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View Banners For Episodes 16-30

View Banners For Episodes 31-45

View Banners For Episodes 46-60

View Banners For Episodes 61-75

EP#97 Varows Legacy
Episode 97 – Varows Legacy – After the teleportation, the group is trying to make it back to Camerondale. Being 7-10 days away, people back home come up with some ideas to speed up the process. After yet another sigil jump, Chance makes it home only to get terrible news.

EP#96 The Changeling
Episode 96 – The Changeling – The Black Dahlia investigates missing people only to find out there is a Changeling in the City and he is not the one responsible. Clues lead them to a well, another Camerondale underground area and then to a compound filled with Flesh Golems called Stitchers.

EP#95 The Convergence
Episode 95 – The Convergence – The group meets with a Priestess at an old forgotten temple to that “god.” This Ikon Priestess takes them to a place called the Convergence, a place with a lot of portals and takes them through one to a long forgotten place across the Ever Shimmer where they discover information that changes everything.

EP#94 A Flawed Legacy
Episode 94 – A Flawed Legacy – The owner of this town called Grimble Thorn meets with the group after they killed the undead “guardians.” He quickly realizes there is no stopping the high point of FInsters people and the next day they had down. Chance gets creative with a few things and they make it through.After a stint with some Mummies, they make their way through a portal.

EP#93 Grimble Thorn
Episode 93 – Grimble Thorn – Chance comes to some realizations about his origin. The party gets ready and teleports to a old ragged town called Grimble Thorn where there is a mausoleum in the middle of a graveyard. As predicted the area had Skeletons, ghouls and a huge undead creature.

Banner for What Dreams May Come
Episode 92 – What Dreams May Come – The Kingdom is on pins and needles with a surprise rightful heir to the throne. Some typical work for Black Ward and the Dahlia. Talia has a surprise visit and gets reacquainted with Carver. But Chance has a nightmare that converts over in the real world and scares everyone. The EP ends with Chane and Khamyra talking with Velencia and the possible revelation that Chance is Ikons child.

Banner for The Destiny of Two Queens
Episode 91 – The Destiny of Two Queens -The fate of the Kingdoms of Camerondale, Augustia and Magus Orion is coming to a point. After two possible disasters are averted, Chance gets a visitor on the way home that spawns a whole lot of eye brow raising and deep concern. To finish off the EP, the Champion is summoned to the throne room only to find a surprising individual there.

Banner for The Coronation
Episode 90 – The Coronation – Chance travels with his wife and Royal party to Magus Orion for the long awaited Coronation of Azatina Gladestone. The group witnesses a new religion starting to grow as Chance has some encounters with disciples. The Champion struggles with the politics and mingling, has a evening meeting with Azatina which someone decides to spy on them. It ends when Camden, Azatina’s brother shows up hours after she took the crown.

Banner for Beasts In Black
Episode 89 – Beasts In Black – Chance and Shemrata get diverted by Edwin to a cave that held an Angel, in the meantime they are jumped by Verwandelen’s and a Immryllion thug. The battle did not go well, Chance frenzied and almost got the party killed. Afterwards they head back with their new companion Cescatia; she unveils the fact she is an angel and a child of Ikon. Chances mother unveils some information that has only fueled the quarter elf’s desire to know more about his mother and where he truly came from.

Banner for Portal Aftermath
Episode 88 – Portal Aftermath – Chance and Shemrata are accidentally transported to the wrong location inside a cave. They fight off some Sahuagins and meet up with some people who were transplanted. The two of them travel the lands, find a grave that means more to the Champion than he realizes and end up in a cave with a surprise waiting for them.

Banner for Hidden Agenda
Episode 87 – Hidden Agenda – The Dahlia has their training interrupted by a make shift meeting set by the Royals. Khamyra and Chance have a little misunderstanding, and that makes the Champion go deep in thought. Kingsley makes himself known, Wilders business partner. The Warlock reveals the plans to raid a Varow hide out, and Chance is none to happy about it.

Banner for Once Bitten, Twice Die
Episode 86 – Once Bitten, Twice Die – The newly formed Dahlia division barges into an operation of sort run by Split Jaws. They have a battle that went fairly well, albeit Verrona was bitten. Chance channels something other worldly but finds the missing people, despite going against Emerics commands. The leader of Dahlia and the Champion pow wow a bit, and the next day they investigate further to find more passageways and even more questions.

Banner for The Unwelcome Reunion
Episode 85 – Black Dahlia – The Champion is coming to terms with the ideals that he is now associated with Atticus. After some relaxing days with Khamyra and the Kids in their new home, the first day of the Black Dahlia Division starts and holy hell, it’s a doozy.

Banner for The Unwelcome Reunion
Episode 84 – The Unwelcome Reunion – Chance finds himself at the Roundel in Hillside finishing up a deal with the devil, little did he know the consequences. Afterwards he teams up with his wife and they head back to Camerondale to a new home that Khamyra bought. Trying to come to terms with what happened, Chance ends up at Velencia’s and gets unbelievable news.

Banner for The Lockdown
Episode 83 – The Lockdown – Chance finds himself out of the underearth and in a weird Hill Dwarf town. They take care of him and help him, long term; called the Lockdown. This is to help him with the crazy memories, flashbacks and dreams. He finds himself back to the caverns, the group reunites and heads out to Hillside, but as they are just about out of the Freelands…

Deal with the devil banner
DM Story – The Deal With The Devil – Multi-Chapter story linking one RP (EP#82) to the start of a new RP (EP#83). Chance is in the fires of Ardor doing everything he can to survive. Meanwhile the group makes it back to the Caverns. The Champion makes a deal, and finds his way out of the Fires and the group starts to get worried as Chance has yet to arrive.

Banner for Hospitality and Hostilities
Episode 82 – Hospitality and Hostilities – Chances skill and authority are challenged yet again. The party moves on and finds what the group nicknames Copper Elves. They go to their village where they have a short reprieve and regroup. After they leave, the bridge they have to cross has some young giants guarding it. The battle does not go as planned.

Bam Kebrik, banner
Episode 81 – Bam Kebrik – The group makes their way through the village of sorts of Bam Kebrik. They stop at an old hags hut and get important information. After some traveling they fight off some odd looking wolves, move close to a river flowing sludge and end up fighting unnatural mounds of dirt and tentacles. Trying to avoid further conflict they use Inasatra’s eyes and keep heading towards hell.

Welcome to the Underearth, banner
Episode 80 – Welcome To The Underearth – Luella unveils some information that shocks the Champion. Chance and the adventuring party have a nice night of ale, food and friends along with info on the Underearth. They finally get to the Infernal Cavern where they meet up with some crazy characters.

Talk Amongst Gods, banner
Episode 79 – Into the Valley of Thoraxe– The party fights some Dirty Dwarves, or Duergars and come out victorious. They finally get to Shadow Run, and Chance meets the obnoxious Doyen of the large town. The group leaves and heads for Thoraxe, stopping along the way to some great towns, cities, sites and meeting new and wonderful people.

Talk Amongst Gods, banner
Episode 78 – A Talk Amongst Gods– Chance gets a visit from the dynamic duo, Finster and Animax who are oddly acting like a disgruntled married couple. They tell him some crazy news and that he is going on a quest! Just when they thought they would be in the clear, they get stopped by what can only be described as dirty dwarves.

Ride to Hillside, banner
Episode 77 – Ride To Hillside– After a meeting with Harlow, Chance gears up to head to Iasall, and Hillside; the location of the Roundel. The Champion arrives after a stint in Orc Snout; and sets up camp. He finds that another digger went missing and Azatina has some grave news.

No Bones About It, banner
Episode 76 – No Bones About It– After getting a tattoo, the Champion visits the Royals and get information about his upcoming quest. Then he assists his wife and the Evil Velencia in mapping an old Temple of the fallen god Atticus. Afterwards a scuffle between Finsters people and Camerondale.

View Banners For Episodes 1-15

View Banners For Episodes 16-30

View Banners For Episodes 31-45

View Banners For Episodes 46-60

View Banners For Episodes 61-75