The Changeling

Previously In The Last Adventure:

The group meets with a Priestess at an old forgotten temple to that “god.” This Ikon Priestess takes them to a place called the Convergence, a place with a lot of portals and takes them through one to a long forgotten place across the Ever Shimmer where they discover information that changes everything. Once they are home the Dahlia is now heading into the pit looking for answers.

NSFW Warning / Bad Grammar

This text will contain language not suitable for some people. It is merely an expression of an event that has happened and not meant to hurt or offend anyone. We are not trying to be the next J.R.R. Tolkien, so there will be misspelled words, fragmented sentences and things that just don’t make sense. Once in a while there will be some nudity and sexual themes, you will be warned ahead of time. Just read, enjoy and have fun!

Main Characters

EP#96 The Changeling

Banner for EP96 The Changeling

First Five Starts Here

The statue in the pitThe group trudges through the opening of the area, down the infamous street Called Copper Road. It leads to the center of “the Pit” where there is a fountain, with a statue of an unknown horse rider in the middle. As usual, the water is not on and the fountain area is filled with garbage. A few guards have a barrel and are pulling out the debris as the group passes.

“The first place is called…” Emeric says stopping for a second for a chuckle, “The Old Chunky Raspberry?”

Chance sighs and giggles, shakes his head. “Well, better than the spicy whistler…”

The group looks over to him with a smirk and a laugh. “The smell would be better too…” Carver finishes off to more giggles and chuckles.

Emeric leads them to a Tavern that has its doors closed. He knocks on the door and waits. Knocks again and waits.

The Pub and Tavern Door“Might not be open,” Chance says looking around the area a bit.

Marzio scoffs and walks to the edge of the tavern, “great observation Esmershard…”

The Champion stops and glances over to the stout man with radiating gloves and gauntlets hanging off his back and growls a little. But it could not be heard over the chuckles of the group.

Leader of this Dahlia group shakes his head and starts to head out grabbing his paper he took with the other tavern on it. The door slowly opens up.

“Hell… (cough cough) hello?” a scruffy man asks, sticking his head out the door. Could not be older than 25, 5 o’clock shadow, rustled hair and looks hung over.

Emeric speaking with pub ownerEmeric turns about and walks to the man, “Yes, good morning, we are here to see the owner of this fine establishment Scimone Geratto.”

The man stands a bit straighter and glances at the 5 people dressed in hard core black armor with the BW symbol on it and armed to the teeth. His eyes bulge a little and he backs up. “Whoa, Black Ward…”

He opens the door and lets the group in. The place smells of beer and farts, this Scimone smells worse and looks worse if that is possible. The disheveled man is standing in a stained night shirt and some burlap shorts scratching his head; now somewhat alerted with the Ward being here.

“I am Scimone, wha-wha-what is the matter?” this individual stammers looking at the hardware in front of him.

Chance is investigating a bit, leans over to Verrona, “I thought we sent someone to let him know we were coming?”

Verrona giggles at the size of Chances pee peeShe shrugs her shoulders, mumbles back, “he is probably still drunk and went straight back to bed…” finishing with a giggle.

Emeric is asking him questions, and he is answering them to the best of his ability. It is clear he is overwhelmed, hungover and confused about the missing people.

The tall quarter elf glances out the window and watches as a guard walks past the building. Something triggers with him, like a deja vu. “I have seen that guard today already before…” and before he could finish his thought process this guard walks by again trying to look in.

Carver is wandering through the pub, looking around. Eventually glances to Chance who is staring him down.

The Quarter Elf stares at him for a second and nods his head towards the outside.

Carver playing along with ChanceThe thief stops, understands, looks around and points to a window behind him on the far wall.

Nodding his head, the Champion walks forward a bit, “I apologize, I do not mean to interrupt but is there a back door to this place?”

Emeric is looking over some ragged pieces of paper, with sloppy handwriting on it. Verrona leaning over looking at a few other things. This Scimone looking like he is trying to NOT throw up. Emeric gives Chance an annoyed look, while the guy looks a little off put by the question.

“Yes it is around the bar here and down the hallway,” he says somewhat sweatingly, ” I keep those locked at all times, I never unlock them during business hours, no, I don’t.”

Both Emeric and Verrona perk up hearing his over sell of this, glance at each other, and the fact they did not ask him about locking anything.

Inside the Tavern KitchenChance hops the bar and walks down the cramped hallway bypassing a few doors that are open. A smell of old potatoes, stale beer and the most charming part of the bar… smell of farts. He passes by a room with kegs, sacks and a small desk in the middle with some coins on it. Another looks to be a kitchen of sorts. He gets to the back door, expecting it to be locked and it wasn’t.

A scoff and a turn of the handle sends him outside the pub in a smelly back alley. The Champion heads around the building and through another very cramped alley way. He watches as that same guard now has stopped walking and looks to be guarding a home. Shaking his head, Chance is pretty sure something is up with this guy. “It could be nothing, but what if it isn’t.” The Tall Quarter Elf walks across the road and over to the house next to the one this mysterious guard was standing by.

This made the guy shuffle a bit and turn to walk away only to see Carver about 10 feet from him to his right. Now more nervous he starts to go straight only to practically run into the Champion who has moved in front of him.

“Your name, 2 star,” Chance says in a booming voice, looking at his stars on his uniform.

Drerick the mysterious manHe goes to turn only to have Carver up against him as well, “he asked you a question and let me tell you, if you should answer anyone… (scoffs) you should answer him,” giving the guy a nod towards the tall Champion.

The man slowly turns to see Chance has his eyes flickering with a blue fire, squinting hard and starting to lean down.

“Oh! Uh… my name is, uh…” he starts to say as his eyes get bigger, then makes a quick move to start running. Before Chance could grab him, Carver had him on the ground, face first and cuffs on his wrist.

Chance is smiling and nodding his head, “damn Carve, you are quick…”

The Master thief glances back with an odd smirk, “don’t even think about saying it!” He responds with a playful jab pointing at the big man who is now smirking. The Tall quarter Elf scoff-laughs and looks over to the bar.

Emeric has his head out of the door of the pub, raised eyebrow and thoroughly confused, “uh, care to tell me what the hell you two are doing?”

Verrona slips past him and walks over, wide eyed with a smile, “nice, are all our guards to be arrested next?”

The front of the tavernEmeric walks back in the pub for a moment and then heads out with a head of steam getting more annoyed by the second.

Chance has the man by the collar staring him down, eyes flickering still a bit, “name, now, 2 star.”

He is looking around desperately, and by the time Emeric shows up the man just says “I… I… am… I’m Drerick.”

Everyone looks to the leader of the Dahlia who scrunches his brow looking at the man seeing that the outfit doesn’t fit him, seems old, the weapon he has is not from Camerondale and he seems very fidgety.

“What rank are you?” Emeric says getting in the mans face, “I am sorry what was your name, Drerick?”

He kind of shakes his head and says with a meek voice “Silver stripe, mr. sir.”

The stocky leader of Dahlia nods his head and chuckles, “OK, well a decent rank…” pauses for dramatic effect, “a decent rank for the Northern Hold of Vermeer!”

Chance keeping the guy in tight chainsThe group looks around and laughs a little, the man is wiggling around a lot. Chance is keeping a serious tight grip on him and it probably hurts.

“Calm down Drerick, if that is your real name, we need to take you back and make sure to get you… squared away,” Chance finishes with a smirk and a growl yanking him around like a rag doll.

Carver is giggling, “Chance told him his rank twice when talking to him… and he still got it wrong!”

The group heads to the local guard house and it is embarrassing. Only 3 guards there, junk and garbage everywhere, smells of rotting food and no leader to speak of. One of the guards is napping at a table filled with debris, the other is leaning against the wall drinking a water skin the other turns to see them enter and his eyes bulge out of his head.

“Black, uh… Black Ward!” He belts out standing perfectly straight staring at Emeric.

The leader of Dahlia is red faced and ready to knock some skulls, grabs this only guard who seemed to be coherent, “where is your superior 1 star!”

Still in shock seeing these guys in front of him, he stutters, “he qui-qui quit a week ago, we have been… been… uhh, been waiting for a replacement.”

“1 star, go the the Honey-barrel Guard house just outside the Pit and notify someone to have the Captain report here immediately,” the Leader says with a growl, shoving the man a little and watching him run off. The other two get sent out on patrol.

Meanwhile, Chance puts the other “guard” named Drerick into a jail cell, closes and locks it. Walking back into the main area and the start of the conversation with the group.

The guard house smelly of courseEmeric is looking to Verrona and Carver who are looking through scrolls, books and papers, that are all in disarray, “Do we know who this guy is? Can we verify it?” He asks looking around the place and wincing at the smell of rot.

Verrona pulls out some papers and scans them, shaking her head. “The last entry for any kind of roster was… the beginning of Embertinder. Months ago.”

Legon has it’s own calendar, mirroring earths, but original month names and the like: Find the calendar here.

Carver, looking through papers, jumps up and sits on the edge of the table, “it is weird though,” he starts, glancing off into the distance thinking, “this Drerick looks completely lost. Either he got brained last night or he is really bad at pretending to be someone else.”

Seeing that Verrona has finished going through the available rosters, “You two find anything on the rosters,” perks the leader of this group.

The Elf Ranger is leafing through the papers again, “Not really, I mean his name is Drerick right, with an extra R?”

The scrolls and papersChance makes it back to the table after looking around a bit, and realizing it smells worse in certain areas of the guard house, “it was like he stuttered and that name came out, also took him 3 tries to come up with it, doubt that is his real name,” he finishes leaning on the table.

After a few more minutes, Emeric has opened all the windows of the guardhouse to air it out with Carver helping.

“We still have another pub to go to, correct?” the master thief says finishing pinning one of the shutters open.

Emeric nods his head turning back to the table, “yes, but it won’t be open for a few hours and the runner said there was no one at the owners house.”

In walks the Captain with wide eyes and a hand covering his nose, “what in a dogs ass?”

The leader of the BW Dahlia turns to him with wider eyes and a smirk, “Captain, care to explain why this guard house has no Superior and little to no occupants?”

He looks genuinely surprised. Shaking his head he walks over to the table with the papers and books scattered about, starts to leaf through them, “there should be a corporal and at least a 3 star running this place, I think the name of the corporal was Manish…. yes, Manish Kallisto,” the captain says getting more frustrated by the minute.

Marzio being a wise acreMarzio who has been quiet most of the time, shakes his head and mumbles, “apparently our guards can’t seem to think for themselves, or clean up after themselves,” shrugging his shoulders and walking to an open window.

“Apparently…” the Captain growls looking up to a 2 star guard walking into the house surprised by the Captain and Black Ward sitting there, eyes are huge, practically pissing himself.

The Captain grabs the guard and growls, “run to the Merchant Way South Guard House, get a few guards over here now! Tell Corporal Kohlman it is on the Captains orders, got it?”

Scared probably shit-less he nods his head and races out the door.

Disappointed and angry the Captain slams his hands on the table and stares out across the unkept guard room.

Emeric slides up next to him and nudges him, in softer tones for not everyone to hear, “hey you have a lot on your plate and when the chain of command breaks down…”

The large man in armor, armed to the teeth glances down and nods his head, appreciative of the support, “but I can’t think of it like that, it is my responsibility to make sure these guard houses are run correct, organized and have the correct amount of guards stationed.”

Emeric raises an eyebrow, “well then, maybe you can help us,” he says grabbing the mans arm and leading him to the jail cell.

The Captain looks, squints and shakes his head, “who the hell is that and why is he not in the correct uniform, is he one of ours, and why…” he says and stops then glancing over to the leader of the Dahlia.

The two of them walk out the room, closes the door.

“Not sure who this is but he was hovering around one of the pubs that these people keep disappearing from,” Emeric explains looking about to his group, then back to the Captain, “he gave a rank for Vermeer too, despite having a 2 star uniform on.”

A small chuckle and a shake of the head, the Captain replies,”well, impersonating a guard or an official is a serious offense. But the real question is…”

“Why…” Emeric finishes nodding his head and walking over to Verrona who has given up on the papers and scrolls.

By then the guard house started to fill up with guards and a few 2 stars, one 3 star, plus a corporal who looks shell shocked to say the least. The captain grabs them and walks outside and is angry but the tone is leveled and has understanding; these guys are not to blame for this debacle.

After the Captain has a brief discussion with the Ranger Elf since she went through what paperwork was there, the Dahlia team moves out with the mysterious impersonating guard in hand.

Making their way through the City, it is the usual reactions of point, whisper, surprised and somewhat unnerved seeing not only the Black Ward in full gear, larger group walking but it is the Dahlia.

This Drerick is taken to a side door in the Black Ward compound, walked in and taken to an interrogation room that can’t be more than a month old.

Chance walks him into a 10′ x 10′ cell, painted black. The second Chance walks into the room it reminds him of the under earth, he feels his powers being pulled away. Surprised a bit he drops the guy off, walks out quickly and locks the door.

By now everyone has made it to the main room, and greeting Bastian and Sakine.

After a twitch or two, “any luck with either of the pubs?” The Master Witch asks.

Emeric shaking his head, “no, but we have some dope who thinks he is in Vermeer, down in the black room.”

Turn Based Starts Now

Chance: Make my way in with the rest of the group and kind of chuckle at the comment Emeric just made. Wait to see what all is said and see what the game plan will be next.

DMaster: You guys fill in Bastian and he is curious and confused.
BAS: Wait (flinchs) He is a silver stripe?
Looks around goofy like.
BAS: Are we in Vermeer all of sudden?
Everyone laughs a bit and Emeric steps in.
EME: In an hour we can see if that other pub owner is up, we can send a runner… Sakine? Where are you?
SAK: Yes boss, been here the whole time. I heard you, I’m right here. Getting someone to go in an hour.
He shakes his head looks back to the table with everyone standing around it. Sakine grumbles something about being invisible to everyone.

Chance: Kind of cover my mouth, smirking as I watch on.

DMaster: EME: I sent for Cassie, hoping she can get a read on this guy. But considering the info we have got so far I’m not banking on getting anything useful.

Chance: Nod head.
Chan: well we can hope, I mean even if she can’t read anything, she can be very persuasive.

DMaster: Bastian nods his head, smirking.

Chance: Chan: so what do we do in the meantime Emeric while we are waiting to go to the other pub?

The Baroness CassandraDMaster: The group is waiting for the hour to turn, nibbling on some food, talking about the mysterious guard. Emeric has some papers he is looking through. Then the door opens and up walks Cassie. In a longer shirt that could almost pass as a short skirt, matching tight pants, darker boots and jewelry to match. Her hair is down and her eyes are big and glittering.
CASS: What… I have to do the Black Wards job now?
BAS: Sorry to have taken you away from your mint julips and bon bons.
She stops, gives him an odd look.
CASS: That would not be a good combo, yuck.
Everyone chuckles a bit.

Chance: Shake my head and just keep watching this unfold.

DMaster: She looks to Emeric. Her shoulders slump. He gives her a shoulder shrug.
EME: Sorry, it’s really the only place here. Otherwise its a mess getting them into a guardhouse that has the resources.
CASS: That room gives me the heebee jeebee’s, but yeah I get it.
She glances over and walks past you & gives you a hip bump.
CASS: Hey Champ hows the little woman and kiddos?

Chance: Chan: doing quite well thank you Cassie.
Giving her a hip bump back and my normal smirk.
Chan: if I could bottle up the kiddo’s diapers, we wouldn’t have any enemies to worry about.

DMaster: The group all looks at each other smiles, but shrugging their shoulders.
CASS: No that would be chemical warfare, we outlawed that years ago.
She finishes chuckling, walking down to the changing rooms and the warded black room. Everyone starts to follow and eyes each other seeing the inside jokes and closeness of the Dahlia member and Royalty.

Chance: Chan: she isn’t the only one that doesn’t like that room.
Shaking my head remembering how I felt when I entered it.

A dark interrogation roomDMaster: Emeric waves you all on and head down. There is a room on the opposite side, with a few chairs, but reflective odd windows to look through as someone is interrogated. This room is adjacent to the black room and it has odd wall coverings that look like burlap bags of feathers stuck to the wall. You suspect it helps dull the sound in the room you are in. You also notice the little talking that happened while in there is very dull and quiet. Everyone lines up and looks on.

Chance: Watch on and see what is said.

DMaster: DM: To move this along, I was predicting a long painful interrogation or even letting this Drerick go because of no evidence. I had Todd roll a straight 1d20 to see how well it goes. Todd came in with a 19. This helped a lot. Cassie starts to talk and you are getting little internal tugs, it makes you cough slightly. What you feel is most likely Atticus.

Chance: See if the tugs are Atticus trying to tell me something.

DMaster: You are guessing that. Unless you have to take a weird ass shit, it is most likely your stowaway. It is nothing that seems urgent but its there. In the meantime Cassie approaches this odd guard in the black room.
CASS: So your name is Drerick?

Chance: Keep listening to the conversation and see if the tugs get any stronger. I don’t want to do anything rash at the moment.

DMaster: This Drerick nods. She goes to sit, stops and stands straight. Emeric quietly mumbles.
EME: Why isn’t she sitting? Something is up.
Bastian looking on with quill and papers, nods his head in agreement.

Chance: Watch and see what Cassie does and how she acts while she is interrogating him.

The Mysterious GuardDMaster: CASS: What were you doing outside the, wait… the name of the pub is the Old Chunky Raspberry?
She does a short glance back through the window. The room chuckles a bit. He answers dead pan, without hesitation.
DRE: Patrolling…
CASS: Under who’s command?
DRE: uh, well, Captain Titus.
Her eyes bulge a little and she chuckles.
CASS: Ok, give me a minute to verify.
She walks out, closes the door wheels around, opens the other door and walks in, closing it behind her. The Baroness clenches her fists and an odd woosh sound that you are familiar with, no one can hear you now, just this room, its a Psi-Silence bubble.
CASS: Can’t read him, like he is not even there, like how Azatina was, and Chance is to me now.

Chance: Chan: Perhaps there is a spell on him?

DMaster: She nods, but looks at you.
BAS: He isn’t a humanoid.
She nods her head.
CASS: That is much more likely.

Chance: Scrunch forehead.
Chan: well then just what the hell is he?

DMaster: CASS: Not smart for one, like any 2 star would be directly under Titus, he must of read the papers or something and got his name from that. I don’t think he realizes just how big this City is.

Chance: Chan: He isn’t even a two star according to him.
Chuckle a little.
Chan: Well if you can’t read him how do we get anything out of him?

Emeric speaking to the groupDMaster: Emeric snorts.
EME: You kids. Always look for the easy way out, we interrogate him Chance, like in the good old days.

Chance: Nod my head and smirk and just let Emeric take the lead on this.

DMaster: Bastian walks past everyone, and wobbles a bit when he opens the door. Cassie smirks knowing he must of walked out of the silent Psi she has going. He has some papers in his hand, a well and a quill. Walks in the black room, adjusts the only lantern in there to make it as bright as possible.
DRE: Am I to be held for much longer?
BAS: You will be held for as long as we need information from you… that includes the truth. The longer you screw the pooch, the longer you stay in this…
He looks about and shudders.
BAS: … in this room.

Chance: keep watching on with my hands behind my back, see if Atticus stirs anymore.

Sakine taking notesDMaster: DM: I am rolling for Bastian’s interrogation with his skills and it falls kind of flat with a 13. Todd wanted to see if Atticus stirs more and he rolls a 16. Not bad. Yeah still getting tugs. Friendly taps if you will. Bastian finishes and leaves the black room then walks in your room with wide eyes, looks slightly defeated.
BAS: I got a whole bunch of nuttin.
Everyone nods.
SAK: Nuttin is being nice…
The red head finishes with a sly smirk. Bastian sighs, and his shoulders slump.

Chance: Just shake my head and think to myself Atticus, if you are trying to tell me something you need to work with me and be more direct.

DMaster: You are not sure about Atticus, but everyone decides to go check out the other pub and grab lunch. DM: We are moving this along because nothing really happens. The group heads out to the other pub, seems to be run a bit better, called The White Crow. A better name for sure. The owner does not have any information and the investigation results with absolute nothing. They head back to the Dahlia HQ and grab some lunch. It is mid afternoon now. Emeric asks for suggestions. Cassie walks in to see the progress. You get this odd sensation, like the Silent Assassin is trying to speak with you.
ATT: t-a-l-k . t-o . i-t .
You cough a little, catching your breath. Leaning a bit forward. A puff of smoke escapes your mouth. Cassie glances over to see the smoke and starts for you.
CASS: You alright Champ?
Chuckles a bit, getting to your side and padding your back.

Chance: Chan: Something is just tugging at me with this guy, call it a feeling.
Look to the Baroness and then to the group.

DMaster: Everyone looks over and somewhat confused.
MAR: A feeling. Great. That will solve this mystery.
A few people chuckle.

Chance: Look over at him and my eyes turn to slits and let a little power flow out of me.
Chan: You put forth the effort to make these useless comments, why not put a little effort towards, I don’t know, maybe a suggestion or an idea?
Give him a disgusted look.

DMaster: MAR: Whatever.
Cassie smiles figuring Chance is right and this guy is just antagonizing him, but why. Chance could go frenzy and this guy would be nothing more than a puddle of blood on the floor. Then she taps you.
CASS: Have at it, just don’t kill him.
Bastian chuckles a bit then straightens up.
BAS: Yeah, Don’t kill him.

Chance: Calm down and stop the flowing of power coming from my eyes.
Chan: I mean I can try to see if I can get anything out of him using certain methods.
looking at the group to see what the general decision is.

Master Witch BastianDMaster: Bastian looks around and back to you.
BAS: Certain methods? Chance, again, don’t kill him, or hurt him for that matter. He is just a person of interest, head in there.

Chance: Nod my head and take a deep breath before I head down and into the room.

DMaster: Everyone heads back down, and you walk in the room. He looks up to you uninterested.

Chance: See if I can make my eyes flair up with power as I walk over to him.

DMaster: They flicker, but this room is heavily warded, worse than the underearth. You sit and you bow your head as you are getting dizzy.The guard looks at you tilts his head.
DRE: Are you… alright?
Atticus is almost taking you over, it is like his way of trying to communicate with you. But it makes your skin crawl, body shakes a bit. Smoke swirls around you like its coming off a camp fire. The guard slides back as far as he can being chained. Wide eyes.
DRE: What is wrong with you?!
By this time the Dahlia and Cassie are looking in with concern. Bastian slowly walks for the door in case.
CASS: (quiet) Dammit Chance don’t do anything stupid…
Atticus, his shrill skittery voice comes to you.
ATT: His name, his name is Rakbegez Naknide.

Chance: I hear this in my head right?
Chan: (quiet) Fuck man, how do I even pronounce this.
You can’t be sure but you think Atticus just chuckled.

Chance struggling in the black roomDMaster: The guard is still eyes wide waiting for a response.
DRE: Pronounce what?
You slowly look up, your eyes fluctuating from deep black, to blue to your normal ones.

Chance: Take a deep breath, stare at him.
Chan: so tell me, why you are giving us a fake name?
Keep an eye on him to judge his reactions.

DMaster: He looks at you for a long while, shakes his head. Your voice a bit guttural.

Chance: Lean forward a bit, bring in my intimidation.
Chan: I know it is a fake name. So why keep this bullshit up?

DMaster: You can tell he is ready to shit himself, and trying to decide whether to come clean or not.

Chance: Lean back with a scoff.
Chan: How about I guess, and you tell me if I am correct?

Drerick, not his real name thoughDMaster: A look of bewilderment washes over his face as to say, yeah good luck with that.

Chance: Chan: First name start with a “R.” Last name with a “N.”

DMaster: His eyes bulge again. Looks around the room. You have this feeling of invincibility, must be a little kick from the stow-away.

Chance: Chan: Ok, bored now. I know your name is Rakbegez Naknide. I think I said that right.
Lift an eyebrow.

DMaster: His eyes bulge even more and he backs up as far as he possibly could. the chair screeches a bit. He is staring at you mouth wide.
ATT: Created year 998 First Era, at the foothills of the Thundrad Mountains.
You cough, shake your head. Smoke flips off you again. Cassie looks to Bastian who is creeping closer to the handle and she shakes her head. Walks to the Witch and low voice.
CASS: What the fuck is coming off Chance? That smoke?
Bastian looks at her and shrugs his shoulders.
BAS: At this point, who knows.

Chance: Just repeat Atticus.
Chan: Created year 998 First Era, at the foothills of the Thundrad Mountains.

DMaster: He is staring, shaking a little.
RAK: How would you know that?!? Who, Are, You?
He is much more animated and loud now.

Chance: Smile real wide, let Atticus give me the eyes if he wants.
Chan: your worst nightmare if you don’t start talking.

DMaster: Atticus allows it and the guy is looking around.
RAK: Help, anyone! What did you bring in here with me!
ATT: He is a changeling, One of my creations.
You cough and gag a little.
RAK: What is that smoke coming off you?

Chance: Shake my head. Scoff again, almost talking to myself.
Chan: ahhh, yes that would explain it all.

DMaster: RAK: Explain what?
This slow, unexcited man is now very animated and trying to stand up and get away, but can’t.

Chance: Chan: Explain… well, it seems you are a changeling and a creation of Atticus.
giving him an evil looking grin.

DMaster: Cassie’s head snaps to the window and the room, Bastian’s eyes bulge.
CASS: What the fuck?
She says as quiet as she can. This Rak guy nods his head, realizing who he is now talking to. Shaking a bit, sitting down.
RAK: M’lord? Is that… you? We were told you were… destroyed? Thousands of years ago.

Chance: Stare at him for a minute.
Chan: The story of his demise was greatly exaggerated. Let’s just say he isn’t completely gone. He dwells within me.
Lean forward again, eyes to slits.
Chan: now talk, tell me exactly what you are doing here.
See if I can pull on more of Atticus’s influence.

DMaster: You did not have to even try anything else, he just spills his guts.
RAK: My mate. They died. Abusenath Ketrul was the name. Been looking for another… I have been going from town to town looking to see if there is someone who can handle the change.

Chance: Chan: so you are the one responsible for all the disappearances then?

DMaster: He gives you an odd shake of his head.
RAK: No, not for too long anyways. I’ll charm them, then take them back to a place. I have a way of overwhelming their senses. When they are out of it, all I have to do is mix a little blood on the tip of my tongue and I will know within minutes if they are compatible. Then I put them in the alley way of the pub I took them from.
He looks genuinely concerned, looking down at the table while he talks.
RAK: I started to realize that the people I have tested seem to be going missing. I wanted to know what was going on.

Chance: Chan: How many people?

DMaster: He thinks for a moment.
RAK: I think I have tested 10-11. But a week ago I overheard someone talking about a man missing from the Chunky Raspberry and I investigated…

Chance: Nod my head.
Chan: so now, you are trying to help find out, like us, what exactly is going on.

DMaster: He nods his head in return.
RAK: No other town or city ever noticed what I was doing. I just don’t know why they are missing here…

Chance: Scoff, thinking probably because of me.
Chan: How many pubs did you frequent?

DMaster: RAK: Only the Raspberry and the Crow.

Chance: Chan: Why only those?

DMaster: RAK: They have dark narrow alley ways I can put the body without anyone noticing.

Chance: Nod head.
Chan: Alright that is good for now. We will be back in later.

DMaster: He nods nervously, bows his head. Seems like he is getting emotional.

Chance: Stand up and look to him. Atticus jumps to your forefront so to speak.
Chan: You will find another mate soon, even if I have to create them for you.
It as a low skittery voice.

DMaster: He looks up, tears welling in his eyes. Smile forming.
RAK: Thank you M’Lord.
you turn and walk out. close the door. You get this release, a weak feeling.

Chance: Walk back to the rest of the group and try to regather myself, bracing for the questions that are coming.

DMaster: Everyone is bug eyed staring at you. Except Bastian, he is smirking.
BAS: That. Was interesting to say the least.
EME: Chance, you had smoke coming off you, were you really channeling Atticus?

Chance: Sigh loudly, nod my head.

DMaster: Cassie takes your hand, looks to the group.
CASS: Stay here for a minute.
She drags you out, halfway up the stairs. Wide eyed and animated.
CASS: Chance, what the fuck!

Chance: Chuckle. Smile at her.

DMaster: CASS: This. This is funny?
Looking at you with concern.
CASS: Does Khamyra know all about this?

Cassie talking with ChanceChance: Nod head.
Chan: Of course.

DMaster: CASS: Has she witnessed this type of, well, behavior?

Chance: Laugh a little.
Chan: Cassie, hun. We’ve talked about this before on our trip to Magus Orion. Plus Khamyra has witnessed stuff that would probably make you grease your drawers.
Giving her a concerned but a playful look.

DMaster: She sighs and points back down to the room.
CASS: I have appointments, so I have to go. But Chance, be careful.

Chance: Chan: Oh yeah, all over THAT!
Giving her a playful push as I walk down the stairs.

DMaster: You walk into the room in the middle of conversation about what to do next. Bastian looks over to you with questioning eyes.

Emeric, Leader of Dahlia Asking questionsChance: Shrug shoulders.
Chan: that is the first time we actually worked together instead of him just taking over.
Think for a moment.
Chan: well, it’s not something I wanna do on a repeat basis but as I said I had a feeling he was trying to tell me something. So I figured I would go with it and see what happened. A changeling. Wow am I right?
Trying to get the eyes off me.

DMaster: They all nod their head, glancing at each other. Emeric waves it off a little.
EME: Do we believe him?
Everyone is semi-nodding.
BAS: His creator was right in front of him, I don’t think he would lie.
The leader of the Dahlia lifts an eyebrow in thought.
EME: So this Changeling, he does his mojo on them, tests them, then puts them back in the alley of the pub he takes them from.
Everyone nods their head.

Chance: Chan: So the question is, what do we do with Rakbegez now?

DMaster: EME: He stays put, he still kidnapped them, kind of. Let’s head up. Verrona can you get a map?
Everyone gets to the top. Sakine is last, still writing a bit on her scroll.

Chance: Nod my head and wait for the group to head up top and follow them. Once we get up top I will see what Emeric decides to do next; talk to Atticus in my head and tell him thank you for the help.

DMaster: You don’t get any response. Verrona puts the map of the slums down on the table and everyone gathers round. He is pointing at a few things.
EME: Here is the Chunky place, the Crow here.
Tracing his fingers. They are fairly close together. He leans in to look.
EME: I guess those are alley ways, can’t tell with this map. If we can’t find much, lets look in between them, see if there is a common area.
After a few minutes of looking, people gearing up.
EME: Let’s get going. Head back to the old chunky tomato or whatever and check that alleyway, Then we will head over to the White Crows Alley Way.
Pointing for the door.

Chance: Shaking head and smirk.
Chan: The White Crow doesn’t make sense, but Chunky Raspberry? Might avoid fruit for a while…

DMaster: VER: I am envisioning… oh no. picking things out of your teeth.
Everyone chuckles, you guys get ready and head out. By now it is mid afternoon.

Chance: Obviously let Emeric take the lead and follow the group. Head to the alleyway of the old chunky raspberry first.

DMaster: As you walk Verrona has been eyeing you up. Looks like she has questions but stays quiet.

Chance: As we walk, make my way over to her.
Chan: How you doing Rohlia… oh… I mean Verrona.

DMaster: Her eyes bulge and she pushes you a bit laughing. You hear Carver snicker too.
VERR: Really? You don’t have to be a Jerk about things.

Calling Chance out on his bullshitChance: Chuckle.
Chan: Sorry couldn’t resist. It is fun to know two of the best Rangers Legon has to offer.

DMaster: She has this “oh the BS this guy is spewing” look on her face. Sarcastic nod.

Chance: Chan: I couldn’t help notice you eyeing me up.
Slow a bit pondering what I just said, then giving her a side wards glance.

DMaster: She gives you a REALLY look and a chuckle.

Chance: Chan: I meant, you have questions?

DMaster: She smiles, slowly shakes her head.
VER: Tons, but I am not sure now is the time walking into the pit. Plus they are not simple questions like, how can a champion be so clumsy all the time?
She gives you a hip bump and a giggle.

Chance: Shake head.
Chan: It’s quite easy I guess. I trip up watching all you talented people…
Letting Emeric take the lead to the alleyway.

DMaster: You head back into the Pit with Verrona jokingly putting a finger down her throat to throw up and you letting out a belly laugh that makes Emeric look behind him. It is about 3:30 – 4:00 PM. People look a bit scared seeing you guys with a head of steam, and some seeing you for a second time. Into the Pit this time a day as the sun is heading downwards makes people scatter. You get to the pub and walk into the alleyway. DM: Todd’s dice were on fire. He rolls a crit, 20 and with a 4 bonus. Again, this makes things a little easier because his character at this point could find a mouse masturbating a half mile away if he wanted. The over-all investigation for the rest of the group as a whole was 13.

Chance: Start looking around.

The Alley Way of the RaspberryDMaster: The alley way was cramped only about 7-8 feet wide with a barrel or two lining the southern wall. That is to what looks like an old brownstone converted into a warehouse possibly. The door to the Raspberry is closed. You double take and you notice a crate that has the smallest blood drip on it. The crate seems to have been moved awkwardly and two boot drag marks head north out of the alleyway. It is very faint but you catch it.

Chance: Chan: I got something over here Emeric. Pointing out what I found.

DMaster: Verrona has her head on a swivel, watching you point things out and she is nodding her head.
VER: Damn Chance, I missed that. Great eyes.
Marzio rolls his eyes. Emeric pushes you a bit forward nodding his head.
EME: Well, you got the stink on you, keep going!

Chance: I start following the boot drag marks making sure not to lose the trail or the group.

DMaster: It goes down another alley, across a road and into an overgrown alleyway that you push through some bushes. Then it opens into an area, it seems it is communal, 4-5 back-ends of some old brownstones and apartments pin up to this circled out area. It is roughly 30 x 30 feet, circular. A few lines with some old clothes hanging on it. Each of the buildings have a door on the wall. A barrel or two against the building and a very large well smack dab in the middle.

Chance: Follow the marks, see if they continue on in the area or just end here.

DMaster: DM: Since he critted he followed all the way to the well. Was clear as day for him to see. You follow it to the well, you see scuff marks up along the well wall and over. The rope, pully system at first glance looked normal, but investigating it further it has knots and a lot of usage; plus what looks like old blood on it.

Chance: Looking into the well, inspecting it.

DMaster: The inside of the well has a metal ladder system going down and when your dark vision kicks in you don’t see water, you see… a wooden floor? You guys are looking around. Verrona also looks down the well and she backs up raising an eyebrow.
VER: A ladder inside the well perhaps?
Nodding to you.

Chance: Smile and nod back. Then point down. Looking over at Emeric to see what he decides to do.

DMaster: He leans over, runs his hands along the edge.
EME: Seems to be too much dirt and debris on the top for normal use
Verrona points out some drag marks.

Chance: Chan: Plus they would get a bucket full of wood.
Point down again.

DMaster: They all look down, Emeric shrugs his shoulders and Verrona scoffs.
VER: I’ll be damned, no water, just wood.
Gives you a glance and smile. You agree that there seems to be some drag marks on the well, across the top of it… dirt that shouldn’t be there.
CAR: I’ll be the dumb-ass. Bet you they went down here.
Giving everyone googly eyes.

Chance: Smirk and shake my head, see if I can see a way down.

DMaster: He looks to all of you.
EME: Best lead we got, Carver head down there, be quiet. Head back up and tell us what you find.
Carver grabs his hand lantern. fires it up, closes the lid. Jumps over the edge and quietly heads down.

Chance: Take up a position and wait for Carver to come back.

DMaster: Then as quickly as he went down he is back up, (that’s what she said), jumps over the edge.
CAR: Wooden floor, and an open entryway heading that way.
Pointing to the south east.

Chance: Let Emeric do the leading and wait to see what he says.

DMaster: EME: Down we go. First. Verrona get a guard let them know we have a lead and heading down this well here.
She nods and sprints off.
EME: I will head down, set up the shield and we head in. How much room we talking?
CAR: The well is maybe 10 feet in diameter its going to be close. The passageway doesn’t seem any wider.

Chance: Great, thinking to myself.
Chan: Hope everyone put on deodorant this morning.

DMaster: Verrona heads back nodding her head.
VER: All set they are sending over a few guards.
He nods, jumps over and heads down the ladder of sorts to the wooden floor.

Chance: I will hold up the rear of the group and wait till everyone else is down before I climb down.

DMaster: It’s cramped, very cramped and Emeric makes his way through. He has a lantern open facing forward, but not to bright for the Dark Vision people. It’s an old tunnel. then down some broken steps. DM:Its very shifty here, so I had him roll for a Dex save and he did 12. The rest of the group collectively rolled a 17. You stumble a bit but make it down a flight of broken stone stairs. Verrona glances over with a shit eating grin on her face,

Chance: Point and smirk, playfully.
Chan: Not. A word.
still holding up the rear as we make it down the stairs.

DMaster: You are starting to get into an on going familiar thing, the old city under the city, seems to be an ongoing issue. Like he read your mind.
CAR: You think maybe we should start digging out some of these spots under Camerondale and clearing this all out. This is what, like the 3rd time for us…

Chance: Chan: add in two for me with this underground mess.

DMaster: EME: Way ahead of you, I have another meeting tomorrow to finalize plans with Bastian and the Duke about doing a full scale investigation and a clear out everything that is under the City.

Chance: Keep on high alert as we move along.

DMaster: The passageway is showing signs of distress, doesn’t look real safe. Then it opens into a room that has debris everywhere. The first thing you notice is that there is no Debris straight ahead, only to the left and right.
EME: Going in, 5 feet and down.
DM: “5 feet and down” is a way to explore with defense in mind. Emeric will walk 5 feet, put his shield down and everyone can follow, keep an eye out and not have to watch where they are going. It’s coordinating and helps a ton with possible ambushes or unsafe situations.

Chance: Hand staying near silent fate as we come into this room.

DMaster: Emeric gets in after 2 stops (10 feet) points to you and his left, he points to Marzio then to his right.

Chance: I take up my position on the left.

DMaster: EME: Anyone, anything?
Saying it quiet.
CAR: Smells like my cats litter box.

Chance: Shake head to that comment. I quietly draw Silent Fate and see if it can give some light on the ground. See if I can see any drag marks or anything.

DMaster: You notice what everyone else notices that the debris is to the left and right but straight ahead it seems clean with multiple foot prints, drag marks. As you peer in further it looks to be some sort of wooden door on the far wall in front of you.

Chance: Chan: Possible door straight ahead.
Squinting looking harder.
Chan: Also this room should have lots of dust and cobwebs and it doesn’t.
Saying it quietly.

DMaster: MAR: Brilliant.
VER: As everyone can see everything leads forward and I think I agree with Chance, I guess it could be a door?
Emeric moves in 2 more (10 feet).
EME: Not liking the position we are in. Dead end so to speak, unfamiliar room.
He looks from side to side.
EME: Debris everywhere. Unsure footing. I think I can see the door now too.
He opens his lantern just a little more. Doesn’t affect your Dark Vision much. The door that is across the way is makeshift, has what appears to be a cloth behind it. The door has to be 10-12 feet wide.

Chance: Grip silent fate tighter waiting for Emeric to move forward.

DMaster: You guys go two more stops (10 feet) and there is absolutely nothing in front of the door. It seems like the door opens upwards and not side to side. Like a garage door.
EME: Why is there a black cloth behind it? That doesn’t make sense.
Everyone is looking around, then eyeing the cloth up.

Chance: Chan: Cloth could be blinding people to whats behind it perhaps…
Hold my position and wait to see what is decided.

DMaster: Emeric glances back.
EME: Well, it’s either open this door or head back. Both options are viable.
Everyone makes eyes to each other.

Chance: Shake my head and wait.

DMaster: No one seems to answer.
EME: Asked a question people…
Saying this through his teeth.
Everyone nods there head and says “lets open the door.”

Chance: Chan: I guess.

DMaster: Emeric stops looks back to you.

Chance: Chan: Remember, “I” am here. Shit follows. Blood, violence and uncertainty. What are the chances this leads to the Dukes Den basement with kegs of beer and spiced tators?

DMaster: Emeric sighs, chuckles a bit and nods his head.
EME: You are out voted, but I understand your concern and it’s noted.
Emeric brings you guys in close, reaches forward once you guys approach the door. You notice at the last second there is a spring like contraption, and realize you never checked for traps. You figure it is not so much a trap but a way for this to open up without having to hold it open or something of the like.
EME: Everyone on the ready.

Chance: Chan: Should we check for traps first?

DMaster: He glances up to see the springs. Nods his head.
EME: Shit, yes. Good idea. Carver?
Carver makes his way to the door. Feeling the black blanket. Checks everything.
CAR: No traps. It is spring loaded, and there is a button on the handle. I guess to trigger it and it will pop open. The black cloth is extremely thick, like horse blankets and I can’t see beyond the door.
Emeric nods. Pauses a moment then grabs the handle and it springs open. A blank large distorted circle sits in the middle of this doorway. It is not a passageway.
VER: I don’t like the looks of…
Suddenly a bright blue pulsating light fills the room as the door finishing snapping up. I click sound was heard and and you feel yourself getting pulled into…. a portal. This one almost looked like it was sideways and transformed to fit the door.

Chance: Change instantly to the Champion.
Chan: damn it! a Portal!!!!.

DMaster: You get thrown into this room, all of you. They all land on their knees or bent over gagging and blowing chunks.

Chance: Look around, stand tall, guard them.

DMaster: Everyone is on the floor dry heaving or tossing their cookies. Except you. You are standing looking things over. The floor is a stoned dungeon type, now filling with vomit. Fun. The room seems to be about 60 feet wide and about 30 deep. Straight ahead is a large rounded entryway. Some debris on the floor but no dust along with some marking which could be blood. As the group starts to stand and get their feet under them, you can see eyes to the left and right of you, lots of movement and noise coming from straight ahead.
VOICE: Huy britjiilopista gre greta, foe, todd is a wanker, gripoon nwerty.

DMaster: Behind you is the portal, it is flickering a bit and that is something you never seen before. It is also much wider than the others and looks almost makeshift.

Chance: Chan: We are not alone!! Left and right and incoming straight ahead!

One of the stitchersDMaster: From what you can tell these look like undead but they seemed almost stitched together. 6 are holding a dagger others a club, nothing extravagant. No armor really. Two seem bigger moving a bit faster they have rusty longsword, one a cleaver of sorts. Another two seem to be of a different creature type. White skin, has armor almost like they were trying to control these other stitch togethers. and finally in the doorway is a man in armor, red eyes yelling in some language you do not understand.

Introducing a new enemy. They are called Stitch-togethers or Stitchers for short. They are a unique spin on Flesh Golems.

(6) Stitchers with no armor & daggers and clubs.
(2) Overlock Stitchers with no armor & rusty long sword & cleaver.
(2) Unknown Guards with plate-mail, with great swords.
(1) Firefist, the obvious captain of sorts to this area. Full plate, flaming great sword.

The Battle Starts Here!

There are 6 stitchers, 2 Overlock Stitchers, 2 Guards and 1 Firefist Captain. Chance changes over to Bark and has added protection for this and the next round.

Chance looks around, then down to his group who are just getting to their feet. To the left and right there are these weird people that look stitched together. What appears to be a guard or two as well. Then in front is this darker metal plate that covers almost his entire body. From within eyes that beam red and a great sword he just drew out that trailed what looked like flames. Chance then regrets not having his Demon armor called Fire eater.

Ball-less wonder Chance attackingThe Champion has bark grow all over him as he races for the man in Plate figuring he was the biggest threat. The first strike clanks off his great armor. Chance grunts, looks into the eyes to see it was surprised as to how fast this Champion was moving. Seeing a slash wasn’t going to cut it, pun intended, the quarter elf drives his sword into the crease of the armor impaling him in the side of the rib cage (16hp of damage). With amazing speed, Chance pulls it out and jams it again, same spot knowing it hits him (8hp of damage). Chance then steps back a bit and gets ready for the retaliation.

One of the larger stitchers comes barreling out at Carver who masterfully side steps it, and as the creature was trying to adjust to the movements they get a dagger to the head and then to the throat (Stitch rolled a 1, Carver rolled a 20. 10hp of damage to the first dagger hit and 12hp of damage to the 2nd). It yelps, stutters, trips and lands hard against the wall with a thud (1 hp of bludgeoning).

Marzio took the longest to get himself straight and a large stitcher comes for him. He tried to put his hands up to block with his magical gloves but was too slow and the cleaver bashes him in the side of the face making him wince (6 hp of damage). The creature did not have the weapon handled correctly.

Just then Verrona pops up, compound bow strung and fires at a stitcher clocking it hard into its neck making it reach for the arrow, it sends him a bit off trying to catch his balance (11hp of damage). She then strings another with uncanny speed and fires (rolls a critical 20) and this one lodges into its ear as it was trying to catch it’s balance (14hp of damage). It goes to one knee and makes an odd whine sound.

Emeric making devastating attacksEmeric unapologetically pushes Marzio and Verrona out of the way and his body shutters and almost instantly he hits a group of 3 Stitchers. (DM: 1st one makes its save (19) the other two miss (4, 1) ). One ends up prone as he flies against the wall (5hp of damage), the other goes off balance (3hp of damage – prone) and the last one was hit but does little damage. Emeric swings his huge broadsword slicing through the non-prone one make him stumble back with blood flying off him (15hp of damage) and turns and decapitates the other one (25hp of damage critical 20 with Cavalier Advantage), he then kicks the headless creature up against the wall.

The man armored creature in front of Chance, standing 6 1/2 feet tall and some heat radiating off him, in full plate that look very old. His eyes a flame red, and a sword that looks like it could chop down a tree. turns to the man who stabbed him twice already. Whips his great sword around him and slams it down on Chance. (DM: The first attack by a Firefist Captain is automatically a hit, no matter the AC. Dex save for damage control and Chance makes the save was 17, rolled a 19; 11hp of slashing 9hp of fire damage.) Before he can react, another hammer comes down on Chance, (DM: This time he has to roll to hit, and he rolls a 25. Same thing Todd had to roll for a dex save and misses. BUT, the DM before this game started granted him a free re-roll and he did and then rolls a 20 saving him from more damage. This time it was 12hp slashing, 8hp fire making it a total of 39hp of damage). Chance staggers back, half smoldering, clutching, takes a deep breath and gets his feet under him.

Carver glances to the side that Emeric went to and decided, he doesn’t need help mowing those fuckers down over there. He turns and goes the opposite side. The master thief pretty much walks around invisible to these lower creatures and back stabs it making it screech in not only surprise but pain (17hp backstab) then rakes his other dagger across the face hard making an eyeball pop inside its skull (10hp of damage flanked). The creature gurgles and collapses. The man thief practically disappears into the shadows.

Marzio taking actionMarzio catching his balance from the hit and Emeric races for the other larger Stitcher that hit him. His gloves almost snap into place, glow and sparks with electricity. Punches his hands together and goes in swinging. (DM: misses the first and hots on the next 3) The big one backed up a bit and that made Marzio miss and growl. Taking an extra step into the next one it surprised the creature that this man with glowing gloves was so fast. His first hit was to the side of the head, its head snap to the side (3+8=11hp) The next goes right into the gut with a sickening crack of the ribs or whatever is in there (2+8=10hp) and the final one was a wild upper cut making the jaw all but snap off, head jerked back so violently (8+8=16hp – with a final tally of 37hp killing the creature). It stumbles, wavers and falls back with a loud thud. Turning and with a surge, he clocks one of the minor Stitches so hard in a flanking surprise attack (3+3+8=14hp) This one was barely hanging on from previous attack and shrieks, falls and half his innards fall to the floor.

The first guard wide eyes seeing his group starting to fall quickly races for Verrona and takes a wild swing. He did not take into account the puke on the floor and when he planted his feet he slide a good 5 feet sending him off balance then does a split on the floor (3hp of damage) and to add insult to injury Verrona slaps him across the face with her bow (2hp of damage).

The last guard took Marzio a bit by surprised, but he was feeling kind of full of himself. The guard slashes hard twice – criss cross hitting both times making him real back and grimace (11hp and 9hp of damage for 20hp). He turns to the guard with wild eyes knowing what he is going to do next to this clown.

The first guard was out of commission for the round, but with the bonus action for the 2nd guard he wheels around looking and finds the first stitcher that doesn’t seem to messed up, he waves his hand around and the small gem on his glove glows a bit. That stitcher stirs and stands up very quickly looking around (stitcher resurrected with half HP).

There are 3 stitchers, 1 resurrected stitcher, 1 Overlock Stitchers, 2 Guards and 1 Firefist Captain. Chance has one more round of extra protection.

Chance waves his hand along his body and a soft glow forms healing himself (8hp of healing). Then disengages with the enemy and with his dexterity skill was able to back up where the rest of the party resided.

Emeric in the middle of his dodges and such, his eyes grow big and he growls. To see a Black Ward agent shrink away in battle like a kid on a playground made his blood boil. To think it is even the Dahlia division. Thoughts of Valentine in his head saying he is not ready and sometimes randomly shits his pants, runs through his mind. Gritting his teeth, shaking his head he gears up to go take on the plate-mail fire guy since Chance was to afraid to do it.

The one stitcher gets himself off the ground and rights his ship ready for the next round. But the second large one scoots by and heads for Verrona. The Ranger elf was eyeing up the next target when she felt immense pain across her back. She screams a bit and that startled everyone in the group, taking on that damage (11 slashing 4 necrotic damage).

Marzio was staring at the now ragged, bloody stitcher thing that was dead, but is now alive. “Uh guys, this one just came back alive!” He says in some discomfort and surprise. TO his left he caught one of the larger ones taking a wild swing. Marzio was able to dodge it, but as he went to get back in position the floor of vomit and blood made him slide giving the Overlock Stitcher a perfect target and it lands the blade right into the Boxing guys shoulder (11hp plus 2hp of necrotic).

After Verrona’s hit she jumps forward and runs into Chance, She glances at him like, what the hell are you doing here? She turns and initiates one of her “specialized” moves. She pulls back her bow, then she tugs on it hard (that is what she said) and it jumps back even more. Its a specialized close range attack, not meant for great accuracy, but for double the damage.

This is called Close Combat Arrow Damage (still working on the name). Maybe call it Clombat Arrow Strike? You have to have a specialized bow to do this that allows and can take over tension. She pulls back, then tugs a bit further and the bow adjusts itself to be more powerful than accurate. She attacks with disadvantage BUT on a hit she deals double damage. Example: she fires: Rolls a 18+8 and a 12+8 and obviously that hits. It hits the opponent and where it is usually 1d8+4 it is now 1d8 x 2 + 8. For this one she rolled 5 for damage. 5+5+8 = 18hp of damage. The last limitation, if the enemy is beyond 10 feet from her, there is still the damage but it is now done at a -3 to hit.

She lets go and it tears through the stitcher that hit her, half its face flies off and splats against the wall (18hp of compressed arrow damage). She turns frantically looking for a target, she eyes up the guard. Her voice loud and velvety, a slight glow across her arm into her bow as she recites some old earth elemental spell. The arrow flies to one of the guards, hits him square in the chest (8hp of damage). Thorny vines rip up through the half masonry floor engulfing the man. He looks around, nods his head almost impressed, flexes and the vines burst (additional 2 hp of damage). “Damn Damn!” The Elf yells.

Emeric knowing he has to take on this Firefist otherwise this monster is going right into the frey flaming sword and all with his people in hard leather armor, quickly darts in front of him making the large heated man / thing stutter to a halt as the Master Cavalier strikes and hits him in a crease, ripping through him (16hp of damage). The second attack from this leader he bangs his shield up against the Firefist and for a moment he gets disorientated, Emeric drives home a lunge (though it critted, he only got 12hp of damage). The final attack just clanks off the creatures armor making Emeric swear under his breath.

With frustration this large hot plate mail being raises his hand up, smoke and cinder trailing, he quickly draws a symbol and says a word no one understood and a bright flash of light explodes from his hand into the side of Emeric as he was trying to set for the retaliation (13hp of damage). Thinking that would set this opponent off kilter a bit the Firefist winds up his great sword and brings the monstrous thing around. But Emeric was too quick, and a master Cavalier. The sword makes a loud resounding clank, sparks and flames shoot off doing no damage.

Carver looks around for who to attack. His and Marzio’s eyes meet. Carver points to one of the guards and Marzio nods. The boxing blonde man distracts this guard and Carver slips away to the side of the guard hoping to stay undetected. Unfortunately it noticed him but Carver still stabbed at him 3 times. The first two miss it’s mark and Carver realizes these guards are going to be difficult to land hits. The third hits in a crease making the guy wince a bit (14hp of damage).

Marzio dips his head down races for the same guard and just starts swinging wildly. The first hit lands hard on the man things face, making him tilt his head a bit annoyed, no damage. Marzio brings his other hand around to the gut of the guard and it hits hard but doesn’t effect the guy. With a final attack he brings his fist up straight clocking him in the jaw finally doing some sort of damage (14hp of bludgeon). He steps back in preparedness, leans forward quickly a flash of light and he shakes his head now feeling a bit better (Second wind 12 hp returned).

One of the guards looks to see this powerful weird group team up on his Captain. Heads towards Emeric and slashes hard. Emeric saw it last moment but could not avoid the hit. It gets in between the plate and digs deep (9hp) then he jumps a little and groans feeling the necrotic damage kick in (4hp). He brings his larger bracer over and that deflects the next attack by the guard making it curse in it’s own language.

The guard getting double teamed went and slashed at Marzio and he skillfully deflects it with his glove. The second thing the guard threw at him was a lunge of his sword and he jumped to one side smacking it again with his glove. The guard slipping and sliding in the blood and vomit, cursing to someones gods.

Rights his ship then glances over the piles of dead stitchers and tries to resurrect one of the stitchers but chose the wrong one, it was the one already resurrected once so all it did was jump a little.

There are 3 stitchers, 2 Guards and 1 Firefist Captain. Chance loses his bark. Forgotten Overlock Stitcher.

Chance wanting to help out heads over to where Carver and Marzio are attacking a guard. It did not go well, both attacks were uninspired and pulled back because there was not enough room. The CHampion sighs loudly, backs up realizing he should of went for someone else.

Everyone assumed the big Overlock stitcher was dead but he was only prone (including the DM lol!). A wild swing with the cleaver lands right next to Verrona surprising the shit out of her. (Stitcher rolled really bad for that one even as a sneak attack). She turns only to get racked across her stomach with the cleaver make her squeek almost and pulling back (9hp of damage).

Anger growing inside of her, she does her specialized move, the Clombat Arrow Strike? Maybe? It releases with a wild loud thong sound and it rips through the flesh golems shoulder, neck and arm. It does a twirl move and lands face first into parts, blood and vomit, dead (20hp of damage). She then turns quick eyes and fires and it hits the Fire Plate, right through the holes in the helmet just missing his eyes making him grunt and stagger (14hp of damage).

As though the room grows silent, an odd feeling and almost a chill in the air. The Platemail Firefist slams both feet on the ground as though to brace himself. Ripping off his helmet his eyes, his face his body starts to glow orange. A loud gurgling growl sound erupts and fire just pours out of his mouth engulfing everyone in front of him. (It is 32hp of fire damage if no save is made, 16 if it is made DEX 16) As everyone is in some sort of retreat or cover up (MADE: Chance, Carver, Verrona, MISS: Marzio, Emeric, Guards, all 3 stitchers). “I’m hungry but I could of done with out the BBQ!” Yells Marzio now getting more angry fanning out the flames.

Three stitchers look about, almost oblivious to the fire as they collapse in a smoldering, stinky piles of, yick.

Carver just appears next to the Fire man, who is trying to recover from his fire blow. He backstabs him and it reaches the man but he did not notice (He sneak attacked, but rolled a 1 in damage resulting in 6HP total in damage). Seeing the helm off and before this creature could react Carver jams his other poison dagger into the neck. He jumps forward, eyes bulging looking like he is going to puke. Drops to his knees and face plants on the floor (4hp stab 14hp of poison – killing blow).

Still trailing smoke, Marzio takes four swings at the one guard who is still on fire. Because of the smoke and such the first two swings miss. Growling a bit, he refocuses and lands his first one in the neck area (14hp of damage (5hp bludge 9hp electric) Then another across his face (5hp of bludge 8hp for electric). It makes him stagger back putting his free hand to his face with the pain that just caused.

Eyeing up the landscape after the assault by Marzio, the guard realizes, this is not going well for them. He turns an races for the entrance. Chance takes a swing connecting on it a little blood spurts out from a seam (7hp of damage). But as he continues to run Verrona’s turn, she fires and it lands in between the Helm and the armor, straight through the neck (18hp of damage death blow). Gurgling grasping for his neck he falls face first on the ground spasming out a bit sliding 5-7 feet. Eventually bleeding out.

The final enemy, the final guard decided to go out in a blaze of glory. He attacks his nearest enemy and that was Emeric. It took him by surprise a bit as the first one hit making him jump back a bit The next attack gets blocked by the large shield. A loud clang can be heard echoing out through the chamber.

There is 1 Guard

The battle is winding down, everyone sweating a bit, walking cautiously with the slimy floor that smells horrible. Chance hits the final guard (8hp of damage), Emeric tries his best but is still smoldering, turns and loses his footing (of course rolled a “1”) making him fall and do a split severely pulling his leg muscle. Verrona clocked the guy once in his neck making him reach and stagger, but the next arrow clanks off his helm. Finally Carver makes his way behind him, stabs three times and it was enough to end the guy. He crumples to the ground in a gurgle (12hp, 9hp & 14hp of damage killing blow).

Turn Based Is Back!

DMaster: The battle won. Bodies lay strewn about in what seems like a lake of blood & puke now filling the entire area. Everybody glances back to see the portal is dead. Just a gaping dark hole that you can see rock behind. A sound can be heard in the distance, it breaks the deafening silence right now other than a grunt or two and panting.

Carnage in the holding areaChance: Sheath my sword.
Chan: damn it, just great.

DMaster: The noise in the distance does not seem to be too close right now.
VER: Carver, search the bodies!
Carver and Verrona are looting bodies. The Ranger elf is also pulling out arrows to replenish her quiver.
EME: This is not the time!
He winces grabbing for his groin area which he did a number on (I know lots of jokes here, but since it isn’t about Chance I will refrain).

Chance: Seeing that I walk over to him, put my hand on his shoulder and heal him. Take a moment to heal up myself and make sure the area is secure.

DMaster: He jumps a little then smiles. Glances back to you.
EME: Thank you.
Looking back at now all three looting the bodies.
EME: We need to figure out where we are… and, and what are you guys doing? Looting bodies?

Chance: Glance at them, shrugging my shoulders.

Carver admitting he really liked TaliaDMaster: DM: Chance has a heal tank per day of 72 HP. During battle he has to roll for healing like everyone else. Outside of battle he can use the points how he sees fit. Emeric walking a bit forward scowl on his face, then looking about as some noise can be heard in the distance.

DMaster: CAR: Emeric, looking for something to tell us where we are. Maybe keys or something like a map, which would be amaze-balls.

Chance: Look about to see if I can, can’t help but smirk.
Chan: Amaze-balls huh? If there was a word I could pin to Talia, it’s Amaze-balls.

DMaster: Carver snorts and laughs.
CAR: She is amazing… no, she is… Amaze-balls.

Chance: I will make sure the area is secure while they are looting the bodies keeping my eyes on the door.

Keys that Emeric foundDMaster: EME: Thank you Chance.
Emeric nods and looks through the plate guy.
EME: Ow, he is still piping hot, dammit
He pulls out keys that he quickly puts in his pocket.
EME: Got keys!
No one really has anything else, as they all congregate at the entrance way, Marzio is looking over the fire-breather’s great sword and smirks.
MAR: Hey, it’s magical. Might be useful.
Everyone nods. Glances to Verrona who has one of the gloves.
VER: Would like to know why this glove helped resurrect these guys.

Chance: Chan: Double doors ahead.
Stepping forward a bit looking around.

DMaster: VER: Yup. This was a holding facility, barred openings to the right and left.
Just then a sound, closer than before.
EME: I would love to find out more about this portal and how to turn it back on. Chance?

Chance: Chan: Never seen one turned off before, Emeric.
Shaking head.

DMaster: EME: Great. Of course…
Glances to Carver who is smiling.
EME: Carver, I swear.
CAR: He warned us, literally seconds before you pulled the door. I don’t know why anyone is surprised…
Verrona chuckles a bit while Marzio is situating the large sword on his back. The smell is really starting to get to you all.
EME: Well only one way then, lets go. Lets keep a quick pace. Fast enough but not enough to be loud. Verrona, do your magic in the back.
Everyone nods.

Chance: Different usually I hold up the rear, I guess he is expecting further confrontation. I hope not I am almost out of healing.

DMaster: EME: Keep in combat formation the best you can.
Emeric leads, Chance to his right, Marzio to his left, Carver and Verrona hold up the back. Getting to the double You look and it is just a wall with debris, some poop, both sides. Looks like the only way out of the room is through the entryway.

Door finally opensDMaster: You get to the door and to the left and right is jail cells of sorts, hard to see what’s in there.
EME: Fuck, locked.
He grabs the keys and takes a few in and outs and found the right one, door opens. Emeric waves Carver & Verrona on and they sneak out and look around. Both nod their head and wave the rest on.

Chance: Follow the group trying to stay in formation.

DMaster: CAR: Sounds coming from the south hall, I am guessing we head north?
Emeric nods and the group heads north. DM: NGL, I was burned out from that battle. The whole resurrection thing with the Stitchers made the battle that much longer. It was fun, I enjoyed it but I was a bit mentally wiped. Considering I don’t have much in ways of mental… I have elaborated a bit more from the original adventure, nothing plot changing; just more descriptive. Todd rolls a 27 for stealth, group rolled a 21. You guys are really quiet. Verrona has broken the formation with the nod of Emeric, she is moving you forward and performing pass without trace.

Chance: Keep moving forward with the group. Staying lower, keeping quiet and a small eye on Verrona just in case.

DMaster: Emeric stops you all and looks back quickly to the group than forward.
EME: Did you see that?
Marzio and Carver squint forward. Everyone is speaking in low tones.
EME: Chance, elf eyes twelve o’clock.

Chance: Look hard squint to see.

DMaster: You see a corridor leading to what you are unsure of, Vision does not go that far.

Chance: Chan: Straight shot for as far as I can see, maybe 30 feet.

DMaster: He takes a deep breath and keeps moving forward. Eventually you get to a “T” and the party can go either left or right.
EME: Let’s take a quick look, stay quiet. Verrona you head right, Chance head left. Not too far, see what is happening what is down these halls.

Dark Corridor in this compoundChance: Head to the left.

DMaster: It goes for 30 to 40 to 50 feet some doors are in view now, soft orange light easily 60+ feet away. Most likely torch light.

Chance: Head back.
Chan: Just keeps going, I can see torch light a good 90 feet down.
Pointing in the direction.

DMaster: Verrona comes back, eyes wide.
VER: I swear there is someone shadowing us right now.
Emeric’s head snaps to her.
EME: You saw something or someone too?
She nods her head.
VER: Not sure what, but I think it was waving me on…?
EME: Fuck it, we got nothing else. Scrap the formation, we need speed. Me, Carver, Marzio, Chance keep an eye on our ass, Verrona keep using that hidden mumbo jumbo going.

Chance: Chan: On it.

Spiral stair caseDMaster: Wasn’t to far the tunnel keeps going but there is a hallway stemming from it on the right.
VER: I see a spiral staircase I believe.
EME: Is this where you saw this thing?
Verrona nods looking at Emeric.
EME: Let’s go with it. We are either going to be led into another trap or freedom.

Chance: Keep looking down both corridors, high alert. Hand on SF.

DMaster: You get to the top and there is a humanoid, most likely a man in odd old armor. Slumped half off a chair, dead with blood dripping off him. A barred window that you can see the sky which seems to have a sunset of some kind. It has to be after 7:00PM now. Verrona goes to him, feels his wrist.
VER: Still very warm, this just happened.
Everyone starts to look around.

Chance: Thinking to myself this had better not have taken us all the way across Legon. Mumble.
Chan: I hope we are on this side of Legon this time…

DMaster: Marzio gives you a double take, eyes a bit big.

Chance: Snort, shrug my shoulders and shake my head. Carefully walk over to the window with her and look out see if anything seems familiar about where we are.

DMaster: Hard to tell, you can see a wall with some iron pointed tops spanning from left to right, just past it looks to be fields but the sunset is distorting color. Looks like you are roughly 10-12 feet in the air. You are in front of a room that is 20′ x 20′ a table with a few nondescript items on it, a lantern all but snuffed out and a chair with a dead body. But there is hallways, you can go left or right. Verona squints and walks to the left. Emeric looks to you points to the right.

Chance: Slowly and quietly go to the right, walk just inside the entrance way, then squint using dark vision.

DMaster: Just out of visual range it looks like someone squatting, or sneaking. Almost like they wave their hand or arm.

Chance: Eyes go big, turn and head back.
Chan: Uh, yeah. There is someone else here with us.

DMaster: By that time Emeric and Verrona whip their head to you.
EME: You too? Let’s go then.
He leads you all on down that corridor. Noise is getting closer behind you, still a ways off. Sounds like lots of running in heavy armor now.
EME: Lets just get out of this place if we can, get to a safe spot and get our bearings.

Chance: Get in position follow the group keeping a good eye behind me.
Chan: time to get out of here.

DMaster: You end up at a dead end with two doors, one to the right, one to the left. Emeric points and Carver looks to the one on the left. Shakes his head.
CAR: Locked, I can pick it?
Emeric shakes his head, points to the one to the right. Carver checks it, nods his head.
CAR: Unlocked, no traps, should we…
Emeric did not wait, opened the door. Carver looks around alarmed at the quick decision.
EME: Someone is leading us around, at this point doing something funny makes no sense.

Chance: Keeping an eye out and sighing knowing that is how everyone always get in trouble. “whats the worst that can happen, or hold my ale…” chuckling to myself.

DMaster: It is a hallway, room of sorts. The width doubled and there are windows all along the left side. Light streaming in as the last bit of sunset holds on to the horizon. Emeric is scanning the windows, finds what he is looking for. Walks to a window with a ripped cloth on it. Grabs the cloth, looks down. Then he snorts.
EME: Yeah, we are being led around. Carver, head down get a good lay of the land please. Everyone else keep low, stay out of view.
Carver gives Emeric an odd look, looks out over the window and muffles a laugh. He jumps over the ledge and heads down.

Chance: Take a quick peek out a window to see.

DMaster: You recall from the time in the summer isles, the assassin that went after Affinity used these dagger rungs. This looks just like it.

Chance: Lean back down out of site, shaking my head.

DMaster: Carver sticks his head back in.
CAR: I don’t see anyone, but we have to be quick, scaling a wall is not like sitting in a shadow down an alley way.
Emeric waves you all on. You are last down the make shift ladder. You all get out and head to a wall that is front of you about 8 feet high, with iron spiked fencing along the top. The place is overgrown, it seems like a courtyard of sorts that spans for 100’s of feet to the south, but only about 100 feet to the north where part of another building sits. Its a bit unkept with cracks in the wall. Verrona picks up on a trail, squints to see a wagon with hay all about it. She points to the cart with a smirk.
VER: I think that is where we have to go.
Emeric sighs heavily, waves everyone on.
EME: To think I was going to start a new book tonight and open a bottle of wine…
Verrona giggles and you all move on. Eventually you all make it to the cart and Carver is squatting looking.
CAR: Yup, hole in the wall. Its behind the cart.

Chance: Keep a good look around being overgrown and such.

DMaster: Everyone crawls under the cart and through the broken wall opening. It is all but dark, the horizon still peeking a bit of purple. Clear night and the winds are a bit rough.
EME: Secure the area, quietly.
He says, well, quietly.

The hay cart in questionChance: nod my head to confirm. Will quietly move around the area making sure it is secure.

DMaster: You look around with Carver but find nothing. You guys are leaning against the wall, licking your wounds a little.
EME: Shush.
He waves everyone down and in the distance you can hear talking in a language you do not understand. It is quite a bit in the distance but sound seems to travel. Then the sound of most like 5-6 humanoids jogging away. They are obviously looking for you now.

Chance: After that, I will see if anything about this area seems familiar to me at all.

DMaster: Just fields, of what looks like wheat. With the darkness and wee bit of sunset left you squinting. The Wheat looks odd.
EME: All talking, very low, very quiet from here on out. Sound is traveling.

Chance: I make it a point to get the group’s attention and point out what I did see.
Chan: Those fields…

DMaster: Marzio sighs.
MAR: Yeah fields, Wheat.
He shakes his head. Verrona comes back, and odd look on her face.

Chance: I look around further then back to Verrona.

DMaster: Verrona turns her hand lantern on then shines it at what is in her hands. Its wheat stalks. But they are black.

Chance: My eyes go real big seeing that, thinking back on my lore. Growl this quietly.
Chan: Son of a bitch! The Blackened Fields of Rarensari!

The World of Legon