Chances personal life and champion life collides as Ara and company meet Khamyra and Novalee head on
First Five Minutes Written Out
The sound of Chance’s ass getting whacked echoes through the half empty house. It was not a little pat, it was not a love tap. This was something that could cause bruising for months. Everyone cringes, knowing just how painful it must have been. Chance’s eyes close and he eeks out one word… “owwww.”
Ara’s eyes are huge, looking at Chance and looking at this Khamyra girl. “Well, she has a nice windup” Elorra says trying to break the tension. “I’ll give her a wind-up” Mina says through her teeth.
Chance holds out his hand to Ara who seems to still be stunned by the ass whacking and the fact 2 women she never met are hanging out with her boyfriend in a new home he bought for a reason she doesn’t even know and didn’t tell her.
“Ara, let’s take a walk” Chance says as he grabs her hand. He looks at Khamyra, “Can you behave for like 5 minutes please?” Hearing his somewhat serious tone, she frowns and nods her head. She seems a little embarrassed at her actions as she turns to Novalee and helps her with the dinner.
The two walk out his backdoor, to the backyard where the sunset is breathtaking. Ara’s eyes light up, seeing trees, a colored sky and a nice breeze hitting her face. “Wow, this is… beautiful.” Chance responds with a nod of his head.
Ara stops and looks into Chance’s eyes. “OK, what the hell is going on?”
Chance looks back into her glittering green eyes and rubs her cheek. She leans into it, smiling and then snaps out of it… “No, stop, none of this lovey shit right now” she says seriously but with a playful undertone. Chance is relieved hearing that knowing that this is not going to be a hard sell.
“Well…” He looks back over the fields, the sun glimmering through the leaves and the wind a bit brisk. “I was asked to leave the castle” he says suddenly and he looks back to Ara.
She shakes her head with inquisitive eyes. He continues “Me and the Baroness had a falling out” pauses a moment, thinking to choose his words carefully “So I was to leave the Castle immediately.” He thinks about telling her that the City is kind of off limits too, but he feels that information is a need to know basis.
“What could you possibly do to get yourself kicked out of the castle?” Ara says in response. She thinks to herself, this makes no sense.
“The Baroness asked me not to talk about it, and if I did it could result in even more sanctions.” Chance says while shaking his head, and looking down at the ground.
Ara sighs and turns towards the sunset. “Why must everything with you be this big secret or hush hush?” She glances back over to Chance who she sees is in some pain, and not from the ass slapping. “Well something is eating you, the second I saw you I could tell.”
He looks back at the house, “well my ass shaking got me this house…” He said in hopes to lighten the mood and to get the conversation moving away from the real reason he was booted. Ara looks at him funny and even chuckles.
“What are you talking about?” She says knowing he is glossing over some information she just wished he would tell her.
He laughs too, “The coins for clothes, all that money, the Baroness used it to buy me this house. Who knew my sexy perfectly shaped body could make so much money, I mean I guess, just look at me!” He rambles on making the inquiries into the castle farther and farther away from her mind. Trying humor to push it away.
“You are kidding me?” she says genuinely shocked. “That explains how you got the house…” she looks around the yard and the back of the building.
“Chance, why are you calling Cassie, the Baroness?” She says with more questions than she knows she will get answers too.
“Well she is the Baroness, and I don’t feel I have the right to call her Cassie…” Chance’s heart drops realizing she just dropped the conversation right back into the middle of the Princess boning. “She is going to call me ass shaking, quarter elf, champion guy with a nice house and a gorgeous girlfriend… it’s kind of long, but I like the new title.” Chance is praying that Ara will just move on… He was relieved that she did…
She shoves him playfully, “and the women? Especially that Onyx Elf who I don’t like at all” She says with some force.
Chance thinks how Valentine reacted to her, “That nasty bitch” and now Ara not liking her. Chance smirks and simply says “that seems to be the reaction I get a lot for her” and he even chuckles a little.
Ara gives him another look and she is starting to get impatient. “Well?”
“She wasn’t lying, she is in a way my protector. Part of an order called the Dark Society” he starts to gladly retell as her mind is now on the ladies and not the Sunday night event. “She is tied into Finster, which locks her magic and makes it safe… she is really the only mage on Legon, er, I mean Warlock, though she really just wants to brag most of the time.” He pauses and catches a wiff of her perfume and he is instantly horny. “You probably shouldn’t tell anyone she is a Warlock, could be a problem for both you and her.”
Ara rolls her eyes a bit. “Ok, and the Lazzier Blonde elf?” She sits there waiting and she doesn’t like how long it is taking him to respond.
What do I say about Novalee? Chance thinks, ponders and realizes he is taking too long to answer. “Well… “ He looks at Ara. “Khamyra just busted her out of the dungeons, and they needed a place for her to stay.”
Ara looks at him with big angry eyes. “She did what? And she is staying HERE?” Her mind starts to ramp up thinking of the reasons he would allow her to stay alone with him, “are you sure thats a great idea being, I don’t know, Black Ward and all…”
“Well it is not like I planned that, she is harmless” Chance says shrugging his shoulders, thinking that maybe reducing the knowledge would have been a better idea for this. “I actually just found out myself not 10 minutes ago.”
Ara is quite unsatisfied with the answers, but realizes she is not going to get any better ones at this time. Her stomach growls, she barely ate anything today being so busy and playing catch up. Chance hears her stomach and a wave of relief washes over him, a way out of this without me forcing the issue.
“Hungry?” Chance says with a raised eyebrow. She looks at him and nods. Ara somewhat disappointed Ara, she turns to head back into the house only to have her hand grabbed. She turns around to see Chance’s lips matched up with hers. ‘Everytime, every kiss with this man’ Ara melts, leans into him. He practically lifts her off the ground and their moment lasts for a good minute. Both of them forget about the stress of life for a minute and enjoy a blissful kiss.
As the two walk back in Ara gives him a look “Damn you and your sweet lips.” Chance then stops and looks at Ara, “My lips? What about yours?!” He looks down at his body and Ara can see he is maybe not ready to go back in just yet…
She giggles.
Turn Based Starts
Chance: still looking at Ara and smiling.
DMaster: She pats him once and looks up to you.
ARA: Ill be inside, get him under control will you.
She is blushing slightly.
Chance: Chan: I can’t make any guarantees on that when I am around you (winking)
DMaster: She shakes her head, opens the door and walks in. You calm down a bit and then… you can hear laughing from inside.
Chance: ‘what the hell’.
poke my head back in the door as I calm down listening.
DMaster: You just hear them laughing and someone ask “how did you learn to do that?”
Chance: quietly walk back inside once I have calmed down.
DMaster: Novalee is juggling 3 pans at once, its an odd site to say the least. Khamyra is leaning against the far wall, smirk on her face watching this blonde elf twirl the pans around.
Elorra kind of has the same reaction as you, baffled with a slight smile, she is sitting at a far chair at the end of the table. Mina is standing next to her laughing at the spectacle. Ara is also standing there wondering what she just walked into.
Chance: Chan: and what did I just walk in on?
DMaster: Novalee stops and one of the pans falls and a resounding clank echoes through the house, she looks at you.
NOV: Oh M’Lord, I am sorry.
Mina and Elorra stop and their eyes grow big and their eyebrow lifts.
Khamyra is doing everything she can not to laugh. Ara looks back at you and shakes her head.
Chance: Give Novalee a look and start laughing a bit.
DMaster: Ara has her arms crossed and is shaking her head.
ARA: M’Lord, really?
Chance: Frown a bit.
Chan: it’s a long story can we just eat I am absolutely starving.
DMaster: Novalee picks up the pan, nods and walks over to the stove. Khamyra walks over to the Lazzier elf and holds some wooden bowls out. Ara looks around, grabs a chest, closes the lid and drags it over for another seat since there are not enough.
Chance: I will just stand since my ass is still feeling the effects of that whack.
DMaster: The food is served, Khamyra hands out the bread too. They start eating and you do to; its excellent. Novalee sees you standing and offers you her seat.
NOV: M’Lord, please take my seat.
Khamyra couldn’t resist.
KHA: Yes M’Lord.
The girls exchange glances as the term ‘M’Lord’ is being thrown about.
Chance: Chan: no Novalee you sit since you made this wonderful meal and my ass is still feeling the effects of that whack.
Take a few bites
DMaster: The group all laughs, Khamyra looks innocent and continues to eat.
Chance: Chan: so how did you guys find me anyways?
DMaster: MIN: Hello, we work in a building that is brimming with secrets, not to hard.
Chance: Chan: well I guess you make a fair point.
DMaster: The meal goes surprisingly well, some idle chit chat even some laughs and giggles. Everyone goes and gets seconds. After everyone finishes they all lean back, pat their belly.
ELO: I know it Mina, do it… I can see it on your face.
Elorra’s eyes meets Minas and the giggle.
MIN: Elorra…
Araleans back, smile on her face.
ARA: Look out!
MIN: Stop, I’m not going…
A burp that is long, deep and impressive. Mina cups her mouth and starts to blush.
Chance: shaking my head and bust out laughing.
DMaster: Elorra and Ara just lose it, burst out laughing. Khamyra just has her eyes wide. Novalee smiles with what look like pride.
KHA: That… was impressive.
Chance: Chan: wow, so lady like Mina, you might want to wipe up what just flew out your mouth.
DMaster: MIN: Shut it Chance, it slipped out..
Everyone still laughing a bit.
NOV: In my clan, that shows a sign of thanks and respect for the meal.
Elorra looks at Novalee.
ELO: I would hate to know what would happen if she farted.
Everyone starts to laugh.
Chance: Chan: I would hope a little more warning on that end, I would want to open the windows a bit.
DMaster: Novalee stands up and starts to gather the bowls. Elorra and Mina stop her and they continue to clear off the table for her.
Chance: Chan: thank you for the wonderful meal Novalee was quite unexpected
DMaster: you are full and happy, more chatting…
ELO: I heard the Primary of the Ravalana clan is going to make it to the wedding.
A few nods of the head.
ELO: Apparently none of the others. With the Swamp War going on, some of the fighting has broke out close to some of the borders and they are getting a little worried.
Novalee looks surprised and so does Ara. Then Ara nods her head, takes a sip of water.
ARA: At least that will stop them with the that useless squabbling of borders and land…
They all nod their head. Khamyra looks at the elves in the room.
KHA: So you are Thallan (pointing at Elorra and Ara) and Novalee you are Lazzier.
They all nod.
Chance: Chan: hmmmm, no wonders why Valentine told me I am gonna have a busy day tomorrow.
DMaster: Mina feeling left out,
MIN: I am from the “sexy as fuck” clan.
Everyone giggles.
MIN: Speaking of that… Chance?
Khamyra gives her a look like… wow in front of his girlfriend too. Ara smirks slowly shaking her head.
ARA: Oh here we go.
MIN: So rumor has it you spent the day with Braylen…
Chance: Make sure I don’t have crumbs on me.
Chan: Yes I did, why?
DMaster: She stands up and walks over to you.
ELO: I got a glimpse and he is a little hottie.
MIN: He came to talk with me, I got his measurements…
ELO: Did you get, those, measurements you slut?
Mina’s eyes bulge.
MIN: ELLE! No, but… um…
She glances at Ara who is giving her a look.
MIN: I would never, well (scoffs) anyways! Is he single?
Chance: Give her a long goofy look.
Chan: Oh sure its the first thing I ask guys, ‘are you single?’ then I ask their favorite color and if they like long walks on the beach…
DMaster: She frowns and shrugs her shoulders as the other girls giggle.
ARA: He might of thought he was hitting on him.
Khamyra laughs and nods.
KHA: Thats what I thought too.
MIN: Whats his story?
Chance: Chan: From what he told me, him and his brother were in and out of dungeons, and was run out of a few towns. His brother is in the dungeons and he straightened himself out apparently and ended up in the guard.
DMaster: ARA: Dammit… a bad boy.
Minas eyes light up, but Ara looks at her and shakes her head.
ARA: No Mina, your last badboy…
She frowns a little.
KHA: Bad boys can be fun… (pauses for emphasis) Fun… if you keep it in perspective.
Chance: Walk over to the table.
Chan: and then the black ward got him, he is a duskblade like me… must of been pretty good.
DMaster: Novalee stands up suddenly.
NOV: Wait everyone.
Chance: looking over at Novalee.
DMaster: Everyone stops and looks at her.
* BUUUURRRRPPPP * with a force that shouldn’t of come out of a little elf.
Chance: bust out laughing.
DMaster: Everyone laughs and cheers. She has a dopey grin on her face and sits back down.
Chance: Chan: pretty impressive, anyone just want to belch now? Should we be wearing bibs?
DMaster: Khamyra walks over to the only cupboard that she must of brought in, opens the door.
Chance: looking as she opens the door, kind of nervous wondering what she has up her sleeve now.
DMaster: She brings out a box, closes the door, and places it on the table.
KHA: Glad I bought the whole box.
She opens it, Everyone eyes light up.
ELO: Ohhhh is that Fycons Specialties?
Khamyra nods her head.
KHA: There is 6, one for each… perfect.
Chance: quietly watching them eat theirs, as I slowly nibble on mine.
DMaster: Everyone grabs one and they slowly eat it, it is like there are 5 women orgasming. “uhhhh oh my god, mmmmm, ohhhhhh, so good.”
Chance: Try not to get horny.
DMaster: You flash back to the King grabbing his and jamming it in his mouth and getting scolded. They are a decent size, in comparison, it’s about the size of a lemon, so the king fit a lemon in his mouth… but you know why, it is absolutely heavenly.
Chance: chuckle thinking about that.
Chan: now I understand why the king likes these.
DMaster: They all look at you.
KHA: How would you know what the King likes?
She says in between savoring every bite.
Chance: Chan: I was at the Castle the other day with the king and saw him shove an entire one in his mouth.
chuckling reliving the scene a bit.
Chan: You should have seen the Baroness’ reaction priceless, I think he is not allowed to have them.
DMaster: KHA: Oh…
Everyone finishes.
MIN: I got to be honest, Khamyra, I didn’t like you at first… now though you are like my favorite person.
Mina leans back and has a satisfied smile.
Ara stands up and walks over to you, and holds your hand and leans into you a little, just standing. Khamyra eyes that up.
KHA: Hey! Why don’t WE -ahem- go grab a drink at the one eye.
She looks at the other girls intently.
Chance: kind of giving them a look.
DMaster: ERO: One eye? That sounds gross…
MIN: One Eyed Princess, its a pub down the street.
Both Elorra and Mina look at Ara.
ERO: Oh, yeah… yeah.
KHA: Drinks are on Novalee.
NOV: Oh I don’t have any…
KHA: Kidding their blondie.
Khamyra rounds up the women and starts to head out.
Chance: Look at Khamyra, lipping “thank you.”
DMaster: She has a hesitant smile and nods. The girls leave, chit chatting, the door closes. Ara grabs your hand and walks out the back door and you are stunned. A gorgeous sunset ending with fireflies everywhere. Its like a fairy tale.
Chance: follow her out back holding her hand as my eyes get wide.
DMaster: ARA: Oh my god chance… this is incredible!
Chance: Close the door behind me, I don’t want any bugs in my house.
Chan: just as amazing as you Ara.
as I turn her around to face me and touch her face with both my hands.
DMaster: She smiles, gives you a look and leans into your touch.
ARA: You can do the Lovie dovie shit now (giggles).
Chance: Smile at her. Pull her face close to me and gently kiss her. Then wrap my arms around her waist and lift her up gently.
DMaster: she melts and wraps her arms around you. You can feel her smile, she must like when you do that.
Chance: and kiss her deeper, taking her all in, lips, warmth… smell.
DMaster: You two kiss for a while and it is really good, you were wishing you were in your bedroom right now… ‘why did she lead me out here?’
Chance: I will gently set her back down.
DMaster: She playfully pushes you against the wall and you slide down. She sits in your lap and snuggle a bit, it is a bit nippy.
Chance: Chan: I am glad you came tonight.
‘Thinking I meant something else right now.’ play with her hair.
DMaster: She smiles.
ARA: Me too… I would of been pissed if I missed that Raspberry truffle.
She says with a playful tone. She lays her head on your chest. and you realize this is the first time you have not thought about that whole ordeal since it happened. You feel yourself calming down and the snuggles are keeping you warm.
Chance: just keep playing with her hair and trace her ear with my fingertip.
DMaster: She is practically purring, eventually you two start chatting.
ARA: Mina, oh my god, she won’t shut up about Braylen.
she giggles a little.
ARA: I guess that is what I was like with you.
She kisses your cheek.
Chance: Chan: oh really?
DMaster: ARA: Yeah that is why I am trying to support her. Is he really a bad boy?
She looks up at you.
Chance: Chan: According to him they did get into some trouble and wore out his welcome in some places, so I guess that qualifies for a bad boy. Proceed with caution is all I am saying.
DMaster: She nods. You two have some idle chit chat. She kind of tells you, that its… well that time of the month so, otherwise she would have attacked you.
Your inner self PHEW she is not pregnant, not sure a quarter elf could impregnate a full elf, but either way… yes!
Chance: Chan: it’s okay, I am perfectly content with this… it’s kind of amazing.
DMaster: After about an hour, you hear some knocking. Muffled “everyone dressed?”. Another muffled “don’t have to worry about that…” That was Mina, she must know Ara is ragging it. The back door opens and Mina sticks her head out and sees you two.
MIN: Awww, how sweet.
Elorra looks out too and puts a finger in her mouth and rolls her eyes.
Chance: Shake my head at Elorra.
Chan: I saw that Elorra (smirking).
DMaster: You two get up and head in.
ELO: We want to get back, its getting chilly and late.
Chance: Head back in with Ara.
DMaster: Novalee is in the kitchen area sweeping, the girls are gathered at the front door now.
Chance: stretch a bit and let out a little yawn. Give Ara a small kiss.
Chan: be careful going back home okay.
DMaster: She returns it.
ARA: That was pretty amazing tonight (she whispers in your ear) she has a big smile.
Chance: Chan: it was (whispering).
DMaster: ELO: Thanks Chance, Khamyra and Novalee, dam girl awesome meal
MIN: Yes Novalee, awesome thank you, Bye Chance… if you see Braylen tomorrow say hi for me…
Ara smiles at you, shakes her head a bit and heads out the door.
Chance: Chan: I will, but not what his favorite color is.
Walk them out, hold the door open. Watch them walk until they are out of sight.
DMaster: You hear them ask where they left the horses and they walk down the path farther.
NOV: What do you need from me , M’Lord?
Chance: Look back at the Elf.
Chan: You have done more than I could ask for tonight (smiling) and thank you for the wonderful meal.
DMaster: She bows and puts the broom against the wall.
Chance: after the girls are out of my sight I will close the door, lock it and go take a seat at the table. Look around for Khamyra.
DMaster: She is not here.
Chance: Chan: Novalee, where is Khamyra?
DMaster: NOV: A dwarven man came in and left with her.
Chance: Chan: hmm must of been Griffin.
yawn and stretch, think I am gonna go up to my loft.
DMaster: NOV: M’Lord, if it is ok, can I stay here for the night.
She looks around innocently.
Chance: Smile and nod.
Chan: Novalee you are more than welcome to stay here for the night, I told you that you’re always welcome here.
DMaster: She smiles.
NOV: Thank you m’lord
Chance: I go turning down most of the lanterns for the night, before heading up to the loft quietly go up into the loft.
DMaster: She walks to one of the back rooms and closes the door, there is still nothing there, just a hay pile and a makeshift pillow, its about 11:00.
Chance: Get ready for bed, lay down in the hay not caring at this moment. Thinking to myself I need to get a bed (chuckling).
DMaster: You get ready for bed and literally hit the hay.
Chance: as I drift off to sleep think that damn crier better not startle me again from a dead sleep.
Wedmak (Wednesday) 7am
DMaster: You are awoke, rudely, with yelling.
CRY: Colder than a witches tit! My last wife was a witch and her nipples were ice… ahhh hell get up already… its 7am!
Chance: chuckle as I hear that, go and get the bath ready using the well. Fire up the stove, use the thing to transfer heat… etc.
DMaster: You have it ready, took 15, but you get undressed to jump in the tub. Novalee walks out, her yawn turns into wide eyes and a yelp.
NOV: Oh M’LORD! (bright red face) I am sorry.
Chance: eyes get big as I see her.
Chan: its Okay, can you pull the curtain?
DMaster: She walks over to the drapes and closes them for you. You hear her rummaging through things. you get clean, shave, shit, etc.
Chance: Finish, dress, get all my things on me and go check on Novalee.
DMaster: Novalee has a pot on the stove, making hot water. She is going through the chest, putting things where they should be, or where ever they will go.
Chance: Chan: I am heading out, I am sure it is gonna be another late night.
DMaster: She smiles meekly, still embarrassed a bit.
NOV: Ok, m’lord.
she nods.
Chance: nod as I head out the front door, quietly and focused I will head towards the city.
DMaster: you make it decent time, its a little before 8.
Chance: head to the compound, go through the doors.
DMaster: you go in and the main floor is absolutely jammed and it’s fairly quiet. People standing around watching the captain, it looks like she is going to talk to everyone. You can see the Captain standing on a chair at the far end.
Chance: well guess I am staying put and watching.
DMaster: You see Killian is standing next to the cap, he’s so tall everyone can see him.
HAR: OK, Everyone pay attention here.
Still some talking…
He claps his hands and people jump at his booming voice and the clap.
Chance: quietly listening and paying attention
DMaster: HAR: The Royals are coming in today and tomorrow, so I am just warning you now… the next 4 days are going to be looooongggg and grueling. Late evening and night the three through five star guards take over, they are working night shifts for this ordeal. Try and get along.
She pauses, looks at Killian, he leans over and says something.
HAR: We will take volunteers for Sunday, you will get double pay and an extra day off later in the week. If we do not get enough volunteers we will have to assign people… unfortunately the lower on the totem pole you are, the more likely you will work.
Chance: fold my arms as I listen
DMaster: HAR: This wedding has to go off without a hitch, you see, hear FEEL anything, you let someone know, I don’t want any stone unturned (she points around the room) Killians crew head over there, bastians head into the lab and valentines will be right here. They have your assignments
Chance: quietly wait until people start moving to where they need to go
DMaster: Everyone dispurses, most of them sit back at desks, but the appropriate people move to the locations. You make your way over to the Valentine area. She is handing out assignments
Chance: Waiting my turn
DMaster: VAL: Chance, you and Braylen, Inn guard and southwest sweeps.
she hands you a piece of parchment.
Chance: Chan: Yes Valentine.
DMaster: Braylen walks up next to you.
Chance: Glance at him.
Chan: Morning Braylen.
DMaster: BRA: Chance, how goes it.
Chance: Shrug my shoulders.
Chan: it is going very well.
DMaster: You two walk off to the side, the floor starts to clear out.
Chance: Give him a look and remember that Mina wanted me to say Hi for her.
Chan: so Mina wanted me to tell you hi from her(smirking)
DMaster: He is reading the paper than looks up.
BRA: Oh… huh, she did? Wait who?
He seemed flustered.
Chance: Chan: our seamstress, was asking me quite a few questions about you(chuckling)
DMaster: He looks at you funny.
BRA: Huh… really.
You look across the room and see Ara and Mina.
Chance: Smile and look at Braylen.
Chan: Really really.
DMaster: Ara spots you and grabs Mina’s hands before she knew what was happening. She walks up and gets on her tippy toes and gives you a kiss.
Chance: Kiss her back and then smile.
Chan: Good Morning to you sunshine…
DMaster: She smiles.
ARA: Oh Braylen is it?
Mina sees him and she gets shy and blushes, Braylen nods.
Chance: Chan: Yes this Braylen.
DMaster: He looks around to the three of you and senses the awkwardness, smiles.
BRA: Yes I am.
Chance: Chan: Braylen this is Mina
Smirk as I watch this unfold
DMaster: Ara is grabbing for Mina to step forward, keeps missing her. She looks back.
ARA: Come on (quietly).
Embarrassed Mina steps forward.
BRA: Hi Mina (looks at her hair) Love the hair.
He gives her the same eyes you give Ara, she blushes.
MIN: Thank you.
Ara looks at you and gives you a “uh oh” look like Mina is going to melt on the spot.
BRA: Maybe someday we can go talk or drink something later.
MIN: Yeah I would like that.
Chance: Chan: I hate to cut this short but we better get to work before Valentine notices.
DMaster: Braylen shoots you a glance like ‘no, she won’t’ but Ara gets it. The two girls nod, Ara squeezes your hand and they walk off. Braylen looks back down at the paper,
BRA: Sweep, what the fuck is a sweep.
Chance: Chan: I will show you when we get there Braylen, we better go get geared up first.
DMaster: Both of you gear up and meet back in the main area. Braylen is heading right for you in his new gear, he looks slick.
Chance: Chan: looks good Braylen.
DMaster: He looks up…
BRA: I’m not going to talk and get drinks with you.
Chance: Chan: well I would hope not, Your not my type Braylen.
DMaster: You two head out and head towards the Inn.
BRA: So is that Ara a close personal friend?
He laughs
Chance: Chan: Ara is my girlfriend.
Give him a look, then explaining to him about sweeps on the way.
DMaster: He interrupts.
BRA: Oh… considering you have a cougar in the wings, I didn’t think you would want to be tied down. I am impressed; Cougar on one arm, sweet little elf on the other.
You two get to the Inn.
KIL: Hey Kid, you have first watch, I will get Elijah over here to relieve you for the sweeps.
Chance: Chan: As you say Killian.
set up as the first watch.
DMaster: You stand at the doorway.
BRA: That is one big man.
Killian is directing more traffic farther down the path.
Chance: Chan: biggest man I know, you don’t wanna be on the wrong side of him, I have seen him fight.
DMaster: ok nothing happens for 3 hours, idle chit chat with Braylen, then you see an entourage walking up the main street.
BRA: First one must of landing.
He points to the paper, 3 are supposed to land today, paper says:
– King Grimeye Brightbane & Queen Viola Brightbane of Thoraxe.
– Primary Orio Ravanala & His daughter Rivka Ravanala.
– High Regent Celinia Kirzoruth.
Chance: watch as they are walking up the main street.
DMaster: You believe it’s the common elves, the Inn is real close to the castle, so you have a good look.
BRA: Man, the elf broad is hot (quietly).
Chance: Chan: Braylen focus please, we can’t be distracted
DMaster: BRA: I am focused… on her ass (quietly)
They make their way into the castle.
Chance: shaking my head a bit, keep watching and listening as we stand there.
DMaster: Then in about 15 minutes they make their way out and around to the Inn.
BRA: Ahh here they come, look like we belong here (chuckles)
Chance: Chan: just make sure you remember to bow etc.
DMaster: They have some elf guards with them and there is 5 stars in front and a BW agent behind them. They come down the path and the guards peel off about 10 feet from you and stand, the two of them continue.
Chance: Bow as the pass.
DMaster: Urneeva is standing to greet them. They pass and Rivka stops quickly, shutters and looks at you with wide eyes.
Chance: looking out of the corner of my eye, still bowing.
DMaster: ORIO: Rivka?
She just stands there, eyeing you up. The Primary then turns to her and you.
Chance: Glance up to see if I can stop bowing, my back is starting to hurt. But still being quiet.
DMaster: RIV: Its nothing Father,
She turns and heads in.
Chance: Stop bowing. Breath a deep sigh of relief.
DMaster: Braylen is looking at you perplexed.
BRA: (lips) WTF??
Chance: Chan:(lips) don’t worry about it.
Shake my head, look around, act like it was no big deal.
DMaster: He shakes his head.
BRA: You are something else (quietly) Have you ever met her before?
Chance: Chan:(quietly) no never seen her before
thinking to myself ‘why would she do that, does she know I am the Champion?’
DMaster: You see a overly muscular man and another agent you never met before walk up.
ELI: You two, get on your sweeps, then get some lunch, report back here afterwards.
Elijah replaces Braylen and after you move, the other agent takes your spot.
Chance: Chan: Come on Braylen let’s get to it.
DMaster: Braylen gives Elijah a head nod.
BRA: Nice to see you too Eli.
ELI: (smiles) Yeah yeah bray… get moving.
He shakes his head and you two move on.
Chance: start doing our sweeps.
DMaster: you go through the streets at a good pace, in and out of alleys. Nothing, took a few hours you sweep each sector its about 2PM.
BRA: I’m starving. They said the side courtyard of the inn has some food for us.
Chance: Chan: let’s go get some grub then Braylen.
DMaster: you two head back, You see another entourage, Onyx elves. It’s a pretty big group. They are getting greeted at the door of the castle by Cassie.
Chance: look over and then look away.
DMaster: They head in, you two find a makeshift tent, with some food and drink. There are a few agents there, eating and relaxing a bit.
Chance: Chan: So Braylen what did ya think of Mina?
making small talk.
DMaster: Think about it for a minute.
BRA: She is a cutie. Love red hair, always been a weakness of mine.
He is stuffing food into his mouth.
Chance: Chan: well just a heads up I think she really likes you Braylen
DMaster: He looks at you.
BRA: Yeah, that happens a lot…
He says it, not bragging, just a matter of fact.
BRA: (somewhat muffled with food) How did you and Ara start hitting it?
Chance: Chan: well Ara and me kind of hit it off from when she had to put my training Armor on, just do me one favor.
Look back at him.
Chan: don’t hurt her okay cause then you will have to deal with Ara.
Raise eyebrow..
DMaster: He looks at you.
BRA: No promises man, I’m not looking to settle down, but if she wants to hang out and have fun Im down.
Chance: Chan: that’s fine just be upfront and honest with Mina okay?
DMaster: BRA: Always am, I find it makes for a lot less drama…
He gives you a look, raises his eyebrows.
BRA: unlike having multiple chicks… just sayin, odd advice coming from you.
Chance: chuckle and shoot him a look.
Chan: let’s finish up and get back to work.
DMaster: he nods.
Chance: Chan: I am interested to see more of these royals today.
DMaster: You two get back to the door, Elijah and the other agent take off. You see more people coming in, rich merchants, and others.
Chance: quietly just watching.
DMaster: You see Thames and Carol talking with someone who just walked in.
BRA: Hey, don’t you know those two?
Chance: Chan: not personally, they are friends of Britney.
DMaster: They start to walk out and see you.
THA: Oh, Chance is it?
CAR: Yes it is and he is working dear.
Chance: bow as I see them.
DMaster: Braylen chuckles.
THA: You don’t bow to me (giggles)
CAR: He must be in a bow mode with all the big wigs coming in.
Chance: Embarrassed, stand up and smile.
Chan: hey its a lot to take in and yes it’s Chance.
DMaster: They smile and wave and Carol makes him move on.
BRA: Smooth move slick.
Chance: shoot him a look and chuckle
DMaster: nothing for another 3 hours, Then Bryalen gets your attention.
BRA: Heads up I think that is the Prince.
Chance: looking to see.
DMaster: He has a guy with him, he is looking around and spots you
starts walking to you.
BRA: He is heading for you man.
Chance: Chan: I can see Braylen.
DMaster: He walks up, and both of you bow.
BOZ: Chance.
Chance: Chan: M’lord.
looking up from my bow.
DMaster: BOZ: Be at the Castle at 7 tonight. Dress in decent clothes alright?
he is looking at you.
Chance: Give him a slightly confused look.
Chan: as you say, see you then M’Lord.
DMaster: He smiles, turns heel and walks off.
You realize its about 5 now.
BRA: What was that about?
Chance: Shrug my shoulders.
Chan: I have no clue, I am as dumbfounded as you.
DMaster: After a while Killian walks up.
KIL: Sweeps you two, same sectors.
Chance: Chan: Killian the prince wants me at the castle at 7PM, and told me to dress decent
DMaster: Killian looks at you, smiles and pats your back
KIL: Ahhh you must be the protection for his bachelor party Kid. Lucky dog.
Braylen looks at you disappointed.
BRA: Ohhh man… really?
Chance: shaking my head.
DMaster: He points at you.
KIL: Make adjustments, get a guard at 630 for Braylen, No one sweeps and patrols alone.
Chance: Chan: Agreed, we better get a move on then. Come on Braylen.
DMaster: you two head out and by 630 you are almost done, Braylen gets a guard. As you two where sweeping, he mentioned to you, you might have to go shopping, to get an outfit.
Chance: Quickly head back to the compound first and get my gear off.
DMaster: its busy as usual, you get to your office and undress. You have a basic tunic and pants on, not going to work for tonight
Chance: okay head to one of the clothing stores then
DMaster: you find one called Clover Clothing Co. Looks fairly regal.
Chance: Knowing I have little to no time, look for someone to help.
DMaster: You find a woman and she helps, you have like 20 minutes, so you rush through it.
Chance: Chan: how much for the outfit?
DMaster: She rings you up, its 1 GP.
Chance: Pay the woman, and head for the compound.
DMaster: You almost run into the last royal for the day when you leave Clover Clothing.
Chance: bow as I see them.
DMaster: Way different from the rest of the Royals. They are laughing as they walk by, joking with the guards. you high tail it to the compound, get changed and When you make your way through the main area, Ara sees you walks over. Looks at your clothes and gives you a look.
Chance: Stop for her.
DMaster: ARA: Hun… why are you in that?
Chance: Chan: I am going out with the Prince evidently.
DMaster: ARA: Oh… ok.
Gives you a smile and a raised eyebrow.
Chance: Chan: told me to dress decently. Get this, I am the guard for his umm bachelor party.
Give her a smile and a goofy look.
DMaster: She looks shocked and she busts out laughing.
Chance: Shrug my shoulders.
Chan: I am running against the clock now hon. Sorry I have to go.
DMaster: She gives you a kiss on your cheek.
ARA: Behave yourself.
She walks off, grabbing some armor off a desk.
Chance: head into the castle looking for the prince.
DMaster: Walking up the path yYou see a bunch of people in the entranceway, all men.
Chance: Bet its the party… see who’s going.
DMaster: You see Plugr, Prince Lattimore, Xavier, Thames, Esmershard and a few other rich merchants…
PLUG: Chance!
Shakes your hand.
Chance: Smile and nod.
Chan: Nice to see you Plugr.
shaking his hand.
DMaster: PLUG: You going to the party too? Sweet!
Chance: Bow at Xavier and Prince Lattimore.
DMaster: Xavier gives you a blank look, kind of scary. You can see the Prince in the throne doorway, He is talking with the Princess. He gives her a look and she fakes a smile. He nods and she walks back into the throne room.
BOZ: Ok gents, lets get to Fycon bros!
The group heads out, A few guards lead the way and you eye a few in the back. Braylen is at the entrance to the Inn, sees you and gives you a dirty look.
Chance: Shrug my shoulders and smirk. Walk with the group.
DMaster: They are laughing and chatting.
ESM: CHance, how are you… ummm doing.
he is looking right into your eyes.
Chance: Chan: I am doing good, how have you been? Any crazy adventures?
look him right back in the eyes.
DMaster: He nods and smiles, looks at your necklace.
ESM: Sadly no, back to the grind of books and research.
You get to Fycon Bros, and it’s empty, not a soul in there. Just a server who guides them into the back area. The King is struggling with a barrel. A servant is beside himself trying to help and the King is shooing him away.
SER: M’Lord.
JER: I got this.
He plops it down into a holder, grabs a spigot and plants it in the right spot. Xavier walks over.
XAV: Jer, is that what I think it is?
JER: From Grimeye personally, he will join us in a while
The Prince looks at the barrel and back at the King. Shrugs his shoulders.
JER: Bozutto, the best Dwarven ale on Legon, its to die for.
The king grabs a very well ornate mug, fills it and hands it to Bozutto. He drinks and then his eyes get really big…
BOZ: You are not kidding. Wow that… (glugs) tastes amazing.
You see 3 guys that are around the Prince and you can tell they are long time friends. About his age, dressed real nice, and looked kind of douchey. They all pour some ale and start drinking. You are currently standing in the front room, to the right is the bar, to the left is some seating for smaller groups. The second part in the restaurant is ahead and it has bigger tables, that is where you see an elaborate spread of food, drinks, desserts, its decorated. Farther in and to the left is the VIP, back room.
Chance: looking around as my eyes take it all in, smile when I see the king as it lightens my mood.
DMaster: Prince Lattimore gets a small glass of the ale and he wrinkles his nose when he tastes it. Plugr walks over to you and hands you a mug of the ale.
Chance: Grab the mug, take a glug.
Chan: thank you Plugr.
smiling at him.
DMaster: PLUG: So what’s been going on? Haven’t heard much from you in a while, even Talia says she hasn’t seen you.
He takes a sip of ale, it is amazing tasting.
Chance: Shrugs his shoulders.
Chan: living the dream, you know, busy with the ward.
Take another drink.
Chan: How are you?
DMaster: PLUG: You know, NOT getting bit by Vampires.
Laughs a bit
PLUG: Vicky and Talia both forced me into full retirement. Now the Royal court wants me as an advisor or something.
Chance: Finish off the mug.
DMaster: PLUG: Vicky wants to get you over the house and cook you a dinner.
Chance: Nod my head.
Chan: Is she a good cook?
Smile at him.
DMaster: PLUG: Yeah, pretty good.
He looks at you, with a sideways smile. you two talk for a bit.
BOZ: OK come on everyone, who is up for some knucklebones?
A few of his friends go into the back room, Plugr and Lattimore heads back there to watch. You stand there for a bit.
The King strolls over to you.
KIN: Chance.
Chance: Chan: M’lord, how have you been?
bow as I see him
DMaster: KIN: Good… Keeping out of trouble I hope
He takes a big gulp of the ale.
Chance: Chan: trying to M’lord
DMaster: Quinton walks in and you and the King greet him. He grabs some ale and heads to the back room. The King excuses himself and also heads to the backroom.
Chance: Grab another mug of ale. Look over the food and sample some.
DMaster: you hear yelling and laughing in the other room as they play games. A few servants are running back and forth delivering drinks, etc. Xavier makes his way out of the backroom.
Chance: This should go over like a dog turd in a dancing contest.
DMaster: XAV: You want to talk in private for a minute?
Chance: Chan: sure M’lord.
DMaster: You two go into the front area, over to the bar.
XAV: I have been trying to figure out what to say to you… nothing really comes to mind.
He looks back at the back room and around a bit. When he is satisfied no one is around he looks back at you.
Chance: Look down and then look at him, thinking of something to say.
DMaster: By the time you lift your head… POW!
He punches you square in the face, you stumble back a bit, grabbing your nose.
XAV: Goddamn, your face is as hard as a rock…
He mumbles shaking his hand a bit.
Chance: Stand up straight. Adjusting my nose.
Chan: I deserved that M’lord.
Looking down.
DMaster: XAV: Fuck yeah you did. Been wanting to do that for days now.
Saying this quieter and through his teeth. He nods, still looking furious like he wants to make your face a punching bag. He hands you a napkin for your nose. A little trickle of blood starts and your nose is starting to pulse with a bit of pain.
XAV: I wondered for weeks why Cassie went ballistic on you in the Summer Isles. No way she would of done that for a simple visit to Shimmer Bay.
Give you another dirty look.
Chance: He stops for a moment as someone else walks by, once they pass.
XAV: I am surprised she didn’t kill you… I really am.
Chance: Nod.
Chan: She almost did.
DMaster: XAV: To take advantage of someone when they were that vulnerable, and…
Chance: Give him a wild look like, WTF?
DMaster: He stops, furries his brow.
XAV: What?
Chance: Just shake my head, look back down.
DMaster: Xavier looks around again and back to you.
XAV: No, what is it. I know Cassie is not telling me the whole story. Why not tell your side of it.
He says quickly, eyes a bit a flame and staring a hole right through you.
Chance: Chan: My side of it?
Stare at him in the eyes, do not break eye contact.
Chan: I love her with all my heart.
Look down, try not to well up.
DMaster: A wave of different faces wash over the Duke. A baffled look at first, then a disbelief and finally a realization of sorts. Seeing you struggle with that statement.
XAV: Straight to the point. It’s love. You… love her.
He runs his hand through his hair, turns away. Saying softly.
XAV: That is what Cassie isn’t telling me isn’t it?
Turns his head a bit over his shoulder to look at you.
XAV: You two are in love. Goddammit.
Chance: still looking down not knowing what to say, listening to him.
DMaster: He turns and grabs your arm forcefully.
XAV: You realize how fucking dangerous that is?
He shakes his head.
XAV: Just stay away Chance, we can’t…
Chance: Get his attention.
Chan: I will, I promise.
DMaster: Xavier gives you a ‘yeah right’ look.
Chance: Shake my head.
Chan: If we keep doing this, it will eventually blow up in our faces. That means it will hurt Affinity, a lot. I never ever want to do that… ever again. It would also send the Kingdom into uncertainty.
Look down again. Take a deep breath.
Chan: On my life, I promise. What ever was, is no more.
Bow to him in respect.
DMaster: A short pause a small sigh.
XAV: I hope so. You have a lot to make up for. This would be a great start.
Just then the King sticks his head out.
KIN: Xavier! Come, we are playing Sevens Up, it’s your favorite!
He gives you a look, looks down and walks away.
Chance: finish wiping my nose. “that could of went better I think’ and look back up and around, hoping no one saw that.
DMaster: No, he was careful you are kind of in a nook of the bar area.
Chance: Figure out a place I can chill for a minute, regain my composure. Kind of wanting to be alone.
DMaster: there are people around, but none you really know, for about an hour you avoid people (@9).
Chance: Sipping on my ale and looking to see if there are any of the truffles at the sweet table.
DMaster: No truffles… probably by Cassie’s doing.
KIN: Chance come play a few hands of Sevens Up!
Chance: Smile, nod and head over, sit down.
DMaster: The table they are at is about as far back into the restaurant as you can be. Just then the King stands up and yells.
KIN: You old son of a bitch!
He walks around the table. You glance back and see him hugging a dwarf.
GRIM: Old? You are sneezing away from false teeth you old lug! (hugs him back) Hows the ale…?
KIN: Delicious as usual.
They walk up to the table.
Chance: Stand up and look his way. Bow to the King of Thoraxe.
DMaster: GRIM: Ahhh, thank you but please sit drink, enjoy, it is nice to meet you….
KIN: This is Chance.
GRIM: Oh, the one you told me about!
He smiles and nods.
Chance: Chan: M’lord, I hope you haven’t been telling stories about me.
Looking innocent.
DMaster: He chuckles.
JER: Of course I have.
GRIM: They are playing knucklebones?
JER: Yes in the back!
They walk off into the backroom that is getting louder and louder, then you hear a commotion behind you.
Chance: Turn and look.
DMaster: Birgetta, Erikka and Affinity are crashing the party, a few guards are protesting, but what can they really do?
Chance: Eyes get a bit wide seeing them. Oh shit, just what I need right now. Another shot and speech from Xavier because I looked at Affinity.
DMaster: BIR: I don’t see the naked women, they said there was going to be naked women.
AFF: Who said this… dammit, Birgetta this is such a bad idea…
Affinity is trying to grab her arm and pull her away, and Erikka is giggling.
Chance: turn my head back around remembering what Xavier said.
DMaster: Lattimore races out, skitters to a halt – eyes big. Turns and sticks his head back in the doorway.
LAT: Uhhhh Bro, your fiancé is here, you are going to be in trouble!
He laughs.
Chance: Sit back down, go back to my ale looking into the mug.
DMaster: Bozutto sticks his head out.
BOZ: What the hell?
He stumbles out of the room, he has a cigar in his hand, he gives it to a servant. Affinity waves her hand in front of him trying to clear the air.
AFF: You smell like a gin mill. A stinky smoky gin mill.
Chance: Smile, thinking, that’s what she smelled like when… fuck. never mind. Just quietly listening.
DMaster: A bunch of people pile out of the room, Affinity sighs and rolls her eyes. Every ones attention is focused at the Princess and Prince. After a minute or two you feel a small tug on your elbow.
Chance: Look to see who is tugging my elbow.
DMaster: Its Birgetta, Eyes huge and a looking shocked to see you. She hugs you fiercely.
Chance: Hug her back.
DMaster: She looks up, she has tears in her eyes.
BIR: I am so sorry Chance, this was all my fault.
Erikka has spotted you and blocks the line of sight of the Princess.
Chance: Shake my head.
Chan: Don’t be sorry, it is working itself out, it really is.
DMaster: She wipes her eyes and nose.
BIR: I don’t know what to say…
She hugs you again.
Chance: hug her back, look in her eyes.
CHA: Say nothing, just be there for Affinity… I mean the Princess.
DMaster: She lowers her head and walks back to the Princess. Of course the only person not paying attention to the spectacle of the Princess and Prince is Xavier. He is looking at you with an eyebrow raised.
Chance: Just keep my distance, hidden as best I can. Watch to see what happens. stay buried fairly deep so not to be noticed.
DMaster: The Prince and Princess are in the front area. Lots of laughing, they are barbing back and forth. It is actually pretty funny, they are very witty.
DMaster: BOZ: OK, well don’t wait up for me my dear.
She turns to leave.
BOZ: What no kiss goodbye?
Affinity turns to him and looks at him. He has a goofy drunk smile. She walks up, looks him in the eye, and grabs the back of his neck and plants one hell of a kiss on him. The room erupts, WOOOT woooo oohhh yeaaaahhh. She steps back, hand still around his neck, her brows a bit raised, smirk on her face. He looks stunned.
AFF: Was it good for you?
Everyone chuckles as she smiles. He is quiet, red faced staring at this beautiful blonde woman.
BOZ: Uhhh… wow. uhhhh.
She drops her hand off his neck, and he instantly grabs it. Affinity stops and looks at him. There is an awkward few moments. He takes his other hand, moves it up to her face, brings it to him. As he does this, she looks confused, even scared a little. He kisses her… a very sweet kiss. The place is quiet except for a few ohhhhhssss. She opens her eyes afterwards, smiles. He leans in, whispers something and she chuckles a little, smiles again. Affinity winks at him, turns and walks away. The three girls leave the restaurant.
Chance: Not going to lie, that hurt, seeing that. But I breathe a sigh of relief as they leave and I will go back to sipping my ale.
DMaster: Prince Lattimore has been bird dogging the front door for the last hour. You are not exactly sure why until 3 women come in the front door. The guards all watch them walk in and drool. The Prince’s eyes light up,
LAT: She’s here, she’s here!
He is all excited. Runs into the back room.
Chance: chuckle at the Prince and how excited he is.
DMaster: A gorgeous dark haired woman with blue eyes walks past you. She stops a moment, looks around, shrugs her shoulders and keeps walking. The two other women carry large sacks and a few boxes. They do not look like they are going to dance. They guide everyone into the back room. Some of the guys are clearing out a space in the middle of the room for the women. Lattimore grabs a chair and plops it in the center. Prince Bozutto is shaking his head, and wobbling.
Chance: Head to the back room as well, with ale in hand.
DMaster: Bozutto gets placed in the chair. The woman bows and looks at him.
WOM: Sorry M’Lord, I am late.
The room starts to laugh and she looks at everyone half perplexed, other half concerned.
BOZ: I am paying you double for being late.
Lattimore butts in.
LAT: His fiance crashed the party less than an hour ago.
Her eyes light up, she looks down and giggles.
Chance: Sip on my ale as I watch
DMaster: All the guys are ready. Prince Lattimore walks over and is standing next to you. His anticipation is pretty high.
LAT: She cost a lot of money, they says she is the best in Camerondale… maybe all the east.
DMaster: He has the puppy dog eyes looking at her.
LAT: She is sooo beautiful (he pauses and his eyes light up) I think I see a nipple.
He gets a big smile
Chance: Chan: M’lord you might wanna wipe the little bit of drool of your chin(chuckling)
Thinking he is going to see a whole lot more than a nipple in a second.
DMaster: He laughs. The two women sit in chairs, one pulls out a lute and is tuning it up. The other pulls two drums out of the large sacks they carried in. The dark haired woman walks over to them, talks in low tones and then they are ready. The two women start playing, it’s festive and they are pretty good. The dark haired woman begins to dance, and everyone is getting louder and louder.
Chance: tap my foot to the music as I keep watching.
DMaster: As she is dancing she starts peeling off her clothes. Amazing body, with perfect perky boobs. She has a tattoo on her leg, you can’t make out what it is. But something about it makes you stop. She eventually takes off her bottoms. The King is hooting and hollering, Plugr is embarrassed but loving it. The Prince is in a chair in the middle of the room, neck bending trying to keep an eye on the girl. The men are tossing coins into the middle of the floor, it looks to be like 100 gold there now.
Chance: I am still watching but out of the corner of my eye looking over to Prince Lattimore.
DMaster: Once she took off her clothes he got a little quiet and bright eyes. Like he can’t believe what he is seeing.
Chance: smirking as I see how he is reacting, grab a few gold, toss them into the middle.
DMaster: After a good 20 minutes of teasing the Prince, she starts working the room. More coins on the floor. She walks over to Lattimore and has a scarf and wrings it around his neck and gives him a little kiss on his cheek. She grabs his hand and rubs it up her body and across her boobs. He doesn’t know what to do. He opens his coin purse and dumps a bunch of coins on the floor. The entire room erupts in laughter and hoots.
DMaster: She slides over to you and backs herself into you and shakes her butt a little.
Chance: Throw a few more coins into the middle as she does this.
DMaster: she turns and looks at you, works you for a few seconds, brings her face up to yours, touches your cheek and you see YOUR eyes flicker with your blue fire for a brief second in reflection of HER eyes. Her eyes bulge and she stops.
Chance: I will remain as calm as I possibly can, my eyes get wide.
DMaster: She backs up stunned
LAT: Whoa… I don’t know if it’s this wine I am drinking but that was really cool, how did you get Chance to do that?
No one else seemed to notice, as you look around the room. She then makes her way to the center again and continues to dance, not taking her eyes off of you most of the time.
Chance: thinking to myself okay that was weird.
DMaster: After about an hour of dancing, it ends, Bozutto ends up with a pair of underwear around his neck, streamers all over him and ale drenching him. His douche friends laughed and made him drink more.
Chance: Still haven’t taken my eyes off her, following her with my eyes trying to get a better look at that tattoo.
DMaster: It has not gone unnoticed by Lattimore, he has noticed that too.
LAT: I think she fancies you Chance.
Chance: Shrug my shoulders.
Chan: maybe(smirking)
DMaster: The group moves in on Bozutto and laughing, hoot and hollering. Her ladies are picking up the coins.
Chance: Trying not to be obvious, just keeping my eyes on her.
not approaching her. As she was picking up her coins you see this designed into the tattoo on her leg.
DMaster: LAT: Do I need to get you a towel to wipe up YOUR drool Master Chance?
Laughs, The symbol is craftily put into the tattoo.
Chance: eyes get even wider seeing that, slowly work my way around the room, getting closer to her. Taking a deep breath as I watch her. Thinking to myself remembering what the Captain said if you see anything report it. But it’s a friggin tattoo… mind you with Finsters symbol integrated…
DMaster: She gets dressed, and her ladies finish picking up the coins. She looks around the room, spots you and walks directly for you.
Chance: looking at her as she walks directly for me.
DMaster: She grabs your hand and there is just a touch of electricity that connects. The room watched her walk purposefully towards you and grabbed your hand. Prince Lattimore starts laughing.
LAT: Chance is going to get some.
Pretty much everyone in the room is watching you two.
Chance: Oh this is grand, Chance hooks up with a stripper. shoot Lattimore a look and chuckle. Trying to play it cool.
DMaster: She walks you out of the backroom and drags you to a remote part of the restaurant. She puts her hands on your cheek and its like Khamyra but not nearly as strong and it doesn’t feel as good. You see her looking at you in serious question and she backs up.
WOM: Who the FUCK are you.
her eyes as wide as they could be.
Chance: Give her a semi-angry look back, frown.
Chan: Excuse you? My name is Chance, just who are you?
DMaster: She shakes her head like that means nothing to her. She looks down, shaking her head. Bozutto sticks his head out of the room.
BOZ: I warmed her up for you Chanshh, go get her!
He slurred his words a bit.
Chance: Give him a sarcastic thumbs up and an even more sarcastic smile.
Chan: thanks M’lord.
DMaster: She seems very annoyed with you.
WOM: We have to talk, now!
Chance: Chan: I agree.
DMaster: She grabs your hand and you two walk out of the Restaurant and to the side of the building.
WOM: Besides ‘chance’ who the hell are you.
Chance: While holding her hand, I draw a bit of power and look at her with my eyes.
DMaster: She backs up a half step, grabs your hand with both her hands, mouth agape.
WOM: Oh my… that was… (breathes out heavily).
Chance: Chan: Yes, I am his Champion.
Looking her dead in her eyes with mine flickering a bit.
DMaster: She cups her mouth and she backs up letting your hands go.
WOM: Oh my God, M’Lord
She gets on one knee.
Chance: I knew she was going to do that so grab her by the shoulders, lift her up.
Chan: get up please.
DMaster: She is up, you grabbed her and she is standing now.
WOM: Please forgive me for my tongue.
Chance: Chan: It’s fine, I am still figuring all this out. Do not call me M’Lord around other people, it draws attention. Just call me Chance.
Grab her hands again, because she is gorgeous.
Chan: So my dear, who are you? besides the entertainment.
looking at her.
DMaster: WOM: My name is Luella, I am a 4th ring Invoker.
She looks down at her slutty outfit and is somewhat embarrassed.
Chance: Chan: 4th ring… what now?
DMaster: She looks up at you somewhat surprised.
LUE: Invoker… 4th ring, its the lowest. I can barely summon a shadow moth.
She has both her hands holding your hand. She looks down, almost not wanting to look at you.
LUE:I do this dancing to make ends meet. Being an Invoker doesn’t pay much, hell it doesn’t pay at all.
Chance: Chan: no looking down, invoker.
Bring her chin up.
DMaster: She looks up, She is gorgeous, wicked gorgeous.
Chance: Chan: I am still just a man, well maybe a bit more than before, but just a man.
DMaster: She shakes her head.
LUE: You are the Champion, the Savior of Finster; Bringer of Magic.
She takes your hand and kisses it. In the corner of your eye you notice some guards eyeing you up.
Chance: Blush a bit.
Chan: Luella I suggest we go back inside.
DMaster: She nods and looks up to see the guards are already on you.
GUA: Ma’am are you ok?
Chance: Get their attention and hold my ring up.
DMaster: They stop when they see the ring.
GUA: My apologies sire, have a good night.
Chance: Chan: you too.
DMaster: Luella looks at you and smiles.
LUE: Even a Black Ward member, holy shit.
Chance: Nod my head.
Chan: being part of the ward has it’s perks.
DMaster: You two head back into the restaurant. The King was heading out of the room and saw you two walking holding hands. He gets this big smile, and a proud look on his face.
Chance: Let go of her hands.
Chan: too many eyes on us
DMaster: LUE: Sorry M’Lord
Chance: Chan: Luella, call me Chance
DMaster: LUE: Yes M’Lord… oh, damn, Yes Chance.
Chance: Shaking my head and smile as I see the King. Nod in his direction.
DMaster: He has this dopy look on his face and smiles real big.
Chance: Guide her to her ladies waiting for her by the bar in the front.
Chan: Luella I must say that was certainly entertaining, good job tonight.
DMaster: You can still hear the party going in the backroom.
She nods and walks over to her ladies. She looks at them and smiles. They look at you and back to her, perplexed.
LUE: I will tell you later (speaking at her women)
Plugr is walking past you.
PLUG: Oh Chance… oh…
He smiles and looks at you and Luella.
Chance: Sigh a bit.
Chan: hey Plugr.
DMaster: PLUG: I’m heading out, just wanted to say…
He looks at Luella.
PLUG: You were fantastic.
She smiles.
LUE: Thank you, she nods.
Chance: Chan: I agree, was just thanking her.
DMaster: PLUG: Take it easy on this guy, he is a bit fragile.
Luella chokes a bit on that statement, Plugr laughs and you exchange handshakes. He heads out the door.
Chance: and get close to Luella.
Chan: That is an interesting Tattoo you have.
Whispering in her ear and smiling.
DMaster: She looks up to you with these baby blue eyes and smiles.
With way too much speed the Prince staggers out of the back room and is heading to the door, of course he sees you. You turn around to meet his stumbling and you kind of catch him.
BOZ: Ohhhh Chanshhh!
His friends are with him. They are all laughing, giggling and seeing that you two are practically on top of each other. Luella beckons her women and the three start to leave the restaurant.
BOZ: don’t let me shhtop you, go get some pushy.
They are laughing.
His friends: “I think he just said pushy.”
he is stumbling around.
Chance: Make sure he is upright.
Chan: it’s quite alright M’lord I have Ara for that. I want to thank you for inviting me.
DMaster: He tries to put his hand on your shoulder and misses a few times, you are pretty tall. Eventually he makes it.
BOZ: Off coursshh.
The King and King Grimeye are walking by, They are laughing and they seem a bit tipsy. More guards are at the door. ready to escort them back. Most people are leaving, its around high moon.
Chance: Chan: I do need to get going though M’lord.
DMaster: He nods.
BOZ: She smelled like lilac and gooseberries… wonder what she smells like during sex. His friends are laughing and stumbling around, they look at him after that comment and then bust out laughing. They head out the door, you see guards around them as they leave. Prince Lattimore smiles and waves to you. Just before he leaves he grabs a chocolate muffin and stuffs it in his mouth.
Chance: Smile and wave back. Leave the restaurant, and walk to the compound. Go inside and see if anyone is there.
DMaster: You do see a light on in the lab and head in. Bastian is face down in a book, snoring.
Chance: Chan: Bastian wake up.
tapping my foot.
DMaster: BAS: Blue flies in my green soup!
He looks up shakes his head.
Chance: chuckle as he says that.
Chan: I was told to report anything if I saw it, since you are here.
letting him wake up.
DMaster: He wipes his chin and stands up and stretches.
BAS: This is never good news at what time is it?
You tell him of the events of the night, how Luella made your eyes flicker. The tattoo and the connection. He grills you about the party, asking about how the stripper looked and smelled.
Chance: Chan: she was an invoker of the 4th ring.
DMaster: He put his head in his hands, shaking his head then he looks up.
BAS: Oh… a hot invoker? Did she invoke something on you perhaps?
Chance: Stop for a second and smirk.
Chan: Intersting thought but… Bastian focus please.
DMaster: BAS: How did you know, she just waltzed up to you and said, oh I’m hot, sexy and an invoker? Bet she smelled nice huh?
Chance: Chan: She made my eyes flicker. It was weird and kind of scary.
DMaster: BAS: oh she must have touched you… Goddammit, really, getting mauled by hot chicks… son of a bitch (he goes on) Yeah anyone with the mark on them can sense you… depending on how devoted they are. Someone who gets a tattoo of the symbol for vanity reasons probably wouldn’t know you from an ox down the road. An Invoker was created Era’s ago, but Finster must be picking up the mantle. Thus the reason why you went wonky eyes.
He looks at you with a serious tone.
BAS: Not like the mage, be careful with her, if she touches you.. it could overpower you. I am not sure you are ready for her touch.
Chance: Look to the side and then down, chuckle a little.
Chan: She is a Warlock Bastian, a Warlock… So anyone with the mark you say?
Changing the subject.
DMaster: BAS: Yes. Tattooed or branded, his symbol, you know.
Chance: go on to explain to him what happened at the Inn with the Royal as she stopped and looked at me.
DMaster: BAS: REAALLLY…. she must of had the mark, well well… interesting.
Chance: Chan: well I figured since we were told to report anything I better do it.
DMaster: He nods, staring at you… sighs.
BAS: To live a day in your life. Hot chicks, magic and more power than you know what to do with.
Chance: Chan: I thought you liked McKenna.
looking at him intently.
DMaster: BAS: Oh I do, I’m no fool, that is just a dream. but I can have more than one dream (chuckles).
Chance: Chan: have a good night Bastian.
DMaster: he nods and he leans back and looks like he is ready to fall asleep again. You go to your office, grab what you need and head to the “shale.” You make it home safe and its about 1:00am.
Chance: get in, head to bed.
Thuralay (Thursday) 7am
DMaster: you wake up to yelling.
CRY: My feet hurt and my ass smells, that means you need to get out of bed! its 7am!
Chance: Quietly say WTF to myself. What is this dudes damage! Chuckle as I get up and get ready. head down stairs, stretching as I walk down.
DMaster: OK You get ready for the day. You hear noise from below. Novalee is sitting at the table, drinking tea and reading a book.
Chance: Chan: Morning.
DMaster: She looks up, stands up bows.
NOV: M’Lord I can make you some food or tea.
there is a kettle that looks like its still hot.
Chance: Nod and smile.
Chan: some tea would be nice, and stop bowing to me ok?
DMaster: You rummage through a chest looking for a belt and find the leather pouch with 15 PP. You notice a few more things in the house, a thin table against the wall with things on it. a string with herbs hanging from it. She hands you the tea and sits down.
Chance: Chan: I really do need to get a bed (chuckling) Novalee I need you to get a few things for the house.
DMaster: She looks up and smiles.
NOV: Alright.
Chance: Throw her the bag.
Chan: I need some more furniture. Perhaps a bed would be nice, a real nice one, big with fluffy blankets. One that doesn’t creek (laugh) and make sure you get yourself one too.
DMaster: Her eyes light up a bit. She smiles.
NOV: So it’s ok that I am staying here?
Chance: Smile and nod.
Chan: Absolutely, I would hope you would want to stay.
sipping on my tea.
DMaster: She smiles and nods agreeably.
NOV: Thank you M’Lord, thank you.
you drink some of it and it’s getting late.
Chance: Chan: I better go before I am late.
Leave and head to the city.
DMaster: Your travel is uneventful, the weather is decent, a bit cool but otherwise nice.
Chance: head into the compound.
DMaster: The main area is the same as it was before. A big group, Harlow on a chair.
Chance: Cross my arms, listen in.
DMaster: HAR: Good job yesterday, we were even complimented on our efficiency. Only a few people left coming in, one royalty. (she looks at Killian and Valentine) Get with your leaders for your assignments.
HAR: Oh, Chance, report to my office.
The room all looks around and sees you, staring at you.
Braylen from across the room sees you and smiles then gives you a look like “ohhh you’re in trouble”.
Chance: Give two sarcastic thumbs up. Shaking my head and smile at him. Head to the Captain’s office.
DMaster: You go in, she is sitting down.
HAR: Close the door.
Chance: and put my hands behind me.
DMaster: HAR: whatever you are assigned, keep an eye out for a runner.
HAR: King Tazziar Tristina & Queen Alannya Tristina are coming in today, I don’t want you around them.
Chance: Chan: yes Captain.
giving her a look as to why.
DMaster: She takes a deep breath. She is struggling a bit.
HAR: I can’t believe in this day and age, I have to say this but… They hunt your kind.
She frowns a bit looking up to you.
HAR: The King rumored has put an end to it since he took over, but I am not so sure about the Queen, she is a piece of work.
Chance: Nod my head, even though I am still confused. They must not like Finster, I guess that’s not unusual.
Chan: I will keep my distance.
DMaster: HAR: Just try to avoid them, I cant imagine you will be in contact with them much. Keep your hood up if you are unsure.
DM: Todd didn’t remember their history or killing “half breeds, i.e. half augustian elves”, he thinks it has to do with Finster.
Chance: Chan: yes Captain.
DMaster: HAR: Ok, get with Braylen, good luck today.
she starts to shift papers and organizing.
Chance: Nod and walk out wondering what the hell. Go get my assignment.
DMaster: Braylen is waiting for you, hands you a paper.
Chance: Nod and look at the paper.
DMaster: BRAY: Damn, we are sweeping the south eastern area? Odd, this is an area that should be swept by guards, I know we used to have to do it.
Chance: Chan: well that is fine with me (smiling) let’s get geared up.
DMaster: Braylen isn’t paying attention to you. He didn’t hear you.
Chance: looking at Braylen.
DMaster: BRA: Hey Mina, looking good today
ARA: She looks good everyday Braylen, it would be better if you understood that…
Mina nudges Ara. Ara walks over to you and kisses you.
Chance: kiss her back, grab her hand and give her a little hug.
Chan: Morning beautiful.
DMaster: Ara grabs your hand back and leans into you. Mina blushes and she nods. Ara looks up in somewhat surprise.
ARA: You look bright and alert, no drunken brawls then?
Mina looks over to you.
MIN: Oh yeah, did you make any money with coins for clothes?
Ara and Mina giggle. Braylen looks at you with a raised eyebrow.
Chance: Chan: No, I do not think the Prince would want sausage flung in his face during his stag.
Squeeze her shoulder a bit
DMaster: All three of them laugh out loud.
BRA: Why would Chance take off his clothes at a bachelor party, do I want to know?
MIN: Long story… one we could tell over… dinner or something.
Chance: Chan: There was plenty of entertainment there (smirking)
DMaster: ARA: Oh yeah what kind of entertainment?
Mina is nudging Ara.
ARA: Oh yeah… what do you think of a double date?
Mina slaps her forehead.
MIN: Real subtle…
Chance: Chan: umm how about no(chuckling)
DMaster: All three look at you, somewhat stunned at the answer.
ARA: Oh, I meant maybe we can just get something to eat and drink and stuff.
Chance: Chan: Let’s talk about it later.
DMaster: Mina and Braylen exchange glances. Mina looks at you disappointed
Chance: Chan: I need to get some work done before the Captain has our heads.
DMaster: Braylen shakes his head.
BRAY: No she doesn’t… we are just sweeping the southern area, which is useless but whatever.
He looks at Mina.
BRAY: Yeah I’m up for it, maybe Sunday when this crazy week is over.
Chance: shoot him a look, look at Ara and give her a hug.
DMaster: She is looking at you weird, but hugs you back.
ARA: What is up your ass?
Braylen smiles at Mina and the two of them start to chat.
Chance: Chan: I should gear up Ara, you wanna help me?
giving her puppy dog eyes
DMaster: She grabs your hand and leads you down the stairs.
You hear Braylen say to Mina, “I hope gear up is not what I think it means” she giggles and he says “It shouldn’t take long then.”
He was already in gear. You get there and you start to get dressed.
ARA: So who was at the party?
Chance: Tell her all who was there.
Chan: and of course he had a dancer
DMaster: Her eyes light up.
ARA: Oh really??
Chance: Chan: should have seen poor Prince Lattimore.
DMaster: as she is snapping on some straps, pulls one real tighter.
ARA: No private dances I hope
With a playful tone.
Chance: Chan: ouch hey I did nothing bad, no private dances (look down at her) Remind me not to make you mad when you are helping me(chuckle).
DMaster: she laughs, you are ready. She puts you down in a chair, sits on your lap.
ARA: I know I aint gonna see you for a while.
and she starts kissing you.
Chance: kiss her back, and let my fingers run through her hair.
DMaster: She shudders a bit… after a minute or two.
she gets up, Ill leave you be for a few minutes. She bursts out laughing because you were poking her. She walks out the room.
Chance: chuckle as I notice, Calm myself down and head out of my office. Pull my hood up as I walk out of my office.
DMaster: Braylen is talking with Mina, he makes her laugh. Ara is there rolling her eyes.
Chance: Chan: come on Braylen.
DMaster: They two of them exchange glances and you head out with Braylen.
Behind The Scenes
Affinity finishes off her chores for the day, making her bed, putting away her clothes. She never wants to be that complacent with her life. ‘I wonder if that drunk slog is awake yet’ she thinks, glancing out the window, ‘it’s got to be high sun by now.’
She makes her way down the hallway and knocks on his door. A muffled, “not so loud!” comes from inside the room.
Affinity sticks her head in and chuckles. “Late night Prince?” she says with a snarky undertone. The Prince is sitting on the edge of his bed holding his head. “I… I don’t know. It was dark out” he says, then chuckles realizing how dumb that sounded.
“The King and Queen of Augustia will be here soon, I am sure” She says as she walks into the room and closes the door, “I am not sure they would like to see the future King look so, I don’t know… still drunk?” Affinity makes her way next to him and sits down on the bed. “You are still drunk right?”
He laughs a bit, “I think so, damn that Dwarven ale, it was sooo good.”
Affinity smirks a bit, haviong flash backs of her drunken party, “How many shots did you have?”
The Prince looks up and then over to her “No shots, didn’t even have any spirits, we just drank Ale the whole time,” rubs his head, “That is why I think I’ll be able to manage tonight.”
Affinity puts her hands at her side, leans forward “That is good thinking, wish I thought of that for mine” she says with a groan afterwards. “So did the… ummmm… entertainment show up?” She says hoping to get a straight answer.
“Yes, Latty was so excited… well not that way…” pauses a moment and a look of disgust washes over his face, “OK, not thinking about THAT again.”
Shrugs that thought out of his head and the Prince continues, “She was good, real good, and brought her own music.”
“Behave yourself?” Affinity says in a playful tone, not to resist the barb.
“Yeah, of course, just some gyrations and booty wiggles” he says chuckling, “Can’t say the same for Chance though.”
The name rips through Affinity like someone stuck a sword through her heart. Her eyes get big and she takes a deep breath. “oh… oh? Chance was there? I didn’t see him when we showed up,” she stammers a bit try to get her shock under control.
“Yeah, I figured why not, plus he is Black Ward, it was nice to have him there in case anything happened, plus I have plans for that big lug.” The Prince says.
He then stands up and stretches, walks over and opens the shutter. Light shines in and he is temporarily blinded. “Uggg that was a bad idea.”
Affinity’s mind was racing, how can she ask him without raising suspicions? He doesn’t have a clue to what happened, so it wouldn’t be suspicious right? Why do I care, I CAN’T care anymore. She is frustrated but blurts out “Chance wasn’t behaving himself, doesn’t sound like him.”
Bozutto walks over to his dresser, pours himself some water, “Luella I think was her name, it was a bit fuzzy, she got dressed and went straight for him. Grabbed his hand and they left the back room” he looks behind him at Affinity who is staring at the ground trying to get herself under control. “Want some water?” He asks politely.
She shakes her head. Then realizing she is being rude, “No Thank you” and smiles. ‘Left the back room, but to where, and why didn’t I see him there… ugggg’ She looks at him “So he was gone for the rest of the night then huh?” She asks in an uninterested tone.
“No, I saw him in the front with her, they were all over each other… I was leaving and it looks like they were just getting started” he laughs a little under his breath. “But anyways, we need to discuss what happened last night.”
Affinity stands up and smooths her dress out. Nodding and blushing slightly, knowing this was probably going to come up. “I know, Birgetta does not have the best ideas and for some reason I just end up tagging along and…”
The Prince walks over to her and grabs both her hands. “No no, That was actually really cute.” He says in response.
It was such a shock with his hands she even jumps a little. “Prince?” She says looking at him.
Boz is looking at her like he never has before, and she is confused. “We need to talk about that kiss… wow.”
She playfully rolls her eyes a bit, blushes and smiles…
DMaster: Nothing for the sweep for the first 4 hours. A runner comes up to you.
RUN: Ring?
Chance: show the runner my ring
DMaster: Braylen stops and looks.
RUN: Harlow said you know what to do for the next hour.
He runs away. Braylen rolls his eyes.
BRAY: What now?
Chance: Chan: time to make ourselves scarce.
DMaster: Shakes his head.
BRAY: I swear man.
Chance: Shrug my shoulders.
Chan: never dull with me around.
DMaster: You find a spot and just sit, an hour goes by, Braylen is getting ansy.
BRAY: I can’t even guess why we just wasted a fucking hour sitting on our asses.
He is frustrated.
BRA: Its past high sun, lets get some grub.
Braylen is moving out already.
BRAY: Im hungry.
Chance: Get up and walk with Braylen.
Chan: wait up
DMaster: He is heading back to the Inn.
Chance: quietly looking around as we are moving just in case I see more royals.
DMaster: He glances over to you.
BRAY: Your acting real weird man, more weirder than usual.
Chance: Chan: long story, something I don’t wanna talk about.
DMaster: He shakes his head.
BRAY: Shocker.
You get to the Inn next to the Castle.
BRAY: I’m starved.
Chance: still quietly looking up from under my hood looking around.
DMaster: You see a few agents, a rich merchant and nothing more.
Chance: Chan: let’s get some food and get back to work.
DMaster: BRAY: Yes sir.
he gives a mock salute, he starts to eat
Chance: eating as well, with my hood still up as I keep an eye out. Maybe they can sense the Champion in me, is that why Harlow said that?
DMaster: you are done. You have to wait for Braylen who is stuffing sweet bread in his hole. Some people are walking around the front lawn of the Inn. You see the Primary and his daughter Rivka. They are talking with some rich merchant
Chance: quietly look over before heading back the way we came.
DMaster: Not so fast, Rivka excuses herself as she spotted you and moves to intercept. Braylen stops when he sees you looking.
BRAY: (under his breath) you got to be kidding me…
Chance: seeing her I bow.
DMaster: Braylen bows as well and steps a few steps back. Rivka nods.
RIV: Can you excuse us?
She grabs your hand and you walk to a more private part of the lawn. There was no electricity in the touch.
Chance: Chan: M’lady.
DMaster: You two move to an open area of the lawn, its pretty big. She is just looking at you, holding your hand.
RIV: What is it about you? There is something… you have to feel it too.
Chance: Slowly shake my head.
Chan: I ummm feel me M’lady?
DMaster: She is looking you over.
RIV: Its like an Aura, I can feel it.
Chance: Chan: I am not quite sure what to say M’lady?
Keeping my eyes peeled for the King and Queen of Augustia.
DMaster: She lets go of your hand.
RIV: There is something about you.
She seems almost embarrassed now.
ORIO: Rivka, is everything ok?
RIV: Yes father, I just thought I knew this man..
ORIO: Yes, you have been holding his hand for like 5 minutes
He chuckles.
Chance: Chan: M’Lord, let me introduce myself. I am Chance Axion. I apologize if I kept your daughter too long.
DMaster: She looks down, looking even more embarrassed.
Chance: Chan: a simple misunderstanding M’lord, but I am glad I was able to meet the both of you.
Bow a bit in respect.
DMaster: ORIO: What a wonderful sentiment. Too bad he is rude enough to speak from a drawn hood.
RIV: Father…
Chance: Dammit I think to myself. Lower my hood.
DMaster: Orio looks at you. His eyes grow big.
ORIO: ooohhhh. OK.
He frowns a bit.
Chance: Chan: Sorry M’lord
DMaster: He shakes his head.
ORIO: No I offer my apologies, you can put your hood back up.
RIV: Father?
Rivka looks perplexed.
Chance: pull my hood back up
DMaster: ORIO: Queen Alannya.
Rivka gets it and her eyes get big.
RIV: Oh dear.
SHe looks back at you.
RIV: I would like to talk with you again please.
ORIO: Honey he has things to do…
Chance: Chan: I am of the Black Ward, just send a messenger to the compound and I will be at your beckon call M’Lady.
DMaster: She smiles and nods. Stops looks you over again and they both walk off.
Chance: (smiling) from under the hood, bow again.
Chan: okay Braylen now that we have had today’s fill of weird let’s get back to work.
DMaster: Braylen is standing picking his teeth
He shakes his head… has a blank look on his face looking past you, points.
Chance: look back from under my hood.
DMaster: Britney is high tailing over to you.
BRI: I thought that was you.
Braylen looks at her and gives her a sexy smirk.
BRA: Hi Britney.
she smiles at him and nods, has a double take thinking he is flirting with her, and then looks back at you.
Chance: Chan: Hey Britney.
DMaster: BRI: I haven’t seen you all week… where the hell have you been?
She grabs your hand
Chance: Chan: long story.
holding her hand
DMaster: Braylen shakes his head slowly and sighs.
Chance: Glance over to Braylen.
Chan: not a word Braylen…
Look back at Britney.
Chan: I don’t live in the City.
DMaster: She looks at you oddly.
BRI: I know your room has been empty for like a week, but out of the City?
Chance: Chan: I moved to Greyshale, like I said a long story.
DMaster: She looks completely confused.
Chance: pull her close and give her a hug.
DMaster: She hugs you back.
BRI: When can I see you, I am only in for a few more days.
BRAY: Only a few days Chance.
Britney gives him a look over your shoulder and giggles.
Chance: Chan: not sure.
and then kiss her cheek.
Chan: I really should get back to work.
DMaster: BRI: Ok, but lets get together soon.
BRAY: Soon Chance.
Britney shoots him a look and laughs.
Chance: Chan: Braylen enough.
shooting him a look
DMaster: He shakes his head defiantly.
BRAY: I think it should be very soon…
Britney blushes a bit and walks off.
BRAY: Damn, you lucky son of a bitch…
Chance: Stop and look at him, get up in his face a bit.
Chan: Can you please not comment on my conversations?
shaking my head.
DMaster: He sees you are not the happiest, nods and starts walking.
you two make it to the area again and you sweep it includes the docks.
After about 3 hours, it’s about 4-ish, you are resting, getting a drink of water. you are at the docks, its busy.
Chance: keep my hood up and keeping eyes sharp.
DMaster: BRAY: Whoa… she’s a hottie
You see someone you haven’t seen in a long time. She is standing off a big ship, monks around her. She glances over to you. She gets this big smile.
Chance: looking to see who it is
Chan: Braylen she is a Priestess show her some respect
DMaster: BRAY: I’ll show her something.
she starts to walk over. Braylen stops and he rolls his eyes.
BRAY: You have GOT to be kidding me…
SAU: Chance!
She walks up and gives you a hug.
Chance: Give her a small hug.
DMaster: She smiles, looks you over.
SAU: Got a second? I actually wanted to talk with you.
BRAY: Yeah, no problem, Ill be over here picking my ass.
Chance: Shake my head a little glancing back over at Braylen.
Chan: Of course I do, for you I have 2 seconds. How are you, Saundra?
DMaster: SAU: Tired, I got the call from Animax 5 days ago and I have been on the run ever since
Chance: Look at her confused
Chan: what do you mean?
DMaster: She looks at you blankly.
SAU: Chance, you know why…
Chance: Clench my jaw, looking down.
DMaster: She grabs your chin and lifts it.
SAU: Oh no, none of that
She has a soft warm look about her as she stares into your eyes. She seems kind of surprised though, as she grabs your hands.
Chance: Smile back at her.
DMaster: SAU: I don’t feel anything, I don’t sense anything… odd.
Chance: Nod and smile.
Chan: I have a way of suppressing it. No need to scare the good folks of Camerondale, my bodily functions do enough of that.
DMaster: SAU: Oh Chance (she laughs) I missed you. I have been briefed on everything. I know that you are banned from the Temples, and the like, but I wanted to have a long conversation about everything…
Chance: Chan: well I would like that Saundra, I am still trying to figure everything out and why I was chosen and all
DMaster: SAU: Even though I can’t feel him, I can still feel the soul of a warrior and the heart of a lion, that doesnt change in my eyes.
It hits you and you tear up a little.
Chance: Chan: Thank you Priestess. Anything I can do for you…
Wipe my eyes
DMaster: She smiles and grabs your hand.
SAU: If you need anything, just let me know.
She shivers.
SAU: Is it always so cold here?
Its mid 60s, and you feel good.
Chance: Chan: It will take a while, but you will get used to the weather here.
giving her an even bigger hug.
DMaster: She hugs you back, she takes off with her monks heading for the temple.
BRAY: You done now? Maybe there will be an emperor you forgot you knew down the road, or maybe a dragon you want to pet on the head.
Chance: Shake my head at him.
Chan: You… are getting on my last nerve.
DMaster: a runner comes up to you both.
RUN: Rings?
Chance: show the runner my ring.
DMaster: Braylen does the same.
RUN: 1 Harlow compound blue , Understand?
Braylen nods
Chance: nod my head as well.
DMaster: BRAY: I have no idea what the hell that means.
Chance: Chan: come on Braylen let’s get back to the compound, means we need to go see the Captain. you better start reading them books Braylen.
DMaster: You two make it through the city, Harlow is actually outside the compound with a few agents.
Chance: head over to the Captain.
DMaster: She spots you both.
HAR: Chance Braylen, take over Inn duties, keep it secure.
Chance: Chan: yes Captain
DMaster: HAR: We had an incident outside the gates, its being handled, but we are down two agents, now get.
Braylen nods
DMaster: Its busy, People going in and out, guards here and there.
BRAY: Damn, its busy.
Thanos walks over to you both.
Chance: Chan: well its gonna be.
DMaster: THA: Chance, keep guard here, I have to get to the gates.
He goes running off
Chance: Get into position, make sure my hood is up.
DMaster: BRAY: Damn, we were stuck in the damn slums, then we got stuck looking at rich fuckers and we missed everything… oh wait I got to see you make googly eyes at chicks and hugs from Priestesses weeeeee.
Chance: Stare at him. Shake my head.
Chan: sorry today wasn’t a bowl of cherries for you, hopefully you will manage to continue breathing despite it all.
DMaster: He glares at you for a moment, then gets in his position. The tension between you two is getting high. You see some Augustian high guards walk out and wait. The ones you needed to avoid, right in front of you. The King and Queen are walking out.
Chance: Stay calm. Keep my hood up as I watch. Hopefully they can’t sense me. Stay quiet.
DMaster: They walk on by, they head into the castle.
Chance: Take a deep breath and let it out.
DMaster: Its about 6, beautiful weather a few puffy clouds.
BRAY: Must be dinner time (quietly)
Chance: Chan: it must be(quietly).
DMaster: A few more minutes go by. Out walks King Grimeye and Queen Viola. They walk pretty much alone, they are holding hands smiling. The Camerondale guards follow.
BRAY: I never knew a dwarf could look so hot (quietly).
they are over at the castle, She did look incredible.
Chance: Shake my head and keep looking forward.
DMaster: Eventually Primary Orio and Rivka make their way out and of course rivka spots you and stares you down.
Chance: bow as they make their way out.
DMaster: Braylen shakes his head
Chance: smirking under my hood.
DMaster: Then a mass of Onyx Elf guards pour out the inn, somewhat unorganized. like 8 of them. Braylen puts his hand to his weapon, it is a little chaotic. Looking at them and he shrugs his shoulders.
Chance: Do the same, look over the crowd.
DMaster: Some guards are trying to get them in order but its no use. It doesn’t appear that there is any danger. You see the High Regent Celinia Kirzoruth. You both bow as she passes but its a wonder she sees anything, so many guards and chaos.
DMaster: An hour goes by and you see some 5 stars stop in.
GUA: You are relieved, they said go back to the compound.
Chance: Nod to them.
Chan: thank you.
DMaster: He is already moving ahead of you. Mumbling something about being hungry. its 7-730ish
Chance: Make my own pace, hoping I can go home after this.
DMaster: You get there and it is still really busy. Valentine is against the far wall talking with a few inside agents. She spots you two and waves you over.
VAL: Report to the northern gates you two.
BRA: Damn Chance, I was rooting for you, only a few more days…
Chance: Thats it… Grab Braylen by the shoulders and slam him into the wall.
Chan: I’ve had enough of your shit! You will shut your hole or I will…
DMaster: A chair goes flying across the room from you slamming him against the wall. He lets out a OOOFFFF as you speak at him through your teeth. You don’t finish the sentence as Valentines hand is placed on your arm. Everyone in the room is startled and look up and all stand up and looks over to you two, Valentine grabs your arm
VAL: Chance. Put Braylen down. Take a deep breath.
Braylen was taken by surprise and is looking at you completely shocked.
BRA: Chance, come on man…
Chance: Drop him off the wall.
DMaster: VAL: Braylen, if there is anyone in Black Ward that you don’t want to piss off, believe me, it’s Chance.
She is staring the new recruit down.
VAL: Braylen, gates, now.
Braylen gives you one last look, smooths his clothes off and heads out. The floor gets back to normal.
Chance: pull my hood back, try and calm down.
DMaster: Valentine is looking you over.
VAL: I heard you ran the security for the Prince last night.
Chance: Nod to her.
DMaster: VAL: No wonder you are edgy. You practically worked a double. You are done for the day, you seem a bit… tense anyways.
She pats your shoulder.
VAL: Get a good sleep and be back at 8.
Chance: Chan: Thank you and sorry about…
DMaster: She interrupts you.
VAL: No worries Chance, now get.
Chance: quietly head to my office and get out of my gear, calming myself down.
DMaster: You are ungeared.
Chance: and head out of the compound and quickly make my way towards home
DMaster: ok you get to the north gate and there is a heavy guard presence, you see Killian and Elijah, Braylen is talking with some guards farther out
Chance: quietly walking unless stopped.
DMaster: you get home, a decent sunset, lights on in the house. You walk in and instantly smell food. There is a couch and a chair in the opening area, with a rug. More lanterns. A bigger table with 6 chairs, a bunch of cupboards.
Chance: Smile at all the new additions.
Chan: something smells really good
DMaster: Novalee sticks her head out behind the stairs.
NOV: Oh M’Lord, Welcome home.
Chance: Put my sword against the wall, look around
Chan: evening Novalee
DMaster: Khamyra comes in from the back.
Chance: Chan: and just where did you get off to yesterday Khamyra.
DMaster: KHA: Where did I get off to? I have other commitments than your raggedy ass.
Playfully smirks, slapping her thigh a bit.
Chance: walk over to Khamyra and do something she wouldn’t expect.
give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek
DMaster: electricity, feels awesome. She barely hugged back, probably because she was shocked. Khamyra is standing rigid looking at you
Chance: smirk at her.
DMaster: She looks around and then back at you.
KHA: What did you do to Chance?
Novalee giggles as she is setting the table.
Chance: Walk a little past her and while she is not expecting it give her a whack on her ass
DMaster: KHA: OUCH! Hey now!
She tackles you into the couch.
NOV: You kids.
she says in a meek voice shaking her head.
Chance: bust out laughing.
DMaster: She lands on top of you straddling you, you are back first into the couch, it’s a nice damn couch too. She is looking at you with inquiring eyes.
KHA: What’s gotten into you?
Chance: resting my hands on Khamyra’s hips.
Chan: oh nothing (winks) I mean unless you don’t like the “new” Chance.
DMaster: She is shaking her head a bit.
KHA: I don’t know.
her hands make there way up your chest, to your neck where it starts to connect and then down your arms, it feels incredible.
Chance: pull her close to me, so her eyes line up with mine.
DMaster: Again, taken by surprise, she looks at you and leans in just enough that your lips just touch a little and it was a this electric .connection, makes your lips feel weird.
Chance: smile as our lips touch as my hands trace up her back.
Chan: come on let’s eat I have alot to tell you Khamyra.
DMaster: She pulls up, looking shocked and stunned. She is breathing heavily. She unmounts you.
KHA: I will be right back, I gotta get some cold water.
she walks out the back door.
Chance: chuckle to myself, sit up on the couch, look the couch over, impressive.
DMaster: Novalee is putting some meat, tato’s and some greens on plates. You get up, walk over to the table. There is a nice candelabra on the table. You see a painting on the wall too.
it’s a sunset with fireflies.
Chance: Stop dead in my tracks. That painting… holy shit.
Chan: did you do all this Novalee?
DMaster: She nods.
NOV: Yes M’Lord, I had some of the men I bought it from help, they moved it in
Chance: Chan: very good (smiling) it feels more like home now, great job.
DMaster: She smiles real big, she sits down, after putting a pitcher of ale on the table.
NOV: Thank you m’lord.
Khamyra makes her way back into the house, water beads still on her face.
KHA: You…
she smiles and shakes her head.
Chance: bust out laughing.
DMaster: She sits at the table.
KHA: SO what is it you wanted to tell me?
Chance: Chan: oh so at the Prince’s bachelor party I met an Invoker of the 4th ring, she was the entertainment… if you know what I mean.
DMaster: She is eating and looks up at you.
KHA: Oh? (She thinks for a moment) Black hair, blue eyes gorgeous?
Chance: Nod as I eat the meal.
DMaster: It tastes great, another great meal from Novalee.
KHA: (giggles) Thats my Lue Lue. Yeah shes a good bean, has fended off the Thorngate recruitment for years. Hot as hell to boot. Did she sense you or something?
Novalee is eating.
Chance: Chan: well Luella kind of was bumping up against me dancing, doing her thing, she touched me and my eyes flickered from her touch. She kind of freaked.
Keep eating, drink some ale.
Chan: and then we have Rivka and her father.
DMaster: She looks at you.
KHA: Rivka… why do I know that name.
NOV: Ravalana Clan Primary and her daughter.
Khynna takes a bite, nods.
Chance: Chan: said something about being able to see my aura or something like that.
DMaster: Khamyra shakes her head, she takes a sip of ale.
Chance: Chan: and then we have the Priestess Saundra, who I know from growing up on the Isle… I don’t think I’ll be hunted down by her.
Take a bite, wipe my mouth.
Chan: then you Have King Tazziar Tristina and Queen Alannya Tristina who hunt our kind.
DMaster: She stops eating and looks at you.
KHA: Our kind? They are the Augustian leaders.
Chance: Chan: they are in the City as well Captain told me to avoid them at all cost, think it has to do with the whole Finster thing.
DMaster: She chuckles.
KHA: You wish, it has nothing to do with that Chance. You have unpure blood, a half breed… a quarter breed.
Chance: Stop eating, clench my jaw.
Chan: Really? Are you serious?
DMaster: She nods
Chance: Chan: I was looking over my damn shoulder all day, now I wish I had met them.
DMaster: Khamyra vehemently shakes her head.
KHA: No, you do not poke a sleeping bear Chance, Champion or not. That would cause a lot of turmoil.
NOV: They slaughtered a village of hundreds a decade back from what I heard. Just because they were unpure… even the sympathizers got the knife.
Novalee downs the rest of her ale. Finish the meal, it was good.
NOV: Oh M’Lord someone dropped these off to you.
She walks over to a hanging bag and a long box, with a card attached.
Khamyra is clearing the table.
Chance: look it over.
DMaster: She opens the bag and it is a royal looking outfit.
Chance: look the card over, and open it up.
DMaster: “Invitation to the wedding of Prince Bozutto Roche and Princess Affinity Arqulone” Signed by Prince Bozutto. “Find a servant in the entrance and hand him this card”
KHA: What is it?
Chance: Chan: oh just grand, Guess I am going to the wedding.
DMaster: KHA: What’s in the box?
Chance: Chan: let’s find out
open the box
DMaster: It is an ornately crafted and decorated sword. Does not look to be a battle ready sword, only ceremonial.
Chance: take it out of the box.
DMaster: Khamyra walks over and brushes her hand across your ass.
KHA: Whoaaaaa.
Even Novalee’s eyes are big.
KHA: That has to cost a fortune.
Chance: smile as her hand brushes my ass.
Chan: well it’s not like they are hurting for money
DMaster: KHA: Why would they send you an outfit and a… sword?
She looks perplexed
Chance: Chan: My good looks? Yes (nod my head) My dashing good looks.
looking to see if there is more to do with the invitation.
DMaster: Khamyra rolls her eyes.
NOV: Not like there will be a wedding anyways.
She walks over, pours more ale and takes a sip.
KHA: What you mean?
Chance: Glance over to Novalee, looking the sword over
and then the outfit. Put them away.
DMaster: NOV: They will all be dead soon
Novalee leans against the table, looking into her mug.
Chance: Eyes bulge
Chan: what do you mean Novalee?
DMaster: Khamyra looks at her intently
NOV: Yeah, poison… they’re probably already dead.
She looks over to the both of you and burps real loud.