Category Archives: Chance

EP#98 Concerning The Princess

First Five Part One “It’s lost” Chance’s heart sinks, his body goes numb and his head swiveled around to meet Xaviers. “She is what? Dead?” He blurts out much to loud and that made Xavier jump a little. A few people stop and look at the tall man somewhat in shock. The Duke shakes his… Continue Reading

EP#97 Varows Legacy

EP#97 Varows Legacy

First Five Starts Now! The wind was starting to pick up and the sounds of wheat waving in the breeze was all the group could really hear. A wince or two and some heavy breathing followed shortly after. Then the Dahlia collectively looks around and about, then back to Chance after he mentioned they were… Continue Reading

EP#96 The Changeling

EP#96 The Changeling

First Five Starts Here The group trudges through the opening of the area, down the infamous street Called Copper Road. It leads to the center of “the Pit” where there is a fountain, with a statue of an unknown horse rider in the middle. As usual, the water is not on and the fountain area… Continue Reading

EP#95 The Convergence

EP#95 The Convergence

First Five Starts Now! Velencia lets out a small growl watching Rafferty race for one of these snake-like men. The two creatures stop for a moment taken back a bit by this display. Luckily they were a good 120 feet away. Both put a hand on their khopesh swords giving a quick glance to one… Continue Reading

EP#94 A Flawed Legacy

EP#94 A Flawed Legacy

First Five Begins Now! We continue right after the old man says… Grimblethorn: “It, guards the entrance to hell.” “Hell?” Velencia says with a slight chuckle, the 20 or so guards and the master of these lands, Mr. Grimblethorn gives her a surprised look. Making everyone jump, Chance lets out his typical belly laugh, making… Continue Reading

EP#93 Grimble Thorn

EP#93 Grimble Thorn

Part One: An Origin Story Of Sorts Chance looking straight out, “So does that mean, I… am an angel?” He stumbles a little on the words, realizing this makes the most sense. That he was born from something not of this plane. The group looks around, and an odd quiet is upon them as no… Continue Reading

EP#92 What Dreams May Come

EP#92 What Dreams May Come

First Five Begins Now! Raising an eyebrow, Chance glances about the room and sees that most of the Royal party looks, well for lack of better terms, defeated. Except Cassie who seems more perplexed and with a smirk on her face. “Rightful King?” Chance repeats raising an eyebrow to this man. He is well dressed,… Continue Reading

EP#91 The Destiny Of Two Queens

EP#91 The Destiny Of Two Queens

First Five Starts Now The Downfall of a Queen The newly crowned Queen of Magus Orion is staring at her brother who is standing in the middle of a ball room filled with the most important people on Legon, just acting like it is a stroll through the park. The silence was deafening. Everyone froze,… Continue Reading

EP#90 The Coronation

EP#90 The Coronation

First Five Begins Here Chance forces a smile to Cassie who was in a white outfit of leather, silver accents and jewelry. He sits down on the bench expecting it to be hard and uncomfortable, but it is wildly soft, but firm enough to hold his heavy ass. Smirking a bit, shifting he nods to… Continue Reading

EP#89 Beasts In Black

EP#89 Beasts In Black

Battle Written Out The battle is: Chance with Silent Fate and a shield, Shemrata with a metal legion whip, double bladed scimitar and Cescatia, just some spells. Vs. Four Verwadelen with claw slashes and paralyzing bites, plus a follower of Immryllion with a crossbow, sword and daggers. TOP OF ROUND ONE Chance in full champion… Continue Reading

EP#88 Portal Aftermath

EP#88 Portal Aftermath

First Five Begins Here “Yes, I have been filled in,” Chance snaps back a bit wearing his demon armor, still having anxiety about this, knowing there will be hell to pay on Monday AM with the Dahlia. Shaking her head giving him a frown Velencia walks to a cleric and hands him a few things.… Continue Reading

EP#87 Hidden Agenda

EP#87 Hidden Agenda

First Five Starts Now Chance lets out a sigh hearing that Emeric all but confirmed the missing people, the lair of Split Jaws and the search for this artifact called the Rarkeren was the work of “V” or Varow, or Bone Razor if you will. The group continues to scour over the boxes and boxes… Continue Reading

EP#86 Once Bitten, Twice Die

EP#86 Once Bitten, Twice Die

Battle Written Out Everyone is pretty quiet and they approach the light and some soft noise. The party moves along. The air is muggy, cooler and thin, the corridor seems to have collapsed but someone dug it out, leading into a large room. The smell of incense overwhelming. The room is roughly 20 feet in… Continue Reading

EP#85 Black Dahlia

EP#85 Black Dahlia

First Five Starts Here Chance stands there, staff in hand. His body turning numb. Remembering Zonnonoz talking, and the events that transpired. He glances down to the staff lighting up like a bonfire. “What will Finster think, what will he do? What about Animax?” he thinks to himself, slowly backing up. Something flashes in his… Continue Reading

EP#84 The Unwelcome Reunion

EP#84 The Unwelcome Reunion

The First Five Begins Here Stars twinkle in between a few passing clouds and the large moon sitting firmly on the horizon. It was a bit chilly of an evening and the wind was starting to pick up. The sun was setting, and it was getting dark. The six companions rode into Hillside, not looking… Continue Reading

EP#83 The Lockdown

EP#83 The Lockdown

DMaster: You are looking right at IKON, he lifts his hand up and (SNAP) Your eyes open, you are laying in a bed, covered, the room is dim and you are a wee bit chilly Chance: Look around to see if I can figure out just where I am DMaster: From what you can tell… Continue Reading

Deal With The Devil

Deal With The Devil

This is a 17 mini-chapter story about Chance and his ordeal in the Fires of Ardor. Written by the DMaster, assisted by T.Blair. Chapter 1 – Follow Your Nose Talia is looking at the one side of the bridge. She looks down one side of the river bank to the other. She squats, grabs some… Continue Reading

EP#82 Hospitality and Hostilities

EP#82 Hospitality and Hostilities

First Five Starts Here The group hunkers down and Volca makes a deal with the quicklings to stand watch for them for a short time. Everyone falls asleep rather quickly except Chance. Staring up at the odd colored “sky” and his mind racing with all the things that still have to be done, why the… Continue Reading

EP#81 Bam Kebrik

EP#81 Bam Kebrik

First Five Begins Now Continued from a “A Little Chat With A Friend” Talia gives Chance a wild look. “No, I do not like the smell of piss, goddammit it is going to be a month until I get the smell out of Lilly Girl!” The quarter elf smiles and gives Talia a playful push.… Continue Reading

EP#80 Welcome To The Underearth

EP#80 Welcome To The Underearth

First Five Begins Here The group is making their way through the great City Capital of Thoraxe and as much as it is a wondrous site to see, it was wearing on them. The steady incline was tough to walk. After about an hour they finally make it to the inner walls. People are walking… Continue Reading

EP#79 Into The Valley of Thoraxe

EP#79 Into The Valley of Thoraxe

The group was hightailing it through the Free Lands in hopes to make it to a location called Shadow Run, one of the few places it is safe (or safer). After night hit, and they were not there yet they spotted lights. Inasatra, the Eldergleen Elf, scouted it out only to find they had “Dirty… Continue Reading

EP#78 A Talk Amongst Gods

EP#78 A Talk Amongst Gods

NOTE: When you see (e) in the dialog, that means it is being spoken in the Elven language. Now – Early Morning The sky was clear and the air was brisk. The Champion walks slowly down the main road in Hillside, head a bit down wondering what time it was and if anyone will be… Continue Reading

EP#77 Ride to Hillside

EP#77 Ride to Hillside

First Five Starts Now Chance stops at the door staring in at Harlow. Khamyra walks past and glances at the Captain. The exchange of looks told the Onyx Elf to get everyone out of the house. Chance walks to his large cabinet, opens it and places some of the daggers and other things in it.… Continue Reading

EP#76 No Bones About It

EP#76 No Bones About It

First Five Starts Here Freya (Friday) 7:00AM After a few times getting up with the Kids, Chance finally gets to sleep. “My wife said my brains were in my ass, no wonder I have so many brain farts! yeah, went there, get up! It’s 7:00 AM!” The crier is yelling, echoing throughout the town. “Creative”… Continue Reading

EP#75 Backlash

EP#75 Backlash

First Five Begins Now Chance heads for home, but halfway there decides to take a detour. Something he has been wanting to do for a while, and it is high time he did it. At a full gallop he rides for 10-12 minutes north, to the Temple of Finster’s entrance. He jumps off of Toby… Continue Reading

EP#74 He Who Hesitates

EP#74 He Who Hesitates

First Five Starts Here Chance and Khamyra separate and look around. It is like they can hear soft footsteps, but they can’t see anything moving. Then in the majestic light of the decorations a figure appears in front of them. Chance pushes his wife behind him, starting to turn over to the Champion. “Calm down… Continue Reading

EP#73 The Wedding Part Two

EP#73 The Wedding Part Two

The story is massive, maybe the biggest we have done, so I have chopped it into two parts. Part One can be found here. It was just a bit too much at one time. We pick up when Chance wakes up on his wedding day… Starday (Sunday) 9:00AM – The Wedding DMaster: its about 9:00AM,… Continue Reading

EP#73 The Wedding Part One

EP#73 The Wedding Part One

The story is massive, maybe the biggest we have done, so I have chopped into two parts. Part Two can be found here. It was just a bit too much at one time. First Five Begins Here The Champion makes his way down the road to his home after his bachelor party. Walks in and… Continue Reading

EP#72 Life Of The Party

EP#72 Life Of The Party

First Five Begins Here Khamyra skittering to a halt and dropping to her knees she reaches for her mother. The fallen woman is motionless. She puts her hand across her mother’s mouth, it is still, it is cold… tears begin to form, panic overtakes the Warlock. “Vel! Vel! She is not breathing, get over here!”… Continue Reading

EP#71 The Temple of Finster

EP#71 The Temple of Finster

First Five Written Out The Priestess of Finster just finished telling the group that Varow is after Khamyra because she has available mana to extract. Everyone stops what they are doing and looks towards the High Priestess, who is dressed in black, a light flowing gown, a vest with a push up bustier and a… Continue Reading