Under The Claw

Previously In The Last Adventure:

The dynamic duo meets up with Malik and things get sketchy. Khamyra and Chance, much to the WELF's surprise, decide to head home. They make their way out of the swamp and back to Clovendale where they meet up with Whitlock. Helping the city they get jumped. After a grueling battle, they head out and a new evil shows it's face.

NSFW Warning / Bad Grammar

This text will contain language not suitable for some people. It is merely an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. We are not trying to be the next J.R.R. Tolkien, so there will be misspelled words, fragmented sentences and things that just don’t make sense. Once in a while there will be some nudity and sexual themes, you will be warned ahead of time. Just read, enjoy and have fun!

Main Characters

EP#47 Under The Claw

Under The Claw banner

First Five Starts Here

Khamyra talking with RawekKhamyra staring the bird thing down, she unmounts, slaps the horse and it runs off. She glances over and sees Chance peering out from the weeds. “You ok?” she says then looking back at Rawek not waiting for an answer.

“Oops, I didn’t *squawk* mean for that, hehhehheh” he says glancing over and what Chance thinks is a smile.

There are creatures walking around him they have never seen. A hissing sound can be heard and an orange glow surrounding the area.

“The mage” he says, some what sarcastically and bows. The creatures stop look at him then her.

“You don’t bow to me Invoker, we are on even ground” Khamyra says as she makes a stand about 25 feet from him, “I am a Warlock anyways. What can we do for you?”

Rawek, the crazy invokerChance gets up and walks over, in full glow mode. The bird like man’s eyes grow big and he takes a knee “M’Lord I did not know you were such a shite horse rider” he glances up with what they think is a smirk.

“You are insulting me?” the Champion says giving him an odd look.

“Ahhh ‘chirp’ speaking the truth ‘squawk’ is not an insult” he says as he stands straight up. “I merely wanted to see you two for myself.”

Two larger dogs run to him, eyes glowing red.

Khamyra’s eyes light up a bit “Oh Fluffy and Spot!” she says in an almost laugh.

Rawek glares at her “Do not make fun of my pets” he says scolding her, he leans down petting the crazed dogs.

“No disrespect, its just those could be the most ferocious pets on Legon and you name them Fluffy and Spot?” She says in a matter of fact tone. She is desperately trying to be friendly and warm hoping this encounter will go without incident.

It gets oddly quiet. Khamyra and chance just watches as the demon dogs and this, man / creature interact.

“I realize you two are *twitches* Finsters little heroes but I have come to give waaa *waaawwwk* rrninng” Rawek says stammering a little and making a bird sound. “stay out of my business if you know what is good for you… squawk!”

The champions eyes slit and he starts to slowly shake his head, “When a kid is involved you…”

Khamyra goes to stop Chance from saying anything but it was too late, Rawek slammed his staff to the ground, his beady little eyes glow. Slimy fleshy tentacles break from the ground and start to wrap up Chance and the onyx elf. A sulfuric smell starts to emanate and fluffy and spot are running around yapping all excited.

The bird man, has what they feel is a satisfied smirk. Khamyra eyes wide, in a panic is struggling a little but is held fast, no way to cast a spell she thinks, probably his intention. Chance on the other hand is calm and just stares at the invoker. “As I was saying, when a kid is involved expect us to be in your business” chance finishes giving the invoker a smile. The tentacles wrapped tightly around the quarter elf.

A look of curiosity washes over his bird like face, and he walks towards the Champion. Khamyra looks over to Chance, notices that he is way too calm and says “Just don’t say anything, please…” she looks frantic. Rawek is right in front of the man looking him over. “I don’t think you…” he starts but gets interrupted.

The Champion brings forth a little anger, a light flashes and he rips a tentacle from the ground that was holding him, weird gushing fluid spurts out and an ear piercing high pitched screaming could be heard. It drops the Champion who then without missing a step, grabs the creature-man by the throat and lifts him up. “Last time, for the cheap seats, when there is a kid involved expect us to be in… your… business… we need to know where she went… and we are on the same side you fucking lunatic. Release the mage, and be on your way.”

Fluffy and Spot, cute evil ball eating dogsRawek’s eyes are huge, the dogs are yipping and semi biting at Chance. The invokers eyes are flickering light and he nods his head. Chance puts him down to the ground. Both sets of tentacles quickly go back into the ground and you hear more odd high pitched screaming sounds. Rawek stumbles back and immediately goes to one knee, trembling a little. “M’lord” he says squawking a bit rubbing his throat. He then stands up and quickly moves out of range of the Champion.

“I would like to know I can count on you if you are called” Chance says walking over to Khamyra making sure she is alright. “There is still much work to be done for our Dark Cleric. Crazy or not you are important to him.” Khamyra is still digesting what just happened but is looking at Chance with much curiosity.

Rawek just stands there, looking at the two of them. “Yes, M’Lord *shudder* I will come” he eeps out looking stunned and defeated. The bird like man hits his staff on the ground and within a minute two creatures come out from the earth. “Take these on your journey through the plains, *sqwauk* it will be dangerous.”

By then the two called their horses and they stand before the invoker. Khamyra is trying to wipe the gooey mess off her, she looks grossed out.

“Thank you master invoker, and it was nice meeting you” The Champion says nodding his head.

The invoker bows a bit and waves his dogs on, he starts to walk away. The other creatures, burrow under the weeds of the fields and disappear.

Chance walks over to Khamyra and puts his hand to her chin “You ok?” he says with loving eyes.

She nods keeping an eye on the short hooded figure walking away “I am fine, but this slime is friggen gross, I feel like someone blew their nose all over me.”

Chance lets out a bellowing laugh, one that the Onyx Elf has never heard, she snorts a little giving her lover a worried look. Wanting to get as much space in between her and the crazy bird man, she refrains from asking questions. The dark elf jumps on her horse, “Lets get the hell out of here, with our new bug friends” she says.

The two of them ride for about an hour when Chance almost falls off the horse. Khamyra notices and she stops the horses, “Chance you ok?’ She says pulling up next to him. He looks around, the weird creatures catching up with them. “Where are we?” he says holding his head with his hand. “How did we get here?” looking around and seeing the bug creatures “Khamyra look out!”

He jumps down and Khamyra practically tackles him. “CHANCE!” she yells to him, they are our escorts!” The Champions head snaps to her “What? They are?” He looks stunned and very confused.

The two of them discuss what happened for a few minutes, she tells him of the events that happened a few hours outside Clovendale.

“You don’t remember Rawek at all?” She says looking at his head with a little bit of playfulness “That tumble off your horse really must of did something to your pea brain.”

He laughs and brings her close to him, he looks at her, “I remember Toby getting spooked, me falling off the horse, AGAIN” he says giving the horse an evil glance, “then the next thing I know I am riding next to you hours away from Clovendale.”

Do you remember this? She leans up and gives him a kiss. Her lips so soft yet so powerful, he forgets everything for a few seconds as a little power transfers back and forth. “I don’t know, I wasn’t on Legon for a moment there, goddam your lips are dangerous” he quips looking down at the beautiful dark elf.

“Lets get going, I don’t know how long we have our buggy friends here and I feel safer with them than without” she says jumping back on her horse. Chance does the same and they head out again for home.

A few clouds float above them, the horizon looming large. It is very warm, but nothing unusual for the season. After a few hours they stop, get something to eat, let the horses drink from a small pond. The creatures that were summoned, just roam around and they have seemed to have caught some mice and are eating them.

The duo continues and in the distance Khamyra points “Son of a bitch, we found it!” Chance looks up to see that farm house far in the distance. “Thank Finster, we don’t have to sleep in the weeds tonight.”

They ride up and it is about 5:00PM from what they can tell. Get the horses settled, hide them the best they could behind brush and a fence. Khamyra sees the 2 creatures make some clicking noises, and lay down by the fence. She brings water over to them and they do not seem to like it. “I am sorry, I don’t know what you need” she says then realizing she is talking to what she thinks is overgrown cockroaches. She slaps her forehead and sighs with relief that they are not leaving yet.

Khamyra walks over to Chance as they are setting up bedrolls in the living room and figuring out what to eat.

“I have been thinking” She says looking up at the tall quarter elf.

“Uh-oh, a dangerous past time” he says smirking at her.

She gives him a playful nudge, “I think Finster had something to do with your memory loss back there” she blurts out looking at Chance waiting for the reaction. “I do not have near the strength of you but I could not budge with those tentacles, you not only ripped one of them out of the ground, but easily escaped them. Rawek changed his tune the second you grabbed him by the throat, and that laugh… that belly laugh.”

He is shaking his head rolling out his bedroll. “Don’t remember any of that, why was I laughing?” he asks.

“I just said the slime from the tentacles was like someone blowing their nose on you.” She says laying down her coat next to her roll. Chance bust out laughing, his typical adorable laugh she thinks. Khamyra stands there, stunned. She is just staring at him, mouth open, shaking her head.

“Hun, I think Finster was channeling you” she says exasperated eyes wide. She slaps her head realizing something “What did I say to him? Yeah talked to him about boogers, great job Khamyra.”

Turn Based Starts Here

Chance: Chan: You think Finster decided to make an appearance when we met Rawek?

DMaster: Khamyra still reeling a bit from her realization that she talked to her lord about… “snots”, she just shakes her head

Chance: Chan: why hasn’t he done so before?
looking over at Khamyra waiting for an answer

DMaster: She shrugs her shoulders as she finishes setting up her bedroll
KHA: I have no idea. But I would apreciate a heads up, I could upgrade my conversation from bodily fluids.

Chance: Chuckling at that comment.
Chan: well at least you weren’t telling him about our sex life

DMaster: She smiles and scoffs a bit
KHA: That would of been better than boogers
She glances out the window.
KHA: I hope those creatures out there will stand guard… or sit at guard or perch or whatever those things do for the night

Chance: Chan: you should get some sleep I am sure it won’t come to me easy so I may just keep watch in the meantime.

DMaster: KHA: We have to get something to eat first, I guess we can just eat some of the rations that were given to us
She walks out the door and heads for the horses to grab some food from the horses pack

Chance: while she heads for the horses I sit on my bedroll trying to wrap my head around what happened earlier with Finster showing up

DMaster: you two eat some rations, they are actually really good, ones from Wyzaquenne still. Before you even realize it, She rolls over and starts her light soft adorable snoring.

Chance: after she is asleep I will go sit over by a window looking out

DMaster: You see those 2 creatures wandering about out there, so you go back to your roll and fall asleep

Freya (Friday) 6:00AM

DMaster: Wake up, sun is just coming up. Khamyra is sitting up in her bedroll, stretching a bit and you caught her watching you sleep
KHA: You are a quiet sleeper my love

Chance: Scratch my ass
Chan: you were watching me sleep?

DMaster: KHA: Yeah. (giggles a little)

Chance: Chan: seems like you have reversed the roles usually I watch you sleep hun (smirking)

DMaster: KHA: There’s a reason why…
She then jumps over to your bedroll, rips your pants off and you start having some crazy morning sex. Puts a new maning to morning wood.

Chance: breathing heavy and lay back sweating when we are done and wrap my arms around her
Chan: I think you have a bigger sex drive then me
Smiling and loving it
Chan: not that I am complaining by any means

DMaster: Glancing out you see its cloudy. You guys get up, get dressed. its nice out right now, overcast, mid 60’s breezy as always, The two creatures are sitting by the steps of the house.

Chance: Chan: I am gonna have to work harder to keep up with you (winking)

DMaster: She nods
KHA: Good luck.
She snorts a little and walks out, gets the horses ready. You two nibble on some food. The creatures are ready to go too

Toby, Chances stallionChance: nibble on my food and then head out to Toby and give him a little pat
Chan: so how long do you think we will have these escorts
looking at the creatures a bit unnerved by them

DMaster: She shakes her head
KHA: Long enough I hope, at least until tomorrow… otherwise we are camping in the weeds alone

Chance: Chan: well I suppose we should mount up and make haste, the further we get the better I say

DMaster: Heavy overcast, breezy as usual and good temps. Khamyra is relieved for that. The first 4 hours no rain. For a while the creatures are pulling you a little more south as you ride. At first its an annoyance, then you realize they are guiding you away from a patrol of some creatures. Khamyra gets your attention and points at them
KHA: They are acting all weird

Chance: Chan: well they must sense or see something we don’t. it pays to have them with us for sure I don’t wanna find out what it is

DMaster: you guys get riding again and they fade into the distance
Eventually you stop, grab a quick bite, some water for you and Toby. Then you get going again. Next 4 hours 11:00AM to 3:00PM its clear sailing. Great riding weather, no sun nice breeze and mid-high 70s, You stop and eat something bigger. Rations, cheese and some bread. Along the way you would see one of the creatures tail off then return with what looked like a beaver or large rodent in their mouth, they are are eating too

A mix of clouds and sunsetChance: kind of seeing this I bust out laughing and look over to Khamyra
Chan: well at least we know they can take care of themselves

DMaster: you two head back out, 4:00PM to 8:00PM. The sun has finally set completely.
KHA: OK, time to find a place to hunker down.
You found a place that was kind of higher in weeds, but its still not great. since its pitch dark now, its the best you could do . She is stomping an area off to lay bedrolls

Chance: grab my bedroll and once she is done I will set mine up near hers but not to close

DMaster: you two eat a listless meal, your dark vision and hers are working fine, she has a better version than yours. yours ends up looking black and white, her vision has color. Not that it matters much

Chance: Chan: I hope when we get home Novie cooks us something good I miss it, never realized I could miss home so much but being out here with all the crazy has opened my eyes

DMaster: she smiles, throws you over some cheese. You two finish eating, lay down, chit chat for a bit and fall asleep, you do not sleep well – tossing and turning.

Sagalay (Saturday) 3:00 AM

Khamyra looking over the encounter that is not going to go wellDMaster: You are woken up, the creatures are acting real weird, its about 3am. Khamyra is crouching, trying to stay below the weeds. Looking across the plains

Chance: hand goes to my neck as I crouch down looking around

DMaster: She is motioning you to NOT do anything with the necklace yet. She lets out a some hat defeated sigh
KHA: Goddammit, Owlbears

Chance: Chan: just grand fucking owlbears

DMaster: She reaches for her coat, puts it on
KHA: They have our scent, One is north and one is south
She is glancing around
KHA: I can’t see our little bug friends, they may be laying in waiting.
Khamyra finishes putting her coat on, grabs some dust froma small pouch.
KHA: Awesome, good morning Khamyra! Can I get you anything? Sure… two Owlbears up my ass!
She draws her sword with her other hand.

Chance: Draw my sword as and dagger as well and look at her
Chan: Not sure they would fit up that sweet little tiny butt.

DMaster: She glaces over to you and gives you a smile and a look.
KHA: A long bow right now would of been handy

Battle Written Out

Play Video And Continue Reading

Eventually the bears knew they have been seen and made the best of it. Both of them, coordinated rushed them, one coming from the south, the other coming from the north. Khamyra does not wait on it since the last time she almost died when the Owl Bear rushed so fast her Firewall spell backfired. They take little notice of the dark elf almost blending into the surroundings. They see a glowing beacon of tonights meal.

She tosses some glittery dust in the air, traces the symbol of destruction and says “freddo”. She gets in a stance as it tends to push back a bit. Cold and ice form and come out of what seems no where, it streaks at the Owl Bear coming from the north. It hits him but did not seem to effect him all that much (16hp dmg), he kept rushing.

Chance grips his sword tighter and his dagger. Both bears are still to far away. I will allow them to get in a little closer then try my double attack. Thats a good idea, he thinks to himself.

He could not of been more wrong.

The owl bears attack Chance and KhamyraThese Owlbears were hauling ass and before he knew it the southern Bear, beak first pierces the Champion making him fall back to a knee trying to hold himself (14hp dmg). Meanwhile the bear’s second attack gouged his whole one side (13hp dmg), blood, and some guts spill. There was so much pain, he didn’t even feel it after a few seconds, Chance just did everything he could to stay upright.

The northern bear rushes by Khamyra almost knocking her over. Confused why the bear didn’t attack her, she then realized, why attack me when you can attack what did Whitlock call him? Oh yeah ‘an overgrown lantern.’ She muses but that quickly fades as she looks back seeing Chance engulfed in the one Owlbear. Her eyes bulge ‘why did Chance hesitate?!?’ she screams inside.

The second bear rushes and misses his beak attack but slashes right through the Champion (15hp dmg – Chance is at zero hp). There was a blinding light, the pain no longer mattered as he felt himself go limp and fall to the ground, still in the grasp of the one bear.

Khamyra angry, you dont want her angryKhamyra’s life flashes before her eyes, not the one she lived, but the one she was about to. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!” she screams and it gets the attention of both bears. Her eyes burst with energy, flickering with anger and power.

Meanwhile the two creatures that were traveling with them land both their attacks (7hp & 5hp). The one Owlbear that Khamyra hit with the cold did not take notice, but the one that had Chance in its grasp, let him go and started to snap at the creatures.

Khamyra throws out more dust, traces the symbol of Charm and says the word “lamme.” The northern, most hurt Owlbear (misses savings throw) stops, frozen. Khamyra staring the beast down, hoping the creatures know enough what to do. The crafty cockroach looking things, circle around taking the one Owlbear on a goose chase. They then make their way back and they see the frozen Owlbear, and do not hesitate and attack it (12hp & 15hp double damage, backstab) Khamyra loses grip on the spell because the bear falls to the ground motionless.

Chance opens his eyes and looks around. An empty space with fog surrounding him. “FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!” he is slamming his fist on the ground. “This can’t be happening AGAIN!!!” He stands and just screams at the top of his lungs in absolute frustration.

The Dark Cleric, Demi-God FinsterFinster steps out of the fog eyes comically wide and just stands there staring at him.

Chance notices him and he just puts his hands on his hips, shaking and breathing heavy. Not even sure what to say, all his emotions and frustrations just hit him at once. Tears start to fall.

The demi-god walks to his Champion. “Chance, it’s going to be ok.” He says with a surprising warmth. “You are just taking on more than you can handle right now.”

The Champion then kneels to his Lord. Finster smiles and says “How many times do I have to tell you, that you do not have to kneel to me.”

“At least one more time M’Lord” Chance says with respect.

The second Owl Bear ready to kill Khamyra gets stopped by tentaclesKhamyra’s eyes grow wide seeing the second bear heading for her, full force. “I might be with you in a moment my love” she thinks bracing herself waiting for the pain and power. But it does not come. She glances up. The fleshy tentacles have sprung from the ground and grabbed the Owlbear by the back feet. It falls and starts to struggle with them. As it does another set spring up and wrap the beat all the way around. The creatures with the party start to attack. Khamyra in one fluid motion, drops her sword into her sheath that is laced with Poison, unsheathes it and plunges the sword deep into the head of the creature. Eventually the creature just stops moving after screams and wails.

The demi-god points down where they can see what is happening in the plains. The Owlbear has just been defeated. “See, it all worked out ok, my boy Rawek came through for us, those critters have a psychic connection to the underearth… brilliant you crafty little bird dude” he says patting the quarter elf on his back.(Chance fails his first death throw)

The Onyx Elf sprints over to Chance, to her lover… to her everything. Picking his head up, tears form and start to stream down her face. He is not breathing, he is not moving, he is not with me, she thinks. She wipes some dirt off his face, tears blurring her vision. “This can’t be happening” she says quietly, “you have so much to live for…” She kisses his forehead and leans her head against his. The creatures quietly stand by the distraught elf, keeping an eye on things. Cassie pops up in her head and she gasps, “oh my god no…”

“You have been reckless with many things, you are rarely prepared and I feel that you are trying to do too much” Finster says walking, almost pacing a bit. “Time to wake up Champion, be armed, be protected and be prepared.” He says with some force. “It could also be my fault, putting so many expectations on you at such a young age, but its time to man up… its…”

He stops suddenly and he has a look of pain wash over his face. He looks at the Champion, pauses a moment “she is praying for you…” You think you almost see the demi-god tear up. He looks away “it’s heart breaking.”

Khamyra beginning to mourn Chances death“… whether you choose life or death for Chance, just let him know how much I love him and that I…” she tries to finish her prayer but the pain and tears take over. She starts to ball, trying to catch her breath with her sobs.

“I think she has been through enough young Chance, time to head back” Finster says looking down at the plains. “I won’t be able to do this every time, the next you could just be dead. So be prepared and ready for ANYTHING that is thrown your way… I KID you not.” He says with a smirk on his face.

Chance looks down and watches as his lover balls next to him, and his heart breaks. Finster walks up and gives him a quick kick in the butt “Say hi to Khamyra for me!” (Chance makes his death throw)

“GASP!” Chance convulses for a moment, and it scared the shit out of Khamyra, she falls back with eyes wide. “I will!” he exclaims as he takes his second breath.

She just sits there, leaning back on her hands, shaking, tears streaming.

“He literally kicked my ass” Chance says, musing, then looks over to Khamyra. “Oh hun, I am ok.” Chance looks down and see’s he is NOT ok, he is almost still in parts. He tries to heal himself but was just able to get him gathered and functional (12hp).

Turn Base Starts Here

DMaster: KHA: Thank Finster, my love…
She is hugging you, blood is everywhere, the dark elf is absolutely douched.

Chance: Chan: Finster says “hi”
hug her back with what little strength I have left

DMaster: She laughs with tears running down her cheeks
KHA: I owe him a lot… I owe him my life.

Chance: Chan: not the way I wanted to see Finster yet again
Trying to wrap up what I can.

DMaster: You remember what Whitlock said about Khamyra: “she is the most consistent fierce fighter I have even battled next to, be very thankful for her.” Her eyes are big
KHA: Holy shit, he can’t be happy about this

Chance: Chan: well surprisingly he wasn’t angry just said I need to be better prepared, quit taking on more than I can handle.
Look at the dark elf.

DMaster: Both creatures sit down about 5 feet from you watching and looking around
they were roughed up a bit, but they seem ok. After a minute of things settling down, You notice tears just streaming down her face, she puts her head in her hands and just begins to ball. It just is overwhelming her.

Chance: I will get over to her, put my arms around her.
Chan: Hun it will be okay

DMaster: She can barely breath she is crying so hard. She stands up and walks a bit away trying to gather herself, you really can’t move very fast, your healing job is less than complete

Chance: sit up a bit, looking around, giving her time to gather herself

DMaster: its about 4:30AM… just a hint of a sunrise, You can see some stars through the clouds, you can see one of the moons. Its about 65 out and of course windy. it is pretty nice out.

Chance: thinking to myself if this was any other place to be looking at it might be a bit romantic (chuckling) slowly get up and walk over to Khamyra

DMaster: she is taking deep breathes, facing the wind and shaking a little

Chance: Gently touch her once I get close enough

DMaster: KHA: you were dead again…
She shudders at that comment.

Chance: look down a bit sighing
Chan: I am back now my love

DMaster: The trip is getting to her, you have barely slept in over a day, you both are worn to the edge of your nerves. She turns and buries her head into you balling again

Chance: holding her gently in my arms letting her cry

DMaster: After about a half hour, the sun starts to rise, its gorgeous sunrise, you both stand there in each others arms watching it unfold

Chance: Chan: as I keep getting reminded how amazing you are my love
hugging her a little tighter.
Chan: Whitlock might be a dickslapper, he was right about you, and I am so thankful you are with me.

DMaster: She finally breaks her silence.
KHA: You hesitated… I just. I…
she is shaking her head
KHA: It was like you just allowed them to maul you.

Chance: Chan: I though I would pull them in I forgot how powerful and fast those damn things are, I shouldn’t have hesitated… again, I screw everything up.

DMaster: After a few minutes, still snuggled together. The sun is above the horizon.
KHA: I’m almost out of mana, you are barely alive and we can’t be hanging around 2 smelly corpses
She steps away, wipes some tears away still sniffling.
KHA: We are fucked
She heads for those weeds again, a shrill whistle to get the horses back

Chance: shaking my head knowing she is right, get my self together as best I can
and gather my weapons

DMaster: She takes a minute to cut off the beaks and the claws, Powerful physical components

Chance: thinking to myself if we make it back home I am gonna start training harder

DMaster: The both of you have a bite to eat, clean up and head out. She still has blood and guts on her, but she doesn’t seem to care at this point.
KHA: We are going to be extra cautious, so lets go
Its 6AM (DM: He rolls a 3, but barely makes the stealth throw to by pass a patrol) You just pass a patrol… the little creatures help keep you out of harms way.
KHA: Holy fuck, that was close
You stop after 4 hours, its around 10:00AM
KHA: I think we are roughly 8-9 hours to the edge of the plains

Chance: Chan: I will thank Finster when we are gone from the plains, not a place I want to see for a long long time again

The edge of the Teeter Wind PlainsDMaster: you take a drink, and eat a little, take care of the horses a bit and head out (DM: Rolls 8) Its mostly sunny and a bit warm, breezy as usual. both of you make it 4 more hours, its about 2-230. You do the usual, both of you are antsy by now you have healed yourself completely. You put your necklace back on. Khamyra is feeling better, magically (She has 8 mana now) You look over to her and she is still covered in blood, mud, etc. She has been quiet and reserved
KHA: Lets get this over with
she pats her horse jumps up on it

Chance: get up on my horse and pat Toby and nod my head

DMaster: You start to see some towns dot the horizon, farmers working the fields, trees and soft hills, smoke from chimneys. The 2 creatures make a weird sound, you two look at them, and they dive into the ground. They are gone
KHA: They were literally a life saver

Chance: Chan: yeah they were, I will have to remember to thank Rawek when we met him again

DMaster: She gives you a look
KHA: Next time we’ll have him over for biscuits and tea
She rolls her eyes. You two ride into Gray shale at about 6:00 PM and holy shit its one of the best sites you’ve ever seen. Your house. Dash is standing at the door he looks up with a big smile. You put Toby in the pen.
DAS: M’Lord!
He bows a little and helps you with the horse, then the fast ranger glances over to Khamyra and his eyes get big
DAS: Khamyra are you ok?
She jumps off her horse looks at herself and smiles
KHA: Yeah… owlbear guts

Chance: Chan: fucking owlbears
hop off my horse and walk closer to Khamyra

Griffin running out to meet the Champion and MageDMaster: Griffin come busting out the door
GRI: M’Lord! Khamyra, you are ok!
He looks relieved but then sees the condition you both are and then it changes
GRI: Where is Whitlock?

Chance: Chan: last I knew he was still in Clovendale with his new job or whatever it is, we can talk after we both clean up
looking down at myself as well and chuckle a bit

DMaster: DAS: Ill get the bath started for you
Griffin walks over to Khamyra and they walk a bit down the path out of ear shot. It doesn’t appear Griffin says anything.

Chance: I will keep my eyes on them talking
Chan: Make the bath for Khamyra first, she is filthy.

DMaster: Dash nods and heads inside. Khamyra finishes talking, turns, she has tears in her eyes and Griffin is just looking down. She walks past you into the house

Chance: walk over to Griffin
Chan: okay what’s going on?
looking at him directly

DMaster: He glaces up, he shrugs his shoulders
GRI: I didn’t say a word, she told me what happened and walked away
He puts his hand on your shoulder
GRI: Good to see you M’Lord

Chance: Nod and smile
Chan: Good to see you as well Griffin.

DMaster: GRI: Well there is a lot to talk about, we will let you two get cleaned up and eat, Novie is making her famous squirrel root stew

Chance: Chan: well I agree there is alot to talk about, some I need you and Cullun to make sense of.

Novalee and Chance reunite with a big hugDMaster: He nods and guides you in the house, You get slammed into. Novie is giving you a huge hug

Chance: hug her back
Chan: Novie, how I missed you

DMaster: Griffin has a big smile on his face
NOV: I missed you too M’lord
Novie brings you some ale and a bowl of stew

Chance: Chan: Griffin after we eat and talk one thing we do need to do is start ramping up my training

DMaster: He whole heartedly agrees. He sits down and makes small talk
GRI: Do you know how long you were away?

Chance: Chan: I lost track of time Griffin at least 2 weeks or more by my guess
looking around as we talk and I eat looking for Khamyra

DMaster: She gets out of the bath
NOV: Khamyra!
They both hug, Khamyra is tearing up a bit. Novie looks at her, grabs her hand and they go out the back door. You finish up your meal and it was GOOOOD. The ale hits the spot too

Chance: look over at Griffin
Chan: I feel like I let her down(quietly) dying like I did. I didn’t even give her a chance to… survive.

DMaster: GRI: Let it be the inspiration to get better
he says in a sage fashion

Chance: Chan: I agree it’s time for me to become what Finster saw in me when he picked me

DMaster: Dash goes into the bath room
DAS: Oh man, thats nasty, I think there are still some Owl Bear parts in here.
he dumps the water out the side, he is setting up a bath for you
GRI: Once you are cleaned up we are all going to talk.
Khamyra comes in and walks past you, traces her hand across your back, since she can’t do anything else really and goes and sits down. Novalee is getting her some food and ale

Chance: smile a bit, get up and head to the loft and grab a change of clothes and head to the bathroom

DMaster: you take a bath, get changed and head into the main area with the big table
Khamyra, Novalee, Griffin and Cullun has shown up now

Chance: Chan: Cullun so good to see you
as I plop down in a chair

DMaster: He bows / nods
CUL: You as well M’Lord
GRI: Sit lets talk
Novlee has pitchers on the table with ale in them

Chance: looking around at the people at the table with a small smile and a bit of wondering what is gonna be said

DMaster: GRI: Tell us of your adventures
You and Khamyra spin the tale; How you got jumped by Owlbears with Whitlock, how you went crazy eyes on Orcs around the house, then you meeting up with Waz, (you keep HER secret), the chase of Malik, the attack of the Kobolds, staying a night in an elf stronghold, Meeting Restria, then the crazy battle north of Clovendale and then the final Owlbear battle

Chance: Look around and mention that Finster did Channel me and the vision I have been having

DMaster: Khamyra is in much better spirits now, around friends, clean, not hungry and an ale in hand

Chance: looking over to Cullun
Chan: so Cullun any idea about these visions and our Lord channeling me?
also will mention the daughter and how she could tell I was the Champion

DMaster: CUL: It is something I will have to research
Khamyra’s eyes light up after hearing about researching.
KHA: Oh wait
She runs out to her saddle bags and brings in the wad of papers that Wyzaquenne gave you, about the quiet gem and her spell books. It was like Cullun just had a huge piece of chocolate cake in front of him. His eyes bulge and he drools a little, he grabs the papers and starts to look at them

Chance: cover my mouth as he drools a bit so as not to bust out laughing
Chan: what did you find on your little journey Griffin since we are trading tales

Velencia, tied to a chair in the basementDMaster: He looks around, stands up
GRI: Why don’t we have a look
the group walks out the back door, to the shed, that has a hatch and stairs leading down (DM: That I hinted at time and time again and you never looked) There is a large room at the base, in the middle is someone tied up in a chair

Chance: eyes get real big
Chan: What is the meaning of this?!?

DMaster: Griffin stands inbetween you and her

Chance: Chan: tell me that isn’t who I think it is

DMaster: GRI: Easy Champion.
She is not really paying attention
VEL: I’m hungry you backstabbing sleeze balls

DMaster: Seeing her hits you hard, you’re exhausted. You are getting steamed a bit . Khamyra walks over, grabs your hand
KHA: Easy glowboy

Chance: Chan: I see that nickname is gonna stick with me
Give a playful frown.

DMaster: She smiles, Velencia finally looks over. A look of complete bewinderment on her face.
VEL: What? What the FUCK? What is this idiot doing here?
Her face scrunched and baffled.
VEL: Get this turd stain out of my sight now.

Chance: give Griffin a look, grit my teeth
Chan: Griffin since you are the voice of reason care to enlighten her before I show her with the bottom of my boot?

DMaster: Her eyes are like coals, turn to slits.
VEL: It’s wonder boy… where is your Firebrand to protect you,
she shakes her head
VEL: Pathetic

Chance: glare back and just give her an evil grin
Chan: you really think I need a Firebrand to protect me now? Time to catch up skank.

DMaster: Griffin sighs at the barbs.
GRI: Velencia, since it takes a Minotaur and a huge club for you to believe anything… Chance show her
he gets out of your way, everyone in the room goes to one knee

Chance: hand goes for my necklace and go full champion

DMaster: her eyes bulge and looks around
VEL: why are you kneeling you dumb motherfuckers…
Her eyes can’t get any bigger
VEL: Wait, what… what is happening here?
Then it hits the High Priestess, a look of realization washes over her face.
VEL: uhhh, no. This… this can’t be.

Chance: Chan: you see my dear Priestess that day on the road up north, Finster made me his Champion
glaring at her
Chan: Not you, me. In fact as I recall he was annoyed with you after you passed out.

DMaster: She is staring down at the ground, still tied with some odd metal bracers.
VEL: I spend my goddam life dedicated to him, and some worthless slug gets granted the champion power (mumbles) I guess he doesn’t want to ascend after all, I mean it was a good run…
Anger boils up in you.

Khamyra noticing too late that Chance is choking the PriestessChance: Walk over and grab her by the throat, lifting her, chair and all.

DMaster: Her eyes huge, at first with a little bit of fear, then almost acceptance. As though to say, ‘kill me.’
KHA: Dammit! Chance!
Khamyra scrambling over to you.
KHA: I know you have a history with her, but we all do.
The Warlock grabs you and looks, sees that you are not in frenzy mode.
KHA: Not all of it is bad, she has done a lot for us over the years.

Chance: Glance to Khamyra with a worried curious look. Then back to her.
Chan: When this is all said and done you nasty bitch, I will tear you in half and dance in the puddle of your blood.
Try to give her pain with my touch.

DMaster: The transfer of pain does not work.
KHA: Let her down before you kill her.

Chance: Chan: this worthless slug, as you put it, is your Champion and it would be best that you get in line with that.
Drop her hard, still staring at her.
Chan: Priestess as much I would like to tear your heart out of your chest for all that you have done to me, we are on the same side for now. I am sure our Dark Cleric would be none to happy with me if he wakes up tomorrow to find you in parts.
Back up from her, as much power as I can muster.

DMaster: She is coughing a bit, stunned.
GRI: She was going to wipe out a complete town to get to Tirianna
Velencia getting her bravery back
VEL: Lucky for you all I won’t roast you to an ash pile when this is done for your deceit… but there will be consequences.
Shaking her head she looks down, frustrated.

Chance: trying to keep myself as calm as possible, shake my head.

DMaster: You all leave the Priestess down in the basement of the shed.

Chance: putting my necklace back on before I let the anger build too much

DMaster: You are back in the main dining area.
GRI: She does not know where she is, Trinity was able to blind her temporarily, used some anti-magic metal (if that works with god given abilities, its still unknown) cuffs, and we kidnapped her. Trinity and Luella is looking for the best way to get her out of here.
They tell you of the tale, they got there, watched the group, realized they were going to raze the town to the ground, tried to side with her, then realized they had to trick her. Then found a way to kidnap her and bring her back. It took nearly 2 weeks to do that. Velencia has been in the basement for a little over 2 days. You are yawning and ready to pass out, Khamyra looks tired too.

Chance: Chan: might I suggest we discuss more in the morning, it has been a long trip

Novalee gives Chance another hug knowing things he doesn'tDMaster: KHA: I am sharing that huge bed with you tonight, We had to do that anyways in our travels anyways
Everyone agrees, Novie gives you another hug but with purpose.
NOV: Good to have you home and alive.

Chance: Give Novie a big hug
Chan: it is so good to be home
Give her a kiss on the top of the head. Then walk up to the loft area and strip down to my trousers, still yawning

DMaster: Khamyra looks over to you walks up to you , looks to make sure no one is looking and gives you a deep kiss
KHA: Sleep well hun

Chance: kiss her back
eyes get big trying to keep flopper in check

DMaster: she takes off everything but her top, and plops into the bed. The onyx elf falls asleep almost instantly and so do you

STARLAY (Sunday) 8:00AM

Khamyra and Chance sleeping inDMaster: ok you wake up feeling rested

Chance: look over to Khamyra as I wake up
Chan:its Starlay, we can sleep in…

(DM: I put the wrong day down, so I have to push the day forward one for the shopping)

DMaster: You two sleep in and snuggle. The day goes by fast, you catch up with the group and you eat well. The weather is somewhat miserable, drizzling and humid, but it is nice to be home. The day comes to a close and you hit the hay again. You and Khamyra slip quickly into a peaceful sleep.

MONALAY (Monday) 6:45AM

Chance: Wake up, look to Khamyra.

DMaster: She is sleepily looking up with a smile on her face.
KHA: Good morning, you over grown lantern.

Chance: Sit up quick and look at her.
Chan: Wha wha what?
reaching over for her hand

DMaster: she grabs it

Chance: hold her hand gently looking into her eyes not caring anymore lean in and kiss her deeply

DMaster: She kisses back, lights start to flow, You can hear real quietly below
“You kids”

Chance: pull back and bust out laughing
Chan: I guess someone else knows about us hun still laughing

DMaster: Khamyra is giggling, jumps out of bed, puts her pants on and heads down stairs

Chance: get up and change my clothes and put on a shirt and head downstairs after I am done, still giggling a bit

DMaster: She is handing out tea, you three sit at the table before anyone is up.
CRY: That strange rash on your ass isn’t from that stew you had last night, trust me… get up lazy slags

Chance: shaking my head
Chan: wow I think I have heard it all now from our dear cryer

DMaster: Novie shakes her head
NOV: He was pretty ripe the last few weeks
she chuckles

Chance: Chan: only thing I didn’t miss was him but you are dear Novie I did
smiling real big
Chan: So I was thinking Khamyra I should take someone up on his advice, maybe get a bow or crossbow armor I am not so sure about as you keep pointing out it just gets wrecked anyways

DMaster: She nods looking like “uh huh”
KHA: We can go shopping today

Chance: Chan: Maybe we can go to Camerondale, I mean that’s if you want to I would like to see my mom

DMaster: She sighs a bit but nods. Novie is whipping up some breakfast. You two eat, griffin, cullun show up exchange pleasantries. Trinity comes in with Luella, they look a little tired they got in late, you also exchange pleasantries

Cassie happy to see ChanceChance: Chan: Griffin you hold down the fort so to speak me and Khamyra are going to go to Camerondale and then we need to come up with a plan for training. Then we can discuss more about we are going to do with a certain someone

DMaster: they agree, you get ready and you and Khamyra head out towards Camerondale. (DM: Cut out an hour of happy, how ya doing) You get to Camerondale and walking into the castle you are greeted by Erikka and Birgetta. They meet Khamyra. You go into the throne room where Cassie hugs both you and Khamyra. The Baroness tells you that the King and the Prince are trying to secure better ties with the Augustian kingdom. Xavier is on the front lines of the battles. The war is actually going very well for Camerondale right now. The Princess comes out and talks for a short time. Cassie takes Khamyra aside and speaks with her privately. Josephine shows up and its a wonderful reunion, hugs, kisses and a few tears. Cassie aims them to a Armorer in the city, the best, and you can get a deal by mentioning her name.

Chance: Walk into the armory, I have a total of 36 pp

The Armorer with Armor and weaponsDMaster: As you peruse, Khamyra points this gorgeous Composite long bow. They also pick out ornate leather armor that looks fantastic, it even has a hood. Khamyra grabs some under armor and a new over coat. They buy them for a total of 12pp. That came with a quiver of arrows. They get fitted and leave, still wearing the outfits.

Chance: Chan: I do have to admit I look pretty good in this

DMaster: KHA: Ahhh keep the armor on, it looks amazing
She keeps her new stuff on too, You strap the bow to your back, with the quiver. You haven’t felt this good about an armor since Black Ward. You two walk out, in full stride and up the road, everyone that walks by practically stops looking at both you and her. Khamyra stops suddenly.
KHA: Oh just grand…
Mina walks out of the blacksmith place and stops seeing you two.
MIN: So look at you two
She glares at Khamyra, It looks like she was heading for the compound. Its about high sun

Mina, none to pleased to see Chance and Khamyra togetherChance: Smile and wave a little.
Chan: ummm Hi Mina
kind of getting a bit flustered

She looks at the red head, feels like she deserves this, she nods, looks down

Chance: Chan: we were just on our way umm… home

DMaster: MIN: Uh huh… Nice seeing you… TWO
she burns a hole in Khamyra and walks away
KHA: That wasn’t awkward at all
Looking a little ashamed.

Chance: shaking my head, lean into Khamyra
Chan: not at all come on hun, nothing is spoiling today
shaking my head a little
Chan: so as much as I can’t wait to see what Novie is gonna cook next I was thinking maybe, we should maybe bring home a little celebrator meal

DMaster: She nods her head and smiles. You two stop at Fycons, order some food, wait on it and then head home. It was 2PP

Chance: Chan: and no swill to drink tonight either
head to the one eyed before going to my house

DMaster: You grab a mini-keg for 5GP. You make it home, Dash helps you unload everything to the house. He drools over the bow and the armor.
DAS: We can shoot this later today eh M’Lord?

A feast bought by Chance and KhamyraChance: Chan: Absolutely, i’ll depend on your guidance.
Head inside and help set up the feast.
Chan: Dinner and Drinks are on me tonight, as much as I was curious to see what you would cook up next Novie I thought you might enjoy a night of not having to cook for everyone and this is a celebration since we are all back together

DMaster: she of course gives you a hug

Chance: hug her back and tussle her hair a bit laughing
Chan: come all, time to celebrate before we have to get serious
set up the mini keg and help put food out

DMaster: everyone helps out, sets the table, gets things set up
LUE: Damn Fycons? You’re not messing around.
Khamyra pulls out a big box
KHA: After dinner people
DM: Raspberry truffles

Chance: a big smile goes to my face
Chan: I couldn’t ask for better people to have by my side and you all deserve to be shown you are all appreciated

DMaster: They all cheer a bit raising a mug
GRI: HERE HERE Well said M’Lord
You eat and its amazing, ale is great

Chance: taking my time and enjoying my food and ale after all I have been through
after I finish eat, I look at everyone
Chan: you all have become like family to me I hope you all know how special you are, I know I have a lot to learn but this right here is what makes everything worth it, I thought when I became his Champion I was in this alone and then every last one of you have come into my life, I just hope you can make me better at being his Champion and a better leader I rely on everyone of you

DMaster: They all raise a glass and cheer, Khamyra walks to the front of the table
KHA: Since we are celebrating… might as well make this announcement.
Novalee stands up, you know that look. She is ready to let loose. Is Khamyra going to announce Novalee’s belch? The Onyx Elf looks at you, tears starting to well up.
KHA: I’m pregnant
Within a seconds time, Novalee unleashes.

The World of Legon