time with your beautiful Kids, give them a hug for me.
She smiles, Khamyra smiles back and nods, as do you. The king gently grabs his wife’s hand and squeezes. She softly smiles and leans into him a little. He then looks at you two.
KING: Wait, what? Kids?
He puts his hands up, shaking his head.
KING: Not the time. Just take our leave, please.
Valentine walks over to Killian, squeezes his arm. He frowns a little, looks down.
Chance: Chan: Just one quick thing.
Stand up and look at everyone.
Chan: Thank you. For coming after me, for maybe doing things you shouldn’t have, and for risking your lives. From my heart to yours, thank you.
DMaster: They all look at you and smile, and it was like everyone kind of snaps back to reality; this all happened to save someone’s life. Not some joy ride or tomfoolery.
KILL: Couldn’t have anything happen to you Kid, not on my watch.
Khamyra grabs your hand, and you two walk out the door. The doors open, then close and lock. A double amount of guards in the entrance way, it is making people a little apprehensive. Valentine is high tailing it towards the compound, but then stops and turns to Khamyra as you walk out the castle. Under her hood you can see her eyes looking at your fiance. They are staring at each other. Khamyra, let’s go of your hand and walks over, and they hug. They take one look at each other without a word, they just nod. The Assassin moves on down to BW, and Khamyra meets you halfway down the royal pathway.
Chance: Chan: I am sure glad to be out of there. I could feel the tension in there.
DMaster: She nods.
KHA: I feel so bad for Cassie and Killian,
Chance: Chan: I do as well. I am glad they showed up when they did. Though, I don’t remember too much.
DMaster: You two are almost at the stables now.
KHA: Yeah, Finster took you over again, I guess to prove a point to the Witches. It was really weird. You just snapped. It wasn’t, give me a shot hun, it was (she deepens her voice) give me a shot, mage.
Chance: Chan: let’s talk about it on the way home. I want to see the kiddo’s real bad, and spend some time with my family.
DMaster: She smiles and squeezes your hand. You two head to the stables, you pay a silver because they were there so long. Ride home on a beautiful evening, about 6:30 PM. When you are on your road to your house, you see two guards at the edge of your property and at the end of the pathway.
Chance: Get off my horse, walk to them, looking them over.
DMaster: They look to be Greyshale.
KHA: What the hell?
She gets off her horse too.
Chance: Chan: oh just grand. If it can’t get any worse than the last few days.
DMaster: You two approach, horses in hand. They look at you in particular.
GUARD: Chance Axion?
Chance: nod my head.
DMaster: The guard looks at the other one.
GUARD: For security reasons, can I see your necklace?
Khamyra is looking at the house, and there is the usual Finster henchman outside the front door. The one is fumbling around, finds a piece of parchment and opens it
Chance: Chan: can I ask what is going on here?
DMaster: GUARD: By order of the Queen of Camerondale, I am to verify it is really you by this.
He holds up a parchment that has a sketch of exactly what your necklace looks like. Khamyra nudges you.
KHA: Show them, I would like to see our kids sometime today.
Chance: showing the necklace around my neck so that they can get a good look at it.
DMaster: They both look, nod
GUARD: Thank you, sire, we will take our leave.
They start to head off down the street. You two head in. Upon entering you get a funky food-ish smell. The main room has the kids in their chairs, and Cullun is trying to feed them. Novalee is leaning against the staircase, has wide eyes and red in the face from laughing. The historian stands straight up, which makes Khamyra skitter to a halt, covering her mouth. He is one big baby napkin, food all over him. He has this goofy look on his face.
Chance: Chan: Cullun, Novie sorry we were gone so long but…
then looking over at Cullen trying to feed the kids and start to laugh.
DMaster: He looks down, smirks,
CULL: Care for dinner?
Novalee is walking around to meet you two, and she bursts out laughing. Khamyra has a huge smile, she is laughing.
Chance: Chan: no I wouldn’t care for Dinner, I don’t like baby slobber too much.
Laughing at the spectacle.
DMaster: Novalee stops and looks at you both. Khamyra is still watching Cullun in amazement.
NOV: I know the shit must have hit the horse tail when Grayshale guards showed up. They said it was for protection, order of the Queen
Khamyra turns to you and puts her hand on your arm.
KHA: She was worried about the kids…
It was almost like the Onyx elf was going to start crying but instead she walks over and grabs Krusty and gives her a big messy hug.
DM: Removed a section, condensed it into this:
You two both hug each Kid, talk to Cullun and he finishes feeding them, as messy as ever. After some time, you go get cleaned up and changed. Cullun followed shortly afterwards, getting baby food out of his hair. Then Khamyra does as well, after you have a nice makeshift dinner; made by the cute blonde elf. You and Khamyra recant the tale to Novalee and Cullun who were wide eyed.
Chance: Chan: so our lord decided to make an appearance again. Which I am glad of, because I had nothing left in the tank.
DMaster: He nods his head, in deep thought.
CULL: Sounds like he is fed up with those three, or two, or two and a hag. Seems like they are no longer with him, or just about gone anyways.
Chance: Chan: well I mean they did want to try to make me into their undead champion. Not like they could anyways or that he was going to let that happen. I also think they have taken up with the Iron Wench now, they have their own agenda which does not Fit in with Finster.
DMaster: He shakes his head, Khamyra and Novalee are cleaning up.
CULL: Well, Velencia stopped by to say Hi.
Novalee nods her head. Cullun smirks.
NOV: The bird guy was with him as well.
Chance: Chan: you didn’t say anything about Griffin did you?
DMaster: CULL: Of course not.
He shakes his head.
NOV: I don’t think they even noticed, I mean it was mid day and they didn’t stay long.
CULL: Yeah she wanted to talk with me anyways.
Chance: Chan: about what Cullen? If I may be so bold to ask?
DMaster: Novalee smirks.
CULL: Your weak points, faults, etc. How to take you out, you know the simple things.
Chance: Scrunch my brow.
Chan: I hope you didn’t give her any information. I don’t need another crazy bitch aiming for me.
DMaster: Novalee takes a glug of ale.
NOV: I told her about you sleeping naked too.
Khamyra bursts out laughing as she is playing with the kids on the floor. Cullun smiles and nods.
CULL: We jest.
He stands up and walks to a bag in a chest, picks it up and plops it on the table. The group goes over some financial things, and that Cullun and Velencia will be teaming up to make poisons and sell them, for good money.
Chance: Chan: I don’t want to sound like a scolding parent here, but I still don’t trust her. Though, we do need to have an income coming in. since I am not with the ward anymore and I am going to have to go buy armor and weapons yet again, damn wilder.
DMaster: Khamyra is getting the kids up and ready for bed. She looks at you and then the other two.
KHA: We should probably get to bed, it’s been a long couple of days and my fiance is starting to ramble on and on.
She chuckles, pointing to Crayon for you to pick up.
KHA: Anyways, if we get attacked tonight (she starts to snicker) you can beat them off with your flopper.
Novalee howls, Cullun starts to laugh. Khamyra is laughing, the kids are squeaking and laughing too.
Chance: Chan: no, I think you’re going to have your hands full with my flopper tonight, my love.
Looking over and grinning at her.
DMaster: Novalee opens her eyes real big and blushes. Khamyra has no words, just shakes her head staring at you. Cullun just puts the money bag back in a chest and locks it. You all say your good nights. Novalee gives you a big hug. Getting the kids to bed took forever, they were not settling down. Eventually they did, but by that time, both you and Khamyra passed out in bed.
WEDMAK (Wednesday) 7:00 AM
Chance: I am sure the town cryer will wake me up with one of his awful sayings.
DMaster: CRY: I once was in jail for beating up a dwarf. He was standing by my wife, telling her that her hair smelt nice. Get up you dolts!
Chance: shaking my head as I hear that look over to see if Khamyra is still asleep.
DMaster: DM: Todd didn’t get the joke. Oh well. Moving this along.
Khamyra chuckles, she is looking into the one bassinet playing with Crayon. You get the kids up, both of you feed them.
Then you eat, Novalee has them on the couch and she has been reading to them; they are witch spells, but it’s not what is said, it’s how it is said. Cullun shakes his head at that and giggling a little
Chance: making a point to grab my money purse.
DMaster: Khamyra seeing everything is taken care off, it’s about 9:00-9:30AM.
KHA: Let’s go look for new armor and weapons, before the day gets away from us.
She glances at Novalee who smiles and nods.
Chance: Chan: I couldn’t agree more.
DMaster: She runs up the stairs and grabs some decent clothes, heads back down.
CULL: Have you been to Mystmura’s Shop of Curios? Give it a shot before you go to any armorer. She always seems to have some good things there.
Chance: Chan: Sounds like a plan, Khamyra, ready? Maybe we can swing by Camerondale if we don’t find things and I was thinking I wanted to visit Talia.
DMaster: KHA: Talia? Ok…
She looks at you weird, shrugs her shoulders. You head out. Gorgeous day, puffy clouds, light wind, lower 70’s. You look for the shop. Took you a bit, it’s a small shop stuck in between antiques and house ware merchants.
Chance: I will explain about Talia on the way while we are looking for the shop.
DMaster: DM: Condensing this section, by a lot. Khamyra and Chance walks in. A woman sits on a stool, looks like she has dozed off. Chance gets her awake and they interact with her. She goes over a few things, and they find a dark sword that catches the Champions eye and feels good. She says it is the old sword of Devon the Dark, a famous follower of Finster. After a few swipes, he decides to buy it. Khamyra bus a cleavage dagger, for fun. They also look over the sword of Vulcuran that hangs on her wall.
Upon buying the bastard sword made of dark bluesteel and domestar orange diamonds making it near impossible to break, Chance finds that it is magical in its own right, but only to followers of Finster. +1 when he is normal, +2 in Champion form.
WOM: I knew you would be in for this sooner or later.
She removes a circlet from the pommel and the symbol of Finster is there. She hands you the sword, Khamyra’s eyes bulge a little, smile on her face. You grab it and some power surges through you, the orange diamond mixtures glow slightly.
Chance: Oh Snap.
Chan: I guess I can ignore the fact you know who I am.
DMaster: She gets this big smile, tilts her head.
WOM: There you have it. And. Hello, Cullun, Dark Society… you are obviously hanging with the mage, you have to be the Champ. Just putting 2 and 2 together.
Chance: nod my head at her and just smile.
DMaster: KHA: Thank you!
You two turn and head out.
KHA: Want to go to Camerondale now? Get some smaller weapons, look over some armors?
Chance: Chan: I think that would be advisable can’t have me running around bare ass now can we.
DMaster: KHA: We could but everyone would be pointing at your brains hanging out.
you two head back home, tell the crew your heading into Camerondale. Grab your horses, and head into the City.
DM: Again, condensing the drawn out back and forth.
Chance and Khamyra find the armory that Cassie recommended before and they go through it with no luck. They find 6 black daggers they buy for 10 gold but that is it. They both head for the next smithy only to run into an old friend. You look around and there is nothing that is going to fit. You hear talking coming from behind a curtain. The voice sounds very familiar.
WOM: Oh I will come back and visit.
Ara wheels out and stops dead in her tracks.
ARA: Really?
Chance: my eyes get big seeing Ara.
DMaster: KHA: Oh. hehe. Ummm, Hi Ara.
Chance: Chan: oh umm, Hi Ara. sorry, was just armor shopping
DMaster: She leans back to say.
ARA: You have customers, Fiztin.
Then looks you over and smirks.
ARA: Oh, destroy another set of Armor, not surprised.
she gives you a somewhat surprising smile
Chance: Chan: no. It was stolen, for a change of pace.
DMaster: She nods with a surprised look.
ARA: Not that you care, but I am leaving Camerondale, me and Mina are heading to Magus Orion. It was time.
KHA: Magus Orion, that ain’t too far.
Khamyra says sheepishly.
Chance: Chan: well, the Black Ward is losing one of the best armor makers they have.
DMaster: She smirks, walks up to you, looks and points at the Onyx Elf.
ARA: Back to her again? Ok.
she smiles, crosses her arms. Has a shit eating grin on her face.
Chance: face flushing a bit.
DMaster: Khamyra leans in.
KHA: Back to me? What is she talking about? Is there something I don’t know?
Ara’s eyes grow big, shoves you.
ARA: Chance!
Chance: Look around nervously.
Chan: ummm, well, I guess you seen me with…
DMaster: KHA: No, what is going on?
Khamyra looks at you then at Ara.
ARA: You didn’t tell her about that brunette in the skin tight dress taking you to the Castles celebration?
Khamyra shoves you, she has a somewhat playful look.
KHA: You told me she was just a friend… DAMMIT CHANCE!
She storms out of the store. Ara is standing there, hands on hips, tapping her foot.
Chance: Eyes huge. Uh, are they playing me? Why would Ara and Khamyra even talk let alone play me.
Chan: okay now that you have done enough damage, I better go after my fiance and explain things.
DMaster: She looks at you.
ARA: Fiance?!?! You did that to your fiance?!?!
Khamyra comes back in, laughing. She walks over to Ara and they hug.
KHA: Sorry, I couldn’t keep you shitting your pants for that long.
Chance: Furry my brow.
Chan: Just grand, laugh it up.
I look at both of them and then storm out the door.
DMaster: You hear Ara as you leave.
ARA: Oops.
After like 5 minutes Ara leaves the armory, walks over to you and gives you a hug. You hug back. Then she heads up towards the compound. Khamyra comes out, smiles and is still giggling a little.
KHA: Ready to see this Talia woman? This armor thing is a bust, we will have to order you an armor special.
Chance: Chan: actually you head home, I need some time alone.
DMaster: She sighs, gives you a disgusted look.
KHA: You better have thicker skin that, I am marrying your ass. We had an idea of doing that too you, and it was fun. Now please let’s go. Where can we find Talia now?
You two make way to the Castle, head in after the guards see you. You head to the training area to check and low and behold, there she is. She is holding this pole, each end has like a long dagger (wooden at the moment) and she is twirling it around, sizing up her opponent. Some guy you have never seen before.
Chance: seeing Talia, a big smile goes to my face.
DMaster: Helkyr stops and looks over.
HEL: Hey hey, no prissy boys back here.
Big smile on his face. Talia looks over, sweat beading down her face, hair matted on her head. The guy she was training with swats her one unexpectedly. BAP!
Chance: Chan: no prissy boys here you smelly dwarf, just here to see my former weapons master and someone named Talia.
big grin on my face.
DMaster: MAN: Ohhhh sorry!
she cringes.
TAL: Dammit short tips!
Chance: Laugh at her.
Chan: you gonna stand for that or show him what for?
smirking, arms crossed in front of me as I look at her.
DMaster: She turns and does a leg sweep that sends him flying down, she does this fantastical cart wheel and as the guy stands up she has the blade at his back. Talia is smiling wide, wipes the hair out of her face. The guy drops his sword and looks surprised.
HEL: That’s my girl!
She runs over to you and gives you a big hug.
Chance: hugging her back, smiling as proud as can be.
Chan: I knew you had it in you.
DMaster: The man goes to a table, drinks some water. Helkyr walks over.
HEL: Well don’t be your usual self, you ill mannered pointy ears. Introduce us to this exquisite beauty you have brought into the training area.
TAL: Oh, yeah, Chance is rude. No shocker. This is Khamyra.
Helkyr nods and Khamyra, wide eyes, even blushing a little, smiles and nods back. You and Helkyr warrior shake.
Chance: Give Talia a playful scolding look.
Chan: This is Khamyra, my Fiance.
DMaster: Helkyr’s eyes widened.
TAL: Oh Fiance! Damn.
HEL: Wow. My condolences dear Onyx Elf.
She smirks and giggles.
Chance: Chan: hey now I resent that. Poor me, I have to keep up with her. I wanted to talk to you Talia about possibly coming to the wedding. And also, I miss you a lot.
DMaster: TAL: Oh hell yeah! And a bachelorette party too wooo wooo!
Khamyra is nodding her head, pulls at you and leans in.
KHA: Hun, we will send out invitations, we won’t have to visit everyone that is coming.
Chance: Chan: hey I missed her okay? I wanted to see how she was doing and how training was going.
smiling back.
DMaster: Helkyr puffs out his chest.
HEL: Think you would be surprised and proud of how far she has come. She even went out on a few missions!
She nods her head excitedly. Then looks down, distorting her mouth.
TAL: They were boring, I mean after your first mission, shit I don’t know. Meet Finster himself, everything else pales in comparison.
She smiles again, hugs you.
TAL: You can visit anytime!
Helkyr has a serious look on his face, having caught sight of the sword.
HEL: Boy, that is a serious weapon right there, be careful with it. If it is what I think it is.
Chance: Chan: yes, just bought it today. I will be careful with it.
giving Talia another hug leaning in.
DMaster: HEL: I never knew she would have given that up, she paid a pretty penny for it after the battle of Tullus Prax.
Chance: Chan: so you know where I got this then?
eyes get a bit big.
DMaster: HEL: Aye, when I was an apprentice, we got that shipment of weapons from the battle. That sword really stood out. Naerva practically bullied her way to the sword, and with her connections she acquired it. She is a strange one, and she knows her weapons. Last we heard that was with her, its called the Whisper Blade, or something.
Khamyra nods
KHA: Makes sense, hall of whispers and the like.
HEL: and…
He pauses, kicks the dirt and looks back at you.
HEL: It’s cursed.
Khamyra’s eyes get big.
KHA: What?
He nods his head.
KHA: It’s rumored to be cursed? Awesome.
Chance: Chan: oh just grand. I am walking around with a weapon that is cursed, FML.
Lean in and hug Talia again.
Chan: I miss you so much sis, please come visit me soon.
DMaster: She scrunches her nose.
TAL: Oh sure, like last time right? Oh, I’ll be there. Should I bring a bucket and mop just in case?
Chance: Laugh a little.
Chan: no mop and bucket is needed, just don’t mind the toys laying around.
giving her a big grin.
Chan: We have taken enough time away from your training and we have kids to attend to.
smile gets even bigger saying that.
DMaster: They nod, Talia hugs, Helkyr shakes and you are off. You two head back. It’s a gorgeous day. Some clouds on the horizon, but blue skies, warm.
Chance: head into the house when we get back home seeing where the kids, Novie and Cullen are.
DMaster: Cullun is at the table, no one else.
KHA: Drop off your weapons and purse up stairs, let’s see what Cullun knows about this sword.
She looks at him and winks. He winks back.
Chance: Chan: Good idea pumpkin tits.
head upstairs and put the daggers and purse away and come back downstairs and sit at the table
DMaster: She gives you crazy eyes at that comment. you get back downstairs and there is no one in the house.
Chance: go outside and to the back yard.
you walk out, Khamyra is on a blanket with the kids, tears in her eyes. The kids are playing, a picnic basket and some wine. She has this big smile on her face. Novalee is to the side with Cullun, both smiling big. it almost exactly like your vision with her.
Chance: my eyes start to tear up seeing this. I walk over and sit on the blanket next to Khamyra.
DMaster: your heart soars, Cullun and Novalee head inside.
Chance: Chan: Wait, is this why you were so eager to get back, my love?
DMaster: She playfully shrugs her shoulders. You four have an absolutely amazing time. The kids eat a bit, you and Khamyra clink wine glasses and sip on the delicious wine. Nibble on food, sneak a few kisses. You end the time playing with the kids.
Chance: Enjoy the time as much as I can.
DMaster: Two figures approach you from your backyard. You recognize them right away. Velencia and Rawek.
Chance: shaking my head as I see them walking towards me.
DMaster: Velencia has this sarcastic look on her face.
VEL: Oh, isn’t this sweet.
said with additional sarcasm. But she sees the kids and melts. She picks up Crayon and he is giggling and yapping away.
KHA: Hello, Velencia and Rawek, how may we help you two?
The Onyx elf is standing up off the blanket.
Chance: Chan: good to see you again too, ahem, Velencia and Rawek.
saying it with sarcasm.
DMaster: she snuzzles the kid and he giggles.
RAW: Hello Champion, beautiful day isn’t it?
The bird chirps out, looking around.
Chance: Chan: well ummm, yes it was until… oh nevermind, yes it is.
DMaster: he chirps and chuckles.
Chance: Chan: I am sure you are not here to make small talk with me. So out with it.
looking at both Rawek and Velencia.
DMaster: She hands Crayon to Khamyra.
VEL: We are here for Cullun, you imbecile.
She looks around.
VEL: Where is… everyone else?
Rawek looks around too, shrugs his feathers.
Chance: Chan: Cullen is in the house if you want to speak with him, as for the rest they are doing whatever it is they do.
DMaster: Khamyra has both kids and heads inside. Leaving you on the blanket with clean up and Novalee who is nibbling on a cracker reading a book.
Chance: Chan: so much for the perfect day.
grumbling a bit.
Chan: Novie, why don’t you head inside while I clean this up.
DMaster: She looks up, nods and heads in. You clean up, head inside as well. Afterwards you sit at the table. Khamyra is putting the kids to bed, they are wiped out with all that fresh air. Cullun and Velencia have bottles and vials of poison all over the table.
VEL: Here Chance, try this one… tastes real good.
She is nodding her hand, vial in hand. Cullun scoffs, grabs the vial and puts it back. Khamyra is heading down from putting the kids to bed.
Chance: Chan: Tempting, if it means I don’t have to hear your vile mouth, it might be worth it.
Smirk at her, tilt my head.
DMaster: The Priestess looks up, has a resting bitch face, glances at you, shakes her head and then goes back to the poisons. You hear a “shing” behind you. A soft orange glow radiates. Everyones eyes turn to Khamyra. She is holding the sword.
KHA: Whoa, this feels nice. Real nice.
Chance: Chan: hey now you have magic, I have this, if you don’t mind. It’s called the “Whisper Blade.”
smirking as she is holding the sword.
DMaster: Rawek points, his bird eyes big. Velencia’s head snaps and her eyes get big.
VEL: Uhhh, where did you get THAT?
Chance: Chan: from a rather curious shop. Since I had to replace everything that was stolen.
DMaster: She looks at you with her usual disdain. Velencia walks over to it, Khamyra hands it to her
VEL: You are an idiot. Why do I even say that like it means anything anymore
Scoffs a bit, is looking down the blade.
VEL: It’s not called the Whisper blade, where did you get that Chump? It’s called… “Silent Fate.”
RAW: It’s Cursed, my Priestess
VEL: Yes to non-believers. It feels good, feels real good in my hands.
Chance: Chan: if you aren’t a follower of Finster of course, if everyone is done fondling it, what can you tell me about it Cullen?
DMaster: Velencia looks at you, furries her brow.
VEL: I would never fondle it, I don’t know how Khamyra can even, jeesh.
Cullun walks over to it, stops, smiles watching Velencia practically make love to it.
CULL: I think our Priestess here can tell you all you need to know.
VEL: “Silent Fate,” named by a High Priestess centuries ago. The third sword of the Crimson Witches, forged with Orange Domestar Diamonds. Unbreakable, and cursed to whoever used it without permission from Finster.
Rawek chirps a bit, then butts in.
RAW: We have the first one locked up, the second is nowhere to be found and the third, we thought, was lost in the battle of Tullus Prax when Devon was defeated.
Chance: Chan: I am sure it’s ok for me to use it, me and Finster being pretty tight. But the Crimson Witches?
DMaster: Cullun nods, leans on the table.
CULL: Long time ago, three witches, all fire witches, did our Dark Lord’s bidding. Did some real sketchy things, created some powerful weapons, bestowed a lot of curses.
VEL: My type of bitches. Sad, no one does this kind of stuff anymore. Crafting these kinds of items has been lost over the centuries.
Velencia slams the pommel down on your chest making you gasp.
VEL: Here is the sword back, chump.
Chance: gasping for breath and then shoot her a look.
Chan: Thanks, you twat.
DMaster: She walks over to the vials and her and Cullun start working on the poisons.
Chance: Chan: well too bad I couldn’t find armor like I seen in my vision or whatever, it was to go with this sword.
DMaster: VEL: A toilet seat cover and a trash can, I’m sure you can find it right down the road.
Cullun laughs a little then straightens up, catching himself. The day goes by. You have some good dinner, help with the kids, Velencia & Rawek leaves. Before hitting the bed, Cullun mentions that Velencia didn’t even seem to even give a shit about the oracles, that the trip the others are taking might have been a waste. You make it up to the loft, the kids are asleep and you and Khamyra make love. Then fall asleep in each other’s embrace.
Thuralay (Thursday) 1:00 AM
DMaster: DM: Todd rolls a “1”
You wake up, Khamyra is shaking you.
KHA: Something is happening in the backyard, I can hear it. Sounds like talking, even a little yelling.
Chance: Chan: uh, what, okay, let me take a look.
wiping the sleep from my eyes, I grab the sword, walk out the door and lookout over the balcony.
DMaster: There are four people, three with cloaks over their head, one looks small and has dreadlocks.
Chance: look and see if the small one with the dreadlocks looks familiar.
DMaster: Yes, you recognize her right away. You also see two of your henchmen come from the sides and a mini stand off begins. That’s the voices you heard.
Chance: Turn back head into the loft.
Chan: stay here, I am taking care of this now.
DMaster: She is already out of bed hearing the voices grow in volume, and is getting dressed in her gea. Novalee is heading up the stairs, she heard the commotion. She takes out her dagger, sits on the edge of your bed, protecting the Kids. Cullun follows suit, on his way up to the loft.
Chance: I run down the stairs taking the necklace off. I get to the bottom of the stairs and start changing, and draw “silent fate.”
DMaster: The sword is vibrating, the light is pulsating, it feels amazing in your hands right now.
Chance: heading through the back door, as I complete the transformation into the champion; I walk outside.
Chance, Champion Level 6 Duskblade; +2 Blade called “Silent Fate.”
Khamyra, Level 11 Warlock, Assassin’s blade(p) with poison, spells
(2) Henchmen Level 3 fighters, both with crossbows(c) and short swords(c).
“Dreads” a 8th level Blood Hunter with poisoned dual assassin daggers(p), short bow/arrows(c).
Full Plate is a 6th level Cavalier fighter, long sword(c) and shield.
Dual Crossbows is an 5th level Assassin rogue with two hand crossbows(p), and (2) daggers(c)
Dual swords is a 5th level battle master fighter, with (2) Machete’s (p) and a dagger(r).
There are some loud whispers about “dropping weapons” and the like. Then all the communication stops as the Champion walks out, body radiating, eyes glowing, sword pulsating. All the trees and objects reflect this light, like an “overgrown lantern.”
The dreaded elven woman stops, slowly turns her head, eyes growing big, “What the fuck is this?” she says not knowing what to think.
One of the henchmen for your homestead chuckles a bit, “this? Is your worst nightmare,” he says with a forceful yet factual tone.
Before “dreads” could say anything, two bolts fly towards the Champion from the dual crossbow woman, who seems to be freaked out by Chances look. For the first bolt he leans one way and it zings on by, the other he swats in mid air with his glowing sword, sending it skittering to the backyard grass. Chance glances at the new sword and nods his head, happy with that move.
“Step to the side, hun,” Chance hears from behind and he does that for Khamyra.
A strong wire pops out of the ground and about 20 feet in front of the Champion, stones start to slide and slide quickly. So much so the three companions behind Dreads lose their balance and fall square on their back. Not on dirt or stone, but on mini 9 inch spikes, lined with a poisonous coating. Dread jumps in time, and keeps her balance.
“Ahhh! OW!” is all that could be heard. The dual crossbow woman lands first (12 piercing damage, 8 poison), the full plate mail guy lands hard (8 piercing damage, 4 poison – plate protected from most of the spikes) and the dual sword man tries to maneuver off the sliding stones, but ends up landing on his side (11 piercing damage, 12 poison).
Khamyra comes out, fully armed and armored. Her protective coat flaying in the breeze, her hard leather under armor but more importantly, her flickering eyes that are just as intimidating as the Champion in his form. A dark elf, at night, with slits for eyes flickering light, that would be a nightmare in anyone’s book.
“Drop your weapons, and I will consider not running you through,” Chance says with his usual guttural growl, “that is a one time offer.”
She is in a stance, looking you over, “no, really, who are you people? Living in a fortress? drinking a potion to make you glow? Some parlor tricks with the pathway? Guess you don’t get many friendly visitors do you?”
She is biding time for her companions to get back to their feet, and it worked. They are ready, a bit bloody though. Dreads looks back and then back at Chance, “guess it’s a little too late for that huh?”
His eyes turned to slits, and as quickly as his body glowed, it now started to form a layer of new skin that is dark; all that could be seen now is his sword, his eyes and the outline of his body with her dark vision.
A sense of regret flows through the blood hunter’s body, but like she said, it’s too late now.
The battlemap: Chance is 15 feet from the house. Khamyra is now standing just behind him, right shoulder. One henchman is standing north of the invading party, while the other is standing south. Dreads is 20 feet from Chance, her party staggered behind her in a formation.
Chance did not want to take too many chances and he rushed for Dreads, who looked to be the biggest threat, slashing his sword at her. She leaps to one side avoiding the attack. The sword buries deep into the ground, some grass flies.
Reactionary, she lands on her feet from the dodge, and lunges for the Champion, digging both daggers into him (13hp). All she gets from it is a growl, no blood, no wince, no nothing. Poison seeped in but did only a little more damage (4hp). Her nagging feeling that they took on more than they could chew was growing, and growing fast.
DM: I had Khamyra yell for Chance to “roll” meaning to roll out of the way. He proceeds to roll the dice. Took me a few minutes to stop laughing, but the joke was on the DM. Todd was doing a dex check, just in case, and that was cool. He made it just fine.
“ROLL!” Khamyra yells and instinctively Chance rolls to one side opening up the area for the Warlock to do her thing.
Her eyes glowed a bright purplish glow, the component, the symbol and word had already been spoken. She had both hands out, crackling with power, snapping and pure electric, just waiting to be launched. With a great force she flings her arms forward and the lightning surges hitting each one of the opponents. It hits dread, not as solid as Khamyra would like, but does its damage (11hp). Dual swords get’s a good dose of the electric power, mostly in the gut, sending him falling back (18hp). Plate mail armor is hit, but does much less damage (4hp) his armor worked to dissipate most of it. Dual crossbows have it rip right through her and it engulfs her body for a moment, then snaps away (18hp).
“Fuck! Magic, they are friggen psychotic!” full plate yells gearing up for his attack.
As he said that a bolt gets lodged into his neck (3hp) from one of the henchmen, though it did not go too deep. “OUCH! Dammit!”
The dual crossbow woman fires both her weapons at Chance again. One of them zings overhead, missing by a lot, the other lodges in his thigh. It does no damage, and did not make it through the protection. The woman stops, looks at both weapons in bewilderment.
In anger the plate mail guy lunges for the one henchman who got him with a bolt, and he misses. Then tries to slash at him, and misses again. “This is folly,” he yells in frustration.
The other henchmen tries his luck on the plate mail guy, who had his back turned to him, but the bolt just glances off his helm.
The dual sword guy is down in hit points and attacks at a disadvantage. He races for Chance wanting to use the weapons high and low on this creature before him. Not all went as planned. He hit the lip of the 1 foot pit with the spikes and such and he trips landing square into the spikes again (8hp – with previous damage a total of 50, and he had 53 total). He groans and rolls out of the pit hoping he won’t get sliced.
With a furious slash, Chance swings with his full weight behind him towards Dreads, and she dodges it, but not as fast as she wanted. It hits her, ripping through her hard leather armor (10hp). She yelps a little and turns to you, eyes turning to slits, blood pouring out of her armor. He attempts another attack (surge) but she was ready for it and skillfully uses her daggers to parry it.
The dreaded elf looks at you, “who the fuck are you people?” she says, paying attention to you and not Khamyra.
In one fluid motion, Khamyra jams her Assassin sword hard into the scabbard, filled with poison, then rips it out and lunges for the unsuspecting blood hunter elf. (DM: Rolls a 20 on a sneak, allowed by me) The sword plunges in at the top of her neck, and is driven down through her body and pops just a little bit out of her stomach. Her eyes bulge, blood spits out of her mouth ( 38hp of damage, plus 8hp of poison damage). The force was so great, the elf ended up skewered with the sword going into the ground a little. Both her weapons fall to the ground as the blood hunter elf is gasping for air, hands at her throat.
In a tone of voice, no one has heard Khamyra talk, in a long time, “we should execute every last one of you!” Standing over her victim,who was now taking her last breaths.
Both the dual crossbow and full plate’s eyes bulged, the look on their faces was tragic, and heart breaking.
The full plate freaks and races for Khamyra, sword high ready to strike, but misses the mark by a lot. He stumbles and falls, looking back at his now dead leader, an elf known by the name Finnea. He just mumbles “Finnea…”
The dual crossbow woman, throws her crossbows on the ground, goes to her knees, “I yield,” she says quietly, as a few tears start to form in her eyes.
Dual sword man, lays flat on his back. After hearing what Khamyra had to say, and with the poison running through him, he passes out.
Khamyra rips out her sword with a great force, blood spews. The dead body of the dreaded elf falls face first into the dirt.
DM: Gave Todd a choice to allow death throws for the elf, and he said fuck that.
Chance walks over and puts his sword into the dead elf’s neck, making sure she is dead. No damage, she was dead.
The plate mail guy gets up and heads for Finnea, and Chance took that as an aggressive move, He swings (wait for it, the midsection of a full plate armor, yeah) and hits well (now if it was at the neck, or shoulders, it would of done far more damage) but it was bludgeoning damage only (10 hp). The man winces and falls to his knees, “I yield! I yield!” he yells.
The one henchmen has the dual crossbow woman grappled, and a dagger at her throat. She has tears streaming down her face. The platemail guy lays on his fallen comrade and begins to sob.
Back To Turn Based
Chance: Speaking at the henchmen,
Chan: Take them to the shed now! until I decide what to do with them.
DMaster: They head down and put them in that room that Velencia was in before, off the main room.
Chance: Chan: damn Welf just can’t leave well enough alone, it’s one thing when we are in his territory but to think he could send them here
looking down at dreads.
DMaster: she is in a large pool of her own blood, Khamyra wipes her blade off, sheathes it. She turns and walks to the property line.
Chance: follow closely behind her and put my hand on her shoulder.
DMaster: KHA: I didn’t really want to kill her, but I was so angry.
Chance: Chan: well sometimes we have to make the tough decisions don’t we, my love.
DMaster: she is shaking a little.
HENCH: M’Lord, a word?
Chance: Chan: give me just a minute would you please?
DMaster: She shakes her head.
KHA: Go, deal with them now, whatever you need to do with them, just don’t let me know and bury the bodies if need be.
Chance: nod my head and go to the henchman.
since I feel that Khamyra needs some time alone.
DMaster: HENCH: They are tied up underneath, sorry to have bothered you m’lord.
Chance: Chan: no it’s not a bother, I am just glad you both were here keeping watch.
DMaster: He bows a little, then he is picking up the weapons, bolts putting them on a small table outside.
Chance: Chan: now we need to figure out what to do with them.
Stop and think. Thinking to myself; I suppose we could keep them tied up till daylight, maybe take them to Camerondale and let them deal with them. Though, I caused enough shit with them over the past couple days.
DMaster: its about 1:00 am and Khamyra is heading inside.
HENCH: Shouldn’t you question them?
Chance: Chan: well that was going to be my first thing to do. Could you see that the body gets taken care of, keep it in a decent spot, I will have to deal with our guests now.
DMaster: He nods and waves over another guy to help with the body.
Chance: I stay in champion form as I head to the shed.
DMaster: Walking down the stairs, your body’s lighting up the staircase. It opens into a half lit room that Cullun always uses. To the right is a door and the last henchmen is standing there, guarding. He nods as you go into the room. The one man who passed out is hogtied on the ground in the one corner. The platemail guy is tied down, hands behind his back, just staring straight ahead, reddened eyes. The woman is crying, looking down at the ground, trying to catch her breath.
Chance: sword still in my hand.
Chan: So I am only going to ask one time, why did you come here?
DMaster: Once you get into the room, you smell it. That same damn smell of Sulfur and ass. The full plate man still just stares at the wall. The woman is crying too hard right now to even care. After a few more times asking, a grab of the throat and threats, they start to talk.
PLATE: To get what we paid for, back in Uisge-Labhair, you scoundrel.
Chance: Chan: did Malik send you and please don’t tell me it was for the damn gem, was it?
DMaster: The plate guy, finally looks at you, squints a bit with your lights.
PLATE: Malik?
He is thinking, then in a disgusted shake of his head.
PLATE: No, not Malik, that sad sack couldn’t organize his own bowel movement.
He pauses a moment.
PLATE: I mean come on, you sold us a fake, what did you expect to happen?
Chance: Chan: hey, I was dealt a fake so why not you? You know I should just finish what was started with that dreadlock elf.
DMaster: The woman snaps her head up, spit flying.
CROSS: her name is Finnea!
She stops, eyes huge, tears rolling.
CROSS: At least that was her name.
Dips her head again, shakes a few times from crying.
Chance: Chan: well what did you expect coming here threatening my home?
DMaster: PLATE: Home? More like a stronghold. Jeesh.
Shakes his head.
Chance: Chan: does it look like a fucking stronghold to you? It is my family’s home!
getting in plates face, eyes turning to slits
DMaster: He fires back verbally, getting angry himself.
PLATE: You mean the building guarded by henchmen? Double barred doors and windows, and traps all over? Yeah it’s a fucking peach of a home. Gag me, kill me, do whatever, but don’t fucking tell me this is some home, because it is not. It’s a fortress.
He just looks away, shaking his head.
Chance: Realizing, they are right. I mean what home has what I have?
DMaster: PLATE: We really did not want a fight, though someone lost their nerve.
The woman’s head leans back and she sniffles.
CROSS: I know, I freaked seeing that thing walk out. Oh my god… I killed her, what I did… it killed her!
She starts to cough with sobs and now back to crying.
Chance: Chan: By that thing, you mean, Me.
Pulling back up straight.
DMaster: He looks at her, eyes of empathy. dips his head for a moment.
PLATE: It’s Ok, we had a good run.
You can tell this was a close knit group. They obviously really care for each other and they just bit off way more than they can chew. Must have been through a lot of battles together, never lost, until now.
Chance: Chan: tell me more. It is getting late, I have things I want to do tomorrow. So let’s pick up the pace.
DMaster: He sighs.
PLATE: Fine. Once you sold us the fake, our “buyer” was none too pleased, as you could imagine. Threatened our life, and all that usual rhetoric. We could not track down that sly blonde man, or that tall blonde woman. We knew who Nicola is, she is just a hired gun, little to do with it. All that was left was you. The messenger said to track down someone named Chance Axion.
He looks at you.
PLATE: We found you pretty easily, and hoped you would just hand over the gem if we threatened you enough.
Chance: Chan: Ok, ok. Who is this “buyer” anyways? Why would they want the gem?
DMaster: the plate guy sighs, shakes his head.
PLATE: I don’t know, Finnea had the lead and all the information. All I know is the messenger said that if we didn’t produce the gem this time, his master Imryllion, would have our head.