Greatest Threat To Camerondale

Previously In The Last Adventure:

Cassie confronts Chance about the dangers involving his feelings for the Princess. He agrees to talk with the Princess and end any relations with her. All does not go as planned as the Princess exhibits signs of Psychic abilities, just like her mother. Chance blows off some steam and destroys a poor scarecrow. He has his first day at the Black Ward and finds out his first assignment is with Talia and Plugr. He will be going out to an excavation site to help and protect the project. They journey to the site and begin to explore...

NSFW Warning / Bad Grammar

This text will contain language not suitable for some people. It is merely an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. We are not trying to be the next J.R.R. Tolkien, so there will be misspelled words, fragmented sentences and things that just don’t make sense. Once in a while there will be some nudity and sexual themes, you will be warned ahead of time. Just read, enjoy and have fun!

Main Characters

EP#24 Greatest Threat To Camerondale

The Greatest Threat To Camerondale
Beautiful Night on the Balcony looking at the Moon


You and Cassie are on the Ball Room Balcony, the night is cool but nice. Clear sky the quarter moon shining bright. Your head is still a buzz from the ball and from the shots you drank. She puts down the Wine glass. The Baroness puts both her hands on the railing.
CASS: And you know what the biggest threat to our Kingdom is?
She looks over to you, meets your gaze
CASS: You…

Chance: turn from her gaze for a minute. Then look back a bit bewildered.
Chan: Excuse me? I am? What in the world?

DMaster: CASS: Because of Affinity.
She says in a snap turning her gaze back to her wine.

Chance: Still a bit confused.
Chan: You mean the woman I saved from an Assassin back on the isle. This Kingdom, that I damn near died twice for. You, want to call me the biggest threat to the kingdom? I can name you 100 others. I am here to protect, to serve, to…
Stare at her, eyes burning.

DMaster: She sips her wine, gritting her teeth. Taking a few labored breaths.

Chance: I am letting her feel all the hurt and anger in me at this moment.

DMaster: After a moment of silence, her head moves a bit towards you, still looking down.
CASS: You done?
Your head is spinning with the drinks and stress.

Chance: Chan: No. No!
Shake my head, look down, clench my fists. Take a deep breath and try and focus.
Chan: The heart wants… what the heart wants. That shouldn’t make me some enemy! I know where I stand… I know..
Sigh loudly, but still not changing my emotions at the moment.
Chan: Dammit. Yeah, I am done.

DMaster: Cassie takes another sip. Puts her glass down
CASS: To start off with, let me tell you of a man, one of the greatest men to ever bless this fine Kingdom.
She clenches her jaw a bit again.

Chance: fold my arms as I am standing listening to her talk

Cassie, Baroness of Camerondale, Mother of AffinityDMaster: CASS: He lived through multiple invasions of his home, lived through the death of his brother, Father and Mother, probably almost died 20 times and…
She pauses a moment and takes a breath
CASS: Died for this Kingdom. He didn’t ask for special treatment, he didn’t hesitate to put everyone else before him
You are a bit dizzy, the fresh breeze is helping.

Chance: Chan: well I am not asking for any special treatment either, I am just trying to find my place in this Kingdom, doing whatever it takes…
Staring at her.

DMaster: Cassie getting annoyed with you, interrupts.
CASS: My point is, if you are going to do whatever it takes, then I offer you the best example of this, Vulcuran who is the love of my life and Affinity’s father. He did whatever it took. If the Kingdom needs you. And that task is to remove yourself from my daughter’s life.
She looks at you with a lifted eyebrow

Chance: Look down.
Chan: So to do whatever it takes, that means… stop loving Affinity.
Turning my back on Cassie, holding back my tears. Just saying that…

DMaster: You felt that in your gut, in your heart, in your soul. She smiles softly avoiding the look of defeat.
CASS: Your influence over her is too dangerous. I have spoken with her multiple times and Erikka and Birgetta are doing everything in their power.
She looks at her glass of wine, rims the top with her finger.

Chance, Rogue Agent for Black WardChance: Chan: I will distance myself from her for the sake of the kingdom.
Turning back towards her.
Chan: Doesn’t change how I feel. If that is what’s best than I will do my best to be just a passing shadow

DMaster: Shaking her head.
CASS: Chance, I am not talking about distancing, I am talking about severing it.
Sips more wine
CASS: You need to end it.
Just hearing that… to… end… it… You can’t help it, tears start to fall. Your dreams start to burn.

Chance: Clench my fists, turn towards the gardens.
Chan: OK. well then do me one favor Cassie
Wipe away the tears
Chan: please come get the necklace I have and tell her we are done

DMaster: She glances over and slowly shakes her head again. Cassie turns and leans against the railing, sighs while she crosses her arms.

Chance: Avoid eye contact while I still cry

DMaster: CASS: No. You need to do this in person. She deserves that… and if you dig deep enough, it’s what you need as well.
Looking you over, starting to feel your pain.
CASS: Listen, we tried being coy and distancing, I have told her and it is not getting through

Chance: look back at Cassie

DMaster: CASS: Prince Bozzutto is extremely important to this Kingdom. He has been everything and more. He has brought in trade we didn’t even know existed, he has secured 2 major allies and is in the middle of reforming our treasury to save us hundreds of Platinum.
You are getting a headache from the stress, crying and alcohol. She pauses a moment from talking then continues.
CASS: As a prince, Bozutto is beyond perfect. As a mate, as a soon to be husband he is cold, distanced and uninterested. Saving her life, the Shimmer Bay incidence and the Prince’s lack of interest is fueling Affinity. Despite all the warnings and the dangers, she still seems to be…longing for you.

Chance: Shake my head.
Chan: Longing for me.
Scoff a bit.
Chan: You know, whatever.

DMaster: CASS: But any discretion by the Princess would send this union, this new Kingdom we are building into ruin.
She walks over to you and puts her hand on your shoulder

Chance: Pull away from her hand, turn to the side so she can’t see my tears
Chan: Cassie right now, I just want this to be over. Just set up a meeting. I will make everyone “happy” and “sever” the connection.

DMaster: Pulls back her hand.
CASS: If you wanted to know why I called you the greatest threat Camerondale faces now… this is why. With the simplest notion of a kiss, this Kingdom could be sent into chaos.

Tears for a Love that has to endChance: Shake head again.
Chan: Let’s not be over dramatic, eh?
Take a few steps toward the door, and pause.
Chan: just set up a meeting I will play my part.
Say it through my teeth.
Chan: and you can be done with this threat to Camerondale, done with… me.

DMaster: CASS: Chance… I didn’t mean it like that.

Chance: Walk for the entryway
Chan: I guess that’s me doing “whatever it takes,” Baroness.
Shake my head and mumble as I walk away “cause I am so done with this night…”

DMaster: Cassie turns and walks to the railing of the balcony, dips her head and you can hear her start to cry.

Chance: Pause for a second more and head toward my room

DMaster: You leave the ballroom, across the entryway. Only guards and a servant are about. You are still a bit drunk still, but starting to sober up. you finally get to your room, it was kind of a blur. You don’t remember falling asleep, you think you cried and you passed out on the floor. During the night you climbed into bed and fell asleep.

STARLAY (Sunday) @ 1PM

DMaster: 8 out 20 is how bad your headache is, not terrible but noticeable

Chance: get up and get some clothes on and go out to the table. Grab a drink and something to eat

DMaster: OK, there are only a few people there. You grab grub, drink…. finish off breakfast

Chance: Try to get the cobwebs out of my head. Do I even know what day it is?

DMaster: You think, oh yeah it’s Starday. Yesterday was the ball and Sagalay.

Chance: Chan: Fuck it…
Go to my room and grab my sword, time to get my frustration out.

DMaster: ok you grab your sword, and head out.
It’s partly cloudy and it’s chilly, only about 45 degrees

Chance: okay I am gonna walk up to the training area not caring about the weather

Poor Scare Crow get his ass kickedDMaster: It is around 1:30 in the afternoon

Chance: once I am at the training area I will start hacking the dummy. Letting my anger be my focus… to let it all out

DMaster: You kick the shit out of a scarecrow, poor guy didn’t even see it coming

Chance: did I destroy it?

DMaster: yeah… now it’s just a wooden pole, the hay is all over, in your hair… the head is about 15 feet away.

Chance: bust out laughing at the sight, brush the hay out of my hair and walk back toward my room and put my sword away

DMaster: When you get to your room, there is a elegant black bag on your table

Chance: look in the bag

DMaster: There are 3 books, and what we will call the Black Ward Kit

Chance: grab one of the books and start reading through it. Now that I have calmed down a little.
I will also look at the black ward kit and set it on the table.

DMaster: It appears to be a sideways belt that latches onto something. It has 4 compartments that have small vials in each one. Another belt that has a mini crossbow, 12 bolts, 3 sleek black knives
other things. Another belt where your daggers will go, everything is pretty much black.
A note falls out of the bag.

Chance: look at the note see what it says

DMaster: “Get familiar with the Black Ward Kit. Read the books. Bring this all tomorrow, including your sword. Signed V”
The one book talks about all your gear… what your kit includes
another book is like the employee handbook so to speak
The last is a thin one that outlines “runners & codes.”

Chance: skim over it real quick. Grab the pouch where my money was and hook it to my belt. time to take a walk I need out of this castle for awhile

DMaster: You head out down the hall you bump into your mom.

Chance: Chan: hey mom

DMaster: MOM: Chance honey, how are you? How was the ball?

Chance: Chan: (groan) It was… overwhelming almost, but I’d rather not talk about it.

DMaster: MOM: Oh
Her smile fades.

Chance: Chan: it didn’t go the way I thought things would, let’s just say that

Festival Stalls for The Spring FlingDMaster: MOM: I’m sorry (she hugs you) I won’t keep you, see you later

Chance: hug her back quickly and walk up the stairs and out of the castle. Time to go explore Camerondale a little

DMaster: you head down the path that leads to the castle and through the inner gates. You notice decorations, artisan booths and other things. it’s the 2 day Spring Festival/ You do window shopping on some arts and crafts.

Chance: Clear my head for tonight’s meeting. Then head back to the castle.

DMaster: you walk through the entryway, it’s pretty empty, then the dining area and it is also pretty empty. Sunday is a very slow day if you haven’t noticed

Chance: head back to my room and just skim over the books for a while. Grab the necklace and put it on the table

Affinities necklace that she gave ChanceDMaster: Ok you read through the books, learn about the vials real quick about them. One is the powerful healing liquid, another is just ink, and a small quill is there too, one is the dust that Captain Harlow used, a blinding dust. Another is a paralyzing poison.The crossbow is pretty small. The bolts have barbs on them and when you load a bolt it takes a lot to get the string back, meaning these bolts will hurt.

Chance: look at the necklace for a moment. Compose my thoughts. fighting back tears. grab the necklace, put it in the pouch and get up, grab a coat and slowly walk to my door. Head for the gazebo area.

DMaster: Clear skies and it’s 40 degrees. You can see your breath.

The Royal Gazeebo on the Castle GroundsChance: sigh as I look up to the sky

DMaster: The stars are shining brightly… the horizon, from what you can see, has a soft purple hue. You reach the Gazebo, and there is no one here yet. The wind blows softly and you shiver.

Chance: Grab the necklace, look at it.

DMaster: You fiddle with the necklace for what seems like a year. But it was only 5 minutes. You can hear footsteps coming.

Chance: Look where the noise is.

DMaster: You see Affinity walking towards you. Her blonde hair flowing in the wind, she has rosy cheeks from the cold. She slows a bit when she notices you. It looks like she is composing herself. Looking down a bit approaches you.

Chance: Chan: M’Lady

DMaster: She smiles…
AFF: We are alone Chance, it’s Affinity.

Chance: Chan: With all due respect, I think it should be M’Lady (handing her the necklace) I think this belongs to you

DMaster: Her smile fades and she looks away a bit. She looks back at the necklace.
AFF: That was a gift… I’m not going to take back a gift.
She takes a deep breath and starts wringing her hands together.

Princess Affinity of the Camerondale KingdomChance: Chan: Everyone is against us… Hell the world is against us, and I guess we were not meant to… be…

DMaster: You look up at her, she stumbles a bit and leans against the gazebo.

Chance: Look at her with a bit of concern.
Chan: I know… it’s hard. It’s the hardest thing I have ever done. But…

DMaster: She doesn’t seem to be listening, she is holding her head and having trouble breathing

Chance: Put the necklace back in my pouch, Walk over to her.

DMaster: From the moonlight you can tell her face is beat red and she is shaking, tears streaming down her face.

Chance: Put my arm around her, Chan: are you okay M’lady?

DMaster: She tries to stand up and she grimaces. Grabs her head. Affinity exhales roughly. She looks directly into your eyes, tears streaming down her face.
AFF: I never meant to break your heart (she sobs) Oh my god…
Realization washes over her, what she did.

Chance: Chan: M’lady, what… how…

DMaster: She finally stands up, breathing heavy. She looks up and starts shaking her head. She hugs you, very tight and begins to sob…
AFF: (softly in between sobs)I am so sorry… I am so sorry
She is shaking.

Chance: Chan: It was worth every tear Affinity, I will treasure our…

The many sides of Affinity in LegonDMaster: Affinity backs off, tears flowing. Holding her temples.
AFF: Why do I know these things, why do I feel what you are feeling?
She looks back at you. She is thinking trying to say things she probably practiced time and time again.
AFF: In another life or another time… I think we could have been amazing.
She wobbles a bit

Chance: Chan: my heart doesn’t matter M’lady, it really doesn’t

DMaster: AFF: CHANCE you idiot…
Affinity begins to sob
AFF: Your heart, it means everything. It… means… everything.
She is wobbling a bit more.

Chance: Chan: Affinity, are you ok?
Take a step towards her.

DMaster: You see her eyes roll back up in her head. She starts to collapse.

Chance: Run over to her, catch her.

DMaster: You make it in time, she falls into your arms.

Chance: Pick her up and head for the Castle

DMaster: You walk into the ballroom entrance, it’s empty but close enough to the royal area, a Guard notices you and runs for you.
GUA: This area is off limits!
Once he recognizes it’s the Princess he skids to a stop.

Chance: Chan: (Yelling) Get help NOW! Cassie!!!

Cassie, Mother of Affinity, Beguiler with Psonic powersDMaster: The Guard sprints through the Royal door… and in less than a minute down comes Cassie. You have made it to the 2nd floor, so you are closer to the Royal door.

Chance: Try and hide the tears rolling down my face.
Chan: Cassie, please help her

DMaster: Her eyes bulge open when she sees you.
CASS: What the hell happened?!
She walks up to you and looks at her.
CASS: Alright, follow me, we will get her in the sitting room.
She leads you through the area and into a luxurious room with paintings, rugs, tapestries and couches. You lay her on the fancy couch.

Chance: Chan: She just collapsed. She was red faced, wobbled a bit… said some crazy things.

DMaster: You notice that you think Cassie has been crying. Cassie gets on her knees next to her daughter stroking her hair.
CASS: (wide eyed) I could feel her, for the first time in our lives. It hit me so hard, I knew what she was feeling, what she was thinking and it was overwhelming. A minute later the guard came to get me.

Chance: Chan: She said she felt what I felt. I had the idea that she was doing what you could do.

DMaster: CASS: Come on my little dove, wake up…
Cassie is shaking a bit. It hits you, how important Affinity is to this Kingdom, to this Royal family, to this amazing woman Cassie. You just want to make everything perfect for them, to make them proud and to protect them with every fiber of your being.

Chance: Chan: I should’ve noticed sooner, she was acting strange

DMaster: Cassie looks over her shoulder to you, smile on her face giving you a look. She must of just read you. Then it fades a bit, she looks down and back to Affinity.
CASS: I felt her heart breaking for you and I just…
Tears streaming down her face now, she coughs a bit from the pain. A guard comes rushing in with water, his eyes bulge a little seeing the situation.
GUARD: MiLady? Can I…
She frantically wipes some tears off her cheek, looks at the guard.
CASS: None of this happened… got it?
GUA: Yes M’Lady
Cassie takes the water. He bows and leaves the room, quietly closing the door. Just then Affinity begins to stir.
AFF: Mom…
She opens her gorgeous green eyes. Smiling, trying to wipe her tears away
CASS: Yes, my dove.
The Princess slowly rubs her head as she shifts on the couch
AFF: What the fuck
Cassie lets out a laugh and kisses her forehead. Affinity looks around
AFF: What just happened.

Chance: Chan: Oh Thank Animax, give me an enemy with a sword and I can fight but this… this is beyond me. Take a step back to give them room to talk, walk to a window and look out.

DMaster: You hear them talk about what Cassie’s powers are and what she is in store. Affinity finally sits up on the couch. She sees you.
AFF: Oh Chance, I am sorry that must have…
CASS: I think he shit a brick

Chance: Turn around and walk over to them.
Chan: I think I did more than just that, I could build a wall probably.

DMaster: They both giggle a little. Cassie looks at Affinity, to you and back to Affinity. Stands up. She walks by you, squeezes your hand and leaves… shutting the door behind her. Affinity gets up, still a little wobbly.

Chance: walk over to her to hold her up

DMaster: She is nodding her head
She sighs and looks down.
AFF: I am sorry, I have been having headaches and haven’t slept well in a week, I must be maturing with my mothers blood. Wow…

Chance: Chan: you had me scared and I don’t want to be the cause of it again.

DMaster: She slowly raises her face, and looks right in your eyes
AFF: Thank You. Thank you for everything. For saving me, for taking me to Shimmer Bay, allowing me to have the time of my life…
Tears start to stream down her face.
AFF: But mostly, thank you for loving me.
She wraps her arms around you and buries her head sobbing.

Chance: I will hug her back.

DMaster: It can’t be helped. You begin to cry yourself. After a few minutes of this ball fest, you two separate and compose yourself. She turns her back to you.
AFF: I know Chance. This is the end. That little spark, that little dream, that we could go back and relive that moment in Shimmer Bay just one more time. Its… gone.
She turns around, still tears stream down her face.

Chance: Chan: I will never forget that night, or how I felt.
Look down trying to keep myself under control.

DMaster: AFF: (she nods) I am sorry I got you into this mess.
She straightens up a bit, wipes some of the tears from her eyes and takes a deep breath. She walks to you.
AFF: From this night on it will be nothing but business. Agreed?

Chance: Nodding my head
Chan: We have to

DMaster: She smiles, digs through your pouch and grabs the necklace. She turns you around and puts it on you. Her perfume wafts into your nose, your heart beats faster, her touch on your neck makes you jump a little.
AFF: A gift from all the Royals for your service. Wear it well.

Chance: Stand quiet for a moment. Put head down.
Chan: you know… no matter what I will still defend you with my life M’lady

DMaster: She turns you around, looks you in the eyes, takes your head in her hands and kisses you passionately. It’s like a dream, you can feel it in your toes. The moment, the lips, teh tongue, all perfect. You kissed for a minute, felt like a second. She pulls away and touches her lips looking down.
AFF: I know… and one last kiss to remember me by.
She looks at you and smiles softly, tears welling up again.

Chance: Chan: remember you by? (chuckle) Never ever forget.
standing there, giving her the look of understanding.
Chan: Thank you. For the time of my life.

DMaster: She tilted her head and smiled real big. Tears begin to fall again as she touches your cheek, she is about to lose it again, you can tell and she quickly walks out the door.

Chance: Stand there for a moment reflecting on what the hell just happened. Walk slowly back toward my room.

DMaster: After exiting the Royal area, Cassie is standing where the guard once was. She walks to you.
CASS: I have watched warriors march off to war, take on creatures twice their size, swing a sword with their last breath… but somehow what you just did, was the bravest thing I have ever witnessed.
She gives you a big hug. You are a wreck and you kind of lose it. Letting out a few sobs and gasps. She is trembling a bit.

Chance: hug her back
Chan: (whisper) It’s over.

DMaster: You can tell she is crying and she runs to the door, opens it and goes through it.

Chance: Wipe the tears and slowly walk toward my room

DMaster: The castle is all but empty, few guards, a servant here and there. You get to your room and you know you have an early day tomorrow.

Memories flood back to the first time you saw the Princess, the first time she said hi, you stammered, said your name like three times. Her face when she asked you to help her to Shimmer Bay, how she was once you arrived at Shimmer Bay, the way her skin felt that night, the water shimmering off her gorgeous eyes, her voice, her kiss… That damn last kiss when she raced into the Inn slammed into you, it shook my very being. It’s only a memory now. It was a sweet dream, but it was just that now. A dream.

Chance: Grab the necklace and fall on my bed

DMaster: You have a fitful sleep, wake up cry… toss and turn


Chance: get up and change my clothes, since sleeping isn’t coming to me easy. Read through the books

DMaster: Eventually you get a knock on the door

Chance: go to the door and open it

DMaster: it’s someone you never meet before
MAN: Black Ward

Chance: Chan: good morning I think

DMaster: He stands there looking at you strangely

Chance: Chan: are you here to make sure I get to the compound?

DMaster: He smiles
MAN: They told me you would be a little green

Chance: Chan: well I am

DMaster: MAN: Show me the ring

Chance: Show him the ring

DMaster: MAN: one, Harlow, Compound, Blue. You have the guide right?

Chance: Chan: as told ring is never to come off and yes I do

DMaster: He nods and literally goes running down the hall

Chance: flipping through the guide real quick

DMaster: Meeting | Captain Harlow | At the Compound | Within 4 hours (probably within the hour)

Chance: Take off the necklace affinity put on my neck and put it in the drawer. For safe keeping. Go out to the table and grab a quick drink and bite to eat and finished changing into different clothes

DMaster: ok. You see a servant just putting out the food now. it’s 530am

Chance: Grab everything and head to the compound.

DMaster: You need to bring everything to the compound

Chance: well gather everything up and walk to the compound

The double doors leading into the Black Ward CompoundDMaster: it’s cold out only 40 and the sun is just coming up. you see a few people up and around but it’s pretty quiet

Chance: keep walking till I get to the compound

DMaster: There are two guards. They look at you

Chance: hold up the ring on my hand

DMaster: They nod and let you pass. You walk into the compound.

Chance: looking around as I walk in

Cybil Compound ManagerDMaster: it’s kind of loud in a way, people talking, walking around doing things.

Chance: keep walking with purpose but still looking around in awe of all of this.

DMaster: A blonde woman dressed in a maroon dress, dark boots and some jewelry. intercepts you,
WOM: Chance I presume?
She has a very haughty voice

Chance: Chan: yes, that would be me

DMaster: WOM: My name is Cybil, welcome to the Black Ward. I run the day to day here at the Compound.
CYB: Let me show you to your room

Chance: Chan: thank you
walking quietly as she leads on

DMaster: You two walk down a long hallway. To the left is an open area with a lot of desks, people working on scrolls, talking. To the right are two doors, one is open and you can briefly see tables, people working on chemistry sets, etc
KILL: Cybil. Are my reports ready to go.
looks over to see you
KILL: Hey Kid, welcome to the loony bin

Chance: Chan: hey Killian, loony what?

DMaster: You two have a warriors handshake
CYB: Killian… you know I can’t work miracles, they will be in your office in a few
KIL: I’ve heard that before, where’s the sweet rolls?
Cybil shakes her head and continues to lead you

Chance: smirking a little. keep following Cybil

DMaster: You go through this black wooden door and there is a well lit hallway that has stairs leads down.There is a long hallway, similar to how the Castle is set up

Chance: Chan: so Cybil will I be staying here instead of the Castle?

DMaster: CYB: Oh no, this is just your office.
You walk all the way to the end and she opens a door. it’s a 10ft wide x 20ft room, One candelabra in the center hanging. To the left is a desk, a map is pinned to the wall of Camerondale. The far wall is your armor hanging with most of your equipment.

Chance: smiling at the armor

DMaster: To the right is a thin bookshelf that’s pretty empty
CYB: This is your office, you will do your reports here and gear yourself for the day’s work. Your sword?

Chance: hand Cybil my sword
Chan: So reports of my actions taken and stuff ?

Black Wards Assassin ValentineDMaster: CYB: Yes sir! (she grabs the sword) Wait here, get dressed and Valentine will be…
Cybil jumps
VAL: Sorry Cyb
CYB: Everyday… all day, my young lady
Cybil walks off in a huff.

Chance: Chan: hey Valentine, as quiet as ever (smirking)

DMaster: Valentine has a soft voice
VAL: I guess
She shrugs her shoulders, looks about the empty room
VAL: Did you get a chance to read the manuals?

Chance: Chan: I scanned over them

Veritaan, Rogue Agent for the Black WardDMaster: VAL: OK well keep reviewing them, it’s important you know them

Chance: Chan: I will

DMaster: VAL: Oh right on time, Chance this is Veritaan, he is going to be going over the basics today for you
Your little room is getting cramped

Chance: Chan: We meet again, Veritaan. Glad to see you.

DMaster: VER: Pleasure is all mine, I heard a lot about you

Chance: Chan: well I hope it was all good

DMaster: VER: Very, Rohlia says all good things about you

Captain Harlow of the Black WardChance: Chan: Rohlia, how is she?

DMaster: VER: Busy, very busy
Just then Harlow sticks her head in.
HAR: Chance! Welcome!

Chance: Chan: Thank you Captain
Smile at her.

DMaster: VAL: (quietly) lets see if we can get Killian in here and really make this a party.
Harlow and Veritaan both chuckle

Chance: Chan: okay, not sure we can fit the big man in here (smiling)

DMaster: VAL: I need to get going, you are in very good hands with the Taan man
She leaves
HAR: Veritaan I need to see Chance once you go over everything ok?
VER: Understood Cap

Chance: Chan: so Veritaan, the basics?

DMaster: Harlow also leaves. You two go over the armor, how those belts fit.
Quickly: The one with all the vials gets strapped up your back, more on your left side, very easy to use your right hand to grab anything from them in a pinch. The belt has other tools but the crossbow sit’s snug and the 12 bolts line the back. Another belt goes across your chest where throwing daggers and an assassins dagger are sheathed

Chance: taking in all he is saying. Paying close attention.

DMaster: He hands you a shield, it’s 1 1/2 feet wide, 2 feet long. You place it over your right arm, you grab the handle. There is a switch there. Hitting the switch makes a dagger come out that you can use at a weapon on the end of your shield. It is molded for your arm, so it’s lightweight, and easy to use.

Chance: get a big grin on my face at the shield
Chan: now this, I like

DMaster: He takes it off, and it slides on your back and you snap it in place. Grippy gloves, hard leather boots with very comfortable soles.Another longer dagger gets strapped to your leg. In the armor is a hood, he shows you how it works then puts it back down.

Chance: Chan: so refitting my hilt on my sword? for a more stealthy approach?

DMaster: He shrugs his shoulders
VER: I am guessing it’s getting a black hilt. Can’t have weapons reflecting or glowing in the dark.

Chance: Chan: makes perfect sense

DMaster: VER: That should cover you for now. I hate to split but I have a route to run for the Cap and I am already late. Oh one thing you will find out about BW… You will never be bored… or have a lot of free time. Say goodbye to a social life.

Chance: Chan: well that’s good I need that, so before you go which way is the Captain. Since she wanted to see me

DMaster: VER: Come follow

Chance: Chan: lead on

DMaster: You two leave your room, walk down the hallway up the stairs out the door and he points at a door that is open just a bit down the hall. You have your pleasantries and he heads out. He is trying to make it through the mob in the main area, it’s really busy. Glancing in you see an agent in the room with Captain Harlow.

Chance: Chan: you wanted to see me Captain?

Gideon, An Enforcer for the Black WardDMaster: She looks up
HAR: Yes chance, come in have a seat
There are chairs around her desk. The agent in there now is standing

Chance: take a seat

DMaster: HAR: OK, let Killian know about the docks later today ok? Oh Chance, this is Gideon, works under Killian

Chance: Chan: Hello Gideon

DMaster: Gideon is looking at you funny
GID: ummm yeah
He looks at Captain
GID: Are we that desperate we are taking kids now? It should be quality not quantity.
The Captain stares at him for a long moment, a bit of flush goes to her face.
HAR: Gideon…. start your assignment

Chance: Chan: There a problem, ummm what is it, Gideon?
Stand up giving him a look.

DMaster: Gideon looks at you from the side of his eye, grits his teeth. Then he shakes his head and walks out the door, barely acknowledging you. Gideon is 6’2 about 200 pounds, muscular from what you can see. A very good looking man.
HAR: Sorry about Gideon, he is an angry person. Tough as nails though. I am not sure everyone here will be welcoming you with open arms. Some think you should work for the guard first. But they don’t have your resume.

Chance: Chan: All the better. I understand that I have to prove myself to everyone here including you. Veritaan showed me the basics of the gear.

DMaster: The Captain nods.
HAR: (shuffling papers on her desk) Dammit where is it, ahh here it is, You have your first assignment.
She hands you parchment, has the BW seal on the top, fine penmanship.

Chance: read the parchment

DMaster: “Assignment: Chance – Accompany excavation team to the ruins, investigate, explore and protect – report to Cassie, throne room 8am”
HAR: Yeah, you are going tomorrow morning

Bastian, Master Witch and runs 2 divisionsChance: Chan: that suits me just fine Captain who is in the excavation team?

DMaster: The Captain sit’s back down, looks at you and smirks.A man sticks his head in the door.
MAN: Captain you wanted to see me?
HAR: Yes Bastian, come in
She pointing at you
HAR: This is Chance.
BAS: ahhh, the new recruit eh?
He talks real fast and he seems to be twitchy

Chance: Chan: yes I am the newbie

DMaster: You stand up and shake his hand. Nods at the Captain.
BAS: Come on let me show you the lab and admin area.

Chance: Chan: lead on

DMaster: You two go into the lab area where things are further investigated, scraps of cloth, weird substances, etc. Two people are slowly leafing through a large book, while one of them is taking notes. In the far corner, there are some weird weapons, and armor… you also see the shield you have now sitting there.
BAS: Here is where we go through our evidence… it’s a shift change so it’s kind of empty… I like sweet rolls… I run the Investigation and Inquest department
You notice he jumps all over the place.
BAS: I practically live here, so if you ever need me… I’ll be in here

Chance: Chan: So you are the one that Xavier mentioned, you made the Nostrum liquid or whatever it’s called.

DMaster: His eyes light up
BAS: Yes… useful stuff. But… only a sip
he shudders
BAS: ONLY a sip.

Chance: Chan: I know I have already sipped it

DMaster: He stops and looks at you.
BAS: Really any side effects?

Ara Master Light Armor BlacksmithChance: Chan: none that I have noticed

DMaster: BAS: Good.
He walks you out of the lab area and into the administrative area. (right when you walk in) You see Cybil at a desk handling files / papers / scrolls.
ARA: I don’t have all day Cyb!
CYB: Give me a break shorty

Chance: Eyes kind of light up seeing Ara

DMaster: She is sitting on her desk tapping her fingers playfully at Cybil
CYB: (laughing) girl I’ll smack the points right off your ears
ARA: (laughs) Ohhh! Ohhh!

Chance: Chan: first time I have ever seen you impatient about anything Ara

DMaster: She looks over her shoulder and then stands up quickly.
ARA: Ohhh uhh.

Chance: Smile at her

DMaster: BAS: Oh you know our armoress?
She is avoiding eye contact. Cybil looks at the both of you and shakes her head.

Chance: Chan: yes I do. Not as well as I want to.

DMaster: Ara eventually makes eye contact and then looks you up and down
ARA: Armor… looks good
nodding her head

Chance: Chan: That is because you do amazing work

DMaster: She gives a quick smile to your comment
BAS: Well this is the administrative area, my beautiful and talented Cybil runs this area… hell she runs most of my divisions (chuckles)
Cybil smiles and nods.
BAS: That concludes our… tour. Again, you need me, I’ll be here… like always… night and day… noon and night…
He trails off as he heads back into his lab

Chance: Chan: Thank you, Bastian.

DMaster: Cybil fiddles with some papers and finds what she is looking for.
CYB: Here they are
Hands her the papers
ARA: Thanks
Ara grabs the papers and quickly walks past you, you watch as she walks by. she keeps her head down. Cybil walks over
CYB: Apparently you know my dear short stuff. (smiles) By the way you are off duty for Black Ward the rest of the day.

Chance: Chan: Oh, Ok… so when will I get my sword back Cybil?

DMaster: CYB: You are requested to train with Helkyr for the morning though
Cybil was reading from a small paper, looking at you with slight annoyance about your sword.
CYB: It will be in your office tomorrow AM

Chance: Chan: oh and does my armor and stuff stay here when I am off with what little free time will be had

DMaster: CYB: Yes it does, that is why you have your own office. We try, and I emphasize the word try. to keep work and home separated.

Chance: Chan: understood Cybil

DMaster: CYB: But a sword or dagger is fine to carry around. Whatever you feel is necessary. It is recommended to carry some kind of weapon at all times, where it is allowed of course.

Chance: Chan: of course. Well I shall not keep you any longer

DMaster: She nods
CYB: Your dismissed
She is pointing back at the door with the stairway
CYB: Put your armor back and then report to Helkyr

Chance: Chan: I shall
turn and head to my office

The unmistakable behind of Ara the ElfDMaster: You head down the stairs and down the hallway. There is some activity, but you can see someone standing in the doorway of another room. Unmistakable behind… it’s Ara. Ara is talking with an Agent and working with the armor.

Chance: glance in as I am walking by
Chan: Hey Ara can I talk to you for a second
Poking head in the door

DMaster: Almost interrupting you
ARA: I’m BUSY Chance

Chance: Chan: ok. oops.
I’ll just head to my office. When I get there start taking the armor off

DMaster: You finish putting things away, organizing a little. You turn around and Ara is there.
ARA: What is it?
She has a black blouse on, rolled up sleeves with gloves… light tan leather pants that are tight and knee high boots

Chance: Chan: I wanted to apologize for the other night and see if maybe we could start over. I didn’t give us a fair chance.

Blacksmith and fighter AraDMaster: She leans up against the doorframe and sighs. Look down for a moment.
ARA: I am the one who should apologize. I forced my way into that situation that you clearly did not want.

Chance: Chan: but I had time to sober up and think about things

DMaster: With a sarcastic undertone.
ARA: But your… Heart belongs to someone else?
Raises an eyebrow.

Chance: Chan: (sigh) Yeah, well booze and dancing… (shake head) That is no more, believe me… it is no more. I need to move forward.

DMaster: She tilts her head and takes a long look at you. She then gives you a “calling your bullshit” look.

Chance: Chan: what I am asking is would you give me a second chance

DMaster: She smirks and chuckles.
ARA: I wasn’t looking for a marriage proposal Sagalay, I was looking to have a good time, meet new people, and maybe, just maybe, get to know you better.
She stops leaning on the door frame.
ARA: Well… I got to know you have a lot of issues you need to resolve.

Chance: Chan: Issues? Well, I… (put head down) It’s just you are someone I would like to get to know better.

DMaster: ARA: Plus I don’t like being second place, the parting gift. (scoffs_) Well… Good luck on your first assignment.
She turns and walks out the door

Chance: ‘real smooth Chance thinking to myself’ (sigh)
Get up, walk out of office. Time to go see Helkyr

Talia, Fighting Druid, Daughter of PlugrDMaster: You walk out the compound, the sun is shining bright and it’s warmer. It’s like 9am. You head over to the castle, go to your room, put on the training armor and head out to the training area. Talia is literally bouncing over to you

Chance: Chan: Hey Talia
Giving her an odd look.

DMaster: Helkyr is leaning on a table in the background, chewing on some jerky. Looks to be mildly annoyed.

Chance: Chan: Hey Helkyr, we gonna train or you just gonna keep chewing on jerky all day?

DMaster: Talia giggles, Helkyr stares blankly at you still chewing
HEL: I’ll keep chewing
TAL: Hey Chance, why are you here? I thought the Black Ward had you?

Chance: I’ll walk over, grab one of the wooden sword. Smack Helkyr on the arm

DMaster: Helkyr gives you an annoyed look. Talia is looking at you
TAL: Well… why are you here?
Helkyr looks at you raising an eyebrow.

Chance: Chan: I was told to report here

DMaster: HEL: Yes Chance… tell us
Spit’s the jerky out in the other direction.
TAL: Yeah, but the Black Ward had you for the day?
She looks real excited
HEL: Yeah Chance… Why aren’t you with the Black Ward right now?
Helkyr says with a bit of sarcasm

Chance: Chan: I guess, tomorrow I have my first assignment to protect and escort an excavation team

DMaster: Talia squeals
TAL: You betcha Chance-a-rooo! You and me and Dad taking a trip
She is doing a happy dance. Helkyr nonchalantly waves his hand around and rolls his eyes.

Chance: Chan: ouch! my ears Talia
Smile a little shaking my head.

DMaster: HEL: I have heard of nothing else this morning…I am glad you showed up, our sparring dummy took quite a beating last night.
Grabs the head from the ground and looks it over.

Chance: Trying to change the subject real quick
Chan: well Talia grab one of those sword would you, that little happy dance thing is not going to help us train.
smirking a bit

DMaster: You train for the next 3 hours. You have a terrible day, lack of sleep, stress, the compound… You trip multiple times, hit yourself in the face with a sword and get frustrated. On the other hand, for Talia, she had a good day.

Chance: at the end of training just shake my head

DMaster: Helkyr takes the swords from you both.
HEL: Already took the day off eh Chance?
Deliberately, playfully, grabs a piece of jerky and starts chewing it, kind of in your face. He looks displeased with you. Talia giggles a bit and runs off.

Chance: Nod my head and start towalk away…

DMaster: Helkyr grabs your arm and pulls you back.
HEL: I don’t need to remind you, that swords, arrows and enemies… don’t take days off.
He has a fierce look in his eyes
HEL: People are depending on you and just because you feel off or you are tired or miss dipsy do-little didn’t want your snack… I expect the Chance that took me down and had a wood sword at my throat, everyday, everytime.
Fire in his eyes, gritting his teeth
HEL: Understand???

Chance: Think for a moment, look him in the eyes and nod my head. I will head to my room and take off my clothes, put dirty clothes in the basket. Wrap the towel around and go get clean.

DMaster: you get cleaned up and head back. Imogen leaving your room wasn’t messy. She nods to you and walks down the hallway.

Chance: Treat myself, get dressed, grab my money and head to Fycon Brothers.

Fine dining at Fycon brothersDMaster: You leave the Castle, go to Fycons, it is pretty empty. You have a delicious filling meal. It cost 3GP. You perform a few other chores in light of your journey tomorrow. You go back to your room and read up on the manuals
Getting yourself familiar.

Chance: read them in all the detail. Pacing around as I am reading them.

DMaster: Your lack of sleep and today’s excitement has worn you out. It’s getting late and you are getting tired. You hit the sack you are heading out 8am tomorrow

Chance: set the books on the table and fall on the bed

TUSKALAY MORNING (Tuesday) @ 7am

DMaster: You are awoken by the crier
CRY: 7am!! Cloudy with snow flurries, bundle up today! Yes I said SNOW!

Chance: Get up, change clothes and head to the table and grab a drink. get warm clothes on and a coat.

Josephine Mother of ChanceDMaster: ok you grab a drink, something to eat
Your mom walks up with Bessie

Chance: Chan: hey Mom and Bessie
hug mom

DMaster: She gives you a big hug

Chance: Chan: I’ll be gone for a few days, heading up north to an excavation site
Giving mom a look and smile.

DMaster: MOM: Oh, that sounds interesting!
Bessie smiles and nods.

Chance: Sorry I can’t talk long I have to run, love you mom. Good to see you Bessie

DMaster: BES: Nice to see you too

Chance: Go running up the stairs and head to the compound

DMaster: You come to a complete stop. Looking around, you see snow falling all around. It is the first time you have been in snow, or anything this cold before. You shiver a bit.OK you get through the guards, through the doors and into the compound. It’s busy and crazy in there.

Chance: Watch as the snow flies, slow my walk. Watch my footsteps make prints, try and catch a flake or two. Then head to my office

DMaster: You slip past everyone and to your room

Chance: Start putting on my gear

DMaster: You are all but done, when you glance over. Ara is leaning against the door
ARA: Need Help?

Chance: Chan: gladly
smiling at her

DMaster: She walks over to you. She has a white shirt, leather pants, boots. smells incredible. Ara is strapping things together. She is taking her time with the shield, looking at the connections.
ARA: Damn… I’m good, this is solid
She is nodding her head.

Chance: Chan: you’re not good. you’re very good (smiling)

DMaster: She backs off a bit and smiles, looking at the armor over one last time.
ARA: All set Chance, good luck on your assignment

Chance: Chan: Thanks, I am gonna need it

DMaster: She walks out of the room. You notice your sword on your belt. The hilt is almost the same except it’s black and has the BW symbol on it.

Chance: very nice indeed thinking to myself, both the sword and Ara. I will walk out of my office and take a deep breath

DMaster: Turning down the hallway you see Ara is talking with Veritaan. You can tell they are flirting a bit as you approach them.

Chance: Chan: hey Veritaan

DMaster: He looks up.
VER: Hey Chance (doubletakes) Looking good!
Nods his head

Chance: Chan: well let’s hope I do the black ward proud

DMaster: You walk past them
VER: (to Ara) He should thank you I think…
ARA: Taan, just doing my job

Chance: kind of look back since I heard what he said and then keep walking to the designated meeting area

DMaster: You head out and Cybil intercepts you in the middle of 100 things.
CYB: Cassie wants you in the throne room, ASAP

Chance: Chan: I am on my way, Cybil
Head for the Castle. I will put my hood up along the way.

DMaster: You notice a few people glancing over to you, some stop and look. You do look pretty sharp and intimidating. Some whisper “That’s the Black Ward!”

Chance: smiling to myself as I keep walking to the castle

DMaster: You enter the castle and into the throne room. The doors to the Throne room are open

Chance: Take down my hood.

DMaster: 3 guards in the room, Cassie, Prince Bozutto and Plugr are at the usual far table conversing.

Chance: Chan: Reporting Cassie, as ordered. I bow.

DMaster: They all stop and look. The Prince nods
PLUG: Damn Chance
The knight is looking you over. Cassie smiles, looks at Plugr and shakes her head. He walks around you… stops at the shield, and is looking at it.
PLUG: You have got to be joking! Cass! That prototype shield!
The Prince heads comes up and he sighs, seemed annoyed as he was trying to talk with Cassie

Chance: Chan: sword even got refitted Plugr

DMaster: Cassie excuses herself and walks over and unhooks the shield.

Chance: Standing playfully still

DMaster: Cassie starts working with it
PLUG: Oh let me try
They are trying the blade out ( boink! )

Chance: Chan: okay ,if you two don’t mind let me show you
Grab the shield.

DMaster: Talia walks into the throne room.
TAL: Oh what are we doing?
She has a big smile on her face

Chance: Chan: showing them my shield

Cassie, Baroness of CamerondaleDMaster: You adjust the shield and it fits your right arm like it’s part of it. you snap the dagger out ( boing )
PLUG: So light and solid
Cassie is smirking at Plugr
TAL: Yeah… it’s a shield. A small one too
Plugr shakes his head at Talia

Chance: Take it off and snap the shield back on my back

DMaster: Cassie grabs your hand and leads you away from the group
CASS: About the other night…

Chance: Just bow my head a bit. Grit my teeth, keep in control.

DMaster: CASS: That was an incredibly emotional night for me and Affinity. I imagine it was for you as well. It is not exactly what I am known for, blubbering and crying. I already know the answer, but I will ask it anyways; let’s not discuss what happened with anyone else ok?

Chance: Chan: Agreed
Nod my head, look at her in her eyes and smile.

DMaster: She smiles and you two walk back over to the group.
PLUG: OK! Chance we are heading for the north gate, I will have to double check to make sure we have our personal supplies…..
TAL: Mine is already packed
She looks proud of herself. Cassie stops you three.
CASS: Please, be safe ok?

Chance: Chan: I will do my best to keep them safe Cassie
Pull my hood up

DMaster: PLUG: Hey, it’s my middle name!
TAL: No it’s not silly, it’s Edgar
She giggles and runs ahead, Plugr walks next to you shaking his head. Pretty sure he didn’t want anyone to know his middle name.
PLUG: She is so excited about this

Chance: Chan: I can tell, she was bouncing around the training yard yesterday. How can we find out about our supplies without walking all the way to the North Gate? We must not keep Talia waiting, you know.

DMaster: You two almost knock over a man dressed in full plate.
PLUG: Obyren? What is it?
OBY: Change of plans, Thomas is still on that project from last week. I’ll be going with you instead
PLUG: Aces! Great! Obyren, this is Chance

Chance: look up from under the hood
Chan: nice to meet you Obyren

Obyren, pretty much leads all the guardsDMaster: He nods
OBY: Your bedrolls and supplies are being delivered to the caravan
PLU: Excellent save us some time
OBY: We leave in 30
PLUG: Thanks Obyren
He walks off

Chance: Chan: He seems… efficient

DMaster: Plugr stops walking in the entryway and pulls you aside
PLUG: Something I want you to know. I am leading the project, so everyone reports to me. Obyren is second in command… then it’s you. I will be counting on you for leadership and support

Chance: Chan: you have my full support Plugr my sword is yours. I will do what is needed to keep you all safe and make sure everyone returns home

DMaster: He smiles and pats your shoulder
PLUG: Lets not… keep Talia waiting (chuckles)
You two make your way out of the castle, down a few streets and Plugr gives you a nudge.
PLUG: First time you ever been in snow?

Chance: Chan: (smiling) Yes…
Look around, try to catch a few in my hand.
Chan: Yes it is.

DMaster: You walk on a slight decline and it wraps around and leads to two giant doors. THey are currently open, and a lot of activity is happening. Guards and runners are about. When you reach the doors, you see a convoy of 12 huge wagons, 30 horses, 12 workers, 2 scribes, 1 monk, 6 guards, Talia, Plugr, Obyren and You.
PLUG: Ever ride a horse?

Chance: Chan: (shaking head) Never. Didn’t have a lot of horses on Summer Isles… now that I think of it, we didn’t have any.

DMaster: He stops and looks at you in disbelief.
PLUG: Oh damn… ok.
He points you to a large wagon with workers on it. Most of the guards are on horse and Talia jumps on a gorgeous white horse.
PLUG: Have a seat Chance, when we get back, your getting riding lessons.

Chance: Walk over to the wagon and sit.

DMaster: The workers are a bit intimidated by you. Whispering “Black Ward is here… I feel better about this now” with a reply, “but WHY would they be coming if they didn’t think there was trouble…” It gets quiet, real quick.

The Convoy of Wagons heading to the dig siteChance: smirking under my hood

DMaster: The Caravan rolls out. You can see out the wagon, and it’s kind of bumpy. The wagons are on a bricked path that runs along the water. Snow is coming down fairly well.

Chance: sitting there quietly as we move along. watching everything as we move along. Pull my hood back for the moment, and keep a watchful eyes as we move along

DMaster: three hour increments.
9-12PM Boring, but you are moving at a decent pace. You overhear the workers say it’s a day and half to the site
12-3PM Nothing going on and the snow is falling harder
The caravan stops and you stop for food and to pee, etc

Chance: Get out of the wagon.

DMaster: The path goes on as far as you can see. to the East is the vast water, to the west is rolling hills with trees, brush and a few small cliffs. Talia comes hopping over to you and hands you some rations.
TAL: I think I am going to have sores on my ass for a month
All the workers stop eating and look at her
TAL: (embarrassed) From riding my horse (nodding)

Talia a chatter box this tripChance: Chan: well, you could be riding where I am

DMaster: Talia looks back over to her white horse
TAL: Oh no, me and Lilly girl always travel together

Chance: keep quietly eating as she is talking
Chan: well, before you know it we will be there and back and you will see Quinton again

DMaster: Talia twirling her hair a bit, kicking the dirt.
TAL: oh my god. Quinton was being such a little bitch, all worried. (munch munch) So I gave him a quick handjob before I…
She looks around to see a few eyebrows raise.
TAL: I just need to stop talking…

Chance: Chan: Yyeah, that would be best.
Nod my head at her, smirking

DMaster: Embarrassed she heads back over to Plugr who was walking towards you two

Chance: Chan: and don’t let your dad hear that either!
laughing trying to stir the pot a little.

DMaster: PLUG: Heading out in 5!
He abruptly stops and looks
PLUG: Don’t let me hear what?
She gives you a dirty look, tugs him the other way.

Chance: Chan: oh nothing…
finish up eating and go relieve self and then hop back on the wagon with the workers, pull my hood back up

DMaster: The caravan moves on
3-6PM Nothing, snow still coming down, getting some accumulation.
6-9PM Nothing. Getting dark
The caravan slowly stops, Plugr rides his horse back to the wagon

Chance: looking up from under my hood
Chan: what’s going on Plugr?

DMaster: PLUG: We are at Spring Creek, we are making camp outside.
it’s dark, cold and snowing. As you jump out of the wagon, it is already getting pushed together making for a large sleeping area. The workers are putting up large tents

Chance: Chan: do you want me to take first watch?

DMaster: PLUG: Watch? No. This is Camerondale land, We will have the Town guards keep an eye out.
Plugr jumps off his horse
PLUG: Lets go, me you and Obyren need to talk to the Mayor

Chance: Chan: okay lead on

DMaster: The three of you walk into a fairly large town

Chance: I will keep hood up and quietly walk with them

DMaster: The streets are fairly empty and there is about 2 inches of snow on the ground.
The people who are out, stop and gawk. Plugr is in his “light” armor but it is still regal. Obyren is in full plate. The three of you hit a tavern called “Unusual Tulip.”

Chance: Looking from under the hood as we walk, shaking head at the name

Semi Retired Knight PlugrDMaster: Upon entering you see it’s pretty big, 35ft x 45ft. Bar across the far wall, tables around. A man stands up, in fine clothing and a fur jacket.
PLUG: Ahhh Caldwell!
CAL: Plugr my friend, made good time?
PLUG: Good enough
Plugr introduces Caldwell who is the Mayor of the town
CAL: Doubled the guard for you
PLUG: Excellent
CAL: Now sit have a meal with me

Chance: pull my hood back now since we are inside, but still kind of staying silent

DMaster: The tavern only has a few patrons, on a night like this, couldn’t expect people out. They serve a delicious meal of Mutton, carrots, rice and a hearty ale. Once the meal is over, Obyren excuses himself to check on the Caravan. Plugr and Caldwell exchange stories and you drink the rest of your ale. Obyren comes back in.
OBY: They are set Plugr, your Daughter is in the main wagon
PLUG: Thank you Obyren.
Obyren sit’s down, while Caldwell thanks all of you and excuses himself. You three sit back and now have a full mug of ale in front of you.

Chance: slowly sip my ale

Guard leader, Knight and Black Ward talkingDMaster: PLUG: So, this site we are going to. It’s a castle that was buried under tons of dirt and debris.
Obyren furries his eyebrows
OBY: How… Did it get buried?
PLUG: Good question

Chance: Chan: take it that’s where we come in to see what we can find out

DMaster: PLUG: (nods) We only discovered it because we had reports of unusual things going on there. We did not discover anything but half a door… they excavated the rest and it revealed big double doors, much like ours in Camerondale. They opened but stopped anything more until we got there (sips ale) Still a bit weary about the unusual things, but they say they did find a treasure room already.

Chance: Chan: well what kind of unusual things Plugr?

DMaster: Camps of people coming and going… weird light anomalies, we did some patrolling but never came up with anything concrete. We have 4 guards and 10 workers there now. Esmershard is there as well.
OBY: HA! That old coot? Is he still kicking?

Chance: Chan: any descriptions of what the people coming and going were wearing?

DMaster: Plugr shakes his head
Giving you a thoughtful glance.
PLUG: Why are you interested in that?

Chance: Just shrug my shoulders, take a deep drink.

DMaster: The three of you finish your ale. Plugr hands each one of you a key.
PLUG: Pays to be in charge (winks) Your room is 2nd floor room 5

Chance: Chan: thank you, ‘night you two.

DMaster: You get to your room and sleep

WEDMAK MORNING (Wednesday) @ 7:30am

DMaster: Knock on your door
PLUG: Time to get up!

Chance: crawl out of bed and stretch. Use the water bowl to freshen up. Get my armor back on.
Pull the hood back over my head as I walk out of my room. Head downstairs. Looking around as I get to the bottom of the stairs

DMaster: Talia is at a table with her Dad… eating breakfast. Her hair is a mess.
PLUG: Did you sleep well dear?
TAL: No… there were wolves roaming about howling all night

Chance: Looking at Talia – cant help but bust out laughing loud

Yum Yum, breakfast foodDMaster: TAL: Chance! (fixing her hair) I know…
PLUG: Get some breakfast, we need to get going

Chance: sit down and get some breakfast

DMaster: You eat and the three of you head back to the caravan. it’s a weird cool humid foggy morning, definitely warmer than yesterday
Front moved in. Can’t see more than 10 feet in front of you.

Chance: take my place on the wagon

DMaster: it’s a weird cool humid foggy morning, definitely warmer than yesterday. The snow is melting so it’s soggy out. Front moved in. Can’t see more than 10 feet in front of you. 9-12AM – Nothing, the fog eventually lifts and it warms a bit. 12-3PM – Nothing. Ok the Caravan comes to a halt. Talia rides back to you.
TAL: We are here!!
She gallops up and down the path all excited, horse doing a little rearing.

Chance: hop off the wagon and stretch my legs

DMaster: You see more rolling hills, trees and the water is far enough away that you can’t see it anymore. it’s about 55 degrees and mostly cloudy

Chance: kinda looking around in awe of the scenery

DMaster: Plugr walks over with an old man
PLUG: Chance this is Esmershard
ESM: Nice to meet you Chance

Chance: pulls hood back to get a good look at him
Chan: nice to meet you Esmershard

DMaster: ESM: (looks around) OK men! Get the wagons in a circle pattern, those four in the middle
He wanders off ordering workers around
Plugr smiles and starts to dig out his equipment
OBY: Chance, secure the area, do a sweep of about 200 feet

Chance: Chan: Yes sir. On it.
pull my hood back up and quietly sneak off

DMaster: You start from where you came from, going over the open and lighted wooded area. OK, you don’t see or sense anything. it’s clear.

Chance: keep silent, move to the East.

DMaster: You head east and explore and investigate. You can see the water from the edge of your investigation area. You note that.

Chance: keep silently moving along, head North

DMaster: You hit yourself in the face with a large branch but there is nothing around here. You take 1HP of damage.

Chance: refocus myself and quietly move along to the West.

DMaster: You scope the hills and the mound of dirt covering the castle
(NOTE: He just rolled his second “1”)
Thank god you are not in battle. You fall and tumble down the side of a mound.

Chance: Cursing… Thinking about what Helkyr said. I pick myself up and dust myself off and refocus myself

DMaster: The area is secure

Chance: head back to the caravan quietly and silently. Look for Obyren.

DMaster: it’s busy, people setting up tents inside the circle of wagons. A fire being built for food. Talia is digging through the excavation pile that is directly east of the doors about 40 feet away. Plugr is eating some bread while talking to her.
TAL: AHHAHH!!! A Gold piece!
PLUG: I’ll be damned
Obyren is talking to the guards
OBY: Chance, all secure?

Chance: Chan: all secure, the East – Water is roughly 350feet away.

DMaster: OBY: Excellent, you ok? (looking at your face, the red mark)

Chance: Chan: Yes, had the wrong side of an argument with a large branch.

DMaster: OBY: It happens. Get your gear and set it up, you’ll be at the base of the four wagons.

Chance: quietly go grab my gear and go set up

DMaster: You are under an awning of sorts. Next to the scribes and a monk. Talia, Plugr, Esmershard and Obyren sleep in the four wagons.
PLUG: Come on Chance let’s go look at this treasure room… then we’ll leave the rest of the exploration tomorrow

Chance: Chan: with you Plugr

DMaster: You, Plugr, Talia and Esmershard walk down to the big double doors. It looks like these doors could have been barred from the inside at some point. You walk through, it dims but they have 2 lanterns set up for light. These hallways are BIG, 20ft wide and about 15-20ft high. It goes for about 20ft and then there are crossroads of hallways.

Chance: Walks with the group, refocusing my eyes, and keep an ear open

DMaster: Esmershard turns to the north and into a room, the door is open. There is a weird metal door on the far wall.

Chance: walk over to it

DMaster: The room is 40ft X 60ft and the height is 15ft. On the east wall there are windows that are half broken and dirt is piling into them. There is some debris along each wall, and lots of cobwebs. Footprints in the dust lead to a large metal door of sorts. Gold coins litter the floor and also lead to the door.

Chance: stay focused and scan the walls for anything.

DMaster: Esmershard walks over and opens the door, it’s a chamber filled with Gold, Silver, gems
PLUG: Wow.. thats a lot of gold
ESM: Yes, we will start to unload it tomorrow morning

Chance: kind of quietly surveying the room

DMaster: Esmershard hands Talia this Owl statue. She is looking over it in fascination.
Plugr is looking at a box, opens it and music starts to play.
PLUG: Whoaaa…
TAL: Oh that’s pretty

Chance: still silently looking around the room, ease up once I feel it’s secure.

DMaster: The room is secure, there is a lantern placed in the middle by Esmershard. Talia walks over to you and shows you the exquisite owl statue

Chance: Look at it.

DMaster: ESM: So that’s the good news
PLUG: Son of a…

Chance: Chan: and now the bad news

DMaster: TAL: What’s… the bad?
ESM: There are noises coming from the adjacent room

Chance: perk my ears up a bit

DMaster: ESM: We heard it yesterday and 3 days ago, so we stopped and called on you

Chance: Chan: what did the noises sound like if I may ask?

DMaster: ESM: General moving, some click clacking, things being dragged

Chance: Chan: I don’t like the sound of that

DMaster: TAL: Ha! No pun intended eh?
Plugr shakes his head
ESM: That’s for tomorrow, let’s get out of here for now. Talia dear, take the owl with you.
She smiles and secures it under her arm.

Chance: silently follow the group out, taking up the rear

DMaster: You guys leave the castle.