Oh, So You Can Read Minds?

Previously In The Last Adventure:

The quarter elf deals with the awkward moment with Affinity and his mom. After a make shift party, Chance confronts an assassin who was too kill the Princess. He uses his new found knowledge to foil the plot. Erikka is stabbed and Chance also finds the Princess, who was stabbed as well. The investigation begins and suspicions rise.

NSFW Warning / Bad Grammar

This text will contain language not suitable for some people. It is merely an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. We are not trying to be the next J.R.R. Tolkien, so there will be misspelled words, fragmented sentences and things that just don’t make sense. Once in a while there will be some nudity and sexual themes, you will be warned ahead of time. Just read, enjoy and have fun!

Main Characters

EP#10 Oh, So You Can Read Minds?

So Cassie can read minds?

Chance: I will smile a little and wink at Birgetta while looking around the room to see who is here

DMaster: BRIT: Chance!
She smiles. The beautiful blonde woman is wearing a short skirt with an open light blue blouse. She looks really good. Brit walks over to you.

Chance: Chan:Yes Britney

DMaster: BRIT: Excuse me, Birgetta, I have to speak with Chance
Birgetta looks at Britney, gives you another quick hug, nods and walks away towards the table she was sitting at before.

Chance: Chan: what did you need to talk about?

DMaster: BRIT: The plans for the royal vacation has obviously been changed, dramatically.

Britney talking to Chance, telling a hero to clean toiletsChance: Chan: Well I kind of figured it would be, with what happened

DMaster: BRIT: But we do not want to seem like something happened, so we have to keep up appearances. The island knows something went down, but no one knows what, except for a choice few

Chance: Chan: I understand and we say nothing. My lips are sealed.

DMaster: BRIT: Exactly.
She looks about the room, squeezes your arm.
BRIT: Well get ready for your shift, hero

Chance: Chan: as you say
Give her a ‘really?’ look, I shall go get ready for my shift.

DMaster: The entrance area is well lit, and the air is warm and dry. Birgetta is slowly sipping tea staring out in la-la land and Brit heads behind the desk

Chance: I go back upstairs and change my clothes, into my work outfit and comeback downstairs. odd, I just saved one of the most important persons life on Legon, and here I am, going to clean a shitter. Chuckle to myself. No shame in being humble.

DMaster: You head back down, Birgetta is gone and the bottom floor is eerily quiet. The typical brigade of guards there but compared to the last 28 hours its very quiet. Britney walks over to you again

DMaster: She looks out the door and then back at you.
BRIT: I feel really bad, things are not looking good for Helynne

Chance: Chan: Why is that? Not that it is my place to ask such a question.

DMaster: Britney looks down a bit at the floor
BRIT: Between her and me, we were in charge of the security and obviously…
The beautiful Inn owner slowly sighs
BRIT: It failed

Chance: Chan: Well isn’t a good thing I was around then. You know, nothing is full proof or perfect.
Smiling a little

DMaster: BRIT: I could punch the King in the nose and he would still love me, but Helynne….
She squints her eyes a bit and looks down

Chance: Chan: Don’t be so hard on yourself, no one knew what was gonna happen

DMaster: BRIT: Still. Helynne has been good to us so far, we could be rotting in the Camerondale Prison right now
She fiddles with her necklace a bit
BRIT: I moved here to relax, run a simple inn, Not deal with Kings, Captains and Assassins.

Chance: Chan: Well maybe Animax had more for you to do

DMaster: she shakes her head a bit, rubs your arm.
BRIT: Just clean up the place, double check the 2nd floor, the king and princess will be moving back into there tonight
She walks back to the desk.

Chance: Chan: as you wish
I will get to work and do as Britney asked, clean up the main floor first

DMaster: You clean up the bottom floor. then head up to the 2nd floor, there is one guard at the far end.

Chance: Get to work then, nod to the guard

DMaster: The guard nods back, looking bored out of his skull. The hallway is super clean, when you enter the Kings room you see it is spotless

Chance: check the princess’s room

DMaster: The princesses room is still a bit of a mess, so you start working on that. There is reminisce of the blood Affinity smeared on the wall when she was trying to stand up. There is a slit in the floor where the sword went through the assassin, and a blood stain that does not come clean.

Chance: I will clean up any reminder of the blood and event. I can probably cover that slit with a rug.

DMaster: DM: Yeah that is when a girl doesn’t trim down there… boom cha!
You venture down in one of the storage closets and find a rug

Chance: Bring the rug back to the room

DMaster: You lay it down and it fits nicely… not as regal as you might of liked, but it works

Chance: Don’t want the Princess seeing that anyways

DMaster: For the most part you get the blood off the walls and floors.

Chance: make sure the room looks nice and super neat before I leave the room

DMaster: It looks pretty damn good, much better than before. just then:
Britney peeks her head in
BRIT: How goes it?

Chance: Chan: As good as it is going to get, Brit
Pause a moment.
Chan: Brit, Get… Rhymed.

DMaster: Britney’s eyes open bigger, pleasenetly surprised by how clean, not pleasently surprised at the short attempt at poetry.
BRIT: No.. no this looks good I was afraid to let them back in with all the blood stains but it looks like you fixed it. Just put on new linen on the beds and let me know when you are done

Chance: Chan: I shall do that, wont take me too long. I will go get some new bed linens and get rid of the old ones go downstairs

DMaster: there is a linen closet on this floor and you replace all the linens, the room does look good. You carry them down and put them in the laundry room. Britney is at the desk drinking some bean water and nibbling on some crackers

Chance: Chan: All done, is there anything else you would like me to do

DMaster: BRIT: Yes, I’m going to get them back down into their 2nd floor. Once that happens, go up to the 3rd floor and clean out the rooms. So your mom doesn’t have to do it all tomorrow.

Chance: Chan: do you want me to carry their stuff back down? Before I clean the third floor?

DMaster: BRIT: I think they can handle that, they didn’t bring much up there

Chance: Chan: I was gonna say I wouldn’t mind at all

DMaster: Britney nods as she heads up the stairs
BRIT: No, get some food to eat while I get this sorted out.

Chance: Chan: Okay sounds good to me.
go get some food and something to drink

DMaster: You are nibbling on some food. Britney, the King and Birgetta come down the stairs

Chance: stop what I am doing and bow a little

DMaster: The King nods to you, but is in conversation with Britney

Chance: just quietly eat and listen

DMaster: KING: They should be arriving tomorrow morning
BRIT: I will get Chance on it tonight and let Josephine do the final touches in the morning
The king looks at Birgetta and motions her out the Inn, they both leave, followed by a guard and a Knight

Chance: thinking to myself, great more work for me to do

DMaster: BRIT: Chance, get up to the 3rd floor and clean out the rooms, we have more guests coming in tomorrow morning, Just get it clean, your mom will do the final decorating tomorrow morn

Chance: Chan: Will get right on that Britney after I clean up my mess here

DMaster: She wheels around an looks
She looks at your plate
BRIT: I am sorry, got a lot on my mind. Take your time, finish eating.

Chance: Smile and nod in acknowledgement. finish eating and drinking and take my plate away and clean it and then head up to the third floor

Calisara is the Knight of CamerondaleDMaster: She walks back over to the front desk as Corina comes in. As you head for the 3rd floor, passing by the 2nd floor, you see 6 guards staggered along the hallway, and Calasario walking down the hallway (Knight)

Chance: keep moving to the third floor as work must get done

DMaster: You get to the 3rd floor and there is one guard at the end of the hallway there are 6 rooms on the 3rd floor (pretty big too) you search for the rooms and go in

Chance: get started on cleaning one room at a time

DMaster: The kings room was fine, just a messed up bed that you turn down, some sand, and an empty cup. You finish in no time. The princesses room was a mess, as usual. some of the sheets still had blood on it, bandages balled up in the corner, cups and plates everywhere

Chance: clean it as good as I can change the linens, if they look like they need changed and then take the cups and plates downstairs

DMaster: you notice something under one of the beds

Chance: take a look

DMaster: it appears to be a bracelet, fine gold craftsmanship

Chance: grab the bracelet. When I am finished take it downstairs to give to Britney

DMaster: You dump off the linens. Britney is talking with Corina

Chance: Chan: Britney I found this under one of the beds in the princess’s room
Show her the bracelet then hand it to her

DMaster: Britney looks up at you then the bracelet
BRIT: Oh, OH, that’s mine.
Corina raises one eye brow and Britney looks befuddled
BRIT: Yup I bought that 2 years ago
Dangling it down from her hands
BRIT: Haven’t worn it in, forever…
Brit shakes her head and puts it in her pocket.

Chance: Chan: Well then I am glad I found it for you

DMaster: Britney looks at you and smiles
BRIT: thank you, thats about it for the day it’s late anyways
You think it is close to 9pm.
BRIT: You just have to finish turning the beds down and you would be done

Chance: Chan: I can finish up, it is no trouble at all

DMaster: The blonde woman smiles and nods
BRIT: thanks, have a good night
As you walk up the stairs you hear Corina convince her to go to bed too

Chance: head back to the third floor, then I will go to my apartment and go in

DMaster: You finish up the beds and the rooms are now clean. Going into your apartment your mom looks up at you from the couch, she was reading a book

Chance: Chan: Hi Mom
Lock the door when I get inside

DMaster: JOS: Oh hey Chance, all done for the day?

Chance: Chan: Yes finally (smiling) Didn’t want Britney to have to do it all, then you get stuck with it tomorrow.

DMaster: She smiles. The window is open and you can see the fading sunset a real nice breeze blows in

Chance: Chan: think I am going to go to bed mom I am beat

DMaster: Jos: OK hon, sleep good
She opens her book back up and continues reading

Chance: go to my room and crack the window open and shut my door

DMaster: feel the wind rush in, you can hear the seagulls in the distance, the usual warm smell of the beach and water wafting in. You are really tired.

Chance: take off my work clothes and lay on the bed

DMaster: you fall asleep quickly – wake up a few times during the night, but for the most part not a bad sleep


DMaster: Oddly enough it is cloudy outside, and the air is a bit cooler and humid

Chance: look out the window take in the air and then go get cleaned up before I get dressed and head downstairs

DMaster: You use the pulley system to get some fresh water and clean up Get dressed and ready to go. your shift starts at high sun.

Chance: well nothing wrong with getting started early after I get a bite to eat. I head downstairs make sure I lock the apartment up before I leave and then head downstairs

DMaster: The 2nd floor is quiet but again 6 guards and a Knight the bottom floor is also quiet, Ferra is at the front desk looking tired as hell.

Chance: Chan: Ferra why dont you go get some sleep, I can take over

DMaster: Ferra looks at you oddly
FER: And the Inn will run by itself, like magic and I will get fired…
Sticks both thumbs up
FER: great idea!
She laughs a bit
FER: Sorry. No only me, Corinna and Britney can run the inn. Thank you for offering though, it was sweet.

Chance: Nod. well then guess time to go take a walk, head down toward the beach

DMaster: You head out. You see some early risers walk by, some locals heading to work. Its still cloudy about 70 degrees

Chance: keep walking till I get down to the beach

DMaster: The island is essentially one huge beach… but the biggest stretch is where you are heading. On the beach and you can see in the distance the docks

Chance: just find a secluded spot to sit and watch the waves and sit back and relax, look in the direction off the docks now and again.

DMaster: You are daydreaming, thinking of Affinity and her big green eyes. After a while see some commotion down by the docks. See what appears to be a Knight, a bunch of guards a few “servants” and two regal looking people walking down the boardwalk. One has flowing blonde hair, the other its black high and tight hair. You figure its almost 10:00 AM

Chance: I am just gonna lean back and go back to daydreaming

DMaster: After an hour or so you figure its time to head back

Chance: wipe any sand off me and head back to the Inn

DMaster: The Inn is bustling, you see more guards outside and Helynne over by the guard house

Chance: see who is at the front desk

DMaster: Walking in, you see Brit hugging a guy in royal attire, and a beautiful blonde woman standing next to them smiling

Chance: Bow as I approach the front desk

DMaster: Britney looks past the guy and sees you
BRIT: OH, and here is the man of the hour. Chance!

Introduction of Xavier, Duke of Camerondale

Xavier, Duke of CamerondaleChance: Chan: ummm what?

DMaster: A man wheels around and looks at you with a great big smile. He grabs you and hugs you. Then pulls away a bit with his hands on your shoulders

Chance: Chan: M’lord *smiling*

DMaster: BRIT: Uhhh Xavier… want to introduce yourself before you fondle my employees

Chance: smirk alittle

DMaster: XAV: (Smiling) Oh sorry, yes, I am Xavier, Duke of Camerondale and this is my sister Cassie, The Baroness

Introduction of Cassie, Baroness of Camerondale

Chance: Chan: M’lord, M’lady

DMaster: Cassie with a huge smile hugs you much nicer than Xavier

Chance: bowing a little

DMaster: CAS: Thank you! thanks…. uhhhh
She is looking directly in your eyes With a bewildered look

Chance: Chan: is there something wrong, M’lady?

DMaster: She takes a step back and looks to the floor, she puts her hands to her temple… you see her furrow her brow.
XAV: Cass? Whats up? you ok?
Britney gives you a worried look

Chance: look at Britney, shrug shoulders

DMaster: Cassie looks back at you and gives a “What did you do” look, her eyes start to squint. Just then Cassie’s eyes grow big, and she gasps putting her hand over her mouth

Chance: taking all this in

DMaster: Xavier is taken a back and Britney looks back at her with concern. Slowly Cassie looks back up at you with a look that would chill a lava pit. She grabs you by your shirt and shoves you hard against one of the pillars making your head bounce off the wood.
XAV: What the hell, CASS!

Chance: Chan: Hey what was that for?

DMaster: Your head starts to pound, and you get a splitting headache next thing you know you are getting dragged out to a large palm tree 20 yards from the Inn. Things were blurry for a bit, you heard some arguing as you were getting pulled out. You come to, against a palm tree with Cassie pacing back and forth in front of you.

Chance: Try to stand up.
Chan: did I do something to offend you M’lady?

DMaster: The Baroness is pointing at Xavier and Britney
CASS: Just let me be for a moment with… Chance.
The two turn around and slowly walk back in. Britney shrugging her shoulders while she talks to Xavier.
CASS: Before I do or say anything un-lady like. I can’t thank you enough for saving my daughters life
She stops pacing and looks at you

Chance: Give her a confused look, rubbing my head.
Chan: well then why did you do that?

DMaster: She takes a deep breath.
CASS: I am doing everything in my power not to rip you limb from limb.

Chance: Chan: Wait, did you say daughter?

DMaster: Her face gets angry again… face flushing

Chance: Chan: Oh, you mean the Princess
look down

DMaster: CASS: Yes… yes… who did you think I was?

Chance: Chan: well I wasn’t sure M’lady, but I saw the regal clothes
just keep looking down thinking to myself I am so dead

DMaster: CASS: Yes, you are…
She is mumbling to herself a bit “Maybe I am wrong, maybe I am just tired… but noo… ” Xavier sticks his head out of the Inn, yelling
XAV: You ok?
CASS: Leave… us… BE!
Giving Xavier a sharp glance
CASS: I am not sure where to start, so I will allow you to….

Chance: Chan: I don’t know where to begin. What is it you wish to know?
still looking down

DMaster: CASS: Why you would sneak the Princess, my DAUGHTER off to a remote part of the island without guards?
She continues to pace, looks at you
CASS: I am guessing to Glimmer bay, she has obsessed about that since I told her about it.

Chance: Chan: ummm how did you know that?
Shock in my eyes then looking down

DMaster: You see her look in your eyes again and she grits her teeth.
CASS: You just confirmed everything…
clenching her fist

Chance: Chan: well M’lady she asked me too and I couldn’t say no, in my defense

DMaster: The furious blonde woman’s eyes bulge and steps back.
CASS: Oh… OH! I’m sorry You couldn’t say no?! So this is the Princess, soon to be leader of the most powerful kingdom on Legon and MY DAUGHTER… but “you couldn’t say no?”

Chance: Chan: M’lady I have never dealt with royalty before so I beg your forgiveness

DMaster: CASS: You didn’t think of saying “no” when, I dont know, she stripped naked and ran into Glimmer Bay?
Waving her hands around with purpose

Chance: Don’t answer, keep looking down

DMaster: She steps up to you, grabs your chin, lifts your head up so to meet her; eye to eye.
CASS: Could you of said NO before you stuck your DICK in my DAUGHTER?!?
Rage burns in her eyes and your head starts to pound again

Chance: Hold my head ‘oh my head’

Xavier running out to see whats upDMaster: She grabs your throat for a minute, then releases it… like she thought better to rip your throat out. She backs off.
She walks to a close tree, pounds her hand on side of it. Xavier and Britney come running out
BRIT: CASS! Easy there… WTF?!
XAV: Cass, ENOUGH! tell us what is going on NOW!

Chance: look away

DMaster: You slide down the palm tree holding your head. You can hear the conversation
CASS: Nothing… leave me be
XAV: No, this is unlike you, talk to me…

Chance: pulling yourself up out of the sand, damn my head

DMaster: BRIT: I love you Cass, but you are not going to just drag Chance all over, strangle him and not tell us what the hell you are doing. Xavier takes a deep breath and looks about the situation.
XAV: Ok, ok. Cass, lets take a walk, lets cool off here
Cassie’s eyes are welling up, voice trembling a bit
CAS: I just can’t even…
Stammers a bit shaking her head. Through the brightness of the sky you can see Xavier and Cassie walk off towards the beach. Britney watches them walk away and then walks to you, bending down next to you.

Chance: still holding my head

DMaster: After a few moments, Britney is squatting with her arms on her knee caps
BRIT: OK (eyes wide) want to tell me what the hell just happened?

Chance: Chan: I messed up Britney
looking away

DMaster: Britney is nodding in agreement, tilts her head.
BRIT: Umm, that much I guessed

Chance: Chan: let’s just say you might wanna keep me far away from her

DMaster: She shakes her head a little bit, waiting for more info.

Chance: Chan: I don’t wanna tell you, I am afraid of what you might do.

DMaster: She closes her eyes slowly, lets out a big sigh and stands up smoothing out her skirt and shirt.
BRIT: Worse than what Cassie just did to you?

Chance: Chan: but if you help me up, I guess I will spill my guts

DMaster: She grabs your arm and you stand up, a bit wobbly. Sand falls off most of your clothing and she is wiping your back off. She glances over to the Inn.
BRIT: Here, lean on this tree, I’ll be right back.

Chance: Find a tree to lean on

DMaster: You see her run over to the entrance way where the King was poking his head out. In the distance you hear him ask where Cass and Xavier are. Britney said they just went for a quick walk to get some supplies. Brit makes quick work of the King and she heads back over to you. Grabs your arm and walks you to a more remote part of the beach where it is over grown.
BRIT: Sit and Spill
She sits down crossed leg trying not to show the world what is under her skirt.

Chance: Chan: I took the princess to Glimmer Bay alone with no guards, and well…

DMaster: Her eyes pop open, surprised, mouth wide open.
BRIT: Chance. How? How did you get by security?

Chance: I will look down
Chan: that was easy, we went out my window

DMaster: BRIT: So much for security, jebus.
She shakes her head, sighs, then looks back up at you.
BRIT: Like a rope or something?

Chance: Chan: Yes a rope

DMaster: BRIT: I know I’m going to regret this but, what did you mean by ‘and well…’

Chance: Take a deep breath, looking down
Chan: next thing I know she strips down and gets in the water. Then beckons me to come in the water

DMaster: She is ridgid, a twinge of jealousy washes over her, but the realization of what he is about to say hits her.
BRIT: Oh, no. no. Please don’t tell me…
Her head drops down

Chance: still looking down rubbing my temple

DMaster: BRIT: Now it all makes sense, Cassie can read minds to a point
Britney slowly shaking her head
BRIT: She is not 100% human… I am not sure what else she is.

Chance: Chan: I am so sorry, I messed up I know that

DMaster: BRIT: She must of read that in your mind… wait. Were you thinking of having sex with the Princess when you met Cass?
Gives out a sad and disappointing chuckle, still shaking her head

Chance: Chan: maybe I was daydreaming of the princess before I met the Baroness

DMaster: BRIT: I am at a loss Chance… You have done some dumb and crazy things, but this… this.
An exhausted stressed look washes over her face.
BRIT: I have to head back and start up the damage control. Go to Morty, hang with him for the rest of the morning, I will come get you later

Chance: Chan: It just kind of happened, I know I don’t make the best decisions, but it was like this blur.

DMaster: BRIT: A blur of bad decisions, and not one triggered to say, hey maybe not the best idea here.
She shakes her head and points to Morties.

Chance: I will slowly try to walk down to where Morty usually is

DMaster: You are a little wobbly, but you make it there. The day is heating up, as the clouds are starting to part. Morty is sitting by his boxes eating some bread

Chance: Chan: Morty, there you are

DMaster: You see Nixxy out by the water hitting on some younger man
MORT: Ahh Chance my boy. How goes it?

Chance: Chan: You don’t want to know, I messed up big time
looking down

NixxyDMaster: MORT: (nom nom) Oh? Well…
He looks out towards Nixxy and shakes his head
MORT: So did I Chance, so did I….

Chance: Chan: please tell me you have some hard stuff to drink here
Look around his cabana area.

DMaster: MORT: Actually, believe it or not… I don’t. With Nixxy here, she drinks pretty heavily too.
He looks up a bit, squints at the brightness and snorts
MORTY: Need to go get some

Chance: Chan: well let’s go get some please

DMaster: He shakes his head a bit, then looks at you with concern.
MORT: I am going to say no to that, plus they don’t open up until later this afternoon. Whats eating you my boy?

Chance: Chan: well I will be surprised if I don’t get locked up for what I am about to tell

DMaster: His eyes grow wider…
MORT: Do tell

Chance: Chan: I might as well tell you since Britney knows too, I took the princess to Glimmer Bay alone and ummmmm
Looking down

DMaster: MORT: Yeah, it must of been beautiful, she probably loved it

Chance: Chan: But her mom knows everything that happened there, I am so in trouble
closing my eyes shaking head a little
Chan: why didn’t I just say no?

DMaster: MORT: Why would you be in trouble for taking her to Glimmer bay?

Chance: Chan: its the “umm” part Morty, things happened

DMaster: You can tell he wasn’t getting it
MORT: Yeah shimmery rocks, moonlight, its romantic… and…
“Light dawns on marble head”

Chance: Chan: Me and the princess got naked together

DMaster: MORT: Oh… OH… OH!

Chance: Chan: for Animax sake what was I thinking, she is royalty after all, I don’t think the King knows yet

DMaster: Morty is looking worried
MORT: I have ins with the King, I can ask for leniency, he owes me quite a few favors.

Chance: Chan: I am so dead, what was I thinking?!

DMaster: MORT: Well you were thinking with your little pecker!
He glances up
MORT: Oh, here comes Brit, does she know?
You see Britney walking your way

Chance: Chan: Yes she does, just don’t say anything please, I don’t want this to leak-out

DMaster: The clouds are all but gone now, in the noon day heat
MORT: Not a word, not a fucking word
He says quiet, puts his hand on your shoulder.

Chance: Chan: I have caused enough trouble

Behind The Scenes

Cassie trying to understand what just happened on this IslandCassie watches as her brother Xavier leaves the room after talking to him. Brother in everything but blood.

She is still shaking a bit, her mind racing trying to get the visions and events under control. ‘I hate white lying to my brother, but I just can’t let anyone else know how deep this goes’, she thinks to her self. It makes her wince, not with pain but a realization that her daughter, the love of her life, is no longer her sweet little girl.

Cassandra was an orphan at an early age. Her parents were most likely killed because of the “magic” like things they could do. It wasn’t magic, it was a Psionic ability, that seems to be past down generation to generation. But to simple minds, it looks and feels like magic. They were hunted down and killed for performing this magic, time and time again.

She was adopted by a secretive group, most only know it as an orphanage that helped the less fortunate. They were dead wrong, it was a training facility for young ones, teenagers and adults; it was part of the Assassin conglomerate called the Phenix Guild. Once Cassie was old enough, she excelled at training, she immersed herself in it. In many ways she felt it is the only thing she had. That is where she met her brother at the age of 10; Xavier. He had the same early childhood and the same moral compass.

They fed off each other, challenging themselves to be better more proficient and by the ripe age of 17, they were going on their own missions together. These were not shopping for bread and water, they were missions of killing, sabotage and mayhem. By the age of 22, they were one of the top duo’s in the guild, with Xaviers uncanny stealth ability and Cassie Psionic powers. They eventually bought their freedom with a quest they undertook, that will not be mentioned in this story.

disappointed in her girl for humping the cabana boyCassie and Xavier ended up freelancers, and they made one hell of a living out of it. Each assassination would net them 100’s of platinum. Between her and her brother, and all the money they have accumulated, it has to exceed 50K PP (half-a-billion dollars in comparison). But it all came to a screeching halt when they were hired to create Mayhem in Camerondale, and they met Vulcuran. Long story short, Cassie fell for the duke and the duke fell for her. Xavier was already looking to stop killing people for money. They found themselves on wildy important missions for the Kingdom, an loving it. Doing good for once, not creating chaos and pain. Their final mission, took Vulcuran, her only love mate she ever loved.

But he left her with a present; Cassie was pregnant with Affinity. It has been 20 years, and it has flown by. Now she finds herself at this point, at an Inn, in paradise, staring out a window, knowing her daughter was just fucked by the cabana boy days before her engagement with one of the Princes of Vermeer.

“Complicated, so damn complicated” She thinks to herself, feeling some sweat rolling down her back, “so damn warm too, but it feels good.”

She walks over to a table with some chairs, pulls out three seats, places them in the middle of the room. The visions of what she got from that Chance boy is still hard to believe, that her daughter would do such a thing. Affinity stripping down naked, them playing in the water, kissing and then making love. Cassie can’t help but to smirk a little, wondering if that boy had a boner while talking with her this morning.

The time for chuckles is over, she grabs some water and places it on the table. The Baroness walks over to the window and looks out over the island again. “Just have to keep a level head, I don’t want to be known as the cabana boy killer…”

DMaster: BRIT: Well damage control is in full swing. We calmed Cassie down, but she wants to talk with you again

Chance: Chan: oh this this isn’t gonna be pretty, I am sure
kick sand with my foot

DMaster: BRIT: I am not going to lie, it’s a shit storm. You are lucky you saved the Princesses life. Its the one factor that will keep you alive, er I mean out of too much trouble.
You both say goodbye to Morty and walk towards the Inn.
BRIT: But once you get Cass calmed down and thinking, she always finds the best solutions. Years of running a giant Kingdom I suppose.

Chance: Chan: I best face the music then

DMaster: You two make it to the Inn, the bottom level is pretty empty, your mom is folding linens in the laundry room, Corina is behind the desk a few guards and a Knight posted. Brit takes you up to the 3rd level walks you to the farthest room and opens the door
BRIT: Good luck.
Then under her breath
BRIT: you are going to need it

Chance: walk in

DMaster: The room is furnished but has sheets over everything due to the Royal visit. The sun is shining through a partially shuddered window. Cassie is staring out the window, you see the sun reflect her blonde hair and you can see, for the first time, the resemblance with Affinity. The door shuts behind you

Chance: take all thoughts of Affinity out of my mind
Chan: M’lady I am here as you requested

DMaster: The Baroness looks a bit in your direction and then looks back outside
CASS: Uh huh.
She changed her clothes, she is now in thin linen pants and a light blouse

Chance: Chan: first off, I want to apologize again for everything I have done. if I could change it all I would

DMaster: Still not looking at you and speaking softly
CASS: Well, we can’t… can we?
She turns around and walks over to a small table with a pitcher and two glasses on it. She pours two glasses of what appears to be water. There are three chairs. Still talking a bit low
CASS: Here, have a seat
She kicks out a chair as she sits down in hers

Chance: I will slowly walk over to the chair and sit down
Chan: I have always been getting into trouble and when I do it boy do I do it

DMaster: Cassie takes a drink of her water. Puts the cup back down, nods her head a little.

Chance: looking down so as not to look at her, so as not to compare her to affinity

DMaster: After a few moments of utter agony, waiting for anything to happen. Cassie, still talking low
CASS: Affinity knows better, as much as I want to ring your neck for allowing this to happen, she knows better.

Chance: trying to keep thoughts of Affinity out of my head
Chan: and I wouldn’t blame for wanting to ring my neck M’lady

DMaster: CASS; So since it takes two to tango…
You hear noise outside the door, then a knock on the door
CASS: Come in
The door opens and its Affinity, She walks in, big smile on her face

Chance: Stand up turn to her.

DMaster: She looks to her mom then locks eyes with you. A silence washes over the room. Slowly her eyes get bigger, tears start to well up. With purpose she walks to you and embraces you, softly crying.

Chance: Chan: Uhh, your grace?

DMaster: She pulls back, big smile on her face
AFF: You. Saved my life Chance. I think that deserves at least a hug right?

Chance: Nod head to her, kind of glance over to Cassie, then back to her.
Chan: It very well can, but maybe… not the best time for that.
Give her a puppy dog look.

DMaster: She glances over to her mother, releasing you.
AFF: Hey Mom, whats this all about…?
She sees the look on her face. it is not of happiness, it is of anger and disbelief.
AFF: Mom…?
A shocked look washes over the princesses face.

Chance: Chan: she knows
Sit down, put my head in my hands

DMaster: Cassie kicks out a chair next to you, the door closes.
CASS: Sit Hon…
With a slightly angry notion and motions her to the chair. You see the blood drain from her face, her mouth open, tears start to form in her eyes.

Chance: still looking down, hoping this ends soon

DMaster: She slowly walks to the chair, sits, glances at her mother who’s anger on her face is evident. She looks down.
AFF: I can, I…
The Princess takes a deep breath. Cassie bites her bottom lip, looks to the side, and blankly out to the window

Chance, fearing for his life to Cassandra BaronessChance: Chan: This is my fault, I knew better, and…

DMaster: Cassie brings her glance to both of you
CASS: I have so much I want to say and ask. But you have put me, and any party knowing the events, in quite a pickle.

Chance: Chan: yes M’lady

DMaster: You can see tears trickling down Affinities face, her hands feverishly wringing her hands.

Chance: Chan: I take full responsibility for this. It is not Affinities.
Eyes grow big, remembering what Birgetta said, cursing to myself.
Chan: I mean… (gulp) The Princesses fault.

DMaster: Her annoyed look that she is aiming at you, changes focus, she leans towards Affinity ignoring your comments
CASS: Talk to me kiddo. What were you thinking?
Tilting her head with a now more caring look
AFF: Well.
She pauses a moment, as to make sure she says the right things.
AFF: I planned on going to Glimmer Bay no matter what, I dreamt about seeing it since you told me when I was 13. When I met Chance, I realized that was my way to get there…
Cassie leans back, takes another sip of water, obvious pain on her face.

Chance: look up alittle

DMaster: CASS: Why didn’t you just ask to go?
Putting her cup down, not taking her eyes off her daughter.

Chance: Chan: can I speak, M’lady?

DMaster: Cassie shakes her head, looks at you then back to Affinity.
The Princess is wiping her nose bit and sniffles
AFF: Oh I am sure Grandpa would just let us stroll out to a beach at midnight to see a few glowing rocks
Affinity gets up and walks over to the dresser and grabs a cloth, wipes her nose and rubs her eyes with it. She puts her gaze back to you, nods as though you can speak.

Chance: Chan: This was my fault. I knew better, I…

DMaster: Cassie stops you and nods once
CASS: We heard you the first time
She pauses and smirking a bit
CASS: I appreciate that you are owning up to it.
Affinity sits back down, puts her hands in between her legs

Chance: Chan: I am very sorry for the mess I made, if there is anything I can do…

DMaster: A short silence falls over the room. Suddenly Affinity blurts out:
AFF: It was amazing!
Her eyes grow big. Cassie is taken back, tilts her head, eyes growing big.
CASS: It was… amazing?
Snapping her head to one side with some annoyance.
CASS: The Bay or the sex?
She says with a sharp tone.

Chance: blush a little, look down again.

DMaster: Looks up at her mom then looks down
AFF: Both
A little defiance in her voice
AFF: It was more beautiful than I ever dreamed of.

Chance: Chan: Not sure this is the time to be…

DMaster: Cassie rubs her forehead. Affinity gives you a sharp glance then brings her chin up and pulls back her shoulders
AFF: It just kind of happened, I mean the visit to the Bay was premeditated, but everything else, just kind, of, happened, and
Cassie puts her hand up
CASS: Don’t need the details, I got too many from the cabana boy over here.

Chance: *start blushing alittle*

Telling her mother the sexual encounter with ChanceDMaster: Affinity shakes off her mothers request.
AFF: It was so overwhelming, and I just decided…
She pauses a moment, a small smile washes over her face.
AFF: fuck it. Ill never get this chance again
She is nodding her head and looks around a second
AFF: no pun intended
Cassie choked a bit on the water she just took.
CASS: well…
Her eyes widen – Looks at you
CASS: Did you pull out?
Affinities eyes bulge, shocked
Her mouth open wide

Chance: Chan: Quite the question, ummmm.
Try not to smirk or laugh.

Cassie, still a bit stunned, dealing with itDMaster: CASS: This is no laughing matter
Looks sternly at the both of you
CASS: We can’t have a pregnant Princess with no husband, and a bastard child for this Kingdom

Chance: Chan: I know tis not, M’lady
Lower my shoulders, look a bit away
Chan: No we don’t need that, do we.
Thinking, well that is what I am, WTF

DMaster: She looks down in thought and looks over to you
AFF: Did you… pull out?

Chance: Chan: It all happened so fast, but I know better, I did.
Lift eyebrows a bit
Chan: I might have done one thing right.

DMaster: CASS: Are you sure?

Chance: Nod and look embarassed
Chan: Yes, I even made a bad joke in my head about sea men.

DMaster: Cassie closes her eyes, desperately trying not to crack, though you imagine she found that funny, or would have, anyways.
AFF: mentally, I wasn’t on Legon at that time
Cassie shoots a sharp glance at her daughter

Chance: Chan: ummmm what?
Looking at Affinity

DMaster: She blushes, and as you glance over, unexpectedly you are taking a back by her beauty. You shutter a breath, hoping no one caught that.
AFF: This is really weird talking to you about the other night with my Mom in the same room, thank Animax she cant read my mind
CASS: Oh really and why is that?

Chance: Chan: But she can read minds remember… wait, what? she can’t read your mind?

Affinity recounting the dirty deedDMaster: AFF: Because those two hours where the most exciting, passionate, overwhelming in my life.
She looks away
AFF: I don’t want it ruined with…
Cassie interupting, nodding her head purposefully
CASS: With responsibility of being a Princess?
Affinity gets up… walks to the window, quietly saying
AFF: At leaast not this time, it’s always the same…
After a long, mind numbing minute
CASS: Well this is not getting us any where
She pauses a moment
CASS: The end all of this; The King must never know… ever

Chance: Look at both of them, sigh

DMaster: Affinity whirls around from the window
AFF: Oh my, no, he must never ever know
Looks at you with a worried glance
CASS: Well the both of you are responsible. We will tell any party that “HAS” to know that you two went to Glimmer Bay at night, but nothing more. That is what I told Xavier, that is what I will tell the king. We must keep up appearances for the diplomats that are here visiting. We have two more meetings and if anyone of them finds out about any of this, it could get ugly

Chance: Chan: understood M’lady

DMaster: Cass stands up walks over to you and looks down at you
CASS: For what it is worth, I am sorry for what I did earlier. Now knowing your prowess in battle, I don’t feel so bad you taking her to Glimmer bay and well, thank you for saving her life. Affinity looks back at her mom then you, eyes a bit wide

Chance: Stand up, bow a little and I will smile slightly, nod my head.

Cassie, trying to come to terms with the situationDMaster: Cassie smirks a bit…
CASS: Come Affinity we have to go over some details for tomorrows dinner meeting
Affinity walks past you and looks at you with a sheepish puppy dog look.

Chance: look at her a little and her mom

DMaster: Affinity stops for just a moment, and squeezes your shoulder, like she was telling you; everything is going to be OK.

Chance: breath a sigh of relief and get up and head downstairs

DMaster: You open the door, Britney looks surprised, as she was just going to knock
She wipes her forehead
BRIT: PHEW. you are still alive

Chance: Chan: yes I am, cooler heads prevailed

DMaster: BRIT: Cass filled me in on what to do with the King. So all loose ends are tied up for now.

Chance: Chan: please just keep me busy, I have done enough damage already(whispering)