The Quick & The Dead

Previously In The Last Adventure:

Bad weather hinders the training. Chance finds himself inbetween two high powered people who both want his services. The in fighting and politics is causing friction including hurting Talia. Captain Harlow talks privately but gets interrupted...

NSFW Warning / Bad Grammar

This text will contain language not suitable for some people. It is merely an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. We are not trying to be the next J.R.R. Tolkien, so there will be misspelled words, fragmented sentences and things that just don’t make sense. Once in a while there will be some nudity and sexual themes, you will be warned ahead of time. Just read, enjoy and have fun!

Main Characters

EP#22 The Quick & The Dead

DMaster: You run out of the throne room, to the entrance way through the halls and down to your room.

Chance: Grab my sword and whatever other weapons I think I will need

DMaster: Well all you have is your bluesteel long sword. The short bow and arrows are in the training area.

Chance: well grab sword and run to the training area and get my short bow and arrows

Ara, Fighter and BlacksmithDMaster: You head out of your room and up the stairs. Ara is walking fast with armor swung about her and she is tightening something while she walks towards you
ARA: Never a dull moment eh, Chance?
She looks at you and smiles

Chance: Chan: well I am glad to finally have some action (smiling) We better not keep Captain Harlow and Valentine waiting.

DMaster: Ara nods her head. Looks at you and rolls her eyes. She drops the armor.
ARA: Get undressed silly
She starts to take off your shirt. As she does, she purposefully runs her hand across your body.

Chance: Shudder a little. Get undressed as quick as I can. so she can gear me up.

DMaster: She then fits you with the new BW armor, She finishes backs up, throws you the sword.
ARA: just a few quick moves, anything wrong?

Chance: Do a few quick moves.

DMaster: The armor feels good, real good. Ara quickly straps the belt and sheath on you and gives you a little smack on the ass.
ARA: Go get ’em tiger… (embarrassed) That, sounded better in my head

Chance: Chan: I will try and do grrrrreat.
Smile back at her.

DMaster: She smiles, and then starts to grab a few things off the floor and turns around to look at you.
ARA: Oh, Chance.

Chance: Chan: yes?
Kinda looking at her.

DMaster: ARA: Be careful ok?

Chance: Chan: I will, I can’t have nothing happen to your favorite model.
Smirking and wink at her.

DMaster: She smiles real big again and then proceeds to pick up the rest of her stuff. Captain Harlow shows up in the room.
HAR: Come on chance, let’s move it.

Chance: Chan: Yes, Captain as you say, lead on.

DMaster: You run out of the castle, down some streets, most people move out of your way seeing the black armor. Some people wide eyed and whispering.
HAR: I heard Killian was back, so hopefully he will meet us there.
You two are high tailing it for a few blocks, make a left turn and then find yourself at a stone block with a door on it. There are two guards standing there.

Chance: Chan: so do you care to fill me in on what’s going on?

DMaster: Glances over at you as she enters the door.
HAR: I wish I knew right now (chuckles a little).
You two head down a long set of stairs into a large tunnel. A wave of cool moisture hits you, a faint rushing sound of water in the distance. The landing and tunnel is a bit dark, but it has various holes and light sources, giving it enough visibility to see quite a ways down.

Chance: follow behind her, trying to keep up with her.

DMaster: At the end of the stairs is a guard holding what appears to be a very frightened man.
HAR: Guard, what is going on?
GUA: This man came up to me and told me of an apparition of sorts in the waterways. I investigated and found out… (shudders) he wasn’t lying.
The man is clearly petrified.
HAR: Take him up top, keep an eye on him.
GUA: Aye, Cap.

Chance: Chan: so an apparition. Do we go check it out?

DMaster: She looks at you oddly.
HAR: Why do you think we are here?
You two jog North farther down this tunnel / corridor. Where the guard pointed and you both notice a faint blue glow coming from the left passage. You make it to the corner and there floats a fading blue ghost like figure. It has symbols on her, dressed in rags and she has a mask on that does not have eye or mouth holes.

The Apparition in the Water WaysChance: keeping my hand near my sword

DMaster: You two are on the 5-feet of raised stone against the wall. To the right is rushing water, looks to be maybe 1 foot deep, farther right is another platform.
HAR: What in… hell?
On the other side of the passageway you see Valentine, crouching looking the ghostly figure over. She looks over to you two and shrugs. You have never seen anything like this, nor have you read anything

Chance: Chan: What the hell is that? (whispering)

DMaster: She shakes her head. The passageway is about 30 feet, it ends in large steel bars, it looks like this is an entrance to one of the Cities Water Supply. Every 5 feet there is a tube like opening leading to the surface (probably for drainage). So it is not real dark, but the apparition is making enough light.

Chance: kind of remain silent and see what Captain Harlow does.

Valentine, Black Ward's Top AssassinDMaster: You see Valentine making hand gestures. You recognize it as Thieves cant. “No. Idea. What. Ghost. Is. Should. I. Proceed.” Harlow glances back at you.
HAR: What did she say? She never remembers I don’t know that can’t thieves bullshit.

Chance: Chan: she said “No idea what ghost is should I proceed Captain.”

DMaster: The Captain smiles and nods at you. Harlow shakes her head. Valentine nods in agreement. It is obviously very moist in the tunnel, the sound of rushing water is fairly loud.

Chance: I am just watching this figure and trying to stay quiet to see what it does.

DMaster: It looks pretty amazing. Just floating there, by the bars in the tunnel. Harlow then nudges you.
HAR: It looks like it is trying to talk.

Chance: look at the figure see if and what its trying to say.

DMaster: You do see the figure mouthing something, but because she is transparent, it’s kind of hard to see what she is saying.
HAR: Tell Valentine to read her lips.

Chance: gesture to Valentine to tell to read her lips.

DMaster: Valentine squints a bit, then nods. She moves a bit closer to the thing… then wheels her head around to frantically canting; “Poison. source. must. stop.”

Chance: Chan: Captain, Valentine says: “Poison source must stop.”

Killian, Black Ward BarbarianDMaster: Harlow looks at you, eyes growing
HAR: Source?
Just then a very large man makes his way around the corner.
KILL: What in a Dogs Ass…?
He comes trudging through the waters.
HAR: KILLIAN, not in the water!
KILL: (nods) Sorry Cap.
Jumps on the ledge.

Chance: hand is still near my sword just keeping eyes to Valentine, in case she cants anymore.

DMaster: HAR: It is saying something about poison and the source.
KILL: Someone is poisoning the source of our water?
Valentine is already jumping ledge to ledge and moving faster than normal humans can.
VAL: We must go!
She is like the wind, flying by you. Killian turns heel and runs after her.

Chance: I will wait for the captain.

DMaster: You two follow suit, down the tunnel out into the street.
You four are running full on towards the City walls. You turn right then left and down more stairs and you just see Valentine stop, grab something at the door, and move it, a secret passage. You four go through, Killian waits, and then closes it after you. He looks at you funny like ‘who the hell are you.’

Chance: Chan: Chance, the name is Chance.

DMaster: He gives you a big slap on the back.
KILL: Get moving, Kid!
In a loud rough voice.

Chance: keep moving and following the group.

DMaster: You all are going down a narrow tunnel that starts to have a gradient going up, its getting tougher and tougher to run, but you manage. Then at some stairs, leading up. It looks like a dead end but again, Valentine moves a brick and pushes the door open. Light floods in. You make it out, Killian again closes the door, looks at you
KILL: Killian, names Killian (smirks).
Then keeps running.

Chance: keep running with the group.

DMaster: It is only 10 feet and you can see where the water is running in. It is down smooth stone half pipes at the top is a wagon with a horse and some people there.
HAR: Do we know of anyone being here?
KILL: Not to my knowledge.
VAL: (stops and looks back with a glimmer in her eye) With the edge of my dagger, let’s find out.
KILL: If I wasn’t already, I’d marry you Assassin.
Harlow rolls her eyes. you all head towards the Wagon. Valentine has all but disappeared. Killian takes the lead.

Chance: hand is near my sword.

DMaster: HAR: (as she runs) Chance, I don’t want you to engage…
Killian interrupts her.
KILL: I count 7!
HAR: Fuck!
She slows a bit and looks at you, shrugging her shoulders.
HAR: You’ve killed Odius’s and Demon Dogs, a few thugs should be a breeze. It’s time to prove yourself.

Chance: Chan: let’s do this then.

DMaster: 2 bolts fly by.
KILL: Crossbows!
HAR: You think?!
4 of their party is running at you, 2 of them are reloading crossbows. There is a wall to your left, on the top is grass of that wall. You are in a grassy ravine, with water rushing past you on the right; apparently the source of water for most of Camerondale.
KILL: Are they suicidal?

Chance: draw my sword.


I removed dice rolls and comments, and left the actions that occurred due to the rolls. It will just be displayed like line items

Battle on the RavineDMaster: There is one guy running and attacks Killian (who is 6’7″ and about 275lbs)
Takes Killian by surprise a little and he slashes his arm fairly good. You see Valentine appear and tries to stab the next guy following.
The guy seemed prepared, moved real fast and avoided the attack.
Harlow is the next on the list, so that same guy attacks Captain.
He slashes across his body and Harlow makes a move, dodging the attack.
Killian swings his huge two handed sword in an arcing fashion.
This gets 2 attacks on 2 people.
The one guy ducks and rolls with uncanny speed.
Seeing it coming the other one uses his sword to deflect, knocking him back a bit but no damage.
The third is attacking you.
With a wily stab the Thug gets you in the lower stomach, a searing pain in your abdominal area.
Harlow attacks the guy who attacked her.
Her longs sword buries deep into the attacker rib cages, the skin opens up easily and blood squirts out.
The two crossbow fire.
It strikes him and glances off his shoulder causing minor damage.
The other shoots at Harlow.
Zings by her and misses rolls down the grassy area.
you can attack the guy who hit you.

Chance: I am attacking him.

DMaster: Slashing at him, he parry’s the move easily.
Now the party is in combat, the bonuses will kick in for the BW.
The one guy attacks Killian again.
Killian uses his sword and deflects the attack.
Valentine tries her luck again with the guy she missed before.
Misses again, the guy seemed to know her moves.
She looks surprised.
The guy who was attacking you thrusts his short sword at you again.
Your armor does its job, it deflects off it and no damage.
Harlow’s attacker jumps back and throws a smaller dagger.
He trips, falls over and stabs himself.
Harlow gets a free attack.
He rolls out of the way just before she plunges the sword into the ground.
Killian gets in his stance and swipes his sword again, full force at his attacker in front of him.
The attacker blocks but the power of the swing hits him in the head pretty hard.
The one attacking Valentine has grabbed a Dagger and is duel wielding, attacks with both weapons.
Swoosh swoosh.
Valentine easily dodges it.
Your attack.
what are you going to do, how are you going to attack.

Chance: attack the one that attacked me in an arcing motion.

Crossbow's that were used in battleDMaster: He side steps it.
the 2 crossbows.
One of them takes aim at Captain Harlow.
!! THUD !!
Right in the gut, she is taken aback a bit and grabs at her stomach.
the other crossbow.
Shoots at Killian.
Just misses him.
The attacker goes after Harlow now that she was injured.
Harlow sees that in the corner of her eye and parry’s the attack.
Valentine rolls on the ground past the one attacker and tries to backstab the guy attacking you.
She misses him as he jumps to one side with unbelievable agility.
The one ruffian attacks Killian.
He swings and it misses by a lot.
Killian attacks and uses his special rush move.
He wounds one of them by bludgeon attack with his shoulder (LOL).
He also attacks the one after Valentine.
His great sword goes right through the guy.
He twists the blade and rips it out.
the guy falls back holding his stomach as blood flies everywhere, guts visible..
The ruffian in front of you tries to attack again.
You parry it with ease.
HAR: Dust! Ground!
Captain Harlow disengages and throws dust out.

Chance: drop to the ground.

DMaster: You drop to the ground, the dust flies and hits 3 of the 4 thugs. The one that Killian ran through did not get hit
The rest of the attackers lose their turn.
You get a great advantage they are blind and coughing.

Chance: Swing my sword level, aiming for the neck.

DMaster: You arch your blade and it cuts through the guys neck, and detach his head from his body.
blood spurting… the body just limply falls to the ground.
the 2 crossbow.
That same guy still trying to hit Killian.
hits him in the leg.
Since the guy had success before, he goes after Harlow again.
! THUD !
right next to her other arrow in her stomach… she staggers back a bit again, goes down to one knee.
The thug sees that Harlow is at a disadvantage attacks her through blinding dust.
Swings wildly, but even in her state, she parry’s the blow and deflects it.
Valentine turns and attacks the guy who just attacked Killian.
She throws her daggers.
Both hit, one lodging in his shoulder, the other in his arm.
He falls to his knees still coughing.
The one who was on the ground gets up and starts to run holding his stomach.
He is deceptively fast, holding his side, he runs towards the wagon gets about 30 feet.
Killian attacks the one guy who was on the ground holding his stomach.
He plunges his sword straight down his chest, into his main body and out his back.
Blood gurgles out his mouth.
Harlow moves back from battle, that was her turn as she deals with two crossbow bolts in her stomach.
You can attack him, he is all that is left.

Chance: I will use the “marty move” on him.

DMaster: You try to disarm him, but only get a slight hit on him, but did minimal damage.
Ok both of the crossbowmen, have fled.
The Thug that is left drops his sword and falls to his knees.
Killian was ready to decapitate the guy.
Valentine in a flash grabs the guys hands and ties them up… and his feet also.
Gives him an elbow in the eye for good measure.
Killian is over to Captain, looking at her wounds.
Valentine, Elite Assassin with the Black WardVAL: Wow, what the fuck was that?
Valentine looks embarrassed.

Chance: put my sword back in my sheath going to check on the Captain.

DMaster: VAL: Come with me chance, lets secure the perimeter.

Chance: Chan: as you say, Valentine.

DMaster: You see Killian laying Harlow down, takes off her armor carefully and pours some clear liquid on her, and she sips it too. You hear her not yell but, it is a sound you make when you are in pain.

Chance: securing the perimeter with Valentine.

DMaster: There is a wall to your left, on the top is the grass of that wall. You are in a grassy ravine, with water rushing past you on the right, it’s the source of water for most of Camerondale.

Chance: keep my eyes and ears sharp.

Wagon load with Barrels of GrainDMaster: 20 feet ahead is a cart with barrels in it. Situated in a spot where the Camerondale wall guards would have a hard time seeing the Wagon. You don’t notice anything, though the rushing water is not helping with audible, can’t hear shit. You two make it to the cart, you see someone laying on the ground.

Chance: carefully approach with my hand on my sword.

DMaster: It looks like a humanoid of sorts, light green outfit. Grasping something in his hands.

Chance: see if its alive first.

DMaster: Valentine walks around the wagon and to and from the water and declines that the wagon came off of.
VAL: All clear.
You can tell the person is breathing.

Chance: open his hands up.

DMaster: OK, you see he is still breathing. It appears to be a man that has golden blonde hair. You open the hand, there is a pouch that has something in it, As you move it, sounds like coins. Your side starts to hurt as you continue to bleed. You wince in pain. Valentine notices and slowly brings you back to a standing position. She looks at you.
VAL: Sit.
Pointing at the edge of the wagon.

Chance: go to the edge of the wagon and sit.

Killian, Great Barbarian of the Black WardDMaster: You see Killian making his trek towards you, rips the bolt right out of his leg without even a flinch. He looks PISSED.
KILL: Hey Kid.
He walks over and points to the ground.
KILL: Lay down.

Chance: lay on the ground.

DMaster: KILL: Damn, a new set of armor too… Ara is not going to be happy (chuckles a bit) This is not how we usually fight, I am dumbfounded at the speed of these guys we fought.
He takes off your armor and pours this liquid that fizzes and pops on your wound, searing pain, You can’t help you yell a little.
KILL: You’ll get used to it, Kid.

Chance: Chan: by Animax, that hurt.

DMaster: KILL: Take a sip and I mean only a sip.
He gives you the bottle, watching you carefully.

Chance: take a sip from the bottle

DMaster: It sears down your throat and takes your breath away, like Dwarven spirits. You gain most of your hit points back.

Chance: Chan: How is the Captain?
sitting up

DMaster: He glances over his shoulder and thumbs in that direction.
You see the Captain walking up behind him.
HAR: Chance. You ok?

Chance: Chan: I will live

DMaster: Killian stands up, grabs your hand and pulls you up; has a goofy smile on his face.
KILL: I’d say… he took a guys head clean off (chuckles)

Chance: Chan: but Ara isn’t gonna be too happy

DMaster: Valentine is next to you, almost startles you. Puts her hands on your shoulder
VAL: It’s going to be fun training this guy (winks)

Chance: Chan: and I thought I was quiet? I almost greased my drawers…(smirking)

DMaster: She steps a bit a way and puts out her hand and she has something in it. Valentine has a large empty vial in her hand
VAL: It is some kind of potion. I found the bottle on the other side of the wagon

Chance: Chan: Captain.
Smiling, pointing to the figure on the ground
Chan: he is still breathing by the way.

DMaster: That figure seems to be stirring. Killian walks over and turns him over.
KILL: Captain, need a vial please.
Captain Harlow of the Black WardCaptain without thinking, grabs a vial of a clear liquid and throws it to Killian. He catches it and you hear the man on the ground howl in pain. Most likely from getting the same treatment you got.

Chance: get up and watch what is going on.

DMaster: Killian is just pouring the liquid on the guy as he pulls out a dagger from his belly.

Chance: taking a look at my armor and put it back on, then keep watching what’s going on.

DMaster: The one side has a clean cut tear in it. Suddenly Valentine grabs two daggers, waves her hands telling everyone to back off; points at the wagon.

Chance: back away from the wagon and my hand instantly goes to my sword, you don’t hear anything.

DMaster: The man with Killian stirs more after screaming in pain.
MAN: (groan) where is my daughter?
Killian is alerted and picks the man up and walks a bit away from the wagon. Then you finally hear a noise coming from the wagon. A young female pokes her head out and looks at all of you, very frightened. Dirty blonde, cute face and some very large boobs. Killians eyes get big.
Embry Farmers DaughterWOM: Who who, who are you?
She has tears running down her face.
WOM: What have you done with my father?

Chance: Chan: come out of the wagon so we may talk.
ease my hand away from my sword a little.

DMaster: She stumbles out, visibly shaken. Harlow is still in pain.
HAR: Who are you and why are you in this wagon?
She sees Killian and her eyes grow big, when she sees her father in his arms.
She runs over.
MAN: Embry my dear, you are ok? Thank Animax, they didn’t find you.
Killian lets the man stand and the two embrace. He walks over to the group. Valentine is sniffing around the barrels. Harlow is leaning against the wagon with some fabric against her stomach that has blood all over it.

Chance: Chan: Sir, can you tell us what happened to you and your daughter.

DMaster: He is wobbly, but she holds him up.
MAN: We were heading back to our village, and we were attacked by these men. They stabbed me, and threw me on the barrels, I told Embry to hide
She is hugging her father and nods
MAN: It gets kind of fuzzy from there, I remember getting thrown to the ground, I heard some fighting and I must of passed out.

Chance: Chan: I assure you that you both are safe now (smiling).

DMaster: Valentine opened a barrel and it is grain, normal everyday grain. Killian and Harlow exchange glances looking confused
MAN: Yes, it’s our grain supply for the month. I assumed they were robbing us.
He walks over to the area he was laying and grabs his pouch. He opens it and looks and shakes the bag.
MAN: Looks like it is all still here… (he looks confused).

Chance: Chan: well any idea why they would wanna rob you if all you are hauling is grain.

DMaster: He shakes his head looking blankly.
The Fathers Daughter - EmbryEMB: I heard them say something about getting to the north side, avoiding guards and down a ravine… and something about a source.
She thinks for a bit and frowns.
EMB: Then the water was so loud I couldn’t hear anything more.

Chance: looking back at the group.

DMaster: You see 4-6 guards running towards you down the incline to your right.
GUA: Captain, everyone ok?
HAR: Yes, I want you to double patrols around this area and the south water tunnels.
He turns and yells that to other guards, who stop and head back.
MAN: Thank you.
Shakes Killians huge hands, Killian smiles and nods.
EMB: Yes, Thank all of you.
Valentine is still investigating, and Harlow walks around the wagon.
HAR: Val babe, we have people for this…
VAL: I know but I don’t get it, why steal this, park it at the source… and…
Scratches her hood covered head. Killian walks over and stands next to you.
KILL: I have a hard time thinking that is her father.
He scrunches his eyebrows.
KILL: But, that… Embry – I would save her everyday of the week and twice on Sunday.
Slaps your back and belts out a hardy laugh, oof.

Chance: Chan: yeah but aren’t you married or what not (smirking)

Captain Harlow of the Black WardDMaster: KILL: Happily… but a guy can look and dream a little, eh?
Another set of guards are heading down the incline, dressed in black. You can tell they are Black Ward.
KILL: Captain, let’s get, let our boys get to work.
You see 3 well equipped people walking towards you, all in black, carrying a chest.

Chance: Chan: Ara is so gonna scream when she sees this armor.
Smiling, I will wait for Captain Harlow to tell us to move out.

DMaster: Killian looks at his own armor. Rubs it in a few places.
KILL: Oops.
He has a dopey grin on his face.
KILL: We are all in for it.
The four of you gather and heads back, Harlow leads the way.

Chance: Chan: well at least it served its purpose (chuckling).

DMaster: back through the tunnels back out into the streets of Camerondale. As you walk they talk
VAL: Why would these men attack the farmer, drag the wagon to the point or source of the water and then it seemed like they…
HAR: Were waiting, I know, I noticed that too
KILL: What about that apparition, that is what is really not making sense

Chance: Chan: A ghost warning us that there are thugs waiting outside? In the ruse of poisoning our water system?
Shrug shoulders
Chan: sure. But Captain, we need to teach you Cant, ok?

DMaster: She smiles, pats you on the back and nods. The group heads up the incline, around the bend and heads for the secondary entrance to Camerondale. Walk through the gates and down a few streets. You are at a building that has stairs leading down to large double doors.
HAR: Go Chance, meet up with Cass let her know what happened and we will talk soon

Chance: Chan: as you say, Captain.

DMaster: The rest of the party is walking down the stairs and through the doors. You head back to the castle, you can see it above some buildings in the distance so you won’t get lost.

Chance: head back toward the castle.

DMaster: You make your way to the inner gates, they allow you to pass. Its Freya, cloudy and a cool mugginess in the air, temperature is about 60.

Chance: thinking to myself, another day to this ball and I still haven’t got clothes for it. I look at my armor(laughing).

Duke of Camerondale, XavierDMaster: You walk into the entrance way and the throne room doors are open. Xavier is walking towards you looking at you a bit funny with that armor on.
XAV: You are in trouble, and you are late. Wait, what happened and where is the Captain?

Chance: Chan: Xavier I need to speak with Cassie as soon as possible.

DMaster: He points to her through the door. She is working on a scroll and Plugr is there talking with her.

Chance: Chan: oh shit, this isn’t going to go well.

DMaster: XAV: Meet me at Fycons, I’ll be at the bar. We will get you dressed.
He walks past you and out the door

Plugr Retired Knight of CamerondaleChance: go through the door

DMaster: Plugr looks up.
PLUG: Chance, absent minded much… (squints).

Chance: Chan: pardon my appearance.

DMaster: Cassie is in a longer blouse with colorful ridges, some lightpants on and knee high boots. Her hair is down and she has some jewelry dangling. She looks up, takes a second to focus and see’s blood, dirt and your brand new armor damaged. She just glares.
CASS: What. The Hell. Happened.
She says talking through her teeth
Chance: Chan: Well, you see the Captain got a call to go for…
I explain to them everything that happened.

Cassandra Arch Royal PartyDMaster: After your story, Cassie stands up and paces a bit. Plugr who was looking regal as usual, simple slate blue shirt, some design on it. Brown soft leather pants and normal boots. His usual 5 o’clock shadow. He looks in bewilderment, Cassie stops and taps her head in thought.
CASS: So there was a ghost-like figure, that led you to the water source and to 6 thugs who robbed a wagon of grain, and they seemed to be waiting for you?

Chance: Chan: That about covers it.

DMaster: PLUG: It was a trap, but for what purpose?
CASS: Maybe they didn’t expect Black Ward to come out looking.
PLUG: (interrupting) Black Ward? I don’t think any thugs with any sort of intelligence would of wanted that. But to what end? What did this accomplish if they really were not poisoning the water?

Chance: Chan: They certainly didn’t fight like common thugs

DMaster: Cassie and Plugr look past you and their eyes light up a bit.

Chance: look back.

Ara, BlacksmithDMaster: Ara is standing there, arms folded tapping her foot. She is in medium brown skin tight leather pants, darker brown knee high boots, light colored blouse, some nice earrings and necklace. She has some makeup on, and she has a strand of hair down her face.
ARA: Killian said you might have done something to your brand new armor?

Chance: Chan: Well, officially it’s not what “I” did to it.
Looking at her with puppy dog eyes

DMaster: She walks over, drops off her tools on the table and starts to take off your armor, but your wound is very sensitive and still bleeding a bit. You wince.

Chance: Chan: ouch, darn it

DMaster: Cassie and Plugr both look a little alarmed. Your under garment is torn and the wound is still a bit bloody

Chance: Chan: be a little careful, didn’t get the full healing with that shitty tasting potion.
smiling at her

DMaster: Cassie squints a bit while looking at you.
CASS: Dammit, did they give you the Nostrum liquid?
Plugr looks at Cassie
PLUG: Probably, it is the Black Ward.

Chance: Chan: you mean the stuff Killian told me to just take a sip of?

DMaster: She grits her teeth a bit. Ara continues to work on the armor, and stands up and whispers in your ear.
ARA: (speaking softly) It’s not the safest thing to use, it’s good in a pinch but it can be dangerous

Chance: Chan: well I only took a small sip (speaking softly)

DMaster: Ara takes your shirt off, and wraps it around your ribcage, covering the wound. You are standing in leather pants, boots and a bloody shirt around the waist. Ara holds the armor at arm’s length and looks at it.
ARA: This armor needs to be repaired.
Glances at you.
ARA: You owe me.

Chance: Chan: sorry about the armor.
Kinda looking down

DMaster: Cassie and Plugr move a bit away and are talking. She turns around and is picking up the rest of the armor pieces.

Chance: glance a little and then glance back to Cassie and Plugr

DMaster: They are a good 15 feet away talking. Ara dramatically turns about, almost catching you gawking, and looks right at you.
ARA: So, you can make it up to me.
She slings the armor over her shoulder, giving you a look.

Chance: look back at her
Chan: Oh? Sure, anything.

DMaster: She smiles, squints looking at you. She takes a cloth from her belt and wipes some blood off your face that splattered when you decapitated the guy. The royal double doors open and a wave of talking, laughing comes roaring out

Chance: oh, here we go, thinking to myself

Affinity, Princess of CamerondaleDMaster: Erikka and Birgetta come bounding out deep in conversation.
ERIK: Those shoes are never going to go with that dress Birg.
BIR: Bitch, I’ll make any shoes work with that outfit.
The Princess follows after them shaking her head looking at her two Ladies in Waiting.
AFF: I don’t remember the last time you two agreed on anything.

Chance: and here I am standing there with no shirt, sword at my side and a bloody bandage, this is gonna go over well.

DMaster: They all stop abruptly when they see you. Their eyes grow big as they exchange glances. Ara sighs – loudly. Affinity looks you from top to bottom, tilting her head a bit softly saying.
ARA: Oh, this again now?
She crosses her arms, looks down and shakes her head.

Chance: Chan: yeah, well I am the one that has to hear it (quietly)

DMaster: Erikka and Birgetta try to grab Affinity but she eludes them and walks over to you
AFF: Are you ok, Chance?
Concerned, looking at the bloody shirt. Erikka and Birgetta follow her over and look the same, concerned.

Chance: Chan: M’lady, I am okay.
I bow slightly (wincing)

DMaster: Cassie glances over to her daughter now face to face with Chance. She walks over, butting in. Pushing the girls out of the way and further down the Throne room.
CASS: Nothing to see here, just some city business.
AFF: City business, a half naked, bloody Chance is City business?

Chance: Look over myself again, shake my head and smirk.

DMaster: AFF: But wait…
She gets pushed out of the way by Cassie. The three girls are all talking with Cassie, and she is deflecting the questions. Plugr walks by you and waves with a goofy look on his face
PLUG: See you later you two, that’s my cue to leave

Chance: Chan: ghee thanks Plugr, just leave me here.

DMaster: Ara is just standing there, a little frustration on her face.
ARA: So anyways. To make it up to me

Chance: Chan: As you were saying?
eyes still on Cassie and the girls

DMaster: Ara then steps in front of your view of the Princess
ARA: You are going to take me to the Spring Ball tomorrow, Got it?
Giving you an eye raise and a nod

Chance: Chan: umm what? The ball? uh, OK, sure.

DMaster: ARA: Yes. Cassie invited me to a dance last year and it was amazing. So I’d like to experience that again. Plus the food and music was to die for.

Chance: Chan: you do realize I have never been to something like this (quietly) I mean on that side, I helped setup a lot of these, but never really attended to any…

DMaster: She leans in and you can smell her perfume, its intoxicating
ARA: I’ll show you the ropes
She smiles and walks over to the table and grabs her tools. The four women are still talking, now it seems more about outfits, entrances and Spring Ball stuff.

Chance: Chan: well then I guess I will see you tomorrow.

DMaster: She turns around.
ARA: You would of anyways for training silly.
Ara walks up to you, she looks at the girls making sure she is being seen. Errika and Birgetta look over, (Cassie and Affinity have their back to you) and Ara kisses you on the cheek. Leans heavily into you. You can feel her warm body against yours. It was kind of hot. Both Errika and Birgetta’s eyes grow big. Ara turns around, starts to walk away and then stops just by the 4 women.

Chance: just standing there kinda speechless

DMaster: ARA: Oh Chance
Talking kind of loud and deliberate, for all to hear
ARA: I am wearing Gold, so please try to coordinate (winks) For the ball tomorrow.

Chance: Big eyes, nod.
Chan: Um, yes. I guess that means something, I’ll tell Xavier.

DMaster: She swaggers past the woman, who watches her walk by, now all quiet. Once she leaves they all look at you.

Chance: by Animax why me. Smile and give a small wave.

DMaster: Cassie turns around and smiles at you. The other three girls walk out the throne room, into the entrance and out the castle

Chance: Chan: is there anything else you needed of me? Because I need to go see Xavier

DMaster: A man walked up to Cassie and said something and then walked away. Cassie walks up to you.
CASS: Oh, we are good.
Smiling wide, giving you a sidewards glance.
CASS: Ara huh? She is a tight little package.
Giggles a bit as she walks by to the table. She seems to be in a little better spirits since she was talking with her daughter.

Chance: Chan: its my way of paying her back for the armor. I guess.
Shrugs shoulders

DMaster: You see a robed man walk in the room and over to you. Cassie turns around.
CASS: Oh, and get healed properly will you.
She points at you. It is a monk from the temple.

Chance: let the monk heal me.

DMaster: He does and now you are shirtless. Cassie stops, looks you over, smirks
CASS: Go get dressed.
Laughs a little, your scar is not even noticeable now.

Chance: Chan: so are you still trusting Xavier to get me dressed for this ball? (smirking)

DMaster: Cassie was walking away with scrolls in her hand
She stops & looks at you
CASS: I tease him, but he is probably the best dressed man in Camerondale.
Smiles, even a little proud of him, she continues to walk out of the throne room.

Chance: I will turn and head toward my room.

DMaster: you go down the steps, to your room.
Your door is open.

Imogen the maidservant for Black WardChance: peak my head in quietly

DMaster: There is a young girl sweeping the floor. She is a plain dress, some cleaning components on her belt. A cute girl, raggedy hair and a crooked smile.

Chance: clear my throat, so she knows I am there

DMaster: GIRL: Oh…
Startled, drops her broom
GIRL: Sorry M’Lord, sorry

Chance: Chan: I am sorry didn’t mean to startle you. No need to call me M’lord my name is Chance

DMaster: She looks at you
WOM: I am Imogen, I will be your maid, Courtesy of the Black Ward

Chance: Chan: a pleasure to meet you Imogen. I won’t be here long was just grabbing a shirt
trying to hide my smile

DMaster: She seems a bit flustered that you are half naked with blood across your chest and down your pants and some on your face.

Chance: grab some clothes from my chest, head to the baths and get cleaned up

DMaster: IMO: I wont be much longer
She picks up her broom and finishes sweeping. You walk in the baths, there is a guy there and he points out #2. You clean up, and get dressed and head out

Chance: head to where Xavier told me to meet him

DMaster: Its Fycons and it is just inside the inner walls, you have been there before

Chance: go inside

DMaster: Its 4:15 PM. You see it’s about half full. The bar is the the right, and Xavier is there sipping on a martini

Chance: Chan: Hey Xavier
As I approach

DMaster: XAV: (glances back) Chance, sit sit!

Chance: take a seat next to him
Chan: well I guess I am escorting someone to this ball (smirking)

DMaster: XAV: (sip) Oh, that’s great, who?

Chance: Chan: Ara, my way of paying her back for the armor (laughing) You were lucky you left when you did, what a scene it was, between Cassie, Plugr and then the Princess and her ladies.

DMaster: XAV: Yeah I have a sixth sense about those things.
laughs a little. He does look incredible. His hair perfect, shaved with precision. A crisp dark blue shirt, lighter pants and some really nice shoes.
XAV: Bar keep, drink for my friend
You get a drink, sip on it and you and Xavier chit chat

Chance: Chan: and of course Ara had to make a little scene, kinda funny, me standing there with no shirt on (smirking)

Xavier, Duke of CamerondaleDMaster: XAV: Ara. She is a good looking girl. (ahem) keeps herself… in shape
You two get some roasted potatoes and chicken shanks right at the bar, eat them up
XAV: You’re ok right? That armor looked like it took some damage, meaning you did too.

Chance: Chan: I am great now. A monk healed me all up properly. Cassie wasn’t to happy with the stuff Captain Harlow and them used to heal me up

DMaster: XAV: Ohh yeah the Nostrum liquid, it’s a concoction devised by Bastian. You will meet him soon. Oh, before I forget
Hands you a coin purse
XAV: From the Captain, she said good work

Chance: Chan: well I even got a maid sweeping my room(smiling)
clips the coin purse to my belt

DMaster: He smiles
XAV: Yeah I started that, we need the agents to be working not doing mundane tasks….
He pays the bill and you two head out

Chance: Chan: so Ara said she is wearing gold

DMaster: XAV: Oh? Good Good, that will make it easier. We don’t have a ton of time, places will be closing soon. He takes you to a nice place a few doors down. Real nice outfits.

Chance: taking a look at the clothes

DMaster: you two go through a bunch but he finds one that you both like. tried it on and it fits nice, looks real nice

Chance: Chan: this is it this is the one Xavier. Now hopefully I don’t make too much of a fool of myself at the ball

DMaster: He nods in agreement.
XAV: Not a big deal chance, go have a few drinks, eat some great food… dance a little and see if you can get a little of that sweet elf ass.
He stops, blushes and chuckles.
XAV: Sorry. To be young again.

Chance: Chan: don’t be sorry, time to live a little

DMaster: MAN: That will be 7 GP
The man waiting on you

Chance: hand him 7 gp
Chan: thank you my good man (smiling)

DMaster: Xavier turns to you
XAV: I have to go, the little woman is waiting. Looking forward to tomorrow Chance

Chance: Chan: oh so looking forward to it. I will see you tomorrow night. Thank you.

DMaster: You shake hands and part ways. It’s getting chilly out, the store is closing. The sun is all but down and the sky is partly cloudy

Chance: briskly walk back to the castle and my room

DMaster: You get there, its 9ish

Chance: stopping at the table and grabbing a drink and then heading to my room. Hang my new outfit up

DMaster: You are wiped from today’s actions

Chance: and put my coin purse in the drawer with affinity’s necklace and go lay on the bed

DMaster: you fall asleep quick


DMaster: You are awoken by the cryer

Chance: get up and stretch

DMaster: CRY: 7am, beautiful day out, It’s Starday, Ball tonight!

Chance: and go out to the table and grab something to eat and drink

DMaster: There are a few people there. You see your mom, she walks over and gives you a hug

Chance: Chan: good morning mom
hugging her back

DMaster: you chit chat a little, eat and drink. Then there is someone standing right at your side, touching shoulder to shoulder

Chance: I don’t even have to look over…
Chan: good morning Ara (smirking)

Ara the Blacksmith and FighterDMaster: She smiles and playfully leans into you.
ARA: Good morning, and good morning Chances mom…
She then looks at you
ARA: Almost ready to get undressed for me?
Your mom’s eyes grow big, and chokes a little on her food

Chance: blushes a little

DMaster: Ara looks surprised and blushes herself.
ARA: Oh, I meant, I was, ugg. I am sorry. He just has to get into his armor is all
Your Mom laughs and she smiles looking at you two

Chance: Chan: umm yeah, I guess I am ready. I got my outfit for tonight too, Xavier helped me pick it out.

DMaster: ARA: Ohhh!
Her eyes light up
ARA: Xavier? Damn. Every time I see that man he is impeccably dressed.
Moms eyebrows raised, eyes open wide, tilts her head a bit.
MOM: The Duke of Camerondale, you guys are just hanging out?
She looks impressed and a little proud. Then it hits her.
MOM: Oh, you two are…
Ara puts her hand around your arm.
ARA: Yup.
She looks at you.

Chance: Chan: Yup, I had to pay her back for ruining her first set of armor for me, I guess.
Shrugging shoudlers and smirking.

DMaster: Ara looks down, releases your arm from her grasp.
MOM: Ok, I don’t want to hold you up.
Mom hugs you with a big smile and she moves off down the hallway. The short elf smiles, tilts her head a bit.
ARA: She is so sweet.

Chance: Chan: well she isn’t the only one that’s sweet. Hopefully you approve of the outfit me and Xavier picked out.

DMaster: Ara blushes a little. Gets her self back to her confident self.
ARA: I am sure its nice.
Grabs your hand and leads you to the room. She shuts the door behind you.

Chance: Chan: do you wanna see it or be surprised?

DMaster: Ara’s eyes get real big.
ARA: uhhh… what? OH! You mean the outfit!
Ara was blushing pretty bad there and she starts laughing.
ARA: No, let me be surprised.

Chance: Chan: as you say M’lady.
Fake bowing to her.

DMaster: She shakes her head.
ARA: Get undressed you goofball.
Knock on the door.
ARA: I’ll get it.

Chance: going behind my divider and getting into just my undergarments.

Imogen - MaidserventDMaster: You hear Ara open the door.
ARA: Uh, can I help you?
GIRLS VOICE: I am here to clean… his room?
ARA: Chance, do you have a… maid?

Chance: Chan: yes I do courtesy of the black ward. let Imogen in please.

DMaster: Imogen comes in and starts dusting, and putting things away. You walk out and Ara is leaning against the table, arms crossed with her eyebrow up
ARA: You got it, maid…
Her eyes widen a little smirk on her face
ARA: Get it… Maid?
she laughs at her own joke.

Chance: Chan: By animax.
Raise both my eyebrows, look around. I will laugh a little and shake my head.

DMaster: ARA: I do recall them doing this, Xavier installed this procedure I think.
Ara then starts to fit your armor mumbling about comedy wasted on you or something.

Chance: Chan: hopefully I don’t have to model it this time (smirking)

DMaster: Ara shakes her head. She is in black leather pants, mid sized boots, white blouse with some jewelry on and smells amazing.

Chance: Chan: shall we get this day started?

DMaster: She is working on a few straps
ARA: They said you will only be doing the morning training, giving you the afternoon off for the Ball. I have to go get some things done, so you… (nodding her head) will have to undress yourself this afternoon

Chance: Chan: that’s fine with me, don’t want me too tired (winking) I think I can manage. (smirking) I guess I will see you tonight then?

DMaster: She is grabbing her tools, working around Imogen
ARA: I’ll meet you in your room, say 6? The ball starts at 7 and they do introductions from 6 to 7

Chance: Chan: that will be great, until then. Now get and let me get my training in
Give her a small swat on her ass.

DMaster: ARA: Hey now… let’s not start this too early (giggles)
She smiles and walks out the door. Imogen is looking at you funny, but continues to clean. You head out to the training area, Talia is already out there.

Chance: Chan: morning Talia

Helkyr, training and weapons masterDMaster: Talia looks up from her sword swinging
TAL: Good morning short tips.
HEL: What took you so long?

Chance: Chan: sorry, between my maid cleaning my room and Ara

DMaster: Helkyr stops with a curious look on his face…
HEL: Ara, what is she doing?

Chance: Chan: armor fitting is all

DMaster: He looks at Talia and smiles. Talia has a goofy smile on her face and she starts to giggle.
TAL: Told you
Speaking at Helkyr. Helkyr snorts and chuckles.
TAL: (speaking to Chance) You know that once you are fitted they don’t keep checking on you. (goofy smile) She is coming to your room on her own
She is smiling and giggling now, then kind of singing / teasing.
TAL: Someone likes Chance!

Chance: Chan: I guess that is why I won’t be going to the ball alone

DMaster: TAL: Yeah get that crush on, wait, what? Are you taking Ara?

Chance: Chan: yes I am

DMaster: Talia is all happy, does a little dance. claps her hands

DMaster: HEL: If this goes any further I swear Chance will be picking out purses. Let’s get to training, we only have a few hours today. It feels like it’s been a week since we trained… lets get this ON!

Chance: Chan: yes, let’s

DMaster: Your day goes well. Didn’t learn all that much but it went well. Talia does much better than the last time, still not great, but good. still a bit rough. As you are taking the final break, having a drink you see a large foreboding figure is walking towards you

Chance: look at this figure approaching

Killian Barbarian of the Black WardDMaster: He is in his usual dark leather armor, flowing close cape behind him. Armed to the teeth, minus his great sword and his rough complexion behind his beard.
HEL: KILLIAN, you overgrown donkey sausage.
Killian gets a big smile on his face.
HEL: you training my boy good or do we have to retrain him every time.

Chance: bust out laughing.
Chan: He is training me just fine, Killian

DMaster: Talia looks intimidated, I mean that is what Killian does without knowing it. A 6’7″ man that is 275lbs of pure muscle.

Chance: greet him with a warrior’s handshake

DMaster: You shake. Killian looks around and looks back to Helkyr
KILL: Should have seen him yesterday. Took a guy’s head clean off.
Talia looks at you, furring her eyebrows. Surprised.

Chance: shaking head

Talia Daughter of PlugrDMaster: Helkyr smiles and pats you on the back
TAL: What? What did he do?
KILL: Beg your pardon, I am Killian (he nods to her)

Chance: Chan: Killian, this is Talia

DMaster: TAL: (she nods) What do you mean he took a guy’s head clean off?
Killian sighs a little,
KILL: Well we aren’t really supposed to say that, but I just wanted Helkyr to know he needs to ramp up your training

Chance: Chan: long story, Talia

DMaster: She slams her mug down on the table, water splashing all over
TAL: I have time!

Chance: Sigh really loud
Chan: by Animax fine

DMaster: KILL: All we can say is that Chance helped us out in a pinch yesterday

Chance: looking at Killian
Chan: how much am I allowed to talk about?

DMaster: Killian looks at you
KILL: Very little (nods a bit) I might of said too much myself
Looks a little innocent.

Chance: Chan: I think you may have

DMaster: KILL: I am here for a reason, Chance?
Motions you over

Chance: Chan: give me a minute, Talia
walk over to Killian out of ears range

DMaster: Talia is red faced and Helkyr is looking a bit scared
KILL: Quick update, the potion bottle we found is suspected to be a speed potion of sorts, a powerful one. That is why we were having a hell of a time fighting the thugs.

Chance: Chan: no wonder they moved so fast (quietly)

DMaster: The big man looks over to Talia
KILL: that one is a spitfire, what’s her issue?

Chance: Chan: well before Captain Harlow got a hold of me I was supposed to train with just her. She is Plugr’s daughter(quietly)

DMaster: You can hear her talking loudly to Helkyr about being left out, etc
KILL: Oh! that’s Plugrs daughter… I should of recognized the name
Shakes his head

Chance: Chan: and now the can of worms has been opened
looking over at Talia

DMaster: KILL: Anyways, we have you slotted to train on Monday… well we are not, we feel you are far enough along. 8AM, be at the compound to meet Valentine. Afterwards we will give you the tour and introduce you.

Chance: Chan: So I’ll just be standing by, watching and such?

DMaster: Leans in a bit and quietly says
KILL: Nope.

Chance: Chan: umm what?
kinda looking shocked

DMaster: KILL: Just don’t breathe a word to anyone…
He looks over to Talia who is storming into the castle
KILL: especially not her. (eyes widen)
Helkyr is walking over

Chance: Chan: yeah this isn’t going be pretty, sorry about that Helkyr

DMaster: HEL: Killian good to see you (shakes hands) Chance (looks at you) Trainings over… as you may have heard
Helkyr starts to walk away throwing his hands up in the air.

Chance: shaking head
Chan: I will see you soon Killian

DMaster: KILL: Sorry kid, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I just have a plateful to deal with and this was the best time to come talk to you

Chance: warrior shake his hand again
Chan: It’s quite ok, just never ends.

Affinity Princess of CamerondaleDMaster: As he walks off you catch a glimpse of someone looking down on you

Chance: looking up

DMaster: The princess is standing on the balcony, leaning over a bit, both hands on the railing. Her blonde hair flowing, you can see her green eyes beaming. She is in a plain dress. Affinity smiles a little and waves

Chance: Wipe down the front of my armor, check my hair. Smile and wave back.

DMaster: Within a minute, you see Errika grab her and pull her inside

Chance: walk back inside. Hoping not to have to play damage control

DMaster: Killian meets you halfway back to the castle
KILL: Almost forgot, Cassie wants to see you… in the throne room when you are done
Killian nods, smirks and walks away

Chance: Chan: oh great
Throws arms up, heads to the throne room

DMaster: It’s about 1:00 pm. You walk up the stairs, through the hallway, through the dining area and into the entrance-way and into the throne room. Opening the two doors and walking in

Chance: looking around

DMaster: Affinity is talking to the King, and looks up and over to you. She laughs a little as you walk towards Cassie
AFF: I’m not stalking you, honest

Chance: Give her a playful smile.
Chan: M’lord and M’lady
bowing slightly

DMaster: The King looks over, eyes light up and he makes his way towards you
KING: You are going to the ball tonight right?
He is nodding his head at you

Chance: Chan: yes I am, M’lord

DMaster: KING: Good good, who is the lucky lady?
In the corner of your eye you see Cassie look up to you and starts to walk over

Chance: Chan: I am going to be escorting Ara, M’lord

DMaster: KING: Oh…
He thinks for a second
KING: The Blacksmith? Excellent!
CASS: Yes. They will be a cute couple, right Affinity?
Glances over to the princess who has a resting bitch face

Chance: Looking at the princess out of the corner of my eye

DMaster: AFF: Yes… freaking adorable.
KING: I don’t want to hold you up, (looks you over) you look sweaty and dirty. Might want to take a shower before…
CASS: M’Lord… I think he knows that, it’s a good 4-5 hours beforehand.
Affinity giggles a little, Cassie gives him a playful shoo, look.

Chance: Chan: I planned on it M’lord.
shoot the princess a look

DMaster: She smiles, looks away and starts walking with the King
Cassie grabs your arm and leads you away
CASS: Just stop.
Looks you straight in the eye

Chance: Chan: you wanted to see me Cassie?
looking her right back in the eyes

DMaster: CASS: I was going to wait until tomorrow but I know the condition of people after a ball. I am sure Killian has spoken with you

Chance: Chan: Yeah he has, more than he should, but yes.

DMaster: CASS: I never like having to lie to people but we need to keep this under wraps. Much to my chagrin, You won’t be training with the BW, as much as working for them. They finagled another day out of us. Plugr is going to lose his shit, so I have decided to bring in a third party

Chance: Chan: umm, how, why

DMaster: She runs her hand through her hair and rubs her temples
CASS: There has been a guard who has impressed people and we pulled him out of the mundane guard training and will start training with you and Talia
Cassie sighs a bit and crosses her arms
CASS: This is hopefully going to help overlook the fact you are not there half the time. If Talia trains alone, it’s kind of obvious and this guy is a bit more to her level, where you are a bit too advanced.
Her gaze is almost into space, staring wide eyed
CASS:I help run a Kingdom with hundreds of thousands of people, political intrigue and situations up the ass and I am working a deal because of a 19 year olds feelings
She sighs again and shakes her head

Chance: sighs

DMaster: CASS: (blurts it out) So I heard you took off a guys head
She smiles and tilts her head, pats your shoulder.

Chance: Chan: Yeah, it was damn ugly too, thought maybe he could have found a better looking one.

DMaster: Cassie stops, smiles wide and nods her head.
CASS: They were really impressed with you, and heard the battle did not go very well. Which is unusual.

Chance: update her on what Killian told me

DMaster: She looks surprised

Chance: Chan: that’s why they moved so fast

DMaster: CASS: There is so much going on Chance, and this deal yesterday… makes. no. fucking. sense.

Chance: Chan: a lot doesn’t make sense around here.

DMaster: She shrugs her shoulders…
CASS: Well let’s forget about this for a bit, you and I have a ball to attend too. Try to enjoy yourself… please?

Chance: Chan: oh by Animax I gotta go get cleaned up. Ara is gonna meet me at my room and I stink

DMaster: Cassie laughs
CASS: You have plenty of time, go bathe

Chance: Chan: well hopefully I don’t make a complete fool out of myself

DMaster: Cassie walks out the throne room

Chance: shaking head as I walk out of the throne room. head back toward my room

DMaster: for once the door is shut.

Chance: I will bathe and get ready for the ball and pull my outfit out of the closet. get dressed and look for what footwear would be appropriate for this outfit. by that time on Ara should be showing up, see if there is a mirror in my room to see if I can see what I look like

DMaster: You have a mirror above your desk. There is a knock on your door

Chance: take a look at myself
Chan: come in

DMaster: Looking good, really you are. The door opens

Ara Chances date to the BallChance: turn and look at the door

DMaster: Ara walks in, her hair beautiful, perfect makeup. She is in this gold slinky dress that makes your eyes bulge and jaw drop. She looks amazing
ARA: I don’t know why I just knocked
She giggles a bit to herself.

Chance: Chan: wow, you look amazing (smiling)

DMaster: She stops and looks at you. Big eyes, her jaw drops

Chance: Chan: well what do you think?

DMaster: ARA: Uhhh… remind me to thank Xavier
She walks over to you and adjusts one of your collars

Chance: Chan: I will when I see him
Scrunch my eyebrows
Chan: Really Ara?

Ara's Dress for the ball.DMaster: she smells incredible
She shakes her head a bit and giggles as she is adjusting your collar then stops suddenly.
ARA: Force of habit

Chance: Chan: well do I look alright or like a jester(smirking)

DMaster: Your gold accents on the coat you are wearing match perfectly. You do have to thank Xavier
ARA: Much better than in your skivvies
She smiles, she is flushed a bit. knock on your door

Chance: Chan: I think you like me in my skivvies (smirking)
answer my door

DMaster: The door is open, it’s your mom she walks in. Her mouth hits the floor

Chance: Chan: Hi Mom

DMaster: MOM: Oh. MY. God.

Chance: Chan: what do you think?

DMaster: MOM: You two look incredible!
Ara blushes and leans into you a bit

Chance: Chan: Xavier helped me

Chances outfit for the ballDMaster: MOM: Good. Oh you guys are going to have a great time, I just finished setting up.
She goes over and hugs Ara, who was taken a bit aback by that but gladly hugged back, then she hugs you.

Chance: hug her back

DMaster: MOM: You two have fun
she walks out the door

Chance: Chan: Plan on it.
hook my arm so she can take it

DMaster: She smiles and grabs the arm. But doesn’t move
ARA: We are still early, silly. I just was anxious to see you… err, I mean I just wanted to see if you were ready
She blushes and walks away a bit

Chance: grab her by the arm and look into her eyes

DMaster: She stops and turns around. She is shaking a little bit, seems kind of nervous. now that you think of it, so are you

Chance: Chan: tonight is about leaving this world behind for a few hours. It is about you.

DMaster: ARA: (smiling) It better be, that armor was a bitch

Chance: touch her cheek

DMaster: she closes her eyes a bit and leans into the touch

Chance: kiss her cheek when she closes her eyes

DMaster: She smiles, scrunches up a bit and giggles

Chance: Chan: just no more adjusting my collar(laughing)

DMaster: She leans her head back and laughs. She is holding your hands. Looking into each other’s eyes, it is almost magical. you two flirt for the next 15-20 minutes and then decide to get going

Chance: Chan: just make sure you walk me through this Ara(winking)