Battle Written Out

You notice the air around it seems stale, the grass is slowly dying, the surrounding; it’s like the sun has a lampshade on it now.
Meanwhile the 4 guards are rushing into the opening with the tower and skitter to a halt, eyes huge and full of regret. They pull their swords and shields and ready themselves for battle.
Chances eyes grow big and looks around to see everyone on the ready. Images of Khamyra, Cralen and Krishana flash in his head. ‘What kind of father would I be if I was dead?’ he thinks to himself. He begins the struggle to run away, or to stay and fight.
The creature finally straightens out, you assume it looks around at the party in front of him and it lifts its leg, and slams it to the ground. Everything shutters, everyone’s eyes have to refocus and by that time a cloud wall hits the party. Everyone covers their mouth, coughs and staggers a bit (12hp to all, poison, except chance who made his throw 6hp).
The Champion looks around for a place to hide, his fear is overtaking him when a vision of Mortimer jumps in his mind. ‘You got this my boy’ he can hear him say, and the bust sitting in the entrance way of Camerondale Castle pops in his mind. ‘No, no way, I can’t leave them hanging, I am the fucking recipient of the Courage of Mortimer, how would that go over with a coward afraid to face… whatever the hell this is’ he scolds himself, forcing himself to turn around and look at the giant.
A guard is slowly moving and the Giant Veil Fiend swipes connecting on the guard, making him tumble a bit. But his dodge skill and good savings throw saved him from getting ripped in half (33hp, saving throw made, reduce to 20hp). The guard tries to gasp but can’t. It then turns with a completely unexpected speed and hits Killian so hard he goes flying 20-25 feet away, banging against one of the fences on the outlying area. Dust goes flying, and Killian has lost his breath(25hp, loss of turn). He is trying to stand up after that hit, coughing.
The female guard, heart in her throat, goes running for the creature, slashes and misses it. Remembering what she heard from Everlee she continues to run a decent distance away.
As the creature watched the guard go underneath it, Cassie closed her eyes and concentrating giving the creature a jolt of pain, it shutters hard and looks around (10hp), she also went rushing the Veil Fiend, slashing at its legs, connecting on both legs, making it wince a bit (8hp).
The Champion swallows hard and rushes the creature, sword slashing away. His first slash was too wild, missing the creature but something snapped in Chance just then. Helkyr popped in his head, the time he had an off day;
“I don’t need to remind you, that swords, arrows and enemies, don’t take days off.” Helkyr had a fierce look in his eyes, “People are depending on you and just because you feel off or you are tired or whatever your little brain is rattling around in there, I expect the Chance that took me down and had a wood sword at my throat, everyday, everytime.” He is gritting his teeth, “Understand???”– Episode#24 – Greatest Threat To Camerondale
Chance then instinctively grabs his sword with both hands and with all his strength he spins around ripping into the creature’s outer body (24hp). It was somewhat unsatisfying, it was like sending his sword through rough water, an odd sensation. Immediately afterwards there is an ear piercing screech that is let out by this creature. Chance winces and rolls out of the way. Everyone in the party covers their ears, and most have blood start trickling out (7hp damage to all).
One of the guards was fumbling with his crossbow, finally got it ready and fired away hitting the creature square in the chest (10hp). It was barely noticed.
Rohlia has an arrow strung already, fires and hits the Fiend in the face making it flinch (9hp), before he even knew what was happening he had another arrow, almost in the same spot lodged in its body (8hp). It flails a bit, almost acting frustrated.
As the creature was paying attention to the other attackers, Everlee grabs her necklace, says a prayer. Her bluesteel morning star starts to vibrate, and it gives off a flash of yellow light that draws everyone’s attention, Animax has blessed this attack. She rushes for the creature, looking to hit it in the knee hoping she could get it to collapse or something. It strikes true, but not with the force she was hoping for, but still enough damage to make this creature jump (22hp). ‘Thanks Animax, that was it?’ she thinks to herself shaking her head. She also runs far enough away from the life sucking creature.
The final guard circles the giant a bit then slashes hard at its dangling hand, hitting it. It makes the creature pull its hand up close to him (8hp).
Just then, the creature shutters hard, a weird suction noise and it sheds some black wispy smoke (regain 6hp regeneration).
Chance stood up from the roll away, only to find the creature turn quickly and bring its foot down on top of the quarter elf. In his mind, Talia pops in there, with some words of encouragement.
Talia frowns and grabs your hand, Chance… you are overthinking everything. Let your instincts take over, we all know what you can do… except maybe you” she finishes with a tilt of her head. – Episode#26 – Living In The Past
He glances, sees a shadow coming down on the ground and he rolls out of the way. The ground rumbles, dust and grass flying around. Half the party’s eyes were huge not knowing if he was crushed, the other half smirking.
The Giant Veiled Fiend then turns and flicks his finger, sending a puff of smoke to a guard who wasn’t expecting that kind of attack. Hits him hard, he falls back, eyes big, then tumbles to the ground (20hp poison).
With more courage than she knew she had, the female guard rushes the creature once again, and once again she misses, but her speed saves her from a mighty swipe of the giant.
While this was all happening, Killian’s blood starts to boil, his face flushes and he runs at a speed that is much greater than he is used to. He is in full rage mode, the creature turns to see this large man, yelling with his sword at the ready. Killian remembers what Sakine said at the bar a few nights back;
“Does a Cyclops have nuts?” Sakine says, musing a bit. They all stop, look at her and shrug their shoulders. She smiles, “You should have just grabbed Everlee’s morning star, cracked its nuts in two and called it a day” Sakine says. Everyone stops, eyes large, all wanting to laugh when Cassie says “That actually… is not the worst idea I have ever heard.” Killian shaking his head, “But Everlee, how could she ever use that weapon again with nut bits all over it?” Episode #51 – The Harder They Fall
His blade sinks deep into the crotch area of the creature, and much like Chance, it was unsatisfying, but effective (52hp). “Cover your ears!!!” Everlee yells, and everyone complies as the horrid undead lets out a piercing scream (most made the throw, only 2hp of damage). The Barbarian is done for a few, he runs to the edge of the tower, kneels and watches the rest of the battle.
Cassie takes advantage and gives him another Psi hit (7hp) and another run through, slashing at its legs (7hp). She shakes her head turning back around knowing that is not going to cut it in this battle.
Chance figures it worked once, might as well do it again. He rushes under the creature, and slashes at one leg, digging deep, then the other, digging even deeper (11hp + 12hp). As everyone expected the end of the attack, with lightning speed he digs in one more time into the creature (10hp). “Cover your ears” chance yells running from under the creature, and on cue, it lets out a bellowing screech (everyone makes the save, no damage). Again, Chance’s instincts kick in, glances at Rohlia who is starting to get that look in her eye. He lines himself up in front of the ranger elf.
Rohlia, surprised by Chance, but loving it. Her adrenaline kicks in and the bow gets dropped to the ground. Out comes her ridged assassin daggers and with uncanny speed races for the quarter elf, jumps off his shoulder and sails right into the creature’s body. Both daggers hit, and rip down (25hp). But it shakes and the elf goes flying, the creature did that instead of its screech. Rohlia lands about 10 feet away with a heavy thud.
Everlee, distracted by scolding Animax, jumps forward awkwardly, takes a swing with her less than glowing mace and misses the creature, making her teeter forward. But she catches herself and then jumps back, embarrassed at that attack.
While that happens, the one guard, barely able to stand, still has enough to fire off his crossbow, hits the creature in the arm. Again, it barely notices it (9hp). The final guard hesitates, then goes and then wants to hesitate as the creature is beginning to fall, ends up tripping and falling flat on their face. Luckily the creature was too busy dying to notice.
But with that last crossbow hit, everyone can see the creature starting to wobble a bit, it’s shuttering is erratic. It tries to perform its regeneration, but the surrounding area has already been sapped of its life force (only 2hp regeneration).
Feeling its inevitable doom, it flails its arms around, the guard with the crossbow gets hit directly and with so much force it rips his body in two. Ripped from the middle, their top half lands 12 feet away, blood streaming with it, and its bottom half is flung 7-8 feet behind the creature. Everyone’s eyes grow and they all stop for a moment, can’t believe what they just saw.
The female guard just stands there, mouth wide open, eyes starting to well up. The creatures flailed arms head right for her, Cassie runs and tackles her into the dirt. The hand just sails across the top as dust flies everywhere. The Baroness climbs out of the dust pile, eyes turned to slits, jaw clenched and runs, psi-jumps (18ft) and launches herself at the creature. Her precision was off as one of the Sai’s missed their mark, making her move awkward, but in trying to save herself from falling hard to the ground, her other weapon landed hard into the creature’s skull (11hp – Death Blow).
As the creature tries to scream again, it was without success, Cassie is thrown hard to the ground still grasping on to one of her Sai’s (3hp to Cassie). It wavers, lets out a big shutter that makes the entire party jump back, and it collapses. Almost instantly it starts to separate into smaller pieces and soak into the ground.
In his usual form Killian races over and bear hugs Chance. “Kid, you carved that creature UP!” he yells, big smile on his face. The Champion is surprised, but has a big smile on his face as he is almost crushed by this man-beast.
Cassie stops to grab her Sai, looks at the Champion and nods “You showed us a lot today, good battle.”
Everlee did not hesitate and raced for the fallen guard. She slides into the half corpse, her mouth now covered, her shoulders slump to the ground. The other three guards rush over too, one turns away, the female one gasps and buries her head into the other guard, starting to sob. Everlee stands up and looks over to the other 4, who seem to be hooting and hollering.
The Cleric just glares at them, tears welling up in her eyes. Killian puts Chance down and looks over, then realizing what happened. He puts his head down a little ashamed. He heads over to the body, kneels and starts his Barbarian hero’s rights. Everlee, putting her mace back, walks slowly towards the body parts of the creature, or what is left of them.
First Five Written Out
Cassie has already gone into the basement, where the creature came out. “Smells really bad in here, like really bad. I can hear hissing and there is a soft orange light” she says a bit loud for everyone to hear.
“Don’t go too far, there is a breach to the underearth somewhere there, I would hate for you to fall in it” Everlee yells back at the Baroness, as she looks over the area of the creature.
The Baroness comes out with something wrapped, and it is glowing inside the cloth. “Pretty sure this is a small necromancer stone” she says, opening it up a little and allowing Everlee to identify and confirm. Cassie wraps it up, puts it in her pouch.
Chance looks to the tower, figuring Cassie would want to know what is in there, ‘or do we want to know’ Chance thinks to himself.
Killian is carrying the body, reunited with its other half, wrapped now, to the wagon. He is followed closely by Everlee who is whispering prayers. The rest of the guards follow suit, consoling each other. They must have been getting close during this trip. They head through the entrance and down the overgrown path.
Cassie motions for the Champ to put on his necklace, and he does it. She approaches him as Rohlia glances over.
“Let’s take a quick look in the tower, I would want to know and I would hate for another surprise to be sitting there” she says, glancing over to Rohlia, and motioning for her. She tells the elf the same thing and the ranger agrees with a nod.
The three of you walk around to double doors, “there was no entrance in that basement, unless you want to drop to the underearth. So there are only the double doors here left to get in.” Cassie says as she twirls her sai’s.
Rohlia points at the door, finding them locked and Chance pulls out his pick locks. He leans, checks for traps and then within seconds they hear a soft ping, and he opens the door just a little. Steps back, putting his picks back in, drawing his weapons again, shield on arm.
Cassie gives the Champion a look and shoves him forward. “Get going Champ, you’re not going to hide behind us two girls are you?” she gives you a playful look.
He sighs and heads in. Some light shines through the boarded up windows. It is a 45′ x 40′ and he can see a rug on the floor, a fireplace to his right with some chairs, a large table straight ahead and then a wall with a door further on. But to his indirect right is an entrance way that he can see stairs started. “That probably leads up the tower” Chance says while pointing.
“Thanks for clearing that up” Rohlia says with some whip to it. Cassie giggles.
With pure instinct, chance lunges, slashing, cutting through a zombie that was just getting up from the floor next to the two chairs by the fireplace. It was a critical hit, it falls down, half the body sliding apart.
“Ouch,” Cassie says, then wrinkling her nose at the smell that the place is giving off, “smells wonderful in here… where is Killian when you need to insult him”
Rohlia stops everyone, and gives the quiet sign.
The three of them just stand still, listening. They hear nothing.
Cassie grabs the closest mug off the table, flings it against the wall, clink clank clink clank. “Let’s see if anyone is home…” she says.
They stand there again, in complete silence. After a minute, you resume.
The Elf Ranger sighs a bit, then starts looking around. Cassie does as well, and Chance follows suit, all in different areas. Rohlia grabs a sack she found, shakes the dust off it and starts putting things in there. Cassie and Chance put whatever they found in Rohlia’s sack. The door leads to a room, where there are 3 small beds, and it looks lived in. Best guess, it’s where the witches stowed away as their realm was overrun.
Rohlia and Chance play rock, knives, parchment to see who goes up first. Rohlia loses and she curses, “bullocks!”
She heads up the stairs with Cassie and Chance following close behind. There are 3 levels, each one seems to be different. The first was like a smoking room, bookshelves, a broken table, some cushioned chairs. Almost everything is dust covered and cobwebs. The second is a master bedroom, a huge bed, with another half skinned skeleton body, probably where the smell is coming from. The third is an observatory, and as they look out, they can see the group by the wagon. They are hard to see, but they are there. It’s the only room that seemed to have any use besides the bedroom on the bottom floor.
After looting all they could, they leave, but not before Cassie grabs a mini keg that was by the large table. “Hoping for some good brew here” she says with her eyes wobbling around.
They head out of the tower, then to the entrance and they are met by Killian. “Oh, just checking in to make sure you guys didn’t fall into the underearth or something.” Cassie walks to him and hands him the mini-keg, he scoffs, turns and walks back with the group. “It’s kind of heavy, it better be good brew” he complains a little. She mumbles something about ‘making himself useful.’
Everyone is ready to go now, Sakine is on the dead guard’s horse, the wrapped corpse took her spot in the wagon. Rohlia fits the bag of stuff in.
– (2) silver candle holders
– (4) silver goblets
– Keg of Mulled Wine
– Common Dagger
– Brass necklace
– A mysterious potion
– 5 books that looked interesting
– Looks like a shiny marble, is a gold pearl.
– Fine Cloak, dark fur
– 5 GP. 7 SP. 22 CP
The group starts out, Early afternoon. “We won’t make the last town we were in Cassie, anything on the way?” Killian yells while in a good trot.
The Baroness is thinking, and shakes her head, “we are too deep in Weston Gate, I am not familiar with these lands!” she yells back. It is still humid and overcast with little to no wind. They just ride north for a good 4 hours with no troubles.
The group stops for a short time, and Cassie looks over her maps. Killian and the Baroness pick out what they hope is a town about 4 hours north. Everyone eats, pees, and they head back out.
After an hour, in the distance, Chance sees something, and he points it out. The group slows down, and they find it is just a caravan of dead bodies, heading for Wishbone Way. The group exchanges pleasantries with them.
“I would have loved to investigate that body delivering further, it just seemed weird to me” Rohlia says rubbing her chin, “Something wasn’t adding up.”
Killian nods his head, “I would have, but Everlee had her truth mumbo jumbo on full blast and there was no deception there” he finishes looking over to the Cleric, who looks his way and nods.
Eventually the group makes it to the town, or what used to be. Buildings burned, torn down, decayed old bodies laying around. Signs of a great battle. Cassie’s reaction tells it all. She swallows heavy, frowns, furries her brow and looks down. “This is Midgham, or, was Midgham” she says barely audible, “A border town, one that I am sure Thorn Gate torched.”
They all jump off and find a building that looks halfway decent and tie the horses up. The sun is setting and everyone is getting hungry and tired. “Let’s take a look around, and find a place to stay the night.” Killian says looking around the devastation.
“Looks like someone was here recently” Chance says then looking up, thinking of the wagons they past. “Oh, they must have been coming from here” he says, not really meant to be heard, but everyone understood it.
The building they stopped at is pretty sturdy, and it seemed to be a forge before the town was attacked. It is one of the few that still has a roof. It is empty, just a charred pit with some burnt wood and dust. The group looks around more and find absolutely nothing but a few dead bodies, debris and an overwhelming feeling of despair.
“It’s going to have to do, set up in the building, use that pit for the fire” Killian starts barking out orders, and the squires start moving.
Meanwhile Sakine opens the keg that Cassie found, “ohh, nice, Mulled wine” she says raising an eyebrow, she then coughs, “Good stuff too.”
The fire was made, food was cooked, some wine drank, but there was no real cheer. With the death of the guard and them hunkering in the depths of a decimated town, there was little to celebrate. Even Sakine only had a few before finding her bedroll.
Chance finds Cassie standing at the end of a long road that was to lead into the town. Tears rolling down her cheek. She glances over to you, “So many lives were taken, affected, ruined…” she looks down.
The Champion, not knowing what to say, just puts his arm around Cassie and they stand there looking over the empty charred remains of Midgham. She gives him a big hug afterwards.
The night flies by and everyone shares guard duty, but most sleep fairly well considering the day’s events.
Saturday 7:00AM
The group makes a quick and nasty breakfast and heads out. They decide to head directly North and avoid Del Rosa which is 3 hours out of their way. The weather cooperates, and it’s more cloudy than sunny and the wind has picked up some. Can’t be more than 75 degrees. They stop once; eat, pee and continue. The second stop they find a small town that is bustling and they make their way to an Inn. Get some grub and head out, they figure they can hit a town just 6-7 hours outside of Camerondale, it will be a short ride for tomorrow.
It was a boring ride, and they find the town, get to an Inn, eat and sleep
Sunday 7:00AM
They wake up to some uninspired breakfast, and cloudy shitty weather. They head back out with very little fanfare and action.
After 4 hours of riding, they have a short stop. They head back out and once it hit around 2:00 PM, the walls of Camerondale are visible. “Thank Animax!” Killian says, stops and looks at the Champ, “no offense of course.”
Chance just smirks and shakes his head, he is dying to see his love and the two bundles of joy…
Turn Base Starts Here
Chance: Nod my head and smile at Killian
Chan: I will try to be on time
DMaster: KIL: No trying Kid, it’s just doing.
Everyone rides off in their direction, you head towards Grayshale, make it in a few minutes
Chance: slow Toby down as I get close to home and hop off, and walk him into the pen
DMaster: Dash is at the font door, wide smile
DASH: Welcome home M’Lord
Chance: put a finger to my lips, smile, walk over to Dash and pat him on the shoulder
Chan: good to see you Dash
DMaster: He smiles and nods
Chance: I open the door and go in, looking around as I walk in the house
DMaster: Griffin’s eyes get wide, big smile on his face. Cullun follows suit.
GRI: Welcome home M’Lord (quietly)
Trinity and Novalee are at the table, apparently working on potions. Trinity waves and smiles, Novalee makes a bee line for you and gives you a big hug.
NOV: Kiddo’s are asleep, so is Khamyra, they were up half the night.
She smiles. Cullun nods to you.
Chance: hug her back and give her a kiss on top of her head
Chan: So she is up sleeping with the kids then, OK.
Head for the stairs to the loft
DMaster: You get to the top, both the kids are fast asleep in their cribs, Khamyra curled up on the bed snoozing, you can hear her adorable snoring.
Chance: walk over to the bed and gently touch Khamyra’s arm, ever so lightly
DMaster: She squirms a little, snorts, and looks like she goes back to sleep
Chance: gently sit on the bed, lean down and softly kiss her on the cheek
DMaster: Her eyes slowly open, she turns and sees you, grabs you, flips you over on the bed and straddles you, she leans down and locks lips. A spark or two, light show starts. You hear softly, “now now you kids.”
Chance: eyes bulge a little as she flips me over, but welcome it and put my hands on her hips
DMaster: KHA: When did you get home? (quietly)
Chance: Chan: I just got home
saying it very softly
Chan: how I missed you, my love
DMaster: She kisses you again and then has a worried look on her face
KHA: You didn’t frenzy, did you?
Chance: Give her an odd look, and shake my head.
Chan: no, why do you ask?
DMaster: She kisses you again, then rolls to one side
KHA: Rawek was here Friday… he said the underearth is in a little turmoil,
Chance: Chan: oh, you have no idea (sigh)
DMaster: KHA: Yeah he said he felt your presence in the turmoil, and needless to say I was a bit freaked out
Chance: Start getting out of bed
Chan: come, let the kids sleep I need to tell everyone what happened
DMaster: You two get off the bed, hand in hand, down the stairs and to the bottom floor. By then Luella has shown up, sniffing the food that Novalee has started cooking.
Chance: looking directly at Griffin with a smile
Chan: Griffin, we need to have a meeting when we can
saying it in hushed tones so as to not wake the little ones
DMaster: He nods as him and Cullun are wrapping things up
GRI: From what Rawek said, it sounds as though you had an interesting trip (quietly)
Chance: Chan: you can say that again,
DMaster: GRI: From what Rawek said, it sounds as though you had an interesting trip (quietly)
Chance: Smartass…
DMaster: Griffin gets an underling to relieve Dash and he comes in. Novalee puts out 2 pitchers of brew, and mugs for everyone
Chance: Chan: I missed all of you, this was one hell of a trip.
looking at everyone still speaking in hushed tones
DMaster: everyone sits, and drinks are poured. Cullun grabs a book, and quill to take notes
GRI: an unofficial meeting, but notes should be taken anyways
Chance: nod my head in agreement. Start to explain things as best I can leaving out the little encounter between Animax and Finster
– Ride to Del Rosa
– Meeting the baron
– Leaving
– Fight vs Gnolls and a cyclops
everyone’s eyes real big, you are trying to stay quiet but you get excited talking about it
– Making it to some town
– Locating Wishbone way
– Finding the door, saying hi to Finster (leaving the other out)
– Mapping the area
– Weird body burying
– Finding the tower
– Meeting the Witches again
– Fight with undead
– Fight with the giant
– Then heading home, finding a destroyed town along the way
It’s been about an hour, hour and half of story time. You can hear the kids. Novalee jumps up and runs for the stairs
NOV: Stay here, ill go change them
Khamyra ends up chilling on your lap, as close as she can be
Chance: Chan: I might add I want you all to come outside. Our Lord has given me another gift
looking at Khamyra smiling
DMaster: Everyone heads out following you. It is getting cloudy and breezy, a bit chilly @60 degrees. You turn into the Champion, and everyone kneels. Khamyra chuckles.
KHA: Guys, he is going to need you to look.
They all stand up and watch as you think of Bark. Your skin turns from a glowing fire style, to a dark, bark looking covering. Griffin smiles, walks over and touches your arm.
GRI: It’s rough too.
Everyone walks over and is touching it, but after 20-25 seconds it fades (2 rounds).
Chance: Chan: yes, it has served me well especially with the undead we encountered, you should have seen the one slam into me and just bounce off
standing there smiling
DMaster: They nod their head and smile in approval. After a few moments, Griffins step forward, as everyone else runs inside trying to nkock off the chill.
GRI: So did Finster say anything about the quiet gem? Is it still a way to see how it goes, type a thing?
He says as you two walk back in
Chance: Chan: It’s complicated, I am sure I will talk to him soon.
Look over to the Dwarf.
Chan: I won’t lie, Griffin, seeing that Veil Fiend scared me, I thought about Khamyra and the kids and almost ran. But Morty’s voice was in my head said “I got this” Helkyr telling me to suck it up and Talia with her ever so lovely words of wisdom.
Looking down a bit, smile knowing that these memories are not only to remind me of the ones I have loved and lost, but to help guide me in my life. Look back up.
DMaster: Cralen is yammering away and Novalee carrying on a conversation upstairs. Khamyra is smiling and giggling listening to it. So is everyone else. Everyone is in the house when you here the back door open
Chance: eyes go to the back door
DMaster: The High Priestess of Finster strides in like she owned the place. Dressed all in black, she has a fur collared cloak, open enough to see her boobs popping out of her dress. She stands next to you, looks at your head
VEL: Anyone home?
She smirks.
VEL: Doubt it.
Walks past you, sits down in a chair. She grabs a mug, pours some brew and drinks. Her eyes get wide and looks around sitting straight up.
VEL: Oh hell (quietly) I didn’t wake the babies up did I?
Chance: shaking my head as I see them
DMaster: Then she hears Cralen yammering away and Novalee answering him. She lets out a laugh and a big smile.
VEL: Don’t worry chump, we walked in the back way, no one saw us coming.
RAW: Squawk! Your spell too.
She looks proud, leans back again, takes a deep drink.
KHA: I mentioned to them that it’s not good to be seen together, per Camerondale
VEL: AND, it’s your fault for the dirt we are dragging in
Chance: Look at the Priestess
Chan: no, it’s your fault for being Camerondale’s most wanted and a bitch to boot.
Giving her a dirty look.
DMaster: Rawek just stands at the end of the table, dressed in his usual raggedy robe with the hood over half his bird head. His crazy looking staff in his right claw. He looks your way.
RAW: Can I talk to you, alone, Champion?
Velencia gives him a sharp glance
VEL: Excuse you? Alone?
Chance: Smile, seeing Velencia’s reaction.
Chan: of course you can
DMaster: The priestess is shaking her head but she smiles when she sees Reneta. She gets up and walks up to her. You can see them hug by the time you walk out back. You two stand by the side of the house, it is getting very cloudy and a stiff cool breeze. It starts to look more like evening.
Chance: Chan: so you wanted to speak to me? Alone?
Leaning against the house as I wait for Rawek to speak
DMaster: He sets up, leaning on his staff, looking out over the backyard. As far as you can tell he looks tired.
RAW: To say my life is in turmoil right now is an understatement, *chirp* the underearth is as angry as I have ever felt. The witches have gone too far this time. I don’t know how they had the power or know how to create such a creature. It has only been made once before… it turned the underearth into chaos. Me and a few other experienced invokers are calming things down, or trying to.
he squawks once, and continues
RAW: Can you tell me exactly what happened, where it happened…?
Chance: Chan: Well, we were leaving Wishbone Way and…
Go on to explain the encounter with the Witches and the Veil Fiend.
DMaster: He is as awestruck as you have ever seen a bird… Well, you’ve never seen a bird like that.
RAW: Matsimela was not there? She might have been, I have heard rumors, but they are just that, rumors. But this latest event only adds credibility to the claim.
Chance: nod my head at Rawek
Chan: Everlee knew there was something else there, but… what claim?
DMaster: RAW: That necromancer stone is only so powerful, and I highly doubt that Nerine or Vesta have the power or know how to create and summon that creature.
He taps his beak
RAW: Keep this information under wraps, only share it with the Warlock. We believe that Matsimela, once she knew the war was lost, turned herself into…
The birdman shakes his head a bit.
RAW: into a Lich.
Chance: Eyes get huge.
Chan: uhh, what? Can they do that, I mean…
Shaking my head.
DMaster: RAW: That would explain everything pretty well.
He turns a bit and looks out over the backyard.
RAW: Yeah. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, I came over Friday to see if you were home, and when they said you were gone, I knew you must have encountered it. *Chirp* Thank You Chance, I can at least now start to put this together, calm the underearth a bit with some answers.
Chance: Chan: You are welcome.
put my hand on the bird man’s shoulder and smile
DMaster: RAW: Well, Velencia wants to talk with you too *Squawk* I’ll send her out
Chance: Chan: oh just grand
DMaster: He bird chuckles a bit with that reaction and heads inside. Shortly after she walks out, looks out across the backyard, cloudy day and an odd brisk chill.
VEL: What a shitty day, even shittier now that I have to talk to you
She smirks, proud of her slam
Chance: Look at her clap my hands, congratulating her on that dumbass comment.
Chan: before you speak Velencia, I wanted to thank you
DMaster: She stops, looks at you, raises an eyebrow.
VEL: Yeah?
Chance: Chan: for being here to protect the children, we may never see eye to eye but deep down, thank you, for being there for them
DMaster: She nods, frowning a bit
VEL: Dammit chump, quit being nice, you are weirding me out.
She then laughs
VEL: On a more serious note; I received a vision, and it wasn’t a pleasant one
Chance: Chan: Vision of a mirror perhaps?
still leaning against the wall of the house, smirking.
DMaster: She opens her mouth to say something, stops, eyes get big. She even smiled at that slam.
VEL: Jerk… no, seriously, It was our lord, and he asked me to accompany you and find the quiet gem. Apparently he needs someone with a little more ball-sack than what you have
She chuckles, nodding her head
Chance: shaking head and smirk
DMaster: VEL: So we need to set up a time and track this fucking thing down, you said some douche in the clan lands had it?
Chance: Chan: his name is Malik, and yes he is a douche. Cheer up my dear Priestess as you roast me. It is only fair I roast you too.
DMaster: VEL: You try anyways…
She thinks,
VEL: 3 day ride there, he seemed pretty urgent in the matter too. Through the Teeter Winds, with Rawek, it will be a breeze really. Fun if we meet something, to see what he brings up. It’s like underearth bingo…
Chance: Chan: well, I have to be at the Castle tomorrow at 8am, so it will have to be after that
DMaster: She shakes her head after hearing your comment.
VEL: No, I’m thinking mid week, I have some things to take care of, and I am sure you miss your kids, god knows they probably don’t miss you
Chance: Chan: uh what, hey now, I am sure they missed me
DMaster: she laughs and turns for the door
VEL: Don’t get all sensitive on me now
she walks back into the house
Chance: shaking my head, as I walk back into the house
DMaster: The kids are down at the table, eating food… well, eating, being a relative term, it’s all over. Khamyra is wide eyed trying to get Cralen to eat some mashed apples
Chance: start laughing when I walk in seeing this sight
DMaster: KHA: Come on, I know it’s not a boob, but it’s better, honestly it is
Dash chuckles raises an eyebrow
DASH: Speak for yourself
Luella on the couch starts to laugh. Novalee is trying some pudding with Krishana and she is taking it, mashing her mouth around, half of it falling out. You give it a shot, but have no better luck. Eventually they are done, you help clean up. Velencia is holding Cralen who is yammering, and she is listening intently
Chance: looking over at this sight of Velencia holding Cralen, thinking I want to say something but just smile
DMaster: VEL: You don’t say, you know, you make more sense than your daddy does
Cralen stops, looks at her and giggles, Velencia lets out such a laugh. Everyone in the room is giggling and laughing
Chance: Wanting to say something evil, but how can I.
Chan: only you Priestess could get away with saying that
DMaster: She smiles. They wrap things up and leave
VEL: I will send a courier probably tomorrow with the details.
Khamyra looks at you oddly as does Griffin, they leave out the back, grumbling a bit about the extra walking. You explain what is happening, and everyone’s eyes raise a little. Khamyra is shaking her head.
KHA: It’s like our kids don’t have a father…
She sighs, puts her head down. Ten pausing a moment, snaps her head to you.
Chance: Those words kind of fuck me up. Put head down. Be completely silent, sigh a bit, get up and walk a bit away from her.
DMaster: Everyone kind of looks at each other awkwardly. Khamyra curses under her breath, regretting that last sentence, a lot. The evening goes on. You have avoided Khamyra for the most part, still shocked and upset at what she said. Things are low key, the food is great and afterwards, you help take the kids up to bed. Khamyra lays the two down on the floor that has a soft big blanket rolled out. She sits in the middle of the two, they are playing with some toys, Krishana actually chit chatting a bit, she is usually quiet, Cralen winging around his sword
Chance: Chan: whoa. there my lil warrior
start laughing a bit
Chan: you already have the swing down
DMaster: You play with them a bit, they eventually get tired, and they are put to bed. Khamyra gets ready too, it’s about 9:00PM. You are just about ready to go over the covers. She walks over to you, sits next to you. Tears welling up a bit.
KHA: I am sorry, that was terrible of me to say earlier. I should not have said that to you. I know you grew up without a father.
She is shaking her head, knowing it probably hurt.
KHA: I had no right to say that.
Chance: Nod my head
Chan: I am not going to lie, it did hurt. But, you are not wrong. I am away more than home it seems.
DMaster: KHA: Well,you have to do what you have to do, it’s life. If we were Mr. and Mrs. Common man, your job was to lumber trees and you were gone for 2 weeks at a time, I mean… It’s life. They have a long life ahead of them, so in the grand scheme of things, it’s not a big deal
She sits on the other side of the bed, grabs your shoulder, pulls you down, grabs the covers, pulls them over. She unbuckles your belt… and you know the rest. You both fall fast asleep.
Mondalay (Monday) 7:00AM
DMaster: “I once popped a boner and it was mistaken for a kernel of corn” the cryer yells, “Get up!”
Khamyra was awake already, with Krishana on the boob. She chuckles a bit at the new one liner.
Chance: shaking head as I hear the cryer, grumble a bit
DMaster: You get up, help with the kids for a short time. Then Khamyra urges you to get ready to get to the Castle, being late for that would not be a good idea. You get ready, head out with Dash & Toby, get to the stables, and then off to the Castle. It’s busy and you run into Simone who insults you and it draws a bit of attention, but you move on.
Chance: head towards the castle and breathe a sigh of relief
DMaster: you make it and and is escorted through the entrance, into the throne room, some high security again
Chance: looking around as I enter the throne room
DMaster: Killian is the first one you see, he is stuffing a sweet roll in his mouth, looking over the elaborate spread in the throne room
Chance: make my way over to him
Chan: are you always hungry Killian? and holy shit, am I on time for once?
DMaster: He glances around, shrugs his shoulders.
KIL: Last one to get here
Chuckles, takes a deep drink of bean water.
KIL: Hey kid, try these sweet rolls, they are from Fycons, amazing
*munch munch munch*
Everyone is here; King, Queen, Baroness, Duke, Everlee, Killian, Rohlia and now you.
Chance: Chan: no thanks, not really hungry, especially after running into Simone
DMaster: A servant hands you some bean water
KIL: The red flood huh? Yeah she is about as pleasant as cactus underwear
Chance: Lift my eyebrow.
Chan: Cactus… underwear?
Shake my head and take a small sip of my bean water
DMaster: The King gets everyone’s attention
KING: Everyone, thanks for coming for the morning briefing, let’s get this moving.
Chance: sip on my water as I look at the King
DMaster: Affinity sits on her throne, Bozutto is standing next to his
KING: Killian, if you wanted to start?
Killian goes over the entire trip, in as much detail as he could. He was pretty creative about the god meeting, not great but nothing that seemed to stick out, he did try to cover for you. After he is done;
KIL: And that about covers it, looking around at everyone else.
Grabs another sweet roll stuffs it in his mouth, Affinity sees that and smirks
Chance: Nod in agreement, hoping the Wishbone Way stuff is not talked about.
DMaster: BOZ: Well, a lot seemed to have happened, and you accomplished a lot. I had my scribes look over the info and they said it was very well done.
He reviews what was explained to him touching on the great job mapping the place out by Sakine and group, how the Baroness loved being out again, that there is, indeed, a door to the Hall of Whispers, and the witches are back, with more cards up their sleeves.
Chance: as I take another bite of my sweet roll
DMaster: And the King bows his head
BOZ: And who fell?
The room grows quiet.
KIL: Henrick, sire, 24, 3rd star guard.
Chance: looking down and sigh a bit thinking of the guard, shake a bit remembering the Veiled Fiend and what it did to Henrick
DMaster: BOZ: What happened exactly?
KIL: M’Lord, we are eating, so I will refrain from the details. All I can say is that the Veiled Fiend struck him down to a point that Everlee or Chance couldn’t do anything.
He stands there staring out, remembering the carnage. A few other things are said, but it ends after about an hour and a half.
BOZ: Obviously this more than satisfies all of your debts
He looks back at Affinity, she smiles and nods
BOZ: Please, feel free to stay and eat, drink, I have another meeting to attend to
Chance: nod my head and bow to the King
DMaster: He gives Affinity a kiss, walks to the double doors, and a guard meets him and they head out. Cassie is making her way to you
CAS: I am just glad Killian didn’t get in detail, that was pretty gruesome
Killian is walking over, eating something.
Chance: Chan: I agree it was, they weren’t much older than I am
DMaster: KIL: Yeah, I didn’t want any of this food to go to waste (munch munch)
Rohlia makes her way to you guys too
ROH: Yeah. But Kill, you didn’t tell them how we defeated those creatures, that was pretty kick ass
His eyes grow big and he nods in agreement.
AFF: Oh? And was my mother some high flying rogue?
She walks over musing, then reading you all, her eyes get big and look at her mother
AFF: Mom?!?
Cassie is on the verge of laughing
CAS: Oh hun, I was battling, side by side with your uncle against things you couldn’t dream off. Long before you were a twinkle in my eye… I needed to just stretch my legs.
She smiles
Chance: Look at Affinity and bust out laughing
DMaster: Killian looks at everyone.
KIL: These two are some bad bitches, no disrespect
Chance: Chan: With respect, I agree.
DMaster: Rohlia laughs
ROH: That we are, we traded kill shots, I got the smelly one eyed giant, she got the wacky shuttery undead thing.
AFF: I mean I knew you did that sort of thing, but I thought you were just going on this trip to read a book, or pick some flowers
Chance: Chan: Uhh, yeah. Cassie, read a book.
chuckling and shooting Rohlia a big grin
DMaster: They all go over what each of them did, smiling and laughing a little. You guys trade some more talk and then you head out
Chance: head out of the throne room and looking around for Dash, I want to visit with mom.
DMaster: You tell Dash you have a few things left to do here, he can go home, but he doesn’t, he waits at the stable. You get a servant to find your Mom and she comes out. You embrace, chit chat a bit. It was nice. You invite her over for dinner and she accepts.
Chance: Not telling her about the kids yet
Chan: I have a surprise for you at my house Mom
DMaster: You can tell she is curious,
MOM: I’ll be over after work, hon
You two hug again, you head out, meet up with Dash and head back home. You get home, Dash deals with the horses. Head inside and tell everyone your Mom is coming over tonight. The place gets cleaned, and Novie starts in on a good dinner. Khamyra is nervous.
KHA: Think this is a good idea, telling your mom about the smelltastic twins?
Chance: Chan: She needs to know, I am sure it will be fine. If I leave out certain details and tell her not to say anything, she wont
DMaster: KHA: OK. I hope she is going to be ok with it, and with me.
Chance: Stop and look at her.
Chan: Hun, what’s wrong, it’s unlike you to be so… un-confident.
DMaster: She actually seems nervous
KHA: I mean it’s your mom, the woman who raised you, now getting told, oh hey, you have 4 month old grandchildren… surprise! Here is the woman who your son boned too.
Chance: Chan: relax my love, they will melt her heart I am sure and just be yourself
Pause a moment, look at her
Chan: well…
Say that playfully.
DMaster: Her eyes get big, mouth open.
KHA: Heeyy!
She says with a little laugh, giving you a push. The day goes on, Novalee is making a great meal. Your mom shows up and everyone welcomes her with a wave or a hug. She remembers all of them, then she looks around
Mom: Where is that Khamyra, you were so fond of.
Then suddenly a babies laughing can be heard from above. Khamyra, who got dressed up for some reason, has both kids in her arms, walking down the stairs
Chance: smiling as I see Khamyra
Chan: mom, you remember Khamyra?
DMaster: MOM: Yeah, I could tell you liked her
She says quietly. Your mom turns, sees the kids and she melts.
MOM: Oh, my God, they are precious!
Khamyra walks up to your mom, looks her in the eyes.
KHA: Say Hi, to Grandma…
she says with a big smile on her face
Chance: look back at my mom
DMaster: Her eyes bulge, look behind her and then back at the kids. She gets this big smile on her face
MOM: Wait, Khamyra, you were pregnant with my son’s child? Or children?
she looks amazed and she takes one in her arms, eyes well up a bit.
Chance: Chan: yes she was, and yes they are both ours
DMaster: MOM: I’d say, they look almost identical
She is floored
Chance: Chan: well Krishana was born ten minutes before Cralen, but yes they are identical twins
smiling even more
DMaster: Your mom plays with them for a long time, some idle chit chat, Novalee getting dinner ready. Your mom takes over the feeding of the kids, and she does ten times better than you and Khamyra. You inquire, but instantly regret it.
MOM: I had to hand feed Chance until he was 6, you learn tricks
Everyone’s eyes bulge and look at you, all ready to burst
Chance: Turning red
Chan: ummm, mom, no one needs to know that
DMaster: Khamyra looks over, wanting to say a million things, but can’t or won’t.
Chance: Chan: not a word, Khamyra
DMaster: The dinner goes very well, laughs, drinks, baby laughs. They are on their favorite rug trying to crawl around.
Chance: Chan: you have to promise me that this stays between just us
Looking at my Mom.
Chan: not too many people know about the twins
DMaster: She nods
MOM: I figured as much, after my last visit, I know there is something going on that is beyond me.
After a few moments of her thinking.
MOM: You know, I have lived this long without knowing what is going on, maybe we can leave it like that, as long as I can see my grandkids
Chance: Nod my head smiling.
Chan: you can see them whenever you want
DMaster: She looks at the both of you
MOM: So are you two married now?
Everyone at the table, stops, looks awkwardly.
Chance: Look down as that hits me
Chan: no we aren’t yet
feeling my face turn red
DMaster: Khamyra looks at you awkwardly and nods. After a bit longer your mom decides to head back before it gets too dark. Its 7:00PM and the sun is just about down.
MOM: I am going to head back now, it’s getting dark.
She goes to the floor, hugging and snuzzling the kids. Your mom is saying goodbye, Dash is going to escort her home, despite her refusals. She walks over, gives you a big hug
MOM: Please stay safe (quietly) I love you.
Chance: hug her back
Chan: I will mom and I love you too. Please come see the kids anytime, I think having one sane person in their life would be a great thing.
Look at Khamyra in the corner of my eye.
DMaster: She gives you a playful nudge. Your Mom smiles, walks over to dash and they leave. Khamyra and Novalee are taking the kids up, they are getting tired. A courier stops by and drops off a note from Velencia.
Chance: sit at the table and look at the message I got from Velencia
DMaster: NOTE: Chump, Be ready, Wednesday, cry time. Try to be up and dressed by then, Loser, Love Velencia, A big set of lipstick prints on it.
Chance: grumble a bit reading the note, thinking to myself get your digs in now Velencia
DMaster: You tell everyone what the note said and head to bed. You and Khamyra snuggle, and doze off.
Chance: Close my eyes, keep my arms around my love, lay there and try to fall asleep
Tuskalay (Tuesday) 7:00 AM
DMaster: you don’t sleep the best, kids woke you up, you helped with them, then went back to sleep. Just when you were falling asleep for the 5th time;
CRY: Rise and shine everyone, it’s a wonderful day out today!
Khamyra sits up in bed, looks at you wide eyed.
Chance: Look at her shrug my shoulders, shaking my head thinking okay what the hell was that?
DMaster: CRY: AHHH Just kidding go fuck yourself and eat a bag of shit
He laughs all the way down the road. Khamyra then nods her head, knowing all is well in the world. The cryer is still an assbag. You talk with Khamyra a bit in the morning, help change the kids and talk about controlling your anger around the High Priestess.
Chance: Get ready to go to the castle, grab my money pouch.
DMaster: Khamyra was busy feeding the kids when you left. Jump on Toby, head into town. You get to the Castle, ask for Cassie and out she comes. Walk your way in a white blouse, red leather pants, knee high shit kickers and some jewelry. She looks great.
Chance: fidget with my hands a bit, Look over to her, she does look great.
DMaster: She smiles gives you a hug right away
CAS: Thank you.
She smirks and blushes a little.
Chance: hug her back
DMaster: the guard is taken back a bit by the closeness, with you two hugging. But she brings you into the entranceway of the Castle.
Chance: trying to hold my thoughts in
DMaster: You are read faced, look constipated.
CAS:You’re ready to burst Chance what is it, you didn’t come all this way to drop a loaf?
she says with a giggle
Chance: Chan: I was wondering if you would help me with getting an engagement ring for Khamyra
DMaster: Her eyes light up
CAS: I would be honored to help
Chance: Chan: well then please do you like seeing me squirm don’t you
face getting flushed even more
DMaster: CAS: Why yes, yes I do. Wait here, give me a few, I need to grab my bag.
Chance: pace back and forth while I wait for Cassie
DMaster: She walks out, swinging a small pouch around. Cassie looks at you.
CAS: Let’s go you big ball of anxiety, jebus
Chance: Chan: sorry, I didn’t think I could be more nervous than I am right now
DMaster: CAS: Oh you will be, when you go to ask and hope to hell she hits her head on something and agrees to marry you
she chuckles
Chance: Chan: that doesn’t reassure me!
shaking head and give her a small nervous smile
DMaster: you two head out
CAS: I hope you don’t mind, most of the loot we found from Wishbone way and the tower all went to the fallen guards family, we also gave them 500pp
Chance: Chan: No, not at all, it’s the least we could do. I mean the family is gonna need it in their time of grieving
DMaster: she nods, you walk into a jewelry shop
DM: Cutting out the back and forth
This shop is owned by Cassie, run by a guy named Jaston. She finds Chance a wonderful ring and a killer deal. It is only 8PP and the wedding band portion is 2PP.
Chance: a big smile goes to my face
Chan: you more than have a deal
DMaster: you pay them, she is looking at it
CAS: When are you going to ask her?
Chance: Chan: I was planning on it tonight, Cassie
DMaster: Her eyes bulge,
CAS: Damn, why not, you only live once, YOLO and all that.
she snickers
Chance: Chan: I wish there was a way I could make this more romantic when I ask her
DMaster: You see her thinking, tapping her finger on her chin
CAS: Well, hmmm…. the asking part, it’s up to you, can’t help you there… but I could get you the top room at the Inn next to the castle, for dirt cheap. Champagne, snacks, candle light to… ummm celebrate her saying yes?
Chance: Eyes light up.
Chan: well that would help me a lot, I know the asking part is on me
DMaster: CAS: Consider it done, when you get there, you’ll have to pay for a few things but the room will be on the house. If she says no, I hate to ask, just let me know some how so I can get the room released
Chance: Chan: all I can say is, thank you
looking over and giving her a big hug
DMaster: Hugs you back.
CAS: Ahhh of course, always glad to help a fellow monster killer, and I better be invited to the wedding!
Chance: Chan: Oh my god, of course!
DMaster: she looks and Jaston is in the back cleaning the ring and putting it in a nice box
Chance: Chan: I Know we met on shaking terms, but…
DMaster: She says quietly, looking around.
CAS: Boning my daughter in some magical rock bay, not exactly good on the first impressions with the Mother.
she snickers
Chance: Chan: I am honored to know you, and be part of your life.
DMaster: she leans in and gives you a small hug
Chance: hug her back and wipe a tear away from my eye
Chan: okay, before I get to emotional on you
DMaster: CAS: Yeah, your practically a chick
smirks and looks over to Jaston who hands you the bag, you pay the man and you two head out.
JAS: Thank you, and good luck!
Chance: Chan: yeah I am so gonna need it
smirking a bit
Chan: one more stop if you would Cassie, before I get on your last nerve
giving her a chuckle
DMaster: She glances at you
CAS: No, actually, this is great, with the war over, peace across the land, my daughter married off, new barons taking over lands… it has been somewhat boring
Chance: Chan: okay onto picking out something nice for me to wear for today
DMaster: You two head to a clothing shop, ol’ Nantz runs it from the Vulcuran days. Cassie helps pick out an outfit. You also run into a flower shop, buy some flowers as well.
Chance: Chan: I’m starving.
eyes go wide
DMaster: She nods in agreement.
CAS: Me too.
DMaster: You two stop at the bistro that you and Britney stopped at; with the amazing dumplings and Butter Beer. You eat, have good conversation and pay for the meal. You two hug, she tells you good luck and you head back to Grayshale. It’s a gorgeous day, mid 70’s, a few puffy clouds and a slight breeze. You get home, you see Dash in the back firing off his bow. you put Toby in the pen.
Chance: Put the box with the rings in my pocket. Walk into the house with a big smile on my face
DMaster: Novalee is sitting on the couch reading a book, Cullun has half the table filled with books, researching something. No one else in the house that you know of
Chance: looking around as I walk in
Chan: Cullun, where is everyone else?
DMaster: He glances up and thinks.
CUL: Ummm Griffin and Reneta went for a.. ahem… walk, Khamyra is out back doing laundry, your kids are upstairs sleeping, Dash is out back shooting and I think Luella and Trinity are with him. Hmmm, not bad, I knew all that
Cullun chuckles a little.
Chance: smirking a bit
Chan: well Cullun and Novie I need a favor of you both
plopping down in a chair, looking over to Novie
DMaster: Novalee walks over and looks at your face
NOV: Oh no, what did you do this time…
she then gives you a double take
NOV: I mean, my lord
Cullun snickers
Chance: Go on to explain what I want to do. Looking towards the back door as I pull the box out of my pocket, show the ring.
DMaster: they watch, Novies eyes bulge, mouth open
CUL: Very nice M’Lord
Chance: Chan: later this evening, before I pack, I plan on asking her to marry me.
DMaster: Just then Cullun throws a book over top the box. Within seconds the door opens up, Khamyra walks in basket in hand
Chance: Eyes get big, looking at Cullun.
DMaster: Cullun looks at you.
CUL: M’Lord, the necklace is pretty much like the fake one that Wyzaqueene gave you
Khamya walks on past, slowly walks up the stairs
Chance: nodding my head at Cullun
DMaster: Novalee whispers in your ear
NOV: I’ll take care of everything
She grabs the box, puts it in her pocket and walks out the back
Chance: Chan: thank you Novie
DMaster: Cullun is chuckling, he slides you some papers
CUL: For real this time (quietly)
Chance: looking at the papers
DMaster: CUL: Here is all the information I have on the necklace
It has dimensions, a sketch of the necklace, where it has been, what it does, etc
Chance: Chan: thank you for this Cullun saying it in a hushed tone
remembering the flowers that Cassie got me to give to Khamyra
DMaster: He nods, it was what he was working on
CUL: I would say you need to watch yourself in the teeter wind plains, and you do, but Velencia and Rawek can handle their own very nicely
Chance: Chan: I will be careful, Cullun, after the last time I was there
still saying it in hushed tones
DMaster: The day goes on, you go up, visit with Khamyra,
the kiddoes. You are on the ground, the two kids in front, playing with toys. Khamyra is on the bed, rubbing your back looking over your shoulder
Chance: Chan: so Khamyra I was thinking before I leave tomorrow that we would go out tonight
Chan: just me and you my love
DMaster: She glances over
Chance: Chan: I already asked Novie if she would keep an eye on the twins for us
DMaster: She smiles
KHA: Uhhh ok, sure. Why not I need some time away, I could use it
You two talk a bit and make some plans for a nice romantic dinner. Novalee asks you to keep her busy for a while, and you do. Eventually, Novalee comes to get you, and only you. They dress you up, show you the backyard. Candles leading to the well, where there is an archway of flowers.
Chance: Make sure I am looking good, walk to the well. Get ready, sweating bullets, shitting bricks.
DMaster: After a minute, the door opens and Khamyra is getting pushed out by Novalee.
KHA: Novie, what the hell? I wanted to…
She turns and looks out. Her jaw hits the ground. The entire order is out and about witnessing this.
NOV: Go on… move your ass
she says quietly to her
Chance: Beckon for her.
Chan: Come on down, my love.
DMaster: She walks towards you and it starts to sink in, her eyes wide and welling up. She gets to you, takes your hand… she is shaking a bit
Chance: Chan: Khamyra, I Loved you from the moment I first laid eyes on you
DMaster: Her big brown eyes staring at you, welling up
Chance: Chan: granted it has been a trial for the both of us, for you my love has only grown more with each passing day. Then you bless me with two amazing children…
Reaching for the box
Chan: I couldn’t imagine my life without you and them in it
As I slowly go down to one knee
Chan: What I am asking you my love is will you Marry Me?
Pull out the ring.
DMaster: Khamyra looks at you, tears starting to fall. She opens her mouth and…