EP#98 Concerning The Princess

First Five Part One “It’s lost” Chance’s heart sinks, his body goes numb and his head swiveled around to meet Xaviers. “She is what? Dead?” He blurts out much to loud and that made Xavier jump a little. A few people stop and look at the tall man somewhat in shock. The Duke shakes his… Continue Reading

EP#97 Varows Legacy

EP#97 Varows Legacy

First Five Starts Now! The wind was starting to pick up and the sounds of wheat waving in the breeze was all the group could really hear. A wince or two and some heavy breathing followed shortly after. Then the Dahlia collectively looks around and about, then back to Chance after he mentioned they were… Continue Reading

EP#96 The Changeling

EP#96 The Changeling

First Five Starts Here The group trudges through the opening of the area, down the infamous street Called Copper Road. It leads to the center of “the Pit” where there is a fountain, with a statue of an unknown horse rider in the middle. As usual, the water is not on and the fountain area… Continue Reading

EP#95 The Convergence

EP#95 The Convergence

First Five Starts Now! Velencia lets out a small growl watching Rafferty race for one of these snake-like men. The two creatures stop for a moment taken back a bit by this display. Luckily they were a good 120 feet away. Both put a hand on their khopesh swords giving a quick glance to one… Continue Reading

EP#94 A Flawed Legacy

EP#94 A Flawed Legacy

First Five Begins Now! We continue right after the old man says… Grimblethorn: “It, guards the entrance to hell.” “Hell?” Velencia says with a slight chuckle, the 20 or so guards and the master of these lands, Mr. Grimblethorn gives her a surprised look. Making everyone jump, Chance lets out his typical belly laugh, making… Continue Reading

EP#93 Grimble Thorn

EP#93 Grimble Thorn

Part One: An Origin Story Of Sorts Chance looking straight out, “So does that mean, I… am an angel?” He stumbles a little on the words, realizing this makes the most sense. That he was born from something not of this plane. The group looks around, and an odd quiet is upon them as no… Continue Reading

EP#92 What Dreams May Come

EP#92 What Dreams May Come

First Five Begins Now! Raising an eyebrow, Chance glances about the room and sees that most of the Royal party looks, well for lack of better terms, defeated. Except Cassie who seems more perplexed and with a smirk on her face. “Rightful King?” Chance repeats raising an eyebrow to this man. He is well dressed,… Continue Reading

EP#91 The Destiny Of Two Queens

EP#91 The Destiny Of Two Queens

First Five Starts Now The Downfall of a Queen The newly crowned Queen of Magus Orion is staring at her brother who is standing in the middle of a ball room filled with the most important people on Legon, just acting like it is a stroll through the park. The silence was deafening. Everyone froze,… Continue Reading

EP#90 The Coronation

EP#90 The Coronation

First Five Begins Here Chance forces a smile to Cassie who was in a white outfit of leather, silver accents and jewelry. He sits down on the bench expecting it to be hard and uncomfortable, but it is wildly soft, but firm enough to hold his heavy ass. Smirking a bit, shifting he nods to… Continue Reading

EP#89 Beasts In Black

EP#89 Beasts In Black

Battle Written Out The battle is: Chance with Silent Fate and a shield, Shemrata with a metal legion whip, double bladed scimitar and Cescatia, just some spells. Vs. Four Verwadelen with claw slashes and paralyzing bites, plus a follower of Immryllion with a crossbow, sword and daggers. TOP OF ROUND ONE Chance in full champion… Continue Reading

EP#88 Portal Aftermath

EP#88 Portal Aftermath

First Five Begins Here “Yes, I have been filled in,” Chance snaps back a bit wearing his demon armor, still having anxiety about this, knowing there will be hell to pay on Monday AM with the Dahlia. Shaking her head giving him a frown Velencia walks to a cleric and hands him a few things.… Continue Reading

EP#87 Hidden Agenda

EP#87 Hidden Agenda

First Five Starts Now Chance lets out a sigh hearing that Emeric all but confirmed the missing people, the lair of Split Jaws and the search for this artifact called the Rarkeren was the work of “V” or Varow, or Bone Razor if you will. The group continues to scour over the boxes and boxes… Continue Reading

EP#86 Once Bitten, Twice Die

EP#86 Once Bitten, Twice Die

Battle Written Out Everyone is pretty quiet and they approach the light and some soft noise. The party moves along. The air is muggy, cooler and thin, the corridor seems to have collapsed but someone dug it out, leading into a large room. The smell of incense overwhelming. The room is roughly 20 feet in… Continue Reading

EP#85 Black Dahlia

EP#85 Black Dahlia

First Five Starts Here Chance stands there, staff in hand. His body turning numb. Remembering Zonnonoz talking, and the events that transpired. He glances down to the staff lighting up like a bonfire. “What will Finster think, what will he do? What about Animax?” he thinks to himself, slowly backing up. Something flashes in his… Continue Reading

EP#84 The Unwelcome Reunion

EP#84 The Unwelcome Reunion

The First Five Begins Here Stars twinkle in between a few passing clouds and the large moon sitting firmly on the horizon. It was a bit chilly of an evening and the wind was starting to pick up. The sun was setting, and it was getting dark. The six companions rode into Hillside, not looking… Continue Reading

EP#83 The Lockdown

EP#83 The Lockdown

DMaster: You are looking right at IKON, he lifts his hand up and (SNAP) Your eyes open, you are laying in a bed, covered, the room is dim and you are a wee bit chilly Chance: Look around to see if I can figure out just where I am DMaster: From what you can tell… Continue Reading

Deal With The Devil

Deal With The Devil

This is a 17 mini-chapter story about Chance and his ordeal in the Fires of Ardor. Written by the DMaster, assisted by T.Blair. Chapter 1 – Follow Your Nose Talia is looking at the one side of the bridge. She looks down one side of the river bank to the other. She squats, grabs some… Continue Reading

EP#82 Hospitality and Hostilities

EP#82 Hospitality and Hostilities

First Five Starts Here The group hunkers down and Volca makes a deal with the quicklings to stand watch for them for a short time. Everyone falls asleep rather quickly except Chance. Staring up at the odd colored “sky” and his mind racing with all the things that still have to be done, why the… Continue Reading

EP#81 Bam Kebrik

EP#81 Bam Kebrik

First Five Begins Now Continued from a “A Little Chat With A Friend” Talia gives Chance a wild look. “No, I do not like the smell of piss, goddammit it is going to be a month until I get the smell out of Lilly Girl!” The quarter elf smiles and gives Talia a playful push.… Continue Reading

EP#80 Welcome To The Underearth

EP#80 Welcome To The Underearth

First Five Begins Here The group is making their way through the great City Capital of Thoraxe and as much as it is a wondrous site to see, it was wearing on them. The steady incline was tough to walk. After about an hour they finally make it to the inner walls. People are walking… Continue Reading

EP#79 Into The Valley of Thoraxe

EP#79 Into The Valley of Thoraxe

The group was hightailing it through the Free Lands in hopes to make it to a location called Shadow Run, one of the few places it is safe (or safer). After night hit, and they were not there yet they spotted lights. Inasatra, the Eldergleen Elf, scouted it out only to find they had “Dirty… Continue Reading

EP#78 A Talk Amongst Gods

EP#78 A Talk Amongst Gods

NOTE: When you see (e) in the dialog, that means it is being spoken in the Elven language. Now – Early Morning The sky was clear and the air was brisk. The Champion walks slowly down the main road in Hillside, head a bit down wondering what time it was and if anyone will be… Continue Reading

EP#77 Ride to Hillside

EP#77 Ride to Hillside

First Five Starts Now Chance stops at the door staring in at Harlow. Khamyra walks past and glances at the Captain. The exchange of looks told the Onyx Elf to get everyone out of the house. Chance walks to his large cabinet, opens it and places some of the daggers and other things in it.… Continue Reading

EP#76 No Bones About It

EP#76 No Bones About It

First Five Starts Here Freya (Friday) 7:00AM After a few times getting up with the Kids, Chance finally gets to sleep. “My wife said my brains were in my ass, no wonder I have so many brain farts! yeah, went there, get up! It’s 7:00 AM!” The crier is yelling, echoing throughout the town. “Creative”… Continue Reading

EP#75 Backlash

EP#75 Backlash

First Five Begins Now Chance heads for home, but halfway there decides to take a detour. Something he has been wanting to do for a while, and it is high time he did it. At a full gallop he rides for 10-12 minutes north, to the Temple of Finster’s entrance. He jumps off of Toby… Continue Reading

EP#74 He Who Hesitates

EP#74 He Who Hesitates

First Five Starts Here Chance and Khamyra separate and look around. It is like they can hear soft footsteps, but they can’t see anything moving. Then in the majestic light of the decorations a figure appears in front of them. Chance pushes his wife behind him, starting to turn over to the Champion. “Calm down… Continue Reading

EP#73 The Wedding Part Two

EP#73 The Wedding Part Two

The story is massive, maybe the biggest we have done, so I have chopped it into two parts. Part One can be found here. It was just a bit too much at one time. We pick up when Chance wakes up on his wedding day… Starday (Sunday) 9:00AM – The Wedding DMaster: its about 9:00AM,… Continue Reading

EP#73 The Wedding Part One

EP#73 The Wedding Part One

The story is massive, maybe the biggest we have done, so I have chopped into two parts. Part Two can be found here. It was just a bit too much at one time. First Five Begins Here The Champion makes his way down the road to his home after his bachelor party. Walks in and… Continue Reading

EP#72 Life Of The Party

EP#72 Life Of The Party

First Five Begins Here Khamyra skittering to a halt and dropping to her knees she reaches for her mother. The fallen woman is motionless. She puts her hand across her mother’s mouth, it is still, it is cold… tears begin to form, panic overtakes the Warlock. “Vel! Vel! She is not breathing, get over here!”… Continue Reading

EP#71 The Temple of Finster

EP#71 The Temple of Finster

First Five Written Out The Priestess of Finster just finished telling the group that Varow is after Khamyra because she has available mana to extract. Everyone stops what they are doing and looks towards the High Priestess, who is dressed in black, a light flowing gown, a vest with a push up bustier and a… Continue Reading

EP#70 Bringing Your Best

EP#70 Bringing Your Best

Battle Written Out Everyone in the camp is looking around at each other, eyes widening a bit hearing the sound accompanied with the ground starting to shake. “Just great, who did they bring to the party now?” Cassie says looking over the fields and the ever darkening horizon that is now just a deep purple.… Continue Reading

EP#69 The Guardian

EP#69 The Guardian

The First Five Written Out There is a beautiful well built Onyx Elf, in soft leather armor, a cloak half wrapped around her, and long wet black hair at the door. She has the knee on the back of the underling, arms twisted behind him, looks up to her daughter, “Oh good morning Ra-Ra.” “Mom,… Continue Reading

EP#68 Sirens Scream

EP#68 Sirens Scream

The First Five Written Out Khamyra frowns a bit, but has an underlying smirk, knowing this is so, Velencia. “Vel, hun, we just got back. We want to spend time with the kiddo’s and relax a little,” the Onyx Elf says, almost pleadingly. The Priestess dressed in some modest clothes, a simple dark green shirt,… Continue Reading

EP#67 Lazy Days

EP#67 Lazy Days

Chance: As the front door opens and the henchman says that, I will look over DMaster: A fancy dressed man walks in, slicked back hair, nose a bit in the air. An elegant bag slung across his shoulders. He pauses a moment looks back to the two Camerondale guards following him. He waves them off.… Continue Reading

Time To Change The World

Time To Change The World

Please note this is where Chance takes his final, visual transformation. His portraits and thumbs will now reflect this new face from here on out… Part One – Goodbye Arlo. The journey to Wishbone Way was uneventful, and the party was thrilled with that. A passing shower that put a smile across everyone’s face, a… Continue Reading

EP#66 Parting Gifts

EP#66 Parting Gifts

Battle Written Out TOP OF ROUND ONE The second Faelyn heard the tone of Velencia’s voice she knew, there was no turning back. She strung up an arrow and took aim. Firing at the metal faced figured she assumed was a priest of some kind. A loud thud could be heard as it lands square… Continue Reading

EP#65 Adjacent Destiny’s

EP#65 Adjacent Destiny’s

First Five Written Out The vision is instantaneous. The Champion looks across this grassland. In the dying sunlight, hundreds of yards in front of him is a vast army, nondescript, almost unrecognizable. Just the thought, the idea, the fear that it is an army, looking to over run him. To combat his anxiety, he looks… Continue Reading

EP#64 Sigil Roulette

EP#64 Sigil Roulette

First Five Starts Here “Are you lost?” A voice echoes through the balcony chamber making everyone jump. Chance jumps to one side, rips out Silent Fate. Everyone else is turning in some state of readiness. The balcony area echoes with the sound of this. A stout dwarf standing to the right of the party, about… Continue Reading

EP#63 The Verodden

EP#63 The Verodden

First Five Starts Here Chance stands up, sword still in hand and looks toward this man. His face is unnerving; half human, half of another world it seems. As far as the Champion can tell, this man knows it disturbs people and uses it to his advantage. The quarter elf notices Faelyn, arrow still trained… Continue Reading

EP#62 Hags Misfortune

EP#62 Hags Misfortune

First Five Written Out The only one able to move is Khamyra, having the quickness to slide behind the protection of the merchant’s wall. Shemrata who is sprawled across the merchants floor is stunned. The Onyx elf jumps over the fallen Odius and races down the road. Khamyra fiddling with her pouch as she runs,… Continue Reading

EP#61 Wild Times In Breakwater

EP#61 Wild Times In Breakwater

The First Five Written Out Chances eyes turn to slits and he walks over to this, creature, without hesitation. Khamyra noticed too late, being distracted by the majestic creature hidden in the bush, that her fiance was heading for the woman. The Champion almost over-walks this creature, running into her, even a little shove. It… Continue Reading

EP#60 Trust

EP#60 Trust

First Five Begins Here Chance shakes his head at the absurd statement uttered by Velencia, but he stopped a moment, thought about it and shuttered. Rawek can bring hell on earth, and Velencia does have the command of a large number of people. His thoughts drift to the female odious and the Priestess mentioning that… Continue Reading

EP#59 Strangled

EP#59 Strangled

First Five Starts Now The Champion in full glory is just standing there, pondering. He is half in shock, half in confusion. The man in full plate slowly looks up to him wondering what he, or it, is thinking. The fact they would even utter the name Immryllion is shocking to him considering all of… Continue Reading

EP#58 The Fear Returns

EP#58 The Fear Returns

The First Five Written Out It is a beautiful night, if not a bit chilly. Clear skies and a slight breeze off the water. A fire rages 100 or so yards behind the six people, now in a tense standoff. “Let’s just have the broken Champion, we can have a civilized exit, and no one… Continue Reading

EP#57 Into The Pit

EP#57 Into The Pit

First Five Written Out “Why would you commission that? Unless you…” Chance says, stuttering a bit in disbelief, eyes growing wider. The old King nods and still looks proud of himself, “Yeah, the quiet gem is safely stored in our vaults below,” he responds, “After our battle in Tullus Prax decades ago, we discovered artifacts… Continue Reading

EP#56 Double Fakery

EP#56 Double Fakery

The First Five Written Out The party gathers their stuff up and heads out the door. Clay thumbs a gold piece to the waitress who was already bringing a pitcher over. The five of them jump on the horses and ride to Crux, get there about 45 minutes later. They unmount, Velencia tells the blonde… Continue Reading

EP#55 Unraveling

EP#55 Unraveling

First Five Written Out Nicola, who was riding at the front starts to slow down, holds up her hand, “Hold up, hold up, something ahead,” she says, leaning into her squint. DM: Todd rolls a “1” Everyone slows down and now can see, in visual range, something ahead on the road. As they trot closer,… Continue Reading

EP#54 Well, Shit

EP#54 Well, Shit

The First Five Written Out “Of course, yes! yes! yes!” Khamyra says as she tackles the Champion to the ground, lips locked, dust flying, hoots and hollering of the order all around. After a moment, she pulls up, looks into his eyes and simply says, “I love you, so much.” They stand up and Chance… Continue Reading

EP#53 The Towers Reveal

EP#53 The Towers Reveal

Battle Written Out Your browser does not support the audio element. The creature stands tall, it is about 22-23 feet tall, long and dangly. It shutters every now and again, like its body is shifting in and out of sight. When it does, it makes that shuttering sound you have heard a few times now.… Continue Reading

EP#52 Better Left Unsaid

EP#52 Better Left Unsaid

First Five Written Out Chance stares at the High Cleric, she does not look well from what he can see in the shadows and his own light reflecting off her armor and eyes. Everlee’s face is flushed, tears streaming down her cheek and her eyes white as a shelled chicken’s egg. Chance goes to put… Continue Reading

EP#51 The Harder They Fall

EP#51 The Harder They Fall

First Five Minutes They both look at you after that comment and laugh. Affinity leans in hugs you and whispers “congratulations.” She pulls back, looks into your eyes and smiles. The Queen puts her hand on her mothers arm, gives her a look and heads out the door. “Apparently I am going to be on… Continue Reading

EP#50 Beyond The Ever Shimmer

EP#50 Beyond The Ever Shimmer

First Five Minutes Written Out The large chamber is radiating a blue light casting shadows across the contents of the room. Any movement or speech echoes a bit and the smell is sometimes overbearing. Azatina’s eyes are huge staring at the three walking through the chamber. “Get. Out. Of. My. Stronghold.” she growls, grabbing for… Continue Reading

EP#49 The Hordes Of Finster

EP#49 The Hordes Of Finster

First Five Minutes Written Out The High Priestess of Finster smells the flower in her hand which is most likely Midnight Jade. The group piles into the clearing where they see at least 20-25 tents, a good 50-60 people in robes, armor and such. The party’s eyes get big realizing they just stepped into a… Continue Reading

EP#48 Turbulent Alliance

EP#48 Turbulent Alliance

The First Five Chance is folding some blankets sitting at the table with Novalee. The blonde elf is working on some salves and reading up on the properties. The majority of the order is doing their thing, either in the back, out shopping or for some sleeping who took the night watch. A knock on… Continue Reading

Time Marches On

Time Marches On

Start of Time Marches On Chance was leaning back in his chair waiting for Novalee’s belch, but the words that were uttered by Khamyra stopped him dead, and he lost his balance. The chair teeters one way and there goes Chance, ass over teakettle. The room grows silent, everyone was staring at Khamyra, but now… Continue Reading

EP#47 Under The Claw

EP#47 Under The Claw

First Five Starts Here Khamyra staring the bird thing down, she unmounts, slaps the horse and it runs off. She glances over and sees Chance peering out from the weeds. “You ok?” she says then looking back at Rawek not waiting for an answer. “Oops, I didn’t *squawk* mean for that, hehhehheh” he says glancing… Continue Reading

EP#46 Meeting Malik

EP#46 Meeting Malik

First Five Minutes Written Out The half wild elf glares at Restria who starts to look more frightened and worried by the minute. “What did you do to me?” Looking at the Champion and Khamyra, hoping to get answers that could save her from Malik’s wrath. Khamyra looks down, not realizing there was a family… Continue Reading

EP#45 Turn About Deception

EP#45 Turn About Deception

First Five Minutes Written Out Chance looks at his hands and the smelly leather armor that is still in his grasp. “Bullocks!” he says with some force and throws the armor clear across the opening. Khamyra backs up a bit to not get hit by the projectile. He starts to go after him and Rivka… Continue Reading

EP#44 Vruc Emberwound

EP#44 Vruc Emberwound

First Five Written Out Khamyra and Wyzaquenne walk to the tray with the Iraxacan whiskey and they look it over talking about the taste and what they like. Andi just stands there quietly. Chance glances at her, with an idea in mind. He motions Andi over and she walks to him. “Do you have a… Continue Reading

EP#43 Mud & Blood

EP#43 Mud & Blood

First Five Written Out The ranger looks the “champion” over. his hair matted down, blood and mud clinging to his face and his oddly colored armor that is barely hanging on to him. This enigma is just staring out across the front yard, clenching his jaw, hand on the hilt of his sword. Whitlock takes… Continue Reading

EP#42 Trial Of Heart & Sword

EP#42 Trial Of Heart & Sword

First Five Starts Now Chance whirls around wide eyed, half surprised, half relieved. “Khamyra!” he says somewhat loudly, looking into her beautiful eyes and remembering how much he missed her. But he notices; she looks exhausted, her eyes are puffy and her expression leaves him wanting. She looks down and walks to the railing, a… Continue Reading

EP#41 Dagger Point

EP#41 Dagger Point

First Five Minutes Written Out Griffin looks at the both of you and frowns. He glances over to Cullun, “Thank you Cullun, you can go.” The older gentleman nods and leaves, closing the door behind him. After a minute, Griffin starts, “I suppose I can mark that one off with the little incursion you two… Continue Reading

EP#40 Back From The Dead

EP#40 Back From The Dead

Play Video And Continue Reading First Five Written Out Chance falls lifeless into Khamyra’s lap. The Onyx Elf eyes bulge, tears falling. “NOOOO, help him… help him!” Her face flushes and her body starts to go numb “Chance nooo, don’t leave me… don’t go, I can’t lose you now” She runs her hands down his… Continue Reading

EP#39 The Connection

EP#39 The Connection

BRI: Chance, Summer Isles was just invaded, it was overrun. First Five Minutes Written Out Chance looks at her in disbelief. Shakes his head and looks down, ‘why would anyone want to do that?’ is the first thing to cross his mind thinking it couldnt be worth all that much. But it has to be… Continue Reading

EP#38 Resurrection

EP#38 Resurrection

Chance just finished an emotional weekend, and is looking to start new… well he was looking for that anyways… Chance: see what the cryer has to say as I am starting to stir from my troubled sleep DMaster: CRY: My pants are so tight I think I lost a nut in my stomach. Get up.… Continue Reading

I Can’t Make You Love Me

I Can’t Make You Love Me

This is a Short Sappy Love Story: With Mina telling Ara about the Wedding with Chance and Khymara, hearts break and a promising relationship is coming to a close. Yeah we know, Chance is a jerk face. Khamyra and Chance have a moment after the wedding on the edge of his bed, but it spooks… Continue Reading

EP#37 Champion Of The Court

EP#37 Champion Of The Court

First Five Starts Here Khamyra, the closest, grabs her by the arms and it startles her. Novalee’s eyes grow big with Khamyra’s reaction as well as with Chances. She can sense that the little blonde Lazzier elf has no idea how serious this is. Chance storms over to her, anger in his eyes, but Khamyra… Continue Reading

EP#36 Royal Discoveries

EP#36 Royal Discoveries

Chances personal life and champion life collides as Ara and company meet Khamyra and Novalee head on First Five Minutes Written Out The sound of Chance’s ass getting whacked echoes through the half empty house. It was not a little pat, it was not a love tap. This was something that could cause bruising for… Continue Reading

EP#35 Gone From The City

EP#35 Gone From The City

Chance leaves the Inn after what seems to be his last encounter with the Princess, but he finds Cassie waiting outside the door First Five Minutes Written Out Chance is stunned to see Cassie outside the door. Not exactly surprised really, but this is not something he wanted to deal with. The encounter with Affinity… Continue Reading

EP#34 The Hearts Revelation

EP#34 The Hearts Revelation

Chance and Khamyra just found Valentine tied up, Chance takes out the gag… VAL: CHANCE LOOK OUT! Battle is written out, turn base will return afterwards Khamyra must of sensed something because as Valentine called out, Khamyra was already in motion, throws some sort of dust in the air and writes a symbol as she… Continue Reading

EP#33 The Dark Society

EP#33 The Dark Society

Chance: Chan: So you are just my friend right now? looking at the king DMaster: He glanced over his shoulder at the crown and cape sitting on his throne, He looks back at you and nods, He motions for you to sit at the table as he pulls out a chair and sits Chance: Chan:… Continue Reading

EP#32 Death Is The Beginning

EP#32 Death Is The Beginning

Ara and Chance spent to long going over what has happened to him, he is now rushing to the meeting… Chance: Chan: thank you Ara that means alot to me (smiling) I better go get Bastian and head up top and see the Captain before she has my hide. DMaster: She nods, smiles and as… Continue Reading

EP#31 Acceptance

EP#31 Acceptance

Chance: as I realize what I am doing I gently set her back down to her feet DMaster: She giggles a little while you are kissing. ARA: (stops) That was… intense Chance: Chan: it was (looking at her) guess I don’t know my own strength (smirking) DMaster: She grabs your hand and heads to the… Continue Reading

EP#30 A Champion Rises

EP#30 A Champion Rises

PRE-ADVENTURE PROLOGUE Cybil pulls you aside and sits you down. The ship will be in the Royal / Guardians dock in about 2 hours. It is your responsibility to organize the guards. It’s not that hard just have them on points, and be close to Urneeva. Let her do the talking, she will guide them… Continue Reading

EP#29 Marked & Cursed

EP#29 Marked & Cursed

Continuing from where Brim was exposed as Princess Azatina Chance: So as the king says this I kind of look over at Brim smiling, still not taking my eyes off the Prince DMaster: The prince is like a statue, mouth open, scroll hits the floor and starts rolling. Brim starts to back up and you… Continue Reading

EP#28 Gods Walk Among Us

EP#28 Gods Walk Among Us

Chance antagonized his arch-enemy Velencia who is standing in the way of the Camerondale party and she is looking for something. Chance: so I will stand there, eyes turning to slits, breathing a bit heavier. As she hisses, gripping my sword tighter. DMaster: VEL: Should of known you were Black Ward. PLUG: Wait… you two… Continue Reading

EP#27 What Lies Beneath

EP#27 What Lies Beneath

WARNING. There is a bit of nudity in this EP. Apart from the fact naked chicks are cool, it is a part of the plotline. So deal with some nice boobies, it won’t kill you.   SAGALAY (Saturday) @ 6am Chance: see what it’s like when I wake up. DMaster: OK, you are shivering a… Continue Reading

EP#26 Living In The Past

EP#26 Living In The Past

DMaster: You finish emptying out the loot from the armory. Chance: see what Talia is doing once I finish up, before I get sent back in DMaster: You are looking over all the loot as you help. There are Studded Leather Armors, Leather Armors, Ring Mail Armors, Plate Mail Armor, Metal Shields, Battleaxes, Pikes, Long… Continue Reading

EP#25 Stumbling Out Of The Blocks

EP#25 Stumbling Out Of The Blocks

PREVIOUSLY… DMaster: ESM: So that’s the good news PLUG: Son of a… TAL: What’s… the bad? ESM: there are noises coming from the adjacent room DMaster: ESM: That room is for tomorrow, let’s get out of here for now. Talia dear, take the owl with you. She smiles and secures it under her arm. ————————… Continue Reading

EP#24 Greatest Threat To Camerondale

EP#24 Greatest Threat To Camerondale

Previously… You and Cassie are on the Ball Room Balcony, the night is cool but nice. Clear sky the quarter moon shining bright. Your head is still a buzz from the ball and from the shots you drank. She puts down the Wine glass. The Baroness puts both her hands on the railing. CASS: And… Continue Reading

EP#23 Keep The Ball Rolling

EP#23 Keep The Ball Rolling

DMaster: You go down your hallway, her arm in yours and make your way up the stairs around the corner, through the hallway, dining area and into the entrance way. You see a woman with a crown, in the far corner chatting with the King. Chance: Looking around as we are walking along, smile at… Continue Reading

EP#22 The Quick & The Dead

EP#22 The Quick & The Dead

DMaster: You run out of the throne room, to the entrance way through the halls and down to your room. Chance: Grab my sword and whatever other weapons I think I will need DMaster: Well all you have is your bluesteel long sword. The short bow and arrows are in the training area. Chance: well… Continue Reading

EP#21 City Politics & In Fighting

EP#21 City Politics & In Fighting

Chance: I will head back inside and go get some food and a drink and just go relax in a chair for a bit DMaster: So today is Wednesday. Saturday is the ball. It’s late afternoon, A bit chilly but a nice evening, some clouds, light wind around 60 degrees Chance: I really need to… Continue Reading

EP#20 A Whole New World

EP#20 A Whole New World

Chance: Chan: wait for Cassie, Plugr, Talia and Quinton. DMaster: You all walk off, and when you get to the dock, you no longer feel sick. Chance: Chan: ahhhh sweet land! Stop, smile and look around. Chan: you definitely were right Cassie. Laughing at the fact I was feeling better before I left the boat.… Continue Reading

EP#19 Leaving A Life Behind

EP#19 Leaving A Life Behind

DMaster: You wake up in the make shift room, lots of noises below you. Common ones, people moving, and chit chatting. Out the window you see blue skies, with a few clouds… light winds Chance: get up and get dressed and start packing my stuff Chan: thinking to myself, this is really it, I am… Continue Reading

EP Inset – Seven Days

EP Inset – Seven Days

A short story taking you across 7 days before the protagonist leaves his childhood home Starlay – Seven Days Left The morning blurs for Chance, he grabs the only few clothes he has, put them on after washing up the best he could, in the conditions he is in. The group headed for the temple,… Continue Reading

EP#18 Against The Wind

EP#18 Against The Wind

Turn Based Revised to Story The visual, the smell was getting too much for Plugr. He watches as the makeshift entrance in the door is now a gaping hole. Blown out by some guards, and traffic coming in and out now; including Rohlia and Ferellus getting taken out. He looks for Chance and he sees… Continue Reading

EP#17 One Bloody Night

EP#17 One Bloody Night

Chance: So how much are we moving the timeline up? DMaster: PLUG: It depends, Cassie has the brigade heading to both of the known entrances of the compound now. Just for reassurance, and reconnaissance. Once we hear back from her, us three will regroup and head down to the one they want to enter. Chance:… Continue Reading

EP#16 Storm’s Aftermath

EP#16 Storm’s Aftermath

DMaster: After a short lived debate, a decision has been made. Chance: Chan: should we go armor up and check things out? DMaster: PLUG: Yes, make haste. Head over to the location you were going to scope out Chance: Run up the stairs to the room they have prepared for me and Ferellus and gear… Continue Reading

EP#15 Training Cut Short

EP#15 Training Cut Short

DMaster: You finish breakfast and head over to Morty’s with Ferrelus. He looks very alert, and Plugr is there DM: on a side note Ive been spelling Plugr wrong for like 20 EPs Chance: Chan:Good Morning DMaster: They look up MORT: Chance my boy, right on time. Plugr here is going to sit in with… Continue Reading

EP#14 Armor, Weapons and The Plan

EP#14 Armor, Weapons and The Plan

Chance: Chan: Well shall we get me fitted then? DMaster: FER: Don’t forget about me! Ferellus strolls into the Inn Chance: Chan: Ferellus, how are you doing? DMaster: FER: Good buddy, been a long time! PLUG: Right on time Ferellus. Chance: Chan: I know where have you been hiding? DMaster: BRIT: Hey Ferellus… FER: Hey… Continue Reading

EP#13 The Tearful Farewell

EP#13 The Tearful Farewell

DMaster: You are in a semi-unconscious state. You feel the rain hitting you, your clothes soaking wet. The storm is in full throat, light flashes through your eye lids and the thunder screaming. Chance: since I am semi-unconscious, I will let the Monks or Priests do their thing… will just see what I can see… Continue Reading

EP#12 And The Thunder Rolls…

EP#12 And The Thunder Rolls…

Chance: well since I was told to keep my mouth shut for now I will, and head back down to the beach DMaster: You make it this time with little interruption. You can see Morty farther down, in his usual spot. Chance: Go down and see Morty DMaster: He is surprisingly sober. He seems to… Continue Reading

EP#11 Do I Look Like An Assassin?

EP#11 Do I Look Like An Assassin?

DMaster: Britney gets you to work, cleaning hallways, shaking out rugs, wiping down walls. It is almost as though she is punishing you, barking orders and expecting quick results. Chance: I will gladly take them, and I will work my ass off. DMaster: You finally get a Chance to rest, on a chair in the… Continue Reading

EP#10 Oh, So You Can Read Minds?

EP#10 Oh, So You Can Read Minds?

Chance: I will smile a little and wink at Birgetta while looking around the room to see who is here DMaster: BRIT: Chance! She smiles. The beautiful blonde woman is wearing a short skirt with an open light blue blouse. She looks really good. Brit walks over to you. Chance: Chan:Yes Britney DMaster: BRIT: Excuse… Continue Reading

EP#9 The Attack

EP#9 The Attack

Previously In The Last Adventure Chance and Affinity snuck off to Glimmer Bay where an innocent visit turned into skinny dipping and love making. Another couple events commence and Chance is helping out. Another knock on his door has the Princess there, ready to attack, but… his mom has other ideas. She walks out on… Continue Reading

EP#8 Glimmer Bay

EP#8 Glimmer Bay

Chance: follow the princess through the brush DMaster: You two wait for the right time and sneak across the path down the entrance and through the brush to the beach at Glimmer Bay. With little to no guests on the island, it is eerily quiet. The Princess looks around and you do as well, there… Continue Reading

EP#7 Surprise Visit

EP#7 Surprise Visit

Previously on the Last Adventure Chance is still a little overwhelmed with the royal party and the change of pace he was accustomed too. But he eventually got back to some normalcy with a good training session with Mortimer. They had an audience, the King, Princess and the ladies. Not to mention some seasoned Dark… Continue Reading

EP#6 Impressing The Masses

EP#6 Impressing The Masses

DMaster: You grab the bags and head to the 2nd floor where they are staying. The King’s room is to the right and Princess’s is to the left Chance: go to the king’s room first and take the bags to his room and then go to the princess’s DMaster: They were just some shopping bags,… Continue Reading

EP#5 The Princess

EP#5 The Princess

DMaster: you wake up, sun coming through the window, from what you can tell it is 8:00 am. Chance: I will wash up, shave, etc, and get dressed DMaster: You are ready to roll, you pass by your Mom in the living room in her maid outfit, getting ready for work Chance: Chan: I am… Continue Reading

EP #4 No Where To Run

EP #4 No Where To Run

DMaster: You hear noises coming from the sanctuary, a door opening and people talking Chance: chan:look around and see if there is another way out DMaster: this is a dead end, with a ladder leading to the hatch that is locked tight. You two are both on the ladder, Britney a few rungs higher than… Continue Reading

EP #3 Gone Missing

EP #3 Gone Missing

DMaster: You are working in a room in the Inn. The rooms are very ornate. you also see another trap door in the other large room. You can hear noise coming from it. Chance: Going to check it out, listen and see if I can figure out the sounds. DMaster: The door is supposed to… Continue Reading

EP #2 Finding Evil

EP #2 Finding Evil

DMaster: This is the symbol you see on the top of the archway leading into a room Chance: Chan: what do you make of this? DMaster: FER: I have no idea, looks like someone squashed a spider or stroked out like you said. the archway leads into a darkened room Chance: Chan:well I say we… Continue Reading

EP #1 Where It All Starts

EP #1 Where It All Starts

Behind the Scenes Britney is stepping out of her bath, still sore from the last weeks construction and work. ‘To think the leaders of the greatest Kingdom of Legon is going to be staying at my Inn’ she thinks to herself. She stops a moment and wave of anxiety washes over her. Toweling off she… Continue Reading