Dizzy, Sleepy & Screwed

Previously In The Last Adventure:

The Duke meets up with Rexx again, but the Information Monger had other ideas. Little did the thugs know attacking Vulcuran, they are going after one of the most seasoned fighters in the realm. The Duke makes short work of them and investigates. Afterwards he meets up with Meadow, who is curious and worried about him, he hasn't contacted her for days. Another attack on Nanny, but this time it is not the Duo.

NSFW Warning / Bad Grammar

This text will contain language not suitable for some people. It is merely an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. We are not trying to be the next J.R.R. Tolkien, so there will be misspelled words, fragmented sentences and things that just don’t make sense. Once in a while there will be some nudity and sexual themes, you will be warned ahead of time. Just read, enjoy and have fun!

Main Characters

ADV#15 Dizzy, Sleepy and Screwed

Adventure Took Place on January 19, 2000

Dizzy Sleepy and Screwed

Nanny had another attack on her new bank, but it was too sloppy and noticeable to be the Duke’s dynamic duo he has been after. He is waking up from a nights sleep.

Thuralay (Thursday) 7:00 AM

DMaster: The cryer makes his way past.
CRY: It is nasty out. If you don’t have to go anywhere, don’t. High winds, sleet and even some thunder.
As you hear the cryer, you can also hear the wind hitting your shutter hard. The room is a bit cooler than it usually is, and you can feel the breeze. The fire is all but embers right now.

Vulcuran: Go and place the second tier of window back in its place, like I do for winter. Stop the breeze.

Vulcuran's main scribe VatikusDMaster: You lock it up. You do your normal routine, get ready for the day. Grab some breakfast, say hi to a few people. Vatikan gets you into the office and you are going over papers and signing them.

Vulcuran: Try not to fall asleep.

DMaster: You make headway. It’s lunchtime.

Vulcuran: Well I am going to enjoy the downtime a bit, even if it is boring. Grab something from the kitchen and head back.

DMaster: Vatikus is ecstatic that this is happening, the large mound of papers that are to his left is now halved, and the stack to his right seems to be getting filtered out by servants and other officers. Then about mid afternoon, a knock on the door.
VAT: Damn it, I knew it wouldn’t last…

Vulcuran: Give Vatikus a soft smile, answer the door.

DMaster: A guard, who is huffing and puffing is standing there.
GUARD: M’Lord, (pant) presence requested (pant) in the Warehouse district (pant) forthwith!

Vulcuran: Nod head.
VUL: North end or south end?

DMaster: GUARD: North (gasp)
Some sweat rolls down his head, he is drenched from the rain that is coming down.

Vulcuran: Glance over my shoulder.
VUL: Bad news, I have to go Vatikus. Good news is? You don’t have to venture out in this mess…
Dismiss the guard, grumble a bit, close the door. Go to my room. Grab 5 platinum, put it in a pouch, head back to my office.

DMaster: Vatikus glances up a bit surprised to see you again.

Vulcuran: VUL: I have not been having the best of luck. If Meadow comes by looking for me, because I missed our little date, give her this money to buy a gown.

DMaster: He nods and takes the pouch.

Vulcuran: Go to my room, gear up and head out.

DMaster: You get ready, grab your heaviest of overcoats, hoods and head out. You pass by a few people, including the King who was in the throne room, talking with a group of people.

Vulcuran: Keep on going, head to the warehouse district.

DMaster: You walk out and it is a downpour of rain, luckily not sleet or snow. But it is cold. The wind hits you and some rain that is hitting the pavement is getting taken and slammed against you as you walk. There is no one on the streets right now, except for the occasional guard. You muscle your way down a few roads, and you notice that wind has got to be blowing a good 30-35 MPH with some gusts hitting 60 mph. The northern area is a better part of the Warehouse district where many of the huge 3-4 story buildings are rented out by people or businesses. You find the place right away, there has to be 20 guards. A makeshift tent of sorts is up, on the side of the building that is sheltered from the wind. Thorin is talking with Krinus, going over a few things.

Vulcuran: Step under the makeshift tent.
VUL: Report.

3rd star guard KrinusDMaster: Krinus stiffens up, gives you a bow and nods.
KRI: M’lord.
Thorin glances over
THOR: Took you long enough…

Vulcuran: Give the Captain a sharp look.

DMaster: THOR: Someone has been going through Nanny’s warehouse. She called us to investigate when her guards did not report in. We entered and found the 3 guards there were knocked out in some fashion. They are fine except for a bump or two on their heads.
He hands you a parchment.

Vulcuran: Grab it and look

DMaster: THOR: This is the warehouse lading listing. We were just going to start in on seeing if anything is missing.
The list is huge, it is front and back and the paper has to be 2 feet long.

Vulcuran: Eyes grow big.
VUL: Yeah, fuck that.
Hand it back to him.
VUL: Get everyone out, I want to take a good look around without having to deal with the guards.

Thorin warning the DukeDMaster: Thorin shakes his head.
THOR: Yeah and remember what happened last time?
Krinus gives you and the Captain a curious look.

Vulcuran: VUL: Captain…
Give him a scowl.

DMaster: He nods, frowns.
THOR: OK, I’ll get them out now.

Vulcuran: Investigate the storage area. Start with the perimeter of the warehouse, the outer walls and work in. See if anything looks different, moved or out of place.

DMaster: You enter the storage warehouse, it is a cut above, being Nanny’s. You can see where some of the guards were “attacked.” One with a bit of blood, the other an overturned chair, and another with a helm and dagger strewn about.

Vulcuran: Keep looking, listening.

DMaster: You had an inkling to look up, but it was too late.

Vulcuran: Look up anyways.

DMaster: A hooded figure standing about 20-25 feet away on top of a stack of crates. You felt a sting in your neck.

Vulcuran: Grab it, rip it out.
VUL: As honorable as ever I see…

DMaster: You barely got that out and fall face first on the floor, taking 2hp of damage.

Vulcuran: Wait until I wake.

DMaster: First thing you notice, there is a dripping sound. Then a gust of wind. You shiver a bit, its cold here, not to mention your nose hurts from the fall. Your arms are bound, as well as your body to a chair.

Vulcuran: Open my eyes, look around.

DMaster: It’s pretty dark in the room, you can’t see much. There is a lantern directly in front of you, hooded.

Vulcuran: VUL: Hello? Service?

DMaster: Your voice echoes. No response.

Vulcuran: VUL: Can I get service here? Can I get some ale and a shot of your finest… ahhh hell, Brandy? Don’t expect a good tip!

DMaster: After a minute, you hear a chuckle from a bit a ways.
MAN: I should stab you, trip you and smash a vase on your head, but my partner here… she doesn’t want me too.

Vulcuran: Nod head.
VUL: Ahhh Cass. Can I call you Cass?

DMaster: Walking up behind him.
CASS: If you must.

Vulcuran: VUL: My apologies. Cass. For trying to do my job, and stop you two from doing whatever the hell you two are doing, now. Speaking of that, you got what you wanted, why the hell am I tied up in a chair? Is this revenge?

The interrogation is on, but the Duke turns it back on themDMaster: They walk just into view, behind the lantern so it’s hard to see. You remember doing something like that when investigating war criminals and such so they can’t tell who you are.
CASS: No. Not revenge. We don’t do that. Information extraction.
MAN: No. Cass, let’s just, well, alright then. Do what you want then.
The man says with a bit of frustration watching the woman, noticeably ignoring him walking over, hood drawn and hard to see. Grabs your cheeks hard.
CASS: For as frustrated as you have to be, guess what? So are we. That old bag is still hiding something and we want to know where it is. This was supposed to be a simple retrieval and here we are, wasting both our time!
She lets go of your face, forcefully. She grunts in frustration.
MAN: So this is how you are going to… well… ok, don’t give me that look.
They seem to be at odds a bit.

Vulcuran: VUL: What are you looking for now? A demonic spaghetti strainer? Maybe the salt shaker of death… ohhh.
Laugh a little, get on her nerves.

DMaster: She whirls around and comes up to you again.
CASS: This is a laugh riot? Isn’t it? The great Duke, bested by some rag tag duo here. Your reputation is going to skyrocket, isn’t it?

Vulcuran: Nod head.
VUL: As is yours. Even, what was that douche bags name… ahh yes Rexx Stubbs, in my last visit with him he mentioned that you, out of towners, where not exactly living up to your billing.

DMaster: CASS: Bullshit!!!
She yells, throwing something against a wooden crate presumably. You suspect you are in another warehouse, but there is nothing really solid you can see.
MAN: Alrighty then.
He walks forward. Just stands there for a minute.

A dagger driven into the Dukes legVulcuran: Look up to him.
VUL: Going to bore me to death?

DMaster: MAN: No.
Takes out a dagger and slams it into your leg. Pain sears through your body, he hit a nerve and it fucking hurt. (4hp of damage)

Vulcuran: I am going to try and not yell.

DMaster: (DM: Rolls a 22) Despite the pain and the suddenness of it, you flinch a little, then look at him with eyes turning to slits. The scowl under his hood turns to bewilderment. He turns and walks to Cass. They mumble a few things, you think you hear them say something about you not feeling pain.

Vulcuran: VUL: So this is your plan. Torture me until I tell you something you want to know? Well, I’ll save you the trouble.

DMaster: Both of them turn and look at you.

Vulcuran: VUL: Nanny didn’t tell us about the bowl thing, until you actually took it. I had to threaten to remove the extra guards, for her to confess. She swore she had nothing else like that, got the bowl in some “crate” of things she bought, illegally I might add.

DMaster: They turn to each other and mumble again. The winds hitting the walls and the whistling sound accompanied with it, is not helping your eavesdropping.
CASS: Maybe she doesn’t know she has it or you are just a gullible old man.

Vulcuran: VUL: Who you calling gullible. Please.
Shake head, test the bindings – doing it loud enough for them to hear.

DMaster: You test the bindings and to be honest, the chair does not seem like it would last a good surge of strength.
MAN: Easy, we’ll only be a minute longer.

Vulcuran: VUL: Bet you tell all the girls that.
Smirk and shake my head.

DMaster: The woman lets out a snort and laughs, then cups her mouth. It is followed by, what you can imagine, a stern look from the man. They converse and they seem to have agreed upon something.
CASS: OK. Maybe to expedite this and stop this cloak and dagger. We finally got the bowl contraption from Nanny…
MAN: Wait, are you sure we should do this? I mean what if…
They go back into discussion, now thinking twice.

Vulcuran: Think for a moment. Wait, what if this is not a bowl, but a mortar. They are looking for the pestle.
VUL: Looking for the pestle?
Taking a stab in the dark.

DMaster: Both their heads snap to you.
CASS: You little liar! You do know what we are looking for then!

Vulcuran: Laugh out loud.
VUL: I do now. I took a stab at it. Thanks for confirming it.

DMaster: The woman hastily rushes to you and grabs you by the neck
CASS: You are getting on my last nerve!
You can see her, beautiful pouty lips, a perfect button nose and you are pretty damn sure she has blonde hair. You did not get a chance to see her eyes though. A bit of pain washes through your head and this time you wince.
MAN: Cass, come on.
He grabs her and pulls her back.

Vulcuran: VUL: You and your bag of tricks woman.
Shake my head.

DMaster: After another minute they both approach you.
MAN: You could have yelled for help by now, why are you being so quiet?

Vulcuran: Shrug shoulders.
VUL: I was just signing off on some rich peoples dockets of land, or treasures or complaints. Staring at my scribe who apparently loves doing these kinds of things. I was dreaming of a sunny day on Summer Isles with a beautiful blonde woman named, I don’t know, Cass.

DMaster: They glance at each other.

Vulcuran: Going to take another stab about her eye color.

DMaster: (DM: Rolls a 19 on perception)

Vulcuran: VUL: Just stare into her beautiful blue eyes, and fall in love again and again.
Softly scoff and smile, really thinking, that would be pretty awesome.

DMaster: They retreat yet again, he is scolding her saying she got to close, etc. You hear fragments but you got the jist of it. You nailed it again. Both of them come back up to you, somewhat hastily.
MAN: I am just going to ask this once. Where is the pestle?

Vulcuran: Laugh, look at them directly.
VUL: Honestly. I do not know. If I would venture a guess, Nanny does not know either, or she sold it off like all the other things she got in that shipment. There is a chance she is hiding it, but…
Shrug my shoulders
VUL: It freaked her out, that Mortar. Necromancy and such. I really don’t think she has it, or like you mentioned, she doesn’t even know its in her possession.

DMaster: They exchange glances one last time. The man starts for the opposite side of the warehouse.
MAN: Do what you want with him, but make it quick…
He stops and turns to you, pointing his finger.
MAN: Not. A. Word.
Then continues off into the darkness. Cass walks to you, looking at you. You are trying to see her eyes but you can’t.
CASS: Why are you all of a sudden helping us out?

Vulcuran: Sigh.
VUL: In the grand scheme of things, who gives a shit, I am merely doing my job. I have seen poverty so severe, the parents of the children go without eating for weeks, get sick and die. I have witnessed the death of a man in his first battle as a Knight and I have felt people who go home alone, no one to care for them and eventually pass on, as if they never existed.
Look down, shake my head.
VUL: Go steal your pestle, it’s inconsequential, and be gone. I could be spending my time on bigger and better things that matter to real people. Not some old hag who has nothing better to do than dabble in the black market and some operatives looking out for nothing more than a little coin. Life is so much more than that.

DMaster: She just stands there, not saying a word. She is thinking of what you just said. Across the warehouse, you can hear, softly,
MAN: Cass, come on, let’s go.
CASS: Think you could actually fall in love with a woman like me?
She says with a scoff, leaning a bit over towards the dagger.

Vulcuran: Think for a moment.
VUL: A woman who is talented, can hold her own and laughs at my bad jokes. Yeah. It wouldn’t be hard to do really.

DMaster: A smile washes over her. She rips the dagger out, making you groan a little. She puts her hand on your leg and you feel it warm, similar to a monks. It is healed.
CASS: you can willingly suck in the dust or I can beat you until you are unconscious. Your choice.
She says putting the dagger back in her belt, smirk on her face.

Vulcuran: VUL: I do enjoy aggressive foreplay… but.
Chuckle a little

DMaster: She snorts again, then stops herself.

Vulcuran: VUL: Give me the dust.
Smile at her.
VUL: Oh, and sorry for the whole dagger, tripping and vase breaking on head thing. I was just free-balling the best I could.

DMaster: She slaps your face, somewhat forcefully but mostly playfully.
CASS: It’s all good, Dukie. Just doing your job, right?
You suck in the dust and the room goes to black.

Behind The Scenes

“You know he is right…” the woman named Cassie says as she takes off the drenched cloak and gloves. Places them close to the roaring fire as she is in deeper thought.

The man has already undressed to his undergarments. “Right about what… that it only takes me a minute. The nerve of that guy.”

Cassie lets out a laugh that gets an evil stare back from her counterpart.

She wrings out her blonde hair a bit, still thinking. “I mean what the hell are we doing? Getting a stupid artifact from some rich woman, for what a few coins?” she finishes out, shaking her head a bit.

“A few? It’s a tad more than just a few Cass,” the man says, as he is starting to towel off, “this will be one of our biggest hauls. Why is this any different from the others?”

The blonde woman nods, “it will be, but it’s not like we need it. We can live 30 life times with the money we have, and live it like kings and queens.”

The confused man sits down, finishes toweling his hair, looks over to his partner, “so what did the Duke say while I was securing our exit?”

Cassie also now in her skibbies, glances over and smirks a bit, “that he really doesn’t give a shit anymore. He said to steal this damn pestle and leave. Compared to severe poverty, villages going hungry and people living alone and being forgotten…” she pauses a moment, stumbling over those words, “…who really cares about a damn pestle. He is right.”

She turns a bit, feeling herself flush, her eyes welling up a bit and she gets a wave of depression reliving her past.

The memories of her early childhood, alone with no one to care for her. Many times she had to deal with things on her own. The nights she fell asleep crying. It was just how the Duke worded it, the sincerity behind it. Kind of hit home for her.

The man walks over and puts his arms around her, “Cass, hun, you will never be alone again with me around.”

Cassie giggles a little, glances over her shoulder, “I know, that’s why I am starting to cry.”

Freya (Friday) 1:00 AM

DMaster: You wake up. You are shivering a bit.

Vulcuran: Get ready to bust out of the chair.

DMaster: You don’t have too, the rope has been cut, and even a blanket is over you.

Vulcuran: VUL: What the…
Get up, grab the blanket. Look around.

DMaster: It is pretty dark. The lantern is still there, barely lit. It is very cold in the warehouse right now. Still can hear a bit of wind outside.

Vulcuran: Keep the blanket, look for a door.

DMaster: You walk the direction the man did, and you find a door.

Vulcuran: Open it and head out.

DMaster: Opening the door you get hit with cold snowy weather. It is practically a blizzard.

Vulcuran: VUL: Shit… so much for Spring.
Mumble to myself.
VUL: I bet there are people out looking for me, freezing their asses off.
Find my way to the closest guard house.

DMaster: You find it, and as you suspected it looks like it is all hands on deck. It has to be a click or two past high moon, so it is unusual to see all the guards.

Vulcuran: Walk into the guard house, lower my hood.
VUL: Call off any search, I am here.

DMaster: A few guards, who look pretty exhausted, jump out of their skin as you slink into the guard house. They nod their head. One or two go racing off into the storm.
GUARD: They told us if you show up to go to the Throne room at the Castle right away.

Vulcuran: Nod at him, pull my hood back up and head to the Castle.

DMaster: You make it through the streets, and you get glimpses of Guards now heading back to their perspective guard houses. You make it into the castle and to the Throne room. You see the King, Thames and Sir McBane going over things. Some guards come and go and they skitter to a halt seeing you.
GUARD: M’lord. You are ok?!
The King and Thames look over, eyes wide.
JER: Vulcuran! Where in Animaxes name have you been?
He looks half relieved, half angry.

Vulcuran: VUL: I am fine. Cold, groggy, but I am fine.
Walk to them.
VUL: I alerted the guards to call off the search.

DMaster: Just then you hear someone walking behind you, then hugging you.

Vulcuran: Glance behind me.

Thorin giving the Duke a big hugDMaster: It is Thorin.
THOR: Vulc, man, you are never going to investigate anything alone ever again, you understand me? We had more than half the guards looking for you.
As you turn to face him, he has snow in his hair and you can tell he is pretty wiped and cold.

Vulcuran: Nod to him, put my hands on his shoulders.
VUL: For once I agree fully. I am sorry for the goose chase.

DMaster: Everyone nods and exchanges pleasantries with you. Then the King motions for the room to be cleared.
JER: Everyone out, guards lock the doors.
The room grows silent, the King turns to look at you, red faced.
JER: The same two people, again?
Giving you an inquisitive look, holding back his anger.

Vulcuran: Nod my head, look down.

DMaster: JER: This is getting a bit much…

Vulcuran: VUL: M’Lord…

DMaster: You are cut off immediately.
JER: Silence.
Giving you a stern look you have not seen for some time.

Vulcuran: Stand straight, head high, hands behind my back. Clench my jaw a bit.

The King giving Vulcuran a talking tooDMaster: JER: I am not taking away from the complexity of the situation, I can understand some of your reasoning and hell I know what it is like to get bested and want a bit of revenge.
He eases up on his look, turns to the table, puts his butt to the edge and leans; with arms folded kind of looking down.

Vulcuran: Keep still, listen intently.

DMaster: JER: This is a different grade of, what, operative shall we call them? Our City is big, and has a lot of characters, but these two… it is nothing we have seen or dealt with before.
He takes a breath, wipes down his common royal outfit he must have hastily put on.
JER: I have always been honest with you Vulc. I am disappointed that you have not realized that you alone are not going to be able to capture these two. In my own way I was hoping they would have just left and we could sweep this under the rug. It’s not what I like to do, but this is getting very complex. Nanny’s black market dabbling has to be dealt with, the public relation issues are starting to rise as information is starting to leak and just the flat out safety of our people is in question.
He takes a moment, turns and takes a drink of a mug of water on the table. Kind of slams it down.

Vulcuran: Stay still and silent.

DMaster: He glances over to you.
JER: So, what happened? How they got you out of that warehouse surrounded by our guards is something we are very curious about.

Vulcuran: Nod head.
VUL: I do not know how they got me out, I was hit with a knockout dart. I woke up in another warehouse, tied to a chair. Getting interrogated. (Go on to tell him the story, leaving out some of the questionable things)

DMaster: He takes a deep breath. Looks at you after you are done.
JER: So they are still looking for something. Dammit Nanny…

Vulcuran: VUL: M’Lord, I am not sure she has it, or if she does… she doesn’t know. I feel she is in a deep enough corner where she would not want to lie and get caught, if that makes sense. Sink even deeper.

DMaster: The King nods his head, and softly smiles.
JER: Vulc.
Looks directly in your eyes.
JER: You do not realize how important you are to this royal court, to this kingdom… hell, to me.
He walks over and pats your shoulders.
JER: Can we agree that we need to take a different stance on this, dog’s breakfast?

Vulcuran: Nod head.
VUL: I need too. Well, I guess “we” need to. I have some thoughts, but I would rather talk to you about them over breakfast, if that is ok.

DMaster: He smiles and nods his head.
JER: Yes. We had another incident outside the gates again, so I can tell you about it then. And, not to beat the dead owlbear, but you are not doing anything alone again for the foreseeable future.

Vulcuran: Furry my brow, smirk a bit.
VUL: …Anything?

DMaster: The King gives you a long look, a smile slowly growing on his face. He does a scoff-chuckle and pushes you in the direction of the corridors.

Vulcuran: Turn and nod to him.
VUL: Night M’lord.
Walk to my room.

DMaster: You get to your room, start to undress a bit. It is toasty warm, your small fireplace is going pretty strong. As you finish getting ready for bed, you notice some paper and a pouch on the table.

Vulcuran: VUL: I swear to Animax…
Put the blanket I was carrying on the bed, grab the papers angrily.

DMaster: It is two small parchments. One says: “The Lady Meadow showed up a bit past dinner, she took some money to purchase a dress. Wanted to know if you were still taking her to the ball.”

Vulcuran: Sigh heavily, remembering I was suppose to do that, and again missed it. Damn those two. Keep reading.

DMaster: “This is a note that came for you today, signed: Vatikus”

Vulcuran: Sigh a bit in relief. Look at the note.

DMaster: “Duke, it appears we got off on the wrong foot. You still need info and I still like the color of your coin. Meet me at the fountain in the pit tomorrow. Signed RS.”

Vulcuran: Laugh and toss the note on the table. Shake head. Look in the pouch. Climb into bed.

DMaster: It is about 2:30 AM. There is 3 platinum in the pouch. You fall asleep immediately, oddly bringing the blanket that was over you in the warehouse close. It has the faintest smell of perfume. The morning comes way too fast.
CRY: Still cold, but the snow and winds seem to be gone for the day, it’s 7:00 AM, time to get up.

Vulcuran: Climb out of bed, do my usual routine. Get dressed.

DMaster: Vatikus is there waiting on you.

Vatikus, the Dukes main scribeVulcuran: VUL: Vatikus, I have a meeting with the King for Breakfast and…

DMaster: He interrupts, nodding his head.
VAT: I was here to make sure you make it. He is having breakfast in the throne room.

Vulcuran: Nod my head.

DMaster: Your scribe walks off.

Vulcuran: Grab the note from Rexx, then head to the Throne room.

DMaster: You walk in and the King is there, as well as Carol, Thames and Thorin. They are all sitting around the table, looking like they are just starting breakfast. The scent hits you and you can’t help but smile, it smells amazing.
THOR: There he is. Britney’s enemy number one
He says tongue in cheek and a chuckle.

Vulcuran: Walk over, shake head and sit down.

DMaster: You are served some juice, some bacon, eggs, and fixins. Then finish it off with some bean water. There was some light conversation but for the most part it was quiet. Then the King starts to talk.
JER: Well, I just wanted a quick meeting this morning before the day gets away from us. Vulc, tell them what happened.

Vulcuran: Nod head
VUL: Well I went into the warehouse, which was surrounded by our guards…
Pause, look at Thorin.

DMaster: He is still shoveling in some eggs, listening, but not looking.

Vulcuran: Sigh.
VUL: When I got in there… (tell the tale, the same as last night, keeping a few things out).

Carol talking during the breakfastDMaster: By then all of them are done eating. They are sipping on tea or bean water, listening. They all converse a bit.
CAR: So these artifacts are a set then. I know, uh-duh statement, but are we to assume together they do something… unnatural.
She shudders a bit thinking of the base use for the mortar and pestle; necromancy.
THA: Are these two operatives looking to use it, do you think?

Vulcuran: Shake head.
VUL: No. I would be floored, it is not really their bag. I mean at this point, anything is possible… but I think there is a much bigger puppet master behind all this. I can only assume it is not going to be an art piece placed in a dining hall either.

DMaster: THOR: So you don’t think Nanny has it either, huh?

Vulcuran: Shake head again.
VUL: I highly doubt it. She is in deep shit right now, any further transgressions would sink her even farther.

DMaster: THA: Speaking of that I have drawn up the crime report on her, Thorin you will have to approve and execute it.
The King looks over everyone.
JER: That will have to wait. I want to do this with the utmost discretion.
Most of the people nod, except Thorin, he just scoffs a bit and shakes his head.

Vulcuran: I will nod in agreement, knowing money will get you this kind of privilege.
VUL: It appears our little goblin, orc, smelly information monger wants to meet with me again.
Throw the note on the table.

Thorin the captain of the guardsDMaster: Thorin’s head snaps.
THOR: Rexx? How do you know him? Oh, wait… the Gobblin Goblin.

Vulcuran: Nod my head at him.

DMaster: He snatches up the note.
CAR: The gobblin goblin? That is the actual name of a pub here?
She laughs a little.

Vulcuran: VUL: Yes it is, and boy is it a high end establishment. Not sure anyone in the place spoke common and the smell of body odor is top notch.

DMaster: THOR: Well, if this little shit has information we should take him up on this offer.

Vulcuran: VUL: I am sure he wants me to come alone…
Put my head down, wait for the onslaught.

DMaster: The room grows silent, except for the servants clearing off the tables.

Vulcuran: Look up with a smirk on my face.

DMaster: THOR: One day I am going to take you out back and…
The King chuckles, and interrupts.
JER: You said you had ideas? About our Duo?

Vulcuran: VUL: Yes, rough ideas. I feel we need to trap them, find a way to get ahead of the game. Unfortunately these two are pretty damn smart, so the usual hide and seek is not going to work.

DMaster: THA: What about bait? Maybe find a pestle, and use it as bait for them to come steal?

Vulcuran: Shake head.
VUL: I mean, if that is our only option. But they know, that I know they are looking for that. So if I was to put out bait then…

The King wanting to tell Vulc everythingDMaster: JER: It would be the pestle. They are probably expecting something like this now.
With no other ideas rolling through. The King changes the subject.
JER: So another body was found last night. It was a good 100 paces off the main gate, and a guard found him. With some quick thinking by the guard, they smuggled it into the City without any visuals on it. It is under heavy guard at the morgue. When you get time, Thorin, Vulc… take a look will you. See if you can find something the guards did not.
Everyone is getting antsy to get going. He nods in acknowledgement.
JER: Thorin, give some shadow protection for our Duke when he is meeting up with this Stubby guy, and for god’s sake Vulc, don’t go into a building alone ok?

Vulcuran: Nod head and smile.

DMaster: The breakfast ends and everyone disperses. Thorin walks to you.
THOR: Be at the main guard house around high sun. We will organize a plan and then we can give greeny tooth face a visit.

Vulcuran: Nod head, and head to my office.

DMaster: It is about 9:30AM. You walk in and Vatikus is reading over a scroll with an officer in the room. They look over, bow and M’Lord you.
VAT: Some free time?

Vulcuran: Nod and smile.
VUL: Until lunch, then I will be gone for the rest of the day.

DMaster: The two of you get going on the papers. You get to about half, they seem a bit more complex than before. It gets around 11:30 AM and Vatikus reminds you.

Vulcuran: VUL: Thank you, I will see you later.
Head to the Kitchen grab some lunch, then gear up, and head out. I will stop at Fycons first.

DMaster: You grab some lunch, eat it listlessly, and gear up in your armor. You clean it up a bit since it has been through the war, so to speak, lately. Put it on and make your way out. The Throne room doors are closed and the Castle seems to be in it’s usual state. Walking out you get hit with some cold wind, but not nearly as bad as yesterday. Maybe 40-45 degrees and a slight breeze. It is an overcast day. You wonder it being mid spring when this season is actually going to happen. Seems like it has been winter for a year. You walk through the gates, people double taking with your get up.

Vulcuran: Keep hood down. Want no misunderstandings. Walk into Fycons.

The front of the very fancy restaurantDMaster: The front of the restaurant is a bit busy, but not bad. A man who seems to be the host looks up and he gets an angry scowl.
MAN: Oh no. No. Sorry, there is a certain decorum, a certain dress code…

Vulcuran: Turn to him and get right in his face. Raise an eyebrow.

DMaster: Everyone in the front recognized you right away, their eyes grow big. It took the host a second and it was too late. He skitters to a halt.

Vulcuran: VUL: Mind yourself host. I am hear to speak with Meadow if she is available.

DMaster: MAN: I am sorry. I did not, I mean I…

Vulcuran: Give him a fierce look
VUL: Focus, man. Meadow. Is she here, is she available?

DMaster: He nods his head, and his face is flushing. He races in the back.

Vulcuran: Look about the lobby and nod.
VUL: My apologies for disturbing your lunch.

DMaster: They are nodding / bowing and then shaking their head as to say, “no trouble at all.” Meadow comes out, wiping her hands on her apron. She looks up to you.

Vulcuran: VUL: Do you have a second?

DMaster: She nods. You two walk down the longer narrow waiting area and a few people get up and allow you some privacy.

Vulcuran: VUL: I am sorry I did not meet you. Things kind of… well…

Meadow talking with Vulcuran at her workDMaster: She scoffs a bit.
MEA: Went to shit?

Vulcuran: Smile and look at her.
VUL: Let’s just say, I was tied up. Literally.
Chuckle and realize maybe not give away too much.

DMaster: She gives you a quick semi-shocked look, tilts her head.
MEA: Are you ok?
She puts her hand on your arm.

Vulcuran: Smile at her warmly.
VUL: Yes, thank you. I hope you got a nice dress.

DMaster: She looks at you from the corner of her eye.
MEA: Nice dress? 5 platinum? I could of bought some stores out of their stock of dresses with that kind of money. I had Nance help me out, and she said she knew you pretty well. I think you will like it… she said to tell you, it is an off white dress with some gold accents. You need to match or something?

Vulcuran: Chuckle a little.
VUL: Or something. I do not want to keep you and I have another, well, engagement to attend to. Thank you for being so understanding.

DMaster: She gives you another smile, squeezes your arm, turns and walks back to work. Heading out you make it to the main guard house, go in.
THOR: Vulc! OK. Let’s do this.

Vulcuran: Frown at him.
VUL: Can we get a game plan first?

DMaster: He looks at you, raises an eyebrow.
THOR: You meet him, we stay as far away as possible to watch, and protect. It’s not that hard.

Vulcuran: VUL: He is a pecker head, but has some guile about him, he must know I am not coming alone.

DMaster: Thorin gives you a frustrated look.
THOR: Look, you are not going alone, the King will have my head on a pike if that happens.

Vulcuran: VUL: No, keep the shadow protection but I want one person with me. He has body guards, why not me. Maybe Cayson.

Thorin giving the Duke some shitDMaster: He nods, alerts a guard to go get Cayson who is at the inner gates.
THOR: Not a bad idea… for you anyways

Vulcuran: VUL: Thorin, I swear, I’ll…

DMaster: He stops and looks at you with a smirk.
THOR: You’ll what?

Vulcuran: Sigh and wait.

DMaster: Eventually Cayson gets there and you head out. Through some streets and into the makeshift entrance to The Pit. The road leads right to the fountain.

Vulcuran: Walk to the fountain, tell Cayson to keep a good distance off, but don’t hide.

DMaster: It only took a minute and a hooded figure came to you. By the toothy green smile under the hood you can tell it’s Rexx.
REX: Come to arrest me Duke?
He says, giving a concerned look around.

Vulcuran: Shake head.
VUL: On what count? Talking to people? I have nothing on you, though I want to wring your neck for sicking the thugs on me.

DMaster: He looks at you, distorts his mouth.
REX: Man has got to make a living.

Vulcuran: Give him a “really” look, shake my head.
VUL: So what information do you have?

DMaster: He snorts
REX: You know the deal. Let’s see…

Vulcuran: Grab his arm forcefully.
VUL: No Rex, I played your game twice, and I got next to no information that I didn’t already know. No money is passing between us unless I get something worthwhile. You ganked me out of a platinum last time, and made me decapitate two people… you are going to be the third one, if you do not pony up.

Rexx Stubbs is meeting with the DukeDMaster: He backs up a bit, you hear him breathe heavy. Pulls his arm away.
REX: Maybe this wasn’t such a great idea.

Vulcuran: VUL: No, it was. I am just done with your shenanigans, now spill it…
Turning completely towards him.

DMaster: Cayson takes a few steps forward.

Vulcuran: Give the guard a look and shake my head.
VUL: It’s not that hard. You owe me Stubbs.

DMaster: REX: Fine fine. I found out it is not one person, it is actually two that are seeking this item out. Working together possibly.

Vulcuran: Back up, shake my head.
VUL: Rex. Goddammit. I already know that, I need the information I have asked about twice before. Not some random facts that I found out myself.

DMaster: He is starting to get flustered.
REX: Uhh, well. I don’t know what to tell you.

Vulcuran: VUL: Who is funding this charade?
Say it kind of loudly.

DMaster: REX: I don’t know, the only thing I know is it is not anyone in the City.
Now he is looking around a bit, probably for his guards.

Vulcuran: Shake my head.
VUL: Rex. We are just exchanging information, that is not against our laws. Why are you so fidgety. I have my guards, you have yours. We are on even ground.

DMaster: He looks up to you.
REX: Well, I see what you did to those thugs, in quick fashion I might add, I don’t want to be one of them.

Vulcuran: Sigh
VUL: Then don’t jump me outside a pub, don’t pull weapons and threaten my life. Just do your fucking job and tell me what I want to know. What is it they are looking for?

DMaster: After a minute he takes another breath.
REX: Well it is more than one thing. A few artifacts.

Vulcuran: Shake my head again, losing my patience.

DMaster: He continues before you can go off.
REX: A set of artifacts, maybe things that go together, maybe a bracelet, or necklace, who knows. But also an ancient incantation. A book of sorts that harbors some foul madness.

Vulcuran: Eyes perk up.
VUL: OK. A set of something and a tome of sorts. Foul madness?

DMaster: He nods his head, still fidgeting.
REX: Curses. Yes. Not confirmed, but this set of things has something to do with death.

Vulcuran: VUL: Necromancy.

DMaster: He stops and looks at you, raising an eyebrow.
REX: You know, don’t you.
Tilting his head, suddenly his demeanor changes.
REX: You know most of this shit already. That is why you are getting annoyed, I am telling you stuff you already know, or hell you know better.
He shakes his head.
REX: That is not cool, Duke.

Vulcuran: Give him a look, scrunch my nose.
VUL: Why. Because someone has the privilege of confidential information over you? I am here looking for the details that our informants and system can’t get us.

DMaster: REX: I could pay you a lot of coins if…

Vulcuran: VUL: Now that, my dear Rex, could be viewed as bribery of sorts. So you just shelve that idea quickly and we will be just fine.

DMaster: He nods his head, backs down a bit.
REX: The attack the other day on Nanny’s new place, that was Langford. Anything he can do to delay the opening.

Vulcuran: Chuckle a little.
VUL: OK. That makes sense.

DMaster: After a bit of time of quiet.
REX: This whole ordeal goes much deeper than you realize Duke. I don’t have anything substantial, but the preliminaries I am getting right now. Well, let’s say it is far from just a simple smash and grab.

Vulcuran: Nod head, give him a look.
VUL: If you keep me informed, that certain color coin will be very frequent in your future.
Hand him two Platinum.
VUL: Next time we can do it in a, little less than public environment, what say you?

DMaster: He smiles big, nods his head, and snaps up the coins.
REX: Agreed…
The half goblin or Orc or whatever, races off down a thinner roadway. You walk over to Cayson, who eases up on his sword. Though your presence here is causing a bit of a stir. Some people are looking on, seeing the guard, seeing you and probably sensing the 10 other guards in alleyways.

Vulcuran: Head back to the main guard house.
VUL: Cayson, follow me to the main guard house, then you can return to the inner gate.

Cayson the guard of third starDMaster: Cayson nods.
CAY: Yes, M’Lord.
Thorin is there at his desk, finishing up a report. He sees you and looks up.
THOR: Got what you wanted from ol’ stubby?

Vulcuran: Shake head.
VUL: Not exactly, but he did give me a bit more information I did not know. Something that the duo thinks I do not know about, it can be our proverbial bait for the trap.
Saying this quietly at the Captain, smiling and nodding my head

DMaster: He gives you a curious look.

Vulcuran: VUL: There are actually 3 things… Mortar, Pestle and a book of incantations.

DMaster: He cringes.
THOR: Now that sounds like a wild Saturday night.