Death Is The Beginning

Previously In The Last Adventure:

Chance and Ara finish the night out back at her place waking the neighbors. Chance gets put on assignment with Veritaan and they are jumped on the road to their destination. All does not go well and Chance calls on Finster to save his life and Veritaans. From there... everyone's life begins to change including the God Animax.

NSFW Warning / Bad Grammar

This text will contain language not suitable for some people. It is merely an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. We are not trying to be the next J.R.R. Tolkien, so there will be misspelled words, fragmented sentences and things that just don’t make sense. Once in a while there will be some nudity and sexual themes, you will be warned ahead of time. Just read, enjoy and have fun!

Main Characters

EP#32 Death Is The Beginning

Ara and Chance spent to long going over what has happened to him, he is now rushing to the meeting…

Ara, Chances new Lover and a SmithyChance: Chan: thank you Ara that means alot to me (smiling) I better go get Bastian and head up top and see the Captain before she has my hide.

DMaster: She nods, smiles and as you leave she is picking up some of her tools and scraps from the measurement.

Chance: Out my room, up the stairs and make my way to the lab quickly, since I am already pushing time with the Captain.

DMaster: You enter the lab, and there are a few people there working but no Bastian.

Chance: Chan: has anyone seen Bastian?
looking at the people in the lab.

DMaster: One of them looks up.
MAN: He said he’ll be up top (points up)

Chance: Chan: damn him(smirking)
make haste and leave the lab and head up top.

Harlow DMaster: ok you go through the main area, pass by Ara who was coming from your room. Through the doors up the stairs and into the great room, bright and cozy.
HAR: And look who decides to grace us with his presence….

Chance: Chan: sorry it took so long Captain, I apologize.
Go grab a seat.

DMaster: Killian has a shit eating grin on his face, like he knows something.
KIL: Yeah took you that long eh?
He chuckles and eyes everyone else. They all smile and/or smirk.

Chance: ‘do they know about me and Ara?’ Thinking to myself.
Chan: ummm well (smirking)

DMaster: Killian is sitting leaning back, Thanos is right up against the table reading a scroll annoyed and cybil is checking her nails. Harlow is standing leaning on the chair, once you sit she looks at Bastian.
HAR: Tell me what happened in the lab.
BAS: Well I made room for Veritaan on a table, and Chance just told us he was bit by a Splitjaw… (He tells the tale).
He goes on to explain what happened, Harlow scolds him when he said he was going to unleash you… but she had a private little smile too.

Chance: Chan: I think he just wanted to scare the Priestess alittle (smiling).

DMaster: Harlow stands up straight looks at you and then Bastian.
HAR: Yeah, so much so she cleared out our Compound, not a great idea. I have scheduled a meeting with the King and Xavier for after the wedding to make sure that never happens again.

Chance: Chan: I think that would be for the best I know Cassie was none too happy with what Rosalinda did.

Killian, Barbarian Leader of the GuardDMaster: Harlow nods. Cybil pitches in a few details, Killian does as well but they are not that important. Harlow looks past all of you and to the stairs. A runner stands there.
RUN: My apologies, but you said you wanted to know.
She nods.
HAR: Well let’s have it.
RUN: The cavalry has uncovered a bandit camp deep in a cave. Reports say they will not engage until tomorrow morning.
KIL: Let me go, I’ll crack their skulls.
He punches his fist.
HAR: No, unless they specifically ask for us we have our orders.
She frowns a bit with that.
HAR: Anything else?
RUN: Yes. Possible Splitjaw activity as well.
Everyone reacts to that.
KIL: Cap, you have to let me…
HAR: Killian, no. We have our… orders.
A few more bits of information were exchanged. Harlow dismisses the runner.

Chance: Chan: oh Captain Princess Amara told me something about what was accompanying the Elite’s and guards.
Look at her.

DMaster: She looks at you.

Chance: Chan: seems gold was with the elite and a lot of it, for the wedding.

DMaster: THA: (leans back) Gold? It’s not like they are going broke, the uptick in trade has them rolling in gold right now.
Cybill frowns a bit and shakes her head.
KIL: That’s what they said, Gold? Anything else?

Chance: Chan: well that is what they said in a nondescript chest with their crest on it.

DMaster: The Captain is staring at the table in deep thought.

Chance: Chan: I figured I should mention it.
kind of looking around at everyone.

DMaster: It gets quiet, and everyone is looking at the captain. In a fit of rage she grabs the chair and flings it across the room, a pretty impressive toss. Cybil has wide eyes, Thanos looks down and shakes his head, Killian just looks like he wants to hurt someone and Bastian is trying to see where it landed.

Chance: my eyes get wide as she does this.

Cybil Manager of the CompoundDMaster: The room gets quiet, Captain Harlow starts talking practically through her teeth.
HAR: How… did we NOT know there was a bandit camp 2 hours from our FUCKING city, our castle our HOMEBASE (she slams her hand on the edge of the chair) How can we protect the royals if they are telling us LIES and keeping things from us (pauses) How can we do business when anyone can waltz in here and drain the compound of agents.
Her face is beat red.
CYB: Well if I may…
Harlow looks at her.
CYB: We are grossly under employed, our agents are stretched as thin as they can get, we have reduced our “runs” by 50% because of this. Honestly we need to start sharing the burden of some of these remedial tasks and keep the agents for special things. I mean if we don’t get any new recruits soon.
Harlow nods at Cybil.
HAR: I know.
Bastian is still leaning over to the side looking.

Chance: still sitting there and quietly listening.

DMaster: BAS: You wiped out a bunch of Tulip flowers and a red bush, they never saw it coming (he twitches).
Everyone looks at him and laughs.
HAR: Alright. Get back to work, Chance you had one hell of a day, take the rest of the day off, be back in my office first thing in the morning.

Chance: Chan: yes Captain as you say but before we go I have a question for Bastian.

DMaster: Everyone starts to get up and looks at the captain.
HAR: Does everyone have to be here for this?

Chance: Chan: oh, sorry no.
Smile softly and shrug my shoulders.

DMaster: She looks up and nods and they all get up and head out.

Chance: Chan: So Bastian what do you know of this prophecy about me or the Champion?

DMaster: Harlow was picking up a scroll when she stops and looks at you. Bastian looks at you with googly eyes and a lifted eyebrow.

Chance: Chan: or is there a reason why it is secret? I mean I’d like to know about it…

Bastian Master Witch and AlchemistDMaster: Bastian shrugs his shoulders looks between you and the Captain.
BAS: What prophecy?
Harlow is looking intently at you.

Chance: Chan: the king mentioned it to me, When I told him what happened, he said the champion arise and the prophecy is coming true

DMaster: Harlow rolls her eyes grabs her last paper.
HAR: You told the King… You know what, I dont want to know anything more today… I might head home grab some wine and read some romance novels (she trails off as she walks down the stairs)
Bastian gives you a look.
BAS: Probably shouldn’t of told the King.

Chance: Chan: like I could hide it from him look at my eyes Bastian.
looking at Bastian

DMaster: BAS: I honestly do not know of any prophecy that has a champion of finster in it, I would of long told you, I’m sorry. (he looks like he is in deep thought) You have to be careful of these kinds of things. Even if it is dead accurate, the foreknowledge could be worse than what is written.

Chance: Chan: Hmmmm. Odd that the King knows this and you don’t (look at him) you are slipping.

DMaster: He is thinking… smirks at that comment.
BAS: I almost forgot, yesterday I got a note from Esmershard, Said he found some information we might be interested in.
Bastian stands up
BAS: I am kind of hoping for information about a peep hole in the women’s bath house, but I think he meant our Dark Cleric friend.

Chance: Chan: well that could be interesting (smirking).

DMaster: BAS: Come on let’s go.

Chance: Chan: lead on Bastian.

DMaster: You two leave and head out of the compound.
Its about 430-ish, busy on the streets, beautiful day, 60s sunshine, everyone seems in good spirits.

Chance: keep head down a little at first.

DMaster: You guys walk up towards the castle and turn a bit towards the library.
BAS: His office or his domain is under the library

Chance: Chan: well you are the guide since I am still learning my way around(smiling).
looking back up.

DMaster: The library is a few doors down from the Castle, You walk along side of the library and down some steps to a door.

Room full of Books under the LibraryChance: Chan: no more looking down Bastian I can’t live in fear of what people might think anymore (still following) thank you for being here through this.

DMaster: BAS: Hey, it’s what I do!
You walk in. Its a 50 x 50 foot room, the entire walls are lined with books, scrolls and nick nacks, There is a double door on the northwall. Bastian heads there and walks through.

Chance: follow behind him.

DMaster: Another 50×50 room, lined with books, but there are multiple tables in the middle and people working at them. One of them looks up, it is Genesis. In a gown like dress thing, very unflattering but you think it’s the official garb of a scribe.

Chance: Chan: umm Bastian maybe it would be best if you do the talking.

DMaster: Esmershard is across the room and spots you too. Genesis is staring at you and you can ell your eyes too. Mostly everyone is right now

Chance: just shrug my shoulders.

DMaster: ESM: Welcome you two (looks at you) Bastian you were not kidding… wow.
Gets up in your face and is looking you over.
BAS: Esmershard… let’s give him some room to breathe… Do you have a more private place to talk?

Chance: Chan: I am still me Esmershard and you might want to think about a breath mint(smiling)

DMaster: Bastian looks around to all the eyes on them. He leads you two into a smaller room, with a desk, well lit, books and such. You are guessing its his office.

Chance: Chan: so Bastian said you might have found some information.

DMaster: He closes the door and points to a small table, Bastian walks over, there are 2 books, some scrolls and an odd wooden box.
BAS: Hmmm that’s it huh?

Chance: walk over as well.

DMaster: ESM: Oh there is plenty, but its history we already knew, or had little do with our cleric friend.
Bastian picks up the box, Has black metal attached with the symbol of Finster. He opens it up and looks in, shrugs his shoulders, glances at you.

Chance: Chan: can I see the box Bastian.

DMaster: He nods and hands it to you with a smile breaking across his face. Esmershard notices and furries his brow.

Chance: take a look inside it.

DMaster: When you touch it you feel your power kick on, you don’t seem to have control over the transformation. The box’s symbol glows.

Chance: Chan: oh shit something is happening Bastian

Esmershard, Master Alchemist ArchivalistDMaster: Bastian has this shit eating grin on his face.
Esmershard looks like he just shit his pants.
ESM: Good God almighty,
Bastian grabs the box back, laughing a little.
BAS: Yes its an artifact of Finsters, I just verified its authenticity (giggles and twitches)

Chance: Chan: okay you could have just told me(smiling).

DMaster: BAS: yeah probably but the look on Esmershards face… he needs new knickers now.
Esmershard is still staring at you even though you reverted. He has a big smile on his face.

Chance: Chan: sorry Esmershard about that, and your knickers.

DMaster: He shakes his head and laughs.
ESM: It’s all good, that was amazing.
BAS: Told you…
Bastian is leafing through a book and stops, Esmershard is looking at him intently. Bastian slowly looks at him.
BAS: No fucking way.

Chance: Make sure I am changed back to as normal as I can be. look over at Bastian.
Chan: did you find something.

DMaster: Esmershard nods, grabs a scroll opens and and shows Bastian what looks like a diagram and directions.
ESM: Bastian… I am showing you this as a courtesy, I know you too well…
Bastians eyes are wild as he is looking over everything, opens the box and looks back at the Alchemist.

Chance: Chan: okay someone care to tell me what is going on.
giving Bastian a look.

DMaster: ESM: Yes Chance, once we agree…
BAS: I have a theory (he blurts out).
Esmershard closes his eyes and sighs.

Chance: Shake my head.

DMaster: BAS: Here chance, hold this.

Chance: do as Bastian says.

DMaster: He hands you the book he was reading.

Chance: hold the book and look at it.

DMaster: It glows, you start to change again.
BAS: Bingo Bango, Legitimate. Finster has touched this, wrote in it or something, so we can’t ignore the facts here.
ESM: What’s your theory (sighs again).

Chance: Chan: yes let’s hear this theory.

DMaster: Esmershard looks at you.
ESM: We will tell you everything but I must speak with Bastian alone.

Chance: Look a bit disappointed and frustrated.
Chan: that’s fine, I will just wait outside.
put the book back down and walk outside the office.

Genesis, Scribe and friend of TaliaDMaster: You put the book down, you change back and head out and close the door, Gensis looks up again.

Chance: lean on the wall near the door.

DMaster: She slowly walks over to you.
GEN: Chance? Thats you right?

Chance: Chan: hey Genesis… yeah it’s me more or so (smile) No it’s me. Just a few cosmetic enhancements.

DMaster: GEN: I see… you have been busy (gives you a forced smile).

Chance: Chan: well you could say that (smiling) I hope my eyes don’t scare you.
look away for a second and then back at her.

DMaster: She just looks into them in wonder.
GEN: Spoke with Talia the other day, she said that you are…. how did she put that, ass deep in a steaming pile of vulture shit…?

Chance: Chan: oh knowing her I can imagine what she said.

DMaster: She giggles a little.

Chance: bust out laughing.

Bastian, Leader of the Investigation DepartmentDMaster: The door swings open.
BAS: Chance, let’s get going.
Bastian is moving fast, Esmershard following behind.

Chance: Smile at Genesis. Look over to Bastian.
Chan: yes Bastian.

DMaster: Bastian and Esmershard look like they are heading out. Bastian has a sack over his shoulder.
She smiles and nods.

Chance: Chan: it was good to see you(smile).

DMaster: GEN: You too.
She walks back over to her table and sits.

Chance: follow Bastian and Esmershard.

DMaster: They head out the rooms, up the stairs and Esmershard finally grabs him, Esmershard turns to you.
ESM: He deserves to know.
BAS: Oh yeah (looks around and sees no one).

Chance: Chan: okay what’s going on?
looking at them both.

DMaster: BAS: Well, (rubs his hands together excitedly) We are going to go (quietly) cast a spell!

Chance: Chan: a what!?

DMaster: Esmershard’s eyes open up and put his finger to his lips. Bastian giggles and looks around.

Chance: Chan: oh just grand (shake head) what did I sign up for today.

DMaster: ESM: We found a ton of spells, most we wouldn’t dare try. But…
BAS: Esmershard linked the box, to a spell that can create a talisman of suppression.
ESM: Actually it can create a lot of things but…

Chance: Chan: here we go with the buts why is it always a but(smirking) why couldn’t it be Harper’s tight butt.

DMaster: BAS: Oh, I wish for that too, but…this one will hopefully slow down your transformation and even squelch it for a while. Chance it’s what we have been looking for.

Chance: Chan: well we can hope anyways.

DMaster: Esmershard stops and thinks.
ESM: Talisman… should be personal. Do you have… a necklace or something you can use for this?
BAS: Yeah, probably something that means something to you.

Chance: Chan: ummm I do.

DMaster: ESM: Stronger connection means stronger talisman.

Chance: looks down for a minute.

DMaster: BAS: Go grab it, meet us out at the northern stables.

Chance: Chan: yes, I will meet you there.

DMaster: OK you run over to the castle.

Chance: head down to my room, grab the necklace affinity gave me. looking at it as I touch it.

The Note from Princess AffinityDMaster: Chance: my thoughts drift back to her for a minute, You stop for a minute and remember.

Chance: shake a little as I look at the necklace, then refocus myself.

DMaster: You see the note, just underneath it like you always put it.

Chance: Chan: damn it I know I said we would end it but you are still in my thoughts.
touch the note with my hand, take a deep breath look back up and put the necklace on and tuck it underneath my shirt, close my drawer, and walk out of my room quickly and head out of the castle, towards the stables.

DMaster: Ok luckily no one stopped you or interrupted you to get to the stables, Bastian and Esmershard are still in deep conversation, already in the saddle. There is a horse waiting for you.
BAS: Jump on let’s go.

Chance: Chan: okay I got what we needed a little gift from the princess.

DMaster: He looks at you odd and starts to ride.

Chance: hop up on my horse, gather the reigns and get ready to ride.

DMaster: You three ride for about an half hour, it is a beautiful day and it is enjoyable riding the horses. Its about 6 now and the sun is getting close to the horizon. Esmershard spots a place he likes and points.
ESM: Good enough.
BAS: Yes, we had to be far enough away from the city, if the spell fails, and there’s issues we are far enough away.
ESM: There is a village not 10 minutes from here, but its the best we can do.

Chance: Chan: oh just grand so you are saying this could be dangerous.
shaking head

DMaster: ESM: Magic is banned Chance, everyone knows it’s far too dangerous (stops and looks at Bastian) you could blow up an entire city if you are not careful.
His eyes locked on Bastian who picked up on the sarcastic warning.
BAS: Yes Master Alchemist, yes I know. I have a theory!
ESM: Yes, yes this theory of yours.

Chance: Chan: I know this… but what is this theory?

DMaster: He rolls his eyes a bit.
BAS: When I cast the spell, you will be in full Champion form. Since the only thing missing in magic on Legon, is evil… what stronger force than the champ? Besides Finster himself of course.
Esmershard puts out the box, a vial of dark liquid, a small bag.

Chance: Chan: okay makes sense.

DMaster: He looks at you.
ESM: What is your talisman?

Chance: Chan: you better take good care of this.
looking down for a second

DMaster: ESM: Can’t guarantee anything, not with Bastian involved.
He smiles and shrugs his shoulders.
BAS: (in a half laugh) Hey now…

Chance: and then take off the necklace.

DMaster: Bastian is reading the spell over and over and over again.
Esmershard looks over.
ESM: You are reading it too many times… you got this.
The sky is turning darker, sunset in full bloom, you watch as some people pass by on a wagon, they didn’t seem to be interested in what you were doing. Bastian looks at you.
BAS: The necklace chance?

Chance: Hesitate for a moment, look at Bastian.
Chan: remember what I said.

DMaster: He grabs it.
BAS: Remember what Esmershard said (frowns).
He opens the box, places the necklace in. Pours the dark syrupy liquid in the box and it covers the necklace completely.

Chance: watching him, hoping I have a necklace after this.

DMaster: He opens the bag and sprinkles some glittery powder and you think its glass dust from when you were put to sleep.
BAS: Chance, time to change, do your thing.

Chance: focus myself and feel the power flow through me.

DMaster: Esmershard looks around and down the path to see if anyone is coming, then looks back and his eyes grow big and smiles, You turn, the power surges through you.

DMaster: BAS: Keep your mind clear and put your hand on my shoulder.

Chance: Chan: uh-huh.
clear my mind, focus and put my hand on his shoulder.

Chance changes overDMaster: He says a few words you dont recognize, his hand starts to glow. Esmershard gets a big grin on his face. He traces this symbol in the air, and you can see it glow for a second and fade. He puts his hand down over the box and chants something three times. There was a flash of light in the box and a bit of smoke. He looks around and raises his eyebrow. Esmershard had his eyes closed and then slowly opened them.

Chance: Chan: did it work?

DMaster: Bastian shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders, looks over to Esmershard.

Chance: looking around. Take my hand of Bastian.

DMaster: Removes his hands, the black substance is gone, he reaches in and grabs the necklace. He examines it and nods.
BAS: Doesn’t look any different…
He has a disappointed look on his face. He hands it to you.

Chance: Grab the necklace.

DMaster: Upon touching the necklace, you feel the power drain without you even trying. They both get wide eyed and smile.

Chance: chan: ummm Bastian (smiling).

DMaster: They both start jumping around and they hug.
BAS: Holy shit, I just cast the first spell in Camerondale in YEARS!
Esmershard is smiling too, looking you over.
BAS: Put it on.

Chance: put on the necklace.

DMaster: Bastian walks up to you looks you in the eyes.

Chance: Chan: do I look normal?

DMaster: BAS: Well define normal for me (giggles).
Takes out his dagger, breathes heavy on it to clean it , wipes it off and shows you in the reflection. Your eyes are normal, back to the normal Chance. Esmershard puts his hand on Bastians shoulder.
ESM: Dagnabbit I can’t believe we just did that… great job.

Chance: Chan: looking at my normal eyes (smiling) so do I have to wear this necklace all the time?

DMaster: You still have your bulk, but with the necklace your added bonuses are cut in half.
BAS: Only if you want to change and unleash hell on Legon! (smiles).
He is gathering all the components back up and jamming them in the bag.

Chance: Chan: well we don’t want that(smiling).

DMaster: He stops and looks at both you and Esmershard.
BAS: We cant tell ANYONE about this.

Chance: Chan: my lips are sealed.

DMaster: BAS: Just saying you found something to suppress the power, and leave it at that. If they have any further issues with it, have them talk to me.
ESM: Yeah we would be in… a lot of trouble… a lot.
He smiles.
ESM: Don’t care, that was awesome!

Chance: Chan: more than just a lot (smiling) I will just have to make sure I remember not to take the necklace off.

DMaster: The both of them are like two school boys laughing and talking and giggling.
BAS: That won’t be too hard…
you three get on the horses and ride back to Camerondale. You get back around 8, you actually feel tired and you are STARVING.
Chance: Chan: thank you both of you (look at them) I think I am gonna go try to go find some food I am starving… (smile) wow did I just say that?

DMaster: Bastian jumps off the horse.
BAS: Ohhh! You’re hungry, AWESOME… its really working.
Esmershard is all smiles.

Chance: Chan: I think I could eat a whole cow right now(smirking).

DMaster: BAS: Don’t be so UDDERLY ridiculous.
ESM: Bastian… aahhhh (in disgust at the pun) Thank you for taking an old man away from his tedious job and give him some fun!
Bastian smiles and nods.

Chance: Chan: no really thank you to both of you.

DMaster: They grab the stable boy who grabs all the horses.
BAS: No worries, I have to get back I am sure someone is looking for me by now.
Esmershard is heading back to his library area,

Chance: Chan: I am sure of it Bastian.

DMaster: Bastian waves and takes off.

Chance: head back towards the castle.

DMaster: Its night, stars are out, its cooling off.

Chance: Head to my room and go in thinking about going to Fycon Brothers for some food.

Britney, Owner of Sunset Inn and Chances Secret LoverDMaster: You get to your room, open the door and Britney is leaning on the table reading one of your black ward books.

Chance: Chan: hey Britney I wasn’t expecting you (smiling).

DMaster: She smiles and walks over to you.
BRIT: I was almost ready to leave, didn’t think you were going to show.
She looks into your eyes and frowns a bit.
BRIT: I can’t keep up with you, (giggles) your eyes look normal now.

Chance: Chan: ummm yeah, they are (smiling)

DMaster: BRIT: What are you up to? (gives you an innocent look)

Chance: Chan: oh thinking right now I could eat an entire backside if a pig I am starving (smiling) Care to join me for a bite?.

DMaster: She perks up and gives you an evil smile.
BRIT: I would love too, oh you mean eat? OOhhhhh (smirks) Yes of course!

Chance: Shake my head playfully, walk over and grab my money pouch.
Chan: I would actually enjoy the company.

DMaster: She smiles.
BRIT: I know of this bistro just outside the main walls that have the best dumplins’ you have ever eaten.
You grab your coin purse, and she grabs your hand.
BRIT: Now you got me all hungry (giggles)

Chance: Chan: I am sure that’s not all I got you(smirking).
looking at her.

DMaster: She stops abruptly and has a surprised smile on her face.
BRIT: (flustered) Well… I… oh come on.

Chance: Chan: you flustered now that is officially a first (laughing).

DMaster: You two walk through the castle hand in hand,

Chance: Chan: let’s go get those dumplins’ you were talking about, they better have a lot of them made.

DMaster: You two walk for a bit, leave the main section where the castle is, make a left turn and you are in front of a bistro, you walk in and you take a seat
BRIT: It’s pretty much all they serve, and they have this butterbeer that accents the dumplings.
She smacks her lips.
BRIT: I’m going to drool on the table.

Chance: Chan: oh so am I.

DMaster: A waiter comes up and you order, double order for you and two large butter beers. You and Brit have some great conversation, reminiscing

Chance: Chan: I missed you so much Britney.

DMaster: BRIT: Yeah that happens when you leave the islands, you miss me. (smirks).

Chance: Chan: you know what I mean (smirking) I almost wanted to jump off the ship as we were leaving but I could have imagined how that would have looked (smiling)

DMaster: She smiles and nods.
BRIT: So who was that little elf girl you were with?

Chance: Chan: that is Ara.

DMaster: BRIT: She seemed… taken with you. Or she was drunk.
She smirks and giggles, flirting with you with her eyes

Chance: Chan: yes I think she likes me and she is our smithy, does my armor among other things… it is how we met.
look down at the silverware

DMaster: BRIT: Does your armor among other things? Ahhh (she looks a little disappointed) and you… like her I hope.

Chance: Chan: I do like her, a lot. I am just trying to figure everything out. It is getting a jumbled mess up there with everything going on.

DMaster: She nods and you get served.
You two dive in, sip the beer and she was not lying, it is heavenly.

Chance: Chan: oh you weren’t kidding (munch munch) these are good (gulp…. munch munch)

Delicious Dumplings at the Dumpling Dipper BistroDMaster: you scarf almost all of them, down it with the beer, She eats about half and drinks her beer. Britney looks over during the meal.

Chance: cover my mouth before I belch.

DMaster: BRIT: They are not going anywhere (giggles) You can take your time.
She has a big smile on her face.

Chance: Chan: sorry been awhile since I have actually been hungry, feels good to be normal for awhile

DMaster: BRIT: Normal? Really… is that possible?

Chance: Chan: Munch Munch.
Give her a look.

DMaster: You two finish up.

Chance: pay for everything and leave a tip.

DMaster: Remove 1 gold and 1 silver from your pouch.
She smiles.
BRIT: Thank you
DM: BTW you can add 3PP and 7GP and 12SP per week in your coin bag, every sundalay – though you get the money every other day, it will be easier to do it that way.

Chance: Chan: hey after all you did for me it’s the least I can do (rub me belly).

DMaster: You two walk back to the castle.
BRIT: Sooo…
She kicks the dirt a little.

Chance: walk over to her and give her a hug and look into her eyes.
Chan: you are more than welcome to come back to my room if you want to.

DMaster: She gets a big smile.
BRIT: Well… I figured my room would be… safer.
Shrugs her shoulders.

Chance: Chan: well we can go to your room if you want.

DMaster: She grabs your hands and you walk into the castle.

Chance: Chan: I might end up falling asleep on you (smiling).

DMaster: BRIT: HA! Yeah… sleep, sure.
through the entrance way, up some stairs, through the royal doors and down the hallway. You hit the “T” you see Erikka’s door, but she goes the opposite way and ends up at a door. She opens and pulls you inside.


Chance: allow her to pull me inside and close the door behind me.

Click Read More for the NC-17 rated version

Britney undressing ChanceDMaster: You know Brit, she is not much for foreplay.
She unbuckles your belt and pulls your pants down and she starts in on you.

Chance: just relax and let her take the lead.

DMaster: You were already pretty much ready to go, She then takes your shirt off pushes you up against the wall. makes out with you for a bit as she takes off her clothes.

Chance: kiss her back.

DMaster: She lifts her leg and puts him in her right against the wall, you two start grinding. She is moaning and gasping a bit.

Chance: gently grab her hair as we are grinding.

DMaster: BRIT: Well… one good thing came of this (inbetween moans and gasps) he’s a bit bigger and it feels amazing.

Chance: smack her ass at that comment, start thrusting harder trying to see how far I can take her pleasure limit to

DMaster: She laughs at the ass smack, but goes back to moaning and even yelling a bit. She stops, pulls you out, walks over to the bed and bends over. Puts her ass high in the air, You go right in and start railing.

Chance: start railing her hard and fast as I grab her hips.

DMaster: She is moaning grabbing the sheets, She reaches underneath and plays with your balls, and you are like WHOA.

Old Lovers going at it againChance: push her forward even more and pin her down taking full control

DMaster: She is loving every second of it.

Chance: biting at her neck as I continue thrusting hard and fast.

DMaster: BRIT: Don’t stop fucking me…
You can tell she is getting close, she is yelling a bit with each thrust.

Chance: start thrusting even harder and biting on her shoulder.

DMaster: She comes and comes hard, ripping at the sheets, she is grabbing your arms, and like clockwork, when she gets all excited so do you.

Chance: and let loose when she does.

DMaster: She is panting so hard, you spewed all over her back. She rolled over and inst-regretted it.
BRIT: Oh dammit, I just put all your stuff on my sheets.
She burst out laughing.

Chance: bust out laughing as well.

DMaster: BRIT: Chance… that was some good loving *sighs*.
She stands up and walks over to her bathroom area.

Naked Britney walking to the bath areaChance: smirking to myself, sitting on her bed looking at my clothes.

DMaster: They are all over the floor, pants in one area, shirt flung across the room.

Chance: sprawl out on her bed while she is in the bathroom.

DMaster: She walks out, opens one of the windows then over to you, lays down next to you, cuddles even, which is unusual for her.

Chance: play with her hair as she cuddles next to me.

FREYA 3:45AM (Friday)

DMaster: You are unbelievably tired, Like all the times you weren’t is catching up. You think for a minute and BAM you are asleep. (LMAO, rolled a “1”) It was about 10 when you were done fornicating. You pass out instantly. You wake up Brit is still snuggled up with you sleeping sound, you are still really tired. You can see it’s still night by looking out the window Brit opened and you know what, you are actually a tiny bit chilly.

Chance: quietly get up and go close the window, trying not to wake Britney.

DMaster: You get up quietly, she is still snoozing. You close the window. Brit is snoring a little bit, a cute wheezy snore.

Chance: grabbing my clothes, smile looking at her, quietly putting my clothes on and then quietly go to the door letting her sleep.

DMaster: Open the door, leave, close the door quietly and head down the hallway. You hear something as you get to the “T” of the hallway.

Chance: Stop and quietly listen.

OOPS, Karson caught leaving Erikka's roomDMaster: Its real soft, people whispering? Suddenly Erikka’s door opens and it closes real quiet and you are face to face with Karson.

Chance: Chan:(quietly) oh hey Karson.

DMaster: He gives you a goofy smile as he is floored you are standing in front of him. He looks around and down the hallway.
KAR: (quietly) What the hell are you doing here?

Chance: Chan: (quietly) I was visiting a friend.

DMaster: He smirks and chuckles a bit.

Chance: smiling back at him.

DMaster: KAR: Its 4am Chance, that must of been quite the “visit” (quietly)
You two are quietly making your way down the hall.

Chance: Chan:(quietly)well ummm, it must have been quite a visit for you too…

DMaster: Karson nods and smiles real big.
KAR: (he looks funny at you) Birgetta?

Chance: quietly head down the hallway.
Chan:(quietly) no my friend Britney.

DMaster: KAR: Oh… OH… you know her?
You are close to the double doors and you don’t have to be as quiet.

Chance: Chan: well yeah I better know her, I use to work for her(smirking)

DMaster: You two go through the double doors and down the steps
KAR: That is some serious work benefits my friend…

Chance: Chan: you didn’t see anything okay Karson

DMaster: Karson stops and smiles…
KAR: Absolutely. Hey! I am playing at the Den Sunday… I want you to come, (smiles and shrugs a little)Yeah, I moonlight as a bard.

Chance: Chan: oh cool I will be glad to come see you, I better get back to my room and try to get a few more winks of sleep.
extend my hand

DMaster: He shakes it and you two part ways, he heads out and you head to your room.

Chance: plop down on my bed when I get to my room.

DMaster: Before you plop, there is a note on your bed.

Chance: read the note.

A note from AraDMaster: Chance, didn’t know where you went to, just stopped by, hope to see you tomorrow, Ara”
It even has a trace of her perfume on it.

Chance: pull the note close to me and close my eyes and try to catch a few more winks of sleep.

DMaster: You fall asleep quickly, You are woken up by the crier.
CRY: 7am!

Chance: hop up out of bed and go over to where I keep my change of clothes, get ready for the day.

DMaster: CRY: A little fog this morning, keep your kids close… a touch humid.
You wash shave shit and get ready.

Chance: Head out to the table and grab a bite to eat and drink.

DMaster: You see its pretty busy and you see mom.

Josephine, Chances MotherChance: Chan: morning mom.

DMaster: She smiles.
MOM: Oh I do have a son! (smirks)

Chance: Chan: yeah ya do(smile)
give her a big hug.
Chan: sorry the life of the black ward.

DMaster: She gives you a hug
MOM: I am just teasing.

Chance: Chan: speaking of not to be rude mom I better get ready to go for the day, love you.

DMaster: MOM: Munch munch Love you too.

Chance: head back to my room and grab my sword, make sure my money pouch is put away and double check things and head to the compound.

DMaster: You got everything, and head out. It is a bit foggy and the air is moist, but its upper 50s.

Chance: moving quickly to the compound want to get back on the Captain’s good side.

DMaster: You head in.

Chance: head to the Captain’s office and knock on the door.

Harlow, Captain of the Black WardDMaster: The door is open, She is sitting at her desk going over reports.
HAR: Come in Chance, close the door.

Chance: close the door.
Chan: reporting Captain.

DMaster: She nods and is rifling through papers
HAR: Hey let me ask you something.

Chance: Chan: yes Captain.

DMaster: HAR: The last time you talked to Valentine… did she mention anything to you? Where she was going, or anything.

Chance: Chan: no she didn’t Captain.

DMaster: The captain hands you a large parchment, its a map. She nods.

Chance: Chan: Only thing I can remember is that she wasn’t wearing her armor.
sitting looking at the map.
Chan: So what am I looking at Captain?

DMaster: HAR: She has never asked for time off, and I was thrown when she asked for it, but dammit. I was hoping she would be back by now.
She glances up.
HAR: Oh, we are down some agents with some investigations, so you have to go to the doors and locks around the City.

Chance: Chan: and check them all.

DMaster: HAR: Check them, make sure they are functioning, or… still locked.

Chance: Chan: I am guessing in gear of course.

DMaster: She nods.
HAR: Yes, I don’t want you stopped every other street otherwise.
Points at you and turns.

Chance: Chan: I will get on it at once Captain.

DMaster: As though she just realizes it.
HAR: Chance.

Chance: Chan: yes Captain.

DMaster: HAR: Are my eyes playing tricks or, why are your eyes back… to normal?
She is squinting.

Chance: Chan: let’s just say I found something to suppress it.

DMaster: HAR: What could possibly suppress THAT kind of power.

Chance: Chan: let’s just say now you won’t have to worry about me walking around with crazy eyes or tricked out powers.

DMaster: She puts her hands on her desk.
HAR: Chance… I am in no mood for games.

Chance: Chan: Foggy weather might hinder my completion of this Captain.
trying hard to change the subject.

Bastian Master Witch, Leader of BWDMaster: The door opens, Bastian sticks his head in.
BAS: Cap can I talk to Chance?
Harlow, wide eyed with fury.
HAR: What the hell do you think you are doing? No knock, blurt out a question without… Oh my god, fine… FINE.
He stands straight up and puts his hands behind his back.

Chance: shaking head.
Chan: So Captain shall I gear up?

DMaster: Harlow waves you off.
HAR: Yes yes, get it done and get back.

Chance: Chan: yes Captain.

DMaster: Bastian looks at you with a goofy smile.

Chance: make a quick exit out of her office, breathing a sigh of relief.

DMaster: Bastian walks with you halfway to his lab.
BAS: Damn chance you were walking so fast, I wanted to talk with you first.
You are in the middle of the floor.

Chance: Chan: sorry Bastian.

DMaster: Mina walks by you, kind of gives you a semi-dirty look.

Chance: ‘What the..?’ think to myself about Mina.
Chan:(quietly) I had to get out of the Captain’s office.

DMaster: He gives you an UH DUH look.
BAS: That’s why I bolted in there.
You two walk closer to the lab.
BAS: Report, how’s it working?

Chance: Chan: slept good, hungry again, eyes as you can see normal
Put my hands on his shoulder and smile.
Chan:Thank you again, you risked a lot for me.

DMaster: BAS: BAH! Think nothing of it. Good deal. Ok, just wanted to see and save you (laughs)

Chance: Chan: well thank you for that.

DMaster: BAS: Now get to work, I don’t want Cap on your ass anymore than she has to be.

Chance: Nod my head and head to my office and get geared up, hoping my new armor is there.

DMaster: You get to your door and you can hear someone talking softly.

Ara, deep in conversation with herselfChance: quietly poke my head in.

DMaster: Its Ara, she is pacing and talking to herself, lightly smacking a tool on her hand.
Your new armor is sitting on a chair.

Chance: quietly walk up behind her.
Chan: good morning hon(smiling)

DMaster: She jumps.
ARA: Jebus on a cracker!
Her tool goes flying.

Chance: smirking.

DMaster: She walks over to the other side of the room and picks up the tool. She is wearing a dark loose shirt, tight clothe pants and nice boots.

Chance: Chan: sorry didn’t mean to scare you, wanted to see if I still could be quiet.

DMaster: She turns around, has her hands on her hips. Looks up to you and steps back.
ARA: Wait… what the hell.
She walks closer and leans in and looks.

Chance: Chan: shhh Ara.
take her hand.

DMaster: ARA: What is going on? I was just getting used to crazy eyes chance

Chance: Chan: well now you got my eyes(smiling)
touch her cheek with my other hand and just smile.

DMaster: She shudders a bit and steps back.
ARA: So… (looking at the armor)

Chance: Chan: shall we see how it looks on me.

DMaster: ARA: Let’s get this fitted.
She picks it up and you two work and get it fitted, it fits great.

Chance: Chan: as always you do amazing work.

DMaster: She seems cold and really preoccupied.

Chance: Chan: what’s going on Ara?
looking at her

DMaster: She shakes her head and finishes up, you are all armored up. She walks over to the bench and is piercing her tools together.

Chance: Chan: Ara, is everything ok?

DMaster: She stops and looks back.
ARA: Yeah, fine.

Chance: Chan: Why don’t I believe you.

DMaster: She looks down.

Chance: Walk over to her and lift her chin.

DMaster: She looks into your eyes, her eyes glitter and steps back a bit.
ARA: I went to go see you but I saw you leaving the castle with some blonde woman.
Look back down.
ARA: Sorry I am probably just being dumb.

Chance: Smile a little.
Chan: Ara that was Britney, my old boss? Remember?

DMaster: ARA: This is the last thing you need.
She is getting antsy and turns to leave.

Chance: Grab for her hand.
Chan: we were just catching up since I haven’t seen her since I left the Isle.

DMaster: She turns and looks a little relieved.
She nods, looks down.
ARA: Sorry, I’ll just get out of your hair.

Chance: Chan: I don’t want you to get out of my hair ever
take my hand lift her chin and look into her eyes.

DMaster: ARA: I am just being… I don’t know, I’m jealous. It’s just you were holding hands, walking close and I wanted us to… well… (shakes her head)
she sighs.

Chance: Chan: well you don’t have to be jealous hon.
lean over and kiss her gently.

DMaster: She avoids your kiss and is still for a moment.
ARA: I’m just in a mood I guess.
She kisses your cheek quickly and walks out.

Chance: sighs.
‘Great, just what I need a jealous girl’
look at the map.

DMaster: She walks out.
ARA: Hey Veritaan.
VER: Hey Ara… Nice… ok I see you are in a… hurry…
She is halfway down the hall.

Veritaan, Ranger Assassin for Black WardDMaster: He watches her leave with a raised eyebrow, then back at you. He walks to you and extends his hand.

Chance: extend my hand.

DMaster: VER: I owe you my life Chance, after I was bashing on you the whole ride (nods) I am sorry.
You two warrior shake.

Chance: Chan: don’t be sorry, I am just glad I could help (shrug my shoulders a bit) Rohlia would have my ass if anything happen to you(smiling)

DMaster: VER; You ever need anyone to ride with you, I would be honored.
He leans and gives you a small hug.

Chance: give him a small hug back.

DMaster: VER: Well, get your ass to the floor…
thumbs you to the stairs leading up to the main area.
VER: Someone is looking for you.

Rohlia, Master Ranger, Veritaans SisterChance: head to the main area.

DMaster: You get to the top, it’s real busy, Through the crowd, in fact she pushes Ara out of the way Rohlia is heading directly to you. She gives you a fierce hug. Everyone kind of stops and looks. They are all smiling and they even clap a little.

Chance: hug her back.
Chan: your welcome.

DMaster: She is tearing up.
ROH: Dammit chance I didn’t want to cry.

Chance: Chan: well I can’t stop that(smirking)

DMaster: ROH: You saved my life twice and now Veritaans?
She shakes her head, looks down and wipes away a tear.

Chance: Chan: well its what we do we take care of each other(smiling)

DMaster: ROH: I owe you… so much.

Chance: Chan: you owe me nothing Rohlia, consider it from one warrior to another.

DMaster: You two chat about a few things, like Helkyr and how cranky he is, but she sends you on your way knowing you are busy.

Chance: make my way out of the compound and look at the map.

DMaster: You leave and you follow the map. It’s pretty big, but it has lines and arrows guiding you pretty good.

Chance: follow the map along.

DMaster: Ok for 3 hours you make your way along the north wall, corridors and safe spots, Along the eastern docks. Tons of people, docks are booming.

Chance: keep moving along.

DMaster: you chuckle when you pass by where the royal boat was.

Chance: Shaking my head remembering that and the first time I met prince latty.
smiling .

DMaster: Another hour goes by, A runner gets to you, he looks flushed and scared a bit.
RUN: Ring?

Chance: show my ring.

DMaster: 13 – rosalinda -Temple – RED
RUN: Understand?

Chance: Nod at him, roll up my map.
DMaster: He runs off.

Chance: Run to the temple.

DMaster: You run through the streets, as you get closer to the temple you see the streets getting more and more crowded. As you get closer you hear people yelling and scuffling.

Chance: looking around as I get closer to the temple.

DMaster: Cassie sees you and sprints over to you avoiding gawkers, Xavier is yelling for the guards to get people out of the way. You see guards outside the temple, some have blood on them and a few have sheets over bodies.

Chance: Chan: Cassie what’s going on?

DMaster: She looks stressed
CAS: The battalion and cavalry engaged and it didn’t go well, casualties and many injured.
Her eyes were frantic. She jumps back forgetting about how your power affects her.
CAS: Dammit, please don’t fuck with me now… (kind of talking to herself)
She then looks at you, and squints.
CAS: I can read you again.
THen a look of worry washes over her face.

Chance: look at her.
Chan: What can I do to help Cassie?

DMaster: CAS: Fuck… tell me you can still heal or extract the poison?!

Chance: Chan: Yeah as far as I know, I can.

DMaster: She breathes a sigh of relief.

Chance: looking around.

DMaster: City guards struggling with the crowd, Army guards, some laying down bloody, others leaning in pain. Monks and Clerics doing what they can. Cassie points to the temple, Rosalinda is waiting for you.

Chance: walk over to Rosalinda.

DMaster: Its chaos, monks outside on the grounds helping guards, you glance and see 4 with sheets over them. She is at the doorway guiding some injured in the temple.

Chance: Walk to her through the chaos
Chan: I am here to help Rosalinda.

DMaster: You expect a nasty look, you expect anger but she looks at you with relief and a short smile.

Chance: give her a small smile

Plugr, almost dead, with a Splitjaw biteDMaster: She grabs your arm and you head in and glances over to a Monk who is standing over a body.
ROS: How is…
The Monk looks up and shakes his head, She grits her teeth and moves on. You turn and you see something you never thought you would see

Chance: looking

DMaster: Plugr laying motionless on a temple altar. Blood all over, you see two huge holes in his shoulder. He is pale as a ghost. It hits you like a ton of bricks

Chance: put my hands to my mouth

DMaster: Plugr, friend, Talia’s father… Rosalinda nudges you out of your shock.
ROS: What do you need?
She waves over a monk.
ROS: I can’t sense your mark at all… are you still able to do this?

Chance: Chan: I am but I will need a moment, I would like to be alone for this, with no eyes on me.

DMaster: Rosalinda looks around and sees the chaos enveloping her, shrugs her shoulders.
ROS: I’m sorry chance, no way that is going to happen.

Chance: Chan: I will need something to put the poison into. Bastian said something of magical origins or something.

DMaster: She looks at you and then she remembers what happened with her broken staff. Rosalinda looks around and runs and grabs a cup. She hands it to a monk who messes with it so he is holding it with a towel. She looks over to someone struggling and she runs to another guard and is assisting them.

Chance: ‘less than a fucking day and I am already switching back… but it’s for Plugr’ I think to myself. Reach around, unlock the necklace. Put the jewelry in my pocket.

DMaster: ok its off, you put it in your pocket, and you get a little jolt of energy. Looking around it is still chaos, people all over, monks, guards, cassie is in there healing

Chance: Glance to the monk next to me
Chan: Get ready bud, this is going to be a little shocking.

DMaster: He looks at you oddly and starts to see your eyes turn, then your body and face. You almost start to glow. His eyes are huge and is shaking. You think you felt the ground tremble, but so much is going on its hard to tell. You feel the power surge, and people jump back and all eyes grow big
you can see the reflection of your power in their eyes. The monk is shitting his pants but is still there

Chance: walk over and quietly, put my hands on both wounds, and think of extraction, and wait for the sickness and jolt.

DMaster: You extract the poison and again hits you like a ton of bricks, Plugr instantly gets color back in him and he coughs. You go to one knee.

Chance: focus on putting the poison in the cup.

DMaster: THe monk holds up the cup with trembling hands, It goes from your hands to the cup.
MONK: That guy there is the only other one.
He walks around to a guard who has 6 or more holes in him.
The ground definitely moved and shook. People are looking around.

Chance: walk over to the guard and start quietly focus

DMaster: Rosalinda walks over to watch, wiping her brow with her sleeve that is stained with blood. You extract, its A LOT, must of been bit by more than once. You almost toss your cookies and you stumble to your knees.

Chance: put the poison in the cup as I am fighting the ill feeling

DMaster: You put your hand on it, but nothing happens. You notice the cup is shriveled and black. Panic sets in.
MON: Here, in the cup!
He looks at the cup and sees that it is not even gold anymore. His eyes grow huge in surprise.

Chance: Get to one knee if I can
Chan: I need something else now, hurry!

DMaster: you watch as the poison crawls up your arms. You are dizzy, chaos ensues, now the building is starting to shake, and rumble, dust and debris starts to fall.

Chance: Chan: give me something quickly before I lose it
Look around for anything, other than the guard I took it out of.

Rosalinda, High Priestess, Her last moment aliveDMaster: People are starting to yell, the ground seems to be almost moving underneath you. You see Rosalinda in the midst of the chaos almost start to glow a little, she looks up to say something you couldn’t hear. She turns to you, grabs your face, kisses your forehead.
ROS: (whispers in your ear) I am sorry Chance.
She backs up a little and looks you in the eye, one last flicker of life in her eyes, a tear falls down her cheek… she grabs your hands and the poison transfers to her instantly. Her eyes close, her arms fill with a black liquid like. She collapses to the floor.


DMaster: A few monks glance over and their eyes double in size. They run over to her, and are trying to heal her.

Chance: Push them out of the way, get over her and think about extraction, think about healing… With everything I have.

DMaster: It is like time started to stand still, debri and dust falling from the ceiling, cracks in the walls of the temple are forming. You are glowing like 100 campfires. People are covering their eyes and jumping back. The place is really starting to shake.

Nothing. She lays motionless on the ground, her beautiful red hair all about her face, her slim delicate body half covered in blood and black veins. One tear, tickling down her lifeless cheek.


DMaster: The sound of your voice resonates throughout the temple. You collapse after that display of power. You revert to the semi champion state. You remember someone pulling you out of the temple. Someone rummaging through your pocket and then putting your necklace on. But other than that it is a bit fuzzy.

Chance: Wait until I am conscious again

DMaster: You wake up, leaning against the temple’s north wall, a tree shades you from the sunshine. You can still hear some commotion, but it seems to have died down. You can hear Killian threatening people to move or they will get squashed like a grape.

Chance: Look around.

DMaster: Bastian and Cassie stand by a tree. Bastian sees you are awake. He walks to you. You notice Cassie doesn’t look at you, and has a tear stained face. SHe stands still, one arm across her stomach, the other has her hand to her face. She looks to be in deep thought.
BAS: How You doing Bud?
Puts his arm on your shoulder as he leans down.

Chance: Try to refocus myself
Chan: I am not sure.

DMaster: BAS: Well I could see you from a mile away, that light was permeating the walls. It was crazy. I am glad I came when I did, you were ready to bring the temple down… ( he sees you)
Tears start to well up as it all floods back.

Chance: Chan: She is dead, isnt she.

DMaster: Bastian looks down and nods
BAS: Yes, Chance. She didn’t have a shot with that poison.

Chance: Just let the tears flow.
Chan: I killed her. (shake my head) I killed her.

DMaster: BAS: Easy Chance, a lot happened in there, but murder was not one of them.
You see Cassie close her eyes, cover her face and cry. She turns and walks off.
BAS: Can you stand?

Chance: Try and get up.

DMaster: You can, you feel weak and drained but OK otherwise. You two stand there for a bit and you try and keep it under control.
BAS: Damn. I think they just locked down the city, wow.
You can see guards escorting people out of the area yelling about a lock down. Xavier pokes his head around the corner.
XAV: Here you are, you have someone looking for you Chance.
He goes back around the corner, and then Talia comes around the corner and just stands there, looks at you with tears flowing.

Talia, Druid and daughter of PlugrChance: Look at her, and let them flow. It is no use to stop them.

DMaster: She runs for you and you two embrace. Both of you are balling. Bastian steps back a bit, even though he has a few tears flowing as well.
TAL: (in between sobs, still clinging to you) Thank you Thank you, I don’t know what I would do without him (sobs)

Chance: Hug her tight
Chan: Now you don’t have to know sis.

DMaster: After a few minutes you stop, wipe away some tears and sniffle. She looks at you suddenly,
TAL: Chance, I am sorry, I should be asking how you are doing?!

Chance: Step back, look down trying to stop the water works from starting up again.

DMaster: She steps forward and puts her hand on your chest.

Chance: Chan: I should have been the one to die. I don’t deserve to be here.

DMaster: Tears just roll down your face. Talia’s eyes well up again too.
TAL: Oh my god chance, no… don’t you ever think that way. You deserve every breath…

Chance: Shake my head and turn around.

DMaster: Talia hugs you from behind.
TAL: I love you my brother, never forget that.
She starts to cry again and she turns and walks back to the front of the temple.
Bastian walks over to you.
BAS: Let’s get you out of here.

Chance: Chan: Yeah, good idea.

DMaster: You two walk out from the shade of the tree. There are still guards walking around, a makeshift hospital, for lack of better terms, in the front of the temple where there is grass and trees. The one monk that was helping you with the poison and the cup sees you. He runs up to you, eyes enraged.
MONK: You KILLED HER! YOU KILLED HER! She is Dead because of YOU!
He starts pushing and punching you. Everyone looks over, Killian looks and heads over.

Chance: I will let him hit me, I deserve it.

DMaster: Bastian calls off Killian and tries to grab the guy but he is flailing wildly. Bastian backs up, grabs some dust and blows it at him. You recognize the dust, and shut your mouth and eyes. The monk slowly falls over, and Bastian catches him. Lays him softly to the ground.
BAS: OK, get back to the castle now.
Puts his hand on your shoulder and nods.

Chance: Nod back and head to the castle.

DMaster: At the top of the steps of the compound, Ara is standing with a few other agents.
ARA: Chance… what the hell happened? They have the city on shut down.

Chance: Glance over and shake my head, keep walking.

DMaster: Her eyes grow real big and runs over to you.
ARA: What… WHAT? What happened? Why have you been crying?
She grabs your arm.

Chance: Stop and look down at her. Kiss her forehead.
Chan: Not now Ara.
Keep walking.

DMaster: Then some guards come over.

Chance: show them the ring.

DMaster: They leave you but they escort the rest off the street. Ara heads in the opposite direction with some protest. You make your way up the street, back to the castle. You notice a couple times tears falling without even noticing really.

Chance: Head to the gardens, I need to be alone.

The BAroness Cassie at the Gazebo in the GardensDMaster: You make your way to the gardens, barely holding it together. You are almost on top of her before realizing it, on the other side of the gazebo, Cassie is leaning against it, crying. She jolts up when she sees you.
CAS: Oh Chance. (sniffs) I am just… I don’t know.
She looks at you and this look washes over her face (she reads you)
CAS: Oh my God Chance.
She stands up straight and walks over to hug you.

Chance: Chan: I failed her, it should have been me…
hugging her back, crying.

DMaster: Cassie backs up a bit, tears streaming.

Chance: wipe the tears out of my eyes.

DMaster: She turns, walks to the edge of the path, looks over the gardens, and cries softly.

Chance: Have my heart break while I watch Cassie.

DMaster: In Between cries…
CAS: My last words to her were of anger…
She buries both hands to her head crying.

Chance: walking over to Cassie and putting my arm around this normally strong woman.
Chan: well think of my last actions to her Cassie.

DMaster: She looks at you, turns and you hug again, both crying.

Chance: just keep hugging her, until she stops crying, trying to keep myself inline.

DMaster: With an odd timing, Cassie is trying to regain her composure quickly.

Chance: trying to as well.

Princess Affinity, Finding her Mom and ChanceDMaster: Affinity makes her way around the Gazebo
AFF: Mom, I have been looking for… you.
CAS: I’m right here honey.
Cassie finishes wiping her tears and smoothes the front of her outfit down.

Chance: quietly back up.

DMaster: She looks at you, then at her mom.
AFF: OMG what happened?

Chance: Back up even further, giving Cassie space and sigh a bit.

DMaster: Cassie and Affinity meet and Cassie explains what happened, to an extent. Affinity just stands there in disbelief. They hug.

Chance: look at them as I stand off and then look back out into the garden.

DMaster: After a few minutes of daydreaming, Affinity walks over to you, she gives you a look
AFF: I can read… you again and I don’t feel… drunk.

Chance: look at her.

DMaster: her eyes open wider and wider and her jaw drops as she apparently is reading you.
AFF: Oh chance…
CAS: Hon, we need to get back to the castle.

Chance: Chan: you better get back to the castle
Look down and then out to the gardens.

DMaster: Cassie knowing better than to leave you two alone right now, beckons for her daughter. She gives you a look and grabs your hand, squeezes it, then lets it go. They walk together back to the castle.

Remembering what happened with RosalindaChance: just looking at the garden, trying to gather my thoughts, looking up to the sky and taking in everything that happened.

DMaster: Its a humid day, nothing you are not used to, Cloudy, but the sun is breaking through, lower 60s.
Your mind races again:
You find a spot and sit down, going over everything, rosalinda looks up… says… something. She kisses my forehead… and says I am sorry…? Then she grabs my hands, The look in her eyes, one second alive, the next… dead. She glowed for a short time… what did she say beforehand?.

Chance: damn you priestess why did you save me, I should of died… if I can anymore(thinking).

DMaster: You thought it was just you, but you realize you hear someone else crying, not far away.

Chance: get up and quietly go check it out.

Princess Amara weeping in the GardensDMaster: In a small clearing, on the same bench Affinity was crying after her fight with Bozutto is Princess Amara. She is leaned over, head in her hands, balling.

Chance: I don’t think I will bother her, she looks to need time alone. quietly walk away.

DMaster: You turn and go to walk and almost run into Prince Bozutto.
BOZ: Chance, have you seen my sister…

Chance: Chan: yes I have Sire she is over there(pointing).
bowing slightly

DMaster: looks at you.
BOZ: You ok?

Chance: Smile, nod and walk away.

DMaster: He shakes his head and walks over to his sister. You can hear them talk.

Chance: stop and quietly listen for a minute.

DMaster: BOZ: Sis…
they embrace on the bench.
AMA: They are dead because of me… (in between her sobs)
BOZ: They died in service.
She scoffs at that.
AMA: I hate that line, died in service, they should of never died to begin with.
She says with some anguish.
AMA: Why are you looking at me like that, oh no, what else?

Chance: quietly listen a bit more

DMaster: He grabs her hand.
BOZ: The High Priestess is dead.
AMA: What? Why did she die? She wasn’t on the raid too was she?
BOZ: No, I am not sure, the Temple was… I dont know falling down or something and a cleric came out with her in his arms dead.
AMA: What the fuck Zuzu… (cries) What is going on?
They hug.

Chance: quietly start moving and leave the garden, head to my room.

DMaster: Half way there a guard intercepts you.
GUA: Chance? The King wants to see you, in the throne room. Now.

Chance: Nod in acknowledgement. ‘Great now what?’

DMaster: You go through the double doors of the garden that lead into the throne room. There are two guards standing there, doors closed.

Chance: show my ring.
Chan: my name is Chance I was told to report to the King.

DMaster: The one guard shakes her head.
GUA: NO one goes in.
The other guard looks.
GUA: No he can go in, this is Chance Axion.

DMaster: they unlock and open the door.

Chance: Walk in.

DMaster: Once you enter you get blasted with Cassie, Xavier and the King pretty much screaming at each other. The doors close and the door locked. They stop and look over to you.

Chance: Raising both eyebrows.
Chan: reporting as ordered.
bowing slightly.

Baroness Cassandra, Arguing with the King and her brother XavierDMaster: It’s extremely tense in the room. Cassie standing, arms crossed by the table, Xavier sitting in a chair rubbing his temples. the King one foot on the stairway to the platform with his throne.

Chance: looking down a bit wondering what the hell did I just interrupt, and then look back up.

DMaster: Xavier stands up and walks over to you.
XAV: Sorry you walked in on that.

Chance: Shrug my shoulders.
Chan: who am I to say anything.
trying to form a small smile.

DMaster: The King and Cassie exchange sharp glances. Xavier turns around and looks like he is going to start playing referee again.
CAS: Do what you want you are the King.
The king gives her another sharp look from over his shoulder.

Chance: looking at all of them.

DMaster: She looks at her brother.
CAS: Xavier, get the fence post out of your ass.
XAV: Cassie enough of this, I know what you are saying but…
She throws a mug slamming against the wall.

Chance: my eyes get wide

Xavier gets in her face
XAV: WE KNOW! The sky is blue and water is still wet, is that a sign too???
KIN: (quietly) Enough, it is exactly how it has been written…
Cassie and Xavier stop and look at the King with wide eyes.
CAS: What do you mean exactly, you know what has been written, exactly?
The King shrugs his shoulders and sits down on the steps.
KIN: Someone had to know.
He holds up some parchment in his hand. Cassie winces almost and backs up shaking her head.
XAV: Cass, come on now…
CAS:I am so done.
She practically runs out of the throne room.

Xavier trying to keep the peace.Chance: look down a bit as they are arguing.

DMaster: Xavier kicks in a chair and runs his hands through his hair as he lets out a big sigh, he then looks at the king. The King nods. Xavier turns to you.
XAV: Good to see you chance

Chance: Nod to him
Chan: you to Xavier

DMaster: He nods and walks over to the royal doors and leaves, the doors are locked. Its just you and the King

Chance: Chan: M’lord you wanted to see me

DMaster: King is looking out the windows above the throne
KING: Chance, for the next hour I am not your King,
He turns to you
KING: I am just a friend
walks up to you, Squints and looks again
KING: Your eyes… you know what, now is not the time. (sighes)

King Jeramiah of Camerondale talking with ChanceChance: Nod and look down
Chan: She is dead… because of me.

DMaster: He frowns a bit, He takes off his crown, takes off his cape, places it on his throne. Turns around.
KIN: What happened?

Chance: Chan: I couldn’t get the poison out of me on the last person I was extracting it from… and I started losing control I think not sure. Before that she looked up and said something…

DMaster: The King is listening and then interrupts you.
KIN: She said a prayer, her last one on Legon.

Chance: looking at him.

DMaster: He pauses a moment and looks down at the parchment.
KIN: Then she offered up her humility, her forgiveness and her (he stops, chokes a bit) her… love.
He takes a deep breath, wipes a tear away.

Chance: looking at him, not believing what I am hearing. eyes are a bit wide.
Chan: That is about what happened. I don’t know what to think…

DMaster: He puts both hands on your shoulders looks into your eyes.
KIN: There is no easy way to say this Chance. You did indeed kill the High Priestess of Animax.

Chance: Eyes wide staring back at the King.

DMaster: KIN: I only know because It is written… in the prophecy.