First Five Written Out
“Why would you commission that? Unless you…” Chance says, stuttering a bit in disbelief, eyes growing wider.
The old King nods and still looks proud of himself, “Yeah, the quiet gem is safely stored in our vaults below,” he responds, “After our battle in Tullus Prax decades ago, we discovered artifacts of great power and significance. We quickly realized just how dangerous they can be, especially if everyone knows we are the ones holding on to them.”
Chance stops and is thinking, “The heart,” he says, in a questioned tone, remembering that odd artifact.
He nods his head, “That we could not replicate with any decent effectiveness,” he says with a chuckle and a scrunch of his nose, “yeah, did not work well at all.”
Jerry glances over to the Champion, wishing in some way he was young and adventurous again. “We gave the heart and few other artifacts to Vermeer for safe keeping. It was part of our alliance treaty a long time ago; sharing the burdens in regards to the safety of this land.”
“Things started to get real sketchy for Queen Hylora and the artifacts. Crazy rumors, odd events and such. She wanted to return the heart, since her son will be half ruling this Kingdom,” The King continues, almost rambling on. Feeling the need to explain himself a bit more from the incident last year.
Jerry scoffs a bit, “I don’t know where you cults get your information from, but it is scary how many people knew it was in transit, when it should have been top secret,” he finishes, shaking his head.
An awkward silence washes over the both of them, knowing the next bit of conversation could decide the fate of Legon or Finster in the very least.
“Soo…” Chance starts and the retired King smirks, gives him a look.
“I will have to consult with a few people first before we even consider it,” Jerry says, putting his hands behind his back and slowly starting for the royal doors. “I don’t have to tell you Chance, this information is privy only to you and me.”
Chance interrupts him, “Understood, but… we could always just go down there, replace it with one of your fakes and…” is what he got out before the silver haired man turns.
“That,” he starts, raising an eyebrow, “is a consideration,” he finishes with a wink. He turns and heads for the doors.
Chance smiles, and heads out of the door, out the entrance way and back home. It was a nice ride, the weather is wonderful being Summer and all.
Khamyra is wiping Krusty’s chin off, both kids are jam packed with energy now after they ate. Crayon is already on the big blanket on the floor yapping away.
The Onyx elf looks up as the door opens, and her heart soars. ‘Every time I see him, every damn time’ she tells herself seeing her beloved walk through the door.
Chance walks in and looks around at the craziness. Then he heads to the table, looks at Khamyra and for a moment she realizes that he feels the same way. Every time it’s like falling in love all over again. He leans down, gently caresses her cheek and softly kisses her. Power transfers a zap or two that makes the kids squeak and giggle.
Everyone is there, gearing up for their trip to this farm house in the middle of the Teeter Wind plains. Cullen is rushing around trying to give them maps and notes about the creatures of the Plains. Dash is all excited to be going on the trip, he is humming a tune. Reneta is all packed, her stuff on the table and she is looking at Luella with some trepidation because she seems to be very nervous.
“Griff, if Velencia is heading back out for them too, you guys will surely cross paths with her,” Cullen warns as he is putting parchments together.
Griffin stops, thinking, “that thought has crossed my mind, with the plains as treacherous as they are, it’s not like we can take an exotic short cut,” he says tapping a finger on his chin.
After some deliberation and brainstorming, they come up with a plan. Luella is tasked with bringing up a bug creature to help them navigate the plains. The poor young invoker looks like she is going to throw up. Cullun walks over to her and talks with her privately.
Afterwards, Cullen turns and sees the Champion. “Oh, M’Lord, what did Camerondale, or the King want?”
Chance smiles, “Cullun, we have known each other long enough, please, call me Chance. We are all in this together,” he says with a soft smile, “you are all like Family to me now, no matter my stature or position, I am just Chance to all of you, and if need be; this will be a command from your Champion,” he finishes with a playful scolding look.
They all smile back at him and nod.
“Apparently, there is someone in the City, the slums area, that have been leaving bodies strewn about,” Chance says, raising an eyebrow, then looking over everyone.
They all exchange glances, then back to him, shrugging their shoulders.
“Oh. yeah. They are leaving them in locations purposefully to create the symbol of Finster across the city landscape,” he says with a big sigh and shoulder shrug. He throws the parchment on the table.
They all stop and look, stopping their packing and errands. All of their eyes wide, talking over each other asking essentially; WTF?
“What? Let me see that,” Griffin walks over and looks, his eyes growing bigger, “well, this changes things.”
Chance shakes his head, “No, it doesn’t, this is a stealth and shadow mission, they only requested me and Khamyra to help out. We are not to engage, just to give insight on what is happening.”
The Onyx elf’s eyes get big, and smiles, “really? They asked for me? or did you just say you’d bring me,” she asks, tilting her head looking at Chance, baby in hand.
“No, Cassie specifically asked for you, but if you can’t I…” Chance went on to say but got interrupted immediately.
“No problem! Yeah, I’ll go, yup. Let’s do it!” She says emphatically, thinking about getting out of the house, even for a little while, is something she has been yearning for.
The Champion nods and smiles, “Tonight, 9:00 PM, we go into the Pit, looking for a killer!” He finishes with a dramatic flare.
Novalee looks up, “OH! Sounds like the books I like to read,” she stops, eyes get big, “maybe, I can write a book about this, hmm.”
The foursome riding the plains, all say their goodbyes and head out. They were delayed a bit from the storm last night, overslept and some of the damage it created.
Khamyra has one of the underlings in and is paying him some extra gold. “We need double the protection tonight, OK?” she says, and the man nods his head, heading out.
Novalee is sitting with the kids, and she glances up, “Oh, think this could be a trap too?” she says, smirking.
Chances eyes bulge, “wait, what is a trap? I mean Harlow gave me this, came right down from the King.” His eyes were frantic.
The dark elf Warlock walks to the Champion, and leans into him, and puts her head on his shoulder the best she can, ”Oh hun, you are pretty to look at,” she quips with both the girls laughing a bit, “Too many people know where you live, we will just double the guards, me and Trinity worked up a few surprises a while ago for anyone that might attempt a break in.”
“I’m telling them, it’s off, no way I leave my kids…” he starts to rant, only to get a hand on his arm.
Khamyra, slowly and calmly replies, “It will be fine, this is only precautionary, and might not even have anything to do with you. How would they even know you were there?”
A once confident Chance, is now starting to worry, thoughts racing through his head.
The afternoon drags on with the anticipation of the stake out for the night. Chance does everything in his power to keep that to the back of his head, and enjoy the time with Khamyra and the kids.
For the afternoon it was Chance, Novalee, Cullun and the kids; Khamyra takes a nap knowing they did not get a ton of sleep last night. By evening it was Khamyra, Novalee, Cullun and the kids as Chance gets weary and gets a few winks.
After his nap, the Champion makes his way down the stairs, the light from the windows dwindling as the sun sets. He is in full gear, messing with his new daggers he got from the last adventure.
Khamyra and Novalee finish with a little talk they were having, and the Onyx Elf heads up the stairs; not before she gives the quarter elf a swat on his behind. He jumps a little and smirks.
“You kids…” Novalee mutters.
The mage puts on her armor, and it’s a little tight, but she manages. It has been over a year since she needed to do this. A bit of excitement kicks in, and then a bit of guilt; leaving the Kids for the night.
Eventually she is ready, heads down. Both Chance and Novalee stop and look at her wide eyes. “That new armor you bought last year, damn, you look bad ass,” the cute blonde elf says smiling. Chance nods in agreement, getting slightly aroused.
It’s dark and about 8:30 PM, the two head out, say goodbye to Novalee and take a walk around the house to make sure it is secure. Once they are satisfied with the amount of underlings, they jump on the horses and head into Camerondale. A full moon on the south horizon, perfect temperatures and the stars are just beaming.
They make it to the Compound, and on the steps is Captain Harlow and Valentine. The Elf Assassin’s face flushes, seeing Khamyra walk in like she owned the place. Her eyes turning to slits, “you!” Valentine says walking towards Khamyra. “What do you think you are doing here?” she says in a fierce hiss.
The Onyx elf’s eyes bulge a little, almost forgetting about the history she has with Valentine. “I am here… here to… help.” She says kind of taken back.
Chance steps in between them, “You will show respect to a hero of the witch war, the mother of my children and my fiance,” he says looking down on the little elf.
The Assassin stops, almost laughs, looks into the Champions eyes and knows he is not joking. “What, are, you, talking about, Chance? Khamyra is it? To think she is any kind of hero…” Valentine starts but gets interrupted by Captain Harlow.
“She was awarded the Hidden Heart medal by the Royal Court,” Harlow says matter of fact like, stopping at the top step, “in the retaking of Summer Isles. Sorry Val, she is a hero of the war and she was an important factor. Respect is due.”
Valentine grits her teeth, shakes her head and turns away.
Khamyra looks out of her element, glancing around, feeling awkward. She is watching people walk by; they all seem a little worried seeing forces gathering outside the mysterious Black Ward compound.
“Valentine, shadow mission tonight again, if they are going to make a move, dump a body we have to find out who is doing it,” the Captain says, “maybe even find out where they come from if we play it right. High moon, head back for a quick meeting.”
2-3 more agents show up, none you recognize. Valentine then takes the lead, and they head into the slums of Camerondale.
Valentine gets Chance and Khamyra to sit on the 2 story sepulture building. Keeping eyes across the graveyard, the northern area of the warehouses and the walls of the city dump. The couple sit back to back, somewhat uncomfortable on an ill kept roof. Both of them enjoy being out together, and the weather is cooperating.
The time drags on, and they both decide that nothing is going to happen these three hours. Khamyra casts an invisibility spell on herself and heads down. Chance, with his thieving skills, does just fine on his own; they make it back to the compound.
Valentine is talking with a few agents, she sees the couple walking to her. “I am guessing nothing?” she says, not looking at either of them.
“Nope, nada,” Chance says, “but it smells bad, and there is a few drunkards roaming, it can be distracting.”
Khamyra hesitates and then blurts out, “I don’t think they will dump a body, it’s not what this is about.”
“Oh, please unveil the master plot, hero,” Valentine says with sarcasm, waving her hands around.
The Onyx Elf takes a few steps towards Valentine, and the master Assassin does the same, they are face to face before Chance or the other agents could intervene.
“I know you don’t like me, killer, but there is more to this than just a body dump,” Khamyra hisses at Valentine, “unless you don’t want to take advice from a war hero, or I don’t know… a follower of Finster?” the Onyx Elf finishes with sarcasm dripping off it.
“Then what? What else is there?” Valentine retorts quickly, shrugging her shoulders quickly with annoyance.
Khamyra roughly sighs, “I feel this is a location we need to search for traps, doors, secrets, notes, anything…” she says, tries to continue but the assassin interrupts.
“Oh, that’s great, a great idea, brilliant, that would have been useful 2 days ago… when we did, just, that.” she finishes with the thickest of sarcasm.
The Onyx elf scoffs, “Like that means much,” she quips.
“You little…” Valentine goes for Khamyra, but Chance grabs her.
“Enough, we get it, you two don’t like each other, but we have a task to perform,” the Champion says, then pauses a moment almost wanting to bust of laughing. He is thinking of what Nicola said in the Inn that one morning about him and Velencia.
She closes the door and faces the Champion, “I know you two hate each other, I mean we got that. It has been evident for every second of this trip, culminating in that shit show last night,” she starts in on the quarter elf, “I don’t want to take sides, but I have to tell you. Grow the fuck up,” she says with some force and sincerity.
Chance slowly turns to her, eyes wide, surprised to hear that.
“We have a job to do, it’s not for some cobbler down the street finding his lost dog, this is for our Lord, and it is pretty fucking important,” she continues on her rant, “these set backs only makes it worse, and it is starting to take it’s toll on everyone. If you would of just kept riding, we would be in Little Bridge ready to ride to Crux Hayward, and the worst of it would’ve been Velencia’s crude ballbusting.”
Chance continues:
“So instead of trying to wade through both of your bullshit, let’s get to the point,” Chance says with some force, commanding the attention of everyone on the steps of the compound, “let’s finish out tonight, if nothing happens then tomorrow we will come back and do our own investigation. Hey, people with ties to Finster and a fresh set of eyes might result in finding something.”
Valentine looks at the Champion, and tries not to smile. What a year can do to someone, this was the guy the Black Ward coveted and was looking to for the future, and he is showing it now. After a shoulder shrug, she walks off towards the slums again, “Do what you want, I’m not your boss” she says trailing off.
Chance turns to Khamyra, and finds her oddly more in thought than angry, “Hun, you want to head back now?”
“I wonder the last time Valentine got laid? She can be one serious wench, maybe a little dick could knock the bitch off her shoulder,” the Onyx Elf muses.
One of the operatives wide eyes, snorted a little as they were moving out, trying not to laugh.
“Only you, Khamyra, only you,” Chance says, giving his soon to be wife a loving look. “But I don’t think we will find anyone dumping bodies tonight.”
They pull their hoods up and head back into The Pit.
“Why don’t we just take a quick walk around, keep our hoods up, and get a feel for the area down here,” Khamyra suggests to Chance, “then we can jump back up to the roof.”
Both of them were almost satisfied there is nothing to see in the area, and getting nothing from this; Chance stops with a slight yelp. “Dammit, what the hell,” he says looking down, almost stuck in a spot like something invisible was grabbing him.
Khamyra wheels around and looks at him, “Chance, what?” but she jumps back a bit.
Chance’s eyes are fluttering with power, his skin half glowing and he goes to one knee. “Oh, I can’t move and this hurts,” he says, trying to get up and start to walk.
The Onyx elf now regrets walking the area, Chance in this state is like a red dragon breathing fire at high moon. As she looks around no one seems to be taking notice of this. looking down at the ground, the symbol of Animax is prominently painted on the cobblestone of the street.
“Trap,” she says helping Chance move, “the symbol of Animax is underfoot.” as she is helping, both Chance and Khamyra spot a guy leaning against one of the grave yard fence posts. All Khamyra could see is a smile wash over his face, under his hood.
“About time,” she can hear him mutter. He starts to walk across the street to a condemned building.
Khamyra is torn between following the guy and helping Chance. The quarter elf pushes Khamyra in the mans direction, “Go, go after him, don’t lose him…” he says in some obvious pain.
The mage looks back one more time, then sprints for the man who is quickly disappearing into a 3 story condemned building. “Oh, we searched this area days ago, like we didn’t find anything, maybe I’m too small of a dumbass assassin elf too…” she mumbles to herself, frustrated with Valentine. She avoids two drunks, gets to the door he went through and listens.
Meanwhile, an operative gets Valentine’s attention, and the Assassin turns and looks to see the Onyx Elf racing across the street to a condemned building. Her eyes bulge, “what the fuck are they doing?!? Come on, watch my back,” she says, jumping back down and racing for the dark elf.
Valentine makes it to the door as Khamyra is starting to open it, “Hello, what are you doing? This is a ‘shadow mission’, don’t you understand common?” the Assassin spits in frustration.
The Onyx elf thumbs in the direction of Chance, while peering in. He is finally getting his feet under him, walking over, “I don’t know who thought putting Animax’s symbol on the cobblestone was a good idea, but I have a fist and foot that would like to talk to him,” he stammered. “I got your back Khamyra, let’s go in.”
“I don’t think so, what the hell is going on?” Valentine says grabbing for Chance.
Completely frustrated, Khamyra grabs valentine and slams her into the door frame, “Ever think that maybe someone from the cult of Finster could find something you couldn’t? Since, I don’t know, it’s in the shape of his symbol? Hmmm? Did you think of that two days ago!? There is a guy we need to talk to, and he went in here,” she says with as much force as a hushed hiss could be said.
The Warlock lets the stunned Assassin go, “Watch our back,” Khamyra says with force, essentially now taking over the investigation, as her and Chance head inside.
After a few minutes of searching, they don’t find anything. Chance is running his hand along a wall that is still standing. Valentine is shaking her head, “we searched this place three times, I told you, there is nothing to find, the person you were after probably climbed out a window and is now sleeping off his drink.”
Khamyra, wipes a bit of goop from a pouch and onto the wall, slowly writes a symbol on it and says “felfed.”
Valentine unsheathes her weapons, “Really? Still doing that?! Dammit, woman, have you not learned anything?!?” she says somewhat loudly.
Chance walks over to his old boss, blocks the visual of the other operative next to her, “enough already master Assassin, a man, wanting us to walk over the symbol ran into this building. You can either help, or get out of our hair, OK?” he says with a bit of frustration towards Valentine.
An odd faint glow in the shape of a doorway sits buried behind a fallen ceiling beam in the main room, or what is left of it. Khamyra, glances at Valentine, “you were saying?”
Red faced, beyond frustrated and ready to snap. Valentine just stands there, jaw clenched, not making a sound. The Champion walks over to the outline and looks it over, finds a way to open it and look in. It is a small 10×10 foot room, a spiral staircase leading down. Both of their dark vision kicking in full throttle.
“We are going to head down,” Chance says looking back to Valentine. She is looking into the room, and she nods.
“I’ll sit at the base of the stairs, our other operatives will stay here,” Valentine says, now with much less whip than before.
The couple makes their way down, and they get hit with the smell of incense. “Burial incense,” Khamyra mumbles, “What the fuck are we walking into…”
Both of them draw their weapons, Khamyra is “mana” counting right now, a reveal and an invisibility spell so far tonight; she has almost enough for two attack spells, she thinks to herself.
Valentine draws her daggers, sets up at the bottom of the staircase, right at the foot of it. “yell if you need help,” she says as quietly as a yell could be.
After going down a few clean, empty corridors, they turn to see a faint glow of torches down a larger hallway. It leads to an open entrance way. As they get closer, the smell of incense is very powerful. Both of them stop at the entrance, look in; There is a large table in the middle of the 30 x 30 foot room, with buckets of what seems like bones and body parts around. On each corner of the platform is incense burning. Much to their disgust, the far wall is lined with bodies like they were dresses in a store.
“Oh my god, the wall Chance,” she says in a sickening tone, stepping back putting her hand over her mouth. “What is this place?”
A cold breeze hits them, the room they are looking into seems to be chilled.
A man just barely visible at first, walks to the table in the middle of the room.
“It was my little store front, but not so much any more, I guess” he says looking around, shoulders sag a bit, “anyways, welcome Champion, and what I am guessing, his mage…” the man says, trying to be somewhat theatrical, and failing.
Khamyra grumbles, “I am a Warlock you halfwit, a Warlock…”
“Whatever dark one. I was only expecting to corral one of your friends to deliver a message to you,” he says looking at Chance, “but damn, caught the big fish right away,” the man says and smiles, proud of himself.
Instinctively Chance walks in a bit and in front of Khamyra to protect her. “It seems you have me at a disadvantage, you know me, but I do not know you,” he says, gripping his sword and dagger just a bit tighter.
In the corner of his eye, Chance sees movement.
“Chance, is that you?” says a voice coming from the wall to the Champions left. He turns to look, stops, rigid, jaw drops open, staring in utter disbelief at what he sees.
“what the fuck…?” is all he could utter.
Turn Based Starts Here
DMaster: You see Shanna, Ferellus’s sister or what used to be of her. Hair and teeth surprisingly look good, the rest, is a ghoul-like mess. She is stumbling a bit, almost ready to fall
Chance: standing there with a shocked look on my face as she walks towards me.
Chan: this isn’t possible, how can you even be here, I killed you!
DMaster: SHAN: Chance?
Reaching out for you.
Chance: Chan: you cant be here, this can’t be real. What the actual fuck!
I grip my sword and dagger a bit tighter, as I am still in shock seeing this. Turn back to this mysterious man and my eyes turn to slits.
DMaster: The man looks over to the ghoulish woman and has somewhat of a disgusted look on his face.
Chance: Chan: okay, I don’t know who you are but you certainly have me at a disadvantage. What is it you want?
Trying to keep my emotions in check. I am still looking at him and then back at the figure to my left.
DMaster: She is stumbling around just about to fall. He looks back at you and shrugs his shoulders.
MAN: Well, this is not my idea. I am guessing you know this woman, or did know her, or something.
You are barely in the room, maybe a foot in from the entrance. Khamyra is still at the doorway looking in, her eyes get big, seeing the Shanna Ghoul.
Chance: Chan: well, then, who’s idea was it? Her body deserves better than this.
DMaster: He distorts his mouth as he ponders.
MAN: Not exactly sure really, but they had a lot of gold. Lots and lots of gold.
His eyes light up a bit, smile softly forming.
Chance: I can’t take it any longer and I walk towards the Shanna Ghoul, feeling a tear trickle down my cheek.
DMaster: Pain shoots up your legs. Shanna, the ghoul collapses on the floor, your feet feel like they are 500 lbs each. A loud slamming noise, metallic, is heard behind you.
KHA: What the fuck?
Chance: turn and look behind me as I hear the slamming noise.
DMaster: There is a portcullis down, cutting off the entrance to the room. Khamyra’s eyes are huge, she had to jump back.
KHA: Chance!!
Chance: Look to the floor to see if another symbol of Animax is there.
DMaster: Yes and it’s flickering slightly, even though the room was pretty dark.
Chance: Chan: What the hell are you doing? It seems you said something about a message, tell me what it is and let me go, ok?
DMaster: MAN: I did? Oh yeah, I guess I did… hmm.
He is eyeing Khamyra up a little and starts walking around the table watching her reach in her pouch.
KHA: Chance! Get out of there, what are you… oh shit, Animax again?!
Chance: I will see if I can try and move at all.
DMaster: DM: Chance needed to roll a 20. He did just that.
The man walks briskly to the door, closes it before Khamyra could do anything. He puts a bar over it. Looks at in satisfaction, then turns to you expecting to see you on the floor in pain…
Chance: As I stare him down. Out of the corners of my eye to see if there is any other way out of here.
DMaster: Yes, there seems to be a door in the corner, where hardly any of the light is hitting. Shanna ghoul is trying to look up, moving slowly.
SHAN: Quit fucking around Wilder, throw the dust on him, I can’t help like this.
His eyes big staring at you, impressed you have stepped out of the symbol. He has the first action, throws dust across you.
Chance: Try to avoid it, hold my breath, anything.
DMaster: DM: Had to roll a 15 to save, rolls a 12.
As you take a step forward dust goes flying up your nose, everything is starting to turn dark
Chance: on instinct my hand goes for the necklace.
DMaster: DM: Had to roll a DEX save to make the move before he went under. Rolls a 27. You grab the necklace, take it off in time. The sleeping dust had a mild effect, making you slightly dizzy.
Chance: Get my bearings.
DMaster: Shanna must of sucked in the dust too, she is down for the count. This man, Wilder, with his action, steps forward and as you are changing, he kicks you making you stumble back, falling on your ass; right on the symbol. With you turning into the Champion on the symbol of Animax. It’s like pain from the temple when you first got the mark. You yell in pain. The door is banging and yelling behind it, muffled “Chance! Chance!!”
Chance: as I yell, I will try to focus that pain. I want to try and tumble out of the symbol.
DMaster: if you remember, even before you were Champion, the pain the symbol caused, your lower stomach is searing.
Chance: I roll the direction of the door.
DMaster: DM: He had to roll a 17, it’s a big symbol. He rolls a 13.
You roll your body, and almost make it, the pain subsides about 10%. You are on your stomach now. You feel a boot on your back, pressing hard to the floor, pinning you.
WILD: Ok, kid, sorry about this, nothing personal. Your friends are making a lot of racket out there, we have to go.
Chuckles, he puts his hand at your nose, you suck in the dust.
Chance: Try anything if I can overcome the pain.
DMaster: DM: Had to role a 17, he rolls a 12. You suck in the dust, a lot, and the world is turning fuzzy. Someone is rifling around your pocket, and you feel the necklace on your neck. Everything turns to black, at least the pain is now gone.
Behind The Scenes
Khamyra’s eyes bulge, and she tries to kick the door through the bars. But she hears something slide against the door and she assumes the door is now barred.
“Valentine!!!” she yells and kicks the door a few times anyways in frustration.
The Assassin sprints around the corridors until she finds Khamyra pounding on a door, with a portcullis in front of it.
“What the… hell?” Valentine says approaching the Warlock, “What the hell happened?”
Just then both of them could hear Chance yell. Both of them start kicking the door with all their might but it does not budge much. Both the women yelling, “Chance! Chance!”
Valentine turns and looks down the hallway, “there has to be another way out or into that room, we have to find it!” she says starting down the corridors.
Both of them race around the hallways, most end in empty rooms and after a good 10 minutes they decide there is no way to get into that room from this corridor system.
Both breathing heavy and panting, they head back to the spiral staircase and hit the ground level. The Assassin and Warlock race out, and Valentine pauses only for a moment to bark out a few orders; “bring in the guards, I want that underground system searched and guarded.”
Khamyra is looking around the slums, and she is just outside the warehouse district. Valentine flies by her, “Come on, there is a door we can get through and hit the southern waterfront.”
Racing through the district they hit the outer city walls, and Valentine is quickly scanning the area, she is walking sideways looking around. Then she spots the door. She runs over, pushes a brick, grabs hold of the open area and pulls. The door is slowly opening. Khamyra runs over, grabs and pulls too and the door screeches open.
They race through a short tunnel and for a moment, both of them are blinking allowing their eyes to adjust. But quickly they find the other door, open it in the same way, but this time pushing.
Valentine was the first to jump out, it is somewhat of a steep incline of dirt, grass and stone leading to the water. Khamyra then jumps out and is looking, losing her balance a little and falling to her knees.
“Shit, damn incline,” she yells, then looks around. Luckily one of the moons was full so they could see right away.
Both of them slide down to the shoreline and split, one headed east the other headed west. Some guards on the wall started to move and yell, ”Hey! You are not supposed to be down there!”
Valentine, who went east, spots a boat a ways in the distance. It has to be them. It wasn’t another 15 feet and she noticed the ground disturbed, footsteps leading to the shore. She follows them up and finds a secret door she knew nothing about. “Bullocks!”
Within minutes 10 guards are coming at the two women from both sides. Valentine is already heading back to Khamyra who is frantic. “I didn’t find anything except guards,” she says thumbing in the direction she came.
“I found a door, distress and a possible launch point, a larger boat directly east of here,” Valentine says quickly knowing the guards are bearing down on them. “But, if the guards saw us, then they probably saw them!” she says with hope in her eyes.
The two women engage the guards and they relax almost the instant they see Valentine. They converse and sure enough, 3 men, carrying a large object got in a small boat and shoved off. They tried to stop them, but it all happened too fast.
“We have to get a boat, now,” Khamyra says frantically thinking of all the people, all the reasons you kidnap a Champion.
Mondalay (Monday) Morning
DMaster: You wake up and your stomach is turning.
Chance: try looking around before I spew dinner everywhere.
DMaster: It’s a bright sunny day, you are chained to a bench of some kind with iron chains. The chains are wrapped once around your wrists, then crisscrossed across your chest. Then other chains on your legs and such. Something is cutting into your neck, you are guessing its your necklace, he has that plastered to your body, wrapped in a towel, very tight; so you don’t change over to the Champion.
Chance: As my stomach is turning, I am damn sure I must be on a boat.
DMaster: its sloshing back and forth and you turn your head and hurl. Blech! Spew! Chunks! Gross…
WILD: Oh man, I just cleaned the deck too.
He walks over, hands on hips shaking his head.
Chance: not much I can do but toss my cookies, so to speak.
DMaster: He waves a guy over, he comes over. They argue a bit about cleaning it up, but the guy ends up doing the deed after hearing something about not getting paid, etc.
Chance: Chan: just where are you taking me, Wilder, is it?
DMaster: WILD: Don’t you worry about that, I just hope you will behave yourself, I don’t want to use anymore of that dust, its fucking expensive
He glances over with a smirk, then looks back out over the waters.
Chance: Chan: like I can do anything right now, since I am chained to this damn bench.
Move around, give everything a good tug to test the chains.
DMaster: He gives you an annoyed look.
WILD: Hey, hey. Calm down. Your not going anywhere, I’ve been chaining people up for years. Wish I could say it was for kinky purposes…
He chuckles.
WILD: That ghoulie girl didn’t tell me anything about how rascally you were.
You can hear the wind hitting the sails, you are not sure but from the sun and movement, you think you are heading… east?
WILD: I was only to deliver a message, not deliver your ass anywhere. They better have some extra gold for me. Hell, extra platinum!
Chance: Chan: and just what exactly did she tell you about me?
DMaster: WILD: Not much really, she gurgled a lot, not great for speech. Listening to her and looking at her turned my stomach, She seemed like she would of been a pretty girl. When she was alive, anyways.
Chance: Emotions of her when she was alive hit me a bit and I feel a few tears run down my face. Remembering I was supposed to make Ferellus proud, and I killed his sister instead.
DMaster: In the corner of his eye he is looking at you.
WILD: Uh, oh, old girlfriend that didn’t turn out too well? You said something about killing her, I hate it when that happens.
Chance: Chan: If you want me to behave, then I suggest you shut your hole.
DMaster: His eyes get big, stops looking at you.
WILD: Easy big boy. Just sit tight.
He chuckles, looks back to you.
WILD: Oh, wait, you are sitting tight. Or should I say, laying tight.
Chance: Test the chains again, but act like I am mad.
Chan: I am glad you find this so damn funny. If it weren’t for this bench I would…
gritting my teeth and eyes turn to slits.
DMaster: WILD: now now, just relax you’ll be at your destination in a few hours.
You see the man who cleaned up your puke come to him, he whispers something.
Chance: Try to listen to what they say.
DMaster: DM: Had to roll a DC17 Perception. Rolls a 13.
You didn’t hear anything between the wind, water and the distance they were from you. You can’t see much either with the necklace wrapped around your neck tightly, restricts your head movement.
Chance: I will see if I can move my hands at all.
DMaster: everything is a little loose, but still tight enough. The chains rattle when you check.
WILD: Hey hey, keep still. I’d hate to use another 10GP of dust up your nose.
Chance: Chan: oh, I would so hate for you to have to do that again.
chuckling a bit as I say that to him.
DMaster: You can tell he is raising the last sail, the wind picks up.
Chance: still looking around as best I can. Hoping I don’t toss my apples.
DMaster: you sit there for 2-3 more hours. Not much happens, do you do anything?
Chance: Not like I can do too much but stay chained, just keep looking around. See if I can possibly get my hands closer together.
DMaster: you are laying flat, the bench is pretty wide so your hands are wrapped around the iron chains, laying flat next to your body. like if you would lay down on a bed, on your back with your hands to your sides.
Chance: well then guess I cant do much for now. Just keep looking around, listening.
DMaster: A few sails are let down. You hear some commotion. The boat is definitely slowing, it ends up hitting something and wilder is yelling at a guy about hitting the dock.
Chance: I will wait for Wilder to come get me.
DMaster: Two men come over, unlink you from underneath, bring you upright. Stand you up.
Chance: eyes darting around as I am brought up, just trying to see if I can get some idea of where I am now.
DMaster: Looking out over the waters, it looks to be vast, no other land in site and it is a clear beautiful day, so the range is good. They turn you around, you see Wilder walking towards you. You can see you are docked at a small, well, dock. It leads to a stone pathway that leads out and up a bit of an incline. To the right of the path is a small shanty town, no more than say 12-14 buildings, a few bigger structures like a barn maybe, and one tall wooden tower. That seems to be a bell tower for alerts, etc. The shoreline goes on for miles and miles, with little in sight.
Chance: I will just keep looking around waiting to see what happens next.
DMaster: You are walked off the boat, its weird, like you had a tight dress on… taking little baby steps, now you know how Luella felt the first time she took you to the celebration.
Chance: trying not to laugh thinking about that.
DMaster: You are met by two smaller people, in robes and hoods up.
WILD: Let’s get this all wrapped up shall we. I have two angry bitches hot on my heals, and I don’t like the looks these villagers are giving us.
The one woman grabs the chains. Hisses a bit.
WOM-ONE: Yes, here is the gold we promised you.
She then reaches in and grabs a handful of Platinum from another pouch, hands it to him. He smiles and bows a bit in respect.
WILD: Thank you ladies.
WOM-TWO: Now hand over Charlie.
Chance: Oh shit, really? Glare at the woman for a minute. Almost chuckle.
DMaster: The first woman nudges her. Grabs the chains. Wilder looks at you.
WILD: Seriously, nothing personal, you seem like a nice guy, I just got a mouth to feed and some woman to lay, you know?
Chance: Glare at him.
Chan: yeah I know, nothing personal right? Just pray our paths don’t cross again, Wilder. You wouldn’t live past it.
DMaster: He gives you a wide eyed stare, smiles a little.
WILD: moving out now, hurry it up guys, back to the boat.
The two woman grab you and you are taking forever to walk because the chains are tied around your legs. The one is trying to get the chains better suited.
DM: I cut out the “are the chains loose, investigation, ideas, etc.”
Chance: Chan: How are things, Vesta?
DMaster: VEST: Busy busy as always…
The other woman stops, looks over, points at her.
WOM-ONE: Really? You have to be the dumbest…
They get your leg chains freed up now. You look at the villagers, they all seem to be thinner, taller elves. Maybe even Augustian in some kind of Heritage way.
Chance: Chan: Ahh, still getting scolded by Nerine all the time I see.
DMaster: NER: Just because my sister responds to your… oh dammit. Vesta! Your stupidity is infectious, I swear!
She yanks on your chain. lol.
NER: Yes yes, lets get moving shall we?
You are getting pulled along, a few villagers, eyes wide watching this happen.
Chance: seeing if my arms are still wrapped tight as we move along.
DMaster: They are fairly tightly wrapped, but its in a criss cross configuration, you are unsure how well that holds or locks or whatever. The small village is to your right, to your left is shrubs and a few trees, open area, and you are on a stony path way leading east.
Chance: while we are moving along I will try to see if I can possibly get my arms free doing it as quietly as I can.
DMaster: DM: Needed to roll a sleight of hand check, DC15. Rolls a… 15.
You move your arms around as you are walking. You are almost at the outskirts of the village now. They are a little loose, but the way they are crisscrossed across your front, even if you could free a hand, the other is wrapped and it’s criss crossed with like a bolt like object holding it together in the front. But your legs are free as can be. They did not notice you checking.
Chance: Growl a little, flex the chains, testing again. Just act angry a little.
DMaster: VEST: Calm down, Chris.
DM: Rolled a perception check to listen in. Needed 15, rolled a 17.
You go up the hill, then dart into some brush. The two of them are arguing.
VEST: He said they were less than an hour behind him, it’s Anemone, she can…
NER: I know, I know, keep it down.
The sparse forest is turning into a much more dense one, dodging branches, walking around larger trees.
Chance: looking at them as they are arguing. I hear what is said. I kind of get an evil grin on my face.
Chan: you do know she won’t stop until she finds me. If she finds out it was you that took me I would so hate to be in either of your shoes.
DMaster: VEST: Shut it, chuck.
Nerine stops, turns, drops a bit of water from her skin, mumbles a few words and the ground is saturated… you sink a little, and it goes outwards for as far as you can see
VEST: Why did you do that, my boots are going to get muddy!
As you are walking again and looking down, you see your imprint of your boot, fill in with water, and it all but disappears.
Chance: shaking my head as I see this and sigh a bit.
Chan: she is trying to make it so your sister can’t follow us. Good luck with that you both don’t know her the way I do.
See if any trees or branches are in reach of me without me making a lot of noise. I look around to make sure the sisters aren’t looking at me.
DMaster: you guys are not that quiet right now, walking through the trees and brush.
DM: Roll a stealth check, -4 for being chained up, +4 for the noise already. Need a 15. He rolls a 13. Vesta stops gives you a look from under her hood. Suddenly your pants are starting on fire.
VEST: let’s keep your hands where I can see them, Kevin.
Nerine shakes her head, its searing your clothes, you are starting to hop around. The purple haired witch douses you with a bunch of water, I mean, she is a water witch. After wading through soggy ground, there is an opening ahead and there looks to be a huge rock sitting there, like a hill with only tuffs of grass. Against this rock is a rickety old house, the denser forest seemed to have parted for this area. They lead you to the shanty, unlock the door and head inside. Vesta lights a few candles, almost burns the place down. Nerine scolds her. The room is big, 40×50, looks to have everything an abode needs ranging from a table, to couch, to chairs, fireplace and two doors on the far wall. Nerine pushes you into a couch and you are pretty stiff at an angle, just laying / sitting there.
Chance: Chan: so much for keeping a prisoner comfortable, I should write a letter to complain.
DMaster: This corpse comes out from another room.
NER: Sister, we have the Champion.
GHO: I know, I was there when it happened, fucking sleeping dust put me under. Lost track of what happened after that.
VEST: Anemone is hot on our trail.
Chance: Chan: How fucking dare you… use Shanna’s body like that, you disgusting pile of shit!
Strain on the chains, cause a bunch of noise.
DMaster: Wide eyed, as much as a ghoul can be, chuckles.
GHO: Oh was that her name? Got your attention didn’t it?
Chance: Chan: So the rumors are true, you made yourself into a lich. As if you couldn’t smell any worse.
DMaster: Vesta pops a fireball in anxiety, then giggles.
VEST: Easy there Chad!
Chance: Shake head.
Chan: Chance you brainless twat, my name is Chance. And must you really do that? You’re gonna catch this place on fire.
DMaster: She is stamping it out.
GHO: I could not get away, so I had to animate this poor schlep. Find a place to stash him until your sister stops looking.
VEST: That nasty Onyx elf is coming too, I imagine.
Nerine nods her head.
GHO: Hmm, that complicates things a bit.
NER: A bit, a Warlock on our tails? Thats more than a bit.
VEST: Warlock? What is that?
Chance: Chan: so why grab me? still mad at me for losing Thorn Gate?
DMaster: They look at you with confusion.
GHO: Shut it pretender. I want you for myself. Anyways, do not flatter yourself, you had little to do with Thorn Gate being over-run.
VEST: Yeah, just because you saved some royal dorks and…
NER: Vesta, Shut it! For the love of Iron.
The fire gives her a look, shrugs her shoulders and walks over, starts eating some fruit.
Chance: Chan: hmm, love of Iron (quietly) oh why stop now you fireball slinging half wit. Let’s hear this grand plan you have.
Say it condescending like, sarcastic even.
DMaster: Vesta turns around a bit angry.
NER: Vesta!
Then Nerine smiles evil like.
NER: You won’t remember anyways. We are going to take you for our own Champion.
The ghoul is pacing a bit, tumbling around a bit clumsily.
Chance: Chan: your Champion? That will never happen. I wouldn’t serve the likes of you.
DMaster: NER: Of me? Oh no Champion…
GHO: Enough! Let’s just keep it at that.
All three eye each other up for a moment. Then defiantly, the fire witch says.
VEST: You’ll be in the void, bucko, wouldn’t even know you were doing it… HA!
GHO: Shut it Vesta. You are going to have to get out of there, I was banking on this being a safe spot, but our sister and the Warlock, it is only a matter of time.
Behind The Scenes Part Two
After racing back through the slums and into the City, Valentine and Khamyra head directly to the royal / war docks. The Black Ward Assassin finds a smaller schooner sitting there, docked, and mainly used for scouting purposes.
Valentine forces herself into the boat, past a few guards and she throws her Black Ward ring around to get it done. Much to the dismay of the night dock master, the two of them shove off and head east. After an hour or so they both come to regret leaving on their own, but time was of great importance.
The winds were favorable for both boats, but the schooner was built more for speed than anything. They were commissioned by Xavier after the Witch War. They were a vital part of the reclaiming of the isles, being the fastest thing on the water.
Both women were scanning the waters horizon as the sun started to rise and light started to shine across the sea. Khamyra spotted a boat, far in the distance. They adjusted course and followed. They both hoped this was the boat, otherwise all was lost.
6-7 hours went by, and eventually they could see land. That same boat seemed to be heading south now, but they could see a small village, and docks.
“They had to dock there, probably dropped off Chance,” Khamyra says looking across the shoreline, not seeing anything else except for a disappearing boat heading south.
“If we are wrong,” Valentine says looking at the Warlock, “all we can do afterwards is scan this shoreline heading south,” she finishes pointing at the quickly disappearing boat.
Khamyra sighs, “We don’t have a choice, really. It’s all we have to go with right now,” she finishes, with worry and stress washing over her face.
Valentine nods, and steers the boat to the dock. They come in pretty quick, hitting the shoreline. A few residents of the village are yelling, “easy there, watch it!”
Both of them jump out of the boat and run for the residents that were yelling, they look frightened a bit. Khamyra and Valentine drop their hoods and they can see they were both elves. Mind you one was an Onyx elf, they still felt more at ease.
They quickly explained to the newcomers that there was some sort of exchange and a big man in chains was led up the path, by two hooded people. The one resident said she thought one of the women who had the chained man called him Charlie. That was all they knew.
Khamyra almost laughed. “I think it’s the witches, it has to be,” she says and breathed a big sigh of relief.
Valentine gives her a wild look, “How did you come to that conclusion?” she says confused.
“Vesta never calls Chance; Chance. She calls him all different names” she says with a smirk, “at least we know who we are dealing with now.”
Valentine shakes her head, not totally buying it but the two of them race up the pathway anyways.
After about 300 yards, they realized the path has grown cold, the ground has not been disturbed for a while.
They doubled back and found the source point, jumped into the brush and started to follow. They hit saturated ground and mud. “Dammit, it hasn’t rained for days, if it is my sisters, err, I mean the witches, this would be the handy work of Nerine,” Valentine says under her breath.
“Valentine, I know these are your sisters, no need to cover up that fact to me,” Khamyra says quietly.
They both stop and see a few branches singed, and broken. They change course and finally make it to a clearing with a rickety large house, pinned up against a rock.
Valentine kneels down on what is now solid ground. “Tracks lead right to the house, they are in there,” she says flinching a little, “yep, they are in there. If they are my siblings, and my sister Matsimela is there, this could get ugly.”
“Very ugly, she could have a horde of zombies waiting for us, or some undead creature from the underearth,” Khamyra responds, looking the situation over.
The Assassin looks over to the Warlock and shakes her head a bit, scrunches her eyebrows. “What are you talking about, she probably has some vine trap or fake earth pit.”
Khamyra’s eyes grow big, “oh shit, you don’t know? Well, I guess you wouldn’t. It is only rumor, but I think we all know better.”
Valentine stands up, turns to the Warlock, “know what?”
“Matsimela,” Khamyra starts, looks down for a moment, “is now a lich,” she finishes and looks back into the assassins eyes.
Valentine’s mouth drops and her eyes grow huge. “I would say I don’t believe you, but,” she says starting to look down, “it’s something they would do, or what she would do. I felt something different, but didn’t think anything of it.”
Khamyra turns to the house again, “well let’s go rescue my fiance, shall we?”
Still a bit in shock, she slowly nods her head. The two women walk out of the brush and head for the house.
DMaster: As though right on time, Suddenly, the door is blasted off its hinges. Both Witches go stumbling forward, the ghoul just collapses.
Chance: A grin goes to my face as the door sails across the room.
DMaster: This long extended straight line of ice pours out of Khamyra’s hand, hitting both Witches. DM: Both had to make savings throws, they get advantages (one being fire the other water with ice.) One rolls a 7 the other a 5. Waah waah waah. They stand up from getting thrown forward, they turn and their eyes bulge; the blob of Ice hits them, grappling them for what should of been 6 rounds (@1 minute).
Chance: Chan: Boy, I am glad to see you both. Welcome to our little party.
DMaster: VAL: Where is Matsimela? Where is she?!
Valentine is frantically looking around moving farther into the room. Khamyra raced straight to you.
Chance: Chan: She is not here. Pretty damn sure she is a lich, she can channel through dead bodies. Now will one of you kindly get me unchained?
DMaster: VAL: Yeah, wait what?? Oh yeah, I still can’t believe it.
Khamyra is confused at the chains around you and how they are interlinked, she spots the center piece, whips out her dagger and pries it off. Pops off, down your stomach and onto the floor.
VAL: These witches wont be held for ever!
Valentine glances over then back to the ice blob. Her eyes get big. Nerine shaking off her hands from being wet, stepping away from the ice.
NER: Yeah, especially one that is a water witch.
She has broken out, water dripping around her.
Chance: Chan: Not rushing you at all, but hurry up.
DMaster: She is pulling on the one side of the chains, freeing your one arm.
KHA: Finish it!
VEST: Yeah, ice really? Fire, hello?! Hey get your hands off Clyde!
Khamyra turns to the two now freed witches.
KHA: Looking back, yeah Ice was not the best idea, but fire would of been worse with this tinder box of a house.
Just then Vesta pops one of her fire balls at her. it hits the floor, smolders a bit.
VEST: Nasty mage.
Chance: grabbing at the necklace right away once I am free
DMaster: KHA: I am a Warlock you empty head, a Warlock.
its wrapped and wrapped in a towel, like a mummy. Khamyra takes out her sword, looking at the Witches who are half drenched, Vesta’s eyes are flickering red.
VAL: Lets not torch the house Vest, OK?
Valentine has a hand crossbow out, and one of her daggers. You are fumbling around with the towel still.
KHA: Chance, hun, sometime today!
Chance: Chan: I am working at getting the towel off, damn Wilder.
I look at the witches and then Khamyra and Valentine. Getting an idea of who is where, and what I should do when I get the goddam towel off me.
Chan: might I suggest we not come to blows right now.
I am working on taking it off as I am eyeing the door. Stop for just a split second, looking around the floor seeing if I spot any traps of any kind before taking the necklace off.
DMaster: its a dirt floor, anyways Khamyra would of been affected by it by now. Nerine is giving Vesta a look, then at the Ice blob in front of her. Of course Vesta is shrugging her shoulder and shaking her head. Valentine is starting to creep closer, Nerine looks.
NER: Easy sis, let’s not start something you can’t finish.
Chance: taking off the necklace once the towel is off. Still keeping my emotions in check and looking at the witches.
DMaster: Once you take it off, a searing pain shoots across your neck.
DM: The necklace has tattoo ink on it, the symbol of Animax, Once he unwrapped the towel, it soaked into his skin, forming the symbol and bam; instant pain. 8 points of damage. Has to roll DC 15 to keep his feet, he rolls a 16.
Chance: Chan: I am going to tear that fucking scavenger limb from fucking limb.
Scream out, grabbing for my neck.
DMaster: you do, stumble back a bit. Both Valentine and Khamyra look over wide eyes.
VAL: For the love of Pete, what now?!?
Vesta bust out laughing, then stops abruptly.
VEST: Wait, who’s Pete?
Nerine smirks, nods again to the ice wad in front of her, looking at Vesta, trying to get her to look. Vesta looks at her then back to the two women and the Champion holding his neck, red faced. The water witch is frustrated. nods again to the ice wad in front of her.
NER: A ball, right here (quietly).
She points at the ice, trying to shield it with the blob.
VAL: What is going on over there? You two, I hate when you…
Chance: Chan: I think it would be best if we get the hell out of here before they do something crazy.
DMaster: You are holding your neck, it is throbbing in pain. Vesta finally gets it, flashes out the underside of her palms, two fireballs blast into the Ice. Nerine’s eyes flicker a light slate blue as she grabs the water with some magical force and she pushes her arms outwards. A huge wall of water rushes the room and towards the three of you.
DM: Roll for a DC15 DEX. Valentine rolls a 32. She rolls a friggen thirty two. Chance rolls a 20 (+1 for scanning the room prior, getting the lay of the land). Khamyra rolls a 8. Wah wah wah.
Chance: Slam against the far wall getting out of its way.
DMaster: You slam yourself against the wall, and the water rushes by, Valentine tumbles to the opposite corner, just getting a bit of water splashed on her. Unfortunately Khamyra watched, and there was little she could do, she was dead center of the liquid wall. It slams into her, and as chance would have it, sending her flying out of the house, through the open front door. She lands hard as water just cascades down on top of her. She takes 4 HP of damage. Valentine has a dagger at the ready, looks to aim the crossbow, but finds both of the witches went through one of the 2 doors on the far wall.
Chance: in as much pain as I am still in, I will try to work through the pain to go check on Khamyra.
DMaster: Valentine watches your retreat outside. Khamyra is soaked, a little stunned.
KHA: Those goddamn witches, one day I swear.
She is shaking her hands off, hair soaked and her ass in a deep puddle of mud. Khamyra glances up and sees your face beat red, still holding your neck.
Chance: Chan: damn that Wilder, if I ever get my hands on him, by Finster this hurts.
DMaster: DM: Asked their next course of action, they decide to flee towards the pathway, heading north.
You three flee for a bit and find a few trees to wait under. In the meantime you have taken 16 more points of damage. Both the girls see you are in a lot of pain.
Chance: Chan: News flash for you two… Ow, this hurts.
DMaster: Khamyra walks over to you
KHA: Oh my god you are still in a lot of pain, your face is beat red.
She moves your hand and looks.
KHA: Symbol of Animax, looks like a damn tattoo!
She is rubbing it with her hands. It’s on there good.
Chance: Chan: just grand, what do I tell Finster. Hey just for style, I got a animax tattoo… on my neck!
DMaster: Valentine grabs her dagger, walks over. Moves Khamyra out of the way, grabs your head, tilts it. Starts to scrape skin off of you. Dealing 4 HP of damage. Khamyra goes to contest this but stops, backs up realizing what position they are in right now.
Chance: Chan: damn it Valentine, at least warn me before, fuck!!!
DMaster: She grabs a little vial, flips it open, leans you back. Pours a little on, and it burns. but you gain 4 HP back.
Chance: grit my teeth as it burns.
DMaster: She is making sure the scraped area is not healing back with any kind of ink, and it is not.
KHA: How you feel now?
Your body is starting to glow again, you feel much stronger now. Face is now turning back, redness going away.
VAL: I don’t want to linger.
Chance: Chan: I am feeling better, stronger now, but damn.
See if I can heal myself. I will try to explain everything as we are gearing to continue.
Chan: I was never so glad to see you two.
DMaster: You heal up, light shining all over.
KHA: I… I was so worried.
She grabs your face and plants one on you and you melt. Sparks fly a little, power transfers.
Chance: Give her a kiss back, bringing her into me.
DMaster: Valentine glances over, sighs.
VAL: Not the time or place, Warlock.
Chance: Finish the kiss, look into her eyes, smile. Then put the necklace back on after I heal up.
Chan: Yeah, we need to get a move on, if they are after us…
DMaster: Khamyra furries her brow.
KHA: They were running from us, not the other way around.
You three head towards the road again, walking through half squishy ground / half mud.
Chance: Chan: fucking witches and their plans.
grumbling a bit walking through the squishy ground and mud.
DMaster: You get to the road, looking “down” or west. It’s about 3:30 PM. nice weather, light breeze. But as you look west, you notice a plume of smoke.
Chance: looking in the direction.
Chan: Uh-oh.
DMaster: Its by the village you went by when you docked. You have your burlap under armor clothes and absolutely nothing else, minus the necklace of course. Your weapons and armor are gone.
Chance: Chan: well might I suggest we head towards that plume of smoke, since I wont be of much use without weapons or armor.
DMaster: Valentine’s shoulders sink a little then glances at you with a raised eyebrow.
VAL: What does no armor have anything to do with the plume… you know, never mind.
You three are starting to walk towards it.
KHA: The docks, its coming from those shitty docks!
The two girls start off into a sprint.
Chance: I start sprinting after them.
DMaster: You see a bit of chaos on the docks. People using a pail system, putting out a fire. Valentines shoulders sag.
VAL: Goddammit, That’s our fucking boat.
Khamyra is standing there hands on hips just looking at it… her head slowly shaking.
Chance: Chan: damn it now. We have to figure a way to get back home.
DMaster: VAL: You think?
She is looking up and down the shoreline. A man walks up to them, over hearing you. He asks to talk with the three of you. He seems to be the lead guard of this small town. You answer a few questions. Needless to say he was not thrilled with the answers. Asked for you three to stick around a day or two as they investigate.
KHA: Lets go south and visit the Augustian homeland.
she says kidding and chuckling.
VAL: Oh yeah, opens arms, I am sure.
Chance: Chan: That’s not funny, I’d be crucified most likely.
Pointing at my ears.
Chan: Where to? It’s not like we have a luxury ship to take us anywhere.
DMaster: After about a half hour the boat is now just a floating smoldering pile of crap.
Chance: Chan: we need to come up with something and I mean now!
DMaster: VAL: Like what, genius? This is a small fishing village and the guard wants us to stick around. I mean, that is not keeping me here, but unless we start wandering, our options are very limited.
Khamyra walks over and is talking with what seems to be a resident of the village.
Chance: Chan: I could eat. Haven’t eaten in like a day and I threw up my dinner.
looking around, shoulders slumping a little, hearing my stomach growl.
DMaster: Khamyra comes back over.
KHA: Yeah, they said this is the most action the docks have seen in months.
VAL: I was afraid of that. If we are going to sail, we have to do it in another water front town or city.
Chance: Chan: just grand, we can’t go south either. I am guessing that is Augustia. How in the hell are we going get back home. Not to mention I have no weapons or armor to help fight either so we are like sitting ducks.
DMaster: KHA: Oh, us poor women will just have to figure something out without the big strong man.
She gives you a sarcastic look. Khamyra looks at Valentine.
KHA: Maybe we should of left him chained up back there.
She smirks and giggles a little.
VAL: Still can, you know.
Chance: Scowl.
Chan: not funny in the least, can we find somewhere to talk without ears. I can explain what happened before you two found me.
DMaster: Khamyra nods, waves both of you on.
KHA: That guy said there was a pub, that has a room above it we might be able to rent.
Chance: Chan: well renting its gonna be on one of you two as you can see I got nothing. My purse is back at home.
shaking my head at the whole situation right now.
DMaster: KHA: If I had a copper for every time I heard that.
Valentine nudges her and laughs.
Chance: Chan: oh you two are thinking this is a joke right. This is no laughing matter, if you knew how serious this situation really is.
grumbling a bit and feeling even more frustrated at everything right now.
DMaster: VAL: Damn Chance, alright alright.
You make it to the pub, its a dive. smells of stale beer and farts. You get the room and head up to it. It’s an attic an you practically hit your head on the ceiling. You talk about what happened. They just sit there for a minute passing a wine skin.
Chance: I sit on the floor and look over at Khamyra and Valentine. I begin to explain everything.
DMaster: KHA: They wanted you to be, an undead Champion? Can you do that?? Or can your corpse do that, or I mean… hell I am getting confused.
Chance: Chan: well they said I would be in the void and wouldn’t be in control of my actions.
Get an evil smile just a little
Chan: but they don’t know one thing you and I both do.
DMaster: She thinks, then smirks…
KHA: You can’t put in the void what you don’t have huh? Your body would still be in your control.
Valentine takes a slug of wine, looks you two over
VAL: What doesn’t he have, besides a brain.
She chuckles, and Khamyra is holding it back knowing you are in a nasty mood.
KHA: A soul. He doesn’t have a soul.
Valentine is floored, she is just staring at you, like you grew a horn out of your skull.
Chance: Chan: exactly my point. One advantage I have over them. They couldn’t do this anyways.
Tap my chin.
Chan: Maybe we should let them try and we can get a party together and ambush them… kill those bitches for good.
DMaster: Khamyra shaking her head.
VAL: But your shell or dead body? Could it still be… all glowy and shit?
Chance: Chan: No, but to be honest, of that I am not sure. I don’t think Finster would let his Champion, or it’s meat sack, be used for that purpose.
Scrunching my nose thinking.
Chan: Think the Witches are still around?
DMaster: Valentine rubs her temple, shakes her head.
VAL: Doubt it, I mean they did not like either me or Khamyra here, and they are way out gunned. Plus didn’t you say Metisimelia is not here?
Chance: Nod head, taking a deep sigh.
VAL: Well lets get something to eat, hopefully we can live through whatever they serve here, get to bed early then head out right away. I say we just head north and hope for the best.
KHA: Maybe someone has a map of the area, get an idea of whats out there.
Chance: Chan: can’t be any worse than some of the slop I have had.
Get up from the floor.
Chan: we can only hope maybe someone has a map or can point us in the right direction.
DMaster: You head down. You are served… fish. Shocker. it was actually decent, Khamyra got hold of a map.
Chance: make some small talk with Khamyra and Valentine, eat. Check the map. I thank them both again for finding and rescuing me from the witches.
DMaster: VAL: Honestly, I am surprised this hasn’t happened to you more often, paint a damn symbol of Animax anywhere and you’re a blubbery mess.
Chance: Chan: well let’s not give anyone else any ideas about that okay? I would rather not be a blubbery mess.
shrugging my shoulders a bit, Once we are done eating, you head back to the room.
DMaster: you three head upstairs, make some sort of beds and get to sleep. It’s about 8:00 PM.
Chance: I try to find any room on the dusty floor. Try to get comfortable and let them decide who is sleeping in the cot.
Tuskalay (Tuesday) 2:30 AM
Chance: looking around the room as I wake up from the noise.
DMaster: still looks to be dark, noise coming from below. I mean it is a pub. You see Valentine sitting on the edge of the cot, she looks up to you.
VAL: Not sure what they are doing down there, but someone is having a hell of a time (quietly).
she rubs her temples, sighing. You two talk things over, it seems a bit more rowdy than it should be.
Chance: Chan: I guess we should check it out.
DMaster: You hear Khamyra and her sweet little snoozy snoring noise.
VAL: Might as well, with miss nostrils over there, I am not getting back to sleep.
Chance: No weapons, no armor, I am fucked.
DMaster: VAL: Lets go.
She grabs a dagger and hands it to you. Khamyra sits up.
KHA: Whaa? Krusty? Crayon?
She is looking around, hair all over, eyes bleary.
Chance: Chan: hun, go back to sleep. We aren’t at home with the kids. We just heard noises come from downstairs of the pub.
DMaster: KHA: No, its all good.
she gets up, grabs her sword.
KHA: Witches?
Chance: Chan: we don’t know what’s going on. Might be some of the locals just getting a bit more rowdy than normal.
I will try to be as stealthy as I can and head down.
DMaster: DM: Had to roll a 15 for stealth, he rolled a 17. Valentine rolled a 23. Khamyra did not go down the stairs far enough.
You and Valentine head down the narrow cramped stairs. There are about 10 people, and what you think is piles of puke all over. They all look pasty white, red veins on their skin. Walking randomly, hitting each other, grunting and knocking over things.
Chance: point back up and look at Valentine.
DMaster: She nods her head, eyes big.
Chance: sneaking back up the stair and grabbing Khamyra’s arm. Try to get back in our room.
DMaster: KHA: You saw the red veins on them too right?
Chance: Chan: we need to get the hell out of here now. We are in a very bad situation (whispering).
DMaster: VAL: Yeah, they are most likely all undead, the witches just wiped out a bar room full of people to get to us.
She sighs, sinks her shoulders.
VAL: We should have just taken off north.
Chance: Chan: any ideas on how to get out of here, save for fighting our way out.
DMaster: KHA: Well to be honest it would be humane to just go down there and kill them.
Valentine nods, but looks around to see only two very small windows. No way Chance makes it out of those. Down is the only option.
Chance: Chan: for once I would agree with you. If we are going to do that I am gonna have to go Champion, to have some measure of protection.
DMaster: VAL: Chance, they are ghouls and Zombies, not black ogres.
Chance: Sigh.
Chan: fine, fine, let’s just do this quickly.
DMaster: You can hear them starting to climb the stairs
Chance: Chan: if we are gonna do this we go now!!!!
Head downstairs.
DMaster: You meet them halfway up the narrow cramped stairs.
Battle Written Out
Chance barrels down the narrow stairs to cut the undead climbing the steps. He suddenly realizes just how un-armored he is.
The Ghoul slashes at him, and across his chest it rips his skin open. The Champion stutters on a few steps above them, eyes big looking down (6 hp + He makes his paralyzation throw).
In a reactionary move, Chance brings his dagger down and lodges this pro ridged dagger into the same ghouls shoulder. He twists it a bit and pulls it out sending a stream of blood flying (9 hp of damage). The dagger starts to feel really warm in his hand.
While the quarter elf was busy doing that, the other undead, the Zombie swings his arm, using it as a club and slams it into the Champion (5 hp). He slams into the railing, keeping him upright.
“A little help would be nice!” Chance yells back to the girls trying to come down the stairs, but getting blocked by a 6’2″ man standing on narrow cramped stairs.
Valentine yells back at you in frustration, “Dumbass, you just took off, who do you think you are? Leroy Jenkins?” She finishes, shaking her head and preparing her hand crossbow.
Khamyra leans against the far wall and has a good sight of the Zombie on the stairs. The Warlock throws some dust in the air, writes the symbol of destruction and says “dardos.” Instinctively Valentine cringes awaiting the spell to back fire, but it does not. One, two, three shafts bolt from her hand, they fly almost faster than they can see, all at the zombie. Thud, Thud, Thud, all ripping through him (26 hp of damage). The zombie goes to take one more step, and can’t. It leans back and falls backwards down the stairs, dead. But it doesn’t end there, it starts to smolder.
“Jump over me or something,” Chance replies to Valentine, “Rohlia does that all the time.”
Valentine uses her action to kick Chance square in the ass, “I am not Rohlia,” she says, then lines up the Ghoul with her crossbow and fires. Hits the ghoul dead in the head, it also tumbles backwards and down the stairs, it also starts to smolder (9 hp). The smoke wafts and gets to the 3 of you, (Chance and Khamyra make the save, Valentine starts to cough and takes 8 hp).
Instead of another attack, Valentine grabs one of her daggers, slips in between the railings of the stairs, falls 6-7 feet landing in the main bar room. She uses a surge, and sneak attacks a Zombie. She slices all the way down the poor schlubs back, blood pours out, some smoke, and her dagger starts to get hot (18 hp). She stops and waits, the poison seeping from the blade kicks in and the Zombie shutters and falls forward, dead (8 hp). Like the others, the red veins start to disappear and the body starts to smolder (Valentine makes her savings throw).
Chance takes an extra second, takes his necklace off, runs to the bottom of the stairs stepping over the smoldering corpses. He stops and looks again and it looks like they are catching fire. “We have a barbecue! They are flaming out!” He yells finishing getting down the steps.
Khamyra runs a few steps down the stairs, grabs the railing, hops over and lands on a Ghoul, driving her assassin blade into it (8 hp). It reacts and flings her off and she lands on the ground, on her butt and slides to the wall.
The Champion then thinks of bark, and his skin starts to turn (gain +4 AC) and anger is starting to build up, his body glowing, his eyes on fire. A Zombie has its back to Chance looking at Valentine, and he sinks his dagger deep into its back (11 hp). Chance has to use a turn to grab the dagger as it stumbles forward, loses its footing and falls on its face. More anger builds knowing he lost a turn.
Valentine was bull rushed by two zombies and a ghoul. The first zombie runs at her and she does a spin move letting the creature fly on by. She then rolls away from the other zombie attack; he swung his arm like a club. But she lost track of the Ghoul, who was standing right behind her and he slashed her all the way down her back (9 HP). “AHHH!” she yells then she stops, takes one step, stiffens up and falls forward to the floor (DC10 to avoid paralyzation, she rolls an 8).
Khamyra gets back up quickly, and into the frey. She did not notice about Valentine, but Chance did, “Valentine NO! She is down, she is down!” he yells, hoping Khamyra heard her.
The Onyx elf did. With her action she slipped in between two on coming undead, squats quickly, grabs some goop from her pouch, rubs it on her arm, traces a symbol on it and says “nividen” and ‘poof’ Valentine disappears. Khamyra, using one of her attacks, grabs a dagger and slams it into the ground (to remind her where the assassin is in the room).
Then swings her leg around sending a Zombie to the ground. She drives her sword deep into its chest (2 hp bludgeon, 10 hp piercing). She looks about the room, and it is starting to fill up with smoke. “We have to get out of here” she thinks to herself coughing, but her attention went to her fiance, he is beaming brighter, eyes flickering blue to orange. “Fuck, he’s going to frenzy!”
Meanwhile she took her attention off the battle and Khamyra gets kicked in the face by a ghoul (4 hp) and it sends her sprawling backwards and onto her butt. She goes to get up only to have another Zombie slam their arm into her making her stagger back and land against the wall (5 hp). “Shit, I am pinned in here,” she thinks to herself, coughing more and feeling a little pain.
She looks to her love, and though she has seen this many times, it still really scares her. It is random, it is violent and it is complete. The Onyx elf runs to the dagger in the floor, feels around, finds the Assassin and starts to drag her out the front door as the creatures are all heading towards Chance.
Back to Turn Based
Chance: I let out a scream as I Frenzy before everything goes dark.
DMaster: The world turns dark, just some sounds of crushing skulls, limbs being ripped off. You seem to be able to navigate better during the frenzy, it’s still a muddy mess to figure out, but you are used to it. It’s dark, you feel some pain. Then you hear a faint voice.
KHA: Chance my love. I’m right here, come to me.
You can also hear a bell ringing, it gets louder and louder.
Chance: does that snap me out of my Frenzy?
DMaster: You are coming too, you are locked lips with her. As you open your eyes looking at her, her skin is reflecting an orange glow, you can hear a fire behind you, and even feel one. Valentine is on all fours vomiting from the paralyzation and the smoke inhalation. The bell tower in the villages center is just blaring the bell, bing, bong, bing, bong!
KHA: We have to go, Chance… worn out our welcome.
You look around. The night sky is obscured by the intense light of the fire and smoke. The building is completely engulfed, and the citizens are doing everything in their power to stop it from spreading. You see people running around trying to toss buckets of water, and they are setting up a chain system to the shore line.
Chance: Chan: we need to get Valentine out of here too, worn out our welcome? Not sure we were even welcomed to begin with.
DMaster: KHA: Come on Val, puke later, we got to go.
She grabs her hand and helps the both of you up. Angry people yelling at you, as they are trying to put out a fire. Khamyra is keeping an eye out for that guard they talked to earlier, he would be someone who could be an issue.
Chance: Chan: I would suggest we just run as far as we can till we are far enough away from here.
DMaster: KHA: Chance, hun, you can barely walk.
You are in no condition to run, you can barely stand and on the verge of passing out.
KHA: Let’s just get moving.
You glance over and her face is dirty with soot, blood and guts. Tears down her face from the heat and fire. You have 3 HP, barely able to move.
Chance: probably leaning on Khamyra
Chan: Just get me to a place, dump me off. I’ll be fine on my own.
DMaster: Khamyra shakes her head and she is trying to drag you two away. Valentine seems to get her feet under her now. You get to the dock area and she is looking for someplace to go. About 50 feet away are the people and the chain of buckets going from the water to the fire. You look into the village and that pub is raging, flames shooting 10-15 feet into the air.
Chance: looking around as much as I can in my shape.
DMaster: you feel weak, trying to catch your breath. You have guts on you, blood, claw marks across your body.
Chance: trying to catch my breath, I look at Khamyra.
DMaster: She is looking out over the village, her eyes reflecting the raging fire. From what you can tell it’s about 3 in the morning.
Chance: Chan: I saw Val go down and then you were in the middle of them. I felt like we didn’t have a choice. I just couldn’t let anything happen to you or her.
DMaster: Khamyra looks at you and smiles.
KHA: It saved our lives. With how quickly the bodies were igniting, we might not have made it out of there.
Valentine gets both of your attention.
VAL: Is that a boat there?
You three look over at the dock, and there sits a boat, docked. Then three of you snap your heads to the right, and out of the shadows a figure glides towards you. It is the lich with her two witch sisters.
VEST: One way or another you are coming with us, Calvin!