A Whole New World

Previously In The Last Adventure:

Chance heads out from Summer Isles, and there is a tearful farewell. A long 3 day journey is upon him as he and the ship heads for Camerondale. He gets to know his new friends better and raise some eyebrows with his skill in battle. On the 3rd day they arrive in the big city, and it is everything Chance thought it could be.

NSFW Warning / Bad Grammar

This text will contain language not suitable for some people. It is merely an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. We are not trying to be the next J.R.R. Tolkien, so there will be misspelled words, fragmented sentences and things that just don’t make sense. Once in a while there will be some nudity and sexual themes, you will be warned ahead of time. Just read, enjoy and have fun!

Main Characters

EP#20 A Whole New World

A Whole New World in Legon Banner

Entrance to the City from the Military docksChance: Chan: wait for Cassie, Plugr, Talia and Quinton.

DMaster: You all walk off, and when you get to the dock, you no longer feel sick.

Chance: Chan: ahhhh sweet land!
Stop, smile and look around.
Chan: you definitely were right Cassie.
Laughing at the fact I was feeling better before I left the boat.

DMaster: Cassie smiles.
CASS: Follow us Chance, we will head right for the castle.

Chance: I will follow the entourage to the castle since I have no clue where I am going.

DMaster: The guards and servants slowly unload the ship. You and the party stand around waiting for the rest of the people to come off the boat.

Chance: I will wait until word is to move out; after helping unload the ship.

DMaster: Early morning, and it’s a bit windy, the temperature is roughly about 45 degrees. Everyone is shivering a bit even with the sunshine beaming down on them.

Chance: Chan: Wow, is it always this chilly here?
Rub my nipples.

DMaster: The beautiful blonde baroness glances over to you.
CASS: For this time of year, yes. You will get used to it, I am sure. Its mid spring, we will have Summer Isle like temps soon enough.
Plugr smirks a bit and walks towards a man who is heading their way.

Chance: Watch everything going on kinda for the most part staying quiet

DMaster: Cassie walks over to the man, they all shake hands. Talia is snuggling up to Quintin, trying to stay warm.

Chance: Thinking to myself: Talia, At least you have someone to snuggle up next to.
Just wait patiently till given the signal to move out and looking around with my eyes taking the scenery in.

DMaster: The one man who was taking roll call walks towards Plugr and Cassie. They nod to him and wave everyone on. These are the military & Royal docks, farther north than the Cities major docking area. There is little going on here except a few patrols and a guard or two. The walls span out in both directions and their is a large 20 foot high X 15 foot wide rounded entrance that leads into the city.

Chance: I will walk next to Plugr and Cassie

DMaster: they are chatting with each other going over scrolls that were handed to them. The man who came to see them at the gates is pointing things out to them. You over hear some words: “uncovered, unearthed, entrance…”

Chance: Just quietly take the scene in since I am still somewhat lost here

Plugr Stotz - Semi-Retired Knight of CamerondaleDMaster: They stop suddenly and everyone kind of semi-slams into them.
PLUG: You’re joking!
MAN: No sire, I am not. Not 2 days ride north of here.
CASS: Now that is pretty amazing, you have to wonder.
Cassie glances behind her.
CASS: Oh sorry guys, we’ll keep moving.
You walked about 50 feet then you take a right and you are heading down a street with high 2-3 story buildings, some connected together, some having an alleyway in between them. It is pretty wide, 20-25 feet in most cases.
CASS: Oh Talia…
She says with a singing like voice.

Chance: Try to pay attention to the streets as we walking.

DMaster: PLUG: Chance, you’ll want to hear this too.

Chance: Chan: What is going on?

DMaster: CASS: Over the past 10 years we have been uncovering ruins… and we just found the best one yet.
PLUG: Yeah, they uncovered large double doors, and the entrance appears to be free of rubble.
TAL: OHHHH! Can I dad, can I?
She says with a child like enthusiasm. With a big grin from the semi-retired Knight.
PLUG: Yes of course, we are going to scope it out for a bit, and then we will travel to the location.
CASS: Talia, you have to train, you have to be able to hold your own out there.
TAL: I know, I know!.

Chance: Smirk as Cassie says that.

DMaster: CASS: Ahhh, here we are, the castle. Chance, your new home for the time being.

Chance: Looking in awe of the castle
Chan: wow. simply breath taking.

DMaster: The Castle is towering and massive. The pathway leads to a gated area. You pass through but you see a lot of guards around and even a knight. The pathway leads up to large iron gates and a portcullis. The gates are being opened as you head in. Two huge doors open and you see a grand entrance room. Pillars on each side, tapestries on the wall, giant candle chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

Chance: Chan: Wow never thought I would see something this beautiful in all my life.

DMaster: Cassie gives you an odd look.
CASS: You lived in the most beautiful place in all of Camerondale, and THIS is the most beautiful thing?

Chance: Shrug my shoulders.
Chan: Except when I saw boobies for the first time.

Leader and King of the greatest Kingdom in Legon, CamerondaleDMaster: Plugr smiles, laughs, as does the rest of the entourage.
PLUG: What time is it?
CASS: I think its about 7:00 am.
PLUG: Think the King…
As practice for timing, the King walks out of the two huge doors on the wall your facing.
JER: Welcome home welcome home!
Cassie walks up and hugs him, Plugr gives him a warriors handshake. Talia gives him a hug and Quinton shakes his hand.

Chance: Chan: M’lord.
I bow slightly.

DMaster: JER: And Chance! Nice to see you again, I hear you are going to be a guest here!
He has a big smile on his face.

Chance: Chan: so I have heard. This place is so beautiful.

DMaster: He is looking right at you, and has a funny smirk on his face. Then you notice everyone is looking at you with big smiles.

Chance: Chan: Hey, when its different from palm trees and sweaty bottoms, anything is beautiful.

DMaster: you see your mom walking real fast towards you.

Chance: Run to my mom.

Josephine, Mother of ChanceDMaster: She gives you a big hug and she has tears in her eyes.
JOS: Ohhh, how I have missed you so.
Everyone is smiling.

Chance: Chan: Mom, no crying I am here and safe. I missed you as well.
Hug her back.

DMaster: Talia and Quintin excuse themselves and head out of the castle. As the luggage and crates come in, Cassie is directing servants and such. Plugr is showing the King some things on a scroll.

Chance: Chan: so what has it been like here mom?

DMaster: JOS: Absolutely wonderful. I am working right here in the castle, I have my own room, and its real big. It’s damn cold though
She giggles a little. You are a bit chilly now

Chance: Chan: I know, the first thing I noticed after I got off the ship. Well besides NOT being sick, of course.
Thinking to myself; I just wish Ferellus was here to see it. Try not to get emotional.

Camerondale ConciergeDMaster: A woman walks up to the both you, dressed in very nice servant clothing.
WOM: My name is Urneeva, I am here to get you settled in.
URN: Josephine, is this your son you always talk about?
JOS: Yes, why yes it is.
She smiles and gives you another little hug.

Chance: Keep giving mom a hug.
Chan: so now I am being talked about?

DMaster: URN: Follow me.
You take a left and head towards an open doorway and it leads into what appears to be a dining area. You walk through and it leads to another open doorway and you see a hallway lit, doors on either side line the walls. There are a few people here, all look very important. It again leads to an open doorway. Past that is a large area that is not nearly as nice as the rest of the castle so far, looks like it has gardening supplies, storage, etc. You do a 180, and head down some large stairs.This leads you to a wide long hallway. About 60 feet and it comes to crossroads where there is a table with some food and drink on it. Josephine grabs a grape and nibbles on it as you pass. About 40 feet further you stop, and Urneeva grabs her keys, grabs the chains on the door, and unlocks the padlock.
URN: Your room Master Chance.

Chance: Chan: thank you… master eh?

DMaster: URN: Just let your mother know if you need anything
You and your mom go into your room. The door closes. The room is 30×30 – You are in the middle right now. To the left is a very large bed, somewhat plain but it looks very comfortable. There is a dresser towards the corner and a table in between with a few chairs. To your right is a large table with some candles on it, a few chairs and a fireplace on the far wall. Your mom sits at a chair at a smaller table.

Chance: Chan: so Mom, you have to tell me everything since we last saw each other.
setting stuff down off in the corner.

DMaster: JOS: Well… we sailed to Camerondale, and it was wonderful and exciting. When I got here they had everything ready for me, and offered a job here in the castle. Of course I accepted.
She starts to putter around, cleaning a few things, she starts to unpack your things on the bed, refolding a shirt.
JOS: But then I heard a hurricane hit the island and I was so worried… I even heard talk of a huge battle that took place.

Chance: Chan: the hurricane was pretty bad but the island will recover. Everyone else made sure the Inn was back up and running before we left.
Pause a moment and smile watching mom.
Chan: as for the battle we lost some good people.
Kind of looking out.

DMaster: Not quite paying attention to the last comment, looking bewildered.
JOS: Where… did all your things go?

Chance: Chan: I lost a lot, due to the hurricane.

DMaster: JOS: Oh hun.
She looks at you lovingly.

Chance: Chan: this is all I have left. A few bits of clothing, a trinket or two, my sword and the air in my lungs.

DMaster: You two talk for a bit more. You tell her of Ferellus and she starts to cry. She couldn’t believe it. Both of you have a mom and son moment, quiet reflection. Then a knock on the door.

Chance: answer the door.

DMaster: WOM: Chance?

Chance: Chan: yes, that is my name, last I remembered.

DMaster: She smirks.
WOM : My name is Chalsarda and I am here to take your measurements.
You let her in and she takes your measurements for clothing.
CHA: Any preference for color?

Chance: stand still so she can measure me.
Chan: Mom, what color do you think looks good on me.

DMaster: Your mom knows her too and they are chit chatting. She squints while looking
JOS: hmmmm, Anything but yellow… he looks great in dark green

Chance: Chan: go with dark green please

DMaster: Chalsarda giggles a little.
CHA:I like that. You must be important, this came down from the Baroness herself.
She steps back and looks
CHA: Yes. some black, tan, dark green and maybe some red
She finishes up, and heads out the door.
JOS: Well my son… I have to get back to work. I will leave you be. Maybe we can have dinner tonight?

Chance: Chan: I would like that very much

DMaster: You two hug, she leaves and closes the door. There is a note on the large table.

Chance: Chan: read the note.

DMaster: It was a little map that shows you that if you leave the room, turn right and head to the end of the hallway there is an open doorway and that is the bath area. To the left is the crossroads of sorts. A large table with food and drink will always be on it. It is a make shift kitchen / lounge area. A room to put your dirty clothes. You decide to get cleaning up, head down to the bath area, get assigned stall #3. You climb into a big tub and take a relaxing bath, the waters smell great.

Chance: After I dry off I will get dressed and follow the map back to the table where the food is. Then take a seat and relax, as I sip on my drink.

DMaster: You see a few people walking around.

Chance: After I finish my drink, I will head back to my room. Try and fix my hair up to look good.

DMaster: After you eat, you see your Mom walking towards you.
JOS: Hun, I think The Baroness and Plugr want to speak with you.
She is pointing upstairs.

Chance: Chan: I guess duty calls.
Smiling at her.
Chan: I better find out what’s going on.

Cassandra, Camerondale RoyaltyDMaster: You head upstairs and walk towards were you first entered the castle. Cassie is at the open doorway in the storage area, talking with a servant.

Chance: Chan: hey Cassie, you wanted to see me?

DMaster: Cassie is in a thick sweater, some stylish lighter leather pants, boots and her hair is up. She looks very cute. She looks up and sees you.
CASS:Chance lets get to the dining area, Talia and Plugr are waiting.
She pauses a moment, and even slightly blushes.
CASS: Thank you.
You two make your way to the dining area.

Chance: Chan: lead on then.
Give her a smile, still looking around.

DMaster: Plugr is standing at a table nibbling on some bread. Talia, with her face all lit up is looking over scrolls. You two make it to the table and make your pleasantries. Talia is all bundled up in a sweater and pants, Plugr looks regal for the most part.

Chance: Chan: so what are we looking at here?

DMaster: Plugr sits down, Talia passes you a parchment with some crudely drawn map on it.
The Baroness grabs an apple.
CASS: So Chance, I heard you liked to explore old dungeons. I mean that is how you discovered the compound. (munch munch) how would you like to do it again?

Chance: Chan: well I do have a knack for exploring things. I am here to put my talents to use for Camerondale.

Plugr Retired Knight of CamerondaleDMaster: PLUG: Last autumn, we were told of what we thought was some hills north of here, were actually a sunken castle and possibly a town of sorts. The ground froze too quick and we were unable to do much until now. It could be the old ruins of Daggerdone or maybe something else.

Chance: Chan: but now that its warming up you would like us to see what it is

DMaster: Plugr is nodding his head.
PLUG: Exactly.
CASS: I feel like this will be a great “starter” expedition for you two. It is going to be a week before we will decide when to go, but we will go. Talia is grinning ear to ear.

Chance: Chan: in the mean time we are gonna train train right.

DMaster: The Baroness smiles and looks at you.
CASS: Yes… some habits never die huh Chance?

Chance: Chan: well we do need to stay sharp, (smiling) and I do need to train more with Talia, so we both know and coordinate our fighting styles.

Talia of Camerondale in LegonDMaster: Talia looks up at you, eyes wide and big smile.
TAL: Yes… yes we do.
Plugr just smiles and shakes his head slightly
PLUG: I do not see any reason to hold off the training, so tomorrow morning 10am.
Cassie nods her head and bites into the apple.

Chance: Chan: that is fine by me I don’t know if I could sit around till then.

DMaster: Cassie sighs, leans her head back and almost cringes.
CASS: Oh brother… Here they come.
You hear some commotion behind you.
BIRG: I WAS RIGHT! There he is.
The two ladies in waiting come running through the dining area, you stand up just in time to get two big hugs from them. Birgetta is in a pushup bustier, longer dress and Erikka is in a blue long coat, leather pants and a blouse.

Chance: Give them big warm hugs.
Chan: you didn’t think you got rid of me that easy.
Give a big laugh.

DMaster: The two of them start talking over each other in excitement. Cassie’s eyes widen and she stands up with a small smile on her face.
CASS: Let the boy breathe will you?
TAL: I guess… you know each other then.
She looks shocked that you do.
BIRG: Ohhh, did you tell him about the party.
Plugr is like a deer in the headlights, the energy these two brought is overwhelming. Like they drank 3 mountain dews and downed a box of doughnuts.

Chance: Chan: so how have you two been since we last saw each other.

DMaster: They both start jabbering about things… almost incomprehensible.
BIRG: Oh Erikka tripped the other day and hit her head.
ERIK: Birg, he doesn’t need to know that, I’ll tell him about you stepping in that pile of…
BIRG: Erikka! I am sure he is…

Chance: Chan: and please not all at once.
Start laughing.

Erikka, Lady in Waiting in LegonDMaster: Cassie eyes are huge and she interrupts.
CASS: Yes Chance Starday we are having a welcome home party, a ball if you will… it’s supposed to be a spring dance, but we will double it up.
Erikka starts to dance a little and wiggle around.
ERIK: and a ball we will have, woooo!
BIRG: Girl you better bring it!

Chance: Smile real big and shake my head. Soak it all in, loving it.

DMaster: Cassie gives them both a polite but stern look and they both kind of straighten up.

Chance: Looking at Plugr and Cassie.
Chan: am I expected to be at this ball?

DMaster: Plugr is definitely shell shocked by the two of them and he is trying not to burst out laughing.
PLUG: yup… you are.
A voice from behind them.
WOM: Whats going on over here?

Chance: Look to see who is doing the talking.

DMaster: Birgetta looks behind her.
BIRG: Oh… it’s just my sister.
The red headed woman is nodding her head sarcastically. A beautiful woman, dressed in dark red and black leather with cleavage that most people take notice of.
SAK: oh, just your sister… thanks (under her breath) bitch.
BIRG: Chance this is Sakine, my… sister.

Chance: Chan: Pleasure to meet you Sakine
Smiling a bit

Sakine, Sister of BirgettaDMaster: Erikka rolls her eyes a bit and crosses her arms. Sakine smiles back at you.
SAK: Hate to break up this little pow-wow but Livia still wants to meet up.
Birgetta lifts her one eye brow,.
BIRG: my other sister… sometimes I wished they stayed in Vermeer.
Sakine is giving her a dirty look.
SAK: Hey now.

Chance: Chan: you ladies should get going I am sure you will see more of me. Since I am staying here now.

DMaster: Erikka shakes her head, leans over and gives you a kiss on the cheek.
ERIK: Glad your here Chance (smiles) I will talk with you later, bye all!
Erikka walks off, Birgetta gives you a hug and walks off with Sakine.

Chance: Wave and smile to Erikka, Birgetta and Sakine.
Chan: anymore surprises for me today?
Looking at Cassie and Plugr.

DMaster: CASS: Well at least Chance is better with the ladies than, Animax rest his soul… Ferellus.
PLUG: (smiles a bit) I miss that guy…
CASS: Sooo Training tomorrow, I have to get to the docks.
PLUG: Everything ok Cas?
CASS: Yeah, just some paperwork and the manifest for the last transport.
She nods and heads out the door. Plugr and Talia are chit chatting and looking over the scroll.
PLUG: Its all good Chance, you can go, just wanted to let you know about tomorrow.

Chance: Chan: thank you. I think, I should get all settled and unpacked.

DMaster: As you turn around there is someone standing in the doorway
MAN: Plugr?
Plugr looks over.
PLUG: Oh yes, wait up Chance.

Chance: Looking around, nod my head.

Helkyr Weapons MasterDMaster: PLUG: This is Helkyr, he is going to be your new master at arms.
Helkyr walks in and he is without a doubt a Dwarf. About 4’10” stocky, but looks to be in incredible shape.

Chance: Shake Helkyr’s hand.

DMaster: HEL: Nice to meet you lad, Look forward to putting you through the ringer tomorrow (chuckles).

Chance: Chan: I am ready for whatever you throw at me.

DMaster: PLUG: Helkyr was trained by Morty, what 6-7 years ago.
HEL: I heard you knew him well, how is that rascally bastard doing.

Chance: Chan: Well last I saw he gave up drinking. Hopefully Nixxy won’t be around, he may take it back up again.

DMaster: HEL: Oyy that harpy still after him…. ahh poor boy.
You two finish exchanging pleasantries and Talia and Plugr head off so does Helkyr.

Chance: I will head back to my room and finish unpacking and putting stuff away.

DMaster: Not much to put away, your mom did it already. You find a place for your weapons and the few clothing items. Your armor, which has a few rips and deep cuts on it, gets hung in one of the standing dressers.

Chance: Look at the necklace Affinity left me for a little bit. Start thinking of her as I sit on the bed before I stash the necklace in one of the drawers.

DMaster: A knock on your door, you answer it. It is your mom, she gets a big smile on her face.

Chance: Chan: hey mom, how are you. come in come in.

Josephine Mother of ChanceDMaster: She comes in.
JOS: Almost time for dinner. We can eat dinner at the dining area, but breakfast and lunch is what is at the table or you go elsewhere. They have the most wonderful food, so you will probably enjoy it.

Chance: Chan: well at least I get to spend some time with you
Smile at her.
Chan: so are you working this ball they hare having?

DMaster: JOS: Yes, but I will after ball clean up.

Chance: Chan: so shall we go eat and talk on the way?
Hand her my arm to escort her.

DMaster: She nods. You two head towards the dining area. You two walk into the room and it is fairly empty. There is a large table against the wall that has steaming piles of food. She walks you up over there, you grab some food, all of it looks amazing and then you eat, while you two chit chat and catch up. The place fills up pretty quick. Your mom is eating more heartily than you remember, guess she likes the food here. You two finish off the food, she looks content… full, happy and at peace.

Chance: Chan: I am just glad you are safe and happy, I was so worried about you, I mean with everything that happened.

DMaster: This lady comes up to your table
WOM: Josie! Is this your son I heard so much about?
JOS: Yes!
She smiling with pride.

Chance: Chan: now what have you been telling people Mom.

DMaster: JOS: Chance this is Bessie.
You two exchange pleasantries.
BES: Well, I feel like I already know you.
She giggles a bit.

Chance: Chan: well I hope everything you heard was all good.

DMaster: Bessie looks over to Josephine and kind of points at her ears and shrugs her shoulders.
JOS: (looks flustered) Look at the time, Bessie we have to get to our card game!
Bessie stands up straight and nods.

Chance: Chan: I will see you soon mom, go have a good time.

DMaster: The two of them walk off and your mom seemed annoyed by her. Urneeva gets up from her table and walks over to you.

Chance: Chan: Hello, Urneeva is it.

DMaster: She nods.
URN: I apologize but you are hard to get free. (smiling) I want to take you on a tour of the castle so you don’t get lost.

Chance: Chan: well then lead on, we wouldn’t want me going somewhere that I am not suppose to.

DMaster: URN: (smiling) Yes. Very much so.
You two walk out of the dining area and back into the entrance. She gives you a tour of the Castle from the throne room, to the ball room to the offices to the garden area. It takes about an hour or so. You end at the crossroads just from your bedroom door.
URN: That goes as well for the left here (the only place you haven’t been down). The end is a spiral staircase to the outside of the castle. It goes into a room that is heavily guarded, I would not recommend leaving that way. (pauses) Any questions Chance?

Chance: Chan: do we have any books to read or anything.

DMaster: There is a library just outside the castle, when you walk out, make a left and 20-30 feet down the path the 2 story building is our records and library. They are open morning and afternoon everyday except sundalay.

Chance: Chan: okay I shall remember that, wouldn’t want anyone to think I am uncivilized need to keep up on my reading .

DMaster: URN: Oh one last thing, there are no locks on the doors, for whatever reasons.
She shrugs her shoulders.
URN: We only have them on when they are unoccupied.
She looks around, grabs a raspberry tart from the table, presses her finger to her lips.
URN: Shhhh I am on a diet… but I can’t resist.

Chance: Chan: I saw nothing and you don’t need to be on a diet (smirking).

DMaster: URN: Have a good night chance.

Chance: Chan: Have a good night as well.

DMaster: You are pretty tired, you head back to your room.

Chance: close my door and grab the necklace affinity left and lay on my bed.

DMaster: You fall fast asleep.

Next Day

DMaster: You wake up. A knock on your door.

Chance: put necklace away and go answer the door.

DMaster: No one is there, but you hear someone walking the halls knocking on the doors.
CRY:7 in da mornin’ time to get up!
It isn’t loud but you can hear it none the less.

Chance: go to the table and grab some food and drink.

DMaster: There are a few people there already. Your mom is there with Bessie. They greet you, and you exchange pleasantries. Its kind of a cozy scene, people standing, sitting talking nibbling on food, you eat some food.

Chance: Chan: oh, Bessie no more pointing out the ears by the way(smirking).

DMaster: BESS: (blushes) I apologize, Josie filled me in on things (chuckles).
Your mom smiles and rolls her eyes.
JOS: She didn’t know you were adopted… she thought my husband was an elf.

Chance: Chan: well you are my Mother, no matter any circumstance.

DMaster: She smiles, glows and Bessie smiles too.
BES: We best get going Josie we have those extra rooms to clean.
She shrugs her shoulders and gives you a hug.

Chance: Chan: and I better get ready to train today

DMaster: they head off

Chance: head back to my room and grab my gear

DMaster: you turn around and see some one standing at your door

Chance: see who is there
Chan: umm Hello

DMaster: She nods a bit.
ARA: My name is Ara, I am here for your training, help you fit your armor, and get you ready
You catch her looking at you, big eyes dopey look.

Chance: Chan: well come in then and let’s get me ready

Ara, Blacksmith, wishing she punched Chance in the faceDMaster: You two walk into the room on the large table sits what appears to be a brand new hard leather armor set. You glance at the short elf. Ara is about 5’2, you guess a common elf, light brown hair, Bluish green eyes. A: 17 B: 10 L:18 S:15

Chance: Chan: wow, a new set of armor

DMaster: She is wearing skin tight leather pants and a white heavy blouse she has fingerless gloves on and some shit kicking boots
ARA: They worked most of the night to get this done for you
She walks past and she smells amazing

Chance: Chan: I can’t believe they would do all this for me

DMaster: She kind of shrugs her shoulders
ARA: You have to be someone important, this came down from the top of the Royals. No one messes around when those memo’s come in.
She then heads over to the armor. Takes off her backpack and opens it up, hands you what looks like simple white linen shirt and pants.
ARA: Ok, get into that shirt and pants, thats your under clothing
You are currently wearing a simple shirt and some soft burlap pants, typical sleeping attire

Chance: strip down and change clothes

DMaster: She is working on the armor, setting up the clasps and such. She walks over to you, dresses you up. You are set, the armor is a bit lose, and she notes that. Everything about her is soft and feminine, except her hands, they look rough and callus

Chance: Chan: not a bad fit for the most part

DMaster: ARA: I don’t like it that loose, I’ll have to mend that tonight
Walks around you making sure you are fit
ARA: Well its a perfect day to start this, warm and sunny

Chance: Chan: hope it looks good on me.
grab my sword and scabbard

DMaster: It looks great but is very plain. Its training armor
ARA: Well this is your training armor, it will be exact to your action armor, but that armor will be much more ornate
She grabs your hand with the real sword, Waves her finger at you somewhat playfully, an awkward flirty attempt.
ARA: ahhh ahhh, This is training Chance, not real battle

Chance: Chan: awww come on just let me hold my sword for a minute I need something in my hands

DMaster: Her eyes get big and she smirks. You both head out to the training grounds. Talia stands by a tent, wide eyed and excited.

Chance: Chan: and a good morning to you Talia and so it begins

DMaster: Talia glances over to you
TAL: Morning!
She is all smiles, Plugr is by one of the tents talking to Helkyr. Ara grabs a sword, metal handle, wooden sword. Plugr nods and smiles
ARA: Ok, impress me with some swordsmanship

Chance: Chan: I will do my best
step back and take a few practice swings and lunges, before we actually have to train to see how the armor feels

DMaster: The armor feels good, but she was right it jostles a bit on lunges

Chance: Chan: okay I am ready let’s do this

DMaster: Plugr waves you over, Talia is doing her lunges and swipes
PLUG: Ok, you two, the first few hours will be swordsmanship and we are introducing shield and blocking
He hands Ara a smaller shield that looks somewhat odd

Chance: looking at the shield myself in Ara’s hands

DMaster: ARA: Finally (smiling) These shields were designed by the Augustian elves decades ago, lightweight, impossible to penetrate
HEL: Sounds like my wife, eh! (hearty laugh)
Plugr laughs too, Ara rolls her eyes, Talia giggles.

Chance: smirking, shaking my head

DMaster: They fit into your arm, and almost become part of your armor along the arm. Her eyes get real wide
ARA: You put it in there…?
HEL: Aye! It was a great idea, lass!
She squeezes and this knife pops out so you could swipe at an enemy with it. Ara is flushed and smiling wide
TAL: Whoa, thats pretty… cool
The druids eye brows raised

Chance: Chan: wow very smart idea

DMaster: HEL: We have a couple over here without the blade for training
ARA: Chance, if there is anything else you need from me, let me know tomorrow. We can work out the little things too.
The guy helping Talia is saying the same thing to her

Chance: Chan: I will let you know if I do

DMaster: Ara and the guy leave and the training starts. For 2 hours you are training. Helkyr is very impressed with your skills, Unfortunately Talia had an awful morning. Tripped over her self, hit herself in the head, gave herself a split lip.

Chance: Chan: I will work with her more as we train, I want her to shine as well

DMaster: You guys take a break… you two are sweating, drinking water, and Helkyr is looking over some documents

Chance: Chan: Talia make the sword an extension of yourself

DMaster: Talia looks up at you.

Chance: Chan: that is the way old Morty explained it to me

DMaster: TAL: I don’t know whats wrong with me today
Quinton comes out, takes a deep breath, looks to be enjoying the warmer day. He walks over to you two

Chance: Chan: I will work more one on one if you need me to

DMaster: Quintins eyes widen
TAL: Oh no, don’t even…
Talia pulls away getting angry.
QUI: (looks at you) This is training, you don’t have to beat the shit out of her!
HEL: OYY! You there, prissy boy. You shouldn’t be out here
TAL: Quintin, I did this to myself!

Chance: Chan: I don’t plan on beating the shit out of her but do you think an opponent is gonna hold back?

DMaster: Quintin walks over to her and looks at her face… split lip a bruise forming around her forehead. The two start talking in lower tones

Chance: just shake my head

DMaster: Helkyr walks over to you
HEL: She’s got a long ways to go
He is talking in hushed tones

Chance: Chan: I know that’s why I am offering to help
in hushed tone

DMaster: You notice Helkyr looking past you
HEL: Hey you, this is no pick em and stick em here, this is training
Talia pushes away from Quintin and grabs Helkyr, He quickly turns to her
TAL: (quietly) That is Prince Bozutto!

Chance: just shaking head at this whole scene

DMaster: The guy strolls past the four of you, glancing at you, down his nose, wrinkles it, and two men follow him. He has a crossbow and starts using it at the far end of the area. It looks like the 2 people are helping him, getting him bolts. Helkyr bows a little… stands up, lifts his leg and farts
HEL: That is what I think of this prissy boy
Talia’s eyes widen and she covers her mouth not to laugh, then plugs her nose.

Chance: smirking at Hel as he does that

DMaster: Luckily they were far enough away they did not hear. It is pretty warm out, beautiful sunshine

Chance: Chan: so can we get back to training or we just gonna sit here and be slugs

Affinity, Princess, already deflowered by ChanceDMaster: You glance up the castle wall to the balcony. standing against the railing, her eyes wide, mouth wide open looking at you

Chance: I am sure my reaction is the same

DMaster: its like your heart forgot to beat, you kind of lose your breath. Talia finally shooed Quintin away much to his displeasure

Chance: do my best to smile and wave

DMaster: She slowly gives you a small wave. Helkyr is leaning aginst a pole, picking his teeth staring out into space.
HEL: (snaps out of it) Enough of this tomfoolery
He grabs a sword, smacks you on the ass, you jump a bit

Chance: assume a stance

DMaster: You two go at it, He gets a +1, he swings, you parry, you jab, he swats it. Another exchange, both of you hold your own

Chance: focus even more since I remember old Morty trained him

DMaster: the next, he gets to you, you fall back on your butt. As he goes to put his sword at your throat, you surprise the hell out of him with a leg sweep sending him hard to the ground. You tumble back and get back into position. Helkyr scrambles to his feet and laughs a bit
HEL: Dammit boy, you are full of surprises… I like it!
Talia is nursing her lip watching you, the Prince stopped what he was doing, starts to watch, so are the other 2 and of course Affinity is watching

Chance: wave him on

DMaster: HEL: Ohhh, you little shite
parry thrust avoid for 2 minutes its an even heat

Chance: stay focused since all eyes are on us now

DMaster: He starts to tire a bit, and you catch him on a thrust, you parry the thrust and end your tip of the sword at his throat. Sweat pouring off of him, he drops his sword
HEL: (nodding and smiling) I under estimated you, by a lot Chance. Mortimer sure trained you well, and I am damn out of shape.

Chance: Chan: I took Morty’s lessons to heart
Smiling even more, take my sword away

DMaster: Cassie is sitting on the railing talking with Affinity and looking down on you smiling, approvingly from your little victory
HEL: Who’s hungry? I can eat the ass off a dirty mule
Talia wrinkles her nose
TAL: What the hell? No, Ewww

Chance: Chan: I don’t want to eat the ass off a dirty mule but am hungry(laughing)

DMaster: The prince looks disgusted by the phrase and goes back to his crossbow. Helkyr walks off towards the storage area
HEL: Wait here, i’ll get them to bring out our food

Chance: go take a seat and see if Cassie and Affinity are still watching

DMaster: They are not, they went inside. Talia has her hand on her forehead
TAL: Damn Chance, You schooled the weapons master

Chance: Chan: I wouldn’t say schooled him. He just underestimated me, never underestimate your opponent. My first lesson to you(smiling), something old Morty taught me

DMaster: TAL: Wait, I thought make the weapon an extenstion of yourself was the first lesson, short tips?

Chance: Chan: Well, that too. This is my first, and a half, lesson. There.
Stick my tongue out playfully.

DMaster: A few servants come out with plates of food and drink. Helkyr trailing behind them with Plugr
TAL: Oh shit, her comes dad, he is going to be mad
PLUG: Talia. Honey
He grabs her chin a bit.
PLUG: Mom is right behind me
Talia drops her head down
TAL: Great… just great
Out walks a woman who looks a lot like Talia…
TAL: Mom, before you say anything…
Her mom stops in front of her, frowns and folds her hands across her chest

Chance: looking to the food at drink. so as not to get involved in this.

DMaster: VIC: Talia, dear
She touches her lips and the split is gone, she rubs her forehead and the bruise disappears. Talia looks defeated, Her eyes start to well up and she runs off back into the castle. Plugr plops into a chair

Rohlia, Elf RangerChance: Chan: Plugr. let me work more with Talia I promise she will get better

DMaster: Rohlia strolls out into the courtyard looking back with an odd look
ROH: Was that… Talia?
Everyone nods. Rohlia walks over to you and gives you a hug

Chance: hug her back
Chan: Rohlia, good to see you, I didn’t expect to see you here

DMaster: ROH: How are you doing Chance?
Plugr and Victoria are chatting quietly to themselves. She steals a piece of cheese

Chance: Chan: I am doing well. Talia had a bit of an off day (in hushed tones)

Victoria checking on her daughter TaliaDMaster: ROH: Hmmmm she has to learn there will be days like that. God know Ive been through them. Hell you witnessed two of them! (munch munch) I am going to train you in archery. I know you can kick some ass in swordsmanship, but you have a lot to learn about the bow

Chance: Chan: I have had them too. when old Morty started training me (laughing)

DMaster: Rohlia goes over the Helkyr and they shake hands and talk

Chance: find somewhere to sit and quietly eat my food and sip my drink, thinking of how good the Affinity looked

DMaster: You finish your food and drink, You train a bit more with Helkyr and then he hands it over to Rohlia. Plugr and Victoria leave and so does the prince

Chance: take in every word Rohlia says

DMaster: Talia comes back out soon after, she doesn’t look happy.
ROH: (looks at Talia) you ready girl?
Talia just nods and grabs a bow, Rohlia trains you for about 2 hours. Its mid afternoon and Cassie walks out
CASS: Rohlia, think that is enough for the day
ROH: Sounds good, I was just wrapping it up
Cassie nods and walks over to the tent grabs a sword and starts playing around with it

Chance: Chan: perhaps the lady would like a challenger
Smirk at her.

DMaster: CASS: No…no.
Rohlia finishes up, Talia just puts the bow down, and walks off. Rohlia watches her leave
ROH (quietly) That girl is so desperate to prove herself, it is hindering her
Cassie nods while putting the sword back.

Chance: Chan: well she needs to stop doing it for everyone else but herself

DMaster: They both look at you and nod in agreement
ROH: I will get Ara for Chance and Ill be off
CASS: Thanks Rohlia, appreciate you

Chance: Chan: so Cassie how is umm…
kinda looking down

DMaster: CASS: Ohhh let’s not go there shall we. I spent the afternoon with her.
Looking at you directly
CASS: The Prince was wondering who you were. I can only hope for some understanding from him when he finds out you were the one who saved Affinity. He might feel threatened, or who knows with this guy. As of now, I don’t think he knows “who” you are

Chance: Chan: maybe its best it stays that way
Still looking down

DMaster: CASS: Well truth has to be unveiled, he might surprise us and throw you a hero’s parade.
She is tapping her fingers on the table she is leaning in. Ara comes out, she has soot on her face and is wiping her hands off on a rag
ARA: How’d it perform
DM: You thought it did very well, just needs to be tightened up a hair

Chance: Chan: well on the lunges it was as you said it would be a bit clanky, it needs tightened, other than that it performed very well

DMaster: Ara is looking you over, pulling at straps, etc
CASS: Ill leave you to it then
Cassie walks off towards the other side double doors, Ara undresses you and is looking over the armor. She smiles.
ARA: Good, good
The air is a bit cool when it hits your sweat soaked clothes
ARA: Go get inside, We are good here