Camerondale Academy

The Realm’s Higher Education Institute That Will Open Next Year

Camerondale with it’s influx of money wants to put it back into the Kingdom. Looking long term to improve the Realm but also in many ways to create a money maker in the next few decades. The idea was brought up and implemented that an Academy will be built in Camerondale. Clovendale and Iraxacan both have very large ones and it does very well, increases the revenue of the surrounding area plus improve the standard of living for their people.

For the time being, just the Arcane Arts and Alchemy will be separated out into classes.

The following is a quick reference to what “majors” are available for the new college:

  • Agriculture, Forestry and Animal Husbandry
  • Arcane Arts and Alchemy
  • Architecture, Teaching and Engineering
  • Culinary and Art
  • Management, Law and Government
  • Smithy, Craftsmanship, Merchant and Economics

Arcane Arts and Alchemy

With the story arc, this is the only “major” that needs to be broken out. For now I have a half-list of some jobs or classes that this associates with. This will help me define the actual classes offered at the Camerondale Academy.

  • Abjurer – a mage focused in protective spells.
  • Alchemist – transforms or creates something within nature through (usually) ritualist magic.
  • Conjuror – conjures spirits or familiars.
  • Druid – a mage attuned to the magical forces of nature, able to shapeshift, call on the elements, communicate with flora and fauna, etc.
  • Elementalist – manipulates nature’s elements to their will.
  • Evoker – manipulates energy or taps into an unseen source of power in order to produce a desired kinetic end.
  • Healer – able to cure a disease or injury using magic.
  • Hearth Witch/Hearth Wizard – incorporates spells and enchantments in cooking.
  • Illusionist – performs tricks and spells that deceive the senses.
  • Medium – uses extrasensory perception, magic, or divine powers to identify information hidden from the normal senses.
  • Meteorologist – forecasts and manipulates weather.
  • Necromancer – communicates with and conjures the spirits of the dead. (Maybe not)
  • Ritualist – practices or advocates the observance of ritual (formula intended to trigger a magical effect on a person or objects).
  • Seer/Oracle – able to see what the future holds through supernatural insight.
  • Shaman – accesses and influences the world of good and evil spirits.
  • Summoner – a mage able to summon forth magical beasts, creatures, and monsters.
  • Transmuter – alters matter in form, appearance, or nature.
  • Witchdoctor – a tribal mage with powers of healing, divination, and protection against the magic of others.
  • Witch – a woman who has supernatural powers and practices sorcery, typically in solitude.
  • Wordsmith – draws their power from language and casts by dictation.