Chance: as I realize what I am doing I gently set her back down to her feet
DMaster: She giggles a little while you are kissing.
ARA: (stops) That was… intense
Chance: Chan: it was (looking at her) guess I don’t know my own strength (smirking)
DMaster: She grabs your hand and heads to the den, before getting there you can hear the music already
Chance: Chan: this should be interesting…
holding her a hand a bit tighter
DMaster: You get inside, and it is about half full. They have a table next to the bar, they have mugs put down in front of them, and two in front of empty seats
Chance: Chan: suppose we should get this awkward moment over with.
DMaster: She looks up at you with a slight smile and shrugs her shoulders. Before you get to the table you are intercepted by Mina and Elorra and get pushed to the dance floor
Chance: Chan: awww come on guys I just wanted to sit down.
DMaster: ARA: Oh no you didn’t.
Chance: kind of looking back as I get dragged on the floor
DMaster: You four start dancing on the dance floor, Mina dances real close to you pulls you down so she can talk over the music.
MIN: Elorra is going to try and seduce Veritaan and avoid the awkwardness.
Elorra is beckoning for Veritaan to get to the floor and he just takes a glug of his ale and shakes his head.
Chance: Chan: oh I see that is working well (laughing)
DMaster: Mina gives you a playful nudge, Ara is in the zone, just dancing, rubbing up against you, moving in rhythm with Mina and Elorra, Elorra and Ara move different being elves and it’s pretty damn cool.
Chance: just try not to look like an idiot dancing to the music, trying to focus a bit more on Ara with them all dancing around me.
DMaster: After about 15-20 minutes of dancing, The song turns to a slow one. Through her hair, sweat rolling down her face, she looks at you, her eyes twinkling smile on her face, it just makes you smile without you even trying.
Chance: wipe my forehead a bit as it turns slow but reach for Ara’s hand.
DMaster: She takes your outstretched hand and just buries herself into you as both of you start to dance.
Chance: hold her as close to me as I can, and just go with the music
DMaster: You see Elorra at the table talking with Veritaan, he stands up looks over to you and he sees you two and looks down.
Chance: wrap my arms around Ara as we keep dancing and smile a little.
DMaster: Elorra walks around the table and takes his arm, Taan takes one last look over and they leave the bar together. Mina is dancing with some random dude, it looks awkward but they are dancing.
Chance: kind of chuckle seeing that.
DMaster: The song ends and they start up on a faster song, Ara backs up a little looks up, tries to wipe the hair from her face and she giggles
ARA: I am going to go get my hair in order (giggles) and take a tinkle.
Chance: Chan: hope everything comes out ok for you (smiles)
DMaster: She smiles and stops. Thinking she looks at you and gives you a playful bat.
She stumbles off into the bar farther looking for the facilities.
Chance: Go to the table sit and take a drink of one of the mugs.
DMaster: It is ale and it tastes real good and smooth. Mina is sitting down where you are, she scoots real close to you. She grabs your hand, makes you look at her.
MINA: Chance. I have to tell you something, and if you ever repeat it to anyone I will cut off your balls and make you eat them.
Chance: Chan: Well *ahem* that is good incentive to keep my mouth shut and I am black ward secrets are what we do(winking).
DMaster: MINA: Ara, ummm hasn’t been with anyone… you know, that way.
Chance: Chan: I understand what you are saying Mina (smiling) it’s not like I am rushing into that(blushing).
DMaster: MINA: (she looks down) I think maybe she is… she reallllly really likes you. Like I have never seen before. God if you hurt her…
Chance: Chan: well I really like her too and I don’t wanna make any more mistakes with her (pause) I wouldn’t be here if I wanted to hurt her in any way.
DMaster: She nods.
MINA: If tonight ends like I think it will… be gentle with her, and you will have to take the lead, and… (shakes her head a bit) well I am sorry that is none of my business.
Chance: Chan: I promise if anything happens I will be gentle with her (smiling) and it is your business you her best friend.
DMaster: She pats your hand and lets go of it. She is just looking at you with a bit of worry in her eyes. Then smiles and nods, then scooches farther away and grabs a mug and takes a slug.
Chance: Chan: I wish I had a best friend who looked out for me like you do Ara.
and then looking down realizing what I just said as memories come back to me.
DMaster: For a second Ferellus’s face appears to you, you clench your fist and with the other hand grab a mug and take a sip. Ara comes to the table and plops down next to you.
Chance: Take a deep breath, refocus, look back up and smile.
DMaster: ARA: Phew! (looks at both of you) What did I miss.
Mina smiles real big and finishes her drink.
MINA: Im calling it a night.
She winks at Ara with a smile.
ARA: Ohhh ok.
Giving her an excited smile and nod.
Chance: Chan: Good night Mina.
Giving her a sidewards smile.
DMaster: Mina stands up and grabs your shoulder, you look and your eyes meet, and it was a non communicative reminder of what you talked about.
Chance: nod my head and touch her hand, kind of telling her ‘I got this’
DMaster: Mina walks out of the bar as the one guy she danced with was trying to get her attention.
ARA: What… was that all about.
She leans over to you.
Chance: Chan: oh nothing just a little chat, she just told me to be a gentleman(smiling).
Smiling a little, looking at her from the corner of my eye.
DMaster: ARA: You always are.
She gives you a suspicious look, but then smiles and scooches closer to you.
Chance: take her hand in mine, looking in her eyes for a minute with my free hand pull her closer to me and kiss her.
DMaster: She leans in with your guidance and kisses you, she puts her hand on your cheek.
ARA: Let’s get out of here (she gives you a sultry look with a bit of nervousness).
Chance: Chan: as you say I am all yours tonight (smile).
Grab a few gold and throw them on the table for a tip.
DMaster: She gets this big smile and she pops up with her hand in yours. You leave and she guides you down a few streets, still holding hands and she is as close as she can be without tripping you. She stops and leans against her door. You two have a few giggles and anecdotes.
ARA: Did you want to come in?
Tilts her head and gives you a look.
Chance: Chan: of course I do.
DMaster: She opens the door and leads you in, closes it. You two walk through an archway, holding hands and into a nicely decorated hallway, to a door. She stops turns around and on her tippy toes starts to kiss you.
Chance: kiss her back wrapping my arms around her.
DMaster: She stops kissing and pulls away a bit.
ARA: Chance… I have to tell you something first.
Chance: Look at her.
Chan: Sure what’s on your mind?
DMaster: She looks down and starts to fidget with her dress a bit.
ARA: I have never… or you would be… dammit.
Chance: Chan: It’s ok, just tell me.
DMaster: ARA: I am a virgin!
She blurts out then cusps her mouth and her eyes wide. She slowly looks up to you.
Chance: Chan: Ok, and?
Shake my head a little, small smile.
DMaster: ARA: No, that pretty much covers it.
She again puts her back to the door.
ARA: You ready for this?
Leans up and starts to kiss you.
Chance: Chan: mmmprh mpprhh mhnmhn.
I cant talk with an elf’s tongue down my throat.
DMaster: She giggles a little and behind her back she opens the door and you two head in. With her foot she kicks the door close, not missing one kiss.
Chance: gently caress her and keep kissing but my arms are still wrapped around her.
DMaster: you two continue to kiss. She is using two hands now on your face and she is getting as close as possible to you
Chance: trace my hand down her back till it rests on her ass and gently cup it.
Strong Sexual Content Ahead
DMaster: She playfully pushes you off
ARA: Hey now (smiles)
She backs up, legs against the huge bed she has. Your eyes meet and she has a look you haven’t seen in a while. One that Britney gave you the first time you two had sex. One that the Princess had right before you two fornicated in the bay…she takes her two straps, pulls them to the side and drops the dress, she is completely naked in front of you/ Yup she was commando the entire time out and about. She has a look, and a nervous pose to her. STATS: A:19 B:10 L:19 S:18
Click Read More for the NC-17 rated version…

walk over to her and gently wrap both arms around her and kiss her as I pick her up, gently back us up till we are against a wall, then slowly start to kiss her neck.
DMaster: She wraps her legs around your waist and runs her hand through your hair. She is fondling your shirt looking for the buttons
Chance: Chuckle a little and turn us around and head to the edge of the bed.
DMaster: You put her on the edge of the bed, she leans back on her elbows
ARA: Not fair, Im sans-clothes and you are fully dressed (smirks)
Chance: Chan: Hey how many times have I been near naked in front of you?
as I take my shirt off her, fling it across the room.
DMaster: She smiles and nods
ARA: That’s true…
You look over this beautiful woman, near perfect skin, smaller but perky breasts, big glittering eyes
Chance: Chan: Anyways we have all night Ara don’t rush a good thing (winking)
DMaster: She leans up and with the dexterity of a rogue, unlocks and rips off your belt
ARA: Ah hah!
Chance: Chan: whoa how’d you do that?
DMaster: She looks up and gives you a uh duh’ look.
ARA: I work with this stuff everyday silly, it was…
Chance: Lean forward and kiss her as she is talking
DMaster: She grabs the back of your head and brings you closer
Chance: gently push her back down on the bed with one hand pinning her with that hand
DMaster: She uses her one leg and wraps it around you, the best her shorter legs can do
Chance: with my other hand I work off my pants
DMaster: You stumble around with it, Ara giggles and with again surprising stealth, switches positions. You are now on your back, she is straddling you, she yanks your pants down and uses her foot to finish them to the floor
Chance: Chan: there now you got me naked(chuckling)
lean up and grab her around the waist and flip the position
DMaster: she smiles and giggles, bouncing on the bed as you wrestle with positions. She leans back and lets you take over
Chance: gently start kissing her ear and nibbling at it as I kiss my way down her body, gently kiss my down till I start kissing between her legs and well, you know. Prime the engine so to speak.
DMaster: She seems to be really enjoying it, gripping the bed sheets, arching her back.
Chance: then I kiss my way back up until I kiss her on the lips again
DMaster: She is shivering and is playing with your hair, she takes out your pin / thing holding your hair
Chance: as she is playing with my hair I kiss her a little deeper
DMaster: She is shaking a bit, heart racing. She positions herself with herself right under yours.
Chance: and I gently start pushing against her with him
DMaster: She makes cute grunting noises and she giggles
ARA: Are you teasing me?
Chance: Chan: maybe I am
DMaster: She gives you a look, grabs your sides and thrusts her hips up and in it goes. She gasps
ARA: Ohhhh myyyy…god
Chance: kissing her again and I gently push him in a little deeper
DMaster: She is different, really really tight. Takes a bit for you to not just unleash the swimmers. you two start to grind, she looks into your eyes, half scared, half in pleasure. She is getting into it. She is moaning loudly.
Chance: Touch her face as she starts getting into it and keep up with the rhythm she is laying down.
DMaster: She kisses you, then leans back, arches her back. she is getting loud, you are not all the way in and it kind of feels like it can’t go much further. She is gasping
Chance: start kissing her neck as she gets louder and start matching her rhythm
DMaster: you two go for a good 10 minutes, you think she had a few O’s but you are used to Britney, so she is different. She was pretty loud, the bed was creaking and hitting the wall. After what you think was another O, She pushes you off, gets you on the bed and she climbs on top and starts to grind pretty good, but still can’t get you all the way in, which is fine
Chance: grab her hips and control the movements.
DMaster: As you think she is getting another, you can’t hold out. it’s pretty damn powerful, and you finally make it all the way in and she yelps, She has both hands on your chest, sweat dripping, eyes closed for a minute. Then looks down at you
ARA: Ohhh wow… that last one hurt a little
She starts to laugh a little
Chance: Chan: I am sorry(smiling)
DMaster: She rolls off you and sprawls across her bed, its a damn big bed too. She is breathing heavy.
Chance: lay next to her and stroke her hair watching her breath
DMaster: She turns to you and snuggles a bit, looking into your eyes.
ARA: Was it… ok?
Still panting a bit.
Chance: Chan: Ara it was more than okay, it was amazing.
kissing her on the cheek.
DMaster: She smiles
ARA: Good, because if it was amazing just for me, that would of sucked (giggles)
You do have to take a leak now.
Chance: Chan: where is your bathroom? Must have been that nasty swill I had to drink.
starting to get up, smirking.
DMaster: With a giggle she gives directions and points. She rolls over a bit and wipes her hair out of her face and lets out a satisfied sigh.
Chance: Get up and head for the bathroom.
DMaster: She gets up and grabs a towel, looks like she is going to clean up your ahem mess. You walk down and find the bathroom and take a leak. After you walk out and directly across is a living room of sorts and Mina is sitting there reading a book with looks like a cup of tea. she looks up at you and her eyes bulge, she gets a eye full of naked Chance… just hanging out.
Chance: cup my mouth.
Chan: oh shit.
DMaster: MIN: (quietly)Oh it’s… ok… damn
Shakes her head a little, not taking her eyes off of, well, you.
MIN: You were a bit loud… or I mean she was… I said be gentle, remember?
She says in a playful tone and is having a hard time not looking at your flopper. She is turning all shades of red.
Chance: Cover up my ‘flopper’.
Chan:(quietly) I better get back to her.
DMaster: She smiles and nods.
Chance: quickly head back to the bedroom.
DMaster: Going inside you see Ara wrapped in a blanket sitting in a comfy chair looking out the window. Its about mid 50’s out right now, a nice breeze is making its way in.
Chance: quietly walk over wrap arms around her.
DMaster: She moves so you can squeeze in and She snuggles back into your arms and you two sit in the chair and look at one of the moons.
Chance: Chan: you know you could have told me to cover up (laughing) Mina got to see me in full glory.
DMaster: ARA: (kinda looking back at you) Ohhhh noooo Well… she will thank me later I suppose (giggles)
ARA:This is amazing… tonight was amazing.
She leans back, gives you a peck on your cheek and snuggles even deeper into you. After a few minutes, she seems to be dozing off.
ARA: Did you want to sleep over?
Chance: Chan: well what kind of man would I be if I just up and left?
DMaster: She smiles, grabs your hand and walks you over to the bed. She lays down and brings you on top of her again and you do it again, it’s a lot quicker, still was amazing. Both of you fall asleep all tangled in the blankets. You dozed off, and sleep for a few hours, but you wake up and you are like BINK awake. The legend doesn’t talk about if you fall asleep after a good fuck.
Chance: Looking over to Ara see if she is still asleep.
THURALAY (Thursday) @ 3:00 am
DMaster: Sound asleep, she is half buried in a blanket, one leg sticking out arm over her head.
Chance: quietly slide out from under the blanket and go sit in the chair looking out the window.
DMaster: OK, you spend about 2 hours looking out thinking. You should be cold… but you’re not. It’s about 3-ish in the morning. You hear some rustling and a moan.
ARA: Chance?
Her head pokes up out of the blankets, bleary eyed and hair all over.
Chance: Chan: Yes over here hon, sorry I couldn’t sleep, I didn’t wanna wake you.
DMaster: ARA: I gotta pee (blurts out).
She gets up and zombie walks out the door, her perfect shaped sweet bum in full view.
Chance: laughing as she does, slouch back in the chair.
DMaster: She comes back in, walking a bit funny. Yawning trying to cover her mouth.
ARA: I’m gonna get some more Z’s
Looks at you.
ARA: Do you want to sleep too? Or…
Chance: Chan: go ahead.
DMaster: She is fighting with the blankets getting them straightened out.
Chance: get up and help her, and give her a kiss on the head.
DMaster: They were all tangled up from your events, She flops into the bed and has a big smile. You look and she is practically glowing. She grabs your arm and wraps it around her and you two snuggle. she falls asleep almost instantly. You don’t sleep.
Chance: just lay there and watch her sleeping and hold her.
DMaster: She is a quiet sleeper, just the rhythm of her breathing is all. You get a knock on the door, and you suspect it’s about 6:00am. Ara sits up real quick and blurts out.
ARA: Bitch!
she looks around, sees you and blushes a little. Mina peeks in.
MIN: Is everyone clothed?
Chance: Chan: ummm give us a minute Mina.
DMaster: ARA: Oh wait
She gets up and grabs your pants and throws them to you)
Chance: Catch my pants and put them on
DMaster: Ara opens a large cabinet with a ton of clothes, grabs a long button up and throws it over her head
Chance: Chan: okay yeah we are now Mina.
get up and go grab my shirt, so I am not walking around shirtless.
DMaster: Mina opens the doorway. Opens the door and leans against the doorway. Ara gives her a goofy look with a big smile.
MIN: So… the neighbors knocked on our door last night – Yeah that happened (nods playfully) explaining to them that the noises they heard was happy ones (giggles).
Chance: bust out laughing.
DMaster: Ara’s faced turns beat red and to complete embarrassment.
ARA: OH MY GOD… I wasn’t that loud.
MIN: Um yeah, you were.
This time a serious look and a nod.
Chance: Look around innocently
Chan: Ara, I am sure it’s ok.
DMaster: Mina is looking at Ara, nodding with a big smile on her face. Ara has her hand over her mouth.
MIN: Come on, I have some breakfast ready.
Chance: Chan: I will have to pass, but thank you… I better get to the compound.
looking at Ara.
DMaster: Ara walks over to you and grabs your collar on your shirt and gives you a kiss while you are trying to put on your boots.
ARA: Couldn’t have that, then they would ask you why you were late!
She looks at you and smiles.
Chance: Chan: Explaining to them about getting more than just awesome armor out of our smithy could be tricky.
DMaster: ARA: Ok hon, get, I will see you later.
Chance: Nod and head out.
DMaster: You walk by Mina and she wrinkles her nose.
MIN: Chance, take a second
Points to the bathroom.
MIN: you smell like champagne, sex, sweat and Ara’s pussy…
Her eyes huge, blushing and a surprised look.
Chance: Stop, smile, try not to laugh. Give Mina a look as to say, ‘it happens.’ Head the other way down the hallway to the bathroom.
DMaster: She smirks and nods in agreement, then turns to Ara who is absolutely shell shocked by the comment. As you walk into the bathroom, you hear Ara quietly say to Mina:
ARA: Does my pussy smell?
Mina busts out laughing, almost doubles over.
MIN: No hun, I was joking. But sex, does smell.
Chance: Cover my mouth not to laugh.
DMaster: you get cleaned up a bit, You over hear them talking in the living area.
MIN: Sooo?
ARA: It was amazing…
Chance: quietly stop as I hear them.
DMaster: MIN: Ok. Damn girl, don’t spunk right there.
ARA: Mina! He was a bit bigger than I thought, but he was real good with it.
MIN: (sigh) lucky bitch.
they get quiet.
ARA: (munch munch) I think Chance is the only man I have ever met that I would have slept with no matter what…
MIN: I could tell…
ARA: I might not know much about sex, but I am pretty sure I am not his first.
MIN: Uh duh.
Chance: kind of make a coughing noise as I leave the room.
DMaster: Ara runs over gives you a kiss on the cheek and gives you a playful smack on the butt.
Chance: Chan: hey now easy on the goods(smiling)
kiss her on the cheek.
DMaster: She smiles and heads back into the living area. you head out, down a street, get lost for a minute
but find your way out on the main road, as you are walking you get close to the compound and what you think is a runner stops and looks at you.
RUN: There you are!
He beckons you over to a quiet spot.
Chance: walk over to the runner, show the ring.
DMaster: 1 Harlow Compound Red.
Chance: Chan: understand I am on my way.
DMaster: He took off.
Chance: turn and move toward the compound quickly, once in head towards Captain Harlow’s office.
DMaster: You head in and of course it’s real busy. Her door is closed, you knock and she tells you to come in.
Chance: open door and go in.
Chan: reporting Captain.
DMaster: Harper is sitting in one of the chairs.
HARP: Oh look who shows up… late?
CAP: No, he is not technically late. I know it’s early but I called for you over an hour ago.
Harper sniffs and looks at you.
Chance: Chan: sorry I wasn’t in my… room.
Look around innocently.
DMaster: HAR: No… you weren’t (laughs) Good for you.
She smirks. Captain gives her a look then back at you… and then she realizes.
CAP: Oh.. well.
Shakes her head.
Chance: Chan: my apologies.
take a seat.
DMaster: CAP: Harper you can go now.
HAR: Awww, I want to know who cutie here boned.
She stands up and runs her hand across your shoulders and then looks into your eyes.
Chance: Shake my head and look directly into her eyes. Figure if Cassie and Affinity can’t read me, this harpy can’t charm me.
Chan: don’t try that little trick with me (smiling)
DMaster: She looks into your eyes and steps back.
HARP: Damn!
She looks perplexed.
CAP: Harper… NOW, please. I’ll be in contact.
She shrugs her shoulders and walks out, closes the door.
Chance: Chan: I apologize again Captain for not being home.
looking at the Captain.
DMaster: The Captain has a small smile, shakes her head.
CAP: You should have a life Chance, just if you remember to have a note on your table or something.
She sits down heavily and leans forward on her desk.
CAP: but if we were not busy enough.
She starts looking for something on her desk.
CAP: The elite guards that were supposed to be here yesterday are not.
Chance: Chan: That can’t be good.
DMaster: She finds what she was looking for, tosses over a scroll with a map.
CAP: We got reports of an altercation about a day North of here, it could be the Elite or 2 drunk guys beating each other with wood planks. BUT, It is the only clue we have. Best case scenario you meet them on the road to here, worst, they were caught into an altercation and you’ll have to figure out what happened. There is more to this that the Royals are not telling me and I would have pushed the envelope but we are too damn busy and running out of Agents to get what needs done.
Chance: Nod as I look over the map.
DMaster: CAP: Hate to do this but suit up and report to the northern stables ASAP, you ride as soon as you get there. The map has the location of where the altercation took place, you will have Veritaan with you. He is the lead..
Chance: Chan: yes Captain, I will have to make a stop at the castle to get my sword and then head to the stables.
DMaster: She looks at you a bit annoyed.
CAP: Don’t need the play by play, get to the stables as fast as you can, Veritaan has been waiting..
She is grabbing other documents and is heading for her door farther in the room.
Chance: Chan: Will do.
get up out of my seat and quickly go to the door.
DMaster: It is not quite 7am. You head down to your office with a bit of apprehensiveness,
‘did Ara finish your armor?’ runs across your mind… ‘damn damn’
Chance: Pick up the pace, you go by some agents, down the stairs into my room.
DMaster: Relief washes over you as the Armor is hanging there.
Chance: see how it feels as I am gearing up.
DMaster: Fits pretty good, just a little loose but you are kind of happy for that, and then you sense someone close.
Chance: Look up while I finish strapping it up and put everything where it goes.
DMaster: Ara leans on your door frame
ARA: How does it fit?
She walks in and starts to help.
Chance: Chan: Thanks… I haven’t even had a chance to get to my room, have to get my sword. (fidget with the armor) but the Captain has me already on the go… the life of a agent * sigh *
DMaster: ARA: Sorry hope I didn’t get you in trouble (smirks a little evil smile).
Chance: Shake my head.
Chan: no you didn’t just when Harper is in the Captain’s room, sniffing and unworldly knowing what I did the night before… (chuckle) trying to figure out who I was with(smirking).
DMaster: Her eyes grow big.
ARA: That bitch (smiles) What does Cap have you doing?
Chance: Chan: well I guess the Elite still haven’t shown up and they are worried something happened after some reports came in.
DMaster: ARA: Elite? Oh… Vermeer’s or Princess Amara’s guard?
Chance: Finish with my armor.
Chan: guess there was an altercation about a day from here.
DMaster: She stands up a little straighter.
ARA: Oh…
She looks worried as she double checks everything.
Chance: Chan: don’t worry I got this Ara.
DMaster: THA: Excuse me Ara. Chance, hit the throne room before the stable.
He looks at the both of you kind of standing around googly eyeing each other.
Chance: Chan: Yes Thanos.
DMaster: He claps his hands a few times. Makes Ara jump a little.
THA: Lets go! Royalty is waiting.
He glances at Ara and walks out the door.
Chance: Chan: thank you by the way Ara.
DMaster: ARA: That should do it, the shield might be a little loose
She smiles
ARA: No, thank YOU…
She leans into you real quick on her tippy toes and gives you a kiss.
ARA: Be careful ok?
Chance: Kiss her back.
Chan: always, I better go before the royals get their panties in a bunch(smirking).
DMaster: She smiles and walks off.
Chance: quickly head out of my office and head out of the compound.
DMaster: You get to the castle, head down grab your sword then back to the throne room. You see servants and the like wide eyed and look around seeing you, a little intimidated.
Chance: After grabbing sword and put it in my scabbard and quickly head to the throne room.
DMaster: The throne room is pretty full. King Jeramiah sits on the throne and Princess Affinity is by the throne. Queen Hylora and Princess Amara are talking while looking over some things on the large table. Prince Lattimore is bored pushing a piece of paper around the table.
JER: Chance?
He stands up from the throne, they all turn and see you.
Chance: Chan: M’lords and M’ladies.
bowing as I see them all.
DMaster: LAT: Whoa, I still love those outfits.
AMA: Its Armor Latty.
Amara walks over to you.
AMA: I am sorry to do this to you and to the Black Ward.
Chance: Give her a separate bow and smile at her.
Chan: don’t be M’lady, it’s what we do.
DMaster: She stops in front of you, smiles back and seems pretty impressed with your get up.
AMA: I am sure the Captain filled you in?
Chance: Chan: she did M’lady.
DMaster: AMA: There are 3 Elite guards and should have been 8 guards with them traveling. They did have some…
She looks back and the Queen nods.
AMA: Gold, well… a lot of gold. It was for the wedding among other things.
The Queen walks over.
HYL: It would be in a nondescript crate, it will have our crest on the top.
She shows you the crest. You commit it to memory.
Chance: ‘So that is what they didn’t tell Captain, Gold? Ok… whatever’
Chan: well I will do what I can to find them and the crate and bring them back here safely.
DMaster: you head for the stable and you get there.
VER: Holy shit Chance, where the hell have you been, we had to be on the road like an hour ago.
He looks at you with an evil eye.
Chance: look away for a second and then look back up with a grin.
Chan: sorry I am late, I had to stop by the throne room and talk with the Royals. So let’s just get a move on the queen and the princess are worried about the Elite.
DMaster: He shakes his head and works his reins on his horse.
VER: I took it upon myself to get your horse ready.
He climbs on his horse, you climb on yours.
Chance: Get comfortable.
Chan: well thank you for that.
DMaster: Because you have only ridden a horse a few times, You were a little nervous but you do well enough. You two are riding, its a wide semi-paved / bricked road with some brush on either side and some trees. Its another beautiful day, sunshine, lower 60’s. You hear “THOCK” Veritaan goes flying backwards off his horse. The horse slows and rears up. There is a cloud of dust where Veritaan is.
Chance: Chan: Veritaan!!!!
pull the reins on my horse to stop it.
DMaster: He is laying flat on his back, dust all over with a bolt sticking right in his chest, in the heart area. He is grabbing for it, gasping for air.
Chance: jump down off my horse after I stop it, go running over to Veritaan.
DMaster: A bolt sails over your head. He is still gasping for air, from the bolt and getting thrown off the horse.
Chance: grab him and try to drag him off the road, trying to find cover.
DMaster: The road is pretty wide, but you get him down beyond some brush and up against a tree. He coughs, blood comes out of his mouth.
Chance: get him behind the tree and look at the bolt.
DMaster: You hear people talking and it’s getting closer.
VOICE ONE: Nice horses, I call that one.
VOICE TWO: Shit, its black ward, look at the saddle.
VOICE ONE: I killed one…
VOICE TWO: You just don’t just kill a ward member.
Chance: Chan: this is gonna hurt taan.
DMaster: He shakes his head, sweat starting to bead on his head… blood trickling.
VER: Don’t pull it out, Ill bleed out dumb ass!
He is trying to look to the right or left.
VER: They are getting closer, draw your weapon, do something!
Chance: Without even asking, I yank the bolt out of him.
He winces clutching that area.
Chance: and think of pain as I touch the wound.
DMaster: Some laughing as they approach.
VOICE: There I just heard them, did someone say… Fucker?
They laugh again. Veritaan eyes grow real big as he looks into your eyes as the wound heals.
VER: W-w-what the fuck…
he scooches as far back as he can and looks at his wound.
Chance: Chan: No time to explain. We need to cut up some bandits.
Calmly back up, unsheathe my sword and stand up. grab my shield off my back.
Chan: now get ready taan we got a fight on our hands.
Smirk evilly and start to walk out.
DMaster: He jumps up and takes out his two short swords, 4 men are walking over and they look completely surprised that there are 2 of you standing. They get their weapons out. 3 have swords, 1 had a shield as well. The other is laying back, hood over his head. Definitely bandits. One of the men looks nervously at you.
MAN: Hey, they are both OK…? Come on man they are Black Ward.
The middle man pulls his hood and his eyes are all funky.
VER: FUCK. A Splitjaw during the day? Really?
DM: Splitjaws are Legons version of Vampires.
Chance: Chan: Why not, why the hell not.
Shaking head and growl.
DMaster: VAM: Get them boys, save me one to eat.
He licks his lips.
Chance: get near taan, look at the bandits with a grin on my face.
DMaster: all the bandits have initiative, the Splitjaw is waiting in the back. DM: Dice roller absolutely hated him, rolled terribly
Chance: Of course, damn Dice Roller.
DMaster: The first bandit, Goes after you. He does a sideways slash motion and with your powers he goes into slow motion. You jump back and watch the sword zing by. The 2nd one rushes you, you almost dodge the sword, but it gets you and he shoulders you to the ground, just grazing damage. All 3 of the bandits go after you for some reason, because the dice roller loves you.
Chance: of course.
DMaster: As you fall to the ground from the last attack, the one raises up his sword and drops it down right into your shoulder. Veritaan has an advantage since they are all aiming at you, since you were on the ground already, he blows some dust and swings for the fences.
Chance: I can’t look.
DMaster: The one that knocked you down, Veritaan gets a critical. Rips one of his blades across his chest, opens up the shitty armor he is wearing. You are on the ground…
Chance: Grab hold of the sword, right on the blade and rip it out of me and shove the bandit back.
DMaster: You send the guy on top backwards and you get up quickly.
Chance: I go after the first bandit in a slashing motion.
DMaster: You swing and miss completely. The first bandit barely even noticed you were attacking him. He turns to Veritaan and tries to stab him as he was attacking the other bandit. He made the savings throw for the dust. Taan with his other short sword parries it away. The 2nd one despite getting a huge gash in his chest by Veritaan goes after you. He slashes at you, but you bring up the shield and block it easily. You see an opportunity and release the mechanism for the dagger in the shield, and slash at the bandit right across his face. Blood splatters out. The 3rd regains his balance and does a barbarian overhead swing with his long sword. Hits your armor, grazes you, took off a bracer, it goes flying, but you moved fast enough out of the way. Veritaan pulls out one of his moves, a double slash using both swords at #1. The first one gauges the Bandit throwing his armor. The second one he loses his balance and misses completely.
Chance: coming at him in an arch motion.
DMaster: DM: He rolls a 3, and I stop myself from spitting out my drink. Man, he has no luck in battle
You are over excited and miss completely.
Chance: arch and swing at him again
DMaster: (rolls a 1)I cant type, I’m laughing too hard. You miss and since you had a shitty roll he swings and gets you, barely but enough for you to wince. The Splitjaw joins the attack now, since he chose his time he will have top initiative.
Chance: Awesome, here I thought this was going to be hard
DMaster: He rushes you, his head morphs and his jaws unlock its gruesome, spit and venom flying. It’s day so he is weakened but still very fast, as fast as you. You two collide, you push his ugly face off with your shield. He staggers back. Frustrated, he tries to strike you with his claw and misses. The first bandit strikes out to Veritaan. Veritaan does a twirl move and the guy completely misses. The one bandit turns tail and starts to run, neither you or Veritaan were close enough to backstab him. As you are fighting you see out of the corner of your eye the guy jumps on your horse and takes off.
Chance: That adds to this wonderful heartwarming day.
DMaster: He bends a bit and makes a wide motion, leg level with his long sword, Clips Veritaan pretty good, sending him back a bit and to one knee. In a fit of anger he slashes with his sword, misses and the sword goes flying.
Chance: time to a slash at the Splitjaw.
DMaster: You took a swing at the Splitjaw and he was ready for you. He doesn’t even move and you miss.
Chance: and slash back at him again.
DMaster: (rolls another 1) CANT BREATH LOLING TO HARD.
You almost lose grip on the sword, and lose your balance. The Splitjaw tries to backhand you but you are too quick. The Splitjaw turns from you and hops over the one bandit and goes after Veritaan with his fangs. Taan was not ready for that attack and the creature sinks his teeth deep into Veritaan’s shoulder. He tries to hold him there but Veritaan breaks free. The creature then swipes with his claws but Veritaan had enough to get out of the way. The 2nd bandit, seeing he was bit goes after Veritaan and misses completely, almost stumbles and falls. The 3rd bandit also tries to take advantage as his sword grazes his armor but he dodges it.
Veritaan goes after the 1st bandit and does some grazing damage.
Chance: looking to see that the first bandit is closest to me.
DMaster: 1st bandit.
Chance: Attack him stabbing the sword forward.
DMaster: He turns to look at you and his eyes grow real big as he looks in your eyes. Taking advantage of that you sink your sword deep into his gut and even had a little time to turn it. He steps back far enough that it comes out. He grabs his stomach. Your eyes have changed to the firey electric orange.
Chance: They should I am pissed, mostly at the %@#$ Dice Roller.
DMaster: you slash him with your dagger in the shield. he drops to his knee, holding his throat, and gives him a cut slice through. The Splitjaw sees you and your eyes, hesitates for a moment, maybe to run but decides not to and comes after you. He leaps at you with amazing grace. You dodge him with ease, in fact you push him out of the way, he turns to go at you again and you just faceplant him with your shield. Stunning him for a second. You glance over and the other bandit blood coming from all holes tries to flee. You get one more shot at him and stab his calf and he drops and faceplants. The third bandit despite seeing the one bandit go down, the other fled and the Splitjaw not doing great still sticks around. I guess the fact the Splitjaw got Veritaan, but he has enough in the tank to get out of the way of the attack. With a desperate move Veritaan leaps at the Splitjaws and sinks his sword deep into its leg. It howls in pain.
Chance: While the Splitjaw is busy with Veritaan, I’ll go after him too.
DMaster: He slides and moves back just far enough to miss your attack, but it set him off balance. You 360 a slash motion that rips through his face, taking off half the jaw and blood, saliva and probably venom pours out. The Splitjaw grabbed at his face.
Chance: glaring at him as my eyes do their thing.
DMaster: Staggering back, glares right back at you… He jolts a bit and its like his arms grew and his claws grew bigger. He frenzies and jumps at you clawing and scratching. You can’t get out of the way and rips through your armor and across your face, deep along your eyes, you are partially blinded now. Blood pouring out of you.
VER: Fuck! Chance!!!
He is trying to get over to you but the Bandit is in his way. The Splitjaw walks and stands directly over top of you wriggling his claws, blood still coming out of the wound you gave him. The bandit slices at Veritaan getting him, but it wasn’t bad.
Chance: I am just about done… barely any HP.
DMaster: Getting up would allow the Splitjaw a free attack because he is literally standing overtop of you. You can try to heal yourself but again, that leaves you vulnerable. Looks like the Dice will have to be your savior in this, hope he doesn’t roll good.
Chance: Fuck it.
DMaster: Fuck what? Your hand, get one last stroke before you buy it?
Chance: Chan:(scream) FINSTER!!!! I AM YOURS!!!!
DMaster: The Splitjaw looks bewildered standing over you waiting to finish you off. you put your hands forth as to block his attack and the Splitjaw is launched 20 feet from you with such force, he slams against a tree and you hear his bones break. knocking him out.
The Bandit turns to look at you in bewilderment. Veritaan takes advantage and using his sword and a long dagger from his belt, runs them through the bandit, you see two blades emerge from the front of the bandits, blood pouring out. The bandit just fails lifeless to the ground. Veritaan grimacing from his wounds but has a look of satisfaction as he watches the guy fall.
Chance: Touch my face with my hands, but this time think of healing. Concentrate on that. also touch my shoulder and heal as well. Then get up and grab my sword.
DMaster: Veritaan is walking gingerly over to the Splitjaw twirling his swords. He drives both of them into the creature’s skull, but that doesn’t kill him. He then grabs his hand lantern, empties the contents on the Splitjaw. Turns around and flicks a lit stick he started with some tinder and flint, on the creature and it instantly catches fire and starts to burn.
Chance: Walk over to Veritaan.
DMaster: You look around, see a burning Splitjaw corpse, two bandit bodies on the ground, your armor barely hanging on, blood and guts strewn about both of you. He reaches down and rips part of a shirt off one of the bandits and wraps his legs with it, the ones that got sliced.
Chance: Chan: Veritaan let me help you.
DMaster: He puts up his hands.
VER: Don’t, I might be infected. I am not sure healing would do anything but accelerate the process.
Chance: Chan: But your wounds, I can heal just those… you could die.
DMaster: He gives you a sharp glance.
VER: The wounds are not grave, worse, much worse…
He looks very frustrated and mad, twirls around and looks at you.
VER: And what the fuck was that!
Waves his hands where you almost died.
VER: Why are you yelling for who was it? Finster? You were all but dead right there and pow, the Splitjaw gets shot across the brush like a gnome in a dwarf tossing contest. You were moving so fast, as fast as that thing and you couldn’t take them out…
grabs another piece from a bandit’s shirt.
Chance: Keep my composure.
Chan: taan, it’s a long story.
DMaster: He sheathed his swords after cleaning them of with the rag.
Chance: Chan: I can help would you please let me.
DMaster: He stands under a tree hands on hips, then he grabs his shoulder, winces He looks up, sweat beading down his face,
VER: Not even a high priestess can heal the Splitjaw bite… (shakes his head) We have to head back now.
Chance: Shake my head.
Chan: fine fine.
DMaster: He walks out to the edge of the road.
VER: Where the hell is your horse?
Throws his hands up.
Chance: Chan: in the fight I think one of the bandits grabbed it.
shaking head.
DMaster: He shakes his head.
VER: Great, just fucking great.
He turns back and walks over to the Splitjaw, now a smoldering corpse and he takes out his sword and chops the creature’s head off. He then walks over to the one bandit.
VER: This one is still alive (points to the one Veritaan backstabbed) Check the other for anything, I imagine they were just looking for some travelers but you never know.
Chance: Walk over to avoid the puddles of blood. Check for anything.
DMaster: You find a few gold, a crude dagger and a few feet from him lays a really nice long sword. It gleams and you are almost 100% positive that is Bluesteel, like yours.
Chance: look closer at the sword.
DMaster: You were right it is most definitely Bluesteel, well crafted probably worth 40 gp or more. Veritaan is dragging the bandit to the edge of the road. Plops him down.
VER: Dammit we won’t have time for this.
Looks around and wipes his forehead.
Chance: Pick the sword up and walk over to him.
Chan: this sword doesn’t look like something a normal bandit would be carrying
Hold the sword up for him to see.
Chan: what do you think?
DMaster: Looking back and forth down the roads.
VER: No one traveling around here, that’s odd, I would have expected people going by now.
He glances at the sword.
VER: Nice, probably took it off there last victim
He then looks again, grabs it from your hand and flips it. A crest is on the hilt.
VER: Wonder who this crest belongs too?
You recognize it as the house of Roche of the Kingdom of Vermeer.
Chance: Chan: Son of a BITCH.
Sigh and look down.
DMaster: Veritaan looks at you with an eyebrow raised.
VER: What?
He flips the sword and holds it to look more closely at the crest.
Chance: Chan: It’s the house of Roche, Kingdom of Vermeer. Damn it.
DMaster: Veritaan wobbles a bit and coughs. He cringes a bit, then regains his stance.
VER: We have to get back, let them know what we found.
Chance: I take the sword with me.
DMaster: VER: Chance, get the horse ready.
He drags the guy over to where the Splitjaw is smoldering.
Chance: Chan: yes Veritaan.
get the horse ready keeping an eye on Taan.
DMaster: He takes out his sword and buries it into the guys heart, killing him. Puts his sword back and heads over
VER: Hate doing that, id take him in but we only have one horse and we need to get back and report.
Chance: Chan: well if either of us had seen that other bandit(smirking)yes we do I agree.
DMaster: He jumps on the horse.
VER: Get on back.
Chance: hop up and secure myself.
DMaster: you two ride back as fast as you can, the weather is excellent, 60s and sunshine. You reach the gates in about an hour it’s about 10am. Through the gates, off the horse. Veritaan is struggling a lot more. Stumbles and he looks real pale. You help him to the compound.
Chance: Chan: lean on me taan.
DMaster: He does not argue and leans heavily on you. you two make it into the compound.
Chance: Once inside.
DMaster: Everyone stops and looks, Cybil’s eyes grow real big and she grabs a runner and tells him something. Killian sees you first, he comes running pushing people out of the way. Meanwhile the doors open to the lab. Bastian looking out cringing.
Chance: Chan: a little help Killian.
DMaster: CYB: Get the captain!
Killian reaches you and the two of you help him into the lab.
KIL: Lets get him onto the table.
Chance: Chan: yes let’s.
DMaster: You glance around and you catch sight of Ara, and for a split second you are taken back to the moment you two snuggled in front of the window looking out over the moon… but reality sets back in quick. Ara is looking over and sees you and her eyes bulge, but its chaos right now, people running around, the Captain running for the lab. Bastian clears a table, things go crashing to the floor.
BAS: Talk to me Chance, what happened?
Chance: Put him up on the table with Killian.
Chan: fucking Splitjaw.
DMaster: Bastian looks up wide eyed
BAS: A Splitjaw?!
KIL: You are kidding!
he goes to Veritaan and is looking into his eyes, Veritaan is in some pain. The captain runs in and points at Cybil. She moves people out of the way and closes the doors.
Chance: Shaking my head, looking over Veritaan.
Chan: no I am not kidding at all.
DMaster: He looks at his wounds on his neck.
BAS: Oh no… oh no.
The captain walks over and sets up next to Bastian.
HAR: Did I hear Splitjaw? In the middle of the day?
BAS: They can be just as deadly in the day.
Chance: Chan: we were attacked on the road and these bandits had a Splitjaw with them.
DMaster: Bastian grabs your arm and pulls you to the side.
BAS: (quietly) Did you try to heal him?
Chance: Shake my head.
Chan:(quietly) no I didn’t he wouldn’t let me.
DMaster: He shakes his head, tapping his finger on his chin.
Chance: looking at him.
DMaster: The doors open and in comes a redhead with flowing white gown. She has a monk with her. She walks towards Veritaan and sees you, Her eyes grow big.
Chance: look down a bit.
DMaster: ROS: Get him out of here NOW!
Everyone looks around wondering who she was talking about.
HAR: How are you here so fast? We just sent word…
Shaking her head, she has her eyes beaming at you.
Chance: Chan: that would be me.
walk toward the door.
DMaster: CAP: Who Chance? Now is not the time for vendetta’s we need your help!
She shakes her head, not taking her eyes off you.
ROS: I was notified, that… someone is now officially associated with… well. Doesn’t matter, GET… HIM… OUT… OF… HERE…
Rage just emanates from her face, she has her hand on a battlestaff.
Chance: Chan: it’s fine Captain, I am leaving.
DMaster: Killian looks at her and then you leave. He walks to you.
KIL: Come on kid, lets go to my Office we can…
He stops, grabs your face and looks into your eyes, his eyes grow big. He grabs your arm and walks you out with Bastian protesting.
BAS: No! No! I think Chance can… dammit!
Chance: staying quiet as he walks me out.
DMaster: There is a crowd around the door, you see Cybil, Mina and Ara among 15 other agents / workers.
He stops grabbing you and just lets you walk with him, everyone is watching you walk by. you catch a glimpse of the doors opening up and some clerics coming into some commotion in the main compound area.
Chance: keep head down, sighs as we walk to his office
DMaster: Your armor is hanging on by a thread, your hood is in mangles and you are covered in blood and dirt. He closes his door.
KIL: I am afraid to ask.
Walks a bit and puts his hand to his temple. His usually light demeanor is dead serious.
KIL: so to begin with, what happened?
He glares at you full well knowing the result of what you are going to tell him.
Chance: Chan: we were riding on the road when a bolt knocked Veritaan off his horse… (tell the tale)
DMaster: It only takes you a minute, He sits on the edge of his desk and listens intently. You tell him the story to the point where the Splitjaws is standing over you, what do you say next?
Chance: look at him not knowing what to say… kind of look down for a minute. Frustration welling up inside.
DMaster: KIL: Kid, ain’t no time for hesitations, You ignited domething in Rosalindas butt, and now clerics are swarming the compound, Veritaan is half dead.
He paces a bit rubbing his hands together.
Chance: Chan: I had to make one big fucking decision Killian. DIE or call upon Finster.
DMaster: He tilts his head. Not really surprised.
Chance: Chan: I accepted him, I’m his bitch now!
Slam my hand against the wall.
Chan: Fuck!
DMaster: He looks down and takes a deep breath.
KIL: That would explain your eyes.
He grabs his huge double handed and turns it flat at you so you can see your reflection. Your eyes are orange, almost glowing.
Chance: looking back at myself.
Chan: Perfect. This will be easy to explain to, I don’t know, to EVERYONE who looks at me.
DMaster: KIL: Ok, so you accepted him, then what?
Puts his sword back.
Chance: Chan: I blew the Splitjaw off with both hands ** tell him the rest **
DMaster: KIL: Let me see that sword.
Holds his hand out.
Chance: hand him the sword.
Chan: it is definitely one of the elite’s I think.
DMaster: Just then, the door opens and the captain walks in.
HAR: What a goddamn day…
KIL: Oh it gets better.
He holds the sword up and shows the captain, Her eyes bulge.
HAR: No!
Slams her hand on the door frame. Looks down and snarls.
Chance: looking down.
DMaster: HAR: That’s an elite sword for sure.
Clenches her jaw.
HAR: Killian, Rosalinda decided to clear the compound for some inexplicable reason. Can you go and… (looks at him) what?
KIL: Cap…
He looks over to you, tilting his head in your direction.
HAR: What… What now?
She looks over to you, glances at your eyes. Her eyes widen and steps back.
Chance: Chan: Yeah, welcome to my nightmare.
DMaster: She throws her hands in the air. As she does that Bastian sticks his head in.
BAS: Can I have a word with Chance?
Then the captain just stop, face read, body shaking, and she just screams in complete frustration.
Killian and Bastian stand perfectly still, eyes wide. Afraid to move after seeing their usually calm and collective captain lose her shit.
Chance: cross my arms, shaking my head. Take a step back.
DMaster: BAS: Cap, it’s very timely. I need to talk with Chance…
Bastian looks at you.
BAS: Fuck me, didn’t think you would of ever gone through with it.
Harlow snaps her head to Bastian ready to yell again but stops, pauses.
HAR: What… his eyes are even more wacky now, wait, what do you mean…
Pauses a moment looks back at you, puts her head in her hands.
HAR: You, did it? Fuck me is right…
She lifts her head up, turns to you, anger with wide eyes combined.
Chance: Sigh, get ready to take on whats coming to me.
DMaster: She walks over grabs your face and she looks into your eyes. She clenches her jaw again.
HAR: Bastian take him.
Talking through her teeth.
HAR: I know it’s for Taan, do whatever you can.
Releases your face.
Chance: Walk past the Cap.
Chan: let’s go.
as I still look down a bit.
DMaster: He takes you through the main area, there are a handful of Agents refusing to move. Monks and a few clerics are in the compound now.
BAS: She knew before anyone else knew I guess. She had a battalion of clerics and monks to go even before we sent word about Veritaan. Your awakening has her panties in a twist.
He keeps walking, twitchs.
BAS: Wait, do Priestesses wear panties?
Chance: Keeping my head down, wanting to chuckle but I don’t.
DMaster: Two clerics notice you and they try to stop Bastian. He was having nothing of it, swatting them away making them grow a bit angry.
CLE: Let us see his eyes.
Bastian gives them a look, and they take out their maces. Bastian nods and within seconds the agents that refused to move have blown dust, hit over heads and incapacitated the Clerics in front of him. They quietly take them out, dragging them to the far room led by Thanos. The compound is oddly quiet and empty. Bastian looks around.
BAS: Holy shit.
Chance: Chan: well, I messed up good didn’t I?
DMaster: BAS: No you didn’t, you made a choice and it shouldn’t be defined by anyone or their religious beliefs.
Chance: Chan: Well it was more to save my ass since the Splitjaw beat me down.
DMaster: You head into the lab, it is quiet except for Rosalinda talking with a few monks and Cybil. She looks up and her eyes flare. Rosalinda takes out a staff that doubles in size, pulsates a lighter blue.
ROS: WHAT? Do you not listen? I said get him out! Where are my clerics?
CYB: Rosalinda, this is not your compound to command,
ROS: Animax is no higher power.
Bastian squints and unveils an evil smile.
BAS: Until now…
Cybil’s eyes get big seeing Chances eyes, she backs up getting ready for what is about to happen.
Chance: Chan: Bastian, maybe this wasn’t a good idea, I want to help if I can in anyway, but…
still looking down.
DMaster: The Black Ward Witch grabs both your arms and forces you to look at him.
BAS: (quietly) Don’t puss out on me… (louder) Veritaan needs you, and you have to let them know you can’t be pushed around.
He looks over his shoulder to Rosalinda, steps aside and pats you on the back.
BAS: Do your thing, just don’t kill her.
Rosalinda’s eyes grow big and glares at Bastian.
ROS: Fine, I’ll do MY thing then. He is our enemy and will be dealt with accordingly!
With confidence, she starts twirling the staff and a wind hits you and it burns. It was almost instantaneous. Bastian gets thrown across the lab, things crash and break. The one monk did not get out of the way and he goes slamming against the wall. Cybil is in the corner ducking the staff. It creates this glow and it is by all rights beautiful. The wind is striking you and almost started to pick you up.
CYB: Rosalinda! Stop!!
Chance: Give myself some power. To stay grounded.
Chan: Rosalinda… really?
You feel the wind hit you, like little daggers. But it does not detour you. Look up at her, let the wind hit me and snarl.
DMaster: She twirls is faster and faster, but all it does it give you a little irritation on your skin. Her confidence starts to fade, and her face growing more fearful. Papers flying everywhere, bottles and racks fly off the tables.
CYB: For the love of Animax, stop!
Cybil is in the corner covering her eyes from the mass of debris.
Chance: Chan: I think you should listen to our manager over there.
Anger starting to build.
DMaster: You feel power course through your body, you grab at the armor and rip it off. Just a tattered undershirt. But you can still see these orange like veins rip across your body, then flow through your skin turning from orange to blue. You look up to her, eyes are ablaze, veins coursing on your face, your eyes turn from the orange-red to a deep vibrating blue. Rosalinda stops twirling and backs up, stumbles and falls to the wall with a thud. The room is a kaleidoscope of colors and lights.
ROS: Animax, help me!
Chance: Take a step towards her. Look left and then right then back at her.
Chan: He is not here Rosalinda.
Take another step, bringing in more power.
Chan: and you will need a lot more than a short prayer to save you now.
Walk towards her slowly and over-exaggerate the steps.
DMaster: Your voice is deeper and has a guttural reverb that makes her shiver. She gets up the best she can, eyes as wide as they will get, fear in her face and puts the battle staff at your chest. She goes to chant something.
Chance: Chan: Stop, just stop.
Grab the staff, break it in half and throw it against the wall.
DMaster: She jerks a little but lets it go of the staff, with ease you break it, a pathetic poof sounds and they go rattling against the wall.
Chance: Chan: My patience is running thin. I give you this last warning, let me deal with Veritaan, he needs us, and then… we can discuss this further, without me ripping your pretty little head off, understand?
Turn back to Veritaan.
Chan: If you would stop for a second obsessing about what you think you should do… you will realize that what you have to do is let me help ‘taan.
DMaster: ROS: Do not touch him filth!
Chance: Walking to Veritaan, give her an evil look over my shoulder. Then back to ‘Taan.
Chan: give me a minute to deal with this, damn you woman.
DMaster: With all the will and confidence she had left, she glances over to her right, sees a table filled with prototype daggers, grabs one and plunges it into your shoulder.
Chance: Not flinch. Turn, grab her by the throat, slam her up against the wall. Stare at her with all my fury, this is all new to me and I don’t care. She is on my last nerve.
Chan: Priestess…
DMaster: Your body feels amazing. You can feel this unbridled power, a bit of worry washes over you for a second realizing and hoping you can handle this. She lands against the wall with a thud, held up by your hand on her throat. You can almost here her throat being crushed under your strength. She is scrambling to grab for your arm, complete and utter fear in her eyes. You start to realize what position you are in and a little part of you wants to crush her throat, make her pay… and it feels good. But she winces a bit, realizing she has bit off more than she can chew, it makes you pause.
Chance: Chan: You should be afraid.
Say that in a deep guttural tone, Tighten my grip. Snarl.
DMaster: BAS: Chance!
Bastian finally gets back on his feet, runs to you and grabs your arm before you crush her throat. He gives Rosalinda a wide eyed worried look.
BAS: Chance, I don’t think your first action as the true Champion of Finster should be strangling the feisty Priestess to death, huh?
She is struggling to breathe,face turning read – veins popping. Her eyes dominated by fear. Her hands on your now rippling, glowing arm. Bastian is now patting your arm.
BAS: You have a death wish Rosalinda? He only has so much patience and if he lets loose, you won’t make it through the next minute, I assure you.
Chance: Nod my head, give her one last growl, slitting my eyes. Then drop her hard to the ground. Pick the dagger out, fling it across the room. Heal myself.
DMaster: The dagger clanks across the floor, a soft blue hue emanates from your hand as the bloody wound heals completely. Rosalinda turns to the Black Ward Witch and starts to shake, cry and she falls to her knees. Mumbling something about failing. Bastian, puts his arm around her trying to console her and possibly protect her. The room just hums with your power, your veins ripping through your body just glowing orange and turning blue.
Chance: Walk over to Veritaan.
Chan: now that we have a moment, I can figure this out.
Say that quietly and smile at his body on the table. Lean into him.
Chan: Sorry about Ara, she is mine now. We are not going to lose you today though.
DMaster: He is pale, motionless. Bastian lets go of Rosalinda who all but sprawls across the floor. He then approaches.
BAS: He is going into the transition coma. He will either be dead by tomorrow night or go into a terribly painful morphing of his body.
He glances back to make sure Rosalinda isn’t trying anything. She is not, she has pulled herself up against a table leg looking wide eyed, tears running down her face, lost and defeated. Shaking his head, he continues.
BAS: He has poison in his system. Instead of healing him he needs to have the poison extracted, removed. Have no idea if you can do that, or if this info is even helping.
he sighs.
BAS: I hope all that reading pays off, that is what it said…
Twitches and yelps a little.
Chance: Chan: Actually that does, a different path to get this poison out.
Lay my hands on him, one on his chest the other over the Splitjaw bite. Think of extracting the poison.
DMaster: Almost instantly Veritaan’s body starts to get color back.
BAS: (quietly) It’s working… It’s working!
You get this wicked sick feeling, and you stumble a bit, your power flutters. Veritaan starts to cough. You go down to one knee, looking at your hands you have a black substance swirling around your hands, It is painful and makes you very ill. You have never felt like this before, you know if you were not in Champion form, you would be projectile vomiting right now.
BAS: Chance? What is it?
See’s your hands and his eyes get big. He looks around the room with an idea in mind. Spots the broken battle staff, runs and grabs it and then rushes over to you.
BAS: Books don’t fail me now!
Chance: Try to pull myself back up, think of anything but the nausea.
DMaster: BAS: Here grab it, think about putting that poison in this!
Chance: Grab the pole arm and do as Bastian says.
DMaster: the pole arm then reacts like a banana that was left in the sun for a week, it falls to the ground in a rusty mess. Veritaan starts to move a bit, coughs.
VER: What just happened?
He leans up and looks around the room.
VER: What the hell happened to the room, it looks…
Eyes grow wide seeing you.
He is looking at you in all your glory, Bastian pats you on the back chuckling at Veritaans reaction.
BAS: Good job, thought that since the staff had magical powers it could handle taking on the poison. Damn I’m good… or well read I guess.
Snickers a little then twitches.
Chance: Chan: He is going to recover.
Smile and look down at my hands.
DMaster: You cough and the veins on your body start to pulsate a bit and flicker. Bastian walks over to Veritaan and checks his eyes and vitals.
BAS: He is going to be just fine, except maybe a change of underwear (chuckles)
You again drop to one knee feeling the power flutter a bit. Rosalinda stands up walks WIDE around you to Veritaan. she hovers her hands over him chanting something.
Chance: Smile, fight off the ill feeling.
Chan: good good, I couldn’t let anything happen to him, Rohlia would never forgive me(smiling)
DMaster: She is shaking and then stops, looks down and actually forms a little smile. Bastian turns to you listening. He nods in agreement when you talk about Rohlia. Bastian looks you over.
BAS: Can you change back now, you are upsetting Rosalinda and I think you over exerted yourself.
he smirks.
Chance: Walk over to Rosalinda, stare down at her before I change.
Chan: It doesn’t have to be like this. We have free will.
Give her an inquisitive look.
DMaster: She glances up, tear streaked cheeks. A small nod comes from her.
Chance: Nod head back, look to Bastian.
Chan: Yes, that’s a good idea Bastian, I will do just that. If I can… first time and all.
Calm myself down and focus. Turn back to the table with Veritaan on it.
DMaster: Once you think of it, you stop glowing, and you feel the power leave you, you stumble a bit and go to one knee after trying to stand. Cybil runs over to you and helps you up. She seems a bit intimidated by you but an odd proud look washes over her face glancing at Veritaan and back to you. The doors open and from what you can see the compound is still empty. Harlow comes in full head a steam, with a glower on her face.
HAR: Veritaan?
She looks to see him sitting up, color in his face. Harlow rushes over and gives him a hug. He chuckles giving her a hug back. She then looks around the room full of shattered glass and debris, broken tables.
HAR: What the HELL? What happened here?!
Chance: Lean against the table and wait for my strength to come back.
DMaster: HAR: Chance?
Looks over to you.
Chance: Chan: Well, Veritaan is good now, Poison is out and he is healed.
Clench my jaw, glance at Rosalinda.
Chan: Some people need to learn how to listen.
Look down, shaking my head, crossing my arms.
DMaster: BAS: Long story Cap.
She is apparently still very frustrated.
HAR: I am going to be listening to stories for a fucking week!
Chance: Chan: maybe a month?
Saying quiet, shrugging my shoulders.
DMaster: Rosalinda is standing there quietly, staring at Veritaan. You see her holding her medallion of Animax so tight her hand is bleeding. Bastian is picking up things in his lab. Cybill walks over to Roslinda with an eyeborw raised.
CYB: You going to be alright? He had you strung up pretty good.
She does not look at her, bows her head and nods.
ROS: It has started.
Cybill was going to walk away but stops and looks back with curiosity. Harlow moves to her line of sight.
HAR: Well Rosalinda, is he going to be alright?
She looks up to her, then you and nods.
ROS: He is… or has been healed. Completely.
Harlow sighs and smiles.
HAR: Finally, some good news.
Harlow then slams her hands on the table and stares at Rosalinda for a long moment. The Priestess jumps a little, kind of in her own world. Then took a minute to realize that the Captain was staring her down, but she picks her head up.
HAR: The next time you even think of descending on OUR compound, evacuate it without authority and come after one of my own… You will need more than Animax to save your ass, understand me?
Rosalinda looking at Harlow, she frowns and slowly nods her head. Cybil walks next to Harlow, crosses her arms, stands defiant with her. Bastian also does the same.
Chance: Make my way over to the Captain, stand with her… stand with my people. ‘one of my own’ is like music to my ears.
DMaster: A long silence. Rosalinda looked completely defeated. She nods again. You can see the blood trickling from her hand and the medallion. A few monks come in and a cleric.
CLERIC: My Priestess, we can’t find 4 of our clerics.
They look around the room.
CLERIC: By Animax, what happened?
ROS: Let’s find them and get back to the temple.
She starts to walk out, glances back at you… pauses a moment. She doesn’t look at you with anger, it was more a perplexed and worried look. You double take as she glows for a short time. Then she looks like tears start. She looks down and walks out of the lab.
Chance: Chan: Wondered why she was glowing?
DMaster: BAS: Glowing, she wasn’t glowing…
Chance: Chan: Sure was.
Shrug shoulders. Look down at myself.
DMaster: Bastian looks at you curious, but since there was so much going on he did not continue his questioning. You have a half ripped shirt on, under armor pants with one greave and one bracer. Blood on your face, hair filled with blood and dirt.
Chance: Chan: oh look at me(laughing)
DMaster: Everyone jumps a bit after the long silence from you saying that. They all smile and giggle a little. Killian stands at the doors.
KIL: Cap? Do I let everyone back in?
HAR: Next time that bitch Rosalinda “evacuates” my compound, ill shove that Animax amulet so far up her…
Chuckling with a big smile on his face, he walks over to the captain and hands her the elite’s sword.
HAR: Not yet, get those clerics out of that room and reunite them with Rosalinda.
KIL: Aye.
She grabs the sword.
Chance: Chan: I don’t think you will have to worry about that Captain after what she saw(chuckling)
DMaster: HAR: Chance…
Throws you the elite sword
Chance: Catch it.
DMaster: You miss it and it clanks on the floor in a loud resounding sound.
HAR: You can heal Splitjaw poison, but catching a sword is what..? Too much for you?
She says playfully. Everyone has a stress relieving laugh. She turns to you.
HAR: You know the royals the best. Time is essential for this. Because of our (grumbles) evacuation, we might have a hard time sending out agents and we do not have many to go besides.
She sighs puts her hands on her hips.
HAR: Give them the sword, tell them what happened, ok? Then clean up and get back here, we have to regroup.
Chance: Chan: well maybe someone would like to get me some clothes first, I just can’t show up looking like this.
DMaster: She looks you up and down.
HAR: Chance! They need to know this forthwith, get them the sword and information to them. Then get back here after you clean up. Understand?
Bastian is looking around his lab with a bit of disgust. Cybil is walking out of the lab. Harlow starts to walk out and watches Killian slapping clerics in the face to wake them up.
CYB: Careful with them dear, you wouldn’t want to leave them with any… (ahem) injuries.
She coughs giving the big man a look of encouragement.
Chance: Chan: and just how am I supposed to talk to them looking like this?
DMaster: Harlow turns with anger in her eyes.
HAR: CHANCE! goddammit! This is not a fashion show, or an estate dinner, there are lives at stake. Go now before I make your ass a sheath!
Chance: Eyes wide, nod.
Chan: fine, fine, as you say Captain!
DMaster: As you head out of the lab you see him open the front doors and there is Rosalinda there standing quietly looking down. And again you see blood on her outfit, blood trickling off her palm. She has a faint glow to her.
Chance: Walk out, to the castle and to the throne room.
DMaster: You walk out of the compound, Rosalinda is there waiting on a few more of her clerics at the base. At the top of the steps is a mass of people. You recognize faces, most are agents and workers. Some guards in the mix trying to keep things organized. You get to the top and mostly everyone is looking at you. To make matters worse there is an outlying crowd of citizens gawking and talking about what was happening.
Chance: Make my way through the crowd. Head for the castle. as I try to ignore the looks I am gonna get.
DMaster: You are making your way through. Like a little Assassin, Ara comes ripping through the crowd when she sees you.
ARA: Chance! Chance!
You two meet in the crowd. She buries herself into you, hugging you.
Chance: I Welcome that hug… hug her back tightly.
DMaster: ARA: Oh my god, what happened? Is Veritaan ok? I heard he was injured…
She looks up and your eyes meet and she backs up suddenly knocking into someone. They look and they back up as well.
ARA: What the… fuck?
A few more people are looking at you, not exactly sure what they are seeing.
Chance: Chan: long story Ara, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.
DMaster: She looks around to the people starting to gather and gawk. Thinking on her feet.
ARA: People, he just drank a potion that didn’t agree with him (nervously laugh)
her eyes are huge looking at you. They must have bought the story and they all start looking at the compound again. She is looking at your clothes and the blood. She searches you frantically.
ARA: How are you without a scratch?
Chance: Grab her arm and look into her eyes.
DMaster: She stops and looks and she is unsure about what she sees.
Chance: Chan: I will explain later, I need to get to the Castle and tell the royals what just went down.
DMaster: Mustering up some courage Ara grabs your hand, leans up and kisses you. Then nods.
Chance: kiss her back. Nod to her.
DMaster: She lets your hand go and she is now following the crowd back into the compound.
Chance: Head for the castle.
DMaster: you get there with only a slight stoppage by the guards but the recognize you, and teh Black Ward sash your grabbed off your armor. They allow you to continue. Through the entrance and into the throne room. Cassie and the King are the only two in the room, they are going over, what else but wedding plans.
Chance: Chan: M’lord.
bowing as I walk in, still keep head down a bit.
DMaster: They turn.
JER: Chance my boy… wait, why are you here?
Seeing the condition of well, no armor, dirt and blood all over.
JER: and what the hell happened to you??
Cassie gives you a shoulder shrug, eyes wide. She is accustomed to seeing you in this condition.
Chance: Chan: Well, we were attacked on the road, just an hour north.
DMaster: JER: What?!
CAS: Attacked? You ok?
Chance: Nod head to Cassie.
Chan: by bandits and a Splitjaw of all things.
DMaster: They walk over to you looking you over.
JER: Wait, what? A Splitjaw? What the hell is going on around here…
His face flushes and he shakes his head.
Chance: Chan: The real reason I am here, on one of the bandits we found this, it’s one of the elites.
Hand Cassie the sword.
DMaster: Cassie grabs it and she drops it, Her eyes are huge almost doubling over.
CAS: Oh my god.
She leans back with hands on her knees. Then she backs up shaking her head gasping for air.
Chance: still kind of keeping my head down. Forgot I probably am super charged to her now.
DMaster: She looks at you, eyes huge with a “what did you do” look on her face. The King looks perplexed.
JER: Cassie, you ok?
She is trying to straighten up. The King kneels down and grabs the sword.
JER: Cass?
Chance: looking over to Cassie.
DMaster: Cassie nods at the King giving him a quick forced smile. She sees your eyes and slowly shakes her head trying to get herself composed. Jeramiah a bit annoyed at that. Getting frustrated he looks to you.
JER: Chance?
Chance: Chan: M’lord, I just can’t.
head dips further down shaking it.
DMaster: Takes a deep breath and the King looks over the two of you.
JER: Somebody better start talking now before I lose my patience.
Chance: Chan: I did what I had to do to save me and taan.
DMaster: Cassie grabs the sword and looks, trying to save face and get off the subject,
CAS: On a bandit? Oh no. Oh no.
She flips the sword and holds it up, the king looks and scowls.
KIN: House of Roche… damn.
Chance: Chan: yes it was on a bandit, so I was told to report this as soon as possible.
DMaster: The doors open up, Amara and Affinity are talking about, what else, the wedding. Amara looks up and sees you and in the condition you are in.
AMA: Master Chance? What are you doing back? Oh my…
Affinity caught a glimpse of your eyes, her eyes widen.
Chance: Look at her, shake my had as to say, ‘stay away’ then look back down.
DMaster: Cassie is hand signaling her daughter and the King glances and scowls. The King’s face flushes and almost growls.
JER: Everyone just stop. JUST STOP!
His voice bellows throughout the room. Amara is looking around wide eyed. Affinity, kind of knowing the issues going on she stops, puts her head down slightly and keeps her distance.
AMA: What?
Chance: sighs as the king says this.
DMaster: He points at the guards at the doors.
JER: Guards, close the door, lock them.
Amara seems alarmed looking around. Cassie sighs, looks down. Affinity walks up to you but doesn’t get too close as she could feel you. She stops abruptly and backs up, she looks over to her mom.
Chance: looking up slightly as the guards are locking the doors.
DMaster: JER: Amara dear…
Jeramiah grabs the sword and holds it up for her to see
JER: We found this on a bandit just north of here. She gasps, grabs it and looks at it.
AMA: Oh no… that is definitely ours.
She looks worried and upset. Affinity has not taken her eyes off you since she walked in.
Chance: Chan: I am sorry we would of investigated further but we lost one of our horses and Veritaan was hurt pretty bad.
DMaster: She looks up to you.
AMA: Are you ok? Is he ok?
She looks you over and sees no wounds or scars. Cassie looks at you half rolling her eyes.
CAS: Not a scratch huh Chance?
Chance: Chan: he will be okay M’lady.
DMaster: Affinity looks at her mom oddly. The King’s expression changes to a deep scowl.
JER: My patience has run out. Amara, can you take this sword to Xavier and Obyren, Affinity can you help her? I have matters to take care of right here.
They take the sword and both walk out the doors. they close and you hear them locked.
Twirling around glaring at the both of you.
Chance: sighs as the doors lock.
DMaster: Cassie looks down.
JER: Hand gestures, weird effects, odd looks. Something is going on, and I am guessing you don’t want me to know.
His face is flushed, you have never seen him this angry.
Chance: Chan: I apologize M’lord I will take the blame.
DMaster: He looks perplexed and shakes his head.
JER: BLAME? Blame for what?
Chance: Chan: I guess the cat is out of the bag…
look up at the king.
DMaster: He walks over to you, He stops quickly and he double, triple takes.
JER: Chance, why are your eyes…
Chance: Chan: you might wanna sit for this M’lord its a long nasty story with no happy ending.
DMaster: he looks over to cassie who is now leaning up on the table. She tilts her head a bit, shakes her head, bites her lips and looks back down.
Chance: Chan: M’lord I don’t even know where to begin.
DMaster: CAS: From the beginning.
She pushes a chair out at the big table, pours you three some water, Cassie stands and leans a bit away from you.
Chance: Chan: you remember when we were all sent to the buried Castle, later to find out it was a stronghold of Finster..? Well you see (tell the story) up to the Splitjaw standing overtop of you.
DMaster: CAS: What happened that you finally caved and accepted him.
JER: Him? Finster? WHAT?
Chance: Shake my head put my head in my hands.
Chan: The Splitjaw got the best of me, Veritaan was infected and stuck. I had a decision to make.
Look up a little and fidget with my hands.
Chan: I had one card up my sleeve, one that I never wanted to use.
DMaster: The King leans in a bit completely engrossed in the story. Looks at Cassie, then back to you…
JER: Life or death…
You see him look like he is contemplating your next words.
Chance: Clench my jaw.
Chan: I let him have me… I accepted his presence, I am his… Champion.
Choke a little, grimace.
Chan: I am… the Champion of Finster.
DMaster: He leans back, eyes wide.
JER: So, it begins. The Champion rises…
Chance: Chan: M’Lord there is more… after we took care of the Splitjaw and Bandits we headed back…
Tell him the rest of the story.
DMaster: At this point Cassies face is flushed and angry. The King notices.
JER: Cassie, calm down.
CAS: Jer, the BALLS on her to waltz into the compound and evacuate it, go after one of our agents, and…
JER: CASS! We need cooler heads here.
He leans back thinking. Cassie paces a bit.
JER: So Cassie can’t deal with your power and that is why she almost threw up and backed off.
Cassie nods, still pacing. King is getting annoyed again. Saying for no one really:
JER: The prophecy is coming true.
Cassie stops and looks at the King with almost a scolding look. Sighs and looks down.
JER: What? (shrugs) He should know.
Chance: Chan:Great, there is a prophecy about me? Did it say anything about a harem of hot women and unlimited kegs of Dukes beer?
DMaster: The King glances over to you and cracks a smile. Cassie, not amused.
JER: You didn’t kill Rosalinda yet, did you?
Chance: Furry my brow. Shake my head.
Chan: Uh, no. I did not. I mean I could have, a squeeze of my hand would of crushed her neck… but…
DMaster: Cassie interrupts with huge eyes.
CASS: Say what now?
The King waves her off. A few moments of silence.
CAS: So you can heal the Splitjaw curse?
King nods in some sort of approval.
JER: Unbelievable!
Chance: Chan: Not so much heal as much as extract the poison and transfer it.
DMaster: Its been almost an hour. Knock on the door, He nods to the guard. Xavier and Plugr come in.
XAV: My lord, we dispatched the second Cavalry and we have 50 guards armed and at the ready.
The King stands up walks over to Plugr who gets a big smile on his face seeing the King.
KIN: Plugr, do you mind?
He shakes his head and they warrior shake.
PLUG: Not at all, this is important.
Chance: looking down.
DMaster: Plugr glances over and sees you.
PLUG: Hey, maybe Chance can ride with us?
Cassie chuckles and stands up.
CAS: No… Plugr, not today.
The king shakes his head and walks back over to his chair. He looks concerned but Obyren sticks his head in.
OBY: They’re ready Plugr.
Chance: looking down still.
DMaster: They leave the throne room and the doors close and lock. He motions for two guards.
Chance: Chan: I will understand if you want to send me far far away M’lord.
DMaster: He grabs your chin and looks into your eyes, his expression is of wonder.
KIN: Not going to happen. Guards escort Chance to the Compound (quietly) Keep an eye out for clerics and monks.
They look at him oddly but they nod and bow.
KIN: I better get you back to the Compound, Harlow will have my ass…
CAS: If she wont already (chuckles).
He raises his eyebrows and smiles
Chance: Chan: as you say M’lord but if I may just get cleaned up first?
DMaster: The King looks you over and smiles.
JER: Yeah, I think that would be good.
Chance: Nod, stand up and bow. Head out and get to my room. Take a quick bath, change and get ready to head out. Sword on my belt.
DMaster: The clothes you are wearing now are skin tight and practically bursting at the seams, but you have little options now.
Chance: Think to myself ‘just grand looks like I am gonna have to get new clothes'(laughing)
Get the guards who are ready to take me back to the compound.
DMaster: you walk out, you see a few higher end guards walking out, Plugr in full plate talking with Obyren. Obyren watches you walk by confused
Chance: keeping head down a bit as we walk by and head to the compound. quietly walk with the guards
DMaster: the streets are cleared from the morning’s events. It is now around 1pm. Puffy clouds and blue skies, light breeze, mid 60s. Gorgeous out. An uneventful trip and they drop you off and you head into the compound. Its busy as usual.
Chance: shaking my head a bit as I look up.
DMaster: a few people see you and stop. Cybil looks up from her desk. She walks up to you, grabs your arm and pulls you do to her level.
CYB: That was one of the greatest things I have ever seen mister, (smiles) Thank you for saving Veritaan.
Chance: Chan: I don’t know about the greatest but no way anything was happening to one of us today.
DMaster: She feels your arm and traces her hand along your cuffs.
ARA: Hand off my boyfriend you cougar.
Cybil turns around.
Chance: Smile knowing it is my reprieve from this fucking crazy day. The few moments I steal away that I can actually breath. Turn and look.
DMaster: CYB: He is going to bust out of these clothes.
Ara looks you over.
Chance: Chan: I will need new clothes for sure.
DMaster: She gives you a playful scolding look.
ARA: Hmmm yeah and what else?
Hands on hips tapping her foot.
Cybil realizes, and pats your arm.
CYB: Good luck, I think you’d rather face Rosalinda again.
Cybil turns and walks away probably not realizing what she just said. Ara looks at you with questions and concern.
ARA: Face.. Rosalinda? Again? What does she mean…?
Chance: Sigh, look at her and smile. Take her face gently and lean in and kiss her. I need something to help me through this.
DMaster: She kisses back and she is clearly flustered afterwards.
ARA: Y-Yo-yo-Your armor? I have pieces of it
Chance: Chan: oh I forgot about that(smiling)long story Ara.
DMaster: ARA: Oh its ok Hon, I’ll have to get your new measurements…
Cybil stops, turns around and looks at her funny.
ARA: Shut it Cybil, it was a great kiss OK?
She smiles and keeps walking.
Chance: Chan: hey I gotta keep you busy somehow.
DMaster: Through the maze of people the captain makes her way to you.
HAR: Chance, to the upper level, (she glances to Cybil) Cybil why the look?
Chance: Look up.
Chan: Yes Captain as you say.
DMaster: CYB: He needs new armor and clothes, just look, he might pop like an overcooked sausage. The captain sighs.
HAR: Ara, go measure him out again and how quickly can you get the armor?
ARA: Ill work on it straight away.
Chance: Chan: let her measure me and then head to the upper level Captain?
DMaster: HAR: Yes. Grab Bastian when you head up.
Chance: Chan: Yes Captain..
DMaster: you and Ara go to your office.
Chance: Chan: do you need me to sit for some of the measuring Ara?
DMaster: ARA: No standing, but you’ll have to take off your shirt for an exact measurement
She smiles, still is taken a little aback with your eyes.
Chance: quietly stand there as she measures me, take off my shirt
DMaster: ARA: So what the hell happened today… that was crazy
you rip the shirt a bit taking it off
Chance: Chan: long version or short version Ara(smirking)
DMaster: She is wrapping a thing around you to measure, She is shaking her head as she writes down the measurements.
ARA: Chance you grew almost two inches in your chest and you are most definitely taller
Chance: Chan: let’s just say I won’t be welcome at the temple anytime soon.
DMaster: She looks at you funny as she continues to measure you.
ARA: I have to confess, I heard rumors that something happened to you on the dig and it had to do with… the Dark Cleric. I did not dig into it, I promise.
Chance: Chan: OK, so you know the idea behind what’s going on, well… the short version is. There was 40 or so thugs for Finster in red robes… (you tell her the short version)
DMaster: You two sit after she finishes and she is half on your lap listening intently. Eyes growing wider and wider. You have your arm around her. she runs her hands along your face where you said you got attacked. Look in your eyes and she is almost there, accepting the slight glow.
ARA: Not even a scar
Chance: Nods and kisses her hand when it gets close to my lips.
Chan: According to the legend, I am Finster’s Champion. ( look down at her sweet body almost on top of me) I healed Veritaan, or extracted poison, or whatever…
DMaster: She puts a finger over your lips.
ARA: Are YOU ok hun. Not the Black Ward agent, not the Champion… Chance… Chance Axion.
Chance: Stop and ponder that question. I have been dealing with this mark and the Ward is life consuming. I haven’t thought about it.
Chan: I don’t know what to think right now. Hell I am a wanted man in the eyes of Animax and the temple.
DMaster: ARA: IS that why they evacuated the compound (she gasps a little) I have worked here for over 15 years and that was the first time I have ever seen that.
Chance: Chan: Awesome, glad I could provide that for everyone… I mean it was a nice day out… get some air! but yes that and the fact me and the priestess had a little standoff, and lets just say she needs a new pair of panties.
DMaster: Her eyes bulge and she stands up.
ARA: Time got away from us, you have to go.
Chance: Chan: I better before she has my hide(smiling)
DMaster: She pushes you against the wall
ARA: Chance, if you just ever need to talk, or vent… or (blushes a little) Kiss me… never hesitate ok hon?
She has to get even more on her tippy toes now and gives you a deep kiss
Chance: kiss her back, living in that moment for as long as I can because I can’t imagine it is going to be a picnic in a few minutes.
DMaster: She looks into your eyes and you see it. She is OK with your eyes now, her passion and love is coming through again…