First Five Written Out
The ranger looks the “champion” over. his hair matted down, blood and mud clinging to his face and his oddly colored armor that is barely hanging on to him. This enigma is just staring out across the front yard, clenching his jaw, hand on the hilt of his sword. Whitlock takes a moment, sighs and thinks “I am not liking the odds right now.”
Whitlock looks back out, counts the Orcs up. Damn 15 or so he thinks to himself. “10 here” he says softly. “Stay, I’ll check the other windows” The ranger darts off through the front entrance door.
‘I can sit here and feel sorry for myself or I can make that fucking goofy eyed Ranger eat his words’ Chance thinks to himself, feeling the anger grow inside of him. At first he was afraid, knowing what was to come, but then he welcomed it. He is tired, stressed and defeated, this encounter would probably just go like the others, might as well save their asses.
He takes off his necklace, pulls off his armor and it drops to the floor.
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Whitlock comes back with his bow and arrows and sees the armor on the ground. “Chance, what’s up with your armor” he says with a hiss but stops abruptly seeing the quarter elf in full Champion mode already.
His eyes bulge a little as Chance turns to him, his power reflecting in his eyes.
“I don’t care what you do, just stay out of my way,” Chance says in a low guttural growl that chills the Ranger to the bone.
The Ranger stares at this creature bursting with power and filled with anger.
“Fuck” Whitlock says, “guess we are doing this.” He thinks to wake up Khamyra but knows she “blew her load” with the Owlbears. Let her rest, ‘she can identify our bodies afterwards’ he thinks to himself with a sadistic chuckle.
Before he could even take a step forward Chance busts out the door and races for the nearest Orc. His speed was unnatural, the light from his power made target practice easier, the eyes of the Orcs all lit up seeing him running at them. Whitlock starts firing arrows as quickly as he can. Hitting on almost everyone, knocking down orcs with his unbelievable skill. He watches as the Champion is popping off heads and ripping off limbs. Again, Whitlock gets chills.
Chance runs through the front yard, he remembers taking off the head of a few orcs, punching one on the face, stabbing another through the skull with his dagger. He felt pain, things getting stabbed into him and the world started to get darker and darker. The last few things he remembers are Orcs yelling and running away.
Whitlock is in the middle of the yard watching 8-10 orcs fleeing for their lives in the light of the two moons. He hears something behind him and before he can even look Khamyra is racing past him.
“Chance, no… dammit” she says, sliding into the Champion who is on his knees, bolts, daggers in him, slices and slashes across his body. He just sits there wobbling a little surrounded by dead orcs, limbs, blood and mud.
Whitlock raises his eyebrow watching the Onyx Elf be very intimate with the quarter elf. She rubs his cheek, puts her head against his and her arms wrapped around him.
The Ranger surveys the place, finds Chance’s sword, tucks it in his belt. He is pulling arrows from the orcs, replenishing his quiver. Wipe blood off each one before putting them in. Whitlock is gathering usable weapons and any loot. He eventually finds what appears to be the Orc leader of this group, dead with Chance’s boot dagger stuck in its skull and missing an arm. He shakes his head remembering how crazed Chance was and the speed and strength he showed.
Whitlock continues to scan the fields, with the moon out he can see for miles. The Orcs fleeing are all but out of sight. ‘Hope that’s it, I’ll secure the area and check back’ he thinks to himself looking over and getting more suspicious as Khamyra is practically in the champions lap.
Chance can hear Khamyra, her voice, he is reconnecting again. “Chance! Chance… “ he hears, electricity down his cheek. “Come back to me,” is still dark for the Champion, he is feeling tired and lost. All of a sudden, light rushes back in, reality refocuses as he feels her lips on his. He instinctively puts his arms around her and kisses passionately. The two of them are one, light flying all around, crackles of electricity. They forget about everything for a minute.
She stops and pulls back. Chance regains reality. It is about a high moon, clear skies and a bit chilly with wind (of course it’s teeter winds) he is on his knees, surrounded by orc bodies and body parts in a huge puddle of mud and blood.
Flashes of Summer Isles, the barn basement creep into the back of his mind. Khamyra has her hands on his cheeks and both of their foreheads pinned up against each other. “Chance, you idiot” she says softly, caressing his cheek.
Whitlock stands there after securing the area watching the two of them in the moonlight sitting in a disgusting puddle of orc shit. He almost feels embarrassed seeing thi unfold in front of him. ‘That’s who she is seeing, how did I not notice that. The quarter elf’s looks he gave me, how and why he got angry at me, I mean I guess she did call him hun, but I thought nothing of it’ he thinks, then shakes his head.
‘Despite the folly with the Owlbears, what this kid did here was impressive if not scary’ Whitlock continues to think, ‘he lost control, Khamyra has to bring him back apparently, probably how and why they are so close now. Losing control could be a huge disadvantage…’
The Ranger continues to ponder things, then walks out to get the horses and brings them back safely. He can’t see anything else for miles, making sure the Orcs are really gone. ‘Hope that is all of them, I am exhausted’ he thinks and looks up at the moons and sighs.
Khamyra is walking Chance back to the house when Whitlock intercepts them. “Hey, I am going to go fill that tub with some water” looking over the both of them. “You guys are drenched in mud, blood and other nasty shit, I don’t feel like smelling you all night and looking at you all day tomorrow like that. Get yourself cleaned up.”
She looks over to him, smiles and nods giving him a somewhat ashamed look. The onyx elf helps the Champion limp their way back to the staircase, he sits down with somewhat of a heavy thud. “This is going to hurt,” she says while pulling out some bolts and a dagger. “Heal yourself hun,” she says softly, her arm around him.
Chance winces a few times with pain, but heals himself. It drains him completely, he all but collapses in her arms. She grabs his face, the power surges and gets a little energy in him. He then realizes the importance of the power that these two exchange, smiling to himself wondering how much power gets exchanged when they make love. The Onyx elf looks at him with a loving smirk, “What are you thinking of my love?”
The Champion smiles and shakes his head, “Thank you” he says looking up at her. Her expression turns warm and she leans in and kisses him. She pulls back and spits a little, “I think I got a little Orc blood on that kiss” she says with a giggle.
Chance just smiles and shakes his head feeling a little better. He leans into her more and quietly says “I love you.” The Onyx Elf’s heart soars, hearing those words, knowing they are for real and he truly means it. ‘You don’t know how precious that can be, it’s not easy to find,’ she remembers back when she told Chance those exact words, while nodding her head.
They hear Whitlock call to them, head inside and find the bathroom. He has candles lit and is shirtless in the corner with a big basin washing himself. “Give me a second I’ll leave you two to wipe himself off with a rag. Chance sees his back is riddled with scars that resembled whip marks. He turns as he grabs his shirt, he has tattoos all over his body as well as typical battle scars. He is pretty clean, only his knees down have mud or blood on them (his battles went well).
Khamyra walks over to the Ranger and takes his hand. The two look at each other. After a moment of silence, he nods in an understanding that Chance did not understand. His weariness is getting the best of him, so he does not care much anymore.
Whitlock walks past the Champion, stops and looks at him square in the eye. “You lost this, I think you might need it,” he hands him the necklace. Chance feels himself drained of power and the pain starts to hit him more. “Good job tonight, remind me to never piss you off…” he starts to walk away, stopping a moment “well, piss you off again, anyways.” He leaves, shutting the door.
Khamyra has a surprised look on her face and a smile washes over her after hearing Whitlock. She takes off the battered Champions clothes and she takes off hers. What an odd sight, parts of them are clean while the others are filled with mud, blood, scratches, scars and who knows what else. They smirk looking at each other and head for the tub.
The Onyx Elf was picturing a romantic tub encounter, candles dancing around them, moonlight shining through the window, a warm bubbly bath that they sink into. Then washing in places that excited her and making love endlessly.
Chance threw his exhaustion and numbing pain could see the Onyx Elf was excited to take a bath together.
That ended in pure disappointment immediately… The water was freezing, the water turned a muck brown/green mix and bits started floating around. They both start to rush to wipe off the grim and such. Chance frowns and grabs a piece floating and flings it out of the tub “Oh look, my last opponent… what’s left of him.”
The two of them stare at each other and they start to giggle, then chuckling and it turns into a loud bellowing laugh. It was a wonderful release to a stress filled day.
Whitlock knocks on the door “everything ok in there, are you guys losing it?” he says with a slight chuckle.
“Define losing it,” Khamyra muses. She stands up in the tub standing in front of Chance naked, she looks down and his eyes slowly make their way from her knees to her face and sigh, giving her an impressed look. Making her feel warm and fuzzy, like he always does.
She smiles and walks for an old blanket she found. The two of them towel off the best they can with the blanket.
“Not exactly what you expected huh?” Chance says giving his new found love a look over.
She nods her head, “not sure what I was expecting in the middle of the night, somewhere in the Teeter Wind plains after you went crazy eyes and was laying in a lake of Orc blood…”
Khamyra points at the dresser where Whitlock must have put their bags and they dig out clothes and put them on.
The Warlock asks “Are you still there?”
Whitlock shifts his feet, “yes, I was debating on getting a monk in case you two were possessed,” he says.
“Come in,” She says with a chuckle as she finds her brush and combs her hair, still pulling some things out. It keeps getting caught on who knows what.
Whitlock opens the door, glances at the tub and wrinkles his nose “uhhhh nasty.” He walks across the room, tilts the tub, attaches a pipe and lets the tub drain out. He looks back over to Chance who is putting things back into his bag, then back at the Onyx elf who is struggling with her hair.
Chance is not looking at him, it’s a weird feeling for the Quarter Elf. For one: they led Whitlock on, but two: he was being overbearing with my girlfriend, but three: The Ranger saved his and Khamyra’s life and then four: maybe I saved him with the orcs… Too much to figure out and I’m too tired, he thinks
He sees his sword, cleaned off, on the counter along with his boot dagger. He smiles and nods thinking how terrible it would be without them. “Thank you for getting these,” he says, pointing at his weapons.
The Ranger walks back to the door “think nothing of it.” He looks down at his bracelet, hides it under his cuff. It was something Khamyra gave him a long time ago, and he is guessing she doesn’t remember. “So you two huh?” he manages to say leaning against the door frame while slowly nodding his head.
“Yes,” Khamyra says as she seems to have given up on the brush. “I wanted to tell you, but Griffin doesn’t want anyone to know. So I was put in a very difficult position,” she states as she looks over to him and continues to ring out her hair.
“I am sorry we put you through that, I guess I didn’t want to lose the opportunity to have you by our side on this little quest, as you can see we really needed you,” she says with a smile.
He nods his head, “I can understand that,” looking down, fiddling with his bracelet; “Your secret is safe with me.”
Look up to both of you. “It is about 3-4 hours before sunrise and I am exhausted, I am sure both of you are as well. Lets all get some shut eye and move out at dawn’s first light,” he says looking exhausted and weary.
“I will be on the lookout for the rest of the night,” Chance says, turning and facing the two.
Whitlock shakes his head, “No Champion, with those lawn ornaments out there, I don’t think we have anything to worry about for the rest of the night. Plus I rigged a few traps at the entrances, so beware if you have to go pee.”
The three of them chuckle, refuse to argue with the prospect of sleep and head to their bedrolls.
Turn Based Begins Here
Chance: Since Whitlock knows about me and Khamyra, I will move my bedroll closer to hers
DMaster: In the dimly lit room, you move your bedroll over closer and glance over to where the ranger is. He has already made his way to the bedroll and is what you think asleep already.
Chance: look over to Khamyra as I crawl in mine and give her a small smile.
DMaster: She smiles back, still fidgeting with her hair then lays down. Both of you are exhausted.
Chance: Chan: sleep well my love.
close my eyes and try to let the weariness overtake me.
DMaster: You wake up. It’s still dark. You woke up to noises outside. The sound is kind of muffled and far away.
Chance: look over to see if Khamyra and Whitlock are still sleeping.
DMaster: They are not in the room, you go searching for them and they are not in the house. You can still hear the noise outside, it sounds far away
Chance: walk over to the front door and open it being careful of the traps Whitlock set up.
DMaster: You look and you don’t see any traps. You head out… across the horizon you see an army lined with hundreds of thousands of troops, they are a bit away. You turn, and you see hundreds of thousands of troops behind you. Nondescript. Glancing down you see yourself in this amazing armor that has a radiant blue tone, You turn back and…
KHA: Hun, hun wake up (quietly).
Khamyra is looking at you with raised eyebrows, leaning over. The room is just getting bright, with some sunshine. The air seems stale.
Chance: shaking my head as I hear her voice and coming out of it.
Chan: what the actual fuck I must have been dreaming.
DMaster: Her eyebrows raise, she puts a finger to her lips. She snickers a bit.
KHA: Whitlock is still sleeping, so be quiet. (quietly)
She rolls back over to her bedroll stretching.
KHA: I could sleep for another 3 days I think (quietly)
Chance: Chan: what a fucking dream that was(whispering).
DMaster: KHA: You have a potty mouth in the morning (quietly).
she giggles realizing how silly that sounded.
Chance: Go on to tell her about the dream I had.
DMaster: She is leaning on one of her elbows, eyes getting wider.
KHA: You were dreaming of the Eve of Ascension.
Chance: Chan: the eve of Ascension?
DMaster: She nods
KHA: They call it the largest battle Legon will ever see. Thousands times thousands battling. It’s a myth, but so were you a few years ago
Chance: Chan: well the champion was a myth, not me.
DMaster: KHA: Lore, myth, someone writing that ate a bad bowl of beans.
Chance: smirk at her as she says that.
Chan: So I am nothing more than the result of a bad night of gas?
DMaster: Khamyra looks at you and smiles, then playfully nods.
Chance: Chan: Well… that stinks.
DMaster: She gives you a look and then a playful disgusting look washes over her face.
KHA: Don’t remember much else. It will be outside the hall of whispers. We call it the Eve of Ascension, but Animax followers call it The Day Legon Cries.
She smirks.
KHA: A bit dramatic for my taste.
Chance: Chan: well they are just gonna have to get use to the fact it is going to happen
DMaster: WHIT: That is some heavy conversation for this early in the morning
Whitlock is leaning up, wiping the sleep out of his eyes. The room is getting brighter, and warmer.
Chance: Chan: well I could think of other things besides talking hun.
shoot her a goofy smile
DMaster: He stands and starts getting his bedroll in order. Khamyra stands and wobbles a little.
KHA: Whoa.
Whitlock looks over concerned.
Chance: Chan: Are you okay?
DMaster: Gives you a sharp look then back at her.
WHIT: Still overblown?
Chance: scrambling out of my bedroll over to her
DMaster: She nods her head and takes a second to get her feet under her. You help her and she leans into you.
KHA: Thanks
Chance: hold onto her until she gets her sense of balance
DMaster: You notice standing that its getting warmer in the house. Whitlock walks to the window.
WHIT: Clear skies, nice.
He walks over, opens the squeaky door and stops.
WHIT: Uggg… very warm though.
You see him bending down fidgeting with some things, most likely a trap. Right now its clear skies, windy (of course) and about 85 degrees.
Chance: Chan: sure it can’t be as bad as the Isle (chuckling)
look down at her
DMaster: Khamyra gives you an evil look.
KHA: God no.
She walks over to her armor and thinks better of it.
KHA: I’ll keep it near, but if it’s warm…
It’s about 6:30, sun is on its way up.
Chance: I will start rolling up my bedroll and grab what’s left of my armor.
DMaster: You hold it up, it’s pretty much garbage. Khamyra walks by you and shakes her head.
KHA: Told you.
She walks out the house.
Chance: shaking my head and start laughing.
Chan: That you did my dear…
Toss it to the corner of the room. At least I still have my arm and leg armor.
DMaster: You three eat a little while you get the horses ready and by 7:15 you are on the horses and heading towards Clovendale
Chance: I will focus as we ride along.
DMaster: Nothing happens at all for 4 hours, it’s roughly around 11. You stop to take a piss and eat a little something, take a glug of water
WHIT: A small “shit” town Woodchurch is about 2-3 hours from here… sorry Chance, another non descript town. Welcome to Legon.
Khamyra chuckles, wiping her brow and still looking tired.
Chance: Chan: just something I have to get used to, not always gonna be grand, not sure what I was expecting.
DMaster: You three hop back on your horses and ride. After about 3 hours Whitlock puts his hand up, and you two stop.
KHA: What do you see?
WHIT: It’s Woodchurch. But it looks like there is something going on there.
You can’t see anything, it just looks like flat horizon.
Chance: Chan: do we need to get closer to Whitlock? since me and Khamyra don’t have your damn eyes.
DMaster: The sun is overhead, it’s about 2:00 pm. It’s a scorcher, it’s almost 100. The winds of the Teeter Winds Plains is the only saving grace. Khamyra is annoyed as all get out. You think she would ride naked if she could.
KHA: I’ll kill a dragon for shade and a cold brew right now.
Chance: Chan: I guess we better get a closer look
DMaster: You guys ride for another 10 minutes and by then you can see little dots of houses to form on the horizon
Chance: Chan: Whitlock use those eyes see what you can see
DMaster: You three slow down to a trot.
WHIT: Pretty sure that is Clovendale guard. Something must have gone down. They are usually not this far out. Give me a minute
He beckons his horse and he rides in closer. Whitlock eventually rides close enough for you to see him, he waves you in
Chance: Ride to him keeping my eyes and ears open.
Chan: what did you see Whitlock?
DMaster: WHIT: Clovendale guards, my old buddy is there, let’s go see what’s shaking
Chance: Chan: that is fine with me I need to give my ass a break from riding anyways
DMaster: You guys ride to about 50 feet from the entrance, or what you think is the entrance, unmount, walk your horses closer. The town has a small stream running through the front, a bridge going over it. The stream seems to be a focal point for the town and its charm. A fence surrounds most of the town, not that it would hold out enemies. Two guards eye you up, one walks over.
GUA: Stop, the town is on lock down.
WHIT: Why is it on lock down?
He just shakes his head
GUA: Go back the way you came or go around
Chance: Look the entrance over.
Chan: Can we at least know why?
DMaster: He shakes his head defiantly. Whitlock is scanning the area then smiles
A man looks his way and walks over
JAX: Whitlock you mother bedding son of a…
WHIT: Bitch
They chuckle and the warriors handshake.
Chance: letting Whitlock take the lead on this for the moment, as I watch them talking
DMaster: Jaxton walks all three of you a bit away from the town.
JAX: Usually we let local enforcement do their thing, but when kidnapping is involved we tend to take the lead
KHA: Kidnapping?
Chance: Chan: kidnapping ?
looking at him with a raised eye-brow
DMaster: He shakes his head
JAX: Literally, KID napping. A child. Father was killed mother was beaten
Chance: shaking my head as I hear this
DMaster: Whitlock looks over to Khamyra and she looks back over to him and shrugs her shoulders. Jaxton looks at you two
WHIT: Oh sorry, this is Chance and that is Khamyra
JAX: Oh!
Jaxtons eyes get big seeing Khamyra.
JAX: Khamyra, I heard so much about you
walks over and shakes her hand. He turns to Whitlock and back to her.
JAX: You are as beautiful as he described you.
Chance: shaking head thinking, here we go, as I try and keep myself calm
DMaster: Khamyra looks like a deer in the headlights, you can see the blushing through her beautiful dark skin. Jaxton turns and shakes your hand
WHIT: Need help?
JAX: I don’t know yet. I think the Mother might be a little looney from the attack. She said a bird man came in with some crazed dogs and a few goblins. Killed the father as he tried to fight them, the mother was beaten to unconsciousness and the kid is just gone
Chance: Raise an eyebrow
Chan: a bird-man?
DMaster: Jaxton looks at you and shakes his head
JAX: I know right?
Chance: Chan: sounds more like someone was wearing a costume or outfit of sorts
DMaster: Khamyra is in deep thought or the last bit of cheese she ate wasn’t agreeing with her.
KHA: Two dogs?
Jaxton stops, thinks and nods.
KHA: In a black hooded cloak, dark beak, carrying a staff?
Jaxtons eyes bulge
JAX: Excuse me… did someone talk to you about this already?
Chance: look over to Khamyra
DMaster: She shakes her head
KHA: Lucky guess
Chance: Giving her a look that she knows more than she is saying
DMaster: Whitlock smirks and shakes his head.
JAX: Please, it’s important.
Chance: walk over to her
Chan: what is it Khamyra (whispering)
as I lean down next to her
DMaster: KHA: Its not information for the common man (quietly)
Whitlock getting uneasy with the whispering around Jaxton walks to you two.
WHIT: Sorry, give us a second Jax
You are on the outskirts of the village still
Chance: Chan: let us talk for a minute
lead Whitlock and Khamyra away From Jax, not in ear shot range
DMaster: Jax shrugs his shoulders mentions he is going back in and
he walks off. Khamyra finds a few trees to stand under, avoiding the sun with her dark skin.
Chance: Chan: okay Khamyra what’s going on? If there is something you know we need to know
DMaster: She shakes her head
KHA: Your favorite cult (looking at you) Had a very powerful invoker. Well he kind of lost his gord one day and went rogue
She looks around and back at you two
Chance: Chan: think it’s him is what you’re saying? just fucking grand
gripping my sword a bit tighter
DMaster: KHA: I wouldnt of thought much of it until he mentioned wild dogs. They are rumored to be mini hellhounds, he called them fluffy and spot. Unless it is an elaborate ruse. But to what end?
Chance: Look confused at the names of the dog.
Chan: okay so what’s everyone’s take on this
looking at both of them
DMaster: Whitlock is shaking his head a bit.
WHIT: We may have to walk away from this, invokers are powerful and very dangerous
KHA: I would hate for a child to be in the grasp of Rawek, if this is his doing.
Chance: Chan: we can’t let anything happen to the child
DMaster: WHIT: dammit, I know, but if we spook him… it’s underearth for us, creatures, magic… lots of HEAT.
She flinches at the word heat, and she smiles softly. Whitlock already knows the answer looking at Khamyra. He turns and starts to walk away.
Chance: Chan: okay do we really wanna walk away? I don’t have it in me not to try anyways not the way Morty taught me
feeling the emotions hit me, still fairly raw.
DMaster: WHIT: Ill get Jax
Khamyra walks to you, lifts your chin after hearing you.
KHA: It’s a way to honor him
Chance: look up to her with a tear in my eye
DMaster: After a minute of reflection.
KHA: This could get a really ugly chance. You haven’t seen anything like an invoker. Think of those Demon dogs you faced and then think of 100 of them. If he unleashes his full call… that is what Whitlock was talking about.
Chance: Chan: well we either do this or we walk away, please give me your thoughts
DMaster: She smiles knowing that you still have a lot to learn. Her look was decision enough. Whitlock understood it.
KHA: I’ll die before allowing that madman to have his way with an innocent child.
Whitlock and Jaxton are heading back over
Chance: Chan: If he is as batshit crazy as you say, I’m in.
smiling at her
DMaster: Jaxton stops and looks a little annoyed but hopeful.
JAX: Ok what can you tell me
Khamyra tells him some of the story, keeping it as ‘common’ person friendly as possible. A cult, they might sacrifice, etc
Chance: listen as she tell him some of the story
DMaster: His eyes are big
JAX: Holy hell, I first thought it was a prank or a hoax, then I thought it was for child slavery, now… a friggin cult and psycho leaders?
He thinks for a minute then looks at all three of you.
JAX: Well I am lead on this, so let’s go
You three walk into the village, the guard who stopped you looks annoyed
Chance: keep walking as we follow Jaxton
DMaster: You get to a house that has a few guards around, it is on the outskirts of town. The door was kicked in. Just outside is what appears to be a body with a sheet over it. Going inside you see a woman sitting at a table, and a few people around her consoling her. It’s fairly lit, light streaming in. You can see the place looks like there was a struggle.
Chance: Shaking head and look away from the body thinking back to the Isle
DMaster: Jaxton walks to her. You can tell he is well respected by the community.
JAX: Rosie, we have a few people that might be able to help, can you talk for a moment outside?
Her face is weary with tears, red eyes, she looks to have one hell of a black eye and bruising on the side of her face. She nods and heads out the door with the three of you. Pass by the body and she starts to cry again. Jaxton puts his arm around her
JAX: I am so sorry
He frantically waves for a few guards to get the body out of there
Chance: I remain rather quiet as I look at Rosie for the moment relating to what she is going through, then look back over at Jaxton
DMaster: The end at the edge of a fence line. Rosie leans up on it and sniffles.
JAX: I know this is hard, but tell us again what happened
She recounts the tale, pretty much like Jaxton said
KHA: I am so sorry for your loss.
She looks down. Whitlock pondering.
WHIT: Anything else, even the smallest detail
ROS: I don’t know if it was the costume, but I swore the thing in the hooded robe was a bird, black beady eyes and what seemed to be feathers.
She shudders, eyes big recounting the tale. SHe then scrunches her nose and furrows her brow.
ROS: I think he called one of the dogs fluffy, red eyes, matted dirty fur and he called it… fluffy?
Chance: Eyes get a bit wider and look
DMaster: Everyone eyes perk a bit, verifying who this really was and the danger ahead.
KHA: Do you have anything for your daughters? Like a brush or a stuffed animal?
ROS: Yeah. Why?
Looking at the Onyx Elf with suspicion
Chance: Chan: my deepest apologies for you loss
Trying to ease the suspicion
DMaster: KHA: Just wanted to get a feel for her is all… maybe sense something
Whitlocks is staring at Khamyra, straight through her. Khamyra is not making eye contact with the ranger.
JAX: Uhhh she can see things, you know?
Rosie gets up, walks in the house
JAX: Odd request but OK. You can’t see things can you?
Jaxton just freeballing at this point, somewhat confused.
Chance: shoot Whitlock a look as to back off
DMaster: Whitlock is looking very displeased.
WHIT: Khamyra? A moment please, alone
She sighs and walks past him and a good 20 feet away
Chance: shaking my head, remaining as calm as possible
DMaster: You see them converse. Rosie is making her way back to you. You glance at her and then back at the two. The conversation is not going well. Whitlock is beside himself. Finally Khamyra ends the conversation and walks back
KHA: Thank you. I will return it to you in a few minutes.
Rosie hands her a teddy bear, Whitlock has his arms crossed shaking his head
JAX: Have a look around you three, see if you can find anything we might have missed.
He walks over to a guard and they walk off down the path. Rosie walks back into her house as the guards carry away the body of her husband.
Chance: I will walk around see if I find any footprints or anything
DMaster: With the guards in and out all day there are about 100 sets. Khamyra walks over to Whitlock, he is still shaking his head. She gets angry and walks off
Chance: That’s it. Walk over to Whitlock
DMaster: He is staring straight ahead, not really paying you no mind. He is gritting his teeth
Chance: Chan: okay what the hell is going on?
DMaster: He slowly looks at you.
WHIT: Well because you couldn’t handle a few owlbears, Khamyra over spent herself. She is not ready for any more ( turns more quietly, hissing) magic and she wants to cast a scrying spell
Chance: Shake my head
Chan: must you keep rubbing my fucking nose in that you pompous ass
getting up in his face
DMaster: He gets right back into yours.
WHIT: Am I wrong? Tell me I am wrong and I will shut it.
You are nose to nose
WHIT: Meanwhile Khamyra is somewhere, ready to take a bit of her life away. She didn’t even want to tell you, like she is protecting you as if you were a kid.
Chance: Back off a bit, after hearing that.
Chan: you know what it’s too fucking hot to argue, I am going to look for Khamyra
DMaster: WHIT: Don’t trip over the dirt on your way there. (scoffs) Hold on to your weapon.
Whitlock starts to walk around the house looking and scanning the surrounding area
Chance: Stop a moment, grumbling as I go look for Khamyra
DMaster: The village is small. There is a well in the middle of the place, probably no more than 15-16 buildings. A few people out and about, some still gawking at the Rosie household. Its hot, 100+ degrees, sun is just beating down
Chance: trying to calm down as I walk around trying to find Khamyra. Ask a few people around the town.
DMaster: A few people shake their heads, no one has seen her. You are at the center of the town, you don’t see her. You go in and out of alleyways and drop in on the local pub and Inn. Not a soul has seen her. After 20 minutes, you realize you are probably not going to find her this way.
Chance: walk back towards Rosie’s house
DMaster: Going around the well in the main part of town, you see Whitlock with Khamyra. He is kind of holding her up
Chance: grit my teeth and walk over
DMaster: WHIT: Well, she did it anyway.
WHIT: Khamyra is going to try and guide us there. But she…
He grips his fists tighter.
KHA: Whitlock, yes. I am without magic right now (quietly) it took everything I had to cast that spell. but I can still swing a sword
She is holding her head
Chance: Chan: damn it, Nothing like walking into the lion’s den without your top gun.
gritting teeth and gripping my sword tighter
DMaster: KHA: Well let’s go, get the horses.
You three get to your horses. Whitlock talks with Jaxton for a moment and jumps on his horse
Chance: help Khamyra onto her horse
DMaster: Jaxton runs back to the house, looking like he is going to follow. She struggles a bit then recovers and is ready to ride. She looks like she is in some discomfort
Chance: Chan: Khamyra I understand why you did what ya did but I wish you wouldn’t have put yourself at such a risk
Jump up on toby.
DMaster: She shakes her head not saying anything. You three start to ride and about an hour north when Whitlock makes you stop
WHIT: We have a few goblins ahead, maybe 4?
KHA: Only 4?
Chance: shaking my head
Chan: it’s still four I am sure that means we are close
DMaster: You ride for a bit more then he unmounts.
WHIT: Khamyra, please stay,
She is breathing heavily and looks at you two then back down. She nods her head. She jumps down, grabs a Waterskin and drinks
Chance: lightly touch her shoulder
Chan: just keep your eyes and ears open
DMaster: KHA: GO Chance, time is essential
Her skin is red from the sun, she is drenched in sweat and her breathing is labored. Whitlock is scanning the area
WHIT: Hmmm
As if both of them were on the same wavelength.
KHA: Yeah, it’s a trap
WHIT: Do we have a choice?
KHA: No. Just be careful you two
Chance: Chan: we will be careful as we can
pull out my sword and dagger from my boot
DMaster: Whitlock already has an arrow notched
WHIT: Lets go
He gets low and starts to move
Chance: get low and move with him
DMaster: You are in ear distance
WHIT: (whispering) Sneak in and when you are in range, take off your necklace. Rush the ones to the right. Can you handle that? Need a diagram?
Chance: nod my head
Chan: shut your hole(whispering)
DMaster: WHIT: Once you rush, I’ll take out the left four
Chance: Chan: Left four? (whispering) You said there were 4 total?
DMaster: WHIT: Yeah, I lied, now get going.
Chance: Muttering something about shoving my dagger up his dick hole, head towards them in full stealth mode.
DMaster: DM: With the new dice roller, I’m a dork, I just cheered in the middle of my kitchen that he made the roll
You successfully snuck up on them.
Chance: yeah! When I am close I will take off the necklace and let the power flow and then rush them.
DMaster: DM: New dice roller pays off. Rolls a natty. With his bonus and modifiers, yikes.
You rush the goblins, they turn completely surprised. Your sword slashes through the neck of one and it literally pops off blood spurting. You twirl and take another slash and rip through the other one, hitting bones and such making him fly backwards almost cut in half. The 4 about 10 feet from you are getting picked off by Whitlock. He has 2 down, but in the madness one heads for you and attacks.
roll for initiative
Chance: Get in a stance, be ready
DMaster: The goblin has a spear and runs and stabs at you, You knock the spear to the side easily with your sword. Your attack, what do you do?
Chance: I am gonna slash my dagger at the goblin as I keep the spear to the side with my sword.
DMaster: you slash and it goes through his arm, hits bone and the goblins eyes get real big, Then Thock an arrow hits him square in the head sending a spray of blood across your face. The goblin falls lifeless to the plains floor.
Chance: growl as the blood sprays me
DMaster: Whitlock runs over, looks at your hand
WHIT: Still holding the sword, good
He starts looking around
Chance: Grab his arm
Chan: I was engaged with that goblin, you didn’t have to shoot. You will NEVER do that again, do you understand?
shoot him a look that could kill
DMaster: WHIT: Get over yourself and gain some composure. Act like you’ve been here before.
He pulls his arm away.
WHIT: Here is a hatch.
He squats down looking it over.
Chance: squat down and look it over as well
DMaster: At the same time you both say “trap” you two glance at each other nodding.
Chance: shrug my shoulder as we do and smirk
Chan: I can try to disarm it
DMaster: its a wire that is on the handle, very thin and hardly visible. it goes inside the door
WHIT: Let’s wait for Jaxton, go check on your girlfriend
He stands up looking back at you
WHIT: Put your necklace on for Animax’s sake, we don’t want any more questions
Chance: putting necklace on as I am walking towards Khamyra.
Chan: Yeah, keep talking.
DMaster: You see her horse but you don’t see her
Chance: starting to get worried look around for her
DMaster: you find her passed out at the foot of her horse
Chance: run over to her
Chan: Khamyra!
DMaster: You run over, lean down and bring her head up. Her eyes slowly open
KHA: Chance… What the hell? Where am I?
Chance: Chan: Damn. Hun, you are not well
Softly touch her face and look into her eyes
DMaster: You help her up. And you realize you did not have a surge of power, or a snap of electricity. she looks tired, bloodshot eyes
KHA: Everything ok?
Chance: Chan: I can’t have anything happen to you know Love. Goblins have been taken care of. I wanted to check on you.
DMaster: You see in the distance Jaxton coming with 2 guards. She is wobbling
Chance: wrap my arms around her and hold her up, she is getting sturdier.
DMaster: JAX: Chance, you ok? Is Khamyra ok, were you attacked?
He runs over with 2 guards armed to the teeth. They are all looking around. Jaxton spots Whitlock.
Chance: Chan: me and Whitlock took out some Goblins, can you keep one of the guards here to keep an eye on Khamyra?
DMaster: He shakes his head
JAX: Sorry Chance, we can’t babysit people right now.
Khamyra hears this and breaks from your grasp. She jumps on her horse the best she can
KHA: I’m going to the Inn
Chance: Chan: Khamyra, no what if you pass out while riding, or…
Reach for her.
DMaster: She shakes her head and rides off. Jaxton is heading over to Whitlock. You watch the three Clovendale guards move through the field.
JAX: Whitlock… what is… oh
Chance: walk back over as well
DMaster: he looks down, 1 headless goblin, one practically cut in half, 4 with arrows in them. He recoils a bit
JAX: Damn, that smell…
The guards are keeping an eye out behind you
Chance: Chan: well what’s the call Whitlock?
DMaster: He stands up and looks back
WHIT: Don’t know what to make of it, never seen anything like it, It’s so simple its… too simple
Jaxton walks over and glances at the two of you
JAX: Are we talking about a trap
Chance: nod my head
DMaster: Its about 4:30, sun is still beating down, 100+ degrees. It’s very uncomfortable. The two guards are looking uncomfortable, Whitlock seems cool but Jaxton is wiping his forehead a bunch.
Chance: Chan: I mean I can try and disarm it but I would recommend everyone stand back
DMaster: WHIT: All yours Chance
He steps back
DMaster: Jaxton waves you two off. Look at both of you.
JAX: What happens if the child is in there? You trip the trap?
Whitlock nods then shrugs his shoulders.
WHIT: What? Look at the trap all day until she starves? I called a few times but no answer… we could be going into an empty hole, or a dungeon or hell a compound filled with psychotic bunny rabbits… No way to find out until we disarm this trap.
Chance: Chan: psychotic bunny rabbits? Really?
take a deep breath and look it over before I try
DMaster: You pull the line, and the lid pulls up, and you feel something dangling from the line. You look and it looks to be a firebomb potion. Looks the same as Shanna’s. You see a hole down into the earth with a natural ladder carved into the wall, some stones jammed in there for stability.
Chance: carefully grab the potion as I disarm the trap
DMaster: Whitlock backs up even more
WHIT: Is that?
Chance: Hold the vial very carefully.
Chan: What is it with people and firebombs?
DMaster: Jaxtons eyes get big, walks over and carefully takes it
JAX: They are highly illegal. I will take this
Chance: Chan: thank you I really didn’t want to hold it for too long.
smirking a bit
DMaster: WHIT: What’s down there?
Chance: Chan: I see a natural ladder carved into the wall
DMaster: Slaps you on the back
WHIT: You have the stink on you, head on down
He glances up and then back down
WHIT: Might want to hurry, I think there is a large squad of Orcs or something coming
Jaxton turns quickly
JAX: Wait when were you going to tell us? and why are they this close to Clovendale?
WHIT: Jax, we are not close to Clovendale really, the northern border. We are an hour north, they patrol all over
Chance: Chan: I for one ain’t waiting around let’s go
DMaster: He looks at you, points down
WHIT: After you, we are not playing rock scissor paper to decide, jebus
Chance: start climbing down
Chan: I’ll rock scissor paper you…
DMaster: WHIT: Heard that.
It’s about 15 feet, you get to the bottom and it’s muddy water. Your vision kicks in and you see a bag in the corner, half in the water. Looking around there is not much else.
Chance: carefully go over and check it
Chan: hello (quietly)
DMaster: it is suddenly moving around
Chance: look to see if the bag is tied somewhere
DMaster: At the top, a typical knot
Chance: Carefully untie the knot.
DMaster: The bag unravels, and you see a girl, with a gag, eyes wide. She is looking around.
Chance: put my finger to my lips
DMaster: After you did that you sigh, realizing it is pitch dark in here, and even your dark vision is having issues with it.
WHIT: Hey spanky, it’s not long before they spot us, get what you need done down there
Whitlocks voice almost echoes.
Chance: Chan: I am here to rescue you
feel around for traps before I lift the girl out of the bag
DMaster: There is nothing else and you can surmise that it’s much too moist and unstable here for too much to be done.
Chance: I will pick her up gently and put her over my shoulder
DMaster: She kind of resists at first then settles down. You head back up, you hand her to Whitlock and you climb out. The girl is ungagged she looks at you all, sees the Clovendale crest and breaks down starts to ball
Jaxton puts his arm around her
JAX: Let’s get you to your mom
Whitlock is looking
WHIT: They spotted us, let’s get the hell out of here.
Chance: Chan: let’s go now!!!
running for Toby
DMaster: You run to the horses and turn and ride hard for a good 5 minutes then start to ride normally.
Whitlock rides up beside you.
WHIT: Where is Khamyra? Did she leave?
Chance: Chan: Yeah, she didn’t want to be babysat…
Keep my eyes peeled for Khamyra’s horse in case she did pass out again. Not telling Whitlock that.
DMaster: He shakes his head and moves away. Ride normal for the last 40-45 or so. The orc patrol was on foot so you get away easily
Chance: easy up on Toby as we get closer to town. smiling more as we get closer to bringing the little girl back to her mother
DMaster: You get to town, it’s about 6:00 PM, the sun is finally making its descent, still hot as hell. You unhorse and the three of you take the girl to Rosie’s house. Some of the guards still around smile and even clap a little.
Chance: following Jaxton back to Rosie’s house
DMaster: Outside the house that has a makeshift front door now, the daughter and mother reunite, both crying. Running into each other arms
Chance: Smiling more as I see this
DMaster: JAX: Well something good has come of today at least
Rosie comes over and hugs each and every one of you
ROS: Thank you thank you
tears falling down her cheek
Chance: Chan: think nothing of it Rosie
smiling and hug her back
DMaster: Her daughter comes over to you, remembering you were the one down in the hole.
DAU: THank you and she hugs you.
Chance: lean down as her daughter comes over, give her a hug.
DMaster: You are in a field, army lines up along the horizon line, you hear sounds of war. You look behind you, see an army behind you, the sky is an odd blue, its night. You are just getting flashes of things now.
Chance: looking around again
DMaster: You see someone next you, but you can’t quite distinguish them, you are in this awesome armor
Chance: thinking to myself okay you are dreaming again wake up
DMaster: You turn
WHIT: What the hell Chance!
Chance: shaking my head
DMaster: You are on the ground, Whitlock is shaking you. The kid is also laying on the ground. Everyone is kind of freaking out,
Chance: Sit up, shaking my head and still trying to refocus
DMaster: Whitlock stands up
WHIT: It’s like I have a child… unbelievable.
Rosie runs over grabbing at her, then takes her in the house not before the daughter looks at you with wild open eyes. Like she can see your soul. Jaxston is in the house telling Rosie it’s not safe here and they are going to Clovendale tonight
Chance: Get up and straighten myself out.
Chan: Sorry, don’t know what happened there.
DMaster: You are still a little disorientated. The guards are keeping an eye on you closely as you recover
Chance: shaking my head refocus as I gather myself back up
DMaster: Rosie has a bag of clothes carrying her daughter making a wide berth
of you. Her daughter looks, points at you.
DAU: The Champion… he Champion
Chance: look down a bit then my eyes get big hearing her say that
DMaster: Rosie is shaking her head and walks to the center of town where some guards are waiting for them
Chance: Time for me to make sure Khamyra is alright. Shake my head and head towards the Inn
DMaster: you get to the Inn. It’s a quaint, nicely run Inn, very clean. The bottom floor is in 3 sections from what you can tell. The entrance is open, to the right is a large staircase leading to the next floor. Straight ahead looks to be a dining, bar area. To the left is the front desk and some chairs. The Inn owner, who you assume, sees you and walks over.
INN: You Chance per… chance?
He looks confused by what he said then refocuses.
Chance: nod my head
DMaster: INN: Your wife or girlfriend or whoever, said you would pay for the room, that is 5 silver.
Chance: sigh and hand him 5 silver.
DMaster: INN: Thank you, room 5, second floor
Chance: Chan: thank you
head up to the second floor and room 5
DMaster: The hallway is again very clean, has a few small lanterns lit, the end of the hallway has a window with light shining through. You find “5” and walk in. Khamyra is sprawled across the bed, her armor and bag is on the floor in front of the door. The room is roughly 20×20, bed in the center of the north wall with 2 windows on either side. There is a large dresser to the west wall and a large basin with water in it. It has some decorations, and a few area rugs.
Chance: close the door and walk over to the bed and sit next to her and stroke her hair
DMaster: She glances up, her skin is pasty and lighter than normal, she is drenched in sweat, eyes bloodshot
KHA: What… is the kid safe?
Chance: Chan: yes the child is safe….but
DMaster: She sighs and closes her eyes, it looks like she is out again.
Chance: let her sleep.
Leave the room, head back to the stables and my bags, go grab a bag and bedroll
DMaster: As you head into the Tavern you see Whitlock at the front desk.
WHIT: How is Khamyra?
Turning to look at you.
Chance: Chan: Sleeping.
DMaster: WHIT: Make sure she drinks enough and eats, last time she got real sick
He looks concerned
Chance: looking at him with some worry
Chan: Last time?
DMaster: He gives you a sharp look after grabbing the key
WHIT: Why do you think I am so mad and worried, this has happened to her before. She over does her …
He looks around the room
WHIT: “mana” and it takes some life from her, it’s the price you pay when you know… That is what was told to us.
Chance: Chan: I will take care of her, I guarantee that
DMaster: He shakes his head.
WHIT: I’ll check in first thing in the morning
Throws you an apple
WHIT: Have her eat that as soon as she wakes
Chance: nod my head, head back up to the room and set my bedroll up on the floor
DMaster: You hang around the room for a while, then decide to get something to eat. You head down, order food and eat. You notice right away, a very well dressed older woman, flowing blonde hair and blue eyes walk in. She spots someone and walks over to them. It’s Whitlock. He gets up and they hug, it seemed a non sexual hug. She sits down and orders a drink.
Chance: glance over as I keep eating and drinking
DMaster: They are talking, he slides something to her, it’s in a small bag. She carefully takes it, looks in and then closes it. She nods and chuckles. You are just about done and he notices you eyeing them up. He just shakes his head.
Chance: finish eating my food and drink and head back up to the room and go sit near the bed
DMaster: she is tossing and turning. You see her shirt across the floor, her pants flung against the dresser. She really doesn’t like heat. You check on her, she is completely naked and she grumbles about things being too damn hot. She still looks sweaty, pasty, sick, tired and frustrated. She spots the basin and gets out of bed, a little wobbly, and heads for it.
Chance: Chan: Hun, you should eat something, or at least drink something.
Hold the waterskin out.
DMaster: KHA: Not now, I want to sleep… but its so hot in here
She splashes water on her face, letting the water drip down her body.
Chance: I will go open the window, it’s still hot out but the wind should help.
DMaster: You open the window, it overlooks the village square. A well sits in the middle, a nice well maintained cobblestone pathway all around with a few trees growing within. The sun is almost on its way down. The wind rushes in and Khamyra stops, and she instantly smiles letting the wind hit her. She stands feet apart, arms out letting the breeze hit her sweat.
Chance: Look out the window again.
DMaster: You try but you can’t. Khamyra is naked, just standing there, you can see her perfect butt and that is all you are focused on right now.
Chance: Chan: hun what can I do to help?
trying to take my eyes off her gorgeous ass
DMaster: KHA: So what happened with the kid?
Chance: Tell her the story, from start to finish.
DMaster: Khymara is standing legs apart, arms open, gives you a look with one eye
KHA: Vision or a dream?
Chance: Finish explaining what the vision was.
DMaster: Eyes still closed
KHA: Hmmm. well Cullun did say you finished part of the prophecy, this may be the natural progression…
Chance: Chan: and the little girl knew I was the Champion
DMaster: KHA: How did she know, what?
she snaps to and looks at you
Chance: Shrug my shoulders.
Chan: she looked at me, and called me Champion, twice.
DMaster: She stands there stunned, she winces a bit and stands straight again.
KHA: I’m sorry hun, I have to get some rest
she walks over and grabs the waterskin from you, guzzles some water. She pulls all the sheets off the bed and sprawls across the bed
Chance: Chan: I will keep watch over you.
DMaster: The day catches up with you and you find yourself fast asleep.
Tuskalay (tuesday) 3:30am
DMaster: You wake up, dark in the room. You can hear the wind outside ruffling trees, distant people walking, and a few crickets. Some light does shine through the window from the lanterns outside. You can hear Khamyra sleeping
Chance: looking around as I wake up. Take off my shirt and throw it on my bedroll as I walk to the window. Keep looking back at Khamyra with worry
DMaster: The breeze is still a bit warm but it’s much better now. The day dawns, it’s about 6:00 AM 6:30 AM and she begins to move around. She yawns and stretches. Glances over to see you and holds her hand out for yours.
Chance: Walk over to her, reach my hand to hers
DMaster: You two grab hands and nothing, no surge no spark. Her eyes get wide
KHA: What the hell
She sits up quick, then she grabs her head and she moans. Not in a good way.
Chance: Chan: Yeah I know, it’s been happening since the kidnapping.
Sit next to her on the bed.
DMaster: She looks at you in disbelief
KHA: Our power… our connection it’s gone! That doesn’t bother you?
she looks genuinely freaked out.
Chance: Shrug my shoulders.
Chan: It does bother me, I guess I have just been getting used to it by now.
DMaster: KHA: Take off your necklace please
She sits on the side of the bed, looking to have a headache of sorts
Chance: take off my necklace
DMaster: She takes your hands and nothing
KHA: Oh my god…
She looks genuinely defeated. She is just staring across the room
Chance: Put my arm around her. Put my necklace back on.
DMaster: Knock on door.
KHA: Come in…
Whitlock walks in and stops abruptly, He turns and closes the door
WHIT: Ok, guess its clothes optional here (wide eyed) How are you doing Ki Ki?
She glances up shakes her head a bit
KHA: Tired… and without any magic
Chance: walk over and grab a sheet and wrap it around her
DMaster: She shoves it off and gives you a look.
KHA: I’m sweating, stop, the last thing I need is to get overheated again.
Chance: Great, Whitlock gets a free peepshow. Well it wouldn’t be a peepshow, it would be… GRRRR he is in the same room with her and she is NAKED. Shaking head, walk to the window.
DMaster: it is still very warm out
WHIT: Its nothing I haven’t seen a hundred times
Whitlock walks over and sits next to her
WHIT: Remember last time…
Putting his hand on hers.
Chance: grip my fists tighter as he does that
DMaster: She nods
WHIT: You couldn’t cast anything for days. That woman said a little life was taken from you AND you just did it TWICE in as many days, of course you’re going to be without magic.
She sighs
KHA: Your right
She stands up and walks over to the basin, splashes water on her face. Whitlock tried but he couldn’t keep his eyes off her ass the entire time. Whitlock stands up
Chance: I want to rip his throat out but I just can’t blame him.
DMaster: WHIT: Make sure you eat, ok? Drink lots
She wipes her face and nods, turns around. Whitlock takes a good look at the ailing elf, and heads for the door
WHIT: Man you still hate the heat
They both chuckles and she nods. Whitlock leaves, closing the door behind him
Chance: not knowing what to say or feel right now puts both hands on the window sill and looks down. Shaking my head, remembering she scolds him about trust. Fight my jealousy and focus on that.
DMaster: She walks to the bed,falls back into it and she is out again. You walk the town, have a drink and some food at the pub. Check in on Khamyra now and again. Eventually you find yourself in the dining area of the Inn. Whitlock heads down and scans the floor, sees you and walks over. He has his gear on, a bag over his shoulder.
Chance: glance up from my food
DMaster: WHIT: I have to go, I was expected in Clovendale today and I can’t keep them waiting, they should be here any minute to join me.
Chance: Chan: you do what needs done I will look after her
DMaster: WHIT: Please do. She will be out for another day or two, don’t let her fool you. When her skin turns back to its smooth chocolate is when she is really feeling better, anything less she is lying
Chance: Nod.
Chan: you know I will Whitlock. and thank you for the advice
When I am done make sure her skin is full, and a cup of water and another apple.
DMaster: He glances over to see the blonde older woman in the doorway.
WHIT: Have to go, see you
He walks over to the woman and they leave together. You finish your food, head back upstairs. The day drags on, you read half a book, and walk the village again. Checking in on Khamyra every few hours. You fall asleep.
Wedmak (wednesday) 4am
DMaster: You wake up, when Khamyra gets up for a short time, looks like she is going to be sick, goes back to bed. Her skin is still clammy. THe wind is cooler and fresher and she seemed to enjoy that. You doze off, and sleep for quite some time. It’s cloudy and a storm rolls in by the afternoon. You have the window open, you can hear thunder in the distance. Khamyra is sleeping still, peaceful. The cool wind starts to roll in. After a while you can hear the soft pattering of rain. You keep the window open as long as you can. then close it. It’s really nice in the room. You eat dinner, then go back to the room. She is sitting on the edge of the bed, looking sick
Chance: Hold her hair if she needs me too.
DMaster: She runs for the piss bucket and pukes into it, whatever she had left in her stomach. She drinks the rest of the skin, falls into bed and sleeps the rest of the night. You try to sleep but you have rested for far too long. But eventually you do.
Thuralay (thursday) 7am
DMaster: you wake up about 7am the next day
Chance: look over to Khamyra
DMaster: She is sleeping still, heading over to the window, It looks to be clear out. The town square has some puddles, people going about their daily business. You open the window, get hit with humidity and heat.
Chance: thinking to myself I come to Camerondale and I get Summer Isle weather.
DMaster: Ok you eat, shit, bath, shave, wait. you pay the Inn guy another gold for last night’s dinner, room and breakfast. You come back from a walk around 3:00 pm. Khamyra is sitting on the edge of the bed drinking water, looks like she is eating an apple too
Chance: looking at her skin color remembering what Whitlock said
DMaster: It looks pretty good, definitely better than it was
Chance: Chan: Are you feeling any better hun?
as I look at her
DMaster: She nods her head
KHA: It was like I felt horrible for 3 days straight then I woke up, BAM, I feel good.
Shakes her head.
KHA: You could of went on to Clovendale, I could of caught up
Chance: Shake my head, lean against the dresser.
Chan: Whitlock had somewhere to go and I had more pressing matters
Smile at her.
DMaster: KHA: Probably a new contract he got
she walks over to the window and closes it
KHA: Dammit, why is this open with the humidity?
Chance: Chan: sorry that is my fault
looking at her smirking
Chan: you know I wasn’t gonna leave your side my love
DMaster: She glances over to you with a loving look, then kind of smells herself. She finishes the apple and grabs her shirt, puts it on, walks out the door
KHA: Taking a bath…
You wait for her to come back. she comes back in, towel around her
KHA: That felt great
She drops the towel and you are instantly aroused. SHe notices and smiles
KHA: Down boy, I am starving! Eat first… fuck later
SHe laughs at herself.
Chance: Chan: well let’s get you something to eat at this rate I may be broke but hell right now I don’t care
DMaster: She gives you a look, grabs some clothes from her bag. She is dressed, and she reaches for your hand
KHA: Let’s go eat
Chance: smile and take her hand
DMaster: power surges, a little spark, both of you jump, her eyes wide and smile growing big
Chance: giggle a little as we both jump
DMaster: She buries herself into you with a big hug.
KHA: Thank FInster and thank you for keeping watch over me. Even though I was naked the entire time, I don’t think you minded.
Chance: Shrug my shoulders, looking innocent.
Chan: nice to have you back love
DMaster: you two head downstairs and get something to eat. She stuffs her face and enjoys the meal. 2 more SP out of the pouch. The meal is done around 6:30 and you two take a walk. It’s humid and hot but she needed the fresh air.
Chance: being careful not to touch her as we walk
DMaster: She notices and shakes her head smiling. She has her hand in yours.
KHA: Sorry hun, I’ve missed your touch for 3 straight days
Chance: Chan: I missed all of you hun
DMaster: She leans into you, smiles wide and giggles at that, and you two head back to the inn. Go upstairs and once you are in, she closes and locks the door. She has that look in her eye as she slowly makes her way towards you. Like a lion stalking her prey.
Chance: Chan: sooo… you are feeling better huh?
Start to unbutton my pants.
DMaster: She pounces on you and you two are making out and grabbing, rolling around and laughing. She stops before it gets too far, pulls the blinds on both windows, takes off the rest of her clothes and dives back in. Like always its beyond pleasure, and you only remember a few things like a frenzy, hump, thrust, kiss, nibble, spew and sproink
Chance: and then lay there heavy breathing
DMaster: Both of you lay there, satisfied, breathing heavily. A few moments of loving chit chat and both of you fall asleep
Freya (Friday) 7:00 AM
DMaster: You wake up to the town cryer.
CRY: Nice day ahead, a bit warm but nothing but sunshine, get up it’s 7:00 AM
Chance: looking around as I shake the sleep off
DMaster: She is already up. Putting on clothes, washing her face
KHA: Let’s get going hun, I feel amazing. I have already delayed this trip 3 plus days.
Chance: sit up and stretch
Chan: well as long as I don’t get anymore crazy visions
DMaster: You get ready and head out. Both of you head to the stables, pay the man 2 silver for the 2 horses. Khamyra walks over with some fruit and puts one of them in your mouth as you are gearing up Toby
KHA: Eat
She giggles
Chance: Chan: whashh amm shi to doo wishh thiff (talking with fruit in my mouth)
Take it out, take a bite.
Chan: What do I look like now?
giggling at her
Chan: don’t answer that
DMaster: After finishing the fruit you two mount up and head out, Clovendale is only a few hours away. It is well patrolled but you keep an eye out. Except for an occasional deer and a passing wagon, you make it to Clovendale. As you are trotting to the stables, you see the cobblestone road leading to the entrance filled with tents, stalls and merchants. After dropping the horses off, the two of you walk the cobblestone, and you grab some cheese and bread that was fantastic from a little stall. You and Khamyra nibble on it, walking together, window shopping. It looks like a pretty big city. Not as big as Camerondale, but it’s big. You hit the gates, you get in after some questions and make it to a city square
Chance: still looking around as we hit the city square
DMaster: Straight ahead looks to have another set of gates, to the right you can see taller buildings, they look like town halls and a stronghold. To the left is another gate with more people going in and out. You can see some odd looking buildings beyond.
KHA: His compound is south. So we might as well head that way. Not sure what we can say to get in but at least we can find out the security around his place.
Chance: Chan: Lead on beautiful
nodding my head
DMaster: you walk south, go through more gates, it gets a bit busier. More people dressed nice, holding bags and books.
Chance: looking around as we walk south
DMaster: You are walking down a beautiful road, there is a complex of buildings in front and to your left.
KHA: that’s the academy
pointing at the orangish buildings, it’s huge, only one of two in the realm. The other is in Iraxacan, and not a lot of people go there.
Chance: Chan: the academy?
DMaster: She nods
KHA:advanced learning, etc… I applied a long time ago and was rejected, guess it was meant to be.
she frowns
Chance: Chan: well you think about it hun if you had been accepted I may have never met you
DMaster: She nods and quickly grabs your hand to reduce the spark. You see some cafes, pubs, inns around the Academy. Then another area comes into view as the road turns more west. Yellowish buildings, huge, big fenced area.
KHA: I guess this is the spot
Chance: Chan: So now what?
looking at her
DMaster: she smirks
KHA: knock?
There are 2 guards at the gates leading in.
Chance: Chan: Not sure that tactic is going to work.
DMaster: KHA: go tell the guard you are here to see Wyzaquenne Ennala
Chance: Chan: Oh what the hell, what harm could come to me by asking to see him.
Walk over to the guards.
DMaster: GUA: Im sorry this area is off limits
Chance: Chan: I am here to see Wyzaquenne Ennala
DMaster: He squints his eyes looks over to the other guard , the other one shakes his head
GUA: He is not expecting anyone… your name?
Chance: Chan: Chance Axion
DMaster: The one guard mumbles “Not a chance” they chuckle. He shakes his head
Chance: shoot the guard a look
Chan: can you just please tell him I would like to speak with him
DMaster: He shakes his head
(DM: Chance passes a charisma roll with the other guard)
The other guard shrugs his shoulders and looks at you
GUA: I’ll go ask
The other guard is shocked a little
Chance: nod my head
DMaster: you notice Khamyra is nowhere to be found
Chance: keep myself focused as I wait, looking around taking it all in.
DMaster: The guard comes back. He opens the gate and puts his arm out
GUA: The lord of the manor will be happy to see you.
Chance: nod my head and walk to the gate
DMaster: You go through the gate, and head for the door. You look around slowly, not too suspicious. But still no Khamyra. The gates get closed. The door opens, a servant opens it for you. A beautiful woman, brown hair and striking eyes. You head in. It’s a large entrance room, with dual staircases going up. To the left is an open area, which looks like a den of sorts. To the right appears to be a dining area. There is no one else in the house that you can see except the The servant guides you to large double doors, that open and it goes down
to another level. You notice the doors look like they were made out of wood, but you can see a thick metal backing. The woman points in that direction and when you hit the stairs the doors close
Chance: Go in the direction the servant pointed , as I look around
DMaster: it opens into this grand area, a hooded figure stands at the top of the first stairs
HOOD: I will ask that you sign in Master Axion
It is a weird voice, odd sounding.
Chance: shaking my head a bit as I hear the voice and then nod
DMaster: there is a podium with a book and ink quill. THe book is closed.
Chance: walk over to the podium and open it and grab the quill
and sign my name in the book
DMaster: Before you even get the quill out of the ink, you open it and you see yourself start to surge with power, your body glows a little and you can guess your eyes are lit up too. A chuckle comes from the top of the staircase.
HOOD: Champion. Welcome to my abode, come come
He beckons you up the stairs.
Chance: walk towards the figure
DMaster: HOOD: Sorry for the cloak and dagger had to be sure it was really you
Chance: Chan: so you mean you know of me?
Walking the stairs following
DMaster: You two walk to a landing and head into a very welcoming looking room, big table, lots of comfy looking chairs and couches. It is almost circular in nature, hexagonal perhaps. Roughly 100 x 100 feet and a very high ceiling. Books line the walls, a few tables and trays.
HOOD: You do not get where I am without knowing a few things
Chance: Chan: I guess that is true(chuckling)
DMaster: HOOD: I am sure you know by now I am Wyzaquenne Ennala
Chance: Chan: Unlike myself, I have no test for you, so I will take your word for it.
Nod in acknowledgment.
DMaster: You hear a weird squeaky noise
WYZ: This is my right hand man…
He rolls up strapped to a small cart, it appears his legs are strapped to the cart.
Chance: nod my head at him, as my eyes get a bit big
DMaster: WYZ: Marcos meet Chance Axion
His eyes get real big and wheels himself over to you, looking you over
MAR: You verified?
WYZ: Yes. Of course I did Marco
Chance: Chan: you mean if the book lit me up then yes
starts chuckling. I must say this place is quite something
DMaster: Marco finishes looking you over and wheels a bit away. The door opens and the same girl who opened the front door comes in.
WYZ: Andi, my dear?
AND: As you said, there is an Onyx Elf outside demanding to come in
Wyzaquenne laughs a little.
MAR: Is that the Mage?
Marco has excitement in his voice.
WYZ: I imagine it is.
His eyes light up again, looking over to you.
Chance: Pause a moment, then nod.
DMaster: WYZ: Let her simmer out there for a bit, I have business with the Champion. Andi my dear get Master Chance something to drink
Turns to Marco.
MAR: If I may?
WYZ: Yes, fine go talk with her, keep her occupied.
He goes wheeling out, Andi leaves as well closing the door.
Chance: look back after taking all this in
Chan: So if you know who I am. You can guess why I am here
DMaster: A little snort comes from the hooded figure.
WYZ: Actually, I don’t. Marco had it in his mind that you would show up sooner than later considering the amount of artifacts I buy and sell, usually it is a plea by that poor Dwarf. Once in a while I throw him a bone
Chance: Chan: Griffin.
DMaster: WYZ: Yes. Good man, but has little to no coin.
Chance: Chan: well looking to talk about a certain artifact
DMaster: WYZ: Obviously. Lately I have not sold many things. But please, what is it you are looking for?
He puts both hands on a chair and leans forward a bit.
Chance: Chan: It’s called the quiet gem, I have seen it called the Silent gem as well.
DMaster: WYZ: Oh. Interesting.
He walks over to a large bookcase. Pulls a book out and walks back to the large table, leafs through it
WYZ: It is called the quiet gem.
Puts the book down
WYZ: Before we talk about the gem, I need something from you first
Chance: Chan: and what is it you need from me?
raising an eyebrow and look at Ennala
DMaster: WYZ: You saw Marco, he lost the use of his legs years ago. Do you think you could remedy that situation?
He puts both his hands on the table
Chance: Shrug my shoulders.
Chan: well I can certainly try
DMaster: WYZ: You have cured Splitjaw bites… I am sure giving someone the use of their legs will be a breeze. You see he lost the use of his legs on a task that I assigned him. I knew it was dangerous and I did not give him sufficient protection.
Chance: Chan: I have never tried to restore the use of limbs before, but if I can do something to help someone I will
DMaster: He walks to a small chest, walks over, opens it, pulls out a necklace, it has the symbol of finster on it. Its glowing, like a throbbing blue. Some of the throbs are subtle, others almost blinding.
WYZ: Something happened about a week or so ago because other artifacts and this necklace started going nuts
Chance: thinking back to the jaunt on Summer Isle and also Griffin’s necklace
DMaster: Andi walks in with a mug of beer, hands it to you
Chance: Chan: thank you Andi
DMaster: She nods
WYZ: That will be all Andi
she nods again and leaves, she avoids getting run over by Marco as he is wheeling into the room.
MAR: Oh she is a spitfire
He is chuckling
Chance: Glance over to Marco
Chan: please don’t make her mad
Shaking my head.
DMaster: Marco looks perplexed as to why Wyz is holding the necklace.
WYZ: I asked him
MAR: Whaaa?
He looks embarrassed
Chance: look over to Marco, take a sip of ale.
DMaster: His face is red
MAR: It’s ok… Chance is it? You don’t have too, I’m used to this by now
Chance: Chan: if I can help in anyway I will it’s what I do with what has been given me
DMaster: WYZ: Let him try Marco
He rolls his eyes and wheels over to him, he lets a lever go and his legs kind of fall out of the straps. He is beside himself, embarrassed
Chance: look over to Ennala, put down my ale.
Chan: I suggest you put that away first, no telling what may happen
DMaster: You can only see the bottom of the face, you can’t see under the hood. Nods, puts it in the box and slides it away down the table
Chance: walk over to Marcos and carefully take off the necklace and let the power flow
DMaster: His eyes bulge and he is half amazed and half scared
Chance: Chan: don’t be scared.
as I lay my hands on his legs and try healing him
DMaster: His legs shake and they start to stiffen, and move outright , his eyes are big, his body glowing. You feel a little drained, but you did all you could. You step back.
He looks around, almost afraid to try and stand, he reaches his hand out to you
Chance: hold my hands out to him, help him out of the cart.
DMaster: he is shaking, stands up and wobbles a little bit and he looks around, take a few steps… he is wobbly but he is walking
WYZ: Oh my god…
MAR: I’m walking, it’s a weird sensation
He has an amazing look on his face.
Chance: keep my hands close just in case, as I watch him walking
DMaster: Andi comes back in and her eyes bulge
AND: Marco!
She runs to him
AND: You are walking!
SHe has this big smile on her face
WYZ: Andi, can you take him out to the gardens, let him stretch his legs. Marco just lets out a big laugh at that comment.
MAR: Chance, thank you thank you
Chance: Chan: you are more than welcome
smile even bigger
DMaster: The two walk out the door, it closes. Waz walks around the table and stands in front of you, pulls the hood back.
Chance: look at him as he pulls the hood back, while still in Champion form.
DMaster: WYZ: Yes, a half orc female…
she turns and walks to the table grabs your mug and hands it to you
Chance: Chan: I am not one to judge, I am quarter Augustian Elf my dear
DMaster: WYZ: Needless to say, we both have secrets we need to keep, so my identity is to be kept a secret.
She shakes her head.
WYZ: Even after all this time it amazes me they think Wyzaquenne is a male name.
Scoffs and chuckles.
Chance: Chan: your secret is safe with me
DMaster: SHe walks over and grabs the book, there are extra pages stuck in it
WYZ: Now for my end of the bargain. Your quiet gem… is actually a fraction of a much larger gemstone.
She hands you the book, there is an illustration of a door with a large rock or gem in it
Chance: looking at the book she handed me
DMaster: WYZ: When the gem is reunited with the door, it is said it will allow Finster to enter the Hall of Whispers
Chance: Chan: oh where are my manners, I should change back
DMaster: The door opens as you change
KHA: Dammit Chance…
Andi is trying to keep her back but Khamyra is slippery. Andi stops, looking a little ashamed for allowing her this far.
Chance: Chan: Oh hello dear, care for a sip of ale?
DMaster: AND: Wyz? You’re not… hooded?
WYZ: No, not after what he did for Marco
KHA: Wait, what did you do? Who are you, wait for your Wazanakanoodle or whatever your name is? And who is Marco?
Wyz turns smiling and chuckling
Chance: Chan: Easy love, all in good time. Everything is OK. We can explain everything.
DMaster: Wyzaquenne looks at the two of you with a raised eyebrow.
KHA: I could feel you, you were vibing pretty good. What did you do in here?
Khamyra walks to you.
WYZ: Oh, you are that connected. You can feel when he changes. (sigh) The Champion and his mage
Khamyra gives Wyzaquenne a sorted look
Chance: Begin to explain what I did
DMaster: Stands with her arms crossed listening to you
Chance: walk over to her as I am explaining and then lean in
Chan: sorry hun didn’t mean to do that (quietly)
DMaster: She shakes her head, and grabs your hand
sparks fly, power surges
KHA: I went to look for another entrance and I get back and poof you were gone
Chance: smile a bit as she grabs my hand
Chan: well you did say to talk to the guards
Raising an eyebrow.
DMaster: She walks to Wyz and shakes her hand
KHA: Sorry for my rudeness, I am Khamyra.
WYZ: The mage, yes. I see you two are extremely connected, in more ways than one.
KHA: Yeah, you can say that…
she glances back at you then back at Wyz
WYZ: Are you always this over protective?
She gives her an amusing smirk.
Chance: walk up behind Khamyra and put my arms around her
DMaster: Khamyra grabs your arm lovingly
KHA: Yes sorry, I can be a bit overbearing when it comes to Chance
Chance: Chan: as I said your secret is safe with us as long as you can say the same about what you have just seen.
DMaster: She nods
WYZ: Of course.
She frowns a bit.
WYZ: I am to assume you think I have the quiet gem. I am sorry though, I do not have it.
You feel Khamyra shoulders drop and she sighs
Chance: look down a bit sigh and then look back up
DMaster: Khamyra is running her hand along your arm, it feels amazing, some sparks here and there.
WYZ: On my way back from a… well… a gathering of less than reputable merchants, I found out the gem I thought I purchased… was a fake
She walks to a shelf, grabs a necklace and walks over and hands it to you
Chance: carefully reach for it
DMaster: you grab it and nothing, its just a necklace
WYZ: Final proof right there. Pretty good replica, it is yours, for your reference
Chance: Chan: will take any help we can get, thank you
DMaster: KHA: So do you know who has it?
Waz walks back to her tray of drinks, picks a long thin bottle, pours herself a drink. Look over to the mage.
WYZ: Khamyra?
Khamyra spotted the bottle the second she walked in. Most likely Iraxacn Whiskey, her favorite drink.
KHA: Sure.
SHe pours her one too, walks over and hands it to her
Chance: walk over and grab my drink as they are talking
DMaster: WYZ: I am guessing the scoundrel who sold it to me, there is only one way for him to know how to make it so accurate,
KHA: If he was in the presence of the real one…
She nods, takes a sip. Khamyra sips as well and she gets this big smile on her face.
KHA: Oh my… Iraxacan aged whiskey
WYZ: Thought you might like it (winks)
She looks at you
KHA: Onyx Elf spirits… so good
Chance: shaking my head smirking
Chan: well remind me to get rich and get you some
walking back over to them after taking a swig of my ale
DMaster: WYZ: You are looking for a Welf… named Malik
She nods
Chance: Chan: what the hell is a Welf?
DMaster: Khamyra looks at you.
KHA: A Welf is a mix of Wild and common elf, they can be a little off
Wyz laughs
WYZ: A little off?
The Onyx Elf smirks.
KHA: Ok, a lot off.
WYZ: He was a little scary, but seemed to be a little more self aware than any others I have met
Chance: Chan: any idea where we start looking?
DMaster: She nods
WYZ: Littlebridge, a day or so horse ride south
KHA: Right into the Clan lands… great
WYZ: Let me invite you to dinner and a place to stay. We have a marvelous chef and only 27 rooms to choose from to stay.
Chance: Chan: how could we possibly say no
DMaster: Khymara’s eyes grow big and smile. She nods emphatically while sipping on her whiskey. Waz walks to the table and puts down her drink. Marco comes in, walking a little funny but has a huge smile on his face
WYZ: Marco, walk your ass to the chef tell him to cook for 2 more tonight, make it special. Tell Andi to set up our best room as well.
MAR: Oh, excellent
looks at you two and smiles
Chance: look over to Khamyra
Chan: What do you say Hun?
DMaster: KHA: That would be great thank you
Chance: Chan: well I guess it’s decided
DMaster: WYZ: I see who wears the pants in the relationship
She chuckles