The First Five
Chance is folding some blankets sitting at the table with Novalee. The blonde elf is working on some salves and reading up on the properties. The majority of the order is doing their thing, either in the back, out shopping or for some sleeping who took the night watch.
A knock on the door makes the Champion look over. He glances at Novalee who stopped what she is doing and also looking. She shrugs her shoulders. Chance walks over to the door, opens and there stands the High Priestess of Camerondale, Saundra. Chances eyes light up.
“Priestess, how nice to see you” Chance says and letting her and two hooded companions inside. The priestess walks in, wearing what she used to wear all the time on the Isle; a soft yellow long dress that flowed with golden highlights through out. Her radiant, almost white hair and her piercing green eyes.
She looks around and smiles. She turns to the large man and tilts her head “Here I expected the place to be black, symbols, rituals and…” she chuckles a little, “I find a warm and well decorated home.”
“SHHHHHH” is heard from the loft. It startles the Priestess and she looks up to see Khamyra with her finger to her lips. Saundra looks back to Chance both eyebrows raised.
Chance smirks, “there are two babies here and they just got to sleep” he says now in hushed tones.
He glances at the one hooded figure with her and the person twitches. Chance giggles, “Bastian, why the masquerade?”
The master witch sighs and throws his hood back. “Chance you rascally little bastar….err…” he looks at the Priestess who was already raising one of her eyebrows at him. “Nice to see you Champion.” he finishes with a playful smirk.
Chance and Bastian warrior shake and the other figure pulls down her hood, and there stands a blast from the past, Genesis stands there big grin on her face. “Long time no see” she says quietly, “you still owe me a dinner” she muses. The two hug.
“I enjoy you stopping by, all of you, but I am guessing there is a reason behind it.” Chance says looking over the people.
The back door opens quietly and closes even quieter, Cullun is tip toeing into the room and has an odd look on his face “Oh sorry M’Lord, I didn’t mean to interrupt” he says quietly knowing not to wake the babies and face the wrath if Khamyra.
The Priestess looks over to him. Cullun’s eyes bulge, “uhhh M’Lord, what the hell is going on here?” he says with concern in his voice.
“Saundra is a friend” the Champion says “No she is a good friend and is always welcome in this house” he says with some authority behind it.
Khamyra in a comfortable plain outfit is heading down the stairs with big eyes, “If you wake them I swear I will string you up by your…” she says as loud as she could, takes one look at Saundra and she stops dead in her tracks, bewildered and worried.
Saundra sighs, “I am here for a reason, and I believe Chance knows why” she says quieter looking back at Chance. The two look at each other for an awkward long moment.
“Oh, don’t I have to rebuild something for you guys?” he says trying to remember when he killed Rosalinda and his trial.
The Priestess sighs, and Bastian giggles, “told you, I don’t think they know” he says, putting a bag of books on the table and it was loud.
Khamyra’s eyes grow big, “It took over an hour… ” she says through her teeth.
Saundra walks over and grabs the Champions hand and walks him over to the back part of the house. “You really don’t know?” she says, “I would of thought you were in communication of some kind with your lord.”
Chance is nodding slowly, “the rising power” he says in a hiss.
The Priestess head snaps to him eyes huge, “Chance, you know then” she says giving him a bewildered look.
“Yes. but with everything else happening, I did not want to burden the order with this” he says smiling at Saundra “I was going to tell them in time, plus my time with him is sometimes just between us, I don’t share everything.”
Her eyes are still big, “you actually talk to him?” she asks looking at him in amazement. “what does he look like, how does he sound, how…”
Chance lets out a laugh, “Saundra, he is a big man, balding, a few scars, amazing red armor and a with as sharp as a dagger. But most of the time he channels through people. Last time it was a woman and before that an old man” Chance says smirking.
She nods her head understanding, “This might not be the best time to be keeping those private moments to yourself” she says “I also have been notified and I was hoping we could help each other figuring out what it is, or what it means” she says.
The two of them walk back to the table where it was oddly quiet with everyone just standing around. “Sit everyone” Chance says, “quietly please” he adds.
Saundra and Chance then explain to them that there is a new power rising, and both Finster and Animax know of it and are unsure of its origins.
Everyone stays quiet, until Cullun perks up “Is there anything we can reference, a clue, a phrase, anything” he says looking at everyone.
Bastian scoffs a little, “wench” he says.
Everyone looks at the twitchy genius and they shrug their shoulders.
“Bastian, I told you that was a long shot and there is only one reference to that in a book that you said you had little chance to find… plus its a vile word” Saundra says crinkling her nose.
Cullun stands up, puts a finger up, “wait, one minute” and he runs to the door, quietly opens it and races to his research area. In the meantime Bastian has two books open and leafs through another. He twitches, looks and stops at a page, “An off the cuff remark here…” he says mumbling to himself.
Genesis has a scroll open and is writing this all down, she finally has a chance to stop. She shakes her hand as though it was cramping.
Chance watches Bastian and it brings him back to the day when he was with the Ward. He missed it, he missed them.
Cullun then comes back in, quietly closes the door. He carries a medium sized book that has a light leather covering and an odd symbol on it. Bastian glances and his eyes bulge.
“Artifanomicon” he blurts out, and everyone cringes waiting for babies to start crying. Khamyra looks at him and is shaking her finger at him. “Sorry, where the hell did you get that?” he says in some amazement, and much quieter.
Cullun smiles and shrugs his shoulders. He leafs through it and stops at a page, puts the book on the table, traces a passage with his finger, “We did no know what this meant, the reference to an Iron Wench. It was only mentioned once, so it was disregarded.”
Saundra looks at Bastian, “apparently, this must be the book you couldn’t acquire” she says with a smirk.
The old alchemist is looking back and forth on the one page and Bastians eyes bulge.
“Cullun” he says with a hiss, “stop, hold that page up” Bastian gets up, puts his chin on the table and his eyes grow huge.
The gray haired man does the same thing on the opposite side and they both look completely confused. The table of people are looking with raised eyebrows as these two men look like their chins are glued to the table surface.
“Midnight Jade?” they both say almost at the same time. “Why are those two words sitting embedded in a page, in this book?” Bastian says, eyes wild and with a huge grin.
Meanwhile, Cullun is checking the rest of the book, looking in the light, flipping though pages and he does not find anything. “What the hell is Midnight Jade?” he says. Bastian has his finger bouncing off his chin thinking.
“Its a flower” Novalee says, “very rare flower actually” she says. She stood up and is walking back over to the table with a large book on flora. She is leafing through, stops at a page and puts it on the table. “Midnight Jade, only known to grow in two places. Some place called Wishbone Way and… ohh, interesting” she says stopping for a moment. “Knightsmoor” she says looking over the table.
Bastian looks at the cute elf “Why is that interesting?” he asks looking around.
Khamyra and Novalee’s eyes meet, and they nod “Thats the town that is apparently sitting on top of the legendary Tirianna” Khamyra says. Everyone gasps a little again, eyes big and amazed.
Khamyra clenches her jaw, “apparently Velencia knows more than she is letting on huh?” glancing back over to Novalee who nods in agreement.
Saundra flinches at the sound of that name, “revolting woman.”
Cullun again excuses himself and walks to his basement and comes back. Bastian is as giddy as you have seen him, “nothing like a good mystery, eh?” he says twitching a little.
One of the detailed maps is rolled out by Cullun. He also has two more rolled up that he brought. “Everyone look for Wishbone Way?” he starts to scan the map as does everyone else except one person.
“Roll out the map for the southern lands, below Camerondale” Chance says. Everyone stops, they are looking at a northern map that has Thoraxe, Vermeer and other lands.
“M’Lord?” Cullun looks at his Champion and nods, rolls up the map, unrolls the other. Everyone looks around confused a bit. Saundra looks at the older gentleman, obediant, without question to his Champion. Her attention is then turned to the tall quarter elf.
“What are you thinking?” Saundra muses at Chance, “why south?”
“I have a gut feeling” he says standing up, “Thorn Gate…” he is tracing his finger along the map. He then realizes it is probably named Weston Gate on this map. “Nope, Weston Gate is what it used to be called” He traces his finger, 20-30 miles west and sure as shit, Wishbone Way. “There it is.”
He says then takes a deep breath and shudders. On the map, the name Wishbone Way sparks pop off causing a puff of smoke to rise up.
Everyone jumps a little and backs off.
Chances eyes radiate blue for a brief moment, then they fade. He gets a quick vision of a large stone door in the middle of a revine, a large gem in the middle of the door, it looks like the gem has been broken. The surrounding area is a dark, soft blue with smoke or fog.
Everyone is looking at Chance, marveling a bit by the light from his eyes. The Champion almost falls, and finds the chair and sits down. Khamyra was on him like lightning. Helping him into the chair, their skin touches and a few sparks fly. Saundra’s eyes get big and looks at the two. “What was that?” she says.
Khamyra looks at her through her hair and shakes her head. “M’Lord are you ok?” The Dark Elf asks concerned, remembering not to use the usual loving terminology.
For a long moment he doesn’t say anything rubbing his temple. He then lifts his head up, “That is not Wishbone Way… that is the Hall of Whispers.”
Turn Base Starts Here
Chance: Finish rubbing my temples and look over at Khamyra and the rest of the group gathered.
Chan: okay that was officially a first for me, I saw what I am sure was the Hall of Whispers.
DMaster: They all still seem a little spooked and give you a look.
BAS: Told you, never a dull moment with Chance around.
Saundra nods.
SAU: You are not kidding, never seen anything like that before.
She glances at the now burnt hole in the map that once was Wishbone Way.
Chance: Chan: something seemed off though I saw a large gem in the middle of the door and it was broke. From my visit with Waz he said the necklace was part of a larger gemstone that would open the door to the Hall of Whispers.
DMaster: KHA: That stupid necklace is actually just part of a broken door.
Bastian looks at you.
BAS: Ahhhh, ok now it’s making more sense.
chuckles a bit.
Chance: Chan: what do you mean its making more sense Bastian?
giving him a look.
Chan: care to elaborate Bastian since some of us don’t read up on things.
DMaster: He furries his brow.
BAS: You were poking around the compound a few weeks back looking for this hidden gem or quiet necklace (twitch) whatever that thing is.
Khamyra looks over to you.
KHA: You were?
Chance: Chan: yes I was. Finster mentioned Bastian by name so I thought I would go pick his brain a bit, just because I am not officially in the black ward doesn’t mean I am gonna sever the ties and friends I made there
DMaster: The group sits. Novalee is handing out mugs of drink.
SAU: That settles it then, I will have my people here tomorrow, you will ride to Knightsmoor the following day.
Khamyra stands up, making the chair tilts back a bit. She gives her an angry look. The door opens and in walks Griffin and Dash joking about missing a deer, Griffin stops looks at Saundra and glares.
GRI: What is she doing here?
Chance: Chan: Griffin she is a dear friend, so don’t be glaring at her like that. Please sit we have something to discuss. As I told Cullun she is welcome here anytime
DMaster: KHA: Wait, you are just assuming we are going to go, this could be a fools errand.
Khamyra is still giving her a dirty look.
Chance: Chan: and what if it’s not? Why would I get a vision when I touched the map.
DMaster: Saundra was taken back a bit by Khamyra’s reaction, then looks at you.
SAU: Oh, your vision, we wouldn’t go anywhere near the Hall of Whispers, that is like ground zero.
Griffin wrinkles his brow,
GRI: What the hell is going on here, who is going where now?
Chance: Chan: as I said sit down and let me explain.
gather myself and get up and offer him my chair as I start to explain all that has happened, looking at him as I explain everything waiting to see his reaction.
DMaster: He seems a little hurt finding out there was information about Finster that you dint tell him. He is lookin around then glances at the map that has a burnt mark on it.
GRI: We’ll go, but we lead the expedition.
SAU: No… we would be better equipped.
GRI: Ain’t gonna happen any other way.
He stands up and makes sure it was loud.
Chance: Look at Saundra.
Chan: Saundra surely we can come to some type of agreement so both sides are happy, I want us to all be able to get along even with our different views of things. I am sure that neither Finster or ummm you know would want us fighting about who leads the expedition.
DMaster: KHA: Chance, this isn’t play school where two 5 year olds are fighting, this is centuries old bad blood, opposites hate each other type of thing. You do not just magically get along…
Saundra stands up. Bastian was looking through the book with Cullun smiling, watching, Genesis was just waiting for some kind of resolution.
SAU: I will be sending Everlee Collymore, she will head it up.
GRI: What? She still works for you guys? NEVER.
Lets out a laugh and shakes his head. Culluns head snaps to the Priestess and looks concerned.
GRI: Is that giant still working for her?
Saundra sighs.
SAU: She has reformed and yes Simone still works for us.
She looks somewhat defeated.
SAU: Thank you Chance, I hope you can figure this out tomorrow. Since I won’t be part of this trek, I pray that you all can get along long enough to accomplish the task.
Chance: nod my head and smile.
Chan: I mean it benefits both of us to find out things doesn’t it.
DMaster: Griffin scoffs.
GRI: What task? There is no task!
She walks up and gives you a small hug, giving the dwarf an annoyed look.
Chance: give her a small hug back.
Chan: I guess my people and me have a lot to discuss before tomorrow.
DMaster: She nods, Bastian and Gen say goodbye and leave the house. The group just looks at each other. Griffin looks like he was hit with a wagon.
GRI: Let us settle in we will have a meeting soon, if you can Cullun.
Cullun nods and smiles.
CUL: I’ll be ready.
Chance: Chan: I agree with you we do need to talk about this.
look over at Khamyra and look up towards the loft.
Chan: perhaps before we have the meeting we should check on Krishana and Cralen.
DMaster: Khamyra shakes her head finally sitting back down grabbing the mug of ale for Saundra and taking a deep drink.
KHA: They are just fine, lets not temp fate its only been an hour or so.
Chance: smirk and walk over to her and touch her hand.
Chan: I am sorry my love. I didn’t think with everything going on that the Priestess would show up to talk about it.
sigh a bit. I suppose I shouldn’t be keeping my talks with Finster so private from any of you.
DMaster: She smirks.
KHA: You told me, so… I know you like your privacy with the big man (she says quietly)
Griffin walks through the back door with Dash who is following close behind.
Chance: grab a chair and sit down and just sit at the table deep in thought. Letting my thoughts drift to the door with the broken gem and what it could mean for the ascension.
DMaster: Khamyra does check on the kiddos, Novalee is cleaning up.
Cullun is taking his books back. You hear laughing at the front door, it opens and in walks Luella and Trinity.
Chance: As they walk in put my finger to my lips.
Chan: if you wake them Khamyra will have your ass.
Speaking in hushed tone.
DMaster: Griffin comes in the backdoor with Dash and Cullun.
They stop dead in their tracks look up, Khamyra flashes the thumbs up sign.
Chance: Chan: sit everyone we have things to discuss.
looking over at Griffin.
Chan: since you are the better speaker than I am Griffin please.
DMaster: GRI: Cullun you ready?
Cullun sits down with a journal, ink and quill, He nods, Luella looks around.
LUE: Oh shit guess we are doing this, nothing like throwing this at us when we first walk in…
Trinity puts the stuff away that they got from the market.
Chance: Chan: Luella let Griffin speak all with be told to you in good time.
shooting her a small smile.
DMaster: She shrugs her shoulders. They all sit.
GRI: Cullun.
CUL: The Order is called to meeting, all members are present. This day 15th of Petalgreen, Year 349 of the 3rd era. First order of business, the Midnight Jade and Knightsmoor.
GRI: Chance or Khamyra, care to fill us in on our visit from the High Priestess of Animax?
Chance: Stand up and begin to explain to everyone present about the visit from the High Priestess and what was said.
DMaster: Khamyra chimed in when needed.
GRI: So Saundra, decided for all of us, that we were heading to Knightsmoor. Obviously we will only go with 3. But still… not happy about that.
Chance: Chan: I am sorry about that but I want her on our side as an ally not as an enemy.
DMaster: He scoffs a bit, he seems to be in a bad mood.
GRI: It has nothing to do with enemies M’lord, it has to do with respect,
Khamyra nods her head.
KHA: To think she could come in here, disturb our day, then assume we would follow her orders. How full of yourself do you have to be to think that would fly.
Chance: Chan: Well sometimes respect is show in different ways. I showed her the respect she is to be given as she showed me the respect I am given.
DMaster: Luella looks around confused.
LUE: Ummm Chance, but she didn’t show respect, she didn’t even care about your opinion or plans or anything… that was actually quite disrespectful.
TRI: I agree, but let’s not make that the focal point of this meeting, we know how they are, pompous and ignorant, lets move past that.
Chance: Chan: I know we are not keen on this but we need to work with them.
DMaster: GRI: I am going to be going on this one, I know the way and the terrain.
Chance: looking around the room for a minute.
Chan: well as much as I want to stay here and keep an eye on the little ones I want to go.
DMaster: He looks at you odd.
GRI: That was a given M’Lord.
Dash steps up.
DAS: I will go. I haven’t been on anything as of late, might as well pitch in.
GRI: All in agreement say AYE.
Chance: looking around the room and have a silly little smirk on my face, waiting for them to all say what they have to say.
Chan: Aye.
looking over at Khamyra as I take a deep breath.
DMaster: She is just staring down, she is fidgeting with one of the kids binkies. She looks tired. Everyone says Aye with no arguments.
GRI: Cullun?
Cullun goes over in more detail about the Midnight Jade. Novalee chimes in on somethings, as she is leafing through the flower book.
CUL: So we are going to Knightsmoor, so that we can… I don’t know, anyone?
He looks around the room.
KHA: Something…? Anything…?
Chance: looking over at Cullun and then at Khamyra with a raised eyebrow.
DMaster: Griffin annoyed as all hell.
GRI: That is what has been eating me, exactly what is it we are doing here? Why are we going?
Chance: Chan: well Griffin some thoughts besides my vision which has never happened that’s all we are going on.
shaking my head a bit.
DMaster: He gets annoyed with you, which is unusual.
GRI: Your vision was the Hall… not Knightsmoor and if this has anything to do with this Iron Wench… how does it relate to the Hall of whispers?
Chance: Chan: well I am trying to figure this all out like the rest of you, guess there is only gonna be one way to find out any answers to this riddle we have been given.
DMaster: CUL: That is what Griffin is saying, we do not know what is there if anything. Is it a clue, is it the Iron Wench itself, or herself, or what? All we know is it is rumored to be an abode of Finster in the past and some pretty flowers grow there.
Chance: Chan: And a rumor at that, all this thinking about ‘what if’s’ is making my head ache why for once can’t it be simple, oh wait its because of course it involves me.
Chuckle, trying to lighten the mood a bit.
DMaster: They all look at you with a dead stare, not laughing.
GRI: We don’t have an option, but we do not have a goal. Other than not strangling the people we are going to ride with.
CUL: Yes, Everlee and Simone, back together?
He shutters.
Chance: Chan: okay tell me about them since you seem to know them.
look at them both now.
DMaster: GRI: A few run ins and rumors we have heard.
He goes into an order that was loosely run by someone, Everlee was the 2nd in command, it was called Anicorn. They were brutal, much like Velencia and her ways, they did it in the name of Animax. He speaks of some run ins but not details.
CUL: Mind you some of this is just wild rumors, but some of it has to be true. From what we witnessed ourselves…
The historians eyes get big for a second and shrugs his shoulder. Then glances to Griffin who is just shaking his head.
Chance: Chan: just fucking grand, I go from one extreme to the other, and here I was thinking this was gonna be all peaches and roses and now I have to contend with this.
clenching my fists a bit.
DMaster: DAS: It could be to our advantage.
Luella nods her head.
LUE: Just chiming in here, they might be a little more direct, and when push comes to shove they might not wrestle with the holy than though idea. Instead of trying to be all goody two shoes, they can act on something… if you know what I mean.
KHA: Yeah, thats what I am afraid of… maybe they want to raze Knightsmoor to the ground too.
Chance: Chan: that I wont let happen not while I am there.
DMaster: Griffin shakes his head slowly.
GRI: hell for all we know Velencia went back and did it already.
Cullun chuckles.
CUL: My Dear Griffin, I think we would of heard about that by now.
Chance: Chan: I’d kill her on the spot.
as cut myself off trying to calm down before I get to angry.
DMaster: GRI: Well, Cullun do as much research on… well.. I don’t know, anything.
He sighs and smiles at the Historian.
Chance: Chan: I am sorry I got us into this Griffin.
looking down for a minute
DMaster: GRI: You didn’t get us into anything, if our Lord mentioned this too you.
Pauses and grits his teeth.
GRI: Then we should take notice, I just don’t know what we are looking for.
Chance: Chan: yes that is something I wanted to talk to you all about as well. I shouldn’t be keeping my talks with him from any of you. It’s just I mean we had so much going on and then this last time he comes to me again and talks about this rising power, I truly did not think much of it.
DMaster: Everyone looks at you. they listen and ask a few questions, you answer them.
GRI: Last order of business is the Nanny. Once the kids are off the… well.
KHA: Boob.
Everyone giggles.
GRI: Yes, the… boob, we need to get someone in here to take care of the kid so Khamyra can get back to work.
They all nod and agree.
NOV: I can inquire around here, see if anyone does these kinds of things.
KHA: Just be careful, getting a nasty evil Nanny is like the start of any horror novel. We need to…
The Dark Elf looks at Chance.
KHA: Maybe your little girlfriend Affinity can help us or her mom. They can read them to see if they are evil or not.
Chance: Nod my head.
Chan: not a bad idea. Probably Cassie; Affinity is a bit above scanning babysitters, being the queen and all.
DMaster: They all nod, and the meeting adjourns.
Chance: Chan: I guess we should relax and prepare for tomorrow
DMaster: GRI: Relax? We have to pack, then we have to go over travel plans and make sure we don’t have… oy.
Trinity puts her hands up.
TRI: Easy Griff, we are here to help.
Chance: Chan: and its appreciated Trinity.
giving her a small smile.
DMaster: From Above you hear “WAAAHHHHHH!”
Khamyra smiles and stands up.
KHA: Well we got a couple hours in there.
Chance: Chan: well that we did, lets go see the two bundles of joy before I have to start packing. Then I should go over things with Griffin and Dash.
Go up and grab Craylen.
Chan: what is wrong with my lil warrior.
DMaster: Khamyra picks up Kri and snuggles with her, you smell what is wrong with the kid
Chance: Chan: okay found the problem (smirking) wow Cray you could kill any enemy with this massive pile.
find stuff to clean and change Cralen
DMaster: there is a table by the dresser, you clean his diaper, put the cloth in a basket.
Chance: Chan: there you go my lil warrior all better.
sit on the bed with Cralen and make silly noises at him as I look at Khamyra with Krishana.
Chan: I can only hope they take after you in all ways my love.
DMaster: She smiles, sits on the bed, he is all calm now, smiles,
KHA: I don’t like this at all, I mean this thing that is going to happen, why all of a sudden, why now, and to what end?
The two of you discuss it a bit further quietly for some time. You two play with the kids, you head down afterwards, pack the saddles. Novalee is cooking some dinner, Cullun is going over maps and such with Griffin and Dash. They beckon you over and you look them over too.
Chance: look the map over and ask questions.
DMaster: CUL: They said they would be here tomorrow afternoon, leave the next AM. Novalee looks over.
NOV: Should we set up places for them to sleep?
GRI: No. They can find a place of their own, an Inn or something.
Chance: Chan: Since the Priestess came you have been in a foul mood let’s take a walk Griffin.
walk over to Griffin and put my hand on his shoulder.
DMaster: he nods and you two head out the back. He confesses that he does not like to be disrespected and pushed around like they don’t matter. He also talks about some of the things Everlee and Simone have done. Let’s just say they are not on speaking terms.
Chance: Chan: well its just another trial and tribulation in the name of our lord.
DMaster: He nods.
GRI: Simone is a formidable opponent, she is a big girl.
Chance: Chan: I’ll keep an eye on her.
DMaster: FRI: Won’t be hard to do, she is as big as you.
He smiles
GRI: Thank you for trying to cheer me up. I am sure whats I have some of Novalee’s casserole Ill be better.
chuckles a little.
Chance: Chan: You have been here for me in times of thick and think Griffin and I have come to view you as not only a mentor but a friend
smiling big at him.
DMaster: Dash sticks his head out.
DAS: Soups on!
Chance: Chan: now let’s go get something to eat, Griffy.
DMaster: He gives you a frown hearing that name. then you two head in and sit down, start eating. Its amazing as usual. Khamyra finally heads down to the bottom level, everyone is eating, drinking, and small chit chat. Cullun is sitting off to the side, looking over books and a map.
GRI: Well the biggest obstacle with Knightsmoor is that the upper level of Finsters abode is being used as the Stronghold for the town. So its not like some empty crypt or something, its being used, highly guarded. I am guessing the lower levels is where we want to be… but also I am curious, how low are they and have they done anything with Finster’s stuff? Hell is there any stuff?
TRI: If the legends are true… it could just be some old castle that was given up by Jo Jo the Monkey King.
Chance: Chan: and what if it isn’t… ummm, Jo Jo the what now?
DMaster: Trinity snickers a bit.
DAS: Then I don’t have a clue how to get down in the dungeons, if there are any… “hey excuse us, we worship an evil guy but no mind about that, we would like to tour the bottom dungeons of your stronghold for shits and giggles?”
Griffin snorts and nods.
LUE: I can go, show off a little leg, distract them.
Chance: Chan: more like you would distract Dash is more like it.
bust out laughing.
DMaster: DAS: (munch munch) whaaafff?
food plops out. Everyone shakes their head. Griffin looks at you seriously.
GRI: That isn’t half bad idea.
LUE: Yeah? I have just the dress for….
GRI: No. well maybe, but no. You can conjure something from the under earth, maybe they will evacuate? Have you been able to control your power better, control the creatures?
DAS: Oh yeah those rats are under her control.
CUL: Risky if we do not know the layout of the stronghold, where would it manifest? could it make it through the floor? and would it destroy things it is brought into?
Chance: looking over as they are talking.
Chan: well its either we try this idea or I try being mister sneaky.
DMaster: Griffin nods at you, acknowledging the idea.
LUE: I mean I can do rats and that weird buggy thing.
DAS: Yeah until those little fuckers bit me.
Luella giggles and then looks around.
LUE: Listen I will do whatever you need, but my power… its not exactly refined.
KHA: Hell, if it gets to a point, have her unleash anything, especially if the red flood gets ornery.
Cullun laughs a little.
CUL: I think that would be something I would like to see.
Luella looks at Khamyra,and scrunches her nose.
LUE: Ewww, Red flood? Really?
Khamyra lets out a laugh.
KHA: No it’s what Simone was called during their hayday, she would just overwhelm people.
You all finish your meal.
GRI: We will mull this over, if anyone has any better ideas.
Chance: Chan: I for one don’t. We want to get in and out as quick as possible.
DMaster: Dash perks up, opens his mouth.
LUE: Don’t say it Dash.
He looks at her, closes it and goes back to eating, everyone giggles a bit. Cullun puts his fork on his plate and closes a book.
CUL: I think its folly.
Chance: Chan: well then do we just walk away and not help?
DMaster: He shakes his head.
CUL: Help? I am with Griffin, what are we helping with? What I mean is, I am sure with their connections they can find their way into the stronghold, I mean their is a small temple of Animax there
Griffin looks around and its like a light went off.
GRI: Uh duh. Yeah I bet they would get the red carpet treatment too. Why didn’t I think of that?
LUE: So you wont need my sexy ass?
Dash goes to open his mouth,
LUE: Don’t say it Dash!
She has a big smile on her face, looking at him from the corner of her eye. Dash looks at her, closes his mouth and then pushes his plate away since he is done.
Chance: Chan: well that’s fine and dandy but sure they aren’t gonna give us the same treatment, I think Dash put it the best.
DMaster: CUL: If they leave you outside I guess, but I am surmising it will be at least a few of you each and/or all
GRI: Doubtful for all, that would be crazy. I am sure they will keep Simone back from it, she draws too much negative attention.
Chance: Chan: Of all times for me to be civil and try to get along, I got a headache from all this, need to clear my head for a minute
looking at everyone as I get up from the table.
DMaster: Everyone is arguing playfully who is going to do the dishes.
Chance: walk out the back door and head to the well and lean against it, thinking to myself damn it Finster you certainly don’t make things easy for me do you.
DMaster: You stand out for a while. Khamyra sneaks out and wraps her arms around you. The two of you chit chat about things, and snuggle a bit. Enjoying the few moments of quiet bliss. You hear the door open and Novalee and Trinity come out, they have the kiddos. You can hear both of them laughing.
NOV: They were whining and fussing, so we told them we can bring them to you…
TRI: and they stopped, they both smiled, like they knew.
Chance: Chan: of course they did, they have their mother in them.
looking down at Khamyra smiling
DMaster: She leans into you a bit then reaches for Craylen. You get the girl, she is giggling, wrapped in a light blanket. The boy is yammering away talking like everyone was listening. Khamyra lets out a laugh and huge smile.
Chance: Chan: Novie you said one time we were like a family and that is exactly what we are.
DMaster: She gives you a small hug, takes a slug of ale and.
The kids stop, eyes wide, Novalee covers her mouth eyes wide. Then they point at Novalee who has big eyes and giving them googlies. They burst out laughing, one of the most magical sounds you have ever heard. the night draws to a close, it was a good night. You put them to bed, but they were restless.
Tuskalay (Tuesday) 3:00 AM
You dont get much sleep as you head to bed, if one was asleep the other was up.
Chance: I grumble a bit and get up and spend time with whichever little one is awake at the time.
DMaster: Khamyra is up with one of the kids, you have another curled up into your chest snoozing.
Chance: lay there and just smile looking at Khamyra.
DMaster: Khamyra is rocking Craylen, she starts to giggle.
Chance: Chan: what is so funny?.
Say in a hushed tone.
DMaster: KHA: I think they are having nightmares of Novalee’s belching.
she starts to snicker.
Chance: Chan: well let’s hope not because there are more belch’s in their future.
Smile and shake my head.
DMaster: the dawn cracks, you got about 3 hours sleep, Khamyra even less, but of course they are now fast asleep and you two are awake.
Chance: quietly get up and get my gear, tip toeing around as I am trying to get dressed.
DMaster: KHA: Where are you going (she says quietly)
Chance: Chan: I can’t sleep I just wanted to get my gear downstairs before they come.
grab my gear and tip toe downstairs.
DMaster: She nods and leans back on the bed closes her eyes, Its quiet and empty, its about 6:30am now.
CRY: Took me a week to get in your mom, then a month to wash her off, get up slags!
Chance: shaking my head thinking if the lil ones wake up I am gonna have that cryer’s head, looking up to the loft area.
DMaster: its still quiet. Novalee comes in and makes soem tea, quietly. You decide to try and get some rest. Lay on the couch and you fall instantly asleep.
NOV: M’Lord, wake up. You sleep like a rock.
Chance: look over at Novie a bit as I shake the sleepiness off.
Chan: damn it are they here already?
sit up on the sofa and stretch before getting up.
DMaster: The order is at the table talking, some packing others doing chores.
GRI: Get a bath, who knows when we will get a chance to get another one.
LUE: No pun intended eh?
Chance: Chan: didn’t see that coming.
Looking at Luella and shoot her a look, get up and do what needs to be done to take a bath.
DMaster: you finish, head up to the loft, the kiddos are on the floor on a blanket playing with some blocks, laying down, they are making cute noises and some laughter. Khamyra is sipping some tea. Its about high sun, it looks like it wants to rain, but it has not and its a bit chilly.
Chance: Chan: did you get anymore rest at all hun?
as I am smiling looking at the lil one playing and getting dressed.
DMaster: KHA: A bit, its ok, I am getting used to it.
She smiles at you. There is a bag at the end of the bed, probably your stuff she packed. You two have a few quiet moments when her ears perk.
KHA: I think they are here.
You hear the door open. One of your underlings “Some people here too…”
WOM: Please out of our way, its going to start raining out for Animaxs sake.
Chance: Chan: I suppose I better get down there before a few tempers flair, hun.
in a hushed tone.
DMaster: She leans over and gives you a kiss, a little light sparks.
Chance: Kiss back. Make my way down the stairs
DMaster: There has to be 10 people piling in.
WOM: Tell Saundra we made it fine.
A man is writing things down following her. People are tracking dirt in and out. Novalee is frowning.
WOM: You, yes you, get to a local Inn and grab a room for all of us.
She is pointing at some guy hauling in a chest. It chaos on the bottom floor. A woman in a long cloak, with what you can see some serious armor underneath, flowing blonde hair, blue eyes and a muscular body shape. The last one in is a giant woman, she has to be your height.
Chance: eyes get big seeing her.
DMaster: People are putting things on the floor and the table, walking around getting things organized. Griffin stands there arms crossed staring at them. The rest of the order stands or sits at the table just looking them over.
WOM: Master Griffin what a… pleasure to see you again.
GRI: Everlee. Are we really going to start this venture out with a lie?
EVE: Already Grif? Resentful and miserable as always.
He glares at her.
Chance: Chan: Griffin, lets just… bite our tongue.
Saying it quietly.
DMaster: She glances at you whispering to Griffin.
EVE: So I am guessing this is the Champion? Where is that…
She looks around with a slight bit of nervousness. Griffin smirks knowing she is looking for Khamyra.
Chance: Chan: I would prefer to be called Chance.
DMaster: Simones eyes perk up and she zeros in on you, her eyes turn to slits.
GRI: Tell your dog to calm down, I already see her getting…
EVE: Stop, will you…
GRI: Not after last time.
Chance: Chan: enough already both of you!!!!
DMaster: Everyone stops and is just kind of standing there.
EVE: No offense Champion, sit down. shut your mouth, you have no history here.
She gives you a smile, Simone walks up next to her and another dark elf male steps up too.
Chance: Chan: No offense but I will not be told what to do in our own home, history or not woman.
DMaster: Khamyra walks down and looks over to Novalee who heads upstairs for the kids.
KHA: Well, well, well.
Everlee’s head snaps to see the Mage and she sighs.
EVE: You… what are YOU doing here?
Griffin lets out a little laugh.
GRI: Guess she remembers.
Khamyra smiles and stands next to Griffin. the dark elf male is stunned, he sees Khamyra and he melts.
EVE: Still slinging magic dark elf?
KHA: Still sporting the nickname Everbitch?
Everlee stops Simone as she starts forward. Its wicked tense in the room.
Chance: Chan: alright enough I get it certain people here don’t like each other.
DMaster: Everlee looks at you.
EVE: I see Finster chose the most brilliant.
Simone chuckles. Griffin starts to move and Khamyra stops him.
KHA: Listen, I like this house a lot, so I do not want to see it stained with your blood, I imagine its a sad color.
She has a pouch in her hand just holding it up for her to see. For the first time Everlee seems to back down.
EVE: Ok… Ok…
Chance: Chan: look, both our gods sensed this rise in power and and as much as we don’t like it we need to work together.
DMaster: Everlee is still pointing and telling people to do things, and half the people have left doing her bidding.
GRI: This is a search mission not a march on Knightsmoor, you bringing all of these people?
She shakes her head as she is signing off on something.
EVE: Simone and Dhinoco will be with me.
Khamyra is getting a smile across her face as she sees the dark elf guy staring at her, she even blushes a little.
Chance: chuckling a bit more as I give Khamyra a look.
DMaster: GRI: Well… (sighs) This is Chance, our Champion. This is Dash our Ranger they will be on the journey with us. and I think you know Khamyra, our Warlock.
He goes on to introduce everyone, and they take the greatest notice of Cullun. Everlee follows suit introducing Dhinoco and Simone Vantax and a few of her other goons.
Chance: nod my head and smile at them.
DMaster: GRI: Well sit sit, do you want something to drink? Eat?
He looks at you like he just remembered something. Luella and Trinity grab some ale and some snacks and puts them on the table. Griffin grabs your arm and takes you out back.
Chance: Follow.
Chan: okay Griffin what is it?
DMaster: GRI: I see you didnt catch that last name, I totally forgot.
Chance: Chan: okay and that means what Griffin?
DMaster: GRI: So that last name Vantax means nothing to you? It is a very prominent powerful family…
Chance: stand there thinking for a minute, Simone does look like… oh hell. She looks like Rosalinda, my eyes get big, and then it hits me hard as I look down.
DMaster: GRI: I am not sure her relation, I am guessing niece or cousin, Dammit, If things go south she will be gunning for you.
Chance: Chan: just grand, I am sure I am in the shit house with her, as if it can’t get much worse .
DMaster: GRI: Just keep an eye on her, Ill have dash do the same.
You two head back in. Cullun is talking with Everlee, going over maps and such.
GRI: Cullun, its a straight shot Northwest of here, no maps really needed.
CUL: Griffin, the town map and they have a rough outline of the strong hold.
Griffin’s eyes perk up and walks over to look, Everlee looks up to the loft.
Chance: I look around for Simone as I scan the room.
DMaster: EVE: Do I hear kids?!?
Simone is standing by the fireplace, just looking down, in thought. Khamyra perks up hearing he mention kids.
KHA: Yes. My twins.
The poor Dark elf dude went from drooling to a “whoa” look.
Chance: walk over to Khamyra.
DMaster: Everlee looks around the room, she counts the people in the order, looks at Khamyra, then to you and back to Khamyra
EVE: Congratulations you two.
Dhinoco looks at her oddly. She whispers something, he looks around the room and then he must of realized your the only male elf in the order. Khamyra is just looking at her, Dhinoco is looking at you and back to her.
DHI: No offense, she has to be what 30-35 years older than him.
Chance: Eyes big.
Chan: excuse you, what!!!!??
DMaster: His eyes grow big.
EVE: More like 40.
She shrugs her shoulders.
Chance: Chan: okay can we just, umm, focus on what needs focused on please.
feeling my face flush a bit
DMaster: KHA: If you must know it’s 43 years.
The Warlock says with a bit of disdain, glaring at the two of them. They shake their head and go over the idea of getting a tour, or something to get them in the building.
Chance: Face turning a bit more red as I get reminded of our age difference , taking this moment to walk over to Griffin and look at the maps.
DMaster: You can hear laughter up there, Novalee making googly sounds and they are in hysterics, everyone, even Simone gets a smile on her face. Everlee gingerly takes a sip of the ale, and she looks pleasantly surprised.
She takes a gulp, hands one to Simone.
EVE: Its good, tastes like Dukes brew almost.
Simone nods and drinks.
Chance: Chan: That would be the one eyed Princess Ale, almost as good but not quite there.
DMaster: You go over the plan; infiltrate by using their status with Animax. Map the place out better than get a game plan from there.
EVE: I am guessing the mage is not coming with us… that puts a crink in the works.
GRI: She is a Warlock, listen much? But… How is it a crink?
EVE: I couldn’t imagine she didn’t know how to cast Invisibility, she could of easily got in and out of the place undetected.
He nods in agreement, Khamyra sighs. Luella walks in from getting some food and they all look. She is dressed fairly provocative, figured it could diffuse some tension.
EVE: And who are you now again?
LUE: I am Luella, I am just eye candy and the sex toy for when people need to get off.
Dino’s jaw drops.
EVE: Lovely, a live in whore.
Dash moves up to her with unbelievable speed.
DAS: She was joking, you dry old twat.
Simone goes to grab him and he dodges the grab.
EVE: Easy easy… there are children here, so lets put a stop to any rough housing.
Griffin is chuckling.
EVE: Oh, this is funny?
GRI: I would of came up with something better than ‘dry old twat’ but whatever.
Everlee slowly smiles.
EVE: I wouldn’t even want to know.
Chance: Chan: so Griffin are you thinking what I am thinking?
look over at Luella with a big smile.
DMaster: Griffin looks at you,
GRI: What we talked about last night?
Chance: Chan: yes what we discussed last night.
DMaster: Everlee looks over to you both, finishes off her ale.
GRI: Luella is an Invoker.
Everlee’s eye bulge a bit, Simone draws her weapon.
EVE: The most dangerous of all of Atticus’s creations. To think Finster was afforded these creatures is blasphemy.
LUE: Whoa, did not see this coming at all.
She stops, looks confused,
LUE: I am the most dangerous?
Chance: Hand slowly goes toward my neck.
DMaster: SIM: What could this abomination possibly do to help us?
With speed and precision Griffin turns grabs the large woman and slams her into the fireplace making things fall off the mantle, Simone was taken by surprise.
GRI: You don’t speak around me, UNDERSTAND!
Chance: Chan: damn it! enough all of you!
DMaster: Everlee moved her cloak and was reaching for something, most likely a weapon. She stops and is still, can’t move. You notice the faint golden glow fading and Khamyra’s eyes are glowing and she is holding her hand out towards the Cleric.
EVE: You… you.
KHA: I don’t think so Cleric.
Chance: grabbing the necklace and tearing it off, letting the power flow.
DMaster: LUE: I did not think I was going to cause this much trouble,
She looks down.
DMaster: Dhinoco looks to Griffin then to Khamyra and looks to be deciding who to go after, but when he sees you he just stops.
Chance: Stand in the middle and growl.
Chan: You are not the problem Luella. they are.
DMaster: Cullun draws his dagger, Dash has his short sword out. Luella, taps on the table and smiles, her eyes flash. Walks a bit opens the back door, in comes a pretty big rat like creature. 3-4 feet long, 2-3 feet high, red eyes. It growls a bit, and is getting in a stance.
LUE: Welcome home, Cheese. Just wait, let’s not make them a mouse snack just yet.
Chance: Shake my head, looking at everyone. Then stop and give Luella a crazy look.
Chan: Wait, you really named it Cheese?
DMaster: Luella smirks and shrugs her shoulders.
KHA: Are we really going to do this in our house with kids up top? How are we going to get to Knightsmoor if we can’t even look at a fucking map?
She closes her hands, and Everlee is released. The cleric puts both hands on the table then scowls at the dark elf.
Chance: Chan: I agree with Khamyra, we need to put out differences aside.
DMaster: Griffin lets Simone go and she shoves the Dwarf sending him back a bit. Cheese walks over and Simone kind of freaks seeing the creature.
EVE: If I have to hear you spout off about getting along or putting differences aside, I might just clobber you one with my morning star. Just shut up.
Everlee finally gets a chance, looks at you and jumps a little.
EVE: By the feast of Animax, must you bring that out now?
Chance: Chan: Your petty bickering did this. I will not tolerate this in our house.
DMaster: Simone is eyeing you up, scowl on her face. Then everyone’s attention is drawn to the stairs, Novalee is walking down them. Trinity heads up not wanting any part of this.
NOV: OK, this is comical.
She stops by all of you.
NOV: So you are some amazing legendary Cleric, and you get offended at the littlest of things and if you are such a pure individual, why are you throwing barbs out like a five year old? You tall woman, red flood or whatever your goddam name is, just shut up. You’re here for a purpose and it sure ain’t for talking. Griffin, hun, you have thicker skin than that, besides Luella is a big girl she can take it… and she has.
Novalee gives Luella a funny look and then to her creature that is starting to smell.
NOV: Cheese? I love it. But babe, it smells.
They both laugh and she nods.
NOV: And M’Lord, put on your necklace, please.
Chance: Nod my head.
DMaster: NOV: Finally Khamyra, go up with your kids, you are not helping the situation, its obvious you and Everlee have history and I am guessing she got the bad end of the deal.
Novalee is standing in the middle of the room, hands on hips.
Chance: Chan: thank you Novie for being the voice of reason.
DMaster: Everyone just stands and looks around in awkward silence, wanting to retort but feels like they shouldn’t. Khamyra heads for the stairs and goes to the loft. Just then a few of their people come in and they say they got rooms etc.
Chance: Chan: you know she is right we are being petty here all of us are in the wrong, we need to get this out of our system now or there is no way we can work together.
DMaster: Novalee looks at you.
NOV: Necklace NOW, it is making the others apprehensive… M’Lord.
Giving you a small sheepish grin.
Chance: nod my head and put my necklace back on seeing Novie like this.
DMaster: She walks over to the keg, pours herself an ale and guzzles it.
EVE: Can you meet us at the entrance of the town at Criers talk? (Thats 7am)
Everlee just stares at the Blonde elf, as does everyone else.
EVE: I’ll take that as a… yes.
Simone and the crew turn and walk out of the house. All their crew grabbing and taking things. Novalee looks at the dirty floor and sighs.
Chance: walk over to Novie, give her a hug and start laughing.
Chan: only you in two breaths could diffuse that whole situation plus say yes with a big burp.
DMaster: You hear Khamyra.
KHA: Jebus was that Novalee, I thought Luella summoned a beast from the underearth.
Novalee hugs back and looks proud.
Chance: Chan: Thank You for that Novie by the way.
DMaster: She nods, you have dinner make final preparations. You spend a bit of time with Khamyra and the lil ones. The kids were tired and wore out ALL night, you even had a few minutes to make love for the first time since the birth. It was very intense and personal for you both. Even afterwards you two in each others arms you were misty eyed.
Wedmak (Wednesday) 7:00 AM
DMaster: You get woke up by Dash.
DAS: M’Lord, I thought you would of been up by now.
Talking quietly.
Chance: Chan: fine fine Dash I will be down in a minute.
Also talking quietly.
DMaster: Dash runs down. Khamyra rolls over, yawns and then sits up quick.
KHA: Are the kids ok? I didn’t hear them all night.
She gets up quietly and looks, they are still snoozing.
KHA: Whaaa? they slept all night… (quiet)
You get dressed, and talk with Khamyra softly, have a nice moment hugging and a nice kiss. That wakes the kids up and you get to say goodbye. One of them dropped the bomb in their drawers.
GRI: Chance! Hate to cut whatever you are doing short… but we need to make sure we have everything and get to the entrance.
Chance: Chan: Aye Griffin, I am sorry I better go.
DMaster: She smiles.
KHA: Please be careful.
She hands you a handkerchief.
KHA: If you have to frenzy, have them give this to you, it has my scent on it and I cast the best imprint I could put on it.
Chance: Chan: thank you, I will give this to Griffin and make sure he keeps it safe.
hand her the lil ones and give her a smile and one more look.
DMaster: she is starting in on motherly duties , you head down and then head downstairs. Griffin has the door open and gives you a dissappointed look.
GRI: You are not even in gear,
Dash is looking at you eyes raised
Chance: Chan: give me a minute and I will be I had to say good bye to them.
DMaster: GRI: Meet us out there… (grumble)
They go to the pen, Dash has his horse down the road. You put on the armor, the shield on your back. Composite bow, quiver, boot dagger, poison dagger and of course your Long sword. You can hear the kids giggling upstairs. You get Toby who Dash already got ready for you, you are late. Griffin is looking at you from down the road.
GRI: M”lord, come on…
Chance: lead Toby out of the Pen and hop up on him and ride up to Griffin.
Chan: Griffin take this handkerchief and keep it safe, if I need to Frenzy this will bring me out of it.
DMaster: He at first looked at you funny, smelled it then he nods, eyes big and a slight smile, puts it in a safe spot. You two ride a bit and you see the other three waiting. Dash is already there. It is a beautiful morning, a few clouds, sun is rising, pink sky. Light breeze around 60-65 degrees.
EVE: Did we wake you up Champion?
Chuckles, the other two look annoyed. You head out. Travel for 5 hours and stop at a small town.
EVE: This is Shrigley Pott, I know the Inn owner here, we can get a quick bite to eat.
You go in, grab a bite, take a pee, drink some water and head back out. Everything good, Toby doing great, he seems lively, making good time.
EVE: THere is a town just 2 hours from here we can stay, just stop for bathroom, and a snack.
Chance: nod my head.
DMaster: DAS: Is that Orcsnout?
Everlee looks over and smiles.
EVE: Yes.
DAS: Cool we get to see the big rock that looks like… guess.
Chance: Chan: like an Orc snout?
DMaster: He nods and the party giggles a little. They head back out and sure as shit about 2 hours later there are more trees and in a clearing there is a rock face that kind of looks like an orc and a snout. You all stall the horses find an inn and pay for rooms
GRI: We should hit Knightsmoor tomorrow afternoon if all goes well.
Chance: shaking my head, not saying a lot as thoughts drift back to home.
DMaster: You eat and hit the hay, party spends 1 gold + 9 Silver for diner.
Chance: try to get comfortable being away from Khamyra and the kids for the first time as I lay down on the bed and close my eyes.
DMaster: You sleep pretty good.
Thuralay (Thursday) 7:00AM
CRY: 7:00 am get up, sunny and warm!
Chance: grumble a bit as I get up, and then put my armor and stuff back on. Come down the stairs shaking the sleep off me.
DMaster: they are already down starting to eat. You grab something to eat, drink.
then you head out. The breakfast was had without barely a word. It’s been that way the whole trip except for Dash and Dhinoco, they are getting along famously. 6 Silver spent for breakfast.
Chance: ride close to Dash and Griffin as we ride.
DMaster: you ride, its boring.
GRI: We are only a few hours outside of Knightsmoor.
You stop eat a little something pee and then head back out. You are like a mile outside Knightsmoor when both Dhinoco and Dash stop the group. They glance at each other, smile.
DAS: Dino, you see it too?
You realize the Dhinoco is probably also a Ranger.
Chance: Chan: what do you see you two?
DMaster: They put their nose in the air
DHI: Smell that too.
He nods, Everyone gets off the horses.
EVE: Simone stay with the horses.
She looks put off by that but does as she is commanded.
DAS: A lot of traffic through here, there is brush and lots of twigs broken branches, etc.
After you step into the forest you can smell campfire.
EVE: Griffin if this is what I think this is…
GRI: I know Ev, I hope its… not.
you step into a clearing and there are tents, some fires, people in red robes, a woman in the middle turns.
VEL: What the fuck, really?
She smirks, brings a white and blue flower up to her nose and sniffs.
VEL: Here for the flora, perhaps?