First Five Minutes Written Out
Chance looks at his hands and the smelly leather armor that is still in his grasp. “Bullocks!” he says with some force and throws the armor clear across the opening. Khamyra backs up a bit to not get hit by the projectile. He starts to go after him and Rivka stops him.
“That would be Folly Master Chance, he is a master of these woods” She says looking at the Champion in full form. Her eyes are huge and she winces as she lifts her shirt a bit seeing the symbol glow. She looks around, most of the people are still securing the area and then she looks back to you “I would find a way to suppress your power m’lord” she says quietly leaning in.
Chance smiles and nods. He turns from the guards heading her way and searches his pockets for the necklace.
The 2 guards run to Rivka “Your grace, we must leave, we are being followed” they say somewhat frantically. They look at her and the rest of the party and notices blood, cuts and stones all over the forest floor.
“I know, I know,” Rivka says, looking to the forest where Vruc just ran off too. “We just lost him” pointing in the direction that the kobold scampered off to.
“No, no M’Lady, they are coming up behind us, we had to leave our post” the one guard says while glancing behind him.
Within seconds of that exchange two large creatures bound out of the brush where the guards came. Everyone is taken back, except Rivka. These creatures have an odd humanoid face, about 7 1/2 feet tall, odd facial hair and reminds Chance of an overgrown orc. They have really nice leather armor and carry large wooden clubs that have a spike on the end. Oddly enough they seem pretty quiet despite their size.
“Oh just grand” Rivka says, throwing her hands up in the air, throwing a small bloody rag down she used to wipe blood from her forehead. “Just what we need right now.”
An elf armed to the teeth comes out behind them with 2 other archers. He snaps his bow to his back, and his eyes bulge seeing everyone in the clearing. “What do we have here?” he says, then eyeing up Rivka.
Rivka looks down a second then back up, she sheathes her Scimitar and short sword, “Captain Respen Glynfir” she says “it has been too long since we have seen each other.” She gives him a soft smile, trying not to let her frustration overtake her. She orders her guards to sheath the weapons.
“Rivka Ravanala” he says, giving her a little bow and nudging the other to do as well. They comply, if not clumsily and resistant.
“Looking for Vruc?” She says in a matter of fact tone. “I see you brought your buggies with you, probably a good idea with Vruc.”
He smiles and nods, “why yes, I am guessing you have had a visit with our mutual… friend?” he starts to walk towards the beautiful elf, sniffing the air. He then looks concerned with her wounds.
He looks the elf over and goes to say something, but gets interrupted by Rivka “I know, slingshot stones for what seemed an hour, they hurt” she rubs her shoulder a bit from the pain, “we all were assaulted.”
Khamyra sheathes her sword, walks over to stand next to Chance still looking at the creatures nicknamed “buggies” standing a good 25 feet away. She too is wiping some blood away and checking her wounds. Chance is facing away, heals himself quickly and is then fumbling with his necklace. He finally puts it on, ‘no need for extra questions’ he thinks and finally sheaths his sword, picks up his dagger too.
“Who are your traveling companions?” he says, eyes brightening, looking at Khamyra. “It is not everyday we see an Onyx Elf in our midst?”
The Warlock smiles, “Khamyra, my pleasure” she says with a nod, giving Chance a nudge. “Chance here.” He says blurting it out, turning around finally in a transformed state.
The Captain nods and stops in front of the Ravalana elf. “You know what we have to do, I can’t make any exceptions” he says “with the war going on, Vruc causing a shit ton of trouble and this land…” he looks around “Is ours if not in dispute.”
She sighs and nods her head. “I know Respen, sorry to put you through this.” She looks at the two heroes at her side “Sorry guys we have to go back with the captain here and talk with the Regent, or at least one of their sons or daughters.”
The Lazzier guards take all the weapons as well as Khamyra and Chance. Then they start to tie their hands. The Captain stops his guards and looks at all of you “We can be civil about this right?” talking about avoiding the hand tying. Everyone nods.
One of the bugbears leads on, the other moves to the back. As the group moves out the Onyx elf realizes, “Oh, our horses are that way” Khamyra points in a direction “can we get them or have someone get them?” she says. The Captain nods and orders one of his men to do just that.
After about an hour of trudging through a forest, some on trails other getting blazed by the large creature. Chance notices how quiet the “buggies” can be while traversing the thicker areas. it’s getting late, the day is finally cooling off a bit, or maybe it was the shade from all the trees. They arrive at a large complex, many houses and buildings surrounding it. It looks to be a stronghold, high thick wooden walls with small windows.
“Welcome to the outpost Mirazumin” Respen says as they pass through the gate. “I will send word to Orio that you are visiting with us.”
The captain gives Rivka a smile and the regent’s daughter nods and smiles back, knowing that it will alleviate any added tension between her and her father and the clans. Khamyra looks at the exchange between the two and realizes these are not warring clans with some kind of hatred, but a community of people guided by unfortunate events, she can see the respect they have for each other.
The group walks over a moat, into the walled area. They are then divided, Rivka and one of her guards are escorted further into the stronghold, Chance, Khamyra and the rest are put in individual rooms, roughly 10 x 12 feet, bed, table, a lantern and a small window. Might as well have been a jail cell.
The sun is setting and the night is closing in. They are given some food, bread and some porridge. They also have a bucket of water that they can drink from. Khamyra is taken into the stronghold and returns about 45 minutes later.
Chance is taken by a guard and led into the stronghold. They walk down a long corridor, fairly well decorated and into an open area that is roughly 90×90 with tall ceilings, it is roughly circular in shape. Lanterns lining the walls, huge brass candelabra hanging from the ceiling, some ornate decorations and what seems to be a throne area just off set towards the far wall. There sit’s an male elf, long dark hair, piercing blue eyes and a thin small crown on his head. There are a couple of servants and what looks like a scribe by his side. A handful of guards are up against the wall scattered about the room. The dark haired elf glances over, “who is this?” he says with a tone that made Chance think he was one yawn away from a coma.
The guard nudges him “Chance, Chance Axion” the Champion says with a bow. The elf nods. After a few awkward moments the elf again speaks “What are you doing on Lazzier land?”
Chance starts to think, and he might as well just tell the truth. “I have traveled from Camerondale to find a man named Malik. He has, uh, information I need” he says, stumbling a bit over the words.
The elf stands up with a raised eyebrow, and walks toward Chance. He squints a bit looking him over. “If you don’t mind me asking, are you half Augustian elf?” The spiffy elf asks.
“Quarter, I am quarter Augustian elf” Chance says quickly back, looking around the room then back at the elf in royal attire.
His eyes open a bit more and seems surprised, “a quarter elf, interesting, can’t say I have ever met a quarter… anything” he says as he then walks back to the throne. “Odd that all your companions had bumps, bruises and cuts yet here you are barely a scratch on you” he says inquisitively.
Chance looks down, shrugs his shoulders “I was engaged with Vruc, sire, and they must not have focused their attack on me.” he says pulling it out of his ass.
He nods and paces a bit, “What do you want with Malik?” He says suddenly, turning to Chance looking right through him.
“As I said he has information I need” he says back, hoping the inquiry does not go too much farther.
The doors behind him open up and in walks a beautiful female elf who is wearing a crown similar to the dark haired elf’s. “Stenbane, I think we’ve done enough don’t you brother?” she says striding past Chance and presumably her brother.
“A childhood friend does not allow us to overlook transgressions” he says frustrated, as though he knew this was coming. He stares at his sister intently. The regent’s daughter has flowing brown hair and smells amazing, it is all Chance can see right now.
“They were searching for Vruc, that is not a transgression. Plus we are not overlooking anything, we have done our duty, and now we must let them go” she says as she turns to Chance. Their eyes meet and the female elf is overcome. “ohhh, uhhhh…” she is stunned, fumbling with her words. She forms a goofy smile and her eyes big as she slowly walks towards the Champion.
“This is Chance Axion, and that is all I got out of him so far” the son of the regents says, putting a paper on a table, grabbing a glass and taking a drink. “Except he is looking for Malik.”
Chance has seen that look before, in Britney, in Affinity and even in Khamyra. He softly smiles, ‘still have it’ he says to himself, trying not to get a big head.
The elf is just a few feet in front of him looking up. She is a bit over 5 feet tall, couldn’t weigh more than 100-110lbs, has brown hair, beautiful chestnut eyes and is in a shorter skirt, blouse and somewhat royal looking outfit. “I ummmm,” she giggles and then continues “I am the daughter of the regents, Elincia Lazzier.”
Chance smiles softly again, bows “an honor to meet you, your grace, I am Chance Axion” and gives her a flirty look after his bow. Chance is not a smart man but his instincts are usually on. If they want a smooth exit out of here, having allies is important. Keeping Elincia interested in him would greatly serve their purpose.
“Well he is well versed in royal etiquette, so his upbringing had to be upper class” Vlayhala says sitting roughly on the throne, looking over the two. “As a quarter elf, I don’t know how.”
After a few awkward moments of the regent’s daughter staring at him, flirting with her eyes, the dark haired elf glances over annoyed “Alright sister, have your way with him.” He waves the two of them off, he stands and looks for one of his servants.
Elincia’s eyes bulge a little at that comment and she giggles like a schoolgirl. She puts her arm out, Chance takes it and they slowly walk out of the throne hallway and down a corridor. “He is right, you know the ins and outs of being in a throne room” she says, impressed trying to keep up with his long stride.
The two of them arrive in a dining hall. 60×40, multiple tables throughout, a large candelabra hanging from the ceiling. Khamyra is at a table nibbling on some food and has a glass of wine in front of her. Rivka is sitting across from her, looking tired and worn. The Onyx Elf looks up at the two walking towards her, arm in arm. She smiles, shakes her head and looks back down to her food.
“I uhhh, *giggles* welcome you to stay the night, the forest is no place to be after sunken sun” the royal female elf says letting Chances arm go and walking over to Rivka. Her eyes barely move off Chance.
“Thank you” Rivka says “I am sure my father will already be mad, but traveling at night, he would surely lose his apples.” She stands up next to the Lazzier woman who has finally taken her eyes off the Champion.
“Very well, I will set up 3 rooms for you, they might not be luxurious but they will do” she says giving Chance one more look, smiles and walks off. Rivka follows her down another corridor into the darkness.
Chance looks around, sits next to Khamyra, and kisses her on the cheek. A little zap forms between them. She smiles and looks at the quarter elf. “I see you have a new… ahem… friend” she says tongue in cheek. “I’ve seen that look before…”
The Champion laughs a little, “yeah, I’ve seen it too… in you.” He smirks.
The Onyx Elf swallows her bite of food and slowly looks over to him with a playful disapproving look. “Excuse me?” she says slowly shaking her head “I don’t think so.”
Chance looks around to make sure no one is watching, softly grabs her face and he kisses her deeply. She practically melts in his hands, power surges as the two indulge for a moment. Khamyra opens her eyes and chuckles a bit “Ok, maybe I did a little…”
After a few minutes of playful banter and Chance stealing some food off her plate they are escorted to their rooms by a servant. “I’ll see you in the morning my love” Khamyra says softly to Chance leaning in a bit not to be overheard, “let’s not risk getting caught this night.”
Chance nods and squeezes her hand a bit then wishes the servant good night, walks into his room closing the door. He strips down to his trousers, slumps into the lumpy bed and falls fast asleep.
Turn Based Starts Here
Monalay (Monday) 7:00 AM
DMaster: You are awoken by a knock on your door
Chance: get up and wipe the sleep out of my eyes and open the door
DMaster: ELI: Morning Master Chance, it is 7am
Chance: Chan: your grace good morning as I bow slightly to her
realizing I am just in my trousers give her a small smile
DMaster: Her eyes big and she adverts them
ELI: Breakfast in the hall in a few
Chance: Chan: thank you I will make sure to be clothed
giving her a flirty look
DMaster: She doesn’t see as she walks quickly away. Khamyra curious, peeks in
KHA: Realllyyy?
She shakes her head
Chance: Chan: hey I just realize having allies will help
giving her a big smile
DMaster: She leans against the door frame.
KHA: Well get your clothes on, I’m hungry… but take your time
She looks you up and down
Chance: Shake head and smile
Chan: okay give me a minute and I will be ready
Get dressed slowly
DMaster: You two make it to the dining hall, a decent spread on one table with a few servants walking about. Stenbane is sitting eating with his sister at the only round table that is elegantly decorated.
Chance: Chan: good morning M’lord as I see him
bowing a bit and then look over towards the spread
DMaster: He nods and Elincia is a little shy to look at you. You and Khamyra grab some food and sit down, have some tea and start eating. Everyone is fairly quiet
KHA: (quietly) She can’t take her eyes off you…
She snickers
Chance: Chan: I am seem to have that affect you know(quietly)
smirk a bit
DMaster: She shakes her head and finishes up her food
Chance: eat my food and finish up my tea
DMaster: KHA: So you may want to ask your fangirl if she knows where Malik is, otherwise we are back at square one
Khamyra says as she wipes her mouth.
Chance: Chan: I will see what I can do
I will get up and approach the brother and sister
DMaster: They are finished and quietly conversing with themselves. The servants are taking away the dishes
STE: What is it Quarter elf?
ELI: Stenbane, manners!
Chance: Smile and nod
Chan: Well he is not wrong M’Lady. I hate to disturb M’Lord
DMaster: He looks disinterested, leaning back in his chair.
ELI: Yes?
Chance: Chan: your grace I was wondering if you knew of a place I could meet up with Malik?
DMaster: The two glance at each other, Elincia goes to say something but gets interrupted
STE: We do not make it a habit tracking random people, we do not know. Maybe go back to Little Bridge and ask there?
Chance: Chan: well M’lord he got in a fight there from what they told us there and wasn’t allowed in town for awhile
DMaster: Elincia looks at you oddly
STE: Really? That far north
Khamyra walks up and shakes her head
KHA: Our apologies, it wasn’t little bridge it was Uisge-Labhair or how ever you pronounce it
she nudges you kind of hard giving you an annoyed look
Chance: Chan: umm yes I wouldn’t even try to pronounce it, I mean I have never been this far away from Camerondale so all the towns seem to become one in the same
give a small smile
DMaster: Stenbane shakes his head
STE: Master Chance, if you think an elven city and a human city are even remotely the same… you might want to check your vision next time you are at a glass worker
ELI: Stenbane, again, Manners.
They both stand up, he shrugs his shoulders. Khamyra sighs
KHA: OK, our apologies. Thank you for your hospitality. We will be off.
Chance: Chan: thank you for everything
bowing a bit and give a small sigh under my breath
DMaster: You two walk away
KHA: You are as smooth as sandpaper on an asshole
she shakes her head as she looks around
KHA: Don’t know why we were thanking them, they brought us here, the least they could do is feed us. Where’d she get off too…
Chance: keeping my mouth shut not saying much, as we are walking
DMaster: Her eyes light up a bit
KHA: There you are.
Chance: looking over at her
DMaster: Rivka is walking with the captain
KHA: We need to get Rivka alone, I think that is the only way to get a better lead on Malik.
Chance: Nod my head
DMaster: They look like they are going to start to eat, grabbing some food and drink.
Chance: Chan: hmmm I hate to interrupt when they are eating
leaning in to Khamyra
DMaster: She nods her head
KHA: Yeah to obvious, lets go check our horses and get ready to ride then come back
Chance: Chan: Sounds like a plan
DMaster: you two walk out the stronghold and find the stable. you see toby, walk over to him and give him a couple of pats, get him ready to ride to kill some time. Khamyra gets your attention, Rivka is out at the gates looking around almost frantically
KHA: Think you can talk to her without tripping over yourself?
She chuckles
Chance: Chan: shush it you
shooting her a look and walk over to Rivka
DMaster: Rivka sees you and looks relieved
RIV: I thought you left M’Loooo…. errr… Chance
Chance: Chan: not yet M’lady
Chan: is there somewhere we can talk(quietly)
DMaster: She looks around and nods, you two walk forward just outside the stables
RIV: What can I help you with? (she says quietly)
Chance: Chan: I need to know if you would know where Malik would possibly be(quietly)
DMaster: Her eyes grow a bit, then she looks around nervously
RIV: I don’t know
she shakes her head
Chance: look around a bit and then back at her
Chan: you seem a bit nervous, is it you don’t know or don’t want eyes & ears to know(quietly)
DMaster: She looks uncomfortable
RIV: I don’t know M’Lord, I must get back to the Captain
Chance: sigh a bit and touch her shoulder lightly
DMaster: She looks at you
Chance: Chan: well it was good to see you again M’lady
bowing a bit
DMaster: She smiles and quickly walks off
Chance: shaking my head and walk back to the stables
DMaster: You were at them, Khamyra has her head in her hand
KHA: If I didn’t love you so much I’d punch you in the throat
Chance: Chan: okay just what did I do wrong now?
giving her a look
DMaster: She lifts her head up, anger in her eyes.
KHA: What did you do wrong? Where do I start? You can’t read anyone! You only asked once! You had to know that she knew something, I was watching through the boards here. You have a lot of influence over her… and.. oh forget it.
She looks at you disappointed, turns and walks to her horse.
Chance: grit my teeth and just nod my head
DMaster: KHA: I just asked the stable hand were the odd named city was, we have to head north
She jumps on the horse and starts to ride on the road leading north
Chance: hop on Toby and follow her
DMaster: (DM: After asking him why he didn’t do a Charisma check??? He rolled for encounters. Yes. He rolls a “1”)
You two head north. About an hour into the ride to your right side out bursts three people, two in a tussle the other one close behind, almost hitting you.
(DM: Rolls a 4, he doesn’t stay on the horse, takes 4HP of damage)
Toby is spooked and you get thrown. Land square on your head, you see stars.
(DM: Rolled for Khamyra, she gets a 20).
She wheels her horse around, jumps off in one swift motion, unsheathes her sword and has it a foot from the two scuffling. You are face down on the path, you can hear the commotion.
KHA: Excuse YOU! RUDE! Stop. just STOP!
Chance: hand goes to the necklace and then my sword as I try to get to my feet.
DMaster: You see two robed figures wrestling with what looks like a blonde elf in leather armor. After Khamyra yelled and weapon drawn, the two robed figures ran off into the forest. she looks back to you
KHA: You ok?
Chance: Rub my head
Chan: I think I left some brain on the road back there, but yeah sure Im great
looking around and keep hand near my sword
DMaster: Khamyra walks over to the elf on the ground doubled over
KHA: You ok… blondie?
She collapses, Khamyra looks her over cautiously keeping the sword pointed at her and quickly looking around.
Chance: I will walk over cautiously as I look around
DMaster: Khamyra glances over to you, points around for you to keep watch then squats down, rolls the woman over. She is out cold
KHA: She has been stabbed
The woman is dressed in leather armor, a bow around her, quiver with arrows strewn about, a small sword on her side.
Chance: Chan: well I guess I know what needs to be done
as I take off the necklace and let the power flow and kneel down next to the blonde elf
DMaster: SHe glances over to you.
KHA: Easy… we don’t want to draw any unwanted attention, plus we don’t know who might be riding by
She looks around
KHA: Heal her and get that necklace back on
Chance: kneel down and put my hands on the blonde elf and heal her
DMaster: She glows a bit, and she starts to breathe easier, still unconscious
Chance: and then heal myself and put my necklace back on once done my hand goes back near my sword
Chan: I say we get her off the road possibly near some trees and keep watch on her until she comes to
DMaster: Khamyra nods and motions to grab her shoulder, and you two drag her to a tree, lean her up
Chance: after we lean her up I will walk over to Toby and calm him down and bring him closer to where we are
DMaster: After you do that, she starts to wake up. she grasps for her stomach and looks, and looks again – gasping.
Khamyra looks at you with a surprised look.
KHA: See that?
ELF: What the… what’s going on?
Chance: Nod my head
Chan: now you just made me miss home, it’s a Novie clone (quietly)
DMaster: Khamyra chuckles and nods. The Lazzier elf looks up at you two
Chance: Chan: are you okay?
looking at the blonde elf
DMaster: ELF: Who the hell are you? Are you the ones who attacked me?
She is scrambling to get up
Chance: Chan: no we are not the ones who attacked you, my companion here scared them off
smiling at the elf
DMaster: Khamyra raises her eyebrow watching the elf stumble around
ELF: How do I know that? How did he heal me?
She is looking at her stomach, the holes in the leather, then looks back up to you two
Chance: put my hand to my side
DMaster: Khamyra just leans against a tree, checks her nails
Chance: Chan: well if we are the ones that attacked you why would we make sure you were okay and keep watch over you till you came to?
DMaster: ELF: A trick!
She grabs her sword, loses grip and it goes flying, her eyes big watching it fly into the road. Khamyra watches the sword fly across the road. Then she looks over to you
KHA: Friend of yours?
She laughs
Chance: Shake head and frown thinking of that happening to me in the Owlbear battle. Laugh sarcastically a bit and walk for the sword, pick it up and walk back over to the blonde elf. Hold it for her to take
Chan: well you really might want to have a better grip
as I give her a small smile
DMaster: She takes it tentatively, puts it back in her sheath
Chance: Chan: I assure you we mean no harm, what is your name?
DMaster: She scoffs
ELF: What’s yours?
Khamyra smiles and shakes her head
KHA: Jojo Jollyfeet
Chance: Chan: my name is Chance Axion
DMaster: Khamyra’s head snaps to yours in utter disbelief. She then rolls her eyes and throws her hands in the air
KHA: I give up! You deal with this, I’ll be over at my horse
she says with great frustration and storming off.
Chance: Look at Khamyra with confusion.
Chan: Do you know why you were attacked?
looking back to the elf
DMaster: She takes her eyes off Khamyra’s ass then back to you.
ELF: I don’t know, maybe they were robbers or something
Chance: watching her body language as she talks, trying to get a feel of her
DMaster: Hard to tell. she is still poking her finger through the hole in her armor and seeing no wound. She then dusts herself off, then unsnaps a side of her armor, and looks. She is taken back
ELF: What the hell… not a mark
She is wiping blood off with her sleeve
Chance: shake head
Chan: Clan Lazzier I take it?
DMaster: She points at her eyebrow
ELF: Uh duh, been with the clan, I don’t know… my whole life
She starts to walk to the road
Chance: Chan: yes I noticed the eyebrow you just remind me of someone I know back home in Camerondale and might I suggest you hold onto that sword a bit tighter
DMaster: She gives you a weird look, stands on the edge of the road, looks over at Khamyra
ELF: Long way from home huh Onyx elf?
KHA: Sure
Chance: Chan: just keep a tighter grip on that sword since you won’t tell me your name and stay safe please
DMaster: KHA: I think she heard you the first time Chance Axion, she will keep a tighter grip on the sword.
Khamyra says with contempt in her voice.
ELF: Which way to Crux Hayward
Khamyra looks at her, shrugs her shoulders looks at you
Chance: shrugs my shoulders.
Chan: I honestly have no clue since I am a bit new to the area.
DMaster: Khamyra bites.
KHA: Why do you ask?
ELF: I am looking for this… ummm… err vacation spot. Yeah. Vacation spot.
Chance: looking at her again and then look over at Khamyra.
DMaster: KHA: Well we are heading this way.
She points down the road and lifts her eyebrows.
ELF: Which way is that? Is that south?
Khamyra shrugs her shoulders and smirks out the side of her mouth.
Chance: Chan: so a vacation spot hmmm
raising my eyebrow
Chan: I think we have taken up enough of our time as well as yours, you are more than welcome to follow us or go on your own way
DMaster: She looks lost
ELF: Well I will travel with you until I get my bearings
Chance: nod my head
DMaster: Khamyra nods her head
KHA: Figures
Chance: Chan: well then may I offer to let you ride with me
DMaster: Khamyra jumps on her horse
KHA: Lets go
You two jump on Toby and head to Uisge-Labhair. After an hour or so you make it, stable the horses and head in it’s mostly cloudy, warm and about 9:30am
Chance: head to the Inn to get a drink and tinkle
DMaster: You walk into the Inn, luckily it’s Lazzier land for this town
Chance: sure all eyes go on me as I walk in as I look around for the nearest table
and sit down
DMaster: Khamyra walks over, looking annoyed. She is standing at the table
KHA: What now Chance Axion?
Chance: Give her an odd look
Chan: I feel like I am hunting a shadow (quietly) then we run into Vruc
DMaster: KHA: (quietly back) No Chance we are running into inexperience and folly… and what does Vruc have to do with our current situation?
She sighs in frustration. The Lazzier elf is talking with the innkeeper then starts to walk over to you two
Chance: Chan: your thoughts? (quietly) before the elf gets to the table
DMaster: She looks at you blankly, shakes her head, shrugs her shoulders, you can tell she is frustrated with you and the situation
Chance: sigh a bit
Chan: get a drink I need a bit of fresh air
Walk outside as I am a bit frustrated with myself and the situation of hunting down Malik
DMaster: (DM: scolding him about being mopey)
Chance: walk back inside and walk over to the elf
Chan: so I asked before what is your name
DMaster: She just sat down, she ordered drinks. At this point, Khamyra looks pleased as they deliver some ale at 10 in the morning
KHA: Fuck it
She takes a deep drink. The blond elf looks up to you
Chance: Chan: it would at least be nice to have a name instead of saying hey you
DMaster: She hands you a mug
ELF: Fine, Dessielle, what is your name?
she whirls around looking at Khamyra
KHA: JoJo Jellybean
Dessielle tilts her head and frowns.
Chance: take a big swig from the mug and smirk
Chan: Do you have any family Dessielle?
DMaster: DES: Of course… do you?
Khamyra is just staring at her mug
Chance: Chan: an adopted mom about all I have left
DMaster: Khamyra shakes her head and sighs
Chance: Chan: okay sorry I ask so many question Dessielle a new land I feel a bit lost never been away from home for so long
DMaster: DES: Oh, away from home? Where do you hail from?
Chance: Chan: I was Born on Summer Isle but call Camerondale home.
DMaster: Khamyra laughs a bit, takes a drink.
Chance: shoot her a look and then look back at Dessielle.
DMaster: DES: What do you do for a living?
Chance: Chan: I wouldn’t even begin to describe what I do for a living.
DMaster: KHA: No go ahead, tell her… and everyone involved… maybe their exact names and locations and what weapons they use and what bathing scent they prefer
Dessier gives her a sharp glance then back to you
DES: Who is involved in what
Khamra gives you a goofy look, puts her elbows on the table, and her chin in her hands
KHA: Yes Chance Axion, tell us
Chance: Squint my eyes, giving Khamyra a look
DMaster: She has googly eyes, mocking you
Chance: feeling frustrated right now getting up, lean forward and put fists on the table. Then give Khamyra another look
Chan: if you two excuse me I think I really need to go for a long walk
DMaster: KHA: What… done talking? You choose now to stop? No really… continue
Dessier looks around awkwardly, takes a drink and leans back
Chance: Give her an angry look
Chan: Khamyra enough already
DMaster: KHA: Is it? Have you blabbed long enough?
Chance: slam a fist on the table
DMaster: Her drink almost spills
KHA: Awww you mad?
DES: Uhhhh I think I’ll just wait over there.
She gets up, takes her mug and walks to the bar. The Innkeeper is eyeing you suspiciously.
Chance: Chan: I am going for a walk enough already
DMaster: KHA: Bubbye!
She waves at you and grabs her drink, takes a slug and leans back.
(DM: Removed a half hour of mopey BS.)
A storm is rolling in, you can hear the thunder in the distance and the dark clouds through the branches on the trees. The temperature is starting to change and the wind has died down.
Chance: take Toby back to the stable and walk around the town looking for merchants.
DMaster: It is getting windy, the southern sky is dark and rumbling.
(DM: Chance finds a flower vendor and buys flowers)
It is a very large place, at least 3 floors and takes up a considerable amount of the main street. Upon entering the place is fairly quiet. 3-4 waitresses, maids are talking with each other, glance over as you enter. The floor has a few patrons in there, and the bottom level is pretty big.
Chance: walk over to the Innkeeper.
Chan: Did you see where the Onyx Elf went?
DMaster: He glances up.
INN: Yes she got a room.
Chance: Chan: what is the room number?
DMaster: He looks at you and squints. Then as though he recognized you.
INN: You were with her, yes. Room 17, 3rd floor
Chance: head up to room 17 and knock on the door
DMaster: Khamyra opens the door. She walks out, closes it behind her.
Chance: Chan: Khamyra I am sorry
looking down a bit
DMaster: She looks at you intently.
KHA: For what being a dumbass? Sure. You are as green as a cow pasture.
Chance: Chan: I know this won’t help but I got these for you
DMaster: She smiles, takes them, smells them and looks at you
KHA: I am sorry too for being so harsh, I don’t know what to do with you sometimes.
Chance: Chan: I. I just don’t know how to deal with these things. I grew up on the Summer Isles and all I had to do was charm Helynne and Britney out of her… well, you get it. So yeah, I am green. Very green.
Giving her more puppy dog eyes.
DMaster: Khamyra is nodding her head.
KHA: You are right, this is all new to you. So with that being said, if you are unsure, just don’t say anything.
The Inn shakes a bit with a thunder clap.
KHA: Is that thunder I hear?
Chance: Chan: yes a storm is coming in
still looking down a bit.
DMaster: KHA: Ahhh that is perfect then.
She leans over, pulls your chin up and kisses you.
Chance: eyes get big as she kisses me. Kiss her back deeply.
DMaster: KHA: You are the sweetest…
Gives you a peck on the cheek, looks at the flowers and smiles big. Then looks back at you.
KHA: I have her tied to a chair, so we are going in, remember what we just talked about and I say this with the best intentions.
Looks at you straight in the eyes, her demeanor turning serious.
KHA: I love you, but shut the fuck up ok?
Chance: frown a bit and nod my head.
DMaster: You walk in, the door closes, it’s pretty dark, Dessielle is tied to a chair with a gag in her mouth. Khamyra shuts the door. Flashes of lightning streak across the room as the storm rolls in closer. It is a 20×20 room, two windows on one wall where you can see the storm almost here. Bed on the opposite wall with a wash basin and dresser on the opposite wall of the door.
Chance: lean against the wall keeping head down
DMaster: KHA: So, who do you work for?
DES: mmmfff mmf mmffff mmfffff
KHA: I see, interesting
She smirks and chuckles, looks over to you then walks over and takes the gag out
DES: Chance, can you tell your Psycho friend to untie me and let me go, I think she lost her apples!
Dessiere is wiggingly around.
Chance: Look at Khamyra worried ‘Is she losing it?’ shake my head
DMaster: KHA: No really… who are you working for?
DES: Working for what? Who?
KHA: (interrupting) Seriously, you see the big guy over there?
She thumbs in your direction
KHA: He hasnt been laid in two days and is cranky as fuck. All he wants to do now is crack some skulls
Chance: Keep my head facing one direction and just slowly draw my eyes over to her.
DMaster: She is shaking her head looking down after eye contact
KHA: Really? You conveniently show up JUST when we are passing by, the mysterious hooded people run away at the first sign of trouble, You wear a bow around you like a 5 year old, you don’t know the direction in a forest you once lived in? Asking where we are going? Asking about a random city? Pumping my boy over there for as much information as he was willing to give
Dessiere smirks at the comment knowing she got info out of the big lug.
Chance: looking up a bit and crack my knuckles
DMaster: KHA: Which seemed to be just about everything
KHA: Oh… and a real Lazzier elf would have never been caught dead there… that’s disputed lands.
Khamyra looks over to you
KHA: We found that out last night, and let’s put all the cards on the table, I am the only Spell Caster on Legon, so I can do things to you that you couldn’t even imagine, even in your nightmares
She scoffs and laughs
DES: The only mage, yeah… sure…
Khymara pops a little sand in the air, traces the air, says a word and poof; a fireball sits in her hand
KHA: If you want to get technical, I am a Warlock.
Chance: Look impressed and proud
cross my arms
DMaster: The elf’s eyes are huge and she is wiggling a lot trying to get free
KHA: Want to see if this hurts some?
DES: Have you lost your senses daft girl, you could blow us to bit’s, incinerate us from the inside out!
KHA: I work for someone… his name is Finster, he allows me to have this ability.
Her eyes could not get any bigger, fear washes over her face. After a minute of staring at the fireball,
DES: Alright alright… Malik set this up to find out more about you and where you were going
KHA: Ahhh there we go
She shakes her hand and the fireball disappears in a puff of smoke
Chance: pacing a bit
DMaster: The storm is raging outside, flashes and thunder, flashes and thunder. Khamyra squats next to her
KHA: What does he want with us, he sent Vruc after us and now sets us up with you…
She looks annoyed and surprised
DES: Well don’t go barging into cities filled with elves asking about someone
Looks at both of you with a “dumbass” look
Chance: shaking my head as I am getting frustrated even more
DMaster: DES: Oh and a 6 foot whatever half Augustian elf and an onyx elf? Really? You are reeeaaalll sly.
She laughs and squirms a bit more.
Chance: Chan: Quarter Augustian elf, quarter. GRRRR
hand inching closer to my necklace as I look at the elf
DMaster: KHA: Easy boy… no need to show off right now.
Chance: Look a little disappointed
Chan: as you say for now
DMaster: DES: You have him on a leash (snickers)
KHA: Yeah and you would NOT want me to unleash him
Dessiere scoffs. Khamyra stands up from squatting.
KHA: Want to tell us anything else? Some shallow threat?
DES: You guys have no idea what you are getting yourself into…
Khamyra smiles big and looks over to you.
KHA: There it is hun, waiting for it.
Chance: Chuckle a bit
Chan: Kind of lame…
DMaster: Khamyra stares at the lazzier elf.
KHA: You want to know what you and Malik are getting into?
She turns to you
KH: I’m unleashing you.
She nods at you, walks over and washes her hands in the basin
Chance: slowly move my hand to the necklace and take it off
DMaster: She has this “what, what are you going to do” look
Chance: and put it in my pocket let the power flow
DMaster: You watch the reflection in her eyes as they get bigger and bigger and she is leaning back and falls backwards in the chair. Clunk.
Khamyra laughs
KHA: Can you get her upright again
Chance: walk over and pick her and the chair back up
DMaster: Her eyes are huge and she is shaking a bit.
DES: w-w-w-what the hell are you?
Chance: Chan: She tried to do it the nice way now we are doing it my way
giving her a look
DMaster: DES: I told you everything I swear!
Chance: as I touch her arm and cause some pain
DMaster: She winces.
Khamyra grabs a flower out of the bouquet, and is looking at it, while walking towards you two… she smells it and smiles
KHA: You have some convenient memory
She looks over and looks around frantically.
DES: I don’t know where he is!
KHA: But you might know where he could be? Give us some locations… otherwise
She sighs
Chance: Chan: I would answer her right quick if I were you, wrack that brain of yours
causing her a little more pain
DMaster: She closes her eyes.
DES: OWWWW. He will kill me, Ill take the torture over that
KHA: What if we could protect you? Chance? Would you protect her if she gave us his location… or better yet locations?
Chance: nod my head taking my hand off her arm
DMaster: She looks at you, glowing and monstrous and back at Khamyra who just showed she has magic and she nods
DES: Ok. Ok. He has a home in Crux Hayward, He also has a gambling hall down the road and an fighting arena
Khamyra’s eyes are wide and she looks over to you
Chance: Chan: hmmm a fighting arena
smirking a bit
DMaster: KHA: Where is he now?
DES: I don’t know, I honestly do not
Khamyra nods and looks at you again
KHA: Ok, kill her
Chance: looking at Khamyra with wide eyes
DMaster: Her eyes grow huge again and mouth opens. She just about shit’s her pants
Chance: and then look back to the elf
DMaster: She laughs out loud.
KHA: Joking I’m joking, it’s been a long day already and I just wanted you to feel that fear. If you think Malik scares you… then… imagine us after you.
Chance: Chan: well imagine us if one of us were really mad
DMaster: Khamyra smells the flower again walks over to you
KHA: These are quite lovely, thank you
kisses your cheek, a little zap
KHA: Put your leach back on dear
DES: Looks confused
Chance: Chan: say the magic word hun
smirking and shoot her a look
DMaster: KHA: Want to get laid tonight? (pauses) Well thats 5 magic words
The blonde elf looks at both of you
DES: You two are fucking nuts!
Chance: Laugh a little
Chan: don’t try my patience
as I reach in my pocket and grab the necklace
DMaster: KHA: Ok, one last thing… What is your real name?
DES: I told you, Dessiere
Khamyra shakes her head
KHA: No. I don’t think so. I might have been born on a monalay but not last monalay.
The Onyx Elf chuckles
Chance: putting the necklace back on and shake my head
DMaster: Her shoulders sink
DES: Restria
Khamyra turns and looks at her, raises an eyebrow
DES: Zylphine, Restria Zylphine
Khamyra is at a table working on something
KHA: Thank you Restria
Chance: Chan: you can be lucky she does keep me on a leash
Chuckle for a moment
DMaster: KHA: wait until we get whips and gag balls
she says not able to finish the sentence without cracking up
Chance: Chan: Don’t forget the sex swing.
feeling a bit flustered. Walk over to Khamyra.
DMaster: She is still giggling at the comments
KHA: I have to remove a teeny bit of her memory (quietly)
Khamyra leans over to talk.
KHA: The spells Wyzaqueen gave me, there was a temporal memory wipe, but it doesn’t say how to regulate it.
SHe is leafing through a thin book.
Chance: nod my head
DMaster: The storm is hitting hard right now. Lightning, thunder rain just pounding on the window
Chance: Chan: you do what you need to magic is out of my wheelhouse I am the muscle remember(smirking)
DMaster: Khamyra walks over with a small vial of ointment. Restria’s eyes grow big.
RES: Don’t you do magic on me. You said you’d protect me! I’ll scream!
KHA: We will protect you… but I didn’t say anything about removing the last day from your memory.
Khamyra looks out the window
KHA: Wow, it’s really storming out there isn’t it.
The blonde elf looks out and the noise is somewhat deafening. She looks down, shaking her head.
RES: You are such a bitch. You never had any intention of protecting me.
Khamyra looks back to her and smiles, shrugs her shoulders.
Chance: Chan: We didn’t?
Look at Khamyra
DMaster: Khamyra shakes her head at your comment and sighs.
KHA: He’s pretty to look at
Khamyra rubs oil on her forehead, does a sign and says “vergessen”
Restria’s eyes roll back in her head and she faints. Khamyra looks at you with a “uh oh” look
KHA: oh shit… I hope that worked right
Chance: shaking my head
Chan: me too. What are we not protecting her anymore?
DMaster: KHA: My Champion, if I wipe the last day from her memory she will not remember this conversation. Which means… she won’t remember us telling her we will protect her.
Chance: Chan: Oh… really. Hmmm, Ok. I’ll take your word for it.
DMaster: KHA: You’re pretty. Khamyra is wobbly and holds on to the side of the bed.
KHA: Wow… that took a lot out of me, more than I thought, no one has cast that spell in maybe 500 years
Chance: walk over and wrap my arms around Khamyra
DMaster: She leans into you
KHA: Can you untie her and put her on the bed?
Chance: Chan: of course don’t fall over on me while I do
shoot her a worried look
DMaster: KHA: Oh, no, nothing like last time, this was just a powerful spell… more than I thought.
Chance: untie Restria and pick her up, put her on the bed and then go back over to Khamyra
Chan: just don’t be over doing it okay
as I lightly touch her arm
DMaster: She enjoyed the buzz.
KHA: Yeah, no more magic for me today. I am going to grab some lunch for us, keep an eye on her. She leaves the room, grabs some food and drink, brings it back to the room
Chance: stand by the window watching the storm as she brings the food and drink back to the room
DMaster: The storm is raging pretty good. You two sit and eat and drink, have some idle chit chat.
KHA: When she wakes up, we have to convince her we are working together to find someone. I am hoping she will lead us right to Malik.
Chance: Nod my head, take a bite
Chan: We can say Vruc, he went rogue or something.
DMaster: KHA: Yeah, good idea.
She looks at you
KHA: You honestly didn’t know she was playing you? I saw it a mile away..
Chance: Shrug shoulders, take a drink of ale.
DMaster: After about an hour, Restria wakes up. She sits up and looks around
RES: Where the hell am I? Who are you?
Khamyra shakes her head and sighs
KHA: Ooops
Chance: Chan: I think it did a little more than you expected hun
leaning towards Khamyra talking quietly.
DMaster: She puts her finger to her lips
KHA: Restria? Oh good, you are up, we were worried…
She looks confused, outsher hand to her head. Glances over to the both of you.
Chance: Chan: quite worried
as I take a sip of my drink and look back over to her and smile a bit
DMaster: RES: Who ARE you people?
KHA: You don’t remember, Malik hired us to help you. Sent us on a secret mission to find Vruc.
RES: I don’t remember that, why would he have to find that dirtbag?
she sits up on the edge of the bed
Chance: looking over at Khamyra giving her a look
DMaster: KHA: We were taken prisoner for a short time, it wasn’t vruc but it had to be his underlings. They used some potion on us but Chance knocked some of their heads and we got out, but you ended up passing out and we made it here just before the storm hit.
Chance: Chan: somehow we managed to beat the nasty storm
DMaster: She glances out and nods
RES: I don’t remember that
she squints her eyes, thinks for a moment
RES: Why should I believe you?
SHe looks at Khamyra then you
KHA: Restria, how would I even know about Malik and your real name for that matter…
Khamyra says with a raised eyebrow. Restria puckers her lips and looks down, then nods.
RES: Makes sense I suppose.
Chance: nod and smile a bit leaning on my elbows to make her feel a bit more at ease
DMaster: The blonde elf gets up and walks over to the basin and washes her face. It really reminds you of Novalee, short, blonde, and that tattoo. Khamyra gives you a look and shrugs her shoulders after she walks past
Chance: giving Khamyra a look and shrug my shoulders a bit in response
DMaster: KHA: What’s the last thing you remember?
RES: I went to sleep
She chuckles and looks to be thinking
KHA: Starday?
RES: No it was Freya
Khamyra looks at you with wide eyes and gives a OOPS look
RES: What day is it? Sagalay?
Chance: look down and cover my mouth trying not to laugh and regain my composure
Chan: it’s Mondalay which is why we were worried about you
DMaster: She looks at the both of you
RES: You are joking! I don’t remember the last 3 days???
Khamyra shakes her head,
KHA: Sorry, I know… that potion wore off on me and Chance, it might still be with you.
Chance: Chan: eventually anyways, we are both just glad you are okay, perhaps eat and get something to drink it you might help
DMaster: Restria nods her head and starts to put her armor on. Khamyra grabs her armored overcoat.
KHA: We will be downstairs when you are ready
The Onyx Elf grabs your arm and walks out
Chance: smirking a bit as we walk out of the room
DMaster: You two head down the hallways
KHA: I’m winging it here Chance, what the hell… This could really work, I hope she leads us to him. I am not sure what else we can do.
Chance: Chan: I’m out of ideas.
nod my head not saying too much
DMaster: Walking down the stairs
KHA: Out of ideas? You didn’t have one to begin with
Gives you a playful nudge.
KHA: Once the storm is over we can head out. She can ride with you, Toby is a bigger horse. Let her guide us
Chance: nod my head again and smile
DMaster: Restria walks down the stairs and sees you two. You found a table, and she sits with you. You order some food and eat. 6 silver was spent. while you are eating, a little chit chat.
RES: We can stop by the hall and talk to Tobsin
She shovels in some food and looks at you two, Khamyra shrugs her shoulders
KHA: We were brought in to assist, hired guns, to make sure you were safe, we don’t really know many people
She shrugs her shoulders
RES: Doesn’t matter, I just want to get home.
Chance: nod my head as I sit there rather quiet
DMaster: You three finish your food. It’s still drizzling out, and it is barely 65 degrees. The storm brought in some cool weather.
DMaster: RES: Let’s get going
Chance: Pay for the meal. Once we are done eating hold the door open for them as we leave
DMaster: ok you dodge a few raindrops, grab the horses and get going. Khamyra takes a guess and heads south and Restria doesn’t argue
Chance: start riding south next to Khamyra
DMaster: Splashing through puddles and mud. OK you ride for two hours, make a small detour and you are outside a small town. You stop and she jumps off on a dry spot. You do as well. The village doesn’t look all that well taken care of except for a large building in the middle. You notice there are a lot of Inns and Pubs. Khamyra shrugs her shoulders
KHA: Lets go
SHe ties up the horses and lets Restria lead the way
Chance: Jump off Toby, I will lead up the rear as I follow glancing around with my eyes
DMaster: Restria leads you into the large building. It is a gaming hall. You get a meal, for free, some stale beer and little to no talk. Eventually you leave, walk through some puddles and get back to the horses. Riding for another 3 hours south, Khamyra is looking at you like “WTF are we going?” The hills start to straighten out and trees become more scarce. Tall weeds for miles and an odd smell
RES: Only another hour to go
Chance: give Khamyra a look like I don’t know
DMaster: You finally reach a pretty big town, it’s rickety in it’s own way. it’s in a swamp like area and it smells
KHA: Home huh?
RES: Yeah, thank god.
She jumps down and looks around.
RES: You’ll get used to the smell.
She walks to the edge of the stables and takes a deep breath and smiles. Khamyra almost chokes on the smell
KHA: Before or after I revisit my lunch.
Chance: hop down off Toby making sure not to breathe too deeply and put my horse in the Stable
DMaster: Khamyra takes you to the side
KHA: I think we are in Crux Hayward. His home town (quietly)
Chance: Chan: I agree, this place smells horrible(quietly)
DMaster: She nods
RES: Come on, might as well wait at the local Inn.
Chance: nod my head at Restria
DMaster: You three walk through the town, mostly wild elves, some common elves. You of course stick out like a sore thumb. By far the tallest person around and Khamyra with her dark skin. You go down a few streets and stop at a house.
KHA: This is a pub?
RES: No, I have to check on something first, wait here.
A child runs out of the house.
He comes running into her arms, they hug
RES: I missed you so much!
An older woman comes out and sees you three.
Chance: smile thinking about how much I miss my mom
DMaster: WOM: Hi hon, back so soon?
Khamyras eyes get big
RES: Yeah I guess
Looks at her oddly.
RES: You behaved for grandma, didn’t you?
They have a loving interaction
WOM: He was just fine, his usual energetic self
THe kid looks past his mom and past you. He is fascinated with Khamyra
KID: Pretty dark lady
Khamyra gets a warm look on her face and squats down
KHA: Hey Kiddo.
Chance: smile a bit hearing that
thinking to myself at least the child is more interested in Khamyra than me
DMaster: A man walks around the corner looking down. Stops abruptly when he looks up and sees you two.
MAN: What the hell is this?!?
Restria’s eyes bulge and shoo’s the kid into the house, The older woman guides him in and closes the door. You hear it lock.
RES: Oh, hey just got back in town…
His eyes are huge, not taking his eyes off the two of you.
MAN: I said FIND them, not bring them here!
Chance: inches my hand slowly towards my sword without being to obvious
DMaster: RES: What do you mean? We were looking for Vruc.
The blonde elf looks confused, the wild elf looking man gives her an angry stare.
MAN: This is Chance and Khamyra, the people I wanted you to find….
Restria starts to shake her head.
KHA: Before this gets too far, who the hell are you?
He snorts a little, nods his head slowly…
MAL: If you must know, I am the man you are looking for… Malik.