Black Ward’s “Dahlia” Division

  • Emeric Rockefeller

    Height: 6'0"   Weight: 185 lbs   Age: 42   Race: Human
    Hair: Dark Brown   Eyes: Brown   Class: Fighter (Cavalier)   Level: 16
    Weapon: Pro Bluesteel Bastard Sword, Daggers, Light Crossbow   Armor: Dark Breast plate
    DnD Beyond: Yes
    Other: Guardian Level
    Occupation: Corporal, Leader of Black Dahlia
    History: A descendant from the fallen ruler Rockefeller, Emeric moved to Camerondale and quickly made his way up the guards, eventually making his way into Black Ward, with some debate of his history. After a rough couple years, he took a satellite BW job close to his hometown Botkin on the outskirts of Gordonia. A few years later in an ongoing battle in the land, his wife and son were killed in a siege. That was a few months ago, and he is back in Camerondale with his only family left, his daughter.
    Residence: Small apartment just north of the Pit
    Abilities & Talent: Well versed in defensive battle, has an uncanny way of fending off enemies.
    Family & Relationships: A 16 year old Daughter.
    Weapon of Choice: Pro Bluesteel Bastard Sword
    Appearance: He is always impeccably dressed. One of Xaviers favorites, they have a healthy competition who looks and dresses better. Styled hair, five o'clock shadow, perfect fitting clothes.
    Mannerisms: Serious, deliberate, thoughtful and sometimes quick to anger
  • Carver Macklin

    Height: 5'10"   Weight: 185 lbs   Age: 36   Race: Human
    Hair: Dark Brown   Eyes: Blue   Class: Rogue (Thief)   Level: 16
    Weapon: (p) Short Sword +1, (p) BW Black Dagger, Hand Crossbow    Armor: BW Hard Leather Armor
    DnD Beyond: Yes
    Other: Rogue Archetype: Thief
    Occupation: Black Ward "Dahlia" Agent
    History: Not much is known yet about Carvers upbringings. He was with the Ward for an extended period of time in his late 20's, then left. It is not known what he was doing, but he returned when he was invited back to be part of the new Division of the Black Ward. Mainly because Finster's Champion was going to be a part of it, and rumor has it, chaos always follows the man.
    Residence: Lives alone, apartment in the main district.
    Abilities & Talent: Has uncanny leaping and climbing abilities.
    Family & Relationships: None that anyone knows of.
    Weapon of Choice: Short sword +1. Specialized for him, perfect size and fit.
    Appearance: Carver is not a fancy man. His hair is mid length, has curl too it and he takes good care of it. Well built, keeps himself in shape, and when not in a BW armor, he wears simple shirts and pants.
    Mannerisms: Always positive, somewhat obsessive, ambitious and many times a risk taker
  • Verrona Wysafina

    Height: 5'4"   Weight: 100 lbs   Age: 51   Race: Wild Elf
    Hair: Leaf Brown   Eyes: Bright Copper   Class: Ranger (Hunter)   Level: 14
    Weapon: (p) Custom Short Compound Bow, (c) Sword, (p) Daggers    Armor: BW Hard Leather
    DnD Beyond: Yes
    Other: Ranger Archetype: Hunter - A:20 B:10 L:18 S:15
    Occupation: Black Ward "Dahlia" Agent
    History: Verrona's family left the wild lands decades ago to escape the growing unrest there. They settled south of Clovendale, but eventually picked up and moved to Camerondale. The Wysafina family is well known for their skills as trackers and hunters; none of them had a hard time finding work. Verrona went into the guards, was almost immediately put on wall duty with her sharp eye and good archery skill. She grew in ranks quickly, like most do. She was offered a salttelie job for Camerondale and took it, just north of the Wild Lands helping and reporting back to the Kingdom during the Wild Elf War. Now that it has ended she headed back, and Bastian quickly found her and assigned her into the "Dahlia" division which she welcomed.
    Residence: A townhouse living with Family just outside the Vines.
    Abilities & Talent: Her claim to fame is her tracking ability. None like her in regards to how good she is.
    Family & Relationships: Has family in Camerondale, as of now unknown. Most of them live in the outskirts of the great city, but some do live inside the walls.
    Weapon of Choice: Custom Compound Bow with Bodkin Arrows.
    Appearance: Verrona is almost always in armor, and now usually her BW armor. When she is not, she dresses in the clothing BW gives her, black with some accents. Verrona is beautiful, has flowing brown hair and her most unique trait is her almost glow in the dark copper eyes. Rarely does she dress fancy but she keeps herself very clean and tidy.
    Mannerisms: Reserved, Intense, caring and sometimes playful
  • Marzio Dawson

    Height: 5'11"   Weight: 175 lbs   Age: 31   Race: Human
    Hair: Mixed Blonde   Eyes: Green   Class: Fighter   Level: 14
    Weapon: Voltage Gloves, Dagger, Hand Crossbow   Armor: Bluesteel Breast Plate
    DnD Beyond: Yes
    Occupation: Agent of the Black Ward, Dahlia Division.
    History: Not alot known, but he has been one of the more odd guards meaning he did not jump at the chance to be in the Black Ward; even when they asked. Once the Dahlia Division was formed, Emeric brought him on because he know Chance could be absent and he wanted 3 other agents at all times.
    Residence: Apartment in the commons.
    Abilities & Talent: Unique fist fighter, has a gloves that cause electric shock
    Family & Relationships: Unknown
    Weapon of Choice: Voltage Gloves. By slamming them together it charges them up. He has 12 charges per day. Any attack that connects you add 1d12 of electrical damage with the possibility of a stagger (DEX save of 15)
  • Sakine Muldowney

    Height: 5'6"   Weight: 130 lbs   Age: 26   Race: Human
    Hair: Deep Red   Eyes: Emerald   Class: Scribe   Level: n/a
    Weapon: (c) Dagger   Armor: None
    DnD Beyond: No
    Other: A:15 B:16 L:14 S:16
    Occupation: Scribe for Black Ward's "Dahlia" Division
    History: Sakine is the middle sister of Livia and Birgetta. She was shipped off to Camerondale because of behavioral issues, the Queen did not want to deal with her. A troubled child her whole life, she is into drinking, partying and sex. In the meantime she is working out as a Scribe to make a few coins. Livia and Birgetta are always bailing her out of trouble. It is obvious she is addicted to alcohol and drugs. Despite her reputation and partying she also has the uncanny way of doing her job very well.
    Residence: Lives with sister Livia in an apartment just north of the slums.
    Abilities & Talent: Can drink a lot.
    Family & Relationships: Most of her family are upper's in the Realm of Magus Orion. She has two sisters in Camerondale, Livia who she lives with and Birgetta who is now labeled as the Queens Assistant.
    Weapon of Choice: Dagger
    Appearance: Sakine loves to show off her body, and take risks. When she is sober, she likes to wear outfits that enhance her "assets" and draw attention to her. When she is out drinking, it is twice as enhanced. She has long red hair, and tries to wear jewelry and make herself look presentable, but many times she is just hung-over.
    Mannerisms: Very flirtatious, impulsive, sexual and many times is a wise acre.