City Politics & In Fighting

Previously In The Last Adventure:

Chance makes it to Camerondale, and he starts a whole new life. He reunites with his mother and meets a ton of new people. He learns of some possible adventures but training comes first. Its a bit chaotic for the first day or training but things start to move.

NSFW Warning / Bad Grammar

This text will contain language not suitable for some people. It is merely an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. We are not trying to be the next J.R.R. Tolkien, so there will be misspelled words, fragmented sentences and things that just don’t make sense. Once in a while there will be some nudity and sexual themes, you will be warned ahead of time. Just read, enjoy and have fun!

Main Characters

EP#21 City Politics & In Fighting

City Politics & In Fighting Banner

Chance: I will head back inside and go get some food and a drink and just go relax in a chair for a bit

DMaster: So today is Wednesday. Saturday is the ball. It’s late afternoon, A bit chilly but a nice evening, some clouds, light wind around 60 degrees

Chance: I really need to get some more appropriate clothing since I am not on the island any more

DMaster: As you head into your room, you see a chest sitting against the far wall in front of you (remember they took your measurements).

Chance: open it up and look inside, hopefully the gave me some shit kicking boots to wear

DMaster: you see a few coats, some thick sweaters, shirts, pants ranging from cloth to a few leather pair of shoes and boots sit next to the chest

Chance: put on a shirt leather pants and boots

DMaster: Might want to take a shower first, so you take a quick shower. Then you
head back, get changes into a warmer ensemble.

Chance: Maybe go to the library and do some reading

DMaster: Inside is legons time, outside is relative time to us. It’s about 7. After you grabbed a quick bite and showered and got dressed. Library is closed. It is only open during the day

Chance: well could go look for mom, since I haven’t seen her all day

Birgetta, Lady in WaitingDMaster: OK you wander the castle. You kind of get lost. But there is Birgetta, holding a basket walks in through the entrance and sees you.
BIRG: Chance! How are you?

Chance: Chan: Hey Birgetta I am doing okay just trying to find my mom. How are you?

DMaster: BIRG: Not bad, just picking up some supplies for Affinity and Erikka.
Lifts her basket up then She walks over to you.
BIRG: So how do you like it in Camerondale?

Chance: Chan: well its a big change from what I am used to, a lot to take in.

DMaster: BIRG: I can imagine… Well I am off. Don’t want to keep high and mighty waiting

Chance: Chan: No we don’t wanna do that(smirking)it was good seeing you, tell them I said Hi

DMaster: BIRG: Will do, she squeezes your arm a bit and walks off
She was wearing a nice dress of Green and yellow, with leather boots and carrying a large weaved basket

Chance: guess I am heading back to my room since I am getting frustrated not finding mom.

DMaster: You head back get undressed and go to bed

Thuralay Morning (Thursday) 6:45am

Chance: look around when I wake up and rub my eyes and get up and stretch, get dressed, fix my hair for the day and then go grab something from the table to nibble on.

DMaster: It’s dark, just a lantern is on, acting like a chandelier in the middle of the room. The castle cryer has not gone by yet so it has to be before 7am. You head to the table, and you see your mom standing with Bessie eating and chatting

Chance: Chan: Mom you are a hard person to find(smiling)
Chan: good Morning to you and Bessie

Josephine Mother of ChanceDMaster: MOM: (glances up) Why is that?
BESS: Morning Chance. (nodding at you)

Chance: Chan: well was looking for you last night but couldn’t find you. Since this place is so darn big

DMaster: MOM: Oh is something wrong (lifts her eyebrow and a look of worry) Me and Bess were playing CRYOUT (like Bingo) last night at a tavern down the way

Chance: Chan: no nothing is wrong I just missed you

DMaster: She smiles.
BESS: Soooo Chance, who are you asking to the ball?
Your mom nudges Bess kind of hard.
BESS: ow? I am just asking…

Chance: Chan: ummm I didn’t know I had to ask anyone. I just thought I would just show up and leave(smirking)

DMaster: JOS: And… that’s perfectly fine!
The cryer is walking through

Chance: Chan: so are you both going as well?

DMaster: CRY: It’s 7AM time to get up… Rise and shine! It’s a cold one out there today, dress warm! They smile and shake their heads.
JOS: no… it’s not for servants, Bess will be there serving, I will be prep and tear down

Chance: Chan: oh so I get to be special for a hot minute (winking)

DMaster: JOS: That’s one thing I can’t get used to… the cold.

Chance: Chan: cold I can get use to being sick on the ship was unbearable

DMaster: JOS: Well, distinguished people, people of wealth, high ranking officials, royalty… all can be invited. She shakes her head. Bess tugs at her arm.
JOS: (leans over and kisses you on the cheek) have to go… love you, behave!

Chance: Chan: love you too Mom
Grab a drink and then head to the training area

DMaster: You walk up the stairs and get hit with a burst of cold air. There are a few people here working on what appears to be planters of sorts, they are dressed in coats, boots, etc

Chance: head back down to my room and grab a warmer shirt

DMaster: OK. Your door is open

Chance: look inside my room

Ara, Master ArmorDMaster: Ara is standing facing away from you, with what looks like the armor on the table. She is in a short coat, and tight leather pants with some knee high boots.

Chance: Chan: Good Morning Ara

DMaster: She starts up a little
ARA: Jeheevamoses you gave me a fright
She whirls around to meet your gaze

Chance: Chan: well you shouldn’t leave the door open(smiling)

DMaster: ARA: You didn’t answer and the hallway is cold. She shrugs her shoulders.

Chance: Chan: sorry I was headed to the training area until the cold hit me, then decided I needed a warmer shirt on

DMaster: ARA: (nods her head) I think I fixed the looseness. We will have to try it.
There is a knock on your door, the door is open

Chance: turn around and look

Plugr Stotz - Semi-Retired Knight of CamerondaleDMaster: PLUG: Chance…. (glances and sees Ara) oh and Ara, good morning. He walks in.

Chance: Chan: good morning Plugr

DMaster: PLUG: Yeah… it’s colder than a Driders left nut, so we are not going to be training outside today. We will meet in the library in about an hour
ARA: (nods her head) Driders… left nut… ok.

Chance: bust out laughing

DMaster: ARA: Ahhh ok. Well lets try the armor on anyways to make sure. Take off your clothes…

Chance: Chan: now that is one I haven’t heard before (still chuckling)
take off my clothes and try on the armor

DMaster: PLUG: Whoa… ok. Don’t want to interrupt anything here.
He turns around, walks out and closes the door. Ara just shakes her head, turns around and grabs the armor. You didn’t have a light shirt on, so you are shirtless

Chance: grab a light shirt before getting armor on

DMaster: Ara looks you up and down and raises an eyebrow

Chance: Chan: umm what’s wrong Ara?

DMaster: ARA: umm yeah I think the left lower strap was off by a little
she is looking down at it and tugs the strap

Chance: Chan: does it now meet your seal of approval(smirking)

DMaster: She looks at you and nods her head. She pulls the armor over your head and adjusts the straps, tugging here and there. Put on some bracers.

Chance: let her do what must be done. just kind of smile as she does her work

Ara, getting ready to get screwed over by ChanceDMaster: Walks over to a closet, opens it, looks through, closes, opens the other one…
ARA: Ahhhh
She grabs your sword and goes to hand it to you. Her eyes lighten up
ARA: Whoaaa.
You see her step back and start to work with the blade. She balances it on her finger, looks down the hilt

Chance: Chan: like my sword I take it?

DMaster: ARA: Thoraxian Blue Steele, Dwarven craftsmanship.
Nods her head, impressed
ARA: These are not cheap, in fact they are hard to come by

Chance: Chan: was gift to me from Britney who owns the Inn

DMaster: She looks at you bewildered, shrugs her shoulders. Hands you the sword
ARA: OK now do some moves, let me know how it feels

Chance: do some moves with my sword, seeing how the armor feels

DMaster: it feels good, it doesn’t really move, flows nicely
She is squatting watching the armor. She nods
ARA: Well?

Chance: Chan: way better than before
Chan: almost feels like an extension of myself, flows really good

DMaster: ARA: good… ok take it off, Ill put the final touches on it today.

Chance: take off the armor

DMaster: She goes to the table wraps up her little tool bag
She has this monster clothes hanger that holds the armor and bracers
ARA: We will have to work on your leggings and boots next

Chance: Chan: oh please tell me I am getting some good boots fitting of my new life

DMaster: ARA: (shrugs her shoulders) Sure.

Ara's sweet backsideChance: Chan: thank you for all you are doing

DMaster: She grabs her stuff and looks back at you.
ARA: Of course, it’s my job!

Chance: I put my sword away, but paused for a moment to look a little at Ara.

DMaster: ARA: See you tomorrow!
She walks out the door.

Chance: head to the library. Since that is where Plugr said we were training

DMaster: You grab some warmer clothes and head out, up the stairs, around the corner, through the hallways out through the dining area and entrance way. There is a long 100ft driveway like area once outside the portcullis that leads to another gateway to the main city.

Chance: kinda wasn’t paying attention as I was walking

Talia, Budding fighter, Plugr's daughterDMaster: It’s cold… a brisk breeze, clear sky though
TAL: Chance… I have been calling you for like 30 seconds!
She catches up with you. She is wearing a long coat with a furry bandana like thing and some white boots
TAL: Brrrrr

Chance: Chan: sorry Talia I was distracted didn’t hear you

DMaster: TAL: I am sure this is going to be thrilling today (she rolls her eyes)

Chance: Chan: Talia that is no way to think we must stay positive(smiling) I wanted to talk to you anyways before we get there

DMaster: TAL: BAH! After yesterday’s disaster I was really looking forward to hitting something today.
She stops and looks at you…
TAL: (smirking) Hold still…

Chance: Chan: stop and see what she’s looking at

DMaster: She was ready to hit you, playful like

Chance: Chan: oh is that how you wanna play this

DMaster: She giggles and you both start walking again. You walk down the driveway, through the gates.
TAL: This is the upper city

Chance: Chan: does this place keep getting bigger?

DMaster: TAL: More of a higher income place

Chance: Chan: I thought the castle was big gheez

DMaster: TAL: shops are pricier, restaurants expensive, but sooo good, Brownstones, houses, uber expensive
Talia has a Goofy smile on her face
TAL: Quintin lives down there
She points the opposite direction you are headed
TAL: He’s got coin
Nodding her head

Chance: Chan: focus Talia(smirking)
give her a playful smack on her shoulder

DMaster: She bops her head around like a goof and you don’t walk 30 feet and she turns into a building, the library… looks to be 3 floors. They are really big. You go through the double doors and a huge entrance way gives way to 30 feet ceilings. The entire walls in this building have books on them.

Chance: Chan: by Animax this place is huge

DMaster: Once you enter, the building is like 30 degrees warmer, its feels nice

Chance: looking around as we keep walking

DMaster: You walk towards the middle and there is a giant circular fireplace made of rod iron in the middle. Its a bit toasty there, but pipes stem out and go into the ground
TAL: Ahhh there they are
You two go over to the table and Rohlia is sitting down eating a bit of jerky and leafing through some books. Plugr is talking with Cassie about 10 feet away.

Chance: Chan: Morning to you Rohlia

DMaster: You dispense with the pleasantries and sit down. Rohlia hands you and Talia some papers and some books, they are nature based… trees, plants, bugs, animals
TAL: Oh… cool. I was expecting something dry and dull. (she smiles)
ROH: (smirks and shrugs her shoulders) It is kind of dry
Cassie and Plugr do not stay long and Rohlia sits at a table across the way

Chance: read the papers slowly and then go to the books

DMaster: You two both do research, helping out each other talking about things you discover. Rohlia glances over and smiles. You are about 2 hours in.
A woman taps you on the shoulder

Chance: turn around and look

DMaster: WOM: Can I borrow that book on herbs of the rivers and lakes?
TAL: Oh hi Livia

Chance: Chan: sure here you go

Livia, Sister of Birgetta and a witchDMaster: LIV: (looks a bit surprised) Oh Talia! I didn’t realize that was you…
Talia smiles and nods almost sarcastically. Rohlia hands Livia another book, titled plants and weeds near aquatic places.
LIV: (She glances at you) Thank you anyways, I think this one might work better
TAL: Livia, this is Chance… Chance this is Livia

Chance: Chan: a pleasure to meet you(smiling)

DMaster: She smiles, grabs the book and walks away. Talia leans over and whispers.
TAL: That is Birgetta’s sister, she is rumored to be a…
Rohlia has the evil eye on Talia
TAL: Ok ok
She goes back to reading her book and looking over her notes

Chance: go back to reading my book and looking at my notes

DMaster: You lose track of time, it was actually really interesting and you aren’t even a 4th of the way through the notes Rohlia gave you.
ROH: (taps the table) OK you two, lets get some grub

Chance: Chan: I am all for that

DMaster: You two head out the door after getting your coats on, and almost run into Xavier and Cassie.

Chance: Chan: Hello Xavier and Cassie

Cassandra, Mother of AffinityDMaster: You exchange hello’s and head over to a Restaurant called The Fycon Brothers. Walk in, it’s beyond elegant, the host perks up when he sees you. Welcome Cassie, Xavier and…
CASS: Talia and Chance
He nods, You get seated
CASS: is looking over a scroll
XAV: Cas, hun… even at Lunch
Cassie looks up
CASS: Oh yeah sorry, busy busy

Chance: Chan: hey nothing wrong with staying busy(smirking)

DMaster: You all eat and have light conversation, nothing big. Talia did mention that you met the Red Headed Sisters. Cassie rolled her eyes and Xavier smirks.They are Birgetta and her 2 sisters. Birgetta (youngest) , Sakine and Livia (oldest)

Chance: Chan: so is there any etiquette I should know about this ball?
looking at Cassie and Xavier

DMaster: CASS: (smiles) Don’t burp or fart?
Xavier almost spit out his drink
Talia giggles
Xavier, Reformed AssassinXAV: No worries Chance, I will take you out and get you something nice to wear.

Chance: Chan: come on I have more manners than that

DMaster: CASS: (eyes widen and smirking) So he can be the court jester
XAV: Listen here blondie

Chance: Chan: can definitely tell you two are related(smirking). Just someone help me get dressed for this ball so I don’t look like a jester okay(laughing)

DMaster: Xavier no worries.
XAV: Who are you going with (he asks without realizing you just got here)
CASS: Xavier! Come on now, he’s been in our city for less than a week
Talia giggles again

Chance: Chan: I figured I would just make a quick appearance and leave(smirking)

DMaster: TAL: (shaking her head) noooo… that would be insulting. Don’t worry me and Quintin will hang with you.
You finish the meal and head back to the library.
The afternoon goes on and you make it through about 50% of the way. Gaining 5xp.

Chance: Chan: does this book have to stay here Rohlia or can I take it with me?

DMaster: ROH: Oh you can take it, just sign it out at the main desk

Chance: Chan: and you said this was dry(smirking)

DMaster: ROH: I’m loving it that you two like it

Chance: Chan: well it is pretty interesting. Are you going to the ball, Rohlia?
still looking down at my book as I ask

DMaster: ROH: (Looks up at you) No. My mate wanted to go. I don’t… but she is now indisposed.

Chance: Chan:( laughing) where is your sense of adventure Rohlia? It might be fun. Just as long as I don’t have to watch Talia and Quinton be all over each other(smirking)

DMaster: Talia as she is gather her things looks up all innocent

Chance: Chan: don’t play innocent with me young lady(laughing)

DMaster: Smiling
TAL: See you tomorrow Chance
You guys leave

Chance: sign the book out I was reading

DMaster: ok and you head out. Where to now

Chance: head back to the castle and my room for more reading

DMaster: OK you head through the streets, and some calls your name

Chance: turn around see who is calling my name

Sakine, Lower RangerDMaster: BIRG: Sorry chance my… (glaring at her) wanted to say Hi
SAK: (pushes the hair back behind her ear) Hi Chance

Chance: Chan: Hello Sakine. How are you(smiling)

DMaster: SAK: (pauses a moment to look into your eyes) I’m good… (smiles)
BIRG: Oh brother. There you said Hi, now lets go we still have to get your sister.

Chance: Chan: (smiling) it was nice to see you both. I suppose I should get going I got some more reading to do
shyly looking away

DMaster: Birgetta smiles and grabs Sakine and drags her away
SAK: OK Bye Chance… (yanks at her hand) stop you bitch!
The two argue as they head towards the library

Chance: laughing as I walk away thinking to myself ‘Chance you still got it’
head toward the castle

DMaster: through the entrance way, the dining area is kind of full, people eating

Chance: keep moving along. Determined to get to my room and some quiet time away from everyone

DMaster: ok you head down hallways down the stairs and to your room
passing by the table of food, though the evening food is much more scarce

Chance: just grab a drink and take it with me to my room. And go sit on the bed and start reading again

DMaster: OK you make it through a good portion of the book, it’s on trees and fauna
Drink your drink, Knock on the door

Chance: go answer the door

Adoptive mother of ChanceDMaster: Its your Mom

Chance: Chan: hey Mom how are you

DMaster: JOS: (She hugs and kisses you on the cheek)

Chance: hug her back
Chan: come in come in

DMaster: JOS: I was just checking in… but Cassie wanted to see you.
JOS: She said to meet her in the throne room

Chance: Chan: okay thank you mom for that

DMaster: JOS: Have a good night

Chance: Chan: guess reading will have to wait. You too mom
leave book open on my bed and head to the throne room

DMaster: You go up the stairs, through the hallways and dining area… into the entrance and through the huge double doors to the throne room. Two guards sit outside, but do not question you.

Chance: walk into the throne room

Cassie, Mother of AffinityDMaster: You see Cassie at a far table

Chance: Chan: you wanted to see me

DMaster: No one else is in the room except a few guards
Cassie glances up
CASS: (waves you over)

Chance: bow slightly and walk over

DMaster: CASS: I have been trying to keep her off you until we feel you are better trained but she is persistent. Cassie shaking her head looks at you.

Chance: Chan: keep who off me?

DMaster: Cassie points to the chair next to the table
CASS: Sit chance. Have you ever heard of the Black Ward?

Chance: Chan: the black ward?

DMaster: Cassie smiles.
CASS: Sorry of course you don’t. It’s like an extension of our guards and our army

Chance: Chan: oh now this sounds interesting, tell me more

DMaster: She leans back, brushes her hair out of her face. She sighs a bit
CASS: It is what Plugr and myself felt you would be a good fit for… when you are ready, I foolishly tried to hide the fact that you were in Town and the doors open just then

Chance: Chan: …and someone found out
turn looking at the doors

Captain Harlow of the Black WardDMaster: A woman, stout, dressed in black; black undershirt, black coat and dark leather pants with shit kicking boots. Big boobs. Cassie stands up.
CASS: Captain Harlow… glad you could make it
The woman walks over and the two exchange warrior handshakes. She glances at you

Chance: nod at her
Chan: so are you gonna keep me in the dark or tell me what’s going on( eyebrow raised)

DMaster: Cassie looks at you and makes a head gesture tellin you to stand up

Chance: Stand up and move away from the chair a bit
Chan: okay. (looking at them both) Keep me in the dark?

DMaster: CASS: Chance this is Captain Harlow of the Black Ward

Chance: Chan: Hello Captain Harlow

DMaster: You two warrior handshake. She is looking at you a bit perplexed
HAR: Nice to meet you too
CASS: I was… (looking awkward like very un-cassie like) just telling him about the Black Ward

Chance: Chan: yes you were about to

DMaster: The captain sits down and so do you and Cassie
HAR: The black Ward is like a special task force for the Kingdom of Camerondale. I heard of your heroics from Rohlia, Plugr and even the King.

Chance: Chan: I reacted on instinct wasn’t that heroic

DMaster: HAR: (smiling) That’s what I was hoping to hear.
Cassie smiles slowly

Chance: Chan: I did what came with my training from old Morty

DMaster: HAR: We want you to join our ranks, it will be an entry level position but…
CASS: Captain…. We talked about this.
The captain seems annoyed by Cassie and she leans back and crosses her arms

Chance: Chan: okay I am not sure what is happening here…

Cassandra from the Royal CourtDMaster: CASS: I don’t feel you are ready. You are excellent with the sword, but have much to learn about other things
HAR: He can learn from us… don’t tell me Plugr is at the heart of this.
CASS: Plugr thinks the same, training first, then let’s get their teeth sharpened with some experience

Chance: Chan: umm don’t I get a say in this looking at Cassie

DMaster: CASS: (glances at you hard) Not yet. Every person in the guard, army, black ward has to pass certain tests and have a certain amount of experience
The captain stands up
HAR: Cassie can I talk with you in private
Cassie sighes… stands up
CASS: We will be right back

Chance: Chan: fine
sit back in my chair

DMaster: The two walk over to the other side of the throne room, its like 50 feet
you can hear their voices, but not what they are saying really

Chance: patiently wait for them to come back

DMaster: The captain walks over to you
HAR: It was nice meeting you chance, speak with you soon

Chance: Chan: nice meeting you as well

DMaster: She walks out of the throne room. Cassie strolls over to you, sits down… She looks tired.
CASS: So, you will continue to train with us… For 4 days a week and 2 days Captain Harlow has you.

Chance: Chan: that suits me just fine I am glad you two could come to some kind of agreement

DMaster: She looks stressed, and then looks at you
CASS: Plugr is not going to be happy about this

Chance: Chan: just wish I had more say since this is my life we are talking about
Chan: when did I become so damn important anyways

DMaster: CASS: Chance, just because someone says they want to be the Sergeant at arms does not mean they can be… it takes time, effort, training experience
Takes a deep breath
CASS: And not to bring up bad times, but Ferellus is a prime example. A talented young man, but pushed too fast. We have things in place to help protect from such a thing but on the island we didn’t have the resources we have now.

Chance: Chan: that was Ferellus and I am not him Animax rest his soul

DMaster: She scowls at you and her tone turns angry
CASS: You could be him and I would be asking Animax to rest your soul

Chance: Chan: fine we do it your way, who am I to argue anyways

DMaster: CASS: Yes we will or its no way for any of this. I have been playing in between with Plugr and Captain Harlow. Plugr wants you full time because Talia is not backing down, and he feels you could be there to protect her if the shit hits the fan.

Chance: Chan: well I will do what’s best for everyone I promise you that

DMaster: CASS: He is not going to be happy… That is all for now. Get with my brother tomorrow to get you an outfit for the ball. (whispering) Animax help you

Chance: Chan: well you know instead of him you could take me if you’re that worried

DMaster: CASS: (raising an eyebrow) You know… I might just do that
She stands up and starts gathering her stuff

Chance: Chan: I mean I do value your opinion(smiling)

DMaster: CASS: (smiles) Have a good night Chance

Chance: get up out of my chair as well
Chan: you too Cassie
head back to my room

DMaster: ok you get back to your room. It’s about 10

Chance: plop down on my bed

DMaster: and then take off my clothes as I lay there. ok you are tired so you fall asleep.

Freya Morning (Friday) 6:45am

Chance: Get up and open my door and go bathe.

DMaster: ok you bathe, you get back, towel around your waist. The door is open. You can see the cryer far down the hallway
7am! Time to get up!

Chance: walk inside and close my door

Blacksmith Ranger Elf AraDMaster: “It’s raining out there, could see a storm or two”
Ara is leaning against the table, armor on the table, leafing through the book you signed out.

Chance: Chan: don’t you ever sleep Ara(smirking)

DMaster: She is in a light green blouse and her usual tight leather pants, High black boots
ARA: (glances up) Ohh… sorry. Didn’t know you were down in the bath

Chance: Chan: pardon my appearance

DMaster: She bites her lips, looks you up and down and smiles. Starts to blush.
ARA: Ohh… its… fine

Chance: grab some clothes

DMaster: She turns around allowing you to get dressed, even though you have a divider thing for just such a thing

Chance: grab a shirt leather pants and boots

DMaster: Ok, you are all dressed
ARA: (still turned around) Trees? You have a book on… trees? Don’t look like a tree guy to me

Chance: Chan: training Ara, stuff I need to learn

DMaster: She plops the book down on the table, turns around
ARA: Ahhhhh Ok

Chance: Chan: well I am a man full of surprise Ara(laughing) shall we see how the armor looks on me now

DMaster: ARA: (shakes her head) Nope. Doubt you’ll train in this mess today, it’s coming down good
ARA: I brought my prototype harnesses and greaves and…Your ass kicking boots (smiles and giggles)

Chance: Chan: about time(smiling and smirking)

DMaster: ARA: (staring at your pants) You need to change them into your light under garments, Pointing at your crotch. Then she realized she was doing that

Chance: bust out laughing

DMaster: blushes and looks away. swishes her hands.
ARA: Ahhh just change (shakes her head, hiding her blushed cheeks)

Chance: go grab my light under garment and change

DMaster: She has the harness ready. She gets on her knees and starts fitting you, then the greaves. Then hands you the boots

Chance: put on the boots

Elf named Ara in LegonDMaster: She grabs your sword again and starts doing some moves with it
ARA: Heard you met with Captain Harlow…
She stops swinging the sword around
ARA: Doubling my work eh?
She has a small smile

Chance: Chan: wow word travels fast around here does it

DMaster: ARA: Not really but I have to make an armor that fits the requirements for the Black ward.
ARA: That’s the only reason I know

Chance: Chan: yes I meet with Captain Harlow but you aren’t getting rid of me too soon(smiling)

DMaster: She smiles, tucks her hair behind her elf ear
Hands you the sword

Chance: Chan: so am I supposed to do some moves now or just stand here and model for you(laughing)

DMaster: Biting her lip again, she steps back
ARA: Ohhh do some moves

Chance: do a couple fancy moves morty showed me, showing off a little

DMaster: It feels weird. You are not used to wearing the harness, so it’s kind of hard to tell if it feels good. The greaves and boots seems to work well

Chance: Chan: was that okay Ara?

DMaster: She nods, walks over and kneels working on the harness
ARA: You looked uncomfortable, what’s wrong with it?
She grabs a few tools from her belt

Chance: Chan: not sure about this harness, everything else worked well

DMaster: She is tugging at it, moves it around and it nicks your nutsack. You twinge

Chance: Chan: ouch

DMaster: She has a look of surprise on her face
ARA: Ohhhh I am sorry (giggles a little)
looking up at you

Chance: Chan: it will be okay just be careful I would like to maybe have kids someday(smirking)

DMaster: She stands up all flustered
ARA: Ok you can take them off. Don’t know how you guys live with those things so easily smacked.

Chance: Chan: well I don’t know how you females live with those pointing at her little boobs(smiling)

DMaster: huh?

Chance: looking to see if she got my point in a subtle way. looking at her chest area

DMaster: She looks down
ARA: (laughs) I don’t have to worry too much, they are manageable… (squeezes them a bit as she walks over to the table and puts her tools back)

Chance: take off the harness greaves and boots and change back into clothes

DMaster: She is leaning back on the table as you come out from the divider

Chance: put my sword away as well
Chan: I suppose I should let you get to work Ara don’t want to take up anymore of your time

DMaster: She looks down,
ARA: Well I have to wait here anyways until word comes down about the weather

Chance: Chan: would you like to grab something to eat then?

DMaster: She looks up and smiles
ARA: Yeah, that sounds great!

Chance: open the door for her, smiling

Table with lots of food on itDMaster: She smiles back and you two head for the center area. People are there eating, chatting

Chance: grab some fruit and a drink

DMaster: She does the same
ARA: So what are you going to be doing with the Black Ward?

Chance: Chan: well training like 2 days a week. I know Plugr isn’t gonna be too happy

DMaster: ARA: I know we have to switch your armor up for them, it’s a more medium level armor. All black (pauses to think about it) It looks real cool

Chance: Chan: Captain Harlow wants me to join them

DMaster: ARA: (munch munch) Why would plugr not be happy?

Chance: Chan: has a little bit to do with Talia and they don’t think I am ready yet

DMaster: Ara raises her eyebrow and nods a bit
ARA: Ohhh. OK. I can see that now.
JOS: Oh son, good morning

Josies best friend BessieChance: Chan: good morning mom

DMaster: Your mom and Bessie head over, they look to be finished eating

Chance: Chan: Ara this is my mom and her friend Bessie

DMaster: Ara wipes her hand on a napkin – Shakes their hand.
ARA: Nice to meet you
JOS: yes… nice to meet you
BESS: Smiles
Bessie looks at you kind of nodding her head eyes big

Chance: Chan: Ara does my armor fitting mom

DMaster: Your mom notices and nudges her
JOS: Oh… (she looks at the symbol on her forehead) What clan do you belong to?
ARA: (big smile) Thank you for asking, I am Thallan. Long history of metal working and such. I like the more malleable types of armor.
Your Mom smiles and pats her hand

Chance: Chan: well you are definitely good at what you do Ara(smiling)

DMaster: JOS: I don’t want to disturb you two… (smiles at you) I am off hun.

Chance: Chan: love you mom see you later I hope

DMaster: She nods and they both walk off

Chance: Chan: sorry Ara I don’t get to see mom much these days

DMaster: ARA: I understand

Chance: Chan: since I have become so valuable to everyone(laughing)

DMaster: She continues to eat her food

Chance: Chan: I know it’s your job Ara but I must thank you for making the armor for me

DMaster: ARA: Oh, it’s no problem, I love doing it
Plugr is walking towards the both of you, and wades through some people. He is not looking like the normal happy Plugr

Chance: Chan: oh here go Ara you might wanna walk away

DMaster: PLUG: (he overheard you and frowns at you hearing that) No, I need both of you, to the throne room

Chance: Chan: I meant no disrespect Plugr after all you and Cassie have done for me and my mom. lead on please

DMaster: He nods, and leads you two through the hallway, into the dining, entrance way and into the throne room. A lot more busy than yesterday
ARA: (quietly) Are we in trouble?

Chance: Chan: not sure Ara (quietly) we shall see

DMaster: Cassie and Captain Harlow are at the same table as before, The two ladies in waiting are at the double doors you were told were off limits. Halfway across the throne room the doors open up by Birgetta and Erikka

King of Camerondale, JeramiahChance: Stand there quietly with arms folded in front of me

DMaster: The king is talking to that guy you saw in the training area who was shooting a crossbow. King glances up…
KING: Oh Chance my boy, come over here.

Chance: Chan: M’lord
I bow slightly

DMaster: Ara looks a little lost and scoots over to the table with Cassie and the Captain
KING: Good to see you
Grabs your shoulder with a big smile

Chance: Chan: good to see you too M’lord

DMaster: The king backs off a bit and lets you see the man standing next to him.
KING: This is Prince Bozutto from the main province of the Kingdom of Vermeer

One of the Princes of Vermeer BozuttoChance: Chan: M’lord
bowing slightly

DMaster: The Prince looks at you with a bit of disgust
BOZ: Pleasure…
King glances over to him.
KING: This is Chance… from the Summer Isles
The prince tilts his head and his eyes squint a bit
BOZ: Oh. (eyeing you suspiciously) I guess I should thank you
King is doing everything he can to not backhand the guy

Chance: Chan: M’lord no need

DMaster: BOZ: Uh huh.
He nods a bit and walks away. The king looks you in the eye
KING: Sorry my boy. He’s not… the most friendly (saying it softly)

Chance: Chan:(quietly) M’lord not the most friendly is an understatement

Princess Affinity of CamerondaleDMaster: KING: (nods and puts his finger to his lips) shhhh
The double doors open again and Princess Affinity walks in.

Chance: keeps my head down a bit

DMaster: AFF: My King, have you seen Prince Bozutto?
You can kind of see her walking towards the King. Birgetta and Erikka’s eyes are bulging and are too late to intercept her
KING: Oh yeah he went out the back to the gardens

Chance: just keep head down hoping not to cause a scene

DMaster: KING: Affinity?

Chance: hoping maybe she will just go to the garden

DMaster: You glance up after 15 seconds of silence. Your eyes meet. Her jaw is pretty much on the ground.
AFF: uhh… cha… Chance
She is regaining her composure

Chance: Chan: M’lady good to ummm see you
Bowing slightly trying not to faint

DMaster: AFF: So nice to see you, Glad you made it to Camerondale safe

Chance: Chan: I am glad I did as well M’lady

DMaster: Birgetta and Erikka look as uncomfortable as ever, fidgeting

Chance: put my head down abit to avoid her gaze

Lady in Waiting ErrikaDMaster: The King looks at them, then Affinity and then back to you.
ERIK: My Princess, the Prince awaits for you in the Garden.
Slightly pushing Affinity

Chance: sighs a bit

DMaster: AFF: Farewell… Chance
She touches your arm
It made you jump a little.

Chance: smiling to myself damn her. look back up when she touches my arm

DMaster: It hits you like a ton of bricks, your eyes meet. She almost looks like she is going to cry. She quickly turns away and walks out the back with her ladies. The King is standing there, hand on hips, perplexed… glances over to Cassie. She is leaning against the wall and shaking her head slowly and shrugs.

Chance: try to regain my composure
Chan: So M’lord how have you been?

DMaster: The king turns to you with a goofy look
KING: What…
He pauses, looks back at Cassie who is shaking her head again) I am doing well lad (pats you on the back.
KING: yeah…
You look around. Plugr is not looking and hands both hands on the table. Ara has her eyebrow raised real high and looks confused. Cassie looks well, like Cassie. The Captain seems a bit confused
KING: Anyways, everyone have a good day
He heads out the door to the gardens

Chance: Chan: you too M’lord sigh a bit

DMaster: Just then the doors from the entranceway open
TAL: Dad, there you are…
Plugr throws his hands up. Cassie puts her hand on his shoulder and pulls him aside, Talia slowly walks towards you looking confused

Chance: Chan: hey Talia

DMaster: TAL: What did I walk in on?

Chance: Chan: a very long story( quietly)

DMaster: After talking with Cassie for a short time he walks over to Talia and gives her a hug
TAL: Ohhh hey… Dad
Talia hugs back
Cassie gets everyone around the table. Plugr talked with Talia and she walks out of the throne room
CASS: What did you tell her?
PLUG: Training was canceled and that she needed to get with Vicky
Cassie just shakes her head
PLUG: Dammit, I know
Plugr glares at Captain Harlow. The Captain just shakes her head slowly

Chance: still standing there quietly watching everything going on

DMaster: Another man walks through the door. He has his hands full and Ara goes over to help him. More armor.
ARA: Oh good, the measurements are good?
MAN Yes.
Cassie looks at you
CASS: Ok, spread em
Ara shakes her head a bit

Chance: Chan: as you say(smirking)

DMaster: You and Ara are fumbling around with the armor, it’s heavier but seems to be fluid. Ara runs out the double doors to get her tools, you are standing there with the armor. The man has left the throne room

Chance: Chan: great here I go again modeling(smirking)

DMaster: Ara comes back in and starts working on you
PLUG: What is this going to accomplish really Captain
HAR: We have been over this Plugr, the sooner the better, our training will suit him better
Plugr sighes

Chance: Chan: okay enough argue you two I am right here

DMaster: Captain smiles and plugr slams his hands on the table

Chance: Chan: you both are treating me like I am a pawn in a game.

DMaster: Cassie is looking over scrolls and sighing. The Garden doors open and the king is walking in with the prince. They are talking about politics and money. Your Armor is on full and it is badass; Black, with the Camerondale insignia on it. Cassie grabs a sword from the wall
CASS: Heads up Chance
She throws it to you

Chance: catch the sword

DMaster: and you caught it. You glance and the three women are following the King and Prince. Erikka and Birgetta are pushing Affinity forward as she keeps you in her eye sight, even if it’s the corner of her eye.

Chance: do a couple of fancy moves in the armor while swinging the sword

DMaster: THe Prince looks at you, scoffs and keeps walking with the King
ARA: Hold up Chance
She grabs a tool and starts working on you, tightens a few straps. The royal entourage moves on through the double doors and into the entranceway. Talia comes in
CASS: Oh perfect, this should go over like dogshit in a china shop
She throws the papers in the air, Plugr looks back
PLUG: Talia!
Talia slowly is walking towards you
TAL: What… is going… on?

Talia, Daughter of PlugrChance: Chan: walk with me for a minute Talia

DMaster: Talia stops, waits for you. She touches the armor, and looks confused.

Chance: walk away from where everyone else is, see if Talia is still following me

DMaster: she is right next to you

Chance: Chan: I know this may seem confusing but the Black Ward wants me

DMaster: TAL: What? The Black Ward… wants you? How?
She looks really confused as she looks over the armor

Chance: Chan: guess word of what I did on the isle got back here and Captain Harlow wants me to start training with the Black Ward.

DMaster: A defeated look washes over her face
TAL: What about… us? Plugr? Our tests?

Chance: Chan: now before you go thinking you got rid of me that isn’t the case, but they have been fighting over me for a day now. I am getting confused, but I think it’s time I straighten this out.

DMaster: She shakes her head a bit still confused.
TAL: What does this mean?

Chance: Chan: let me do what needs to be done, okay just have my back partner. Now put a smile on your face would you

DMaster: TAL: Am I going to join the Black Ward too? How can we be partners…
Talia starts to tear well up
She looks over to her Dad who has a sad look on his face. She shoves you away and runs out the door crying. Plugr sighs, looks down and walks towards the doors and out into the entrance area. Cassie looks over to you and waves you over.

Chance: walk over to her

DMaster: Ara is looking at the floor, kicking dust, awkward like. The Captain is just standing there
CASS: Smooth Chance, real smooth

Chance: Chan: if she would have stayed another minute she would have heard what was gonna be said next. Would you please get Plugr for me Cassie.

DMaster: Cassie shakes her head.
CASS: We have more important things to talk about… you need to learn about the Black Ward and the Captain can’t stand around watching some teenage Drama unfold. Ara can you get that Armor off him, we will finish this up next week
She nods and starts to work on you

Chance: wait for her to get this armor off

Captain of the Black Ward, Captain HarlowDMaster: As she does this Captain walks over to you
HAR: It’s important that you know what the Black Ward stands for. Most people know we exist, very few know what we do. That is why we are meeting in the Throne room. No unnecessary ears.

Chance: Chan: that I understand Captain Harlow

DMaster: Ara finishes up.
ARA: If that will be all…
Cassie nods, Ara walks over to you, brushes up against you, squeezes your hand
ARA (whispers in your ear) Hang in there Chance, see you tomorrow

Chance: Chan: see you tomorrow

DMaster: She walks out the double doors. The throne room is deafeningly quiet now.

Chance: Chan: before we continue Captain Harlow I have to ask how long is this offer on the table?

DMaster: Captain is taken aback by your question. She looks over to Cassie and back at you, perplexed.
HAR: This is not an offer, this is a path. There are hundreds of Guards that would kill to get a chance to leapfrog 2-3 levels of hard work and experience JUST to try out for us. (still looking confused) Most don’t even get a chance, no pun intended.

Chance: Chan: okay I didn’t mean to offend Captain please go on explain to me about the Black Ward

DMaster: HAR: Cassie can’t speak higher of you, Plugr says you are true and Rohlia is the one who recommended you for the position. You saved her life, what twice? And almost died in the process.
HAR: Not many are like you and even fewer have the potential to be what we all think you can be
CASS: Ok.. Cap… his head is not going to fit through the doorway
Harlow smirks a bit.

Chance: Chan: my head isn’t swelled Cassie, I am honored that everyone is speaking Highly of me

DMaster: The Captain puts her hand on your shoulder and smiles. You all sit down, A servant walks in with refreshments, Plugr by their side.

Chance: Chan: I just want everyone involved to be happy with the outcome

DMaster: CASS: Ahhhh yes, need my Mint Julip

Chance: Chan: and maybe have a say in the decision

DMaster: HAR: The idea came about 20 years ago… (glances over to Cassie)

Chance: looking at Cassie

DMaster: She smiles, grits her teeth a bit
CASS: Yes. Many years ago, me… (takes a deep breath) Xavier and Vulcuran went on a secret mission to defeat the Grand Lich Skello

Chance: Chan: and only you and Xavier came back alive looking down

DMaster: Cassies eyes grows big
CASS: You know about… Vulcuran

Chance: Chan: remember you blowing up at me? Cassie and Plugr told me what happened

DMaster: She looks at Plugr and nods
CASS: After things settled down we realized, we don’t always need the hammer of a huge army, sometimes it just takes a few brave people and a good plan to accomplish things

Chance: Chan: hence the Black Ward

DMaster: Captain nods in agreement.
HAR: And the Black Ward was founded 19 years ago. We have some of the most unique people in… well all of Legon.Everyone having skills and different experience. (looks at cassie) and sometimes…
CASS: You have to make decisions… hard ones. Life and death. Some that might feel wrong for the good of Camerondale. For the…
PLUG: Greater good.
All three nod solemnly.

Chance: Chan: and you think I would fit into all this?

DMaster: CASS: Yes. (looks down)

Chance: Chan: do you as well Plugr?

DMaster: HAR: You have a skill set that fits into our Rogue division
Plugr nods.
HAR: We recently lost two agents. Both in the Rogue division. We are sorely lacking there and thus the reason why I am pushing the envelope
PLUG: Tell him Captain (says with a sharp wit)
Harlow gives Plugr a sharp glance

Chance: Chan: what aren’t you telling me?

DMaster: PLUG: He deserves to know how they died and what he is getting into
CASS: Plugr, ok…(hands you a scroll)

Chance: look at the scroll and read it

DMaster: It is a map, to the west, there are misc forests and valleys and small mountains, to the south is an X marked on called Thorngate.
CASS: Thorngate is a new power rising, a good 3-4 day ride. Not close enough to be on our lands, but close enough to cause for concern.

Chance: Chan: so these two agents died while checking it out?

Retired Knight Plugr of Camerondale and LegonDMaster: HAR: Well…
CASS: They haven’t been heard from in over 3 months, no trace.
PLUG: They are dead Harlow. Dead.
Harlow slams her hand on the table
HAR: Dammit Plugr, I have faith in my agents, unlike you… (she stops abruptly)
She stands up and walks a bit away from the table. Cassie lets out a sigh

Chance: I stand up, chair goes flying behind me.

DMaster: They all stop, and look at you

Chance: Chan: I am sick of being caught in the middle of this whole thing.

DMaster: Cassie shakes her head
CASS: * sighs again * He is right

Chance: Chan: maybe I should have just stayed on the isle and made people’s life easier. (look at all three) I know that I made a promise to Talia and Plugr…

DMaster: Before you can finish,Plugr whips his mug against the wall shattering. He walks off, through the doors and out of the throne room

Chance: Chan: I think we all need to take a step back right now.

DMaster: Cassie looks at you with a thoughtful glance
CASS: Yes.
nods in agreement

Chance: Chan: Captain Harlow I need time to think

DMaster: She nods
HAR: I think we all do
CASS: Let’s meet back here after lunch. Clear our heads

Chance: Chan: yes lets

DMaster: Cassie starts to gather up some scrolls and things, The Captain grabs your arm (softly)
HAR: (quietly) Just one more thing, I want you to meet someone… that is all

Chance: Chan: Okay that’s fine

DMaster: You two walk out the back towards the garden. It finally stopped raining, still cloudy but its 65 so its not cold

Chance: Chan: So who is this person you want me to meet Captain?

DMaster: HAR: I wanted you to meet one of the people who will be training you

Chance: Chan: that is if I agree to Captain
Chan: let’s meet this person

Veritaan, Agent of the Black WardDMaster: The captain lets out a shrill whistle
in a minute someone jumps down from the tree. You never heard a thing

Chance: Chan: very impressive

DMaster: HAR: (smiling) didn’t hear a thing huh?

Chance: Chan: hope this isn’t your way of trying to sway me Captain(smiling)

DMaster: HAR: This is Veritaan, our rogue agent and a good trainer
VER: Nice to meet you Chance (he has a lower raspy voice)

Chance: Chan: Nice to meet you as well Veritaan.

Chan: (looking at the Captain) Isn’t he the one who was going to accompany me and Talia?

DMaster: HAR: Yes, but the missing agents kind of curtailed it. Veritaan is Rohlia’s cousin, and specializes in silent movement, archery and eating an entire apple cream pie in one sitting
Veritaan laughs a raspy like laugh

Chance: Chan: so I train with Plugr and them four days and you for 2

DMaster: VER: I am not sure of the situation, but if that is what Captain wants. (nudges Harlow) That is what the Captain gets.
HAR: Yes. Once you get a few projects under your belt you will start shifting over to us

Chance: Chan: well can I ask why you and Plugr are almost at each others throats

DMaster: She glances at Veritaan
HAR: Thank you Veritaan, I will see you back at the compound

Chance: Chan: not trying to pry but I mean I just would prefer if this could all be done smoothly without any tension

DMaster: VER: Nice to meet you Chance, (nods at the Captain)

Chance: Chan: Nice to meet you as well Veritaan

The Royal Camerondale GardensDMaster: He slips into the trees, you can barely see her move and just like that. He is gone
HAR: Chance. Plugr has been at war with his daughter for years, Talia adores her father… wants to be just like him. She does not have the raw skill set that Plugr has, most do not. He understands this, and is beyond worried that something will happen. It doesn’t help that Victoria, Plugrs wife – Talia’s mother, fully agrees with him.
You two slowly stroll through the gardens, squishy feet, water still dripping off of leaves

Chance: Chan: so its more about Plugr and Talia and not you

HAR: Aye… I would love to say that but I am not innocent

Chance: Chan: oh so you do have a hand in it

DMaster: She nods.

Chance: Chan: I thought as much. Plugr thinks by having me around Talia I will keep her safe

DMaster: HAR: Yes. He fears for Talia’s life, he is on edge. The Kingdom is always on the edge of a sword. Our massive Army and alliances keep us relatively safe. But there will always and I mean ALWAYS be something threatening us, and like Cassie explained, marching an Army out is not an option most of the time. That is where we come into play…
HAR: (she pauses a moment) I heard her first day or training did not go well either

Chance: Chan: well from my training I can tell she is trying to prove herself to everyone but herself. Which is hindering her. I did offer to work more one on one with her

Valentine, Assassin for the Black WardDMaster: HAR: You also have an uncanny way of looking at things
HAR: Valentine, what is it (looking a little surprised)
VAL: Captain. We have a situation.
HAR: In the city?
VAL: Yes, Southeast waterways, in the tunnels.

Chance: Chan: is there something I can do to help?

DMaster: The captain pauses a moment, thinks…
HAR: Get Thanos
VAL: He is on the Borderline quest
HAR: Dammit, then we will have to get Fredrix
VAL: Nope, with Briska helping him.
HAR: (looks at you) Care to join Valentine? In a backup role only?

Chance: Chan: I need armor and my sword

DMaster: HAR: I’ll get Ara, meet us at the back entrance where the servant quarters are

Chance: Chan: I am on it Captain

DMaster: VAL: Make haste, it’s one of those weird ones.
HAR: Great, tell me on the way. Chance, get your weapons.