Meeting Malik

Previously In The Last Adventure:

The party is taken to a Lazzier stronghold after losing Vruc. Chance and Khamyra try to pick up Malik’s trail. The Champion is deceived after getting thrown from his horse., but Khamyra knows better and interrogates the blonde elf. That leads them deep south into the Wild Elf Wetlands only to finally meet up with Malik.

NSFW Warning / Bad Grammar

This text will contain language not suitable for some people. It is merely an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. We are not trying to be the next J.R.R. Tolkien, so there will be misspelled words, fragmented sentences and things that just don’t make sense. Once in a while there will be some nudity and sexual themes, you will be warned ahead of time. Just read, enjoy and have fun!

Main Characters

EP#46 Meeting Malik

Meeting Malik Banner

First Five Minutes Written Out

Malik, the half wild elf they have been looking forThe half wild elf glares at Restria who starts to look more frightened and worried by the minute. “What did you do to me?” Looking at the Champion and Khamyra, hoping to get answers that could save her from Malik’s wrath.

Khamyra looks down, not realizing there was a family involved or even a child. She sighs loudly and looks back up to Malik.

“She found us, and well… we found her so to speak” the Onyx Elf responds trying to defer the attention from Restria and apparently her mother and son. “Can we go talk somewhere? It is all we wanted to do in the first place.”

Malik turns and waves, and 3 other wild elves show up within seconds, armed to the teeth. The two look this Welf over and he looks much more in order than his reputation gives him. Well groomed, beaming blue eyes, a fierce tattoo on his face and light armor that could pass for a nice outfit in a different scenario.

Chance steps forward, tilting his head down and his eyes turning to slits, “let’s be civil about this, you really don’t want any part of what I am capable of.” Khamyra instinctively reaches for him to make sure he doesn’t go crazy eyes.

Chance, threatening MalikThe WELF doesn’t flinch and raises an eyebrow, “Oh I know what you can do, that is why I want guards on my side. Hate to break this to you Champion, you are on MY turf now.”

Chance and Khamyra look at him with astonishment, how did he know he was the Champion?

Another 4-5 men are heading their way. “Are we going to be civil as you requested? Or will you once again sit in a blood puddle of your enemies?” Malik says, looking right through Chance.

A small sigh comes out of the tall man, accepting that this little shit knows a lot more than they realized. He takes a step back and Khamyra confirms his right decision with a hand to his back.

The group has their weapons taken away, and they walk the back alley’s to a rundown building and they are all lead inside. The room is dimly lit, a few lanterns hanging. A few tables scattered about the 25×35 room. It has staircases going up and down on the far wall. It is stale and humid, smells of beer and sweat.

Khamyra being sarcastic as usual“Lovely, 5 star I see” Khamyra says jokingly as they walk in.

“Sorry I do not have the facilities like Wyzaquenne, Onyx Elf” Malik says with contempt in his voice, “but I imagine he is the reason you are here in the first place.”

The Welf guides everyone to a round table. A servant of sorts walks over with a pitcher of ale and some beat up mugs. Slams them on the table and walks away. Everyone sits and the ale is poured by Malik. Two guards at every exit, a few along the loft upstairs from what Khamyra sees, in case they have to get out quickly.

“So Waz sent you after me, I am guessing he is still sore about the necklace” he says as he finishes pouring the ale, sits down and takes a big gulp. Mostly everyone else takes a drink. It is swill, but it at least wets the whistle. “That was a long time ago, it’s weird he is just now trying to exact revenge. Guess he really wanted it.”

“Wyzaquenne is not the one who wants it” the Champion blurts out, then takes a sip of the disgusting brew.

Khamyra guzzles her ale, and then flings the mug across the table hitting the Champion in the side of the head. “You are the worst.” she says, shaking her head as the mug clanks on the floor.

Everyone’s eyes are huge including Chances, once he realizes again he opened his mouth when he shouldn’t have. “I mean, she isn’t the only one who wants it, there are probably more, a lot more.”

Khamyra leans forward and gasps almost, getting the quarter elf’s attention. “Shut. The Fuck. Up” She looks up to Chance with eyes like burning coals shaking her head. She sighs hoping Malik did not hear him say “she.”

Malik watches the exchange and lets out a bellowing laugh. “Young Chance does not understand the subtle ideals of information exchange.” He chuckles again, “Khamyra, please let him continue… let’s see what else he will say.”

Chance’s face is beat red, he looks down and becomes quiet. He knows he screwed up again, letting him know they want the necklace. ‘What is wrong with me?’ he says over and over again in his head.

Meanwhile Restria is looking around at the conversation and interjects “Am I really needed for this?” she says hoping to get out of this awkward situation and back home to check on her child.

“I think you should stay pretty one” Malik says “this is just getting interesting. So you two are actually looking for this necklace huh?”

Khamyra leans back in the chair, gives the WELF a blank stare and nods. She crosses her arms looking disgusted and fed up. Chance just sits there, puts the mug on the table, face still flushed.
Malik playing with the young dumb champion
“Now why would you call that rascally old collector ‘she?’ Malik says knowing this is going to stir the pot even more.

Chance’s eyes grow big and clenches his jaw. “I meant he, I am just flustered” he tries to say to cover his tracks but it is no use.

Malik laughs again, finishes his ale and pours himself another. “I have dealt with HER many times, I know it’s a she…” he says to relieve the poor quarter elf of a little guilt. “That, can not leave this room” he looks at Restria and she nods.

Khamyra in deadpan delivery “The necklace? What will it take to get it?” she just stares at the half wild elf.

He gets a smile and nods his head. He stands up and walks to the wall with a window and looks out. “That is an interesting question.” he says “What are you willing to give?” He turns and looks at the beautiful dark elf. “This necklace has been sought after by collectors Legon wide, Finsters cult, your own Dark Society and even Waz” he says, rambling a bit, walks over to the table and takes a slug, “It has to be worth a fortune.”

She scoffs a bit “I am sure it is, but since we are all being overly honest” she says with a snide tone glancing at Chance, “we have enough money to maybe make it home, and that is about it.”

the half wild elf looks down, finishes his second mug, “I figured as much” he says “but I might have something you can do to get it.”

Chance continues to just look down, embarrassed and defeated.

“Here we go, a crazy quest to get you something only to get foiled by a replica, or a deception, or you just being a general ass-bag” Khamyra says with some force and sarcasm.

He lifts his eyebrow and nods “I deserve that, I am not exactly trustworthy, but what other options do you have?” A shit eating grin washes over his face.

“I can rip you in two and bathe in your bloody corpse?” Chance says suddenly. It makes the WELF shudder a little and Khamyra’s eyes widen. She laughs a bit looking at her lover, knowing he has to be feeling like shit right now.

“Well, if it has to come to that,” she says as best she can, making it sound as though that is an option available. “We have our alternatives to look into as well and he is not the only one that could make you… disappear” she says looking back at Malik, raising an eyebrow.

Restria finding out the truth can be painfulHe sighs. “Fair enough” he looks over to Restria “So Restria, why did you bring these people here after I explicitly said not to?”

She seemed to be daydreaming, hearing her name pop her head up. “What? Oh… I thought you said to find Vruc?” she says obviously still confused, but she has had her suspicions since waking up. She then looked at the dark elf and the giant quarter elf.

He shakes his head and looks at her almost the same way he did at her back door.”Why would I want you to find that creature? He finds me just fine, unfortunately”

She takes a deep breath and looks at the other two knowing her suspicions were all too real, “what the hell is going on? You told me that is what you were hired to help me do… now I find out you are not with me and actually the people I was meant to find…” anger grows in her voice, she stands up and quickly walks over to Khamyra.

The Onyx elf stumbles a bit and stands up only to get grabbed by the blonde elf. Chance scrambles to get up, Malik has a smirk on his face and 3-4 guards approach weapons drawn. He lets them know to keep their distance.

“YOU BITCH!” Restria yells at her “You lied to me and put my son in jeopardy!” She ends up slamming Khamyra up against another table. The Onyx elf just lets her, figuring she deserved it. “There is something about you, I don’t know what, but it is YOU that is the cause for my memory loss and the position you put me i, ” Restria says.

Khamyra looking down, being stabbedKhamyra nods and looks into the blonde elfs eyes “Yes, it was me. We needed to find Malik and you were the best way to do it” she says with some guilt and a bit of pain, “but we never put your child at risk, you did when you align yourself with that goblin” glancing over to Malik who gives a sarcastic hurt look.

Restria lets her go, still staring at her. Some blood trickled onto her hand.

“Chance, can you come over here for a minute” Khamyra says calmly looking down at a dagger deep in her stomach “I need your assistance.”

The Champion looks and sees the dagger. He quickly dashes over to her, throwing Restria clear across the room crashing into chairs and a table. “Khamyra!” he yells.

She nods “It’s ok, it just hurts a little” she winces as Chance is moving it a bit and seeing the damage. “Dammit I really liked this under armor too.”

Malik’ eyes are big and has a huge smile on his face, loving every minute of it. He walks over to Restria who is holding her head, trying to stand up. “Wow, didn’t see that coming” he says happily, helping her up, “bold move stabbing the only mage on Legon.”

Restria finding out she stabbed a mageHer eyes grew big, her face flushed, “only mage…?” She stands and looks down like she is starting to remember things. He chuckles, “seems she cast a spell on you. Not a great idea using her stomach as a sheath. ”

Chance looks up into the Onyx Elf’s eyes and seems to fall in love again with her. Even through the pain, the closeness gets to her, she looks down with warm eyes and a smile. “Want to take care of this for me, master Chance” she says trying not to gush or call him ‘her love.’

He slowly takes off the necklace and lets the power flow. He quietly and covertly puts the necklace into his pocket. The room lights up like a disco, as he slowly slides the dagger out, and heals the Onyx Elf. She takes a deep breath and smiles.

All eyes are on the Champion, with his electric fire blue eyes and radiating body. He turns to Restria and walks over with meaning.

Malik’s eyes grow big and smiles wide, steps out of the way. Restria was still in some thought and then realized what was happening much too late. She gets grabbed by her throat and lifted straight off the ground “I think you misplaced THIS” and stabs the elf right in the leg.

“Chance, NO!” Khamyra says, realizing too late that ol’ crazy eyes are on the warpath. “goddammit!!”

Restria’s eyes are huge, losing the ability to breath and a searing pain in her leg was all she needed to pass out in the Champion’s arms. Chance grabs the elf who went limp and roughly drops her to the floor. He takes a deep breath, power just surging through his body. Clenching his fists, and looks over to Malik.

“I’ll give you one chance, ONE CHANCE. We will do this “thing” for you, and I expect the necklace in my hands the second we return” The giant quarter elf turns, walks closer to Malik as the half wild elf eyes grow bigger. Chance can see the reflection of himself in his eyes. The guards all draw their weapons and rush over. Face to face, Malik, half scared shitless half gleefully entertained nods his head.

“It’s ok” he says waving off his guards, “he is only securing the transaction with an example and a threat.”

Khamyra runs over to Restria who is lying motionless on the floor “Must you?” she says almost scolding, rolling her over and making sure she is ok.

“Yes I did. No one fucks with me or my people” he says with a guttural growl that makes everyone in the room’s hair stand up on end “and expects to not pay for it.”

“Ok Ok… let’s talk terms” Malik says, turning and walking to the table.

Turn Based Starts Here

Khamyra laying out the ground rules for the termsDMaster: KHA: Yes terms… we will have to have solid terms
Khamyra says starring the crazy elf down.

Chance: Chan: before we discuss terms there is a little matter to attend to
kneeling down by Restria, pulling the dagger from her leg and healing her

DMaster: She gets color back in her and she is breathing easier
KHA: We have to see the necklace first, no way we leave without knowing you have it
Malik is watching you with some amazement, then glances over to Khamyra and smirks
KHA: We will need someone to go to Camerondale and tell our people we are ok. We have been away far too long and I am guessing we are heading to the SW… and for god sake leave Restria alone, and her child.

Chance: Chan: yes if she or her child is harmed in anyway the deal is off and if you think those guards will stop me then you will be sadly mistaken, are we clear on this
glancing over at the Welf

Malik playing hardball and laying out his ground rulesDMaster: He laughs
MAL: Making demands where none should be made, I love it
Pauses a moment and smiles
MAL: No deal, I’m happy to keep the necklace myself. Why would I jump through hoops to give it away?

Chance: looking over at Khamyra as he says this

DMaster: She shrugs her shoulders, smelling a bluff.
KHA: OK, then, we will let our people know… and (look around) let him know as well.
Gives him a cold smirk, grabs her coat and starts to put it on despite it being humid

Chance: Chan: suits me just fine
Get up and smirk

DMaster: Not convinced of your counter bluff
MAL: You two are terrible liars, travel all this way, take all this time and give up on a moment’s notice?
He is shaking his head

Chance: Chan: I am sure your deal would have us doing something crazy, as you said you aren’t the most trustworthy person.
Wipe off my clothes a bit.
Chan: Would you even give us the necklace if we did this for you.

DMaster: KHA: There are other avenues of getting what we want… like someone named Gual.
His head snaps immediately to her, some guards pull their swords hearing that name, Restria is starting to get up
RES: Did someone just say Gual?
MAL: You are bluffing, you know nothing of this man

Chance: backing off Restria to give her room to get up

DMaster: KHA: I know enough that there has been a brutal and bloody civil war with the Wild Elves for over 2 years. The man behind this war is Gual.
She looks to see his reaction.
KHA: Not everyone has turned their eyes from the swamplands of the Wild.

Chance: Chan: I assure you my companion rarely bluffs Malik

DMaster: He is staring hard at her
KHA: Let’s say he owes us one. A quick message could bring his army, hell a small patrol into this shithole and take it over
He is thinking, leans against a chair. He is quiet for a moment

Chance: watching this exchange between Khamyra and Malik as I glance over to Restria

DMaster: MAL: Too convenient, much too convenient… you are lying
She smiles
KHA: No, I am not. I didn’t realize you essentially run this little backwaters town, and it is barely touched by the ravages of war, why is that?

Chance: Chan: do you really want to take a chance no pun intended that she is lying

DMaster: Both Malik and Khamyra give you a look like to ‘shut it ‘

Chance: stop talking, shrug my shoulders.

Restria had enough, she leaves and goes homeDMaster: Restria, looking beat up, dirty and exhausted, she is making her way to the table
RES: Can I fucking go already?
MAL: Be gone.
He waves his hand, she doesn’t hesitate. She walks through the building and out the door
MAL: The proposal is still on the table, we can talk terms
Inwardly Khamyra smiles knowing she broke through his hardass defense

Chance: Getting back up and walk towards the table and lean on a chair as I look towards Malik

DMaster: Khamyra nods,
KHA: You heard my terms, we need to see and touch the necklace, we need a courier to let our people know we are ok, and leave that woman alone Malik. She is clueless
He snorts
MAL: I know, she is an easy target, terrible operative

Chance: still not saying much just listening to them talk as I lean on the chair

DMaster: MAL: The first one is out of the question, I don’t have the firepower to stop the glowing boy wonder there, so you will have to take my word for it, I can dispatch someone tonight for Camerondale and… Yes, I will leave that woman alone, she has caused more problems than she is worth anyways. Khamyra is shaking her head.
KHA: We need to see that necklace
MAL: I trust you as much as you trust me. I already know you are a liar, look at poor Restria.
KHA: Regrettable, I assure you but we would still be fiddling with our proverbial cocks in our hands if we didn’t.
Malik laughs at that statement and shakes his head
MAL: Shrewd but it was effective. But I will make THIS offer instead.
He smiles real big and pours himself a mug
MAL: I will come with you.
Khamyra sighs

Chance: Chan: and that is a better offer, how?

DMaster: She snickers a bit
KHA: Better offer? More like, better way he can lead us into a trap and have us killed…

Chance: Chan: I was thinking just that or maybe in the heat of a fight turn tail and run with his tail tucked between his legs

DMaster: MAL: In the spirit of over sharing like our big dumb young friend here
looks at you
MAL: I need you, or us, to rescue someone… my brother

Chance: gritting my teeth trying to keep my anger in check

DMaster: KHA: A real one or…
MAL: A real one. He has been taken prisoner, deep in the wild elfs land.

Chance: Chan: and say we agree to this just how far is DEEP?

DMaster: Almost saying it at the same time.
KHA: How deep?
MAL: To the shores of the Ocean Kragg
She rears back a bit and laughs.
KHA: Oh, only that far? Ocean Kragg, or the Endless shimmer coast.
Khamyra sighs a bit, if not sounding a bit defeated.

Chance: Chan: okay just how far are we talking?
with a raised eyebrow

DMaster: Malik looks over to you and squints a bit
MAL: New to this world eh?
Laughs. He smirks, takes a glug
MAL: No more than 2 days, maybe 3. South West
KHA: Far enough away from Straka land I hope
He gives her a look, big eyes
MAL: Oh hell yeah. Far enough away from that wretched place

Chance: looking over at Khamyra again giving her a shoulder shrug

DMaster: MAL: So the terms. You, glowboy and myself travel to Ystumllwynarth rescue my dumbass brother, then get back here and I will give you the necklace. In the meantime I will leave Restria alone and send a courier to Camerondale

Chance: Chan: well if we do this that necklace better be the real deal and not some fake

DMaster: KHA: This stinks worse than a ogres bedroll
Malik chuckles at that statement
KHA: We need time to think about it
He nods his head, waves a few guards over

Chance: Chan: I agree with my companion we need some time to discuss this

DMaster: MAL: Put them up at Slippery Lobster, on the house
Khamyra chuckles
KHA: Mr. Money bags
Malik looks at you
MAL: Good thing you are skilled with the sword
He belts out a laugh. Khamyra shakes her head and you four head out of the building; you, khamyra, and 2 guards

Chance: as we are walking out of the house I will transform back into my semi-form
so I am not glowing

DMaster: Khamyra, while walking cops a feel, grabs the necklace and puts it on you. You make it down some streets, many elves here, all look poor, dirty and down trodden. They watch you two walk by. You go to the Inn and it is oddly enough a decent place

Chance: looking around as we enter the Inn

DMaster: it seems to be more of a pub than an Inn but they have rooms. The main room is roughly 30×30, some tables around, one or two people drinking. A large entryway that leads into a more bar area, some smaller tables, people eating and drinking. The smell of food wafts over to the both of you. The far end of the room is a staircase that leads up and one that leads down. Next to it appears to be a counter where the Innkeeper is.
(DM tries to figure out what time it is. Todd ignores him. “I’m asking you too ball guzzler”)
Khamyra talks with one of the guards and he nods his head. After a minute at the counter you walk up some stairs and go into your room.

Chance: look over to Khamyra once we are in the room

DMaster: She lays her coat on the bed. The room is 12×20. A smaller bed against the one wall, the opposite wall has a large window looking over a road in the town. The one wall has a dresser and a basin. She walks to the basin and splashes some water on her face.
KHA: I told them to get our weapons back within the hour

Chance: Chan: So do you think if we do this he is gonna give us the necklace?

Khamyra letting Chance make the decisionDMaster: she shrugs her shoulders
KHA: This is going to be 100% up to you
She walks over and opens the window only to get hit with that smell and more humidity
KHA: Uggg
(DM: Much deliberation)
She is looking over the town from the window.
KHA: What a terrible existence
She says quietly not even really meant to be heard
KHA: It’s up to you. I am on board 100% with whatever you choose
Watching a poor family making their way across the road, scared and hungry.
KHA: This is actually the good life for the Wild Elves, it is on the edge of the war lands. It’s a war no one really knows about. I doubt there is a town here to Ocean Kragg that has more than half their buildings standing (raises an eyebrow) I just didn’t realize Malik is the one holding it together here.
You look at this gorgeous woman and your heart melts, knowing that she cares about other people, including yourself and by all rights with her life she could have been an absolute bitch, I mean look at Shanna? How did I get so lucky runs through your mind?

Chance: sigh a bit and touch her shoulder
Chan: I just would hate to call it quits right now when we are possibly so close to it. But 2-3 days there, do whatever, 2-3 days back… another full week.

DMaster: Knock on the door, chance answers it and it’s a guard with their weapons.

Chance: grab all my weapons and put them in their proper place and walk over to Khamyra with hers
Chan: my gut instinct says to walk away and just go home but I don’t want to disappoint someone

DMaster: KHA: If that is your gut instinct than that is what we can do
She smiles
KHA: I was just thinking what Novie made for dinner and if she had any cute funny things to say

Chance: Chan: or her burp after dinner(chuckling)

DMaster: she giggles a little
KHA: Who would you disappoint?

Chance: Chan: well I don’t know, maybe Finster?

DMaster: She nods
KHA: What did he say exactly about it?

Chance: Chan: he said it wasn’t a race to completion but he needs it to ascend

DMaster: KHA: Are we racing to completion?

Chance: Chan: well it feels to me like I am trying to and maybe that has been my problem since this little adventure started

DMaster: She kind of gives a soft warm look and smiles
KHA: Maybe, maybe we both have and maybe… he knows something we don’t.

Chance: Chan: maybe we both need to take a step back and just slow down and quit trying to rush this
Walk over to her, grab her hands, look into her eyes.
Chan: I think it’s for the best if we just go home

DMaster: She smiles and nods

Chance: Chan: I didn’t think I would say that but being away for so long as cause me to miss everyone

DMaster: A look of worry washes over her face.
KHA: We still have to make it through Teeter Winds

Chance: Chan: well we will just have to ride hard and fast and if we do happen to encounter anything I will remember to take this off
touching the necklace

The only real nice tavern in Crux HaywardDMaster: She smiles.
KHA: We can tell Malik in the morning
The two of them head downstairs, grab a bite to eat. It was under cooked spiced potatoes and some swill called ale. The pub gets rowdy and Chance makes his way out of a bar room brawl with some good wisdom throws. You and Khamyra meet at the bottom of the staircase, look around the room that is starting to turn into a brawl, she smiles and laughs, takes your hand and heads up to the room.

Chance: Chan: you take the bed hun I will sleep on the floor we don’t need to light things up

DMaster: She closes the door, closes the blinds, grabs you by the face, plants one on you that made your toes curl, you two land in the lumpy bed and create a disco in the room. Between you and her; humps, bites, positions, laughs, moans, electricity, yelps.

Chance: frenzy etc, lay there heavy breathing after that and hold her in my arms rubbing her back lightly
Chan: Well at least it isn’t the Isle, I am sure you miss that place a lot. Well we both need to cool off at that you got the bed, I will be down here if you need me
pointing to the floor

DMaster: Too late, rolls over into your arms and falls fast asleep, making sure she is not hitting too much skin

Chance: smirking and just lay there and close my eyes

Tuskalay (Tuesday) 5:30AM

DMaster: eventually she rolls the other direction you head to the floor with a pillow. Oddly enough you sleep well and wake up at 5:30AM

Chance: see what it’s like out when I wake up and if she wakes up before me

Foggy streets of Crux HaywardDMaster: She is lightly snoring, its cute. Some foggy weather and you can feel the heat against the window pane. You hear her rustling around
KHA: (mumbling) goddamn steam bath…

Chance: Chan: you really don’t like heat do you(chuckling)

DMaster: She sits up, hair all over
SHe rolls out of bed and walks over to you and gives you a kiss, her mannerisms make it seem she is in high spirits, despite sweating

Chance: kiss her back and start laughing
Chan: careful hun it’s already warm enough let’s not make it hotter(quietly)

DMaster: She gives you a look as she puts on her light clothes and under armor
KHA: Get dressed glowboy
she gives you a shit eating grin

Chance: Chan: oh I see that nickname is gonna stick with me
as I grab my clothes and what little armor I have putting it on and stick my tongue out at her

DMaster: you two head downstairs, a wave of heat hits you. It must be a scorcher out there. You grab some breakfast if you call it that
some thick tasteless porridge and weak ass tea

Chance: shaking my head at this weak breakfast
Chan: I can’t wait to get back to Novie’s cooking

DMaster: As you finish, Malik walks into the Inn sees you two and over to the table he goes
MAL: So when do we leave?

Chance: Chan: there is no we Malik me and my companion have decided to head back home

DMaster: He gives you a look, then he laughs
MAL: Ha! Funny… but not really. It’s really hot right now but we can take shorter horse rides… I can bring in my best guard to help

Chance: Chan: it wasn’t meant as a joke. To many variables, too many ways for you to fuck us. We just think it would be best for now if we headed home we have been away for far too long

Malik is in disbelief, not sure if to believe themDMaster: He looks over to Khamyra who gulps the last of the porridge down, she nods her head in acknowledgement.
KHA: Sorry, we want to head home for now.
He is stunned looking at you two in disbelief
MAL: Holy shit you two are not kidding??

Chance: Chan: does it look like we are kidding?
looking directly at him and giving a small smile
Chan: we do thank you for your hospitality though

DMaster: He looks back at his guards then back at you
KHA: Don’t even think about it, these good people don’t need to see a massacre
MAL: I could make you go with me, you know.
She snorts a little
KHA: So having an altercation in YOUR town, then have a group of heavily armed elves going through the war lands, that sounds like a master plan for annihilation.

Chance: Chan: trust me you don’t want glow boy when he is mad let’s keep this civil

DMaster: MAL: You are making a huge mistake, you will never see that necklace ever

Chance: Chan: well that is a chance we have to take then
as my eyes turn to slits and hand gets closer to my necklace

DMaster: He pushes the chair in hard to the table, looks again at you two for a minute and walks out

Chance: Chan: before we really wear out our welcome I suggest we leave

DMaster: She nods and already is heading back to the room, you two grab your belongings and head out. You don’t hit much resistance except for the unbearable heat. Many eyes on you, but you get to the stable, get your horses and start to ride north back into the swamp.

Chance: keeping eyes sharp as we ride back into the swamp

Representation of the town in the elf landsDMaster: luckily the swamp is ending and the forest is coming into view. You two stop for a moment under some shade, eat some stale bread and mushy cheese
KHA: Goddam heat… grrrr
you tinkle, let the horses rest a bit and get some water from a water skin. You get back going, the horses are feeling it. It is clear sailing to Uisge-Labhair (usage-leh-brair) You get to the town in the middle of the afternoon, you put the horses in the stables
KHA: Do we want to stay here?

Chance: Chan: if you think we can make it further I would suggest that, I would like to get as close to home as we possibly can

DMaster: KHA: Little Bridge is roughly 4 hours from here, that will get us out of the clan lands, but our horses…
She looks down the path to the Inn with no name.
KHA:Lets get a bite, let the horses rest and then take off again

Chance: Chan: I agree let’s eat give the horses a break and then get out of clan lands(smiling)

DMaster: KHA: Do you always repeat what I say?
She says a little annoyed and heads towards the nameless inn

Chance: Chan: not always but when it sounds good I say why not(laughing)

DMaster: you two eat some stew, the horses rest get lots of water,you two fill up your water skins and head back out. You pay 2cp for the horses, 1gp for lunch / dinner, its 4pm

Pathway through the forestChance: lead Toby out of the stable hop up on him and start riding again towards Little Bridge

DMaster: Both you and Khamyra notice something in the forest, it looks like things are moving. Its way out and ahead of you
KHA: Wonder what the hell that is

Chance: Chan: well do we really want to find out or do we just wanna ride harder to get to Little Bridge?

DMaster: She smiles and spurs her horse on despite the heat. you two make it past with no issues. The sun has set and it’s dark, the temperature dropped a good 30 degrees since Crux Hayward. You just rode for almost 13 hours straight. The horses look exhausted they are matted in sweat
KHA: We might of rode them a little hard in this heat
she sighs

Chance: Chan: they are definitely gonna need some rest for sure
giving Toby a small pat

DMaster: You two book a room, eat; 2cp for the horses, 9sp for the food, 8sp for the room

Chance: get to the room throw some water on my face from the basin to cool off a bit as well and again grab a pillow and sleep on the floor so Khamyra won’t get so warm

DMaster: The room is pretty nice. A large bed on the far wall, she brings you into the bed, and you guys have some crazy sex. She might have a bigger libido than you. It ends when a knock on the door asks to keep it down.

Chance: Bust out laughing.

Wedmak (Wednesday) 6:30AM

DMaster: she falls asleep in your arms again and you do the same thing as before. You sleep well and wake up 630am. Khamyra is up, you give her a kiss and she goes take a bath. You do the same, head down, grab some breakfast and head out.
(DM rolls back to back “69” – whoa)
It’s mostly clear, windy and about 85 degrees
KHA: We will head to Clovendale, then maybe we can meet up with Whitlock if he is still there

Chance: sigh a bit hearing the name and just nod

DMaster: KHA: Well he hasn’t had a piece of this ass in a while, I mean it’s only fair
she couldn’t finish the sentence without busting out laughing

Chance: Chan: and he isn’t getting a piece of that ass again(chuckling)
smacking her ass

DMaster: she laughs, you two head north, You make it half way, some shit town

Chance: take a quick break in the shit town and tinkle and get a drink of water from my water-skin, before continuing on to Clovendale

DMaster: You continue on, nothing happens on your ride. It’s about 4pm and you can see Clovendale on the horizon
You make it there and pony the horses up for 2cp. Khamyra pays for that. You find an INN and book a room for 1gp. The Tame Purple Shrub.
KHA: Remind me never to smoke drugs when I want to name an Inn

Chance: Chan: so do you wanna go find old goofy eyes or visit Waz?

DMaster: KHA: Lets walk the district, maybe Whitlock will be around. I am curious about the mother and child.
She is looking around.
KHA: I don’t want to bug Waz

Chance: Chan: that’s fine and if we don’t find him, oh well…
Saying that with a bunch of Sarcasm.

Whitlock, Master Ranger and Khamyra's old loverDMaster: She smiles and shakes her head.
(DM Rolls a 2)
It wasn’t even a minute of walking the southern district, you hear
WHI: Khamyra, Chance!

Chance: shaking head as I see Whitlock

DMaster: He walks over to the both of you. He is with that blonde woman. Khamyra wheels around and smiles. Whitlock and the onyx elf hug. Looks at you briefly.
WHI: Hey
Turns and introduces his friend. A taller older woman with bright blue eyes and flowing blonde hair. She has a soft look about her. She is wearing a tighter fitting lighter robe, with her boobs a bit pushed up. She is carrying a small sack of sorts and has a few on her belt that goes around her.
WHI: This is Zolo
Khamyra’s eyes bulge
KHA: Zolo… thee Zolo
The woman smiles and looks at her oddly
ZOL: I believe so
They shake hands

Chance: giving Whitlock a brief nod, just standing back watching

Zolo, Master Alchemist and a professor at the Clovendale AcademyDMaster: WHI: This is Chance
She nods but is curious about an onyx elf who keeps looking at her with bug eyes.

Chance: Chan: a pleasure to meet you

DMaster: KHA: Zolo the master alchemist?
ZOL: Master? Lets just say I mix a few things here and there
The conversation continues, both you and Whitlock are looking around as they talk.

Chance: Chan: Any word on the mother and kid?

DMaster: WHI: Oh brother, it’s been a crazy few days for Clovendale. Finding secret tunnels, conspiracies, and things out of their control.
ZOL: I know that is awful about the mother and daughter. I stay out of the politics of this town.
she shakes her head

Chance: looking over at Khamyra as Whitlock says this

The academic district of ClovendaleDMaster: KHA: Oh yeah?
WHI: Hey you guys found what you were looking for?
Khamyra shakes her head
KHA: Not really, lots of leads but things got to complicated and dangerous

Chance: Chan: decided it was best to head back the way we came

DMaster: WHI: Join us for dinner, we were just getting ready to eat
Khamyra nods and you guys walk a bit to a nice restaurant, Khamyra is grilling Zolo with questions. Whitlock is shaking his head. Very nice and clean restaurant, with a large serving area. Elegant tables, candelabras and the such.

Chance: shake my head a bit as well, trying not to really laugh at how eager Khamyra is talking to Zolo

Jaxton, a higher up guard for the City of ClovendaleDMaster: you four sit and eat. Have pleasant conversation that goes over your head, 10 intelligence and all. When you are almost done Jaxton walks in and sees teh table. He approaches.
JAX: I hate to interrupt
WHI: Jax, no its ok, whats up?
JAX: Khamyra, Chance! Nice to see you again

Chance: nod my head and smile

DMaster: JAX: We found it finally.
He seems excited about what they found. Whitlock looks at Zolo and she smirks
ZOL: Go, I know you live for these types of things.
WHI: Let’s go then! thank you for the meal
she insisted on paying
WHI: Coming you two?

Chance: look over at Khamyra

DMaster: she looks at you

Chance: Chan: okay let’s go I suppose one more adventure won’t hurt

DMaster: You guys get up thank Zolo, say goodbye and head out, the sun is setting and it’s beautiful out. You gather at the stables
JAX: It’s just on the north of the city, we haven’t followed it all the way yet, we wanted you along
Whitlock is talking to the both of you.
WHI: Thy found a hidden tunnel in the stronghold, they had to dig out a landslide, and they found another long ass tunnel leading north out of the city

Chance: Chan: oh great a hidden tunnel as it doesn’t lead to a stronghold(chuckling)

The teeter wind plains at duskDMaster: You, Khamyra, Whitlock, Jax and 2 guards horse up and ride, you light some lanterns after about 30 minutes of looking. You come across an open area in the fields. Everyone dismounts

Chance: dismount and looking around with my eyes

DMaster: opposed to what?

Chance: just scanning the area and staying sharp
Chan: so this tunnel is what whoever used to grab the mother and daughter I take it
looking over to Jaxton

DMaster: He nods and points at a large door / hatch, lots of smashed weeds and grass, boot marks, etc

Chance: lean down looking at the tracks, seeing if I can figure out what made them

DMaster: The hatch gets blown off its hinges and out comes 4 goblins, a goblin leader and some woman in a robe.

Chance: hand goes for the necklace as the hatch blows off its hinges

DMaster: Battle starts at 6:22PM – Ends 8:11PM

Battle Written Out

The group was surprised. Jaxton breathes a “son of a bitch, should have known it was a trap.”

The Hobgoblin Captain who jumps the partyJust then, “THOCK!” Khamyra has a blinding pain in her back as she stumbles forward and goes to one knee. A crossbow bolt sticks square in her back. The pain throbbing and she could hear Chance yell her name. Everyone looks back and there sits a hobgoblin chief and 2 more goblins, ready to rush the group.

The Champion takes the necklace off and he starts to change over. Whitlock rolls his eyes and Jaxton is stunned at the event taking place in front of him with this quarter elf changing and emanating colors. But it is short-lived as creatures and some women ascend on them. THe dual eyes ranger looks over to Khamyra, “Hey KiKi, quit fucking around, we have some Goblins to kill.”

The Hobgoblin, possibly a leader, rushes Whitlock, and gets the best of him with the whole surprise and so many things going on around him. The Goblin leader sinks his sword into the rangers side. As he reaches for his side in pain the second sword comes hammering down, into his shoulder. “Arrrggggg” Whitlock yells, feeling the pain.

A goblin from the hatch goes after a non suspecting Jaxton, and gets him pretty good across his arm, sending some blood flying and making him take notice of the smelly creature. Another of the hatched creatures swings at Whitlock, despite his engagement with a larger goblin he parries the strike with his bow.

By now Khamyra is back on her feet and just in time as the second goblin from behind stabs forward, she rolls as best she can with a bolt in her back, avoiding the attack. But another one drives down the point of the sword on Khamyra but again she slides to get out of the way.

Goblins coming to attackThe fifth goblin attacks the second guard who parries the slash from the off-colored creature. Chance has the final goblin take a stab and the Champion easily swats the sword away.

From out of the hatch, the Goblin champion sprints out, drool flying from its mouth, wild eyes. He heads for Khamyra who was dodging other attacks but could not dodge this one. The sword rips through her light armor across her chest. Whitlock glances over ‘Damn not her titties, they are gorgeous!’ The second attack by this attacker makes it go off balance, Khamyra grabs his armor and head butts him for minimal damage.

The woman steps out to what light is left with lanterns thrown about, the party looks. “Fucking Rosie” Jaxton says among the melee. She smiles eyes wildly looking around and tosses a red vial of liquid into the frey.


Powerful Fire Bomb PotionKhamyra sees this vial flying and knows exactly what is happening. She brings the stunned goblin with a wretched stench close to her body protecting her as the vial explodes. The goblin is scorched and on fire, she throws the creature down as it writhes in pain and eventually just lies there motionless, smoke emanating from it.

Chance did not get the memo, it exploded right next to him, sending him in flames. He feels his skin burn as he is flailing about with fire all upon him. Khamyra looks and her eyes bulge “Chance!”

The guards both get it and 2 other goblins are burned to death or incinerated. Rosie’s eyes are huge not realizing how powerful the potion was. “oops” she utters, looking at her hands with eyes as large as saucers.

Whitlock strings up his bow, in close combat he is not as good. He knows this and it affects him. He fires twice only to miss both his targets as the chaotic fighting ensues in front of him. “You have to be kidding me!” he says under his breath.

Chance gets himself cooled off, literally and turns to heal himself. With a goblin close by he takes a quick slice only to miss the creature who didn’t even take notice.

Cone of Cold cast by KhamyraKhamyra grabs some glass dust, throws it up in the air, writes the symbol of destruction and aims it at the big captain and says “freddo.” Suddenly a soft blue glow erupts from her hand and out shoots what looks to be ice getting pushed out of an invisible hole. Her eyes flickering with power, the slash on the front of her oozing blood and she is in a stance as the magic is almost pushing her back with its power. The hobgoblin side steps and pulls back but still gets frostbite on his one hand a bit.

Some side battles as one of the guards takes a hit from a goblin, and the other guard parries an aggressive surge from two others. With his attention on two, one comes from behind and jams his short sword into his back. He winces with pain but tries to keep focused.

As the hobgoblin dodges the cold, he swings his greatsword and hits the one guard hard making him drop to one knee. “ahhhrrrggg” he yells, trying to keep an eye open knowing their are too many enemies about. Blood splatters and pours out of his wound. The hobgoblin sneers and brings the greatsword don again slicing the guard through. The Clovendale man’s eyes roll into the back of his head and falls lifeless to the ground, blood pouring out of him.

Jaxton’s training and his experience has not given him a great foothold of what to do, he swings at anything moving and misses. He curses to himself and realizes he has to focus on a target next time. He sees the guard go down and reality slams him in the face “NOOO!”

Jaxton in the biggest battle of his lifeRosie is looking around the chaos and battle, she pulls her dagger out of her sheath. Now this is no normal sheath, it is filled with poison. She has been practicing throwing the dagger and eyes up the big bright guy in the middle of the frey. Flings the dagger and hits him directly in the chest. Chance grasps at it and rips it out. His eyes flicker a bit as he feels the poison flow into him. He glances up and glares at the crazy alchemist.

The last standing guard goes after Rosie who is getting too close to the battle for just wearing a hooded robe. She is taken a bit by surprise after staring at the Champion and the guard slices her through, blood flying in the direction of the sword. She whirls around and falls on her ass grabbing for her chest.

Whitlock sees Rosie is down and he doesn’t want her to be throwing anymore firebombs, or vials or daggers. He strings up the bow and lets it fly. ‘Thock’, hits her in the shoulder square, the force sends her flying back into thicker weeds. He strings up another and aims for a goblin running by. THOCK, hits the goblin with such force it sends it sprawling into the matted weeds.

The Champion, running on fumes and with poison in him. He transfers the poison into the dagger Rosie threw and it turns to a rusty mess. He drops it. Then heals himself the best he can in this crazy onslaught of violence.

Khamyra’s light armor has blood dripping along it from her wound, she sees the Hobgoblin engaged and she brings her assassin’s blade into his back with quite a force. SHe left from her feet to make the connection. The hobgoblin roars a bit as he feels the blade dig deep and also feels poison enter his blood stream. He is too old, been through enough battles to know what that feels like.

Some side skirmishes as the one goblin with a large arrow in his shoulder jumps out and slashes at Chance. The big man grabs his weapon arm before it could finish and he throws the creature across the battlefield. Another swings wildly at Khamyra only to have her swat it away with her blade.

The one goblin, barely able to move, scorched turns and starts to run only to have Khamyra, without even looking twirl her dagger, grip it tight and bring it down deep into the skull of the goblin. Its eyes grow a bit, then quickly close and falls lifeless to the ground. The green blood spurting from its head.

The guard left is looking to attack but in turn gets stuck with a short sword into his side making him wince with pain and go down to one knee, “shhhiittt, owwww” he says, pushing the goblin off.

Jaxton had enough, pulled himself together and went after the biggest thing he could find that wasn’t Chance. He whirls his blades around and attacks the hobgoblin captain. The creature turns to half parry, half dodge and jaxtons first attack glances off the creature breastplate. The hobgoblin smiles wide thinking he can now return to attack on this puny human… but it was short lived. He felt a blade dig deep, and deeper and deeper then getting turned as Jaxtons eyes met his “Die already, I am tired of smelling you!” The Hobgoblin’s eyes slowly close, he gurgles a bit of blood and drops like a sack of taters.

Rosie finally gets enough strength to stand up, she did not expect to be fighting all these people and they are losing of all things. SHe takes one last look around the battle, see’s he big guy just get gutted, and she turns and runs. Whitlock sees this and strings up his bow and fires. He did not want to kill her, just to maim her enough so she couldn’t run. His mark was true, maybe because it was 20 feet from him rather than 3 feet. The arrow rips threw her leg, and she screams with pain falling face first into some taller weeds.

Chance, now with some time to actually attack someone, or something takes aim at a goblin looking to go after Khamyra. In perfect Chance fashion, the goblin did not see him, and the Champion slices clean through its neck, literally making the head pop off and green bloody ooze spurts out. No sound except the sheen of the metal slicing through the air with great force. He then turns and brings his dagger down with some force with another goblin close by, sending it through his face, pretty much cutting it in half, the goblin crumples to the ground dead.

Khamyra ends with her blade up against the final goblin’s throat. She is panting, sweat beading off her forehead and blood coming from her wounds. THe goblin quickly tries to lift his blade, only to have the onyx elf dig it deep into the creature killing it instantly. “Persistant little fuckers” she says pulling her blade out looking over the smelly blood on covering it. She looks around “Where is that crazy bitch!” she says suddenly.

The guard left has already made his way over to her, tying her wrists. Rosie is half unconscious in so much pain.

Whitlock hears some noise from the hatch and heads straight down. Khamyra sees this and follows close behind. CHance makes three as he also heads down the hatch that has some stench to it.

There are 3 goblins racing towards them. Whitlock strings his bow twice and misses twice. He slams his hand against the wall frustrated and disgusted. “They are all yours” he says, turning his back, and walks back to the stairs. Khamyra getting her components ready looks at the ranger with a bit of concern “What the hell Whitty. I haven’t seen you fight this bad in a long time” she says with a bit of playfulness.

Khamyra’s eyes light up and flicker, she pops a handful of ash into the air, writes a symbol of destruction and says “fuego”, much like the ice, it looks like a large ball of fire gets pushed out of an invisible hole and flies down the tunnel. All three goblins’ eyes grow big, skitter to a stop and try to turn and run, but it was no use. The fireball hits them, killing them almost instantly. “I don’t feel like fighting no…” Khamyra says, stumbles a bit and catches herself with the wall.

Chance sees that and races over to her. “Hun, you ok?” putting his arms around her. He looks and see’s where her hand was, there is a bloody handprint. He looks confused and asks again “You ok?” He sees the bolt still sticking out of her back.

Whitlock putting Chance in his place“She used a lot of magic, you overgrown lantern, she is the most consistent fierce fighter I have ever battled next to, be very thankful for her” Whitlock says with some disgust in his voice with one foot on the first step of the stairs.

Chance snaps his head to the dual colored eyed ranger “You don’t think I know that?”

He shakes his head, still a look of disgust on his face, “No I don’t think you do” he retorts, your voices echoing throughout the tunnel and everyone on the surface can hear them. “There is no one I would want by my side in a fight more, and that is saying something with the battles I have been in.” He sighs, puts his hand to his temple shaking his head. “She also has taken some damage, if the bloody hand print wasn’t enough evidence.”

Khamyra shakes off Chance, she doesn’t want to hear the arguments and walks up the stairs out of the tunnel. Whitlock follows her.

“Go back to your cafe’s with those cougars you goofy eyed fuck” Chance mumbles as he goes down and loots the reaking smoldering bodies.

Turn Based Begins Here

DMaster: you got a chance to check 3 bodies, the captain, and 2 goblins. Each goblin had 2 cp, 1sp. Captain had a great sword worth 40gp, 2gp, 10sp and a dagger worth 1gp

Chance: definitely taking anything I can find

DMaster: Khamyra walks down to see of the goblins had anything but she only finds 2cp, 1sp and worthless short swords, you head back up and you see whitlock and Jaxton looking over the rest of them. Whitlock is wrapping his wounds up and drinking a potion.
DM: Add Greatsword (40 gp), 2gp, 11sp and 2cp
Jaxton and Whitlock get the guard on a horse, he is still unconscious, It is a real nice night. Khamyra is standing at the edge of where the battle took place, taking deep breaths

Chance: walk over to her and put my hand on her shoulder being careful not to touch any skin

DMaster: She looks at you looking a little less for wear.
KHA: The air is not stinky, or humid, or hot
its cooler and fresh
KHA: ahhhh

Chance: Chan: a nice change of pace isn’t it hun(quietly)

DMaster: She puts her hand on yours, zippp-zap, she smiles

Chance: Chan: now careful hun let’s not light things up(smiling)
and wink at her

DMaster: JAX: Let’s get back to Clovendale, meet us at the stronghold

Chance: nod my head at Jaxton

DMaster: Whitlock looks at you and shakes his head
WHI: Goddammit Chance, have you not healed her yet, what is your problem
he scoffs and jumps up on his horse, she turns and she has blood trickling down the front of her

Chance: Chan: I planned on it old goofy eyes

DMaster: WHI: Uh huh… sure
he spurs the horse on and they are off

Chance: taking my necklace off and letting the power flow, take out the bolt and heal her. Looking down at Khamyra and pull her close as I heal her

DMaster: she leans in to you.
KHA: What the hell just happened
She says with a laugh
KHA: We went from Crux Hayward, to Little Bridge to Clovendale… only to get jumped when we felt the most safe.
She grabs your hand, walks over to the horse, you secure the loot to Toby, everyone is gone now, except dead bodies

Chance: pull her gently to me and lean in for a kiss after I have secured the loot

DMaster: She kisses back, then glances over to the corpses on the ground.
KHA: Lets go I am exhausted

Chance: Chan: fine just wanted to take one last minute we have alone(sighs)

DMaster: KHA:Alone? We just spent two days alone riding and well, you know.
She climbs on her horse waits for you

Chance: hop up on Toby put my necklace back on and ride back to Clovendale

DMaster: you get to the city, unhorse and walk to the northern district. Jaxton sees you guys and waves you over to the entrance of the stronghold. You are a site for sore eyes, blood and ash all over you, damaged armor, etc

Outside the Stronghold in ClovendaleChance: walk over to Jaxton after looking down at myself(chuckling)

DMaster: There is a rich looking guy standing with him and Whitlock. The stronghold is big, not as big as Camerondale Castle. It looks to have multiple towers and many levels. The entrance has guards, bushes and some beautiful flowers lining the walkway. It is well lit with some monster lanterns and torches.
MAN: Chance, Khamyra? You did a great service for us today, please take this as compensation

Chance: looking this man over as he is talking to us and smile
Chan: it was our pleasure to help in anyway we can

DMaster: A woman walks over to you, and leads you to that Inn you stayed in last time, and leads you in
WOM: Please it’s the least we can do, everything is paid for
You two head up to the room, Khamyra is quiet, she looks wiped
(DM: she spent 14 out of 15 mana )
so she is physically and magically exhausted. She is stripping down, grabs a towel

Chance: Chan: go relax hun I think you more than earned it(smiling)
I go stand over by the window trying to keep my flopper under control seeing her strip down

DMaster: She nods, walks out the door, comes back all clean
KHA: Go clean up hun
she takes off her towel, opens the window then falls into bed

Chance: looking around for a towel and go get cleaned up as well

DMaster: you do, its relaxing and head back

Chance: clean up and head back and just grab my trouser and lay on the floor so as to let Khamyra rest. just lay there and try to relax and close my eyes

Thuralay (Thursday) 4:00AM

DMaster: she is lightly snoring, again adorable. you have a hard time sleeping
you are up by 4am, just looking out the window, beautiful night

Chance: just staring at the sky and looking back at Khamyra once in awhile until she wakes up

DMaster: She gets up and walks to you

Chance: Chan: sorry I couldn’t sleep so I thought I would watch you sleep you are quite adorable when you sleep you know
smiling at her

DMaster: She hugs you from behind
KHA: Am I?
She giggles

Chance: Chan: yes very adorable I fall more and more in love with you everyday hun

DMaster: She turns you around and leans up and in and gives you a deep kiss
KHA: Me too…

Chance: Chan: just don’t be over doing yourself
pulling her close to me, wrapping my arms around her
Chan: as you have become overbearing about me so I have become the same way with you

DMaster: KHA: We are only 3 days from home, I am so looking forward to it
You two exchange pleasantries, go down and you get a free breakfast that is amazing; sausages, eggs, toast, fruit, bean water. You finish, Do you want to do anything before leaving?
KHA: Did you want to sell the loot before heading out?

Chance: Chan: I think we should to make us some money

DMaster: ok you take it to a forge and negotiate, you had a greatsword and dagger. you get 42 gold for the greatsword, and 2gp for the dagger. You want a ranged weapon. Longbow is too expensive right now and the short bow is like a toy to you.

Chance: Chan: I suppose a bow is out for now maybe you want to go talk to Whitlock before we leave
looking over at Khamyra

DMaster: she shakes her head
KHA: No, let’s get going

Chance: Chan: okay let’s go get the horses and head for home I am missing everyone more and more just talking about them

DMaster: you two head to the stables
KHA: this is going to be brutal, to say I am a bit hesitant to ride this by ourselves is an understatement

Chance: Chan: Well it’s not like we can go around can we

DMaster: KHA: It would take weeks

Chance: Chan: I mean we don’t have much of a choice

Creatures from the underearth roaming the areaDMaster: KHA: Let’s do it
you two head out, the first four hours, you are still in fairly well patrolled area
(DM: He rolls a “1”)
You two are about 3 hours in, the sun is beating down on you. It’s about 90 out. Not a cloud in the sky, wind starting to blow. All of a sudden these creatures crawl up from the weeds.
(DM: Chance fails a dexterity save)

DMaster: Toby spooks and you get thrown from your horse, again

Chance: Damn it Toby

DMaster: Khamyra its hammocks, you its horses. 3 points of damage
You hear Khamyra hiss
KHA: Yooouuuu

Chance: taking off the necklace instantly as I look around

DMaster: you poke your head up from the weeds, some odd looking creatures roaming about and in the middle of it all

Rawek, the crazy powerful invoker