Blind Trust

Previously In The Last Adventure:

The Black Dahlia investigates missing people only to find out there is a Changeling in the City and he is not the one responsible. Clues lead them to a well, another Camerondale underground area and then into a disguised portal. This throws them into a compound filled with Flesh Golems called Stitchers.

NSFW Warning / Bad Grammar

This text will contain language not suitable for some people. It is merely an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. We are not trying to be the next J.R.R. Tolkien, so there will be misspelled words, fragmented sentences and things that just don’t make sense. Once in a while there will be some nudity and sexual themes, you will be warned ahead of time. Just read, enjoy and have fun!

Main Characters

EP#97 Blind Trust

First Five Starts Now!

The wind was starting to pick up and the sounds of wheat waving in the breeze was all the group could really hear. A wince or two and some heavy breathing followed shortly after.

Then the Dahlia collectively looks around and about, then back to Chance after he mentioned they were in the Blackened Fields of Rarensari.

“Blackened what now?” Emeric says, shaking his head a little. It is a name he heard before but it was a long time ago.

Verrona is nodding her head with a worried look upon her face, glances at Chance, “yes, beyond the Teeters, well west of the Clovendale River…”

Emeric takes a deep breath, clenches his fist and mumbles one word, “…fuck.”

The leader looks across the fields, in the distance he can see a building or two or what was left of the houses. For the most part just a flat horizon of fields for as far as the eye can see.

“Chance, you are with me. We are going to go along this wall to scout it out to see if we are safe for the short term,” Emeric says then looks to Carver and Veronna, “you two head the opposite way have a good look around and then head back.”

Marzio looks around then to Emeric, “I’ll just… stay here then,” he finishes sliding his butt to the ground leaning up against the wall. Hissing a bit from his wounds.

The sky is clear and there is a nip in the air. The moons were behind them which Emeric was thankful for, they were essentially sitting in shadows. But he did not know for how long.

The two of them stop, and the leader glances back to Marzio who was a good distance away.

“We are pretty far from him and I don’t see anything else here…” Chance says softly but was interrupted by Emeric grabbing the large man and pinning him against the wall hard with a thud. The big man exhales hard and gives the leader a wild look.

Emeric’s eyes like slits, his breathing a bit heavy and if Chance didn’t know any better he was shaking.

“I don’t know what the fuck you were doing in that battle back there. I…” the Corporal of Black Ward spits out in frustration, “I don’t remember a time when I witnessed someone run and hide in the middle of a fight like that before.”

Shocked a bit by the comment, Chance can’t really argue because he knows he did. But he did not think he was going to get called out on it like this.

Emeric relents a bit on pinning him up against the wall, takes a deep breath and looks down, “what happened back there…” is all he could eek out as he shakes his head a little.

“The plate mail guy took me by surprise, I did not realize how strong he was. He hit me hard and…” the Champion started to say but stopped seeing Emeric clench his jaw and his fist.

“We!” Emeric says somewhat loudly, stops, looks about, “we, were all getting hit hard Chance. That is no excuse. I was on my way over and…”

Stopping, he just sighs and shakes his head. Stops himself from pinning him again.

The brunette man with a now growing beard is staring out across the fields. Takes another deep breath glances at the tall quarter elf. “You have been exemplary up to that point. Extracted the information from the Changeling, found the trail, even reminded me of protocol. But I am just baffled.”

The Champion grits his teeth and slowly nods his head a bit, his stomach twists knowing that the mention of Valentine is on it’s way and he deserves it.

“You faced enemies that would set fear into hundreds, you went face to face with Demons… not to mention your skill set, fighting prowess, and arsenal is unrivaled,” Emeric says, continues with a lower tone, “your inexperience with decision making, proper etiquette and the lack of knowing your surroundings… It’s infuriating. Not to mention you are the Champion of Camerondale and Finster… hell, even have a god brewing around in you.”

Chance sighs knowing that is essentially what Valentine has said, others as well.

“I don’t think anyone noticed you did that, so that will be a relief not hearing Marzio’s mouth. But, once again I don’t think I will put it into any report,” Emeric says glancing back to Marzio, seeing that Carver and Veronna have made it back to him, “with everything you have been through, I just can’t wrap my mind around how and why you did that. But enough of this for now.”

Then pins him again to the wall, much nicer this time, “but, if I see you do anything like that again, I will take you to the front doors of the compound and personally take that ring off your finger, understood?”

Chance nods, now shaking a bit with frustration and realization.

The big man glanced up and his eyes bulged looking over his shoulder and Emeric noticed.

Leader of the Dahlia grabs a dagger and swings it behind him within a seconds time, only to have it caught by a beautiful Onyx Elf dressed in black leather armor. Her eyes ablaze.

“Are you fucking nuts?” She hisses, whipping his arm around giving him slitted eyes, talking with a heavy accent.

Marzio stands and is squinting towards Emeric and Chance glances back to Carver and Veronna. “I think something is going down there…” pointing at the two now that they seem to be animated more than they should.

Chance is staring the Onyx Elf down and that does not go unnoticed by the stealthy elf.

Within a few moments Marzio, Carver and Veronna show up weapons drawn ready for battle.

The Onyx Elf turns and shakes her head, “what do you think is happening here, by Ikons dirty robe slippers you guys need to keep quiet, get down and follow me.”

A deep growl emanates from Chance that makes the Elf jump back and look. Eyes flickering, skin ripping with colored veins. Without much reaction to the group, Emeric puts his hand on the Champions arm, “it’s ok, it is just an expression Chance.”

The elf dressed in black, hair up in a ponytail, beautiful face and well toned body glances at everyone and shakes her head, “I didn’t sign up for this freak show… so let’s get a move on before I change my mind. Follow me if you want to live.”

Emeric looks to the group and each one of his subordinates all nod their head except Chance, who was in turmoil trying to get Atticus to calm down.

Everyone is very quiet, Emeric being the loudest (rolled a 16). They head into the weeds, staying low and moving at a pretty good pace. For what seemed like hours they finally stopped and rested.

“You guys are pretty damn disciplined, at least that is going for you. Not one word, trip up or complaint for the past 2 hours. Usually it’s a non-stop shit fest,” she says glancing back taking a quick slug of her water skin.

Emeric snorts a little and smirks, “do this often do you?”

Shrugs her shoulders, eyebrow raised, “I guess.”

Veronna was antsy, and keeps looking back. Then to the Onyx Elf who smirks and makes it a point to nod to her.

“You can hear it, can’t you Wild Elf,” she says deadpan, “they are sending out Harpies to look for us. But in the dark it will be near impossible to find you…”

This new found friend is looking at each one of the members, almost a surprised look, “you are all in matte black armors, what are you rogues, thieves or something?”

Without hesitation, Carver puts his hand up a little, “I am..” says softly.

“We are Black Ward, the Dahlia division. This is our uniform,” Emeric says softly, looking across the wheat that is about 2 1/2 – 3 feet in height, “Everything black, nothing reflective.”

She is shaking her head, “I think I have heard of them, wait…” she pulls back shakes her head, “from that place called Camerondale? Like a week plus ride from here?”

Again the Leader of Dahlia sighs, shakes his head, “yes, don’t remind us…”

After a minute longer she waves you on. As the trek continues in the far distance the party can hear a few wails of the Harpies, some closer, some farther away. It is about a click past high moon and she has stopped again.

“Look for a trap door, it is around here somewhere,” the mysterious elf says, starting to canvas the place, still keeping low.

Veronna picks up on it immediately, and waves everyone over.

“Damn girl, nice eyes,” the Onyx Elf says, using a weird contraption to unlock the door, opening it and pointing down.

Emeric glances back and shrugs his shoulders, “in for a copper, in for a gold as they say,” making his way down the makeshift ladder.

The group piles down into a surprisingly personable basement type. It is about 20 feet wide and about 35 feet long. At first glance, the ladder comes down in the middle. Straight ahead is a door, a painting and a small table butted up against the wall. To the right is a larger table with some dirty dishes, a place mat or two, chairs and a small lantern. There are Rugs on the floor, a hanging candelabra, that Chance almost cranked his head on. Behind them it looks to be some sort of living room with seats, couches and a fireplace that is not lit.

The woman throws her belt out over a chair and turns to the group. “Close that door, tall one, it will lock on its own.”

Chance stops, grabs the handle and slowly shuts it, making sure it does not slam. It clicks and locks once it is down.

Emeric steps forward and in front of the Onyx Elf, “Thank you for helping us. I am Emeric, this is my group,” waving his hand backwards for her to see. Everyone gets introduced.

“Enoko,” The elf says, taking a deep breath looking at the large room.

The Champion nods his head slowly and gives a “hmph.”

Everyone in the room looks over as he is looking to the ground, everything fresh in his mind and in deep thought. Well as deep as it can be for the young Champion.

“Something wrong with my name, tall one?” the Onyx Elf says with a bit of disdain, “apparently you do not like Onyx Elves?”

Carver cups his mouth from laughing while the others give her a smirk.

The large Quarter Elf smirks as well and shrugs his shoulders.

“Chance here, quite possibly, is married to the most beautiful woman in Legon,” Carver said, was about to get interrupted by this elf but shakes his head, “and she is an Onyx Elf.”

Surprised, she looks over to this tall man, who is struggling with something internally and gives him a warm smile and a nod.

Acknowledging that, nodding back, Chance then looks about the room and finds a chair to sit.

“Yes, yes, make yourself at home. We will be here until Sunken Sun. Bathroom back there, food in that chest and no one goes through that door,” pointing to the one on the far wall in front of them, “thats my room,” she finishes with a chuckle.

The Onyx Elf finds her way to Chance, “So tall one, what is your wife’s name?”

“Khamyra, Khamyra Axion,” he says, glancing up to this beautiful woman.

Scrunching her brow, “I have never heard that family name? Where are they from?”

Chance, really not wanting to make small conversation, slowly looks up and smiles, “Camerondale.”

A scoff and a laugh comes from the Dark Elf, “there is no high born or upper class in Camerondale for…”

Shaking his head interrupting the dark one, the quarter elf sighs, “she is married to me, so she is practically royalty and a decorated hero of the Witch War…”

Seeing the man is annoyed with her she turns and walks to a table with a pitcher on it, pours herself a drink. “Well like I said, make yourself at home, find a place to sit, sleep, whatever…” she says waving her hand around, “we have to wait until sunken sun to get moving again, doing so before that would be far too dangerous.”

Everyone finds a place to stay for the short term in the underground bunker of sorts.

“I am going to get a few winks,” the Onyx Elf says looking back to the group, “so I’ll be in here if you need me for anything.”

She meanders over to the door, opens it, walks in and closes it.

After five minutes Emeric waves everyone over to the opposite side of the bunker that the door is on.

“So this is a dog’s breakfast if I ever saw one,” The leader starts, glances at Chance, “how quick do you think Khamyra will start scrying for us?”

Chance thinks for a moment and shrugs his shoulders, “probably the moment she finds out we went through that fucking portal,” finishing with a growl and a tightening of the fist.

“I know it’s not ideal by any means Chance, but…” is all he could get out before Chance turned and walked a bit a ways. The leader stands up a bit more straight, fidgets with his armor.

Shaking his head, the Champion speaks, “this is the 3rd time this has happened to me, not to mention all the other sigils, portals and convergences… it’s getting really old.”

Everyone nods in agreement in some sort of way, including the leader.

“I don’t see any other option other than following this woman,” Emeric says and continues, “I am not sure where she is leading us too, but from what I gathered, for now, her enemies are our enemies.”

The group nods their heads a bit, looking about the room and glancing at Chance who is standing the other direction, fists clenched.

“Chance, what do we know about Varrow? What are we to expect?” The leader of Dahlia says, hoping to get him more engaged in the conversation.

Turning around with a deep sigh, “the unexpected. We could be seeing anything ranging from undead to harpies obviously; but they could be teamed up with Earth Sirens, or Split Jaws who knows. The guy is a necromancer that rivals the skills of old Skello himself,” The Champion finishes off with a raise of his eye brows.

“Sounds like a party animal,” Carver jokes a bit while a few people chuckle.

Emeric in deep thought starts to think out loud, “so they have this system set up that takes people, things from Camerondale all the way to his place called what cardboard cutout?”

A few more chuckles from the group and Chance says “Corroleon, the great city of the bone-razor.”

For the first time in a while Marzio scoffed, “bone razor? that sounds more like a nickname for a hooker.”

And for the third time, chuckles all around, even Chance who shakes his head a bit too.

“Probably one in every City we have to assume,” Veronna chimes in with a sad smirk across her face, “not sure how or why they have these Portals or maybe he can create them?”

Chance shakes his head, “the Gods made the portals so I am going to say no to that.”

Everyone glances at Chance with a raised eyebrow, “the Gods made them,” a few people said over talking over each other.

Nodding his head, turns back to the group, “it’s how they used to travel about Legon apparently, until they realized… well… that is a story for another day I suppose.”

“Story? Until what?” Carver says now totally invested in the conversation.

Emeric nods his head, “yeah for now, it’s not important, just how we can get back in the quickest way possible. let’s just try and get some rest, I fear the next few days are going to be… well, eventful.”

Everyone breaks off. Carver looks through a chest and grabs some jerky, Emeric goes to a barrel, dips a cup in and drinks water, Marzio is looking for wrappings for his wounds and Veronna grabs Chance by the wrist and leads him away from everyone else.

“I don’t know you that well, but well enough,” she hisses quietly, “something is eating you up inside.”

Shaking his head he gives the wild elf a warm smile, “just the normal stuff I suppose.”

She gives him a bullshit look, and thinks for a moment, the Ranger continues, “I didn’t catch what was said but Emeric had you pinned against the wall back at the stronghold, I did not think you were exchangin recipes for meatloaf.”

Quietly the quarter elf sighs, looks down but does not answer.

“It wouldn’t be because you disengaged with the Fire Fist I think they are called, and came back to the group was it?” She says with way too much accuracy.

Tensing up, fist clenched Veronna starts to regret now asking him, seeing just a hint of smoke wafting off this man of power.

“I don’t know… I just don’t know why I did that,” he says now letting go of the tense awkwardness and turning to her, “it is like I have this subconscious that just wants to fuck up, wants to run when I should stand and fight… and maybe shut my mouth rather than talk.”

Placing a hand on his arm Veronna smiles, “it can’t be easy for you being so young, and learning on the job,” she says but stops a moment to think, “I am also pretty damn sure you are tired of hearing that too.”

Patting her hand, Chance chuckles, “yes, but it doesn’t make it any less true.”

“I will not say anything to anyone anyways, especially Marzio, no one wants to hear his mouth anymore than we have too,” she says with a bit of whip.

A big smile from Chance nodding his head, “thank you. Thank you for having my back.”

Nodding her head she moves on to a place where she curls up in a ball and tries to sleep.

The day drags on with little to no conversation, an unusually tasty ration like meal and a few discussions on how to get home faster.

Enoko walks out in full gear from her room, glances to everyone and forces a smile. “Time to move out, it is sunken sun.”

After a triple check that everyone has everything, they all head up the make shift ladder of sorts into the Blacken Fields of Reransari. The stars are twinkling, one of the moons on the horizon, and a cool breeze hits them.

“At least it is not raining,” the Dark Elf says, making sure everyone is out, closing and locking the hatch.

The group moves almost undetected until Enoko stops them, starts to talk to herself, “they moved last week, they shouldn’t be here right now,” rubbing her chin, then glances back to the group.

“Have to move back, we stumbled across…” is all she got out when…

The World of Legon